» Hmt flEGDEN IT IONO I ; ROSSiSO l New Party of Chicago Deman That ’ United Slates Wit draw Troops From Arclia } 0^1 as Soon as Permissable , WANT DIPLOMATIC AGENT! GIVEK AliiERICAN APPROV/ .;A*ta}ntion Btates iUliea Hn Admit Delegatea to ' Pea ^ Ooiterence to Sight Wrani Bijiii to Their Oountry jfCHiCAOO, March 28 — A acmo Btatcn *‘goy*r»n‘ , tho 'Loalno*Trotil^ BOT ^'ofenimont of BdsbUi was matlo by i pk^ttUve eommittoe of tho now-C 'c^go labor party todar. ' In rcnolutio thb jikit; o{{lti&U QBkoA that troopi . Vtlhdfavm'.frdm Eu#ala aa soon ph^’aieai conditions permit and that t! fio followed Immodintely by eotablii itieiit of commorcinl rolatlou# with Jli fia. "W« farther oak tlu t diplomatic - Aisd other accrodltod ogenu of the MTlet goTenuDont b« t«oelTed,*' atid tho nsolattona “and aak « a ^ w' diapateh In eo*operatl<m wltb the '. mtiat soTeniment, food and clothing «««< Decenary Indostrial sad acclealtttral maclilnety foe sale .cr for ft«e distribution.” Oreat People Straggle ’ Tke committee mot innuPdintcly U'cclpt of ncwB that tlu* Russian i ^iot govemment again had asiked rect nition. “ Whereas, thc great pi-ople of Rt ftia ore stru(;gUnj; with thc hard( problem n nation bnii over fopcd." t rooliitlon rei><l, "We sec with wond » speetnblo of nationn c-atling, the: ^•Ives demoeracic# pickinR' up th« Svrapoas and tryin^i to .tWntroy th vnunir fnith with nrnis nnd lies ai starvation." •• •• Excuse for an, oaMeni front dlsn ^ peared with the arniiatice. the rosol tlon declared nnd tfie^Uuty of ^hasii - .tlVffftPB-put-o f -jtmrfia; ■Uflwnmafc^- ihe.aame time. 'To Coerce Allies Tho resolutions nak tbat the Uniti ^tatcH persuade the alUvK, wilder thro if ncceBsai^, of "compU'ti* disflorintii from their plans/’ lo withdrow alt tl f Itoojjs anil admit Ruii»ian »\f\i'Rntes the peace conferonce^ , Theso thinK* nre asked, thc resnl tion ntntrs, “ for the Kusslnn rcvol Hon flnd tho starvinjr people of Rt nia,** but even more for tho riRhtlnp > nu “ intolerablo wrouK thnt no ninn tliis war shall have died for «?mp' .words." Copios'nf tho resolulion’wero orden • c a rlo Illinois senhforn aiid oonRrcf i^iien and to the department of Htatc. iM lras :im m ] Convention Fails to Agree o ' peduction of Prices After Much Discussion .WABBDJOTON, M«rch 28. — Prci ddBt Wilson has been appealed to i the dispnte betweea tho railroad ac nlals^tlea and the coal o^atoi whieh" ihrtsteas to seriously hampc < the govenunent's price reduction pn ^ - icraa, it was learned today. He hs been asked b j members of the S;idaj trial board now striving to reduc prices, to order that all goremment pui 4‘httMS, including the largn amonnt e (•pel and ateel used by the railroads b mode o« • btsle of tho prieea now bi lAfr ofMed upon by the board and th iadottr^ JLbont 30 por eont of bot the steel and eoal production of th countjy is osed by the railroads. _ WASHINOTON, March 28. — Afte two daya. of conferring between th industrial board, 400 mine operator 'Itnd Foe! Administrator Orofleldrlowe coal prices today wero coeortain. association that the r&ilroad administra . It la charged by tbo National.Cos tlon had refused to assure eooperatio; aod the-eoaferanee ended with a nse Inticm pei»e4 by tho operators-to th effeet that- no iQwer prices will b made untQ proper cooperatloa from )h administration is forthcoming. ' Henry. & Bpeaeer, aetiag dlreeto of ihe nOlroftd admiaistraUoB ia th abaenee of DlreetK-Oeneral Hines, li ■ned a sUt«a«at deaying.the operators charges. *• - FIRE DESTROYS HOUSES AND AUTO FACTORIES SACSAHBNTO, OaUf., March SS.- More thoa J*5 aotoaaehDea wew bnraw and on satOBebDe body factory am two resldeaeei .were eompletely destroy ed in a 1300,000 BU«* k«re early today 3ix fireaMS W tf lajnred, ons eerions ^AlM ^^I^Lbda from all Mrts of thi world, e i l ^ ^.:J^-.btad .deaa«r MlU iag rrr V o t L -KO. 304., ' ' Installmenti cf 1 ........... 'Nep^ Cover Longer Perioo I r Siz Payments Will Be Allowt ^ in Victory Israe. as Oompar- I "T ed to Ponr for Others^ , I WASHINOTON, .March 28.—Inat* meut privllegca for the liberty vleto loan will bo mont Hboral of any ISndS ernment war loan. Bocretary Olass i iri«k nouneetl todny. Payment will bo p nriin* mitted in six installmonta. In t \han_ fourth loan; the* treasury nlowod fc inttallments.^ l)le The iustafiment dates nn<l amoui ns announced by Olaaa aro; Ten f m ennt on or beforo May 10; 10 per c« .luly 10; SO pur cont Aiif^uat 12; IVAL Soplember 9; 20 per cont C tober , remainder witb accrued i n a B b tpjcBt defoTTod. instalments Nove ►eace The fourth loan' payments were I 'Ongfi qoired to bc completed in four meatl . a^ BKoinat six montbs in the victo campaign. Prior to the fourth lot the tfensury requirdd full paymeat f« cmand on subsciptiona. The binV anent theefore hnd to carry al installmen soviet payments whieh they permitted. iSOFFiSEET ¥ FIN® m i the . --------- ^ Business of Association Is Com th« pleted and Convention Hears ^ Some Speeches «u« ---------, ST. LOtllS. Mo„ Mnrrh 28—Wil business af the eoiiventioii praoticall ly on »^"”>pl«?ted thc nntionnl woman suffra^ m' ao- "“ oeintion todny slninicrcd down to recoe- I'’’"lf™ni of addressoa nnd <n8euM8loiis Miss Jciwic R. Haver. lc«is1ntivo re; ' Rus- rcaontntlve of thc national conaunior srdest •cngui*- and oxeculivo Bccrclnni- of tl: •I cnjjsumcra JenRue of the district of C i^ondor wn» schcdulcil to toll thc co) them!- ' ‘’{‘•‘"n of tho “ parkorn trust”, their Hover ntlended recent wnaloi thttt federal trade commission i aud ^^'"■binKtbn nnd will dotnll rcvelutioi of pnckera workings presented then, disnii- glorioua .nnd ■ilomi ■caolii. thing that has yet been done j laslnc bn»lcnin|r the dny when Toai.domoerar ■ed. nt shalLT^vail In. all coutitrics of ,t» «urW .J"m. Aimh lihtfflKTsiiSwrnfti orary president, dcelnrctl, fnlled ' ■ - Ihronl j- -------------------------- ^ : ---- 'B WORLD NE esolu- " rI';; LONDON, March 28— Tl np of port Bnssian Bolsheviks to •"mp‘y nounced today. ,i„oa PABIS, M arch 28.— Tho Rrcss- rumored that Promier Leni havo sent a note to. the Uni1 to recognize tho Bnssian .Bo ■SAOEAMENTO, March 2E 'dosing: bill ba amended was rT today hy the committee on U L I was broadened is the amen I I a one>day-of-rest pleasure.' PABIS, March 28.^The ' on have decided to give the B ir equipment to establish it on ii was said the Baltic and' 1 orgaciiKd &nd that the inter Presl- a handVn operations against lo in — ' __________ ! ____ 1 ad- ---- ^ ----------------------------------------------- ^EPOmUli WELCOMES £ COHSTIIRTm . pur* ' ' It ef Men Burotito to Oamp Lewis Are given Boyal Beception 1 the' in Pnget Sound Oity both r- ------- the PORTLAND. Ore.. itnreh 2A—On. huudrcd and sixty Oregon nnd Wnsh ington membera of the 4Slh regimen C. A. C. owned Portland from 4 o'eloel - yestenlay afternoon until ono o’eloel itora mominp. _ The returning artillery .men mnrehec to the liberty temple from the anioi , stntion and wore tendered nn informs « ^ reroptlon. They were guests nt a din itloB *** munielpal audi torium and thelr unlfornia were passo thi *9 theaters ia fhe citv. during thei I b« »»*r-here. . ,»,. The journey to Camp Lew!<i, when ' they, will be dcmobllizod. waa rcsumev BCtor this mofaing. '.'t Manager of Chicago Post Takes Position Bepublican Kational Oommittec ICC Appi)ints Official for H id. W est Station i&.-~ . CHICAOO, Mareh 28—Captain VIctoi raed lieiaU of Ciaciauati. recently appoint aad ed manacer af the Chicago •Oistealnf troy- poet" of the repabUcaa aatienal cem >day. mittee, waa in charge of the office ben iona- today. v ' ‘ The offiee will be fen»any'«pca^ r the Moaday. £. V. CbUtoa^of Aaa JShar eiU* la Malat thie Chif aga ■ keadmiartetv-. - i TWm FALLS m ^o, jHIOIlLEIlGyF ^ISLKENEDTO L. KmSER ’SD IIE Ill victory ______ Senator Says World Organlz [■ ” 'S tion Would Put a Straig ill four Jacket on Every Nation ai mounta Is Comparable to Hvn Plai 'on per 12;'M ASSAILS PRESIDENT FOR ADMINISTRATION DEFECT !<oveia* iDeoUkres It Is«a Deloaioa ai ere re* ' OoUosal l^opagant ■ipBth^ Ever Started Destined victory k loan, Buin Any Oonntry Aco'epti] ut fom . ^_____ banks. Imeoti ST. LOUIS, March 28—Thc, leaguo aatioas would put the worid In straight jacket and is like the kaisei r dream of world eonqucst, Sebator Ml Poindexter, Washin^on, charged in adnreaa hero today before tho city eU “ The kaisor sought to eot up a woi goventment nnd tbere is no doubt ril/ bttlieved it for tho right interesta UK mankind," Poindoxtor said. . "H o p: n i l posod to enforce peact; aud suppr< I 111 the atruggllng napicationK of freedo , Likewise the constitution of the leag ^ ot nntiona proposca to enforce peace, /Ofll* put the world in a straight jacket.” President Wilson was assailed In t spooch for ' ‘iftdiffercnce in mntters to defects of the administration ai admitted failurcit in war prepnratlout W tl I’oJndexter chsrpcd Ihnt thc “ del . slon thnt n super-govcmment of t' tically ,vorld will bring i>crpctuai peace” w frrago fj„, “ coloasal propspnndn ever u ‘‘ Mertnken” he clainftd there arc “ o sions. nilnistrntion press lackoyH acting ”1’; speaking tubes for the administi tion.” These men nre foiiipcnsatcd 1 » U"'’ favors nn to newa nnd Inaldo inform ®' tion, enabling them to aell their artlcl nnd obtnin a sort of fame in tho Iitc . nry nnd uowspapt*r world ,oh cehocn in in I"’‘‘'‘ident’» deaire. . hol”"’ ' -ItA Y E B M T III. MJBSnror tlBmo- BT.-tauiS, Mo., Mor. h 2S-Tlic C. 3U0 in dinal ataff of regular backstops w jeraey Mill liilaalhg’ today. Frank 0nv<icr ni r-nles in doing hla condltloniug In Cub [EWS EVENTS —Tho British govffrnment will de- to Odessa in April it was an- Dho^Echo de Paris said today it is jenine and War Minister Trotsky 0nitod States asking that oountry 1 .Bolsheviki government. !i 28.—The passage of the Sunday ivas recommended in the assembly m labcu: and capital. The measure nendments- until it is more nearly ire.* rhe allies, it was reported today, ) Bumanian army all neisessary on a finn basis.' At the same time id Black Sea fronts are being re< iter'aUied high command will take nst th^Bolsheviki in those regions. jfsM L r” “! TOJNSliTI SOIT’SC IIL iVash- ______. S l Hungary Is Disappointed Ove '’“■ '‘J Failure of 8olsheyil<s Fron Neighboring C o u n t r y ti »rm.i Come to Her Assistance I dm- PAHIS. March 2S — News reccivc their Budapest today via Switzorlan. . Indicates the Hungarian soviet goven irberu "'•^ot. fearful of being cut off frnm tb umeJ Rusaiaas without help, ia taking dra tice measures to safeguard its poaifloi Tie Hungarian food commissioner reported to. have decreed » meatlei week, starting yesterday. Trani^re rnt 7 threstone Wit- with, the most severe penalties.. Th see^isatiau commissiouet is uadei ttee stood to have 'decreed immediate elo I. big of all shops except food, drug, t< baeeo and stationary stores. lafractlo of this decree, aeeordiag to thc tit paiches. wUI be puniahabie by death. Ictor StaappUntad Ovar Batsla Mint' Official cirele* la Hnagary are aai uiing to ba deeply diaappolated over the fai com- tirv of the Rasaiaa soviets to sead is here mediate military aid. V (Several reports have been reeeive Maed tkat lUasiaB Bolshaviki forces are ew Tbar, eesafolJi. invadine^Dallcia f®f th c ^ t poffe of establishing eammameationa b4 twaea.Xmbw aadStfaaeW), > \LLS Soldiers Eager to EnlUt Und^f ' r_ ; Red’s Invitaiic 11 New Soviet of Hnagary Be'pbi U Beqmits.Are Flocking to I ■ I Join Army of Bepublio lliyi COPENHAQBN. Mardi 28 ‘‘I ■III Hungarian soviet's burcnu here to( Isancd tbe following atatimicnt: ni 70 .. “ There boa been n Inrge rcaponse HIM atate's iuvitation to cuter the H Sioht gnfinn red army which will be comno: H of proletorlot soldiers'aud recruits ft and organized iolMir. Company rominand "'‘d undcr-offlcori wiil bo elected. •’1 lan higher officers will bc appointed by war commiaHary. Worlcmcu al»o .: ^ • formiup a reserve army." / CTS attempts TO SETTLE DIFPEEENCE -WTTH PLAYI '1 DETEOIT, Jllth.. Match 2»-I>0 &nda Uush, holdout shortstop of the Tig( «aa here today for a meeting wiih Pi [ to ident Naviu«to settle their ^dlffcren n'garding Donie's salary. )ting Bush ^ d ho wanted to get tho m ter settled. ' “ I'd like to olthor.be signed or tn P;® cl and I don't wiah to be traded. I troll is tho own I wiirti to plav ii B».h»hl. It la l) 0lle\-ed Buab will sign befc ?i" "»■>“> . RAIN Z>OES KOT DELAT JJ 5? TEAM’S PRAOnCB WOS ) pro- >prcBs - MACON. Georgia, itnreh 28—DcriiI edoni. " *■“1“ which turned parts of the fic eague ponda, Manager .Icnnlngv gave 1 ce to Tigcra brief bui hard ^'orkoutn in t .»•' nioniing nnd nfternoon. .Tenulugti wor n the crow nil practice po.Hslblc into I TS as which t an,l scrien witb the braves is due to starl Ions." Bobby Jonea, Harr>* Heiltnnii ai 'delti- Huwurii Khinke arrived in the aft< r t'ho nnon.' All three appeared in excelie ’ was condition nnd exp^tjl to round into pin •r un- form soon. iN E IM l m iflLEIIEUt i -IN Fffl D IH fl Wasliirigton-Offlcials-DcralifBt port That Monroe Doctrir ZZ Has Been Temporarily Pi on'the Shelf WASHINOTON, M flrrli 2>i T Icnguc of nntioiiH roveunnt. iis niiicn crl, iiiny be given to the wyrhl in u fi' I- dtiys, flffli-ialx hero in- rlosc touch rrt I thc pence onnfcrence lietli'Vi’d todny Tnhlcs tt« the W hite Tlou.^e shotv th: the rovcnnnt with ltr< ninendiiient nicel the objcclioiia of rc]_)ublicnnif S J ractically «om|dete. Offlpinls; howe y er, clttlm .they hnve nn rtdviees ns ^ jnst ho'w thc rovcnnnt hni* been nnion y cd or ns to how mnny of the vnrioi si>irKC'‘tiun.'< made by rritloK of thc ori innl covenant nre embodied in the ne y drijft. :L White House officials were IncUn- y ed to doubt dlq^atchea from Parts e stating that the Monroa Doctriao y amendment had been umporarily sidetracked. They indicated that the president was very desirous of making some specific provisions to \ aasore t2ie safegnsrding of the Mon- 0 roe Doctrine in the belief .that It wonld be a big factor In breaking ^ . down Ajuerlc^ opposition to the covenant. Q They claimed thal no advices hs icen roceivcd regarding tho status < '■ thc Tafl ninendmcnla before the peat ronforcnce other than thnt they an* 1> lng 1 -onaidon‘d. n r r r THOuaAUD wanted FOB MILITABY DUTY ABBOAJ WASHINQTON, March 28.— The war departmeni, probably tomor- row, will announce, that recruita ntmibcrlng approximately 50,000 men will be acccpted for the regu- lar army for duty ovonseaa. The period of cnllatracnt will be for ono year. TBAK8FEBS PLAYER |i/«P ATroUSTA, Oa., Slarch 2li— Mnnagt Griffith lias decided to give Tke Davi "om l“ncifir cosAt youngster, n chnnri* t . short, troasferring him thero from tli to Nntlouars sccond squad. ..jccosEyifiMe TO GET SECOND Tmm dra*- --------- ^ 0^- Jury Pails to Beach an Agree ue« Oharg. gre^ ed With Profiteer!^ . ened , —— The SEArrUI, Woah^Maieh 2S--Fai »dcr- jtig td reach a ve:NKct after thlrtaa clo»- iioort delibentioa doriag -w^eh it wa :, to- twice retailed aad advioed by th etioD jadge, tbe jury la the trial of 0. K di>- Batterworth, aeeased uadertaker, wa th. diseharged'at mldaight. ^ s case wfi be tried agaia thla samaer, dum g th •aid Vay term of ibe eeart fail- . Butterworth. maaagar ef E. B. Bui 1 im- terworth aad Soaa company, oae ofjh largest' a ^ owet prainM at aadertak ived ing vttablishateaU la tha aorth'weit,:i n«- charged wlU vlelatiaff tba pravWoaa 0 a.eoffia feaataut with the aavy aad e sbe- defrandtatr'the'paxeats of dead saila IO, TnjpAY, MAROH 28,1919. iE K W ifl r» irBEASEfl a • L_ _ Compwnication with . 0 . 1 .J efdeen, Maryland, Trench Warfare Ri m„““ dicate Sev^al Solt mnilprs \oFFICERSmSHEL Vlhc BY AUTO TO L »o . are . .. WASUIN'OTON; llarcl nt Abcrdw‘u, Marj’lt •AYEB cation thi$i ufienioon, ho ii numJMiir of vicUioH of the w TUer.' shortl.-ojijer noon is n\ h Pres- It-iH knwA tlmt sewml erenccs |uju**cd. jiiSHFfiEEOOM “ MEHNSM iH Il :,r80THC0iTllE ve his - • • ' ' . , woS; Newly Declared Repu to thr lie Says - Independence f Ireland Would Benefit En land as Well ;'elleut ~~ ' " '*’• >pinv. Dl’BLIN, March 28—Professor ! ward De Valorn, head of the Irlah public, declared in a Htalemont mi pi.blic today that aelf*<lcterminntion, Ireland would be e<|unlly advantage t- thc Engliali. It wait the first fo: it! atatenioiit he had inaiTe Bincc that [ cently given to thc world through rnilcd Presa. Do Valcrar^rho inndeJiiWlh*t pul nppeiiraare'^ycatcrdajT'sincc liis cac- .from Uiw'oln.priaoii',;v«lteii l» id M if f A - ot O’Neal nt the^analoli"-lu>us#«rt; IwL ftnce our a“ BfltfHft«ri3Bt#H'’‘n e '» I al detnil(* ot±l>k#s^pe antl'-wli I B U h-' *)iaa boen Blneo iii\t«t’-~^maiu.--.ai.'c for the iiresent. , ' r : .^Ca»Ubc£^.«^UQtLuiciiefiCLr: I nc* Vnlern dcclnred he would' have nert »rinp colonial home rule. If It were urf by other nntiona. N ’ow ho maintain P y f it ia the uuqueatiotutblc right of evi enlightened people to govern th* nclveq. He declared that Ireland cial the right to enter thc league of natli . The “ sepnrAte unit. Any partuora mend- '^Ith Knglniid, he anid, tnust be vol a f,.«v «“d Kuglnn<l must give Ireli 1 iHMi freedom to enter whatever associntli ndnv "■nil her Ireland mnv deaire. liSSiiTEilS i PE IICE IET ING I NT iEGOLO l lhat ---- ; JJ American Investigator Repor !on. to Conference on Actual Coi Ls . ditions of Bolshevik-Toi Countrv of Northland BV FKED B. FEIiOrSOX pearc PARIS, March 28—Uusala Is agj n* be- taking a- prominent plncc in tho pei diAcusaious, It developed today. Though the Buaaian situation has currently appeared, its present inj M>AD tion is. beliered to be moio importa and'aignificant thnn an.v time here rhe fore. There aeems.to be |>ossibility tl lor- the near future will soc the framing Uta r. Russian ]>olicy—something the |>ei DOO conference has not bad since ita iaci gu- tlon and bick of which has been a ei slant source of embarrassment ia c< bc sldering dealings with Oormany. < American Investigator William K. Bullitt, special ihvesti( tor for tho Amorican dclcgatlon, Is i nagcr derstood <o have brought bnck fn 3avis Russia the beat pioturc of actual cf r,. gt ditions that has conic out of tbat oot Tl the montha. He is Kiid to ha found a suqiriaing state of organi: tion in the interior, compared with l>ort» that have been teceivetl. Thc more conservative wing of I Busslan radicals Is said to be gatni m rontrol and slabiliaing the general i uation. Aa an iastanre .of the ori prevailing in thc interior, trains i ' ~ ninaing on regular schedule, .leari and arnving on thc minut^ betwren I trogrod and Moscow. Peasants, havi ^g* gained land, aro undeastood to,be jo liig the more conservatK’T 'T l^eatt;' - -----BapoTta to Oonforaaca - _ Bullitt spent a week In P^trogr without belac endangered, traveli from there to Stoaeow. He haa made , informal report to a sub-eommitt 1 w which is drawing up* a formal rep< for preoeaUtlon to the r«aference. 1 > anthorily to aejrotlate, actt L^k- merely as an observer. His repo ^ bowever™^wUl have the greatest bei ^ . ing on developments oad sentimeat # »v- eUdently swiagiag to the Idea expra V*?® ed early In the eoafereacfr—tbat woi ]>tacc is im p ^b le without doallag wl thc Bolsheviki la seme way. ’ ■ -HUHOWBAIHH* - Fair toniaht aad Setafday. WM v-'pBrCE P R o iiriiii IflMSCMOPH th Government Plant at Ai a. Cutoff by Accident t Range—Meagre Reports Ii tldiers KUled and Woun^ m FROMWASHINGTON INVESTIGATE HAMAG ircli 2^A V ith the pnluanco provl r}’Iand, eut off .from all wire commai I uccarate information regarding t i BorlcH of explosionK that took pla J available. ;ml soldiers were killed .and a .nunilj T— -- ♦ Tie -first exploj^oa which • did I damage, occurred at 1S:0S p. m. was.followed'at'1S:IS by « much''l« er blow-up that b*^HR&t,B niln o fji and steel dowa, on tho,'barracka.,o admiaistratlon-bollilbig’, moss U rU a I post e x c h a n g e . • - I Many Soldien Inlnrad / ':. U Matty aoldlm re p o M ^ inred nnmlng' awor'-, fwm tlu I ' gronnds bjr balag ran down bv s»» f T ter trndo. ' LU The fact that the secoBd azplo alon occnzred ten Dlmitas a tttt i)t< I, fim gave hundreds of men on op; 3pUD- portOBltv: to get out of th» danipi I ' f o r - Foor powder nugailnes bleu En0* Sheila rained costlxuiamT fien the tlma the see*^ •X'^lon 09 ctirred a t 13:16' QsHl ftva mlnn^ei after tha third atplQslon i t IS:i^ or Ed- It was impossible to get any ld»i ’lab re- of .what hsd.happeaed in the -aret : made . of the explotlen becaose the an lou .for thoritiea refused'to..penalt anv ol :ageou3 the soldlera to go Into that terri [form- .tory. > -v.i' lhat IC .meas hall, -morV thiQ tv t gh the milee .from the- explosion,, woi -wrecked, shells comOtk'throttgh tin public „of. . , IM * , ... HWr : ' Pienr:did_ait’^to«fcjnaay''porst >' Jtpi^ 7Werf'Tn'^tho-:exrft«on;‘t;Wnrtnolly'i '■wlicr^ ly u smoll quanliky of W neh mori 'Si.'crol 'boui.bs would'Ve ttear a J^feheh^oior: - 1battery, hfl aald. ' Piijfee did rtot’i aftTint ncicj.l- T3 tl'** fxploston lUelr o r> a d ^ urged previously wrecked;hy the heavy wir toinod. which have swept the scdboard for I every last tweiily-fout; hours, .' •. Bailroad SUtioa pwaged iation^ The"railrond atalion wa^ alro-'dfl iiorahip need. The Insf •exploainii wblrh ea: volii.i. at 12:.ns wna Tiot avT.ov^r'*.’ AM thi Ireland bldw-ujm occurred o-» th" trench w intions ^*'rc ranges set-•,-«U»tancf from < main firing^ mtige. Thc victims of the accident wer« I the meas hnll nl dinner. There wi few men 'on the range. J Bo^ital Force Leavea. ^ Units'from the hospilnl-force at D 111 ■ tlmorc hove b^cn rushed to the scei ||_ Onlnanoe nffl-era froui?' Wasliinet ID stnrted for AbcnlcPit.' Offbili feared the expl(\alon may invo be n n sprioua owing to.the largo nmount. I I I J I pru.iectlles nud antmi'nltion to the ’: 11111 range. A.largeroutn^r ' l U l l .men were stationed tlusfu.- I A telephone oicssago, from a mt nnrtc' i bouse Bome distance from the scene UUI lb I cxploaion tfl Oeneral'Pierce,-cj»l Con* Iordnance this afleraoou declared t _ explosion appeared to have taken pla Torn la a trcnch ntortsr.battery wbich-.wa somewhat isolated.. Direct fomtnun|cotion wtth the ow ing grounds, however, is down aod t war department has Im n unable' to g again many det^ls. ' . iiiiPtEPUN iis iT iie i a con- ■' ° Conference Is Trying to Decid r.ii™ . Whether to Present Separ- 1 . »n- ate Treaties or Not from ‘'r™ Jr ■ By FEED R'FEKOreON. have PABIfi, March 28.~Whetber tbe fir -aniKi- treaty will be -with Oermaay and Aa ith re- tria, or all foor eaemy p b w ^ pro] ablr win depend upou dsrelopBMiita 1 of tho the “ big four” coafereaee*, it wi aininj? learned today. ^ ,T^ The Prrnch have added theU disa order proval («>. l^ t of the Britiah to tl IS are quadruple treaty idea. Botb tha Vtm parins «id BritUk say'lt; mlri^ W^pysq» ea P " to include Austria Ha Oe ftm - laving without losing ;yme, e join- sion of Bulgatli a ^ Its;- mean addltioaafcdelayj: ,< ' -..r' ;. X d . The reparatioaS'faewW^ede C stood to^ve-mada duriag the waete-af*a^-«!j mittee inee.it,w aa^W Bbot^lTfijgM have »- ..Hp tnal am oiA ta tpr.»- fiaenWT iroril rtditi^a s»iK,w~a,-»5S|B mm

LLS W M m mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · » H m t flEGDENITIONOI ; ROSSiSOl New Party of Chicago Deman That ’United Slates Wit draw Troops From Arclia} 0^1

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Page 1: LLS W M m mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · » H m t flEGDENITIONOI ; ROSSiSOl New Party of Chicago Deman That ’United Slates Wit draw Troops From Arclia} 0^1


■ ; ROSSiSOlNew Party of Chicago Deman

■ That ’United Slates Wit draw Troops From Arclia

} 0 1 as Soon as Permissable, WANT DIPLOMATIC AGENT!

GIVEK AliiERICAN APPROV/.;A*ta}ntion Btates iUliea Hn

Admit Delegatea to ' Pea Ooiterence to Sight Wrani

Bijiii to Their Oountry

jfCHiCAOO, March 28 — A acmoBtatcn *‘goy*r»n‘, tho 'Loalno*Trotil^ BOT

^'ofenimont of BdsbUi was matlo by i pk^ttUve eommittoe o f tho now-C 'c^go labor party todar. ' In rcnolutio thb jik it; o{{lti&U QBkoA that troopi

. Vtlhdfavm'.frdm Eu#ala aa soon ph^’aieai conditions permit and that t! fio followed Immodintely by eotablii itieiit of commorcinl rolatlou# with Jli fia.

"W « farther oak t l u t diplomatic - Aisd other accrodltod ogenu of the

MTlet goTenuDont b« t«oelTed,*' a tid tho nsolattona “ and aak « a ^

w' diapateh In eo*operatl<m w ltb the ' . m tiat soTeniment, food and

clothing «««< Decenary Indostrial s a d acclealtttral maclilnety foe sale .c r fo r ft«e distribution.”

*» Oreat People Straggle’ Tke committee mot innuPdintcly U'cclpt of ncwB that tlu* Russian i ^iot govemment again had asiked rect nition.

“ Whereas, thc great pi-ople of Rt ftia ore stru(;gUnj; with thc hard( problem n nation bnii over fopcd." t rooliitlon rei><l, "W e sec with wond » speetnblo of nationn c-atling, the: ^•Ives demoeracic# pickinR' up th« Svrapoas and tryin^i to .tWntroy th vnunir fnith with nrnis nnd lies ai starva tion ." ••

• •• Excuse for an, oaMeni front dlsn ^ peared with the arniiatice. the rosol

tlon declared nnd tfie^Uuty of ^hasii ‘ - .tlVffftPB-put-o f -jtmrfia; ■Uflwnmafc^-

ihe.aam e time.'To Coerce Allies

Tho resolutions nak tbat the Uniti ^tatcH persuade the alUvK, wilder thro if ncceBsai^, of "compU'ti* disflorintii from their plans/’ lo withdrow alt tl

f Itoojjs anil admit Ruii»ian »\f\i'Rntes the peace conferonce^, Theso thinK* nre asked, thc resnl tion ntntrs, “ for the Kusslnn rcvol Hon flnd tho starvinjr people of Rt nia,** but even more for tho riRhtlnp > nu “ intolerablo wrouK thnt no ninn tliis war shall have died for «?mp' .words."■ Copios'nf tho resolulion’wero orden • c a r lo Illinois senhforn aiid oonRrcf i iien and to the department of Htatc.

iM lra s: i m m ]

Convention Fails to Agree o ' peduction of Prices After

Much Discussion.WABBDJOTON, M«rch 28. — Prci

ddBt Wilson has been appealed to i the dispnte betweea tho railroad ac n l a l s ^ t le a and the coal o ^ a t o i whieh" ih rts teas to seriously hampc

< the govenunent's price reduction pn ^ - icraa, it was learned today. He hs

been asked b j members of the S;idaj trial board now striving to reduc prices, to order that all goremm ent pui 4‘httMS, including the largn amonnt e (•pel and ateel used by the railroads b mode o« • btsle of tho prieea now bi lAfr ofMed upon by the board and th i a d o t t r ^ JLbont 30 por eont o f bot the steel and eoal production of th countjy is osed by the railroads.

_ WASHINOTON, March 28. — Afte two daya. of conferring between th industrial board, 400 mine operator

'I tn d Foe! Administrator Orofleldrlowe coal prices today wero coeortain. association tha t the r&ilroad administra . I t la charged by tbo National.Cos tlon had refused to assure eooperatio; aod the-eoaferanee ended with a n se Inticm pei»e4 by tho operators-to th effeet that- no iQwer prices will b made untQ proper cooperatloa from )h administration is forthcoming.' Henry. & Bpeaeer, aetiag dlreeto

of ihe nOlroftd admiaistraUoB ia th abaenee of DlreetK-Oeneral Hines, li ■ned a sU t«a«at deaying.the operators charges. *• -


SACSAHBNTO, OaUf., March SS.- More thoa J*5 aotoaaehDea wew bnraw and on satOBebDe body factory am two resldeaeei .were eompletely destroy ed in a 1300,000 BU«* k«re early today 3 ix fireaMS W tf lajnred, ons eerions

^ A lM ^ ^ I^ L b d a from all M rts of thi world, e i l ^ ^.:J^-.btad .deaa«r M lUiag rrr

V o t L -KO. 304., '

' Installmenti cf1........... 'Nep^ Cover

• Longer PeriooI r S i z P a y m e n t s W il l B e A llow t ^ ■ in V ic to r y I s r a e . a s O o m p ar-

I " T e d t o P o n r f o r O th ers^

, I WASHINOTON, .March 28.—Inat* meut privllegca for the liberty vleto loan will bo mont Hboral of any

ISndS ernment war loan. Bocretary Olass i iri« k nouneetl todny. Payment will bo p n riin* mitted in six installmonta. In t \h a n _ fourth loan; the* treasury nlowod fc

inttallments.^ l ) le The iustafiment dates nn<l amoui

ns announced by Olaaa aro; Ten f

m ennt on or beforo May 10; 10 per c« .luly 10; SO pur cont Aiif^uat 12; IVAL Soplember 9; 20 per cont Ctober ,

remainder witb accrued i n a B b tpjcBt defoTTod. instalments Nove►eace The fourth loan' payments were I 'Ongfi qoired to bc completed in four meatl

. a^ BKoinat six montbs in the victo campaign. Prior to the fourth lot the tfensury requirdd full paymeat f«

cmand on subsciptiona. The binVa n e n t theefore hnd to carry al installmen soviet payments whieh they permitted.

iSOFFiSEET ¥ FIN® mithe . ---------^ Business of Association Is Com th« p l e t e d a n d C o n v e n t io n H e a r s

^ S o m e S p e e c h e s«u« ---------,

ST. LOtllS. Mo„ Mnrrh 28—Wil business af the eoiiventioii praoticall

ly on » "”>pl«?ted thc nntionnl woman suffra^ m' ao- " “ oeintion todny slninicrcd down to recoe- I'’’"lf™ni of addressoa nnd <n8euM8loiis

Miss Jciwic R. Haver. lc«is1ntivo re; ' Rus- rcaontntlve of thc national conaunior srdest •cngui*- and oxeculivo Bccrclnni- of tl: • I cnjjsumcra JenRue of the district of C i ondor wn» schcdulcil to toll thc co)them!- ' ‘’{‘•‘"n of tho “ parkorn trust” , their Hover ntlended recent wnaloithttt federal trade commission iaud ^ '"■binKtbn nnd will dotnll rcvelutioi

of pnckera workings presented then, disnii- glorioua .nnd ■ilomi■caolii. thing that has yet been done jlaslnc bn»lcnin|r the dny when Toai.domoerar ■ed. nt shalL T ^ v a il In. all coutitrics of ,t»

« urW .J"m . Aimh lihtfflKTsiiSwrnftiorary president, dcelnrctl,

fnlled ■' ■ ■ - Ihronl j--------------------------- ^ :----

'B WORLD NEesolu-" rI';; ■ LONDON, March 28— Tlnp of p o r t B n s s ia n B o ls h e v ik s to•"mp‘y n o u n c e d to d a y .

,i„o a P A B IS , M a r c h 2 8 .— T h o Rrcss- r u m o r e d t h a t P r o m ie r L e n i

h a v o s e n t a n o t e to . th e Uni1 to r e c o g n iz e th o B n s s ia n . Bo

■ S A O E A M E N T O , M a r c h 2E 'd o s in g : b i l l ba a m e n d e d w a s

r T t o d a y h y th e c o m m it te e o n U L I w a s b r o a d e n e d i s t h e a m e n I I a o n e > d a y - o f - r e s t p l e a s u r e . '

P A B IS , M a r c h 2 8 . ^ T h e ' o n h a v e d e c id e d t o g iv e t h e B i r e q u i p m e n t t o e s t a b l i s h i t o n

i i w a s s a i d t h e B a l t i c a n d ' 1 o r g a c i iK d & nd t h a t t h e i n t e r

Presl- a h a n d V n o p e r a t io n s a g a i n s tlo in — '__________ !____1 ad- ---- -----------------------------------------------

^EPOmUli WELCOMES £ COHSTIIRTm. pur* ■ ' 'It e f M e n B u ro t i to t o O a m p L e w is

A r e g iv e n B o y a l B e c e p t io n 1 the' in P n g e t S o u n d O ityboth r--------

the PORTLAND. Ore.. itnreh 2A—On. huudrcd and sixty Oregon nnd Wnsh ington membera of the 4Slh regimen C. A. C. owned Portland from 4 o'eloel

- yestenlay afternoon until ono o ’eloel itora mominp.

_ The returning artillery .men mnrehec to the l ib e rty temple from the anioi

, stntion and wore tendered nn informs « ^ reroptlon. They were guests nt a din itloB *** munielpal audi

torium and thelr unlfornia were passo th i *9 theaters ia fhe citv. during thei

I b« »»*r-here.. ,»,. The journey to Camp Lew!<i, when

' they, will be dcmobllizod. waa rcsumev BCtor this mofaing.

'. 't Manager of ChicagoPost Takes Position

B e p u b l ic a n K a t io n a l O o m m itte c ICC A p p i) in ts O f f ic ia l f o r H i d .

W e s t S ta t io n

i&.-~ . CHICAOO, Mareh 28—Captain VIctoi raed lieiaU of Ciaciauati. recently appoint aad ed manacer af the Chicago •Oistealnf

troy- poet" of the repabUcaa aatienal cem >day. mittee, waa in charge of the office ben iona- today. v ' ‘

The offiee will be fe n » an y '« p ca ^ r the Moaday. £ . V. CbUtoa^of Aaa JShar eiU* la Malat

thie Chif aga ■ keadmiartetv-. -i

T W m FALLS m ^ o ,


L. KmSER’SDIIEIllvictory ______

Senator Says World Organlz [■” 'S tion Would Put a Straig ill four Jacket on Every Nation ai m oun ta Is Comparable to Hvn Plai'on per


!<oveia* iD eoU kres I t I s « a D e lo a io a a i

ere re* ' O o U o sa l l ^ o p a g a n t■ipBth E v e r S t a r t e d D e s t in e dvictoryk loan, B u in A n y O o n n t r y A co 'ep ti]ut fom . ^_____banks.Imeoti ST. LOUIS, March 28—Thc, leaguo

aatioas would put the worid In straight jacket and is like the kaisei

r dream of world eonqucst, Sebator Ml Poindexter, W ashin^on, charged in adnreaa hero today before tho city eU

“ The kaisor sought to eot up a woi goventment nnd tbere is no doubt

r i l / bttlieved it for tho right interesta U K mankind," Poindoxtor said. . "H o p: n i l posod to enforce peact; aud suppr< I 111 the atruggllng napicationK of freedo

, Likewise the constitution of the leag ^ o t nntiona proposca to enforce peace, /Ofll* put the world in a straight jacket.”

President Wilson was assailed In t spooch for ' ‘iftdiffercnce in mntters to defects of the administration ai admitted failurcit in war prepnratlout

W tl ■ I’oJndexter chsrpcd Ihnt thc “ del . slon thnt n super-govcmment of t'

tically ,vorld will bring i>crpctuai peace” w frrago fj„, “ coloasal propspnndn ever u ‘ ‘‘ Mertnken” he clainftd there arc “ o sions. nilnistrntion press lackoyH acting

” 1’; speaking tubes for the administi tion .” These men nre foiiipcnsatcd 1

» U"'’ favors nn to newa nnd Inaldo inform ®' tion, enabling them to aell their artlcl

nnd obtnin a sort of fame in tho Iitc . nry nnd uowspapt*r world ,oh cehocn

in in I"’‘‘'‘ident’» deaire. .

hol”"’ ' - I tA Y E B M T I I I . M JBSnrortlBmo- B T .-tau iS , Mo., Mor. h 2S-Tlic C. 3U0 in dinal ataff of regular backstops w jeraey Mill liilaalhg’ today. Frank 0nv<icr ni

r-nles in doing hla condltloniug In Cub

[EWS EVENTS—Tho British govffrnment will de- to Odessa in April it was an-

Dho^Echo de Paris said today it is jenine and War Minister Trotsky 0nitod States asking that oountry 1.Bolsheviki government.

!i 28.— The passage of the Sunday ivas recommended in the assembly m labcu: and capital. The measure nendments- until it is more nearly ire.*

rhe allies, it was reported today,) Bumanian army all neisessary on a finn basis.' At the same time

id Black Sea fronts are being re< iter'aUied high command will take nst th^Bolsheviki in those regions.

j f s M L r ”


iVash- ______.

S l Hungary Is Disappointed Ove ' ’“■'‘J Failure of 8olsheyil<s Fron

Neighboring Co u n t r y ti »rm.i Come to Her AssistanceI dm-

PAHIS. March 2S — News reccivc their Budapest today via Switzorlan.

. Indicates the Hungarian soviet goven irberu "'•^ot. fearful of being cut off frnm tb umeJ Rusaiaas without help, ia taking dra

tice measures to safeguard its poaifloi T ie Hungarian food commissioner

reported to . have decreed » meatlei week, starting yesterday. Trani^re

r n t 7 threstoneWit- with, the most severe penalties.. Th se e ^ isa tia u commissiouet is uadei

ttee stood to have 'decreed immediate elo I. big of all shops except food, drug, t<

baeeo and stationary stores. lafractlo of this decree, aeeordiag to thc tit paiches. wUI be puniahabie by death.

Ic to r StaappUntad Ovar B atslaMint' Official cirele* la Hnagary are aai uiing to ba deeply diaappolated over the fai com- tirv of the Rasaiaa soviets to sead is here mediate military aid.V • (Several reports have been reeeive

Maed tka t lUasiaB Bolshaviki forces are ewTbar, eesafolJi. invadine^Dallcia f®f t h c ^ t

poffe of establishing eammameationa b4 tw aea.X m bw a a d S tfa ae W ), >

\LLSSoldiers Eager

to EnlUt Und^f ' r_ ; Red’s Invitaiic11 New Soviet of Hnagary Be'pbi U Beqmits.Are Flocking to I ■ I Join Army of Bepubliol l i y i COPENHAQBN. Mardi 28 — ‘‘I ■ ■ III Hungarian soviet's burcnu here to(

Isancd tbe following atatimicnt: n i7 0 .. “ There boa been n Inrge rcaponse HIM atate's iuvitation to cuter the HS io h t gnfinn red army which will be comno:

H of proletorlot soldiers'aud recruits ft and organized iolMir. Company rominand " '‘d undcr-offlcori wiil bo elected. •’1 lan higher officers will bc appointed by war commiaHary. Worlcmcu al»o .:

^ • formiup a reserve army." /


“ '1 DETEOIT, J llth .. Match 2»-I>0 &nda Uush, holdout shortstop of the Tig(

«aa here today for a meeting wiih Pi [ to ident Naviu«to settle their ^dlffcren

n'garding Donie's salary.)ting Bush ^ d ho wanted to get tho m

te r settled. '„ “ I 'd like to olthor.be signed or tnP;® c l and I don't wiah to be traded. I

troll is tho own I wiirti to plav ii B » .h » h l. •

It la l)0lle\-ed Buab will sign befc ? i " "»■>“> ■ .

RAIN Z>OES KOT DELAT JJ 5? TEAM’S PRA OnCB WOS) pro->prcBs - MACON. Georgia, itnreh 28—DcriiI edoni. " *■“1“ which turned parts of the fic eague ponda, Manager .Icnnlngv gave 1 ce to Tigcra brief bui hard ^'orkoutn in t .»•' nioniing nnd nfternoon. .Tenulugti wor n the crow nil practice po.Hslblc into I TS as which t

an,l scrien witb the braves is due to starl Ions." Bobby Jonea, Harr>* Heiltnnii ai 'delti- Huwurii Khinke arrived in the aft< r t'ho nnon.' All three appeared in excelie ’ was condition nnd exp^tjl to round into pin •r un- form soon.

iN E IM l miflLEIIEUt

i -IN Fffl DIHflWasliirigton-Offlcials-DcralifBt

port That Monroe Doctrir ZZ Has Been Temporarily Pi

on'the ShelfW A S H IN O T O N , M flrrli 2>i — T

Icn g u c o f nntioiiH r o v e u n n t . iis niiicn crl, iiiny b e g iv e n to th e w y rh l in u fi'

I- d tiy s , f lffli-ia lx h e ro in- r lo s c to u c h r r t I t h c p e n ce o n n fc re n c e lie tli 'V i’d tod n y

T n h lc s tt« th e W h ite Tlou.^e sh o tv th: th e ro v c n n n t w ith ltr< n in e n d iiie n t n ic e l th e o b jc c lio iia o f rc]_)ublicnnif

S J r a c t ic a l l y « o m |d e te . O ff lp in ls ; how e y e r , c lttlm .th e y hn v e nn r td v ie es ns ^ j n s t ho 'w th c r o v c n n n t hni* b e e n nn ion y cd o r n s to how m n n y o f th e vn rio i

si>irKC'‘tiun.'< m a d e by r ri tlo K o f th c o r i in n l c o v e n a n t n r e e m b o d ied in th e ne

y d r i j f t .:L White House officials were IncUn-y ed to doubt dlq^atchea from Parts e stating tha t the Monroa Doctriao y amendment had been um porarily

sidetracked. They indicated tha t the president was very desirous of making some specific provisions to

\ aasore t2ie safegnsrding of the Mon-0 roe Doctrine in the belief .that It

wonld be a big factor In breaking^ . down A juerlc^ opposition to the

covenant.Q They claimed thal no advices hs

icen roceivcd regarding tho status < '■ • thc Tafl ninendmcnla before the peat ■ ■ ronforcnce other than thnt they an* 1>

lng 1-onaidon‘d.


WASHINQTON, March 28 .— The war departmeni, probably tomor­row, will announce, tha t recruita ntmibcrlng approximately 50,000 men will be acccpted for the regu­lar army for duty ovonseaa.

The period of cnllatracnt will be for ono year.

TBAK8FEBS PLAYER| i /« P ATroUSTA, Oa., Slarch 2li— Mnnagt

Griffith lias decided to give Tke Davi "om l “ncifir cosAt youngster, n chnnri* t

. short, troasferring him thero from tli to Nntlouars sccond squad.

..jccosEyifiM eTO GET SECOND Tmm

dra*- ---------^0 - Jury Pails to Beach an Agree u e « Oharg.gre^ ed With P ro fitee r!^ .ened , ——The S E A rrU I , W oah^M aieh 2S --F a i

»dcr- jtig td reach a ve:NKct after th lrtaa clo»- iioort delibentioa doriag -w^eh it wa:, to- twice retailed aad advioed by thetioD jadge, tbe jury la the tria l o f 0 . K

di>- Batterworth, aeeased uadertaker, wath. diseharged'at m ldaight. ^ s case wfi

‘ be tried agaia th la sam aer, d u m g th•aid V a y term o f ibe ee a rtfail- . Butterworth. maaagar e f E. B. Bui1 im- terworth aad Soaa company, oae of j h

largest' a ^ owet pra inM at aadertak ived ing vttablishateaU la th a aorth'weit,:i n « - charged w lU vlelatiaff tb a pravWoaa 0

a .e o ffia feaataut w ith the aavy aa d e sbe- defrandtatr'the'paxeats of dead saila

IO, TnjpA Y , MAROH 28,1919.

iE K W ifl r» irBEASEfla • — L__ Compwnication with .0.1.J efdeen, Maryland,

Trench Warfare Ri m„““ dicate Sev^al Soltmnilprs \oFFICERSmSHEL Vlhc BY AUTO TO L»o . are . . .

W A S U I N 'O T O N ; l l a r c l n t A b c rd w ‘u , M a r j ’lt

•AYEB c a t io n thi$i u f i e n io o n , h o ii numJMiir o f vicU ioH o f t h e w

T U er.' s h o r t l . - o j i j e r n o o n i s n \h Pres- It-iH k n w A t lm t s e w m l erenccs |uju**cd.

jiiSHFfiEEOOM “ MEHNSMiHIl :,r80THC0iTllEve his - • • ' ' . ,woS; Newly Declared Repu to thr lie Says - Independence f

Ireland Would Benefit En land as Well

;'elleut ~~ ' " '*’•> pinv. Dl’BLIN, March 28—Professor !

ward De Valorn, head of the Irlah public, declared in a Htalemont mi pi.blic today that aelf*<lcterminntion, Ireland would be e<|unlly advantage t - thc Engliali. It wait the first fo: it! atatenioiit he had inaiTe Bincc that

[ cently given to thc world through rn ilcd Presa.

Do Valcrar^rho inndeJiiWlh*t pul nppeiiraare'^ycatcrdajT'sincc liis cac- .from Uiw'oln.priaoii',;v«lteii l» id M

i f f A - ot O ’Neal nt the^analoli"-lu>us#«rt;I w L ftnce o u r a“ BfltfHft«ri3Bt#H'’‘n e '»

I a l detnil(* ot±l>k#s^pe antl'-wliI B U h-' *)iaa boen Blneo iii\t«t’-~^maiu.--.ai.'c

for the iiresent. , ' r : .^C a» U b c £ ^ .« ^U Q tL u ic iie fiC L r:

I n c * Vnlern dcclnred he would' have nert » rin p colonial home rule. If It were urf

by other nntiona. N’ow ho maintain P y f it ia the uuqueatiotutblc right of evi

enlightened people to govern th* nclveq. He declared that Ireland cial the right to enter thc league of natli

. The “ sepnrAte unit. Any partuora mend- '^Ith Knglniid, he anid, tnust be vol a f,.«v «“d Kuglnn<l must give Ireli1 iHMi freedom to enter whatever associntli ndnv "■nil her Ireland mnv deaire.

liSSiiTEilS i PEIICEIETING I NTiEGOLOllhat ----; JJ American Investigator Repor !on. to Conference on Actual Coi Ls . ditions of Bolshevik-Toi

Countrv of NorthlandBV FKED B. FEIiOrSOX

pearc PARIS, March 28—Uusala Is agj n* be- taking a- prominent plncc in tho pei

diAcusaious, It developed today.Though the Buaaian situation has

currently appeared, its present inj M>AD tion is. beliered to be moio importa

and'aignificant thnn an.v time here rhe fore. There aeems.to be |>ossibility tl lor- the near future will soc the framing Uta r. Russian ]>olicy—something the |>ei DOO conference has not bad since ita iaci gu- tlon and bick of which has been a ei

slant source of embarrassment ia c< bc sldering dealings with Oormany.

< American InvestigatorWilliam K. Bullitt, special ihvesti(

tor for tho Amorican dclcgatlon, Is i nagcr derstood <o have brought bnck fn 3avis Russia the beat pioturc of actual cf r,. gt ditions that has conic out of tbat oot Tl the montha. He is Kiid to ha

found a suqiriaing state of organi: tion in the interior, compared with l>ort» that have been teceivetl.

Thc more conservative wing of I Busslan radicals Is said to be gatni

m rontrol and slabiliaing the general i uation. Aa an iastanre .of the ori prevailing in thc interior, trains i

' ~ ninaing on regular schedule, .leari and arnving on thc minut^ betwren I trogrod and Moscow. Peasants, havi

^g* gained land, aro undeastood to ,be jo liig the more conservatK’T 'T l^ e a tt ; '

- -----BapoTta to Oonforaaca -_ Bullitt spent a week In P^trogr

without belac endangered, traveli from there to Stoaeow. He haa made

, informal report to a sub-eommitt 1 w which is drawing up* a formal rep<

for preoeaUtlon to the r«aference. 1> anthorily to aejrotlate, actt L ^k- merely as an observer. His repo ^ bowever™^wUl have the greatest bei^ . ing on developments oad sentimeat # »v- eUdently swiagiag to the Idea expra V*?® ed early In the eoafereacfr—tbat woi

]>tacc is im p ^ b le without doallag wl thc Bolsheviki la seme way. ’ ■

-H U H O W B A IH H * - Fair toniaht aad Setafday.

W M v-'pBrCE

P R o iiriiiiIflMSCMOPHth Government Plant at Ai a. C u to ff by Accident t Range—Meagre Reports Ii tldiers KUled and Woun^m FROM WASHINGTON INVESTIGATE HAMAG

i rc l i 2 ^ A V i t h t h e p n lu a n c o p ro v l r}’Ia n d , e u t o f f .f ro m a l l w i r e co m m ai I u c c a r a t e i n f o r m a t io n r e g a r d in g t i BorlcH o f e x p lo sio n K t h a t to o k p la J a v a i la b le .;m l s o ld ie r s w e r e k i l le d .a n d a .nunilj

T— - - ♦ T ie -first exploj^oa which • did

I damage, occurred at 1S:0S p. m.■ w as.follow ed'at'1S:IS by « much''l«

er blow-up that b*^HR&t,B niln o f j i and steel dowa, on tho,'barracka.,o admiaistratlon-bollilbig’, moss UrU aI post e x c h a n g e . • -

I ■ Many Soldien Inlnrad / ':.U Matty aoldlm r e p o M

in red nnm lng' awor'-, fwm tlu I ' gronnds bjr balag ran down bv s»» f T t e r trn d o . 'L U The fac t th a t the secoBd azplo

alon occnzred ten Dlmitas a t t t t i)t< I, f i m gave hundreds of men on op;

3pUD- portOBltv: to get out of th» danipi I ' f o r - Foor powder nugailnes bleu

E n 0 * Sheila rained costlxuiamT fien the tlma the s e e * ^ •X '^ lo n 09 ctirred a t 13:16' QsHl ftva mlnn^ei af te r th a th ird atplQslon i t IS :i^

or Ed- I t was impossible to get any ld»i ’lab re- of .what hsd.happeaed in the -aret : made . of the explotlen becaose the an lou .for thoritiea refused'to..penalt anv ol :ageou3 the soldlera to go Into th a t terri [form - .to ry . > -v.i'lhat IC .meas hall, -morV thiQ tv tgh the milee .from the- explosion,, woi

-wrecked, shells comOtk'throttgh tinpublic „ o f . . ,

I M * , ... HW r :' P ie n r :d id _ a i t ’ to«fcjnaay ''porst

>' Jtpi^ 7Werf'Tn'^tho-:exrft«on;‘t;Wnrtnolly'i '■wlicr ly u smoll quanliky of W neh mori 'Si.'crol 'boui.bs would'Ve ttear a J^feheh^oior:

- 1 battery, hfl aald. ' Piijfee did rtot’iaftTintncicj.l- T3 tl'** fxploston lUelr o r > a d ^

urged previously wrecked;hy the heavy wir toinod. which have swept the scdboard for I

every last tweiily-fout; hours, . ' •. ’ Bailroad SUtioa p w a g e d ■

iation^ The"railrond atalion wa^ alro-'dfl iiorahip need. The Insf •exploainii wblrh ea: volii.i. at 12:.ns wna Tiot avT.ov^r'*.’ AM thi

Ireland bldw-ujm occurred o-» th" trench w intions ^*'rc ranges set-•,-«U»tancf from <

main firing^ mtige.Thc victims of the accident wer«

I the meas hnll nl dinner. There wi few men 'on the range.

J B o ^ ita l Force Leavea.■ ^ Units'from the hospilnl-force a t D 111 ■ tlmorc hove b^cn rushed to the scei | | _ Onlnanoe nffl-era froui?' Wasliinet ID • stnrted for AbcnlcPit.' Offbili

feared the expl(\alon may invo be n n sprioua owing to .th e largo nmount.I I I J I pru.iectlles nud antmi'nltion to the ’: 11111 range. A .largeroutn^r '

l U l l .men were stationed tlusfu.-I A telephone oicssago, from a mt

n n rtc ' i bouse Bome distance from the scene UUI lb I cxploaion tfl Oeneral'Pierce,-cj»l Con* I o r d n a n c e this afleraoou declared t _ explosion appeared to have taken pla T o rn la a trcnch n tortsr.battery wbich-.wa

somewhat isolated..Direct fomtnun|cotion wtth the ow

ing grounds, however, is down aod t war department has Im n unable' to g

again many det^ ls . ' . •

iiiiPtEPUNi i s iT i ie ia con- ■'° Conference Is Trying to Decid r.ii™ . Whether to Present Separ- 1. »n- ate Treaties or Notfrom

‘'r™ Jr ■ By FEED R 'FE K O reO N . „ have PABIfi, March 28.~W hetber tbe fir

-aniKi- treaty will be -with Oermaay and Aaith re- tria, or all foor eaemy p b w ^ pro]

ab lr win depend upou dsrelopBMiita 1of tho the “ big four” coafereaee*, i t wiaininj? learned today.^ ,T^ The Prrnch have added theU disa

order proval («>. l ^ t of the Britiah to tlIS are quadruple treaty idea. Botb th a Vtmparins « id BritUk s a y 'l t ; m lri^ W ^pysq»ea P " to include Austria Ha O e f tm -laving without losing ;yme,e join- sion of B ulgatli a ^Its ;- mean addltioaafcdelayj: ,< ' - . .r ' ;.

X d . The r e p a r a t i o a S 'f a e w W ^ e d e C stood to ^ v e -m a d a

duriag the w a e te - a f * a ^ - « ! j mittee i n e e . i t , w a a ^ W B b o t^ lT f i jg M

have»- ..Hp tnal a m o iA ta

tp r.» - fiaenW T iroril

r t d i t i ^ a s » i K , w ~ a , - » 5 S | B

m m

Page 2: LLS W M m mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · » H m t flEGDENITIONOI ; ROSSiSOl New Party of Chicago Deman That ’United Slates Wit draw Troops From Arclia} 0^1

' 1 ■■ . ■ ■ >AOS TWO


New Soviet Republio Is Ve Peaceful in Its Dealings, L tie Disturbance Having Be Reported So Far

BY EDWA.RD HING BtTDAPEST,'March I’O—(delayo.l

‘ ‘Wo arc ready to c<mtimu< jtfm’i’ friondiy roiatioiin with tiio alliCi

))0iwililc, but TTO will to drf(oiir juat intoroatB, ” IJoln Kun, fon’i ininbtor of tho Hungarian qoviot g

, ('rnmont doclarod in a atntcmcnt to f flpn RorrrHpondontH today

j . Oouut Karolyi, former premier, w. tn racd 'thc countrj' over to tho comt

rtfltcratcd in an ' Interview ' Htatvmcnt th a t tho entente's impcrl inm WQH reaponsiblo for tlio chan^^e Kovcrnmcnt In Hunfjary

Ent«nt« S«9 onaibl«“ I trill continue to work for the i

(■red uauBo of aavint; my country, wi IcM responnlbiUty, but with moro torR>'»” he said

The Austrian cabinct docidod ycst■ day to reeognizo tho Hungarian bov Koverument, aceordidsf to an offic flixpstch received from Vienna todo^

M. BoUarl. and P. Noyoo ha boon accredited an rcj»rc«entativos th«* new~BuagBrian govornnieut Vienna. Tho la tte r formerly was a 1« turer on •locioloio' Clark Unlversif Worcester, MasoachurottB.

Budapi'st continued peaeefnl tonigt Kven atreet traffic wan nn«lijiturb« Beportn from prqvinees indicate tb c-ommuuism won organized .^quietly ' Kungnrian territory unoccupipfl by tl flltioa, under tho direction of local k

. vletB.B«pUeefl Flag

Some hbtelfi hore hauled down tl Hrltish ond Amoric»M flags when tl revolution was fjrnt declared hut tl soviet govemmeut ordered thnt tin be ropinccd immediately.

Colonel Vlx, hoad nf the allli’d ml nion lil .Buila]>eflt and his s ta ff hii' l>een ftou«cou»!y treated by tho j;o ctnmont, which goaroJitood the cafoi «>r their llvetf' and property an »vell i those of all neutral and allied cifizeii The eovlet government continues to i ^uf a A-eritablc torrent of orders. J3

•’«rr'eittJ«Jh.J>Oa-the right tci refuse pe ' - 7 • • Tttimion_for• nitv military or elvll off

. cial to 'e n te r his house. Evory perso U llkdwUiA entitled to dUpoHo of h bank account by checks, not to exeec $-40(l>a niontii, however, nil nutomobili hnve been reqolaltioncd by the goven ment.

Food Is SnppUedXeufrala will continue to receive tli

•tipme food rations as formerly. Oth< food distribution meaxures remnin vn Id. The goven»njrnt la preparlnR t

.rommunieo houses nnd flats, but lious. 'belonging to neutrals ami allied cit zens will not be touehod except und: pperial orders from foreign miuiste B4>la Kun.

Communised theatcra, it ia onnouu' rd. wilt produce nocialintio claasl plny^. chiefly Bhnkenponre (f ) . Tli Kufnliin soviets are keeping in touc n lth Budapest with wireless. Todn tiiey claimed the revolution is sweepin over Oalicia and thnt the red nrmi< hnve won important victories in th I'kraino. Thoy are nlso re]>orting au<■ esNful advanco of Bolsheviki force

. toward l^mlirrg.

Woman Chairman Starts. Campaign

for Victory LoarWorker Will Spook in Utah . Nevada and Idaho for Oom*

ing Bond iBsae

SAN FRANCJflCO. Mareh L'K—Mn A. K. Baldwin, federal rf*vrvi> chnirmm ittr the victory liberty loan iit thi* di? trict. will leave Pridoy night to addres women in Neyailn, Utah and Idnho.

^ tu rd a y Mrs. Baldwin will speak t NevmU women at Beno. On Monda; morning sbe will have n cunforence n nonien in Salt I^ k e City. Mrs. Bald win wUl then attend a meeting of tir southern Idaho women, to Ih* hcJd n I'ocatello Tuesday.

UB& HEAJtST IMPBOVES1-LKA8AN*T()N'. Calif.. March JS -

Tbe condition of Mrs. Phoebe Jlcarst ^)»>thcr of VTilUam It. llearsl, newspa

' l<*r publisher, la improve<i todny. .Mrs Men-st ia suffering from the nflcr ef fects of influenza.

A L B E .R T .530,000 Dry an

LandB are located in Son the best in that famous dli nndor irrigation, the balance ing.

The lands are bein^^ pnt time asd the company is lo an lawrfa within a radins of point.

Dry laada ary belag aold a t 9IS t •00 per aera, wkieh inclcdes water ekarf* *1.50 per irrigable acre per y

. A lfalfa, grain, field peaa, potato gruws.

Writo direct to thtf eompaBT for

Cpda Lailii & IrrijT .atiH 0 0



.Ox-B{ood (d

Been H

t gov. -OUFROAUET COOPORATIto for- . ■ ■ . - ------

r, who — ommii- f


PLATEB PAIZil TO BBPOBThe sa- .1ACK80NVILLE. Fla., Mtarrti 28 • , with Kopt, the Brooklyn ahortatop b:ro on- t i tle d from Cineinnatl, must report b

tomorrow or bo suapended, says Cha reetor EbboU, In ihat eaae Clnclonotl wl soviet «xpMted to produce another ou m cia lodoy* ■

have SHOOTS H IOH SOOBB•08 of TOLEDO, OA Marcli 28—A, I’ollar t in Indlanapolio,' ahot tbe second bfghei ft lec- were evor rolled in the indlviduiu oi jraity, en ts.o f ar.i American bowliag congrct

• [ tourney,' here late yesterday when L night, rolled hia way into sncoml placo in tl irbed, singles with 714.

tbat » ■- •ly *11 U B ET FOB PBA OnOEy »h- JACKSONVILLE, •pja., March 2H - al so-1 Tho Yankees, meot BrooUyn ^ tu rd a

la a ptAcUeo game and Manager Ilufi ; gins is working JiJ^mott briskly in prej

I the' oration fo r it. So far, the work ha rj the heen principally bo.blng flies. .Hilj t Ihe gins waa figuring on a regular game,


1 miv 8AN FRANCISCO. Cjxlif., Maroh i —-Willlo Uochan, heavyt\-cigbt, wil

gov-, box Billy Miskp in S t. Paol April 11 h afoty announced today. Moohou will Icav ?I1 ns for tho east imuicdlately afte r ho meet iTiena. J e f f Clarke, tbo “ Joplin ghost” her to bl-: Friday night. Misko and li^ehan boxc<

J3v- a draw aovoral montha ago.• per- . • . ----- --offi- XK>NS OLD UNIFORM

erson ORLEANS, March 28 — t r if MS Speaker, s ta r een^^rfloiaer, toda; ceeo-.l donned hia 11)10 Indian uniform, thu ibilea allaying feara that ho was a hoJdoul vent* Although Tria has not contractod fo

thia season'a play> ho will sign hi name on the dotted line Friday whei

e (lie . I’reaideht Dunn and Jack Q ranw nr :)theririve here.

v«l-l ■g to ; p& ao T tcB o a o w a l i v b l toua.Mj PASADENA. Calif.. .March' 28—Ch

citi*. cago Cub outfielders atopped bi ind.-rl livelier today. Compotition for a place ister, I tightened with tbe nrrivnl, apccial de

I livery, of Joo Lotter. Tho uowcpmu ouue> woa tho whole ahow iji th c 'first atren iaasic {uous batting jiracticc i>f the season

T lio jl’itcher Jiui Vnugh, victim of u cold touch lexpecjcd to wear a uniform todav.•odny' — ----sping! DRILL TEAMS BABDrmiesj MINERAL SPRINGS, Tex.. March 2

tho —Managera Kid Olcnson and “ Shnno' auc-; Collina drilled their two Wliitw Soa

orces nqunde hnrd today In preparation foi Katurday games. The first- team playi Fort Worth, fhe swoud tocltle Dallos Driving fields and warmer weathoi iiriiught on u ri'al bntiing practice to<iay.


; . Leonard, world'a lightweight champlQH »an, boxer, was au easy victor over ilarAcj ) . Thorp, contender, in a ten-round bout

here laat night. The New Vork whirl­wind took eight rounds, outcUseing tin Kansas City eliampion throughout

•Mrs. , Thorp fought gomely, securing a shmli •mnn. in the fourth and seventh.

di5-. - ' •Iresa OATOHESS ARE UNEASY

■ HAN ANTONIO. Te*.. .Mnrch m - >k to The catching s ta ff o f the St. Louis nday; Browns here is losing sleep wondering e nf,w hich of tho three will drnw tho short )ali1-; Htraw whea Hank Hcvoreid retum a ' the'M anager iturko already has annoimeed d in that he will carry bui three receiver*

auil Beverciil baa boon oaaured one berth. Joseph Billiugs, Wnlter May­er and Kmie rallcntine nru working

otj_; for the two openings

To “ fjn a n te " a “ To L e t” adver- .Mrs. I tisiag campaign you need only set aside• e / - i —for perhaps a few daya—a part of

rour pocket money.

r A L A N D Sand Irrigable Acreslo n th e m A lb e r ta a s d a r e a m o n f d i s t r i c t , 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 a c r e s w i l l b e

BCO i s b o in g s o ld f o r g r a in g ro w -

m t o n t h e m a r k ? ! f o r t h e l i r s l .I lo o k in g f o r b o n a f i d e s e t t l e r s , o f t e n m i le s o r l e s s t o s h ip p in g

IS to *30 per aere—irrigable laads »40 to Iter right-^pcratioB and maintenaaee sr year—easy p«rnients and low interest, ^toea and root «ropa ean be neeessfnlly

for fall panieolars and pamphleta

rrigation Company, Lid. 'D e p a r tm e n t


helMXCHSXLiiSTES •• For Black.'Whlte.Tana™/ d (dark brown) Shoec

irO U R S H O E S ^ M E A T



s i i i l EOPFICIIILNi

ort by — ^Cbas

:i olll National Association Decid on Plans for New League of

i Political Voters■ST. LOUIS, Mo.. March S M h o 1

,5 CY- Americaa Women Suffrago osogress eiutlou became the League’ of Wom on ho ^'atora shortly bofore uoon today, in the Tho action resulted from a rejjuvi

<nling plnn .adopted by the jubileu ci j vention in-'sosaion horc yesterday. T I executivo eommitteo today rceonimei

2H __icd the new namii.urday Mrs.-'Cnr/ie Chapman Catt, natioi Hug- 1 i.Tcsldent of tho old orgnnlznilon. p prop- posed tho nnmo change, declaring t

k has I other did pot I'gpYfseut both women .Htig- ; voting and iion-votlng. states. Mrs. ne. ; A Nathan of New; York suggested t

'.i*cw namo.President Wilsou has cabled the c(

oh 27 vention hia regards, according to ^ lll nu'ssage frpm him road a t tbe morni

11 ho today. “ I honestly hopo tIcovo t suffrage amcndnieut will aoon bo ndo| meeta N 'd/' the cablegram coueludcd.

hero ]• The first act of tbo new body%rill boxed ; the choice of a namo and election

1 nib'mbors of the bonrd of directora.I With eight to be electcd, tho folio I ing have filed their candidacy with t

t r ia I eoiiiiiiitteo in charge o fth o eh

• M rs.-.r.'(’. Caiitrill, Kentm-ky; Mi Esther Ogden, New Vork; Mra.'TJouj

H y J : min Hoope, Wisconsin; Mrs. E.. Vl- Hiiteliinsini, Kentucky, Mrs. H. E. K

Ittdlana; Mrs. J . Fw rcll, lUcV „r isnn; .Mrs. T. T. Cothnm, Arkansa

■ ; Mrs. Arthur Livermore, Now York Cl I anil Mrs. Hugh Ward, Kansas Cily.! That tho ehoice of n name will'me

. »<*nie sfrong objeelious hns been voici J .*■ since yesterday's uction when the ik

“ orgnnirjilioii was ngrced upon. MniV , delegates hnve objected to n ehange •omer nmiMwlmc _? ; hns !>&ssed congress. An effort .-lr...' I niiiend iirgnnizntiou plans so' thnt ll ^ I'-i chnngc in nnme will not be effeeti'

' ’until Ihe next convention was e'x|M*ct( t<i develop. The new nnmo probab

I will be ])a»ied on lo all stnte and loc I )u orgnnizationa.

T? With thirty-two sfntes going <iv their quoins n budget of ♦IS’O.OOO f cnrrylng on the work in lt)lJ> wns rfti

- cd in a few lionrs lnst night.! Mrs. Rayinniid Robins, clialrninn c i t he Nntional Women’s Trade ITui<

“ ■ l.enu«e, urged that the gap betww •* »<.< inl nnd industrial practices be tirid

• i 'l in nn niHlress before the conventif t*Klny. Hhe recomnicnded abolition i

, child 1al>or and compulsorv’ educaticfor ehiMren up fo 10 years; nn elgl

i hf.iir ilnv nud n weekly dny nf res ' nl olitinii of night work for women nr• minors; iiiitiimum wnge commi'sinni

^ ! | . ’e<iunl pny for equal work; Inaurnm , , i agninst sickness, accident and uner 1® ,; j ployment and providing for old ng

invalidity pensions and maternity be . efits; right of workers to organize nn bargain collectively; system of publ eiiiployment bureaus; adequate nppr

. 'priotiou and in-ipeetion forces in tli ; stale de|tnrinients of labor an il a spei

V ; int bureau of women in indnatry iench; and nn rntcrnationnl labor eoti

' mission, need iiver*, . ■ . . I 11 ' -


aside; ^ 1 ; Iof;

Ih v I ABm p re p a n MOI^ c o n dlsliM prodacta ptit

B k a Is the m eat—S a jg W y ^ UdoQslr tem iM ■ -MOnNTAE

H i m cored frW sa c k e d and

B H i w J | | K r a eie«o -u>d biBBS do«lvel7 to I■ H vtt S B ^ B

^ 9 «coaoi

OGD■ p h

' T W I N F A L L

S l ISEEn§«

Amerlca’i Goods Are Sold , -Foreign Countries in Enor

ous Quantities—New Adv ory Boai for Situation

I WASHINaTON, Ifareli 28 — Jik • can osporta aro Imoming and nowft erngo moro than 420 ,000 ,000 a <lay,

eordinR’to late reports to tho dep I mejit of commeree.F If thia tide of gold toward Ame:

can be'm oiotaloed. experts say, meana mere and 'bigger factories h IcsB unemployment, continued h wages and greator markets, for all

r producta.L Bftttle fe r World TradeI This country.^, export t^ado todL according to offieial figurea, showa

Mfm nro bogiooing tbo Mg battlo for w< I • trade witb d flying atort. In .lD l* I* Calted Statea exports.totalled onlv I 000,000.000 in goods. In 1018. dor

tbo closing months of tbe year it 1 jum ped’to the ra te .o f $0.000,OOO.OOi

'id fiS 'whllo now, commorce figures sU ■tiMca exportB-oro leaving American porta o f (ho ra te , of «7,SOO.OOQ.OOO aonaa

They averaged $21,000,000 dally dur Pebniary. Flans are near eomplet for tho co-operation of oil govomm

10 Na- * fighting orgnnizatI oaao “P Ameriean cxport*.^in- thromcii ■tn>TOl<‘ to keep Amorican trado ahe

O rganlus Advisory Oreojr ■ Fortified wilh a doubled appropi)u\on- tj,g commerce d e p ^ m e o t is '“ ganlzing a. world trado advisory grt

Th^ of sixty cxjwrtB. This ia in addition men^i- nrmy of American consular ol

cinly scattered over tbo world, tional Tho -wnr finonco corporation is pi; . pro- niog’to give financia) support on a 1 g the ai-nle to individunl exporters nnd fin len of To collate aetivitiea of oil depo >8. J . mentn a national foreign trade nd\ ‘d tho ory conimittoe is being organized

chiding representatives of all depa } co;i- ments.to 0 Wliere neccs.Mry, measures have

irning roady beon token to draw the teeth0 thts the long-horntded Oerman nudor-sclli idopt- cunipaign scheduled to begin with 1

lifting of tho allied blockade nf enei •ill bc coiiutrics. on uf ‘ I »

sCOraOIITIIKE! n WITNESS SIHNIMich. . ---------'■“ ’ I Iowa Executive Admits He Ma y. ' Have Made a Mistake But o ic ed Not a CrimeMany DES MOINES, la., March 2H—‘ ge 'if moy-have made a m istake."Imcni That ,was tho onlv admission wrur t li> from Governor W. L. Jlnrdlng by 1 t Iho W. Bycra, counsel fo» the hoose j etivo dlciary committee, jirobing tho pard( *“cteil of Ernest Rnthhiiu, Mn county sod baWyj eriminal.local I The legislative investigating hoi

I had . the state executive on the gri over I for more thau four hours during

forjlote afternoon and night session ye rftis-1 terday.

i The governor’s testimony brought j .n oflndmisaion th a t he. had broken'(t proc Tnioii ’dent in pardoning Ratbbun without r wMsn {erring Iho application to tho paro iriilR- board.ntion He did not concede that tho appl in of eotion for jiardoii, to his knowledg ntion ; dill nnt complywith the law. eight I Ooveraor Is Positiverest; I Byers failed to bring out an a<1 and miaaion thnt Harding willfully a inns; . tempted to withhold information whe -anco ihc deUveced hia Rathbun mcuagc t mem- the assembly last month* The govenge,{nor was iwsitive he did not try t ben-[protect his act aflor ho reaehed th nnd:conc.Iuaion tha t he had been dcceive

ublioJin issuing tho pardon, ppro-! Wlinn llarding resumes lato this al

the I ternoon he will be asked to produce hi spec-' personal bank accounts for the last foo

in I mouths of 1918. Be will also bo aake eom-jto produce any peraonal notes be migb

jbave redeemed during Oie samo perloc'

—Real Economy - H) a trea t fo r the boosewUe to >lOUNTAlN BRAND H a n e rb«»—so coBveoIeotlr are ^ e e a IfeMnit up—eo evenlj proportionedIt—ao e ^ y to cot^-and so de>m pUng la the o ro iu .AIN BRAND Hams aod Baceos

from choice western atock—Ad wrapped lo scr^Dltfbiljr

b right boildlngs devoted' c »:o the m anufacttin of MOUN*IN D prodocta.iaomr>-bti7 • wbole hata-Hi S Meon.

DEN p a c k i n g : * % ‘ROVISION CO. m

O t i f a mmi SmttLmkm ^

, L S D A I L Y N E W S

b < ' 4

1GE-:)Id in ' M fl 1' > \norm- I !Wvis- J

" I •" Idepart* .___


O u r m o s t r e c « r e n d e z v o u s o f f a

; t h e l a t e s t s t y l e i«iy «2 ,- p r e t a t i o n s o f t h K d f r o m t h e i r v a r i e

i n d e e d a t t h e p r

mo'Sny! L i t e r a l l y h u nc h o o s e f r o m — p i

s r o n t h e m . I t ’s t o • •‘■'if G e t y o u t s u p p l yahead.

■ is*- or- Booth Ml“Another Pack

H plan-I a big ■ . :__________ - = ^ ' ' .!■

£ HUH RIIGEIili FIST;r: fiMitiiiiBiidth af ' ---------selling O r e g o n D o u g h b o y D e d a i th the . j v i tz Is S o m e S p r i n te r on

■ th e B a t t le f ie ld

r n EUGENE, Ore:, March 28.—“ PowL w river, le t ’cr hncki”1 , 1 That woa tbo battlecry' of tho Nit u ty-first (famous wild 'weat) dlvis■ i n during tbo'A rgoooe daive io F rat n ill according to 0 . le tter 'whieh local r< lUli tives received from Corp. Sholby I I U Allen, who is still over there.

“ Yes, I'w ili say that tho Niaity-fi mm-.' wiu sum Fdlvfiioii.'tfnTignrfffr'srt*' M a y the ones who ."pnt the go to Iho JIi

|i|l^ in No M an^ Lnnd on tho Arjni drive. Our war ery w a s‘Powder Ki% Let-er 5\ucV,’ aod when tho word ‘ f

^ ward’ came, down the line ono co J , , , sec over>* mnn on his toes ready to

' no mottor how thick the machloa f bullets were, or the rain of nrtilli shell. Tho next thiug you would hi

. • would be aome one shout ‘ i’ow«lor Ri .1“ ' Whoopeel Let-er Buck ' and evory<

wns off nftcr Mr. Hun, social , , j , m iud’of '.he »aU

drives wc uscd to havo in eaatera 0griil

I * Y Y Y V H ^ ^ H n i H

f l P l k IIproce-j B J | | r

parole j

wheni trover- iflH •

ry to M'iffithe \ >1 Im


rrlo.1. f]o ,

= iti I ^ m \H I etu^ tio]

I I 'I DEVOEI • ' "r a app]

m M ir

m^ i in di i fink]

I SALLADAY B1 P a i n t s , O i l s , Va



' 1 ’ . -

P B i»A Y ,.M A B O H ^^

[>n’s N ew est t C r^ tio n s“cent contribution from . fashion! All revel w ith : e innovations and inter- the moment,....Choosing” '• •ietieswill be a pleasure prices offered. ;indreds of new ones to ‘ ■pretty collars and cuffs to Ije a big waist season. , >ly #arly.

Mercantile Co.ickage From Booths ”

gon, only w o 'd ld o 't lilave any eo hore and- had to n u tltem down foot. F ritz would get tired onco i

n n U P while; then ho woold'stop and aeod n l l l J l * f®*' lo“‘l pllla or a whi* liang, j L IU lU theo wo'd havo to b u n t,fo r co'

Sometimes wo woro glad .to got 4 ehanco-to r*st, fo r .we neatly rao

D iares trying to keep np with Pxon That is so' josh, for tbo Germans wo

\ sure movo wehn tho heard that ' yell of oura and saw us coming.

Powder a ^ J , q b t GBATUIT. UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO, Mosci^sJnn 2T—All 8. A. T. C. men willPrn^ee «'W hle for tho sixty doUar g ra it.1 authcirised rocontly by coogreM,Ihv T cording to an order ju s t received

' • Captain Folker. This money wiUI written roqoest to

sono^;_fiaaaeo offieor. Lemon boUdlw f are TVaahlhgtoD, D. C., Und must Im *> Jluns companied by dlschftrge oPTolease

^ ‘ A Timely Soggecttoa.*to”co' * cough10 jmn Chamberlain’s Cough Bemortl‘lery *“ pleasant to take and you oro e d bear ^ pleased witb the relief which r Biver A^^orda. Thia remedy haa a wide ro erynne (ation for ila cures of coughs and col

—ndv.laUbvt I ■ .................

n O r e - 1 A dverti»«? It in th e C U ss lfie r l e o lu t

‘‘H ow nice you’ve made th e house look”

Why not tiaiirformjroardull, won floor or pieceof furniture by givinf it an oak. walnut or mahoganj ^ ish ? No longer is this a hard, bresome tmdertakiog. Minobu stains and varnishes in one opera­tion. Itistheeatyand>nexpennv< Cray to tirighten and lendw vron Eumiihinga.

77WI MI RROLACcut be applied by azqrooe ^ndtout- previou cxjierience. Biiith maticf dxcippear befon it 'acts** and it dries orcf night .You car apply tt o rer old point o r tan ith .

M irToheogew anaDo rewirfacefittkh <ora^ffwi tiiycorCKe. I t cooiea in lq ^o alc , dark oi pjden oak, walnu^ roabosaDy, dark mabog*

attmimrre, maladme creen aod s dead aod ^ o a w lihs aad black. Tbeae snkbet are dmafale. Yoo caa «va*b tboa ritb aoap aad WMab ^

HARDWARE CO.Varnishes and Glass


Page 3: LLS W M m mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · » H m t flEGDENITIONOI ; ROSSiSOl New Party of Chicago Deman That ’United Slates Wit draw Troops From Arclia} 0^1

jlilM A N- ENTE S flING

WITJOPSHusky Girl Tal<« Trainins ir

Art.of Handling Her Fists ft ' Best Advantage; Challenges

, the^Male Fighters. 'PHILADELPHIA, March 28—Worn

«n win never attompt to wrest the box' w ch.ampioaahipe from the haaklef MX ■ I t woQidn't be fa ir to the men.

The UiUtod Prosa hod tbla oa no Icai •authority today than Miaa Vora Eochm, !«hamploa woman lightweight boxor ol 'th e world.

man w ouldn't have a chosce in tho .world in, tbe ring w ith a w om an/'

;«he said. "Y en aeo, *11 eho would have ;to do would bo to upo'hor eyea, and

- -other fomisiae wilea, and tho poor moa would bo holpleaa. . And tho eight of a womw in gjonnaaium costomo might •distract hia attention.

“ Besidea,'! ahe added, “ the innate . -chivalry'of a m ta would prevent him < iroi9 .> lttlng a woman, hard—especially -lit aho so ^cd a t h im ."" Miaa Boebm woa aalced i f sbo thought

, womdn .wonld over engage in profes- tslonal boxing conteata among them* ‘ seivea., “ No, i t wouldn't be ' iatereating ! from the spoctatora' point of view,’ ’ js h » rojHti. -:“ JLlmoat any woman, if •• h it a good'hard wallop, would .got mod } an d bairt. • X c a n 't Imaginb tha t any-- one would got any particular onjoy* ' mont out of watching a couplo of wom*

«n bawl. And, most Hkoly, if thoy got . m ad' th«y would forget all about aei- 1 -cnco aod ata rt pulling h air.” j All o f which , oppcara to d i ^ s o of ' {irofcsaionnl boidng for^womon.' Bnt • when, regarded purely from the atand-

point of a' oeienco and. cxorfliao, Miaa Boehm boISevoa boxing is in a clasa by itaolf. No other oxorcino, sho said, tottdfl-to dovolop tho muBcIca do evenly

.or to occcntuato graco, o ^ i t y and jmjIbo. I t ia particularly bonoficial to ^*omen, a» it brings into play muaclos they never know they possessed. I t Is hard for ' tKem to learn, requiring

'foom -two wceJca to a month junt to lie ablo td-cJiaumo the proper boxing pose.

Mias Bofihm became a boxer by ac- I'ideat. She waa bom in Baitimoro, February 16 ,18P5. Six yoara ago, whilo <*arning her living as a trained nurse

■ in New York, abe was hear death from a nervous u d physical breakdown. A f­ter vainly trying ovory other method to restore hor health sho consultetl a physical culture export. TIio Jot>oV: happened to bo a formor professional boxor. As a part o f her trnining, ho ' inilucod hor to tako up' tho art. Sho beennio intorestod, then nu addict. In ; n short time eho Icamod all he could tvaeh her.

....J im Corbott, formor .heavyweight champlcp of the world, fr^queqtly pat­ronized tho gymnasium. .H o becamo in* tcrosted in nor efforts to perfect hor* self in his old profession and taught her from.hia store of ring lore. £}vem. tually. Miss BoohnL. becamo a profos- blonal athletic diroctor, teaching womon all forms of pbysical exercisc, but nl- wnya stressing tho importance of tho pnilded ^ It t .

Misa Boehm haa boxed private oxi- ' liitioAli in gymnasiums with (wo- top-

notch lightweights, Johnfly Dundee and Charley White. They do aay she was i'ntitlcd to a draw, a t least. Dundee savs sbo “ sure sllnga a wicked le f t . '' Tliat *8 . Miss Eoobm'B favorite punch— n straight loft—and hor apood and long rcach enablo hor to land i t often. Her ucxt best blow-Is a right uppercut.

Juat now Misa Boehm Is aponding a few mlniltca each night playing tho rolo of athlotie director in a popular lutiaieal comedy. I t la her iira t tho- fltrical venture. Sho was interviewed whllo standing in .the wings, waiting her cue to go on. A i t o / a caaual In­spection of her “ gymnasium coatam e,'’ the rcpbrtor agreed th a t aho might distract a male opponent’s attention.

To “ finaaco” a " T o L e t” advor- tlaing caflipaign you need only set aside —for porhapa a few tiny»—a part of your p o ^ e t money.

A utomobile Plunges :.. • From Creek Ferry

Oar Hissing Slip, Suns Into . Biver, Resulting in Two

Drowning0 .*LKLAXD.'Callf.. Marrh 2«—An »>i-

tomobile plunRlnj}-from tho slip of tlie • rcrk routo ferry early to-lny ronultnl in tbe death of two uniilontified worn- vn. JT I’. Arthur. Oakland busincM man, wns rcscued in n drowning condi­tion and in in a serioun condition at the vmcrgcncy honpital.

Th«* .Antomobile driven by Arthnr, Tiaa hurryrng to board an early fc ro ’ 1-oat for 8 an FVaneisco. By n rniatum OJ' the wheel, it was jiluncod into tho bay.

I Must Sell M;8Q Acre Rancli» at a •

B A R G A IN $ 120 P E R A C R E

Well located ou the North Sido Tract not far from Jerome. WUJ mako eaay terms to the right

, • man.* The improvementa aro sueh tha t a.Rood farmer can ' easily mako this ranch pay for itself.I t lays well- For particolar* aJ- dreso.

- TlieTfalll-BrsDieback neally Co.P&oaa 115 Jaroma. IdaZio.

; _______ ___________________________

: TBX 1^T,BU BCS-28, U U .

IS r ; 0 |I inrto ' . ges

rony . box- \sex. M U g

*hm, r of .

C r c s c e n t B amaa MtlwflM. II alaia fiat whan-ueiftBia , f a badSadla ttaaB dxlsf bewV-afMttbaaIght .a fa ta w ! w b .a » in r t iU •

t CkatMBi BsKtar Vevdw ^ tkk doiUa

him . l r PMHMa tba dMgh-aaai aad S k a

; PREDIITOHy IMIILS AHE i RESPQNSIBLEFOHLOSSESlo y • ---------om* F o r e s t S e r v i c e E x p la in s R e a -

s o n s f o r I t s C a m p a ig n to C le a n U p B a n g e ^

of . I I ■ I ■ ,, OODEN, utalj, Mareh 28.—An-'ox-

"«• phwotion of why tho federal govern- ment is expending funda in tho control of livcatocK disoasca, in tbo erndieatloa of poisonoua'prants from .■national for- est rangea, and in tho extermination of predatory animals throughout tho weatern states, Is given in somo nta- tistics tecontly compilecf bv tho Ogden offico of tho forest eerA'ico. During

*“ 8 tho fiscal year which ended Juno 30, 1D18, 3187 cnttio and horsea; worth

‘"tf $200,000 nnd -lO.SaS nlifcp worth «523,-000 wero loat through predatory ani- mnls, dinpase, poltionoUM'pluiitn nud oth-

’[.®* or miaccllaneous causes within fhe nn- ' tioual forests of tho intcrmouutniu dis-

trict. Tho faet thot this loss, amouui. Ing,to thrc<Miunrtera of .n million dol* lars In a singlo - year occurrod upon graiing lands M-hich a r e . odmittcdly

L.W superior to those comprising tho opeu public ranges, gives somo conception of tho hnz^rdii nttendliiK produc-

,||® tion of livestock in tho weat.Lightning Also a PMtor.

Ltid Poedatory animala took tho hcavleat toll from tho range flocks and herds,

rh t killing 273 eattlo and horses, worth at- «llS|6 S0 .>Rod-81,618 Bhffop -worth *263,- in. COO. Tho next most destruetivo ogency or* wan tbu poisonous plant which killed rht 2130 cattle and horsea worth *100,1)50, m . aud 7012 sheep worth «08,D56. Dis- os* ense accounted for a loss of 308 cattlo icn and horses, worth $18,400, and 505 al- alicop worth 0500. MiscoUaneous causcs !

;ho Including lightning, floods, boga, etc., : account for the remaining 1407 cattlo

xi- and horses worth $7^,350 nnd 10,298 ' ap. sLoeji worth $133,674. Lightning wna nd particularly destructive, causing lioavy ' ras losses duo to tho congestion of atock - loo at points struck by lightning.

* --------- I‘ • Advertiao it In the CInsslficd cohimnsl l"* of tho Nowa. Somebody will, want it.

MEN FIGHT TO ENTERTAIN 1lar10- SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.,- March 28. \ od — Ful t on oud J e f f Clark, tho \ ng “ fighting ghost,” will bc the head- . In. liners tonight nt a boxing cnrd ar-

ranged by the police deparlment for :bt tbo benefit o f returning soldiers and '

. sailors. • '8 am ] ^ g f 6rd, the “ Boston - ta r ;

er. baby,” and Willie Meehan, a contend- l-io er for heavyweight honors, will also of box four rounds.

Other bo>uta Include: “ K. 0 . ” , Krn- . vosky vs. Soldier Bartfield; Spider

. . . ,Bpnc.lj;v«,.Wl)Uft J»«k)M ;im dj'F fihkw ' . Farren vs. Tommy Riebaftls^'"*'' '

V Tbe Best 'Lazatlve. '“ My iodcnlar)’ habits havo nceossi- j

t o tnted the uso of an occasional laxative. ,1 hnve tried many but found nothing i better thnn Chamberlain’s Tablets,” writes Geor.go F. Daniels, Hardwick, i Vt. Mr. Daniels is proprietor of the Ilnrdwick Inn, one of tho model hotels i

[pii of Xow England^—adv. , :ini- « I- ' . . , .CBSdi- ^ -

nr, J / m ie S s i t

“Tisn’t the size of a plug that counts," says Jim. “ It’s the way it tastes— and honr it lasts. A. couple of squares of Real Gravely keeps me satisfied.”

B ^ o n

. REA L CHEWPlug packet

Sakiiig PowderdsUskno^Ulkt aad aarily difWadbraads.'

t i n ealns aad UMBlta.^ Okaaeak ToaH ba dallghtad with thataaalta. TotvcroMi>inbaUy haa li

•Ua —U set WTIU BS jaadlac Ua Bsaa aad o |^ addiiaa tad yoo^ aad va will ssBd yag S a .toa ttases* Oook Book tree ea fetesrt.[fK.Oo,«aattKVsah.

LWCDNFEnffilSID ES BEUIiraflinEIIDEII9a- AUottment of County Quotas ) One of Most Important


'bx- BOISE, Mnrrh 28.—The conference ;rn- hero Saturday J)otwecn county chair- trol man nnd tlfo mombora of tho state com- :ioa mitteo of tho Liberty loaa Is going to for- be well attended in tho opinion of I of Montio B. Gwina,. state chairaaa. Mr. tho Owinn has beon advised by tho major- !«ta- ity o f. thu choirmen that thoy can bo den pnesent.ing The allotment o f cotinty apportion- 30, ments promisoa to bo the most impor- rth tuiit mutter to como'beforu tho confer* 23,- cnco, but other m atters bf coQoom to mi- the chnirmen nro to bo taken up nnd Dth- threshed over. The morning session is nn- to <10 Riven nvi-r to these problems nnd Iis- to tnlka liy Senator Johu* F. Nu,;t<nt, III. n luembcr of tljo sdutttr finnnco coin- lol* mittee, nnd n speaker front tho const, ion - A luncheon will bo tcnder(?d tho vis- [Uy itors nt the Owyhco'botel a t thu noon sell hour. Short tnlks will bo'mndo a t that ion tlmn hy Gov. D. W. Davis Bpv. Wilsie luc- Mnrtin nnd former service men v.ho

have been diachnrged from the nrmy. Tho afternoou will bo giveu tivol' to

, tho discussion of the county npportlon- ments.

Naw Obalrmen Named.. Now cliairmeu tu rcplaco those who,

hnve resigned since tho. last drivo and loJl for the new counties recently created .^0 by the legislaturo aru announcid by the )!.! stntv eommittee as follows: tlo Ezra P. Monsnu FxatilcHn. Franklin J05 eounty; I). T. Murphy, Dubois,. Clnrk Bcg county: John J . Quinu, Idnho City, for te. Bolso county; William Wallin, Pocatel- tlo lo, for Bannock county; W. F. Mor- >98 Moscow, for Latah county;

K. P. Armstrong, Hnlley, for Itlaina county, and H. U. Audcrsou, Nezpcree,

igjt for Lewis county. ' '

ALL-STAR HORSE.SHOW7t"l LONDON, Mnrch 15 (By Mail).—

’IAn all-star world horso show will bo 11 {held in the Olympia stadium here in

Entries will includo everything, from Ofl army mulea. which hcli>cd pull guns in

; last faU’s ’drive, the cavalry horso, the ■j, thoroughbred mcer and tho draught . ' horse.■ ‘ I t ia also planned to revive the fa-

, mous coaching competitions. Numer- . ous skilled horsemen from Ameriea,

. Arabia, South Amorica and other coun- fries nrc expected to compcte.

; U. OF C. GETS BUSYrn- ..

-'B EB K ELEr;' Cttl-^r.M^'rch '28.—If prttttldi*'VhhVes pcrfcct, Ih'o tTniversily of California footbnll team should take all weatern honors this fall. Coach Andy Smith is nlrendv hard a t work on the prospects for tlio next .’varsity

ve. and strenuous pra.cticcs arc being held throe days imch week.

Through this early training, Smith ck, liopes to offset tho bVaring Oregon and lhe Wasliingtou university teams nrc to cis secure through the return of veterans

from military service.

o f G o o d t i s t e , s m a l l e r . c b e w , l o n g e r U f e is

Ug w h a t m a k e s G e n tn n e m G r a v e ly e o a t l e s s to

c h e w th a n o r < f i o a n r A . p l u ^o f ^

G b n u i n b G r a v e l yDANYItXB. VA

imiUt tm duwimg

m B r a n d

W m G P L U G:ked in poach


Lenine Urges Hungary to In­vade Austria With Bolshevik A'my—Will Send Aid From

, Forces of His Own CrowdBY FIIANK J . TAYLOl!

BERLIN, Marrl. L'; — (.Icin.vcD- Premier Lenine has wirelesiied tho Hun gni^ian soviet governmoiit urging thi.i

• ir sond a Bolshevlki nrmy ogainst Vien nn, according to a <lispatrh roceivet frum Budapest ti»ln,v. lie !h said t( have promised to finance a Hungnriar

9 expedition ngniiiHt Austria to the ex I ' teftt of $20 ,000 ,000 .

Diseoveriug tlmt Si>artacans plannee to arm several thousand Bussians ii Uethleben prison tomorrow, Amerieaui rushed the prisoners aboard trains to night anil nre m-atteriug tTiem iu othei prison camps throughout Gcmnny. ir chargc of yAmerirans. This oMion it bolieved to huve nipped a Bolshevisi plot to follow Hungary in deelnring e soviet republic.

m Thraatana E aro ltHM Spartacoiis in Spandau (nine niil.'t

west of Berlin) who had been thrcnt- oning to revolt, took no action follow' ing tbo removal-of :tho Russians.

a ; (Tho.dispatch does aot indicate what Americons participated in averting tiie alleged Spartaean plot).

Radicals in other parts of Qeriuaii.v liavo'bcgun to take m atters into their

>as own hnnds. In Wurtenibcrg they have declored a genornl striko to force the government to oecopt soeiolir.atiou of industrieH. Leipzig is said to bc niider the xlicttttorship of five communists,

nee The Bavarian government has ordered »lr- factories in thnt state to begin nroduc- )m- tion on a comniunistie baiiji. Soviets to in Saxony*hnvo ordered the fuetorion of there io begin coiumuiiiiring, the same

i£r. an ill Bnvarin. ior- ' . » , _

: s o i i rn m ii is> BEPOBTEOHSeilllllllCind • '

Trotsky Announces Tronblo Is nt. Spreading Bapidly Through-

out Galicia-is- ",on COPENHAGEN, Mnreh 28 — W-ir ,a t Miniater Trotzky hns announced in a 0{e wireless'fltatemcnt thnt fhe soviet rev. Jio olution in Oalicia is gaining hewdwny, ay. a Vienna dispatch reported todav, to The uprising stortcd in Dro'hobyrz

JU- (forty miles snuthwest of Lemberg), the' stalcmenJ said, oml Is spreading rnpidly to the surrounding ilistricts.

,j,Q Polish troops in Lemberg are alleged to nj* hnvp Jofnrrt the revolution and declnre.l

n general ntrike.he. --------------------— ^

. . HA&BOB 8 T B IEE UNSETTLED lin NKW YORK,. Morel. 2» — Bcvtrnl Tk Hnmll sessions were called for todnv for or \-arious groups of striking hnrbor work- el- era and employers but It wns intiniate.l or- th a t prospects of on early settlement

of tho tio up had dwindled’ awav. Some nu (.rcftn llnsrir. to save .lelnv here, nre ee, coaling ot Holifnx.

Classified Ads are- cheap—effective.

bo <a8 ^ \ / ^ 8 ^ \ yin I 11 I I I f c



“ (D M o-If ............................ly



USII CHI® A n c h

a i

( ^ ) ^


TOKIO, Fob. 20 (By Mail).—Tt Japaneae people, boyond a doubt, cot

r n side^ the moro friendly feeling whle L W has grown up betwoon tholr countr r . | aad-Amorica as ono of iho moat in U U portant aad most welcomo of all tl:

b.v-iiroducts of the war. Aecordinl l_ each b it of evidence of better foeliti •n - ond understandng on the part of cit

» u it the-iXTnltod Statos is regardcwith no little Batiafactlnn. The fc

*0m from an editorial In tho Asahone of tho mont influential nowspapoi

I of tho Japanese capital, is 'a samnle: “ According to a report rocontly r

ceived from Honolulu, a Judicial ai thority in Hawaii oponiy doclarod i

— tbo course of his explanation re'gardln » un the now American naturalization lav ti 'i't tha t tho Japanese subjecta enlisted I

t'ien- tUo American army ahould bo legall >ived granted the right to naturalize and b< d to come Amorican cititena, Tho fac t ; irian oB indication o f a g n a t ebango in thI ex pnblle epiaiOD df America, which wt

lormnrly ontagoniatie regading tho na nned uralization of-Japanese, s iu “ Another sign of pro-Jopaneso sont icons ment in America is the renortod prop< * to. sition to revise tho anti-allen land la- ither of California. According to a repoi ^ in from San i'raaeisco, a biU is to bo-pri n is sentod ahortly beforo tbe Californi evist legislature regarding the extenaloa o ng a will bo a great .benefit to the Japanoi

tbo leaser p a n te d to tho Japaaeao. Thi farmera in the atate , who, alaea th promulgation'of tbe preaeat alien Ian

wot- auffering froiUnu- diaadvantagca duo to tho extrcmt

Ty abort tenure of tholr lands. In faoi ^•hat roceatly, no one could Imagin: tiie t a c a a M a L ,ii , i i i ■

■ » ' iJ S ^ V ' C C L I j Z O j "

>rio» _l__■I I 1 i j i .V rT) IIL

11^™W” Y o u C a n C o i H i n a - W i ]jyrz H o \^ g la d y ou will be th is

-wired fo r clec tric icy l ling • . , . .Jets. A n c lc c tric ran g e h e a ts t rII «o e le e tr le fa n g ives cooling breeze

B u t t h a t is n o t a ll— it is • h o u sew o rk can be- lig h ten ed

J lab o r-sav crs now*in such com m O u r e s tim a te s will show

ork- m a n y a d v a n ta g e s o f e lec tric se ite.l

z Citizens EleclBOSS L.

ro. Twin Falls


> re .E i


t i o r H a y , t n d F e e d C249-251 SIXTH AVE. WE

T E L E P H O N E , 23

'__________ ■

that aueh a radieal elUBge of pobU aentiment could posaibly.take plaee i California, which was poptilat^. regard

MVP I ed na tbo hotbed of tU anti*JapasM I I H j propaganda ia thft.Halted S tate*.. w-

“ Japan ia oow going to propose a ono of her peace terms the roeogaitioi

—The of the eqaallty of races, and 'W e-ar eoa- exceptionally pleased th a t tho proposa

vhleh may possibly bo acoepted by the alllei untry leaders, etpoclally by President Wilsoi t im- ond .othor American delegates wlio a r 1 tho exerting themselves for 'the establish Jinlly ment; of a league of nations based upoi loling tho spirit nf righteousnesH nnd univer

citi* sal brotherhood. Tho growth of friead srded ly fooling toward tho Janani'M ii « fol- America Is welcome, as with tbls a ksahi, tholr back, the leaders of Japaa ma; apors bo able too act faithfully and fearlessl; dc: in accoTdnnee with tlieir rouvietion an< jjr re- fa ith .”

>d inrdlnB ll ■ . i


f e i AUTO M O BILESwas

I not- To the higheat bidder for cash the Sheriff of Twin Falls Coua-

sonti- ty will soil a t publie auction atropo- Lue'a Salo Grounds on SaturdayI law afternoon a t £To 'clock, March 20,eport tOlO, tho following automobiles: i-pre*

• =“ 1 Ford Touring CarTh“ / Saxon Roadster„’S 14-cylinder Buickfrom

OOMS OTtTBEND T 0 tm 'B ll> 8[1 ■ ■ ■ . ----------

o o k i n C o m f o r t i r e d H o m e

th is su m m e r if y o u r house .l ia s been .

s th e food a n d n o t th e cook an d an :ezcs to oiFset th e h e a t o f na.turc.: is on ly in a w ired hom e t h a t y o u r cd by th e nu m ero u s m otor-J,*ivcii m m on use.)w y ou how rea lly inexpensive th e : scrv ice are.

ctric Supply Co.L. J>017aLA8

Id a h o

’ g - g s id )

iO R ®

G r a i nCo. . A 0E S T


Page 4: LLS W M m mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · » H m t flEGDENITIONOI ; ROSSiSOl New Party of Chicago Deman That ’United Slates Wit draw Troops From Arclia} 0^1


TWIN >ALLS^ DAILY NEW" ^ b U ^ e d l ) y The T w iB ~ F ia ia ^ PublUhing.'OompAnjr, Ineorponted i

, Tylii Fall*, Idaho, u d ^waed evflTy m ' teraoon 'except Snodey.

R O t aT P^e^dMJOHN C. HARVEY-------- Newa Edlt<

Tolepbooe 82

T o d a y ’s N e w s T o d a ;

Entered as aoeond-claaa m attc f Apr J018, At tlie postoffieo a t Twin Fall

Idaho, under tho A et of March 3, 1871

S T O S o S S ^ lO N B A T E iMaU Carrie

• 15.00________ One Y e a r_________ 10.0*2.80________ 6 m ontha_________ W.O•1.25________ 8 m ontha_________ •1.5• JO;— ------- 1 m o n th _________ 4 -6

Adrertialng Ratea Upon Application

l^aatera Representativea: Oeorge £ Darid Co., Ine., 171 Madiaon Ave., Nei Vork. 1411 Hartford BnUding, Cbieagc

No reaponaibUity ia aaaumed tor tb eare, o f unaoliclted manuaoripta, pboto grapha or other contributed mattei Artielea aubmitted fo r publieatioa wU ba uaed or not a t tho diacretion of thi editor aad no maaueeilpta wUl be te turned uuleaa accompanied b / the oee e M ry poatage.

. -< ^

THE EIOHT WAYThc organization of the Idaho Rcclfl niutlou oMoelation formotl tor the pui

jHiao of ucoring governincnt'-roc'o^'ui tion of thu claims of idnho to govoru mrnt rfciamation of lands in thu intoi

' i’st4 o f roturaeil soldirrB constitutes u <listinct step in tho riRht (llrt'elloii.

Thcro is no f^ainiiaying tho fnct that in handling of a mattor oa far coach­ing aa this, individual efforts lunount lo' Tci7 little. Thc solit^fjcntion of tho soutim rat of ail Idaho back of tho propoaition, on tho otiicr hand, ia a vor>* rea and tangible thing. Such au anso- eiation should provo a lover in tho haada of this' state by means of which tons of red tajw may bo moved aaide and tho real hualnooa of aeeuring tho desired ob­jec t nrinvodnt.

Joalato , Secretary Lono hoa proposed tha t a /und amounting To one hundred million dollara bo appropriated vrith which the work of rnclaiming now usi>- Icm lands may bo undortaken, tho landn

'-to i)c sold on small paymcntfl nnd lom; terms to returned soldiers nml others desiring to punsh'dSr-sJhcm. Si«*cial .it-j

tontion will he givpn.to thr ]iro|>osltiini | of'providing for Iho men who helpril to ’ win the great war.

In Ihis direction Idaho offo.ra n fei- | tile field. The Orunenu project is j>er- | lin^B th r prinnpnl body pf laud which |

' "URjrosf* itself for rcclnnintiou, but j there are othera well worthy of conHlil-

. (‘ration. To dnto, Idaho share's with | Rhode lolnnd the (luestionablc honor of | lii-hig tho only ntnte in tho Unlorf, whi^h durini; tho war, did uot roccive eitheri nn nnuy ramp, an nvJation field, a re-1

moiint stationlor some other fonn of tho . o.ii^imtnl and vioiblc cvidenco of war ac­tivity. Tdaho DOW haa her charfcu and the Idaho Reclamation Aaaociation i Hhould prove thc mconn of pointing the j wny.

Date fpr Closing. of School la Set j

Work of Year to Be Completed j on Timo Eegardless of . :

Epidemic [The date date of tho eloaing of Twin 11

Falls Bcboola tbia year baa boon defin-1 itcly set for May 10, according to an- ' nounccment made Thuraday by Supt. J Hal O. Blue. The announcement in>|, ■ licatca th a t tho eonrao of study for tbe ; year will be completed within n term J o f nine montha duralion, irrespective cif an interval of about 11 weoka dor- ] ing wbicb the achoola were closod on account of the in fln cn u epldomie. A major portion of th is lost time baa j lu'cn mado up in tho high achool. by meaua of extending atudy periods to i cover fivo mlnutea more time, and nhorteoing thc noon hour. ]

Keefer President iof State Board

_____ * 1j . A. Keefer of fihaahonc, cashier of i

the Lincoln County’National bank, who is to be caahier of the Twin Falla Na- - tiooal bank when it ia opened l.ctc, was elected president of the atate bosird r o f edaeation a t the annnai election held Wednesday aftomoon in Boiso. t

Advertise it in tho C la rified I'olunina ,, -.f ^h« Xewa. Somebody Will ws-it it,l i

SEE US FOR—. Filing Cab,

All Kinds of Oi Architects’ Drav

' Clos BooT W IN I ’ALL


S OFiTIONSPIlClAptu Idaho’s Junior United State; iS“j; Senator to Visit Twin Faiis ■— t and Spealc Under Auspices ol iniir Democratic Committee»6.00 ---------^ ,0 0 United Stntos Sunotor- John F •1 SO ^'>'Kent wili visit Twin Falla a t at ^ early dntu to dclivor nn addresa on th<* Leaguo of Natioua. Statement to ihii

offect was roceivcd today by T. M___Robertnun, j)residcnt of tho Jofforaoi

club, and hy Jnmoa D. Wholau, BocTo ^ . tary of tho domoeratlc county contrA' Now committee, both of whom had oxtondc<] eago. invitatfona to tho sonator to apcali — liuro whilo in the atate. r thu Pu>'KiiAnt to nrrancemcnt ina<lc bj boto- Mr. Bobertaon and U r. Whelan. 8eno' htter. to r Nugcnt’wiU apoak hero unaor thc

anapicoa of tho democratic committoo, ■ witn tbe Jefferson elub co-oMraling.

Tho Lavering theatre, i f i>oiaiblo, will* be aecnrcd fo r the OQcaeiou.nee- The letter from Senator Nugent tc

' Mr. Bobertpoa, a copy of which wa auhmitted to Mr. whoJan, is na fot' Iowa:

Appreeiatea Invitation.1' have your favor of March 21 cn'

cloAing copy 6t le tte r which you m)' dressed to mo o t Woahinjjtun nnd in whiefa you invite mo, on boiialf ut the

cclft. Joffcraon club, to deliver on ‘nddi'OBu in Twin Falla.

" . In reply, I will say tha t it la my intention to viait Twbi FaUa and dc-

'oru* liver an addroaa tboro oa tbo Ijcaguo of ^toi- Notiona. A few daya alnco I reeeived

. nn invitation to 'd o ao from J.' S . Whelan, aa Boer«tary of tho dqmocr.atir. county central committoo, and I truat

thnt yeu -gentlemen wUI eo-operato iu tho mntier of anranging for aaid mcpting

nch- and will givo aueh notico of Ibo aamo luiit adviaoblo. X ho|io tb

hnvo my affaira in aueh condlUon with- tho in tho noxt fow daya ao I may l<u ablo . 1, . to adviao you definitely of t ’lo dny cn

” which I can bo in Twin Falhi,I aaauro you th a t I am highly appro*

uso- ciativo o f tko invitation you hnt'o vx* nds to hoping to moot you

tiefoTQ tho lapau of any great Icn^ttlv eas nf time'and with kind regnrdn and.best tho wishes, I am,

Sincerely'youra . _______ J . F . NUGEWT.

ENORCtUSS ; iOPERSlN . i GAnNlPM j Defeat Sophomores in High"■ I School Tournament Finals

: Claiming. Title for Second',1. 1 Successive Seasont i l j ' ----------of The Roiiinr t-IaMx ii'iiiii, u’ltli fdiir vur-

iKity men ill it» lin.-np. wot. th.- Twin ,l-'alU MtjU ooliool liaHkethaU ehampUtii-

ler I Nhi]>, defeat ini' tho Snphomoro first team ' l»M n i>core of lt5 H in the final eontests

‘ , Thnmdny evrninM of the iutorrlnsn tour- ho nnmeut. The jire»eiit. Seulnrs wore w>>’* ij.. Ill rs of the' interdasu tournninmt Inst

yenr nml n(i huvc held the nohool class ®“ liailership for two ycnm. Thev lost out on i in their 8ophomor«« yenr l>y fl very.nar-

row marKin.' The Junior elnsn nernnd ti-nm, in tho finnls, defeated thc Senior second in a

, i-lose, hard foufjht i^me. 7-.1, nnd won the rnnsolatiun eu|i. ,

In the' preliminary clnsn 'nmi-s on j Wednesday the Senior firnt team won I from tho Froshmnn fim t by the scorc

. j «>f -U-.'i and the Sopluimore fin«t won id j from the .lunior fim t. IH-in. This was

j nne of the best plnyed nnd most evcnfj- I mntrhed frames of tho tourney. The : [.luninni led by tho nrore of K-‘J nt the ' end of thc first half but Cnrter cllneh-

*” j ed the gnme for the Sophomores by I fhrowin>[ six bnnheiR in the norond 1

'*• I Anionjr the MCOnd teams the Senior | meeond defeated the Sophomore necond, | SO-l.*), and tho Junior second defeated '

“ tho Freshmnn aecond, 11-5. , '■’® The lineui) for the tetiin^ i" i;iv»-n ‘ '• below:

F lrat Team ^Freihiiinn—Tessier. Ltr.er, Bolr. Kix, '

“ Putzier. _ I'y Sophomore—Bailey. Yorhem, Carter. '

Stearns, Biirhannan, Kpler."* Jun lo ' — Taylor. Krencel, .\yotle ,

Kinjr, Hertz.Senior— N>iimann, ]*nrnonn. (itaai 'ow,

Fix, Ree.l.

i Second TeamFreshman—Pleree, Taylor. Vornon.

* Whitehen.l. Tiieker, Smith. Rutherford, if Senlt.10 Sophnmori*—Kinc, Paulfton. Harri«on,I- Johnson. Roberts, Itolton. Seaver. e, .Funior—Baker, Edwani*. Denton, Bu- d rhonn&n. Bnyre, Witkinnon. Huehnnnnn. d Senior—Cole rnnMinn. .Mirkelwait,

Htewsrt. I^ney, Vnn Ta^vl.

la . We are.a|;:am making stockfood. The ;ui rwvn Falla Flonr Mills. (A dr.)

ibinets and |Off ice'Supplies |•awing Materialslok StoreIL S . IDAHO

= = = = = = = = ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

K , COMMENT. BPertinent paragrapha on cnrrent n

■ of events, a t boma «Ul abroad

’T —J l DEADLY BANOEB OF DELAY.* Who has.failed to- feel n thrill of u

• easiness, or n moment of depresaic offko upon reading the head linea carried ovc

tho European news denpfttchea <iurln alls the pnst few daynf “ Huns Mny Yc - Numii Poaco-Tcrina'’; "Oermans an

!S o f Bolshcviki Mnv.Defeat Pence Pinna" “ While Confcrenco Talka Soviet Lont era A c t.'" Sueh afo tho ominous it: dices of thc later mossagea from th

\ F . ajiccial p a rt of the world whare th t on "Peaeo of the W orld" waa to hav n tho been dietatod, and enforced by n dii ' ihia tiDgiiished gathoring kno.wn ns th '. M. "Peaeo Conference,’* and which ha eraon now been aascrabUng, talking ond nd locTo- journing in tho city of Paria from da; utrAl to doy fo aomething tfver three montht indcd And what la coutalnod in tho tex ipcalc of these deanatchoa docs not belie th

headings. Wo read tha t ‘Uho aliiei c by misHiona nt Budapest have been intern Sena- o d " ; thnt German aad Auatrian loador r tho "h av e been negotiating with tho Mos ittfao, cow aoviet government aince laat No ^Ung. vem ber"; that tho "O erm aa pcopl ■wUl will not algn a trea ty o f^ e a c o tha

' does not contain a league of nationa ii >t to which Oormany ia admitted with ful

waa righta"; that n now coalition o fo!- strength, both defcualvo and offenaivi

In licinif formed tipon the expresHC prlnciplo that,' "aince tho coUapae o

I rn tuiperrnlism iu Germany and Auatria Hungary, tho iinpurialistic vietora a r our ehicf cnemlcar"

tlm I t is also made vorj' evident thd ili>OKH ffravc eoneern ovor tho situation ia bo

ing felt in Franco and England, am I j„y hns oven penetrntcd the remolo eham I J,,. hors of tiie conference itselfl TUe Lon

dou Post plainly accuaea tho confor tived delaying pcaco "w hilo its ideal; j)_ iata on following tho. wUi-o-tho wiaj r.atic (gelled tho league of nationa." Tht trust 'felogram hopea tlio leaaon 'of thu pres

tha ent situation wiU not bo loat on "thoae >tinir elementa'whp arc consuming timo wltli

e/forts to securo in tho peaoo treaty ro10 tb which facta preaon^ nn inaur vith- niountnhle barrier." The London Mall ablo "W hilo tho confcrenco talka, the Bolshcviki a c ^ " aud the Daily Nowa

thinga that "T h e loague of nationa hna ipro- *“ 1 obalaclo to peace. In Paris

dissatisfaction is equally outapoken: you “ ye " n o blunder hav-letlv unmade," the comfcroncebest *leprives itself of tho neoded aupport

of puhlir opinion by raising *‘n regU' . lur Chincso wall hotween the public

nnd the»u»elveB— " referring to tho policy of Acerocy wldch tho M atin calla "going underground.". The dttugors attendant upon delay ou

the jiarL of tho pcaco conforonco have nut been unforeseen in tho United States. Months ngo Senator Knox and other able, oxpcriencod and far-seeing American atatesmon (no ono of whom, it U nad to notico, was appointed tu represent us) called it to pumie atten-

I n tion, nud submitted th a aolf-evident I M elaim that tho first and most important' i p duty of tho peace conference waa to11 make peace—that is, followiog the ro-

Huirements and inhibitions of tho nr- nilBtice already ngreed upon botwoen

g h tho boUigcrents, to formulate a treaty I of peace nnd serure Uic formal accept-

3lS nnco thereof by the-defonted-nnd aur-i rendered nations. .

n u Jt look but a fow days for tho oppos­ing inilitary authorities to draft, agroo u|)ou and sign u]> tho armistice condi­tions, nnd thoy were couipro^onsive as

,-ur- well as drastic, and must noeeaaarily win havo formed the basis of tho antieipnt- Loii- ed formal and finnl " t r e a ty ," by which ■am nloue tho wnr would be. teclinically tcr- ?nts minated. Why then theso montha of mr- delay—of the theoretical discussion of vin- n national j>eace pact, of torritorinl Inst boundaries, of colonial <iueations, im- Insn migration regulations, of anything nud out everything save the'one great object oi tnr- the meetingf \

There scems no dohbt but that tho the elilef responxibiiity for such delay will \ A bo hy hintory a t wcll as by contemiwr- von nry opinion, devoteds direcll.v n;id il>-

- soiutely upon the president of tho U nit­on ed States. President Wilson wcut to j

ron Franre,.jkVowedly, with the formation ore of a league of uationa a t tho fore. I ron Whether tho vision of primacy in a !

world'n super-sovereignty appoalod to ' ambition, or whether hia motives were |

rjip purely nltniistlr, noetl uot now bo dis- ; the cusw l. But his position as THE rep- ; ch- resentative of the one nation with no ! by greed to aatisfy, and tha t tbo mont ' >11(1 powerful nation of all, gavo bim a lead-

ership in the eonfcrcneo which has ; {nr been iMtcntly directive of ita undcrtak- i nd ings, tf not absolute aa to rcaults. And j

Mr. Wilson’s record in diplomacy is | not one from whieh other methods i couhi have been expected. Ilis inde- | einive Mexican poUcy aad tho first two 1 years of note writing nnd flag-wavor-.i ing during the laat war abundantly |

’ jmive (Ilin, and mako one ceaae to won- : der nt his ro<]ncHing with the Bolahe- I



| Wjj * Jo iCllJ h«r*Jl 'LITXLE W

BY AND LARGE: orenta, official acts and the general trentf Mid. Edited by Oaptain O. L . Iiongley.

IT. viki and gonoral tack of vigor an f un- promptneaa in tlio prcaent g reat eme saion peuey. I t is te be hoped that tho alt^i over Btlll bo saved; but tho dnng)iring of further and <p-cat trouble, in whTc Yot ^iRhtTng {« not impoii.iibJo,' iaand '■'''■y *“1 “we.

!ond^ OF 00UB8B WE OAN AND W mI in- ' ‘ Audacity, Audacity and thon ' At

the d ae ity " waa the Napoleonic maxim fc thc winning battleo, " Enthuaiaam, Enth

bave si^am and then E n th u a ia ra" ia tb die- motto and apirit with" which tho can tho paign hna been begun to raiao two bui hna dred thoueand dollara fo r the purpose ad. of tho Shoabono FaUa Fork Memorii

day aaaociationlitha. Aa rcadera of Tho N«wa aro awar text a corporation by tho above title ia.bi tho ing le n lly conatitnted, tho 31 dlreetor

Hied of which aro' to bo choaon' a t a moel :em- ing of ono repreaentative from eae dora uf thu intereatod uolta thraughout th Mos- .county a t a mooting to bo held In th Xo> high school auditorlntii on Wodneada ople evening, April 0.that In order tba t no time ahould h la in wasted, aa woll aa becauao <ho waa tb fuU one and ouly. man for tho work, M:

of C.' *D. Thomas haa boon choaen ean: llvo, palgn manager and tbe entJre matte !BHcd of ralaing the neceaaary moooy pbice B of 1* Mb 'wflliag and eapable bapda, Thi tria-. w ^ a ehoieo tb a t inaorod againat dolaj are nnd haa already beon commonced h

the mnUing to cach of nomo fiftee thdt hundred ropreeentatlve eitizenB of thi

1)0. county a letter df wbicb the foUowln; and la a copy:lam- Dear a ir : ■ 'L,on- You no doubt are awore of tho ifor- plana tha t have boon perfected for leal- .buUding of a memorial to ourTisp ' honored aoldier dead and a tribute The *0 the Uvlng..,ros- Tho oaly thing theao boyB aakod loao when thoy marched away waa, tnat rith 1 they feU on tho field of battle .

ro- that they would not bo forgotten aur- a t home. Tboy bavo mado too au- Jnil prcmo aacrifico. Now it la your the turn to do them honor, nud 1 jIo ows not doubt but what you wUl gtooly haa K>ve ao tha t we ean erect a fitting aris memorial ao th a t these boya will ;cu: not bo forgotten. iQv- Thoso boys made a sacriflco, ao nco thnt you could Uvo in pcaco and K)H security. Whila they.were fighting Dgu- for you a t •.')0 per month, you were IjUo enjoying uncqualcil prosperity at the homo and doing your sharo to sup- ills pert tho ,hoys in tho front lino

trenchcs.- Wo ace asking that ono thousand

IVO >100 each; of.,1,1 courso you can give as much ae you „ I likc) but a t leaat give |100. Will

you bu one of tho thouaandt If .qT bo writo mo nt onee, enclosing your tJ ' chock fo r •lOO or moro. I f ' you

ly,, ' wiah time on tho pnymonta'writo me nnd it can bo arranged.

Your namo will bo published In tg I the pnpor, in tho honored llat of

-ft.. the thousand men—thei»o nomc* lo f be publiabed each day ae faat aa

' tho chocka aro rocoived and you wiil also recoivo a certificate, corN tifying tho fact of tho amount of your gift. Wc ate preparing these certifieates so ymi wUl be proud to hnvo ono nnd bavo it framed in

.jjy your homo or placo of business, let- ili. everybody know that you have

. not failed to honoi* tho mnn 'Who [Jy ' diod fo you.jj . Pleaae lot mo hear from you a t -I, your earliest convenienco as work pp. will begin nt onco oil thla worthy nf cauae.

. Yours respectfully,|„1 u- THOMAS, Im- . Manager.

Does anyone think it too much to expect thnt nt leaat 1000 persons wUl

I respond favorably to tho foregoing 1,0 ' Mtirriiig nppeal t f sd, thnt one «s un- jll nc(]uainted V-ith the patrl|tij*n , tho yf. civic priilo and tho cnthusinam of our

people. Why, before tho first letter had been mailed Mr. O. Botiimcr vamu

to in ]>erson to the manager and, handing Q„^him a check for one hundred, Mid,

("Y ou don 't need to mail aaything to a Ime, unless you shuld find it nce^jspn'ry

t( ‘to raise atill more m oneyl" rp I That this apirit will aproad aud pre- ig. 1 vail la as certain aa that the year lOli)

!will bo one of thc best nnd most pros- < peroun in the history iif Twin >'alls,

Bt I country. Let the gocxl work go on! d- ! ’ • — — dfl ; 7 he old (juestipu, "W ill N^ondors evtr k -jeease," has so oftea been answersii td^iii thc negative by some iiiiw wondor is 'th a t it ran no longer bo ronsidcred an Isjopen one. Tho'outomntir'airpbine, op- 0- {rrat<'d without a human guide, will now rot make a trip of a hundred miles and, r-.{returning, make safe.binding ao near ly the spot selectwl tfiat, had Jt bce.i n a-; shell, it would have credited with n' o-jb it. Nextt

W mj evk


^ A• I

■ and


m i .I'Au* m for‘]ntbu-

New Sprijij f : rn M en’s SIla.be*setora

J u s t d a n d y s h i r t s t the l o n g d i s t a n c e w i t h ia thocaday d r y .

d he .' . All popular shades 'cam'; white stripes to g SS." ' that are sure to stri

.you see them.Id by

‘"Si' Indeed; everyone 1 they see them—one he wished he need*

for :

sThey’re good and n tub—you have oui statements.


I ' N e w S p i

I -$1.5(ao - nd“« . * y A e G r r i


id . • . ' . of

Tho Michigan, legialaturo haa pro “ )>osed fo stop nuto thefts by provldln

that an abatract o f titlo ahall paaa t( the purchaacr of ovory now or second

e hand cnr. A requirement of th a t kiu( genorally adoptod would aocm to niak<

n it difficult to sell atoltw eara; but t Dt irnr thief with a blonk form would uol ■° ' j hesitate to becomo a forger.

u I Seattle is uothing if not a t tho frout ilt'Tcaturcd tho firat Bolshovlc demon

' ' 'Stration in Iho country; and wltilo thc . enieute died suddenly of too mud

o j .Mayor Hanson, Seattle' had tho adver. a 'tising jimt the Kame. And now come

a committee tti prurnincnt. citizens ot «’ ' tho Piigjt Sound metrnpolis with a o I telegram to Theodore Roo’t.'velt, jr.,

iHtrongiy urging thnt son of hln father ^ Ito bcroiiie n randiilnte for vi.-« pieai- k •dciit in ,1020. Colonel Thoodrira,-wUo y hns only been back from I '^neo nbont

ten days, has not yet offered any rc-ply- _____

When Oeorge Tcwksberry R<'>iiolds ® I. I. I . " nnd ■-.Vuney Price*” hi-l<I eoi

In i tl'*' presentation of "T h rCountryCousin" a t th'o liavering the-

' otro last Mondny evening, tho Twin ttio Palla public had tho ]>rivUcgo of hear- ouf lng a couple of real artlsta in their re. "*■ spective lines. Of course, Iho pubUc

paid; hnt you don't nlwnvn gel whnt “IP you pay, for, and rtils time you did!

iW tlione who nro interested iu they arlivitien of our high school young i>co-

pk*—and who in notf-^wero tiuch DIO k '’ the high standavda attainedmn- y‘““' departmouli, among

II I "'hich athletlca held om iif the firs t plares. On the gridiron, tbe diamond and thc gymnasium floor jh o Twin Kaliii III,, h hi liool trams n iade^ notable

‘■‘ f record, in which a high momle nnd clean aportamanship were conspiii.ous. The News in glad to note tha t tli*» proa-

‘‘w pect for a continuation In this vantage “!’• ground during thc present year ia good;

nnd the prospective basketball toiima- lu, lop.it here wUl bccomc much mor«' la-

teresting from that fact.n“ The I'niled States haa juat rei-ei»“d

ordirn from foreigu govcrnmcnta for

T h e I d a h oF R ID A Y A N D i

L ittlethe famous novel of j

---- ■ will be pre:A Moving Picture of smiles a

evfery woman ahd every child who 1

How mnch more wonderfiil ai word is the atory of Meg and Jo a life on the screen!

Imagine the inirfdent where J< lave her mother grief I Pietnre it ivann, living Hovie.

- , r B » A r , KASIJH s s . i w a

'______________ ■

lg: coloringfs s h if tsts because they travel a thout a trip' td the laun-

ies from the black and' greens, blues and tans

trike the right spot when:. _

! likes them the minute. - le man bought twD-rsaid ; :ded more.

I new and will stand the »ur word for all three ;

pring Shirts 50 to $5

r r e a t e r ^

FM ^STO REltd.[BSH EZSZQ P ro g rtM tiv a

pro- over two hundred mUilon dollara worli idlng of atrictly ■war material and monitions n to Franco, England, Italy , Swiizerlond ai>i] ond- othor natlona,^ or would-bo natiooB, arc kind among tho purchaaors—tbe fae t that iiake the Czccho-SIovaka have bought ovo i t a a miilio^ dollara wortb -of maebipc uot guns being ra th e r algaifloont la thes<

■' piiiiiig. tim^a. of *p«ne» ’ leafuoiT

non- Which! In deacriblng' tbo matorial tho ehangea that are aaid to oeing wrooght

nuch 1"-* covcnnnta of the leagne of nn- yj.,. tiona, tho Parla-corre^ondent says, oino " K ‘thcr the republicana have gulocd , ,,f their pointa ll .g u ttin g tho amoniti'ieiits I, g they demanded, or Preaident //ilaon

lias sonaed (ho public opinion of thr tbcr worhl anid is occedlng to I t . " It neems

incredible tha t tho preaident should cither " ae n ao " or “ accede" lo uny-

,j„ t thing ao iniiignificant aa the ••public o p in io n .o f'tie w orid," but juat eo wo get tho nmondmeata. • .

- - V ' ' '

olds : inimcdi.Tte reiiiictlon in tho prices(.(,]. I of such iiasif eommoditiea aa coaJ, coke, >p]„. I lOinher. (iliios, >>ull<lers’ hardware and tl, .. j bricks, i» promised by tho government

I iiidustriul hnurcr. Thla wUI esii-ici.nlly i.a*r- '*-ff‘-‘‘'t the coat of building; nnd iu view

r<<. jof Ihe many construction improvomenta bUc ' planned und needed, in thia cummnuSt'y, i-hnt j "■*" prove of great advantage.I!. I --------

' How idola nro being broken and Ihe idcala destroyed! Hereafter, when a >00 - new battleship In chrintcned, nn spark- uch ling cham p^gu will bedew ita bow— ned the champaign bottle wiU atUl be brok- nng en, but it la lo hie filled—of-'all thlaga 'Irst in the wortd—with emdc oill What ond next fwin —able! Ainl mow comen from Paria the word and that the articles of thc league'of na- aus. lions nro in process of revision nnd ros- "w ili be entirely changed in verbiage age whe.Ji next presented." This ia good od; news. Kveryone is in favor o f.a peace na- part nmong the nationa—of a leagnt of In- every jwaalble power to

pfcser\-o "pence on ea rth ” thnt docs not destroy or infringe upon tho aev-

*»d ercignty of the t'n itcd Stntes of for America.

o T h e a t r e3 S A T U R D A Y

¥ o m e nf Louisa M. Alcottresenteds and tear:;, for every man and 10 loves and laughs.: and appealing than tho printed ) and Beth and Amy, brought to

Jo cuts off her long tresses to it in cold type and then ia the

Page 5: LLS W M m mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · » H m t flEGDENITIONOI ; ROSSiSOl New Party of Chicago Deman That ’United Slates Wit draw Troops From Arclia} 0^1


FORCOiESSiV - Buyers of Highway Distriot I:

sue Asks Cotnmissioners t Retire Securities as Du

: Over Nine Years PeriodUndor tbo torms o t a contract sul

mitted Into Thnrsdar to tho conuni. Bioner* o f 'th o Twin Falls highway di trie t bjr tb« purehoMrs of tho distriot i ^ e o t $1^80,000 worth of bonds fc « a iry in f out an-«xtonsivo road buililln p'rof^am, 9SOO.OOO worth of bonds wL bo doUrcred during tho period bcglr aing April 10 and ending U ay l,.an ' tfao romaindor of the bonds in blocks o «250,000, will be delivered on tho firti ^ y of each month tHoreoftor, so tlia

. I ^ l iv e ry will be comploted by August ] . . P o lirery ia tb be mado to the put

-*■ chaser* a t Tho Continental and Com .mereial National bank of .Chicago.

' Tba bonda win m atan aerially, <126, 000 bMoatfag doe on Mareh 16 of ead XMT f r o a 1930 ontil 1939, and the dla txlet agrees to retire the bonds osl; ais t i u r baeome doe, smraodetlnc thi righ t e f prior payments, I f a provlaioi o f Hi» contract to th is effect i s ap BTored by Oharlee B. Wood of th» firs Of Wood ft Oakley, attorneys, Chicago Ita th a trm xt of tho xefnaal of Wood tt approTe thia itrovlolon, re tlrem m t o] any p a r t o r a ll of. the la n e mAy b< nad* a t uxjr time by tha d istric t

P arc h u ers Trlrllegea.; In the eToot the serial bonda prepo­

sition is approved,'the purchnsors have tho p ririlB ^ of taking np and paying for bonds of thie issue in any amount or m atarity by paying in Addition to tbo contract price, interest ’a t tho rate o f ono per cost per annum from thp dato of txiking up until tho dato of tho

, m aturity of the delivery poriod.. I f tho bonda romain lodgod in the bank aftor tho m aturity of t»o tlnlivcry period, tho purohasors agroo lo pay to the distriet oho-half of ono per cent intorciit por annnm on tho bondn so lodged from the date of tho um tarity •C tho delivery period to tbo <foto upou

^ which they are taken up .by tho pnr- rliasero.

.The purchasers aro not ro(juiro<l to . tako up and nay for bonda until such tlmo as tho uistrict may require such bonds to bo taken' up, subject to the foregoing jroviuions. .





X«odgemea Name Committee to InveaU* gate and Beport on Available

' Site*—to Be 3-8tory Stmctnre

DiscusAipa at a 'meeting Wednesdny ovening of Twin ('alls lodge, Indepcji-

• dent Order of Odd Fellows, of plans, for UuUding a pretontloua home i’or the. order hero /csultcd in tho appointment of a eommittee compoaed of Grant Mill- or, James A- Bybec, O. W. Doiit{hi'rty, a Wotkiiia and T. J . Lloyd, to l»ivc«- tigate and rei>ort ,ou the mattor Hvailablo bniluing sites for thu ]<ur< ]>08c .' A tliroe-Btory building In the ubjecHve. * , '

. CaU o ka, the .aeeond hand man. lie pnvs the hlghaat. cash price for uaed furniture. 008W.

Excellent' hog fe e d 'fo r sale. The Twin Falla Flonr Mills. - (Adv.)

Jo c a ljg re -v - r t io j

Back fro n Callfomla—E. J . Oatran- <1<>r, who has bo4n in Santa Barbara, Cal., viaiting hla parents, returned on Thursday.... • ,

Ooea to Loa Angeles^Mrs. T. J . , Kend, mother of Mrs. F. R Snook, left on Thursday evening for Loa Angoles, CaL, where she will romain for some time.

Oo to OaUfoinla—ifr, and Ura. J . H. ' Totten le f t laat night for CaUfomia. < They 'w ill look over tho conntry in northern California with the idea of , making their homo there. i

Leavaa H o « p tta i^ -M ^ B. L. Cun- . ningham <if Rupert who jhas been in ' th«v Dord hospital recorering from a ' ncriouR operation for several weeka waa nblr to reittrjj home on Thur»lay eve- ' nlng. ;l

Preabytery a t Bahl—Bev. A. H. Hrand ia in Buhl thia afternoon la a t­tendance a t a meeting of tbo Twin ' Falln preabyterj' eonvcned to take ae- tlop on .the rraignation of Rev. U . M. V anPntten as miniater of the Preabr. i torinn church nt Buhl. [ i

Betoina to Kanaas—B. F. B ra z e n , , l>r«:her of the late Mayor F. F. Brack-1, rn , with Mrs. Brackea, returning from . j a srvrrel weeka outing trip (o ^ i f o r - ; nia, who apent aeveral daya here as Ktiratn at the Bracken home, left on ' < Thur»<lay afternoon for their home in i Ilrloit, k an .I . » I



F B inA Y , MAMOtl 88, 1919..

■ipOver ' ■ ' jK 1 1 0 0 0

DN PEOPLEt ls. A tte n d e d s to T e

Methodisf rii:: CfiurGhrf.-t’s . . s for I a c tIdlng L a a l

wUl ^

£ Sundaykn of ^ *'

K Eveningf^m- Tho Pleasant Sunday Evenlugs,, a t tbe Methodist Chureh oro ia-125 ,. eroaslng in intoroat. f ju t Sun-

day tho .luditorium aud aanox^ wero both flJlod .to the doors,only Missionary rogoant wnsthe « 08t impressively givon and trill

[glOB not soon bo forgotten. ~ap-

flrm Noxt Sunday ovoaing will bo dc- *go. voted primorily to music. A t 7 d t o o'clock tho orchestra will ron- t o f der oppropriato solcctloiis. . J t r be . will bo followed by a varied pro­

gram, by tho choir which will bo worth coming miles to hear.

cpo- ♦lave Terncy, Prosldent of Goodingring Collego, wijl givo a short talk—ho ,u„t moat forecoful speaker.I torate . [f you havo ao t yot aitondcd thp thcso services, plan to bo thoro the . Sunday ovoning and you will »m*

derstand why the crowds ore filt- tho ■ Jig tho ehureh.

•ery • • —Publicity CommUt.*.• to:out

so -IU l.l ^Hty -- _____________________

p e a r i o i t a i jto • ♦

uchuchtho Mian Hazel Wood npent Thursday In

Twin Falls. . i,jTfl Mrs. John O ’Connor of Durley ia in ^ Twin Falle.

Leo Stettler of Kimborly spent ).'3 Thursday here.

J . M. Polmer of Blockfoot is in Tw ^ 2TQ Falls on business.I J - .N. O. I’otera of Ilalltj- U in Twin 22^ Palls qu buaindas.

O. Nowman of'Uazelton spentJlHmr-* ' doy in Twin Foils. .

F. ‘K. Swanson of Filer spont Thura- jQ -ilify in Twin Falls.

Gtin Blanur of Minliloko come hone ^ Thuradoy on bunineas.

Krnest Peterson of Bogerson spent Thuwdny In Twin FoUa.

Frdnk Bomson o f Murtaugh come ny boro Thursday on buainess.

George W. Peck of Hazelton camo horo Thursday on business.

Hoy Judd of Ontario, Ore., is in Twi» II]. Falls on buainess this weok.

Jack Boylo spont the firat of tho week in Joromo on buainess.

jr. H. O. I'ork of Nampa in in Twin 1,^ Falls on businesa this weok.

Will baylov of Oakloy is in Twin. Falls on buaineas tliia wook.

pS Mrs. W. J . Emory of Hnnaoiv wna in Twin Fnlls on busi^iesa today.

Mrs. F. W. Dcnmon left laat night 'he for a, few doys vlait in Milnor. •

M. Taylor of Hansen spent Thurs­day in Twin Falls on business.

Mrs. r . ir. Walden ot Kimberly shopped in Tui'in Foils on Thursday.

Miss Pear Arnold of Kimberly spout part of Thursday here on buabtess. '

n- Deputy Sheriff E. B. Sherman of ■a, Buhl 8i>enf Thursday In Twin Falla.

Mrs. H. Y. Johansen of Mnrtaugh shopped in Twia Falls on Thnraday.

j_ Mrs. £ . P. Ulnton of Hanaen spent f t Thursday in Twin Falls with relative*!•« Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Gray went to “0 Albion on buainosa Thursday evening.

Hugh Modln of Bogeraon is aponding J soveral daya in Twin Fnlls on busi- ai ness.

Mrs. O. A. Johifiisen of Murtaugh i f 8i>est Thursday in Twin Falls with

fricOda. '' Miss Myrtle Webb of Burloy i« visit-

13 ing frienda in Twia Falla for the re- Q mainiler of the week.

M Mrs. a Pouta went to Burley on e- Thuradny evening to visit frienda for

:the remninder of tho week- , Mr. and- Mrs. .1. E. Smith o£, Roger- J son came hero Thursday to spend a few

days with friends in Twin Folia. . e- Miss Brittomart Wolfo with Mias i . Ethel Rcdfield, atato-superinlendent of r . instruction,* spent Thuraday afternoon

; iu Filer.Mrs. H. H. Hart of Milner retunu'd

“ » I home Inat night nfter a vialt of five • i weeks here with her aister, Mrs. O. W.

“ ; Eglcxton. ,U - Mi»» Kmtua Norliy and ML«a Mayu >n ' of {’(vniello arrived on the n«>on trai l Ln nnd will visit s t the home of Mr. an i

'.Mr*. Abram Forsler, i4T Fifth avenue jMirtli. for a few days. Thry will a ^ S|>end a j>ortiAB of their timo wilh Mtas

a .'N o rh y 's hrofUef, Edward, who is «m K- l>Iove<t at the I.ineola IVoduce. •o: — ■■ -KTi- Excellent hoc tof **i«. Thar. 1 rwia Falls Flour .Milla. (A dr.)


Pocatello Men Succeed tc Places of Twin Falls Men or Board of Idaho tate Bank- New Officers Named

At a meeting Wednesday* of th< boord of directors of tho Idaho State bouk, D. B. Pingroo, coshicr of tht Stoekgrowora Baaic & Trust company PoeAtello, was elected preaidont to auc eeed F. C. Smith, retired; E. J . Mor rill, president of tho aamo Poeatello In' stitutlon, was elected vico presideat to nueccpd Leo F. Brackea, who waa elect­cd cnnhier, succeeding E. E. Pot<jr8ou, retired, ond Bay Mcplolland,- formei cashier of tho McCommon Stato bank a t McCaqmon, Idaho, wos namod aS' slstont caahier.

The new prosldent and vico prosidont of tho Idaho Stato bank auccood F. C. Smith and E. E. Potorson and mombera

^ of tho boord of directora.Tho reonganitotloa of tho directornlo

and cbangcs in tho list of officers of ’ tho Idaho State bank is a aoquil to tho “ purchaso somo two ^ooka ago by tho

Pocatcllo men of a aubstantlal interest in tho local institaUon.

7 Wo ore ogoln moking stockfood. The Twin Falla Flour Mills. (Adv.)

) ........To Mr. and Mrs. N. J . Keefor, a son,

March 27, 1010.

' FOR SALE—House, 6 rooma and hath, barn o;nd coal ahod, comer lot; stoven, wato^ heoter, now linoleum, shodes incinded. ^1000 cash will han­dle. Phono COOB,

Subscribe for The Twin Foils Newa

5-Room Modern House

in ^x tra L i^ e Lot, Well Located

i„ $3fi00.00Terms Very Eaay


Beal Estate and In n tru c e

rin I ' ' ;

» - :■ V , ............., ■

; S peduo ^at >iw

^ BEin I - '

1”., Our space is lir

. Trucks—consisting TrucKs—which are prices. Look overt


Ut •

I 1 Three P.1 I Four PsM

4 Five Pa K 1 Seven FI; 1 Ford To

1 Ford Se

>r _______. ______________


These cars havc if ' •" These cars wiUl . We take Ford cars ii


” T w inFalls

= = = = = = ^ = : ^ ^ ^


Dr. W. H. Ewing of Boiae Ar ■ 1% rives to Assist in Campaign .11 Here■ U Dr. Willinni H. .Kwing. Bolne dlstri.-

Kuperiutendent of tho Methodist E|ni ff. copnl ehureh. nrrived hero ThurHdn.i

hnviiig cancelled J»ls quarterly confei o n western pnr^ 'of th

stnte, to.nsslflt In tho campaign Jiero t rolae tbe $ 2 ^ 0 ^ ,.three yearn «l.I pledg of the Twiu j^ H s Methodlat ehnreh fo the GondUig collogo. and to takn pnr ii‘ n ainillar campaign to tnko plae

the iiDXt week lu Blackfoot. l®te Without oxroptlou the workers e;i the gaged in tho drivo hero whieh o|>onc.

Thursday report meeting with mar.; friends of Christian education who a r

*0^' ready to provide for Gooding college n they plan, fo r their philonthrople worl

‘ nnd for the upbuilding of thin port o ect- the state.,

Ycstenlay afternoon Dr. Ewing-, Tvitl ank Walker of Union. Oro

gon, anil Rex-. KImer Ornnt Keith o: Twin FoUn, called on a numbor of pen

lont Kimberly road. Tho KimQ berly Methodlat eburch nmdo ils con

iora !>.'■ lending Its pantor, BovMr. Mhgnum with his riutomobilo t(

•ale )’ l<>t liov. Jobn Ross of Kunn, orouni gl b the north and east nectionn of th«

tho ' Rev. W. .T. Douglnss of Good tho RIohardn of AnierScnr.pgj Fi.lls. Secretary J . Wesley MUlor nn-

I*resident Chnrlon Wealey Tonuey work ed in closer in tho bualitess seetionl

|rv. This ovoning President Tennev will Iv.) Pocatcllo whore Gooding college

will be represented in 'the southern Ida* hll declamntiou contest 'with tho Idaho Technical Institute. Albion stnto nor-

I mal nnd the collego of Idaho. Ho will I retnm to Twin Foils to npenk in tho

Iktcthodist church on Sundoy ovonlnq • on " L ife Servico." A t tha t timo i t Is

plunned to 'm ake n formal announce- on, ntent of tho result of the drivo here.

Headquariors fo r tho drive aro open In fho Hotel Perrine.

ad »5t; I,EA 6u E p r e s i d e n t WILL m, OLADLY OIVE UF PLACE m- ____„ CHICAGO, Morch 28—If rlub own- .v» ers in the western lenguo will vote to

rulnstate E. W. Pickomon, fonner pres- — Ident, A. L. Tearney, recently mode ^ hend of the eircuit*, will not stand In

the way.Thin wnn Tenrney’s declaration t.i-

dny when told of reports, fro^n New Ynrk thnt Dickerson elaimed western league owners hnd granted him tem­porary leave for war work in France.

The be T h ^

ial Salevery A ttrEGINNINQ TU

limited and in order to ma ig of Chevrolets, Paiges, re now in transit, we are o : the following list; take y

Passenger Paige ’assenger Paige ’assenger Paiges Passenger Paige

'ouring Car iedan Car

I Haynes—1917-

ve all been thoroughly oveU be sold at sacrifice price; > in exchange on any new c


: Makes Addition to List of Donors of

[55 j $100 for MemorieiKew Names of •(‘■Oontribato] ! Prom List of 1,000 An-

^ j noonced|. The numes u r i l cuntributorK, in r

s tr ic t , dition to the Hst of nlno published Epis-j Thursdn.v, ench of whom has subac.rib Hdn.v, j lOO or ttiore to tho fund being collei jnfer- i cil for tho iniiirovemont of tho Uhosho t the I Fnlls Rtnte Park nnd erection in it TO to in-monument in memory of tho servi ledge n*en from thin county In the grcnt wi h for were annonnced thin moming by C. pnrt 1 hoitinn, finnncinl campaign niana])

place fur the Shoahnno t ’oHs Pnrk Memor: nnsoeintion. Tho 11*1 ns it stands nc

I I" aa follows;>oncd C. Sommer, many l^. H. Alvord.9 an* P> (-osgriff, ge na Hollingsworth,work K. J . Finch,r t of flm fton H. Self, •

. Pirst.iN’Ationol-Bnnk,'with l<laho S tate Bank,Qpjj. A. R. Andoraon.

», I<Inho I>epartment Store.V o . Ouibert, . -

-f- Ostrander,con- *•Jam es McMillan,

U Cion, out d Outbrle,

' D. C. Oravbeal., *'V' J . s . K .d .S , »■ .

toX- ENTIRE O U ^ I T ABBIVES . . ,II NKW OHLKANS, La., Xiarch 28- will Cleveland Indians’ entire 1019 outf

llcgo will bo on band Sunday for tbo o: Ida* hibition gamo witb the .Now Qrlear laho IVliaann. Manager Leo Foh) &day ba nor* wnrd from L»rr>' Oardneraad InfioJdt win Lunte thnt they'll bo hero Sunday. The tho were tho lnst Indlann to bo heard fron

nlnq ' ■it Is Advertiae it in the Claaaified coHimn ncc- pf The News. Somebody will w ant il»pcn — ------------------------ -------------- -------

NEW Bwn- We have jnst received t \cl hand-embrpidered Oeorg«i

Lingerie Blonset in Voiles iI in ^


cm-ce. -^1-------f- — ---------------- -----------------

best? I t’s just a step to I rhe Studio of Especial Ghs

! o f U s e c

ractive PiUESDAY, APRI

n a k e r o o m f o r o u r n e w i

5, F r a n k l i n s , M a r m o n s

J o f f e r i n g g o o d u s e d C a r s

i y 3 u r c h o i c e o f t h e s e g o o d

5 Franklin Tduri 2 Light Six Buie2 Oakland Sixes3 490 Clievrolets I Maxwell CarI Marmon Car

7—Five Passenger.

j v e r h a u l e d , r e b u i l t a n d pic e s ; i f y o u a r e i n n e e d o f a

7 c a r s .

TOR COiV►ne707


Long Delayed Deal BetweeOrgansL of Oofinty Eeported

Finally Oonsnnunatedin nd- --------iiul on Tho-deal between the Twin. .Fo! c-ribod Timen nnd the Non-Partlsnn Journal ollect; Filer has finnlly boon consummate )shono aays tho Twin Falls Chronicle of t l

it of week. Tha Times has tnken ovor t ervlco aubacription list of tho Noa-Partiai t war, Jattm ai undor the morgor.C. D. The-plout, for whieh the Timea hi

inngor no uao, has been divided. Part of morial has been sold to a gontlomon from M: fl now aourl, who will run a commualty loc

paper in Pller, Tho rest of the pio: will bo dinposod of to othor parties oi moy go to Buhl where a new paper to bo launched.

Thua In comploted tho dnnl by wWi the Nou-Partlsao league In the coiia unites its full atrength liehlnd ono non paper, and disposes of tho weekly ,o gon in Flier.

Somo weeks ago Tho 'ChronicIc pa llshed a atatomont iaaued to tho shai holders of tbo company owning tho N'o Partisan Journal, ia which the merg with tho Twin Folia Times w^a oandua cd. Following tha t publlcatlotv-deni was mode by Tho Times, but veflflc tion uow comes In the actual morg« Tho Times taking ovor tho subscriptit Hat of tbe Journal, V ^ a t other n^ port tho league is to give to Tho Tlmi Is not a t tbia timo mado public.

MANAOBB WAITS F L A tE B a)utfit WAXAHACCIE. Tex.. March 28- D ox- Manager P a t Moran llngors around tt leans Waxie dopot with a swat stick, Bela T bad od' Beds will bo w am ly recoivod b oldpr Pi>t ior,iio baa not onough regulars ! They p it agaitist Waco ia tho Beds’ firat w from, liibition gamo of tho season hore Satu

doy,n m n s ' ■ 11 ., nit it. BBAD. THE OLABSiyiB D Ap^

BLOUSESd a new shipment of Blouses— ;;«ttea and drepe-de-Ohine, also, w and Batistes.


D Bisbee^s harm ■

I II.I I I - — ■ 11 IJ

d C a rs^fices^IL 1

/ stock of Cars and i and White i Motor irs at very attractive od cars:

iring Cars ^ icks• s 'ts

painted.f a car, see us, soon.


______________________________ J

Page 6: LLS W M m mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · » H m t flEGDENITIONOI ; ROSSiSOl New Party of Chicago Deman That ’United Slates Wit draw Troops From Arclia} 0^1


pmall Assemblage a t School p reotord Session Brings on

AdjournmentOnly the nchool diatricta of tho we

ond o f tho county wore roprosontod tho onnunl truatooa’ mooting: eonvom in thb ra riah hall boro Thursday mor ing by puniunnco of nnnouncctno mado by Mias Brittom art Wolfe, cou ty Bupi'rintcndcnt; Tho fivo truato

. i s attcndnnco took p a rt in diaouaaio: O& 'T h o N orm al'M hool and Norm TtainlnR,” and on “ Efflcionoy In E oca tlon ," lond by Prof. F rank Howa o f the Albion atate normal-school, oi b y Miaa Ethel E. Rcdflold, atato a pqrJntondoHt, reapoctively, and ndjour od until n lator dnto not thon dote jninod upon. . .

Tho tmatoea in attondvicc?, wera 'N E. Lunto, M. P. Dftu, E .;B . Scliaoff of Buhl, and E. A. Lttlor of the 8yrl

■gift diatriet.Dr. A. E. Brynu, atate commiaaloni

'o f edncation, who waa to haro.attondc 'tb o meeting, waa detained a t Gooidit ‘whoro ho wna a a ^ tin z in the aoloctic o f a Bito for &'now scnool buitdlnff ac •ito coating |GO,000, to bo bnilt i


'Snperintendent Hal -.0. Bln OoUeots Expressions oa •


In addition to numorous ozpresaiot 'mado in personal oonTonatloa aad b tolophono, S u p t Ita l 0 .,B Ino of' tli Twin Falla ichoolu, had roceivod up t Thnraday orenlng SOS lottors from pt tronji uf tho Bchooh ' all but ono o whom express approval o f tho nrojose

. bailding of a junior high'school in cot nootion w ith , tho presen t, high aehoc bnilding and w ith-hlg Buggeationa fo development of the school system. Tb

. lottom rocoived woro w ritten in rt •ponao to communications and atate

* monta addrcaaed to patrons by U r. Blu sotting forth his identi in tliose mat tors.

Wolcomos Saggostlons.A fow of tho' ropUes auggeat miuo

altoA flons in tho prc(pono(t bulldtni program but tho vaat roajorlly of then savor tho program aa announsed.

}Sr. Blue is osjwcially anpreeindro o: tho roplios n.which oceaafon waa takej by patrons to offor cotiatructivo ult_i ’eiam 'of achool mothoda employed'o6t< and has not only w ritten personal rd plica to tho Authors of such loiters bui nas presontod tho aubjecla eonunonteil up9 B by them a t mcettngn of tho teach' ors of tht) nevornl schools.

E N ai.A N l> . HAB WOMEN P1.YEBSA.Y PRANCreCO. CnIif.. March tii

—Mrs. Hilda IIbwIcU, England'a first 'womnn flyor anil nirplnne builder i> liVro today on her way lo auperintend the erection of an airplane faetory fo: t lir New Zealand government. During! th r 'w a r Mra. Hewletl’H airplane fnelorv

Omilt tho British airmen two planea o day. ^

^ FILER J(Bpocial to Tho News.)

FILEB—Several new caaes of influ­enza are reportod In the country and Harry Haggart and family In town have Jt.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Olivor of Twin Falls spent Sunday here w ith re la tives

Dowoy Ard, a brotluv of-Jack Ard, arrived hero laat week from Loa Ana- moa, Colo., and will mako thla bia

. home.Harold Moore left Monday for Kalt

• Lake, where he will r l l i t Tolntlvns.L-ittlo Dixon Davis narrowly CM-aped

aerioua in ju ry ' Taotday riding on • -tbo running board of a moving nulo.

Tho child a f te r rid in f a abort diHlance tried to jump off an a fell in a way to reniVr bini unronsciooa for lome time Medfcal aid watf'balled but nothing Mrioos c o ^ d b« found. It ia liuT>e<l thn t he will b« all right in ii «cw days.

Mias Edith QUek, teacher a t ner£;cr, apont the week end horo with her parents.

Mr*. J . P . McClnry aad bnby dangh- tor, Betty Jeoo, of Twin Fnlla 5|K-nt T hunday a t tho WOliam Bunco home.

A. N. Wiiaon of S t Anthony was here Ihieadar attend ing .to huainem.

Mrs. Henry Blackonberry and Mra. E. D. Blackonberry nturnf<l. Thursday from Coiincil Dltiffs. In., where they were railed hv thr denth of their f a ­ther.

Minn Holon Jontor <if Twin F.illg la spending the week with Miss .'.rorie Orma.

A. L. Houghtolin ‘ nhippod aix car- loada of aheep to Chicago Moo.Hv-.

MiM Walta Lee of Twin Falla ai>ont the.w eek end bere.

Misa I>a Von Mann spent thc week end in Buhl.


Unbar Op QaicUy (M ar tW SootkiacP«a«tr»Uar «PPbc*fiM «{

H nSa's Mzvri OU

In rheumatism and Ume' back Jt penetrates <4uickly, drivc» out iaorencaa. and limhcra up atilT. achinv ioinls and niusctcs.

W iiard Oil »» an absobtcly rcli- ' .able, an tiseptic application for cut*.

- burns, bites, and stin.:;*. Sprains ai:d^ Lniites heal readily tender its sooth-* ing. pene trating qualities.

Get it from druK ^als for .t'l crn ‘*.. I f not sati«l>ed return Ihc bottle and

get your m oney hack. '."Ever canstipated o r ka<-c sick

headachei Jnat- try \Vi*ard I-iver ' (>Iea«ant piak pill*, 30■ 'c e a ti C uaraaiccJ.

r k x m v t L -

D Mra. E . . II, Snyder returned hon Thura<lay from Twin n ills whore nli has been'-a p a tien t.a t a hospital, r iU P Miaaen Buth and Thelma Moad (

I I U o Twin^Phlls spent; tho week end hoi

. y .. Misa Bosalyn Johns of T kin Fal 1 " » • spent tbo weok end a t tho Murra 9n home. , . .

-Mias Alhcrta Harrlaon of Tivin Fal apont-Sunday hero. .

I weat Louio Lornaine Ib n patinrit a t tli ;od at. county, hospital in Twin Falls, whc» venod ho la recovering from an opvrntinn. morn- Miaa Emma Eggleaton rctnrned Sui pmont ,iny from Twin Falls whofo aho ws coun- railed hy alckneaa, sovoral membora ,c LiHtooa ti,„ family hod tbo infiuonzoT salons Mrs. Lou Carr of Twin Falla virtite ormal the Misses Eggleston and Williams th n Ed- first of the week.}word , Wayne and Dessio Dorney spout lh I, nnd weok end In Buhl with •.’holr grau< :o su* parents, Mr. and Mrs. <7. F. Cunninj )ourn. {.nni. - -dotor- Miss Mablo Banks spent ihu wee

Falls.■« W. Mrs. C. E. Nines of Twin Falla spon loffor „ ijl . M ri. K M. Taylor. ,jyrln- m . C. Cabe of Salt Lako has aeceptc

a poaltion as bookkoopor with tho File iloner Hardware co;npany. Mr. Cabo 'va Bnded formerly associated w ith tho Molin oding pioflf company of tha t; placo. jctlon *Mr. and Mra. E. L.‘Brenner nnd fcoi r ana d ^h nnd wifo, of WondeU, aro ' joji “ ing a t tho Aman homo.

0. C. Small of WoiidoU apent Satui day hero with relativea.

ID .. Mra. E. M.-Taylor and Mrs. Margare n Wheelbarker and daughter, Elitabotl ** spent the week end in BuhL n u r Izotbel and M ra A. M. Tultmol l l r of Twin Falls spent Sunday n t th

Basty Diehl, son of Mr. and Mn B in e s . O, Dlebl,'who.waB wotmded in th

srovieo overseas, has landed i.i N o Yotk nnd la oxpeeted home within short time.

Mr.-and Mrs. pouis Roberts havo rt BiooB ® weeks risiJ a t Spokane, Wash, t. The firat carload of wool waa bhiprmip to on. Monday by I). F . Detweiler to Bob

Q Mra.' Earl Murray ontertainod a fo»fosfld niombers of tho L adies' Aid and nov con- invitod guests n t hor. floujitrjhool homo on Wodncaday.

I for Charles t^ o of Kansas, brother o mi,- R 'B . Leo, arrived horo Msndny ni»

, „ will mako this his home. inZ. Mrs. Jodo Tonpiro of Twin Fnll,

visited Misa Edith Williama horo ot Tueaday.

Mr. and Mra. E. D. Williams of 'i^ ir Falla apent Tueaday here.

, Mrs, J . W. Frodcrickaon »of TwirFalls in apending thc week at the T. D

“ ‘“ K Smith home.them Mr. arid Mrs. Jny Childs and Hmnll

. aou npout Wedneaday in' Twiu rulla0 0* • Mr. nn.l Mra. J . F. Mallory nttondo.J

tho funeral In Twin Falla Wodnemlaj of littlo Denver Tubka, jr.

pot® Mh and M «. Enrl Hughea apinl Wednesday in Twin Fnlla.but

ntcil " ' ' . ■ .—

I c e C r e a m a n d S o d a s

3wn OurlcscroamUpuroV'alls I w holeaom o, rioh

I a n d t o o t h s o m e — \I always the same, al- I

^his I ways th e . beat Our sodas and sundaes are large and luscious. Ertfry

ped V tr ia l brings a happy J

I r F i h r w T i l:imo •ling fioy Y onr & s d y W bar*Tie<l l ( * « F r « a h a o d B a o d y

; ; S I Z E R ’Sher- ■> — T ■

Igh- '^•iitme. |lK H |f ip W K B h Minu

R i S I m M tM b IIra.

1 lairle p g a S c S Q y Q

car. ThaC h lld re

school,^ A lw a y s

rn^^SSSIR m i b a n d y



home -0 nhe

ad of |l |||M |jij |P |^ M B B M [ horo 'jB B iS B q fC B S a E O jo

Foilsfurray '____ _ **”

pgllg F irs t PrM byterlaa Charch.Ashor H arlan Brand, 7 asto r.

Lt tho “ The H eart of tho Now Era Mo' tvhi rA m en t" la tho themo of tho mornl

message a t l l o'clock. At this servi , ' tho congregational group leaders w I bo I n s ta l l^ . . This yietory drivo w

take placo Sunday afternoon from t hoiirs.2 until C o'clock.

. .. , Moming Service. 11 0'C lock( old tlmOrgan Prelude. “ Preludo tn C “ ____

•''» ___________ ;______________ HoiiiSolo, *‘Como Jcaus liedenicor'’ .........

'I ‘V .............:__________________ Bartl*,T;md- Mias Marie Boberts.sning- Offertory Organ Bolo, “ Shepherd

Song” .... ...... :_____________ MctIweek Organ, Poatludo, Marcho Triumjphalo

spent Evcniiiff 8er\*lco TxSO (old time).—' , Organ Preludo, “ A Sunset M elody"

..................... 1 ____________L ViiceChoniB, “ Saviour Whon N ight In-

, Jl'o® -volves tho SklcB” _____ ___ Shelllolino 8olo, “ Tho Night Hymn a t Sea” ....., .................... ................ Qoqlng Thom Mra. O. P. Duvall ,

Choma{ “ Tho Silent 8ea.’»....Noidnng . Doublo Quartette, “ Fiorco Waa tho

Wild B illow " _____ __ ____ NoJ:Organ Solo, “ Christmas in Sicily’f-.Y)^ J o , “ Crosaing tho B a r" ____ ...BU'

iboth, Mrs. Zenos Bmitb. .........Organ Bolo, “ Grand Fantaaia In E

lUmor M inor" (The Storm) ----- Lemmo: *9® Chorua'“ Evening aad M orning".-----

____________ : ____________ Oakl.“ f"* Offortony Organ Solo, “ Barcarelle"

,_i..... ........ * _________ WolstenholnNew Organ Poatludo. “ Prom tho W ater

111” » M iW c " _________________ H u dAustin D. Thomas, organl^t-dlrectoi

vo re- ,_____, , Ohilrtlan CfhnrclL

ippod - W. A. Mooro, Minister.. Bos- 0:4i'i a. m., Bible sehool.

11:00 a. nt., Co/nmtiaion. 8crmo I fow “ As a L ittlo Child." Anthem, .“ O Gt

MV- of M ercy,” Briggs, ujitry .0:30 p. m., Discusalon of communii

probloins. Tho Bod Cross, Mrs. M. ' l t of Mltchcll; Delinquency, John K. Ault.• nnd '.7 :30 p. m.. Patriotic Bor%-ice. ’“ Sh

aliono Falls Memorial," C. D. Thoma Fftlln “ Onr Debt to tho Soldier," W. < •0 on More. Sroclnl invitation to soldie

of till' C^vil war, Spanlah-Amerlci 'iv.’in war, Iho recent great wnr and to hif

nchool cadets.Twin Mnlo quartet: ' ‘Banner of Beauty, T. D. Fillmore.

Solo and chorus, “ Ring Out Swei smnll Bella of Pence," Cnro Roma, Mrs. < rnllH. J . MpConmick and churcH oliorua. nded. . ' —>;idny Ssrenth Day Adrontlsta.

F. D. Wagner, Paator. npinl Union hall, ‘ over Vamey'B cand

atore.^ — 8er>4ces e v c y Saturdny. ^Sabbat

M achool 2 II. m. ChurcK services' 3 p. n ■ H Bible lectnrea every Sundny nigl

H ut 7:30. Subject for Sunday nigh H “ The Biblo a Scientific and Up-tu-Dat H Hook, Ono of tho Kvldoneea.of Ita I t H n|iirntion."* ■

\ H P lm Baotlst Chiurch. . .| B Coniud L. Owen, Pastor./ ■ ' 0:4S a. m., Biblo school.. r H U:00 a. in., Morning worahip. He:

mon. “ Whnt Is ChrlstlapityT"I 0:30, p. m., B. Y. P . U. Bcrvice.] 7:30 p. m,, -Evening worship. Sul ijoet: “ A Gospel,cf Pow er."I Choir director, L. L'. Wood. Planlsi I Mra. Carl Benson.

I riTBt Choich of Chilrt BclanttatI Hunday aervico II a. m.',.;0rphcun i theatre. Suhject, “ R eality ." Sunda: achool nt 10, Orpheum theatre. Receive; punila to the age of 20 years.

Free reading rooma nre maintaiiie< by thc church on tho aecond floor cl the Jowel building, Main avenuo weal nnd nre known aa rooma 1 and 2. Tier cxropt on Sundaya and holidays, fror

Has H ad Stomaeh Tronbls fo r 8er« Yean.

Theodoro Sanford of Fonmore, Mich, has hatl atomach trouble for aeren year aud conld not eat vegetables or frui wiihout pain in tho stomaeb nad rest less nights. By takins: Chamberlain'i Tablets ho la-Tiow ablo to cat vegota blea or fru it withoat causing pain oi aleepleaaness. I f troubled with indl gesUon oa constitpatioo givo these tab lets o trial. They oro certain to prove boocficial.—adv.

Sbb H B S h B ^ ^ b b Ow S B B B m B S w a ^

h a t S c h o o l A p p e t i t e p

Id r e n , w h e n t h e y a r e g r o w - ^, n e e d a b i to j n s t h o m e f r o mo o l, a n d a t o t h e r o d d t im e s . ^^ays k o e p a b o x o f c r i s p O Ttw F la k e s in. yotu* p a n t r y , s Sd y f o r t h e m . f f l

f t a s k f o r c r a c k e r s , s a y R I S w ^ T la k e s . USUr

ir g r o c e r c a n s n p p ly y o u . * 1 ^

H S ffuO iiiin

T W I N F A L ]

B p i M i i i f "I IICillEyEMEKTFORPllRI[

B e v . B e m i S . J C e y s e r S a y s 0 o p e r a t i o n W ill B r in g Snc* .

c e s s i n ^ o g r a mMove- ■ — —>rnlng ' Eroction of a new ehurch buildinu srvlco achool and a. roctor}' aro undcrtaku > will to bo accomplished; by S t Edwa , will Catholic pariah of Twin Falla 'will n tho tbo nirkt few.months and attaiument

tbcso undcrtakijigs ns well aa o f ' time) van<y*ment of tho flpirltuol causo of i__ church is- to be effected through co-iollins tration and effoctivo organization

Ihu parish, said ,Bov,^Rcml S. Key* irtlfltt who arrived here recently from Bo

tu, ontor upou bis work as rector of ord Edwards parish, Bpeakiog Wcdnesc tOTkel evening Mfore an assemblage of ! lalo f^rsons gathered in tho Uooso ball inlkcs a ivcepei<tn iu his honor.— Father Kcyser 'was itnrodured t y y ■ C. Macauley following- a brief musl ncent j.rogram io which Mrfl, 0 , P . Dnv

and .Mrs. C. O. Langley sang vocal bo icUey and Mrs. D. E. liegnn gave a pin..... aola Funcli and' wafers were ser^lomas iiBring tho ovoiung.linger ^ i „i„ ................. . ................. ■ ,

■ BERGER'.Buck V>.‘ E ' (Special to T io N w fc ) 'mens BEBOEB->The neigfabora and frien__ of Mr. a sd Mra. F . W, Berger .gaBkley them a farewell reception a t tho hoi e " of Mr. and Mra. J , M. Piereo, Wodm lolmo day m-onihg. Among those present w( te r Mr. and Mrs, S . E, Thomaa, Mr. .a andel Mrs. 0. L . Christnnsen, Mr. and M ctor. Orvillo P arro tt, .M r. and Mra. H.

Lammers, Mr. and Mes. Pete Ohristit sen, Mr. and Mn. F. W. Berger, i and Mra, P . C, HUIa, Mr. and M Charles Abramson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Joiner, Mr. and Mrs. A ..^yer, Mr. ai

rmoa. 4f „ . ^ o n , p#rrott, Mr. alRl Mrs. T.' Qpd Douglaa, Mr. and Mrs. Prod.Haggari

Mr. and Mrs. Boss Carter, - Mr. ai Mrs. Ralph Teague, Mr. ajjd Mra.

''V. M. Pierce, and the Missea Crata ai Lilly Christiansen, Dora.Tibbs, Edl

Sho- Glick, Mary Thomaa and Olaleo Ay« Jesae Griffith. Mr. and Mra. Berg

• ^ left Thursday for Nampa whero thi diora j t^ p iiouao Mrs. Bcrger'a ao1 l“r J®"**'" lo a n e r .

Misa Ruth Conatablo* who haa bei viaiting Miss Gladys Wiasock (or ec

- ’ eral weoka, returned to her humc ;weet Tuesday.„ C: C. Stanaburrv mado a husinc

trip to Twin >*0118 Monday,Georgo McGregor ami aou, Lcatr

« wero buainesa visitors in. Twin F.a' Tueaday.'

andy - 8 ‘“ Paon woro :Twin Falla Tueaday eveninff. ,

bath Bichnrd Lincoln ni, in family of Filer viaifcd her parcnti*, M light Bcrger Sunday.ii;ht 'There havo been aeveral cases of i: [)jite* fluenza in and near Berger, but,all ai , In . recovering.

The tearbera, Missea Tlhhs and Gllri apont from Thuradav till Sunday nt tl la tte r 'a home in Filer. .

Sev. C. E: Dea! of Filer-waa ealllE in .Berger Thursday of last wo-ik.

, A lf Parro tt gave a party Soturdo Ser* evening to several of tho young peop

of tho neighborhood.- , Mias Bessie Wygal is spending 11 Bub- ^ 5(1, hor brother in Twin Fnll

nlst, *Advortise.it in .the Classified toliimi

of The Nowa Somebody will want !t ■ -------- ------------ - -------cum 12 noun to 4:30 p. m., and nl.io Sutu iday day night from 7:30 to fl:30 authorize Ives Chriatian Science litcrn^ire may ,l

rend and obtained, iiied • Wednesday ovening meetings i r c f which ialka nnd tcatimonlca nu ChrJi fcsi, ifaii Science healing are given, cor le re tinue to bc held iu the church a t 23 from Thinl avenuo m at nt 8 p'l-Iock. '

Methodist Charcb Morning

jgjj Piano I’relude, Canzone..........Amoro;enn Ablhi'm, ' 'Great ia tho l.»ord”.....Gelb., Piano Offertory, Andaato.......Richani

Conirnlto Solo “ Fear Not Yet, O Ira e i" ................ ........................ Buc

i t - Mrs. F. S. Bcll .Pontlude ’

‘ Erening Vesper. SerrieeOrchcatra Conccrt-7: ir>Crodo ...................................... La Hach“ 1 know that My Redeemer L lveth"

.............................. - ............._.Handr---- - "Abide With M e”.... - .............. Baman

Anthoni, “ In Heavenly Love Abiding', ......... ....... ...............................Aahfon

Soloi.ita, .Miaa Keith. J . K. White ^ Solo an.l Chorua. Ch-an Ifenrt"m ........ ..... ................................... Bysch<[ft J . C. Portorfirld nnd ChoruaV ' Dyet, ‘'BIrascd Savior, Thee 1 Love”^ ................................................ _Sevirg Mr*. Van T n w l nnd Mrn. Doll ^ Sextettr, ‘‘Aa a Father I/cadu Ilis Chll-K drrn~ --------------- --- - .... ......... WilsonIff (Mi-11 I’nrlnnn, .Mt'mlfum'M I’olti'r and S Strvonii, Mciwra. Uudol}ih, DouRh- S erty nnd Bill.

Orfhralia O ficriory ‘ 't?rurifit ’'..Fauro ^ Comet Solo,-Orin FullerJf ' Mair Quartet, ' ‘ nocked ini the Cradle

3 Messrs. Weaver, Dongherty, Jones £ aad Whitea t Soprano Solo, “ A Song of PrniM-” .f i ........... ...... ............................. GoublierS 'Misa Keith3 Anthem. 'T i l l I Behold Thy F are"a ________________ _________ PetrieV Soloist. Mra. Vaa Taaselr Orchestra. _______ _________

. Why Colds A n X>angBrona.L - Too aro often told to “ i>eware of a

eo ld ," bnt w hyt We will tell you: Eveiy cold weakens the Inngs, lowers Lhe vitality and pavea tbe way for tha

n more terioos diseases. Peoplo wha con- ■ trac t pneumonia firat take eold. The R longer a cold hangs on, tho greater the g . danger, especially from the germ dia- K eases, as a cold prepares the s.rslem fnr ^ the reception and developmoDt of tho

g em s o£Toasumptioa, diphtheria, scar- L let fever and'w hooping cOugh. The 9 quiekec you get rid of yonn cold, the $ leas ths -danger of contraetiog oae of M these diseases. Chamberlaia’s Coogh S Bemedy has a great reputation as a H enre for colds and^can be depended W opoa.- I t is pleasaat' to take.-.-adv.

L L S D A I L Y N E W S ■

Idecision adds to watef mnu NORTH Slltilutl Federal l>lftilct Ooort Bold# Ei«

L erel a t Dam M ost B« .S CO - ' ■QC-. , The. addition-to its water «ui

- from ^ a k e river of 350 second feot a quantity sufficient tq irrigate proJtimotoly .25,000 acres o f- Jaml,

“‘“K- guaranteed lo thc North Sido Lani A k in n Wat'-r ••oniimnv bv th«* doelsion

, dcred Wodnosday ia UniUd States within court ot boiso -by Judge F. nont of Dlolrltl., toqulrlug, tho Twin F of ad- Cnnal compony to maiotain a ga of tho iioJaht of 11 foet ^ f "'ater nt thc p

I ecHjj)- o f diveraion "for both irrigation i lon of a t the M llner'dam . iThe TKoyeor, pnUg canol company. cont«Bd«a I 1 Boiiiv {t should not bo roquirod to matnl • of S t a reading of moro than 10 feet.* ' incedny qoostion has been presented bofore of SOO ^oart a t various times dumig th'o ] ball a t re a r or more. " ,

Judge E. A. Waites of Walten t)y 1'. Hodgin, appeared fbr the "North £

nosical corapany, and Judgo James B. Bi Dnvall wcll for thn Canal co m p ly .jI B oloa___


(riendar.gave ; ' ‘la ' 1I bomb I'odnes- ' t were r, .and .


beou ' ' • .

” a a l AVERINB q DAY, Ltheatre Ml

iCatnr,F.-vUs I— ' ■ " ----------

. . . i n Ladies O n l y Malir1 and'■ M r . G e o . T


2 ALEX“"’pi? “THE MAN5-r I $50,000





B rhe most ave-lnsplrlng demon■ ' stration e f p s j i^ o power

noroai H presented on any atageleibel H SEATS SELLINOhards ■ . a t UAJESTIO PHABMA07

I P r l c e s - 2 5 c , 5 0 c , 7 6 i

lachc '. I . 1 . ■■■■■i.-i— ^


I t C a n n o t Be L

is less a p t t o be: . " J i t i,

v e n ie n t t o p a y t h a n f r t f i l le d wi

' I f y o i r r c h e c k l>o<>k is l o s t \ rers c h n r " o . W h e n v im lo se y o i the .:on- W h y n o t o p e n t b a t IThe ^ .thc


car-1 ■ I I S JT h e : the

ogh s aded

^ jMflNOS: GIS- V-

A lt t r l i ld n * Tm u m T u iw i>iir» , ' Saya H e’s I d *'Plnk of Ooa-

Bupply • iitio n .” .feot, or . .a ^ "?B picked up a t least'tw«IjibJ & peoBds in thetpast th irty days i»y on ren- “ K Tanlae, and now Tm ifn t t in tiM dl«. pick of condition ali around.'* ' I F. S. statement waa mado by William M.I Palls n ion^ , a well known employe of

cauffo Beattie S treet Car cejopany, livinj ,c po&t 760 North 74th Street, BoatUe, recer on sys- “ My stomach,” be continued, * e Twin' beon ^ v in g mo all kinds of tronble )d tb a t yoara. W hat I ate seemed to do lointain harm instead of good, as i t would i t.« The on roy stomach and eaoso jne bo » ore the misery. I could hardly get' my bre bo paat a t times on account of the gas, «!

would press on mv heart and cause i Iters * paJpitato foarfullyl i was badly.. :h Bide stlpated, my kidneys wor<i (n bad sh . Both- and I waa never froe from pain la

small of my back. I couldn't tioe{ - - ali woll, and would lay awake for h<

every night beforo getting a wlal; ■ M sleep. I also had rheumatism. ia

arms and legs, and my knees wosld ao s tiff a t times tbat I could-hai

■ ■ r bond ovor. ’“ All my efforta to find relief fa

^ . until I began takiag ' T a i ^ , bnt m medleine liaa certainly 'put me ia gi ■ - shape. My appetite waa never bsl W ' everything ta<to« good and my stom

is in sneh a good eondUlop th a t X eat anything. And alnee the gaa,

W Btopped forinltigv I ’m : neT«( baib* j J with palpitation, shorthess of brdi

j r W or aay otber signs of indigeation, ;< KM kiilneya don’t bather .me aay^vfti?.,

the. pain has disappeared,-and .I:'b1 fin« every night. . .

B B “ My-wlfo has been talilngTanfae B B headachff and a m»-down eonditionv K B ber first bottio has helped her ao m H B tb a t she told mo to bring her tiaol

today. I t cortainly is great to do w ^ i t has for me and is tho oae m<>d!eiK

don’t hesitate to rocbmmend.*.',' Tanlae is Bold in Twin Falbi by C

L ■ Pharmacy, in Bogerson ly , Thomi> PM )' Drug Co., in Murtaugh .by Martas

. Drug Po., in F iler by A. B. Wood, W fr S Bnhl by 0 . D, Boring Brothers Co., ( i® - ia Kimberly by A. Ii. Stowe.—adv..

9 E Advertiae It In the Classified color of The News. Somebody will want

a g MflR. 31-linee Wed.-Any Seal 50c

T . H o o d P r e s e n t s


(ANDERvN WHO KNOWS" "’ S ' / : j i r > ,

Don- .

' f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B H B y n w u B B B B

Lost or Stolen, and e spent injudiciously.t Ib much moro con* ay yojir blUs by check from a wallet A\ith currency.

it we furnish you another without your wallet— that's nnother stoi^, j

t bank account here today?

' . FKIDAT, 'lU B 0 H . S»,>;t9:

Page 7: LLS W M m mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · » H m t flEGDENITIONOI ; ROSSiSOl New Party of Chicago Deman That ’United Slates Wit draw Troops From Arclia} 0^1



^ n S im B iT o ^Oae iai«rtlpn, per l in o ---------- ------ KOna w«ek, per Dne ------- ----------Que moath per JJaa ------------------ 7i. , . ?H ONE 32

- , . TEAMirm^ :0a0ZIBB-3SAN8FBB 00., Pboae 3^

: wW I N ^ W Q L A si^A iio 'etbJneTwj'rl " Moon'a Shop, phono 3.^

7 r ' ■ PUHO TSinNdi ^ o ' i t n n K a ^ n ^ u g .’ IC uic Co. ■ .


MSBBK B. WllAON-^Liiwyer.

■CMBft a ' ii^ZJ^B—Boyd ^ iM rn g C

* B T B ra iw , a i T. S d g T

B. y . XtABSON — OeoersI pr»ctieo . . itooraa *6 «ad 7- Idubo Power Bid;.

SWBBJjBT k 8W EELB7 *— Attoraeyi • t L*w, •Praetlee In il l Court*, Twli Folto, Idoho. ■___________■

B. IC. W 0Z43—X«w/er, Bo«ib« S m< C, o rer Idobo Deportment Storo, Twli Poll*, tdobo.

3. n . ■mSB^itwyet^ E^U ^ot^bT b^ . Collection Pepsrtxneat. Offleoe,

Rooni 6 oad 7 O rer Twia Falls Booh * f r o i t Co., Twin Idoho.

AOOOTOXiSTfl ^WOLFE y PBH ft OaooOD—^ o m 8;

* Power, Biag. Telephone 201 oad 873.

. bhcfdibbr

•J. c . FOBTBBFIELD>^ivi|.. H.v>1r»u- Ur ond Mining Engineer. Twin 1^11 , Hoho. Phpno 15W.


XTABZIW—All fe rn s o f £]eetrieity, Mineral Vopor and Eleetrle Light Boths. 304 F ifth Ave. E. TeL 296.

*” ' 7 " KOTIot!' To mU- Mrn«n;:kn<l'.3iixer«. of

vehieles:No penon sholl operato cr drive nny,

motor ▼ehidlo on tho public highways of tho atato unless such vohiele sholl hovo the diatinetlvo number‘plates is ­sued by tho secretary of tho state high­way commission attached conspieuonsly 10 both the fron t and roar of .such vehi­cle an^eaeh numbor ploto shall be kejit clcan so Ofl to bo plainly seen and read ak oil times, and no porson other than

' - o dealer ahall operate or drivo a motor vehiclo «n the publio highways.with a dealer's lleonso wilhont f k i t having made-spplicntion for an IndiVidtial -li- eon'se, and prorided further tbot no person under'^0 yeans of ago shall op* <-«oti> oM frlro o motor vobJcJo oa tJ»o,

highways,Aoy person vlblsting any of tho

above'provisictns shall be guilty of a mlsdomesnor and upon conviction

' thereof shall be punishable by imprison­ment in tho eounty. inll not ,exceeding six montha or by o/flne not exceeding 9300.00 or by both such fino and im­prisonment.

Signed: ■OEO. W, WILCOX.


Virtue ond IU Reward- ' To strlTo BRotnst evU m otions'of tb*

mind which may befall tbee. oDd to rcj«ct wltb scorn tbe soggeatloiis of

. the dsTlL 18 a notable sign o t Tlrtne. ond' bring* gr«at reword.—Thomas a K«mpls. -

W antedSweet Cream I

- At th s '

Sterling CreameryTW INFALLS

Oppodts j0. s . L. Dopot

: X K > lN O S O F T H E V A N

' i (rtEU-O HO


nfcLASSIFIEDr r l ADVERTISEMENTSJ g - I—___ CLASSirm i) RATES__10c One Insertion, per wort ' gc_25c w«Pk (Dolly and Weekly) lOo.„74c One month (DsJly sad Weekly)._.25c

Minimnm charge for each insertion Of any . clasaUlod ad, 16 cents. Ads mnst run for a stated period of time.

r J i T PHONB sa r

: IS Y O U E E E N T m O K------ E K O U O H ? P e r h a p s i t is— ." jrk . fo y j jjg a c c o m o d a t io n s y o n____ a r e g e t t in g . B u t i t m a y b e

th a t , f o r a t r i f l e m o re , y o u------ c o u ld s e c u r e S U B S T A N T I-

a l l y M O E E in t h e w a y o f------ D B S IE A B IL IT Y A N D O O N -

V E N IE N O E S . W h y n o t s o lv e - t h e q u e s t io n B IG H T ? I n - v e s t i p a t e t h e a p a r t m e n t s o f - f e r r e d . C o m p a re — t h e n d e -

— c id e .

— F o r B a leFOR 8AHE—Bolting cgea. Cannod

,g .. fruit. . Phono 772-W.

IgT* SALE—New 3 room house, Eaayterma. Phono 888-J.

tdff** SALE—Enrly six weeks’ 8ci»d*• potatoca. Phone 5I< J-2.'

" !{ • ” FOB 9 A L M ^ i d '" b ^ l l 5 r i8 “ « r t : L. J . MiUer, right a t Cuny.

Wo are again making stockfood. The " J Twin Falls n<}ur OTIs, (Adv.)

POR BALE—Wlclccr baby buggy, *v— "pnlce reasonable. 226 3rd ave. E.l a s d -------------------------—------------------------less. BALE—Equity m 4 rooa mod-

hm ^

FOR SALt^-Sonie choico Duff~Or- piogtott coekcrcls. Jatjujre. a t -150 Cfh

1 8; _____________ _87S. • - FOR BALE—Ten-twenty Case tractor

comploto witb plows, almo'st new. Phouo 515B3.

FOR BALK—A good, rclioblo mare.,1 * Hnv Hughes, 1-2 mile west on Stato

,_____________ •FOB BALE}—S-ro'om modern house,

good location, terms. Call 547 F ifth N., :C r ««• ptoDO 6«3J.Ah » — . . - - - -ity , FOB SALE—Rfgistrrcd Hampahiro [oht sow, with ten pigs eUgiblcto register, Mfl. Phono 506 J -2 .'

■ ' FOR BALB—1016 Ford touring car^ or tr tJ e fo r ol/aJfa hay or see>l. Clande ■Cer«y,'1134 A ^ Are^

any, ’FOR SALE — Five room modorn ays honse, furnace heat. ♦3,50p.00. -244 ball 7th Avo. E. Call OlOJ.

FOB SALE—Ono largo or two email ,,gi„ soda fountains, chcap for cash, boforo phi. March ISth. P.-O. Box 742.

FOR 8ALE*bR TRADE—C ity lo T to e®d trade for car, Ford preferred. Will soll

for caah. Call Perrine Barber Shop.itor ■- __________________h a FOR SALE—4 Old Trusty incubat­ing orsj choice $10 Ed Vanco, 1 mllo cast, | ■11- 1 ^ ' milea north of Waahington school. I

FOR BALE—Motorcyclc, almost now, ' ,.J_ 18 model Excelsior; chcap for caali. Beo !

Mr. Attwood ot Johnaon Auto Salra 1the Company^_______|__________________j[ “ "“’fOB'bALE—Ono hundred fifty head;' »oii sheep, 3 to 7 year olds with lamba, for •o"'I salo, cheap. I’hono Guy L Towlo, Jo-

rome, Idaho.i n g -----------------------------------------------------im- FOR BALE, RENT OE EXCUANOE

—^ o o j robutlt typewritorn of nil makes. 8w Hoover a t Buaincw CoUege or write J . b ; Rlcbcy, Buport, Idabo.

. * J-X)!! SALE—Fprty acres ou Bluo Lakcth Blvd. Thoroughly cultivated j wtih small orchard,-hcraae, i>afa and ] sheda. Trrma to suit. Idaho, caro of

to News.^ FOR SALE — Ono bupkakin horae, ,

' wcgfat lOOQ pound*, no brand visJblo;* will sell tho 3)st day of March a t my .

livery stable'in Murtaugh, Idaho. G. M. Lattimcr. « ‘

s “ i m e A L E OR TBADE—» acre* in ' Uood River Valley, Oregon. P art clcarcd, balanco bruah, fino Bod Shol soil; house, barn, chicken house. Very reasonable. C. W., caro Newa.

I FOK SALE—ReUnqulshmenl on 320 aero enlarged homestead entr>- in Bush

: Valley country, CO miles south of Salt I*ake, 4 miles fron^ railroad station. Address C. J., care of News.

i FOR SALtJ—Yollow Dnnver onion M'cd for sale, $2.00 per pound. This'

;i» tbe globe variety, true to type an i! ni'climsiod. Ancher Hay, Orain andj


h o n e ^ ^

jS g a h ic .0 K.> — ----------^ / H £ i .

C ONL'" •'T*-^•*V V«-d ATH


)— I F o a a |X B

Feed Co., ■ 240-251 .Sixth Ave.'W est, Telephone 23.

S FOr' s ALE c h e a p —1018 Maxwoll touring car, now kitchen cabinet, fhlf*

■ fonicr, etc. Also well improvod acre* nKc,.cloBf in. Call cornor Harrison and

^ Sc Fnirvicw or-wrlto Box 8.1C, Routo 3.ARE you looking for this! 1 Kow- nnce hand pump for wator pressure

rtion svatem. I Leader-hand pump fpr wator Ads prciiaurc system, never been used; 60

a, . frot 2 In. black iron pipe, new. D. 0, Wtttaon Company, Twin Falla, Idaho.

FOR SALE—40. acres, 3 miles sonth- enst Jerotnr; 30 acres olfalfa, balance

. atubble. No boildlngs, 5 ft. woven wire rtM)!‘o.* Price 1145.00 per acre If sold

IjQ bofore Feb. lat. For particnlors see B. Ifc Hugholl, 1 mile northwest Barry* mor*.

o f NURSERY STOCK—Positively tbe— only Idaho grown trees, shruba, roses,

vines and plants in. Twin Falls eonnty.e- . Tho most completo nursery plant In the Q. liitcr-mounlain country. Call o t onr— nuraery 1-2 mile northwest of Kimber^

ly nnd bo convinced. A squoro deale- for everybody. Kimberly NuraeHea.

Kimberly, Idaho. Phone 25 B-2.— • LIVESTOCK POB SALE—For sale

o t leas than half v&lne, if sold before mod I 8® *« ColiforHla. 6 imported regis­

tered Pereheron (ton) mores. 7 and 6___ yeara old. 10 sUUlons, 2* to 4 years.^ y 1 registered block ]fsmmoth Jaek,

nearly 10 btmda,-]200 Iba. and 0-loeh — bone, 5 yoar^ 1 2*year-old registered

. Jack from above. 1 to 2 years tlz&o a t___ 8 per ccat. Let them pay fo r thcia-

selvia. P. A. Sortn«5nj t X L. fitoek ^ e h , Uoridlan, Idaho; 6 'm iles

— alralght south OIoverdale.Bcheol. Home Jhe M o^ays, -Wednaaday, Fridays and Bun-

daye after chnrch,

fgy. p o a m o i f wAi^TBD “

—7 WANTED—Man aqd wifo wonta job ®°“' on ranch. Cnl! a t Boom 10, Oxford-

A p ll“ SHAMBTRFS8 wHl go out sewing by i'.v Ibo day or ^ako homo work. 641 4th

Weat. •—- '^ A N T E D -J o b driving track; ex-

norleneod. Honry C. Scranton, 338 4tbavenuo weat. . ' ____ _

~ WANTED—Employment, chore man, good milker, gardener, stock man. No. 200, earo News.

“ Wo havo enrolled experienced book- keepers and stenogcaphora w ho-aro

N-, looking for Iw ttor portions. Gregg Buainess College.

ilTo m i P WAMTBD ~“ 'W A N T E D ^dirr h t o d a t Herbst

— & Rambo'a.WANTED—A stenographer oad book

k e e ^ r ; salary..873,. Gregg .Biutoosa

S ii WANTED—Practiinl nurso to care for invalid lady nnd help with house-

__ work. Phouo 227-W. •__________W A N TK t^'om potcnt girl for cen-

prni )Hiii»cwork. Good hoinu for right__ porty. I’hono U71-.1.

W A ^TElC -M nn^m l'w lfc on rnnch. Oood wngcs to right parties. Three In

__ family. M. E. 1)., In cnro of Nowa.‘‘V WANTED^Young married man, cx-

pericnccd, for rnnch work. A. O. Kail, _ 3 milea south, 3’/4 weat of South Park JW, j Grocery, Route 1.

5'f; Jo r Beat ~1 KOR RENT—Ouo fumUhed room,

-a'-in.". Third ave. N. ________'“ p O r T e N T —Furnished room, 411

•’®- Z»d Ave. West.'FOR RENT—KO aprosr40 plowod, 2

niilm went and mile* aouth of town. A. E. MuIHiut, Phone 570 R-1.• ■ " “ ■''W a n t e d t o s e n t

■“« " w a n t e d —Wanted to rent a fur-•®*| niahed houao or two or throe roomed■"'* housekeeping aivartment. John Costol-of lo. Phone 20. '

— Miscellaneousle; 'T. J. \YOOI)k t ^ farm ioanm^a.m y __________________________________ -M. If you must acll your Liberty Bonds,

« T. J . Wooda will buy them.

In ”

13 I w i l l B u H d H o u s e sa t once on any of my vacant lots

_ or ttirtago tracts aad sell on terms(20 of 1-4 down and 1, 2 and 3 years, ifti 8 per cent, or,

I Will L o a n Y o u I k e M o n eyup to 1-2 valuo a t 8 por cent «n mod-

— !m improved, Woll located residence Ion property, or for building purposes.

‘n j : A R T H U R JL . S W I M.ndj ____

& L I .O MON/ Y ** i t laI u i tc e 'T W A .r iR x p iw * [ n

NVOI»0 'H0N6-Y’'’ l j ^ I I ^3Ml->t i'U. MAlce Iiv 1 hI*r- s»«»*Ten< lift IU< ^t> a w s& T fe ft j p =j

& Jli-



ost. WANTED—U siings' on threo and four room bouse. Geo, IJ. Smith,

^ 1 ' - hif* WANTED—Will givo good homo to crc* bno or two little- girls between 3 and and 6 years old. P. 0* uox 213, Twlo Falls..1 - - WANTED—All kinds clovvcr a c o ^ow- rod, ftlsike, white, aweet. The Alberture Dlckinaon Co., Chicago. Local buyer,Itor R. B. Spafford. Phono 106.'

a LOST1^1' ' 'l o s t —t i ro ciTalirbi'tVo^n Cllrr anil ith- Buhl. Notify Aniuricnn Mnrkfl, Buh], Dce Idaho ..

'LOST—Pockotbook containing <.'30 bill and 4 teni*.. lieium U* W. E. Brea-

“ • nan, Filer, Idn. •TT* ------

LOST—Auto tiro aud rim Friday on__ rnad between Twin I'o iu and BiihL R vtbe turn to Newe offico or to A. V. Mourn-o, MS. Buhl.i f v . I I I **.> II _ I I I IiK. LOST—Last l^uraday night within 9ur limits violin In red .plush lined

ease. Finder return to 503 tJecond Avo. East and receive reward,

" aiiSiKb '^ STBAYED—2 dork boy maro^, 3 years

old, 1 dark bay geldtog. PbODo 540 B 8, or write -Box 35, Bonte 2.


Notice Of Hesring o^ Petition for Let-! ^ . ter* e f Admlnlitratton.

In (ho H a tte r o f the £at«(« of Thomas C. lllf f , Deceased, i

■ _ 'Notice ia hereby givon that Arthur ^ E. Anderson hai fllod with the clerk “ of tho probato- eonrt o f the Couaty of

Twin Falls, state of Idabo, hla petition praying for the issnonee to him of let­ters of administration with will on- uexod, upon tho estate of Thomas- 0.

ob Iliff, deceased; ond th a t tho hearing of rd- aaid petition will be had beforo tho

probato court, o t the eourt house, ia ^ the county of Twin Falls, on tho Sth by day of April) 1^10, a t ten a. m. of aaid th dayj a t which time and place all per.

, sons iaterestod io said eatato azo ao-— tifled to appear and Qontest tho samo *• i f thoy chposo.tb Dated this 22nd day of March, 1010.

O. P . DUVALL,— Judgo and ox-Offielo Clerk.ro! N O T io t oi- i i d ^ o K o r* b ^ a


OZAXIONPursuant to a rpsolutlon paused by

tiio mombera of the abovo asaocintiou ^ and of tho laws of tho state of Idaho,

Notico is heroby givon tlmt there ^ will bo an election hold a t tho High ist School Building in Twin Falls, Idaho,

‘April Oth, IplO, a t . 8 o ’clock P. M. ot— tald day, a t which -time and place there

will bo olected twonty-onc directors to^ aurva for tha Shoshono Falls Park Mem­

orial Aaioclation.Tl Dated thia 24th day of March, 10)0.Z 11. R. OBANT,_ Secretary.

” ' o o w IS i ^ aht Silver King ,secd eorn for sale that

has produced over.00 buahols ]rcr acre— cn thia trnet. Seed now ready for de._h- llvcVy nt 7Mic. Idaho Seed Commis- i> aioucr'H teat 00.0 per ccnt. Bood dis­

play at Salladay Hardware. Ed Vanee,— 1 uiile onst, 1% north of Wanhlngtn\»Ij' school. ndv.

‘ NOTIOE_ Notice is heroby given that a regular

annual meeting of the Btockholders of the Deop Creek Land Si Water Com­

in. pnnv, Limitod, will be held nt $ o'cIhcIc p. tn., on Tucadny, April 8th, lUll), at

— tho office of Geo. D. Aiken, 110 1-2 Shoahone Street Welt.

E. L. Macvicar,T> ■ . Secretoryn. — ■

Baboona Fierce Fighters. ^Vben_thoy nro being hunted with :

dogs nn old hulmon tbirt Ih rornon^d i r sclica nn nttnrker wllh one hand by 5d thb nearest limb. and. initliorlng up a )1- fold of skin in the otber hnnd. tiTJra It :

off,-nnd throwing aside hla victim, w aits for the next. In this way ho

^ will ofton kill «ovcnil dogs before be gives up -tbe light.

Advertise it in the Classified ct-luiiUM .n tho Nowa. Somebody will wa’ut it.

4* ^ V•tt good land aa can bo found on thia <{« J . tract in 40 80'a or 120’a nt $235 •U

to I2C0 per acre, on terma like •f*■ A ‘ CBOP BENT 4«

No rock, no roulcee, lica per •}• A feci for irrigation. I improved A this land in 1907, and personally ^

I 4* know there is no better on th e .^ ♦i. tract. ^X GEO. 11. DARROW 4 . 4 . J30 tllh Ave. N. Phone 347 4»

, __________ P a t

Jl , ______ . ^

[ h e l l o )

MON~ / ,


s l PHILLEOStiil has forty boxes of Big

ApplesMl—5:;; P h o n e 8 7 2— Plenty of storage room


:uh|, ----------------- , — . -

S R e a l E s t a t e T r a n s f e r s

Farnlsbed By tbe Twin Fall* Tl* Ru. tie and Abstract Company

m-o, .

Lhin Thnraday, March 27,”ned' Deed, B. Jones to F. J . Calilll, *13000, ivo. N E O-lJ-6,

Deed, R. E. Brown to W. L. Norris— «1. N 1-2 NB 22-0-14.

H. O. Brown to W. L. Norris, *1,---- N 1-2 NE aiud SWNE 22-9-14,? ! ! Deed, B. Wiro to J . W. Bonnott,

*2850, lot 8, bloek 64, Buhl.Pocatello Security Trust oompany lo

W'. B. Haglor 81050, lot' 44, 45 and 46, ^ block 8, Blue Lakes addition. Twin “ O-jl’Wla.

Deod, S. Fouts to W, H. Oulder *4500, C’«t- E J-2 22.14-15.

' Deed, J . L. Dunham to Lucy Hopkins aas *17C, lot 12, block 4, MeCollom addl-

jtlon, Buhl, bur ' J . Smith to J.'A . Stonger e t al *160 ork-P t. lot 2, 10.10-lD. of Deed, W. J . Smith to Cloro Smith, $1

ioa lot 5, bloek 105, Twin i'alislet- ----------- -on-

J 'l ROLL OF HONORla I________________ ■

Jth •--------lid SEO nO N ONE.

Difd of accident and otLor causes 10, diod of diKcase .11, wounded severely 1, wounded degree', undotormlnod 12,

,,n niiflslng in action 1, total 01.WESTERN LIST.Died of Disease.

Pvt. Georgo-Lodtu) Washoo, Mont.^ Pvt. John A. I.«okkon, Wolfpoint, Mont. a Pvt. Manuel F. Ormopde, flan Luis

Obia]K>, Cal.Wounded .(Degree Undetermined).

. Corp. George Carlson, San Franciaco, Cui.

‘.®'‘ , BEOTION TWO.Killed in action 8, dlod from wounda

rj® 7, «liod of disease 25, woundod severely L 8, wiiundotl slightly 22, total 70, nO; WBSTEBN LIST.

. ]>ied fom Wonnds.Pvt. Nicodemo >eonill, Elko, Cal.

Wonnde<l Slightly- Oorp.- Edw*ra •,«. Kirkpotrick, Port­

land, Ore.0- SEOTION THBBB.> Woundod (degree undetermined) 10, ■■y* wounded slightly 10, total 2.'».

SECTION FOUB.Woundod slightly, 35. .

‘a t IDAHO OASUALTIBB,:re -Wounded Slightly—P vt. Archie B.

Hatberell,. Salmon.!»• ^ WESTEBN LIST.»»■ Woundod SUghUy.

Pvt. Cheater Davison, Stevenson, Wash. Pvt. David Findlay, Madorn County,

Iv. Cal,. ■— Pvt. Robert D. Moad, Portland,‘Ore.

No Rabbit* In Palestine,Amon;: the hoofed nnlmnls found In

ic]( Palestine are the fallow dear, a Eu- a t ropcan type, gnzclles nnd other ante-

1-2 lopes, cbnrncterlsUc of Afrirn. The wild bour. still common. secniK to hnvo.

> had for Us BIhllcnl companion Bebo- 'y moth thn hippopotamus, though this.

bccnmo cxtlnct ages ngo. niw i^gmy relative of the rockn. tho little byrax,

(h Is irwell-known bensi of I’ntestlne. and N Ir also of African type, Africa being by the home of the fnmily. JTbls la the a ‘coney', of Scripture, but there is no It rabbit In Palestine.

m , _________________ _* 0 To Carry Hflavy Load*.

Ono woy of cnrrylng twb touckcta of w ater with tho least jwiRslhle expend­iture of energy Is the hoop<nrryIng

'u.* raethoil of Macedonia. There a small It. boy will carry u man'a load by wnlklns

sa Inside a hoop wblch keepa tbo weight ^ free from the -body nnd distributes T pressure.

4- Bering Rocks Under W ater.4* To enable holes to bc bored fn tin- X der-water rocks no m atter how rough T the' w ater, a Hawaiian engineer has T InTcnled a drill standard with a bcav- X Ily weighted bottom. i>ower being ob- X tained through flexible connections ^ wltb a vesseL

X Advertiae il in the Clamifiod eolumi* of the Newn. Somebody will traiit il

F a t h e r c o u l d h a r d l y h a v e o l


— » ' OTTY OF T W ^ F A l i s ■'Populatloa Jan . 1,1018, 7JW4' Twin Falls o i<7 Oorenuneot

Regular meotinga of the city couneil aro beld on the fira t and third 3>oada7

g of each month in tho Municipal DuiJd- ing, 2nd Avo. tmd 2nd St, N. '

Actiug Mayor—Arthur L. Swim. Attorney—John E. Davies. ,C lork-W . A. Minnick. T rcaaurer^H . E . Bounds. ;

^ E nginuor-E . V. Berg.County OoTemment

Clerk of the District Court and Ex* * = » Officio Recorder sad A uditor-C . C. — t Siggins. .

Sboriff—A. N, Spraguo.S , Aasosaor—George W. Wilcox.* Treasurer—Mrs, Emma Longloy War*

'• Attomoy—Frank L. Stophon.Probato Judgo—Oliver P. Duvall, County Su]»orintendont of Public In-

atructloD—Miss Brittom art Wolfe. Surveyor—Jamoa A. Byboo.

000, Coroner—P. J . Groasman.Commissibnora—First diatriet. W. W.

irris Parish, Twin Falls; second district, W.P. Brockoo, Kimborly; third district, T.

•1* E. Moorp, Filar, lott, ' F ^ m l O ^ sn m e n t

Custodian—U . A, B tronk.. to u , 8 . CommlsaloBdr—C. C, Siggins.

• Ponrth Jad id a l District Jodge*-W . A, Babcoek, Twin Folia,'

SQO oad H. F . Eoaign, Hailey.-, ’ Clerk—a a Slggina.

‘Im SchoolsBoard of j^pe^tioa—Presidoat, V. SL

:}50 Docker; clerk, 0 . - B. B ryant; aopozia- teadent of ecboals, Bal .0. Bine.

, $1 High *chool>-8heshoBc streot noxtiH between Foorth u d Sixth aveaues, IjL C. Mitchell, princlpiil.

- ■ Lineols school— ix th atreet nortSi botween Second ond Tblrd ovsnoss.

' - Biekel school-S ixth atreet eaat, be- tyreen Secpnd and Thlnl avonuea.

Waahington achool—Blue Lakea b6u^ evard aud Addiaon ovenue.

10, ClObSely Greater Twin Falls Club7-Prea{dent,l|

L. T. Wright} aecreUry, S tnart H. Tay- lor, •' .

Librar*Twin FaUa Publio L ibrary-^boshos*

street north, botween Secoud and Third avoauos. Misa Jessie Frasor, librarian-

H o^ita la'CO, Boyd HospitsJ-^TUrd avonue oad

, Third street west.Twia Falls County General HoapitaL

eiy Chnrches __ /Firat Preabyterian—F if th aveane ond

Seroud street north. Dr. Asher B, Brand, pastor.

Flrat Melhodhit Episcopal — Foarth aveauo and Shothcjso atreet east. Bev, Elmor Grant Keith, pastor.

First Baptist—Fourth avonue aad 10, Second aireet north. Rov. C. L.'Owea,

paator.*Aacenaion Episcopal—TUrd avonue

and -Seeond street north. Bov. L. B. 5 , Frnnck,'rector.

j St. Edwards Calholle—Second oven- ■10 and F ifth stree t east Bev. N. P. Jlahn, rector.

^1'. First Chorch of Christ. Scrontist—. Tliiiit avcnuo cast, betwesn Second oud Tblrd streets.

U tte r Day Salata of Josu'e Christ—' Firih avenue and Third stroot eaat. L.' (1. Kirkmaa, bUho|>.

J,'” J.iiHicran—Third avenue and Fourth street west. Rov. John Glhring, paa-

•h« Chunh of tbo Brethren—Third av- cimo and Fourth streot north. Eov. s .

.1^ d. Neher, pastor." " Firat Chriatlan—Fourth avenue -and ^ Serond street east. W. A. Moore, min- nd ‘»«"-ng Postoffice Depoctmexltibo I’antmaater—M, A. Stronk. no Delivery windows open on wook doya

froin 8 a. n\. to « p, m.; holidays from 1:30 p. m. to 2:30 p . m- Money ordera and registry windows opoa from.8 a. m.

of to. ■‘i p. m. Mall going east closes ot )d- 6:00 a. m. and 4:00 p. ra. Mail golag ng we»t clones 11 p. nu and 3:15 p. m. all Mall to Hollister closes 11 p. m.ink* ................. ......... I:ht . tes I

F a r m L o a n sAR TH U R I . SW IM

Igh rI MoBtb]^ payment and atrolght

Qb- I term d ty loans.at especially fa r- )ns I orable rateOr


eaUed her anything -worsstM S /N f I D o n 't vow a BV*) dare to \ ;. I C A L L M E I :

w IL . !

pi4!lf^ M a • / V

,v.' ;

Page 8: LLS W M m mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · » H m t flEGDENITIONOI ; ROSSiSOl New Party of Chicago Deman That ’United Slates Wit draw Troops From Arclia} 0^1

. M O B n o n k

^ B So f s y i

Minidoka County Dairymen Feeders Come to Twin F Country to See and Lean

' Advantages ^Minidoka county dnirymnu and

< . oro to thc numbor of about «0, wbc torod here Ttiuradfty aftornoon Rupert in four earn on an oxcurnic atudy Jniry conditions with opccial ercnco to llio uw of siloa in Twin ! conatry, nfter inspoctinu mothod preparinff cnBiIa{p> on thc farmn o: y . Alworth and a H. Kaylor yo*to ofternoon, nwiomblod in.tho ovcnln thft county ( a m bureau offices hoi hoar dlflcussiona on tho eubjcct by fam iliar with it. and loft this mon in company with » number of intorc poraoSB of tbja county'to spend tbo in tho vicinity of Buhl in pumuarie

^ tho paTpoaes of thO trip. '([ Tho fpeakon a t 'th e ovoning ra'oe

which waa presSd{>d ovor by W. P, worth, president of tho state and c

' ty fonn bureaa orfraniuitions, incli J , W. JotioB of Salt Lake, sugar f ■pecialist for tho dopartmont of i culturo; Gustave Kunzo of Buhl, p dent of tho Jdaha State Dairymoxri Bociation; and E. T. Binehdrt, field imal husbandman, of the stato un.1 s i( r extffns/on dopartmont.

> . Talks Enallags and S««ta Mr. JonOB diBcuBsod tho ad v a a t

of converting tho by>producta o f h ' into onillago and a r ^ e d fo r groi

of more live stock on tho farm s i means of maintaining fe rtility of Bbil and mnking tho agricultural in trj ' nn attractive ono. " ‘ “

Mr. Kunzo .spoke on bin oxperii in the QM of ossUago in conncction i his dairy farm and cheeBo factor; liuhl,' making a atrong argument for

• extonsloa.-0£ tho buUding of silos cnsiWge.

i l r . Rlnobart, formerly agricultt fo r the M in id o ^ project, related suits of o n o riJo n ts conduet«d ai hjji’aypori'ision.ia ^he value of to c t onsilagu and dlscusBod tho valno of bJIo in general.

One Silo in Oonnty The necessity fo r increased nun

of Bilofi is gonrally reeognlMd in Minidoka country, Raid J . 0; Hm prM iilenfof the Minidoka couuty f bureau, «poftWnR in rCBiwt't to th e ; pose of tho eccuntloH, “ Thoro is,

— - a m atter o f fa c t,’'"-ho "»nid, "only flilD in Minidoka -couuty. Wo int tha t there 'sbstl'bi^^mony'tnoro dm the year." -

Among tho exrursioniatB are W. Mery, formerly of tho dopartmont agriculture dairy divinibn with off

n in Salt Lake and now agriculturiatH tho Minidoka project; A. B. BroH M inidoka project manager; Qcorgc3 . Breazonl, N. C. Lowry, f i W. Wjildi [| , • Clifford Tull, P. M. RngerB, Bon S It ‘ tier, T. a. DuPrieat, TJifimns Boll Mr 1} lin, J., R. Kichey, N. C. Irving of

pott^'aad J . A. Hornlday of HcyViui

r ' eECEPTlfiD"TUB m e

Ij New Bootor of St. Edwan Oatholio Ohoroh Ouest of

I Honor a t FunctionThe reooption'hpld oa WcdnoJidny

. rnin;j ut Moone Hall In honor of Uov. Pnlher Koyxer, formoTly of B

II nnd niuv rector of St. Edwardx Coth l| church. WAB one. o f the plonsnn 11 of thc week.jj TIio hatl waa decorated with thoV t'onn] emblem and a t tho concluaiotI* an onjovnblo program llglit ro<VIj ' mcnf!i wore nervoS to thOBo pres ij Jfrn. C. O. liongley and Mrs. O. P.-Ij vnll rondored vocal selootiona, Minai lie Teaadnle nccompanylrfg on-the pit

Mrn. 1>. B. Regan rendered a nun I o f plonaing piano aelectiona.j Father Koyr^r, who wan introdu

to the gueatB by T. C. Macauley. m Ij ft few rcmarka outlining the object

hift comlftR to tliia nection. He upon thc necoMity of harmony nnd operation nmong men, cmphftaizinc nccesBity of a friendly atmosphere tfie acpomplinhmcnt of iiublic g along all linea of endeavor. The* bn ing of nchool, church nnd rectorv • touched upon and nt the conclunion hi* remnrk* an informal good time came the order of the evening.

Advertiae it Jn the dfiaaifted colni of Tho Nowa. Somebody will w aat


Here is one of our good bargains

If you w&nt 80 aereB, very fine, mostly i s Alfalfa, wen improredt onfy 1 1-4

. miles ^ m siatlooL This is a ^ o d bay a t

I $ 3 8 ^ Per AcreI ' * '

This is (otiv ^

[S ITORlSeilll IES BDEIiyijllli tOE HEIlDSJiSienand Five Burglars, Escaping 1 Falls Third Time in Year, W larn of Two Trusties Quit Confi

• - ment and Lead Possend feed- The CBcape ThurKdny nigbt from wbo mo- Lincoln county jail of sovcii priflo; m from f h ’c of whom wero con%ictod of irnion to rnlibery luat apring of tho, II. Xf. Bui cial rof- clothing store nt Weiuloll, hnn beei rin Pall* ported to Sheriff A. N*. Sprague hodB of Sheriff Clarence Whooler of Lin n of W. county, and by tho Revelaro lute OBtofday tionnl Secret Scrvice of Pocntello. sning a t The fli'vc robbera. who huw bn horo to jnil twlcc before during the pant > by mon ere declared, to bo tho woriit bund

nornlng, burglara iu thc country and donge torcstod men. Tlioy aro believed to be hei tho dny tn thc direction of Twin Pnlls. 6 tanco of Iff Wheeler ia scouring tho countr

pursuit of them and will send their n'oetin^, striptlona hero todnv. The namei . P . Al- the five are Dorccy, Waah, Sulli id coon- Hogan and Millar. F ifty dollars included ward for tho capturo of oach ono ii xr plant fcrod.of agri* • Originally tho gang waa compoiiei 1, preai- seven men. Two, who were shot ion’s a»- woundcd by the offleera while in lold on- act of burglarljsing the WcndeU al un.lvec> have been ncnttncod to »crye term

the atate priaou a t Boine.» Thoir record la said to have beeaatagM 'oug and dnrk one.' In addition to if boot* robbcrj- of tho Wondei' store, thoy growing naid to hnve taken aome nrtielcn na aa a wearing apparel from tho EldrI

o f tho clothing storo lu Twin PFalla, ant 1 indua- linvo planned n aocond nnd more

tensivfl raid on tbia Institution. Mri&noe Tha lender of the gang-la roputo( on w ith bt; an cx-convict, having nerved tini' tory a t the Utah penitentinry, nnd to.t>o fo r th o of the most efficient lockbrenkort los andjtho country. •

u ltu ria t; ------- ------ ---------------------------------

i“ d°r , T o d o y 3 ^ J a . r k 0 i - a)oot top L —- ■ ^» of tho —I —


QumMr rtip ta o j. t^no of mnrket ntrong: pr ">cem $13^14; Kood lo choicc »ti

H « d y , #[email protected]; medium to good nt. r foriu <.10(5111; fnir tn medium Kteera 40(0 bo pur- ,,,nimon to fa ir atecrn i-hi',« « as i,owB.and heifers .$|O.5O0H2.W. ' ily ono receiptn 4«8; toue of maiin » n d MtioUg; prihio mixed ♦l(i.7.'>0Jf>; m during ii8 .50^lS .75: rough , nnd he; ^ y #ltt.75®17-'>U; pigs [email protected]; I:

10^ of Sheep receipts 2,0(12; tone of mot orttcoB ntrong; oont nf moirritr\in Innibn .$1 rtst for i ; . yonrllnK«Brown, wetherM ewen ««.S


o r nH SOUTH OMAHA, Mnrch 2H—Cn recolptn l.BOO; mnrkot stoady; nt.

’ »[email protected]: cown nnd hoifort. $H.nO; HlockerH nml focdorn $7(iMH ciilvon $n(3)I.'l.7r>' HuIIh aird niag^in>n..ic>.

U l - f l lloj; rocclptn 14,000; Jiinrkct, nliipj Y / k H bigber. pnckeri* HV loHcr; Ij1L U 2 1'l>*.H.'(J7Hi.lO: top

Sheep rccolpfs r).!500: innrket ntvn , , %oiirlings iiil7(8'17..'>(): Hothern Sl.'VJf

’a r d S I , o w o n $12(S'14.:.^.of -----


dftv ov- I'-fX'O; nmrket 10-ino IiIkIu t ; bulk of tho butchorn'<;I7-'0(olll).7.'>: pt

f Boiao $1T "r.(TpU».«.*; U«ht $17.:>CI(o'tH rnthollc #10-'-''^rif»-fiO: rough #17.;;snntest rcceipln 2 ..'00; mnrkot »tr<tho na- beeven #10.2.'>fr20.40; butcJiern ' alon of •tockern mnnorn and'i■eftrah- •**” #5..'5()(?j)7.25: utockcrn nnd feec present. cown $7.-3(5?>1. .2o; cnlP.-Du-

ina >*el. Sheep rcceiptn 4.0(H); market *tea -plnno. Inmba ♦14©'20.1.'i; owe*immbor ---------

OHIOAOO g r a in ' OPEKDIO ■oduco l CIIICAOO, Mflroh "H—Qmin openi

.Mon-h corn nominnl; Mny corn d< jec t of j.j(. Julv coi;ii down 1-4; S»'ptem

corn down 1-2. m d CO- jfay oatn down 1«: Jtily oat^ ng the .v<j. 8(.{,tomber oatn down’ .'I S. ere for , Provl.HloTin slightiv higher.

goo.l• bnlW- -------rv wnn OHIOAOO GRAIN REVIEW »ion -of CHICAOO, Mnrch 2 8 ^ F ln e wootl mo be- nnd the belief that farmera will i

• take tho timo to market graina, cam a atoady decline in futures oa tbo C

olnmaB cago 'Board of Trado today. Ci a a t it, houaea wero fo ir buyera on tbe c

and when ft rally wna threatened, ea ~ • em honacs were ^ o d aellera, prove ^S S T I ing much recovery in values. Pro

Bloas werp generaUy lower, k U March corn, opening late a t 1.59 II l f up 9-4, WOB unchanged. May eo

down 1-8 at- 1.48, tbo opening, la lost 3-4. Ja ly com, down 1-4 a t 1. the opening waa off J 1-2. Septeml

_ eom, o ff 1-S a t UO 1-2, thc opeaL Bnbaequentlr aold a t 1.20 1-4.

----- March oata, openinif for th r firKl tlin two days, atarted late at CJe ao<l ta r loat 1 3;8e. May oata, o ff l-9c Ute opening C4 1-2 later waa le low Jnly oata, opening a t 63 3-4, np 5-8, ter lost 1 l-4e. ^p tom ber oats, selll a t S9 S-S a t the opening, o ff ax aeqnentiy loat 3-8 additionally.

j r y ____ — —, NBW TOBX 8T 00S S

NEW YORK, March 23 — Pri. . 4 throughout the Hat ahowed fraetioi . gnina a t the stock m arket’opening

aiS ,Uy. V . S. Steel f*pen*d a t .9S. up 1 Studebaker .63 3-4, up 1-S; Batbleh Steel B. .66 1-2; Oaacral Motor* l l ?-4, up 3-4; Beading .93 3-4, up 8 Central Leather .73. up 1-2; Toba«

5 producta JK, up 1-2.

« Oet aome INPOBMATION* about ll what i t will eoat, whera it m a/ boaght to beat ad raata re—throa

==—= = = = = = = = i= -^ ^ ^

^ Little Telegramt

M TEXTILE WORKER? S T R n. PASSAIC. N. .1., ifarch 28—P

textile mills aro closed today on nc l > | K | . o f tho. new atrike of 12,000 wo l U l J I y .The mnnngcrs of thc mills anno l l l l | l | that all tho strikern wero. dincb■ h H I Olid tlmt the planta will ru-opon■ ■ VI I 1 ^.„{|roly new crown.

i a fnr i ^ o l s h e v i k t h r e a t e n A trsxtt x i BKRNK, March 2»~Ru«alan B

p W u n vlkl forcen penetrating eastern 0 r tn fin a *o rapidly that A[Jlllinc* in threatened, accordiug to ndvio

ceived hcro todoy. Thc Itnpyrtfti n-g!o:i of O'alicia in aald t;> huvo

—“ I'oiuplctely oeeupied.from thc __,irifloncrn, Otm B STOOH FAKERS

WASHIN'OTON', March 2 S -li, i Y fortn to turb thc present notiontjcen ro- m.tivltlea of fraudulent nto»k pr

“?'f® ora in their questa o f liberty bond idnooln f,.,ii.rnJ' trade eommiaaion has' sen lutorna- hundred searching oucstiunn

• brokon moiled. ' -


. Sovernl hundred dollnm wero coll: In tho coplloJ Into yeaterday by 6■ . I ' tlon army lanales. ' The doors ol th e ^ d o . nsBOmbly were locked

out mcmbcrB had to contr Sullivan “ Salvation Army badge.

no?n If- OONSmBRS PROSEOUTIOH OAKLAND, Calif., ila rch £&—

i>Ofied of proaecutiou for Joaeph P. Ai .hot on.l w»nkc™n. Illlnol.,- mnn• in the K being cortBidored today b; dl atore* thorities' aa a reaiilt of tho klllli; terms 'n womon yesterday whon Art

cnr plungdd fanm a fcrrj* slip intiI Q Imy. A mannloughtor charge will u to tbe nn‘l}»rttien, i thov oro iuvcatigation oausei police t elc’n of cimrt action nooesnary. Eldridiro ''•omen who wVre kiir«d, ir

and to arc Mrn. Pnul V. Smithnore ek- E. Stockton o f Hayward,

fiirinn, whoso Ituabandn left n few putod to *'* RJg'*.'** Tdaho. A

timo in th m In front of nnI,,, onn land cafo nnd that with them ho I

t’kors in drinka In Emeryville. Ilo doc l;h liquor must have been doped, i ilrank but littlo and cnnuot necoun

. driving o ff tho pier.

d ■s CO-DESIGNER OF LIBERT "— MOTOR PRAISES CADILlK ---------ittio ro- Lleat-OoL HaU W ritea That He

primo n o t , Recommend Any Improve c »tcer!« menta In Oar.II ntoern . t ' ' —-----40(010: Before the arrnlstic wna nignod, y

: choii-o of Cndillnc nervice overscan bi>i;n: rcach th is country'; omT Btnce Xo'

market l-cr, ncoron of nuldlerr. of both i; medi- rnnk and humble, hnve added their

heavy tliiinlastit pralso to whnt han nln o; bulk Ijccu BaSd.

One of the latest o f those mcHS morkot received' by tho Cndillnc oomi

in .*lflC$ eomcs from ouo of the deaignom of In i 'n f l l L iberty ongino, Licut.-Col. E. .1. 1 id.GOiff Licut.-Col. Ila ll Rorved ft" cUlof of

toclinical nection of (ho nl^ ner iilirond. and nlno nn on aruioclnto < iiocr of the nricrnft production bc

_Cnttlo 11'* now roturned from Prnnc- ntoorn I'uninona nt Berkeloy. Cnl. Ilia r» I ' f i , (iMH.fl.5; rrom my obHervntinnn, I l»cl

the Cadillac cnrn nbrond gnve l*< Horv-ico thnn nny othor mako in Frr

nhippcrn I pornonnlly u»od' Coilillnc corn j >r; biilj; ti«nlly j« all >ny traveling t ^ in d 3 ;{r)’; tho f ^ n t and oiii the front duringnti-ndv- stay abroad. Thia work was du

il.'VJfiUl; 'veathcr ond geuorally over' ' from 14 to Id houra a day, and i

of tho driving . \rnn ilono n«nmd , nverugo uf 40 milen nn hodr. I

novor held «]» on car troublo at rocolpifl Furthermore. 1 never bow a)iilk #l'i ,jiilnc iu Franco .that was tie.l up >: pack- a„y trouble of any kind. Many (tTlH.tV'-. ,.,.rn wonld dolny tbeir trips until fl7.2.'>?? .oitbi get Cailillacn, %vhcrean there '

mnny other mnken of foreign ntronc- American cars nvailablo. 1 believe

ern ami Jmve reached practically tho llmi jnd 'cut- H,.r\-ice thnt a ear can give. I c foedor.H „ot reeommend any improvements

: cnlvea “ Ono of the firat thinga I dii my arrival home wos to purchase

ntoad.v; for ,uv own use.” —odv.-------------- — ■

» . ■i<at« up ’ M n . Vemlaaa J . Ernes

Mrs. Vorniaaa J . Emea, aged OC y died at about 0 o'clock thia mor •from a paral.vtic stroke foUowing

— iUnean of some three Tuontbs' dnrft at M'o homo of her son, Dr. C. A. E

rw th e r ^Ith whom she has resided for sov nil not vcnra ninee thc death here of her c a w d band, the late Henry A. Ernes,

ho Chi- romainn hove been removed \o Cash Grossman 4 poW itt iindertoking c*

be dip lii^hmcnt. Funeral arrangcmoats d, east- not be completed nntll word is reco rovont- from relatives in the east.Provi- , -------

3., CRUISER BRINGS HOME ;. L“"; OVER THOUSAND MI te m S YORK, V .rch 28.—T ic Cipeaing cr Bt. Louis with 1,394 officem

' men arrived today.rKt timp On board tbo St. Loula were thc iaad la- second and third battalions of tho 1<l-%c a t infantry, headquartera company aolower. mwUcal dctachmcat.

scliing Advertise it^ n the Classified cola aub- of Tho Newa. Somebody will 'waa

Uncle Sam Feeds Every.fletional ling to- ■

" Southern Molo. 15c theip'obacco A Food,

>ut It--- . V a m e y , t h e“ 7 ^ I S # M a in W e i throoi^



iiW EpCIIrs T B iA A r r e s t o f S u s p e c t s , D isco

I OoHcla o f C a c h e a n d N e w C lu e s vk™ 'r“ w a r d E f f o r t o f O f f i c e r

D e p r e d a t io n s

• Three Mcxictma aro in jail, hor four sets of harness haVo boon :

S orod from a oacho near the vIn Ita of- tracks two .miles wost of Twia :ion-wi;lo cn results of auccesa attending t promot- fo rts of tbo ahorift'a offico to. p

unUs, tho end to tho deprodotions of what sent out imvoil to h« u gnng of harnoan t onnnlrcB. operating in tbia county fo r s<

•wrtks p o s t . Tho officort-are co: ing thclr efforta- to rutv down'

■EOTS presented in tho arrest of tho Mos ;h 2ti — and aro hopeful of putting- a sto{ collected nituation 'w hich haa resulted It y Salva- loss by farmors of thia district o : o f the less than twenty seta of hamesi ked ami Hicft of seven seta Slaving bee intributo ported last nigbt. ro. Follows Trail From Oach*

The cache was unoarthod a t „ , 3 o'clock this moming by Deputy 8— I f f P . O. Horrman, who haa apoa Arthur,’ p a jt sovoral daya in on offort U

nanufnc the thioTos. He followed tho tn f„py ®“: a horse and buggy loading to flnd llllng of the cacho back to Twin Falls; le Arthurs a t a liveiy bam lh a t this H g bad into the hlrod -by two Mexicans and went ill prol- Sheriff A. N. Spraguo and Depui I, rf to- Diofrlch with tho Uvoryman to a e tn tx;- boarding-honso' and to a pool

here whoro Louis Jornlllo nnd I, in the Ijuparr* wero identified aa tho llth on i n-ho hired .tho rig . and wero tali rd, Cali- caatody. Lator thia moming 81 ew doyn Sproguo arrested M atlas Lopos

Arthnr will bo chargod with complicity 1: nn Oak- thofto.10 hnd a Two of the four sots of harness i doclnroa tho cache bavo boon idontUio (1, nn he the ownera as thein property, oiint far j j „ „ BepoitM

Report camo to tho aherlff'a c

m thia morning th a t another catfli harness h ad . been diacorerod by

II I A P crs in a haystack weat of Twin Fa I L I .h u ipiiaft night o f hotness wo

ported to .tho ofl^o rs by- W Ie Can- brothers residing in Highland Viei ove- dition to Twin Fails, and by Qi

Foster of Curry..On 'Saturday night last C. Somn

d, word Filor, lost a eot of Concord harnosi I'gan -to J . P . Wray of Filor lost-an Essex Xovem- dlo and bridle. An attem pted 'the Ih high haroesB In tho -Filer district on lieir en- same'uight wflis jntercoptcd by tho already, cr when ho overtook the tbioves ii

yard. They dropped the harness icHnnges fled.onii.any O v se n O ffer B « w a ^» of the Howards varylag 'aiabuats ar J. Hall, fored by tho owners of stolon-ha

of tUc Jop tbo reiurn of Iholr property an ncryicu the arrest and conviction of tho tbl

to ongl- I t is s ta ted 'th a t in tho majorll I board. cnseB of harness thefts hero recent! nnco fo of tho harness oSccopt tho bridles Ills Ict- collars havo beon takon. I t is sug

cd by tho officer#, th a t fho oi>ora believe aro thoso of an organized gang wh< better collcct ]>ortione of harnesa horo, mi

France. i.i.,o«vhcro to obtain the miaHiiiK ■» prac- itinpoalui; of -tho booty in un

from region.•lng my - ■ ■ »


Highway District Organiza til till y a&d Road Bailding Progra rc w o re! . for Year Mapped Outgn and j . ______evc you p j„n , for calling an election « Imit of the next 45 doys to voto bonds ii I could (,f ♦.'150.000 nnd to impro^i

miles of highwoy boforo the fnll o; did on year were discusacd nnd tentot

nse one ,]ctermlned upon a t tho orgoni* meeting Thursday ovening n t Fll tho commiflslonera of the lately er F iler highway diatriet. H. J . W «n!« otocled by Ivan O. Lincoln oi C. n m , the other members of tho h l,> niTVo Of chnirman of thc boai

I V \j highwnv district coinmiiwioncni, .\rtlm r K. Andcmon won named I

;Kccrctnry and troamirer. iC yeara i * 'n m in s Pftlls Home Is °SmM Opened to An Orphaovcml ciaudlno HobortB, ngod

llii?’ yeara. nn orphan sinco l.nnt win% ,r® when hcr.moth(1r died nt Buhl, *to the introduced this ofttn«>on tu-if new homo which hnn been necui•• fnr her in Twin Falln bv Prolwtiecojved Officor .lohn H. Ault.


M E N , WASHINOTON, M»rch 28.—Tho uepactmant t o ^ y annoaneed tho

Crliis- lowing organizations have beea rui rs and ed to cafly convoy:

Ambulance eompany 101; fold ic flra t, p ital l.'!3; headquartera of flrat c 0 148th sanitary train; 32fith battery eorap lUid a 333rd ambulance eompany; evacnt

bocpltal 32; c'oavaUsccni camy 1C

lolartfns Advertiae i t in the Clas'.ifloil cob raat i t of The New*. Poniel*ody will wai

y.Soldier Iv? lb. of’Oaady every H Days

ilaases Chewing Taffy he Aalf Pound'od, Hot a liuxury _

e L i v e C a n d y M a nPhone S6 (

1 N O 'IS TO TRliiscovery lues Re- icers to

W e a r0 «allway a l l o u r

.T R U C<T several! ccmtinu. o e e u siwn' cluesMoxlcana .in g . _let of nut meas, tho

beon re-

a t about

M A G EB tra il o f . k - .

t w i n i

bad boon rent svith'

Sd Jo." CLOTHING SPECIALIST 1 'iSc,r» ADDRESS BUSINESS WOp Sheriff -------ipoz who UlBs Georgia Bella'HlwoU of 8ta^ ty in tbo r a n i t j Extepaloiy Departmeni

O lra Viewa on Propor DreiOSS found • . ■--------tifiod b y At tho rogt4)ar mooting of thi

ness'W omen's club on Monday, e [ March 31, in tho parlors of tbo I

terian church, MIbb Qoorgia Bc n f well, clothing apecialiat of thc

w university eilcnaioa division, wi, v«S . on “ Buainoss Dresa.” Tlio toocl . t n . rn ‘I'O c»y and the girls of the high ! will bo invitod guests.vi«w nS Elwell, in speaking of .,. J <1*-C8B for bUaincsB women, naid “f ‘ uincy business of a girl. I t

... , work—her job. Sho should thinlrnoM L id ***standpoint of the business wonut 'S f t f t o f liUBlncss drcBB la alwaya don the appropriate, and Bhould bo 1

♦ i,« i“S i 'l “ ‘i color boalthfi

ness and ------ —

* - ' . 1 . a aro of- 3i-hamoaa . •f and for0 thieves. > 9 K v jority , o fecntly all '

3, moving iii|; parts1 u n o th o r

i'l JIjc T .T t.tjatx MARION and NAR' To^o 100 ^ c e s of the F ar Eaat, w ltli A.

"S *'V’ lng Theatro thraeintotivcly anizntloit ~

Filer of ^ —T creotod. W e a v e r ^ ^ «In a u d I<. ^ JF Iho b o a rd . I

■>; J T X r • Jcm, anil ed to ho

.-If you consi(Is your labor is wophan thing and you

: measuring up tchi. -Ill cent, there is sotu-lhc

.ecure.l WrOIlg.)liatlon

If you-are tryi: wNvoY dark, you are loc •Th.w»r energy.tho fol- /■

AMERICAN E366 Phone 83 906 Btain

■ ' .. . I' - • ■ 'i"

ntn>AT; aoftos fi

iiricEi r e s e l l i n g o u t i r R E . p y B L I C C K S a t c o s t —IS b e f o r e b i i y -


T T n [• 'M n . 0 . H: Brown' ■will api V ” . “ Boning Ono'a Abllltica in tho :WOMEN of the(if.* . TT.I B vuu . tba O ptldaa, will

his offico over Fiaher'a Dru; unUl Monday nigbt. M atch 51. neoding hia aervlees aro invited

the Busi-' officc. Glasses correctly fiy-evening,tie Presby- ____________ ;________________Bollo El- jj ~ = =

a n F o r ' R e nligh achool

A forty-acra farm In. high e of correct o f ctUtiratiott. Oloso to 1 d "School .FaUa.' Also hava a 280-acro fi I t in her Bplandld land, close- to Jen

bink of it th a t I will ren t to ona who la j . from the to haudlo a fann of tlia t also >man. Cor-


A '

J r / j

ARTE£L TWINB, famona axponants of the h ALEZANDEB, "T ba Man Who Knowa," irae.days, commondng Mondajr nlghC.

F a r m e r

sider that ^ If f lS

u are Wot

ying to do your work in th( loosing 75 per cent of youi

What you need 1: Light, more power anc water. We have it. Th( Western Electric Farn Lighting and Powei

Js Plants, also Water Sys terns will meet any re quirements. - If you an from Missouri, inake us

I demonstrate to yov that Wte are cdrrect.

EiECTRIC COMPANYlin Avenne East Twin Tikllj, Idahc