Loading Master data from flat file 1. Create flat file create a flat file in excel as given below and save it as csv file

Loading Master Data From Flat File

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Page 1: Loading Master Data From Flat File

Loading Master data from flat file

1. Create flat file

   create a flat file in excel as given below and save it as csv file

2. Create DataSource

select our source system and double click on it.. in our case "Cloud flat file".

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which will take us to Datasource screen..

create an application component for our exercise.. application component is simply a folder

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Now create data source from the context menu of our application component

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give a technical name for datadource and select master data attributes as data type.

Then click on OK..

Now our Datasource is created.. Now we should configure it... below screen is the configuration screen

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In the extraction tab.. mention the directory and name of the source file

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Give the header rows to be ignored as " 1 ".data format as " CSV "data seperator as " , "escape sign as " ; "

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We can see our flat file data here

Now click on fields tab

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As we can see , our infopackage is created below our datasource.. now we need to configure it..

we don't need to do much as of now... click on schedule tab..

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and click on start button.. this action will start pulling data from our source file to our datasource..

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we can see 5 records are successfully moved..

4. Create target (infoprovider)

As we are dealing with master data now... our infoprovider is InfoObject..we always store master data in infoobjects..

So we should create an infoobject to store the customer master file..

now click on infoprovider on the left panel..

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as you can see our practise area is being created..Now click on infoobjects in the left panel..

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create infooject catalog from context menu of our infoarea..

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we have two types of infoobject...charateristics infoobjectkeyfigure infoobject

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give datatype as "char"and give the needed length of the field.

In our example "Customer id " is an entity and " customer name " "customer address" and " customer phone" are attributes..

so we should define the attributes for "customer id"..

click on attributes tab..

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we can give any technical name... when we press enter after adding all technical names... we will be prompted to create all the attributes...

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actiavte all dependent objects

after activation  we can see that all dependent objects are now in green color..

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all the infoobjects needed are created now...

now click on infoprovider and assign our infoobject "zcust2" as target..

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Click on datasources on the left panel... from the context menu of our datasource create transformation..

give the source and target..

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No activate this transformation..

portion highlighted in green is transformation..

6. Create DTP

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We can see that 5 records have been moved to  our target...

our process of moving master data from a flat file to our target (infoobject) is complete...

now lets go and check our data in our target..