Name: India Roche Candidate Number: 5223 Centre Number: 29335 Series: June 2019 R082 – Creating a Digital Graphic LO1: Investigating digital graphics

LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

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Page 1: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Name: India RocheCandidate Number: 5223Centre Number: 29335Series: June 2019

R082 – Creating a Digital Graphic

LO1: Investigating digital graphics

Page 2: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,
Page 3: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Purpose of a Digital Graphic

A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used toadvertise, inform, promote, educate and entertain.The image isn't always used on devices because itcan also be seen on physical representations that areprinted. These are items such as magazines, postersand book covers.

My digital graphic will be appealing to people of allages, genders and cultures, but also be familyfriendly. This means attracting children, teenagersand adults of all ages, so I must incorporate itemsand films from each demographic. The poster mustbe informative and sophisticated, for adults, but alsocolourful and energetic so children find an interesttoo.

I will work to include aspects that are seen as a partof classic movie atmosphere. I feel that this willappeal to adults because they may be able to closely

relate the images to personal experiences, teenagersand children can then link the images topopular films that hey watch regularly. The posterwill be very high quality print using 600ppi. It willalso include a .tiff image format because it is a highquality print, a large file size and has a losslesscompression.

I hope to create a graphic that is sophisticated, butcreative, that will appeal to people of all ages. Theessence of the festival will hopefully be shownthrough the quirky images that give aclassic atmosphere. All of the information will beincluded without over crowding the poster. This way,my client will be able to view the creative andinformative sides of my graphic.

Page 4: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Image of digital graphics

Name of digital graphic and platform

Identifiable sub-digital graphics

Purpose of digital graphic

Nokia Lumia Billboard Mobile phone, blue background, image with snowflakes, white text

saying ‘meet Rudolph’

To promote the new NokiaLumia mobile phone

Digital Schools Contest Leaflet Blue and white leaflet, bold blue text for sub-headings, coloured text for

partner info, international flag images

To inform people about the contest and project

Coca Cola Bus Advertisement Red background, bold white text, bold coca cola logo, simple 'open

happiness' phrase, while coke bottle silhouette

To advertise coca cola

Empire Film Magazine Front Black background, bold red title text, Star Wars characters in the foreground, smaller images of

characters in the back, bold white title text

To entertain the readers of Empire Magazine

NHS Services Poster Sections o blue, green, yellow, orange and red, small text within

boxes, strips at bottom of page with extra info, NHS logo in top right

To educate the public on the various NHS services

Page 5: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Advantages Disadvantages

Is easily shared online and between various people

Is easily copyrighted

Looks more professional because of tools used – physical effects

Software (photoshop) can be very expensive

Possible to share via emails You have to learn the skills before hand

Any graphic can be edited easily Can become corrupted or lost if anything happens to the hardware (virus)

Images used (vector) improve quality A computing device is needed

Some people prefer to physically create a graphic

Digital Graphics

Page 6: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Advantages Disadvantages

Certain artistic techniques can make a graphic 3D

Is easily lost – can be physically lost

A physical embodiment of your design Scanning onto a computer leads to a loss of quality

Possible to add various textures Artistic supplies can be expensive

You are able to use techniques that are unavailable on a computer

Not as easy to send to people because you can only have one original copy


Page 7: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

File Format Reasons

The file format that I intend on using for myfestival poster is TIFF (Tagged Image FileFormat). TIFFs are used frequently for thispurpose because it is a lossless file format,which means that content won't be lost andthe quality will remain the same. This is alsobecause it is a clean file format and difficult tochange, meaning that there is no hidden dataand you are unable to integrate a virus into it.The information included is also protected andarchived.

It is also an uncompressed file format so thatlarge files can be saved, without losing any ofthe quality or content.

Using a JPEG file format for the website is idealbecause it is a lossy compression file formatthat helps with achieving small file sizes. Thesemake it easier to share and it takes up lessspace. JPEG is a widely used format as thecompression can be rearranged to achieve theright amount of quality in the image and thecorrect file sizes. This makes it suitable for usein a website.

Page 8: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

File Type: File Type Format:

File Format Expansion: Description:

Raster Image .jpg Joint Photographic Experts Group Compressed image format standardised by the joint photographic experts group (JPEG)

Raster Image .png Portable Network Graphics A file format for image compression that was designed as an alternative to GIFs

Raster Image GIF Graphics Interchange Format Lossless file format that supports both static and animated images

Raster Image TIFF Tagged Image File Format Commonly used for exchanging raster images between application programmes

Raster Image BMP Bitmap Image File Raster image file format used to store bitmap images

Vector Image SVG Scalable Vector Graphics Allows for three types of graphic objects: text, bitmap images and vector graphic shapes

Vector Image EPS Encapsulated Post Script The standard file format used for exchanging images, drawings and documents

Vector Image PDF Portable Document Format Captures all elements of a printed document as an electronic image that you can edit

Page 9: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

DPI - Dots Per Inch- used with printers because it relates to the resolution of the physical image- a high quality print usually has a DPI of 300 but in industry it isn't uncommon to have a DPI of 600- a low quality print typically has a DPI of 72

PPI - Pixels Per Inch- how many pixels displayed (per inch) on a screen like a phone or monitor- higher PPI means a higher quality digital graphic- the average quality tends to be that of 150 PPI, but that is quite low- a high quality PPI would be 600

Page 10: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

CYMK - The letters in the acronym stand for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key. Key refers to the absence of colour or the shade black. This is used for printing but RGB looks better on computer display. CYMK is subtractive and has 10,066,327 to 11,744,051 colours available.

Subtractive - Colours are subtracted to make new ones. White is the starting colour and the more colour that is added, the darker it gets. The colour slowly becomes the shade of black.

RGB - The letters in this acronym stand for Red, Green and Blue. It is used mainly for computer display and looks best in this form because it has more bits and less memory. RGB is additive and has 16,777,216 coloursavailable.

Additive – Different amounts of different colours are added to each other in order to formulate the final colour. The more colour that is added, the whiter it becomes.

Page 11: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

PPI Pixel Dimensions(Pixels)

(Width x Length)

Total Pixels / Megapixels

Physical Dimensions

(inches)(Width x Length)

180 1000 x 1500 1,500,000 / 1.5 MP 3.3 x 5

150 750 x 1800 3,860,000 / 3.86 MP 5 x 12

72 750 x 640 1,460,000 / 1.46 MP 11 x 8

10 150 x 150 65,900 / 65.9 KP 15 x 15

500 1900 x 1100 5,980,000 / 5.98 MP 3.8 x 2.2

200 1660 x 2340 11,100,000 / 11.1 MP 8.3 x 11

180 58 x 83 14,000 / 14 KP 0.32 x 0.46

Pixel Dimensions – Vertical and horizontal measurements of an image, expressed in pixelsPhysical Dimension – a property associated with physical quantities for purposes of classification or differentiationResolution – detail that an image holds

Page 12: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Date and time are shown to inform people of where to go

Various box and text sizes in a range of colours and styles

Bold warm colour background and cool colour boxes – subtle contrast

Small doodles add a fun and child-like theme

Extra information about where to go online

Added detail of other events within the festival

Play on the title name, adding a comedic purpose

With so much going on in the poster it is good that there are various boxes, texts and colours to divert the attention of viewers across the entire poster. The text draws people in as smaller text is information people may want to know before booking tickets.

Page 13: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Bold colour scheme that naturally draws attention

Large title and highlighted word ‘FILM’

Oversized film negative that is closely associated with classic films

Date, time and destination in bold so people know where to go and what to do

Both cartoon like images and real street images merged into one picture – strange yet fitting background

Simple with minimal information making it an ideal advertisement

The poster has a deep and dark colour scheme that would naturally stand out on a wall or poster board. It also uses light perception to draw attention to the title and date. The mix between cartoon and real life makes the image even more intriguing .

Page 14: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Love/Film themed poster – play on iconic phrase

Film ticket heart in bright red gives clear ideas of love

Bold and abbreviated title makes it easier for passers by

Longer title and date in a smaller font for people who are interested

Highlighted website encourages people to find out more information

Blank, textured background and stand out red focus point

The bold ticket heart and small pieces of text that are highlighted in red stand out on a plain background, making the poster effective. It is also abstract since the main, underlying, theme is love. To know more information, someone would have to go online and learn more.

Page 15: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Book Cover

A horror writer has asked for a book cover for is newhorror novel ‘The Dark One’. The book is aimed atadults aged 18-45. The cover should be a standard sizeand must include the author’s name.

Generally, a good book cover will have a large title thatentices the reader, the author’s name, either on thespine or above/below the title. Images that closelycorrelate to the story and genre of the book make it amore visual representation of the story.

A good horror book cover, for this specific audience,will include creepy and eerie images that relate closelyto the story – possibly including shadows or a colourscheme of black, given that the title is ‘The Dark One’.The target audience may be intrigued by a cover that

has details of blood and gore as they are much moremature than a younger audience would be. The stylewill be simple and effective by including a sharp fontthat puts emphasis on specific letters. The use of black,red and possibly white is a commonly used colourscheme in horror book covers because of the relationsto blood, bone and darkness.

The book will be sold at Waterstones, any largesuperstore (Tescos, Asdas), charity stores and fromonline branches. The book will also cost the standardprice of £7.99, but this may vary depending on size andcontent.

Page 16: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

DVD Cover

A film company has asked you to design a DVD coverfor their latest production of ‘Bubble Mania’. Thefilm is aimed at children aged 4-10 and the covermust include a bold title and a colourful image.

A good kids film DVD cover always has a large title tomake it simple and appealing to the younger ages. Acolourful image or background is always featuredbecause younger children prefer brighter and boldercolours. The DVD cover should also feature the mainactor or character so people know more about thestory at first.

This DVD cover will have a large title in a bubble fontso it correlates with the movie. The main charactershould be centred in the middle of the coverbecause quite a few children may have specificopinions about characters. Images and colours

should also be indicative of the target audience andtheme of the movie. This promotes the film but alsomakes it easier for parents to make shortassumptions about the film. Styles should be simpleand effective at promoting the film. Bright colours,such as green, blue, pink, yellow and white, will begood features to include in a cover that is directed atchildren.

The DVD will be sold in all generic stores thattypically sell DVD’s but the DVD may also be sold instores that branch out to younger people.

Page 17: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Magazine Cover

A new gossip magazine company has asked for you to create afirst edition magazine cover for their magazine ‘Chinwag’. Itmust include the title and any added information regardingcelebrity gossip. It must also include a barcode, price andedition number. The magazine is also aimed at women aged15-45.

A good magazine cover includes a bold title. It also helps forthis title to be in big, bold text so when people pass it on theshelves, they know what it is, instantly. Since it is a gossipmagazine, images and headlines must be included thatreference the latest celebrity news or even the latestheadlines in the normal news. Not all content in a gossipmagazine is likely to just be gossip, so images regardingfashion tips and previews of pages must also be featured onthe cover page. Magazines also tend to feature the mostcontroversial headlines on their front page to attractattention.

This magazine cover will have a colour scheme of white, pinkad grey, as these tend to be appealing colours in thisgeneration. The large title will dominate the front cover andthere will be small circles which show mini image clips offeatured pages within the magazine. The barcode will belocated at the top of the magazine and will also have the pricenext to it.

The magazine will be sold in various superstores but also insmall shops that line most highstreets. A common price for amagazine of this kind is £4.99.

Page 18: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

The main character has the largest presence on the poster – he may be the main focus of the season

The following main characters take up portions of the poster that are also quite large – this may be indicative of their personal link to the main character

The smaller images of some characters suggests that they don’t play as big of a role in this season

The look of paper and black and white theme may highlight how the season possibly revolves around something on paper, like a book

The large, white text that is centred below the characters lists the name of the programme

Logo and date at the bottom of the page show company that produce show and the date that the season premieres

Title line about where to find the show

Red mask that sits at the base of the page resembles the colour of blood – this is hinting at danger and possibly a dangerous character

At first glance, the red mask goes unnoticed – maybe the character or creature has gone unnoticed until this season

Silhouette of trees in the background shows the forest –forest has a link to dangerous character but also the group of teenagers

The expression on the faces of the characters further emphasises danger because they look worried or scared

Tag line ‘Let the Game Begin’ suggests a gaming element that involves all characters

Some characters are turning away or not facing the front entirely – they could be hiding something

Characters are all clustered in the middle so they are all closely linked

Some have turned away from certain characters – specific secrets

Page 19: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Name: India RocheCandidate Number: 5223Centre Number: 29335Series: June 2019

R082 – Creating a Digital Graphic

LO2: Planning your digital graphic

Page 20: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Client Requirements and Brief

'Gloustol is a small city that will be holding an international filmfestival for the first time. The festival will take place over three days andwill be held in the park and central square. The festival will showcasefilms for all ages, from all over the world in a temporary cinema that isbeing built for the event. You have been asked to create a digital graphicthat will be used to promote the international film festival. A highquality file will be needed for use as an A3 poster to be displayed in thelocal area, together with a low resolution version suitable for use on awebsite as an advertisement of 500 pixels in width.’

The client/manager of the film festival company has asked me to createa poster that effectively advertises the first annual film festival that isbeing held in Gloustol. It states that the festival will ‘showcase films forall ages’ so the poster must be appropriate for all audiences.

To achieve this level of suitability, I must ensure that no offensiveimages nor lines of text are included. The brief also labels the festival as‘international’ so the poster should include aspects that clearly promotefilms from across the world. The client has asked for me to create adigital graphic of a high quality file. This will be needed for use on an A3poster. For the A3 poster, I will be using a CYMK file format because itproduces much better quality in a print out.

The brief also asks for a low resolution version of my poster, whichshould be suitable for use on a website. For this, I will use the RGB fileformat because the level of quality is best for a digital graphic.

I think that the client will expect a good quality poster that showcasesclassic aspects of the film industry in conjunction with modern elementsthat closely relate to their requirements. I think my poster shouldinclude a large title, in a bold font, that effectively advertises the filmfestival. There should also be a portion of the poster that provides someextra information to those who stop and read from the poster. The

event should be recognisable from a far, as a film festival. This meansthat images of popcorn, film projectors, film negative or movie postersshould be included. All necessary information, regarding the date, timeand location, should be equally as visible as the title. Since the companythat is running the film festival makes money by selling tickets to theirevents and making more money through sales, rather than materialsused, I feel that my poster should constantly remain at a high quality.

Whilst studying for R081, I learnt how to create accurate and detailedvisualisations, when designing my product. I have been sure to includedetailed annotations and I have learned how to explain my ideas in athorough way. I have also learnt how to create a proper mind map thatclearly displays the development of ideas and arrangement of ideas,when regarding the brief that I have been set. Another skill I haveadopted is the ability to successfully gather the images for anappropriate mood board. The mood boards can be used to display theideas that I have in an organised and efficient way.

Ultimately, the purpose of my poster is to advertise the film festival effectively and sell tickets. These purchases will, in turn, make the company money. I will achieve this by following the client requirements while creating my poster because I feel that is the best way to ensure that the client and the target audience are happy with the product.

Page 21: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

My target audience is specifically various familieswith children and teenagers. The poster can be aimed atpeople from all over the world and of all ages, culturesand genders. For the poster to apply to my target audience,it must include a range of movie posters (if they will befeatured in my work) and a diverse indication of race,religion and ethnicity. For my poster to be appropriate, itmust not include any offensive references towards race,religion, ethnicity or sexuality. This is because I can not beaware of all preferences from my target audience. Theposter must not include explicit references of violence,sexual imagery and misuse of substances.

The families that I will be targeting my poster towards, willbe of a wide range of ages so the quality of my poster mustbe high, but it must also be easy to understand for familieswith young children.

I will make the poster clear and legible, so that it is easy toread in passing. This will also ensure that all of theinformation that I include is necessary. I don’t want to showunnecessary information because the reader only needs toknow the title, date, time, location and a brief descriptionof the event. The poster needs to be bold and bright, inorder to attract the target audience but it must also be ontrend. Many posters use posh font styles and colours thatcompliment each other when combined. The images Iinclude must be familiar to all audiences as anyunfamiliarity may turn people away from the event.

Page 22: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Red can be the most vibrant colour,therefore attracting the most attention. Itoften has connotations of passion anddrama, as well as strong emotions such aslove and anger. This can be good for aposter as it has a lot of energy and depthbut warmth as well. The colour can bevery popular with younger generations asit tends to be a statement colour.

I think I will use this in my poster because Ifeel as though it would draw attention andattract those who enjoy romance movies,but also horror movies. This is becausethe colour can be perceived to showviolence.

Page 24: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Black is closely linked to elegance,mystery and the unknown. The colour isrequired for all other colours to havedepth and meaning. It can also be seen asthe absence of colour, which is ratherabstract and requires some thought.Many relate black to death, mourning andthe end of a cycle, but it can also beviewed as the beginning because of howblank it really is.

I don’t think the colour black will play abig part in my poster as it can be quiteoverwhelming and if it is too excessivethen the target audiences may not like myposter. Small details in black still addsdepth, just without the harsh, emptyfeeling.

Page 25: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Milestone 1

Task Resources

Time Needed (hours)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

visualisations and workplan updates pc, pecil,paper

record assets and resources pc, internet

collect assets and check recorces

pc, internet, magazines or books , camera

Milestone 2

prepare assets if needed reppurpose and save computer

creat first visions of digital ghrapics computer

get feed back on first version folder

amend and improve first draft change any assets that are unsutible printer

generate final version of graphics in intended formats

check final version

Milestone 3

review the digital ghrapics computer

make any improvements identified in the review computer

I have used a workplan when planning the creation of my product to ensure that I meet the deadline that the client has set for me. I have considered thetime it will take for me to create designs, choose a design and create the final product in a professional and efficient way. I have ensured that I haveincluded a contingency period on my workplan to make sure I have time for the creation of my product, if I were to meet any problems during theprocess.

Page 26: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Legal Restrictions

Commercial use can be seen as a process that makesyou money but, given how my poster is being used foreducational purposes, this restriction will not applydirectly to me. A person who produces work that canbring in money is subject to copyright.Copyright is a law that protects the work that youcreate, by preventing other people using it under theirname. If they were to do this, then there is a possibilityof prosecution and/or a fine. In order to avoid thisproblem, one can pay the creator royalties. This is acertain amount of money that you give the creator,each time you make money off of the product. I willavoid the issue by acknowledging the creator in mysource’s table. Since my product is being created foreducational purposes, I don’t need to pay royalties tothe creator of any of the images.I have chosen to include an element of originalphotography in my work.

When incorporating original photography, one mustensure that they gain permission from any people in theimages, or for any locations that are featured, as well.This may also include royalties, depending on the termsset by those who require the permission. I have chosento draw an element of my poster because I can theneliminate the need to acknowledge a creator in mywork.I have also ensured to consider data protection in mywork. To avoid a breach of privacy, I am outsourcing thetickets to Ticketmaster because I don’t have to includeany of the festival organiser’s personal information. TheData Protection Act helps people ensure that the datathey provide to organisations is protected in a lawfulway. The data must not be given out to anyone but theuser, themselves, nor should it be held for anunreasonable amount of time.

Page 27: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

If I were to follow the secondvisualisation diagram, I would ensurethat there are a range of colours tomake it visually appealing to thetarget audience. I will include acontrast between the text and theback screen to make sure that thenecessary text is visible when passingthe poster. For the poster to directlylink to it’s purpose, I will includeelements of classic movie themesbecause this makes it easier for thetarget audience to associate theposter with it’s purpose. I think thatfor this poster to be effective itshould include cartoon elements. Thesmall motifs on the stage will beclipart images and the chosen imagefor the red chairs will be a digitalimage. I will choose to do thisbecause it relates to the idea thatmany films take place in a fictionalworld.

If I were to follow the first diagram, I would make sure that all of the necessary information was in the centre of the page, in order to make it morevisible to the reader. I would also make the text bright red because, if the background is white, the colour would be clearly visible. I will also includethe stereotypical elements from various film genres because it loosely advertises the range of films that will be shown at the film festival. The nameof the festival will be the biggest text on the screen and the smaller text will be information regarding date, time and location. The elements from thefilm genres will be brightly coloured because they will also be more visible, against a white background, this way.

I feel both of these posters would advertise the film festival in an effective way, but they do not include an element that represents the internationalaspect of the film festival. I would fix this by including some clipart flags or landmarks and monuments from around the world.

Page 28: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

If I were to use the first diagram as adesign for my poster, I would makesure that the text I wish to include isin a bold enough font and a brightenough colour because that willmake it easier to read for the targetaudience and the client. I will alsoinclude movie posters from aroundthe world in order to contribute tothe international aspect of the filmfestival. I will make sure that all ofthe smaller text is the necessaryinformation that is needed to knowthe date, time and location of thefestival. I want to include the dimlighting/effect on the image becauseit allows for the lightbulbs in theimage have a purpose. I will makesure that all the text and imageshave the same effects and editinglevels to make sure that there is aconsistent colour scheme and housestyle.

If I were to use the second diagram, I would make sure that the font style on the text is legible. I want to ensure that the smaller text is easy to readwhen glancing at the poster because it is then convenient for people who pass a billboard or a pavement advertisement. I will include 2 strings, that goacross the width of the poster, which will have film posters from across the world ‘hanging’ off of the string. I will include a third string that will havesome international flags hanging from it. This makes it clear to the reader, that the film festival will showcase films from across the world. I will put allof these elements onto a white background so that they bright colours in the posters and flags, as well as the text, stand out to the reader.

I feel that these diagrams highlight the international aspect of the film festival but it may not be clear about the film festival itself. The only indicationof the film festival is the movie posters and the titles so, when passing, people may not be able to relate the festival to anything that is familiar tothem. Because of this, I feel that my previous diagrams are better for the target audience and the client.

Page 29: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Original PhotographyHand Drawn Film Projector

I chose to add a film projector to my work because it directlyrelates to my visualisation diagram but also follows my idea ofincorporating classic images and assets that relate to themovie theme.

I am aiming for my poster to be simplistic and not toocrowded, so I feel that my design will fit nicely into the cornerof the poster, maybe directing at the screen so it seems a bitmore involved.

I would like to adjust the contrast and brightness of the imageso it appears darker than it actually is. I will, probably, add adrop shadow as well, since it then has the appearance of thelight having an effect on it.

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Advertising Poster

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Page 32: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Name: India Roche Candidate Number: 5223Centre Number: 29335Series: June 2019

R082 – Creating a Digital Graphic

LO3: Creating your digital graphic

Page 33: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

I am using Adobe Photoshop CC tocreate my poster because it is aprofessional software that allows meto create a poster that specificallyfollows the requirements set by theclient.

CYMK has been selected since thecolours are better quality whenprinted and the sizing of A3 fits thebrief. The file is high quality so theposter can then reflect that.

The web version has 500ppi, as theclient requested, as well asRGB colour because the quality ofcolour is better for an online version.There is also a smaller file sizesince it is then easier to share andsaves space when stored.

Page 34: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Resources Used

Pen – I used a pen for annotations surrounding my visualisation tasks but also for my mind map.

Pencil – I used a pencil to create my visualisation diagrams and also for brief designs.

Photoshop – This is essential for my poster since this is where I create my actual poster.

Computer – This is the hardware I used throughout my project because it was needed for finding images, creating my final poster and also writing up conclusions in power point.

Screen – Used to display the work that I am creating on Photoshop and PowerPoint.

Access to the Internet – I needed access to the internet because it allowed me to do my client research, find my images and also obtain the fonts showcased in my work.

Power point – This has been key in my work process as it has acted as an area for all of my work to be found.

Mouse – aided me in my creation process.

Keyboard – allowed me to make analysis, write up all of my conclusive documents and save various files.

Excel – used to help me create my work plan table and aid my production process

Page 35: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Activity number

Asset type

Asset sourcePorS*

Permission required?

Details of permission if used Description of asset

Why was this asset used or not used?

1 Imagehttps://pixabay.com/en/universe-galaxy-space-atmosphere-2250310/

S YesNeed to acknowledge

copyright owner in my product

Photo of a galaxy To set a film background on a screen

2 Imagehttps://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/510314201510754597/

S YesNeed to acknowledge copyright owner in my product

Floor spotlights Used to highlight the stage and screen

3 Imagehttp://www.1001fonts.com/olga-font.html

S YesNeed to acknowledge copyright owner in my product

Text for Festival PosterUsed for title, extra information and the date

4 Imagehttps://logos-download.com/169-twitter-logo-download.html

S YesNeed to acknowledge copyright owner in my product

Twitter Logo To show social media links for festival company

5 Imagehttps://www.freeiconspng.com/img/6970

S YesNeed to acknowledge

copyright owner in my product

Facebook LogoTo show social media links for festival company

6 Imagehttps://www.hiv.gov/blog/5-things-to-know-about-instagram-2017#gref

S YesNeed to acknowledge

copyright owner in my product

Instagram LogoTo show social media links for festival


Page 36: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Activity number

Asset type

Asset sourcePorS*

Permission required?

Details of permission if used Description of asset Why was this asset used or not


1 Image


S YesNeed to acknowledge

copyright owner in my product

Photo of red cinema seats To set a classic cinema atmosphere

2 Imagehttps://clipart.info/animated-popcorn-clip-art-dayblackhat-bid-2153

S YesNeed to acknowledge copyright owner in my product

Overflowing popcorn bucket Adding a quirky feature to the stage

3 Imagehttps://ubisafe.org/explore/film-vector-negative/

S YesNeed to acknowledge copyright owner in my product

Film negativeUsed to highlight film aspect and add another layer to the base of the poster

4 Imagehttp://www.black-square.eu/

S YesNeed to acknowledge

copyright owner in my product

Black square Used as a background for the film negative

5 Imagehttp://www.1001fonts.com/olga-font.html S Yes

Need to acknowledgecopyright owner in my product

Text for Festival Title Used on Movie Screen

6 Drawing P No Film ProjectorMade to look as if it is displaying the screen in the poster

Page 37: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Large, bold title that takes up majority of screen

Small, bold extra info that is also on screen

Galaxy movie screen and classic red movie theatre seats - authentic

Floor lights and fallen popcorn bucket on stage

Date and welcoming phrase to attract all ages -social media platforms and links

When making changes, I would like to:- Add another authentic

movie aspect to highlight ‘FILM festival’

- Remove the social media links but not the logos – it is unnecessary to have the @’s

- Add an aspect that highlights the ‘international’ side of the festival

Draft 1

Page 38: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Popcorn bucket has been moved to add an extra layer

The social media links were removed, leaving more of the red seats exposed

Authentic film negative added to base of poster to enhance film aspect

Date and phrase relocated to fit separate boxes – splits up the info

When making changes, I would like to:- Make the film negative

boxes a lot more spaced out so there is no unnecessary space

- Change the font of the date and extra info so the poster is consistent

- Add an international aspect to the poster

- Add a translucent layer behind negative to create a barrier and make text stand out

Draft 2

Page 39: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Font for extra info and date is much easier to read –much more spaced out and not s bold so it doesn’t look too cramped

Film negative has been stretched out slightly so text has been rearranged to fit box well

Translucent black rectangle has been added behind the negative to highlight important info

Not as much excess space

When making changes, I would like to:- Resize the extra

information on the screen so it isn’t as cramped and hard to read

- Resize film negative to fit 3 boxes of text and a slim space for social media platforms

- Change the drop shadow to accurately reflect light

- Add the ‘ticketmaster’ logo

- Add a hand drawn film projector as part of my original photography

- Brighten the galaxy screen to enhance it

Draft 3

Page 40: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Large, bold title that takes up majority of screen

Galaxy screen and classic red movie theatre seat for authenticity

Floor lights and fallen popcorn bucket that adds to quirkiness

Drop shadow to add the effect of the floor lights and enhancing depth

Film negative stretched out along bottom of poster to add to ’film’ aspect

Translucent rectangle adds a barrier between

text and background

Small enough text so it doesn’t crowd the poster but still

provides the needed info

Social media platforms are still

visible and distinguishable but

aren’t major

Added info about ticketmaster so

people know where to go for

tickets and more info

Hand drawn film projector for original photography

Final Image

Page 41: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Image Re-purposeI re-purposed the image b changing the size and length ofthe original image to cover more of the movie screen andto give an extended and elongated feel to the poster. Ihave done this with most of the text that I acquired fromthe 1001 fonts website, but on some images, I have had tocrop out parts of the images to fit my improvements.

I re-purposed this image by copying the initial image and rotated the second t give theeffect of stage lights on either side of the movie screen/stage. The directions of the lightalso highlight the title on the movie screen as well.

I re-purposed this image by obtaining a clip art popcorn picture from theinternet and rotated it so it looked as if t was ling on it’s side. This gives theeffect of a fallen popcorn bucket. I then used the quick selection tool tocarefully crop out the white background. I then right clicked on the layerand selected ‘blending options’. I chose the option of ‘drop shadow’ andadjusted it to an angle of 81 degrees and an opacity of 49%.

The use of the drop shadow on the popcorn bucket alsoapplied the same shadow to the floor lights. This helpswith making everything look as though it is all in oneplace.

Page 42: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,
Page 43: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

All of the relevant LO’s, in my PowerPoint, can besaved in the relevant folders because this makes iteasier for me to access all of my information.

This is a web banner that will be used on websitesand various platforms as a smaller form ofadvertisement. I have saved my banner in mydesign folder and it incorporates all elements thatare important for my brief.

I have also ensured that my final web graphics andmy final poster have been saved in LO3 Designbecause it makes it easier for me to find theimages.

Page 44: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,

Name: India RocheCandidate Number: 5223Centre Number: 29335Series: June 2019

R082 – Creating a Digital Graphic

LO4: Checking and reviewing the digital graphic

Page 45: LO1: Investigating digital graphics...LO1: Investigating digital graphics Purpose of a Digital Graphic A digital graphic is an electronic image that is used to advertise, inform, promote,


I have created a poster that promotes a first-time annual film festival thatis welcome to families of all genders, races, sexualities and religions. Allthe information that I have included is all relevant and clearly advertisesthe title, date and added details that the public may want to know. I havealso created a web version that can be shared easily and uploaded onto awebsite, therefore following the brief.

I have created a web graphic and printable version of the poster asrequested. The printable version has a resolution of 300dpi, which meansa higher quality. This also makes the file larger so, for the web version, Ihave resaved the file and lowered the resolution to 72dpi. This makes thefile smaller, meaning it takes up less space, and it can be shared easily. Ihave also included all the necessary information for the poster to be fit forpromoting the festival.

I found searching for the correct images quite difficult since I tried to keepa specific cartoon effect on all layers of my poster. Finding a perfect fontwas also quite difficult as it needed to provide all the information that wasneeded, without crowding the page too much. Other than that, I feel asthough my poster captures the essence of a family film festival that issupposed to apply to all ages. The colours all correspond with a themethat, I believe, is enticing and attractive. The components work togetherwell and the quirky images add a classic movie atmosphere. Overall, myposter has been completed to a good standard. It could be better, but Ifeel that it has answered all client requirements

My graphic could be improved if I were to incorporate some indication ofthe 'international' side to the festival. That way I can be sure that theposter would apply to all demographics. I also feel like this addition wouldimprove the diversity of festival go-ers, which could, in turn, be beneficialfor the company. I didn't use original photography in this production, so if Iwere to redo this task then I would use my own resources to avoid legalrestrictions.

I used Photoshop to edit my images and produce my digital graphic. I feelthat his aided me in producing the best piece of work possible, but I dofeel as though I have only used skills and tools that are easy to work. Ithink that if I were to re-do the project again then I would look into using arange of tools rather then just the quick selection, eraser and move tools.

To effectively advertise the film festival, I would create a series of postersthat include similar imagery, so that the posters become more familiar inthe public eye. These posters may be advertising other events that areoccurring within the festival. For example, a night event may require adarker poster. Changing the colour scheme and house style of this posterwould indicate a night event because people would associate the darknessof the poster with the darkness of night. I may also create small leafletsthat could be handed out to the public because this allows them to seethe poster directly, rather than in passing. The web banner that I havecreated can also be put onto social media, and various other platforms,because this would then mean that a wider audience is reached. Closer tothe date of the film festival, I may choose to release a similar poster thatadvertises the festival as ‘COMING THIS WEEK!!!’. This would then makethe date and location of the festival more apparent to the reader.