-----' --4 Decision on School Tax Lambasted 20 P.gel-Two Sectiont-Section ~n. Memorial Plans Annual Party For Newcomers pounds, 12. ounces, and is 19 and a half inches long. She is the Breis.s's first child, and the hos. pital had a bottle of champagne on hand to celebrate! ' s~. John Claims First New Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8 Coverage of All the Pointes KHATINA 'BREISS, pictured with her mother, MRS. ANTHONY BREISS, was the first baby born in 1973 in one of our three local hospitals. Born in 81. John Hospital at 12:47 a.m. on Mon- day, January I, Khatina weighed in at seven Khatina Breiss Arrives -47 Minutes After Arri'lal of New Year; Wins by 111,•• Hours WEEK HEADLINES oflhe J4 CompUed b1 the Gro... PolDte New. RECYCUNG CINTi. Locolion-Dot_ To... IiIow NpYSPANIS ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., .. 10 ........ " ~.•. CANS ___ "",'Co" ""1 •. 7 Milo 'III. ..... ,.s.~. 10 ........ " _. ICO.UNE '79-1333 Mondo,.fn40,. 10 ........ )~..... Vol. 3ot-----No. 1 Tliland." Deeeaber 2S A STRESS POUCEMAN was shot to deaUl end a sec. ond officer crltic:alIy wounded yesterday by two men, who Detroit authorities ilel1eve are the same suapeets con- nected with the ebooting of four other STRESS pollce- men on December 4. Dead OIl arrival at Northwest Genera) Hospital was Patrolman f\ob.. eft Bradley, 25, a five-year veteran of the force, and tile father of three children. Friday, December ZI A VIETCONG LEADER said that President Nmoo's resumption of heaV)' bomb- in, of North Vietnam will misfire. He. claimed ,that the Communists will resfJt any military pressW'e aimed at recognizing President Nguyen VaJl Thieu's regime. Dlnh Ba ThI, IDterlm Vieteong peace delegation chief 1D Paris, said the air war will Bot stop North Vietnam's help to guerrilla lorces battl1Dg Thieu'. AmericlD. backed army in the South. In the meantime, U. S. bombers kept up their aerial attack. a,awt the Hallol-Haiphong complex, and the saturation bombing took a heavy ton in loues of aircraft and Uves. Satunlay, December 31 EARLY REPORTS listed B8 survivors of the 167 per- sons aboard an Eastern Air- lines plane, on a flight from New York to Miami, tbat p10wed Into the Everglades iD Florida, just before mid- D1pt. The jet1Jner brob apart, spWing both Uviq and dead into tile trackless swamp. Ten helicopters from tile Coast Guard and Air Force hoisted survivors out on slings, as a fleet of vol- unteers in airplane-engined roir boats Iitreamed to the pitch black crash scene, only sm miles from US41. Suday. Deeember 31 IT WAS DlSCLOSED in an oUielal report from Washing. ton that a clear signal from Hanoi that It was willing to negotiate toward a peaee agreement was a major fac- tor in piesident N!lI;on's de. cislon to suapend the heavy bombing 01 North Vietnam's he.ntand. No official from Washington was willing to talk publicly about the de- cisilln that presidential ad- visor Henry A. Kissinger would return to Paris on Jan. Ulry 8 to resume negotla. Uons wIth North Vietnam en. voys, nor will they discuss anything about the halting of the bo.'1\bing above the 20th parallel IS of ., p.m. on Friday. Jurists Accused of Alter- ing 'ssue in PoIitic.1 Move to PIli Buck to Center's Directors, Municipal Heads and Com- Legislature munity Leaders Will Greet New Residents Byx;U; Duff on Sunday. January 1-4 In a decision which will affect every Pointe resi. As is its annual custom the !Board of Directors dent, the Michigan Suo of Grosse Pointe War 'Memorial Center will wel. come all members of all families moving into any preme Court ruled Fri~ of the five Grosse Pointes during the past 'lear, day, December 29, the tl use of property taxes as promp y at 2 p.m. on Sunday, January 14. the basis of school fmanc. Invitations have been sent <% I ing unconstitutional. to all new families of whom C. T the Cel'lter's staff has mowl- Ity rees In • 4.3 dedsioD, the Court edge throUJll the telephone declared seetlonl al the Cl"OlS iadex, but the many Actnd Upon lItate's 19'f~71 .yltem of they are not aware of are~' school ftnlaciq UDeoDItitv. urged to use this article as a B C il tIonal ill that It deDies equal educational OPpOrtuDity to all warm tovitation to atrend. y ounc students. By ualn, property Any nelpbors aware of new- taxn as the billa of school CODl«8- are, also asked to fiunc:In6, the amount Spent urge theDlto, come. Pruning Program and R.. OIl.an individual stuc1eDt can At ttl.fd~enter they will Dot placement of Tho;se lost range from $M1 (Ionia) to only have tile t!hance to visit Approved; Co.t Esti. $1,103 (Grosse Pointe). the Alger MamloD and the The Coort did DOt throw Fries Cf'yatal Ballroom aDd mated at $4.594 out the property tax a. the Auditorium, but OIl baDd' to basis for school flnaDCiDl; it greet them, beside the Cen. , By Kathy Dull merely declared the formula ter's direCtors head~ by, Amidst the snow and uncOl1StJtutlonal. It's now up ~~~Ii ~~'iU ~:::; slu.sh that covered The to the Michlgan lel1s1atW'e, se ntatives of all the different Pomte, Grosse Poi nte convening in early January 1973, to dev1Je a more equit- groups tile Center sponsorli City councilmen looked able system of financln, sate or who use it as their home. towards spring at their scflool syltems. What this MIDY to Attetld last fe2'ular council meet- means to Pointers is that le.. Baby Derb, y Director Donald B. Coats POZ:PD Grab In addition the mayors of ing held receri~ly. of our future tax doDars wl1l ~ each of the Pointes aDd heads Up for dlSCUSSlon and ac. be eamnarked for The Po1.llte C W Of Wood Publi S f P . T. of aU the community organi- tion were two purchase or. SChool System. rown on sea "ety aIr otlng zations througbout the area d.ers fur Shock ~rothers: the CaD. PollUea! MoYe . including schools, churches, f1l"st order d~i1s tile sixth The close decialon met with By St. John Department Set to Re"':-e Drugs, Guns social, political service ree- y~ar o! The Clty, s annual tttc controversy as tile Court was ; ........ ' reational and special interest trtmmmg prolttam, the sec. charged with making _ polit- groups will be on band to ond order caUs lor 20 new leal move to force lelislative Has Sert'ed' as Policeman and Fireman for 32 Officers Alerted When extend' an open invitation to trees to ~autify City streets sotion .. Some dissent came Years; His Resignation Ends 90 Years 011.., Drops Pist,oI and' allll.ewcomers ~~ &J!.:, ~~~~cliiil'; ""an'd'rb:::'~ ' of Family Tradition ,,' G OH aetln pUt of the c:ommumty. City has :arried ::t ~ ex. wrote the dWentJDg op1nlon, It oe, ;'.Two nu. D an opportunity to tentJ"e trimming program on char,ed in aft ~endum: By P.oger A. W8Iul ' Held il1 Park, become aware of aU the opo City street tree~ those trees "'!be ~ajority opjnIon &. The first Woods Department of Public Safety portunilies the Pointes otler located OIl city rights-of.way, not good law. It fJ Dot eve.n Some people are always ~ect~r to. advance through. departmental ranks re- Hopes of area ~lice and meet the key people re- between the curb and slde. law:t all. early, some are on time, tires 10 lDld.January after nearly 32 years on the of smashing a possible sponsible for them. It will bel'walk "n fs a wlitical position fo Do ld B C ts 56 h .. d th d art dope ring were dashed a good party too with lots of In 'order to cut costs City paper written aDd timed to and some are always late ree. na oa, •w 0 Jome e ep - when one of two men refrdliments and new friends DPW workers do the cl~an-up encourage aotlon by the State But one little girl Kha~ ment ad~ a patr!llman in June 1941, and who be. arrested by alert Park to enjoy. There is something job after 1De pro(euiona) Legislature t h ro U ,. h ,..- . . ' came Jrector 1D February 1969, spends his last ~ b f th ouc tma BrelSs, the new day at work Friday, January 12. His replacement police on Sunday Decem- or. every mem er ~. e landscapers have performed threat of future court inter. da ht f Mr dM be 24 f d t t lk faDUIy fro~ senior Cltizens their minor surgery ventiol1 .. ug er 0 . an rs. hasn't been indicated at this time. . r ".re use 0. a.. , to toddlers. Baby sitters are Chea fA wi.r The 'sult ehaUenging the Anthony Breiss, of Alter ~eG Director Coats reo 'Sl~~-------- ft w~ drdlSclosed by Park provided for the very young. Winter:: selected fOl'the constltutionaUty of the pres. road, came 18 aays ~ar1y tires, a family trall1tion in tured and developed during . 0 on Duncan .. on Those who wish to get trimming program as the ent method of ICbool fiDanc- and became the first law enforcement ClO'IIles to an the past four years, and add- Thursday, Der.ember 28;' Jtome for the Super Bowl are DPW worken are freed of iDSc was filed in December b!b b . end. For some 90 years, a cd be was proud to have been The .reluctant speaker was urged to come at 2:00 p.m. their ex1e1lJive summer duo 1971 by Governor WilUam a y, om 1ft 1973 in one member of his family has a part of this. ideBtified as Kevin Williams, Those who wish to watch ties of il'ass mo~g aDd Milllken aDd Attorney Gen- of our three Pointe ho&-. serY.ed as a police offi~er or But, at the same time, the 23, of 1961 Avery, Detroit, while enjoyin, the party will City park upkeep. Landscap- eral Frank J. Kelley. Be- pitals. She is the Brew's a firefighter,. except for a director made it clear he woo was arnsted by Sgt. be able to do so right at the ing firms also are lea. skies The Pointe, BloomlieJd f t child few years trom the late doe~n't take any personal Bobby McAllster and Patrol. Center where TV's will be pressed in the winter mODths lIDl. and Dea-rbom wer'l Irs. 193!>'s to 1941.. credit for these a~complisb- man David Hiller. Arrested set up. and quote lower prices for named in the suit. Born at 12:47 a.m. at 8t. Since beco~ing dlI'ector, h~ ments. He stres::ed the co- with Williams was Ronald work. The Court's declalon FrI. John, she was ahead of Bon ~,akes pride "m The WOilds operation of his officers, the ~ay1or, 24: of 13955 Wiscon- ----- It takes a professional to ~ay followed simOar rulIDls Secours' first baby. a boy, by "outstanding traffic re~~. CIty administration and the sm, Detr~)1t. T" R " trim trees in winter I!t deAd m. Arizona, KinDesota, Wyo- almost three hours. A son We are one of the top elties According to infomnatlon lD1e emalDS branches are harder to t ~g, New Jersey and Texas, was bom to Mr and Mrs in the country regarding peel. 1 ed b ~.. ,._.,-~_... whlch declared that support '. _I t" Id u_ re eas y ..... e .........,....-, For Blood Drl.ve without t h (, cbaru:teristic Ken Golay, of Wayburn ave. estrlan SlUe y, sa ...... MeAllster aDd Hiner were s1cltly foliage of the ~hools had to be baled nue, at 3:30 em. Monday, Coats. cruising north on Waybum Cit . Tboma on the wealth of the wbole January 1. The boy, who The Woods. for example, I at 8:u p.m., near Cbarlevoix, KressYba~a~~-gsede r that trees s state, net of the individual sho',lld be named by the time was p.resented. Its eighth con- whe th h d bt WId There is still time to sian CD '" .. ~ school districts The Texas ti Ii 1 d f, .n ey ear w a so DN in certai" areas contain sub. I _.i,. befo th this newspaper is printed, secu v~ na ona awar or ed like a gun shot. a pledge card for the Grosse stantial dea'" _~_... Dead case s curre • ....,. . re e weighed eight pounds two pedestrian safety by the ... ,,\NY U S Supreme Court a de aDd a half ounces at 'birth Automobile Club of Michigan The poliC"..men turned east Pointe Woods-American Red wood constitutes l\~ only a :.' .- and was 20 and a' half inc:h~ In August 19'12. In recognl- onto <?harlevoix, in. time to Cross blood donor drive Sat- potential hazard to the heaMh C1S10n A~-=~~an:h. es long. He is the Golay's tlon of th~ city's achieye. see Williarns emergmg from urday, JanuaTY 13, at the of the tree but Also serves as Attome lor The PolDte third child ment of gomg 14 consecu.ti~e an alley at Cbarlevoix, earry. Woods Municipal BuiJding, a breeding place for the School S Yst Doll 1 H Cotta . ,. years without a pedestrian ing a large green plastic bag. 20025 Mack avenue, from JO Dutch Elm beetle. W< t ...11 :'th ",r11o as .. ge Hospital s first fatality, The Woods received When the offlct:n stopped to es, vue e 0 WlIl' M oad I 1 baby of the new year, Holly the Award lor P.. ..ellen.... question W'l1lilmls the man a.m. to 3 p.m. The u: ee trimming pro- analysis of the recent Su. . ay, auaU)' Rose Ehrle d ght fM ~, ..,...... .... ed' DI oo.ft..... ,_ gram will cost The City preme Court deciaion His ROBERTO CLEMENTE, r, au er.o r. the second highest hooor for start to run, just as Taylor r ve ~C\;lUVi!S are", reo $3,694. An additional $900 hIS formal V'er<J1't win co~e at baseolill great, died in the and Mrs. I!0rst Ehrler, of cities In the 33rd annual Na- was coming out of the alley. ePdlenbiySh~~oodMay6UPorplKYennneeedth- been aUoted to the laDdscap. the next meeting of The . Detroit, amv~d at 7:10 a.m. tional AAA Pedestrian Safe. Sarreucl &0 Poll nuuua crash of a four.engme pro- Monday mornmg. Holly was ty Invento"" . eI' ce :ft. McLeod during his recent ing firm to fumish and plant Pointe Board of Educ:atioo peller'(\riven DC-8 plane Oft a week overdue as she was OJ. The offIcers ordered the IUn d 20 trees. on Monday night January 8 a relief mission to earth. expected on Christmas Eve. Stresses CooperaDOIl p~1r to haIt, and they ~m. tebSsUh an SlJrtagery, and .to The trees will be provided at NorUl High sdtool. ' quake-stricken Managua, Ni. At 'birth, she weighed nine The Youth Service Divl. DONALD B. COATS plied -and surrendered WIth. :~ ~ a to I community "bare root" which cuts the Mr. West said (hat the reo c:aragua. A Puerto Rican port pounds, one ounce, and was sion, (YSD), also was cn- dUzenry. He said, "It's a co. out IDcldent. ynlllams df?P" a. price from $65 per tree to~. suit of the property tax suit, official said the crash occur. 21 inches long. A big sister ated since Mr. Coals became operative and collective ped the. plastic bag,. whu:h For further information, Trees are wrapped, wUt. officially the Milliken vs. red sboll1y after tate-off is waiting for Holly's arri. director. He said the YSD thing," and added, "We've the pollcernen conf&Scated. contact Woods Deputy City proofed, fertilized and guyed. Green suit, was not ./:otaUy from Puerto Rico yesterday. val at home. was conceived, planned, nur. had continuity from one di. Inside, the officers said, they Clerk Ellie Pastor at 884- In prior years, The City has unexpected, however, the Clemente, 38, wu one of five I ~___________ rector to another," found seven bags, each con. 8800, extension 29. (CoIItInaed OIl Pale 4) rea BOning used by the Court persons aboard the plane, Ch In his law enforcement ca. ~~ining one pound of mari. -, in arrivln, at the decision which developed en, i ne Farms Detective osen reer with The Woods, two JUana, and a loaded .3r. cali- W ds' Jud G d was not expected by any of trouble 011 takeoff Ilnd was experiences stand out In his ber revolver. 00 ge 00 row tbe lawyers Involved In the trying to return to the alr- T A nd FBI A de mind. As a firefigbter he The oIIicers searched the case. port. 0 tte ca my SlId, "111 always remember suspects. and in Taylor's poc- Has Busy Court Docket The Pointe attorney de. the night we responded In kef they found a loaded .32 fined the original le,a) ques. 'headay, la_aary Z By James J. NJaim cant Is notified of his selec. Detroit during the 1967 caliber automatic pistol, from tion as follows: "By use of a WITHIN AN ,HOUR after !ion, In Del. Miller's cllse, rIols." Then a captain, Mr. which one !lbot bad been W60ds Municipal Judge Don John 0 tis Coleman, 184 special c:ourt rule the G<.v. the new year 1973begin, vio- Farms Del. Joseph Miller, it was only a matter of two Coats commanded a crew of lired. It was disclosed that J. Goodrow bad a ~usy day East Grand boulevard, De. emor and Attom~y GeDeral lenc:e 4truck In Ulster, Ire. a veteran of more than 22 years," eight or nine l:refighff!rs who the &hot heard by McAlister In court Wednesday, Decem. trolt, pled guilty and was were able to have the Mlchi. laDei. Gunfights and bomb- years on the force, will start Among graduates of the tackled blazes aU night long and HIller was the result of ber 13, as 36 persons apo found i'uUty of no llcense gan Supreme Court eertIfy a ine attacks flared on Mon. a three. month, grueling FBI Academy in the Pointe- on Mack and Kercheval un. Taylor IIIccidentally dropping peared before him. Flfty.flve plate light, and "aid a $10 controling question of law. day, after the bloodiest of course of study at the Fp.d. Harper Woods area to date der trying condlUons. T1le the firearm. whlcb went off warrants were signed for fall. fine. He also pled guilty and This was done and briel1y three years of fighting In. eral Bureau of Investigation Ire retired Park Pollee Chief men not only fought the when it hit the ground. ure to answer summons, 17 was fOllnd ~ulIty of dri~lng summarized, the queaUon was votvln, sectarian factions Police Training Academy In Arthur Louwer~ retired Har- flames but harassment along WIlHams 1!nd Taylor were oeases were dismissed after a on a revoked operator's U. wtIether or not the present and British troops. In the Quantico, Va., on Monday, per Woods POllce Chief AI- the way. "It was unbellevable taken to the station, wIIere hearing and 18 cases were cense, and was fmed $100, system of school financing New Lodge road In 8eUast, Januafy 8. . len MigUo, City PoUce Chief \I) see buildings burning and Williams WIS ch8rged with adjourned, plus three days in jail. was unconstih'ltlonal because a man was shot and serious. He will bave the dlstinc:. Andrew Teetael't, Shores the ,ky llt up, and not hav- Dlegal possesskm Of a con. David Higbee Seetey, 4803 Stephen B I a I r Wollenzln, • ... dlsparaties of revenue ly wounded; the Britisb tlOlJ of being the first non. Police Chief Joseph Vitale, Ing enougb apparatus to trolled substances and carry. Harvard, Detroit, pled guilty 1739 LitUestone, pled guilty produced per student dlscrim. Army said gunmen fired ranking polic:e officer in the and the latest, Woods Capt work with," he said. Ing a coneelled weapon, a and was found guilty of 1m- aDd was found guilty of reck- Inate I.alnlt and deny sub- shots at Army posts In the Pointe. Harper Woods area Henry Marchand, who' com. Awarded Meelal felony under Michigan law. 'Paired drivin., and wu fined less driving. He was fined stantiaDy equal opporturdty Ardo)'JIe District, no eausual. to be seleC'ted for the train- pleted the course on Decem. The other Incident was Also a felony under a State $15. $50. to students ... ' .. Ues; In Newtown, BuUer, 55 Ing course at the Academy, ber 15, 19'11. when he slngle.handedly apo statute, is posse.,sion of. Janj! Ann Leonard, 24894 John Anthony SaIem\)ler, Commenting 1m the Court', mites snuflo of LondondelTJ', according to Farms Po)Jc:e Ferber s.ld that he en. prehended three armed rob- controlled suhstance over two Raven, East Detroit, pled 28105 Elm d ale, St.. Clair action, Mr. Wes( aaid that De ~ the Irish Republic bOr- Chief Robert Ferber, dorsed MllIer's application bers at the Colonial Federal ounces. ,guilty and was found gulUy Shores, pled guilty afld was Justice G. Mennen Wllliams, der, • "omb blast badly dam. "Another distinction," the lor admission to the AClde. Saving.' Bank, Mack avenUE: Qose4 for Holiday of speeding. She paid a $S5 found guilty of driving under writer of the majority opkl- aged a b'rage. No one"as chief pointed out, "Is that my because of the detective's and Hunt Club, in 1969. Mr. Det. WiRiam Furtaw made fine. the infiuence of liquor, was lon, frlnkly agreed with the killed. However, just acro" once an application for train. ell.tenslve background and in. Coats received a Depart. I trip to the Wa)'Re County Rlehard Sea ton Watson, f t ned $100. He also pled defendanta' POSWOD that of the border of the Irish Re. Ing at the FBI Ac.tdefl1y is volvement In the .In~stlga'l mental Medal of Valor for his Prosecutor's Olflce on MOft- 22904 Doremus, pled IUUty guilty -and WIS found guilty all the property tu cases in publlc:, a young engaged proc:essed, there Is a normal. tive field of crime and be. bravery. day, Deeember 25, only to -and was lound If uJI t y of of impaired drivin" and paid the country, The Pointe's was couple was found shot to walUng period of from sill. eause of other faelDr.. ~lIe In the bank on per. I find tflat the office was closed drunkeness, and was fined a $100 fino. the first where there was un. death on a lonely road. to 10 years before the appU. (C(lmhnle4 011Pa,e Z) (Coatillae4 oa Pal' 2) (CoMiaaed 011 Pale 4) $25. (CoMI.1IecI 011 Pare "j (c.b-r • Pa .. 4) I I ~. 'l~- ~--_.-._--.-

Locolion-Dot To ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., rosse Pointedigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1970-74/73/1973-01-04.pdfJohn Claims FirstNew Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8

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Page 1: Locolion-Dot To ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., rosse Pointedigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1970-74/73/1973-01-04.pdfJohn Claims FirstNew Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8



Decision onSchool TaxLambasted

20 P.gel-Two Sectiont-Section ~n.

Memorial PlansAnnual PartyFor Newcomers

pounds, 12. ounces, and is 19 and a half incheslong. She is the Breis.s's first child, and the hos.pital had a bottle of champagne on hand tocelebrate! '

s~.John Claims First New Year Baby

rosse Pointe ~lVSComplete NeU8 Coverage of All the Pointes

KHATINA 'BREISS, pictured with her mother,MRS. ANTHONY BREISS, was the first babyborn in 1973 in one of our three local hospitals.Born in 81. John Hospital at 12:47 a.m. on Mon-day, January I, Khatina weighed in at seven

Khatina Breiss Arrives -47Minutes After Arri'lal of

New Year; Wins by111,•• Hours



J4 CompUed b1 theGro... PolDte New.

RECYCUNG CINTi.Locolion-Dot_ To... IiIow


~~4lMc.:--~.--., ..10 ........ " ~.•.

CANS___ "",'Co" ""1 •. 7 Milo 'III......,.s.~. 10 ........ " _.

ICO.UNE '79-1333Mondo,.fn40,. 10 ........ ) ~.....

Vol. 3ot-----No. 1

Tliland." Deeeaber 2SA STRESS POUCEMAN

was shot to deaUl end a sec.ond officer crltic:alIy woundedyesterday by two men, whoDetroit authorities ilel1eveare the same suapeets con-nected with the ebooting offour other STRESS pollce-men on December 4. Dead OIlarrival at Northwest Genera)Hospital was Patrolman f\ob..eft Bradley, 25, a five-yearveteran of the force, and tilefather of three children.

• • •Friday, December ZI

A VIETCONG LEADERsaid that President Nmoo'sresumption of heaV)' bomb-in, of North Vietnam willmisfire. He. claimed ,that theCommunists will resfJt anymilitary pressW'e aimed atrecognizing President NguyenVaJl Thieu's regime. DlnhBa ThI, IDterlm Vieteongpeace delegation chief 1DParis, said the air war willBot stop North Vietnam's helpto guerrilla lorces battl1DgThieu'. AmericlD. backedarmy in the South. In themeantime, U. S. bomberskept up their aerial attack.a,awt the Hallol-Haiphongcomplex, and the saturationbombing took a heavy ton inloues of aircraft and Uves.

• • •Satunlay, December 31EARLY REPORTS listed

B8 survivors of the 167 per-sons aboard an Eastern Air-lines plane, on a flight fromNew York to Miami, tbatp10wed Into the EvergladesiD Florida, just before mid-D1pt. The jet1Jner brobapart, spWing both Uviqand dead into tile tracklessswamp. Ten helicopters fromtile Coast Guard and AirForce hoisted survivors outon slings, as a fleet of vol-unteers in airplane-enginedroir boats Iitreamed to thepitch black crash scene, onlysm miles from US41.

• • •Suday. Deeember 31

IT WAS DlSCLOSED in anoUielal report from Washing.ton that a clear signal fromHanoi that It was willing tonegotiate toward a peaeeagreement was a major fac-tor in piesident N!lI;on's de.cislon to suapend the heavybombing 01 North Vietnam'she.ntand. No official fromWashington was willing totalk publicly about the de-cisilln that presidential ad-visor Henry A. Kissingerwould return to Paris on Jan.Ulry 8 to resume negotla.Uons wIth North Vietnam en.voys, nor will they discussanything about the haltingof the bo.'1\bing above the20th parallel IS of ., p.m. onFriday.

Jurists Accused of Alter-ing 'ssue in PoIitic.1Move to PIli Buck to

Center's Directors, Municipal Heads and Com- Legislaturemunity Leaders Will Greet New Residents Byx;U; Duff

on Sunday. January 1-4 In a decision which willaffect every Pointe resi.

As is its annual custom the !Board of Directors dent, the Michigan Suoof Grosse Pointe War 'Memorial Center will wel.come all members of all families moving into any preme Court ruled Fri~of the five Grosse Pointes during the past 'lear, day, December 29, the

tl use of property taxes aspromp y at 2 p.m. on Sunday, January 14. the basis of school fmanc.

Invitations have been sent <% I ing unconstitutional.to all new families of whom C. Tthe Cel'lter's staff has mowl- Ity rees In • 4.3 dedsioD, the Courtedge throUJll the telephone declared seetlonl al theCl"OlS iadex, but the many Actnd Upon lItate's 19'f~71 .yltem ofthey are not aware of are~' school ftnlaciq UDeoDItitv.urged to use this article as a B C il tIonal ill that It deDies equal

educational OPpOrtuDity to allwarm tovitation to atrend. y ounc students. By ualn, propertyAny nelpbors aware of new- taxn as the billa of schoolCODl«8- are, also asked to fiunc:In6, the amount Spenturge theDlto, come. Pruning Program and R.. OIl.an individual stuc1eDt can

At ttl.fd~enter they will Dot placement of Tho;se lost range from $M1 (Ionia) toonly have tile t!hance to visit Approved; Co.t Esti. $1,103 (Grosse Pointe).the Alger MamloD and the The Coort did DOt throwFries Cf'yatal Ballroom aDd mated at $4.594 out the property tax a. theAuditorium, but OIl baDd' to basis for school flnaDCiDl; itgreet them, beside the Cen. , By Kathy Dull merely declared the formulater's direCtors head~ by, Amidst the snow and uncOl1StJtutlonal. It's now up~~~Ii ~~'iU ~:::; slu.sh that covered The to the Michlgan lel1s1atW'e,sentatives of all the different Pomte, Grosse Poi n t e convening in early January1973, to dev1Je a more equit-groups tile Center sponsorli City councilmen looked able system of financln, sateor who use it as their home. towards spring at their scflool syltems. What this

MIDY to Attetld last fe2'ular council meet- means to Pointers is that le..Baby Derb, y Director Donald B. Coats POZ:PD Grab In addition the mayors of ing held receri~ly. of our future tax doDars wl1l~ each of the Pointes aDd heads Up for dlSCUSSlon and ac. be eamnarked for The Po1.llte

C W Of Wood Publi S f P. T. of aU the community organi- tion were two purchase or. SChool System.rown on sea "ety aIr otlng zations througbout the area d.ers fur Shock ~rothers: the CaD. PollUea! MoYe .including schools, churches, f1l"st order d~i1s tile sixth The close decialon met withBy St. John Department Set to Re"':-e Drugs, Guns social, political service ree- y~ar o! The Clty, s annual tttc controversy as tile Court was

;........ ' reational and special interest trtmmmg prolttam, the sec. charged with making _ polit-groups will be on band to ond order caUs lor 20 new leal move to force lelislative

Has Sert'ed' as Policeman and Fireman for 32 Officers Alerted When extend' an open invitation to trees to ~autify City streets sotion .. Some dissent cameYears; His Resignation Ends 90 Years 011.., Drops Pist,oI and' allll.ewcomers ~ ~ &J!.:, ~~~~cliiil'; ""an'd'rb:::'~ '

of Family Tradition ,,' G OH aetln pUt of the c:ommumty. City has :arried ::t ~ ex. wrote the dWentJDg op1nlon,It oe, ;'.Two nu. D an opportunity to tentJ"e trimming program on char,ed in aft ~endum:

By P.oger A. W8Iul ' Held il1 Park, become aware of aU the opo City street tree~ those trees "'!be ~ajority opjnIon &.The first Woods Department of Public Safety portunilies the Pointes otler located OIl city rights-of.way, not good law. It fJ Dot eve.n

Some people are always ~ect~r to. advance through. departmental ranks re- Hopes of area ~lice and meet the key people re- between the curb and slde. law:t all.early, some are on time, tires 10 lDld.January after nearly 32 years on the of smashing a possible sponsible for them. It will bel'walk "n fs a wlitical position

fo Do ld B C ts 56 h .. d th d art dope ring were dashed a good party too with lots of In 'order to cut costs City paper written aDd timed toand some are always late ree. na • oa, • w 0 Jome e ep - when one of two men refrdliments and new friends DPW workers do the cl~an-up encourage aotlon by the StateBut one little girl Kha~ ment ad~ a patr!llman in June 1941, and who be. arrested by alert Park to enjoy. There is something job after 1De pro(euiona) Legislature t h ro U ,. h , ..-. . ' came Jrector 1D February 1969, spends his last ~ b f th • ouc

tma BrelSs, the new day at work Friday, January 12. His replacement police on Sunday Decem- or. every mem er ~. e landscapers have performed threat of future court inter.da ht f Mr d M • be 24 f d t t lk faDUIy fro~ senior Cltizens their minor surgery ventiol1 ..

ug er 0 . an rs. hasn't been indicated at this time. . r ".re use 0. a .. , to toddlers. Baby sitters are Chea fA wi.r The 'sult ehaUenging theAnthony Breiss, of Alter ~eG Director Coats reo'Sl~~-------- ft w~ drdlSclosed by Park provided for the very young. Winter:: selected fOl' the constltutionaUty of the pres.road, came 18 aays ~ar1y tires, a family trall1tion in tured and developed during . 0 on Duncan .. on Those who wish to get trimming program as the ent method of ICbool fiDanc-and became the first law enforcement ClO'IIlesto an the past four years, and add- Thursday, Der.ember 28;' Jtome for the Super Bowl are DPW worken are freed of iDSc was filed in December

b!b b . end. For some 90 years, a cd be was proud to have been • The .reluctant speaker was urged to come at 2:00 p.m. their ex1e1lJive summer duo 1971 by Governor WilUama y, om 1ft 1973 in one member of his family has a part of this. ideBtified as Kevin Williams, Those who wish to watch ties of il'ass mo~g aDd Milllken aDd Attorney Gen-

of our three Pointe ho&-. serY.ed as a police offi~er or But, at the same time, the 23, of 1961 Avery, Detroit, while enjoyin, the party will City park upkeep. Landscap- eral Frank J. Kelley. Be-pitals. She is the Brew's a firefighter,. except for a director made it clear he woo was arnsted by Sgt. be able to do so right at the ing firms also are lea. skies The Pointe, BloomlieJdf t child few years trom the late doe~n't take any personal Bobby McAllster and Patrol. Center where TV's will be pressed in the winter mODths lIDl. and Dea-rbom wer'lIrs. 193!>'s to 1941.. credit for these a~complisb- man David Hiller. Arrested set up. and quote lower prices for named in the suit.

Born at 12:47 a.m. at 8t. Since beco~ing dlI'ector, h~ ments. He stres::ed the co- with Williams was Ronald work. The Court's declalon FrI.John, she was ahead of Bon ~,akes pride "m The WOilds operation of his officers, the ~ay1or, 24: of 13955 Wiscon- ----- It takes a professional to ~ay followed simOar rulIDlsSecours' first baby. a boy, by "outstanding traffic re~~. CIty administration and the sm, Detr~)1t. T" R " trim trees in winter I!t deAd m. Arizona, KinDesota, Wyo-almost three hours. A son We are one of the top elties According to infomnatlon lD1e emalDS branches are harder to t ~g, New Jersey and Texas,was bom to Mr and Mrs in the country regarding peel. 1 ed b ~.. ,._.,-~_... whlch declared that support

• '. • _I t" Id u_ re eas y .....e .........,....-, For Blood Drl.ve without t h (, cbaru:teristicKen Golay, of Wayburn ave. estrlan SlUe y, sa ...... MeAllster aDd Hiner were s1cltly foliage of the ~hools had to be balednue, at 3:30 em. Monday, Coats. cruising north on Waybum Cit . Tboma on the wealth of the wboleJanuary 1. The boy, who The Woods. for example, I at 8:u p.m., near Cbarlevoix, KressYba~a~~-gsede rthat treess state, net of the individualsho',lld be named by the time was p.resented. Its eighth con- whe th h d b t WId There is still time to sian CD '" .. ~ school districts The Texas

ti Ii 1 d f, .n ey ear w a so • DN in certai" areas contain sub. I _.i,. befo ththis newspaper is printed, secu v~ na ona awar or ed like a gun shot. a pledge card for the Grosse stantial dea'" _~_... Dead case s curre •....,. . re eweighed eight pounds two pedestrian safety by the ... ,,\NY U S Supreme Court a deaDd a half ounces at 'birth Automobile Club of Michigan The poliC"..men turned east Pointe Woods-American Red wood constitutes l\~ only a :.' .-and was 20 and a' half inc:h~ In August 19'12. In recognl- onto <?harlevoix, in. time to Cross blood donor drive Sat- potential hazard to the heaMh C1S10nA~-=~~an:h.es long. He is the Golay's tlon of th~ city's achieye. see Williarns emergmg from urday, JanuaTY 13, at the of the tree but Also serves as Attome lor The PolDtethird child ment of gomg 14 consecu.ti~e an alley at Cbarlevoix, earry. Woods Municipal BuiJding, a breeding place for the School SYst Doll 1 H

Cotta. ,. years without a pedestrian ing a large green plastic bag. 20025 Mack avenue, from JO Dutch Elm beetle. W< t ...11 :'th ",r11oas ..• • • ge Hospital s first fatality, The Woods received When the offlct:n stopped to es, vue e 0 WlIl'

Moad I 1 baby of the new year, Holly the Award lor P.. ..ellen.... question W'l1lilmls the man a.m. to 3 p.m. The u:ee trimming pro- analysis of the recent Su.. ay, auaU)' Rose Ehrle d ght f M ~, ..,...... .... ed' D I oo.ft..... ,_ gram will cost The City preme Court deciaion HisROBERTO CLEMENTE, r, au er.o r. the second highest hooor for start to run, just as Taylor r ve ~C\;lUVi!S are", reo $3,694. An additional $900 hIS formal V'er<J1't win co~e at

baseolill great, died in the and Mrs. I!0rst Ehrler, of cities In the 33rd annual Na- was coming out of the alley. ePdlenbiySh~~oodMay6UPorplKYennneeedth-been aUoted to the laDdscap. the next meeting of The. Detroit, amv~d at 7:10 a.m. tional AAA Pedestrian Safe. Sarreucl &0 Poll nuuua

crash of a four.engme pro- Monday mornmg. Holly was ty Invento"" . eI' ce :ft. McLeod during his recent ing firm to fumish and plant Pointe Board of Educ:atioopeller'(\riven DC-8 plane Oft a week overdue as she was OJ. The offIcers ordered the IUn d 20 trees. on Monday night January 8a relief mission to earth. expected on Christmas Eve. Stresses CooperaDOIl p~1r to haIt, and they ~m. tebSsUhan SlJrtagery, and .to The trees will be provided at NorUl High sdtool. 'quake-stricken Managua, Ni. At 'birth, she weighed nine The Youth Service Divl. DONALD B. COATS plied -and surrendered WIth. :~ ~ a to I community "bare root" which cuts the Mr. West said (hat the reoc:aragua. A Puerto Rican port pounds, one ounce, and was sion, (YSD), also was cn- dUzenry. He said, "It's a co. out IDcldent. ynlllams df?P" a. price from $65 per tree to~. suit of the property tax suit,official said the crash occur. 21 inches long. A big sister ated since Mr. Coals became operative and collective ped the. plastic bag,. whu:h For further information, Trees are wrapped, wUt. officially the Milliken vs.red sboll1y after tate-off is waiting for Holly's arri. director. He said the YSD thing," and added, "We've the pollcernen conf&Scated. contact Woods Deputy City proofed, fertilized and guyed. Green suit, was not ./:otaUyfrom Puerto Rico yesterday. val at home. was conceived, planned, nur. had continuity from one di. Inside, the officers said, they Clerk Ellie Pastor at 884- In prior years, The City has unexpected, however, theClemente, 38, wu one of five I ~___________ rector to another," found seven bags, each con. 8800, extension 29. (CoIItInaed OIl Pale 4) rea BOning used by the Courtpersons aboard the plane, Ch In his law enforcement ca. ~~ining one pound of mari. -, in arrivln, at the decisionwhich developed en, in e Farms Detective osen reer with The Woods, two JUana, and a loaded .3r. cali- W ds' Jud G d was not expected by any oftrouble 011 takeoff Ilnd was experiences stand out In his ber revolver. 00 ge 00 row tbe lawyers Involved In thetrying to return to the alr- T A nd FBI A de mind. As a firefigbter he The oIIicers searched the case.port. 0 tte ca my SlId, "111 always remember suspects. and in Taylor's poc- Has Busy Court Docket The Pointe attorney de.

• • • the night we responded In kef they found a loaded .32 fined the original le,a) ques.'headay, la_aary Z By James J. NJaim cant Is notified of his selec. Detroit during the 1967 caliber automatic pistol, from tion as follows: "By use of a

WITHIN AN ,HOUR after !ion, In Del. Miller's cllse, rIols." Then a captain, Mr. which one !lbot bad been W60ds Municipal Judge Don John 0 tis Coleman, 184 special c:ourt rule the G<.v.the new year 1973begin, vio- Farms Del. Joseph Miller, it was only a matter of two Coats commanded a crew of lired. It was disclosed that J. Goodrow bad a ~usy day East Grand boulevard, De. emor and Attom~y GeDerallenc:e 4truck In Ulster, Ire. a veteran of more than 22 years," eight or nine l:refighff!rs who the &hot heard by McAlister In court Wednesday, Decem. trolt, pled guilty and was were able to have the Mlchi.laDei. Gunfights and bomb- years on the force, will start Among graduates of the tackled blazes aU night long and HIller was the result of ber 13, as 36 persons apo found i'uUty of no llcense gan Supreme Court eertIfy aine attacks flared on Mon. a three. month, grueling FBI Academy in the Pointe- on Mack and Kercheval un. Taylor IIIccidentally dropping peared before him. Flfty.flve plate light, and "aid a $10 controling question of law.day, after the bloodiest of course of study at the Fp.d. Harper Woods area to date der trying condlUons. T1le the firearm. whlcb went off warrants were signed for fall. fine. He also pled guilty and This was done and briel1ythree years of fighting In. eral Bureau of Investigation Ire retired Park Pollee Chief men not only fought the when it hit the ground. ure to answer summons, 17 was fOllnd ~ulIty of dri~lng summarized, the queaUon wasvotvln, sectarian factions Police Training Academy In Arthur Louwer~ retired Har- flames but harassment along WIlHams 1!nd Taylor were oeases were dismissed after a on a revoked operator's U. wtIether or not the presentand British troops. In the Quantico, Va., on Monday, per Woods POllce Chief AI- the way. "It was unbellevable taken to the station, wIIere hearing and 18 cases were cense, and was fmed $100, system of school financingNew Lodge road In 8eUast, Januafy 8. . len MigUo, City PoUce Chief \I) see buildings burning and Williams WIS ch8rged with adjourned, plus three days in jail. was unconstih'ltlonal becausea man was shot and serious. He will bave the dlstinc:. Andrew Teetael't, Shores the ,ky llt up, and not hav- Dlegal possesskm Of a con. David Higbee Seetey, 4803 Stephen B I a I r Wollenzln, • ... dlsparaties of revenuely wounded; the Britisb tlOlJ of being the first non. Police Chief Joseph Vitale, Ing enougb apparatus to trolled substances and carry. Harvard, Detroit, pled guilty 1739 LitUestone, pled guilty produced per student dlscrim.Army said gunmen fired • ranking polic:e officer in the and the latest, Woods Capt work with," he said. Ing a coneelled weapon, a and was found guilty of 1m- aDd was found guilty of reck- Inate I.alnlt and deny sub-shots at Army posts In the Pointe. Harper Woods area Henry Marchand, who' com. Awarded Meelal felony under Michigan law. 'Paired drivin., and wu fined less driving. He was fined stantiaDy equal opporturdtyArdo)'JIe District, no eausual. to be seleC'ted for the train- pleted the course on Decem. The other Incident was Also a felony under a State $15. $50. to students ... ' ..Ues; In Newtown, BuUer, 55 Ing course at the Academy, ber 15, 19'11. when he slngle.handedly apo statute, is posse.,sion of. Janj! Ann Leonard, 24894 John Anthony SaIem\)ler, Commenting 1m the Court',mites snuflo of LondondelTJ', according to Farms Po)Jc:e Ferber s.ld that he en. prehended three armed rob- controlled suhstance over two Raven, East Detroit, pled 28105 Elm d ale, St.. Clair action, Mr. Wes( aaid thatDe ~ the Irish Republic bOr- Chief Robert Ferber, dorsed MllIer's application bers at the Colonial Federal ounces. ,guilty and was found gulUy Shores, pled guilty afld was Justice G. Mennen Wllliams,der, • "omb blast badly dam. "Another distinction," the lor admission to the AClde. Saving.' Bank, Mack avenUE: Qose4 for Holiday of speeding. She paid a $S5 found guilty of driving under writer of the majority opkl-aged a b'rage. No one"as chief pointed out, "Is that my because of the detective's and Hunt Club, in 1969. Mr. Det. WiRiam Furtaw made fine. the infiuence of liquor, was lon, frlnkly agreed with thekilled. However, just acro" once an application for train. ell.tenslve background and in. Coats received a Depart. I trip to the Wa)'Re County Rlehard Sea ton Watson, f t n e d $100. He also pled defendanta' POSWOD that ofthe border of the Irish Re. Ing at the FBI Ac.tdefl1y is volvement In the .In~stlga'l mental Medal of Valor for his Prosecutor's Olflce on MOft- 22904 Doremus, pled IUUty guilty -and WIS found guilty all the property tu cases inpubllc:, a young engaged proc:essed, there Is a normal. tive field of crime and be. bravery. day, Deeember 25, only to -and was lound If u J I t y of of impaired drivin" and paid the country, The Pointe's wascouple was found shot to walUng period of from sill. eause of other faelDr.. ~lIe In the bank on per. Ifind tflat the office was closed drunkeness, and was fined a $100 fino. the first where there was un.death on a lonely road. to 10 years before the appU. (C(lmhnle4 011Pa,e Z) (Coatillae4 oa Pal' 2) (CoMiaaed 011 Pale 4) $25. (CoMI.1IecI 011 Pare "j (c.b-r • Pa .. 4)

I I ~. 'l~-


Page 2: Locolion-Dot To ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., rosse Pointedigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1970-74/73/1973-01-04.pdfJohn Claims FirstNew Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8

Are You a ManWithout

a Store,•

Thursday. January 4, 1973

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OrosstPointet N~ws

PubUsheclEvery nand.y byAnleebo Pa~ra, lAc.99 Kerebe ....l AvolIO

G~IH p~~, ~, 4~'Phone TU 2-6900

Second. CIa" Post.,e p.ld at De-tr~l~bs::~W:~nRltes $UO Per Ve.....by M.1l 1$1.00 oulatde or W.yn.Countyl .

....ddress .u Mill (Su~rtpllon.,Ch.n,e or ....ddreu Forms 1S7'l1 toII1lKerche •• I, Groase PoInte F.r .....

All news Incl .d.ertslnc ~opymusl ~ In the News Office byTuesd.y noon 10 INure InHrtlon ..

TIP TO MGTORIBTSDrive carefully during the

rC;1~.cnd holidays, motorists-tak~ it easy ill 1972 so youcan be ali,'e in 1973.

no formal college courses,Mr. Coats has had manyshort courses and seminarsrelating to police and firework. Before joining the de.partmellt, he worked atParke, Davis and Company.

After joining The Woodsteam, Mr. Coals had a briefsojourn as a patrolman inDetroit, (1944-45), before reoturning to The Woods. 'Hewas promoted to sergeant in1.94d, lieutenant in 1953, Ci!p.tain in 1961 and then direc.tor.

His great-grandfather serv-ed with the Detroit Fire De.partment in the 1880's. Hisgrandfather, who retired in1915, was both a firefighterand police ollicer. His fatherwas appointed as a firefight.er in 1901 and was transfer.red to the police departmentin 1905. He reUred as a De-troit police detective lieuten.ant in 1935. Mr. Coats alsobad an uncle who retired asa Detroit patrolman in the1ate 1193O's.

B e sid e s exercising his"green thumb" after thatArizona vacation, you canbet -lIIr. Coats will spendsome of that "extra time"with his grandchildren, (fourboys and one girl).

And if any of the chUdrenpursue a career as a policeofficer, you can be certainthey have one of the bestteachers arJund.




DirectorCoatsSettoRetire Selected for FBI Academy------- ----.--- I

(CoaUDlIt4 frea 'ale 1l mused. Mr. Coats then reo (Cootlnaed from 'ale 1) dlacb.rged with the petty of.sonal business, two men en. tated a 1943 incident when, "Normally, the .'BI Ac•. fieer raUn, of chief intered whlle another remain. as a patrolman, he respond. demy would accept only char,e of ordnance. He was ined outside IS lookout. They ed to the scene of an acci. ranking police officers, from line for the nnk of warrantmade everyone lie on the dent. A little girl had just lieutenants up, for training," officer wben he was releasedfloor while they snatched been killed by an ice truck Chief Ferber said. "Speaklni from the .service .• ,aro in cash, Mr, C1ats on Brys drive. for the city administration Before an applicant is 'c.puraued the cu1l!:lls, ex. "Death bothers ali police and for myself, we are ex. cepted to participate in thechanged some fire with them officers, particularly the sud. Iremely proud tbat Det. Mil. FBI police training program,

'and ultimately held them at den death of cbildren. I've ler has been selected to at. a complete check of his back.bay unUI help arrived. seen police officers cry over tend this distinguished aea. ground and character and his

When asked about his most such trllgedies," he said. deroy, rated among the best competence as a pollee ofEl.ple.Nnt experiences wi\b Challging Role in the world." cer is made by FBI officials.the department, Mr. Coats The director bas observed Miller, a native of Detroit, "I find it impossible to tellimmediately repUe<i, "The various changes in the role of is a 1941 graduate of De. you how pleased .and proudsatisfaction of assisting peo. the police officer since he troit's Pershing High School. I am that I have been select.pie," and added "The grate. i0 i n e d the department. He is married to the former ed to take part In this typeful letters you receive afte~ "There's more striving to- Emelia Barbara Dell of The of program," HiDer said.you realize the belp you have wards professionalism today. Pointe. They are the parents "The fact that I am not arendered to the majority of I appreciale the young olfi. of Joseph J., 19, who is ma. police officer of rank, makespeople." cers in our department and in lormg in aeronautic engi. Ihls an exceptional honor

"I always try to treat the other Pointe departments, neering at Tri.St.te College, that wUl be remembered allpeople on a personal basis," They have a lot of talent." Angola, Ind., and 13.year .. my life. I will do ~verythin~he eontinued, "as I feel per. He has seen the depart. old Christine, a student at I in my power to bnng credItson.to.-rson contact is im. Parcells Middle School. to the Farms Police Depart...... ment expand from five men t d t . tif FBI'

' portant." in 1941 to today's personnel Miller WilS appointed a pro- men an 0 Jus y e sSadDe.. StaDd. Out b ti tr I the selection of me to participate

But wben asked -about bu. total of 59,. ! F~r~:~or: ~nmaS:p~nmber in its training program. ImoJ'OUl experiences, he men. In the same velD, Mr. Coal~ 16 1950 and after complet. look forward to the chal.lioned the moments when of. noted the d~mands of ed~ca. ing 'his probationary perind, lenge."flcers get together, but quick. tlon for poltcemen and fIre. was made school safety offi. He received the congratula.ly grew pensive. men, For example, before a cer a post he held for 15 tions ot City Mlnager An.

"You know, the sad things man, can become .a Woods years, even after being ap' drew Bremer, Jr., and thestand out In your mind," he public safety ollicer, he pointed to the plainclothes members of the city council, I---------- must have two years of col. detail in the Detective Bu. as well as his colleagues in I

lege, reau. In 1962, he was ele\'lt. the department.Mr. Coats also focused ed to the permanent rank of

upon the tensions of today's detective.society, and mentioned ~he His records show that heproblems of youth regardmg has covered just about everythe use of drugs, and. the phase of police training _of.~raft: Howe~er, he qUIckly fered in colleges and univer-m~Jected, The gre.,t ma. sities throughout Michiganjorlty of youth today are and the United States. Hisfine. The~ are conde!Dne~ ambition to attend the FBIby the actions of the mmon. training program goes backty," more than 10 years.

And he said, "The attitude The detective is a veterantowa~d8 polic~ today hur!S of World War II, serving witha dedIcated officer, when he s the United States Navy fromcalled. a ,:pig' and other ob. December 1942 to Decemberscenil1es. 1945, and he was honorably

Ideal OfficerThe director feels an of.

ficer's job is tougher todaythan when he joined the de-partment. "The officers mustbe more knowledgeable inlaws and in arrest proce.dures, He must be moreknowledgable in being ableto carry out his duties. Theconcept of the poll.;:! officerin the old days as a man ofbrawn is gone."

Qualities which make upthe ideal police offIcer inthe director's eyes are a"blending." "He's got to beable to communicate with thepublic, know how to handlepeople and their needs," hesaid.

Mr. Coats added the oUl.cer must also have goodhealtb, be able to take careof himself and, in the caseof a public safety depart.ment, handle the require-_... of both pollee workand firefigllting,

PraJses SupportIn reflecting upon his ca.

reer, the dIrector praised tIlesupport given the departmentby Woods citizens and thecouncil, and stressed his finerelationship with City Ad.ministrator Chester E. Peter-sen, "The citizens," he said,"want a good departmentand are willing to pay for it. ' ,

The direclor, who announ.ced hls retirement in thespring of 1972, said he hasbeen thinking about it forthe last few years. He seeshis retirement as a "newchallenge," and ll!sns to en.joy those lr.ilments at his newMarine City home, near the51. Clair River. There he hasrenewed some relationshipswith retired Pointers.

While he has no definiteplans as yet, Mr. Coats hopesto put some hours in his gar-den. But until the springthaw, he and his wife, Helen,will travel to Arizona tospend the balance of the win.tel'. He also plans on visit-ing some Woods retirees inArizona.

Bom iD DetroitBefore moving to Marine

City six months ago, the di.rector lived in The Woodsfor 32 years. He was bornin Detroit and was graduatedfrom Southeastern HighSchool in '1941. While taking

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DON'T TAK~ A CHANCE-<ALL A PROfESSIONAlYovr Remodelln, P1anneel by &peltsw. of CUSTOM CUlT _ ..etll t:"',.,-.:,"' ..':.:'W~~ 1e6l- III -w. -.Iv ""'"'" 1... ~Iloorl.... ... -e-, • yo., .. ....,.........-'to ~ .........,..will ....Y.., Knew Cmn,.... COlt In AdvanceY__ ', -""'" .._ ............ r __ ~_o.,,..It_,

Yo., ~ "nanc/n, He!.!:.!ou NMd:::t'~ ~-:..:.. .. ,....., yo., ...... le_ .....we _ toll ,.. ,.. elh_ ......)'Mr ,.. will ""I..... • • , • yo.,_ ...... "'1eY'" 11.

You Get Top Q.,allty Job, Fh,/.heel 0" TilM.'lIllY IIIIIS alOrll"iEIS• Ames F1IUSllI .lfe. Il~• IfTCEIS • NT/IS • tlSTO. lUAUS PI IIHS ......



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Page 3: Locolion-Dot To ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., rosse Pointedigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1970-74/73/1973-01-04.pdfJohn Claims FirstNew Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8

.1¥? ..¥! IS ..• -. _.la. A e, _ ~:;..~_.~......_.~ ... UUt4.' , !if'WlJ>:V;;::.t4tM"'i .. ~~-;~ ...~ .."",~'!"'!""... ~__ . ~-"'!"'I","",,)(_,i""'n¥.~!!i!:!!!lr!!"'!i!!*!!!'!S_",,4'!'1'."" 1IIIIl4;"""IIIIIIIIi(Jl'"'!, •. """ j~*"'[j!lil'; 1IBl_!!lIiI!!: ..._ ......111"14"'IIlI'I''''1 :;:0, """_lIl'IU Z"""_""P"'la;; ...,"*"",_~,..... ._. •• _


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22SlllIllPIl lYE.(be!w"" 8 & 9 Mol. lid. I

(7 R 0 SSE P 0 , N'T ENE W S

8-ESuspectHeld for Trial

H...... ,..n ~SKI EQUIPMENT----------

----------Rental Ro'e~ Include

aU metal ski\with step.if, bindings;

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Another case of indecentexposure was reporLocl to theWoods Department of Publicl":afety. This is the fourthcase recorded within an 11-day period. Two cases werereported Sunday evening, De.cember 17, a third on Fri. ,day, December 22, plus thelatest case Thursday, De-cember 28.

In this case, a 13-year-oldWoods girl told Public SafetyOfficer Russell Allard whilewalking west on AlIne drivenear Mact avenue a whitemale, about 14. or 150years.old, walked towards her,stopped and exposed him-seU. He then ran through aparking lot at the rear ofSchweitzer Real Eatate Inc.,21300 Mack. Pollee searched Ithe area but were unable tolocate the youth.

The culprit was describedas having medium lengthdark hair, and was wearinga dart jacket and whitepants.

Girl ReportsExhibitionist


Retired after over 30 yearsof service to the City 01Grosse Pointe is Fire Ser.geant SEVRYN BUSS, 58, ofSt. Clair -avenue.

Sergeant Bliss retired offi.cially on Friday, Decamber8, 1972, after joining TheCity's rue department in 1942.Ex::.c:tly one year later, onFebruary 16, 1963, be wasnamed to the rank (If firelighter. He was promoted tosergeant on June 1, 1963.

"We will miss sergeantBliss lor his loyal service toThe City in our fire-fightingeCtorts. The men will .150miss his presence at the lirestation," City Fire Chief !Wb-ert J. Marshall said.

C,ommenting on his almost31 years in fire fighting, Ser-feInt Bliss recalled his firstday OD the job in 1942.

"l had just joined the' de.partment, and badn't evenbeen issued my coat andboots, when we were calledtoa fire at Lakeland and St.Paul avenues. It turned outto be a two.alarm flfe. Beinga rookie, I wondered if :illfires were going to be thisway," Sergeant BUss said.

The retired sergeant plansto speDd his time travelingwith his wife, Florence, andenjoying his five grandcbil-dren. He has three chUdren,Beverly (Mrs. Lee Piemont),HermlD, ~ James, I polleeofficer in St. Clair Shorelf.His mother, Mrs. 'McnicaBllJs, lives next door in st.Clair avenue.

Woods LieutenantHu Operation-The Woods DepertmeDt ofPublic safety reportl tbltLieutenant Roland S)'moDI

. is progrellSlng ,lltisfaclor1l,yaCter undergoing back .ur.gery at St. John HoapltalWednesday, December 27.

It II DOt known .t thistime when the lieutenant willbe back OG the job, the de.partment added. He was H-mltted to St. John about threeweeks .go,


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Thursd.y, J.nulry 4, 1973



The program offers weekly departures to Aca.pulco, the Riviera ofthe Americas on American Airlines from Detroit Metropolitan Air-port. 7 nights: 8 days Accommodations at the Beautiful Holiday InnHighrise of Acapulco, located directly on the ocean, based onEuropean Plan (no meals). Round 'Trip Transfers a~d ijaggageHandling. A cruise of magnificent Acapulco Bay. Also inCluded areservices of a Tour Representative.'add $70.00 per person for MAP. .from Oec:16 to January 15, add $90.00

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371.1470 or 773-3300 ~ 147-'100

TUlSt."'llfil"'AlA ~.~ fnnrelllllreau01 SH rOUI t~A¥tt AOeIf. - ' }. ",

William B. Woodard, 19, oC2178 WWIllms, Detroit, was

;~ bound over for trial in Clr.\} cuit Court by Park Municipal

Judge William E. Spear onWednesday, December 27,followinJ an examination

.. hearing. The youth Will re •., manded to the Wayne County

Jail in default of $5,000 bond,o which was continued.';; Woodard is accused of i'

j, ~o: breaking into a home at 1050:. ~ Kensington in the day time. ,

EvilkD<,e tied the youth to ,the breakin. ';

Two other suspects, ar. 'rested with Woodard on De.cember 15, were releasedwhen no evidence could beCound to connect them withthe burglary. One or thesuspects was a close relativeof Woodard.

The Park has had six day.time burglaries .nd theFarms, three, but there wasnothing that could point tothe released duo beiftg in.volved, authorities from bothcities said.

Part !olice said thatWoodard, and three com.panions in his car werestopped by Detroit authori.ties on December 7, and onthe front seat of Woodard'scar was a pair of antiquedueling pistols stolen fromthe home of Anthony Bag.nasco, 712 Berkshire, on No-vember 30.

It was on Friday, Decem-'ber 15, when Woodard ran astop street at 2:26 p.m., atSouth Oxford and Momlng-side, traveling through at 30miles an hour. In the carwJth the young man was hisrelative and another male.

Woodard's vehicle answer-ed to the description of oneseeD lit several of the bur.glaries In the Park andFarms. A call for help byWoods officers b rou g h t IFarms police' to the I!'restscene.

A warrant was obtainedpermitting a search of Wood.ard's auto and pollee founda number of pi~ea of jew.elry taken frOm the !tensing.

A_~~AI•.III~t~~tt'.=~~~~~~Credited with spotting andstopping the car driven byWoodard following the traffic

S.•-1.-1".1* violatioD, was Woods Public....., • Safety Officer James Fowler.While' Writing up a viola.

tion ticket .for the traffic: of--per person doubfe occupancy. fense, Fowler heard a radio

pfus 10% tax and service broadcast, asking for a de-scription of the slopped car.The olficer radioed the de.scription, which matchedthat of the car seen at thebreakin.s in the Park. Parkpolice asked thlIt the suspectsbe held lor questioning.

On 'the basis of the evl.dence against Woodard, hewas the only one that couldbe held.

'.004 QIOtEVAl , VA Z"070

... ",' '."

Page 4: Locolion-Dot To ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., rosse Pointedigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1970-74/73/1973-01-04.pdfJohn Claims FirstNew Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8











SPORTS CAR5al.s. Specialist

Quality NUrlinl/ Core





11,ursd.y. January 4. 1973




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This' 'Week'sBell Ringers

Prices EHedive Jan. 4th, 5th, and 6th.Closed All Day Sunday as Usual

CIOHd Wednesdays 1 ~.M,


Notice ;s hereby given to members of the ColonialFederal Savings and Loan Association of Grosse PointeWoods that the ann.Jol meeting will be held in the officeof the Association, 20247 Mack Avenue, at 2:00 p.m .•Wednesday, January 17, 1973.


Robert E. Powers, Presid.nt



:...... _ ...... _ ClO..... ',e-. - ~ -,-vw..:- e-iM - ,....roi.tiftt._ ......... a.-oI & hpIlM.

AnoM. Mahlte.anc.

Act Upon City Trees


Have steaks cubed, Rpur light", brown in shortening, dmin,Add one can of stewed tomatoes. Simmer for one hour orbake in oven at 3500 for one hour.

w. Omy • Com .. ~ SoI«tloft .. fIlM Win" .1Id lIquers 10 Compliment Ev.,., Mool

Quality and Service as always . . .






FRESNO SHA.NKS1~ shaftb I ("'~.l can tem,'o lOue.I .... r:'" rflc '/4' cup IHown sugerrI Ia- en"", ':Wnly IIicecI ,... 1 I cup while loble wino

..... .. tip ... I 1/1 lip. pepper,... lam" .... nlls In -fer; ockI ._lning IntNCIIM'lh. ~v.r roosl., on" coole 3houll ~ rnocIoratoly .... w _; (300). (If shaft... are Ia .... raise '.mperahlre to 325'~!O). ~-If -; _fin ... ~ flIf 30 mlnul". Pour IOUfO into Hlue.pcin'.........t.... __ hltIft hocrt. "-v, __ ,""I. •

(CoDUaae4 from "ale 1)for Christmas. The two IUS'pec1l were detained in the10eal c:eU uaW warraJb wereapproved by the Prosecutor'.olfiee on Tuelday, Decem.ber 211.

Williams aoo Taylor werearraigned before Part Muni.cipal Jud,e WUlia.u E.Speer later that Tuesdayafternoon, and bond was .etfor $10,000 for W1Wams and$5,000 for Taylor. Eumlna.tiOD was let for yelterday,Januat')' 3.

Because of. overerowdedcondiUons at the County Jail,the accused were detained inthe local cell uatil examlDa. -Uon-.


W0008 Doctor'sOffice Entered


Someone broke Into a doc.for's onita :.. Mack avenuesometime between 4:30 p.m.Saturday, December 30, and12 Jloon Sunday, December31.

Dr. John E. Moran, 1N&7Mack, told Woods PubUcSafety Officer James Fow.ler he found nothing missingat this time.

Police said the culpritsentered tIIrough the troutdoor as the door and jambhave three gouges, pO:lsiblymade by a screwdriver, atthe strike plate. Tbey appar.ently exited 'through the back

VA.2.9070 door. Tbe ofi1ce interior wasnot ransacked.

(; R,O SSE






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Attack Supreme Court School Decision

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15102 KERCHEVAL VA 1.8200o,.n , ..... , and friclav 9 •. m 10 • p.m.

Men., WH., ThUll. 9 •. m. 10 6 p.m.Salunlay 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

P.ge FourWi , I"'I ""' l"II.l"II y , ~.""'•.., .

(CoIKinued from Page 1) Williams stated that it was system are DOt .... t of the (c..u.... ,.... P.,e U aeed more atteDtion andr~utted evidence presented no longer necessary to COD. question, uOOoubt ;;eti. plllKed, W1ecl ad burlapped bave been allesaed at $30 perwfllch destroyed the plain. sider ltIe 'brood philosopblcal UOII6for a reheart 'the treet, but City c.'ClUMilmeJl tree.tiff's asswnptlon that the question' which they had or. cue wUI be filed fu Ie aareed with Jk. KreRtMcll ---------Quality of a child's education iginany framed, but that they the Mk:h1gaDSupreme. .at. that bare root treeI werei. a function of the wealth of would turn to a new 'much The make.up, of (he COld worth a try eoDIideriD,C diethe school distrlot In which narrower end objective quea. will chan,. at two fteW $a!) IIVJna ••the student reaide., Uon' of whether 'inequality ill judge., Mary ColemID aDd 1Mau.t PleW

In la)'men's terms, The tbe maintenan~ and .upport' Charles LeviD, 'WiD be ta1dD& '1'h tree p1aDDedPointe, (along with the other of the acbools is unconatitu. office. The two j\MIJeI leav. e ne" • are

h tionat iua ,u:~ ~ 'Voted with the for loc.ttlou GO Cadieux,two sc 001 districts), proved majon'tv 011 the pro v •• _ Notre Dame, st. Clair, Neff,that the quality ..I a child's "The Court turned trom the .., t- .....

VI quesUOD. UDlvenit)', LakelaDd, Ker.education was not proportion. original theory of whether cheval, Fiaher, Rivard anda1 to how much money was dlsparatles in property val. "We tore hopeful that with Wasb.iD1toD roadI. The treesspent on each student. It was ues among school districts the usbtance of the DeW selected are six Supr 11&.the first property \ax ease in resulted in unequal education membtlra of the Court, at plel, a Norway Maple, a Ma.the. count.ry where ltIe de. of the children, to the slm- least we will obtain a darl. jutic LoewIt two EftliUblendant won. If the original plistic approach of whether fication of the Court'. opin. Oaks and 10 tin4. trees.

I U I I' ••••••• I' •••••• I •••••••••• ,. • •••• constltional question before or not a system which reaWts Ion. Upon more careful c:oa- ~,__________________ the Court had not been aI. in unequal doUars being slderation of ~ opiDion 'J.b(\ new tr.. wDl ftlt'Iace

tered, ltIp.n the three school SpeDt among districts is per written by JusUee William., thon ~ I.D 11m due tosystems would hav!! won the se unconstitutional, «(rre. we hope that there will be a Dllteb Elm c1lIease, ItOI'lIDcase. speetive or the relationship of return to the issues upon damaee aad GUler causes.

Issue WIS Altered the dollars to a student's edu. which the original cue was The loutlons aDd type ofHowever, the Court did al. cation a! oppOrtunity). litigated." trees IUggelted for plaDtiDI

ter the issue by bringing the A Different awJen,e ----- were selected for their bardysystem of scbool revenue un. "This was not tte uncon. Thi E te nature and to ~vkle aDder consUtutional scrutiny, stitutional challenge wtllcb eves n r aesthetk balance witb therather than the mere ques- itbe Grosse Pointe, Dearborn Wood Homes exlstlng trees.tion of whether a child's edu. and Bloomfields school <U.. S The City baa trimmedcation was a function of tricts were. ~a1led upon to 1,_ trees durlq the .isachool budgets. defend," Mr. West said. Three brultinl aDd enter- yean of Ita progiam. 'I1le

The shift in constkutional Justice Wllliams wrote In ings were reported to tile price quoted lctr trimm1Dg IIquestions in~ensed Boa r d the decision, "In the very ex. Woods Department of Public $1' per tree, except I.D Ca.President William F. HueUe. cellen! briefs of the Defend. Safety, one each on Sunday, dieu road where the tree.man who stated. "It is a case ants, they -persuasivc,ly pro. December 24, Monday, 0..where we won the law SILK. dueed data from the Miehi. eember 25, and Tueaday,However iUleCourt didn't like gan Department of Eduea. December 26. Grab Pairthe resuit, so they changed tion's Educational Assess. On. the 2'th, John Hyde,the law suit It's the kind of men! Program relative to tht! 11182Fleet ...aod fO ad, told,thing you ~uld expect out lack of direct relationsbJp of Public Salety Olncer Patrickof politicif,ns and not ,jurists." school district weaUh to edu. McMath he lea home around

Mr. West said, "Justice cational achievement." 4:30 p:m. and returned aboutHowever, the attorneys' ar. 10:25 p..m. to discover the

guments were thrown out l:' bur.glary.no long'!r apropOs when the At. th1s time, .Mr Hyde feelsconstitutional question was nothing was taken. Policeenlarged to attack the Sy8- said two bedrooms were ran.tem of school financing it. IIclted, and four candy wrap-self. pers were fouhd on the living

Ml". West said, "Some of room floor. The culprits ap-us find the logic of 'Justice parently took the candy fromWilllam's statement some. a Idtchen pantry. Entry waswhat elusive," and men. gained through a storm doorUoned the dissenting Justice to the rear porch, and thenBrennan's eondemning com. Into the: home by breaking amenu. . door window.

The effect !)f the Court'smajority decision is difficult The following day burglarsto assess as the Court -merely entered H and iman Shopattempted tO'describe a oon. Lumber, 19650 Harper, withsUtutionally permissible 1I)'S- the owner reporting approxi.tern of school financing. mately $10 in change maslng SO ftVE

Court Pa .. es Back at this time. It seems to be a rule 01The Court made clear its Public Safety Offk:i:r Paul life that you will receive

intention of passing the buck Crook, upon investigation, ob- many more eomplainta tbaDto the Michigan legislature by served that tile front door compliments.stating that it wqI stand had been apparently kickedready to entertain " . . • a open. A casb drawer andpetition (from tOO legislature) some ebange were lIPOtted onto test the new eombined the floor. In the office proper,public school financing sys- a desk and files were ran.tern." sacked, pollee said. A wash.

The combined public school room door also was kickedfinancing system is, 85 moat open.Pointers know. a combination Then on the 28th, Richardof loea1 property taxes and H. Walwortil., 1&30Fleetwood,..tate ...\d_ -Ill aD eUort to told Publie Satety Officere~u~lize school budgets, ~ate Russell Allard bis bouse wasaId lS higher in the dlrtricts burglarized. Mr. Walworthwith lower property values. said all he could find missing.Each time 'lbe Pointe has a at this time -was an RCA 14.property reassessment,. and wch television set valued atproperty vabes are adJUsted $375 'upwards, state aid drops. • .

In regard to future action ~e told police he lea homeon the ease, Mr. West sald Fnday. December 23, and reothat although further appeals turned ~e afternoon of ~through the Federal Court 26th to di~cover the breaking

and entermg. The thieves ap-parenUy entered by breakinga 'Pane of glass in the reardoor.

The detective bureau is in.vestigating aU three cases;

i _

Page 5: Locolion-Dot To ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., rosse Pointedigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1970-74/73/1973-01-04.pdfJohn Claims FirstNew Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8

, .~_--::--;-~'.F_ ... .,.,,--~~~~ ....._ ... "'_ ...... ,_ ...~-"-_ ....--_ .........._-_._--- .... ._._ ........ , --------:r-:;w::--....--~-------- ..--...----- ..-, .~_.."-*-3a-_..._-------


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.beeDee of ,....er ....lIPidi'y ,"'a IITIae •••werr" A.a.FIe ... l.

elilier iMIaIW .. )'eMU":Iuraaee 10 .. ppl)' ,-.e""ha ....... , .1 .. It.aurel. YOtlr Iao.-e •••1... 0, .1'IIere' ... Au&o-Fl. jut ric.' 'or )'oa,your ......... .A

CIJtib ...



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&ROSSE POtNlE NEWS----------------------------Accuse Motorist A. Hit-Run Driver

The action IpOIin the '-t of the


Toe '-PIling jNz revivals.8ig bend c:oncens.dining and dancing

under lhe stanatop the Hotel Pontchanrain. I


'-....----..- - I"-02GO


To HaW•••

Okay ExpensesFor Conference

ABOVE BOAaDPlID to live 10 that jt'Jl be

UDDeCeIW'Y for frieDds toII" JOU the beJlefit of thedoubt.

A Fa,.. resJdeat, _peel. aaId. allJ multi. Howeyer, Pdrol.Id of 1>eJD, the blt-aa4.nm Sbe 1114 aM _.11 ..... up .- IDID Gordoa Bv .... reea1Ieddriftr wbo rail lato • 'roD' ol ... "';;;'-a. &: tlaat lie had had CODtaet withwoman'. ear aD«l iDjured \he 1D...aiI. te aDd 1M II tbe • penoIl owahtI a U7IWOIDan OD We4aeICla" De- peI'IClIl DeIdeU "tuee. AI ftwIcIerbIrd, alMl .llo ...eember 11. wa. Iuuecl ..... III "., Mrs. Va. akIeI at 17 Kerb, 1'OId.violatloD ticket a' hJI bome. clerIIu.IeM aaId, tIII.u Cpl. 0«0 011.. " IDdHe 11 formally ew,ed 1rith atra~ "PI lteppecl 011 JIonUoD ... t to tIla' ad.leaYiDI the .eeae of • per. the ,.. ....... ucl a1uIIDed dreu, and lookecl iIIto tINIOIlI1 IDJury acddeDt. Jato tIN ruJ' 01 Iae, ear ,ara,e ODtM JlI'OIltrt1. aDd.

FI1'IIlI authorities ldeDtl. eaUllq r. to JoN eoDtrol: IIW a ear flWq tile de.W tJae IUSped ., beiIII nee womu'. ear wat acrlptloD or the ODe tut lI.adrrederlek W. HUIhes, 54, of Ofer ,twl curb at tile ClOI'DU', Ial.t lira. VaDderbulehe. TheIT Jterb)< road, .. bo 11 at. boekiDI don • Itnet alp !roIIt eDd of the vehicle w••Ie,ed to have .truck an auto at HeDdrIe IDlI tbe boule- dama.ed.drive by JIll. Dolore. JI.y Yard, lluHd oI! a brick The poUce offlcer. tookVuelerbu.~ehe of 210 Jlt. waU, caualDl JDiDor clama,e plctures of the alltomoWle.VemoD. to tile waU, tIMo OOIItiDued after which they rlDC tile

After lb. "" .tnlck, JIrI. OIl, boekID, don • stop lroclt door bell 01 tJIe hou.ae.Vaaderbulcb. 10.t eoatrol of alp IDlI • pole .t tJae iDter. The policemen .aJd tbather vehicle, "hich weDt over HCtioII. IDd came to •• top Huchtl, himIelf, auwerecl.tile c:wi> at GroaN Pointe 08 tile Ian. '1'2Iere ",a. i atroq odor Gl

. boulevard IDd Hell4rle laDe, Her 9e.biele wu DOt drive. alcobo1 08 the maD'. breath,causiD, damale to her ear, able and 11... to be towed the tt!ficen added.IDd private and pubUe prop. hom tile IeeDe to • aerrice They adv1Jed HqIm ofert)'. The womaD's car elided ItaUoG. She told OffIcer hIa rilbtl, after placiDI himup OIl the front lawn of 4Z Morriloll tlaat • could UDder arrest. Hulbes ,ipldHeDdrle laDe. idellUIy the driver of the the rilhtl, but reIIlMd to

JIrs Vanderbuscbe .uffer. other cu, who lI.ad driven make Q statemellt, clalmlal• away ill u erratic maDDer. lie did DOt remember "'here

eel .. vere whiplash paiDI to Sbe aaI4 after tbe 1IIlpact, he bad lODe or If he laadliter neck IJld. muscle., ae- tilt motorist drove UOImCI dr1veQ the bitonIQ ear.cordiDt to all aceldeat reo her aDd proceedecl .alt OIl Gl' tit IIWI MOm..oe aidport. She wu treated by her tile boaJevard, IOIQ frOm an ,pel'IODal physlciall at st. eIIlb to curb ..... •.._ ..... that beeauae of HUlbeiJ.....- H-pitaJ ' 01lOI& waD.... CODClItIOD. he 11''' DOt taba-.. "'. . appeared. to the .tatloa. but wa. IuuecI

Patrolman Timothy Morrl. A witDeaa to the accldeAt • violatioll ticket OIl the QOllOll, .. bo was dispatche4 to told lIerriaoD the .ame Itory HuPea wa. released to thethe acene of the accident, about ftlt laid tatea pIa~, CUItody of • re1atiY. wIIolaid hllJ al!ived to fiDel at a. that reJated br tile aeel. bad been ClUed to the houIe.woman aDd her 1963 PJ,m. deat victim. HUIbea 11 sdtecluJed to ap.outh Valiant OD the leWD. A,eDeZW1 1m»adcut to be pear before Fa,.. MualelpalHer lOoyear-old daughter, 011 the lookout lor the .eel. J\ldle Robert Pyte1l OIlKbn, who WII Jeated Dm cleat clrtYltr laDed to produee WedDead.., JanlW'1 10to her ill the vehicle, wu DOt ,.iAjured.

Mn. Vlnderbuache toldMoniaon that .he "a. travel.iDI east Oft the boulevard,wileD .he noticed a dartbllle, or black, Th\IDdo.u'binIItoJll*\ at the curb, juItweat of Hendrie. A maD WUalumpecl 0ger the wheel, I1l.e--------1

The WoodJ Co\IDcU .t •receDt replar meet!nl UDan.imoaal1 approved the ex.peDIU of memben atteudiDIthe Natlollal LeaPt of cw..41th AllDIlI1 CoDJrea,I ofCltl .. , November 2f.3O, 1J72,in IDdiaDapoUa, Iud.

EZperaaes were ok,yed .ttIl1I meetiDr for CoUDellmaJIaniJl R. Boutm, ("''18),RodIer A. Graef, ($folN.8I),coar.d A. Nae,e1, ($4811.81)IIWI J[enoeth W. BoerDet,

, (_.III).'.l1le CODIl'e.u ,.,u devoted

to the theme, "Your CitJ'. tBo1e ill the Urban SINm.".,

n.YlNG~Xe7 pla3'eft lor the Na.

tloul Boeke,. LeaIve'.MOJltrea1 Canad1eDl iDcJlldeIO&Ue Ken Dryde, elefeue..men Ser,e Savard .Dd Gu1LapoiDte, and to r w • r ell.Jacquea Le m a ir e, YvaDCoumoJer, FrIJlk JlaIroovlich,Pete JlahovUch and BeDriIUchard.

. '....93'-6657



Harbor Sprints,M1chltans,; ...

I. s1IW, . MIdd. I, No"-'-_Io .._oW_ ..... _

=.,....Ioiert .. aI e-,....... -:=.w:. ~_ for .. __ .

"ItISIIVATIOHSAVAILAII.I JANUAIY 5, to ANI&. 1, 1913".. ,.. 1 ............

.... s,r-.. t16-l1n

24223 Jefferson At'e.

Exclusive AreaShowIng

Robert Redford os

"J h, "In PlInll-Mion aAd Technkolor

latM PGAll Ages Admitted


JIIa " • .... Vtl.".SS USL".Fa. 11:3. U. •

New ED,la.dCI•• Bake

DetnMt100 N. Ilvn lOAD 293-3392 - 461 0164 .

Mt. 0.-. MIch. 4IOU Mt" 10M Mt. ~ ~

fnhK'tG;ftlMnf .and Dane;",

friday on:l Satv,.,


(fGrmerfy Ownet of. Coph.in $hum • .,..s)Of'- ,....., ..... kll ......

fs.... .,..,,.",..)• Pal1lel • llaftqueI facilitiIs ond ~ --• Dining Daily • ~ns for IusiIIIKI LuM!IIcMIs• Plan ahead for the HollcIoyI. ~ rom.• Entwtoinment fri.;Sat. f<oening

SMORGASBORD,Sundays fntm • ~ 7l!!

.1:00 p.m. till 9:00 p.m. ~. ..

:70 I~epann/~.01 t~e qroom,.

For an extremely love;.f gesture and exprusionof gratitude for e.uerukJ. COUTte$;U by the Bride'sfamily during wedding activitiu consider a'

traditionalWaiding ReManal Dinner

Jel/erJon ColonnaJeJe~/au,.anl

• , ....... alJoft On"11tv"", fritlar .nd Sotunloy

New England Clom Chowder, Jumbo SNamed Claml,'Whole lorge live Maine Lobster, Com on the Cob.

,'MILLEll'S~ Re.t ...... t _

15.... ACk (... ~ & s-enetlServin. lunch from '11 ~30'ti)4:30.

Dinne,' from 4:30 'til 7:30Tv"', thruFriday

TU 2..94440,.,. to __ cwfiiIMn ..... "...,.

Precision and ProductionSTRAIGHTENING '


• '10m. HI",I.n;,.. •• O;.s • Shcrfts • Rolls • Ways • . Geors• SproCk.ts • Toofs • FlaIM horclened piecesguaranfftd straitht.


'or lafoflUtfoD cell:

....... 116-1551'".5791

NORTH1500 N, WlIOCh¥InlsDU!ll of 16 Mile Road, Birmingham

99 West Maple 8f Pierce. Birmingbam3700 West MapI.1t L.llser. Bloomfiald Twp.

25950 Middl.'t ef 11 Mil. Road. Farmington1406 N. WoodwInt souttl of 12 Mile Road. Royal Oak

29405 Greenfield non11 of 12 Mile Road. Southfield25123 Soudlfi.ld nonb of 10 Mile Road. Southfield

940 East long Lake Road Wlst of Rochester Road. Troy2899 West Big 8eMr Road .ast of Coolidge. Troy

MST11540 GfWtd Rim lISt of Southfi.ld

26712 Gmt RMr em of Beech Road14221 Greenfi.ld SCIUllIof Grand River


10641 Joy Road .t Manor~4224Joy Road Wlst of Tell9"

16841 Schaefer Rold south 01 MeN ittloIl17230 FarmingtOll Road ncntl of 6 Mill ftoed

EAST14628 East JefflfSOll at Manistique

16530 ElSt WIIT.n nonb of Out. 0rM11511 Kelly Road ItWhinier

25501 Harpar nonh of 10 Mil. Road, St Clair Shores30700 Schoenherr sollltl 0113 Mile Roed. Wnn

3900 follteen Mil. Road west of Ryan Roed. WIIYIIIOOWNTOWtI DElIOT

405 Griswold It JtfftrSOll


.. .JOy 10.. - IITIOIJ, taM - .... "1.MA <!-IIIr CfflllIH1 ", ...... 110. ~ .. ~ ~

Page 6: Locolion-Dot To ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., rosse Pointedigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1970-74/73/1973-01-04.pdfJohn Claims FirstNew Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8




TU 1-5000

Thursday, January 04. /973

COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY(6.136% effective annual intefest)



EAST DETRO'" 15761 Nine Mile It Grltiot-PR 1-8120GROSSE PTE. WOODS 20247 MICk It Hunt Club-TU 8-1010GROSSE PTE. FARMS 63 Kercheval "On ttIe Hill"-TU .... 1

HOURS: 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Fridav 'lII8 p,m.

NOW Invest now in Colonial Federal SaYings

HIGHER 6% Certificates ..... CompoundedQuarterly to give you a new high

EARNINGS Effective AnnlJal. Int~~ of6.136%. Issued 10 mlOlmum

amount of $5,000. You choose maturity date between'two years and five years. Stop in at any of our officesfor complete details.

(C4DtlDuedfrom pap;:)-Eihrldge Albert ~rlv'J,mindedness as a preparaUon Thomas Ron a I d Leech, 14135 Mendota, Detroit, ~e4for dynamic productive ae. f und guiltytivity," she added, 22495 Madison drive, st. Clair guilty and was 0 spe ded

Shores pled not guilty but of driving on, a sU fin.The introduetoty ltcture was fo~d guilty of following license. He pald.lat $1~ WI~

fOl' the January cours. will too close, and an acddent. He also pled gUI Y InUc Dsebe held Thursday" January He paid a $25 fine, found guilty of n~ e11, at t:30 and again at.8 John Conrad Gallagher, plate light, and paid a finep.m. The guest speaker 'Will .1155 Hampton, pled guilty of $10.be Lewu Leonard of Mahar: and was found guilty of Vincent Patrick ,Scherz,llhl' •. E"ecutive CouncD. His drunkenness on a public 13086 Chelsea, Detroit, PUI~topic: .is. "Tranllce.ndental street, and paid a $50 fine, guilty and wU foun,d gu ...~Medita\io~ the Practical Ap. William A, Peck, 2169 of speeding, and paid a .-plication of the Science of Ridgemont, 'Pled not guilty fine.Creative Intelllgence." but was found guilty of hav. Frank Munaco III, 20001

Then the preparatory lee- ing an unhoused commercial Alger, S1. Clair Shores, pledture will be held Thursday, vehIcle in a residential area. guilty and was foun~ ;"ullt


J'anuary 18, at 1:30 and 8 He paid • $15 fine. of driving on an expJr op-p.m. These informative lee. Mark Edward Carie, 22620 erator's license, and pald atures are complimentary aDd Liberty, St. Clair Shores, $10 fine.all are welcome to attend. pled guilty and. was found Marvin Dale Shelton, 12125The first day of instruction guilty of having no light on Wade, Detroit, I.'led guiltyfor the January course is sa. his registration plate. He was and was found gUilty of drlv-turday, January 20. Three fined $10. ing left of center. He paid Imore sessions follow. Thomas Joseph Wierzbecki, $20 fine.

For further intonnatlon 740 Grand Marais, pled guilty Delano St~dvant, 2999liMon-and was found .guilty ()( driv. tery. DetrOIt, on a cense

contact Mr. Miller at 82:J. ing on a suspended I.ceDse. never acquired cha~ge, bad3606. He was fined $150, plus three his bond forfel~ed .m 8alli.

days 1n jail. faction .of the violahon" $50.Louanne BowlL)g, 58 Rad. DenniS Navarre .Taylor,

nor circle, pled guilty and ~ BaUour, -DetrOit, pledwu found guilty of driving gUilty ~~d was foun.d guiltyon a revoked license, and of spee<l1ng, and paid a $ZOpaid a $too fine, plus three fine. • "18days in jalJ. Thomas patnc~ Yore, ..

John Joseph Salata, 27642 W'. Forest, YpSllanti, pledParJtview, War r e n, pled gullty and wu found guiltyguilty and was found guilty of speeding, and paid • $36of disobeying a sign, He was fine. -o..'Ufined $10. Stlnley James :" .... ey,

David Delos Winkworth, 13106 Mack, Detroit, pled93S North Brys drive, pled guilty, and was found ~tyguilty and was found guilty of belDg unable to displayof leaving the scene of an ac. his registration. He paid acident. He paid a $50 fine. He $10 fine.also pled guilty and was Thomas Joseph Vem1er,found guilty of careless driv- 11425 Messmore, UUca, pIe4ing, and paid a $00 fine. guilty and was found. guilty

Diane May Beauchamp, 0.' improper lights. He was10736 Somerset, pled not fmed $10.guilty but was found guilty DavId Robb, 2189 Ridge-01 an accident, and paid a mont, pled not guilty and was$10 fine. found guilty of having an un.

Djerdj Sinistaj, 13006Cam. 'housed commercial vehicleden, Detroit, pled guilty and in a residential area. He paidwas found guilty of speed. a $15 fIne. 'ing, and paid a $12 fine. He Nelson Ralph Bewley, 22423also pled guilty and was Hanson, pled guilty 'lJld wu .found guilty of driving on a found guilty of speeding, andsuspended licel1se, and paid paid a $20 fine.a $100 fine. Christopher Anthony Lu.

Mitchell Smith, 1583 Holly. tomski, no address given, onwood, pled guilty and was a driving on a revoked U.(ound guilty of an accident, tense charge, bad his bond in<driving left of center), He the amount of $100 from De-was fini!d $10. troit .police forfeited, and a

Charles John Billaro, 13226 bench war::a:nt was issued.Frankfort, D e.t r a i t, pled Edward Hill Purnell, 22llI8guilty and was found guilty Marter road, pled guilty andof no license plate light and was found guilty of speeding,'Paid a $10 fine. He also' pled and paid a $30 fine. On a,guilty and was found guilty driving on a suspended li.of driving on a suspended cense charge, he bad hislicense, and was fined $140. bond in the amount of $100

John Fredrick Hickey forfeited, and a bench war.14629 Fordham, Detroit pled Irant was issued. .guilty 'Ind was found guilty I William Lawrin Beveridge,o( imp r 0 per registration I 1960ft A val 0 n, St. aairpMes. He paid a $25 fine, Shores, pled guilty ancl was

I - found guilty of no red 1ightSet Pre-Tr.ial to rear, and paid a $10 fine.The following youths pled

For S'Lspec. guilty and were found guiltyr, 01 larceny: Michael David

A 23-year-old Detroit man Vincent, ~ Socia. St.appeared before Wayne Clair Shores, Daniel TimothyCounty Circuit Court Judge Monahan, 22636 Arcadia, St.Benjamin Burdick for ar- Clair Shores, and Arthurraignment on an armed Andersoo, Jr., .263S4 Acad.robbery charge Thursday, emy, .Roseville. Ead1 youthDecember 21. was sentenced to 90 days in

Gordon Emanuel Wright the Detroit House of Correc.stood mute and waived the tion, plus $50 in Clllirt costlreadmg of the information, and $23 restitution.Woods police reported. A --------.-pre.trial conference is sched.uled in the Wayne CountyProsecutor's Office for to.day, January 4.

Wright is allegedly in-volved in holding up theLochmoor Lou n g e, 20934Mack avenue, Thursday, No-vember 23. Detroit officers,armed with a descriptionsupplied by Woods police,arrested the suspect atKelley's Crystal Bar onKercheval avenue shortlyafter the robbery.

1833 E. JEFFERSONWO 3-4700

'nvites You To See Dick WarnerFor Your Next New or Used Car

• If you shopped .:lnd have a price in mind, makeusan oHer!

• ChauH.ur SeN;C. to Your Downtown OHice orDowntown Shopping Area



----------------_._------------------_.---_.Woods wurt Docket BU8Y

Grosse Pointe~snewest condominium

Dick Warner

A Good ManTo Know


Interest in TM Brings Course to Center


The Interest of Pointe.s in practicing TM.Transcendental Meditation, "TM is a simple, natural,(TM), and the SCience of effortless process of quicklyCreative Intelligence, (SCl), establishing a bodily state of18 taught by Maharlsbl extremely deep rest whichMahesh Yogi, has warranted a1kJws accumulated' stressa monthly course In TM at and tension to dissolve" saidthe War Memorial. instructor Tom Miller: "The

Pointe resident TM teach" Iindiv1(lual spontaDeously: be.ers attribute increasing local gins to enjoy and diipllyparUeipatlon to the practical more of his potential creativ.benefits experienced by thole llty in daUy living,"---------- Andree Leondard, GP coor-

dinstor for the InternationalMeditation Society, notes,"Pointers especially are quickto recognize the value of T~in maintaining the high qual.ity of life established in thiscommunity. In order to main.taln posWve values in thisfast-paced world, it is nece.-sary to become more crt ••live daY'by-dar.

P1.~UM". '•. 'I'N' G'~H' E'~~IN"G'I' "Just 15.2~ minutes o~ TMA' . m the monung and agam in

1530. KERCHEVAl • VA 2.9070 the afternoon provides a solid.. .. fOWldaUon of resl aDd clear

17111 E. Jefferson Avenue. Grosse Pointe. M~chigan48230

Grosse Pointe's Newest Condominium882-7708 or 886-4880

Sales and Management by

Michigan Condominium Corporation


DINING ROOM15'0" x 11'9"

BEDROOM IIlr9" x 12'9"

LIVING ROOM29'6'x 16'9"


TO: The Lutheran Retlremlnt C.ntw,1171 Eartlart Road, Ann Arbor, MI 411.

SInd Information abaUl retlremlnt lIYina to:Name _Address _

BEOROOM 213'0" x 16'9~

... you get not one, but a network of the most modern security systems to guardyou, your home and your possessions,

_:"-.- .---

The Jefferson Apartments is located 2 blocks from abeautiful park with boat sUps, 3 blocks from Grosse PointeVilJage shopping. 20 minutes from downtown Detroit bybus.

Don't worry about selling your home. Visit us andlearn of our new trade-in program for your home, and ournew pricing policy.

The model apartment is open 12 to 5 daily exceptWednesday. Enter on Neff or St. Clair Roads.

A CLOSED TV MONITORING SYSTEM covers the entrance, outsideparking areas and inside garage. The caller can be viewed from a selectedchannel on the owner's TV set in each apartment. The doorman and manager'soffice views the same areas.

. 't'llE. ENTIilY COMM.UNl,c ....npNs SYSTEM. is a new systeJll conceivedand engineered by Michigan Bell Telephone Company. Using a toucMone paneitelephone :n the lobby, the caller dials the owner's apartment. This enableseach party to have a private conversation. During the time the caller is in theentrance vestibule, he is under surveillance by the concealed TV camera.

AN ON-GUARD ALERT SYSTEM features a control panel in themanager's apartment and the attendant's office. This notifies of any intrusioninto any apartment wheEl the occupants are away. The doorman or managercontrols the system by activating the apartment's security supervision at therequest of the oWQer.

THE FIRE PROTECflON ALERT SYSTEM gives added protection to aUoccupants of the building and will insure notification of each individualoccupant of a fire in an unoccupied apartment.

Further elements of security are the uniformed doorman~attendant andresident caretakers.

Besides security, you also get really gracious living. Here is a typicalspacious floor plan of an apartment home which features 9 foot ceilings,individual heating and cooling, top of the line G. E. kitchen with an icemakerand a washer-dryer. A wet bar is convenjently located for entertaining.Insulated walls, floors, plumbing and windows insure maximum quiet. Naturalfireplaces, naturally.

There are three separate elevators and approximately a thousand squarefeet of private storage. Exterior maintenance, gardening and snow removal arearranged. The Jefferson Apartments is an adult community. Residents arehome owners and enjoy tax deductions and the investment security of being aproperty owner and equity advantages.

The llltheranRetirement Center

BUYING A SECURITY SYSTEM?When you buy an apartment at


now und~~r construction on Earhart Road at Glacier Way In Ann ArlNtr

Tber.'s I new style of retirement liylnl waltlnl for you whln The Lutheran Retirementcenter opens In a flw months ••. retirement Iivin, that melns freedom fram the ....sponsiblllties of home malntlnance, meal preparation, food shopping, Ind thl analItYof future care. Hire, in a dl,nlfild and Itlcious llllylronment" you'll meet COftIInlllcompanion., .njoy the independence that YOU'YIearned and deserve, and be III1ter..... partd to pursue the Interests that retirement Ii yes you the time to follow. ThIsInttlrdenomln.tion.1 community's adyantaal' are many, and they Include prfnte lpart.ments Nch with full safety .. qulpped bath, indiYidullly-eontrolild air condltlonln. andhut, :cheduled local ttlnsportatlon, plannld soci.1 .nd .duc.tion.1 actiVities, nutri.tlous meals prepared in 1111C.nt"'s own kitchens, hliVY clnnina and flat lIundrydone for you. But .boft .11, • Iif •• I..... ssures you worry-f,.e lIylnl for II'--PIFJI the.... 1tIt, thlrapy .nd convalescent "rvices of Tha Center's own attIchtcl facllltflL Yauowe It to )'Ourself-andothlrs-to pt complet. Information lOOn.

Fill out and mallthis request soonfor informationabout The LutheranRetirement Center,'or call313-&83-1330.

Security. • . Companionship • • • Intlrdenomlnational.. -•• Yours in 1973 It



,- (

- ____________________________________ """- ;....;;.....:.;..,;;;,",;:..,,";:.:•.0:.;•• ,::.:•• :..,;'-:.;.."-- .....' _...MlL"......_...! ..........,,~""'-'--_ ,

Page 7: Locolion-Dot To ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., rosse Pointedigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1970-74/73/1973-01-04.pdfJohn Claims FirstNew Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8

.f:. if" i~


: 'I, '(: I

",( ''t...


.c• $


. _~t





IVINItttGS GP. TlJ , .. ,"fAst SlOf AND


SHY'.' 'r.". PlllIf. II.. lfar• 7'01 E.... ,......

Canvas • Vinyl • Aerilan " Dacron- .Winter discount onAwnin I now in .Hect



777 -6840 ~f ISTlMAm , ....

2UU HAm.sr. ClA" SHOllU

liT. a , • Mill &OAt

'''' SMft.P e 0 p I. who remember I aboUt JUterdIJ baY..... ed

today what &be)' worried a wbole da,.

It ..... " 10:00 te 4:00'

WE DELIVER.. 0*11 .. II ..Me.


0Wttt .. ... w...1010 MACK It ,.


reetor 01 Festival Cbofl',Marian Johns; Admln1BtrativedirecClol', GUll Jatmke; 'erY.en chalrm'A Mr. UId IIn.WUiJam Boyd aDd IIrs. LeoC4wling; refreabment8, IIrs.Trude GaenlSle, Mn. ViolaScl10ber .Dd Tim LaChaPeUe;anci director of Bna CIIoir:Kra. Bettejaae CI'OIItn.

1'be Lovelea.l wUl beserved by couplCll from thecoagregatioD to the eburehfamlJy .eated in the pews.

ChUd care II provided.

LOSING BA'II'l'LEDon't spend too much time

try in g to rearrange thethouPta of othe,. to coincidewith your own 'Way of tblnk-lAg.






The aecond lIonvlan Love-fe.. t mu be beld at tbe<kosse Pol n t e MemorialCburdl, 18 Late Shore road,OJI SUDday, January 7. at the11:15 .om .• ervice.

The early Christiaat origi.nated the practice of ea_a simple meal together in •worship service. They namec1th1I euItOm an 'Agape' Hr.vice from the Greek wordmeaning 'God'. Love'. Ie1m, the Moravian Cblireh ofGermall)' revived dlis prac-tice lor use on church felti.val days aDd the lI1mple mealbecame lmown as a "love.least".

U.ing the .eeond great«)mmandmeot, ''111011 ShaltLove Thy Neilbbor u 'r:&y-self," the emphasis is placedon the brotherbood of manand should not be CO!Ifusedwith the Sacrament of HolyCommunion.

The service will be com.prised of hymn.siDglng, Mor.avian Chorales, Early Ameri.can Moravian Anthems andmusic by the Festival andBrass Choirs.

Participanis ill the Love.feast include: Pastors RayH. Kiely, \John L. McCreight,Eugene T. Locke; organl.tand l.:ooirmaster, MalcolmJohnsi co-ordinator and di.


Church Plans 2nd Loveletut


EDMUND J. BABAl.TBFuner.al ~ervices for :Mr •

Habarth. '., ~~ WillIainroad, will be. helcf today.Thursday, .January 4, at 9:15a.m. la the A. H. PetersFuneral Home and at 10.a.m ..in st. Paul's On-the.Lake. Hedied on Monday. January 1,in St. Jolm HospitaL

Mr. Habarth was produc.tion man a , e r for TimkenAxle Company.

Born in New Baltimore,Mieb., be 11 nrvived by hiswife, Catherine; a daughter,Mrs. I. W. DePonio; onegraDdchUd, two brothers andthree lI1sters.

IDterment will De in MountElliott Cemetery.

ON BJS WAYThe man who leta places

whUe appearing to be pingnowhere is wen versed indiplomacy.

21300 MACKGros~ Point. Woods'

8lJ6.4200 •


TU 1-6130


GEORGE IURPHYas sal.sman of the month

• Graduate .f De liSsie lieh Seh ..1• 'tlllfter .f St. D"W's 'Irisll


15175 E. Jefferson VA 1.2000

. Isurgeon in the Detroit area vim b)' her hUibaDd, Dan.lor over ~ )'ean. He was a iel: two aons, City poHee 01..past president of the Down. fleer lame. '1'. Croa.iD aad

.. town Dental Club, a member G.Fred; a daughter, Mn.Dr. Thaddeus Walker, and of tbe Eastside Uoo. Club, Lawrence Fox; 12 ,uDd.is survived by two daughters, a~d a past presldtJ1t of Ute children aDd one Jreatllrand.Mra. Margaret Purinton and ~ld.For~st Lodge hi Pruden- chUd.Mra. Doris Birkett. four' ville, Ithch. iF u n e.r a I arrngementagrandchildren and fiv~ great. . Born. in Missouri. be is sur. were handled by the Som.grandchUdren. vlved DY his wife, Yvonne; mers Funeral Home la De.

Interment was private a SOD, John E.; • brother troit._ _ • . and two grandchildren. Interment was in Clinton

Elln. I. OUELLE'JTE Interment was in White Grove Cemetery.Funeral services for Mr. Chapel Cemetery. • - •

Ouellette. 85, of Kercheval ~ - - PAUL E. BACIIIIANNavenue, were held on Tues. ALBERT STRAUSS Funual services for Mr.day, January 2, in the Ver. Funeral servJces for Mr. Bachmann, 88, of West Klnisheyden Funeral Home and Strauss, 81, of Notre Dame court. were held on TuesdaySt. Clare of Montefalco avenue. were held on Wed. J an u a r Y 2, in the A. H:Church. He died on Friday nesday, January 3, in lhe P.eters Funeral Home. HeDecember 29, in Bon Secour~ Verh~yden Funeral Home. dIed on Thursday, DecemberHospital. lie .dled on Monday, January 28, in tbe BI-County Hospital.

lrorn in Manistique, Mich .• 1, m Bon Secours Hospital.. Mr. Bachmann was a memohe Is survived by a sister Rom in Switzerland, be is Iber of the Loyalty Lodgeand a brother. survived by his wife. Elsie. #U8 F&AM Moslem Temple

Interment was in Mount Interment was in Ever. and the Senior Citizens ofOlivet CemeUlry. gret'n Cemetery. Acacia Lodge.

• • - - • - Born ill Germany, he IsDR. JOHN C. PORTER EUGENE W. LANGE survived by bis wife, Esther,Funeral services for Dr. Funeral services for Mr. and a daughter, Rosalyn.

Porter, 77. of Lincoln road, Lange, 79, of Harcourt road, Interment Will m Geth.were held on Wednesday, were held on Saturday De. se CJanuary a. in the Verheyden cember SO, in the Verheyden mane emetery.Funeral Home. He died on Funeral Home. He died on - - -Sunday, December 31, in Cot. Wednesday, December 27. in CORINNE COONEYtage Hospital. Detroit General Hospital. Funeral service. for Mrs.

Dr. Porter was an oral Mr. Lange was a retired Cooney, 77, of Lo c h moo rvice president of the Lutz. boulevard, were held on

;'Lange Lumber Company. He Wednesday, December 27, inretired In 1945 after 85 years tbe A. H. Peters Funeralwith the company. He was a Home. She died on Sundaymember of the Detroit Yacht December 24, in the Rose:Club and the Senior Men's villa Nursing Home.Club 'Jf Grosse Polate. Mrs. Cooney was a member

A dative of Detroit. he is of the D a ugh t e r s of thesur~ived by his wile, Ruby; American Revolution.a sIster and a brother. .Born in Ohio, she is sur.

Ir.terment was in Lutheran VIVed by her husbanil AlbertCemetery in Detroit, E.; a daugbter. Mrs.' James

• - • Caudle; a son. Robert G.JAMES K. McGREGOR Keydel; severl grandehi1dren'Funeral services for Mr. a brother and a sister. •

McGregor, 54, of Lakeland Internlent was in Whiteavenue, were held on Sunday, Chapel Cemetery.December 31, at the Verhey. _ • _den Funera! Home., He died IlUSSELL E. MOHRon Thursday, Decetnber 28 Funeral services fo~ M~.in Ford Hospital. ' Mohr ~ •

M M ' 68, of Lakepointe roadr. cGregor was the reo wen. held on Tuesday Jm:

tired president of the Me. uary 2, in the Verheyden Fun.Gregor. Michigan Corpora. eral Home. He died on Fri.tion He retired in 1969' after day, December 29. in Harper30 years in the steel plate HospJta1.fabricators business.

A World War II veteran, Mr. Mohr wu a retiredMr. McGregor was a memo salesman for the Wimsattber of the Grosse Pointe Bf'otbers Building SupplyCrisis Clpb. Company. He retired a year

He is survived by his wife ago after 40 years with theAstrid; two sons, James H: company.and Randall K., and a broth. He Is survived by his wifeer. Betty; ~o daughters, Mn:

Interment was in Wood. Joan MiIostan and Mrs. Jeanmere Cemetery. Tupy; a 80n, Charles E.;

• _ • three sisten and four grand.AGNES LUCILLE CRONIN children.

Funeral services for Mrs. .Interment was in Wood.Cronin, 73, formerly of Tae lawn Cemetery.Pointe and more recently of • • _Detroit, were held on Thurs.day, December 28, in the St.James Presbyterian Church.

IShe died suddenly nn Sunday.December .24, 1ft lIer bome.

Born in Ohio. she is lur.

, ,. _ rzauaUO ...OO,bZWW"O;k4SS. ae sa J.U:SWGlhIW ..• "'W4XZJ C ;;:::,,=


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Gros~ Point. Farms Rea torI

We have what it takes to give you completehome selling and buying service

ThursdaYI Janllary 4ft 1973

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1530'" KUCHEVAl • VA 2.'070


mENE DAVIS WALKERPrivate funeral .erYlcel

for Mrs. Walker. 98, of West.wind lane, were held 011 Wed.nesday, January 3. She died011 Friday, December 211 in

~ Georgian East N u r sin gHome.

.: Mrs. Walker was a memo0' ber of an old Detroit famlly.

Her grandfather, SolomonDavis, arrived in Detroit in1830. She was a member ofthe Grosse Pointe Club andthe Country Club of Detroit.

A longtime Pointe residentshe was the wife oC the lat~

Page 8: Locolion-Dot To ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., rosse Pointedigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1970-74/73/1973-01-04.pdfJohn Claims FirstNew Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8

- -..---...-- -.... T-" - ......-- ~..-~~-~--~~_.,......_. ,..... ...-,.-_ ............. • J.. ;--------------------------------~


~: "-

Thursday, January 4, t 973

Grosse Pointe Children's Theatre -Mrs. Sydney Reynolds, InstructorSoroptimist. Club of Grosse PointeCity of Grosse Pointe Park Retire-ment BanquetItalian-Paul Recchia, Instructor. 1stof 10 lessonsAdult Ballet - Mary Ellen Cooper,InstructorTranscendental MeditationLittle League Football MeetingThursday, January 11

2nd Semester Intermediate Lip Read.ing-Mrs. Frantz Johnson, InstructorBraille Transcription--Mrs. John Mc.Namara, InstructorTranscendental MeditationBeginning Lip Reading~Mrs. FrantzJohnson, Instructor

The Wm. R. HamiltonCompany is in itssecond century ofservice to Detroitarea families.This tradition has developedthrough several generations offuneral service and now extendswell into its second century.In most instances, The Wm. R.Hamilton Co. has served the samefamily for years. In others, newfamilies of the area haveturned to Hamiltonin time of need.All know or findthat the prestige,tradition and qual-ity of a funeralat H~milton'scosts no more.

We carry major brands


Decorating Assistance Available




•Hamlin's Has . . . a new timely supply ofdelicious Ranch dressing for all those weightwatchers ... 75c at 89 Kercheval ... TUxedo5-8400.

8:00 p.m.8:00 p.m.

6:30 p.m.6:30 p.m.

w/'al~nwon.fl-I£ I-lIll

By Pat RousseauNew Year's Specials . . . at Trail Apothe-

cary, 121 Kercheval . . . With a 'purchase ofMadame Rochas four ounce atomlZer cologneregularly $6.50 you get a one ounce p~rfumde Toillet as a gift. This offer is also avaIlablein that delightful fragrance Femme, by Rochas.


. .~ It's Jfa to ¥2 off . . . a se .; lected g r 0 u p of glassware,

~1_Ul..t!Jw. ~lamps and decorative pieces at. 7 -7 . The League Shop, 98 Kerche-. val... .

Year End Clearance ...includes furniture and lampsand selected items marked upto 50% off at The Sign of TheMermaid, 75 Kercheval.

•Antique-ing . . . at Denier, 77 K;ercheval,we admired a small antique English chest. Itis very interesting and was probably .used tohold important papers. The dark oak IS hand-some. .

•Joe Wagstaff is appearing at the BronzeDoor, 123 Kercheval Tuesday through Satur-day. Rendezvous night is every Wednesdayevening with cock~ails and hors d'oeuvres from5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The Bronze Door is avail-able on Sunday for those special private par-ties, with a minimum guest list of 75 up to 125.Fashion show every Tuesday during lunch ...886-1932.

1:30 p.m.*12:30 p.m.

• 4:00 p.m.

Eastern Michi- * 7:30 p.m.

• 7:45 p.m.

Junior Other Side. "Toke" featuredband.Self Realization Fellowship

Saturday, January 6,Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, InstructorGrosse Pointe Children's TheatreMrs. Sydney Reynolds, InstructorSummit Lighthouse

Sunday, January 71st Church of UnderstandingGrosse Pointe Chamber Music PlayersWorkshop

Monday, January 8Weight Watchers ofgan, Inc.Cancer Center WorkshopElizabeth Cass Chapter D.A.R.Rotary Club of Grosse PointeDuplicate Bridge - Mrs. Philip C.Gibbs, DirectorRochester Hills Riding SchoolChildren's Art for ages 5-8 - Carol *10:00 a.m.Lachuisa, Instructor_ 1st of 12 lessons.Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor *10:00 a.m.Alger Post 995Friends of Leelenau SchoolsGrosse Pointe Spanish ClubGrosse Pointe Theatre MeetingGrosse Pointe Artists

Tuesday. January 9 31301 Gralla! .....ve. / Hoseville. Mich. / (313) ;l93'ofSOO

Adult French Conversation - Mme. d-IneoutCharles Bachrach, Instructor. 1st of . .

~i:S~~~rma Cheff, SRF, Instructor TIE at the InnService Guild for Children's Hospital BfaftGIDIl .t~~::h~::.en's Club of Grosse Pointe- "Dinner in the Crystal RoomSenior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe- ~"" fom$3.9S.SPM-Midnight.Mo..-SatInvestment Lecture (eclttlfs .. lilt... ...., I. lite I.. (I.~<?che~ter Hills Riding SCh?ol 4 P.M.-2 A.M, S-.s _ c..... y williKlw~ms Clu~ of Grosse Pomte I T.. IU..,. tIJe Iti*Ml, TdS.-S.~. .FashIon Semmar . ~Weight Watchers of Eastern Michi.gan, Inc.Optimists Club of Grosse PomteDuplicate Bridge - Mrs. Philip C.Gibbs, DirectorGrosse Pointe Chess ClubDaughters of PenelopeWednesday, January 10Artists Painting GroupPortrait Painting-Joseph Maniscalco, .InstructorSenior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe-CribbageGrosse Pointe Real Estate BoardSenior Ladies Club of Grosse PointeChildren's Art for 9-12 year olds -Carol Lachuisa, InstructorBallet-Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor

Our jinr linrs of rmmrli('.~ (lmlpr~fllmrs inr/I/(Ir rxriusi r'l'




AI an ackled "Me. w. now eany dallyNEW YORK TIMES

Notre Dame PharmacyOpeh Da:11y.:30 10 9:00-Sundays and Holidays 9:30 to 4!OO

.16929 Kercheval, Delivery Service TU 5.2154

*10:00 a.m.'*10:00 a.m.12:00 noon

• 7:30.10:30 p.m.8:00 p.m.

9:30 a.m.

.10:00 a.m.12:00 noon12:15 p.m.

• 12:30 p.m.

• 4:00 p.m.• 4:00 p.m.

• 4:00 p.m.7:30 p.m.7:30 p.m.

• 8:00 p.m.8:00 p.m.8:00 p.m.

• 9:00 &10:30 a.m.

• 3:30 p.m.• 4:00 p.m.

• 4:00 p.m.• 6:00 p.m.

• 6:00 p.m.• 7:00 p.m.

• 7:30 p.m.

• 9:30 a.m.*10:00 a.m.

7:30 p.m.

10:00 a.m.* 3:00 p.m.

10:00 a.m.

• 4:00 p.m.6:30 pm.7:30 p.m.7:30 p.m ..

6:30 p.m.• 7:30 p.m.

• 7:30 p.m.8:00 'p.m.

9:00 a.m.• 9:30 a.m.11:00 a.m.

12:30 p.m.*12:30 p.m.• 4:00 p.m.* 4:00 p.m.

Open Daily 9 a.m .•9 p.m.(Sundays building open 10 a.m .•S p.m.)

JIIDuary 4.January 11, 1973* All Memorial sponsored activities open to the

Grosse Pointe public, Hospital equipment avail.able for free loan: crutches, wheelcbairs, hospi.tal beds and heating lamps.GROSSE POINTE GARDEN CENTER ANDLENDING LIBRARY. Mrs. Harry Frost onduty Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, 10a.m.-4 p.m. Volunteer consultant on duty Fri.days 2-4 p.m.. 881-4594.

Thursday, January 4• 10:00 a.m. Braille Transcription-Mrs. John Mc.

N.lmara, Instructor11:00 a.m. Welcome Wagon of Grosse Pointe and

Harper Woods• 4:00 p.m. Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor• 4:00 p.m. Grosse Pointe Children's Theatre -

Mrs. Sally Reynolds, Instructor7:30 p.m. Doll Finns

• 7:45 p.m. Adult Ballet - Mary Ellen Cooper,Instructor

Friday, January Ii12:00 noon Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe-

Open Card DaySki Hi Twinight Trip to 'Pine KnobGrosse Pointe Children's Theatre -Mrs. Sally Reynolds, InstructorBallet-Mary Ellen Cooper, InstructorGrosse Pointe Ski Club Trip to Col.lingwood, CanadaTwelfth Night at Meadow BrookBeginning and Advanced KarateSang Kyu Shim, DirectorDuplicate Bridge - Mrs. Philip C.Gibbs, lJirector

1.... _M_8_m_ori_al_Ce_nt_er_Sc_he_du_le __ 1


What Goes Onat

Your LibraryBy Virginia Leonard

One View From The CapitolBy WUUam R. Bryant, lr.

'age Eight

Guest ColumDI.t: Iviews. He discussed the basicWWllm T. Peters, policies of his administration,Assistant Dlredor agalntt the background of his

'Give 'em Hell' Harry is surprising and reflectivedead. The 33d president of knowledge of American andthe United States died on world history. He made avail.December 26, 1972. able his diaries. private pa.

President Nixon ,hailed Mr. pers and correspondence. Mr.Truman as "a man of vision Hillman is a reporter, Ind theand guts". Indeed. during the book reads like most booksalmost eight years that Tru. rep<?rters write; t,lOOrly o~.man served as President un. g3Dlzed. poorl:i edIted. ll'epI-common courage was' reo titions and very exciting. Thequired of a common man. book captures the love ableCourage he had in abundance, .spetta of the President andwhether it was hitting back passes over the more caDtan.at a music -critic who thought kerous elements that madebis daugbter, Margaret, was up this very complicated per.without musical talent. stand. sonality. Thirty.two photo'ing up to tne post.war tide of graphs b)' Alfred Wagg addCommunistic imperialism, or interest to the book.making the decision to use Margaret Truman Daniel,the atomic bomb against Ja. the late President's daugbter,pan. Harry S, Truman, an has just finished writing aavid student o( history, great. very personal biography en.

Happy New Year to all. you haven't noticed. 1 don't ly lamented the fact that titled HARRY S. TRUMAN.t t Parlake. But 1 do recognize many Presidents were pre.. A devoted daughler like Mar.

The legislature soon s ar sat fut vented from telling all the garet doesn't bad 'mouth hernew term with many new junkets, ir. a was e way, facts of their administrations, father. She sees in him afaces, new ideas and ap. also partially fill the need th d 11 h

h d to get 10 know ellch other some because ey died in faultless presi eDt. We, eproacbes and the appy an ff'''~ ... l'ttl th t boo

h I'nformally. 0 Ice, some ,,,,,cause mey was a J e on e s u rnhealthy zeal of all fres man h . 11 t ... but th t M g t

I Why nol severely curtail were p ySlca y spen on SlUe, a ar are con.legislators. There is a rea leaving office and were un- siders a virtue.need for legislators, like all junketing and instead able to undertake such a Tbis book is 'important, inleammates or members of once every two years, when task, even if they had wanterl fact essential. far a anoreboards of directors or com- a new crop of legislators to, and others because they complete understanding ofpany executives, to know have arrived. closet aU the were so embitler~.i by the Truman. What is a Presidenteach other and to bl) able to legislators in some fairly experience that they did not like si«ing in the living room,communicate. nice place, like Boyne, for a care about living it again in with bis slippers on, talking

And it is difficult with week and actually hold a telling about it. over the affairs of the daypolitical parly labels, the legislative session there each .th hi f n' Mday so members would bave In 1955and 1956MEMOIRS, WI ! own am y. ar.committee system, different b Ha S Tr garet knows and lets herto be around 'or roll call, Y rry. uman, werebackgrounds. everyone living ~ bUshed 1 th f to readers know The book ishave study sessions. sessions pu n e pre ace .in a different part of the wit:J the Governor and each the two 'volume 1,200 page not ~ homer, just plain folksstate, to really get to know slate department, plus in work Truman explained his family remmscences kind ofmany other lel;islalors very depth discussion sessions purpose in writing it in this book. It is filled with revela.well. with legislators forced to way: "I should like to record tions of great national and

Similarly getting to know before it is too late as mueh world wide importance. FOT-the problems of all areas of play the role, in debate and of the story of my ~ccupancy ty-eight photographs coverthe state is hard and either mock voting, of a legislator of the White House as 1 am some of the major events innever takes place or takes from a totally diflerent dis. bl t tell" the life of Mr Truman An

trict. Combine this with some a eo. . .place very -slowly, so rural S excellent index adds to thelime for informality and you Volume One, :dEMOIR :legislators know little or . h value of the bookcould have a jam packed Year of DecisIOns covers t e '.nothing of urban problems, week of learning how 10 period from his first taking Historians and scholars willand less of the dti1en and nd ma ar a res Ingwork with each other. oUice through the fall of 1946. spe . ny.ye s r sinstitutional forces operative An autobiography is !by its the contnbutlons of the farmwilhin a complex urban so. Florida does so'mething th boy fro Independence Mrsimilar to tbis with their very nature a plea for em. .ciety. defense, an act of self.just!. Truman helped set up the

This need to know and legislature, only it is the ficatian. No author can com- H~rry S. Truman Library In.understand each other per- lobbyists who all get together pletel)' escape this fault but stit~e for Na~onal and .Inter-sonally and as legislators, to pay for it. Bul if learning Mr. Truman comes close. His !lational aUaU's. The ~Ibrar~and to understand the forces to understand and communi. wrlting is direct with few In Independence, MISsouriacting on us as we pursue cate with each other is subleties. He tells the. story was very .much the f~CUSofour role, has never been really a necessary part of as he saw it always ready to the former President slife.filled. being a good legislator, then explain bis ~ctions. If you're Built by :private subserip-

There may be a way, why not let the legislators looking for a literary mallter. tiolU, it was giv~n to t!'e'hough, and I am consider. pay for it if they can or take piece look elsewhere for Government, and IS admm-ing proposing it to the legis- it out of the legislative you'li not find it here. If istered by the National !tr-lature. budget if they can't? you're looking for simple chives and Record Service.

Some legislators get in hot What do you think? Do you. straight _ forward, bonest It bous~s Trllman's publicwater, like Miami hot water, think it might be worth, prose you've found it. and pnvate papers and al_D_I'_.ta_ldn_&_"_lunk__ ets__.'_'_In_e_ase_~~_in_&_'_______ Vol\lll\e Two. llE1401RS: l~rge collection of books. The

Years of Trial and Hope cov- l.b~ary is dellign~ to helpBoat Handling Cour OLfp- d ers 1946 to 1952. This volum4!. serl?"S .scholars who are io-se " .,re like the first. Is highly dccu. vestigating the PresIdency------- mented and carefully written. and the TnJ~an years ..Open.

Safe handling of all types tion, compass and chart All those who lived through ed in 1957, it is acceSSible toof boals, especially the small familiarization, running lights the Truman years will long all. Over 300 sch~lars are al-family outboard, ioi empha- and equipment, boat trailer- remember the 1~ presiden- ready at wor~ gomg over ,thesized in a free boating in. ing and river boating. tial campaign, when the late tons of matenals. It is hopedstnlction course being 0(. "Any skipper who takes a Thomas E. Dewey oppose!!. t~at an accurate •. ~alanced(ered by the Grosse Pointe boat out on the water is reo President Truman. The Dem. pICture of the ~an will comePower Squadron. sponsible for the safety of ocratic ca,mpaign started in out of all of thIS research.

The 10-week course begins himself and his passengers. Cadlllac Square (now Ken. General of the Mmy OmarMonday, January 22, at 7:30 Without the proper knowl- nedy Square) ";hen Truman N. Bradley, joint chief ofp.m. in North High Sc/;ool, edge of the rules of the road, addressed a ~bor Day crowd staff in the Truman Adminis-707 Vernier road. Registra- safety equipment or aids to of 100000 on September 6 tration. paid perlJaps the fin-tion. open to inlerested men, navigation, he is placing 1948. Tuesday, Novvmber 2: est tc:ibute to Harry S. Tru-women and older teens. will them in jeopardy," the com. Truman received 24 165695 man In his telegram to Mrs.lakn place opening night. It mander said. "With the in- " T ma "The world I'~a bet,. votes, Dewey had 21,969,170 ru n. ." . .is not necessary 10 be a boat formation gained from this votes. A stunning upset for ter place for his havUJg livedowner. free instruction. a skipper the major pollsters and the in it." Harry would have said

Aimed to teach the mini- can have his boat properly counlry's leading newspapers. "I did my dl1lJJ1ndest!"mal klJowledge Iequired for equippf)(\. and be able to cope During the campaign the _safe boating, the course will with the many situations he Democrats' r a I J y in g cryiT!::rease the boater's confi- may face on the water." "Give 'em Hell, Harry" was Chorus Slate"dence, according 10 Fred The Pointe Power Squad. born, and continued through R. ·Berger. commander of the ron is a unit of the United the remaining years of his eglStratwnpower s~uadron. "It will lay States Power Squadrons. presidential term.a basic foundation for the largest volunleer educational For historians. a careful The Grosse P0inte Com.bUI.ldl'ngof boatm'g skl'Us by organization for boatmen in i Ch h Id -th ld II b reading o( MEMOmS by Har. mun ty OnJS 0 S regt a.further study, application e wor. s mem ers are ry S. Truman is a must; for tion and conducts a first reoand experience," he added. men dedicated to promote d -th hearsal in preparatiol1 for thesafety in hoating through the average rea er WI' an

The classes cover such education. and they donate interest in history it is.worth- chorus' spring concert, Tues-subjects as boat handling their time to this service. while and quite easy reading. day. Jauuary 9, at Parcellsunder normal and adverse There are more than 400 Before Mr. Truman got Middl\:l School, Vernier roadconditions. seamanship and squadrons in the United around to writing his own and Mack avenue.common emergencies, rules I States, with nearly 85 000 memoirs, William HiUman Starting time is 7:30 p.m.of the Nad. aids to naviga. members. 'wrote MR. PRESIDENT in and no auditions are neces---.-------- 195Z. Mr.' Truman granted sary. For additional informa.

R B k R d IMr. Hillman a series of inter. tlon, caU 886'()710.angers rea ecor on ce ----------------

The Space Steel Rangers, is the!irst time an expanSion I Cinema League M,eetsJan. IIan expan~ion team in the team has ever won a game, ---.-----Grosse POinte Hockey As~oci. reports Virginia Cook Brwen Scientist and inventor Bert search has had a continuingalion's Mite Division broke a of Edgemont Park. Prisk's "Spare Parts for the progr3m of supplying engi-record Sunday, December 24 Among the heroes was Human Body" will be pre- nee ring eXiPerts to the medi.-- by winning a game. This David Sattler of Oxford road. scnted at the Grosse Pointe cal profession. Mr. Prisk'~

- who not only scored a goal Cinema League's Thursday, presentation focuses on this

S f b IIG I'but helped mind the net~ January 11, program. The subject.o t a roup with Chris Bowen. David activities begin at 8 p.m. at Mr. Prisk. an avid photog.

PI . Ah d Tharenos, the Rangers' flying the Alger House. rapher. has been a seniorann In9 eo lenter, put the red light on Mr. Prisk's presentation res ear c h engineer for 20to make the final score, 2.J, utilizes films and slides in yea r s with the G.M. Re.

Although summer may over the Mallard Hawks. discu"slng lhree of the cur. search Laboratories, G. M .seem ages away at this time, This victory was quile a rent devices heing developed Techni('al Center, Warren.the Grosse Poinle Softball Christmas prescnt 10 coaches for heart research. Coffee hour hostesses in.

John 'ley JI'm Me h W 1 clude Esther Portt:r, DoraAs~ocialion is p I ann i n g d Oli\, ec. e. Occasionally a vital part of Baubie and Mrs. Francis X.llhead. Thc association is Yd N~on,ThLarry MacDonald the human body may (ail. Katcher. Members and othercurrently accepting team anI' '~~t1 arlenos from the The medical profession. wilh int('rested persons 'are in.regish alioins for its aelion ac lve I e J'l ayers. the aid of the engineeringunder the sun. But the players are .not profession, is making an 6.- vited to attend the program.

. . the only ones who are active.There arc SIX returmng Their mothers are feverishly tempt to supply viable spare B d Sl

cluhs and. the group hopes to praeticin'g for their day "on <parts for practically every I oar alesexpand lIs league to 12 I ice" v'ilh the Mothers.Sons major organ or working part. J 8M ·learns. ... I conlest in late January. A partial list includes skin, an. eetlng

Th.e assoc~ah~n !~ a. no~. "The mothers are hoping eyes, arteries, lungs, kidneys,~ro~lt organization which IS thal what they lack in speed limbs and the heart. The regular monthly meet.IImlled to men hctween the I and experience will be made The transplantation of a ing of the G r 0 sse Pointeages of J6 and :>.5'. However, lip by either the hysterical donor heart or artificIal heart Board of Education w:U beth~(e are no reSIdency reo aUitude of their sons or the has received considerable held at 8 p.m. on Monday.qUlrements.. fact that liS nice gentlemen, publicity in the past several January 8, in the auditorium

All prospe"lIve players they will come to their mo- years. Without the develop. of North High School, 707should contact Thomas p. thers' assislance" said Mrs. ment of the heart bypass. Vernier road. The meeting IsHoule, association president, Bowen. ' pump by General Molors Re. open to the pubIlc.at 855 Green .treel, apart. All coaches and wives of -search back in the early An open campus policy,ment 3<J5. Ypsilanti, Mich. the other hockey teams will 1950'&, no repair or replace. presented by the high school48197, or at his Detroit ad. j be invited to view "the spec. ment of lhe heart would be students. will be discusseddr~9s. 10946 While:hill. De. tacle of the hockey season," possible, it is raporled. by tlie truslees and schooltraIt 48224. she added. Since that tlmc G.M. Re. administrators.




___ s_ec_ondCIa.. POitan PaId at Detroit. IIlehliln


Phone TU 2.6900Member MIch. Pre .. AliodaUon and NaUonal EditorIal AlioelaUoa

NATIONAL ADVEJ\TllIw'O REPRESENTATIVEWedd)' Newapaper Repreaenlatlve, IDe.

404 Fifth Avenue, New York 19. New York BYrlnl t.7'110CHICAGO OFFICE

133 North Mlchlian Avenue Phone FIII.nclal e,.22a

- - - - - - - ---------------------------------------------------------- - _.

Page 9: Locolion-Dot To ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., rosse Pointedigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1970-74/73/1973-01-04.pdfJohn Claims FirstNew Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8

I , ••• "~... ,'. _." ......... ""t ...





'''' NIne

Free Squa.re DanceSet For January 17

'l'JU ...... pIa....It'. also bow to make younelf leel poIitivdy rc1acd. 'AU )'ClU do is lift the rccdver, cUal the ft\llllbcr d1rec&I1below and laY rcllikc to make aD appoiDt:IDeDt ,. •DeW me. Which, tbillpriftl, could iawhe 1Ilf ....of pretty thiDgI. Like ~ to be a reclheadl ..in your Jif~ Or weat1Dc curls ... Or Iramort to shorter. U you'vt bceD. toylDc with • Chatpand hesitating and ~ aM hait&tlDc - cr-.SprinS is here and wire Jut a tIDI.... 1iaI away.

Bart EdDioDdBeawdJ 8'alIa


886-6060 wo 2~1112Thursdoy end Friday evenings by oPPointmint

AI Pointe Resid.nh, With or Without Promened.Experience, invited to P.rticip.te .t

Monteith SchoolIP.rty'For the 11th conseeutln year the GI'OIH Pointe

Council of Square Dance CIUbI will off. a ilee,January dance for novice square dance co~pl.. , IIwell II those wbo bave had square danee experience.

Couples wi'th no pieri- ~OUi e J: per ie nee bave new daIlC«l are amaaed atfound it very easy to fol. u.:.~' PoiDte hbUclow local caller Wes Rea, Sebooll' =-- of Oom.wbose reputation lIS a mUll1t7' Serv1CN tndlUoDaU.Fsldlled teacher is well. de- jolna blDCb wi. tbe eo-c:u~rved. of Square DaDee Clllbl to

Bach call II explalDed be- ~ tbIJ aeUYitJ.lore tile mUlde arts - and (c.ua.... .,.1.)

parents with a desire to provide abetter life for their handkappeclchildren, offers classes five days aweek, 11 montb6 of the year, and issustained entirely by private contri.butions, membership fees and tui-tions. The GPPPOWA, organized in1972, bas since its inception offeredits services and directed its effortstoward assisting the Foundation. The$700 donation will provide scholar-ships for two children, for 'the slim-mer and winter sessions.

Wall WMU freshman BILL Appearing in the Not r eHAMMER, a Grol8e Pointe Dime Higb SChool FooW,ht.North HlIh Seboo1 craduate. ers' production of • • S wee t

• • • Charity" In Reg in I lUghForty-five family members SMool Auditorium Januar)'

gathered at the GERARD R. 6, 7, 12, 13 aDd I., t'.t 8 eachSLATrERY'S Lakeshore roed evening, are PATRICK BAR.bome for Christmas Eve din- TON, of Bry$ drive, J~ner, including, from Miami, CRACCJnOLO, of KenwoodFla., her lOb and daU&hter. road, MAUREEN HOGAN,in.law, MR. aDd M R S. of Woods lane. and THER.GEORGE L. COUZENS, and, ESE SHAHEEN, of Yorkshirefrom Freeport, m., her road.daughter, MARY COUZENS. (ConUaiecl aa Pale.)

• • •

• • •

Park Police Wives Aid FoundationGROSSE POINTE NEWS

Presenting a check for '700, pro-ceeds from their Christmas baiaarand bake sale held at the GrossePointe War Memorial in November,to RUTH HALL, directl)r of theFoundation for Exceptional Children,(right), are members of the GrossePointe Park Police Officers WivesAssociation, (left to right), PATCARL GPPPOWA president, DlANEKORTAS, treasurer, and JUDY MO.LITOR, secretary. The Foundation,began in 1954 by a small group of

Receiving • varsity letterfor his efforts during West.em Mic:hfgan Unlversit;y erouc:ountry team'. 1W12 season

• • •

Short and toThe PointeDEBORAH JEAN

STBACHAN, a freahman atWheaton College, Wheaton,m., dalllbter of MR. andMRS. GEORGE STRACHAN,of 'Merriweather road, tra.veled with the Wheaton Col.lege Symphony Orcbe.traduring a tour to MinnesotaDeeember 27 through 31. SheplayS vloUD.

Training Center, Great Lakes,m., were Navy Finmal1: l\e.eruit DANIEL H. WYBO, IOUof JEAN S. ELIASZ, of Hol.lywood .. venue, and Seaman

• • • Recruit JOHN J. MAHON.MRS. LYLE A. DEVLIN, EY, son of LUCIIJ..E D.

of Notre Dame avenue, had MAHONEY, of Broadst.oneher lOll hoine for the boll. road.dan. Co.aHng from Colum.bus, 0., 'Were the LYLE OH, on a Christmas.NewDEVLINS, JR., with their Yea.r 8 erulse aboard the sa.daughter DELA. Dela's .is. ,afjord are MR. aM M'RS.ter, CONNIE, and her new WILLIS HALL, of SouthhusbaDel, JAMES TEMPKE, Edgewood drive.arrived from Phoenix, Ariz., • • •to man Ole family gather. Cadet GREGG A. DAVIS,.ing eomplete. son of MR. and MRS.

• • • GEORGE A. DAVIS, of VeraGraduated r«eDtly from nier road, has been awarded

recruit tniniDg .t tile Naval a high school vanity footballletter by Wentworth MilitaryAcademy, Lexington, Mo.

• • •Polnter EDMUND K. ElL-

BOURN has received I X •••ter of Business AclminiJtta •ilion degree from Welltem~chigm University .



WO ••• '. PAt •••


By Janet MueUer

.nnual January

From Another Pointeof View

Once upon a time, not so very long ago-fiveyears, to be uacl-a group of Harper HospitalAwdlian volunteer women decided to pledge thesum of $118,000 toward the Building Fund of Har.per's new Webber Addition.

Speciiically, they wanted their money to go tothe new Intensi~e Care Unit.

"Fine," said Harper. "Grand. You give us thefunds, and we'll give you tbe finest new IntensiveCare Unit in the finest new medical facility Detroithas ever seen."

MR. aoci MRS. E. 1. Me.CORMICK, JR., of Monroe,aDDOUDce the birth of twiDlt,10HN and MARK, Decem.

The ladles weni &0 work. There are I &ho1Dllld ber 18. Mrs. McCormlek isand ODe ways &0 raIIe money for ebarlQ', from fub. tbeformer PATRICIA DORN,10D .bows to I'IIDUDageHIes, do-your-own-tbJDg proj. daugbter of MR. and MRS.edI to d1Jl.aerbenefits. The. ladies trlet &hemall . ROBERT J. DORN, of Riv-

ard boulevard. Paternalgrandparents are the E. J.Mc:CORMICKS, of Monroe.

ADd all were neeessful, bui none more IUe-eeaful, OR more fun!, than an lueUon-d1nJler eve-., ai the arGIle Pomte YaeM aub.

Whe~'s you've found a good tbblg, and the,004 Wag'. proved 10 worth, what'. wrong with• reprise?

The leeoild Duper.Webber Fund Dbmer Aue-tton wID be held saturday, January 20, startlDg Ii So'e1oek, at the GPYC. Tielets are $15 per penon.

Lawrenee DuMoaebeUe will be knotting downItems to the highest bidden. Among goode ,oIng 011the bloeD wU1 be Deedlepolnte IIUl )WDUDgI, cut,I .. and ,crystal, elegant 8entee pla~ a uUboatad ttaner, a, Hereo tape dec:k, two weeD' use ofa Dodge e.... per, I week It a ski lodge, box -.eats

(CoIdiued .. Pace 1')

.... ., at Sf. Clair ' CmsI PIl'"..... stir.

211' s.r. III' . r,.,. .

3bt sbops ofW"lt01\.Pit ..,~

f,' ,',,'.~,".:.,":.•.

Grand MaraisClub To Meet

• ".TS A. SImES• A'T.ITIC .lIl CAI"• C•••• " MUS• GeW Leaf "'::J 1.29lev,.. ty

plus IKrnd ero"'" giffs. . . s.. ,h. WH shop at i

.lZ~5 ~Af~', III 1M 'A


The Grand Marais Garden iClub gathers Monday, Janu.']ary 8, at 12:30 o'clock in theSaint Clair avenue home of IMrs. Frederick Dettlinger.Mrs. Arthur SCbmidt aDdMrs. Cedi shuert will act as Ico.hostesses.

Mrs. Dwight Sl.rutbe~ willpresent a program, "WhiteHouse Women," after theregular business m~.

Suburbia ClubMeets Jan. 9

Suburbia Gar den Clubmember. meet Tuesday, Jan •uary 9, at the Golden Lion-.Officers wlD be InstaUecI, Indannual reports efven .

Elizabeth Cass OARViiI! Meet Monday

The regular meeting of the.Elizabeth Cass Cbapter,Daughters of the AmericanRevolution, will be heldMonday, January 8, at theGrosse Pointe War Memo-rial, at noon.

Speaker Mrs. Norman L.Parker, State recording sec.retary, will talk wi(h slideson the Old Housea of DetrOit,assisted by Nancy Anner.

Luncheon reservations maybe made by calling 822.7578or 824-1849.

3 ICercheYilt A.,..,at fisher ltood,..,. ...", ...

TU .. 1505



• dresses • costumes• short and long formal

and cocktail dresses• pantsuits and slacks

• coats - all weather and winter• An assortment of


Set DeeplandsClub Meeting

Deeplands GardeD Club willbold its finlt meeting of theDew year ne;n Monday, JaD' Iuary 8, at !klOIl, in: the Har. ;vard road home of Mrs. JobJl ;Keys, with Mrs. Elizabeth,Dulmage asslstiDg. New aar. 'den Boots will be the lub- 'ject for discussion.

": ~ ;.. ...

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..., .....

Page Ten $. R 0 SSE POi NT ENE W S Thursday, January 4, 1973------------_._-------------------------_. ------------------~--------_.

Society News Gathered from tJte Pointes-----------------_._-,--------------------------------------------------------------



, ,



• All Sales Final.




• ••

We know! ..• We know! ... You're all sick to Detroit Historical Museum, which happens to be onedeatb' of the hoUdays don't want to hear/read/think of my favorite places, especially at Cbllstmastime.about them ANY MORE, are simply dellghted that If you didn't get down to the see the Christmasthe trees are baek where they belong, OUTdoors ... trees there this year, and the Christmas deeontioDland we couldn't agree with you more ... BUT. . . Iin the "Streets of Old Detroit," you really mlued

Consider this, then, an early valentine, to the something!


WOOL COAlSLONG COAlSIn Double Knits - Fashionable for day or enningGreat Selection of





- long and short

lOPS GALORE-these dressy tops mostly in "easy-care" Banlons are from a greatcollection of TURTLe NECKS - BODY SHIRTS - SLEEVELESS and LONGSLEEVES.Hurry ... they won't lastlAll Weathe,


FUll FURSwe,e $'85A Selection of

Don't Miss This Great Grosse Pointe FUN FASHION SALE EVENTI





ship'.wh •• I,

H •••

Entertaining at a NewYear's Eve buHet were MR.and MRS. GAYLORD W.GILLIS, JR., of Merriwea.ther road, whose guests in,eluded the DANIEL W.GOODENOUGHS and theEDWARD HOWELLS.

Former Grosse Pointe WarMemorial Jnstructor HUGH-IE LEE-SMmJ opens .. ma.jor t'!xhibltioD of paintiDgs 8tNew York's Grand CentralGalleries January 17. It willcontinue through January 'If'l.Examples of Lee - Smith'spaintings are in the perman.ent collection of the DetroitInstitute of Arts -and manyprivate collections, and behas been featured in majorexhibitions at the Museum ofModern A7;t.the Whitney Mu-seum, the Brooklyn MuselJllland the New Jersey StateMuseum. He is CUlTenUyteaching at New '{ark's ArtStudents League, Prineeton'!!Studio-on-tbe.Canal and Tren,ton SUIte College.

• • •

the free dance OD January 17may attend the first classwithout charge.

Add it j 0 nal information'may be obtaiDed by caUing'*'2988.

11', ""'e-1""Iln

w.'" ht ItI

SqlUlre Dance Slate'd

nautical (jiftsand

(Boat c~upp'ies• Doclde,'. SpN4_

1M'" COlI'" Ill'"")• SperryT"""

S.fety Ioet Sh_• I'~vl."• Hovtlc.1 Lolli"• Nautical Jewelry• Navigational 'nalrvmenh

• S.t" Thomaa Ships BellClocka and laromet.nniP'S WIIEII. fAMOUS NOIPf.'UWilli' S....willi 1MII*",'"

39.50 VALUE .. , $29.50.ekets $24.50Vel.. '17,"I960S Macle TU 2.1340

0,.11 0.'" , ... lilt., J ....

One of 12 winners in an artcontest sponsored by DetroitBank and Trust eaeh Christ-mas season for young rela-tives of its employes wasB1FF FISHER, son of MR.and MRS. WALTER B.FISHER. of Cloverly road,who received an honorablemention in the Grades Fourthrough Six DivIsion. Eachyear, the bank asks young.sters to design the cover forthe December issue (\f "TheTeller," the em 'P I 0 yes'monthly maguine.

(Continued from Page 9)The free dance s tar t s

promptly at g o'clock Wed.nesday evening, January 17,at Monteith School, Cbalfonteavenue at Cook road. Pointeresidenls and their friendsare invited.

Many couples who attendedfree da~es in other years,enrolling later in the classfor beginners, are now enjoy-ing square dancing regularly,

Lessons in Square Dancingwill be offered again this yearat Monteith School, beginningJanuary 24. at 8 o'clock. Theyare taught by Wes and JulieRea, of Hampton road.

Couples unable to attend

Afternoon In The SouthThe Grosse Pointe Farm and Garden Club's

January meeting is scheduled for this Mondayafter.noon, in the Cloverly road home of Mrs. Charles A.Parcells, Jr., with Mrs. Albert A. Griffiths and Mrs.

Committee members in~lude Dr. and Mn. Don.aId Austin, nr. Frank Bltknell, Dr. aDd Mrs. Rich.ard H~nderson, the Kenneth Whalenst the C. BoydStockmeyers, Mn. earl Grawn, Dr. and Mrs, An.gelos Kambourls, Mr. ud Mrs. Doaglu WJll1J, Dr.and Mrs. Z. Stephen Bohn nod Dr. ud Mrs. Ed.ward Shumaker.

More are the George CartmJlls, Dr. and Mrs.William Carpenter, !"r. and Mn. Kenneth Krabben.hoft, the William Gossetu, ltIn. RlC!bard MC!Kean,Mrs. Thomas M~KelD, Dr. and Mrs. WlDdsor Da.vies, Dr, and Mrs. Robert Gerlleb, the RobertCralgs and Miss Carol Cobane.

StUl more are Dr. and Mrs. Vanee Fentreu,the Hugh MendenhaUs, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B.Gorey, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Paul Ruble and Dr. andMrs. Earl Merritt. • • •

And now for the best news of all: The WebberAddition's due to be completed this year ... and,if all goes well, if auction bids come anywhere nearauction value:., 1973 will be the year the Harper-Webber Fund.1adies corr.plete their $118,000 pledge.• • •'Emigrants' Benefit

Many Pointers are working on the Carl andOlga MiUes 1973 Sdtolarshlp Fund Benefit, IC!hed.uJed for Thursday, January 18, at 7,:30 o'c:loek, inBirmingham's Studio 4 theater.

It's a showing of Jan Troell's eritleally.ae.cla1med film "The EmJgranis,1t .tarrlng Xu VOllSydow and Llv Ullman, sponsored by Detl'oIt- Swt-dish Council wbJch hu reserved every seat In. thehouse.

Assisting scholarship ehairmla Mrs., Eo JanHartmann are tbe Mesdames S1xteD ~ling,_ SvenB. HeDstrom, Ralph G. Lagerfeldt and DwIgIlt M.Nelson, Jr., ti well u Swedish Consul MalVin R.Anderson, Arvld LWHfeU, president of Detrolt-Swed.ish Council, Charles J. Koebel IDd Otto von Resen.

Tickets are available from my eomm1tcee mem-ber or by ealUng Detrolt-Swedls" Coandl, 641-6384.

• • •

[ ISigurd R. Wendin assisting the hostess.• '. Mrs. J. Crawford Frost has arranged a warmFrom Another Pomte of View program as compensation for all members enduring____________________ . January in Mietiigan. A presentation, "The Beauty

(Coau... lrom Pa,e ') of our,Southland," by Milton Volkens.for sporting events, I C!abln erulaer~omplete with Holidays Postscripteaptaln-for a week • • •

You get the pldure. 'Martha's Closet wlll stage a fuhloo show duro

ing the cocktail h.our, and souvenir books, deplet-ing the History of Harper Hospital from Civll Wardays to the present, incorporating actvel1lJementllna unique cartoon form, (crayons wUl be given tGcomplete the pages), wiU be for 'sale.

• • •It looks to be January's finest, fun-est evening.

It should be. It's been wel1.thought-out, well.plannedby a large committee that's been working towardJanuaI')' 20, 1973. for more than a year.

Mrs. Richard Webber and Mrs. Joseph L. Hud.son, Jr., are honorary chairmen of the fund.raisers.Mrs. Robert Gerisch and Mrs. Karin Thomas aregeneral co-chairmen.

Mrs. Emmett MeNamar .. is Harper.WebberFund chairman.

• • •



a tt1 rr f? < nt', '; o,t :; t dc' , t .'

Page 11: Locolion-Dot To ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., rosse Pointedigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1970-74/73/1973-01-04.pdfJohn Claims FirstNew Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8



Thursd.y. January .. , 1973 6ROSSE POiNTE NEWS

Selecn Lace and Pearl-Trimmed Ivory Gown forRites at Which She Beegmes Mrs. Arthur

AsMon SponsellerAnn Miser Worthman and Arthur Ashton Spon-

seller exchanged marriage ,rows Saturday, December30, at an afternoon ceremony in Saint Columba Epis-copal Church, with The Reverend Robert J. Bickley,of Saint Columba, and 'fhe Reverend J. WilliamsMurchison, of New York City, presiding.

The bride is the daugh- 1;ter of Mr. and Mrs. Theo- honor maid sandra Williamsdore Worthman, of Kerby and bridesmaids Mrs. G~rgeroad the bridegroom the Sponseller, Mrs. John l.!nnch,

, of Long Grove, Ill., Elizabethson IJf Mr. and Mrs. Eathorne, Kathleen MunroCharles E. Sponseller, of and the bride's cousin MarvRolandale, Detroit. Miser, of Geneva, Ill. ' -

The rites were followed by Ivory lace banded the neck.a reception at the Grosse lines of their dark green vel.Pointe Y2~ht Club. vet frocks, and matd1ing lace

The bride's ~yory satin ~uffed their long sleeves.gown was fitted at her waist George S. Sponseller wasand featured a high neck Bi. his brother's best man. Ush.shop sleeves and a Ch~pel ers we~e ,Charles Worth~\8n,train. Re-embroidered Alen. the bnd~ 1/ brother, Chnsto-con lace and seed pearls Be. pher Rubin, John Nash, Char-cented the dress, and match- les Brown and Douglas Hef!.ing lace covered her Car..dot nerocap. For her daughter's wed.

She wore her great-grand- ding, Mrs. Worthman selectedmother's small gold arrings a long-sleeved, powder ~lue

. e., afternoon dress. The bnde-and carrIed an. arranzement groom's mother chose a ray.of holly and white roses. I al biue afternoon dress, aiso

Also carrying holly were long-sleeved.

There'll be no "after theholidays diet" for GrossePointe Newcomers this year.Their Culinary Feast of thePointes, a progressive cock-taU dinner party in mem-bers homes, is scheduled forSaturday, .January 13.

Planning the round.the-Pointe menu, as well aswhich couple goes whEre, forwhat, are cbairmen Cliff andBert Chatterson.

Assisting the Cbattersonswith party details and ar.ranging an Afterglow at ElCid's ill East Warren avenueare the Vie A1lessis, theJulius Horvaths, the TomWillisons, the David VanNotes, the .Tack Grifos, theLarry Mayfields, the BobKabearys, the ;Joe Munyersand the Pat Jacobs.

Couples who have recentlymoved to The Pointe fromoutside the Detroit area areeligible for Newcomers Club'membership, and are invitedto contllct the membershipchairmen at 886-6782 or 886-1416 for further information .

I U you never dream of d0-ing the impossible you'llIWver even do the possible.


Mrs. Arthur Sponseller

In Saint Columba Episcopal Church Satur-day, December 30, ANN MISER WORTHMAN,daughter of the Theodore Worthrnans, of Kerbyroad, b-~camethe bride of Mr. Sponseller, son ofthe Charles E. Sponsellers, of Detroit.

av~ilable at-.aU Hud~()n's and r~lewcomersGrl1Ulen's ticket offices andat the Ford Auditorium Box Nixing DietsOffice, 961-G700.

A limited number of dis-COUDttickets at $1.75, for stu.dents and senior' citizens, isavailable at the Box Officebeginning at 7:45 o'clockconcert nights.

c 0

~I ,\ .\ \

\ \, ,f.., \ \

, \ \ ) '\\ I. I \I, \1 :'.. ~:' \:I

~ 1,\j ,\ . .



PLACE SETTING SALESolid Stoinleu Flatware By Oneida


• CHINA. STATIONERY GIFTS• afl sales final


Sule onSeleetiveItena.

NOW through January 13

~ to lh off

Women's Page-by, of and for Pointe Women---- -'- -- -"'--

Ann M. WorthmanW'ed December30

Ciani To DebutWithSymphony


Relumlo, itJ rejularIcbedwe of concerti after theboUday .break, the DetroitSympbony Orchel.tra offerstwo programs featurlDg 30-year-old Italian pianist DinoCiani tonilbt and saturday,January f and 6, in For dAuditorium.

Music 'D~tor and Con.ductor Slxten Ebeling returns .to the poQium for the 8: 30o'clock performances.

aani, another of tbe man)'ex.cltiDr )'"ung talenta helD,introduced to Detroit concert-goen this season, ,makes hiBd~ut heft performing SergetJroltoflev's Piano ConcertoNO.5.

The composition is appear.lDg for the first time on aDetrcit Symphony program.

The brilliant yoUDg Italianvirtuoso, on his first Amer-ican concert tour, has scored• number of internationalsuecesses. De sc rib e c1 as"Chopin reborn" br the Mus.lell Times after hiI prize.will.niq performance at thepreatipoua Lint-Bartok Com-petition in Budapest, be hasbeen featured on Europeanteleylllon in 011 series entitled"The Great Interpreters."

He is scheduled to debutwith the L 0 D d 0 D Philhar.monic. this ,April.

Sixten EbrliDg and the Or.che1;tra ",ill pretent the De.troit premiere of Milt I 0 sRozsa'. "Overture to a Sym-phony ColK'ert, " written inthe aftermath of the 1956HUDgman uprising. RichardStrau .. ' "Sympbonia Do-mettiea" completes the pro.lI'alO.

TJckets for the concerts are

Here's an opportunity for savings on carefree quality solid

stainless tableware ... a chance to fill in a present set, orstart one for yourself or someone on your bridal or anniversary

gift list. Six.piece setting: salad fork, dinner fork, dinnerknife, soup spoon, \WO teaspoons. Complete the service witha five-piece hostess set: serving fork, sugar spoon, gravyladle, butter knife, pierced tablespoon. Patterns shown above:A. "Spanish Mood", 4.99 B. "Cherie",4'.99 C. "Frostfire",6.99D. "Louisiana", 6.99 E. "Madrid", 6.99 F. "Paul Revere';, 6.99

G. "Venetia",6.99 H. "Nordic Crown", 4.99

Jacobsorrs~~ {j@)[? ~ [}u@~


4.99 and 6.99Six.piece ploce selling

Page 12: Locolion-Dot To ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., rosse Pointedigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1970-74/73/1973-01-04.pdfJohn Claims FirstNew Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8


GROSSE POiNTE NEWS Thursday, January ., 1973

Society News Gathered from the Pointes


dt Sl-gnnl1 h(" 11)('


all sales ~;nal

Wed Friday evening, December 22, in SaintPaul's.on.the.Lakeshore were MARY ROSE DAM.MAN, daughter of the John H. Dammans, of Lake-lnnd avenue, and Mr. Henderson, son of the Wil-liam H. Hendersons, Jr., of Kingsville, Onto

Mrs. W. H. Henderson, III


•..:" ..



selected groupings of


75 Kercheval on the Hill + Grosse Pointe + TU 2.1610





Mrs_ L. T_ Machiniak

Massage byBeverly


.WID •• HMa.IAGIhI' your home, including

fadal mask. Women only.Gift certificates availob/e.

photo 1>y Lud SChomlgELIZABETH ANNE KNAGGS, daughter of

Mrs. Elizabeth Knaggs, of Huntington boulevard,and the late Charles M. Knaggs, was married toMr. Machiniak, son of Mrs. Norbert Machiniak, ofDetroit, and the late Mr. Machiniak, Saturday eve-

~December 18, In SaInt Jame' Lutheran Rites In St. Paul'sMiss Knaggs Bri~e For Miss DammanOf Mr. Machiniak William Henry Hendersons, JIl, Will Mak. Their

Home in Sterling Heights: Gourm.t House&n.st J. Dossin Gives His Goddaughter in Marti. Reception Follows Ceremony

age; Brid.'s Sister, Bridegroom's BrotherAttend Pair Mary Rose Damman, ~aughter of Mr. and Mrs.

John H. Damman, of Lakeland avenue, and WilliamIn a white sata peau gown, her bodice and Henry Henderson, III, ~on of Mr. and Mrs. William

Bishop sleeves of re-embroidered Chantilly lace H. Henderson, Jr., of Kingsville, Ont., were marriededged in seed pearls and Venise lace, Elizabeth Friday. December 22, in Saint Paul's-on.the-Lake-Anne Knaggs spoke her marriage vows ~o Lawrence shore. 1l~---------Thomas Machiniak. ~>---------- Are c e p t ion at the fur beadpieee caUJht her. A lace panel centered sage of pale green cymbidium Gourmet House followed tiered illusion veil

her detacha'ble train, and orchids for ber daughter's the evening ceremony, at She carried. eUCld. ofa modified Camelot cap w;t~gbridegroom'smother which Monsignor Francis =an':sala= ordUdI,of Chantilly lace and wore a long gown of green X. Canfield presided. HOftOr matron Mrs. Pabiekseed pearls caught her and brown paisley print wool The bride's white. -brocade Hill, of New York, the bride'.t rip 1e - tiered, elbow crepe, and pinned pink cym. gown featured an Empire bo- cousin, carried an iIUftJtIe~length illusion veil. bidium orchids to her purse. dice and full Chapel train. ,mm of red poIuaettias and

She carried a cascade of After a wedding trip to Her fiUed neckline and pink S wee the art rosea.phalaenopsi& orchids, steph. Toronto,.the lIIadrlDiaks are sleeves were trimmed with Bridesmaids Candice Heal-anow and baby's-breath. . at home In Roseville. white fur, and a ana1cbing (CoDtiDIIed 011 Pate U)

Saint ~ ~,mes Lutheran1----------------------------Church was setting for thecllftd1e1ight ceremony Satur-day. December 16, with 'TheReverend George E. KU17.and Father '!bomas Puziopre&iding.

A rect!PUon and dinner atLoa.doIl House East followedtile 6:30 (.'cJoek service.

The Dew Krs. Machiniak isthe daughter of llrs. Eliza.beth 'Knaggs, at Huntington 'boulevard, and the lateCharles M. Knaggs, graDd-dau.Chter ClI the late nr. andMrs. Charles W. Knaggs, ofGrosse Pointe, and of Rich.ard Langworthy oand the lateEJiJabetb Langworthy, also ofThe Po~.

She was given in marriageby her godfather, Erna<lt J.Dossin, of Oxford road, aD<iattended by her sister, Pa.tricla Lee Knaggs, an EasternMichigan University stlideDt,as maid of honor, and brides-maids 1IInl. Michael KiUe~Of Leavenworth, Kans., aKathleen Ann Neumann.

Their sapphire velvet frocksfeatured ;.1Mural waists, A-line skirts, long sleeves end-ing In lace.lined self rufflesand ruffled V.nedc:s.

They carried cascades ofpink Fuji mums and purpleheather, with votive candles.

Both Mrs. Kill~n, the for-mer Janet MuUinger, andMiss Neumann attended ele.mentary and junior highschool. and were graduatedfrom Grosse Pointe HighSehool with the bride.

Ronald Machinlak was hisbrother's best min. They arethe IOns of Mrs. Nomert Ma.chiniak, of Detroit, end thelate Mr. Machlniak.

Mark Bn!lCbt l'nd TimothyUnger ushered.

Mr.. Knagg. seleded along dress of MexicaIi pinkchiffon, ita skirt ending in abutterfly ru!f1e, and a cor-

AdorationS bed pillow filled with DuPont'sDacrons polyester riberfifl l,e of no-ironDacron. polyester/cotton in a blue/white print.2O"x26" standard, each $6 20"x30" queen size, each $82O"x38" bolster pillow size, each $11



"Just Flowers"permanent press .Dacron8 polyester and cotton blend sheets fromMartex. Red, blue, yellow flowers strewn on,white, lace trim. 72"x104" or twin fitted bottom. $481"x 104" or full fitted bottom. $5 00"x115" or 60"x80"queen fitted bottom. 7.50 108"x115" or 78"x80" kingfitted bottom. 9.50 42"x36" pillow cases. pair $342"x46" bolster pillow cases. pair $4


"Continental" acrylic/polyester "Nordic" permanent press rayonlhomespun-textured tablecloth centered polyester tablecloth with simple,~nd bordered by a diamond design. By textured elegance for formal/informalChicago Weaving in white, gold, blue, dining. From Leacock in gold, avocado,kerry green or brown with self-fringe. ecru, dark blue, pumpkin, lemon yellow.50")(50" square, $6 50")(68" oblong, 1.50 54" square, $5 52")(70" oblong or oval, 8.5062")(82" oblong, $12 62")(82" oval, $14 6O"x83" oblong or oval, 9.5062"x104" oblong, $15 62")(104" oval, $11 00")(102" oblong or oval, '1.5068" round, $13 18"x18" napkins, each $1 68" round. $10 17"x17" napkins. each .85

Savings of 10% on custom-made table pads now through January 31stTake advantage of our in.home measuring service.

Jacobson'S~@)~ tftIDcr 'Cd}o@ Du@OUD@



JacobSonS~~ VtID17 fd}u@ Cu@OiJD@

"Vellux lilt" self.hemming blanketof velvety nylon flocking fu~ed topolyurethane foam, by Martel<. Deepblue, deep pink, deep green, gold,yellow, ivory. 66"x90" twin, $128O"x90" full, $14 108"x90" king, $21

"At Sea" nautical sheets ofred/white/blue permanent press Dacron*polyester/cotton by Martex. Red boats onfitted bottom sheet, blue anchors on topsheet, blue captain's wheel on pillow cases.72")(104" or twin bottom, $481"x104" or full bottom, $542"x36" pillow cases. pair $3


Page 13: Locolion-Dot To ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., rosse Pointedigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1970-74/73/1973-01-04.pdfJohn Claims FirstNew Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8


Women's Page-by, of and for Pointe Women

GROSSE POINTE: 20l4, Mack Ave., TU 4.S88SFACTORY: 5981 Concord; Phone 921-1000

Open Mon., Thurs., & Fri. 'Til 9

an 11:30 o'clock blWne ••


Nunel')' arrlDgement. andmeetJag, luncbeoa at 12:30 luncheon reservaUoIll may beaDd Dr. McCoDneU'. talk at m a.:l.e through the Cburch1 o'clock. . Office, TUxedo 4-8820.

ADf;Lf; SIMPSONToday, Thursday, Jon. 4, 9:30 to 4:00

Jacob SonS

You are corJiall1l invited

!o the entire re~ol"!-in!o-~pT',ng collection

of JT'e~~e~. ~UI!~ and en~emble~ bll

Mi~~ Simp~on'~ bmeleH fa~hion~ Fo,. i:odall'~

~oclal(1I active woman will be

informally modeled fe,. 'JOUT' ~eledien.

Stl Michaer,Meeting Set

'1'be Women cI. SaIDt lOch. IIael'. Eplacopal Chureb baveItheduJed their wiIlter lunch. Xieon meetiDI foe Dellt Tues. ~day, January i.

FoUowinl lWldJeoD, Dr.Huold Jl MecollbelJ, Jr.,pastor of LIb Sbore Pre •.byterian Church, st. ClairShore', wilJ .peak on "Evan.,eUam and. the ParticipatingPerIOD."

In the aJx yea,. he hubeen Lake Shore Presbyter-ian'. pastor, Dr. McConnell,who reeelved b1I Bachelor ofAria decree ill PoliticalBelenN from Monmouth Col-le,e, bas u.splemented manyway. of ruchln, IDto theeommWlity to Jlelp hJJ eoDgre.,ation flOW and. to serveothen.

He received his Baehelor ofDivinJty dtgee from Pitta.burgh Sem1nary, a n 12 II. i •Doctor of Divinity from Mon.mouth Collec', in 1N4. Heserved a' II chaplain in theArmed F~ ..Dei boklJ tMrink of lIet.l~lnt colonel inthe Army ReNrve ••

Be ia married IDd has fourIIODI, the elde.t of whom ispmentlf st\ldJiDc for theminIatry. Apparently, it nwill the flmlly: Dr. MeCouellis the lOll of • m1ftiJter.

The Women of SaInt Mich.ael'. II. a v, jUit eeIebratedtheir Cburdi.'s 25th aDDlvers.ary. They bave eontributed,during tbolltl yean, towardthe Il'owth of tbe Churcb and.to m!uiolll in the local com-mwdt)' aDd ..broad .

lira. Hilbert Murphy II theEpjIc:opal Church WomeD',current president. !iIrs. HenryVan -Eekoute is chairman ofthe eommlttee respollliblefot IIlltUal Respooslbillty aDdInterdepeud.ence in the Bodyof Christ, which determinestlw croup', thruIt into thecommUDIty.

Nell t' TuelClay'. luncheonwill be prepared and servedby St. Apes and st. Anne'.Guilds, under the chairman.ship of ,1In. Donald Burtonand Jln. Stanley lIelocbe.

All are 'IV e I c " meat theluncheon aDd meeting. Theday bqIns with the Euchar.ist at 11 o'doc:k, followed by

STORE-WIDE ~LEARAN~'E1/3 to 1/2 off.

Good Seleetion

~\\S0N~~S~RAC ••••••• .:~ .,o,;".",j,!.,6.00••• 2.91

Y'AUQ~ .LOU_. I ••• I I I. I I I .13.00. tl.OOV n Wlrl $9.00 . $1l.GO

PA.'IUIII .••••••• 'IS.OO. '29.00w.re up 10 $44.00.LA_. ..... I I ••••••••••• '22.00

_re $30,00ICA.VII II HAl•• I I I • '2.10 •'1.00

Wlrl $9.00 . SIO.oo...... A.

IIIGIfTG!~of' 13.00 ."_~fll~1.00

June Bride

(ContfDaed from Pale U)erson, tb bridegroom's sis.ter, and Ruth George carriedpink poinsettias and Sweet.heart .roses.

Their floor length, Empirefrocks were fashioned of TOy-al blue velvet.

Best man was RobertWard. John E. Damman, bro-tt1er Of the bride, end JohnYates seated the guests.

The bride's mother wore afloor length, beaded gown ofice blue raw silt, and pinneda white orchid to her match.ing purse. Tawny c)"Mbidiumorchids complimented thebridegroom's mother's longbrown velvet gown.

Alter vlcationing in Cana.da, the newI."Weds will miketheir h 0 m e in SterlingHeights.

:Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.CoDDOr., of Berkshire -road,have announced the engage-ment of their dliJgflter, CA.THEJUNE ANN, to Robert E.Gotfredson, Ion of Mr. andMrs. Robert L. GotfredJon, ofGfOJISePointe boulevard.

They plan a June wedding,ill the GIWI5e Pointe Acad-emy Chapel.

The bride~lect, a graduateof the Academy of the SaczedHeart, attended the Univers-ity of Colorado, Boulder, aDdMaryville College of Ole Sa.cred Heart, st. Louis, Mo.

Her fiance, an Austin PrepSchool alumnus, attendedOakland Community Collegeand the Univenlty of ~trolt.

St. Paul Rites


Mrs. Nicholas CI O'Hare

Pboto b)' JrddIe McGrath, lr.Married Saturday, December 30, in Christ

Episcopal Church to Mr. O'Hare, son 'of the JamesJ. O'Hares, of West Lebenon, N.H., was CYN-THIA SUE OSGOOD,daughter of the Milton B.Osgoods, who moved recently from WindmillPointe drive to Harsens Island.

Clark Women's ClubMeets This Mondiy

Clark Women's Club willgather at Christ MelhodistChurch next Monday, Janu.ary 8, at 1 o'clock, for a teaInd sGeial hour, followed byI business meeting and pro.gram, leaturing a talk andliIms, by Esther Peters,

THOMAS SCHW J.NJTZ, ofNorth Oxford road, receiveda Bachelor of 8elence degreeIn Business Administration,and CATHERINE GRAEF,01 Roslyn road, received anAssociate degree In Businessduring mld.yelr commence.ment ceremonies at Northern~ichlgan lJniversity.

Mr. and M,'s. GeD1\fe Ho.well, of Blairmoor court, areannouncing the enga.gementof their daughter, Patricia,to Richard B. Sl,\nder, sonof Mr. and Mrs. Mel Stander,of Washington road.

The bride~lect, a grlduateof Eastern Michigan Unl.versity, teaches at DonderoHigh School, lloyd Oak. Herfilnce, a «rlldu8te of DetroitIn.litute of Technology, Isemployed as a staff directorby the United Foundation.

An April 13 wedding isplanned.

Mr. and" Mrs. Robert L.Kaiser, of Merriweatherroad, are announcing the en.gagement of their daughter,MAR Y EUZABETH, toFrederick Gregory Hughes,Ion 'of Mr. and Mrs. Fred.erick W. Hughes, of Kerbyroad.

Both the bride.eleet andher fiance were graduatedfrom Grosse Pointe SouthHigh School. Betsy attendedcentrll Michigan University.Greg is I .enior at CentralMichigln, enrolled In theSChool of Business Admin-IDstration.

A June wedding is planned.

Ubrl memben cather lorthelr January meetinl nextMODelay, January 8, at theLincoln road home of Mrs.Carleton Healy. The Mes.dames Charle. C. ADdrews,Bruce A. Kirk, Charles L.Wilson, Jr., and. Glen W.FortiDberry will assist thehoItee •. VIrgin1a Leonard will&lve a boot review.

'!be EUzabeth KetchumGroup of Grosse Pointe Me.morial Church begin, thenew year with its rustgathering at the home ofMrs. John D. Eiche1bargerin KcMilIan road Friday,JluUIr1 12, at 1 o'clock.

rlrs. Oreo B. JillsoD willpruent devotions to open themeeting and work sealon.

Hosting a New Year's EvecoclctaU Plrty were MR. andMRS. GORDON M. BUEH-JUG, 01 Loc:hmoor boulevard.

Slate KetchumGroup Meeting

janu.ryCI•••• ne.S•• lng.

Up 1o 50"-

Custom furriersE. M. Sullivan

andDouglas A. May

J 500 r KerchevalGrosse Pointe Parle

VA 2.6425

The Sphere19849 Mack Ave.884-6615


~ 88i ..1540. j{tllsof~~ ..

'. J:. II 63-K.nh.vol "On the Hill" e,.;J1J,,. •.: - Dci..,e La Nos'ra Creazione Fa un bel s';'.

• Whorl 'he beautv and .xcellen' condition of you' hairi. of. P,iml Imparlance. The linesl p,..,duclS plu. ,...• kill

0' our u:perienred stylists QUUt.1 you 01 max;mllm hair &.o&lfy .....;'On the Hill" Gtoue I'olnte ~63 KElcHfVAL ~n CoIoniol ~I .... _

Detroit Boat Club Reception Follows Lit. Aft.r.noon Rites: Pair Are Vacationing on Bermud.,

Will Live in EastCynthia Sue Osgood, whose parents, Mr. and

Mrs. Milton B. Osgood, moved recently from Wind.,mill Pointe drive to Harsens Island, returned toTbePointe for ihe wedding Saturday, December A half.bat of matcbiD.lace30, in Christ Episcopal Church, to Nicholas Creedon caUlbt lIer 4qertip .IlkuionO'Hare. '-Sl veil. She carried Mt anan,e-

Presiding at the 4:30thelr home in Bloomfleld, mel!t of 8tephaDOtiB, baby's.Conn. breath, tID)' pint and whiteo'clock rites were The The bride's Empire.bodlced rosea and mum•.Reverend Morris Hauge ivory peau de soie gown, ac: CarJ')'in, bouquets of bl.and Father James Cronk. centedwith peaud'ange lace by'Hlreath, pint roles ud

AJter a ret:eption at the De- trimmed with clusters of carnatioDl 'Were bODOI'mat-trolt Boat Club, the newly- pearls, featured a high neck, J'OIl Mrs. James M. Mom.weds left to vacation on Ber. Bishop sleeves and • Chapel IlOD and bride8maldJ AIm'muda. They will be making train. Wrigley, of Ohkago, Mra.

DellDe J. Osgood, )frs. Mil.ton B. Osgood, ilr., and ElltllO'Hare, of New York City,the bridegroom's sister.

Their .~JtiDg pink silkjersey froc:b were styledw$th high necklines, 'longaleevu, Empire waista andruffled~.

Flower Jirl sarah O'Hare,of Hingham, 11111., the Ilride-groom's D1ece, carried. bas-ket filled with mums. pink1"OHI and baby's.breath.

Her father, James J.O'Hare, Jr., wa. best manfor his brother. 'nley are thelOIII of Mr. and Mnr. JamesJ. O'Hare, of We4lt LebeJ1on,N.H.

Ia. the Wlb« corps were T.AIeuDder Barber, 01 Boul.der, Colo., Charle. Edwards,01 Do JlolDe.s, low.a, JohnMinic:ucci, of Naug.tuck,Conn., and Denne, MUton,Jt., and Paul Osgood, thebride'. brothe,..

MI'I. Oagood c:b<Ise. a longIOWD of beice peau de aoie,aeeeoted with a rhinestonebucltle -aDd buttolls, fO't thela~ .afternoon double riDlce.OII.)'. Cymbidium (ll'-

chids fomed her coruge.'I1Ie bridegroom'. mother

se1ecte<i a soft grey dress andjacket ensemble, long-ekirtedand tied with satin at herneck1iDe. matching her satineuffI, with rhiDestone bulto1l8and a cymbidium orchid cor..ace.

ComiDI !rom' Hartfonl,CoIIa., tor the weddiDg' weredie bridegroom'. grandmo-ther, )fn. Alexander W. ere-edoD, aDd biB uncles andaUllts, )fr. and M'n. Alexan.der W. Creedon, Jr., Mr. andHr.. lOOD D. Creedon andMr. anet Mrs. Edward LSmith.

Mr. end Mrs. Walter ll.DeUDe came from Old say-brook, CobD., for their niece'swedding.

Other out.of.town guests in.cluded tile bride's great-tIIl-de and aUDt, )fl'. and Mrs.T. Paumore Dickinson, ofGeor(Sown, 0., and MI'S.Donald McBride, the bride's • •dsorority sister, and Mr.)(c. April Bn eBride, of Albuquerque, N.M. I '

Miss Osgood Wed LibritoH~ar, • Book RevieW

'to Nicholas O'hare

/ '

Page 14: Locolion-Dot To ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., rosse Pointedigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1970-74/73/1973-01-04.pdfJohn Claims FirstNew Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8

... ~. j -, .-~- -. j:-.\-;",."~ •• --.-.-",,,----.:"""""oc,-r ...---r-[- -;--;""• ..,.,.,.....,'........,.~F....i"..• ...,..• ...,.•",............"""..~.x~._._.....¥_D'"'....,_,_.__.__-.A-------~.' --,

INEWSPOINTEGROSSE ThllrsdlY, Jlnlllry., 1973

Society News Gathered from the Pointes



20339 MACK(Near Vernier)


63 Kercheval, on.the-HillLower I.-' Colonial Federal 1IIdg.



WILLOUGHBY SCHOOL OF DANCElakeshore Village Shopping Center23219 Marte, Rd. at JeHersonNew Kinderdance classes forming

New adult ballet class formingWednesday evenings

Openings ovoi/ob/e in existing clossesJoin now 10, June lecital

Phone 771-6920 0' 884-7034

Woman'; Club Group To MeetThe Groue Poiate Wom. crouP working with the De.

an'. Club DlaCU8lIOil aDd troit Historical Museum, In.Gardea Group will meet at clud1llg slides of many itemstile Clairview road home of liven to the museum by well.Mrs. IrviDf BenDett .t 1 mown Detroit families.o'doa next WedDelday, JaD. Tea will ffollow. Mr:s. KarlUP')' 10, for /l program, "100 D. Andel'lOll, ehalrman of theYean of FuI1ioo", preaeoted Group, will be aullted byby .. member of the Detroit Mra. Lampton J. CardwellHiJforical GuIld, a _"ice aDd Mrs. A. E. Tamarelli.






IN FACT 25o/~ LESSTHAN BEFORE •••WHICH IS ALMOST LESS'THAN NOTHING.All ,his adds up '0 ,he grea'es' sa'e in Michigan0' fNGUSH GOLD JEWELlY and designe, i'emsas well. Wear 'he bes' and ,he diHerenf in grea'.flrea' jewelry "0m LEE'S-a'moi' free" ,

Dr. Sonensheilinvile you 10 previewa select colleclion ofoils and graphics by

Edna Hibeland to meet h.,

in personSIIIda" ..., 7th

from 2 to 6 p.m •Exhiit c.tinIes

thr .... .., 31st _., . ..' .\~'if. .'. ' ';WI; ,i#ify!'r::, ... Edn~ Hibel ... One of lhe rore painters oj our time who has 'notbt;en lnflu~n:-ed by any contemporary movement or style .. ahlg~~y mdlVldual. st:rle w~se principal ingredients are simplicily,IYTlclSm ... poet!€: unpresslOn of emotion . _ ."

Fred GrOSSllllD

dur;nfl our vor'L.!e!cialAFTER CHRISTMAS


GALLERY ART CENTER3722 W. 12 Mil., Berkl.y 543-5426-27

OPEN DAII.Y 10 A.M, '0 c1 P.M. C'-I SullCltry


,.c.", II".. 7,,,W............ a..e .. ~




Dr. and Mrs. Harold W.MeCaugbrin, who moved fourmonths. ago from. North Re-naud road to WsUoon, Mich.,have announeed Che engage-ment of their daughter, Mar.tha Katbleeo to George H.Wyatt, Ill, son of Mr. andMrs. Geor~ H. Wyatt, ofNeff road. A H"y weddlDlis planned.

The bride-elect aDd herfiance are both Grosse PointeSouth High School graduates.She it presently a senior atthe University of HicbigaD,affiliated with Dt"Ita GammasororIty. He w"as graduatedfrom the University of Michl.gan and atknds VanderbiltUniversity SChool of Law,Nashville, Tenn.

May WeddingDate Planned

Also on the program willbe a Grieg sonata for violiJiand piano played by violinistLucille ZOcbarski and pianistCamella Ehrlich.

Soprano Rita Opdyke wIDpresent songs by RichardWagner, Samuel Barber andMozart. She will be accom •panied by Alma Exley.

The concert has beenplanned by Josephine Howes,in consultation with BerniceVan Husen, general programchairman.

Entertaining ,December 27in honor of MRS. LANSINGPITMAN and FREDMICKW. TOE PEL. who exchangedmarriage vows Saturday, J)~cember 30, were the CLETUSWELLlNGS, of Renaud road.

-The Honorabl~ G. MennenWilliams, Justic~ of the Mich.igan Supreme Court and for-tner Michigan Governor, willspeak to Phase I, a groupopen to all singles from 20 to40, at Grosse Pointe Memor.ial Church, this SUnday, Jan.uary 7, <at 7:30 O'clock.

Phase I will travel to AnhArbor via Amtrak t)assengertrain Saturday afternoon,Januilry 13. Following dinner,the group returns by train toDetroit. Interested singles areinvited to meet' at theChurch at 4:30 o'clock.

Phase I meets every Sun.day night at 7:30 'It Memor.ial Church. Further informa.tion may be obtAined by con.tacting Gust Jahnke at 882.5330.

Mrs. John Peterson

Program Set By Musicale

Exe.hanging wedding vows in the BarbourChapel of Grosse Pointe Memorial Church Tues-day evening, December 19,. were GRETCHENLaVONNE KLEIN, daughter of the Henry R.Kleins. of Touraine road, and Dr. Peterson, sonof the John G. Petersons, of Hillsborough, Calif.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Li.pinski, of Yonkers, N.Y.,have announced the engage..ment of their daughter, SusanGenevieve, to John HamiltonNeale, Jr., son of Mrs. RoseNeale, of Muir road, andLieutenant Colonel 'J. Ham.ilton Neale (Ret.), of Hono-lulu, HawaU.

Miss Lipinski was gradu.ated fro m ManhattanvilleCollege. Mr. Neale was grad-uated from the Uiliversity ofMichigan, and holds a Masterof Business Administrationdegree from Columbia Uni-versity .

They plan to be married inSeptember. and will travelto Madrid, Spain, to visit Mr.and Mrs. Edward A. Schu-mann, for'merly of NewHaven. Conn.


Starts January 833113 to 50% off

110 Kcrrhc\al On Tn(' IIiIl 881.7227Till' Mar" (/(,I'ol('d ('xdusil'''/y !a rhildren

• coats • snowsuits• iackets

• velvets • dresses• Boys suits

• slacks • skirfsInfants Toddlers

Boys 4-7 Girls 4-14

\![!][!!]G!J[3 ISlbrn1fIXJ~~

all sales final

The fourth morning concertof the Tuesday Musicale ofDetroit will be presentednext week, January 9, at10:30 o'clock in the LectureHall of the DetrQit Instituteof Arts.

President Mrs. CharlesBryant, of Holiday road, has• nnounced that the programwill feature compositions fortwo pianos.

The first, "Variations surun them de Beethoven" bySaint-Saens. will be perform.ed by Pointer Dllrls Eubankand Fontaine Laing, of EastDetroit. '

The second, "Son ateI (1953)". by FraM:is Poulenc

will be perfOl med by Sar~Ladd and Janet Young, bothPointers.

Just N, .f 7 Mil. Rd.

Honest folks, woo ask onlyfor what's right, often getleft.

Neale-Lipinski Phase I Starts.~.Troth Revealed 1973 Programs

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Por.ter, of Blairmoor court, haveunounced tile engagem.ent Oftheir daughter, DEBRA LEE,

. to 'Richard John Demeester,son of Mrs. Alphonse De-meester, of Redford Town.IIblp, and the late Mr. De.meester.

'Debbie, a Grosse PointeSouth ffigb School craduate.it presently a senior PoliticalScience major at Alma Col.lege. affll1ated with, AlphaTheta aorority. SIie Will begraduated in June,iand plansto teach.

Ria, a graduate of Hac..keIWe Blab Sebool, bas com.pleted service in tbe UnitedStates Anny and u now as.lociated with Miehigan Ad.justment Company •. Inc.

A June wedding is planned.

Ewry Sir. but not in _ry Style

All SALES FINALSorry no Moil,

Phone or C.O.O

Open Thvra. and Fri. fOil 9 P.M.



n' 1-4100


Your Time!

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COlOftS: 8I0<Io. 8fown, Comel. 10M. No1ty. Red.Gfey, Green. Hot P'1lIl<

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SIZES: .. to 10. Wicfltl. AficAA TO 8

16906 Kercheval, "GroSf. Point. in th. Vifloge"

~LEA.AN~EShoes N • 9 'Res. 20.00 to 38.00 . . .. ow 13.9 to 24,99Shoe Bool8 N '13 99 '26Res. 22.00 to 45.00 . . •• ow , to .99HandhaS8 1/3 Off "

Res. 12.00 to 36.00 .... , . Now 8.00 to 24.00

CLASSES: Beginners Needlepoint,Needlepoint Design, the old Art

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Chronograph ••Chronom.t.r.and Accufron

Valente Jewefe,.~Sum 1934

16601 E. WARIEN

--- --_._---_._--_._----

Lieutenant R I c II 11 r d T.Beaupre, son of Mr. aDd Mrs.HlIrold Beaupre, of Ridge.mont road, claimed Barbara

Bec~mes Briele of Dr. John F. Petenon at pr. Jeanne Gloss, daughter of

Ch• R B b Ch I l...~ T Mr. aDd Mrs. Edward Gloss,MUm'S ites in ar our I~ : Mrs.. of Pulaski, Wis., as his bride

Bruce Fox Attends Her Sister at a CaDdlel1gbt mass in.theCbapel of Assumption Blessed

Grosse Pointe Memorial Church's Barbour Virgin Mary Church, Pulaski,Chapel was setting for the wedding of Gretchen Friday, December 22.LaVonne Klein and Dr. John F. Peterson Tuesday Barbara was attended byevening, December 19. Dinner at the Detroit Ath. her sistel', Laun DuPont,letle Club followed the ceremony, at. which Dr. Ray aDd Allan Beaupre acted lISH. Kiely officiated. ~--------- best man for his brotber.

The newlyweds, daugh- Christmas bouquet of bolly, The r.ites were followed byter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry ivy and red and white roses, a reception ~ Green Bay,R. K) e in, of Touraine as did ber .ister and only with members' of both fami.road and son of Mr and attendant, Mrs. T',Bruce Fox, lies atteDdiDg.Mrs' J hD G Pt' wbose floor length frock was Barbara aDd Rick will re-

o • 0 • e e~n, fashioned ofteny areen wooL side in' Bay st., MIss., whereof Hillsborough, Calif.,vacationed in San Fran. T. Bruce Fox: acted a$ belt he is lieutenant (j.g.) withcilc:o. man. the National' OCeanic and

The mother of the bride Atmospheric Administration.Tbe,. will make their home wore a long, laveDder wool -----

ill TtllCOG, Ariz., where Dr. gown, the bridegroom'. mo- W'II W dPetenoa bas hiJ dental prac- ther a Jong IOWb of mauve I etice. silk

Gretcbeu ehoee a priDeels .Ityle wecldiaI gown, of white The cocktaU ...Dcf.buffet fetedouble bit wool, accented hosted by the REUBEN Jl.with headiDg At her Deek, bO- WATERHANS, of McKiD1eycIke aDd sleeves. H$" Chapel place. SuDday eomblned theIeDllll IDUIioD veil fell from ee1ebration of New Year'sa -..sed c:rown. Eve with touts to Mr. Water.

She carried a tradltiooal man's birtJKiay."

Miss Klein Married B~aupre-G11?88Rites Are Read

At Evening Service

-" ....,

Page 15: Locolion-Dot To ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., rosse Pointedigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1970-74/73/1973-01-04.pdfJohn Claims FirstNew Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8

- • po •

Thund.y. J.nu.ry 4. 1973i


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The Gn.... Polltt. M... }.. .ffilJotId willa

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We invite you to visit with us to evaluate our skilled personnel and equipmentto discover how our responsibility a~d complete (entral controlcan benefit you • • •

Call 961.3969 ... Nowl



Woodward 1.3969

co' III • U n ,I cat Ion,

.. I~ I

, i "

media I.. -

Page 16: Locolion-Dot To ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., rosse Pointedigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1970-74/73/1973-01-04.pdfJohn Claims FirstNew Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8

: $• " ' ....... + ..... ~~.

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Pag,' Sixt •• n GROSSE POINTE NEWS l1tursday. Jlnua,y '04; ',"'1973 I•..rj ,


6F-SHARE LIVING maDUe ;cloeks, cuelt~oQUARTERS clocks. old, clocks, pocket

YOUNG professional male watr.hes and. wrist watd!uhas condominium to share repaired by MicbJCln IJ-with same, In Grosse censed Watchmaker. Pick

Pointe. 773-000. \lP ao,d deliver)' in ,Pointearea only. Also we are an-

6G-STORE FOR RENT xious. to buy old P.ndu1~clocks and pocket watc~es.

STORE-StarUng February. 886.3011.$ISO. 10033 Mack at Devon.

SCRATCH PADS .35c pound,shire. 882~M. 4 pounds $1. ECONOl'4EE7-WANTfD TO RENT S E R V I C,E PRINTING,- 15201 Kercheval at Lake.COMMUTING busineSllman pointe, Grone Pointe. VA

needs room. can 871,1200, 2-7100.,extension 583. between 8a:m ..5 p.m. MOVING TO J'LORIDA

TWO BEDROOM apartment,CUSTOM MADE red ;lonl

gOWD,never worn, Illze 16Condominium or smAll $(0. Also other ~eilses andbouse In Southern Florida .coats sizes 14 ADd16, '$10 tofor month of February. No $40. Call after 3 p.m. 775-children or pets. Refer- 3994.ences. 964-1144, .ner 6. j

881.2693. 2 WHITEWALLS '7.15xI4, •

7A-ROOM WANTEDply snow tires. best offer,425 Manor after 5. .., ;

WORKING young male seeks FOUR Finches and ~age. $20.sleeping room in Grosse r 886-8654. " .Pointe. Park, if possible. : • . f •881.2693. OLD CLOCKS; watcheS, Jew.

8-ARTICLES Ft.)RSAUelry. We tepait"-,! tiU1 orsell. Edward Ki~~, Certi;

OUTFIT THE E,NTIRE fied Master Watchmaker;FA'MILY AT 1/4 OF THE 63 Kercbeval; CoI~al Fed.

REGULAR. PRICE 'eral Bldg. 885-5755:'"ALMOST NEW" H.O, AURORA Race Track,

APPAREL ' over 30 ft. of trac:k,:" ~rs.ICarefully se!.~eted for quality, Extra$. 4'xS' I:ioara indud-style and condition • . . ed. 886-4121 after 6' p.m.Dresses, Coa ts, Sportl.wear. Furs. Shoes. Etc., WE BU.Y.,OLQ T.V.~ORK-and interesting Bric.A. ING 'OR MQT. (), FRI.Brae. DAY OR SATURDAY. 891.

Four outfits for the pri~ of 5395: . •one at ... MISCELLANEOUS 'llllliber,

LEE'S $l35, .. selling for .70,: fill.20339 ,Mack 881-8082 ished leaded gtan door, $50.10 to 5:30 dally Fri. 'm 9 889-0213. " ,CoDSignments of fine quality.

PUBLIC SALE,!'!good condition .and currentstyle clothing welcome. SELLING outLOVE SEAT $80, wing chair Everything go es, .va~at1lJl

with ottoman $60, like new. building, anti que s, 1I.rt884-8673. goods, importl, 'orientalHANDYMAN SPECIAL! Cop- rugs. jewelel'Y, diamonds.

pertone Norge washer, 14 ,painting. Pictures; :1&mps,pounder. heavy duty. Needs cut glass, Clo.isoDDe, cloeka,bearings, otherwise vet"Y antique watches. furniture,good condition. $SO or be!( etc. ~ to !IO% off.offer. 1-791.5978. ~

MUSHRO. 14417' GRATIaI'C1IIPPENDALE dining lOQIIl Hours 11.9 Mon., Th\l1'S., Fri.

suite, table. 6 chairs. bu!- other Days 6 p.m.fet. china cabinet, server. 372.5017$856; Stelnway ~ XV,one of a kind $2,500. Hey- BARN SIDmG '-iAutbentfcwood Wakefield bent wood I" weatherect, "hind lIevn.table. ( chairs $15; blueand white chaise lounge natural timber,; 1-483.2179.$125. Silver service maple CAR OWNERS I OA1y $M.80desk and mis~Uaneous qua~rly b\Jys $2O,ClOO-.f4O,-chairs and tamps. 884-6089. 000 Liability ,Property ~am-

30" GE STOVE. self deaning age for safe tJrlVeJ'l. TOoven, sweet little Victorian 1- 23?S.


dresser. small maple dres. WEDDING Inv~fjOIlS" 10%ser and bo3kcase head- discount With this ad.board. 881.5351. ECONOMEEf SERVICE

SKIS, new sears 165 cm \Vith PRINTING. 15201 Kerche-boots size 5~ $30, for both, 'val at Lakepolnte, GrosseIS" bicycle with training Pomte. VAlley"2.7100.wheels, less Uw1 a year SPANISH OAK ocagon table,old. $15. 886-2807. and malcbing 5 chain. May

SKIS, Bouignol 102-190 Lam. be used for dining room orbourg!lini 175 em. Cobre as game table set. Also

bindings, poles. Garmont contemporaty oak gallerybuckle boots, size 5; shoe cabinet. banging lamps, allskates. 881-0623. in excellent conditioD. lI84-

5374. ,MOVING Entire household

EAR L Y AMERICAN 74"sale. Cash and carry. Re.frigerator. stove, washer. HutCh, drop leaf diningdryer, vacuums, TV's, all table, Hitchcock chairs. oc.furniture, rugs. dishes, ap- casional chair. lounge cllairpliances, pictures, tools, and ottoman, coffee table,bar supplies, 55 gallon white enamel kitchen table,aquarium. Snapper lawn 2 caairs, bospital spring.mower, garden tools, llOO 3 amber swag lamps, 2record collection stereo. work benches. porch rug,bikes. RO. track, toys. oval braid rug, 3 wickerbooks, bug gy, camera shelves and stool, Britan-equipment. Friday evening, nica books, wedding gown,all day Saturday-Sunday. shag rug. Nautials range611 South Rosedale Court hOod, de.humidifier, wanoff Morningside. what. not. shelf, 4 pine

chests, snack tables, cardHARDWOOD $19 and $23. table and chairs, odds and

white Birch $26. Frnitwood ends. Call 82l.294l) or come$29. Kindling wood $3.SO Sat. to 62G B~rr~gton.bag. delivery $2. Stacking

BELL and Howell slide pro.$2. 756.3494.'jector, M sUde tray., $30.

HEAD UO skis, 176 em, with TO 6-4076:Cubco bindings. Hen Ie e

SNOW tires 'tlldded, G78xboots size 5 ladies, goodcondition $70. 885-4218. 15. Ford wheels. 882.24'12

evening •. ,SKI BOOTS, Lange, size 9"

SKIS. poles, jacket, wintermens. plus new skis andpoles, new $125. 779-8216. clothing, guitar, trumpet,

miscellaneous. After 5 -MOVING. household sale, 886-2099.

$Ome anUque furniture, sll.ver, crystal. and miscel. IA-MUS'CALlaneaus articles. Jan. 5-6-7. INSTRUMENTSfrom 10 to 5. 293 ?tit. Ver-non. Grosse Pointe Farms, DRUM SET, complete, used,comer Beaupre. excellent colldlUon, ••

LIGHT GOLD carpeting and 861.2M2.

'P8d, lOX12 like new. $25. GU1TAR,~lasslcal,~~Ivory wedding gown from used, lite new,' $15. 881=Saks size 8, $45. 884.9209. 2862. "

FURNITURE stripping, all81-ANTIQUU FOR(\I()()(f metal and wicker,

20% nff with this ad, now . SALEthrough Jan. 13, G.1766,

FURNITURE reflnished, ra-Tuesday-Saturday, 10.5.patred,.ltripped, all)' t,pe

WANTED to buy American of caning. Free esUmaw.Indian rugs and blankets 47H953.and other Indian arUclea.


WANTED - Lionel electric SpeciaUtinl in Chait Caningtrain for my sons. TU and imitation Rush seatRoMt' 1111\. 'n






Modem medical suite, con.venient Grosse Pointe lo-cation, Mack at University,moderately' priced. Phone822.1030.


HEREFORD - Ranch typebome, 2 bedrooms, $200plus security deposit. TU 2.4209.


ALTER ROAD l1.1~ar GrossePointe. Nicely furnishedstudio apartment.. Onl,)'$130 to $140 per monthThis includes the electricityNice for one person. Nopets. College graduatespreferrlld. This is in a nicequiet peaceful neighbor.hood. Each apartment hasa charm all Its own. Comesee for yourself. You willlike it. Telephone anytimealso evenings. 881-2818 or331.3909, 821-8985.

ROOM for rent and or sbareapartment in Grosse :>olntePark. 255,2300, ext 101.

EFFICIENCY apartment formature woman. Air condi.tIoned. All utilities paid.security deposit. 882-5909.


Roslyn road near Mack. 11hrooms, private bath. New.Employed lady or gentle.man. References. 884-19Q.

ONi!: OFFICE in Chet Samp-son Travel service Build.ing. ~O. 100 Kercbeval.885.'1510.

DESK aDd oUice space,telephone answering, secretarial service. :17901 E.Warren. 885-1900.

SINGLE office or suiteprestige building atGreater Macle. CoxBaker. 779-6600.

19794 MACK. Block northCook Road. Grosse PointWoods. Two l2X9 furnlsbedoffices, paneled. carpeted(We will convert to one24x9, If desired.) Addition.al ad reception area IsoptionaL Two lavs. Reasonable rent. FABICK, TU1.7710.

"On the Hill" - 700 Sq. Ft.of air conditioned offices.Powder room, front andrear entrance.




FLORIDA, Mar c 0 Island,renling beautiful w ate 1'-front condGminium villa,bi.weekly, monthly, fish-Ing, boating. pool, etc.Sleeps 4 adults, new. com.pletely furnished TU l',-4982.

FORT MYERS BEACH, Flor.ida. Ned. 2 be<lroom eon.dominium on beach; largefresh. water pool, privatepier, linens. Nearby golf.tennis aDd marina. Sleeps6. $250 per week. 533.0129.

MONTEREY Ya cht aQ)untr» Clu~tuart, Flor.ida. Newly furnished 2 bed.room, 2 b:&th apartment.AduU!. no pets. TO 2-0510.

SKI HOMES and condlmin.iums for rent, private pool,SIunas. 5 minutes to BoyneHighlands, phone 616.347.4341, write L'Arbrc Croche.Harbor Springs, Michigan49740.

DEERFiELD BEACH Flori, da '.

R. G. Edgar&- Assoc)ates


WHERE WOULD YOU EX.PECT to find a log cabin?In the Woods. of ~ourse!And that's wbere tbis threebedroom, two and one halfbath cuUe 15, complete withbea.med cathedral cellingliving room, .a brand newkitchen with appliances,finished basement and twocar garage. $300 per month.


21951 EDMUNTON, 2 bed.room ranch, finisbed base.ment, 2 car garage, fencedyard. DayUme 779-e600.Evenings 884.3522.

OUTER DRIVE • Dickersonarea. :\ room apartment,Itove, re{rlgerator, lots ofclosets, h eat Included,building immaculate, adultsonly. $115. 371.7740, 886.2280.

HARCOURT - Upper 2 bed.rooms, IIh baths, stove andrefrigerator. 2 car garage.$215. security depl)5lt. 8M-5OSO.

HARPER WOODS - 1 bed.room apartment, close to1.94 and shopping; 884-3822.

LARGE ROOM with taraglO,employed gentlem~, refer-ences. Grosse Pointe Park.885-4216.

LOWER 5 room!. beat in-cluded, garage, disbwasher,$185month. 3n.~.

nRED OF high cost elf homeownership? See rental unitat 863 St. Clair; open 1 to4 Sunday Jan. 7. New anddeluxe. $385 a month. 882-0014.

INDIAN VILLAGE, 7 rooms,adults. 49Q.9COZ.

TOWNHOUSE-3 bedrooms.spacious, central air. ODeblock from VILLAGE. Op-tion available.


INC.93 Kercheval 886-3,060

102 MUIR ROAD-One bed.room groun:i l100r apart.ment. Stove, refrigerator,an utilities $160 per month.

WM. J. CliAMPION &: CO.TU 4-5700

AVAILABLE immed1ately-Lakewool.Chandler park. 5room upper. b~ted, adults.884.()825, 82a-4204.

UPPER 6 room flat. Bea.consfield-Mack. Range, reofrigerator, carpeting, va-cant. $150 plus beat. Own-er. 863'.1910. '


RESPONSIBLE nigh schoolstudent wishes -1udoor-out-door odd job•. 499.0057, asklor Mark.

SCOTTISH woman want.weekly work. Hospital, res.taurant, housework. 885-2'/47.

REGISTERED NURSE seeksposition. Bookkeeping, Ian.guage skills. 8 years ex.perience including privateduty. Able to relocate. Ref.erences. 2580 WashingtonSt., San Francisco, CaUf.94115.

U. OF M.•Wayne graduate,seeks position as exeoutiveassistaDt, public relations,olr Insurance. 773-82U. '

CONVALESCENT, In vall dcare. 15 years experience.S or 12 hour shift. Prefernigbts if possible. 372.1130.


TAKE THE DAY OFFMAIDS transported. Bonded,

screened, insured domes-tic help for one day ormore.

DOMESTIC PERSONm;LPOOL, 961-1060, 983.01111.

LADY wishes c1e:ming, Fri.day. Refer ences. Owntransporta~on. 925-6068.


Small cocktail parties,teas, bors d'oeuvres and

.party trays, special des.serts. TU 1-4198 after 4:50p.m.



GROSSE POINTE Woods.deluxe new duplex. 3 bed.rooms, 1~ bllths. fonna!dining room, carpet1lJg, airconditioning, 2.car attach.ed garage. ~.

TROMBLEY ROAD, upperflat, 3 ,bedrooms, 2 baths,modem kitchen. VA 1~366.

MARI.BOROUGH - Kerclte-val, upper 5, quiet, redec-orated, adults only. TUxedo1,7379 after 8:30 p.m.

UPLEX - 918 Harcourt. 3bedrooms, drapes. carpet.ing, stove and refrigerator.Private driveway. 2 cargarage. $325 month. Eve.nings. TO 4-3340.

HREE BEDROOM Town-house partially furnished.newly decorateo, garage.Pa rk privileges. Yeararound maintenance. Ref.erences. Adults, no pets.TU 2.6668, 892-3600.

OODBRIDGE EAST - forlease-new 2 bt.'l1room, 2"bath townhouse, carpeted,paneled family room, fullbasement. Occupancy Jan. Iuary 1st, 1973. 886.1800.

U~PER apartm":lt, l'dults,carpeted. heated. air con.

.~ditioned. stove, refrigera." tor and drapes furnished.


ArARTMENT for rent. After.6 p.m. 886.1513.

GROSSE POIN'l'E FARMS,69 Mapleton. 3 bedrooms,garage. $200 per month.

, Walking distance to schools,t1'4nsportation and shop.ping. 885-2546.

, ,TROMBLEY. lower flat, 2

bedrooms, 2 baUls, familyroo!%l,garage. VA 2.3323.

GROSSt POINTE PARK 6room~: carpeting. drap'es.stovt and refrigerator. Se.curity $200. No 'Pets. 884.7987. '


For rent ~r sale from $275and up. 1 and 2 bedroomapartmenl/l, townhousesVernier r.. d across fromLochli1oor Golf Club. Open12 to, 6 Sa';urday and Sun.day. ShOWl daily by ap.poinl~nt.

886-4036 775~



Nurses, Nurse Aids, Gerla.tric aids and housekeepersto work pr,rt or all thetime. All employeesscreened. bonded and in.st/red. 24 hour service.Detroit Mt. Clemens872.0200 792.Q620

7 ROOMSneludes 4 bedrooms, 2 baths;garage. spaciousness ofhouse with economy of aTerrace. Nice location. 381Rivard I\t Maumee. $250month. Lease. 557-3173.

CITY OF GROSSE POINTE388 St. Clair near Jefferson,upper flat, 2 bedrooms. den,central air. $275 per month.I IlII m e d I ate possession.Adults only.


5 ROOM lower fiat, Devon-shire.Mack. Grosse Pointevicinity. $150month. Newlydecorated. After " p.m.TU 1.5269.

HARCOURT, newly decorat.ed, upper 2 bedroom flat,just waiting for you, pan-

PRIVATE NURSING eled famlly room. air con.ditionen. no .pets. no chil.

Around the Cloak dren. 885.2810. bed, one room and effi

In horne, hospital or nursing GROSSE POINTE CITY. clency apartments nowhome. RN's, LPN's, Aldes, near Jefferson, 373 St. aV'llilable. 2 blocks fromcompanions, male attood. Clair, 4 bedroom terrace ocean. private beach. 751.ants. live.tDS. Screened and apartment. hot water, oil 8140, evenings 886-4493.bonded. M hour service. heat, individual basement, INo servi~ fee. 2 car garaJe, $200, Imme- FLORIDA-JANUARYPOINTE AREA NURSES diately available. TU 5. Deluxe 2 bedroom apartment,

6683. 2 bath on Ocean - flneTU 4-3180 I beach. January to mid Feb.

TWO HIGH school l£onlors ALTER ROAD near Windmill ruary. New high.rise withwant interior painting and Pointe drive. upper flat, pool and many extras.odd jobs. Reliable. experi. I carpeted. with stove and HllIsboro near Deerfieldenced. Mark, 821-3745. RANCH _ T1Iree bedrooms. I refrigerator, no children or and B'oca Raton. 882.7089

Stove. refri[erator, carpet-. pets. $200 per month plus or 871-1322.BOOKKEEPER - Accountant. ing and. driperies. Bache. I deposit. 882.1938. ,JUNO BEACH, Florida. New

Full charge Including pay. 10 t"'lrs accep "lJ e. $300 per 510 NOTRE DAME - 2 bed. furnished 2 bedrooms, 2roll, taxes and all montbly month. Imtlediale llCCU- room upstairs, cute bunga. bat h apartm~ poo',statements. 882.3583. ~.... 'Ipancy. low, exceLlent location, sauna, rhone. maid service.

HANDYMAN-Painting, wall PURD'r AND children allOWed; TU 1. Near PGA coarses. Montflwashing, etc. Reasonable 2072 after 1. or season. M &: 5 Enter-rales. Peter De Galan, 372. i ASSOC IATES INDIAN VILLAGE AREA i prlse,. 519.735.9455.4518. 889-0500 spacious 1 bedroom apart. FORT LAUDERDALE-One

WANTED, Wall Washing. 1-----. , ment, appliances, air con. bedroom. screened terrace.hourly rate, references. GROSSE POI1f.lE WOODS, dltionlng. heat, and gas Olympic size pool, saunaCall Ray Allen, 824.9860, 1972 Vernier, 2 bedroom furnished. Privale parking, bath. shuffle hoard, tennisbetween 6-8 '.m. lower Income, dra,pes and $155. 821.8545. courts. putting green. $150

_______ carpellng. 2 car garage, ---------- weekly. 823-4379.SECRETAilY-No lee, East newly decorlted. adults, PLUSH Townhouse, 2 bed.

Side. Englneerjng depart. $235 a monlh, heat Inelui: rooms, dre9sln~ room. 1" SKI CHALET, Z bedrooms.ment. No short~and. Salary ed. Security and lease. baths, carpeted. heat In. 2 minutes from Boyne$800 up. Motor City Em- Available Jan. Isl. By ap. eluded. $275, plus security Mountain. Available weekmO.vment. 835.7004. l)oln~ment. 886*14. deooslt IIIIl.321l1 ends or Wl'!f'klv,1l84.3'J11

EXPERIENCED, Cartogra.pher for part time or eve.nlngs. 5t. Cl.1r Map Com.pany. TU 1-6540.

PHYSICAL TH~RAPYAmEImmediate full time opening

for an aide with 'hospitalexperience. ,Apply in per.son, Cottage ~pital, 159Kercheval, Grosse PointeFarms. Equal o~portun1tyemployer. "

MATURE babysitter for 2children, referer;tces. Wind-mill Pointe Ilre~. BU.2561.

GROSSE POINTE AREA res-ident to assist slles execu.tive dealing with higbschool students,'3 days perweek, Tuesdays tproughThursday. No', summerwork. A fun po,ltio~ if youlike 17 to 18 year old stu-dents. Access t~OW)l trans.portation ilelpfUl but notnecessary. Call for appoint.ment. 881-U28. ..

MALE RETIREE-Part timework in florist sbop .. 19841Mack Avenue. '


MEN OR WOMENEx pan dIn g, establishedGrosse Pointe Realtor needstwo sales persons full time atonce. Unusual opportunity(Dot oUered by an)' otherGrosse Pointe Realtor), forpersons active in community.club, political and chuic:h ac.tivities. Experiencll ndt nec.essary. Honesty and integrityof prime import.nce. Pleasecall for intervIew to; learnmore about this exciting andunusual opportunity. Callmornings, please. :'

DAVI ES-MOFFe;rr,TU 5-3220


WANTED - ~eocedcoo It s, waitresses jandeouples. Grosse PoiiIteEmployment Agency, TUx. Dedo 5-4576. '

MIDDLEAGED LADY to Ivein and care for 2 year ~d,Ugbt housework. room a:~dbosrd, plus "mall sallilY,references. Can 884.9410 lie. 'Ttween 9 a~ 4, week da~:.

HOUSEKEEPER - CompaaaYion, live in, one adult. CaTU 5-1613. '

LIVE-IN NANNY wanted ~home in Harper Woodg' WReferences required. C~for children and ligtlt'housekeeping for 5 daysper week, weekends free.will pay top salary. For in.terview call between 6 aJlll.-1 PJlll. 884.9841alter 4 p.m.886.5643.




permanent position in con.genial, comfOrtable GrossePointe offi~, S days perweek. Box X.7, GrossePointe News.


LOST - Silver PoinsettiaNecldace - vicinity 7 andMack, Sphere or Arnolds.sentimental value. Reward.885.002ll.

LOST-Blue Linde Star ring,vicinity Maple Lane. Re.ward. VA 4.9403.

LOST-Large fluffy gray cat(P 0 r k y). Mack - Vernierarea. C31.5251after 6 p.m .

LOST. Cocktail ring, yellowgold awlrl, set wiUI severalillamonds. left in ladieslavatory. 2nd floor o{ Ja.eobsons, Grosse Pointe.great semlmental value,885-4218, generous reward.



VILLAGE MUSIC STUDIOS17011 Kercheval. Guitartechniqu'es taught by ex-perienced leacher. PR 7.0315.



15 KerchevalPunch and Judy BuDding

Grosse PointeTUxedo 2.5680

PIANO -Classical, Popular,Children, Adults, Begin.ners, Advanced. Qualified,experienced teacher. TU2-8968.



All ,ubjects; all grades.AduHs end children. Cer-tified teachers.




byPh,D. Mathematidan



NEEDLEPOINT Lessons -$25 for 6 weeks (15 bours).Afternoon or evening. 881-7073, 886.6318.

1-2J. $o,IlxIrbon Homll12. Vocation Property12C Forms for Sol.12D Lake and River Property121 Commercial Property13 Reol EstateU. Lots for Sol,UI Cemetery PropertyllC Land Contracts14 Reol btote Wanted14. Lots Wonted141 Resorts Wanted14C Real btate Exchange15 Business Opportunities16 Pets for Sole16 ... Horses for £Ole161 Pet Grooming16C Pet Boording19 Printing and Engraving20 General Service20... Carpet Laying201 Refirigeration & Air

Conditioning Repair2CC Chimney & Fireplace

Repair21 Moving21. Piano Service21' Sewing Machine21C Electrical ServicelID T.V. & Radio Repair211 Storms and xregns21' House Siding21G Roofing Service.21H Rug Cleaning21.£ Painting. Decorating2U Wall Washing21K Window Washing21L Tile Work21M Sewer Service21N Asphalt Work~10 Cement and Brk"- Work21 P Waterproofing;21Q Plaster Work2lR Fumiture Repair21S. Corpenter21T Plumbing & Heating21 U Janitor Service21V SIIverp!ating21W Dressmaking & Tailoring2lY Swimming Pools21 Z Landscaping and

Snow Removal

CallTUxedo 2-6900




Classified De.d'ineIs Tuesday noon, 12 p.m.,for all new copy, cbllnge.ot COP}' I!Dd clIDcejlations:It is suggested that aUreal estate copy be sub-mitted to our oUice byMonday 5 p.m.

Bose rote: 12 words for $2.00additional wards each $.10-4 weeks or more $ J .75Retail rate per inch $3.404 weeks or morr. $3.00

1 Legol Notice,. Personals1I Dealh NoticeIe Public Sale2 Entertoinment21. Music Education21 Tutoring1C Hobby Instruction2D Camps21 Athletic Instruction2f Schools2G Convalescent CoreI Lost and Found4 Help Wonled Ge"erol41. Help Wonted Domestic48 Services to Exchange5 Situation Wonted5. Situation Domestic5' Employment Agency5C Catering, For Ret'! Unfurnished6'\ For Rent Furnished61 Rooms for Rent6C Office for Rent60 Vacation Rentals '" Gar _Je for Rent6F Shore Living Quarters6G Store to Rent7 Wonted to Rent7. Room Wanted71 Room and Boord Wonled7C Gor.:Jge Wanted'70 Storage Space Wanted• Articles for Solea. Musical Instrumentsal Antiq'.Ies for SoleIe Office Equipment9 Artides Wanted10 Snowmobiles for Sale101. Motorcycles for Salel08 Trucks for Sole11 Cors for Sale11'\ Car Repair118 Cars Wanted to Buy~C Boats and Motors

D Boat Repair11 E Boot Oo<:kage and

Storoge1 ff Trailers and Compe~IIG Mobile Homes12 Suburban Acreage

MANAGERIAL positionavailable for the right man.w1lUng to JlOarn all facetsof service staUon business,must be at least 18, andout of school. Call 884-4416,ask for Dick.

BETTER women's specialtyshop needs experiencedsales women, for sports.wear, dresses and shoes.

Piano, organ, voice. guitar, !Harvi's, Fisher Building,strings, we. Jdwlnds. Dil. 873.1223, call between 9:30.linguishcd Faculty. TV:z. U:30 and 2-S p.m.4963. 18237 Mack Avenue.

_ I RETIRED MAN needed tt-"G1JITAR LESSONS - Belin. { train lor managerIal posl.

ners welcome. Home or tlon In servlee station. 884.slurlio 293.6974. U76. uk {or DIck.

I ....RUMPET and (J'Ombolle, lessons in your home by


experienced teacher. VA2.9226.


I DOWN TOWN AREAGrand Clrcu. Park He". SlM4

MajestIc New, StandTrllUlg1e New, Stand. Mleh\llll! and Gr'9Wold

I E. JEFFERSON TO{ CITY LIMITSI Nada', Glfl Shop. Mar1Ill Drive

and the RlverhoulllPnk Pharmacy. E. JeUenon

and the Clly lJmlU I

: GROSSE POINTE PARKLou', Party 810"", Charle.olx

and LakepolnteArt'.. Party Siore, Kercheval

i and Waybum.

'GROSSE POINTE CITY: All:: J:Cf Stllre, JlIck and• The Grol Shop. Mati. and Neff, Cunninllham DTUI Sto,..,. Notre; Dame and Kercheva!; Notl'e Dame PharmaC)'. Kerche-, val and Noire Dame: Bon Secours Hospital. CadIeux, lrod MaumeeI

: GROSSE POINTE. FARMSI R':"e:t :l~~~al Pharmacy, Mack

: Trail Pharmacy. Kereh"l!, on the 11111

Kent Drug!, Kercheval IndFlaber Roa4

ScheUler Dru ..a. FI.her IndMaum.e

Connlnlham Dru.... 7 II'lIeRoad and Mack

Cottall> Hospital. Kerchevlland MuIr

Blno', Restaurant, Mack an4Bournemouth

I Merit Woodtl PharmlC)'. Mlella'1d Boumem"u'h

GROSSE POINTE WOODS'I Crosse Polnle Pharmlcy. Mad:

and MaMh .. ter, HarkneD Pharmacy, Mlck and

I Lochmoor .Boll', Drul'. Mack and ROIl)'ll

IDETROIT ARE,'St, John Ho)pUal. Seven MIl.

ROld and Moro ..Devolllhire Drull, M.ck arM!

Devonshire.... L PhArmacy, Mack an4

Beacontflet4M.ry/and Bevenle ShOS'~.

Mack near ,""arylan4

I Pilla" Putt., Gr.)'lon andWarre~

ST, CLAIR SHORESManor Pharmacy, Gnater Mack

and Jled Maple LaneLalle "harmacy, £alt Mae Mite

be,ween Mae. an4 J.rf.non



~ - - --------~------~-----~~---~-~------~--------~----------------------, -- ,.

Page 17: Locolion-Dot To ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., rosse Pointedigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1970-74/73/1973-01-04.pdfJohn Claims FirstNew Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8

------------------- ------_ ...-_.

2 2 sa

'''' s.YMfHnIJ-IIAL 1ST4T1


u. Clulic Irick CoJoGIaI.( bedroom, 2~ batb. .....ldkbt8. dJIWII I0OIII, -.JivJq fOOIII • fiNIlIace,J c. r , ....,., I' r ,eICleeDed 1*dI, patio wlda... ~.Il, fIIIIabed nerea.tkMl room with pkDo. ~.eipaIa 0D17. 1M......




3 j



Attractiye Farm ColoDial. 5 bedroclma. J~ baUu OIl .2ISd floor. Maid'. rocm aM' batJa OG lit. PaDeled JJ. :brary with fueplace. Exeel1eDt Iarp Idtcb. ucl:breakfast area with all "buUt-w." AD exeeptioDaIlr 'I,arge home in • choice Parm loeatlOD.


AttraeUve; palDted white, f bedroom coloDlal withlarge paneled FamU, R.oom. OUtstaDClill! ~1MlI1 with .aU appliances. Good breakfast area. Neu PareeDI ud ,Monteith sc.."oola.

SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT :Rich woodwork and fiDe fbtures throQIIIOut 'Ill tb1a:bc,autlfu] home. Step-dowll 1iviD.C room, modem tileb- .en. Ide ..1 for la~ge fanily or laQe teale eDtertaiDIDI ••• large bedrooma, 2'l2 batha LD main aedioa. Tbree .additional bedroom aDd bath over Sear .ttaehedgarage. New furnaces, central tlr-eoDd1tioalDr. LoIrgecomer lot.' ,

5 J

Somerset Road. Near .chools aDd bus liDeI. 'l'bree ,bedrooms eacb unit. Lower, avaUable to purdluer, baa '.Dice modern Id~hen. Upper it teDut occuPled. FiDe .rental ..rea.


Karl Davfea GeortIe MoffettBobert AgneJae Jeume ButterfleldJ03D1le Muon MarioD lMoffett

James Tr1IdeUDisposition aDd aequlsition of properties or aU Qpes ill :47 countries tad most of tbe U.S. ,




eo Kercheval


NEW OFFERING-Lovely 3 bedroom EDIu.b bome OG I

a lot 'lOxl50 In the Farma. All teDerous ailed :rooms, DeW, large Idtch. with aeelleat eatme ~space. Perfect floor plan wftb eVW)'tJlJq i4 apple :pie order. Immediate poaeulan. Priced ~t, :under ~,OOO. \,

1145 BAU'OUR-Have you beard of .. better bv,y? ', bedroom house in pre.u,e 1ot':ltiCll2 aDd III exeel. ,lent cond.itioa, 3 lull bathl, 2-ear attaehed ..,a,e, :and mIDY more goodJes. Priced .at 0II1J '$48,100. "

971 CANTERBtmY-lmmediate oecupaae" eeaw ell"trance eo1oIlial, " bedrooms, 2~ boathI, carpeted .'and draped with loads of c1olet.t, tJmil7 I'OClID,intel'C."Om "Item aDd eemtraD,y .Ir CODdlUoaed.Just 10' years old and located cIoIe to aeIsooIIand trusport.atiOll.

932 GRAND KARA1S--'Earq .AmerleaD. f bedroombrick aDd alumJDum coklDIiaI, move-Ill eoDditiOD..This a year old home is altuatecl OIl bealltlfWl1landscaped lot with familJ room, 2 flrep1acea,modem lrltcben, attacbelJ taNge. CarpetiJta anddraperies included, also appUalleea. Early oeeu-pancy, poaclously decorated..

57 HAKPTON~ce semi-ranch In beautiful GroaePointe Shores, 2 bedtoolllS, library. fluniIy room,prlze.wiDDiDg kitchen with tlWlt.1Il bariJeeue.Large bedroom aDd bath C)ll seeoDd floor, karattached garaee, bnutlful ,ardea. BGuae in ex.quislte taste, move-m CODditIoD.

653 LAKEPOINTE-Custom.built ~ bedroom. 2 bathFrench Colonial with -.vy slate roof, kiq-alzednnster bedroom. Nicely landscaped, e1uIrm1IlIshady street only 3 .bort blocks tram waterfrODtpark. Owner norida bound. Good Ila1l

'149 LAKEPOIN'I'E-Beautlful taU shade treea belllDdwrought IroD carriage ,ate, 3 bedroom, 1~ bathEnglish b"me with bNJtty piDe recl'\'lAtioD roomwith fireplace. ExceUent eoocUtioIl.

781 LAKEPOINT&-CbafDl .allDd grace everywbel'e ••bedroom, 3~ bath EndJab Tudor with J naturalfireplaces, df'.D, plus Florida roan. Prieecl lower4O'a.

19M ROSLYN-Custom.built 198'1", an brfek semi.ranch, first Ooor bedroom aDd bath. 2 bedroomaand bath on second floor. Eleetrie heat withthermostat.. in most &teas, first floor lauDdry,electrobic kitchen. PrIced low 30',. ProbabI1most automated bouse ID Grone Pointe.

1937 SEVERN-DesJrab1e ~I OIl one of WI)Od'smost popular ~ortIble, roomy kilebeawith eating apace, family room 10.edI.2, alltwin-sized bedrooms, rocreatiOll room with fire.place. Immediate occupancy.

~29 SHOREHAM Check thil rIIldl against your liltof requirementa: 3 bedrooma, 2 fuD baths, Uvlngroom with fireplace, large family room 'trith fire.place, carpeted Idtehen with hIIl.lDs, tiIlishedbasement with fireplace, bar and " ... tory, attach.ed 2.car garaee.

ENJOY THE NEW YEAR In distinctive ranell, aeeludedlane ln the Farms, featurfDl outataDdiJII famlb'room with fireplace and wet bar. ""'Ia euatombledhome ~as tlullt by Frank WIJbe,'dJnC with eetltral"Ir condlUonlnf, sprinkle!' "Item paneled base.ment office .nd a hl!ated 32xll .... mmIb, pool.c.n now for complete detaUa.

1228 YORKSHIRE - C10M to Vma,e sbopplng aDdtransportatJoa, priced low 40'" ever JlOP\I1ar 3bedroom. 1~ bath eolomal with aeneroua room•.Large lot, exceptionally rood eondltion.






"On The Hill"




SmaUeat is 11~J;12 and allhave lood Walll 'pace andclolets. New' ~- and on aquiet dead eDcl street. Open Th' fee bedroom ranch III a.daily and SUIICf .. y 2.5. ( lellent Woods locaUoo for

2 ELMSLEid}H LANE I part). who appreciatu po.telllial IIId value. 0wDer.

WALTER • -i MAST No broker.! 8118-2840.

eel. rTV Z.1401 I

105 G. ,P. Blvd.HAVE YOU B ,VEa wODdered

if there's I special housejust for )'G ut May'be thiJia it! Earl:, Americu co-lo~~ wit.b that extracharm yoa I've been !reall:.Inl. Grac:~ I\lJ entrance hal' Iwit b w11lMUDg stairway,paneled ' library, foul,roo m, ,4 bedrooms, 3\ ~batha. NI !ar scboolJ .r Jdshopping.

LINCOLN ;It.T JEFFERSO' N.This MllgnifiC,lDt ItalJ 18nRenaias';!lce home is per-feet for' IlI'acious enterU lin-ill,. Fb 'st floor lIlclu desfamily room, 2 guest plow.der rooJ n$ and family kit.cben. 2f Id floor contalJ IlS 5bedrooD 1~, • batbl, ,andstudy. Special featur e fathe .' ttlched 2-bed roomapartm ent.


tES SttS

RealtorTU. 4-5700





81 KE~:CHEV AL 8 88-4412

Our 30th Year '1Jl, Grosse Poin'te

;;;;;;;;;;;:::;'BALLANTYNE. FIRST CANTlJ:RBURY. S lately

OFFERING. Tbree-bed. four - bedroom eo ,ionialroom ranch in Shorea. with fa mIl y room.Debell with bunt.lDs. Mlli ble foyer wit b clr.Bee. room with wet bar c u 1a r staircalf I. 2'l2aDd fireplace pluJ Il1'11e car .attached gara ge. Ex.family room. Two baths, celle!Ot condition. .2-ear prage. Goocf mort-ta,. assumption FORD" COURT. V ery at.

'ttadive Cape (=od onBLAIRMOOa. Gracious qui.!t eourt. TIn 'ee bed.

four • bedroom colonial 1'00 'ms with den and en.with family room. Two do sed porch. La r g ebatha and two half. country kitehf ID. Twobaths. Two-ear garage. ba tbs, two.car: garage.Built-ins in Idtehen. Ba cts up to I private

SOUTH BRYS. IAvely pa~.four- bedroom eoIODIa1 NO'J~INGHAM.; Two-bed.'trith family room aDd rC lOin brick. bungalowlibt'a.r7. Striking foyer w.ith classed .. in po~b.with dreular stairway. I.;arle expan slon attic.Three fWl baths. Two- T "IIro-car g a I rag e. Im-car garage. Central air 1Iledlate GeC\" lpancy.toIldttkmlD,> BL. UJUlOOll Three.bed.

LA BELLE. 'l1J.ree.bed- 1'1 oom trl.levt 1with fami.room Cape Cod in In room aIk 1 large ree.Farm., El:eellent eoadf,. If eatiOll rool Ill. TwcHnd.tion. Two-ear garage. ; l.baJf baU 45. Two.carTwo brill. Oobvenient ita rage. Built-IDs inlo«&n. J dethen.

BY A,PPOIN-TMEN1'LOCHMOOR 906 -. Fruhly decorated English borne

with f~ve firep) aces. Lar ge liviDg room with fire.place, apaciou, dining room with bay windowoverlooking' g&Jrden area, paneled Ubrary with fire.place, lugl' family roo m, updated kitchen owfthflt'f!place fol' c bareoal b rolling, powder room. Fivebedrooms and three fu'/I baths plus baU bath onsecond floor. Tbree CiI r heated garage. A fJ'eatbuy III the mJ.II IWes.

EOOEMONT PAP~K 834 -- Authentic English Tudorborne on pri vate strf~t. Huge Jiving room anddining room each wit'll natural fireplace. PaneledJibl'aJ'1, poW(Jer room aDd kitchen on maln lIoor.Wide stairw'IY to fou r over-size family bedrooms,three baths. Three smaller bedrooms and bathallO 011 st!col nd floor, New .as furnece.

BEACONSFIELl) 1448 -. Family rocm wi~h flrepl1lce,new klteher I with bullt-lns, two new baths, largedlnlni room., livlnl rroom, three bedrooms, two cargarage . .• an un'be lievable buy for under $25,000.

WHITTIER 1~1- PE.'RF~ - Three bedrooms, twoand a baU b,tbs, 22 foot family room, kitehenwith bulll.l DB, eent:rally air conditioned, electronicmter heaU D' syat'em. Two ~r gange with electriceve.

OPEN SUf\IDAY ; l.-SLINCOLN 'l9'l - NEW PI!;ICE $26, 900 on this three

bedroam EqUsh. CoIl~.enieDtlyloea'led for shop-pinJ, aeboola, movies ud the N jeighborbood Club.1107<4 in tomorrow wl'tIl ~arpel cing, curtaiDa _.ppIiuces.

CLOVERLY 301-A WMd.erful Fa rms location. Spa.cious 1IvlDI room, diJ.ung roor n, pmeled hllrary,kitebeD !With br~atftlst area. Two extra largetIedrooms with hug€: e1oaets. .Paneled recreationI'0OIII with natural Ifireplace. Two car attachedlarage. Beautiful wooded lot $38,500.

TORREY lIllO-Three 'bedrooms ~ 0Ile full bath withtub and alaU sJiO'wer, bal'l bath, large Jivingroom wittl IlIturaJ (ueplace and tun di$lg room,Jdtcben with eatinl ~'Irea, lIC feu terrace. Two car.ttacbed garage. J Ul this k.r UIXler $40,000.

MdUNLEY 434 - P .rick EI1I ,lisb. Three bedrooms,bath and .. balf, extra ro om on fU'llt floor IlIWlsleepinl porcb ou second. $29,900.

102 Kercbev al


33 Preston PlaceL.UGZ .... Juat h 1DC

eompletecl, beautiful lot JD... e I'anu locatio». SbedI'OOma, lar,e foyer witheJreular ataln. dnaUed.paaeIecI lUnry wid!. flre-place, flJDilY room. kitch-.. with ,.rate ~astI'OOm. formal cIiDJaI roomaacl cI1aIq 1'OClIII, aIao IIlID-cb7 room OD melD J1oclI',.... Jup ,prap, com.p)eteIJ eerpeted. Shon byaPPGiatmat •.


" $ a a 6300 54

• • •



Pouib17 the best raaebhome aftil8bJe b' tbemODe1.QeurouIl'OOm""Cox aDd Bater" C(l!l.JtruetkID witIl two fuDbatha, attached two earlarage .nd beautlflllprdea, all • a quletstreet In CIle Farm •.• • •218'11 WEDGEWOOD

(off VemieI')GOOD NEWSI We've Sust

J.Isted a deliJbtfv.l capeCod III tile Woodi. ftlscbarmfq three Iledroomhome has two fuU batM,plus eoq PamD7~,I1ld a tasteful 0>10Dla1decor tIlru out! It's a.tra spedal IDd 'ft1lworth )'Our time.• • •

819 McMILLIANIJlltant occupue, ud

80% fJJIudq make tti1adellJbtful ED,Iilb ODe ofthe parma best vnlues.The UbrarJ, aupertl kit:.ellen aM two car p.rage are just more frost.iDe 011 the cabl• • •

B'73 ST. CLAlItTIred of lootin, at old a

bedroom hornea? See OUrbrand new S bedroom,b.th and a half duPlex'trith celltral AIC eloleto the VDlap aM pub-lic traDiportatlcm ....too.

FIRST ADVEllTlS£DDeftftlte1J one of 1m',

MIst unique bomea IIIthe low 40'.. .• 4 bedroom" 1 ~ b1Ua1• 20' famOy room• New 1'llr car ,ara ..• 211' deep lot• In Grone Po1Dte


That's jlUt a few of UJemaa, mterestJal fea.tures. that a"ait yourinspeetiOft III UlJs 1I't.eloua F..nn Holn ••

Strongman, Kelly& Associates


HAllVAJU) - Sbarp S !led.room, 2~ IIath ebIobl"l.ramll¥ room.

PEllBEBtoN - f bedrOcMiIJurauced fer familJ ..fort aDd prlv.q.

BEACONSFIELD - I:xeel-leDt multlple, _100 ..LOTS-See Sed10b 1IA

RESORT - see 5edioD d:D

UN'l'AL-&ee 8eetioD II

PABK LANE - 3 bedroamrum Dell watert edI' ..

SHOREHAM - Perfect eiOiil.cUtlOil, deB. ten'ilee, flrii)lt ,rec room.


Inc.• Xfl'dle'val B.JOiO

"0Il'l1le HID"

" 'diEt

Purdy andAssociates


GROSSE POINTE FAJUIS-Cute Farm Colonial with aUlarge rooms. 'I'bree' bed.rooms, good Sdtcben andcozy breakfast room. !lee-reation room bas fireplaee.A gem. Perfect ecmditiClDwith almost DeW carpeUlll.

GROSSE POINTE CITY -Charm I Clw'm I Charm ILakeland Avenue. Fourbedrooms, three and .. hallbat h s, deD, recreationroom, service staJn. It',Colonial!

OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 to 5:00

20 COLONIAL ROAD-Out-standing family bome locat-ed just off LakeshoreDrive. Peek of the late.Modem kitcl1en, fantastiefamily room with fireplaceand bar. Ob! Dead endstreet. Don't miss this ODe.

3 WELLINGTON - NewerColonial with all the mod-em features, includinc aireondltioning. Another gem.Perfect cenditiou. "ourbedroom, dressiDg roomand family room. Greatyard. Great loeatiOD. Deadend to Jake. Immediate oc.cupancy.

OPEN SUNDAY 2:00 to 5:00

20520 DANBURY LANE -Harper Woo d s. GrossePomte schools. A perf~home 011 a most uniquestreet. Three bedrooms,two and a bal1 baths, fam.ny room with fireplace,~entral air for those hotdays to come. Stop by thisbeauty Sunday 2:00 to 5:00.


909 Ballantyne $69,0001372 Devonshire $55,000

171505 E. Jefferson '" .,100340 Kercheval $55,000881 Lakeland $G8.ooo331 Lakeshire $125,000

1238 Maryland $15,000338 Moross '-,500lK Muir Road $28,000

368 Notre Dame .., $72,500388 Provencal $179,500333 University $15,000593 University $45,00017 Wellington ~,900

Purdy andAssociates

889-0500Clayton C. Purdy. Jr.James P. DanaherSue Megowen AdelbergGeorge J. Baer, IIFrank J. McGinnis, Jr.Martha sattley MorayMary F. SclliaffMarlan J. BodeBaflbar" S. DavisT. Raymond Jeff.Paul H. Twooey

Commercial tl IndustrialDivision .

Virginia JeC{ries-a82~JO"eph M.. on~

&J ,( 3



DON'T JUNK that Car ...:.can Tom for estimate. 882.B083.

111ll1-19'10 COMPAcr StationWagon, in good condition,pa 1.3836.


U9per Feninsula-200 Acres.Has part of 2 Jakes nearNewberry in the midst ofStAte Forest.

LOWER PENlNSULANorthport-17 acres partially

divided by M.22 with 440'(In each side within thesouthern limits of the ViI.la'lI of Northport. A rellvalue at $20,000.00.

MARV BOUTIN7'13-1120 8lH.7733

HARSENS ISLAND - Cban'nel lots. Lake Hut'OJl-300ft. frontage, private. Ches.terlleld Two. 18 acres. LakeErie. Cottage, 8 acres,Jakefront.


INC.93 Kercheval 888-3060

LUXURIOUS A frame onlake Sl Clair. Heatedswimming ~I, 10' wide.tone' fireplace, .tereo s}'l'tem throughout, electricgate opener., privacy fence.completely fumiJbed, forBile or lease. Land con.tract avaU,ble. 688-8686.

. ........nca.u WANTID 121 COMMDCIAL l1-1IAL IST~TIUONBLvama and other __ n_OP_E_I_TY___ POl SALI

I lIMbs. Tll.oae. COMMERCIAL Property WILf"Ioll.lOODIvaUable ID .pproslmateb' ,",n"

TALL cUetIoDar)r 1taDd, In 6 weeb. hlDg complete!)' NOK'rH or AU.A1lD1004 eoDCUtioD. 1IMt03. remodeled ud air ceDill. W.:DOIP Mft 1...... - 2 becl-

tlblled. ExcelleDt partiDI --,II-<:AU '01 SAU ancl locaUOIl. 2O'x80'. Mack room 1IDIta a.11IMlIe OIl ..

Ide of lIt.-4 IDcl floor III tbIIavenlle just OUy P rIm. 1---"_ ",__ IBtllCE "10 Le Sable 2 door, Groue PoInte Woods III St. -- -- .. -

tom Z cIoor hardtop, low Clair Shores. Pit 8-1330, 11l'lUl'J' featunl .u" u-mllell", very cleall,'ood TV 4-28M. Private uloonlea •• ~ t I' aUrea, 'Pare never uaecl, wiDdow', ~ kIdI....$I,m. ~5111O. EXCEPTIONAL commercial 10uYend ctoun aDd ...

cornel parcel Dear Eut- ntor MeIDl mat. t!aeIeBUICE '70 LeSabre 2 door. IIDd ShoppiD, C en te r. Wli&a IdIbIr deaJrable,

yJDyI.lop, power steerlnl, Abutting parcel auUablebrakes. $1.800. m.30&8. also .............. """vS"'7'l33 BOUTIN 7'13-1820 C. W. B..-.vo"A " ~"

ltTO PLYMOUTH 3 seat wa. ",-»10'OD. Radio and heater. MACK AVENUE near NEFFAutomatk. Power ateeriM. Space avanable for real orAir. $19t5. Ted Ewald Ale 1,000 1I41l1re feet. JOHN S.Chevrolet. 15175 E. Jefler. Good for office, clinic,IOD. VA 1-ZOOO. store etc:. Palm!. TV 8- GOODMAN BLAIRlfOOR-lmpresa.lve 4

1m CHEVROLET Caprice. ...... Wroom eoIonlal, familySh,rp! Air conditioning. IS-REAL ESTAn Inc. room, m lIatha, central airAll the extras. 11,000miles. FOIl SALE OPEN StlNDAY 2:30-5:00 CODdltloDed. llIany extras.can Jim I\oach, VA 1-1812. --------- JaDDLESEX-outItaacliDg 5

1968 PONTIAC Catal1Da CoD. ON PRIVATE TREE BISHOP eao-Vw of Jake. Mdroom dream home. 1m-vertible, power steering LINED STREET a bedrooma, Dbrar1. m. mediate oeCUPIIICY. BugeaDd brakes, wen malDtalD. Exquisite CoIOlllal-EueI1e1lt raee. lot. MallY elUtom feature •.ed. Original owntr. hst COlKUtlOD, 5 bedrooms, 3oller. 882-3315. baths, modern kitchen with SIIEl.bOUBNE '"12- __ d. aERXSBIR~th- 3 bedroom

built.ins, 2 extra .room. on 0111. eeIdnl air, fa III H 1 colonial WI den Largelt71 PLYMOUTH .. agoD. aa. first floor, powder room. room. lot. Priced to sell.

dio aM bUiter. Automatic. 2 new furDaces. AssumablePower steeriD,. AIr. $2095. mortgage. Large lot For HOLLYWOOD'" _ ,UD1qlle HARPER WOODSTed Ewald Chevrolet. 15175 further information call1J.S. layout. I bedroomI 4. NEWCASTLE - S bedroom,E. JeffenoD. VA 1.2000. rfC room. ., 1\41 bath eo1oDlaI. CeDtral

IF YOU ARE aJr. Beautiful dteOJ'. PaUo.1m2 CHEVROLET Impala, 2 THINKING OF SILLING'door bardtop, V-e, automa. BY APPOINTIRNT ONLY 1OU7 HAWTHORNE - atie, air. CaU after 5. 884- . can bedroom tNalalow wIt h8912. GEORGE PALMS 'WASBJNGTON-T bedrooIu, kttebea built••• Jl'aJDily. drawilll roo m, Utii'U1, 1'OODl. FJDiDed buemesU.

BtllCK 197:l Electra, 15,000 REALTOa domettie willi. GrOlle PolDte Ie" 0 0 I ••nilles, private owner, an- TU 6-4444 OpeD Sunday 2.5.t1que gold, very cleaD. $3,' JUDGE RD. - 3 ~'50. 88fJ.22llO. A Family Business For e1epDt decor, fiadUtIIlr

1982 MERCtlllY Comet, new Over A Century exterf«.engine parts, good body, CLOVEIlLY-4 bedrOoDi'i 2great traDsport.atiOll. $195. bathI, famlJ,y rOOm (fire.884-2t6f. 1600 FORD COURT place) ..

19IIt CBRYSLEa Sport ENGUSH 1~ story. Excel.Coupe. Radio aad heater. lent locatiOll (In dead end N. DEEPLANDS - Su,.,..Automatic. Power steeriDg. street, 3 bedrooms, 1~ coloDiII, t becIroO"cu; 11.Air. $1395. Ted Ewald Chev. baths. Ample storage areas. Ilrarr, etc., ete.rolet. 15115 E. Jefferson. $4.0,000. Offerlsubjeettoex-VA 1.2000. ecutor's ~proval Vaeant.

Pltone to see.LE MANS 1987, Vinyl top,

power steering, bucket F ABICK REALTYHats, excellent coadltion. TV [-'710$875. 882-05'14.

1986 llEIlCURY, IOOd condi.tion, best offer. 821.2191.

1868 CHEVROLET ImpalaCultom, power brakes,power steering, aee1lentcondition. Best offer. 888-8021.

1J72 CHEVROLET ",agon.Radlo and beater. Auto-matic. Power steering. AIr.$2585. Ted Ewald Olevro-let. 15115 E. Jefferson. VA1.2000.

'86 MUSTANG, red 1rithblaek vinyl top. Mint coildi.tlon, 22,000 mUea. $1,000.881-5310.

PORSCHE 914-23,000 milei,$3,100. VOLKSWAGEN,'ea Square Bact $925. CA.DILLAC, '63 very cleaD$7~. Private owner. 882.'U02 or 821-7430.

1911 CHEVROLET wagon.aadlo aDd beater. Auto-matic. Power steering. Air.$2385. Ted Ewald Chevro-let. 15175 E. Jefferson. VA1.2000.

MERCEDES 280 SE. 3.5special coupe 1911. Silver,blue leather interior. Ml-cbelin tires. Complete serv-Ice record. 1182-6495.

1970 CBEWlOLET Capricecoupe. a.dIo, beater, auto-matic, power steering. SUoVel with black vinyl top.Low mUeage. $1,695. TedEwald Chevrolet. 15115 E.Jefferson. VA 1-2000.

30 2 tiS Eii



1972MARK IV,Full Power,

Air ad Stereo,Jrfoondu.t Red

with WhiteVinyl Top






Thursc'e" Jenuery ., _'9_7_3 _




, 20903 HARPER2 aLles. N. OF vatNIER


3180E.JEFFE~964.681 t

Inside HutedShowreom

Full Power,Air and Stereo,

Vinyl Top




PR 2-0200




PR 2-0200





CADILLAC CO.536-6260



lad sman UPrilbtl. Cub.

VE 7.()5Q6



Telelflpb ud B.1JIabetIl road3aa~ ZD4 tIu'oqll .Iaau-..,. D. 7ne .4a""IoD, mepukJq. '

Mall Hourat-Mna.u WANnDBOOB, Aft ObJteta IouIbL

110.... ~ •• ,. wJco .. ,I. C. aa.. loot 1Iaop.IIiII J:tbe1 O1aeI, 1110 Le-urette (-..). WO. Ie..,.

Page 18: Locolion-Dot To ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., rosse Pointedigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1970-74/73/1973-01-04.pdfJohn Claims FirstNew Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8

~ '~•• ~~,~. -.-. -.-.~.-, ~-,,~, -. '-. ---...,--- ....-,..-,--,-:. ----"'---J7; I.. ';;"" "." ...... uq i >w. '" '(I.." .... :~ ~ '. I. $ .. ".' ,.. Q ....












50 ROSLYN RD. TU 1-8170

qu.$ $


Thursday, Janu.ry 4, 1973-,-------,UA-LOTS FORSALE ZOC-CHIMHEY AND-------- FlkEPLACE100' lot on Woodland Shores REPAIR

Drive G r 0 sse PointeShore's. Cox &: Baker 779. FIREPLACE cleaned, lubrl.6600. cated, repaired. Chimney'

repaired. Heavy duty ehlm.I$-IUSINESS ney llcreens for incinent.

OPPORTUNITY or~, fireplaces and birdBEAUTY SALON _ Going I ana squirrel protection.

business, 6 operators. Sun. Advance Maintenance, 8M-day only. 371-6069. I __9&_£2_. _


KI'M'ENS FREE, 10 weeks Iold, litter trained, healthy. KEN'S MOVING-Local, sub.821-0184. urbs. One piece or bouse.

ful. Low rates. TV 2-8540.2 AKC POODLES, black male

and female. Best offer. 886. 21 A-PIANO SERVICE7104. PIANO TUNING and repair-

SCHNAUZER, M in i a ture, ing. Thomas Pettit. 884-AKC papers, 14 weeks, 'h 2507.price $65. Call Saturday COMPLETE plano service.only before noon. 773.9255. Tuning, rebuilding, refinish.

l~B-PET GROOMING ing, de.mlJthing. Member'v Piano Technicians Guild.

DOG GROOMING by profes. R. Zech, 731-7707.sional, all breeds Poodlesand Schnauzers a specially. llC-ELECTRICALCall Bflti-4070. SERVICE




License 47 2S44769


PRINTING and Engraving.Wedding I n v ita t io n s,Christmas Cards, Inform-als, Personal stationery,Meeting Notices, Posters,Tickets, Rosters for clubs,Addressing and MailingMeeting Notices, Addr~ss()-graph Plates, Mimeograph.ing Photo Copies, OIIsetand Letter Press Printing,Instant Printing, ScratchPads, small jobs our spe.cialty. ECONOMEE SERVoICE P R I N TIN G, 15201Kercheval at Lakepointe,Grosse Pointe. VA 2-7100.




FIX.IT NOW. A.I haruly IELECTRICAL Repairs. Ma.men. Painting, plumbing, jor and minor. 884-5471 orelectrical and carpentry. 884.2750.Major and minor rel>airs.Call for all estimate today.884.5471, or 884.2750,



Ca/'lpentry, plumbing, eleelri. Wood and st~el wind~ws ~.cal, 'roofing. Major and mi. placment With new-tilt w~.nor repairs. Bonded and I dow bar~ware. Per~tsinsured. Can for free esti. easy cleaning of ~th.l.delmates. 884-3838. of the glass from mSlde of

I the house. Insulated or reg.20A-CARPET 1.AYING ular glass.

I Insured

1st ADVERTISED-New Georgian Colonial, 1st :floorhas master bedroom, I'h baths, family room,utility room. Upstairs are 4 nice size bedrnoms,2 baths. Central air conditioning, automatic doorson the garage for added enjoyment. Located justoff the Lake on dead end street.

ALSO NEAR THE LAKE and only 8 years old, thisEarly American Colonial features 4 bedrooms, 3fun and 2 half baths, family room, 1st floor utilityroom, 3 car attached garagc, central air condi.tioning, and finished basement.

CENTER HALL COLONIAL on Balfour Road. 4 bed-rooms, 21,2 baths plus 5th bedroom, bath on 3td.Paneled library, jalousied porch, recreation roomand lawn sprinkler syctem.

SOUTH OF JEFFERSON-3 bedroom, 11f.!bath bun.galow with den or 4th bedroom, modern kitchen,2 car garage. Under $30,000.

NEAR COUNTRY CLUB GOLF COURSE-3 bedroom,2 bath Ranch with family room. attached ga-rage. Immediate occupancy.

4 BEDROOM ENGUSH two story. 1st floor has 26 ft.living room, formal dining room, kitchen withbrf.'l'.kfast room, powder room, and porch. 2 carattached garage. In the Farms. Only $34,800.

IMMACULATE 3 BEDROOM-1* bath house withfamily room. New carpeting, completely fini~hedbasement, Must be seen. .

IN THE FARMS-Convenient lcoation, Over 3,000 sq.ft. Newer 4 bedroom Colonial. 3 full baths, 2~)wder rooms, large family room with bar. At.tached 2 car garage.

BEAUTIFUL LOCATION on Huntington. Immedialeoccupancy on this spotless 2. bedroom Ranch withfamily room. Two car attached garage withelectric opener. $34,900.

ON A BOULEVARD streel near North High. Largefamily room overlooking park-like yard in addi-tion to. the 3 family size bedrooms, 3 baths, p:ln-eled hbrary (or 4th bedroom) make this l'hstory house worth your personal inspection.

NEAR HILL SHOPPING and Richard Elementary.Handsome English 2. slory. 3 bedrooms, 1~ bathson 2nd. Kecreat:on room. 2 car garage.

TREE LINED STREEl' in Windmill Pointe areD.Lovely Center hall Colonial. 3 large bedrooms,1* balhs on 2nd plus a 19x21 library, familyroom pr 4th bedroom. 2. ear attached garage.WITH A MODERNIZED kitchen (complete builtins) and handsomely decorated this 4 bedroom,2~ bath terrace should satisfy all your ~ds.Plus it eliminates all outside maintenance wor.rie'J. Ollly $43,000.

ON THE WATER'S EDGE-Terri/ic newer house.Many modem conveniences including a swimmingpool, family room, wet bar. 2 &tory living roomoverlooks water. can for details.





Stair Carpet ShiftedRepairs of All Types

Cigaret Burns He.WovenALSO

NEW CARPET SALESSamples Shown in


294.5896 TU 5.0703


BY OWNER: Condominium.Centrally located, 4 bed.rooms, 3 baths. new kit.chen, carpeted. Land con.tract terms. $47,000. TU 6-8551 after 6.

LAKESHORE - Corner ofCarmel Lane.

PRESTON PLACE - Min.utes walk to lake.

WOODS LANE - Ideal forbuilding.


INC.93 Kercheval

:& tat

Borland • McBreartyREALTORS


Cccupied . . . reasonable possession dates

1. Cam'bridge Road off Grosse Pointe Boulevard isthe quiet settting for this comfortable 4 bedrOOOl,

2 bath two-story home with attached garage.New kitchen.

2. Kensington Road near ~aumee Is the setting forthis very attractive Colonial home which aUordsspaciousness with the atmosphere of an easilymanageable house. 5 bedrooms, 4 baths. 112x163'lot. Ideal family location.

3. Trombley Road-Two.Family Flat Well built newerbuilding. Original owner. Many extras. Good con.dition. $57,500.

4. r-~attingham Road oppc.site Defer Elementary Schoolplayground is the convenient location of this veryattractive English home. 3 bedrooms, extra firstfloor room.

5. A Middlesex Boulevard setting is just one of theattractive features of this 4 bedroom 2~ bathCenter Enlrance Colonial home. Then too there'sa kitchen that will please any lady, 2 terraces,'Il den, and more.

6. South Deeplands Road iust off Lake Shore Driveis the appropriate site ror this handsome wingedColon:al which was custom built in 1959. 4 bed.rooms, 4~ baths. First floor laundry room. Circu-lar drive. Many extras.

7. Lake Shore Drive opposite Crescent Sail YachtClub is the perfecl orientation for this choicemini-mansion. L2rge grounds With a gentle rise .Beautiful views. Very complete.

8. $37,900 {or this Center Entrance Colonial on McKin.ley Road in Grosse Pointe Farms. Sharp condi.tion and design.

TELL US YOUR NEEDSWhether you're re~ently transferred to town,looking for. a large house, a smaller one, orjust thinking about a real estate move witJiinthe community-we are interested in meetingyou and h1Iving the opportunity of providingyou with service In a professional way.

a variety of homes for your shopping pleasure .Available for immediate possession

1. $29,500 {or this 3 bedroom Dutch Colonial which isjust 2 blocks frem the "Village."

2. $29,900 for this 3 bedroom 1* bath Colonial withfamily ronm just doors away from 7 MiJe-MaekSbopping Center in Grosse Pointe Fanns.

3. $29.500 for this attractive 3 bedroom 1* bathmodified Cape Cod located near the lake. Highexisting mortgage at 60/,% minimizes the downpajtnent requirements.

4. $32,500 for :this stately Tudor Condominium onRivard. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths on the second floorplus additional rooms above.

5. $47,003 for this appealing 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranchhome on Park Lane. Well worth exploring tosee how its uniqueness will best suit you.

6. $31,5()O for this modest sizeO. 3 bedroom Englishhome located in the 700 block of Lincoln Road.

7. $34,000 for a condominiwn terrace unit on Cran-ford Lane. Convenient location, traffic free street.Channing design.



MT. VERNON 385, beautifulCape Cod, dining room,large living room withWedge wood blue carpeting.family size kitchen. 2 bed.rooms newly decorated andcarpeted, screen porch,large second floor bedroom.$36,500. 885.5213.

LIKE NEW 3 bedroom brickranch, new carpeting, shut- COLONIAL, 5 bedrOllms, 4tered windows, garage, baths, A.I architect, con.convenient location in struction ana condition.Woods, immediate occu. Grosse Pointe Shores, num.pancy, $36,000. TU 4-4OS7 ber in mid SO's, priced by(no monings). owner in mid 60's. 886.

1894.BY OWNER, Grosse Pointe. --

Woods, 4 or 5 bedrooms, 3 HAMPTON - Charming 3baths, family room. 2 car bedroom Colonial, fire-garage, close to schools. place, full basement, 2 carIdeal for large family, 1161 garage. Low $205.Fairholme ~8752, by ap- WESTCHESTER _ Luxur-pointment for 2 weeks only.' ious English Tudor. 4 bed;Low 40's. rooms, 2 baths, 2 lavs.,

19987 HOUDA Y _ 3 bed. Ultra modern kitchen, for-room colonial. New kitchen mal dining room, famUywith built.ins. 865.4765. room, rec. room, terrace,

sprinkling system. Custom90 HALL PLACE, Radnor carpets and drapes through

subdivision. Spacious home out. Let us show you thisfor comfortable family liv- unique family home.ing and entertaining, 29foot living area with two UNIQUE REALTYfireplaces, jndoor grill and 778-4900wet bar, overlooks land.scaped brick patio area.Lar,ge w a I nut panelledfamily room, "Pointe" reomodeled kitchen, 3 beu.rooms, many extras andeverything in top condition.See the lake from your 13A-LOTS FOR SALEfront yard, and the chil.dren can walk to St. Paul'sschool and the library.Owner transferred. OpenSunday 2 till 5. 886-2807.

GROSSE POINTE WOODS.Roslyn Road near Mack.1'r2 story, 3 'bedrooms, goodcondition. Immediate occu-pancy, Will price to sell.J. Brown. 884-1942.


LAKELAND AVE. - 3 bed-room colonial, 1* baths,tarpeted kitchen, largef ami 1y room, screenedporch and f'mished recrea.tion room, large lot inprime location. $47,900.682-1019. Principals only.

560 HOLLYWOOD. 3 bed.room, 2'>!1 bath ranch, 2ear attacheu garage onlovely dead-end street nearschools. Carpeted, fire.place, dining room, largefamily kitchen, big closets,fl'creation room. Assumelow 51f, % mortgage. $44,'900. Open Sunday or callfor appointment. 884.9403.


HARPER WOOuS GROSSE POINTE WOODS on ENGLISH TUDOR, 913 Fish.Hollywood, :>. bedroom all er, 3 bedroom, 2"2 baths,

PRESTWICK - Delightful 3 brick ranch with attached large paneled family room,bedroom RANCH with cozy garage. B'rand new carpet formal dining room, fin.fireplace, den or 4th bed. and (lustom made drapes, isbed recreation roo m,room, 56 foot site, 2.car decorated, beautiIul. No large fenced yard, $35,500.garage and immediate oc. brokers please. 886-8656. 331-4633.cupancy. Low 30's. TU 1. -6300. FINEST THE POINTE HAS ! INCOME bungalow, 131li

TO OFFER Maryland, good condition,JOHNSTONE &- ilt>ately Englisb Tudor on 2 with side drive and 2 carJOHNSTONE 'lots witb large pool and ga~age, 1 bedroom ellch

paUo. 'l bedrooms, 6 baths. umt. De Ryck Realty. 882-Modern kitchen that defies 7901.imitation. M.a ny, many GROSSE POINTE WOODS, 5extras. bedroom Colonial, 2 blocks

from Lake, large livingroom, dining room, extra.ordinary family room, li-brary, large kitchen andbreakfast room, 5 baths,maid's or guest quarters,and laundry on secondfloor. New carpeting anddrapes, automatic sprinklersystem, 2* car, heated at.tached garage, large cor.ner lot. near schools, pric-ed in mid.SO's, by appoint.ment only, owner. 88U.2425,no agents.


20223 MACK AVE. 884-4400

BISHOP RD. A beautifullakefront home aD a biglot. Three king sizebedrooms, three baths.Large family room. Cen-tral air conditioning.Outstanding landscap-illg. Immediate posses.sion. 886-5800.

BELANGER. A three bed.room -brick bunga1?w on.a deep lot. Diningroom. Like new carpet.ting. Basement and twocar .garage. 886.5800.

MUIR. A three bedroombungalow ,home withbasement and garage. Asecond smaller home illthe rear is now rented.886.5800.

NOTTINGHAM. At tr a c.tive brick ranch homeon a nicely landscapedlot. Big carpeted kit-chen. Attached two eargarage. Dining room.$27,900. 886-6800.

RIVARD. A spacious con.dominium home ideal fera large family. Fivebedrooms, three baths.Fully carpeted. Nicekitchen with range, dish.washer and refrigerator.Basement and ca~Jrt.886-5800.

S HORECREST CR. A- beautiful brick ranch

home in mint condition.'1!'hree bedrooms, two full~md two half baths.,F 'amily room and diningrt 10m. Two fireplaces.Ffrst floor laundry. Til.ed basement and twocal- gar?ge wtih auto.ma tic doors. 886-5800.

SUN NI NGDALE. Achal-miJ,1g four bedroomhorn e. Two and a halfbathos. Family room,largE' kitchen, recreR.tion room. Across fromLochl 'Door Country Club,886.5 BOO.

UNIVE RSITY. A goodbuy f, or a large home.Centrlli air conditioning,fireplllce, fa u r bed.rooms, den, family room.Florid. i room, finishedrerrea tion room. 886.5800,

.!\ WELL cared for l-ricksemi.ra nch in GrossePointe Woods. Ideal (orthe la rge or smallfamily . \vith 3 bedroomsor 2 bed'rooms and faml..Iy room. Spacious land./lcaped I'ot. Many OllieI'features. 836-5800

21300 MACKGrosse Pointe Woods



Grosse Pointe F~,nns


Jhone (3: [3) 329-9003

Marine (:ity OfficePhone (313) 76504013

WM . W. QUEIEN885-4141

SOUTH RENAUI) Abrick ranch home in abeautiJ!ul wooded area.Three bedrooms, JJ ,rightroomy kitchen withbellutifl :II wood cabJ nets.Attache d garage fo.' twocars. 1 lig lot lO!iX120foot. 881 ~-4200.

WAYBURII/'. A large wellmaintain,!d co 1on, i a Ihome. Na !tural firepI ace.Formal dining r( 10m,den, thr, ee bedrOll ms,1* baths and two ,anda balf car gara Ige.Immediate. OCCUp2.tICY.$17,900. lIS 6-4200.

NEFF. In & prime 100~a-tion just two bloc 'ksfrom the PLIrk. Alar gecolonial witl'J. fat: ~ be'd-rooms plus two on tilethird floor. Three fu\lland two half b3tbs. T\\'ocar garage. 8 86-4200.

HUNT CLUB. A hiel (colonial home with up..dated kitcllen. Sell'cleaning range and diEh.washer. Th ree bed-rooms, two cal ~ garage.886-4200

MOROSS. A charn ling andunusual three t >edroonlcolonial. Formal diningroom and den. B, ~alltirulnew kitchcn WI.~tll allbuilt.ins, Lovely grounds886-4200

FONTANA. A spaciousplush executive lran"h'in the Shores. '1~recbedrooms, two ar.\d ahalf baths. Huge fa milyroom, first floor laundry.Centra' air condit :i.:>n.ing. Attractive two cargarage. A stone's thl'OWto the lake. Circle dri ve.886-4200.

BEACONSFIELD. A cle.\nbeautifully d e cor a l.ed brick four flat. Ne Wfurnace. Three car ga.rage. Good ratio of ren tincome to prir.e. 886-42C\l.

BEDFORD. A graciousfour bedroom brick colo.nial. Two and ilaU baths.Den equipped for ent2r.taining. Modern kitchenwilh appliances. Air con.ditioned. Many extras.886-5800

BRYS DR. A brick ranchhome in perfect condi.tion. Carpeting, fire.place Double closetsand a cedar closet.Breezeway and garage.886.5800


NEAR I'ttarine City-FrancisStreet (East China Twp. )One yellr old 1875 sq. ft. 4bedroon I home on largelot; fi~l!placc: in Iiv In groom; d lning room; kitchenbuilt. ins j 2 bedrooms andbath do" 'n =.nd 2 bedroomsand bath up; carpeted; fullbasement and attached 2car gara ge, water, sewerand pave d street. $41,900.

TRO MULEY 956.5Il- SpaciOUII 'Income, 3 bedrooms,2 I )aths each un. it. Pricered uced!

WES'l 'CHESTER 631) - Cen.ter entrance. 4 I ledroomColo nial, 2~ baths, familyroon " recreation TO om withfirep lace and 'bar. CentralAir I ~onditioning ar Id beat.ed s~ vim pool. MinI~ condi-tion.


GARDEN TYI'E condomin-ium apartm ent" 2 bed-rooms, 2 bat as. Write forfree brochure. Light HousePoint Plaza, l"lorida 33064.Area code 305 -942-2872.

, GROSSE POIN1'E SHORES,4 bedroom custom built BERKSHIRE _ Older, gra.ranch, 2~ bll ths, 2 fire. cious, 5 bedrooms (3places, formal (lining room, floors). Co,mpletely reno.kitchen with no ok, paneled vated. Call for particulars.library, recrea tion room

. with wet 'bar, '" 'all to wall BOURNEMOUrn CIRCLE-( larpeting, porch, 3 car ga. Ranch in the Farms, withr age, 70's, owner. 884-6089. exceptional family room.

nIL UTTIER 1390--! I bedroom Lease with option to pur-..., chase available.

( 'clonial with fat nily room. .C lose to schools. :£deal fam- CLOVERLY - True familyil; y h 0 me and location.. ranch. 1'r2 story, 4 bed.Pl -ice reduction. rooms, 2 baths and lav. Re.

duced to sell.

FAIRHOLME - Nicely 10.cated between Mack andFairway. 3 bedroom ranchwith attacbed garage.

N. RENAUD - Ranch with I2 car attached garage.Many attractive features,must be seen. Reduced to Isell today.

Call us on .these " manyothers. Complet multi-listand picture catalogue serv-ice of many fine homes.

E. JEFl FERSON 830C t.:-casaBalcon 18 Large 2-bt edroomPenth( )use.


BEGIN THE NEW YEARwith the ultimate in ele.gance. 0 u t s tau din gJEFFERSONIAN COL-ONIAL in pre sti ge"Farms" location nearLake with 4 bedrooms,31,fzbaths, family room;Ubrary, Florida room,ultra modern kitchenand many special ameni-ties. $122,500, TU 1-6300.




REALTORSThe Hallmark of Broker Dependability

We're here to help YOU!

REAl TORS16825 Kercheval In the Village 884-7000

FOR THOSE WHO WANT the ultimate in beaulifulcontemporary living. lts many impressive fea-tures include the "floating" solid mahogany spiralstaircase .and specially designed chandeliers. Mas.ter bedroom suite has a fireplace and heated~unken bath. Second {Ioor laundry room. The stu.dio bedroom and t-ath over the garage Is access.ible from Inside thc house or by a private stair.way. Call us NOW for an appointment to seethis "one-of.a.kind" house.

OLD TREES AND A LARGE LOT make this (a ..mcolonial a de~\rable residence. It includes familyroom and den with fir'!placil. Modern kitchen.Three large bedrooms and IhrC<! full baths. InUp-top condition. An appointment to see thisgrut buy will end your house hUllting worries.


large size family. Five bedrooms, three baths, li-brary, family room-are just some of the fea.tures. All this offered in the LOW forties at 905Westchester and open for your inspection Sunday.

SOUTH OF JEFFERSON. You won't believe this twostory living room with a master bedroom over-looking It. Also on the second floor-three otherbedrooms and two baths. Fifth bedroom on thethird floor. Basement recreation room with wetbar. Look for yourself at 851 Bedford.

FOUR BEDROOM RANCH. 934 South Brys is thelocation of .this fine house. Three bedrooms andbath on the main floor wtih another super-bed-room 'and complete bath in the basement. Also inthe basement-panelled recreation room andworkshop. Beautiful family room of{ kitchen hasdirect access to large patio. Make this a surestop on your Sunday sh~ping trip.

THREE BEDROOM FARMS COLONIAL. Located on• IS(} foot lot this recent colonial has a largekitchen, Jiving room with fireplace and separatedining room. PaneHed recreation room has anadjacent lavatory. Large screened porch andpatio with gas grill are ideal fGr outdoor ,iving.It can all .be seen at 370 McMillan.

FRENCH DESIGN IN THE CITY. This older fOllrbedroom-three bath fiouse has a second floorfamUy room, The large li~ing room with firc.place and formal dining room invite gracious ~n.tertaining. Owner transferred and anxious to sell.Join us Sunday for a conducted tour of 571 Lin.coin.

COOK ROAD.Mack area. LOCHMOOR - DelightfulStart the year oU right. 3 ,be d roo m SEMI-Look at this 3 bedroom RANCH with cozy fire.brick Ranch with car. place, beautifully :fin.pets and dr/l1>eries, fin.. ished games room andjsbed r~reation room, 2 2-car garage. An attrac.car garage, and eager tive home with excellE<ntseller. You'll be glad decor and workmanship.you did! TU 14200. Under $40,000. TU 1-6300.

CLOVE~LY ;ROAD-Love. YOU WILL AGREE withIy mOdem 2.Story on .. f th. fwooded site. 5 large our opiniOn (). IS mebedrooms all with ad- ~om(;. Attrl!c~ve Eng.joining baths plus serv~ h~h Tudor With leadedants' quarters. Paneled Windows, ~ood lay-out,Ubrary with fireplace, etc. 4 spaCIOUSbedrms.,Florida room. Ideal for 2~ baths. den plusentertaining and gra. (17x18) fa mil y roomdOUB family living. TU and brand new kitchen.4.()60(). 2 additional bedrooms,

FAMILY COLONIAL of bath on 3rd floor. Movetrue English design and right in. Owner trans.all redecor-ated. 4 bed- ferred. TU 4.0600.rooms, 3 .baths, 2 lavs,paneled library, 3 fire-places, kitchen built.ins,breakfast nook and ter.race. Owner transferred.$56,900. TU 1.6300.

NEAR THE VILLAGE -Attractive 3 bedroomCOLONIAL with largefamily room and 2 carattached gar age. 1~baths, lovely ~arpets,cl rap e r i e s. Excellentvalue. Move right in.TU 4.{)6()().


ANITA 1378-4 bedroom, 2 bath Bunilliow.BISHOP 1440 - Spacious 4 bedl'oom, Center H 'an


FONTANA LANE 7G--Deluxe 4 bedroom, Semi Rani mwith heated pool.

MAPLETON 59-Economical Fann~-4 bedroom, nea r,~verythin&,

MARYLANP 1213-Frame-2 bedroom. Reasonabl£ Iprice.

MI') ... ) 790-0utstanding 3 bedroom, 2~ bath,Cllllter Hall Colonial.


P.g' Eight•• n

IJ-lEAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATI\FOR SALE fOIl SALE \-------------,------ -', --.--------------------

. I

'.• ~""i.

r ...." .. 7 '. I

.', /

Page 19: Locolion-Dot To ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., rosse Pointedigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1970-74/73/1973-01-04.pdfJohn Claims FirstNew Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8








S5 SOJ3gg

Page Nineteen

•,.,,,,..j,. ,,





United Presbyterial! I. -16 Lake Shore Rd. I

IFor Informatlon :

night or day ~call 882.5330 1dial a prayer I

882.117':0 .

Wor!,hip Sen: ':lnd

Church ~hool9:30 and 11:15 a.m.

"Jesus' Joy"Ray H, Kiely

"Uey down there"

Rev. John M. Deason

Fh~t Church ofUnderstandingNew Thought in Action

10 a.m. and II a,m,Sunday

Grosse Pointe WarMemorial Blelg.

"The Answer Is."Rel/. Sarafl Solall., D.o.


Reverence, Rationality,Community Concern


Unitarian Church

Chllfont..... L"ll,.,TU '",re

We Invite You to WanhlpWith UI

9:30 Worship andSunday School (all ages)

11:00 Worsblp(Sunday School 1-5)

R.v. Ctll"" W. 'an'recllIt.... It.l.n' L. .tIl.....

St. Paul Ev.Lutheran Church

19050 !\lACK AVE. al TORREYROAD 881H300WOT'hlro Servlc. 10 10 11 un.10 10 11:13 am, N'UflU) thru6111.

17150 Maumee at NeffGrosse Pointe

HaTTY C. Meserve,Minister

"Finding the Way"Famll)' !;.rvlee 101'30 a.m.

Church Sen1' e 1:00 I.m.

Dr. Harry C. Mcscrl'e


prc3ty lerian


.3 5

TU 4-0511MeMillall at Karch".1


21336 Mack Ave.Grosse Pointe Woodslnvllu you to worship

wIth us.9,45 .....M.



EVENING WORSHIPPastor-Re\'. Jack Fullard

St. James I

Lutheran Church I

I 9:30 :tnrlll a rll. :-lcn'jets

I9:30 a.In, Sund~y School

I(Nursery for sman

children) IRrt, '-or •• I. Kan, II

R.",AI." F. H.".I

a 5 4.20* 4 3


~"O~~t')Pointe 111m,,;MICHICAN


PROPOSED ORDINANCENotice is hereby given that a public hnaringwill be held on Monday, January 15th, HJ73 at8:00 P.M, in the City Hall, 90 Kerby Road.Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan, at which Umethe Council shall consider adoption of pro-posed Code No. 1l.()8, Ordinance No. 191, the"Municipal Parking Lot Ordinance," an ordi.nanl"e to control the use of municipal parkinglots.The hearing will be public.Interested property owners or residents of thecity are invited to attend.

CARROL C. LOCKDeputy City Clerk

Published G.Y.N. issue. Jan. 4, 1973







IH k B · V- - I.'. H t ThP fellow who tries to'OC ey rUf,nS r.ctorlOUS nJUrIeS ur. please everybody shows JiUleII k BI respect (or his own way of

Iin Top Canadian Tourney A:I:~".~:.dY"-~-:-~::;;NAVENUEThe Bruins proudly repre. The championship game ~hort.staf{ed Grosse Pointe AMERICAN

sent~d Grosse Pointe and the was played Sunday, Decem. Blues Bantam "A" Division BAPTIST CHURCHUnited States 'by capturing ,'er 31, between the Bruins hockey team contributed to 13337 E. J"ff.rlOn .t Llk.vl.wtbe crown In a top Cana. and Oakvill~, Ont. Oakville a defeat in the final game Sundaydian Tournament at the is rated one or the three '1r the Ecorse Invitationai 9:30 a.m. ChurchOakridge Arena in London, top teams in the Toronto lIoliday Tournament Satur. ScboolOnt. The Bruins were enter. area. The excitement in the day December 30, The Blnes 11:00 a,m. Worship.ed in the AAA division and ,.lIlIe J edci.e ... it ':l:~er pitcn lost'to Ecorse, 5-3. "What an Awesomewere tbe first Pointe team in a 54 Bruin win. Oakville Shortly after the opening ThlDg"ever to advance beyond the sco~ed at 9: 12 of the first or the first period forward L. Juan Burt. preachingpreliminaries. The team is period then at I:~ and 7:28 Mik~ Sandmair \V~s struck The Reverendnow 45-5.3. of t~e second pertod and the I full.(orce in the forehead by Robert Fletcber Smith

I On Wednes~ay, December Brums found th.;msel~es I the strcaking puck after a MinisterALTERATIONS !lnd repairs, 27, the Hrulns faced the ~own, 3-0. mid.ice faceo{( Sandmair

115;,' Maryland, G r \) sse Etobieo'ke Canuck~ and show. ~ut Burkhei.:;er scored two was whisked to a hospitalPointe Park, VA 1.2631. ed their power WIth an 11.3 qwck goals to close the gap where he received six stitch. Stl M!d1ael's ~

win. Mike Burkheiser scored when the intermission be. es . I

EXPERT tailoring and aUer. the "hat trick." Two goals tween the second and third .ations - By David. 16900 were scored by Alan Taber, period came. The Bruins reo The Blues already were Episcopal ChurmKercheval, Grosse Pome. Bill Williams and John turned to the ice determined sho~t.h.a~ded before the S~nd.882.2755 - 886~408. Davies. Bill Seaver and to win. Taber tied the game malr, ID}ury dUl: to. hohd~y 20.475 $unnln.4.1. , ...

Matt Costello completed the I at 6:24 but Oakville went ~a~ahons and prevIous JU. Gro... PO/lit. W'"2IZ-LANDSCAPING 6' scoring. back ahead at 8:09. Davis 1l1~les. to tea~ members, Thll Rev. Edg.r H, Yl!Omln,

SNOW REMOVAL Then the same day the' tied it again at 12:34. At WIth Just two hnes to throw Rector-rn-IM-M-I-N-G-,-r-e-m-o-va-l.-,-sp-r-a-y. Bruins played the Royd York 1~:35 Taber posted the win. at the .ful1.strengt~. Ecorse 8:00 a.m. Euchlrht

Rangers, Drew Mascarin reo nmg goal. I team, the ~and.wrlhng was I 10:00 a.m. ChOral .Euehlrllting, (eeding and stump ceived the shutout in the 5.0 Oakville is one of the fincst i on .the wall spelhng a Grosse I ~~~~n .: hl~f~~~ '1removal. Free estimates, victory, Burkheiser' posted checking teams the Bruins POinte defeat. ! Ihroo)ul!bJ u n lorComplete tree service. Cal his second "hat trick," while faced all year but !n the P.ointe go~ls did ~ot come I HlehFIe m in g Tree service. Davies and Taber scored the third period Brykalskl Coso until the thIrd pellod when I 11:30 ".m, E u e h • r I. t withTUxedo 1-6950. other two goals. The defen. tello, Lewis and Mor~is in forward Peter Poirier scored, ~a:rr~1 .nd Sl10rt I

EASTERN TREE and stump sive team of Rob Brykalski. particular handed b a c k I unassisted •. at 8:~. Two min.I_______ Iremoval. Insured. 293-4069 Jim Kennary, Randy Lewis check.for.check. Each player utes later, Captam Tom Lolt ,or answering service. 773- and Jim Morris did an out. and coach was awarded a l<cored on an unassisted slap I GIOU' Pol..t. Unite" !0600. standing job. gold medal (or winning the shot. The injured Sandmair, METHODIST CHUItCH \

---------- The Bruin~ resumed tour. championship. returned to the ice after; 211 Moron Reod Inament play Saturday De. In other exhibition games being stitched at thc hospital I' 886.2363 I

. . ' d t d d th G MlnlU... :cember 30. facmg a ftred up recently played the Bruins an. as oun e e. rosse I p,rrt/ A. ~lIomat ~ IWindsor All-Star team. The mastered all opposition, At ,Pomte fans hy scormg at 9:15 FAMILY \\ORSUll' \' Igame remained scoreless St. Clair Beach, Ont., the 11:21. I ~~~~lrC~ehool for nllt'. , Ithr?ugb ~ost of ~e first Bruins overwhelmed Wind. The score now slood at 4.3 e~~de:.h ro U &' h sIxth i' Iperiod until the Brums open- sor, 10.0. Taber scored four .1Dd it appeared that the 10:15 ~l1urel\ Sehool for Ied Up to win, 8-1. Costello goals, Costello posted two Blues might pull it out, But grades seven lhrough I

and Taber each posted the with Davies, Burkh'eiser, Bill it was not to be and the ~'i:rtsemlnar5 and dill-I :"hat. trick." Kennary and Sea~er and Williams also Ecorse team tallied an "in. 11:1$ ~p~~ruJro~&'VJCE :Ilavles scored the other two scoring. surance goal" a minute later. Church Schl>Olfor nurs. 'goals. Greg ~o~nston, -Mike Then the Bruins were chal. Blues' Coach Wayne Aus. I ~~, lhrough. Klndllrtl'T- !Fredal, and Williams carried lenged by Fraser, one of the tin accepled a beautiful Sil"much of the play during tlie strong squirt teams in the vcr trophy for the team'ssecond and third periods, area. Davies scored the "hat runner-up finish and each First 1II.II.h

In the semi.fina~ game on ' !rick" and ~redal also scored I player received a lall silver. I Ev. Lutherantile 30th the Brums played m a 4.1 ~. and.marble trophy for histhe Parkridge, m. Squirts. .The . Brums also met a participation.Parkridge had been in Lon. J!luch Improved young Ster- Two warm-up games for Ohurchdon all week and plared sev. bng team ~ut were a~le to the Ecorse tournament finals Vernier Road .t W.dg.wooderal exhibition games a~d come up With a 5-~ wm .as were played, and won, dur- Drlvll, Grosse PoInte Woodswere improving with every Mascann w~s credited With I ing the Christmas-New Year's 884.5040contest. They put up a very .another shu,ou.t. Tab~r ,scor •. vacation period. On Thurs-strong battle. against the ed .' two, whtle Wllhams. day, December 28, the Blues Church WorshipBruins but Mascarin played Davl~s and Fredal put the defeated Port Huron O&M at 8:3() and 11 a;m.an outstanding game in goal red light on once: the Grosse Pointe Community Sunday School 9:30.and his teammates produced Then ~he BrUins traveled Rink, 2.1. . Rev. P. Kepplerfour goals for bis shutout to Leammgton, Ont., Satur. Then the Blues ventured Rev. David Proetor.victory. Goal scorers were day! December. 23, to pl.ay Ito . Lansing to defeat their I Aut. Pa.lorTaber with two and one each agamst some fme Canadian Bantam team 2-0 Friday Iby Burkheiser and Davies. s~aters. The Bruins. won, 5:1, December 29. " ,Scott Seaver played a very WIth Co~tello s~orlOg tWice In the Thursday Port Hur.strong game. and LeWIS, DaVIes and Fre. on game at Austin goals were----------1 da4::c~ruins mastered the tallied ~~ forw.ards P~t FoxSquash Group Veteran North Stars, 4.1, an~. Potrler w!th asSISts to

Sunday, December 24. Single Pomer?n Fox s .g.oa~and toSets Tourneys I goals were scored by Costel. Sandmalr ~n POI~ler s goal.10 Morris Scott Seaver and The Fnday. RIght g~~eTiber ' had goal sconng by Pomer

The Michig.:.n Squas~ Rae. On Thursday, December 28. and by AHen, Jones' blazingquets . Asso~lation. Will be in Livonia the Bruins routed ~Iap shot. ASSlS~ were c~~d.h.ol dIn g fIve ~.ate. cla~s Livonia: 9-1. Costello and Ited to Sandmalr and POlr~er.SIngles champIOnships m Bill Seaver scored the "hat and the shutout goal.tendlngJanuat,'Y and early ,r~~ruary, trick." Burkheiser had two I was by Peter WenzeH.includmg. a. new D cJ~ss goals and Williams one. ------for begmnmg anti novice The Bruins start play in POWER PLAY Iplayers. the Silver Stick Tournament P.robably the National Hoc.

George Haggarty, president Sunday January 7 key League's most fearsomeof the association, announced ' . powllr play was that of the Ithat approximately 200 play- F Montreal Canaclians in the Iers representing 18 clubs erry Scouts late 1950"s and early 1960's Ifrom around the state. are with Dickie M(1ore or Berlexpected to compete. Spread Cheer Olmstead at left wing, Jean

The ,association, made up IBeliveau at cent<'I, Maurice Iof approximately 500 squash -- ("Rocket") Richard at right,

'pIayers, will hold tourna. Cub Pack No. 34 of Ferry wing and Doug Harvel' Bnd :ments in A. B, C. D, and School has been busy over Bernie ("Boom.Boom") Geof- I

Veteran classes. the holidays spreading good. frion at the points."Entries for the tourna- will and Christmas spirit. -----------

ments are up over last year The scouts sang Christ.because more people are in. mas carols at the Georgianterested in s qua s h," Mr. East Nursing Home with theHaggarty sniti. "More' new aid o( two trumpeteers, Steveplayers also have indicated Lauboff and 'J't3rry Quick,they wanted to participate Friday, December 15. Thein toui"naments so we've ad. lads also placed Christmasded the D class," mobiles they had made in

The state Class D singles each of the home's 60 rooms.squash tournament will run Then at a Christmas packfrom January 8-16 at Wayne meeting Thursday, Decem.State University. Class C ber 21, the boys broughtplayers will participate (rom head bands, gloves and mit.January 17.25 at the Uptown tens for tbe David PrestonAthletic Club, while the Class Elementary School, 17th andB tournament is scheduled Porter. At the meeting, they 1 ._. ---- ifor January SO.February 4 sang caro~s and presented Iat the Birmingham Athletic skits. Many scouts also reo The Grosse PointeClub. ceived awards which Ihey Congregational

The Class A tournament previously earned. Churchand the Veterans title will And .the boys will collcct 240 Chalfontr lit Lothropbe held Fp.bruary 5.10 :II Ule used Christmas cards thisUuiversi~7 Club in Je{(crson month for the Detroit Reha- 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.Worship Services andavenue. bllitation Institute. Church School

Mr. Ilaggl;rty said lhe tour. Other activities included anamen::,; in each cl:lsS will December outing for tIle en. "The Date Line"be wide "ren as defending tire family at Ille Mount Crib Room thruchampio!l:;, except in the Clemens Roller Ring, and the Senior IIighVeteran's class, will not par. collection of $213.04 for UNI-ticlpate this year. CEF during Halloween. i Rev. R. R. nutehron, D.n.

1._ .. RC'9•.Sll'Phl"n I.. ~terner ..

II Sweetest Heart :

of Mary Oh"rch.

ICanne!.1 at Rus,ell

(On!! block or! 1.7.)


II'alur~.y ~y.n;nl/ 1I1a~s in

}Ioluh. - 5 p.m.

Sund.\' Schedule7'00 .nll 10.00 a.m. Po1i~h830 1nd 12'rJll p m. l':n~I,,!l

ra'liotor: Rry. n .r rI11:1An~/IC.'Solol.t: Jo.epl1 A. Elias

_._1.. - ..... --- !

Driver to GetCourt Hearing.

Shores PoliceNab Speedster

Notre Dame to Preseni'Sweet Charity' Play


• Silver and Gold Plating• Oxidizing and Repairing• Brass Polishing,

Lacquering• Fireplace fixtures

refinished• Copper polishing and



3 blocks west of CbalmersVA 2.7318

The Notre Dame Footlight.ers will present Neil Simon'shit musical comedy, "SwC'!tCharity," in the Regina High~chool auditorium on Janu.ary 6, 7. 12, 13, and 14 at8:00 p.m. Tickets are avail.able at the door for $1.50.

For further informationcontact Wendel V. Hall, Di.rector of Dramatics, NotreDame Higb School, at 371.


21719 Harper



• .U,. $. >4. C $ $,

We Install






Home and Industrial repairs, Additions, attics,Porch enclosures,/. recreation rooms, kitchensilnd bathrooms. uarages repaired, remodeling,aluminum ~utters, storm doors.





Modernization • Alteratil)llSAdditions • Family Rooms

Kitchen and Recreation AreasEstate Maintenance

JAMES BARKER923.8585 923-85871-----------

Formica-Sink TopsCabinets-All StylesBuilt-Ins-Installed

Free EstimatesNo Obligations

No DelaysBill Paige

371-0403 I A Woods motorist who was1----------. - driving a friend's car, wasC A ~ PEN T ~ R RepaIrs. stopped by a Farms police.

MaJor and mmor, 884-5471 man who observed the \'e.

or 884.2750. hide traveling west on MackCARPENTER-AU types reo avenue, at 1:20 a.m. on Mon.

pair and remodeliDlI. Carl day. January l.Watson. LA 6.5501. I The 0 f fi c e r, Patrolman

---------- Gordon Evans, said he was

CUSTOMCRAFT on routine patrol when besaw Michael P. Ruen, 25, of1739 Newcastle, driving onthe avenue. wi~out brakelights. Ruen was stopped atthe Mack.Marseilles intersec.tion, and was asked to pro.duce an o~rator's licenseand registration for the auto.

Ruen was unable to give hislicense, aM. "tated that thecar belonged to a friend,

Evans radioed his stationfor a check 011 the Law En.forcement Information Net.work (LEIN). The returnmessage d i s c 10 sed thatRuen's license had been sus •pended u of July 28, 1971.under Act 74, Public Acts of1966 (Financial Responsi-bility Law).

The JJlan was placed underarrest and taken to the sta:tion where he was issued aviolation ticket (or operatinga motor vehicle while hislicense was suspended. HewaS locked up in the loc~cell until his bond of $150was posted l~ter in the day.

His hearing on the chargeis scheduled for Wednes:lay,January 24, before FarmsMunicipal Judge Robert Py.telt


$ $we

---------------_ .._-_.

$ a $"


15011 KERCHEVALEut of Aller _ In \be Pull:

11.1 5.aDOOClosed MoncllYJ

Illtludhl'Chain Link AII.Steel and

Ru.tle Styl..

4 e s



EYery Sty" 0' F,rret,red,,, 'or '01

WA '-6282







Gross. Pointe Cab,TU 2.5300

Thursday, January 4, 1973


HI NEIGHBOR, I Jive onGrayton, Wall wasbillg,reasonable, neat. Experi.enced. TU 1.f\306 aRer IS.

Exterior InteriorFree Estimates

TU 1-705040 Years in Grosse Pointe

ROOFING and chimney reopair., gutter e l.e ani n g,very reasonable. 885-0012.


Caulking, chimney repairsGutters cleaned





21H-RUG CLEANING I Recreation Rooms. Porches------' _, 372-3022 d'CARPET and upholstering 1----------- I an Repairs

cleaning, Pic h e Mllinte. A.~K Window Cleaners, Ser. Licensed - Insurednallce Co, 294-7172 775. vice on storms and screens. ONTARIO81". • Free estimates. Monthly CONSTRUCTION

---------- rates. 521.2459,CARPET CLEAN ING YORKSHIRE Window Clean. 881-4400

WALL WAS'HING 1----------FULLY INSURED ing. Reasonable. Free est!. ALL HOME REPAIRS-Mas.

YORKSHIRE mates. Insured. 885-0894,! ter Carp~nter, Roofs, gut.MAINTENANCE 882-1418. te.rs, chimneys. porches.

885.()894 . 882'141SI21M-SEWER SERVICE I Licensed. 839.1993.Free Estimates I- Attics • Porch Enclosures

ADVANCE MAINTENANCE • Additions _ Kitchensl'-I-PAINTING,. Electric Sewer Cleaning • Commercial buildings

DECOUTIHG i~~N>~Wi~ JIM SUTTONTED'S AU Work Guaranteed 1677 Brys Drive

884.9512 TU 4-2942 TU 2.2436WALL PAPER REMOVING ---------- -----------

EXCLUSIVELY ELEC'IlRIC SEWER clean-Free Estimates :- Insured ing. No footage charge.

565.9555 Telephone price. 17 yearsexperience, Ca'l Roemer,

R. " '1', PROFESSIONAL Plumbing. TU 2.3150.painting, interior and ex.terior. Free estimates. 462 SEWERS CLEANED, broken

Sewers repaired. Guaran.Roland, Grosse Pointe teed. Reils:)!!~hta rates.Farms, 882-4586. 881-0063 or 779.1225.


Interior.ExteriorWall Papering CAPIZZO CONSTRUCTION

882-0870 All types of Cement andBrick Work

Three Mile Drive All types of waterproofing2S Years Experience All types of excf'.;:ating

INTERIOR and exterior All work guaranteedpainting and paper hang- Licensed and Insureding. Reasonable rates. 30 1 885_.06_1_2 ._years experience. Ray CHAS. F. JEFFREYBarnowsky. 371-2384.


perbangmg. lDsured, guar. _ Brick _ Block • stone Construction Companyanteed. Al Schneider. TU • Cement Work •1-0585. • Waterprooimg BUILDERS

HUGHES BROTHERS • Tuck Pointing & REMODELERSDECORATORS • Patios of any kind •5293 Yorkshire 'PORCHES A SPECIALTY' Additions. Dormers

8821800 Rec. Rooms, Bathrooms882.9750 or 3'71.8128 • Kitchens, New Homes

HI NEiGHBOR IIi v e on CE~ENT WO~ of any •Grayton. PainuDg and wall kind. Bonded, licensed. in. ICustom Garages and Doors

washing, 12 years experi. sured. TU 2-9988. after 6 •ence, neat, reliable. TU 11 p.m. or 372-4939. Free Estimates and Planning1-5306 after 5:00. 21 P-WATERPROOFiNG •


banging. Free estimates. 881-4400G. Van Assche. 881.5754. Waterproofing

---------- Uuderpin FootingKURT O. BAEHR Repair Cave-in Walls

CUSTOM Painting and Dec-,' Insured Licensed Modernizationorating, WaU paperin~. BASE MENTS WATER-Guaranteed. Free esti. P-OOFED R bl MORE VALUE for yourmates .. LA 1.5716. 1\ - e.asona e money. Additions, kitchens,__________ rates. workmanship guar.

anteed. 881-<Kl63or 779-1225. dormers. basements, bath._____ . .___ rooms, wall removals,CAPIZZO . CONSTRUCTION G R SAll Types of Waterproofing BIOI A E BRO ,Guaranteed Reasonable INC.

Licensed and Insured Office 772.5715885-0612 Evenings. Sunaa)'s TO 1-8988


PAINTING I Established 1924. All t>:pes BUILDI.L'iG CO.. basement w a t erprooflUg. Established in

COMP;LETE De c 0 r.a tIn g I Free estimates, 7year guar. Grosse Pointe Area Since 1937servlC~. Paper ha.ngmg and, antee. LA 6.7836.removIng. Matenal. work-! Residential and Commercialmahkship .guaranteed. For 21 Q--PLASTIER WORK Remodeling.

'estimates call I Alterations and Maintenanc~NEW and repair work. Neat. New Construction

WILLIAM FORSYTHE clean service. 20 years ex- 885.3900 885.7013 A speeding driver was ar.VAlley 2.9108 perience. Free estimates. ._ --- rested by Shores police and

I QUAUTY WORK by carpen- charged with driving whileI N T E RIO R and exterior 759.1616. ter with over 20 years ex- his license was suspended

painting, paper hanging, SPECIALIZING in repairs perience in Grosse Pointe. and speeding 45 m.p.h. in afree estimate, 18 years 'ex. (or 18 years. Cracks eIimi. Kitchens .remodeled. base. 35.mile zone early Saturdayperience. 884-0382. nated. Clean. Jim Black. ments paneled. room addi- morning, December 2:;. Po-

I well. VA 1.7051. tions. etc. Conscientious. lice also discovered the mot.21J-WALL WASHING 21R-FURNITURE Small jobs acceptable. TU orist had two outstanding

4-5312. warrants in Warren.TOWN & Country - Wall REPAIR CARPENTER WORK _ Pan- The driver, Richard Alan

washing and windows, car. ELEGANCE IN Ii . h 1 Prohm, 20. of Detroit, wast Ie ng. pa 'tions, s e ves tt d b P bI' S f t Ofpe c eaning, interior paint. UPHOLSTERING k' h il' 11 spo e y u IC a. e y •

ing. 777.8896. ( Hc ens, .::e mgs, sma ficer John Trevillian goingCustom made furniture; dec. jobs, etc.) TU 2.2795. south on Lake Shore road at

WALL WASHING. reason. orative fabrics; profession. - a high rate of speed. Theable. free estimates. York. al I1eedlepoint mounting, 21T-PlUMBING AND officer ultimately stoppedshire Window Cleaning. tapestries and yard; chairs HEATING Pronm at Wedge wood and885-<l894,882-7418. and s too I s in stock. LARRY'S CUSTOM Vernier road.

EWALD, l!stablished 1926, LUMBING AND HEATING A check revealed the Wa~.WALL WASHING 13929 Kercheval at East. p. . . I ren warrants, llnd that IllSPAINTING & DECORATING lawn. VAlley 2-8993. Resldenti.al and CommerCial driver's license was suspend.

HOME MAINTENANCE 1--------- Repairs ~nd Remod~l ed (or not answering a sum.21 $-CARPENTER Lawn Sprmkler ServIce. mons, police said.

ELMER T. LABADIE FAMILY rooms are my spe. Water Heaters-A. O. SmIth Prohm was released afterTUxedo 2-2064 cialty. 88(.5471 or 884.2750. Permaglass and Rheem paying a $2ro bond, $150 (or____ ~_ TU 1.7410 'fhe Shores, and $50 on the

GUIDE TO GOOD SERVICE FOR CLEAN and dependable W~rren war ~ a Ii t s, (.$25service, call ELMERS apIece), accordlOg to polic~,PLUMBING and HEAT. He's s~heduled to appear InlNG, Plumbing License court Monday, January 22.#04556, TUxedo 4-4882.

PLUMBING repairs. Majorand minor, 884.5471 or884.2750.

Page 20: Locolion-Dot To ~~4lMc.:-- ~.--., rosse Pointedigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1970-74/73/1973-01-04.pdfJohn Claims FirstNew Year Baby rosse Pointe ~lVS Complete NeU8




Seems to me that withall the airptane and auto-accidents that have beenhappening lately, walk-ing might not be 100 faroul as a suggestion!



Thursday, January 4, 1973

Pair To Be Married*


1/2 priceLarge Selection

1,200 Light Sets GarlandsTrees (all sizes) Styrofoam

Wreaths and much morelal. runs 'hru

Saturday ••• nln.Hurry on Special "ems

A Ilemon floriston E. Warren

17931 ECistWarren rU. 4.-4120

P~. and Mrs. Felix P. Abaldo, of Canterburyroad, announced the engagement of their daugh.ter, ANGELA to JAY J. REYNOLDS, III, son ofMr. and Mrs. Jay J. Reynolds, II, of Chicago, ata family party at the Abaldo home Sunday, De:ce.mber 17. Angela atteJ;lded. Bishop GallagherHIgh SChool and the Umverslty of Detroit Jayattended Loyola Academy and the University ofDetroit, where he affiliated with Sigma Phi Epsi-lon fraternity. The engaged couple's ring wasblessed by Father R. R. Whygoski, a friend of thefamily. Angela and Jay are in C!licago during NewYear's week, for engagement parties with theReynolds family.

*Church WomenMeet Monday

-,.---------1-'-- _POINTE NEWSGROSSE

Feature' PagePointer of Interest


counter Points The annual meeting of theGrosse Pointe Congregation.al Church Women's Associa.tion will be held Tuesday,January 9, at tOO Church.

Mrs. William Frame, presi.dent will officiate at thebusiness session at noon.Luncheon will be served inthe Social Hall at 1 o'clock.

Mrs. Robert Ohoate, pro-gram chairman, has enoounc-eel that Mrs. Betty Winslow,president of the state Wom.en's Fellowship, will presentthe program and preside atthe installation of new fondold officers.

Officers for the comingyear include Mrs. Frame,president; Mrs. Carl Fischer,fir s t vice.presldent; Mr6.Choate, second vice-presi-dent, and Mrs. Frank Turpin,third vice'president.

Recording secretary is Mrs.Robert Lake; correspondingsecretary, Mrs. Dudley Ar.nold; treasurer, Mrs. Rich-

-Pholo by Lud Schomi&' ard Johnsonj projeets chair.

MRS V PA OF SOUTH XF D ROAD man Mrs. Clarence Parshallj,NE ILLE M~ CK, 0 OR publicity chairman, Mrs.

By Janet MueUer (i Richard Allor; missionaryFrench cuisine can be exquisite, sacher torte "How," said Beverly, (just chairman, Mrs. James Mack.

superb, but when I g~t to heaven, I hope they're making conversation), "did intosh, and Spiritual Lifeserving egg rolJs. So, learning there is a lady in our you like the chop suey?" chairman, Mrs. Greydon Wor.town who gives Chinese cooking lessons, 1 HAD The lady hesitated ... then Ibois. Friendly service eo-to interview her. ~ - decided truth must out. chairmen are Mrs. Alfred

Fint question, and Beverly Austrian and I couldn't find "That was" said the lady TapeJ'lt and Mrs. John Ben.Pack had me in the palm what I ":"anted." "the worst ~eal ) ever mad~ nett. Culinary chairmen areof her hand. '11ook Five Months in my life!" Mrs. Robert Velt and Mrs.

"Don't you know," said the Malltln Hawley."I understand," said I, She found the armoire old

{my sister told me), "that battered and plain. She 'went lady, "that Chinese vegeta. Parliamentarian, MTS. M.in order to cook Chinese food to work on it. bles are supposed to be L. Van DageDS and program

CRISP!?" co.chairmen are Mrs. Roberlcorrectly, you have to have a "It took me about five Beverly did now. Stewart and Mrs. Frankwok." months, including thinking Begins To Learn seydler.

"Not at all," said Beverly. about it - that's the hardest She began to go to Chinese Luncheon reservations may"It's nice to have one, but part: Or.ganizing {he desi-gn, restaurants, and discovered be made by calling theyou can work with an electric imagining the colors." she loved Chinese food. She Church Office before noon

f. In Maryha's Closet ... ~75 Fisher Road, you'll frying pan. 1 don't believe in The result is delightful. began to experiment in ber Monday. January 8. Baby sit:ind smashIng January specmls. Take your pick of telling people to .go out and Unique. Highly personal. own kitchen-and discovered ting will be provided.

designer scarves by Bill Blass and Geoffrey Beene, buy all new utensils. You can It suits the family room, that, as a Chinese cook, she Ifamous name jewelry and belts, and panty hose. All do very well with what you and the family room suits the was very inadequate. . wedding anniversary Satur.are 1""" specially sale pn'ced.' have on hand in your kit. family. "What," she asked herself, mg. Cellophane noodles, for h d" day, December 30 at a reo

w_, II chen" B I P k d h example, and Chinese dried Sot t ti. '• • • . ever y ac oes er own "do they DO I'n restaurants ran 0 cep on, gIven by their son-iD-- il . tin t "b t I mushrooms - they're delici. I d dSpeda1 News ••• lean Nau. Spra)' B.th Cologne, orl. Sa .much for you, smart 0 pam gs, 00, U on y to make it taste so good?" ous!" aw an aughter, MR. an<1

.... Oy $3.10 Is OIl spetfat for $1.00 at tile Notre Dame sister! when we move into a new She began reading. She de. Two MafDstays The POI"nte MRS. CARL M. FROMM, atPlaarmaey. SwMilll formala hlDcl crelm by Ma'" Factor, A wok (p r 0 n 0 u n c e d hous~.". .. voured nine Chinese cook. The steamer bas influenced the Gabriel Riebard Knightstile I ou.ee II. 11 alto lpeelaUy prlc:e4 now .t $2~. "walk") is a thin, wide. Pamting, she mal~tallls, de- books. .her everyday cooking. "I of Columbus Hall, following

• , • • brimmed metal basin, taper. mands .a lot of hme,. and She began stopping Chinese even steam hot dogs now." a, 5 o'dock mass at samtTh F Iks At M Q s ing to a curve at the bottom. what WIth a husband, ltlree people in shopping centers - (CoDtinDed ~rom Page 9) Paul's~n.the-Lakesbore dur-

those o:~e ~eekers I t~' Lond~' ar~ MR." It's used to cook very quick. sons and..a cat named .Smo. this thing was really getting Steamer and wok, (the lat. JAMES p. BRENNAN, son iog wbich a special blessing. il bl d • Iy over very high heat key, who JIggles the cham on to herJ-to ask if they had ter. must be seasoned), are of the JOSEPH E. BREN. was conferred upon the Gold.

agam ava a e . ., eparting every Beverly has 0 • I the back door when she wants any tips on the proper pre. mamstays of her kitchen. She en Wedding pair. The VanderFriday and Saturday via BOAC. Call ne. out (''That'' say 1 "is a considers strainers, availab1e NANS, of Norwood drive, has Roosts were married Decem.for a colorful brochure .. 886'(}500 Impressive Baekground very smart 'cat!" "Uh,uh.uh paration of Chinese food. at Oriental import stores, in. passed the State Bar Exam- ber 30, 1922, In Our Lady of

19517 M k A !here's more, of course, to . . . Well," says Beverly, Nobody rebuffed her. On dispensable too, and she ination and been admitted to So r row s Churcb, Detroit.• • • ae ve~ue... ••. thIS lady than woks and won "frankly it's her ONLY the other hand. . . wouldn't be without her Chi. the practice of law by The They have four grandchil.

. ton and powdered ginger. trick"j 'and what with Chi. "Alter a while, I caught on nese cleaver, and a strong Honorable WALTER P. CY- dren: RICHARD FROMM,Find Bargains Galore ... includ- . Sbe's the wife of a Cbr.ys. nese coo'king and takm'g care that the Chinese are very cutting board. NAR, Presiding Judge of Ma- 23 DAVID DONALD 20

ing lamps and wall decor during the I C U U humble. No one was ever b C C" C ' , 22, "S ' er arpora on execu ve, of Tri.Delta business and boastful. They'd say. 'Oh, h A ladle, (for tbe rIg h t $Om ounty ll'CUlt ourl. and 17.year~ld JOANN.phere s January sale ... 19849 Mack , mother of .three boys: Mi. what with everything else you make your own egg and), and spoon, (for the Graduated in 1965 £rum Aus. ----------

Avenue. chael, 12, at Parcells; Stuart, that keeps turning up, time rolls? You're much more ad. Ileft), are her w~k ute~sils. tin Prep. School, he received i.!~==",,'======:s~~• .. • 11, at Barnes; and Stephen, is sometbing Beverly doesn't vanced than I am .. .'." She tos~es the Ingredients, a Bachelor of Arts degree • _ ~ __ :!~_

Goocl BeaoIutfoDi • , • TeeDagers are mlJdJlg appol1lt- 6, a Star of the Sea first have a lot of. Beverly searched in vain rather like a salad, as she from John Carroll University, UJ,~-G-lIIents ai 'Edward Nepl, IM63 Mack Aveaue for eyebrow grader. Time Is Precious cooks Cleveland, and was gradu. 'fiarc:laID(, lldA care .nd make-"" consaltlltions. They are She has a degree from the Fifteen mJ'nutes here may. for Chinese Cooking Classes. For' a 10 g ti B I ated last May from the Uni. ,. __ :" i!.etr-=i-.. ' "In New York City, the Chi- Pack e n. me, .ever y1UrtfD( DOW for tbe bright eyed ui pretty look alwa)'s •• , 'University of Michigan in be, fifteen minutes there. nese Institute is famous for . xpenmented 10 her versity of Detroit School ofCaD TV ••1858. Architecture and Design. A several.hour stretch is its cooking classes. Here oown

nfkiat~cn, cook~ for b~ Law. He and his wife, the =- --...:_=

• • • She spent a year in Man. much harder to come by. there isn't such a large Chi- w mlly and friends, did former CHERYL A. MIlL-Make A Date ... with fashion this coming hattan after graduation from Unless ~he has the inspira. nese population. The chefs he:; own thing. BRAND, presently make

Wednesday when Martha's Closel presents a style cO.lIege, working as an elec. tion of empty walls. don't teach: Most of them , We all have to ~ook. I their home in Mount Clem-show during lunch at the Golden Lion. mcal draftswoman and liv- "I'm a tirm believer in 'II learned their techniques dur- Just go~ so fed uP. dOIDg the ens. •••

• • • ing in an apartment with four you can do it yourself, do. ing a six-to.e~ght-year ap- sa~e km~ of cooking. MR. arid MRS. REMYYear End Clearance Sale ... at the Tri.Delta sorority sisters. it'." The Packs, just "in" in prenticeship." .There s r~aUy an art to

II."It was a great experience; South Oxford road, were. . Chinese cooking. Food is not IVANDER ROOST, of. Kerby

Margaret Diamond Shop, 377 Fisher I'm. certainly .glad I did it rummaging through a store, SlDgle D~monsLration only supposed to taste good; road, celebrated their 50th IRb~ ... Bridge books ;.2 off. Corduroy .v.•...'.." and Mr. Pack fouod two pic- ChI~ her entklre Bcareelr aSha it's supposed to smell good,

, ~e table covers now $6.75. A group But she couldn't take the ture frames he liked. He mese coo, ~ver y as and look pretty." suey or chow me in. Herof dresses and coats tagged one-hq1Joff starvation. turned to his wife. ~een only one ~hinese Cook. Then the Pointe Tri.Deltas, menus f eat u r e authentic, , . other decorative items, too. N,zw ~fJ She came home to Detroit, "Here," he, said. "Go fill mg demonstraUoa. . l!!lder B'everly's presidency, Chinese cuisine, the thingscruise wear arriving daily! ." and a job at the General them." re~raeurabetcaf~~ ad Ctryhl~esedetermined to find a new, that go over best in a Chi-

• • • Motors Tech Cent~r, doing Beverly did. One, contain. . n a I 'o~a 0, mg, personal philanthropic pro- nese restaurant.It's Posb ••• Mic:hael says ••• "The cut's t~ thing engineering illustrations and ing a lovely, quiet landscape, ~aSll~g a;d l~o~m~ho~e t to jec.t, supplement to their tn,- Steak kow, for instance, or

for ,.... N'-'L'-. II m~'~ importaat to todav's coiffure than "government work," (a GM a lady in a field, hangs over ry 0 up Ica e e as es, ditional scholarship fund moo "00 gai pan................ J T h h . h . in her own kitchen. "My poor Fi ..... Two Proj~ts . ..' '.

a skDfuDy trimmed and sba--" bead (If hair -.nd .....'Ie tbe ec eup emlsm tor assign- t elT living room sora now. uu "" Sh t h th d f{ t~ wuo ments involvin"" retL;lment That wall's taken care of Camily!" They found two: The Amer. e t

eact~S food

eI .erentkiDd of expertise it takes to exeeute a ..... t bair cut Is B t th h t. d th ways 0 coa mg prior 0l)'- parties, et al.), and got mar •... and so are all the other u e more serle, e ican Indian, and the Mong~ ki d bo t

rel.tively rare, more aDd more crimpers are cropping up f 1 h I ~ coo ng an w 0 grow.L_ ried, and kept on working un. walls. more success u er mea s loid Achievement Foundat1'on - to ('t.. ...., lcene. The b.Ir Is cut aDd blown dry. B-b work b d h f d Ch' • your own -uean sprouls I'M~ tiI Michael arrived. Beverly Pack can rest Oll ecame, an s e Dun ]. run by a woman in BI'rml'ng. ly k' fi d . 'Just(will. lpeelal round brush) lives tbe bair bod" and lift." t t 1 on ta es ve ays____ • Not Really BelUed her artist's laurels for a nese res auran personne ham who takes Mon"oloid . . .;;::U~.~.y~~:~~~~f:~:~~~:tOSh Studio, She settled down at home. while. more t~an w:l1ing to .assist children and trains th:m to stick them u~der a cl~th In

• • • Well . . . maybe "settled Makes Own Clothes her, delighted to explalll the the limits of their c 't a warm, .mOist spot, like adown" isn't exactly the right She custom-designs and c?m,ponents of a particular Greater limits t h :~ac~:d ~tcben closet - and tell the

. At Ed Maliszewski Carpeting ... custom carpel. phrase. handpaints "house purses," dISh, the correct way to pre. previously bee n .imagined kids to leave them alone!) -="'"7'::mg from California. This special line of wouls Let's say Beverly shifted makes all her own clothes, pare it. possible. She teaches how to make -STUDIOCAMER"SHonnylons, acrilafls and antrons come in one of the her Case of operations. sails, and is addicted to ten. She considers Detroit's The woman came to talk a mean egg roll. I t\ r:most exciting color ranges to be found ... And you She's a member of the Dp.- nis lessons. ~olden ~udd:.a one of t~e to the Tri.Deltas in The Mean egg rolls are not that CARL .JOYNER. -:=:can buy special widths at no additional cost. See troit Institute of Arts Found. She helps friends with de- fmest C:hmese resta,~rants m Pointe, and Beverly, stunned easy to come by. '0229 MACK ...ilUM WoO:;;them at 21435 Mack Avenue. ers Society and the Junior corating, when asked. the. Ulllt~d States. And the by what one lady was doing, . ,But when you get one .. '1 .-=:,

• .' • Women's Association for the She's asked a lot. maItre d there has been very asked after the lecture what It s b,~aven! . •Mr. Mole ... is having 'a Ba'?-! Humbug! Detroit Symphony Orchestra. She's just completed her helpf.JI." funds' were available to the ----------.-----------

Sale at the Mole Hole for people who have' She's just completed a two. first four.lesson course in Beverly lea~ned h?w to ar- M 0 n g 0 I 0 id Achievement Alltart d h' 97 Ch . ,~year term as president of the Chinese Cooking, at the range her mgredlents on Foundation. emon on E. Warren Ave.set e~r 1 3 ristmas shopping Grosse Pointe Delta Delta Grosse Pointe War Memorial. trays, as the restaurant chefs "I have" said the ladyearly. All Christmas decorations and orna. Delta Alumnae. A few years ago, Beverly do, in the order of cooking, "$11.32 in 'the bank." , EVlIrything for (hr.-Simasment * off, ice buckets Y.J off, all music She paints and refinishes Pack had never had a Chi. so she can zip through the That did itboxes ;.2 off. Many other mark dountS . . • furniture. A special favorite nese meal, never eaten in a actual cooking wit~ th~ neces. 'Beverly P~ck had to doMack at Three Mile. is the armoire in the family Chinese restaurant. Then a sary speed. Orgalll~atJon, she something. Personally.

• • • room, with its Tyrolean! friend gave her a recipe for learned, v:as essential. As for She assessed her talents.Ote • , • b.s exdUng hand-blown Mexican (!)£~ Pennsylvania Dutch bird and chop suey. th~, techn.lques ':'. Other people co u 1d paint.

,ta .. ware marked up to Z!i% of( selected . tulip motifs. the family n'1me She cooked it, served it to .The fIrst m~JR. thm~ in IOther .people could sew.style •• Experience Ole at 18237 M.ck Avenue. at the bottom of one panel, i1er family, and drew raves Shm~sc cooking ISstlr frymg: "There is," thought Bev.

• • • the year Beverly complc/ed from a bliY who was Visiting ~ool<mg .very fast, over ex. erly, "only one thing I knowArriving Daily ... at Mr. Julian Fashion Bou- it at the bottom of the other for dinner that evenmg. The tremely mtense heat. how to do that somebody else

tlque, 15114 l\erchevaJ-in-the-Park new beauti. "We built the family room boy's mother called to ask I nad to Save Foel doesn't."ful cruisewear. Departing daily are the sale. about three years ago, and fOT the recipe: "My son has "The 'why' of that is inter. She ol'ganized a Chinesetagged fashions ... 822.2812. we started to furnish it with never liked Chinese food. but esting: China was a very Cocking Demonstration,

• • • 'junk'''. The Packs picked Ihe LOVED your chop suey." poor country, and fuel was charged $2 per J>Erson ad.up pieces here and there, Beverly was ITappy to scarce, so the Chinese de- mission, and raised $74 for

Interested In Antiques? ... You'll ,. '. stripped and refinished them. oblige. veloped a way to 'Prepare the Mongoloid Achievementwont to register for a series of classes .~~ "We needed a closet. 11 Several days later. she ran I food using a very sma II Foundation.about antique! beginning January 11 .~"'.~l"wanted something sort of into the young man's mother. amount of fuel. Had ZOStndentsat 7:30 p."', at Margaret's Antiques, ... .----------------------- "The second main thing in Twenty students took Bev.20129 Mack Avenue. Call 881.7044 home. We can service all your needs prescriptions ~hi~;se cooking is steam. erly Pack's fh'st Chinese

for more 'nlormafo . . 1 . h' . d mg. Cooking Course at the Grosse IS J :. • • !l'edlc~hons, willkers, whee chaIrs, ospltal ress. You have to know, too, how Pointe War Memorial last

lOgS, mco~tfnence pads, cat~eters. We have them to pr'?servc and take care of October, She's planninl; aB~=: Je~11')' by Cueter) .. I' ':.t~m ~t cr~rts. all. We wJlJ charge and dehver. Let us help you. your ingredients and those second course identical to

:':l :v:l')'on~ Se~=a~n::n: :os:.~n.a~': of em:ra~:: It's a difiicull job ... A. J. Meyer, Inc., 16361 Mack ingredients are,' themselves, the ,first, this spring.a" 4l1lll0llCb, rublel and diamonds, op.11 and diamonds, Avenue. a whole new ~orld. Be"erl~, . It s a cram course, .de.npplllrel .1Id diamond. , •• ID nn,., bracelets, ear rinlsl • •.• In her first tripS to th~ Chl' SIgned to provtde the baslcs.alld pial al 1t860 Mack Avenue. Open 10 I.m. to 6 p.m,' Start The New Year Rlght ... b.y nese Mark~t, was Alice In Beverly, at the point oow"elT da, ••• 10 I.m. to • p.m, Friday making reguwr appointments for hOlr ~ Wonderland .. She spe~thours where sh~ can go anywhere,

• • • styling facials pedicures and to have the~e. at 1\ tll'l~e, lookmg~ ex. have a chinese mea I and. , '. b f amlRlII~, askmg quesllons, come home and duplicate It,Home Health Care Products ... are increasingly Dura-Lashes ~pplted one y one or ' Now she knows what's on the believes .the basics, and a

important for all of us today. Facing rising hospital natural, beautrftflly framed eyes .. , Call shelves, willingness to elOperlment,costs and convalescent homes filled to capacity, The Grosse Pomte Colose1tm, 881-7252 "So many Chinese ingredi. are all one needs.more and more of us face caring for patients at . 20335 Mack Avenue. ents arc great for other cook. She doesn't tea e h chop

by Pat ROUIlenChristmas Money ..• goes far, fashionably, at

Walton.Pierce during the annual clearance sale.Coals, dresses, robes, negligees, accessories andmillinery are priced up to 50% off. It's also anexcellent time for the bride to be to pick up abeautiful wedding gown right out of stock at a ",beautiful savings. And if you are lucky to be ableto wear the size of our cuslom model, you can havea fabulous fashion made of imported fabrics at afraction of the cost.

... ... ...Your Best Move In The New Year, •• is to the

care'free good life in Grosse Pointe's newest condo.minium, the Jefferson Apartments, 11111 East Jef.ferson. Exterior maintenance, gardening and snowremoval are arranged for you, A door man parksyour car, receives your packages if you're not home.These apartments are larger than most suburbanhomes with ease and convenience built-in. The nine.foot ctilings, the maximum insulation insures a spa.cioru quiet atmosphere. A washer-dryer is right inflour kitchen as is the ice maker. There's a naturalfireplace in the living room, a wet har in. the denand walk-in closets in the bedroom. You'll have allthe comforts of home but few of the responsibilities.The most.modern security systems guard your apart.ment while you are there or while traveling. Visitthe model, open daily 12:00 to 5:00 except Wednes-day ... 882.7708 or 886-4880 , .. Michigan Condo-minium Corp. • • •

fte No:toae Food CeDier • . • lives you one powereer.er .If wltlcJl YOll can operat~ 7 cordless appllmees,I.ell IS.. mixer, b1fe Ibarpeoer, blender, fruit Juicer,Ure«c1er'IUcer, me.t pinder .Dd ice crusber. n. Is avaDableat Ketschler KftcbeDS, ztz21 Mack Avenue, TV •.3700.• • •

There Is A New Look Comins 1n 1973 ... toMichelle's Boutique. Watch for it In February. Thestore-wide clearance sale is better than ever withprices slashed to go. Michelle's, 17864 Mack Ave-nue, is open till 5:30 daily ..• 8 p.m. on Friday.

'" . .







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