Lotus® Mobile Connect Troubleshooting Guide Version 6.1.1

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Lotus® Mobile Connect

Troubleshooting Guide

Version 6.1.1


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Page 3: Lotus Mobile Connect: Lotus Mobile Connect …€¦ · Lotus ® Mobile Connect. It ... notes to the reader. Highlights tips for the reader. Before you ... Log In (optionally Proceed

Lotus® Mobile Connect

Troubleshooting Guide

Version 6.1.1


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Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices.

This edition applies to version 6, release 1, modification 1 of IBM Lotus Mobile Connect (product number 5724-R20)

and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.

When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any

way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation and others 1994, 2007. All rights reserved.

Note to U.S. Government Users — Documentation related to restricted rights — Use, duplication or disclosure is

subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

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Chapter 1. Troubleshooting guide . . . . 1

Before you call IBM Support . . . . . . . . . 1

Locating the problem . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Installing and using the IBM Support Assistant . . . 3

Determining the version of code installed . . . . . 6

Obtaining service updates . . . . . . . . . 6

Determining the service level of the Connection

Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Determining the service level of Mobility Clients . 7

Determining the service level of Gatekeeper . . . 7

Troubleshooting checklists . . . . . . . . . . 7

Mobility Client log in and password problems . . 7

Mobility Client problems . . . . . . . . . 14

Connection Manager problems . . . . . . . 18

Persistent data storage problems . . . . . . 23

Application problems . . . . . . . . . . 26

Gatekeeper problems . . . . . . . . . . 26

Determining the status of resources . . . . . . 28

Verifying Connection Manager processes . . . . 29

Verifying the portmap daemon is enabled for

automatic start-up on AIX systems . . . . . . 29

Port number information . . . . . . . . . . 30

Supported locales . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Using access manager logs . . . . . . . . . 34

Using Connection Manager logs . . . . . . . 34

Message log . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Account log . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Trace log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Testing for UDP packet loss . . . . . . . . . 44

Troubleshooting tips . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Finding broadcast errors when using mobile access

services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Determining the status of an X.25 link on AIX . . . 46

Monitoring X.25 data flow . . . . . . . . 47

Sending network management traps . . . . . . 47

Trap variables . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Trap severity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Trap descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Chapter 2. Notices . . . . . . . . . . 53

Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57


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Chapter 1. Troubleshooting guide

This guide can assist you with problems that you might experience, including

problems with installation.

This guide is designed to serve as a self-help tool to help you resolve your

problem without having to call IBM® support. If you do have to call IBM support,

this guide provides the information you will need to help your IBM service

representative better diagnose and resolve your problem.

Use this information to help determine and resolve problems with IBM Lotus®

Mobile Connect. It explains how to:

v Determine the status of various resources, devices, and links

v Determine the level of the code installed

v Verify Connection Manager processes

v Troubleshoot login and password problems or other problems with specific


v Determine what to do before calling IBM support

v View messages in the message log file

v Monitor packet flow

v Use troubleshooting tips

v Get port number and supported locale information

v Get a description of trap severity codes

Use these links to consult other available troubleshooting resources:

v Service update information

v Information center

v Technotes

v Other product information (reference manuals, white papers)

In this guide, you will see the following icons:

Points out important notes to the reader.

Highlights tips for the reader.

Before you call IBM Support

Service personnel responding to a request for help might ask these questions.

v Which level of code is installed for the Connection Manager, Gatekeeper, and

Mobility Client? See Determining the version of code installed to determine the

version numbers and how to access the available software downloads.

v Have you checked to see if your network carrier has been out of service?

v Have you registered the problematic mobile unit (MAN or LLI)?

v Is this a new mobile device or has it worked before?


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v Did the start of the problem coincide with any changes you made to hardware

or software?

If you have determined that you need IBM assistance to solve a problem, then

complete this IBM support checklist. The information in this checklist is used by

the IBM Support Center to help diagnose your problem. Print a copy of this list,

and then fill in the blanks, before contacting IBM for support.

Description of the problem and the environment

1. Problem summary:





2. Specify the Connection Manager version number and build date:


See Determining the version of code installed to determine the version

number and how to access the available software downloads.

3. On what operating system is the Connection Manager running? What level of

the operating system is installed? Are any maintenance levels or fix packs

applied to the operating system?


4. Which relational database product is installed and what version is it? Are any

fix packs installed?


5. Is the database server located on the same physical machine as the Connection



6. Which DSS (directory service server or LDAP (If LDAP is used)) product does

the Connection Manager connect to and what version is it?


7. Is the DSS server located on the same physical machine as the Connection



8. If the Gatekeeper is involved with this problem, what version of the

Gatekeeper is installed, and on what operating system is it running?


9. Which device or devices are being used to connect to the Connection



10. Which version(s) of the Mobility Client are being used to connect to the

Connection Manager?


11. Which operating systems are being used for the Mobility Clients?



12. If a modem or network card is in use, list the manufacturer, model, and

network over which it operates.


13. List any and all error messages (if any are received) from the Mobility Client.

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14. Steps to recreate the problem:








15. Describe the network environment:








Locating the problem

The current state of the Connection Manager is determined by the following


v Real status of the network interfaces

v X.25 link status

v X.25 monitoring

v Connection Manager processes

v File system status

v Log messages

v Persistent storage

Installing and using the IBM Support Assistant

This section describes how to install, configure, and use the IBM Support Assistant

(ISA) for Lotus Mobile Connect.

Installing the Lotus Mobile Connect plug-in for ISA allows you to navigate the ISA

utility, using these tabs:

v Search lets you search various sites for Lotus Mobile Connect issues.

v Education provides web links to education materials.

v Support provides web links to support materials.

v Services lets you create problem management records (PMRs) and automatically

collect and ship problem documentation.

Considerations before you begin

v In the current implementation of ISA, you can only display PMRs that were

created using the electronic service reporting (ESR) system or using ISA.

v For electronic submission of PMRs, you must have an IBM Passport Advantage®

account. Use this account ID and password to log on and enable access to the

ESR system. To list yourself as an IBM Authorized caller in ESR, see the ESR

help information. on the Software support site.

v If you want to use ISA’s Services capability to automatically create a PMR and

send associated collected documentation, ISA and the Lotus Mobile Connect

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plug-in must be present and running on the Connection Manager system.

Additionally, this system must have access to the Internet to allow FTP delivery

of the associated logs.

To submit and track problems, see the Software support site.

Installation of ISA and the Lotus Mobile Connect plug-in

To install ISA:

1. Sign in using your ID and password of your IBM account and obtain the ISA

utility software package from the IBM Support Assistant site.

2. Follow the instructions in the Installation and Troubleshooting Guide, included

in the ISA package.

To install the Connection Manager plug-in:

1. Obtain the Lotus Mobile Connect ISA plug-in tar file from the Lotus Mobile

Connect support site.

2. Untar the ISA plug-in and place the resulting directory

(com.ibm.esupport.client.SSVLBW.v6) in the following location: <ISA Install


3. Start and access ISA using the instructions in the Installation and

Troubleshooting Guide included in the ISA package.

Using IBM Support Assistant

You can use the ISA Search, Education, Support, and Services functions using IBM

Support Assistant.

Using ISA Search

After you click the Search tab, you can choose to search one or more sources of

information, including:

v IBM software support documents

v IBM developerWorks®

v IBM newsgroups and forums

v Google web search

After you select one or more of the four choices, more detail might be displayed

providing additional selections.

Note: Although the search results in the left panel might reflect a large number of

hits, ISA limits displaying only the top 32 results.

Using ISA Education

You can explore IBM’s web education web sites.

Using ISA Support

You can link to the Lotus Mobile Connect Support site, product home page, news

groups, and forums.

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Using ISA Service

This tab provides the capability to invoke an automated collection of system

information and subcomponent logs to provide to IBM Support staff for aid in

problem determination. An example scenario includes:

1. Click the Service tab.

2. In the Service panel, select System Information and/or IBM Lotus Mobile

Connect, then click Collect.

Note: The value you enter for the installation directory is not currently used by

the plug-in. Therefore, you can choose to enter any existing directory, for

example /tmp. After the collection completes, a summary is displayed.

3. In the left panel, click Log In (optionally Proceed to Manage Problem Reports),

then enter your IBM ID, your password, your IBM customer number, and select

the appropriate Country/Region of your support contract. Optionally, select

Remember my IBM ID, IBM Customer Number, and Country/Region.

4. Click Login.

5. In the left panel, click Submit Problem Report. The following input fields are

on the Services tab when creating a PMR:

v Select a product

v Select a component

v Select a severity level

v Short description

v Recent changes to system

v Corrective actions already taken

v Platform/Operating system

v Other relevant information

v Collector file

v Attachment

Note: You do not have to take action to attach the file that was generated in

step 2. ″Attachment″ here means any additional file you need to send

to IBM support.6. Click Submit.

7. PMRs opened using ISA can later be managed using the List Problem Reports


Additional Notes®

1. If your Connection Manager system cannot access the Internet, you can still use

ISA to collect problem documentation. In this case, manually copy the collector

output file (for example, <ISA Install root>/workspace/.metadata/collector_050714_1514_57887.jar) to a system that has FTP access to the Internet

and FTP the file as instructed by IBM support.

2. You can access ISA from a system other than the Connection Manager system,

providing startisa.sh has been run on the Connection Manager system. This is

useful in cases where the Connection Manager system has no display screen.

3. If a technical limitation prevents you from running ISA on your Connection

Manager system, you can still download the ISA plug-in and run the support

script from a command line. The script should be run from a directory on a file

system with sufficient space to contain its output, preferably a file system that

does not impact Connection Manager performance (for example, /tmp/). The

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script creates a directory named lmcsupport.out in the current working

directory. You can tar the contents of that directory to submit to IBM support.

You will not have the other benefits of ISA, such as submitting PMRs, federated

searches, etc. if you choose this option.

4. Documentation is gathered only for the Connection Manager. If any logs or

traces are gathered from the Mobility Client or Gatekeeper systems, these must

be submitted to support separately.

5. ISA v3 is not yet supported. It is recommended that you extract the plug-in,

run wecmsupport.sh manually and submit wecmsupport.out to IBMsupport.

Determining the version of code installed

Each component of code that you installed has a service level version number.

You need to be able to identify the version number of the code that you installed

on each component.

Obtaining service updates

You can access the list of latest service updates or review all the information on the

Connection Manager Support site.

The Support site URL is: www.ibm.com/software/lotus/mobileconnect/support/

To download the latest service updates from the Support site, click Recommended

Maintenance in the Self-help column. You will link to a list of the most current

versions. After you have chosen the download you want, you are prompted to

register or verify your registration for downloading IBM Lotus Mobile Connect


Note that for some downloads, you will also be asked to supply a download

key to access the files. This key is available for IBM licensed customers of the

product. If you do not know the download key, you may obtain it by opening a

Problem Management Record (PMR) to the IBM Support Center at (800) IBM-SERV.

Outside the United States, visit http://www.ibm.com/planetwide. To open an

electronic PMR, visit http://www.ibm.com/software/support/probsub.html. After

you have passed the verification, you will be able to download the appropriate


There is a readme file or other installation instructions associated with each

download describing how to install and use it.

Determining the service level of the Connection Manager

To determine the service level of the Connection Manager on your system, issue

the following command: lswg -V |more

The output of this command will give you the software version and release as well

as the date which it was built.

Alternatively, use the Gatekeeper to display the version. Click the About tab from

the Connection Manager properties notebook.

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Determining the service level of Mobility Clients

On Linux®

In the Connections window, click Help -> About.

On Microsoft® desktop Windows®

Right-click the Mobility Client icon

in the system tray, then click

About. Or click Help -> About from the Connections window in the IBM

Mobility Client folder.

On Microsoft Windows CE

Tap the Windows logo, then tap Programs -> IBM Mobility Client. Tap

Connections, then tap Help -> About at the bottom of the screen.

On Nokia Communicator devices

Tap the Menu button, then tap Tools -> About.

Determining the service level of Gatekeeper

Start the Gatekeeper, then click Help -> About, then click Version Number of the


For more diagnostic information, open the file StdErr.txt which is located in the

.wgcfg directory relative to the user’s home directory.

Troubleshooting checklists

Use the following checklists to help you eliminate possible problem areas and find


Some of the items in the checklists are questions that you should ask yourself

while others are items that lead you to another item or related information.

Mobility Client log in and password problems

Frequently asked questions about problems with passwords and logging in are

included in this topic.

Browse these questions, then link to the answers below.

1. I have lost my password. What do I do?

2. I have forgotten my password. How can I get it reset?

3. I have typed in my password correctly, so why am I not able to log in? The

system tells me it is the wrong password.

4. I am seeing another password prompt besides the one I usually see. What do I


5. How do I change my password?

6. I get a message that the Mobility Client timed out while logging into the

Connection Manager. What do I do?

7. I tried several times to enter my password and I got a message that my account

has been locked. What do I do?

8. I see the Connect window on my screen but the progress indicators never turn

green and do not advance to 2 or 3 bars during the login. What’s wrong?

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9. Why can I not establish a connection when specifying a user ID with national

language characters?

Answers to Mobility Client login and passwords problems include:

1. I have lost my password. What do I do?

Connection Manager administrators use the Gatekeeper to access the User

account and perform a password reset for you. They will not be able to tell you

what your password is because it will be hidden.

It would be wise to set up Gatekeeper login accounts for Connection

Manager administrators and to set up these accounts with access control lists

that limit what resources they are able to read and modify.

2. I have forgotten my password. How can I get it reset?

Ask a Connection Manager administrator to perform a password reset.

To perform a password reset using Gatekeeper:

a. Click Find..., then type the User ID in the User ID field and click Find now.

b. Right-click the user ID in the Find Resource Results window, then click


c. Click the Password tab, then type the password twice: once in the Enter the

new password field and again in the Confirm the new password field.

d. Click OK or Apply.

When the password is typed in, it appears as asterisks (*).

3. I have typed in my password correctly, so why am I not able to log in? The

system tells me it is the wrong password.

The immediate response to help the user get logged in would be to perform a

password reset. However, this problem might indicate a problem with the

Connection Manager, and it should be reported to the Connection Manager

administrator for further diagnosis and possible contact with the IBM Support


4. I am seeing another password prompt besides the one I usually see. What do I


a. On the Attributes tab of the Mobility Client properties is a box labelled

Prompt for user ID and password. Verify whether this box is selected or


b. Your system can be configured to ask for secondary login authentication.

Depending on how the Mobility Client is configured you might see a

secondary login window.

c. There is a parameter in the configuration file called OneButtonConnect. If

the Prompt for user ID and password box is checked and the user ID and

password have been successfully entered and saved once, this would

prevent you from seeing the login panel.5. How do I change my password?

You must be logged in to the Connection Manager to be offered the

opportunity to change your password.

Nokia Communicator devices

Press the Menu key. Select Account → Password change.

Nokia E series devices

Press the button next to Option on the Mobility Client window. Select

Account → Password change.

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Linux desktop machines

Right-click the Mobility Client icon in the Connections window, then

click Change Password....

Windows CE devices

Tap the Mobility Client icon, then tap Change Password....

Windows desktop machines

Right-click the icon in the system tray, then click Change Password....You are prompted to type in your present password followed by the new

password twice. If the Connection Manager administrator has configured

Connection Manager to use a password profile, there might be special rules for

your password before it is accepted.

6. I get a message that the Mobility Client timed out while logging into the

Connection Manager. What do I do?

There are typically four situations:

a. The Mobility Client has a login timer which, if you do not successfully log

in to the Connection Manager before the time has elapsed, will stop the

connection attempt and issue the message.

b. Login packets are not reaching or being processed by the Connection

Manager. There could be a number of reasons for this:

v User device is in a low signal strength area.

v Problem is in the bearer network, preventing the login packets from

reaching the Connection Manager.

v Packets reach the Connection Manager, but are not processed. Perform

Connection Manager troubleshooting procedures if this reason is


v The Connection Manager is not returning the login responses to the

Mobility Client in a timely manner, and after the client’s timer expires,

the connection attempt is stopped.c. On some devices and laptop computers, if the Ethernet cable is unplugged,

it might be incorrectly reported to the Mobility Client that the adapter is

available, with an IP address in the range of -

The Mobility Client attempts to open, activate, and use this adapter for

communication with the Connection Manager, and the login attempt will

time out. If this occurs, remove the adapter from the system and attempt to

log in again. For example, Intermec 700 series devices, when plugged into

the Intermec docking station with the Ethernet cable unplugged, can

experience this behavior.

d. If you are using secondary authentication with LDAP-bind to Microsoft

Active Directory, you can experience this condition if the system password

on the Active Directory server is changed. You will receive this message

even if the password on the Active Directory server is changed back to its

original value, unless the Connection Manager is restarted.7. I tried several times to enter my password and I got a message that my account

has been locked. What do I do?

Contact the Connection Manager administrator who will have to examine your

user account in the Gatekeeper to clear the Locked setting on the Account tab

of your user account. After this setting is cleared, you will be able to log in


8. I see the Connect window on my screen but the progress indicators never turn

green and do not advance to 2 or 3 bars during the login. What’s wrong?

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v If the progress indicator does not show 1 green progress bar, it means that

the Mobility Client was unable to initialize or communicate with the

modem/network card. On Windows systems, the Mobility Client uses the

Microsoft TAPI (telephony application programming interface) to

communicate with modems.

v If the progress indicator shows only 1 green bar, then the Mobility Client is

successfully communicating with the modem/network card, but has not been

able to establish a connection with the physical network.

v If the progress indicator shows 2 green bars but not the third bar, then this is

an indication that a physical network connection has been made, but the

Connection Manager and the Mobility Client have been unable to negotiate a

login connection.

On Windows desktop systems, right-click the Mobility Client icon in the

system tray and click Status, then click the Statistics tab. The status window

shows the number of packets sent and received as well as the number of

bytes sent and received and the time of the current client connection. If the

packets sent count is not incrementing when you attempt to use an

application, then the traffic is not leaving the Mobility Client.

Another good test would be to determine if a ping command is successful to

the external IP address of the Connection Manager machine. If the ping

command is not successful, then the Connection Manager cannot return any

packets to the Mobility Client.9. Why can I not establish a connection when specifying a user ID with national

language characters?

On AIX®, Linux, and Solaris systems, make sure that UTF-8 support is installed

on the Connection Manager for your operating system.

Using logs to troubleshoot login problems

Use Mobility Client trace and Connection Manager logs to troubleshoot Mobility

Client login problems.

To troubleshoot login problems on Windows:

1. On the Mobility Client system: Start -> Programs -> IBM Mobility Client ->

Connections -> Tools -> Configure Trace -> Level -> High -> OK. The trace

file is in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\arttrace.txt. If you

are using an older version of Mobility Client, it will be in the installation


Note: The location of arttrace.txt has changed to C:\Users\Public\Documents

in Windows Vista.

2. In the Gatekeeper connected to the Connection Manager, either configure full

logging for all users or restrict logging to a specific user. By default, this log file

is wg.log. This file is located in /var/adm/ on AIX, Linux, or Solaris. On

Windows, this file is located in the installation directory under logs\.

3. Attempt to log in from the Mobility Client.

4. Review the Mobility Client trace and Connection Manager log.

In general, you will see four packets exchanged between the Mobility Client and

Connection Manager to establish the secured and encrypted tunnel. Additional

packets might be required if either the Mobility Client or Connection Manager

disagrees (negative acknowledgement or NACK) on a setting proposed by the

other. These packets are:

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v Link control protocol (LCP) configuration request (Mobility Client to Connection


v LCP configuration acknowledge (ACK) (Connection Manager to Mobility Client)

v LCP configuration request (Connection Manager to Mobility Client)

v LCP configuration ACK (Mobility Client to Connection Manager)

The trace/log excerpts below provide additional details. These excerpts are taken

from a Mobility Client connecting to a Connection Manager using system

authentication. Additional authentication packets will follow if secondary

authentication (LDAP-bind, RADIUS, or Certificate) is being used. In the case of

secondary authentication, the tunnel is established but cannot be used to route

traffic until authentication completes.

In the arttrace.txt file, find the Mobility Client version. Connecting uplevel clients

to a backlevel Connection Manager is not supported. The Connection Manager

version can be found by running lswg -V.

This excerpt is from the trace file:

Release build compiled on Sep 27 2005 - 20:30:41. (EB0.994)

CORE Microsoft Windows XP Professional version 5.1 Service Pack 1

(Build 2600). (EB0.994)

Find the Connection Manager IP address and connection port that the Mobility

Client is trying to use. This address should be routable from the Mobility Client

and the port should be open on any firewalls between the Mobility Client and

Connection Manager.

UdpPort.cpp,41: CUdpPort::CUdpPort txPort=<PORT> txtAdrr=<IP_ADDRESS> rxPort=0


Determine which IP address and port the client is bound to and listening on. This

address should be routable from the Connection Manager and the port should be

open on any firewalls between the client and the Connection Manager.

UdpPort.cpp,195: CUdpPort::connect setting bind address to <IP_ADDRESS> (EB0.8FC)

UdpPort.cpp,206: CUdpPort::connect setting bind port to <PORT> (EB0.8FC)

Determine which physical interface the client is bound to, and use operating

system or device-specific tools to ensure there are no problems with this interface.

ipdriver.cpp,1195: Message from core: eMsg_SetActiveInterface, <Name of interface>

The Mobility Client sets a host route to the Connection Manager. The routing table

can be verified by running netstat -ar on Linux and Windows 32-bit operating


route.cpp,1222: Active routing table (EB0.8FC)

Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric


Confirm that the appropriate host route to the Connection Manager exists in the

routing table. Initialization of the logon sequence follows:

ARTAPI API Message to core: eMsg_Logon (F18.810)

The outbound LCP configuration request (Mobility Client to Connection Manager)


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Note: If you see multiple outbound requests, but no inbound ACK/NACK, there

is probably a routing problem between the Mobility Client and Connection

Manager.ALP LCP-Configure Request id=0x01, Outbound

<mru 1472> <magic 0x8f662700> <pcomp> <acomp>

<encrypt AES(256)/CBC> <compress PKDCL> <VJ-red> <ip-addr>

<subnet mask> <version 732 IBM Corporation/MS Windows

32-bit (02dc0206)

Microsoft Windows XP Professional version 5.1 Service Pack 1 (Build 2600)>

<Key request



<routes : none> <WLP_TCP> <userid <user ID>>

<dns addresses : > <WLP Session ID 0x7687>

<Network InformationSpeed=100000000 Network

Name=Intel (R) PRO/1000 MT Mobile Connection - Net

Firewall Miniport Interface> <Build DataBuild

Data= 20050927_2011> (EB0.994)

Hex dumps of LCP packets always begin with ″C0 21″.

WRAPR HEX dump of 1472 bytes starting at address 009F7578: (EB0.994)

0000: C0 21 ...

Inbound LCP configuration ACK (Connection Manager to Mobility Client):

ALP LCP-Configure Ack id=0x01, Inbound

<mru 1472> <magic 0x8f662700> <pcomp> <acomp>

<encrypt AES(256)/CBC> <compress PKDCL> <VJ-red> <ip-addr>

<subnet mask> <version 732 IBM Corporation/MS Windows

32-bit (02dc0206)

Microsoft Windows XP Professional version 5.1 Service Pack 1

(Build 2600)>

<routes : none> <WLP_TCP> <userid test>

<dns addresses : > <WLP Session ID 0x7687>

<Network InformationSpeed=100000000 Network

Name=Intel (R) PRO/1000 MT Mobile Connection - Net

Firewall Miniport Interface> <Build DataBuild

Data= 20050927_2011> (EB0.70C)

Inbound LCP configuration request (Connection Manager to Mobility Client).

Note the authentication type here - two party key distribution protocol (that is,

system authentication). This authentication corresponds to the key exchange =

password on the Security tab of the connection profile on the Mobility Client. Note

also that the routes that are pushed down to the Mobility Client tell the Mobility

Client which IP addresses can be reached over the virtual interface and will be

added to the operating system routing table.

ALP LCP-Configure Request id=0x01, Inbound

<magic 0x344d79b8> <pcomp> <acomp> <encrypt AES(256)/CBC>

<compress PKDCL> <auth TPKDP Plaintext/SHA>

<VJ-red> <ip-addr>

<subnet mask> <routes : Dest

Address: Mask: Dest

Address: Mask: > <version

732 IBM Corporation/LINUX (02dc020f)> <WLP Session ID 0x7687>

<Transport Profile Compression=FALSE, Balance Fragments=TRUE,

Header Reduction=FALSE, Packet Joining=FALSE, IP Forwarding=TRUE,

TCP Opt=TRUE, Network MTU=1472, IP Stack MTU=1448, TCP Initial RTT=3,

TCP ACK Delay=0, WLP Transmit Delay=100, LCP Echo Interval=20,

TCP Opt TTL=10001, TCP Window=0, TCP Burst Rate=5,

TCP Max Retransmits=3>

<session key

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< Key auth=844113a40b257464925803e206febfd85f48c5a2



Outbound LCP configuration ACK (Mobility Client to Connection Manager):

14:08:06 ALP LCP-Configure Ack id=0x01, Outbound

<magic 0x344d79b8> <pcomp> <acomp> <encrypt AES(256)/CBC>

<compress PKDCL> <auth TPKDP Plaintext/SHA> <VJ-red> <ip-addr>

<subnet mask> <routes : Dest

Address: Mask: Dest Address:

Mask: >

<version 732 IBM Corporation/LINUX (02dc0206f) <WLP Session ID 0x7687>

<Transport Profile Compression=FALSE, Balance Fragments=TRUE,

Header Reduction=FALSE, Packet Joining=FALSE, IP Forwarding=TRUE,

TCP Opt=TRUE, Network MTU=1472, IP Stack MTU=1448, TCP Initial RTT=3,

TCP ACK Delay=0, WLP Transmit Delay=100, LCP Echo Interval=20,

TCP Opt TTL=10001, TCP Window=0, TCP Burst Rate=5, TCP Max Retransmits=3>

<session key



<Authentication auth=16887f3f72b951ea56c30465cd6403bc0daa507e>


LCP handshaking is complete. This message shows the Connection Manager and

Mobility Client virtual (MNI) addresses, respectively:

DATAMGR Now logged onto gateway with local ip=,

subnet= (EB0.70C)

The secured and encrypted tunnel between the client and server is completely

initialized after you see this message:

DATAMGR Gratuitous ARP Received (EB0.F4C)

Routes are then added to the routing table based on the MNI definition:

DATAMGR Adding route: Destination = Mask = (EB0.F4C)

DATAMGR Adding route: Destination = Mask = (EB0.F4C)

From the wg.log file on the Connection Manager, as on the client, you can identify

the LCP packets by the first two bytes of the hex dump:

UdpPort: received data from <client real IP address> port <client MNC port> (1472)

on port <server MNC port>

0000: c0 21 . . .

The LCP packet enters the queue for processing:

WLP: queueing LCP packet from device <client real IP address>:<client MNC port>

for processing

Creating the active session table entry for this Mobility Client:

First occurence of device <client real IP address>:<client MNC port> in the system -

creating an account for it

. . . database calls follow . . .

The DHCP subsystem assigns the client an IP address:

DHCP_System::assign: (entry)

DHCP_System::assign: (return), rc=0

Transport profile processing begins. See the Technote on Determining the transport

profile used in a session for details.

Chapter 1. Troubleshooting guide 13

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WLP_Session::setTransportProfile: (entry)

The initial configuration request processed by the Connection Manager with ″id 1″

corresponds to ″id=0x01″ in the Mobility Client trace:

[<user Id> (client real IP address>:<client MNC port>)] PPP-FSM: rconfreq - received

CONFREQ with id1

The Connection Manager reviews each requested setting for the connection, either

ACKs or NACKs, and sends the response to the Mobility Client:

[<user ID>(<client real IP address>:<client MNC port>)] PPP-LCP: lcp_reqci -

received MRU

PPP-LCP: lcp_reqci - received MRU-value 1472

PPP-LCP: lcp_reqci - ACK


PPP-LCP: lcp_reqci - ACK

PPP-LCP: lcp_reqci - returning CONFACK.


WLP: delivering WLP data (256) to account

<user ID>(client real IP address>:<client MNC port>)

ip-lan0::deliver: (entry)

ip-lan0: delivering packet (256)

0000: c0 21 . . .

The Connection Manager sends its configuration request:

PPP-LCP: fsm_sconfreq - sending Configure-Request, id 1

The Connection Manager then receives the configuration acknowledgement

(CONFACK) from the Mobility Client:

PPP-LCP: fsm_rconfack - received id 1

And indicates that the connection is complete (Mobility Client virtual IP/MNI


Trap: ’AG: connection established’ (

The active session database is then updated and database calls follow.

Mobility Client problems

Frequently asked questions not related to login problems with Mobility Clients are

included in this topic.

Browse these questions, then link to the answers below.

1. What does a red X over the Mobility Client icon mean?

2. What happens to my Mobility Client connection when I have no signal and I

am connected/logged in to the Connection Manager?

3. What happens to my Mobility Client connection when I go out-of-range of my


4. I can log on using the Mobility Client, but my applications do not seem to

work. What’s wrong?

5. Why can’t I connect to the Connection Manager?

6. Why can’t I connect to the network? (This could mean the physical network

or it could mean you cannot log in to the Connection Manager.)

7. What does the message ″The IBM Connection Manager has terminated your

connection″ mean?

8. What does ″The IBM Connection Manager has terminated your connection

because another user has logged in with the same userid″ mean?

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9. Why did I get a popup message indicating the configuration of the client does

not match that of the Connection Manager?

10. I see a message that says the host is unreachable or unknown. What do I do?

11. Mobility Client packets are being dropped. What do I do?

Answers to the problems with the Mobility Client include:

1. What does a red X over the Mobility Client icon mean?

This symbol

is the Network out-of-range indicator or the Network

congestion indicator. This icon is shown on top of the Mobility Client icon in

the Microsoft Windows system tray. If you are using the client and have

moved into an area where the network cannot be reached or is congested, it

causes a delay in network traffic. When the situation clears, the red icon will


2. What happens to my Mobility Client connection when I have no signal and I

am connected/logged in to the Connection Manager?

The Mobility Client connection can be thought of as having two parts. The

first part is the physical network connection you have from your device to

your company network. The second part is the connection between the

Mobility Client and the Connection Manager. If you lost your signal to the

physical network, the virtual connection between the Mobility Client and the

Connection Manager is maintained. If your device comes back into an area of

network coverage again, then you can simply resume your activity.

The way in which the Mobility Client is able to resume this activity is based

in part on the type of connection you have to your network. One situation

where you would not be able to resume normal activity would be if you

remained out-of-range for a long enough period of time where the Connection

Manager logs you off due to inactivity. This amount of time is configurable on

the Connection Manager and can also be turned off.

3. What happens to my Mobility Client connection when I go out-of-range of my


It depends on how your current connection to the Connection Manager is

configured and what interfaces are defined, but when you roam out-of-range

of your network, the Mobility Client receives an out-of-range event indication

(device and operating system dependent) which causes the client to suspend

that interface for data transfer. If you are configured to have another network

interface and it is in range, the Mobility Client would roam to that interface,

make it active and use it. The Mobility Client waits for your network device

to signal that it is back in range and the client resumes the connection. The

Mobility Client lets the user arrange multiple network interfaces in a priority

list that determines which networks are used first when they are in range. For

a more complete discussion of cross-network roaming, see Using the Mobility

Client in the Mobility Client for Windows User’s Guide. There is also a Technical

Note (Technote) that discusses roaming at Mobility Client roaming features.

4. I can log on using the Mobility Client, but my applications do not seem to

work. What is wrong?

a. If you are using a desktop Windows device, open a command prompt and

issue the ipconfig command. Make sure that the adapter has an IP address


The output can be interpreted as follows:

Chapter 1. Troubleshooting guide 15

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Connection-specific DNS Suffix

This will likely be your company domain.

IP Address

The IP address supplied by the Connection Manager.

It is important that this address be valid and have come from the

DHCP address pool defined in the Connection Manager. If this

address does not come from the DHCP pool or is not a valid

address, then this is the reason for the problem.

Subnet Mask

This is the subnet mask which should come from your Connection

Manager’s DHCP pool configuration.

Default Gateway

This is the IP address of the router where the IP traffic is sent first.

For the Mobility Client this field might be valid if it is blank.b. Issue a ping command against the mobile network interface (MNI) address

of the Connection Manager. The MNI address is available from the

Connection Manager administrator. If you are able to ping the MNI, then

you have shown that a good connection exists between the device and the

Connection Manager.

c. Another visual indication to see whether IP packets are flowing is to use

the Mobility Client status information. On Windows desktop systems,

right-click the Mobility Client icon in the system tray and click Status, then

click the Statistics tab. The status window shows the number of packets

sent and received, as well as the number of bytes sent and received and

the time of the current client connection. If the packets-sent count is not

increasing when you attempt to use an application, then the traffic is not

leaving the Mobility Client. Check the Mobility Client configuration for


d. If the packets-sent count is increasing but the received count is not

increasing, then the packets might be reaching the Connection Manager

but not returning. Perform Connection Manager debug procedures. 5. Why can’t I connect to the Connection Manager?

a. How many green bars are displayed on the Connect window during the

login attempt? Use this window to determine where the problem might be.

If it is possible, determine the signal strength of the modem. If the modem

signal strength is low, then this could be a reason why you are unable to


v A blue bar means that the Mobility Client has not successfully contacted

that level yet

v 1 green bar = Connected to modem/network card

v 2 green bars = Connected to the network

v 3 green bars = Connected to the Connection Manager

Some Microsoft Windows Updates rename the network adapter. When the

network adapter is renamed, Mobility Client cannot connect. In these

cases, delete the connection and recreate a new connection.

b. Is the IP address of the Connection Manager correct in the Mobility Client

connection properties?

To verify, from the Mobility Client Connections window, right-click the

connection you are using. Click Properties and click the Networks tab,

then click the Properties button.

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On the Ports tab, check the port numbers to make sure they are correct.

8889 is the default value for UDP ports. Check with the Connection

Manager administrator to make sure this is accurate. 6. Why can’t I connect to the network? (This could mean the physical network

or it could mean you cannot log in to the Connection Manager.)

You need to determine if you are having connectivity problems with the

bearer network or if the connectivity problem is with the Connection Manager.

Look at the Mobility Client Connect window when attempting to log in. The

green bars assist you in making the determination if you are accessing the

network or not. If the Connect window has at least 2 green bars, then you are

reaching your network but are unable to log in to the Connection Manager. If

this is the case, use procedures for troubleshooting login problems to the

Connection Manager.

7. What does the message ″The Connection Manager has terminated your

connection″ mean?

This message can be displayed for several reasons:

v The Connection Manager has terminated your connection. Another Mobility

Client has logged on with the same user ID.

v The Connection Manager has terminated your session because it has been

idle for too long.

v Your connection has been terminated by the Connection Manager

administrator. The administrator has logged you off the Connection

Manager. 8. What does ″The Connection Manager has terminated your connection because

another user has logged in with the same user ID″ mean?

The Connection Manager allows this situation to occur. If you are already

logged in and you want to log in using another device or from a different

location but did not log off the first device, the Connection Manager lets you

log in using the second device.

If another user also used the same user ID and password that you used to log

in, that person would be allowed to access the network and your original

connection would be severed and the message displayed.

9. Why did I get a message indicating the configuration of the client does not

match that of the Connection Manager?

The messages reads: The Connection Manager has terminated your

connection. Please check your client options like compression for a possible

mismatch with the Connection Manager options.

The connection profile on the Connection Manager sets options like minimum

allowable encryption levels and compression.

This error is a general indication that any of these conditions are mismatched

between the Connection Manager connection profile and the Mobility Client

connection properties:

v Insufficient encryption strength set on the Mobility Client

v Compression is not selected on Mobility Client, but is set to mandatory on

the Connection Manager

v Different encryption key distribution settings

Check the Mobility Client properties and the properties of the connection

profile used for the MNC through which the Mobility Client connects to make

sure the options match.

10. I see a message that says the host is unreachable or unknown. What do I do?

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On Windows XP, Windows 2000 and Windows Vista, there are DNS or host

name resolution issues when you cannot make an IP connection to a remote

host using the host name.

Set the primary DNS on your system, then make sure advanced TCP/IP

settings are accurate.

a. Click Start –> Settings –> Control Panel, then double-click System.

b. On the System Properties panel, click Network Identification, then click


c. On the Identification Changes panel, click More. Enter the Primary DNS


d. Make sure the Change primary DNS suffix when domain membership

changes box is cleared.

e. Click OK. If prompted to, restart your system.

f. Open the Network Connections folder (on Windows 2000, click Start –>

Settings –> Network Dial and Dial-up Connections), then right-click the

LAN connection you are using and click Properties.

g. Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), click Properties, then click Advanced.

h. Click the DNS tab. Select Append primary and connection specific DNS


i. Select Append parent suffixes of the primary DNS suffix.

j. Enter the DNS suffix in the DNS suffix for this connection field.

k. Click OK. If these steps do not resolve the problem, check how to Tweak

DNS Errors Caching in Windows 2000 / XP on the speed guide.net web

site.11. Mobility Client packets are being dropped. What do I do?

Use the account log file (wg.acct) to look for “resyncs” in the file to show

where a packet was dropped. This file is located in /var/adm/ on AIX, Linux,

or Solaris. On Windows, this file is located in the installation directory under

logs\. Although the account file is useful for troubleshooting, it is not a valid

source of information for contesting billing. For example, it is not a reliable

proof that you had only 250 packets transferred despite your bill for 450


Connection Manager problems

Frequently asked questions about problems with the Connection Manager are

included in this topic.

Browse these questions, then link to the answers below.

1. How do I make sure the corequisite software is installed and running


2. What are the file names of the log files and where are they located?

3. How do I reset the log files?

4. Can I set the maximum size of the log files?

5. What should I check when Connection Manager logging stops?

6. How do I set the trace for an individual Mobility Client?

7. How can I validate that traffic is routable between the Connection Manager

and the Mobility Client?

8. How can I validate that IP traffic is routable between the enterprise

application server and the Mobility Client?

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9. What should I check when the Connection Manager fails to establish a virtual

circuit (X.25)?

10. What should I check when the initial configuration of the access manager fails

or is cancelled?

11. What should I check when the Connection Manager does not start?

12. What should I do when the Connection Manager startup seems to be slow?

13. On AIX systems, what do I do when all or some groups of mobile devices fail

to connect to the Connection Manager?

14. I cannot establish a connection from the Mobility Client. What should I check?

15. The wg_acct command stops running after an extended period of time. What

do I do?

16. On Windows systems after disabling the Connection Manager network

connection, the Connection Manager does not operate. What do I do?

Answers to the problems with the Connection Manager include:

1. How do I make sure the corequisite software is installed and running


a. Issue the netstat command: netstat -an |grep <port #>

If you want to issue the command for a TCP-based server, then the port

must be in LISTEN state. If the server is UDP-based then, the port will be


By default, the directory service server (DSS or LDAP) listens on port 389.

DB2®, if it is on a different machine than Connection Manager, listens on

port 50000.

Note: On Windows systems, issue the netstat -an command and then

review its output to determine the state of the TCP- and UDP-based


b. Issue the telnet command: Telnet <remote host> <remote port>

This will make a TCP-based connection to the remote application. If all is

well, you will see nothing in the display. You might see a message that the

″connection is established.″

The Telnet application might or might not be allowed into a Connection

Manager. Check with the administrator of the Connection Manager

machine to see if telnet is allowed by your Connection Manager machine.

c. Check the process list on the remote host for running applications (DB2,

slapd for LDAP):

1) For the Connection Manager: ps -ef |grep wgated and/or ps -ef |grep


2) For the DSS (LDAP): ps -ef |grep slapd

3) For the DB2 database: ps -ef |grep db2

Note: On Windows systems, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and then select Task

Manager to review the Processes tab.

d. Use a software-based network analyzer like Ethereal (www.ethereal.com)

to observe the packet flows between Connection Manager and its

environment. 2. What are the file names of the log files and where are they located?

Connection Manager log file locations and file names are configurable using

the Gatekeeper.

Chapter 1. Troubleshooting guide 19




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The default file names are:

v wg.log - Message log

v wg.trace - Individual users’ trace log

v wgmgrd.log - Access manager trace log

v wg.acct - Accounting and billing log (when the Connection Manager is not

configured to use relational database for storing accounting records)

These files are located in /var/adm/ on AIX, Linux, or Solaris. On Windows,

these files are located in the installation directory under logs\.

3. How do I reset the log files?

The message, trace, or accounting log files can be reset using the Gatekeeper.

On the Resources tab, right-click the Connection Manager resource, then click

Reset Log Files. Choose to reset All files or just specific files.

Resetting log files will date/time stamp the current file in the format of


Message, accounting, and trace log files can also be reset from the command

line using the command:

chwg -r log to reset the message log file

chwg -r acct to reset the accounting and billing log file

chwg -r trace to reset the trace log file

chwg -r all to reset all of the files

If you will be collecting a new log for IBM Support, perform a reset prior to

recreating any problem.

4. Can I set the maximum size of the log files?

You can only set the maximum size of the message log file (wg.log). Click the

Logging tab on a Connection Manager, then enter the maximum size of the

message log file in MB. When the maximum file size is reached, the file is

renamed in the form wg.log.bak.$date.

The logging subsystem checks for available space and automatically reduces

the logging level as the file system nears capacity. An SNMP trap is fired

(120284 WARNING for the accounting log) as the log level is automatically


Store log and trace files in their own file system. These files are located in

/var/adm/ on AIX, Linux, or Solaris. On Windows, these files are located in

the installation directory under logs\. Use the operating system

documentation to help you carry this task out.

5. What should I check when Connection Manager logging stops?

Check the size of the log files. Some operating systems have limitations on file

sizes. If logging stops, reset the log files.

6. How do I set the trace for an individual Mobility Client?

In some cases it is necessary to have a trace log for a specific Mobility Client.

Use Gatekeeper to activate the trace. Edit the User properties, click the

Account tab, then click the Start trace box.

To read the resulting wg.trace file, use the wg_trc command. This command is

fully documented in the IBM Lotus Mobile Connect Command Reference..

7. How can I validate that traffic is routable between the Connection Manager

and the Mobility Client?

If the Mobility Client times out while trying to log on to the Connection

Manager, validate that User Datagram Protocol (UDP) traffic is routable

between the two:

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a. Disconnect the Mobility Client from the Connection Manager and stop the

Connection Manager.

b. Ping the Connection Manager after establishing a physical network

connection. Since many firewalls, including desktop firewalls, filter ping

and UDP, use wcecho to verify that the UDP path between the Mobility

Client and Connection Manager is not obstructed by a firewall rule:

1) Start the UNIX® echo server for UDP, set it to your MNC’s port

number (8889 by default) and verify that the echod daemon is running

by issuing the command: netstat -an | grep 8889

Note: For Windows systems, you must first download the Utilities for

Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications package before you can

install the echo server.

2) Establish the physical network connection on the client machine.

3) Execute wcecho.exe, found in your Mobility Client install directory,

and target the echod daemon running on the Connection Manager

machine: wcecho -c 2 -i 1000 -p For example,

C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\MOBILI~1>wcecho -c 2 -i 1000 -p 8889 hcaix123

WCECHO hcaix123: ( 64 data bytes via UDP port 8889

64 bytes from seq=1 time=0 ms

64 bytes from seq=2 time=0 ms

-----hcaix123 WCECHO statistics-----

2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss

round-trip min/avg/max = 0/0/0 ms

Once the wcecho test is successful, then stop the echod server and

restart the Connection Manager and verify the MNC is running

On the Connection manager machine issue netstat -an |grep |more

[hcaix123]:root:/>netstat -an |grep 8889 |more

udp4 0 0 *.8889 *.*


8. How can I validate that IP traffic is routable between an enterprise application

server and the Mobility Client?

If an application times out while trying to execute its transaction, validate that

IP traffic is routable between the enterprise application server and the

Mobility Client.

a. First determine if name resolution is required and, if so, is it working:

1) Ping the destination host by IP address.

2) Ping the destination host by host name and see if an IP address is


If the ping by IP address works but ping by host name does not, then

add your enterprise domain name system (DNS) to the mobile network

interface (MNI) properties on the Connection Manager and reconnect

the Mobility Client.b. Does the Mobility Client’s IP stack have a route table entry to direct the

traffic into the Connection Manager system?

On Windows systems, use the commands route print or netstat -nr and,

on Windows CE, use the program artroute.exe which is found in the

Mobility Client’s install directory. The route table needs entries to cover

DNS and the destination application server.

c. Does the destination server have a return route into the MNI on the

Connection Manager? For example, if your destination application server

has an IP address of and the Connection Manager’s MNI

address is, can you issue a ping from the destination server to

Chapter 1. Troubleshooting guide 21


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the MNI address and get a positive response back? If not, then the

network routers need to be updated to be able to route IP traffic to the

MNI address.

If you are not using network address translation (NAT), then the enterprise

routing infrastructure must be aware of your mobile network definition.

Add routes where appropriate. The syntax varies depending upon

platform but is generally: route add netmask gateway

d. If you are using Connection Manager network address translator (NAT) on

your MNIs, did you publish the NAT address using the operating system’s

arp command? For example,

root@gw79:/#>arp -a

wxp1e99.raleigh.ibm.com ( at 0:6:29:6c:9d:e2 [ethernet]

permanent published stored in bucket 6

A common mistake is not using the correct media access control (MAC)

address. The MAC address must be that of the network interface card

(NIC) connected to the destination network. Check firewall filters to ensure

that the firewalls are not filtering out the application packets. 9. What should I check when the Connection Manager fails to establish a virtual

circuit (X.25)?

v Make sure the IP address and subnet mask are correct for the MNI.

v Ensure good connectivity to the wired LAN side: If the mobile access

service must resolve host names for mobile devices and Mobility Clients, it

relies on a domain name server (DNS). Applications can timeout while

waiting for the DNS query results. The mobile device or Mobility Client

might reach the premature conclusion that the connection cannot be made.

In fact, it is taking too long to look up the host name to determine who the

user wanted to contact. To avoid this problem, establish a host table on the

Mobility Client; to avoid confusion with host names, use IP addresses.

v Check to see if the network provider is experiencing problems.10. What should I check when the initial configuration of the access manager fails

or is cancelled?

Check all directory service parameters. On the Connection Manager system,

review the wgated.conf file. On AIX or Solaris systems, this file is in

/opt/IBM/ConnectionManager. On Windows systems, this file is in \Program

Files\IBM\Connection Manager. On Linux systems, the file is in

/opt/ibm/ConnectionManager/wgated.conf. Delete this file then restart the

Gatekeeper to configure the access manager again.

11. What should I check when the Connection Manager does not start?

Check all directory service parameters. The Connection Manager’s parameters

default to those of the access manager. The currently logged in administrator’s

ID and password might be different from those for the access manager.

12. What should I do when the Connection Manager startup seems to be slow?

Activate all message log levels, then monitor messages in the wg.log file to

determine if you have an X.25 problem. Your calls could be timing out or it

could be a domain name system (DNS) problem (taking too long to resolve

the host name, or experiencing a lookup failure).

13. On AIX systems, what do I do when all or some groups of mobile devices fail

to connect to the Connection Manager?

Start by checking underlying devices: X.25, TCP, TTY, or ISDN:

v Use x25status, lsdev, and x25mon to verify X.25 connections

v Use netstat -a to verify TCP connections

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v For X.25-based RDNs, verify incoming traffic at the X.25 level, using

x25status and x25mon

v Monitor modem activity if you are using TTY- and ISDN-based RDNs

Activate the message log and review wg.log for non-zero numeric return

codes. These files are located in /var/adm/ on AIX, Linux, or Solaris. On

Windows, these files are located in the installation directory under logs\.

14. I cannot establish a connection from the Mobility Client. What should I


Mobility Client operation depends on the network provider. Check:

v Is there a validation problem? Are the user and/or mobile device defined to

the Gatekeeper? Is the password correct?

v Does the Mobility Client’s IP address match one on an MNI subnet? If

using DHCP, is there an address available?

v Use the tail command to display the account log file and ensure that data is

arriving from the Mobility Client.

v Ensure that the mobile access services has established communications with

the network provider.

v Check the status display on the Mobility Client to see if it is receiving any

packets. If so, there should be a message indicating a problem. If not, there

might be a configuration error.

v If the mobile device uses a connection that displays signal strength and

battery strength, check these values.15. The wg_acct command stops running after an extended period of time. What

do I do?

When the Connection Manager is configured to use a database for accounting

and billing data, and the wg_acct command is used with the -f flag to display

the accounting data, the wg_acct command can stop running. This problem

does not affect the integrity of the accounting and billing data nor does it

affect the running of Connection Manager or access manager processes. No

action is required after the problem occurs and the wg_acct command can be

restarted. This problem has been observed only on AIX 5.1.

16. On Windows systems after disabling the Connection Manager network

connection, the Connection Manager does not operate. What do I do?

Enable the network connection, then restart the Connection Manager. To

enable the network connection, click Start → Settings → Network Connections.

Right-click the Connection manager, then click Enable. Then, restart the

Connection Manager.

Persistent data storage problems

Frequently asked questions about problems with persistent data storage are

included in this topic.

Browse these questions, then link to the answers below.

1. When does Connection Manager communicate with the relational database?

2. How do I troubleshoot DB2 problems?

3. What do I do with error messages or read and write traps that indicate there is

not enough space to create the DB2 database or that the database directory is

not found?

4. What do I do when error message code -4400 is seen in wgmgrd.log file?

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5. What do I do when this error message is seen in wg.log [IBM][CLI Driver]

SQL30081N A communic ation error has been detected. Communication

protocol being used: "TCP/IP". Communication API being used: "SOCKETS".

Location where the error was detected: "". Communication

function detecting the error: "connect". Protocol sp ecific error

code(s): "79", "*", "*". SQLSTATE=08001

6. What do I do with the DB2 error message ″The transaction log for database is


7. ActiveSession database errors exist in wg.log, even though the ActiveSession

database is running and accessible to other applications. What do I do?

8. When does Connection Manager communicate with the directory service


9. How do I troubleshoot DSS (LDAP) problems?

Answers to the problems with the persistent data storage include:

1. When does Connection Manager communicate with the relational database?

Connection Manager communicates with the relational database when:

v The wgated process initializes.

v A user’s session changes state.

v Connection Manager configuration changes are made.

v User records are changed or added.

v The wgated process terminates.2. How do I troubleshoot DB2 problems?

a. To determine the level of DB2, use the command:

v AIX: su - ldapdb2 -c ″db2level″

v Red Hat Linux: rpm -qa |grep db2

v Windows: start the DB2 Command Line Processor to see the version

information for DB2.b. If the DB2 server is a remote installation, ping the DB2 server from

Connection Manager machine.

c. Review <DB2 server>/etc/services to confirm server instance ports. For

example, db2cwgdb or db2iwgdb.

d. See the Technote on DB2 connection problems on Connection Manager


e. On the DB2 server machine, issue the command su - <server instance ID>

and invoke the DB2 shell: stop/start db2. Then, list the database directory

and list the node directory.3. What do I do with error messages or read and write traps that indicate there is

not enough space to create the DB2 database or that the database directory is

not found?

Check that the home directory has at least 50 MB available space. The home

directory is the base directory plus the instance ID. For example, if you are

using the instance ID of wgdb and the base directory is /home, the home

directory is /home/wgdb.

4. What do I do when error message code -4400 is seen in wgmgrd.log file?

The DB2 configuration script requires that the root user have the necessary

group memberships to match the groups of the DB2 instance ID. Make sure

that the root ID is a member of the instance ID’s primary group.

5. What do I do when this error message is seen in wg.log [IBM][CLI Driver]

SQL30081N A communic ation error has been detected. Communication

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protocol being used: "TCP/IP". Communication API being used: "SOCKETS".

Location where the error was detected: "". Communication

function detecting the error: "connect". Protocol sp ecific error

code(s): "79", "*", "*". SQLSTATE=08001?

Stop the Connection Manager and wait for the DB2 instance to start completely.

To verify that the DB2 instance has automatically started after a reboot, use the

command netstat -na to display that the instance connection port is listening.

Then, start the Connection Manager.

6. What do I do with the DB2 error message ″The transaction log for database is


Check that the file system has enough available space. If sufficient space is

available, increase the log file size. Use the command db2 update db cfg for

database database_name using logfilsiz log_file_size, where database_name

is the name of the database and log_file_size is the size of the log file that is

larger than what you currently have defined.

7. ActiveSession database errors exist in wg.log, even though the ActiveSession

database is running and accessible to other applications. What do I do?

In Gatekeeper, stop the Connection Manager, then open the Connection

Manager properties. Click the Session database tab and do the following:

a. Add an extra character to both the Database administrative ID and

Password of database administrative ID fields.

b. Click Apply.

c. Verify that the values for wpsstoredbadminid and wpsstoredbadminpw are

now present in wgated.conf. (Note: the value for wpsstoredbadminpw is


d. Go back to Gatekeeper and remove the extra character that you added to

both fields in step 1.

e. Click Apply.

f. Take note of the value for Database Name in the Session database


g. Edit wgated.conf and add a line (replacing db_name_from_sess_db_prop

with the value from step 6): wpsstoredbname =


h. Verify that all three values are there. Save and close wgated.conf.

i. Start Connection Manager.8. When does Connection Manager communicate with the directory service server

(DSS) using the lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP)?

Connection Manager communicates with the directory service when:

v The wgated process initializes.

v A user’s session changes state.

v Connection Manager configuration changes are made.

v User records are changed or added.

v The wgated process terminates.9. How do I troubleshoot LDAP problems?

a. Ping the directory service server from Connection Manager

b. Point an HTTP browser to <ldap host>/ldap and try to login with the DSS

user ID and password used in the access manager configuration.

c. Review the <LDAP server>/etc/slapd32.conf file to confirm the values for

server port, ibm-sladpPort and ibm-slapdErrorLog.

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d. Review the ibm-slapdErrorLog file. By default, it is located in

/tmp/slapd.errors. Connect using an LDAP administrative browser like

DMT (Directory Management Tool) or Softerra.

e. To verify that LDAP is running correctly, use a native LDAP command,

such as ldapsearch. Enter ldapsearch -? to return the command syntax. A

sample command would look like: ldapsearch -h <ldap server> -D <admin

dn> -w <admin pwd> -b <suffix> ’(objectclass=*)’

Application problems

Frequently asked questions about problems with applications are included in this


Browse these questions, then link to the answers below.

1. Applications do not respond and there is packet loss. What do I do?

2. Application connections, such as Lotus Sametime®, seem to disconnect

unexpectedly. What do I do?

Answers to the problems with applications include:

1. Applications do not respond and there is packet loss. What do I do?

You might need to tune your network for performance. Make sure that settings

between the Connection Manager and the Mobility Client match and are

optimized for your network. For example, match MNC settings such as

network MTU and TCP retransmit time-to-live and connection profile settings

such as compression algorithm, protocol header reduction, TCP protocol

optimization, and fragmentation. See Tuning Connection Manager for more


2. Application connections, such as Lotus Sametime, seem to disconnect

unexpectedly. What do I do?

Try using the Keepalive Interval with an initial value of 10 seconds for a 1xRTT

or GPRS network. For other connections, such as WLAN or broadband, try

setting the value to 15 seconds.

This value will vary up or down depending on the network address translation

(NAT) and firewall characteristics of your ISP or network service provider. The

setting for your network requires trial and error to determine the correct value.

Inbound voice call handling on some devices can be affected by active data

connections such as that used by the Mobility Client. Connections which are

defined to use the network interface ″Automatically Connect″ will usually

allow inbound voice calls to occur provided data is not being sent at the time

the call is received. Be aware that the Keepalive setting, which causes the client

to send Keepalive packets at configured intervals, can prevent the phone from

receiving inbound voice calls. The probability that the Keepalive packets will

interfere with inbound voice calls increases as the configured Keepalive interval


Gatekeeper problems

Frequently asked questions about problems with Gatekeeper are included in this


Browse these questions, then link to the answers below.

1. When logged in as default Connection Manager administrator (gkadmin), there

is no top-level OU in the Resources tab. What do I do?

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2. When logged in to the Gatekeeper, nothing displays in the left pane on the

Resources tab. What do I do?

3. An administrator using an ACL profile cannot view certain resources or

property fields are empty. What do I do?

4. Attributes of the Connection Manager or its subordinate resources are

displayed incorrectly when Connection Managers are defined for different

operating systems. What do I do?

5. Someone has modified the properties of the default administrator, gkadmin,

and I can no longer gain access to the Connection Manager through the

Gatekeeper. What do I do?

Answers to the problems with Gatekeeper include:

1. When logged in as default Connection Manager administrator (gkadmin), there

is no top-level OU in the Resources tab. What do I do?


v That the directory service server is running.

v The base distinguished name (base dn) on the Properties window of the

access manager resource. It must match the suffix you specified when you

configured your directory service server.2. When logged in to the Gatekeeper, nothing displays in the left pane on the

Resources tab. What do I do?


v The Refresh button. It is not active until the resources are completely shown

in the left pane.

v To see if the administrator ID does not have access to any resources. Click

File –> Access Control Lists to display the access lists for the currently

logged in administrator ID. Add access control lists to the ACL profile for

resources that you want this administrator ID to control.3. An administrator using an ACL profile cannot view certain resources or

property fields are empty. What do I do?

Make sure you have an access control list profile that provides an ACL to all

the resources you need. For example, make sure the ACL profile has an ACL

for Password policies, if you want to be able to set one for a user.

4. Attributes of the Connection Manager or its subordinate resources are not

displayed correctly when Connection Managers are defined for different

operating systems. What do I do?

If Connection Manager objects which run on different operating systems are

defined in the same datastore, they are all displayed in the left pane. If you log

in to any of the access managers in the left pane, you can see and access all the

Connection Managers there. Connection Manager objects and their subordinate

resources might display incorrectly if such objects are defined for different

operating systems in the same datastore. If you attempt to edit Connection

Managers or their subordinate resources other than those for the one you are

logged into, some of their attributes might not display correctly if they run on a

different operating system from the access manager you are logged into. For

this reason, you should not modify the properties of cross-platform resources.

5. Someone has modified the properties of the default administrator, gkadmin,

and I cannot access the Connection Manager through the Gatekeeper. What do

I do?

Use the command line interface to modify properties of the administrator

account to reestablish login rights. For example, to display all properties of the

gkadmin account, from a command prompt on the Windows Server enter:

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lswg -l cn=gkadmin -X

If the command shows that the account has been locked, as

<locked>1</locked>, unlock the account by entering:

chwg -l cn=gkadmin -a locked=0

Determining the status of resources

To check the actual status of the network interface, use the IP netstat and

ifconfig commands.

The netstat command provides the names of all network interfaces together with

addressing and statistical information. The ifconfig command shows the current

parameters of a specified network interface.

1. The netstat command provides the names of all network interfaces together

with addressing and statistical information. To list all network interfaces, from

the Connection Manager command line, enter:

netstat -i

An example on an AIX system is shown in Figure 1.

An example on a Linux or Solaris system is shown in Figure 2.

In Figure 1, network interface mn1 uses IP address and a

maximum packet size of 4096. On this interface 20 IP packets have been

received and 21 sent, with no I/O errors. The asterisk character (*) following

the network name indicates that the network is inactive. In its current inactive

state, the mn1 interface cannot send and receive packets.

2. To show the current parameters of a specified network interface, from the

Connection Manager command line on UNIX-based systems, enter:

ifconfig mn0

On Windows systems, enter:

ipconfig mn0

Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Coll

lo0 1536 <Link> 23339 0 23339 0 0

lo0 1536 127 loopback 23339 0 23339 0 0

mn0 4096 <Link> 7146 0 8497 0 0

mn0 4096 8.54.56 7146 0 8497 0 0

mn1* 4096 <Link> 20 0 21 0 0

mn1* 4096 193.99.234. 20 0 21 0 0

mn2* 4096 <Link> 8 0 8 0 0

mn2* 4096 193.99.234. 8 0 8 0 0

mn3* 4096 <Link> 4 0 4 0 0

mn3* 4096 193.99.234. 4 0 4 0 0

Figure 1. Sample output of netstat command showing status of the network interface - AIX

Figure 2. Sample output of netstat command showing status of the network interface - Linux or Solaris

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An example on an AIX system is shown in Figure 3.

An example on a Linux or Solaris system is shown in Figure 4.

In Figure 3, network interface mn1 is using network mask 0xffffffc0. The “0x”

prefix indicates hexadecimal format; the equivalent dotted-decimal notation is

Verifying Connection Manager processes

Learn the names of the processes that Connection Manager starts and how to list

them for your operating system.

When you start the Connection Manager on AIX, Linux, or Solaris systems, there is

one instance of the wgated process and one instance of the wgattachd process that

are initiated. The wgated process performs the functions of the Connection

Manager, such as monitoring the status of network devices, transmitting data, and

updating log files. The wgattachd process monitors the wgated process and restarts

it if it fails.

When you start the Connection Manager on Windows systems, the wgattachd

daemon is installed as a Windows service. Click Control Panel -> Administrative

Tools -> Services to verify this.

To list the running Connection Manager processes, issue this command on

UNIX-based systems:

ps -e | grep wga

To list the running Connection Manager processes on Windows systems, press

Ctrl+Alt+Delete, select Task Manager, and view the Processes tab.

You should see one instance of the wgated process and one of the wgattachd

process on AIX, Linux, Windows, and Solaris systems. If you do not see these

instances, shut down then restart the Connection Manager.

Verifying the portmap daemon is enabled for automatic start-up on AIX


Verifying the portmap daemon is enabled for automatic start-up on AIX systems.


inet netmask 0xffffffc0

Figure 3. Sample output of ifconfig command - AIX

Figure 4. Sample output of ifconfig command - Linux or Solaris

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To verify that the portmap daemon will start automatically when the system unit is


1. Log on as root and edit the /etc/rc.tcpip file.

2. Locate the portmap entry, which will contain start /usr/sbin/portmap.

3. Make sure that the “#” does not start the beginning of the portmap entry. (The

# in column 1 indicates that the line is only a comment and is not to be


4. Save and close the file.

You can also start portmap from the command line. Note that if the system unit is

restarted, you must add the portmap entry to /etc/rc.tcpip for portmap to start


To start portmap from a command line:

# startsrc -s portmap

Port number information

This topic lists the port numbers required for use by the Connection Manager and

instructions about changing them.

The Connection Manager and access manager are installed on the same system and

require a port for communication with the Gatekeeper.

9555 Communication between Gatekeeper and access manager

9559 Communication between Gatekeeper and access manager using SSL

To change these port numbers, first update the /etc/services file, then:

AIX Refresh the inetd daemon by entering refresh -s inetd.

Linux (using xinetd daemon)

Refresh the inetd daemon by typing kill -SIGUSR2 `ps -e | grep xinetd

| awk ’{print $1}’`.

Linux (using inetd daemon) or Solaris

Refresh the inetd daemon by typing kill -HUP `ps -e | grep inetd | awk

’{print $1}’`.


Not available.

There are other default ports on which the Connection Manager listens. To change

these port numbers, use the Gatekeeper to edit the Connection Manager, mobile

access services, or messaging services properties.

These ports include:

Table 1. Ports on which the Connection Manager listens

Port number

and protocol

Component using Direction Comment

80 - TCP v HTTP access services

v Mobility clients using

client-less model)

v Mobile access


Internet side of

Connection Manager

from HTTP clients and

Mobility clients.

Intranet side to HTTP


Depends on location of

HTTP proxy, web, or

application server

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Table 1. Ports on which the Connection Manager listens (continued)

Port number

and protocol

Component using Direction Comment

443 - TCP v HTTP access services

v Mobility clients

(client-less model)

v Mobile access


Internet side of

Connection Manager

from HTTP clients and

Mobility clients.

Intranet side to HTTP


Depends on location of

HTTP proxy, web, or

application server

1645 or 1812 -


RADIUS authentication


Bidirectional – Intranet

side of Connection


Used in conjunction

with the device resolver

or with third-party

RADIUS authentication


1646 or 1813 -


RADIUS accounting


Bidirectional – Internet

side of Connection


Used in conjunction

with the device resolver

or with third-party

RADIUS authentication


9557 - TCP Connection Manager No firewall implication Used between the

Connection Manager

and the wg_monitor


14356 - TCP Connection Manager Depends on location of

subordinate nodes – If

the nodes are inside the

DMZ, there is no

firewall implication,

otherwise it is the

Intranet side of

Connection Manager

Subordinate node in a

cluster listens to receive

incoming requests from

a principal node –

inactive by default

8888 - UDP Mobile access services Bidirectional Used between Mobility

Client and Connection

Manager to change

client password

8889 - TCP

and UDP

Mobile access services Bidirectional – Internet

and Intranet side of

Connection Manager,

unless specifically set to

bind to an IP address

on one side or the other

IP-based receive

9551 - TCP RPC configuration port Bidirectional The Connection

Manager listens for

dynamic configuration

requests and is secured

using RPC-based

authentication, as if the

portmapd was used.

9553 - TCP RPC broadcast port Bidirectional The Connection

Manager listens for

dynamic broadcast

requests and is secured

using RPC-based

authentication, as if the

portmapd was used.

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Table 1. Ports on which the Connection Manager listens (continued)

Port number

and protocol

Component using Direction Comment

9610 - TCP Mobile access services Bidirectional Listener for third-party

RADIUS authentication

requests from Mobility


13131 - TCP Messaging services Bidirectional – Intranet

side of Connection


Send/receive port for

messaging services API


13132 - TCP Messaging services Bidirectional – Intranet

side of Connection


Secure send/receive

port for messaging

services API traffic

Supported locales

This topic describes which national language locales are supported and which

locales are used by default.

On Windows systems, only UTF-8 locales are supported. The national language

support is installed automatically with the single run-time package. Command line

utilities are currently restricted to English only.

When you use the Gatekeeper to log into the Connection Manager, information is

exchanged on the language to be used for the session. The Gatekeeper requests a

language depending on the locale it is using and the Connection Manager

responds with the locale that will be used, either the locale requested or English.

The Connection Manager uses a default locale for each language. To use a

language other than English, the operating system that the Connection Manager is

running on must support the default locale that the Connection Manager uses for

the language and the message catalogue must be installed for that locale. The

English UTF-8 locale is required for all languages and the localized UTF-8 locale is

required for each non-English language that will be used if you want to use

national language characters in user IDs or passwords.

The default locale for each language includes:

Table 2. Supported locales

Language Character encoding for


Character encoding for


Character encoding for





UTF-8 en_US.utf8


UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8




ISO-8859-15 fr_FR

UTF-8 fr_FR.utf8

ISO-8859-15 fr_FR

UTF-8 fr_FR.UTF-8

ISO-8859-15 fr




ISO-8859-1 pt_BR

UTF-8 pt_BR.utf8

ISO-8859-1 pt_BR

UTF-8 pt_BR.UTF-8

ISO-8859-1 pt_BR



ISO-8859-15 es_ES

UTF-8 es_ES.utf8

ISO-8859-15 es_ES

UTF-8 es_ES.UTF-8

ISO-8859-15 es

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Table 2. Supported locales (continued)

Language Character encoding for


Character encoding for


Character encoding for





UTF-8 ja_JP.utf8

UTF-8 ja_JP.UTF-8

EUC ja




UTF-8 ko_KR.utf8

EUC ko

UTF-8 ko.UTF-8





GB2312 Zh_CN

UTF-8 Zh_CN.utf8

GB2312 zh

UTF-8 zh.UTF-8

GB2312 zh_CN.gb2312





UTF-8 Zh_TW.utf8


UTF-8 zh.UTF-8

BIG5 zh_TW.big5



ISO-8859-15 de_DE

UTF-8 de_DE.utf8

ISO-8859-15 de_DE

UTF-8 de_DE.UTF-8

ISO-8859-15 de



ISO-8859-15 it_IT

UTF-8 it_IT.utf8

ISO-8859-15 it_IT

UTF-8 it_IT.UTF-8

ISO-8859-15 it

For AIX, the message catalogues are installed as separate packages. You must

install support for a locale before you can install the message catalogue for that

locale. It is best to install using smitty under ″Install and Update from ALL

Available Software″ and select the message catalogues you want to install.

For Linux and Solaris, NLS support for all languages is installed automatically

with the single run-time package.

Other locales are supported if you are running commands in a console. These

locales include:

Table 3. Additional locales for command line usage

Language / character


Support for AIX Support for Linux Support for Solaris

English ASCII — C C

English IBM-850 En_US — —

French IBM-850 Fr_FR — —

Spanish IBM-850 Es_ES — —

Japanese SJIS Ja_JP ja_JP.ujis ja_JP.PCK

Korean IBM-949 Ko_KR — —

Traditional Chinese


zh_TW — —

Simplified Chinese


zh_CN — —

Italian IBM-850 It_IT — —

Japanese EUC ja_JP.euc

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Using access manager logs

The access manager and the secure access manager have files that log messages

about the communication between the Connection Manager and the access

manager and also between the Gatekeeper and access manager. Note that the

access manager passwords are in-the-clear in the message log file when the

operation being performed involves a password change.

The access manager message log file is wgmgrd.log. To view this files, log in as

root to the access manager system. These files are located in /var/adm/ on AIX,

Linux, or Solaris. On Windows, these files are located in the installation directory

under logs\. To change the default location:

1. Double-click the Access Manager in the left pane on the Resources tab.

2. Click the Logging tab.

3. Edit the Log file field for the location of the access manager log or the SSL log

file for the location of the secure access manager.

You can reset the log files to rename the old files and begin new ones. The

renamed files have the day’s date appended to the log file name. In the case of

more than one reset on a given day, a timestamp is appended to the filename. To

reset the log files:

1. Right-click the Access Manager in the left pane on the Resources tab.

2. Click Reset log files.

3. Choose whether to reset all files or individual files.

On the Connection Manager for Windows only, if another Gatekeeper session is

attached during the reset process, that session will continue logging to the backup

copy of the log file, rather than reset wgmgrd.log file. Also, the backup copy

cannot be deleted from the file system until all other Gatekeeper sessions have


Using Connection Manager logs

The Connection Manager stores troubleshooting information in message, account,

and trace logs.

Connection Manager logs are stored in files or, in the case of accounting and

billing information, a relational database or a file. All Connection Manager logs

stored in files are viewed using the Gatekeeper. Each log is viewable separately. An

administrator can only view logs if the administrator ID has an additional access

enabled by an ACL profile with at least Read-only access to the Connection


The log files and their default file names are:


Stores messages for a single Connection Manager. The default file is

wg.log. This file is located in /var/adm/ on AIX, Linux, or Solaris. On

Windows this file is located in C:\Program Files\IBM\Connection

Manager\Connection Manager\logs\.


Stores account records, such as for an MNI or SMS clients. The account log

shows what activity is occurring on the Connection Manager by showing

the number of packets transferred outbound from the Connection Manager

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and inbound from the mobile device. When configured to use a file, the

default file is wg.acct. This file is located in /var/adm/ on AIX, Linux, or

Solaris. On Windows this file is located in C:\Program

Files\IBM\Connection Manager\Connection Manager\logs\.

See “Account log” on page 37 for more information.

Trace All packet data transmitted to and received from a Mobility Client can be

stored in the mobile access services trace file. The default file name is

wg.trace. This file is located in /var/adm/ on AIX, Linux, or Solaris. On

Windows this file is located in C:\Program Files\IBM\Connection

Manager\Connection Manager\logs\.

Note that the trace log contains a trace of all packet data for Mobility Clients that

have the trace turned on. The message log can be filtered to contain specific levels

of logging information or specific devices or user IDs.

You should maintain your message, account, and trace logs regularly. Your

business needs dictate whether you keep historical records as well as how often

you start new records. For database records, this means archiving and purging

records. To purge accounting and billing records, use the -p parameter with the

wg_acct command. See “Account log” on page 37 for more information. After

purging records, you can reclaim disk space.

For log files, you should reset (rename the old files and begin new ones) them

regularly using Gatekeeper:

1. Double-click the Connection Manager in the Resources tab.

2. Right-click the Connection Manager in the right pane and select Reset files.

3. Choose whether to reset all files or individual files.

Alternatively, you can use the Connection Manager command line to reset all log

files. Enter chwg -r acct | trace | log | all

If message, account, or trace information is not stored in a file, as expected, there

might not be sufficient storage available in the file system.

To check the file system on AIX, enter:


to produce this output:

Check the /var file system. If it is full, make space available to allow the

Connection Manager to write to the log file.

If necessary, compress or back up the old files before deleting them. If active

processes have opened the files, terminate the processes to release the files. For

example, if you are using the tail command to display the log file, terminate the

tail process before you work with the file.

Filesystem Total KB free %used iused %iused Mounted on

/dev/hd4 8192 1980 75% 749 36% /

/dev/hd9var 16384 5868 64% 105 2% /var

/dev/hd2 253952 30252 88% 13338 21% /usr

/dev/hd3 8192 6016 26% 53 2% /tmp

/dev/hd1 4096 1012 75% 71 6% /home

Figure 5. Sample output of df command listing file system usage - AIX

Chapter 1. Troubleshooting guide 35



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Message log

When problems occur, check the message log file for error messages first.

Messages generated by the Connection Manager are stored in the message log file.

The log file contains plain ASCII text.

You can control the level of detail that is logged by specifying the types of

messages using Gatekeeper:


Data used for problem analysis

Error Messages about unexpected events on which you need to take action

Log General information messages

Status Dump of status information, such as packet rates, byte rates, and system



Messages about data using the TCP-Lite transport


Hexadecimal dump of only IP-related data packets


Hexadecimal dump of data packets


Messages about events on which you might or might not need to take


To specify message types for logging:

1. In the left pane, right-click the Connection Manager for which you want to

specify message logging and click Properties.

2. Click the Logging tab to view the current settings for messages.

3. Use the check boxes or the All or None buttons to change the message types

that are logged.

4. Click OK.

You can set the maximum size of the message log file. Click the Logging tab on a

Connection Manager, then enter the maximum size of the message log file in MB.

When the maximum file size is reached, the file is renamed in the form wg.log.bak.

You can specify the allowable number of backup files that are saved. Also on the

Logging tab, enter the number of backup files allowed, up to a maximum of 10

files. If you specify zero (0), no files are backed up. When the maximum file size is

reached, the file is truncated to 0 bytes, then logging continues at the beginning of

the message log file.

To troubleshoot a problem with a specific account, restrict message logging to

display only an individual user ID or device: Also on the Logging tab, click

Restrict what is logged and choose between Log only one user or Log only one

device, then specify the user or device.


1. Initial log statements, such as data logged before a login session is

complete, will not get logged.

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2. Very low level port data, such as X.25 line data or dial-TCP frames are

not logged because neither the device, typed key, or account values are


3. If a device roams to a different IP address, then the new session is not

logged because the device key (IP address) no longer matches.

4. If a device is connected through an MNI that uses network address

translation (NAT) or an external DHCP server with NAT, then the NAT

address is the one that must be specified and not the device’s IP address.

Account log

Check the account log file for records concerning individual accounts.

To set whether accounting records are recorded using Gatekeeper, click the

Accounting and billing tab on a MNI or messaging services properties notebook.

Select the Packet check box.

For an MNI, you can control the level of account records logged by selecting all

log levels or none, or one or more log levels.

If you want to store accounting records in a file or database, you must:

1. In Gatekeeper, right-click the Connection Manager and select Properties. On

the Accounting and billing tab, make sure that the Write Accounting and

billing records check box is selected. Then select the appropriate radio button

to save accounting records to either the local file system or to a database.

2. In Gatekeeper, right-click the MNI and select Properties. Use the Accounting

and billing tab to select the desired level of account logging from the following

list. If you select None, then account logging is disabled.

Login Events that occur when Mobility Clients establish a connection to

mobile access services.


Events that occur when Mobility Clients disconnect from mobile access



Events that occur when a Mobility Client negotiates a dial-up

connection with a modem on the mobile access services. On a initial

dial-up session with the mobile access services, the Mobility Client’s

physical connection is established, then login is established.


Events that occur when a dial-up connection is disconnected from a

modem on the mobile access services.

Packet Data that records and accounts for each packet. By default, this log

level is turned off.


Data that records the duration of a session from login to logout.

Hold Data that records when Mobility Clients are in short-hold mode and

physical connections are dropped, but login connections are


You can stop account logging on an individual MNI or for an entire Connection

Manager. To stop account logging for an MNI, click the Accounting and billing

tab on an MNI, then click None. To stop account logging for a Connection

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Manager, click the Accounting and billing tab on a Connection Manager, then

click Write accounting and billing records to the following.

After you clear the Write accounting and billing records to the following check

box, you can still modify the relational database configuration or modify the path

of the file.

Using the wg_acct command

Display the account records using the wg_acct command.

In addition to using the Gatekeeper to view logs, you can use the command

wg_acct to access and display the account records in a number of different formats

and filtered according to criteria based on the flags passed to the command line.

Note that most commands require the command wg_acct -T pkt to see the

Mobility Client traffic.

When filtering packets, make sure that Packet is selected in the Accounting mode

field of the Accounting and billing tab of the mobile network interface (MNI).


Access and display the account records in a number of different formats and

filtered according to criteria based on the flags passed.

When filtering packets, make sure that Packet is selected in the Accounting mode

field of the Accounting and billing tab of the mobile network interface (MNI) in


Note that this utility displays columns headers only in English. When using the

wg_acct utility and a locale other than English on AIX and Solaris platforms,

switch to a UTF-8 locale on the command line. If you do not use a UTF-8 locale,

then the output does not display correctly when using the command line to

display the account records. The wg_acct utility does not support non-English user

IDs on Linux distributions.



-c MNCType



-e End


-F OutFileName




-l Count

-m MobileClient

-M MobileMask


-o OtherDevice

-O OtherMask

-p Days

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-P Platform

-s Start





-u Userid


Use the wg_acct command to access and display the account records in a number

of different formats and filtered according to criteria based on the flags passed.

When you run wg_acct, it generates column headers on the first line, followed a

line-by-line detailed output of every packet in the record. The column headers are:


From the database perspective, X’00’ indicates packets are inbound from

the mobile device (mobile origination) and X’01’ indicates packets are

outbound to the mobile device (Connection Manager origination). From the

command line perspective, a left arrow indicates that packets are inbound

and a right arrow indicates that packets are outbound.

#Pkts The total number of packets for the particular direction

IP The size of unaltered, original IP packet

Red Packet size after IP header reduction, if any.

Comp Packet size after compression, if any.

Cryp Packet size after encryption, if any.

Fram Packet size after any necessary protocol framing

Sent Size of transmitted packet after appropriate reduction, compression,

encryption, or framing

Note that most commands require the flag wg_acct -T pkt to see the Mobility

Client traffic.

Enter wg_acct -? to list the usage statement.


-c MNCType

Filters packets for packets on a given MNC. Valid values for MNCType

include MNC type identifiers, such as ip-lan, sms, ardis-tcp or

dataradio-msc. For example: wg_acct -c sms

-C Generates a compressed format by reducing the number of columns, such

as the timestamp and user ID columns.

-d Generates a summary based on the IP addresses of all connected Mobility

Clients or mobile devices.

-e End End time for packet filter as specified by timestamps, the format of which

is yymmdd[.hhmmss].

-f Does not stop at end-of-file or end of database records, but continues

running and displaying new entries as they occur (similar to tail -f).

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-F OutFileName

Direct output to OutFileName. An output file created with the -F flag

cannot be used as input for the FileName flag.


Read input from FileName, other than default. This parameter is only

available when storing accounting and billing records in a file and is

ignored when using a relational database. This file is located in

/var/adm/ on AIX, Linux, or Solaris. On Windows this file is located in

C:\Program Files\IBM\Connection Manager\logs.

-h Does not generate the column header line or the packet total summary

lines. When you run wg_acct, it generates column headers on the first line

and packet total summary lines at the end of the output. Use this flag to

suppress the column headers and packet total summary lines.

-I Displays connection information obtained at login for the WLP version,

Mobility Client version, platform type, and platform description. The string

N/A is inserted when the client does not provide the information. This flag

must be used in conjunction with flag -T login.

-l Count

Skips the first Count-1 records and begins processing input at packet record

number Count, where Count is an integer.

-m MobileClient

Filters packets for a given IP address, where MobileClient equals a

dotted-decimal IP address (Note: This is the VPN address assigned by the

Connection Manager for the session) or host name (Note: This assumes

that the hostname can be resolved into an IP address via DNS or local

hosts file).

-M MobileMask

Filters packets from all addresses that are within a subnet (MobileMask).

This flag is only used with -m flag and lets you apply a subnet mask to

the IP address as specified in the -m flag.

-n Reverse the current packet filter to display only packets that would have

been ignored. This flag works in conjunction with other flags excluding the

-T flag. Using the -n flag by itself or only with the -T flag has an undefined


-o OtherDevice

Filters packets for the IP address on the other end of the packet, where

OtherDevice equals a dotted-decimal IP address or host name. For example,

if you want to see all packets going to or coming from, you

could specify -o

-O OtherMask

Filters packets from all addresses that are within a subnet. This option is

only used with the -o flag and lets you apply a subnet mask (OtherMask) to

the IP address as specified in the -o flag.

-p Days

Purge database records that are older than the specified days parameter.

For example, specify wg_acct -p 90 to delete all records older than 90 days

or specify wg_acct -p 0 to delete all records in all tables. Combine the p

parameter with the T parameter to specify the packet type to delete. For

example, specify wg_acct -p 30 -T pkt to delete all records older than 30

days in the WLP data packet table or specify wg_acct -p 0 -T session to

delete all session records.

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-P Platform

Filter packets to display only login records from a given platform type.

Combine the P parameter with the T parameter to specify the packet type

to display.

1 - Reserved

2 - Reserved

3 - MAC

4 - Reserved

5 - Reserved

6 - Windows 32-bit

7 - Windows CE

8 - Reserved

9 - Reserved

10 - Reserved

11 - Reserved

12 - Reserved

13 - Reserved

14 - Reserved

15 - Linux

-s Start

Start time for packet filter as specified by timestamps, the format of which

is yymmdd[.hhmmss].

-S Does not check the version. The Connection Manager inserts a version

record into the log at start-up to indicate the format. If wg_acct checks this

format and does not understand it, the command does not execute. Use

this flag to skip the version check and execute the command.

-t Generates only a summary. Instead of generating a line-by-line detailed

output of every packet in the file, this flag generates a summary of the

number of bytes transmitted/received, compression, header reduction,

encryption etc.

-T [failedlogin | login | logout | connect | disc | session | hold | natmaps |

pkt | smspkt | roam]

Filters packets based on type (default = pkt). If you use more than one -T

flag, only the last one is used.

-T failedlogin

Filters only packets resulting from a Mobility Client’s failed login

attempts. For each failed login attempt the following information is

displayed: Date/Time, User, IP Address, MNC, Device and Event

-T login

Filters only packets resulting when a Mobility Client establishes a

connection to mobile access services. For each login attempt the

following information is displayed: Date/Time, User, IP Address,

MNC, Device and Event

-T logout

Filters only packets resulting when a Mobility Client disconnects

from mobile access services. For each logout the following

information is displayed: Date/Time, User, IP Address, MNC,

Device, Event Duration, PktIn, PktOut, BytIn, BytOut, DscPkt,

RxmtPkt, DscByte and RxmtByt (Dsc = discard, Rxmt = retransmit)

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-T connect

Filters packets containing data resulting from the Mobility Client’s

connection to mobile access services. Displays records generated

when a dial-up or http MNC based session is moved out of a

short-hold state and resumed. The following information is

displayed: Date/Time, User, IP Address, MNC, Device and Event

-T disc

Filters only packets that result from the disconnection of a dial-up

connection from a modem on the mobile access services. Displays

records generated when a dialup or http MNC session is moved

into a short hold state. The following information is displayed:

Date/Time, User, IP Address, MNC, Device, Event Duration, PktIn,

PktOut, BytIn and BytOut

-T session

Filters packets that record the duration of a session from login to

logout. Displays records generated by all session related events

(login/logout/roam/keyrotation). The following information is

displayed: Date/Time, User, IP Address, MNC, Device, Event

Duration, PktIn, PktOut, BytIn, BytOut, DscPkt, RxmtPkt, DscByte

and RxmtByt (Dsc = discard, Rxmt = retransmit)

-T hold

Filters only packets generated when physical connections for

Mobility Clients in short-hold mode are dropped while their login

connections are maintained. Displays records generated by HOLD

state due to drop in line driver to mobile network. This is valid for

mobitex/datatac only.

-T natmaps

Displays records showing the physical and virtual endpoints of

application level traffic running across the Connection Manager’s

network address translator resources. Applies only in the case

where network address translator resources have been defined. The

following information is displayed: Mobile Address, Mobile Port,

NAT Address, NAT Port, DstAddress, DSTPort User and


-T pkt Filters only IP packet traffic. Each IP packet generates an

accounting record containing information about what was done to

the packet, sizes, etc. Displays records showing where the packet

was going, what effects encryption and compression had on the

size and what size was actually sent over the air. The following

information is displayed: Date/Time, MNC, Device, IP, Red, Comp,

Cryp, Fram, Sent, Other Device and Mobile Client

-T smspkt

Filters only SMS message packet traffic. Displays records similar to

pkt except it lists PPG related message accounting information. The

following information is displayed: Date/Time, Bearer, MType,

Data, Client and Destination

-T roam

Filters only packets generated by Mobility Client roaming events.

When the Mobility Client sends a request to the Connection

Manager to roam from one interface to another, the Connection

Manager determines if the request is valid, and if so, it generates a

roam record. Displays records generated when a session is roamed

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to a new device. The following information is displayed:

Date/Time, User, IP Address, MNC, Device, Event, Duration,

PktIn, PktOut, BytIn and BytOut

-u UserID

Filters packets for the given user ID. By default, an exact distinguished

name comparison is performed, unless wildcard characters (’*’) are used. If

wildcards are used, be sure to enclose the user ID in double quotes (″″).

For example, -u ″*any*″ will filter on all user IDs containing the string


Note: UserID is the users full distinguished name, for example:

wg_acct -u uid=sunny,o=ibm,c=us


1. To delete all records older than 90 days:

wg_acct -p 90

2. To delete all records in all tables:

wg_acct -p 0

3. To delete all records older than 30 days in the WLP data packet table:

wg_acct -p 30 -T pkt

4. To delete all session records.

wg_acct -p 0 -T session

5. To filter packets for a given type, such as logout packets:

wg_acct -T logout

6. To filter packets for a user ID:

wg_acct -u uid=sunny,o=ibm,c=us

where uid=sunny,o=ibm,c=us is the full distinguished name of the user

7. To filter packets for an IP address or host name:

wg_acct -m lachrymose

where lachrymose is the host name of the Mobility Client

8. To filter packets for a subnet:

wg_acct -M

where is the subnet mask.

9. To filter packets for an MNC type:

wg_acct -c sms

where sms is the MNC type identifier

10. To filter packets beginning at a particular minute on a given date:

wg_acct -s 021218.131300

where the start time is 1:13 PM on December 18, 2002

Trace log

You can log individual users’ IP/PPP level of trace information.

By default, tracing is turned off. To start tracing, use the Gatekeeper to display the

properties of the user you want to trace, then click Start trace on the Account tab.

To stop tracing, clear the Start trace check box.

To view trace logs, you must be logged in as root.

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Important: Set tracing off during normal operation. Because all traffic is recorded

without encryption, tracing should not be turned on without the knowledge of the

person using the user ID which is being traced.

Testing for UDP packet loss

Use the wcecho utility to test for UDP packet loss between the Mobility Client and

the Connection Manager.

For Mobility Clients using the Linux or desktop Windows systems, the wcecho

utility is a user datagram protocol (UDP)-based ping program that lets you test for

UDP packet loss. The Connection Manager system must have the UDP echo service

enabled. The wcecho utility is only available in English.

Note: For Windows systems, you must download the Utilities for Subsystem for

UNIX-based Applications package before you can install the echo server.

Enable the UDP echo service on the Connection Manager, then run the wcecho


1. Stop the Connection Manager.

2. Change the echo service to allow traffic to flow on the same port as the

Mobility Client. Modify the /etc/services file and set the line: echo 7/udp to

echo 8889/udp.

Note: Use the port number you have configured for mobile access services. By

default, that port is 8889.

3. Modify the Internet daemon being used: xinet or inet.

AIX Modify the file /etc/inetd.conf and remove the comment mark (#) on

the line that begins with #echo dgram udp. Then, refresh the daemon by

running: refresh -s inetd .

Linux Using xinetd, modify /etc/xinetd.d/echo-udp to enable it and send

SIGUSR1 or SIGUSR2 to the xinetd process. Using inetd, modify the file

/etc/inetd.conf and remove the comment mark (#) on the line that

begins with #echo dgram udp. Then, send SIGUSR1 to the inetd process.


Modify the file /etc/inetd.conf and remove the comment mark (#) on

the line that begins with #echo dgram udp. Then, send SIGUSR1 to the

inetd process.


Make sure that you have the Windows operating system component

Simple TCP/IP Services running. To install Simple TCP/IP Services:

a. From Add/Remove Programs, click Add/Remove Windows


b. Click Networking Services, then click Details.

c. Select Simple TCP/IP Services, click OK, then click Next.

d. Select the operating system installation CD location, click Next, then

click Finish.4. On the Mobility Client from the installation directory, run the wcecho

command using the syntax that you want.

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Syntax for wcecho utility

wcecho host

-c count

-i wait

-p port

-s size

Flags for wcecho

-c count

Determines the number of packets to send

host Determines the dotted-decimal IP address or host name of the Connection


-i wait

Determines the amount of time in milliseconds to wait between sending


-p port Determines the port number on which to send the packets.

-s size Determines the size of the packet to send.

Troubleshooting tips

These are common hints that can help you troubleshoot problems with the

Connection Manager.

v In some cases, loss of network connectivity between the Connection Manager

and the DB2 server requires that the Connection Manager be stopped , then

restarted. For example, when the database management system (DBMS) does not

automatically reestablish a connection to the database when connectivity is

restored, restart the Connection Manager.

v If you need to reconfigure your directory service server (DSS) database using

LDAP, shut down the Connection Manager, reconfigure the directory service

database, then enter mkwg -Z. Log in using the Gatekeeper and reconfigure

your resources. The mkwg -Z command forces the Connection Manager to check

the DB2 configuration and LDAP schema and update them if required. It also

updates the list of installed components.

v Pings from a Mobility Client can be misleading: they can time-out and return a

negative response because, by the time the packets eventually return, the ping is

no longer listening. To make sure there is enough time to traverse the network,

enter ping -w <milliseconds>, where milliseconds is the number of milliseconds.

v A power-saving modem can cause the mobile access services to stop delivering

packets if the modem sleeps. If the network provider server tries to contact the

Mobility Client and the modem is at the beginning of a two-minute sleep

interval, the server waits until its timeout period elapses (typically less than two

minutes), then concludes that the Mobility Client could not be reached.

v Signal strength is not always a reliable predictor of coverage. On Windows

systems, the Mobility Client tool bar provides a relative strength indicator and

an in-or-out-of-range detector; however, these two readings do not always


v When using DB2 Version 8.1, increasing numbers of defunct DB2 processes can

accumulate for both the Connection Manager DB2 instance and the LDAP DB2

instance. The Connection Manager is not responsible for these defunct processes

which are owned by the DB2 db2fmcd (Fault Manager) process. Restarting the

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Connection Manager does not clear up the defunct processes. Stopping and

restarting the DB2 Fault Manager can clear up the current defunct processes but

new ones will begin to accumulate after the DB2 Fault Manager restarts. This

problem has been addressed in DB2 8.1 Fixpak 4.

v To view the packet flow through the Connection Manager, use the wg_monitor


wg_monitor [-s <refresh rate>]

[-g <gateway>]

[-p <port>]

See the Administrator’s Guide for more information about using this command.

v See www.ibm.com/software/lotus/mobileconnect/support/ for the latest

information and Technotes for the Connection Manager.

Finding broadcast errors when using mobile access services

Broadcast errors are typically missed message transmissions or extra message


Causes for apparently missed messages can include:

v Mobility Client is out-of-range, or the modem or mobile device is turned off.

Broadcast data is sent only once and not automatically sent again after a failure

to acknowledge

v The mobile device is assigned to the address for another radio network

v The manually created “all users” group is not up-to-date (Dataradio only)

v Loss or corruption of configurable address on mobile device

v Message originator specified incorrect value for Category of Message. The

Category of Message determines whether the message is written to the user’s

screen or to one of the ports that a user application is monitoring.

v The message originator was not authorized

v Mismatch between the group addresses in the mobile access services and those

in the network provider’s list

Causes for extra messages are:

v Message originator specified multiple groups, and the network had a mobile

user who was a member of each group

v Message originator who specified both group AllRnc300 (which has Dataradio

additions) and a Dataradio group name

v A radio data network (RDN) had multiple connections to the same mobile access


Check the error log to see if a message could be sent to anyone. Broadcasts that

can transmit to at least one group are considered successful. Only failed attempts

at sending a message to any group are logged as errors (for example, incorrect

group name, nonexistent RDN, nonexistent Category of Message, unauthorized

message originator).

Determining the status of an X.25 link on AIX

You can query the status of the X.25 link used by the Connection Manager.

When troubleshooting a problem, you can query the status of the X.25 link used by

the Connection Manager, such as an X.25 adapter or an X.25 connection.

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lsdev Query the status of an X.25 adapter

x25mon Monitor X.25 data flow.


Determine the status of an X.25 link.

Monitoring X.25 data flow

Use the x25mon command to determine what information is flowing between an

X.25 adapter and the network line.

Use this command:

x25mon -f -n sx25a0

to generate this output:

The output shows the data packets transmitted at the X.25 HDLC level. The

identifier FR (frame received) in the third column identifies a received data packet.

A hex dump of this packet starts in column 10. The identifier FS (frame sent) in

column 3 identifies a packet sent.

Sending network management traps

You can configure the Connection Manager to send traps to a Tivoli® NetView®

network management station.

You can configure the Connection Manager to send traps when different events

occur, such as the starting or stopping of the Connection Manager. These traps are

logged by your simple network management protocol (SNMP) management


To enable the sending of traps to the Tivoli NetView management station, you

must give the host name of the network management station when you create the

Connection Manager. You must also prepare the Tivoli NetView program to receive

traps from the Connection Manager.

Trap variables

The Connection Manager supports version 1 SNMP traps.

x25mon: started at Sat May 23 10:27:15 1998

Command issued : x25mon -f -n sx25a0

10:27:16 sx25a0 FR 0 INFO 3 0 1 6 1008A04D4900000000EEEEFFFF000015C030

33746531B04B0 4065FB4500B527282FB19481E359840A9F64D894E5AD4F445CE00217214D

E88C1972889B8A 5C060A922C0F0 AAD1DBDCFC8C527E

10:27:16 sx25a0 FS 0 RR 3 0 7

10:27:16 sx25a0 FS 0 INFO 1 0 7 1 100821

10:27:16 sx25a0 FR 0 INFO 3 0 2 7 1007EA4D4900000000EEEEFFFF000015C030

33746531B02FC 806AE8D0843DCE0701A74FEB9CC6D4ACDD1517CCDE1A65095580EDC711D9


10:27:16 sx25a0 FS 0 RR 3 0 0

10:27:16 sx25a0 FS 0 INFO 1 0 0 2 1007C1

10:27:16 sx25a0 FS 0 INFO 1 0 0 3 10082A485215010100EEEEFFFF0000003133

15C0303374653 110C9CF006BF41EA78883F6E9BF4B58A5FF71FF5FAF13832DC7C91DFEFD7


10:27:16 sx25a0 FR 0 INFO 3 0 4 0 1008C1

10:27:16 sx25a0 FS 0 RR 3 0 1

Figure 6. Sample output of x25mon command showing send and receive data flow

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The Connection Manager object identifier (OID) is*, where * is

the Code documented in Table 4 on page 49. The Connection Manager does not

support a management information base (MIB) query.

All of the traps generated by the Connection Manager consist of five parameters or

variables of type string.

Variable 1

Describes the event causing the trap.

Variable 2

A specific address of the referenced device. This address can be an IP

address, a combination of several addressing parameters, or can be blank if

addressing does not apply.

When this variable is an IP address, it relates directly to the ActvKey field

in the ActiveSessionAttribute table. Note that the IP address (ActvKey) is

the private (Connection Manager-assigned) IP address.

Variables 3 and 4

Trap-dependent additional information or blank.

When variable 3 is a device name, it relates directly to the DevKey field in

the ActiveSessionAttribute table. Note that the device name (DevKey) is

the public (carrier’s) IP address. When variable 4 is a network interface, it

relates directly to the MNC field in the ActiveSessionAttribute table.

Variable 5

Timestamp in plain ASCII, because the standard timestamp of the SNMP

packet is coded.

When this variable is a timestamp, it relates directly to the

LoginTimeStamp field in the ActiveSessionAttribute table.

Trap severity

A severity code is added below each trap. The severity code is not included in the

trap; it is added when the NetView trap daemon is configured. The following

describes each severity code:


Establishment of a normal status


Informational messages


Possible system errors


Low-priority error; for example, failure in an end system


Medium-priority error; for example, failure of a component between a

central system and an end system


High-priority error; for example, failure of a central key component

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Trap descriptions

The tables in this section describe each trap.


1. The origin of the trap is denoted by the first two letters of the first

variable. Traps sent by the Connection Manager use AG.

2. The 120390 and 120391 traps are for completeness and not necessarily

used in the current implementations of trap-generating components.

Table 4. Formats and descriptions of Connection Manager traps

Code / Severity Variables Description

120265 CLEARED 1. ″AG: startup″

2. Host name of gateway server

3. (blank)

4. (blank)

5. Timestamp

Connection Manager software is


120266 MAJOR 1. ″AG: shutdown″

2. Host name of gateway server

3. (blank)

4. (blank)

5. Timestamp

Connection Manager software is


120267 CLEARED 1. ″AG: connection open″

2. IP address/netspec. info

3. Device name

4. Network/interface[/fleet]

5. Timestamp

Transition CLOSED->OPEN The

mobile device now has the option to

establish a connection.



1. ″AG: connection established″

2. IP address/netspec. info

3. Device name

4. Network/interface[/fleet]

5. Timestamp

Transition OPEN/(SHORT)HOLD->CONNECTED The mobile device is

now logged on.



1. ″AG: connection terminated″

2. IP address/netspec. info

3. Device name

4. Network/interface[/fleet]

5. Timestamp

Transition CONNECTED/(SHORT)HOLD->OPEN The mobile

device is now logged off.

120270 MINOR 1. ″AG: connection dropped″

2. IP address/netspec. info

3. Device name

4. Network/interface[/fleet]

5. Timestamp

Transition OPEN / CONNECTED /


120271 WARNING 1. ″AG: connection on hold″

2. IP address/netspec. info

3. Device name

4. Network/interface[/fleet]

5. Timestamp


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Table 4. Formats and descriptions of Connection Manager traps (continued)

Code / Severity Variables Description

120272 WARNING 1. ″AG: connection on short hold″

2. IP address/netspec. info

3. Device name

4. Network/interface[/fleet]

5. Timestamp

Transition CONNECTED->




1. ″AG: connection deleted″

2. IP address/netspec. info

3. Device name

4. Network/interface[/fleet]

5. Timestamp

A connection was removed from the

Connection Manager.



1. ″AG: connection created″

2. IP address/netspec. info

3. Device name

4. Network/interface[/fleet]

5. Timestamp

A new connection was added to the

Connection Manager.

120275 MINOR 1. ″AG: authentication failed″

2. IP address/netspec. info

3. Device name

4. Network/interface[/fleet]

5. Timestamp

An authentication error was made

during the logon procedure.

120276 MINOR 1. ″AG: protocol error″

2. IP address/netspec. info

3. Device name

4. Network/interface[/fleet]

5. Timestamp

An error occurred in the PPP


120277 MINOR 1. ″AG: invalid data management″

2. IP address/netspec. info

3. Device name

4. Network/interface

5. Timestamp

A client login session has refused a

data management option set by the

Connection Manager.

120288 WARNING 1. ″AG: mnc failed to connect″

2. MNC name

3. Target carrier address

4. (blank)

5. Timestamp

An MNC could not make a

connection to the network carrier or

message center.



1. ″AG: connection established″

2. IP address/netspec. info

3. Device name

4. Network/interface[/fleet]

5. Timestamp

The mobile session has roamed to a

new device.

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Table 4. Formats and descriptions of Connection Manager traps (continued)

Code / Severity Variables Description

120320 MAJOR 1. ″AG: connect failed″

2. Host name of gateway server

3. (blank)

4. (blank)

5. Timestamp

The messaging servicesfailed to

connect to backend application server.

120321 WARNING 1. ″AG: device authentication failure″

2. Host name of gateway server

3. (blank)

4. (blank)

5. Timestamp

The messaging client device failed

authentication with the messaging


120322 CRITICAL 1. ″AG: Messaging services - deadlock detected,

restarting gateway″

2. ″Deadlock detected by messaging gateway. Saving

queued messages and restarting Connection


3. (blank)

4. (blank)

5. Timestamp

When messaging services detect that

the Connection Manager has become

deadlocked, it saves queued messages

to the database, generates a core file

for debugging, restarts the

Connection Manager, and resumes

sending the queued messages.

120390 MINOR 1. ″AG: error″

2. Host name of gateway server

3. Errortext 1

4. Errortext 2

5. Timestamp

Other errors

120391 WARNING 1. ″AG: warning″

2. Host name of gateway server

3. Warningtext 1

4. Warningtext 2

5. Timestamp

Other warnings

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The software included herein contains derivatives of the RSA Data Security, Inc.

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Security, Inc.

SNMP++ Toolkit aided in the development of the Connection Manager’s Network

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Aaccess manager

logging files 34

port used 30

account log fileusing 37

using wg_acct command to display

records 38

alerts, network management 47

application troubleshooting checklist 26

Bbefore you call IBM Support 1

broadcast errors 46

Cchange password port 30

character encoding 32

checklistapplication 26

Connection Manager 18

data storage 23

Gatekeeper 26

Mobility Client 14

checklists 7

codedetermining Connection Manager 6

determining Gatekeeper 7

determining Mobility Clients 7

determining version installed 6

commandsifconfig 28

ipconfig 28

netstat 28

ps axw 29

startsrc 30

wg_acct 38

x25status 46

Connection Managerdetermining service level of 6

logging 34

ports used 30

troubleshooting checklist 18

verifying processes 29

connection, status of X.25 link 46

Ddata storage troubleshooting

checklist 23

DB2 troubleshooting 23

default port numbers 30

deleteaccounting records 43

determining code version 6

determining the status of resources 28

directory servicetroubleshooting checklist 23

displaying account records 38

downloads 6

Eenabling the portmap daemon 30

encoding, character 32

errorbroadcast 46

message log file 34

recovery 1

Ffiles, using logs 34

filtering account records 38

finding broadcast errors 46


determining service level of 7

troubleshooting checklist 26

generate accounting record summary 39

globalization 32

Hhints and tips 45

IIBM Support Assistant

installing 3

ifconfig 28

IP-LAN send/receive port 30

ipconfig 28

Kkeepalive 26

Llegal notices 53

lightweight directory access protocol

(LDAP)troubleshooting checklist 23

locales, supported 32

locating the problem 3

log in and password problems 7

logging filestypes of 34

using access manager 34

using Connection Manager 34

Mmessage log file 36

MIB (management information base)

query 48

MNCfilter packets for 39

Mobility Clientdetermining service level of 7

filtering packets for 40

log in and password problems 7

login problems 10

troubleshooting checklist 14

monitoring X.25 data flow 47

Nnational language support 32

netstat 28

network management, sending traps 47

network providers, troubleshooting 1

notices 53

numbers, default port 30

Oobtaining service updates 6

OID (object identifier) 48


filtering account records 40

passwordport, change 30

problems with 7

persistent data storage

troubleshooting 23

portmap daemon 30

ports numbers used 30

problem determination 1

processes, verifying Connection

Manager 29

purge accounting records 40, 41

Rrecords, displaying account 38

reset logs 35

resources, determining the status of 28

roaming trap 50

Sservice level

Connection Manager 6

determining version of code 6

Gatekeeper 7

Mobility Clients 7


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service updates 6

services file, updating for port number

changes 30

severity code 48

simple network management protocol

(SNMP) traps 47

supported locales 32


log file, using 34

starting 43

trademarks 55

trapsdescription of 49

network management 47

severity 48

variables 48

troubleshooting 10

troubleshooting checklistapplication 26

Connection Manager 18

data storage 23

Gatekeeper 26

Mobility Client 14

troubleshooting checklists 7

troubleshooting problems 1

troubleshooting tips 45

Uupdates, service 6

Vverifying Connection Manager

processes 29

versionConnection Manager 6

determining code installed 6

Gatekeeper 7

Mobility Clients 7

Wwg_acct 38

wg_acct command 38

wgated process 29

wgattachd process 29

XX.25 link

monitoring data flow 47

verifying installation 46

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