7/26/2019 lte parameter description http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/lte-parameter-description 1/77 FDD eNodeB LTE parameters description - LR13.3.L LTE/DCL/INF/041724 V01.03 / EN - Standard 27-Feb-2014 FDD eNodeB LTE Parameters Description Release : LR13.3.L Document nb : LTE/DCL/INF/041724 Document issue : 01.03/EN Document status : Standard Date : 27-Feb-2014 Passing on or copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without Alcatel·Lucent written authorization Copyright ©  2013 Alcatel-Lucent, All Rights Reserved Printed in France UNCONTROLLED COPY: The master of this document is stored on an electronic database and is “write protected”; it may be altered only by authorized persons. While copies may be printed, it is not recommended. Viewing of the master electronically ensures access to the current issue Any hardcopies taken must be

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FDD eNodeB LTE parameters description - LR13.3.L


V01.03 / EN - Standard


FDD eNodeB LTE Parameters Description

Release : LR13.3.LDocument nb : LTE/DCL/INF/041724Document issue : 01.03/ENDocument status : StandardDate : 27-Feb-2014

Passing on or copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permittedwithout Alcatel·Lucent written authorization

Copyright© 2013 Alcatel-Lucent, All Rights Reserved

Printed in France

UNCONTROLLED COPY: The master of this document is stored on an electronic database and is “writeprotected”; it may be altered only by authorized persons. While copies may be printed, it is not recommended.

Viewing of the master electronically ensures access to the current issue Any hardcopies taken must be

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FDD eNodeB LTE parameters description - LR13.3.L


V01.03 / EN - Standard


Version Release Date Description of Changes

01.01 LR13.3 27-Jul-13 Draft created from LR13.3 MIM and parameters review

01.02 LR13.3 4-Oct-13 Alignment with LPUG 09.05

01.03 LR13.3 27-Feb-14 Alignment with LPUG 09.06

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


a3 Of fs etMax Mo bi lit yR ob us tnes sOp tCe ll < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <Mo bi li tyR ob ust nes sOp tCe ll> 3 no ne Mo bi lit y I nt ra-LT E RR C Co nnec te d Mo de M obi li ty Pr oc ed ures T his p aram et er ind icat es t he m ax im um v al ue o f the a 3O ff set that the M RO a lg ori thm i s al lowe d to a tt em pt. dB F loat -15 1 5 0 .5 6 e ng_ tunabl e L1 15 85 2 S ON Intr a-F req uenc yHando ve rOp ti mi sat ions L R1 3. 3

a3 Of fs etMi n Mo bi lit yR ob us tnes sOp tCe ll < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <Mo bi li tyR ob ust nes sOp tCe ll> 3 no ne Mo bi lit y I nt ra-LT E RR C Co nnec te d Mo de M obi li ty Pr oc ed ures T his p aram et er ind icat es t he m ini mum v al ue o f t he a 3Of fs et that the M RO a lgo ri thm i s a llo wed t o at te mpt . dB F loat -15 1 5 0 .5 0. 5 e ng_ tunabl e L1 15 85 2 S ON Intr a-F req uenc yHando ve rOp ti mi sat ions L R1 3. 3

a cB ar ri ng Cl as s0 To 9 O ne XR tt Ac ce ss Ba rr in g<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttAccessBarring>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameter contains the 1xRTT access class barring parameters the UE uses to calculate the accessclass barring factor,see C.S0097.Parameterused forcalculating the access class barring factorforaccessoverload classes 0 through9.It is the parameter“PSIST” inC.S0004-A.

N.A. Integer 0 63 1 0 customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

ac Ba rr in gC las s1 0 O ne XR tt Ac ce ss Ba rr in g<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttAccessBarring>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameter contains the 1xRTT access class barring parameters the UE uses to calculate the accessclass barring factor,see C.S0097.Parameterused forcalculating the access class barring factorforaccessoverload class 10.

N.A. Integer 0 7 1 0 customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

ac Ba rr in gC las s1 1 O ne XR tt Ac ce ss Ba rr in g<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttAccessBarring>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameter contains the 1xRTT access class barring parameters the UE uses to calculate the accessclass barring factor,see C.S0097.Parameterused forcalculating the access class barring factorforaccessoverload class 11.

N.A. Integer 0 7 1 0 customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

ac Ba rr in gC las s1 2 O ne XR tt Ac ce ss Ba rr in g<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttAccessBarring>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameter contains the 1xRTT access class barring parameters the UE uses to calculate the accessclass barring factor,see C.S0097.Parameterused forcalculating the access class barring factorforaccessoverload class 12.

N.A. Integer 0 7 1 0 customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

ac Ba rr in gC las s1 3 O ne XR tt Ac ce ss Ba rr in g<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttAccessBarring>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameter contains the 1xRTT access class barring parameters the UE uses to calculate the accessclass barring factor,see C.S0097.Parameterused forcalculating the access class barring factorforaccessoverload class 13.

N.A. Integer 0 7 1 0 customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

ac Ba rr in gC las s1 4 O ne XR tt Ac ce ss Ba rr in g<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttAccessBarring>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameter contains the 1xRTT access class barring parameters the UE uses to calculate the accessclass barring factor,see C.S0097.Parameterused forcalculating the access class barring factorforaccessoverload class 14.

N.A. Integer 0 7 1 0 customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

ac Ba rr in gC las s1 5 O ne XR tt Ac ce ss Ba rr in g<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttAccessBarring>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameter contains the 1xRTT access class barring parameters the UE uses to calculate the accessclass barring factor,see C.S0097.Parameterused forcalculating the access class barring factorforaccessoverload class 15.

N.A. Integer 0 7 1 0 customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

a cB ar ri ng Cl as sE mg O ne XR tt Ac ce ss Ba rr in g<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-

<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttAccessBarring>3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC

This parameter contains the 1xRTT access class barring parameters the UE uses to calculate the accessclass barring factor,see C.S0097.Parameterused forcalculating the access class barring factorfor 

emergencycalls and emergencymessages transmissions foraccess classes 0 through9.Itis the parameter “PSIST_EMG” inC.S0004-A.

N.A. Integer 0 7 1 0 customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

a cB ar ri ng Cl as sM sg O ne XR tt Ac ce ss Ba rr in g<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttAccessBarring>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameter contains the 1xRTT access class barring parameters the UE uses to calculate the accessclass barring factor,see C.S0097.Parameterused for calculating the access class barring factorformessagetransmissions.Itis the parameter“MSG_PSIST” inC.S0004-A.

N.A. Integer 0 7 1 0 customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

a cB ar ri ng Cl as sR eg O ne XR tt Ac ce ss Ba rr in g<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttAccessBarring>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameter contains the 1xRTT access class barring parameters the UE uses to calculate the accessclass barring factor,see C.S0097.Parameterused forcalculating the access class barring factorfor autonomous registrations.Itis the parameter“REG_PSIST” in C.S0004-A.

N.A. Integer 0 7 1 0 customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

ac Ba rr in gS tat us O ne XR tt Ac ce ss Ba rr in g<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-

<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttAccessBarring>3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC

This parameterprovides the status of the 1xRTT access class barring.Whensetto true,ac-

BarringConfig1XRTT-r9 IE is included in SIB8.See TS 36.331.N.A. Boolean False customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

ac ce ss Ba rr in gC sf bS tat us A cc es sB ar ri ng < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ac ce ss Bar ri ng > 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in g

This parameterdetermines the status of Access Barring informationforCS Fallbackwhichis broadcastinthecell(inSystemInformationBlockType2):-false:no barring formobile originating CS Fallback.-true:barring formobile originating CS Fallback.

N.A. Boolean false eng_tunable L115225 EUTRAN Standard Alignment LR13.1

ac ce ss Ba rr in gF or Em er ge nc yC al ls A cc es sB ar ri ng < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ac ce ss Bar ri ng > 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterindicates whetheraccess is barred in the celloriginating emergencycalls.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Boolean false system_restricted L97933Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


ac ce ss Barri ngS tat us A cc es sB ar ring < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <A cc es sB ar ring > 3 no ne C al lManage ment C al lHand li ng

This parameterdetermines the type of Access Barring informationwhichis broadcastinthe cell(inSystemInformationBlockType2):-none:no access classes are barred.-emergencyCallsExclusively:onlythe bitindicating whetheremergencycalls are barred is broadcast.-signalingOnly:access barring informationis broadcastforsignaling calls only(the bitfor emergencycalls isalso broadcast).-originatingCallsOnly:access barring informationis broadcastfororiginating calls only (the bitfor emergencycalls is also broadcast).-signalingAndOriginatingCalls:access barring informationis broadcastforbothsignaling calls and originatingcalls (the bitforemergencycalls is also broadcast).

N .A . E nu me ra tenone(0),emergencyCallsExclusively(1),signalingOnly(2),originatingCalls Only(3), signalingAndOrig inatingCalls(4)

n on e s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 97 93 3Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


a cc es sB ar ri ng Ti me A cc es sB ar ri ng Fo rC sf b<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForCsfb>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in g

This parameterdetermines the average time for whichaUE considers the cell barred fororiginating calls.TheUE sets timerT303 to a value {(0.7+0.6 *rand)*accessBarringTime},where rand is arandom value drawnbetween0 and 1.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

s Enumerate s4(0), s8(1), s16(2), s32(3), s64(4), s128(5), s256(6), s512(7) s32 eng_tunable L115225 EUT RAN Standard Alignment LR13.1

a cc e ss B ar ri n gT i me A c ce s sB ar r in g Fo r Or i gi n at i ng C al l s<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForOriginatingCalls>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in g

This parameterdetermines the average time for whichaUE considers the cell barred fororiginating calls.TheUE sets timerT303 to a value {(0.7+0.6 *rand)*accessBarringTime},where rand is arandom value drawnbetween0 and 1.See TS 36.331.


s Enumerate s4(0), s8(1), s16(2), s32(3), s64(4), s128(5), s256(6), s512(7) s32 eng_tunable L97933Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


a cc es sB ar ri ng Ti me A cc es sB ar ri ng Fo rS ig na li ng<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForSignaling>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in g

This parameterdetermines the average time for whichthe UE considers the cell barred forsignaling calls.TheUE sets timerT303 to a value {(0.7+0.6 *rand)*accessBarringTime},where rand is arandom value drawnbetween0 and 1.See TS 36.331.


s Enumerate s4(0), s8(1), s16(2), s32(3), s64(4), s128(5), s256(6), s512(7) s32 eng_tunable L97933Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


a cc es sB ar ri ng Ti me S sa cB ar ri ng Fo rV id eo MM TE L<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<SsacBarringForVideoMMTEL>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in g

This parameterdetermines the average time for whichaUE considers the cell barred fororiginating calls.TheUE sets timerT303 to a value {(0.7+0.6 *rand)*accessBarringTime},where rand is arandom value drawnbetween0 and 1.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

s E num erate s4 (0 ), s8 (1 ), s1 6(2 ), s32 (3), s6 4(4 ), s12 8(5 ), s2 56 (6 ), s5 12 (7 ) s 32 e ng_ tunabl e L1 14 64 4 E UT RA NS tand ard A li gnm ent on 3GP P R el -9 L A5. 0

a cc es sB ar ri ng Ti me S sa cB ar ri ng Fo rV oi ce MM TE L<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<SsacBarringForVoiceMMTEL>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in g

This parameterdetermines the average time for whichaUE considers the cell barred fororiginating calls.TheUE sets timerT303 to a value {(0.7+0.6 *rand)*accessBarringTime},where rand is arandom value drawnbetween0 and 1.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

s E num erate s4 (0 ), s8 (1 ), s1 6(2 ), s32 (3), s6 4(4 ), s12 8(5 ), s2 56 (6 ), s5 12 (7 ) s 32 e ng_ tunabl e L1 14 64 4 E UT RA NS tand ard A li gnm ent on 3GP P R el -9 L A5. 0

a cc es sC la ss 11 Ba rr in g A cc es sB ar ri ng Fo rC sf b<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForCsfb>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies whetherthe UE access class 11 (For PLMNuse)is barred inthe cell fororiginatingCS Fallback.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Boolean false system_restricted L115225 EUTRAN Standard Alignment LR13.1

a cc e ss C la ss 1 1B a rr i ng A c ce s sB ar r in g Fo r Or i gi n at i ng C al l s<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForOriginatingCalls>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies whetherthe UE access class 11 (For PLMNuse)is barred inthe cell fororiginatingcalls.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Boolean false system_restricted L97933Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


a cc e ss C la ss 1 1B a rr i ng A c ce s sB ar r in g Fo r Si g na li n g<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForSignaling>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in ghis parameterspeciies whetherthe access class 11 (or L use)is barred inthe cellorsignaling

calls.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.Boolean false system_restricted L97933

Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


a cc e ss C la ss 1 1B a rr i ng S s ac B ar ri n gFo rV i de o MMTEL<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<SsacBarringForVideoMMTEL>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies whetherthe UE access class 11 (For PLMNuse)is barred inthe cell fororiginatingcalls.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Boolean false system_restricted L114644 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA5.0

a cc e ss C la ss 1 1B a rr i ng S s ac B ar ri n gFo rV o ic e MMTEL<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-

<SsacBarringForVoiceMMTEL>3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in g

This parameterspecifies whetherthe UE access class 11 (For PLMNuse)is barred inthe cell fororiginating

calls.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.Boolean false system_restricted L114644 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA5.0

a cc es sC la ss 12 Ba rr in g A cc es sB ar ri ng Fo rC sf b<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForCsfb>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies whetherthe UE access class 12 (SecurityServices)is barred inthe cell for originating CS Fallback.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Boolean false system_restricted L115225 EUTRAN Standard Alignment LR13.1

a cc e ss C la ss 1 2B a rr i ng A c ce s sB ar r in g Fo r Or i gi n at i ng C al l s<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForOriginatingCalls>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies whetherthe UE access class 12 (SecurityServices)is barred inthe cell for originating calls.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Boolean false system_restricted L97933Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


a cc e ss C la ss 1 2B a rr i ng A c ce s sB ar r in g Fo r Si g na li n g<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForSignaling>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies whetherUE access class 12 (SecurityServices)is barred inthe cellforsignalingcalls.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Boolean false system_restricted L97933Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


a cc e ss C la ss 1 2B a rr i ng S s ac B ar ri n gFo rV i de o MMTEL<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<SsacBarringForVideoMMTEL>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies whetherthe UE access class 12 (SecurityServices)is barred inthe cell for originating calls.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Boolean false system_restricted L114644 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA5.0

a cc e ss C la ss 1 2B a rr i ng S s ac B ar ri n gFo rV o ic e MMTEL<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<SsacBarringForVoiceMMTEL>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies whetherthe UE access class 12 (SecurityServices)is barred inthe cell for originating calls.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Boolean false system_restricted L114644 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA5.0

a cc es sC la ss 13 Ba rr in g A cc es sB ar ri ng Fo rC sf b<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForCsfb>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in ghis parameterspeciies whetherthe access class 1 ( ublic tilities)is barred inthe cellor originating

CS Fallback.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.Boolean false system_restricted L115225 EUTRAN Standard Alignment LR13.1

a cc e ss C la ss 1 3B a rr i ng A c ce s sB ar r in g Fo r Or i gi n at i ng C al l s<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForOriginatingCalls>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies whetherthe UE access class 13 (Public Utilities)is barred inthe cell fororiginatingcalls.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Boolean false system_restricted L97933Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


a cc e ss C la ss 1 3B a rr i ng A c ce s sB ar r in g Fo r Si g na li n g<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForSignaling>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies whetherthe UE access class 13 (Public Utilities)is barred inthe cell forsignalingcalls.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Boolean false system_restricted L97933Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


a cc e ss C la ss 1 3B a rr i ng S s ac B ar ri n gFo rV i de o MMTEL<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-

<SsacBarringForVideoMMTEL>3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in g

This parameterspecifies whetherthe UE access class 13 (Public Utilities)is barred inthe cell fororiginating

calls.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.Boolean false system_restricted L114644 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA5.0

a cc e ss C la ss 1 3B a rr i ng S s ac B ar ri n gFo rV o ic e MMTEL<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<SsacBarringForVoiceMMTEL>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in ghis parameterspeciies whetherthe access class 1 ( ublic tilities)is barred inthe cellor originating

calls.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.Boolean false system_restricted L114644 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA5.0

a cc es sC la ss 14 Ba rr in g A cc es sB ar ri ng Fo rC sf b<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForCsfb>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies whetherthe UE access class 14 (EmergencyServices)is barred inthe cell for originating CS Fallback.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Boolean false system_restricted L115225 EUTRAN Standard Alignment LR13.1

a cc e ss C la ss 1 4B a rr i ng A c ce s sB ar r in g Fo r Or i gi n at i ng C al l s<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForOriginatingCalls>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies whetherthe UE access class 14 (EmergencyServices)is barred inthe cell for originating calls.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Boolean false system_restricted L97933Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


a cc e ss C la ss 1 4B a rr i ng A c ce s sB ar r in g Fo r Si g na li n g<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForSignaling> 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in g

This parameterindicates whetherUE access class 14 (EmergencyServices)is barred inthe cell forsignaling

calls.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Boolean false system_restricted L97933Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change LA2.0

a cc e ss C la ss 1 4B a rr i ng S s ac B ar ri n gFo rV i de o MMTEL<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<SsacBarringForVideoMMTEL>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies whetherthe UE access class 14 (EmergencyServices)is barred inthe cell for originating calls.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Boolean false system_restricted L114644 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA5.0

a cc e ss C la ss 1 4B a rr i ng S s ac B ar ri n gFo rV o ic e MMTEL<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<SsacBarringForVoiceMMTEL>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies whetherthe UE access class 14 (EmergencyServices)is barred inthe cell for originating calls.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Boolean false system_restricted L114644 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA5.0

a cc es sC la ss 15 Ba rr in g A cc es sB ar ri ng Fo rC sf b<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForCsfb>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies whetherthe UE access class 15 (PLMNStaff) is barred inthe cellfor originating CSFallback.See TS 36.331.


Boolean false system_restricted L115225 EUTRAN Standard Alignment LR13.1

a cc e ss C la ss 1 5B a rr i ng A c ce s sB ar r in g Fo r Or i gi n at i ng C al l s<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForOriginatingCalls>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies whetherthe UE access class 15 (PLMNStaff)is barred inthe cellfororiginatingcalls.See TS 36.331.


Boolean false system_restricted L97933Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


a cc e ss C la ss 1 5B a rr i ng A c ce s sB ar r in g Fo r Si g na li n g<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForSignaling>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterindicates whetherUE access class 15 (PLMNStaff)is barred inthe cell forsignaling calls.SeeTS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Boolean false system_restricted L97933Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


a cc e ss C la ss 1 5B a rr i ng S s ac B ar ri n gFo rV i de o MMTEL<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<SsacBarringForVideoMMTEL>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies whetherthe UE access class 15 (PLMNStaff)is barred inthe cellfororiginatingcalls.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Boolean false system_restricted L114644 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA5.0

a cc e ss C la ss 1 5B a rr i ng S s ac B ar ri n gFo rV o ic e MMTEL<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<SsacBarringForVoiceMMTEL>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies whetherthe UE access class 15 (PLMNStaff)is barred inthe cellfororiginatingcalls.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Boolean false system_restricted L114644 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA5.0

ac ce ss Cl as sB arri ngD ef ense Ove rl oad Co ntro l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ove rl oad Co nt rol > 3 no ne C al lManage ment C al lHand li ngThis parameterallows orforbids eNodeB,incriticaloverload,to use Access Class Barring forMO-dataandMO-signaling calls as defense actionto avoid consuming CPU to rejectRRC ConnectionRequests,leavingthe decisionto the UEs.

N.A. Boolean TRUE system_restricted L115805 Overload Control Phase 3 LR13.1

a cc e ss P ro b ab i li t yFa ct o r A c ce s sB ar r in g Fo r Cs f b<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForCsfb>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in g

This parameterdetermines the probabilitythataUE mayaccess the cell foranoriginating CS Fallback.Whenthis parameteris set, the UE draws arandom numberbetween0 and 1.If the drawnnumberis lesserthantheaccessProbabilityFactor,the UE considers the cellas notbarred and mayinitiate anoriginating CS Fallback.See TS 36.331.


% Enumeratep00(0),p05(1),p10(2),p15(3),p20(4),p25(5),p30(6),p40(7),p50(8),p60(9),p70(10),p75(11),p80(12),p85(13),p90(14),p95(15)

p50 eng_tunable L115225 EUT RAN Standard Alignment LR13.1

accessProbabilityFactor AccessBarr ingForOr ig inatingCalls<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForOriginatingCalls>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in g

This parameterdetermines the probabilitythataUE mayaccess the cell foranoriginating call.Whenthis

parameteris set, the UE draws arandom numberbetween0 and 1.If the drawnnumberis lesser thantheaccessProbabilityFactor,the UE considers the cellas not barred and mayinitiate anoriginating call.See TS36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

% Enumeratep00(0),p05(1),p10(2),p15(3),p20(4),p25(5),p30(6),p40(7),p50(8),p60(9),p70(10),p75(11),p80(12),p85(13),p90(14),p95(15)

p50 eng_tunable L97933Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


a cc e ss P ro b ab i li t yFa ct o r A c ce s sB ar r in g Fo r Si g na li n g<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<AccessBarringForSignaling>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in g

This parameterdetermines the probabilitythataUE mayaccess the cell forasignaling call.Whenthisparameteris set, the UE draws arandom numberbetween0 and 1.If the drawnnumberis lesser thantheaccessProbabilityFactor,the UE considers the cellas not barred and mayinitiate asignaling call.See TS36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

% Enumeratep00(0),p05(1),p10(2),p15(3),p20(4),p25(5),p30(6),p40(7),p50(8),p60(9),p70(10),p75(11),p80(12),p85(13),p90(14),p95(15)

p50 eng_tunable L97933Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


a cc e ss P ro b ab i li t yFa ct o r S s ac B ar ri n gFo rV i de o MMTEL<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<SsacBarringForVideoMMTEL>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in g

This parameterdetermines the probabilitythataUE mayaccess the cell foranoriginating call.Whenthisparameteris set, the UE draws arandom numberbetween0 and 1.If the drawnnumberis lesser thantheaccessProbabilityFactor,the UE considers the cellas not barred and mayinitiate anoriginating call.See TS36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

% Enumeratep00(0),p05(1),p10(2),p15(3),p20(4),p25(5),p30(6),p40(7),p50(8),p60(9),p70(10),p75(11),p80(12),p85(13),p90(14),p95(15)

p 50 e ng _t un ab le L 11 46 44 E UT RA N St an da rd A li gn me nt o n 3G PP R el -9 L A5 .0

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


a cc e ss P ro b ab i li t yFa ct o r S s ac B ar ri n gFo rV o ic e MMTEL<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<AccessBarring>-<SsacBarringForVoiceMMTEL>

3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in g

This parameterdetermines the probabilitythataUE mayaccess the cell foranoriginating call.Whenthisparameteris set, the UE draws arandom numberbetween0 and 1.If the drawnnumberis lesser thantheaccessProbabilityFactor,the UE considers the cellas not barred and mayinitiate anoriginating call.See TS36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

% Enumeratep00(0),p05(1),p10(2),p15(3),p20(4),p25(5),p30(6),p40(7),p50(8),p60(9),p70(10),p75(11),p80(12),p85(13),p90(14),p95(15)

p 50 e ng _t un ab le L 11 46 44 E UT RA N St an da rd A li gn me nt o n 3G PP R el -9 L A5 .0

ac cu mu la ti on Ena bl ed U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< UL Po we rC on tr ol Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies powercontrolmodes.TRUE corresponds to “enabled” whereas FALSEcorresponds to “disabled.” OnlyTRUE is supported inLA1.0.See TS 36.213,

Boolean N.A. system_restricted L76432 Scheduling Evolutions LA1.0


<ENBEquipm ent>-<Enb>-<Dedi catedConf>-< TrafficRadi oBearerConf>-<ReactiveLoadControlActionForBearerAdmission>

3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the action(bearerrelease,orUE offload)to be performed uponthe configuredbearerif itis pre-empted bythe admissionof anotherbearerunderreactive load controlforthe concernedPLMN.Note thatthe applicable parametervalue is takenfrom the instance of

ReactiveLoadControlActionForBearerAdmissionassociated withthe pre-empted bearer,notfrom the instanceassociated withthe bearerthatis being admitted.

E nu me ra te b ea re rR el eas e( 0) ,o ut go in gM ob il it y( 1) o ut go in gM ob il it y s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 11 45 39 .1 C on ge st io nM an ag em ent at Ca ll A dm is si on L A4 .0

activePhaseMeasReportHysteresis LteInterFrequencyAnr <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<LteInterFrequencyAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies the minimum numberof consecutive measurementreports received bythe eNodeBwithoutdiscovering anewinter-frequencyneighborrelationthatis required to exitthe active phase of ANR.Theotherconditionis givenbyparameteractivePhaseMeasReportThreshold.

N.A. Integer 5 500 5 200 customer_settable L103176 ANR Support for Inter Freq Neighbours T/LA6.0

activePhaseMeasReportHysteresis LteIntraFrequencyAnr <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<LteIntraFrequencyAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies the minimum numberof consecutive measurementreports received bythe eNodeBwithoutdiscovering anewintra-frequencyneighborrelationthatis required to exitthe active phase of ANR.Theotherconditionis givenbyparameteractivePhaseMeasReportThreshold.

N.A. Integer 5 500 5 200 customer_settable L81872Automatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation


activePhaseMeasReportHysteresis UtraAnr  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<UtraAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies the minimum numberof consecutive measurementreports received bythe eNodeBwithoutdiscovering anewUTRANneighborrelationthatis required to exit the active phase of ANR.The other conditionis givenbyparameteractivePhaseMeasReportThreshold.

N.A. Integer 5 500 5 200 customer_settable L108084 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA5.0

activePhaseMeasReportThreshold LteInterFrequencyAnr <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<LteInterFrequencyAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies the minimum numberof measurementreports received bythe eNodeB thatisrequired to exitthe active phase of inter-frequencyANR.The otherconditionis givenbyparameter activePhaseMeasReportHysteresis.

N.A. Integer 10 2000 10 1000 customer_settable L103176 ANR Support for Inter Freq Neighbours T/LA6.0

activePhaseMeasReportThreshold LteIntraFrequencyAnr <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<LteIntraFrequencyAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies the minimum numberof measurementreports received bythe eNodeB thatisrequired to exitthe active phase of intra-frequencyANR.The otherconditionis givenby parameter activePhaseMeasReportHysteresis.

N.A. Integer 10 2000 10 1000 customer_settable L81872Automatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation


activePhaseMeasReportThreshold UtraAnr  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<UtraAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies the minimum numberof measurementreports received bythe eNodeB thatisrequired to exitthe active phase of UTRAN ANR.The otherconditionis givenby parameter activePhaseMeasReportHysteresis.

N.A. Integer 10 2000 10 1000 customer_settable L108084 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA5.0

ac tiv eT oI nact iveS pee chT hre shol dUl E nbV oip Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< EnbV oip Co nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the threshold used for transitioning aUE from “SpeechActive” to “SpeechInactive”state.Expressed innumberof consecutive non-speechframes.

Integer 1 16 4 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0



2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the numberof successive periods of 20ms where the bufferof the SPS beareris notempty,to activate SPS.

ms Integer 0 160 20 40 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

additionalSpectrumEmission LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic Re sourc e A ll oc at io nand P ack et Sc he dul ing T his param et er spe ci fi es add it ional spe ctrum e mis si on req uire ment s ac co rdi ng to s ect ion 6.6 .2 .2 ,T S 3 6.1 01. I nteg er 1 3 2 1 1 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 76 50 1 3GP P St andard C om pl iance L A1. 0

ad mi ss io nT hr es ho ld On Nb rO fD Bs R ad io Ca cC el l < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Rad io Ca cC el l> 3 n oneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the threshold onnumberof databearers forthe admissionof alow priorityrequest.Reactive load controlmaybe triggered if itis exceeded.

Integer 0 4000 1 N.A. system_restricted L114539.1 Congestion Management at Call Admission LA4.0

aliasName ENBEquipment <ENBEquipment> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

ENB and Software ConfigurationControlParametersThis optionalparameterprovides a user-defined alias for identificationof the eNodeB.Itmaybe set orunsetas desired bythe operator.

N.A. UnicodeString 0 255 N.A. customer_settable L78706 eNB Platform OA&M LA1.1

al lowe dC iphe ring Alg ori thm Li st P lm nI de nt it y < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Pl mnI dent it y> 3 no ne LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parameteridentifies the ciphering algorithms whichare allowed foruse in the eNodeB forthe associatedPLMN.The listis ordered from the highestpriorityalgorithm to the lowestpriorityalgorithm.If the listcontainsonlythe eea0 algorithm (“null”),ciphering is deactivated.

N .A . E nu me ra te e ea 0 ( 0) ,1 28 -e ea 1 ( 1) ,1 28 -e ea 2 ( 2) ,1 28 -e ea 3 ( 3) ( ee a0 ) s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 92 63 8 C ip he ri ng & In te gr it yP ro te ct io nF or Ra di o I nt er fa ce L A2 .0

al lo we dI nt eg ri ty Pr ot ec ti on Al go ri th mL is t P lm nI de nt it y < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pl mn Id en ti ty > 3 n one L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameteridentifies the integrityprotectionalgorithms whichare allowed for usage inthe eNodeB fortheassociated PLMN.This listis ordered from the highestpriorityalgorithm to the lowestpriorityalgorithm.

N .A . E nu me ra te e ia 0 ( 0) ,1 28 -e ia 1 ( 1) ,1 28 -e ia 2 ( 2) ,1 28 -e ia3 (3 ) ( 12 8- ei a1 ) s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 92 63 8 C ip he ri ng & In te gr it yP ro te ct io nF or Ra di o I nt er fa ce L A2 .0

al phaF ai rne ss Fac tor C el lL2 DL Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL2 DL Co nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies the alpha fairness factor, and is used for tuning the scheduler. N.A. Float 0 2 0.5 1.0 customer_settable L76432 Scheduling Evolutions LA1.0

aMPRappliedToSRS EnbRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterrepresents the AMPR value (as defined in36.101)thatis assumed to be applied bythe UEuponSRS transmissionwhenthe UE is configured withcertainadditionalSpectrumEmissionconstraint.Thisvalue is onlyused wheneither700MHzBlockC OP-PUCCHorGeneralized OP-PUCCHis enabled,else itsdisregarded.

dB Integer 0 20 1 12 system_restricted L85004UE Emissioncontrolin700MHzUpperC block(option1)


a nr A ct i ve A ft e rX 2 Se t up L t eN e ig hb o ri n gFr eq C on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterif setto true prevents ANR from entering the active phase forthis frequencyuntilanX2 linkisfirstestablished withaneNB thatis serving this frequency.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L103176 ANR Support for Inter Freq Neighbours T/LA6.0

a nr In it ia te X2 Se tu p L te Ne ig hb or in gF re qC on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies whetherthe discoverybyANR of a newneighborwillcause the eNB to attemptX2linkestablishmenttowards the newneighbors eNB.

N.A. Boolean true customer_settable L103176 ANR Support for Inter Freq Neighbours T/LA6.0

a nr Me as ur em en tO nl y L te In te rF re qu en cy An r  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<LteInterFrequencyAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parametercontrols whetherANR is allowed to add aneighborrelationwhenamobilitymeasurementreportis received.If it is setto true thenANR willonlytriggerthe process to add aneighborif anANRmeasurementreportis received.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L103176 ANR Support for Inter Freq Neighbours T/LA6.0

a nr Me as ur em en tO nl y L te In tr aF re qu en cy An r  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<LteIntraFrequencyAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parametercontrols whetherANR is allowed to add aneighborrelationwhenamobilitymeasurementreportis received.If it is setto true thenANR willonlytriggerthe process to add aneighborif anANRmeasurementreportis received.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L108172 Full Support of Intra-LTE ANR LA3.0

antennaBandClass RetSubunit <ENBEquipment>-<Ret>-<RetSubunit> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures and


Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameteris setby the operatorto captures the band class of the antennasupported bythe RET Subunit.The parameteris being replaced by anew parameterwiththis feature:antennaFrequencyBands. The value

willbe setby OAMatcreationorset bythe technicianduring the eNodeB commissioning if notvalue was readfrom the RET Subunit.

N.A. String 0 20 $NULLSTRING$ customer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

antennaCalibrate RetSubunit <ENBEquipment>-<Ret>-<RetSubunit> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameteris setby the end userto initiate the antennacalibrationprocedure inthe RET subunit.Theantennacalibrationprocedure swings the antennatiltthroughits fulltiltrange.

N.A. Boolean false customer_init L115221 Support for SAMProvisioning of Beta Parameters T/LA6.0

antennaConfigFile RetSubunit <ENBEquipment>-<Ret>-<RetSubunit> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameteris setbythe Operatorto specifythe name and locationof a newACF thatwould bedownloaded to the RET Subunit. The parametercanremainunsetuntilanewconfig file is sent to the RETSubunit.

N.A. String 0 255 $NULLSTRING$ customer_init L115221 Support for SAMProvisioning of Beta Parameters T/LA6.0

antennaElectricalTilt RetSubunit <ENBEquipment>-<Ret>-<RetSubunit> 3 none


Features andParameters

Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameteris setby OAMwhenthe RET Subunitis created. Itcanalso be setby the end userto specifya

newelectricaltiltforthe antennas supported bythe actuator(motor)forthis subunit.The parametercanbeunsetuntilOAMreads the lastsetvalue from the RET Subunit.

deg Float -90 90 0.1 N.A. customer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

antennaLabel AntennaPort <ENBEquipment>-<CpriRadioEquipment>-<AntennaPort> 3 none


Features andParameters

Installation and Commissioning Parameters This parameter identifies the antenna by afriendly name. String 0 255 $NULLSTRING$ customer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

an te nn aP at hA tt en uat io nD L A nt enn aP or t < EN BE qui pm en t> -< Cp ri Ra di oE qu ip me nt >- <A nt enn aP or t> 2 p ar ti alMiscellaneousFeatures and


Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameteradvises the eNodeB of the totalexternaldownlinkRF loss (feederplus Diplexer/Combiner)from cabinetantennaconnectorto antenna,orto BTS portof TMA if present.This value does notinclude theantennaPortInternalLoss contributionbetweenTRDURF portand cabinetantennaconnector.The value 0means thatno feederloss estimate is available.

0.1dB Integer 0 40 1 0 customer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

an te nn aP at hA tt en uat io nU L A nt enn aP or t < EN BE qui pm en t> -< Cp ri Ra di oE qu ip me nt >- <A nt enn aP or t> 2 p ar ti alMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameteradvises the eNodeB of the totalexternaluplinkRF loss (feederplus Diplexer/Combiner)fromcabinetantennaconnectorto antenna,orto BTS portof TMA if present.This value does notinclude theantennaPortInternalLoss contributionbetweenTRDURF portand cabinetantennaconnector.The value 0 means thatno feederloss estimate is available.The parametershould be unsetif and onlyif the RF loss is determined bythe othercontrollerof the shared RF


0.1dB Integer 0 40 1 0 customer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

ant ennaP at hDe layD L A nte nnaP ort < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Cp riR adi oEq ui pm ent >-< Ante nnaP or t> 2 parti alMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameterindicates total externalDownlinkpropagationdelay(feederDL delayplus diplexer/combiner)from antennato the eNodeB RF inputin units of nsec.Includes also a potentialcontributionof atowermountedamplifierTMA,if equipped.Value 0 means thatno feederdelayvalue is available.

ns Integer 0 100000 1 0 customer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

ant ennaP at hDe layUL A nte nnaP ort < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Cp riR adi oEq ui pm ent >-< Ante nnaP or t> 2 parti alMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameterindicates total externalUplinkpropagationdelay(feederUL delayplus diplexer/combiner)fromantennato the eNodeB RF inputinunits of nsec.Includes also apotentialcontributionof atowermountedamplifierTMA,if equipped.Value 0 means thatno feederdelayvalue is available.

ns Integer 0 100000 1 0 customer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

ant ennaP ort Id C el lAnt ennaP ort < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lAnt ennaP ort > 2 parti alMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis is a service linkto associate the celltransmitor receive path/stream withone AntennaPortinstance withinaCpriRadioEquipmentMO.

ServiceLink N.A. customer_settable L115295Band Class 25 (PCS)LTE eNodeB Configurations inLA5.0


antennaPortLabel AntennaPort <ENBEquipment>-<CpriRadioEquipment>-<AntennaPort> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameterattaches an identificationlabelto the antennaportobjectinstance.The string should beidenticalto the antennalabelonthe roof of the eNodeB.Example:NANT A.

String 0 255 $NULLSTRING$ customer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

a pe ri od ic CQ Ir an kA ve ra gi ng Co ef f ic ie nt C el lR ad io Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lR ad io Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterdetermines the forgetting-factorfortime-averaging rankcalculationwhenreceiving AperiodicCQI reports.The provisioned value is divided by256 and subtracted from 1 to provide a forgetting-factor between0 and 0,996.

N.A. Integer 1 256 1 15 system_restricted L90853 Frequency diverse scheduling LA3.0


CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterdetermines the forgetting factorfortime-averaging Rankestimationreceived inside A-CSI todecide switching between1Layer and 2Layers MIMO modes.

The unitcorresponds to the granularityof 1/2^14 withinthe [0,1]range.

N.A. Integer 0 16384 1 164 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3


CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterdetermines the forgetting factorfortime-averaging SINR estimationreceived inside A-CSI toderive the targetSINR forPDCCHPowerControl.The unitcorresponds to the granularityof 1/2^14 withinthe [0,1]range.

N.A. Integer 0 16384 1 164 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

aperiodicCSITriggerR10Tr igger1 DownlinkCAConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggreg ationPrimaryConf >-<DownlinkCACo nf>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic Re sourc e A ll oc at io nand P ack et Sc he dul ing T his param et er conf igure s the T ri gge r1 f or A-C SI re po rt fo rC A UE . N.A . E num erate aC SI fo rS Ce ll 1 (1 ), aC SI fo rP Ce ll AndS Cel l1 (2) aCS If orS Ce ll1 s ys tem _res tr ic ted 1 60 84 7 Co mm erc ial CA L R1 3. 3

arfcn GeranNeighboringCellRelation<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<GeranNeighboringCellRelation>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterspecifies the GERANARFCNof BCCHcarrier.Referto 36.331:GERAN-ARFCN-Value IE.

N.A. Integer 0 1023 1 N.A. customer_init L96371 EUTRA-to-GERAN Inter-RAT Mobility -- NACC LA3.0

arpPriorityEmergency PlmnIdentity <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<PlmnIdentity> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the ARP prioritylevelthatis used forE-RABs thatprovide emergencyservices.Itis PLMNspecific.

N.A. Integer 1 15 1 1 system_restricted L114539.1 Congestion Management at Call Admission LA4.0

arpPriorityHighPriorityAccess PlmnIdentity <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<PlmnIdentity> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the ARP prioritylevelrange assigned to E-RABs used forhighpriorityservices.ARPpriorities equalto orless thanthis parameterwillbe considered highpriority.Itis PLMNspecific.

N.A. Integer 1 15 1 2 system_restricted L115860 High Priority Access Admission Control LR13.3

a rp Th re sh ol dF or Pr ev en ti ve Lo ad Co nt ro l R ad io Ca cE nb < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <R rm Se rv ic es >- <R ad io Ca cE nb > 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

his parameteris the lowestnumericalA priority,belowwhich s cannotbe selected orpreventive loadcontrol.

N.A. Integer 1 15 1 system_restricted L115223 Inter-freq Load Balancing T/LA6.0

as si gn ed Tr an sc ei ve rP or t A nt enn aP or t < EN BE qui pm en t> -< Cp ri Ra di oE qu ip me nt >- <A nt enn aP or t> N .A . n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameteridentifies the transceiverportthatis connected to the antennaport.

Encoding is defined as follows:

0 <=>not connected;1 <=>transceiverportnumber1; ......8 <=>transceiverportnumber8.

Integer 0 8 1 N.A. customer_settable L78706 eNB Platform OA&M LA1.1

a tt e mp t Op p os i te D ir e ct i on Mo bi l it y Ro b us t ne s sO p t<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<MobilityRobustnessOpt>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur es

This parameterdetermines whetherthe MRO algorithm is allowed to attemptto move the handovertriggerinthe directionopposite to the one indicated bythe MRO counters (forexample counters indicate aslower triggershould be bestbutthe slowertriggerattemptdegrades performance,if the parameteris set to true thentryafastertrigger).

N.A. Boolean false eng_tunable L115852 SON Intra-Frequency Handover Optimisations LR13.3

aUGprocessDuration EnbRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the time windowafterthe triggerforthe AUG forRACHmsg4 during whichthe DLscheduleris allowed to send Anticipated UplinkGrants (AUG)requestto the UL Schedulereachtime ifdetects the transmissionof a DL message onSRB1.

ms Integer 0 500 50 200 system_restricted L111577 eNB KPI Objective Improvements for LA3.0 LA3.0

aUG tri gg er De layf orR AC Hm sg4 E nbR adi oC onf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< EnbR adi oC onf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the AUG triggerdelayimplemented inthe modem afterdetectionof the RACHmsg4.The delayis observed to avoid sending anUL grantbefore the UE has finished to process the RRCConnectionSetup message (as it is unclearwhetherthe UE monitors the PDCCHduring this period).

ms Integer 0 40 1 15 system_restricted L111577 eNB KPI Objective Improvements for LA3.0 LA3.0

aUGulBOincreasePeriod EnbRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

his parameterspeciies the time interval(inms)betweentwo consecutive L O increase on 1 due toanAUG trigger.

ms Integer 1 64 1 5 system_restricted L111577 eNB KPI Objective Improvements for LA3.0 LA3.0

aUGulBOincreaseRAmsg4 EnbRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

his parameterspeciies the amounto L O increase (inbyte)on 1 oranA G related L O increaseforaRACHmsg4 trigger.

bytes Integer 0 200 1 70 system_restricted L111577 eNB KPI Objective Improvements for LA3.0 LA3.0

aUG ul BOi nc reas eR epe ti ti onNum be r E nbR adi oC onf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< EnbR adi oC onf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic Re sourc e A ll oc at io nand P ack et Sc he dul ing T his param et er spe ci fi es the num be ro f c ons ec ut iv e UL B O i nc re as es o nS RB1 d ue to an AUG tri gg er. I nteg er 0 1 0 1 3 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L1 11 57 7 eNB K PI Obj ect ive I mpro ve me nts f or LA 3.0 L A3. 0

aUG ul BOi nc reas eS RB 1up onC al lS et up E nbR adi oC onf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< EnbR adi oC onf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the amountof UL BO increase (inbyte)onSRB1 foran AUG related UL BO increaseforatriggerotherthanRACHmsg4.

bytes Integer 0 200 1 20 system_restricted L111577 eNB KPI Objective Improvements for LA3.0 LA3.0

auth OneXRttMobilityParameters<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-

<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttMobilityParameters>3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter selects the authentication mode - See 3GPP2 C.S0005. N.A. Integer 0 3 1 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

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V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


a ut o Re s el e ct Mi n In te r va l C e ll S el e ct i on Re s el e ct i on Co nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lS e le c ti o nR e se l ec t io n Co nf > 3 n o ne Mo bi l it y R R C I d le Mo de Mo bi l it yThis parameterspecifies the minimum intervalthatthe functionthatautomaticallyadjusts cell reselectionparameters mustmaintainbetween2 successive adjustments.

s Integer 10 3600 1 60 customer_settable L115203 Load based Idle Mode mobility LA5.0

a ut o Re s el e ct V al ue Tag C ha ng e C e ll S el e ct i on Re s el e ct i on Co nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lS e le c ti o nR e se l ec t io n Co nf > 3 n o ne Mo bi l it y R R C I d le Mo de Mo bi l it yhis parameterspeciies whetherornotthe systemIno alueag in I 1 willbe updated whenthe unction

thatautomaticallyadjusts cellreselectionparameters makes a change to the parameters.N.A. Boolean true customer_settable L115203 Load based Idle Mode mobility LA5.0

autoResetTimer Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameterspecifies,inminutes,the time period suchthatthe eNodeB willself-resetif itis not connectedto anyexternalinterface (S1,X2,EMS,NEM,…)forthe givenduration.

min Integer 20 1440 1 60 system_restricted

aut oR SI Co nf igE nabl ed C el lRac hCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRac hCo nf > 2 parti al LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2

This parametercontrols whetherthe RSI (RootSequence Index)is configured bythe operatorordeterminedautomaticallybythe eNodeB.

If the parameteris set to true,thenRSI is auto-configured bythe eNodeB and the parameter CellRachConf.rootSequenceIndexis ignored.If the parameteris setto false, thenRSI is configured bythe operatorusingCellRachConf.rootSequenceIndex.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable CR650666


R ad ioC acE nb < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Rr mS ervi ces >-<R adi oC ac Enb > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterallows controlling the period overwhichthe numberof active users percellis averaged for preventive offload.

ms Integer 100 5000 1 500 system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

Azimuth AntennaPort <ENBEquipment>-<CpriRadioEquipment>-<AntennaPort> 2 partialMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameterprovides the orientationof the cell indegrees based onaTrue Northsystem,meaning:North=0 degreesEast=90 degreesSouth=180 degreesWest=270 degrees.

deg Float 0 360 0.001 N.A. customer_init L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


badUeSinrT hreshold RadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

Management Congestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies,indB,the lowthreshold forSignalto noise ratio = SINR estimated values.Underthisvalue,aUE is considered to be in bad radio conditions. Two thresholds are recommended to avoid flip-flopping between good and bad radio conditions.See parameter:goodUeSinrThreshold.

dB Float -10 30 0.25 -10 system_restricted L92091 CAll Admission Evolutions LA3.0

bandClass HrpdBandClassConf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<HrpdNeighboring>-<HrpdBandClassConf>

3 no ne Mo bi lit y R RC Idl e Mo de Mo bi li ty T his param et er spe ci fi es the band cl as s of the und er lyi ng CDMA 200 0 c el l. Se e 3GP P 36 .3 31 . E num eratez - ce l lu l ar ( ) , 1 . - t o - . - G z - C ( 1 ), G A - a t e ll i te - L-

Band (20),GM SA-Satellit e-S-Band (21)8 0 0MHz - ce l lu la r c u st o me r_ s et t ab l e L 8 27 2 8

LTE-to-HRPD Mobility--cellreselectionandredirectionwithno eHRPD measurement


bandClass MeasObjectCDMA2000<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<MeasObject>-<MeasObjectCDMA2000>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto HRPD RRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterspecifies the CDMA2000 band inwhichthe CDMA2000 carrierfrequencycanbe found and for whichthis configurationis valid.See TS36.331.

Enumerate800MHz-cellular(0),1.8-to-2.0-GHz-PCS (1),1.75-to-1.87-GHz-Korean-PCS (4),450-MHz-NMT (5),2-GHz-IMT-2000 (6),US-PCS-1.9GHz(14),1700-to-2100-MHz-AWS (15)

N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

bandClass OneXRttBandClassConf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttBandClassConf>

3 n one M ob il it y R RC Id le Mo de Mo bi li ty T hi s p ar am et er s pe ci fi es th e b an d c las s o f t he und er ly in g C DM A2 00 0 ( 1x RT T) c el l. Se e 3 GP P 3 6. 33 1. E nu me ra te800MHz-cellular(0),1.8-to-2.0-GHz-PCS (1),1.75-to-1.87-GHz-Korean-PCS (4),450-MHz-NMT (5),2-GHz-IMT-2000 (6),US-PCS-1.9GHz(14),1700-to-2100-MHz-AWS (15)

8 00 MH z- ce ll ul ar c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 76 49 9. 1 L TE a nd 1 xR TT c el l re se le ct io n L A4 .0

bandClass OneXRttReferenceCell<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-

<OneXRttConfP erPlmn>-<OneX RttReference Cell>3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter specifies the band class of the CDMA2000 1xRTT reference cell. Enumerate

800MHz-cellular(0),1.8-to-2.0-GHz-PCS (1),1.75-to-1.87-GHz-Korean-PCS (4),450-MHz-NMT (5),2-GHz-IMT-2000 (6),US-PCS-1.9GHz(14),1700-to-2100-MHz-AWS (15)

N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

bandG ER AN Ge ranNe ighb ori ngF req sC onf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility This parameter specifies the GERAN band for the ARFCN list. Enumerategsm450 (0),gsm480 (1),gsm710 (2),gsm750 (3),gsm810(4),gsm850 (5),gsm900P (6),gsm900E (7),gsm900R (8),gsm1800 (9),gsm1900 (10)

N.A. customer_init L84807EUTRA-to-GERANInter-RAT Mobility--CellReselectionand Redirection


bandGERAN MeasObjectGERAN<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<MeasObject>-<MeasObjectGERAN>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameter specifies the GERAN band for the ARFCN list. Enumerategsm450 (0),gsm480 (1),gsm710 (2),gsm750 (3),gsm810(4),gsm850 (5),gsm900P (6),gsm900E (7),gsm900R (8),gsm1800 (9),gsm1900 (10)

N.A. customer_init L84807EUTRA-to-GERANInter-RAT Mobility--CellReselectionand Redirection


b an dU tr aF dd U tr aF dd Ne ig hb or in gF re qC onf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameterspecifies the supported bands onthe UTRA FDD as follows:ENUMERATED {bandI,bandII,bandIII,bandIV,bandV,bandVI,bandVII,bandVIII,bandIX,bandX,bandXI,bandXII,bandXIII,bandXIV,bandXV,bandXVI,..}This parameteris compared withthe IE supportedBandUTRA-FDD of the IE UE-EUTRA-Capabilitydefined inTS36.331,and the IE UE-EUTRA-Capabilityis used to conveythe E-UTRA UE Radio Access Capability

Parameters as defined in TS 36.306,to the network.The IE UE-EUTRA-Capabilityis transferred inE-UTRA or inanotherRAT.

N .A . E nu me ra te



N.A. customer_init L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


b as e St at i on C ol o rC o de G e ra nN ei g hb o ri n gC e ll R el at i on<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<GeranNeighboringCellRelation>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterspecifies the Base stationColorCode as defined inTS 23.003.Referto 36.331:PhysCellIdGERANIE.

N.A. BitString 3 3 N.A. customer_init L96371 EUTRA-to-GERAN Inter-RAT Mobility -- NACC LA3.0

bbuConfiguredPositionAltitude ENBEquipment <ENBEquipment> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterprovides the altitude of the BBUin the WGS84 reference frame.Encoding is defined as follows:

<0:belowsea level=0:atsealevel>0:above sealevel.The parameteris entered byafield operator.The setof values {bbuConfiguredPositionLatitude,bbuConfiguredPositionLongitude,bbuConfiguredPositionAltitude}={0,0,0}meanthe positionis invalid (no value entered bythe operator).

meter Integer -1000 10000 0 customer_settable L103895.1 ECID and LPP protocol support (trial) LA4.0

bbuConfiguredPositionLatitude ENBEquipment <ENBEquipment> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterindicates the latitude of the BBUinthe WGS84 reference frame.Encoding is defined as follows:<0:southof the equator;

=0:at the equator;>0:northof the equator.The parameteris givenbya field operatorthatwould fillthe emptyreading orover write the existing readingthatis generated byinternalGPS.

The setof values {bbuConfiguredPositionLatitude,bbuConfiguredPositionLongitude,bbuConfiguredPositionAltitude}={0,0,0}meanthe positionis invalid (no value entered bythe operator).

deg Float -90 +90 0.00001 0 customer_settable L103895.1 ECID and LPP protocol support (trial) LA4.0

bbuConfiguredPositionLongitude ENBEquipment <ENBEquipment> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterindicates the longitude of the BBUinthe WGS84 reference frame.Encoding is defined as follows:

<0:west prime meridian;=0:at prime meridian;>0:east of prime meridian.The parameteris entered byafield operator.The setof values {bbuConfiguredPositionLatitude,bbuConfiguredPositionLongitude,bbuConfiguredPositionAltitude}={0,0,0}meanthe positionis invalid (no value entered bythe operator).

deg Float -180 +180 0.00001 0 customer_settable L103895.1 ECID and LPP protocol support (trial) LA4.0

bbuPositionAltitude ENBEquipment <ENBEquipment> READ O NLY noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterreports the altitude of the eNodeB inthe WGS84 reference frame.Referto bbuPositionSource

forsource of the value.Encoding is defined as follows:<0:belowsea level=0:atsealevel>0:above sealevel.The setof values {bbuPositionLatitude,bbuPositionLongitude,bbuPositionAltitude}={0,0,0}meanthe positionis invalid.

meter Integer -1000 10000 N.A. N.A. L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


bbuPositionDeltaX ENBEquipment <ENBEquipment> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterprovides the distance inX-directionbetweenthe GPS antennaand the BBU of the eNodeB.Itis used to improve the automaticallydetermined BBUpositionused forequipmentmanagement.The parameters (DeltaX,DeltaY,DeltaZ)are withrespectto the EarthCentered EarthFixed system (X,Y,Z),where Z points to the northpole,(X,Y)defines the equatorialplane,and X points to the Greenwichmeridian(where longitude =0 degrees).

meter Integer -1000 10000 0 customer_settable L103895.1 ECID and LPP protocol support (trial) LA4.0

bbuPositionDeltaY ENBEquipment <ENBEquipment> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterprovides the distance inY-directionbetweenthe GPS antennaand the BBU of the eNodeB.Itis used to improve the automaticallydetermined BBUpositionused forequipmentmanagement.The parameters (DeltaX,DeltaY,DeltaZ)are withrespectto the EarthCentered EarthFixed system (X,Y,Z),where Z points to the northpole,(X,Y)defines the equatorialplane,and X points to the Greenwichmeridian(where longitude =0 degrees).

meter Integer -1000 10000 0 customer_settable L103895.1 ECID and LPP protocol support (trial) LA4.0

bbuPositionDeltaZ ENBEquipment <ENBEquipment> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterprovides the distance inZ-directionbetweenthe GPS antennaand the BBU of the eNodeB.Itis used to improve the automaticallydetermined BBUpositionused forequipmentmanagement.The parameters (DeltaX,DeltaY,DeltaZ)are withrespectto the EarthCentered EarthFixed system (X,Y,Z),where Z points to the northpole,(X,Y)defines the equatorialplane,and X points to the Greenwichmeridian(where longitude =0 degrees).

meter Integer -1000 10000 0 customer_settable L103895.1 ECID and LPP protocol support (trial) LA4.0

bbuPositionLatitude ENBEquipment <ENBEquipment> READ ONLY noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterreports the latitude of the eNodeB inthe WGS84 reference frame.Referto bbuPositionSourceforsource of the value.

Encoding is defined as follows:<0:southof the equator =0:at the equator >0:northof the equator.The setof values {bbuPositionLatitude,bbuPositionLongitude,bbuPositionAltitude}={0,0,0}meanthe positionis invalid.

deg Float -90 +90 0.00001 N.A. N.A. L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


bbuPositionLongitude ENBEquipment <ENBEquipment> READ ONLY noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterreports the longitude of the eNodeB inthe WGS84 reference frame.RefertobbuPositionSource forsource of the value.Encoding is defined as follows:<0:west prime meridian=0:at prime meridian>0:east of prime meridian.The setof values {bbuPositionLatitude,bbuPositionLongitude,bbuPositionAltitude}={0,0,0}meanthe positionis invalid.

deg Float -180 +180 0.00001 N.A. N.A. L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


be taOf fs etA CKI nd ex C el lL1 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>-< Cel lL1 UL Conf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementAnnexModulationand Coding schemes and TBSdetermination

This parameter configures the IHARQ-ACK_offset. See TS 36.213 [23, Table 8.6.3-1]. N.A. Integer 0 15 1 9 system_restricted CR500683

betaOffsetACKIndexForFourBitsAckNackUplinkCAConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationPrimaryConf>-<UplinkCAConf>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementAnnexModulationand Coding schemes and TBSdetermination

This parametercontrols the Beta^HARQ-ACK_offsetvalue (as perTS 36.213 [23, Table 8.6.3-1])thatis sentto UEs configured withCarrierAggregation.

N.A. Integer 0 15 1 9 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

b et aO ff se tA CK Ind ex Fo rT TI bu nd li ng C el lL 1UL Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll L1 UL Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the I^HARQ-ACK_offsetvalue (as perTS 36.213 [23,Table 8.6.3-1])thatis senttoUEs configured withTTI Bundling.

Integer 0 14 1 12 eng_tunable L114536.1 Support of TTI Bundling for VoIP LA5.0

be taOf fs etC QI Ind ex C el lL1 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL1 UL Conf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementAnnexModulationand Coding schemes and TBSdetermination

This parameter configures the ICQI_offset. See TS 36.213 [23, Table 8.6.3-1]. N.A. Integer 2 15 1 8 system_restricted CR500683

betaOffsetRIIndex CellL1ULConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL1ULConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementAnnexModulationand Coding schemes and TBSdetermination

This parameter configures the I^RI_offset. See TS 36.213 [23, Table 8.6.3-1]. N.A. Integer 0 12 1 6 system_restricted CR500683



3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the maximum value of BLER thatis acceptable during aSPS Active phase.Whenthis value is exceeded,the SPS is released and the VoIP packets are transmitted overthe DynamicScheduler.

% Integer 0 100 1 40 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

bOcheckForOptSeg CellL2ULConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL2ULConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementRadio Resource Managementfunctions

This parametercontrols whetheroptimized segmentationis applied irrespective of the uplinkVoIP buffer occupancyestimate (whensetto false)ornot.

Boolean true system_restricted 160815 Optimized Segmentation (MCS Override) T/LA6.0

b sc Ac ce ss Id G er an Ne ig hb or in gC el lR el at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-

<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<GeranNeighboringCellRelation>3 none Mobility

EUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode Mobility


This parameteris apointerto aBscAccess instance.It enables to indicate the BSC managing the GERAN

cell.N.A. ServiceLink N.A. customer_init L96371 EUTRA-to-GERAN Inter-RAT Mobility -- NACC LA3.0

bypassMode TmaSubunit <ENBEquipment>-<Tma>-<TmaSubunit> READ ONLY noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameteris setorunsetby OAMand itreports the by-pass status of the TMA sub-unit.The value True indicates thatthe TMA sub-unitis in by-pass mode owing to afaultcondition.Itis not providinggainto the receive RF signal.The value False indicates thatthe sub-unitis operating normally,providing gainto the receive RF signal.

N.A. Boolean false customer_init L115221 Support for SAMProvisioning of Beta Parameters T/LA6.0

caBearerInactivityT imer EnbRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the durationof the timerused to determine whetheranactivated CA bearerisconsidered as active.

ms Integer 0 10000 150 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

cal lT rac eS ess io nNam e C Tg < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Subs cA nd Equi pm entT rac es> -< CT g> 3 no neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Subscriberand equipmenttracesThis optionalparameteris a user-friendlyname whicheases the identificationof a calltrace session.It maybesetorunsetas desired by the operator.

N.A. String 0 32 N.A. Test Parameter L92645 Subscriber & Equipment Trace Enhancements LA2.0

caMaximumActivationAttempts DownlinkCAConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggreg ationPrimaryConf >-<DownlinkCACo nf>

2 p ar ti al C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in ghis parameterconigures the maximum numbero consecutive CA Activationattempts be ore declaring CA

Activationfailure.N.A. Integer 1 15 1 5 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

caOnehotACQI equestAttempts ponC



<CarrierAggreg ationPrimaryConf >-<DownlinkCACo nf>2 p ar ti al C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in g

his parameterspeciies the maximum numbero One hotA-C I requests or Cellperormed aterthe CA

Configurationinorderto detectUE is inSCell coverage.N.A. Integer 0 15 1 5 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

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Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature



DownlinkCAConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggreg ationPrimaryConf >-<DownlinkCACo nf>

2 p ar ti al C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies the delaybetweentwo successive One ShotA-CSI requests performed afterthe CAConfiguration.

s Float 0.1 15 0.1 0.5 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

carrierAggregationCellGroup LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 0 criticalMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Enhanced Node B HardwareThis parameterspecifies the cells whichmaybe potentiallyaggregated together:cells having the samecarrierAggregationCellGroup willbe mapped onthe same Baseband board byeNB OAM. This parametershallbe setif cellMappingOverBoardMode is equalto modeCA.

N.A. Integer 0 2 1 N.A. Customer_init 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

c ar ri er Ag gr eg at io nR ep or te d P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt > 3 n on eMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to CarrierAggregationis selected tobe reported.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

carr ierCompensationFactor CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterdetermines the CarrierCompensationFactorto be used in the metric computationinordertoweightthe average spectralefficiencyserved onthe SCell.

N.A. Float 0 1 0.1 0 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

carrierFreq MeasObjectCDMA2000<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<MeasObject>-<MeasObjectCDMA2000>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto HRPD RRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterindicates the CDMA2000 carrierfrequencywithinaCDMA2000 band forwhichthisconfigurationis valid.See C.S0002-A [12]and TS36.331.

N.A. Integer 0 2047 1 N.A. customer_init L84876Enhancementof LTE-to-HRPD Mobility-redirectionwitheHRPD measurement(Restricted test forSingleReceiverUE)


carrierFreq MeasObjectUTRA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<MeasObject>-<MeasObjectUTRA>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the carrierFreq inthe IE MeasObjectUTRA.See TS 36.331.The carrierFreqindicates the ARFCNapplicable fora downlink(Nd,FDD)orbi-directional(Nt,TDD)UTRA carrierfrequency,as defined inTS 25.331.This parameteris also used to retrieve allthe parameters related this carrierFreq.

N.A. Integer 0 16383 1 N.A. customer_init L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


c ar ri er Fr eq U tr aF dd Ne ig hb or in gF re qC onf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameterrepresents the ARFCNapplicable forthe downlink(Nd,FDD)or bi-directional(Nt,TDD)UTRAcarrierfrequency,as defined in TS 25.331.Forexample inTS36.331,this parameterconfigures the IE carrierFreq included inthe IESystemInformationBlockType6.

N.A. Integer 0 16383 1 N.A. customer_init L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


cc hS elf Learni ngC oe f R ad ioC acE nb < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Rr mS ervi ces >-<R adi oC ac Enb > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies filtering coefficientforestimationof PRB consumptionof common channelfrommodem report.

% Integer 0 100 1 N.A. system_restricted L96760 eNB Configuration Update Enhancements LA2.0

cd ma20 00 Typ e Me asO bj ec tCD MA 20 00<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-

<MeasObject>-<MeasObjectCDMA2000>3 none Mobility

EUTRANto HRPD RRC Connected Mode Mobility


This parameterindicates the type of CDMA2000 network:CDMA2000 1xRTT orCDMA2000 HRPD.See

TS36.331.Enumerate type1XRTT(0), typeHRPD(1) typeHRPD system_restricted L84876

Enhancementof LTE-to-HRPD Mobility-redirectionwitheHRPD measurement(Restricted test forSingleReceiverUE)


cellAzimuth LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> READ ONLY partialMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterprovides the orientationof the cell indegrees based onaTrue Northsystem,meaning:North=0 degreesEast=90 degreesSouth=180 degreesWest=270 degrees.Its value is automaticallyderived bythe eNodeB from the applicable AntennaPort::azimuthparameters.

deg Float 0 360 0.001 N.A. N.A. L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


cellBarred LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none Call Management Call Handling

This parameterspecifies whetherornotthe cell is barred.Referto TS 36.304 for more details.The parameteris defined in TS 36.331 and broadcastinSystemInformationBlockType1.If the parameteris setto notBarred,the cellis auto barred-Upondetectionof S1 links outage,and the cellcoverage is reduced along withbarring (seecellShrinkForS1LinksOutage);

-Priorto Cell Blockforcalls draining,and the cellcoverage is reduced along withbarring (seecellShrinkForCallsDraining).If the parameteris manuallychanged to barred,the cellis barred-Uponthe OAM action,and the cellcoverage is reduced along withbarring (see cellShrinkForOamBarring).

Enumerate barred(0), notBarred(1) notBarred system_restricted L115217 eNB C lass P arameter Change I mprovements LA5.0

cellBarringHysteresisTimer Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Call Management Cell SetupThis parameterspecifies the time to wait (inseconds)before eNodeB triggers cell-barring logic whencertain

conditions become met.s Integer 1 60 1 10 system_restricted L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

ce llC apac ityC las s R ad ioC acC el l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <R ad ioC acC ell > 3 no ne C al lManage ment X 2 Manage mentThis parameterallows to give aweightto the remaining composite capacityprovided overX2 to peer eNodeBs.

% Integer 1 100 N.A. eng_tunable L115223 Inter-freq Load Balancing T/LA6.0

cellDLTotalPower LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementTransmit Power This parameter specifies the total power permitted for each DL antenna of the cell. dBm Float 0 50 0.1 44.8 customer_settable

cellhorizontalBeamwidth LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> READ O NLY partialMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterindicates the horizontalbeam-widthof the cell. A value of 360 indicates anomniantennaor Distributed AntennaSystem (DAS)is inuse,while avalue of 0 indicates no beam-widthhas beenprovided.This parameters value is automaticallyd erived bythe eNodeB from the AntennaPort::horizo ntalBeamwidthparameters associated withthe cell. This parameteris partof the Base StationAlmanac (BSA)information

used bythe LocationServer.

deg Float 0 360 0.1 0 customer_init L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


cellId OneXRttReferenceCell<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfP erPlmn>-<OneX RttReference Cell>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies the CellID of the Reference Cellfor routing of CDMA2000 messages -correspondto 1xRTT sectortowards whichthe signaling is performed.(See 3GPP2 A.S0008 -section5.2.4.17).

Integer 0 4095 1 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

cellI ndividualOffset LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none Mobility I ntra-LT E RRC Connected Mode Mobility Procedures

This parameterspecifies the cellspecific offsetof the serving cellto be setin MeasObjectEUTRA

corresponding to the serving frequencyused byUE inEventA3 criteriaevaluation.If the parametervalue is 0,offsetis notsentto UE.

N .A . E nu me ra te



d B0 c us to me r_ se tt ab le

c el lI nd iv id ua lO ff se t L te Ne ig hb or in gC el lR el at io n <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<LteNeighboringCellRelation>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur es This parameterspecifies the cellindividualoffsetbetweenthe currentLteCelland the neighborcellprovided tothe UE inRRC Connected mode formeasurement.This parametermustbe setif the neighborcellis includedinthe neighborcelllistto be provided inMeasObjectindB.For more information,referto 3GPP 36.331.

N .A . E nu me ra te



d B0 c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 81 87 2 Automatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation




3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur es

This parameterspecifies the cellindividualoffsetbetweenthe currentLteCelland the HeNB neighborcell

provided to the UE in RRC Connected mode formeasurement.Used forevaluationof conditions forsending measurementreportperformed bythe UE (referto O(cn)inTS36.331,chapter5.5.4).This parametermustbe setif specific offsetvalue is required forcells served byHeNB operating inopenor hybrid mode.

N .A . E nu me ra te


d B0 c us to me r_ se tt ab le 1 34 68 9 M ac ro /M et ro to He NB ce ll m ob il it y L R1 3. 1

cellKind LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 2 partialMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterindicates,if the EUTRANlocalcellis amacro-cell,ametro-cell,apico-cellor ahome-cell.Thisparameteris used forthe deploymentof the heterogeneous networks builtfrom EUTRA cells of differentkinds.This parameteris also partof the Base StationAlmanac (BSA)and canbe needed and requested by

the LocationServerthroughOAM,inorderto indicate if the localcellis cellis amacro-cell,ametro-cell,a pico-cellora home-cell.This parameteris also used for interference managementpurpose. Formobilitypurpose,cellKind setto pico is interpreted as metro.

N.A. Enumerate Macro(0), Metro(1), Pico(2), Home(3) Macro customer_init L115705 User velocity dependent Radio Mobility LR14.3

cellKind LteNeighboringCellRelation<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<LteNeighboringCellRelation>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur es

This parameterindicates whetherthe EUTRANneighboring cellis of type macro,metro,orpico.Its autoupdate inaheterogeneous networkis controlled by isAutoUpdateOnLteNeighborCellKindEnabled,irrespectiveof whetherthe containing MO was created byANR (measuredByAnr=True)orconfigured manually(measuredByAnr=False). No LteNeighboringCellRelationobjectis created toward HeNB.Formobilitypurpose,cellKind of pico is not supported.

N.A. Enumerate Macro(0), Metro(1), Pico(2), Home(3) Macro customer_settable 170745Neighborcellclassificationand mobilitycounters for HetNet


c el lK in dF or Ce ll Si ze La rg e C el lK in dP er Ce ll Si ze Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <C el lK in dP er Ce ll Si ze Co nf > 3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE RR C C on ne ct ed Mo de Mo bi li ty P ro ce du re s

This parameterconfigures the cellKind whenthe received CellSize is setto Large.Whenit receives anHANDOVER REQUEST to prepare aninter-eNodeB X2 orS1 handover,the eNodeB ina targetrole shallusethe eNodeB look-up table CellKindPerCellSizeConf in orderto calculate theLteNeighboringCellRelation::cellKind from the Cell-Size thatis received overX2 or S1 interface.There is noLteNeighboringCellRelationtoward HeNB.Referto 3GPP TS 36.413 and 3GPP TS 36.423.

N.A. Enumerate Macro(0), Metro(1), Pico(2), Home(3) Macro customer_settable 170745Neighborcellclassificationand mobilitycounters for HetNet


c el lK in dF or Ce ll Si ze Me di um C el lK in dP er Ce ll Si ze Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <C el lK in dP er Ce ll Si ze Co nf > 3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE RR C Co nn ec te d Mo de Mo bi li ty P ro ce du re s

This parameterconfigures the cellKind whenthe received CellSize is setto Medium.Whenit receives anHANDOVER REQUEST to prepare aninter-eNodeB X2 orS1 handover,the eNodeB ina targetrole shallusethe eNodeB look-up table CellKindPerCellSizeConf in orderto calculate theLteNeighboringCellRelation::cellKind from the Cell-Size thatis received overX2 orS1 interface. There is noLteNeighboringCellRelationtoward HeNB.Referto 3GPP TS 36.413 and 3GPP TS 36.423.

N.A. Enumerate Macro(0), Metro(1), Pico(2), Home(3) Macro customer_settable 170745Neighborcellclassificationand mobilitycounters for HetNet


c el lK in dF or Ce ll Si ze Sm al l C el lK in dP er Ce ll Si ze Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <C el lK in dP er Ce ll Si ze Co nf > 3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur es

This parameterconfigures the cellKind whenthe received CellSize is setto Small.When itreceives anHANDOVER REQUEST to prepare aninter-eNodeB X2 orS1 handover,the eNodeB ina targetrole shallusethe eNodeB look-up table CellKindPerCellSizeConf in orderto calculate theLteNeighboringCellRelation::cellKind from the Cell-Size thatis received overX2 or S1 interface.There is noLteNeighboringCellRelationtoward HeNB.Referto 3GPP TS 36.413 and 3GPP TS 36.423.

N.A. Enumerate Macro(0), Metro(1), Pico(2), Home(3) Metro customer_settable 170745Neighborcellclassificationand mobilitycounters for HetNet


c el lK in dF or Ce ll Si ze Ve ry Sm al l C el lK in dP er Ce ll Si ze Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <C el lK in dP er Ce ll Si ze Co nf > 3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R R C C on ne ct ed M o de M o bi li ty P ro ce du re s

This parameterconfigures the cellKind whenthe received CellSize is setto VerySmall.Whenit receives anHANDOVER REQUEST to prepare aninter-eNodeB X2 orS1 handover,the eNodeB ina targetrole shallusethe eNodeB look-up table CellKindPerCellSizeConf in orderto calculate the

LteNeighboringCellRelation::cellKind from the Cell-Size thatis received overX2 or S1 interface.There is noLteNeighboringCellRelationtoward HeNB.Referto 3GPP TS 36.413 and 3GPP TS 36.423.

N.A. Enumerate Macro(0), Metro(1), Pico(2), Home(3) Home customer_settable 170745Neighborcellclassificationand mobilitycounters for 



cellMappingOverBoardMode eNB <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 0 criticalMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Enhanced Node B HardwareThis flag specifies the Cell/Baseband Board assignmentpolicyand willoffer2 values:‘modeNonCA’and‘modeCA’.Feature CarrierAggregationactivation(isCarrierAggregationEnabled=TRUE)is onlypossible if‘modeCA’is selected.

N.A. Enumerate modeNonCA(0), modeCA(1) modeNonCA C ustomer_settable 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

cellNbrOfUsersLoadControlThreshold PreventiveOffload<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell>-<PreventiveOffload>

3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteris setto the threshold fornumberof UEs in the cellas a percentage of maxNbrOfUsers.IfisNumUeBasedP reventiveLoadContro lEnabled =True and the threshold is exceeded,then preventive load

control(load balancing)is triggered to neighborcarriers defined byLteNeighboringFreqConf andUtraFddNeighboring FreqConf MOs withpre ventiveOfflo adLinkpo inting to this instance of PreventiveOffloadMO.The parametermaybe unsetif the numberof UEs in the cellis not being used as atriggerforpreventive loadcontrol.

% Integer 0 100 1 80 eng_tunable 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3

c el lN br Of Us er sL oa dC on tr ol Th re sh ol d R ad io Ca cC el l < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Rad io Ca cC el l> 3 n oneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteris setto the threshold fornumberof UEs in the cellas a percentage of maxNbrOfUsers.Whenthe numberof UEs exceeds this threshold,preventive load control(load balancing)is triggered.Thisparameterapplies to intra-LTE load balancing if per neighborcarrierload balancing is notused and itapplies to

load balancing to UTRAN.Unsetif not using numberof UEs inthe cellas atriggerforpreventive load control.

% Integer 0 100 1 80 eng_tunable 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3

cellRadius LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 2 partial Call Management C ell Setup This parameter specifies the cell radius in km. The value is used in Cell Topology Info. km Float 0 100 0.1 5 customer_init L115767RACHImprovements -RACHburstformat3 support(up to 70 km radius)


c e ll R es e le c ti o nP r io r it y C e ll R es e le c ti o nC o nf 1 xR t t<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-

<OneXRttBandClassConf>-<CellReselectionConf1xRtt>3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameteris the absolute priorityof the concerned CDMA2000 (1xRTT)bandclass (0 means lowest

priority).See 3GPP 36.331.Integer 0 7 1 N.A. customer_settable L76499.1 LTE and 1xRTT cell reselection LA4.0

c e ll R es e le c ti o nP r io r it y C e ll R es e le c ti o nC o nf G ER A N<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<CellReselectionConfGERAN>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameterdescribes the relative priorityforcell reselection(0 means lowestpriority)to GERAN.This isdefined inTS 36.331


Integer 0 7 1 N.A. customer_settable L84807EUTRA-to-GERANInter-RAT Mobility--CellReselectionand Redirection


c e ll R es e le c ti o nP r io r it y C e ll R es e le c ti o nC o nf H rp d<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<HrpdNeighboring>-<HrpdBandClassConf>-<CellReselectionConfHrpd>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameteris the absolute priorityof the concerned CDMA2000 bandclass (0 means lowestpriority).See3GPP 36.331.

Integer 0 7 1 N.A. customer_settable L84876Enhancementof LTE-to-HRPD Mobility-redirectionwitheHRPD measurement(Restricted test forSingle



c e ll R es e le c ti o nP r io r it y C e ll R es e le c ti o nC o nf L te<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<CellReselectionConfLte>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameterspecifies the relative priorityforcellreselection(0 means lowestpriority).See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType3 forthe intra-frequencyneighborhood orinSystemInformationBlockType5 forinter-frequencyneighborhood.

Integer 0 7 1 0 customer_settable L84807EUTRA-to-GERANInter-RAT Mobility--CellReselectionand Redirection


c e ll R es e le c ti o nP r io r it y C e ll R es e le c ti o nC o nf U tr aFd d<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>-<CellReselectionConfUtraFdd>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameterdescribes the relative priorityforcell reselection(0 means lowestpriority)to UTRA FDD.Thisis defined inTS 36.331BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType6.

Integer 0 7 1 0 customer_settable L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


c el lR es er ve dF or Op er at or Us e C el lR es er va ti on < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Re se rv at io n> 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in ghis parameterindicates whetherthe cellis reserved oroperatoruse.One lag is de ined oreachoperator 

sharing the cell.Referto TS 36.304 formore details.Itis defined inTS 36.331 and broadcastinSystemInformationBlockType1.

Enumerate reserved(0), notReserved(1) notReserved system_restricted L104835eUTRANSharing basics:MOCNwithshared LTEspectrum


cellRtdAdjust CellL1ULConfFDD<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL1ULConf>-<CellL1ULConfFDD>

2 parti al LT E Air Inte rf ace L ayer 2

This parameterspecifies additionalround-trip delayinunits of 0.5 us.Itallows the operatorto increase Ncs to

improve RACHcoverage atthe celledge incase the eNB calculated 2-wayHW delayis too small.The eNodeB calculates cellRadius =cellRadius + 0.15*cellRtdAdjustbefore using cellRadius to compute Ncs.

µs Float 0 100 0.5 0 system_restricted L100622SupportFiberdelay(oranydelaybetweenmodemand RF head)inLTE


Page 7: lte parameter description

7/26/2019 lte parameter description

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/lte-parameter-description 7/77

FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


c e ll S hr i nk For Ca l ls D ra i ni ng D y na mi c Co v er ag e Mg mt < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Dy na mi c Co v er ag e Mg mt> 3 n o ne C al l Man ag e me nt D y na mic C o ve r ag e Man ag e me nt w i th C e ll S h ri nk

This parameterspecifies anoffsetfrom referenceSignalPowerand the netis used to encourage outgoing HOfrom the celland discourage incoming HO to the cellwhile existing calls onthe cellare drained byuse of cellbarring.Typicallythe offsetvalue is smallerthancellShrinkForS1LinksOutage to maintaincoverageoverlapping withneighbo rcell s during the draining interval.The value should be configured suchthatreferenceSignalPowerminus this value ensures (a)Connected UEsinthe edge of neighborcell(s)would reduce sending measurementreports forintra-LTE HO to this cell; (b)

Edge UEs previouslyserved bythis cell inthe coverage overlapping areawould nowget reliable LTE servicefrom neighborcell(s).Initially,asingle step of automatic cellshrinking is supported using: -(Offset_1)where offsetin dB indicates one Txpowerreduction.Multiple steps of automatic cellshrinking canbe supported once eNB Soft Shutdownis implemented usingone of the following:-(Offset_1)where offsetindB indicates one Tx powerreduction;-(Offset_1,Pause_1,Offset_2)where apause insec is enforced betweentwo reductions inTxpower;or -(Offset_1,Pause_1,Offset_2,Pause_2,Offset_3)where three Txpowerreductions are interleaved betweentwo pauses.

N.A. Integer 0 30 1 (6) eng_tunable L115219 eNB Soft Shutdown LR14.1

c e ll S hr i nk For Oa mBa rr in g D y na mi c Co v er ag e Mg mt < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Dy na mi c Co v er ag e Mg mt> 3 n o ne C al l Man ag e me nt D y na mic C o ve r ag e Man ag e me nt w i th C e ll S h ri nk

This parameterspecifies anoffsetfrom referenceSignalPowerand the net is used whenthe cell is manually

barred byOAM.The offset canbe setto avalue differentfrom cellShrinkForCallsDraining or cellShrinkForS1LinksOutage.

dB Integer 0 30 1 9 eng_tunable L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

c el lS hr in kF or S1 Li nk sO ut ag e D yn am ic Co ve ra ge Mg mt < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <D yn am ic Co ve ra ge Mg mt > 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt C el l Se tu p

This parameterspecifies anoffsetfrom referenceSignalPowerand the net is used to minimize cellcoveragewhenthe cell is auto barred due to S1 links outage where existing calls are locallyreleased and outgoing HOsare notpossible. Typicallythe offsetvalue is largerthancellShrinkForCallsDraining to eliminate coverageoverlapping withneighborcells forminimalinter-cellinterference.The value should be configured suchthatreferenceSignalPowerminus this value ensures (a)Connected UEs

inthe edge of neighborcell(s)would stop sending measurementreports forintra-LTE HO to the outage eNB;(b)Edge UEs previouslyserved bythe outage eNB inthe coverage overlapping areawould nowgetreliableLTE service from neighborcell(s).See minRefSigPower.

dB Integer 0 30 1 30 eng_tunable L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

cellSiteNumber LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none Call Management Cell Setup

This parameteridentifies asite. Allthe cells withthe same cellSiteNumberare onthe same site.

Cells having the same locationand having theirazimuthequallyoriented outward canbe on the same site.Up to 6 cells canbe onthe same site.Up to 9 sites canbe defined.This notionis used to manage intra-sites orinter-sites Interference by:-Supportof Auto PCI for up to 9 cells per eNB and up to 6 sectors persite configurations feature.-Adaptationof automatic PCI assignmentto HetNetwithMetro cellfeature.Forintra-site interference,azimuthis used to determine whichcells of the same site are adjacent.Inter-sites Interference is managed forMetro cells whenthere is no more thanone cellpersite.

N.A. Integer 1 9 1 1 customer_settable L115966Adaptationof automatic PCI assignmentto HetNetwithMetrocells


cellSize LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none Mobility Intra-LTE RRC Connected Mode Mobility Procedures This parameter provides the cell coverage area. See TS 36.413. Enumerate verysmall(0),small(1),medium(2),large(3) N.A. customer_init L84807EUTRA-to-GERANInter-RAT Mobility--CellReselectionand Redirection


cellverticalBeamwidth LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> READ ONLY none


Features andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupportThis parameterrepresents the verticalbeam widthof the cell.Its value is automaticallyderived bythe eNodeBfrom the applicable AntennaPort::verticalBeamwi dthparame ters.

deg Float 0 180 0.1 0 N.A. L103896

ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocation

controlplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


c FI C el lL 1L 2C on tr ol Ch an ne ls Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lL 1L 2C on tr ol Ch an ne ls Co nf > 2 p ar ti al L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterprovides the numberof OFDMsymbols (1,2,or 3)used fortransmissionof PDCCHs inasubframe as signaled onthe PCFICH.

N.A. Integer 1 3 1 3 system_restricted

cF I1Allowed CellL1L2ControlChannelsConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL1L2ControlChannelsConf> 2 partial LTE Air Interface Layer 2 This parameter enables or disables the choice of CF I=1 (applies only if dynamic CFI functionality is enabled). N.A. Boolean true system_restricted L84872Downlinkcontrolchanneloptimization(PDCCH,PHICH,PCFICH)


cF I2Allowed CellL1L2ControlChannelsConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL1L2ControlChannelsConf> 2 partial LTE Air Interface Layer 2 This parameter enables or disables the choice of CF I=2 (applies only if dynamic CFI functionality is enabled). N.A. Boolean true system_restricted L84872Downlinkcontrolchanneloptimization(PDCCH,PHICH,PCFICH)


cF I3Allowed CellL1L2ControlChannelsConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL1L2ControlChannelsConf> 2 partial LTE Air Interface Layer 2 This parameter enables or disables the choice of CF I=3 (applies only if dynamic CFI functionality is enabled). N.A. Boolean true system_restricted L84872Downlinkcontrolchanneloptimization(PDCCH,PHICH,PCFICH)


c F II n cr ea s eT i me r C e ll L 1L 2 Co n tr o lC h an ne l sC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 1 L2 C on tr o lC h an ne l sC o nf > 2 p ar ti a l L TE A i r In te r fa ce L a ye r 2This parameterspecifies the delay,expressed as anumberof subframes,betweenthe triggerfora CFIincrease and the actualCFI increase taking place (applies onlyif the dynamic PUCCHfunctionalityis enabled).

N.A. Integer 1 10000 40 system_restricted L84872Downlinkcontrolchanneloptimization(PDCCH,PHICH,PCFICH)


c FI Th re sh ol d1 C el lL 1L 2C on tr ol Ch an ne ls Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lL 1L 2C on tr ol Ch an ne ls Co nf > 2 p ar ti al L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterspecifies the lowerthreshold (innumberof UE contexts)controlling the choice of CFI (appliesonlyif dynamic CFI functionalityis enabled).

N.A. Integer 1 500 1 system_restricted L84872Downlinkcontrolchanneloptimization(PDCCH,PHICH,PCFICH)


c FI Th re sh ol d2 C el lL 1L 2C on tr ol Ch an ne ls Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lL 1L 2C on tr ol Ch an ne ls Co nf > 2 p ar ti al L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterspecifies the upperthreshold (innumberof UE contexts)controlling the choice of CFI (appliesonlyif dynamic CFI functionalityis enabled).

N.A. Integer 1 500 3 system_restricted L84872Downlinkcontrolchanneloptimization(PDCCH,PHICH,PCFICH)


cfRACHMessage3NumberOfPRBs CellRachConfFDD<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellRachConf>-<CellRachConfFDD>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the numberof PRBs indicated inthe embedded RAR grantfora contention-freepreamble detected.

N.A. Integer 1 5 1 3 system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

changeCauseInUeCtxRlsReqRetry Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Call Management Call Handling

This parameterspecifies whethereNB changes the cause code from UserInactivityto Release due toEUTRANGenerated Reasonwhenretrying UE ContextRelease Requestsent to MME upontime-outwaitingforaresponse from MME. Some MME supports aspecialtreatmentforUserInactivitycause code to minimizeduplicated SMS problems if MME receives the message while processing SMS NAS. The flag should be setto True if MME does not supportthis treatmentto reduce CSFB impact.The finalretryalways sets the cause code to Release due to EUTRANGenerated Reasonirrespective of theflag setting.

N.A. Boolean false customer_init CR774802

ci GeranNeighboringCellRelation<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-

<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<GeranNeighboringCellRelation>3 none Mobility

EUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode Mobility


This parameteridentifies the GERANcellforwhichSystem Informationshallbe reported.

Referto 36.413:RIMRouting Address IE.N.A. Integer 0 65535 N.A. customer_init L96371 EUTRA-to-GERAN Inter-RAT Mobility -- NACC LA3.0

cId UtraFddNeighboringCellrelation<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>-<UtraFddNeighboringCellRelation>

N.A. none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

his parameter is the identiiero acellinone C.C- I I G ( . . ) . h is ce ll-identiier is used tobuild (togetherwiththe RNC-Id)the UC-Id of anUTRAN cell.See TS 25433,UMTS Parameter,section C-Id :the C-ID (Cellidentifier).

N.A. Integer 0 65535 1 N.A. customer_init L96372EUTRAN-to-UTRAN(WCDMA)Inter-RAT Mobility--PS Handover 


c i oB e gi nA d ju s tTh re s ho l d Mo bi l it y Ro b us t ne s sO p t<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<MobilityRobustnessOpt>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur es

This parameterspecifies the threshold atwhichthe MRO feature canbeginanattemptto adjustthecellIndividualOffsetparameter. Adjustmentcanbeginif the numberof outgoing mobilityevents towardsneighborcells thathave met minMobilityEventsPerNeighbor,divided bythe totalnumberof outgoing mobilityevents towards allintra-frequencyneighbors (excluding S1 neighbors),is greaterthanthis threshold.

% Integer 1 100 1 95 eng_tunable L115852 SON Intra-Frequency Handover Optimisations LR13.3

c io Ma x M ob il it yR ob us tn es sO pt Ce ll < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <M ob il it yR ob us tn es sO pt Ce ll > 3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterindicates the maximum value of the cellIndividualOffsetthatthe MRO algorithm is allowed toattemptforaneighborrelation.

N .A . E nu me ra te



d B6 e ng _t un ab le L 11 58 52 S ON I nt ra -F re qu en cy H an do ve r Op ti mi sa ti on s L R1 3. 3

c io Mi n M ob il it yR ob us tn es sO pt Ce ll < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <M ob il it yR ob us tn es sO pt Ce ll > 3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterindicates the minimum value of the cellIndividualOffsetthatthe MRO algorithm is allowed toattemptforaneighborrelation.

N .A . E nu me ra te



d B- 6 e ng _t un ab le L 11 58 52 S ON I nt ra -F re qu en cy H an do ve r Op ti mi sa ti on s L R1 3. 3

clockSyncSourcePriorityList ClockSync <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ClockSync> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

AirInterface ClockSynchronizationThis parameterlists the synchronizationmethods thatare to be used bythe eNodeB,ordered byoperator preference (from highestpref erence to lowest).


free-running-internal-os cillator (0),gps-synchronized-gps (1),externally-synchronized-mode-1-synce (2),externally-synchronized-mode-2-ptp1588 (3),externally-synchroniz ed-mode-3-ext-c lock (4),externally-synchronized-mode-4-satellite (5),clock-m

N.A. customer_settable L92073 Synchronization: SyncE LA2.0

contentionFreeRACHenabled CellRachConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellRachConf> 2 partial LTE Air Interface Layer 2 This parameter enables contention free RACH on the cell associated to this profile. Boolean true system_restricted

cpichEcn0OffsetForOtherGbrCalls RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the CPICHEc/N0 offsetto be applied to UTRANneighborcellthresholds inUEmeasurementconfigurationforcalls thathave atleastone GBR bearersetup butno voice bearers.Itappliesto reportconfigurations B1 (b1-ThresholdUTRA)and B2 (b2-Threshold2UTRA).Notsetting the parameterisequivalentto setting it to value 0.

dB Float -5 5 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L115204Enhanced measurementparametersupportfor mobility


cpichEcn0OffsetForTtiBVoIPCalls RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the CPICHEc/N0 offsetto be applied to UTRANneighborcellthresholds inUEmeasurementconfigurationforcalls thathave atleastone VoIP bearersetup withTTI Bundling activated.Itapplies to reportconfigurations B1 (b1-ThresholdUTRA)and B2 (b2-Threshold2UTRA).Notsetting theparameteris equivalentto setting itto value 0.

dB Float -5 5 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L114536.1 Support of TTI Bundling for VoIP LA5.0

cpichEcn0OffsetForVoIPCalls RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the CPICHEc/N0 offsetto be applied to UTRANneighborcellthresholds inUEmeasurementconfigurationforcalls thathave atleastone VoIP bearersetup. Itapplies to reportconfigurations B1 (b1-ThresholdUTRA)and B2 (b2-Threshold2UTRA).Notsetting the parameteris equivalentto setting itto value 0.

dB Float -5 5 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L115204Enhanced measurementparametersupportfor mobility


cpichRscpOffsetForOtherGbrCalls RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the CPICHRSCP offsetto be applied to UTRANneighborcellthresholds inUEmeasurementconfigurationforcalls thathave atleastone GBR bearersetup butno voice bearers.Itappliesto reportconfigurations B1 (b1-ThresholdUTRA)and B2 (b2-Threshold2UTRA).Notsetting the parameteris

equivalentto setting it to value 0.

dB Integer -10 10 1 N.A. customer_settable L115204Enhanced measurementparametersupportfor mobility


cpichRscpOffsetForTtiBVoIPCalls RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the CPICHRSCP offsetto be applied to UTRANneighborcellthresholds inUEmeasurementconfigurationforcalls thathave atleastone VoIP bearersetup withTTI Bundling activated.Itapplies to reportconfigurations B1 (b1-ThresholdUTRA)and B2 (b2-Threshold2UTRA).Notsetting theparameteris equivalentto setting itto value 0.

dB Integer -10 10 1 N.A. customer_settable L114536.1 Support of TTI Bundling for VoIP LA5.0

cpichRscpOffsetForVoIPCalls RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the CPICHRSCP offsetto be applied to UTRANneighborcellthresholds inUEmeasurementconfigurationforcalls thathave atleastone VoIP bearersetup. Itapplies to reportconfigurations B1 (b1-ThresholdUTRA)and B2 (b2-Threshold2UTRA).Notsetting the parameteris equivalentto setting itto value 0.

dB Integer -10 10 1 N.A. customer_settable L115204Enhanced measurementparametersupportfor mobility


cpriPort CpriRadioEquipment <ENBEquipment>-<CpriRadioEquipment> N.A. noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

I nstallation and Commissioning Parameters This parameter identifies the CPRI port, on the controller, to which the CpriRadioEquipment is connected. Integer 1 9 1 N.A. customer_settable L115158LTE RRH AntennaCross ConnectCapabilitySupportinLA4.0.1


cqiMaskR9 CellL1ULConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL1ULConf> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementD yn am ic R es ou rc e A ll oc at io na nd P ac ke tS che du li ng T hi s p ar am et er pr ev ent s t he U E f ro m t ra ns mi tt in g C QI /P MI /R I o ut si de o f O nT im e, whe nD RX i s c on fi gu re d. N .A . B oo le an f al se s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 10 80 84 A NR S up po rt f or I nt er RA T N ei gh bo ur s ( UT RA N) L A5 .0

cqiReportAper iodicR10Enabled DownlinkCAConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggreg ationPrimaryConf >-<DownlinkCACo nf>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter enables the R10 A-CSI report for CA UE. N.A. Boolean true system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3




<CarrierAggreg ationPrimaryConf >-<DownlinkCACo nf>2 partial

Radio Resource

ManagementTransmit Power This parameter configures the nomPdschRsEpreOffset for A-CSI report for CA UE. dB Integer -2 12 2 0 eng_tunable 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

c q iR e po r ti n gMo de A pe ri o di c C e ll L 1U LC o nf FDD<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL1ULConf>-<CellL1ULConfFDD>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterselects the aperiodic CQI reporting mode.The parametermustbe set foranymanaged celloperating withA-CQI;thatis, foranycellwhichis notoperating withthe 1.4MHzsystem bandwidth.The value rm30 corresponds to Mode 3-0;rm31 corresponds to Mode 3-1,and so on.The PUSCHreporting modes are described inTS 36.213 [23,7.2.1].

N.A. Enumerate rm30 (1), rm31 (2), rm12(3) rm31 system_restricted L92095QCI & QCI Parameters ForEnhanced SchedulingDecisions


cQ IT oSI NR Lo okUpT ab le C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementD yn am ic R e so ur ce A ll oc at io n an d Pa ck et S ch ed ul in g T hi s pa ra me te r re pr es en ts a t ab le , fo r tr an sf or mi ng C QI v al ue s in to S I NR e s ti ma te d va lu es i n dB . d B F lo at - 10 3 0 0 .2 5



 s y s t em_ re s tr i ct e d L 1 15 2 17 e NB C l a ss P a r ame te r C ha ng e I mpr o ve men ts L A 5. 0

c sf bT o1 XR tt Re po rt ed P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to CsfbTo1XRttis selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

c uL oa di ng Th re sh Fo rE ar ly OO TR el ea se R ad io Ca cE nb < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <R rm Se rv ic es >- <R ad io Ca cE nb > 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the connected userloading (inpercentage)oneitherper-cellorper-eNB levelthattriggers the earlyOOT userrelease actionto relieve the connected userloading so to avoid callblocking.

% Integer 0 100 1 100 system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

c us to me rS pa re 1R ep or te d P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to CustomerSpare1 is selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted T103175Performance CounterManagementSupportoneNB(FDD – TDD commonpartonly

c us to me rS pa re 2R ep or te d P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to CustomerSpare2 is selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted T103175Performance CounterManagementSupportoneNB(FDD – TDD commonpartonly

c us to me rS pa re 3R ep or te d P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to spare3Reported is selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved

Page 8: lte parameter description

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


c us to me rS pa re 4R ep or te d P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures and


Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to spare4Reported is selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved

c us to me rS pa re 5R ep or te d P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures and


Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to spare5Reported is selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved

d at aFo rw ar di n gFo rS 1 Ho E na bl e d Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o ne Mo bi l it y I n tr a- LTE R R C C o nn ec t ed Mo de Mo bi l it y P ro c ed u re sThis flag enables ordisables the dataforwarding forthis Radio Bearerincase of S1 HO.If setto true onbothsource and targeteNodeB,dataforwarding willbe performed.If setto False oneithersource ortarget

eNodeB,there willbe no dataforwarding.

Boolean true customer_settable L98841Inter-eNodeB S1 HandoverwithMME & SGWRelocationforInter-region/vendorMobility


d at aF or wa rd in gF or X2 Ho En ab le d T ra ff ic Ra di oB ea re rC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< De di ca te dC on f> -< Tr af fi cR ad io Be ar er Co nf > 3 n one M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it yP ro ce du re s T hi s p ar am et er en ab le s o rd is ab le s t he d at af or wa rd in g f or th e R ad io B ea re ri nc as e o f X 2 H O. B oo le an t ru e c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 11 52 17 e NB C las s P ar am et er Ch an ge I mp ro ve me nt s L A5 .0

daylt OneXRttMobilityParameters<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttMobilityParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter specifies the daylight savings time indicator - See 3GPP2 C.S0005. N.A. Boolean N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

dbu CpriRadioEquipment <ENBEquipment>-<CpriRadioEquipment> N.A. noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installation and Commissioning Parameters This parameter specifies the controller in amulti-controller eNodeB configuration. Integer 1 2 1 1 customer_settable L115158LTE RRH AntennaCross ConnectCapabilitySupportinLA4.0.1


dedicatedConfId LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Enhanced Node B Hardware This parameter points to the instance of DedicatedConf used by this cell. N.A. ServiceLink N.A. customer_settable L115808 Tri-carrier BBU LR13.3

d ed ic at ed Sr sB an dw id th C el lL 1U LC on fF DD<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL1ULConf>-<CellL1ULConfFDD>

2 parti al LT E Air Inte rf ace L ayer 2

This parameteris used to controlthe SRS BandwidthConfigurationvalue sentto the UEs inthe SoundingRS-UL-ConfigDedicated RRC IE whenisNarrowbandSRSuseEnabled is set to true. W henisNarrowbandSRSuseEnabled is setto F alse the value bw0 is systematicallysent.See TS 36.211,[table,, and– 4]formore detailon the L1 meaning of thisparameter.

Enumerate bw0(0), bw1(1), bw2(2),bw3(3) bw1 system_restricted L114492 Generalized OP-PUCCH T/LA6.0




2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the type of downlinkspeechcodec assumed forderiving the SPS grantsize whentheoverrideS1GBRinfoForVoIP parameteris setto True.


AMR-12.20(0),AMR-10.20(1),AMR-7.95(2),AMR-7.40(3),AMR-6.70(4),AMR-5.90(5),AMR-5.15(6),AMR-4.75(7),AMR-WB-23.85(8), AMR-WB-23.05(9),AMR-WB-19.85(10),AMR-


A MR- 1 2. 2 0 s y st e m_ r es t ri c te d L 1 14 5 31 . 1 V o LTE So l ut i on f o r Fi e ld T ri a l Ap p li c at i on s L A 4. 0

defaultCodecforVoIPServiceUl EnbVoipConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbVoipConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the type of uplinkspeechcodec assumed forderiving the SPS or DS grantsize whenthe overrideS1GBRinfoForVoIP parameteris setto True.


AMR-12.20(0),AMR-10.20(1),AMR-7.95(2),AMR-7.40(3),AMR-6.70(4),AMR-5.90(5),AMR-5.15(6),AMR-4.75(7),AMR-WB-23.85(8), AMR-WB-23.05(9),AMR-WB-19.85(10),AMR-


A MR -1 2. 20 s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 11 56 47 .1 V oL TE F ri en dl y Us er T ri al s ol ut io n L A4 .0

defaultConnectedPr ior ityOfFreq MobilityPr ior ityTable<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<MobilityPriorityTable>

3 n on e M ob il it y e vo lv ed m ul ti -c ar ri er t ra ff ic a ll oc at io n eM CT A

This parameterconfigures the priority(0-lowestand 7-highest)thatis used forconnected mode,for example,inthe eMCTA framework.This parameteris onlyused f orcoverage-based mobilitywhen

isMobilityTypeEmctaEnabled=True.The parametermaybe unsetforintra-frequencybutmustbe setforinter-frequency.Note:It is also possible to discard aRAT-carrierineMCTA witha priorityvalue thatis set to service-not-allowed-in-RAT-carrier.

N .A . E nu me ra teserviceOrQci- not-allowed-in-RAT -carrier(0), 0-lowest(1), 1(2),2(3),3(4),4(5),5(6),6(7),7(8)

N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

defaultPagingCycle Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Call Management C all Handlinghis parameterspeciies the deault paging cycle inuse withinthe cell,whichcorresponds to the period

overwhichpaging occasions are spread.See TS 36.304 and TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Enumerate rf32(0), rf64(1), rf128(2), rf256(3) rf128 system_restricted


RadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies anadditionalthreshold to be used,onnumberof databearers,foradmissionof ahighprioritybearerorintra-LTE mobilityand RRC Re-establishment.Itis a deltanumberto be used in additionto the absolute threshold (admissionThresholdOnNbrOfDBs).Reactive load controlmaybe triggered if

(admissionThresholdOnNbrOfDBs +deltaAdmissionThresholdOnNbrOfDBsForHighPrioReq )is exceeded.

Integer 0 4000 1 N.A. system_restricted L114539.1 Congestion Management at Call Admission LA4.0


RadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies anadditionalthreshold to be used,onPRB consumption,foradmissionof incomingintra-LTE mobilityand RRC Re-establishment.Itis a deltapercentage added to the absolute threshold(dl/ulAdmissionThresholdOnPrb).Reactive load controlmaybe triggered if

(dl/ulAdmissionThresholdOnPrb +deltaAdmissionThresholdOnPrbForExisting )is exceeded.A value of 0 means incoming handoffs and re-establishme nts are treated the same as lowpriority bearers.

% Integer 0 100 1 0 customer_settable 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3


RadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies anadditionalthreshold to be used,on PRB consumption,foradmissionof ahighprioritybearer.It is a deltapercentage added to the absolute threshold (dl/ulAdmissionThresholdOnPrb).

Reactive load controlmaybe triggered if(dl/ulAdmissionThresholdOnPrb +deltaAdmissionThresholdOnPrbForHighPrioReq )

is exceeded.A value of 0 means highprioritybearers are treated the same as lowprioritybearers.

% Integer 0 100 1 0 system_restricted L114539.1 Congestion Management at Call Admission LA4.0


RadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies anadditionalthreshold to be used,onPRB consumption,foradmissionof amediumprioritybearer.It is a deltapercentage added to the absolute threshold (dl/ulAdmissionThresholdOnPrb).Reactive load controlmaybe triggered if

(dl/ulAdmissionThresholdOnPrb +deltaAdmissionThresholdOnPrbForMediumPrioReq )is exceeded.A value of 0 means medium prioritybearers are treated the same as lowprioritybearers.

% Integer 0 100 1 0 customer_settable 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3


ioReqRadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 none

Radio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies anadditionalthreshold to be used,onPRB consumption,foradmissionof a Topprioritybearer.It is a deltapercentage added to the absolute threshold (dl/ulAdmissionThresholdOnPrb).Reactive load controlmaybe triggered if

(dl/ulAdmissionThresholdOnPrb +deltaAdmissionThresholdOnPrbForTopPrioReq )is exceeded.A value of 0 means top prioritybearers are treated the same as low prioritybearers.

% Integer 0 100 1 0 customer_settable 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3

d el ta FP UC CH Fo rm at 1 U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< UL Po we rC on tr ol Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementTransmit Power This parameter specifies power offset value for PUCCH format 1. Enumerate deltaFm2(0), deltaF0(1), deltaF2(2) N.A. system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

d el ta FP UC CH Fo rm at 1b U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< UL Po we rC on tr ol Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementTransmit Power This parameter specifies power offset value for PUCCH format 1b. Enumerate deltaF1(0), deltaF3(1), deltaF5(2) N.A. system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

deltaFPUCCHFormat1bCSR10 UplinkCAConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationPrimaryConf>-<UplinkCAConf>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementTransmit Power This parameter specifies power offset value for PUCCH format 1b with Channel Selection. Enumerate deltaF1(0), deltaF2(1) N.A. system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

d el ta FP UC CH Fo rm at 2 U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< UL Po we rC on tr ol Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource


his parameterspeciies the powero setvalue or CC ormat . his parametercorresponds to (where

F=format2)inTS 36.213 . E num erate de lt aF m2 (0), del taF 0 ( 1), de ltaF 1 ( 2),d el taF 2(3 ) N.A . s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 84 87 3 Upl ink cont rol channe lo pt im izati on (P UCC H& S RS ) L A3. 0

d el ta FP UC CH Fo rm at 2a U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< UL Po we rC on tr ol Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies the poweroffsetvalue forPUCCHFormat2a. This parametercorresponds to (whereF=format2)inTS 36.213

E num erate de lt aF m2(0 ), de ltaF 0(1), del taF 2(2 ) d el taF 0 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 84 87 3 Upl ink cont rol channe lo pt im izati on (P UCC H& S RS ) L A3. 0

d el ta FP UC CH Fo rm at 2b U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< UL Po we rC on tr ol Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies the poweroffsetvalue forPUCCHFormat2b. This parametercorresponds to(where F=format2)inTS 36.213

N.A. Enumerate deltaFm2 (0), deltaF0 (1), deltaF2 (2) N.A. system_restricted L84873 Uplink control channel optimization (PUCCH & S RS) L A3.0

de lt aNbrUs erT hrF DS C el lL2 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL2 UL Conf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the hysteresis applied to the nbrUserThrFDS forallowing backthe use of F SSscheduling whenthe numberof users onthe cell decreases belowthe value:

nbrUserThrFDS -deltaNbrUserThrFDS.Integer 0 600 1 10 system_restricted L90853 Frequency diverse scheduling LA3.0

d el ta Pr ea mb le Ms g3 U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< UL Po we rC on tr ol Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies powercontrolparameterto compute P_0_NOMINAL_PUSCHforRACHmessage 3.The value sentoverthe RRC interface is half the value configured.The UE thenmultiplies the received valueby2.See TS 36.213 [23,].

dB Integer -2 12 2 N.A. system_restricted L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

deltaSinrThrF SS CellL2ULConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL2ULConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the hysteresis applied to UL SRS SINR threshold level.The SINR for switching theuserbackto FDS is:(sinrThrFSS -deltaSinrThrFSS).

dB Float 0 10 0.5 3 system_restricted L90853 Frequency diverse scheduling LA3.0

di re ct FwdP athA vai lab ili ty R nc Ac ces s < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< UtranA cce ss Gro up >-< Rnc Ac ces s> 3 no ne Mo bi lit yEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterindicates whetheradirectdataforwarding pathis available withthe targetRNC.True indicatesthatadirectpathis available.

Boolean N.A. customer_init L108084 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA5.0

d ir ec tF wd Pa th Av ai lab il it y X 2A cc es s < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< X2 Ac ce ss Gr ou p> -< X2 Ac ce ss > 3 n one M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e Mo bi li ty Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterindicates whetherornot adirectdataforwarding pathis available withthe peer eNodeB.Trueindicates thatadirectpathis available.

N.A. Boolean true customer_settable L98841Inter-eNodeB S1 HandoverwithMME & SGWRelocationforInter-region/vendorMobility


d is ab le Ea rl yM ea su re me nt Co nf ig ur at io n A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <A ct iv at io nS er vi ce > 3 n on e M ob il it y e vo lv ed m ul ti -c ar ri er t ra ff ic a ll oc at io n eM CT AThis parameterdisables the earlymeasurementconfiguration.Whensetto true,intra-frequencyhandover measurements are set up along withSRB2 and traffic bearers.Whenset to false,these measurements areconfigured justafterthe RRC connectionis setup.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable 166984Supportof Multiple FrequencyBand Indicators for TDD



ringSpeechInactivityUlEnbVoipConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbVoipConf> 2 partial

Radio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols whetherthe UL schedulerforces an UL VoIP bufferestimate increase every160ms or 

notwhenitdetects UL speechinactivity.Boolean true system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

diversityImbalanceThreshold LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures and


Installation and Commissioning Parameters This parameter specifies the Diversity Imbalance Threshold. N.A. Float 0 20 0.1 5 customer_settable L115158 LTE RRH AntennaCross ConnectCapabilitySupportinLA4.0.1


d lA ct iv eT hr ou gh pu tA ve rag eC oe ff ic ie nt E nb Ra di oC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< En bR ad io Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the averaging coefficientforthe DL active bearerthroughputevaluation.Used in min-Rate evaluationfornon-GBR service.The value is divided by1024 to provide aforgetting factorbetween0and 0.999.

N.A. Integer 0 1023 1 1014 system_reserved L115698 Minimum bitrate enforcement for non-GBR LR13.1


EnbRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the averaging coefficientforthe DL active CA bearerthroughputevaluation.Used inmin-Rate evaluationforCA bearer.The value is divided by1024 to provide aforgetting factorbetween0 and0.999.

N.A. Integer 0 1023 1 1014 system_reserved 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

dl Adm is sio nT hres ho ld OnP rb R ad ioC acC el l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <R ad ioC acC ell > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

his parameterspeciies the L percentage threshold on consumptionorthe admissiono alowpriorityrequest. Reactive load control may be triggered if it is exceeded. Integer 0 100 1 90 system_restricted L114539.1 Congestion Management at Call Admission LA4.0

d lB an dw id th F re qu en cy An dB an dw id th FD D < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <F re qu en cy An dB an dw id th FD D> 2 p ar ti al L TE A ir I nt er fa ce T he p hy si ca l la ye r L1This parameterindicates the transmissionbandwidthconfiguration(NRB).n6 corresponds to 6 resourceblocks,n15 to 15 resource blocks and so on.


n 50 -1 0M Hz c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 76 50 1 3 GP P S ta nd ar d C om pl ia nc e L A1 .0

d lB an dw id th M ce Mb sf nS yn ch ro Ar ea < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <M ce >- <M ce Mb sf nS yn ch ro Ar ea > N .A . n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt E nh an ce d M ul ti me di a Br oa dc as t Mu lt ic as t Se rv ic e e MB MSThis parameterindicates the transmissionbandwidthconfiguration(NRB).n6 corresponds to 6 resourceblocks,n15 to 15 resource blocks and so on.

Enumeraten -1_4 z ( ), n1 - z (1), n - z ( ), n - 1 z ( ),n75-15MHz(4),n100-20MHz(5)

n 50 -1 0M Hz c us to me r_ ini t 1 58 99 0e G e l w it h d is t ri b ut e d C ( i nt e gr at edineNB)




3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteris the average throughputthreshold used as one conditionto triggerload balancing (inadditionto realPRB consumption)whenpercarrierload balancing is enabled.It is used atcelllevel and applies onlytonon-GBR bearers (willbe ignored forGBR bearers).

Kbits/s Integer 0 2000 1 0 eng_tunable 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3


ntrolT r af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o ne

Radio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteris used as one conditionto triggerload balancing (inadditionto realPRB consumption).Itisused atcellleveland applies onlyto non-GBR bearers (willbe ignored forGBR bearers).If per neighbor carrierload balancing is enabled thenthe parameterof the same name in QciConfForOffload is used instead.

Kbits/s Integer 0 2000 1 0 eng_tunable 171232 nGBR QoS based Load balancing LR13.3

dlCABearerClippingF actor EnbRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the maximum DL QoS weightexp(dlNonGbrClippingFactor)forCA bearerdue to

QoS metric enforcement,including min-Rate and PDB.N.A. Integer 1 5 1 2 system_reserved 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

dlCABearerSchedulingWeight CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf>

3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies the QCI weight associated with the CA bearer that the DL scheduler will use. N.A. Float 0.125 128.0 0.125 1.000 system_reserved 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

dlCellLoadedThreshold Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Mobility evolved multi-carrier traffic allocation eMCTA

This parametercorresponds to the DL threshold used to determine if aneighborcell is loaded ornot,bycomparing itwiththe remaining capacity,whichis productof capacityvalue and cellcapacityclass valueindicated overX2.

% Integer 0 100 15 customer_settable L115223 Inter-freq Load Balancing T/LA6.0

d lE AR FC N F re qu en cy An dB an dw id th FD D < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <F re qu en cy An dB an dw id th FD D> 0 c ri ti ca l L TE A ir I nt er fa ce T he p hy si ca l la ye r L1This parameterrepresents the LTE RANAbsolute Radio FrequencyChannelNumberfordownlinkinthe cell(DL centercarrierfrequency),defined in TS 36.104.This parameteris used to populate the frequencyBandIndicatorIE in SIB1 of the containing cell.

N.A. Integer 0 61999 1 N.A. customer_init

dlEARFCN LteNeighboringFreqConf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>

N .A . n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e Mo bi li ty P ro ce du re s

This parameterspecifies the inter-frequencyNeighborhood E-UTRA Absolute Radio FrequencyChannelNumberfordownlinkinthe cell(DL centercarrierfrequency),as defined inTS 36.104.Forthe instance of LteNeighboringFreqConf thatis pointed to by the parameterlteNeighboringFreqsConfId inthe containing instance of LteCell, the value of this parameters hould be the same as the value of the

dlEARFCNparameterof the LteCellinstance itself and specifies the E-UTRA intra-frequencyNeighborhood.

N.A. Integer 0 61999 1 N.A. customer_init L108283 eNB Configuration Model Improvements LA3.0

dlEARFCN MeasObjectEUTRA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<MeasObject>-<MeasObjectEUTRA>

3 none Mobility I ntra-LT E RRC Connected Mode Mobility Procedures This parameter configures the RRC IE carrierFreq of MeasObjectEUTRA. See 3GPP 36.331. N.A. Integer 0 61999 1 N.A. customer_init L115820 Half Duplex FDD for Cassidian band T/LA6.0

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


dl MC ST ransi tio nT abl e C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterrepresents atable,composed of 28 SNR values (indB), forswitching betweentwoconsecutive DownlinkMCSs.

dB Float -10 30 0.25




 e n g_ t un ab l e L 1 15 2 17 e NB C l as s P ar ame te r C ha ng e I mpr o ve men ts L A 5. 0

d lM IM OD ef au lt Co de Bo ok D ow nl in kM im o<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<TxDivOrMimoResources>-<MimoConfiguration>-<DownlinkMimo>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling This parameterselects the defaultcodebookused bythe DL Schedulerwhenno PMI is received from the UE. Enumerate

1LayerCodebook0 (0),1LayerCodeb ook1 (1),1LayerCodebook2 (2),1LayerCodeb ook3 (3),2LayersCodeboo k1 (4),2Laye rsCodebook2 (5)

1 L ay e rC o de b oo k 0 sy s te m_r es t ri c te d L 8 02 7 9 D o wn li n k Tr an s mi t S ch e me s f o r LA 1 .0 L A 1. 0

dlMinBitRateForBE RadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the minimum downlinkbandwidththatis to be allocated,forCAC purposes,fornon-GBR (BestEffort)bearers.The givenbandwidth,interms of Kbit/s,is used to determine the numberof PRBsthatmustbe reserved.

Kbits/s Integer 0 2048 1 1 system_restricted L92091 CAll Admission Evolutions LA3.0

d l Mi n Th ro ug h pu tTa rg e t C ar r ie r Ag g re g at i on Se c on da ry C on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf>

3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the minimum DL active throughputtargetenforced byDL schedulerforCA Bearer,whenthe bearerhas datato be transmitted overDL.The parametershallbe unsetifActivationService::isNonGbrMinRateEnabled==FALSE.

Kbits/s Integer 0 5000 50 0 system_reserved 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

d l Mi n Th ro ug h pu tTa rg e t T r af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o neRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the minimum DL active throughputtargetenforced byDL schedulerfornon-GBRbearerperQCI,whenthe bearerhas datato be transmitted overDL.The parametershallbe unsetifActivationService::isNonGbrMinRateEnabled==FALSE.

Kbits/s Integer 0 5000 50 0 system_reserved L115698 Minimum bitrate enforcement for non-GBR LR13.1

dlNasDeliveryWaitTimeNoDRX Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Call Management Call Handling

This parameter,used forUE configured withoutDRX,specifies the maxtime Call-Processing waits foranACKfrom Modem indicating deliveryof a DL NAS to the UE overSRB2 before itsends anypending RRC + NASmessages orRRC ConnectionRelease to the UE forNAS in-sequence delivery.Referto TS 36.331.If UE is configured withDRX,anadditionaltime based onDRX configurationis added.

The value of zero (0) means this capabilityis disabled forbothno DRX configured and DRX configured cases.

ms Integer 0 3000 50 1500 system_restricted L114644 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA5.0

dlNonGBRClippingFactor EnbRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

his parameterspeciies the maximum L Qo weightexp(dl onGbrClipping actor)ornon-G service dueto QoS metric enforcement,including min-Rate and PDB.

N.A. Integer 1 5 1 2 system_reserved L115698 Minimum bitrate enforcement for non-GBR LR13.1

d l On D ur at i on P ri o ri t yB o os t I n ac t iv i ty B as e dD rx C on f < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< I na c ti v it y Ba se d Dr xC o nf > 3 n o neRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the extraDLS priorityboostwhenconsidering the bearerforscheduling withinthe

OnDuration,whenthe userhas DRX configured.N.A. Integer 0 16 1 4 system_restricted L101843 MAC DRx State Mgt under Inactivity Conditions LR13.1

dlOnDurationPriorityBoostForCABearer CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf>

3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the extraDLS priorityboostwhenconsidering the CA bearerforscheduling withintheOnDuration,whenthe userhas DRX configured.

N.A. Integer 0 16 1 4 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

dl Ove rhead Co nsum pti on R ad ioC acC el l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <R ad ioC acC ell > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the DL resource consumptionforUL overhead channels (BCH,PCH,and so on..),inPRB persecond.

Integer 0 100000 1 0 system_restricted L92633 Capacity Licensing Impact in eNB LA2.0

d lP at hl os sC ha ng eF or PHR re po rt in g C el lL 2UL Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll L2 UL Co nf > 3 n one L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2 T hi s pa ra me te rs pe ci fi es t he p at hl os s ch an ge t hr es ho ld v al ue f or se nd in g an ew PH R re po rt .S ee T S 36 .3 21 . d B E nu me ra tedB1(0),dB3(1),dB6(2),infinity(3)

dB 1 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 76 50 1 3GP P St andard C om pl iance L A1. 0

dl PCQ IV al idi tyW ind ow C el lL2 DL Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL2 DL Co nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the validitywindowforaCQI/PMI/RI report.Incase of CQI/PMI/RI reporterasure,DLS willassume the reportto be the same as lastreported value if itfalls inthe validitywindowof the lastreported value.

ms Integer 0 1000 10 100 system_reserved L101843 MAC DRx State Mgt under Inactivity Conditions LR13.1

d lP dc pD up li ca te Av oi da nc eE na bl ed P dc pC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< De di ca te dC on f> -< Pd cp Co nf > 3 n one L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2his parameteris to disable/enable the eode L C duplicate avoidance orO A transmission,or O

orRRC connectionre-establishment.Once enabled,forRLC AMTRBs, PDCP shallhold datauntilPDCPstatus reportis received.

N.A. Boolean N.A. N.A. N.A. true system_restricted L109433 eNB KPI Objectives (C-plane, U-plane) for LA3.0 LA3.0

dl PRB co ns um pti onP erK bps R ad ioC acC el l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>-< Rad ioC acC el l> 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteradvises the projected DL resource consumptionperrequested kBPS of GBR,inPRB per second perKbps.

Float 0 100 0.1 2 system_restricted L92633 Capacity Licensing Impact in eNB LA2.0



3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteris setas one conditionto triggerload balancing (inadditionto QoS degradationspecified inQciConfForOffload).WhenrealPRB consumptioninthe cell is above this threshold and QoS deficithitsanotherthreshold,load balancing is triggered to neighborcarriers defined byLteNeighboringFreqConf and

UtraFddNeighboring FreqConf MOs withpre ventiveOfflo adLinkpo inting to this instance of PreventiveOffloadMO.The parametermaybe unsetif realPRB consumptionis notbeing used as atriggerforpreventive loadcontrol.

% Integer 0 100 1 80 eng_tunable 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3


RadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteris used as one conditionto triggerload balancing (inadditionto QoS degradation).WhenrealPRB consumptioninthe cellis above this threshold and QoS deficithits anotherthreshold,load balancing istriggered.

% Integer 0 100 80 eng_tunable 171232 nGBR QoS based Load balancing LR13.3



3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteris setto the DL threshold (percell)above whichpreventive load control(load balancing)basedonDL semi-static PRB usage willbe triggered to neighborcarriers defined byLteNeighboringFreqConf andUtraFddNeighboring FreqConf MOs withpre ventiveOfflo adLinkpo inting to this instance of PreventiveOffloadMO.The parametermaybe unsetif semi-static PRB consumptionis notbeing used as atriggerfor preventive loadcontrol.

% Integer 0 100 1 80 eng_tunable 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3


RadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteris the DL threshold (percell)above whichpreventive load control(load balancing)willbetriggered based onsemi-static PRB usage.

% Integer 0 100 80 eng_tunable L115223 Inter-freq Load Balancing T/LA6.0

d l QC I Sc he d ul i ng W ei g ht T r af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o neRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic Re sourc e A ll oc at io nand P ack et Sc he dul ing T his param et er spe ci fi es the QC I we ig ht as so ci ate d wi th the T RB t hat the D L s che dul er wi ll us e. N.A . F loat 0. 12 5 1 28 .0 0.1 25 1 .0 00 s ys tem _res erved 1 60 63 6 Non-GB R p rio ri ti zati on T /LA 6.0

d lQ oS Me tr ic Ty pe C ar ri er Ag gr eg at io nS ec on da ry Co nf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf>

3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies the DL QoS metric for CA bearer. N.A. Enumerate None(0), PDB(1), Rate(2) None system_reserved 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

d lQ oS Me tr ic Ty pe T ra ff ic Ra di oB ea re rC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <T ra ff ic Ra di oB ea re rC on f> 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic Re sourc e A ll oc at io nand P ack et Sc he dul ing T his param et er spe ci fi es the D L Q oS me tr ic f or no n-GB R s erv ic e. N.A . E num erate None(0 ), PDB (1 ), Rat e(2 ) No ne s ys tem _res erved L1 15 69 8 Mi ni mum b itrate e nf orc em ent for non-GB R L R1 3. 1

dlSigConsumption RadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteradvises the projected DL resource consumptionforStandalone Signaling Config,inPRB per second.

Integer 0 100000 1 0 system_restricted L92633 Capacity Licensing Impact in eNB LA2.0

d lS in r M ce Mb sf nA re a < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <M ce >- <M ce Mb sf nS yn ch ro Ar ea >- <M ce Mb sf nA re a> 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt E nh an ce d M ul ti me di a Br oa dc as t Mu lt ic as t Se rv ic e e MB MSThis parametercorresponds to the dlSINR to be filled bythe customeror ALUexpertfollowing themeasurementonthe worstcell of the MBSFNArea.Itis used by the MCE to determinthe MCS to be usedinside the MBSFNAreawhenaservice needs to be broadcasted.

db Float -10 30 0.5 5.0 customer_init L115262eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated ineNB)


d lS IN RD ec ay Up on PC QI Er as ur e C el lL 2D LC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll L2 DL Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic R esource A llocation and P acket Scheduling This p arameter specifies the D L SINR d ecay (per second) when aCQI r eport is e rased. dB Float 0 10 0.1 3.0 system_reserved L101843 MAC DRx State Mgt under Inactivity Conditions LR13.1

dl inrhresholdetweenCL imoOneLayerAndTxDiv


2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies,indB,the signalto noise ratio threshold forswitching betweenCL MIMO 1 layer mode and TxDivmode.

dB Float -10 30 0.1 5.0 system_restricted



3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the signalto noise ratio threshold forswitching mode betweenCL MIMO 2 layers andCL MIMO 1 layer(indB).

dB Float -10 30 0.1 15.0 eng_tunable L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0



3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies the signal to noise ratio threshold for switching mode (in dB). dB Float -10 30 0.1 15.0 eng_tunable L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

d l Si nr ToU l Si nr Tar g et C on ve r si o nFa ct o r U LP o we rC o nt r ol C on f < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < UL P ow er C on t ro l Co nf > 3 n o neRadio Resource


This parameterindicates the conversionfactorf from DL combined SINR x (derived based onCQI)to UL per-antennaSINR targety:y= x-f. AllindB.

dB Float -10 10 0.1 1.5 system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

d l Si nr ToU l Si nr Tar g et C on ve r si o nTh re s h U LP o we rC o nt r ol C on f < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < UL P ow er C on t ro l Co nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource


his parametercontrols the L I threshold levelabove whichthe CQI based powercontrolrequests theuse of the maximum SINR target.Whenthis happens,the PUSCHpowercontrolis drivenbythe pathlossbased FPC componentof the PUSCHpowercontrolfunction.

dB Float -5.0 +25.0 0.1 25.0 system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

dlTargetSINRTableForPDCCH CellL1L2Contro lChannelsConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL1L2Contro lChannelsConf> 2 part ia lRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies the PDCCHSINR targets foreachof the DCI formats and eachof the AggregationLevels.The table has a10 columns (one perDCI format)and 4 rows (one peraggregationlevel).

dB Float -10 30 0.25

(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,6,5,0,0,0,7,7,5,0,1.75,2.5, 1.75,0,


 s y s t em_ re s tr i ct e d C R 36 1 48 2

d lU tr aC el lL oa de dT hr es ho ld U tr aL oa dB al an ci ng Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <U tr aL oa dB al an ci ng Co nf > 3 n on e M ob il it y e vo lv ed m ul ti -c ar ri er t ra ff ic a ll oc at io n eM CT AThis parametercorresponds to the DL threshold used to determine if an UTRANneighborcellis loaded or not,bycomparing itwithits remaining capacity.This parametershallbe setwhenActivationService:isUtraLoadBalancingEnabled=true.

% Integer 0 100 15 customer_settable 155912Targetcellload considerationforIRAT mobilitytoWCDMA


doEnbResetAfterConfiguration Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 0 criticalMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

ENB and Software Configuration Control Parameters This parameter is to be used to force the eNB reset after its configuration. N.A. Integer 0 65535 1 0 customer_settable 168155Factory,Commissioning,3GPP 36.104/141Conformance,and CustomerAcceptance TestSupportforMacro Cells (LR13.3)


d oN ot Fo rc eV oI Pu se rs To Lo we rB le r C el lL 2UL Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll L2 UL Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols whetherthe uplinkdynamic schedulerallows the use of higherBLER targetforcallswithaVoIP bearer(forexample whenthe user is managed bythe frequencydiverse scheduler).

N.A. Boolean true system_restricted L115233.1 eNB SW Capacity Targets LA5.0

dormantPhaseTimerForCgiDiscovery AutomaticNeighborRelation<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies the lengthof time thatthe eNodeB willdedicate to attempting activelyto identifytheCGI associated withanewlydiscovered PCI (onLTE orotherRAT) during the dormantphase of ANR.

min Integer 5 30 5 5 customer_settable L81872Automatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation


d rx C yc l eFo rR e po rt C GI L t eI n te rF r eq u en c yA n r  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<LteInterFrequencyAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies the DRX long cycle lengththatis used whenaUE is requested to reportthe ECGI ofaninter-frequencyneighborcell,as partof the Automatic NeighborRelationfunction.

N.A. Enumerate sf160(0), sf320(1) sf160 customer_settable L103176 ANR Support for Inter Freq Neighbours T/LA6.0

d rx C yc l eFo rR e po rt C GI L t eI n tr aFr eq ue nc y An r  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<LteIntraFrequencyAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies the DRX long cycle lengththatis used whenaUE is requested to reportthe ECGI ofanintra-frequencyneighborcell,as partof the Automatic NeighborRelationfunction.

Enumerate sf160(0), sf320(1) sf160 customer_settable L81872Automatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation


d rx Cy cl eF or Re po rt CG I U tr aA nr  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<UtraAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

his parameterspeciies the long cycle lengththatis used whena is requested to reportthe CGI oanUTRANneighborcell,as partof the Automatic NeighborRelationfunction.

Enumerate sf 320(0), sf640(1), sf1280(2) sf1280 customer_settable L108084 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA5.0

d rx In ac ti vi ty Ti me r I na ct iv it yB as ed Dr xC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <I na ct iv it yB as ed Dr xC on f> 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteris astandard DRX configurationparameter(referto TS36.321)thateNB sends to UE.It

specifies the traffic inactivitytime beyond whichUE cango to DRX dormantto save battery.Enumerate


p s f2 0 0 s y st e m_ r es t ri c te d L 1 01 8 43 MA C D R x St a te Mg t u nd e r In ac t iv it y C on d it i on s L R 13 . 1

d rx R et ra ns mis s io nT i me r I n ac t iv i ty B as e dD rx C on f < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< I na c ti v it y Ba se d Dr xC o nf > 3 n o neRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteris astandard DRX configurationparameter(referto TS36.321)thateNB sends to UE.Itspecifies the time UE needs to stayactive afterthe HARQ RTT (8ms forFDD)associated withapackettransmissionthatfailed the HARQ before the maximum HARQ transmissions are exhausted.


p s f1 6 s y st e m_ r es t ri c te d L 1 01 8 43 MA C D R x St a te Mg t un d er I n ac t iv it y C on d it i on s L R 13 . 1

d rx Sh or tC yc le Ti me r I na ct iv it yB as ed Dr xC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <I na ct iv it yB as ed Dr xC on f> 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies astandard configurationparameterthateNB sends to UE to configure the shortDRX.The same name is adopted,whichis drxShortCycleTimer(see TS 36.331).

N.A. Integer 1 16 1 4 system_restricted L101843 MAC DRx State Mgt under Inactivity Conditions LR13.1

dsrTransMax CellL1ULConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL1ULConf> 2 partial LTE Air Interface Layer 2This parameteris used fordefining the maximum numberof unanswered Scheduling Requestbefore notifyingRRC of PUCCH/SRS release,initiating aRandom Access procedure and canceling allpending SRs.Corresponds to SR_TRANS_MAX parameterin36.321.

Enumerate n4(0), n8(1), n16(2), n32(3), n64(4) n4 system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

d tm Ca pa bi li ty G er an Ne ig hb or in gC el lR el at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<GeranNeighboringCellRelation>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter specifies whether the GERAN cell supports DTM capability. Boolean false customer_init L114644 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA5.0

duplexMode LteCellFDD <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteCellFDD> 2 partial LTE Air Interface T he physical layer L1

This parameterspecifies the mode of the cellregarding UE scheduling.The possible values are:

-FddFullDuplex-FddHalfDuplex-FddMixedDuplexThe lastchoice allows to serve bothHalf-Duplexand Full-DuplexUEs inthe same cell.

E nu me ra te F dd Fu ll Du pl ex (0 ), F dd Ha lf Du pl ex (1 ), F dd Mi xe dD up le x( 2) F dd Fu ll Du pl ex s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 11 58 20 H al f D up le xF DD f o rC as si di an ba nd T /L A6 .0

dynamicCFIEnabled CellL1L2ControlChannelsConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL1L2ControlChannelsConf> 2 partial LTE A ir Interface Layer 2 This p arameter enables or disables the d ynamic C FI f unctionality. N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L84872Downlinkcontrolchanneloptimization(PDCCH,PHICH,PCFICH)



Ove rl oad Co ntro l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ove rl oad Co nt rol > 3 no ne C al lManage ment C al lHand li ngThis parameterallows orforbids eNodeB to rejectemergencycalls,CSFB HighPrioritycalls and HighPriorityAccess calls whenitremains inCriticalOverload foralong period.

N.A. Boolean TRUE system_restricted L115805 Overload Control Phase 3 LR13.1

e CI Ca bs Ge ne ra ti on Re po rt ed P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt > 3 n on e


Features andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to ECICabsGenerationis selected tobe reported.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved 159538 eICIC with Semi-Static ABS (FDD, Macro Cell) LR14.1

eMctaPriority QciPriorityConf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<MobilityPriorityTable>-<QciPriorityConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y e vo lv ed m ul ti -c ar ri er t ra ff ic a ll oc at io n eM CT A

This parameterconfigures the eMCTA priority:the QCI-table thatprovides one priorityperQCI value andRAT/Carrieris used inthe Service SegmentationPolicyand the QCI-table per(RAT;carrier).Notes:[1]Thispriorityis used (0-lowestand 7-highest)and is granted to the QCI value.[2]It is also possible to discard aRAT-carrierineMCTA withapriorityvalue thatis setto serviceOrQci-not-allowed-in-RAT-carrier.

N .A . E nu me ra teserviceOrQci- not-allowed-in-RAT -carrier(0), 0-lowest(1), 1(2),2(3),3(4),4(5),5(6),6(7),7(8)

N.A . c us to mer_ ini t L 10 38 92 .1Service,and load based handoverbehaviorsupport(eMCTA -Phase 2)


e Mc taP ri or it y S er vi ce Ty pe Pr io ri ty Co nf  



3 n on e M ob il it y e vo lv ed m ul ti -c ar ri er t ra ff ic a ll oc at io n eM CT A

This parameterconfigures the eMCTA priority:the service-table thatprovides one priorityperservice-type andRAT/Carrieris used inthe Service SegmentationPolicyand the service-table per(RAT;carrier).Notes:[1]This priorityis used (0-lowestand 7-highest)and is granted to the Service Type.[2]It is also possible todiscard aRAT-carrierineMCTA withapriorityvalue thatis setto service-not-allowed-in-RAT-carrier.

N .A . E nu me ra teserviceOrQci- not-allowed-in-RAT -carrier(0), 0-lowest(1), 1(2),2(3),3(4),4(5),5(6),6(7),7(8)

N.A. customer_init L106136CommonMobilityManagementFramework(eMCTAPhase 1)


emergencyAreaIdList LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none Call Management Cell SetupThis parameterspecifies the EmergencyAreaIdentityListassociated to the cellf orPublic Warning Systemspurposes.

N.A. Integer 0 16777215 1 N.A. customer_init L92127 Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) support T/LA6.0

em sF qdn Oam Trans po rtC onf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< EnbT rans po rtC onf >-< Oam Transp or tC onf > 3 no neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameterspecifies the fullyqualified domainname (FQDN)of EMS to use during initialOAMLink

Establishment.The emsFqdn/DNS is used during automatic Plug-n-Playprocedures to obtainEMS IP addressforDNS optionof providing EMS IP address.This parameteris onlyused when(1)RanBackhaul.ipConfigAutomatic is setto True whichindicates thatthe OAMLinkEstablishmentparametersare obtained from automatic Plug-n-Playprocedures instead of provisioned bythe operator;(2)Operatordoesnotuse DHCP option.

N.A. String 1 64 N.A. system_reserved L115970 eNB Self Commissioning Improvements LR13.1

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


e ms Ip v4 Ad dr es s P ro vi si on ed Em sA dd re ss Da ta<ENBEquipm ent>-<Enb>-<EnbT ransportConf>-< OamTransportConf >-<ProvisionedEmsAddressData>

3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameterspecifies anEMS IPv4 address provisioned bythe operator.This is one of the parameters inthe ProvisionedEmsAddressDataobject.Up to 10 ProvisionedEmsAddressDataobjects maybe created bythe operator.eNB contacts these EMS IP addresses inorderto establishthe initialOAMconnection.Thisparameteris onlyused when(1)RanBackhaul.ipConfigAutomatic is setto F alse whichindicates thatthe OAMLinkEstablishmentparameters are provisioned instead of obtained from automatic Plug-n-PlayproceduresAND (2)IPv4 is used for the OAMinterface.

N.A. IP4Address N.A. customer_init L115970 eNB Self Commissioning Improvements LR13.1

e ms Ip v6 Ad dr es s P ro vi si on ed Em sA dd re ss Da ta<ENBEquipm ent>-<Enb>-<EnbT ransportConf>-< OamTransportConf >-<ProvisionedEmsAddressData>

3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameterspecifies anEMS IPv6 address provisioned bythe operator.This is one of the parameters inthe ProvisionedEmsAddressDataobject.Up to 10 ProvisionedEmsAddressDataobjects maybe created bythe operator.eNB contacts these EMS IP addresses inorderto establishthe initialOAMconnection.Thisparameteris onlyused when(1)RanBackhaul.ipConfigAutomatic is setto F alse whichindicates thatthe OAMLinkEstablishmentparameters are provisioned instead of obtained from automatic Plug-n-PlayproceduresAND (2)IPv6 is used for the OAMinterface.

N.A. IP6Address N.A. customer_init L115970 eNB Self Commissioning Improvements LR13.1

e ms Oa mL in kI ni tP or t P ro vi si on ed Em sA dd re ss Da ta<ENBEquipm ent>-<Enb>-<EnbT ransportConf>-< OamTransportConf >-<ProvisionedEmsAddressData>

3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameterspecifies the portonthe EMS where eNB sends Hello messages during OAMLinkEstablishment.This is one of the parameters inthe ProvisionedEmsAddressDataobject. Up to 10ProvisionedEmsAddressDataobjects maybe created bythe operator.eNB contacts these EMS IPaddresses inorderto establishthe initialOAMconnection.This parameteris onlyused whenRanBackhaul.ipConfigAutomatic is setto False whichindicates thatthe OAMLink Establishmentparametersare provisioned instead of obtained from automatic Plug-n-Play procedures.

N.A. Integer 1 65535 N.A. customer_init L115970 eNB Self Commissioning Improvements LR13.1

enableCollisionMaintenancePeriod AutomaticPhysicalCellIdentity<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticPhysicalCellIdentity>

3 none Call Management C ell Setup This parameter, if enabled delays the resolution of a PCI collision to the maintenance period. N.A. Boolean false customer_init L108258eNB Based PCI Allocation,ConflictDetectionandCorrection


enableMaintenancePer iod AutomaticPhysicalCellIdentity<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticPhysicalCellIdentity>

3 no ne C al lManage ment C ell Se tuphis parameterallows the operatorto disable the maintenance period or CI conusioncorrectioni needed.

Bydefault,the maintenance period is enabled.N.A. Boolean true system_restricted L108258

eNB Based PCI Allocation,ConflictDetectionandCorrection


eNBname Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Call Management S 1 Management

This parameterspecifies the name of the eNodeB,sentto the ePC during the S1 Setup procedure.See

3GPP 36.413. String 1 150 N.A. customer_init

e nb Nb rO fU se rs Lo ad Co nt ro lT hr es ho ld R ad io Ca cE nb < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <R rm Se rv ic es >- <R ad io Ca cE nb > 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteris setto the threshold fornumberof UEs in the eNodeB as apercentage ofmaxNumberOfCallPerEnodeB.Whenthe threshold is exceeded,preventive load control(load balancing)istriggered.Unsetif not using numberof UEs inthe eNB as a triggerforpreventive load control.

% Integer 0 100 1 N.A. eng_tunable 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3

enbRadioConfId LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Enhanced Node B Hardware This parameter points to the instance of EnbRadioConf used by this cell. N.A. ServiceLink N.A. customer_settable L115808 Tri-carrier BBU LR13.3

enbVoipConfId LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Enhanced Node B Hardware This parameter points to the instance of EnbVoipConf used by this cell. N.A. ServiceLink N.A. customer_settable L115808 Tri-carrier BBU LR13.3

endFwdData S1HoTimersConf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<S1AccessGroup>-<S1Timers>-<S1HoTimersConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur es

ForS1 handover,this parameterspecifies the maximum time to waitin the targeteNodeB forreceptionof GTP-Uend of forwarding packet(29.281)received throughX2 orS1 if DL dataforwarding is configured.A singletimeris started forallE-RABs subjectto forwarding whenS1-AP HandoverNotifyis transmitted to the MME.At

the receptionof GTP-Uend of forwarding packet(29.281)ortimerexpiry,the targeteNodeB starts transmittingDL packets received overthe newS1 and releases resources associated withthe GTP-Utunnel.

ms Integer 1 5000 1 150 customer_settable L97981 LTE Handover Optimization LR Future

energyMetricSelect EnbRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteris used to determine whichenergymetric is choseninRX physicallayerprocessing inthe CE.MMSE userenergyselection.Knownas “energy_select” inEMIF SIM.Meaning:0-->Use shortterm metric;1-->Use long term metric.

Integer 0 1 0 system_restricted

enforceAMBRvalues EnbRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementRadio Resource Managementfunctions

This parameterrepresents the flag to force the MAC schedulers to use the AMBR values requested bytheMME.Whenthe AMBR value is notenforced,the schedulerassumes thatthe UE maxthroughputis onlyafunction of its hardware capability.

Boolean true system_restricted L98840 Up to 4 Simultaneous Bearers per User LA2.0

e nh anc ed An rR ep or te d P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to EnhancedAnris selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved T115165ANR Advanced requirements -Controlled mode inSONSupervisor 


equipmentKind ENBEquipment <ENBEquipment> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameterpermits to the operatorto classifythe type of the eNodeB equipment:Macro eNBMetro CellOutdoor(MCO)Metro CellIndoor(MCI)LTE Enterprise Cell(EC)Home eFemto (HeNB)Metro Radio Outdoor (MRO).

N.A. Enumerate MACRO(0), MCO(1), MCI(2), EC(3), HeNB(4), MRO(5) MACRO system_restricted

eve ntA 3O ff set R ep ort Co nf ig EUT RA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigEUTRA>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur es

This parameterconfigures the RRC IE a3-Offsetincluded inthe IE reportConfigEUTRA intheMeasurementConfigurationIE.This IE should be setif the parametertriggerTypeEUTRA is setto eventA3.Otherwise,itshould be unset.The value sentoverthe RRC interface is twice the value configured (the UE thendivides the received value by2).See 3GPP 36.331.

dB Float -15 15 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L96760 eNB Configuration Update Enhancements LA2.0

expectedControllerType ENBEquipment <ENBEquipment> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures and


Enhanced Node B HardwareThis parameterspecifies the eNB controllertype thatthe operatoris expecting to equip.This parameter 

applies to bothMacro and Metro eNB.

N.A. Enumerate eCCM(1),eCCM2(2), MET3C1(3), SDCAM(4) eCCM customer_settable L115850 eCCM2-controlled introduction in FDD LR13.1

expectedModemType ENBEquipment <ENBEquipment> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Enhanced Node B HardwareThis parameterspecifies the modem type thatthe operatoris expecting to equip the eNodeB (bCEM,sBBU,eCEM,MET3C1,SDCEM).

N .A . E nu me ra teeCEM(1),bCEM(2),sBBU(3),MET3C1(4),SCT3300(5),SDCEM(6)

b CE M c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 11 56 57Compatibilitycheckbetweenconfigurationandmodem card


extendedRncId RncAccess <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<UtranAccessGroup>-<RncAccess> 3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterregisters the Extended RNC-ID as anINTEGER (4096..65535),whichis used to identifyanRNC and if the RNC identityhas avalue largerthan4095.TargetID:it identifies the targetforthe handover.The targetID is the RNC-ID forLTE-UMTS handoveras selected bythe eNodeB.The TargetID whenset to TargetRNC-ID includes Extended RNC-ID.See TS36.413.

N.A. Integer 4096 65535 1 N.A. customer_init L108084 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA5.0

e xt en de dW ai tT im eD ue To EN B U eT im er s < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< De di ca te dC on f> -< Ue Ti me rs > 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in g

This parameterspecifies extendedWaitTime inRRC ConnectionRejectfor delay-tolerantUEs

(establishment Cause is delayTolerantAc cess) inresp onse to eNB overload/conges tion,whe re exponentialback-offs canbe configured inproportionto the degrees of overload. The elements inthe listcorrespond to,respectively,eNB overload levels of *MinorOverload;*MajorOverload;*CriticalOverloadA random value inthe range of (75%*X,125%*X),where X is the chosenelementinthe list and the randomvalue respects min/maxcardinalities,is used to setRRC extendedWaitTime,and releaseCause is setto avalue otherthanloadBalancingTAURequired orcs-FallbackHighPriority.See TS 36.331.Note:The firstelementis also used in RRC RejectwhenCAC actions are applied to delay-tolerantUEs.

s Integer 1 1800 1 (100, 250, 500) system_restricted L115225 EUTRAN Standard Alignment LR13.1

e xt en de dW ai tT im eD ue To MM E U eT im er s < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< De di ca te dC on f> -< Ue Ti me rs > 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in g

This parameterspecifies extendedWaitTime inRRC ConnectionRejector Release fordelay-tolerantUEs(establishmentCause is delayTolerantAccess)inresponse to MME overload,where exponentialback-offs can

be configured inproportionto the degrees of overload. The elements inthe listcorrespond to,respectively,MME overload actions of *rejectonlyDelay-TolerantAccess;*rejectMO-Dataand Delay-TolerantAccess;*rejectMO-Signaling and MO-Dataand Delay-TolerantAccess;*onlypermitEmergencyand MT-Access;*onlypermitHigh-PriorityAccess and MT-Access.A random value inthe range of (75%*X,125%*X),where X is the chosenelementinthe list and the randomvalue respects min/maxcardinalities,is used to setRRC extendedWaitTime,and releaseCause is setto avalue otherthanloadBalancingTAURequired or cs-FallbackHighPriority. See TS 36.413 and 36.331.

s Integer 1 1800 1(60,120,240,480,

480) s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 11 52 25 E UT RA NS ta nd ar d A li gnm en t L R1 3. 1

extraDCI0powerOffsetForTTIBundling CellL1L2Contro lChannelsConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL1L2Contro lChannelsConf> 2 part ia lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the additionalpoweroffsetapplied to the DCI0 grants thatare sent to UEsconfigured withTTI Bundling.

dB Float 0.0 3.0 0.25 0.0 eng_tunable L114536.1 Support of TTI Bundling for VoIP LA5.0


R ad ioC acE nb < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Rr mS ervi ces >-<R adi oC ac Enb > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This attribute allows selecting anextranumberof UEs formaking measurements forpreventive offload,inorderto make the offload more effective.This extramarginis expressed as a% of the numberof UEs initiallyselected bythe eNB and is required inorderto tryto favorUEs thatwere active inrecentpast,as wellas costlyUEs thatare towards celledge.

% Integer 0 400 1 50 eng_tunable 171232 nGBR QoS based Load balancing LR13.3

f as te rS lo we rM ar gi n M ob il it yR ob us tn es sO pt<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<MobilityRobustnessOpt>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterspecifies the minimum marginbetweenthe components of the MRO cost, the componentthatindicates afasterhandovertriggeris needed and the componentthatindicates a slowerhandovertriggerisneeded,thatis necessaryinorderto attempthandoverparameteradjustment.

N.A. Float 0.0 100.0 0.1 1.0 eng_tunable L115852 SON Intra-Frequency Handover Optimisations LR13.3

f ds Al lo ca ti on Ty pe 1A ct iv at io n C el lL 2D LC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll L2 DL Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter activates the usage of Allocation Type 1 for FDS users in DS. N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L115686 Scheduler improvements for VoLT E capacity LR13

f ds Al lo ca ti on Ty pe 2D is tr ib ut ed Ac ti va ti on C el lL 2D LC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lL 2D LC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic Re sourc e A ll oc at io nand P ack et Sc he dul ing T his param et er act ivate s the us ag e of A llo cat ion Type 2 D is trib ute d f or FD S us ers i nD S. N.A . B ool ean f al se s ys tem _res tr ic ted L1 15 68 6 S che dul er im pro vem ents f or Vo LT E c ap ac it y L R1 3

fDSOnly CellL2DLConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL2DLConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter enables or disables the exclusive FDS mode in the DL scheduler. Boolean false system_restricted L90853 Frequency diverse scheduling LA3.0

f ds Pe rP RB Al lo cat io nA ct iv at io n C el lL 2D LC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll L2 DL Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter activates the per PRB allocation for FDS users in DS. N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L90853 Frequency diverse scheduling LA3.0

f il te rC oe ff ic ie nt U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< UL Po we rC on tr ol Co nf > 3 n oneRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies the filtering coefficientforRSRP measurements used to calculate pathloss,asspecified inTS 36.213 [23,].

If this parameteris unset,thenthe corresponding RRC IE is notsentto UE,in whichcase the UE willuse thedefaultvalue defined in36.331.

N .A . E nu me ra tefc0 (0),fc1 (1),fc2 (2),fc3 (3),fc4 (4),fc5 (5),fc6 (6),fc7 (7),fc8 (8),fc9 (9),fc11 (10),fc13 (11),fc15 (12),fc17 (13),fc19(14)

N .A . s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 97 91 9 U L F ra ct io na l Po we r Co nt ro l In te gr at io n L A2 .0

f i lt e rC o ef f ic i en tN R Pr i or i ty L t eI n tr aFr eq ue nc y An r  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<LteIntraFrequencyAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

T hi s pa ra me te r sp ec if ie s th e fi lt er C oe ff ic ie nt f or i nt ra -f re q NR p ri or it y fi lt er in g. N .A . E nu me ra tefc0 (0),fc1 (1),fc2 (2),fc3 (3),fc4 (4),fc5 (5),fc6 (6),fc7 (7),fc8 (8),fc9 (9),fc11 (10),fc13 (11),fc15 (12),fc17 (13),fc19(14)

f c4 c us to mer_ set tabl e 1 59 50 6 A NR Enhance ment s - Phas e 3 L R1 3. 1

filterCoefficientOfQuantityConfigGERAN RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameteris used to configure the IE filterCoefficientof QuantityConfigGERAN.The parametershould be setonlywheninter-RAT mobilityto GERANis supported.See TS36.331.

Enumeratefc0 (0),fc1 (1),fc2 (2),fc3 (3),fc4 (4),fc5 (5),fc6 (6),fc7 (7),fc8 (8),fc9 (9),fc11 (10),fc13 (11),fc15 (12),fc17 (13),fc19(14)

f c2 c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 84 80 7EUTRA-to-GERANInter-RAT Mobility--CellReselectionand Redirection


filterCoefficientOfQuantityConfigUtra RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameteris used to configure the IE filterCoefficientof the QuantityConfigUTRA SEQUENCE{measQuantityUTRA-FDD,measQuantityUTRA-TDD,filterCoefficient}.The parametershould be setonlywheninter-RAT mobilityto UTRA is supported.

N .A . E nu me ra tefc0 (0),fc1 (1),fc2 (2),fc3 (3),fc4 (4),fc5 (5),fc6 (6),fc7 (7),fc8 (8),fc9 (9),fc11 (10),fc13 (11),fc15 (12),fc17 (13),fc19(14)

f c4 c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 76 49 8EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


f il te rC oe ff ic ie nt RS RP R rc Me as ur em en tC on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterconfigures the RRC IE filterCoefficientRSRP included inthe IE quantityConfigEUTRA in theMeasurementConfigurationIE.See 3GPP 36.331.

Enumeratefc0 (0),fc1 (1),fc2 (2),fc3 (3),fc4 (4),fc5 (5),fc6 (6),fc7 (7),fc8 (8),fc9 (9),fc11 (10),fc13 (11),fc15 (12),fc17 (13),fc19(14)

N .A . c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 96 76 0 e NB C on fi gu ra ti on U pd at e En ha nc em en ts L A2 .0

f il te rC oe ff ic ie nt RS RQ R rc Me as ur em en tC on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterconfigures the RRC IE filterCoefficientRSRQ included inthe IE quantityConfigEUTRA in theMeasurementConfigurationIE.See 3GPP 36.331.

Enumeratefc0 (0),fc1 (1),fc2 (2),fc3 (3),fc4 (4),fc5 (5),fc6 (6),fc7 (7),fc8 (8),fc9 (9),fc11 (10),fc13 (11),fc15 (12),fc17 (13),fc19(14)

N .A . c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 96 76 0 e NB C on fi gu ra ti on U pd at e En ha nc em en ts L A2 .0


R ad ioC acE nb < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Rr mS ervi ces >-<R adi oC ac Enb > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This coefficientwillallowto filtermodem PRB consumptionand average DL throughputmeasurements,givingmore orless importance to measurements received inprevious periods.Value 1 means thatonlythe mostrecentreported measurementis takeninto account.

N.A. Float 0 1 0.1 0.8 eng_tunable 171232 nGBR QoS based Load balancing LR13.3

f or ei gn Ni dR eg O ne XR tt Re gi st ra ti on Pa ra me te rs<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttRegistrationParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter specifies CDMA2000 1xRTT NID roamer registration indicator - See 3GPP2 C.S0005. Boolean N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

f or ei gn Si dR eg O ne XR tt Re gi st ra ti on Pa ra me te rs<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttRegistrationParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter specifies CDMA2000 1xRTT SID roamer registration indicator - See 3GPP2 C.S0005. Boolean N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

f pc Fc hI nc lu de d O ne XR tt Mo bi li ty Pa ra me te rs<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttMobilityParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies the initialfundamentalchannelouterloop Eb/Nt set-pointincluded - See 3GPP2C.S0005.

N.A. Boolean N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

f p cFc hI n it S et p tR c 11 O ne X Rt t Mo b il i ty P ar ame te r s<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttMobilityParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies the initialfundamentalchannelouterloop Eb/Nt set-pointforuse withRadioConfigurationRC11 -See 3GPP2 C.S0005.Setto 0 whenRC11 radio configurationis not supported by1xRTT network.

N.A. Integer 0 255 1 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

f p cFc hI n it S et p tR c 12 O ne X Rt t Mo b il i ty P ar ame te r s<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttMobilityParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies the initialfundamentalchannelouterloop Eb/Nt set-pointforuse withRadioConfigurationRC12 -See 3GPP2 C.S0005.Setto 0 whenthis RC12 radio configurationis notsupported by1xRTT network.

N.A. Integer 0 255 1 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

Page 11: lte parameter description

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


f pc Fc hI ni tS et pt Rc 3 O ne XR tt Mo bi li ty Pa ra me te rs<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttMobilityParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies the initialfundamentalchannelouterloop Eb/Nt set-pointforuse withRadioConfigurationRC3 -See 3GPP2 C.S0005.

Setto 0 whenthis RC3 radio configurationis notsupported by1xRTT network.

N.A. Integer 0 255 1 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

f pc Fc hI ni tS et pt Rc 4 O ne XR tt Mo bi li ty Pa ra me te rs<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttMobilityParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies the initialfundamentalchannelouterloop Eb/Nt set-pointforuse withRadioConfigurationRC4 -See 3GPP2 C.S0005.

Setto 0 whenthis RC4 radio configurationis notsupported by1xRTT network.

N.A. Integer 0 255 1 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

f pc Fc hI ni tS et pt Rc 5 O ne XR tt Mo bi li ty Pa ra me te rs<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttMobilityParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies the initialfundamentalchannelouterloop Eb/Nt set-pointforuse withRadioConfigurationRC5 -See 3GPP2 C.S0005.

Setto 0 whenthis RC5 radio configurationis notsupported by1xRTT network.

N.A. Integer 0 255 1 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

f req uenc y Hrp dNei ghbo ring PerC arri er  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<HrpdNeighboring>-<HrpdBandClassConf>-<HrpdNeighboringPerCarrier>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameterspecifies the carrierfrequencywithinaCDMA2000 bandclass and corresponds to arfcnin3GPP 36.331.

N.A. Integer 0 2047 1 N.A. customer_init L82728LTE-to-HRPD Mobility--cellreselectionandredirectionwithno eHRPD measurement


f req uenc y One XR tt Nei ghb ori ng Pe rC ar rie r  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttBandClassConf>-<OneXRttNeighboringPerCarrier>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameterspecifies the carrierfrequencywithinaCDMA2000 (1xRTT)bandclass and corresponds toarfcnin3GPP 36.331.

N.A. Integer 0 2047 1 N.A. customer_init L76499.1 LTE and 1xRTT cell reselection LA4.0

frequency OneXRttReferenceCell<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfP erPlmn>-<OneX RttReference Cell>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies the carrierfrequencywithinaCDMA2000 (1xRTT)bandclass of the reference celland corresponds to arfcnin3GPP 36.331.

N.A. Integer 0 2047 1 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

fruId CpriRadioEquipment <ENBEquipment>-<CpriRadioEquipment> READ ONLY noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameteridentifies the RFMsupporting this CpriRadioEquipment.It maps to the ritNumberof therelated Removable Item (RIT)represented bythe FRU.

N.A. Integer 1 65535 1 N.A. customer_init L115221 Support for SAMProvisioning of Beta Parameters T/LA6.0

g ar b ag e Co l le c ti o nI n te r va l L t eI n te rF r eq u en c yA n r  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<LteInterFrequencyAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies the numberof days thataninter-frequencyneighborrelationmustnotbe reported byanyUE before the ANR garbage collectionautomaticallydeletes the neighborrelation,provided thattherelation’s noRemove parameteris set to false.

N.A. Integer 1 365 1 7 customer_settable L103176 ANR Support for Inter Freq Neighbours T/LA6.0

g ar b ag e Co l le c ti o nI n te r va l L t eI n tr aFr eq ue nc y An r  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<LteIntraFrequencyAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies the numberof days thatanintra-frequencyneighborrelationmustnotbe reported byanyUE before the ANR garbage collectionautomaticallydeletes the neighborrelation,provided thattherelation’s noRemove parameteris set to false.

N.A. Integer 1 365 1 7 customer_settable L103176 ANR Support for Inter Freq Neighbours T/LA6.0

g ar ba ge Co ll ec ti on In te rv al U tr aA nr   <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<UtraAnr> 3 none Mobility Automatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies the numberof days thataninter-frequencyneighborrelationmustnotbe reported by

anyUE before the ANR garbage collectionautomaticallydeletes the neighborrelation,provided thattherelation’s noRemove parameteris set to false.

N.A. Integer 1 365 1 7 customer_settable L108084 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA5.0

g B RU lP r bC o ns ump ti o nP e rK b ps TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

his is anestimate o the usage perkbps orG ( oI and non- oI )used by I undling zonemanagerwhenmodem measurements are nottakeninto account.

Float 0 100 0.1 2.0 system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

g cs na L2 Ac kT im er O ne XR tt Mo bi li ty Pa ra me te rs<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-

<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttMobilityParameters>3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC

This parameterspecifies the lengthof time the mobile stationorIWS is to waitafteritsends

GCSNA1xCircuitService message withAckRequired bitsetto 1 -See 3GPP2 C.S0097.Unitis 80ms.N.A. Integer 0 255 1 N.A. customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

gcsnaSequenceContextTimer OneXRttMobilityParameters<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttMobilityParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter specifies the value of GCSNASequenceContextTimer -See 3GPP2 C.S0097. Unit is 100ms. N.A. Integer 0 255 1 N.A. customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

G er an AR FC NL is t G er an Ne ig hb or in gF re qs Co nf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility This parameter corresponds to a list of GERAN ARFCN. N.A. Integer 0 1023 1 N.A. customer_init L84807EUTRA-to-GERANInter-RAT Mobility--CellReselectionand Redirection


ge ranA RF CNLi st Me asO bj ec tGE RA N<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<MeasObject>-<MeasObjectGERAN>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This attribute corresponds to a list of GERAN ARFCN. N.A. Integer 0 1023 1 N.A. customer_init L84807EUTRA-to-GERANInter-RAT Mobility--CellReselectionand Redirection


g er anO rU tr an Re po rt ed P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to GeranOrUtranis selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L103175.1 Performance Counter Management Support on eNB LA4.0

goodUeSinrThreshold RadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies,indB,the highthreshold forSignalto noise ratio =SINR estimated values.Overthisvalue,aUE is considered to be ingood radio conditions.Two thresholds are recommended to avoid flip-flopping between good and bad radio conditions.See parameter: badUeSinrThreshol d.

dB Float -10 30 0.25 30 system_restricted L92091 CAll Admission Evolutions LA3.0

g ps An te nn aP os it io nA lt it ud e P os it io ni ng Sy st em < EN BE qui pm en t> -< Po si ti on in gS ys te m> R EA D O NL Y n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterprovides the altitude of the GPS antennainthe WGS84 reference frame.Its value is

automaticallygenerated bythe eNodeB.Encoding is defined as follows:<0:belowsea level=0:atsealevel>0:above sealevel.The value is interpreted as unsetif {gpsAntennaPosi tionLatitude, gpsAntennaPosi tionLongitude,gpsAntennaPositionAltitude}={0,0,0}.

meter Integer -1000 10000 0 N.A. L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


g ps An te nn aP os it io nL at it ud e P os it io ni ng Sy st em < EN BE qui pm en t> -< Po si ti on in gS ys te m> R EA D O NL Y n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterprovides the latitude of the GPS antennainthe WGS84 reference frame.Its value isautomaticallygenerated bythe eNodeB.Encoding is defined as follows:<0:southof the equator;=0:at the equator;>0:northof the equator.The value is interpreted as unsetif {gpsAntennaPosi tionLatitude, gpsAntennaPosi tionLongitude,gpsAntennaPositionAltitude}={0,0,0}.

deg Float -90 +90 0.00001 0 N.A. L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


g ps An te nn aP os it io nL on gi tud e P os it io ni ng Sy st em < EN BE qui pm en t> -< Po si ti on in gS ys te m> R EA D O NL Y n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterprovides the longitude of the GPS antennainthe WGS84 reference frame.Its value isautomaticallygenerated bythe eNodeB.Encoding is defined as follows:<0:west prime meridian;=0:at prime meridian;>0:east of prime meridian.The value is interpreted as unsetif {gpsAntennaPosi tionLatitude, gpsAntennaPosi tionLongitude,gpsAntennaPositionAltitude}={0,0,0}.

deg Float -180 +180 0.00001 0 N.A. L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


gpsClockEnable ClockSync <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ClockSync> 0 criticalMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

AirInterface ClockSynchronization

This parameterindicates whetherGPS is supported by botheNodeB and the network.The values are as follows:True=Enable/availableFalse=DisabledNOTE:This does NOT define GPS as Primaryclock source,butas avalid clocksource.

Boolean true customer_settable L97084.1 eNB Synchronization support for OTDOA (Trial) LA4.0

gpsFrameOffset LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 2 partial LTE Air Interface The physical layer L1his parameterspeciies the o setbetweenthe G 1-pps pulse and the starto the airinterace radio rame.

Itis giveninunits of Tc (260.4167ns),witharange of [0….38399].The provisioned numberindicates howmanyTc units afterthe GPS pulse the nextairinterface frame willstart.

Tc Integer 0 38399 1 0 system_restricted

gpsModeSelect ClockSync <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ClockSync> 0 criticalMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

AirInterface ClockSynchronizationThis parameterdetermines whetherthe eNodeB uses the internalGPS receiver,or anexternalreceiver,andwhetheritsupports the datalinkfrom the receiverinadditionto the PPS signal.


UnmanagedInternalGPS receiver (0),UnmanagedExternalGPS receiver (1),ManagedInternalGPSre ceiver (2),ManagedExternalGPSre ceiver (3)


 c u s to mer _ in it L 9 70 8 4. 1 e NB S y nc h ro ni z at i on s u pp o rt f o r OTD OA ( T ri a l) L A 4. 0

g ra nt St re tc hi ng Fo rF DS us er sT hr es h C el lL 2UL Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll L2 UL Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter controls whether the minimum WB PUSCH SINR for allowing grant stretching. dB Float -15.0 +20.0 0.1 0.0 eng_tunable 166802 eNB SW capacity -LR13.3 LR13.3

gro upA ss ig nm entP US CH C el lL1 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL1 UL Conf > 2 parti al LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parameterconfigures the PUSCHgroup assignmentparameterDelta_ss,as defined inTS 36.211,section5.5.1.3.Itis used inPUSCHreference signalhopping allocation.

Integer 0 29 1 0 system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

gro upHo pp ing Enab le d A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 2 parti al LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parameterenables ordisables group hopping forPUCCH,PUSCHand SRS,as specified in TS 36.211,Section5.5.1.3.

N.A. Boolean true system_restricted L84816 Support group hopping for PUCCH and PUSCH LA2.0

g ua ra nt ee dB it Ra te M bm sB ea re rS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Mb ms >- <M bm sB ea re rS er vi ce > N .A . n oneRadio Resource

ManagementRadio Resource Management functions This parameter is the average bit rate of the transmission. For the first release only GBR is allowed. Kbits/s Integer 1 65535 1 448 system_restricted L115527

e t ri a l su pp o rt ( e s e rv i ce s c o n ig u re d b yOAMcommand)


h et Ne t Ma c ro B la nk i ng P at t er nD L Mc eMbs f nS y nc h ro A re a < E NB E qu ip men t> - <Mc e> - <Mc eMb sf n Sy nc h ro A re a > 3 n o ne C al l Man ag e me nt E n ha nc e d Mul t ime di a B ro ad c as t Mul t ic a st S e rv i ce e MBMS

This parameterindicates to the MCE the HetNetmacro blanking patternconfiguration,ona40ms period.Eachbitsetto 1 willblockDL grants inthe corresponding subframe,bit0 (LSB)being the subframe 0 inthe 0..39range.Onlymacro cellapplies the blanking,the pico celluses this informationto avoid interference from themacro cell.This parametercanbe unsetwhichmeans the MCE does nottake into considerationthe interactionwithABSfeature.

N.A. BitString 40 400000000000000000000000000000000000

000000 c us to me r_ ini t L 11 52 62

eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated ineNB)


hi ghAr pP ri ori tyS tart R ad ioC acE nb < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Rr mS ervi ces >-<R adi oC ac Enb > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the startof range of the highARP prioritylevel.The range [1..highArpPriorityStart-1]is the top prioritylevel, and the range [highArpPriorityStart..med iumArpPriori tyStart-1] (or highArpPriorityStart..lowArpPriorityStart-1]if mediumArpPriorityStartis unset)is the highprioritylevel.highArpPriorityStart= 1 means there are no top priorityARPs.highArpPriorityStart= mediumArpPriorityStart(orhighArpPriorityStart=lowArpPriorityStartifmediumArpPriorityStartis unset)means there are no highpriorityARPs.

Integer 1 15 1 1 customer_settable 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3

hi gh Mo bi li ty Do pp le rU pl in kT hr C el lR ad io Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Ra di oC on f> 3 n oneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteris anarrayof 6 Dopplerthreshold values used to decide if aUE can be switched to highmobilitystatus.The differentvalues correspond to SRS period 5,10,20, 40 and 80 subframes respectively.

Integer 0 100 1 (40, 25, 15, 10, 5, 5) system_restricted L90853 Frequency diverse scheduling LA3.0

h ig h Pr i or i ty A cc e ss U se rMg mt R ep o rt e d P e rf o rma nc e Ma na ge men t < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< P er f or man c eMan ag e me nt > 3 n o neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to HighPriorityAccessUserMgmtisselected to be reported.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved L115860 High Priority Access A dmission Control LR13.3

highSpeedFlag CellRachConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellRachConf> 2 partial LTE Air Interface Layer 2This parameterconfigures the RACH related highspeed flag whichis broadcastonthe SIB. TRUEcorresponds to Restricted set and FALSE corresponds to Unrestricted set.See TS 36.211,5.7.2.

Boolean false eng_tunable

hnb Pc iL ist UtraF ddNe ighbo ri ngF re qCo nf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterprovides alistof UTRAN PCIs (PrimaryScrambling Codes)thatare dedicated to UTRANHome NodeB.These PCIs shallbe ignored whenreported inANR measurementreports.The listis optional,itshould be set if there maybe UTRANhome NodeB deployed inthis frequencyinthearea.

N.A. Integer 0 511 1 N.A. customer_settable L108084 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA5.0

ho meR eg One XR tt Re gi str at ionP arame te rs<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttRegistrationParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter specifies CDMA2000 1xRTT Home registration indicator - See 3GPP2 C.S0005. Boolean N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

ho Re je ct ed Ti me r M ob il it yR ob us tn es sO pt<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-

<MobilityRobustnessOpt>3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur es

This parameterspecifies the lengthof the timerthatis started atthe source cellwhenahandoverrequestisrejected bythe targetcell. If the UE drops the connectionand attempts re-establishmentto the targetcell

while the timeris running thenthe eventwillnot be counted inthe failures counted byMRO since the problemis unrelated to handoverparam eters.

ms Integer 0 10000 1 1000 customer_settable L103177 HO Optimisation counters LR13.1

hoReportTimer LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none Mobility Intra-LTE RRC Connected Mode Mobility Procedures

This parameteris used forthe following case:Whenthe handoveris successfulfrom asource cellto a targetcell,are-establishmentcanoccurwiththesource cellorawrong cell.This parameterspecifies the maximum time the eNodeB allows atthe targetcelltodetermine whetheritshould countaHandoverToo Late towards the re-establishmentcellorwhetheritshouldinform source cellof afailure (‘HandoverToo Early’if the re-establishmentis on the source cellor ‘Handover To Wrong Cell’if the reestablishmentis ona wrong cell).This timeris started inthe eNodeB afteranincoming

intra-eNodeB orX2 handoveris successful.Refer to TS 36.300.

ms Integer 1 10000 1 300 customer_settable L115361 RLF monitoring and recovery improvement (Step 1) L A5.0

ho ri zo nt alB eamwi dth A nte nnaP ort < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Cp riR adi oEq ui pm ent >-< Ante nnaP or t> 2 parti alMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameterspecifies the angulardistance betweenthe 3db attenuationpointof the RF radiationpatterntransmitted from the antenna,measured inthe plane thatis horizontalto the ground.Note:A value of 0indicates no beam widthhas beenprovided,avalue of 360 is used whenanomniantennaorDistributedAntennaSystem (DAS)is inuse.

deg Float 0 360 0.1 0 customer_settable L115221 Support for SAMProvisioning of Beta Parameters LA5.0

hr pd Inf oC onf igure d Hrp dNei ghbo ring < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <Hrp dNei ghbo ring > 3 no ne Mo bi lit y R RC I dl e Mo de M obi li ty

This parameteris used:(a)inconjunctionwithisMobilityToHrpdAllowed,to specifywhetherLTE-to-HRPD redirectiononserving

measurementtriggeris enabled forthe cell,and(b)inconjunctionwithisHrpdMeasBasedRedirAllowed,to specifywhetherLTE-to-HRPD redirectiononservingv.targetmeasurementtriggeris enabled onthe cell.Itis also forcrosschecking (indicates whetherallparameters and instances of child objects ofHrpdNeighboring are properly provisioned forthis cell).If True,HrpdNeighboring informationwillbe included inSIB8 inthe System Info broadcastforthe cell;if False,HrpdNeighboring informationwillbe excluded from SIB8 inthe System Info broadcast.

Boolean false customer_settable L84876Enhancementof LTE-to-HRPD Mobility-redirectionwitheHRPD measurement(Restricted test forSingleReceiverUE)


hR PD or 1x RT TR ep or te d P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to HRPDor1xRTT is selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved L103175.1 Performance Counter Management Support on eNB LA4.0

hr pd Pr eR eg Al lo we d H rp dN ei gh bo ri ng < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Hr pd Ne ig hb or in g> N .A . n one M ob il it y R RC I dl e M od e M ob il it yThis parametercorresponds to preRegistrationAllowed in 36.331,if TRUE,indicates thata UE performs anHRPD pre-registrationif the UE does nothave avalid/currentpre-registration.If FALSE indicates thatthe UE isnotallowed to perform HRPD pre-registrationinthe currentcell.

Boolean false customer_settable L82728LTE-to-HRPD Mobility--cellreselectionandredirectionwithno eHRPD measurement


hysteresis ReportConfigCDMA2000<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigCDMA2000>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto HRPD RRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE hysteresis included inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT inthe MeasConfig IE.The actualvalue used byUE is (IE value)/2.See TS36.331.

dB Float 0 15 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L92079 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel8 Dec09 LA3.0

hysteresis ReportConfigEUTRA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigEUTRA>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur es

This parameterconfigures the RRC IE hysteresis included inthe IE reportConfigEUTRA intheMeasurementConfigurationIE.The value sentoverthe RRC interface is twice the value configured (the UE thendivides the received value by2).See 3GPP 36.331.

dB Float 0 15 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L103792Intra-LTE Inter-FrequencyMobilityforFDD<->FDDand TDD<->TDD


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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


hysteresis ReportConfigGERAN<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigGERAN>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameteris used to determine the entryand exit criteriaof anevent-triggered reporting condition.This isused to provisionIE Hysteresis inIE ReportConfigInterRAT,inIE MeasConfig.The actualvalue used byUE is

(IE value)/2.See 3GPP 36.331.

dB Float 0 15 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L92079 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel8 Dec09 LA3.0

hysteresis ReportConfigUTRA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigUTRA>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE hysteresis included inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT inthe MeasConfig IE.See TS36.331.

N.A. Float 0 15 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L92079 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel8 Dec09 LA3.0

idle1xCsfbForDualRxUE Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC

This parameterenables ordisables optimizations to avoid potentialover-pegging failure rates of 1xCSFB for 

Dual-RxUEs,ateNodeB/MME;also,to minimize 1xCSFB callset-up latency.If the parameteris not set,orif setto Optimized-for-1xCSFB-KPIs,thenthe optimizations are enabled.

N .A . E nu me ra teOptimized-for-1xCSFB-KPIs(0),Not-Optimized-for-1xCSFB-KPIs(1)


c u st o me r_ s et t ab l e L 9 20 2 4. 1CS Fallbackto 1XRTT for Voice Calls--Dualreceiver UE Standard based solution


imsi1112 OneXRttMobilityParameters<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttMobilityParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies the 11thand 12thdigits of the IMSI (correspond to the 2 mostsignificantdigits ofMNC).Shallbe setto wildcard value 1111111 (meaning do notcare)whenimsiTSupported is set to false.

BcdString 2 2 99 customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

i ms iT Su pp or te d O ne XR tt Mo bi li ty Pa ra me te rs<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttMobilityParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies the IMSI_T supportindicator.Shallbe set to 1 to indicate supportforIMSI_Taddressing.

Boolean false customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

inac ti ve ToA ct ive Spe ec hB SRt hres hol dUl E nbV oip Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< EnbV oip Co nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the BufferStatus Report(as perTS 36.321)threshold value.If aBSR reportassociated to aVoIP reportis received withavalue higherorequalto thatthreshold thenthe UE is transitionedfrom “SpeechInactive” to “SpeechActive” state,if notalreadyinthatstate. Unitis BSR unit.

Integer 0 63 17 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

inac ti ve ToA ct ive Spe ec hthre shol dUl E nbV oip Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< EnbV oip Co nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the threshold used fordetermining whetherthe amountof observed UL VoIP dataobserved during the speechActivityObservationWindowobservationwindowshould triggera transitionfrom“SpeechInactive” to “SpeechActive” state.Expressed inbytes.

bytes Integer 1 255 68 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

i na ct iv it yB as ed Dr xR ep or te d P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt > 3 n on eMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to InactivityBasedDrxis selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L101843 MAC DRx State Mgt under Inactivity Conditions LR13.1

inactivityPeriodForSPSReleaseDl DownlinkSemiPersistentSchedulingConf 



2 partial Radio ResourceManagement Dynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling This parametercontrols the numberof successive periods of 20ms where the bufferof the SPS bearerisempty,to release SPS. ms Integer 0 160 20 40 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

i na ct iv it yT im eF or Pr ev en ti ve Of fl oa d R ad io Ca cE nb < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <R rm Se rv ic es >- <R ad io Ca cE nb > 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteris used whenfavoring UEs thathave beenactive inthe recentpastforpreventive offloadtriggered byrealPRB usage and DL throughput.Whenload balancing is triggered based onrealPRB usageand QoS degradation,the eNodeB willinitiallyavoid triggering inter-frequency/inter-RAT HO forUEs thathavebeeninactive fora period of time longerthaninactivityTimeForPreventiveOffload.

s Integer 1 10 1 10 system_restricted 171232 nGBR QoS based Load balancing LR13.3


Tr af f ic B as e dR e le a se C on f < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< R rmS er vi c es > -< Tra ff i cB a se d Re l ea s eC o nf > 3 n o ne Mo bi l it y I n tr a- LTE R R C C o nn ec t ed Mo d e Mo bi l it y P ro c ed u re shis parameterspeciies the LC inactivitytime threshold oracall requesting anincoming O beyond which

the HO is rejected to save targeteNB processing incase of CCM overload.s Integer 1 1080 1 3 customer_settable L115233 eNB SW Capacity Targets LA5.0


Tr af f ic B as e dR e le a se C on f < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< R rmS er vi c es > -< Tra ff i cB a se d Re l ea s eC o nf > 3 n o ne Mo bi l it y I n tr a- LTE R R C C o nn ec t ed Mo d e Mo bi l it y P ro c ed u re sThis parameterspecifies the RLC inactivitytime threshold foracall requesting anoutgoing HO beyond whichthe callis released to save source eNB processing incase of CCM overload.

s Integer 1 1080 1 3 customer_settable L115233 eNB SW Capacity Targets LA5.0

i na ct iv it yT im er To Sk ip HO Da ta Fo rw ar di ng O ve rl oa dC on tr ol < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <O ve rl oa dC on tr ol > 3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterspecifies the RLC inactivitytimerof a callrequesting HO,beyond whichthe dataforwardingprocedure is skipped.This allows the HO process to be more processing-efficientsince the callhas no dataanyway.

s Float 1 10 0.1 3 customer_settable L115233 eNB SW Capacity Targets LA5.0

I ni ti al Po we rH ea dr oo mV al ue U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic Re sourc e A ll oc at io nand P ack et Sc he dul ing T his param et er is the P Hval ue as sum ed b yt he sc he dul er be fore re cei vi ng the UE P owe rHe adro om rep ort . I nteg er -23 4 0 1 10 s ys tem _res tr ic ted

initPUCCHSRSConfigProfile CellL1ULConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL1ULConf> 2 partial LTE Air Interface Layer 2 This parameter specifies the initial profile index for PUCCH/SRS conf iguration. N.A. Enumerate Super(3), Premium(2), Normal(1), Basic(0) Premium system_restricted L115233 eNB SW Capacity Targets LA5.0

inter ferenceMinMeasurements AutomaticPhysicalCellIdentity<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticPhysicalCellIdentity>

3 no ne C al lManage ment C ell Se tup

ForInterference inter-sites feature,this parameterdefines aminimum numberof measurements thatallowsthe eNB to calculate the interference per PCI mod 3..Whenthis value is reached,withinthe maintenance window,the eNB will calculate if the PCI has to be modifiedto minimize interference.If this value is not reached,withinthe maintenance window,counters are notcleared,and counting continue for adaymore.

N.A. Integer 0 65000 1 100 customer_settable L115966Adaptationof automatic PCI assignmentto HetNetwithMetrocells


i nt e rf e re nc e Th re s ho l d A u to mat i cP h ys i ca lC e ll I de n ti t y<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticPhysicalCellIdentity>

3 no ne C al lManage ment C ell Se tupForInterference inter-sites feature,this parameterdefines athreshold thatthe eNB willuse to determine if thePCI has to be modified to fitwiththe bestPCI modulo 3.The eNB willalso determine using itif,in case of PCI exhaustion,anotherPCI mod 3 canbe used.

% Integer 0 100 1 20 customer_settable L115966Adaptationof automatic PCI assignmentto HetNetwithMetrocells



P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related toInterFreqEutraOt herFrameStructure Mobility is selected to be reported.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved L101815 Intra LTE FDD/TDD Handover LR13.1

i nt e rS e ct o rI o Tc o nt ro l mi n Ce l lL o ad Thr U LP o we rC o nt r ol C on f < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < UL P ow er C on t ro l Co nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource


This parametercontrols the minimum traffic load onthe cell.Below thatlevel,allIoT reports sentto other 

sectors is forced to the thermalnoise level.% Integer 0 100 1 5 system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

i nt er Se ct or Io Tc on tr ol Pe ri od U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementTransmit Power This parameter controls the reporting period of the intra-EnB inter-Sector IoT control function. ms Integer 200 1000 200 1000 system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

i nt ra En bH oR eq Re je ct Ra te Ma jo r O ve rl oa dC on tr ol < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ov er lo ad Co nt ro l> 3 n one M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R R C Co nn ec te d M od e Mo bi li ty Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterspecifies the rate R at whichintra-eNB handovers are rejected inMajorOverload.One outof Ris rejected,unless R equals zero in whichcase none are rejected.

N.A. Integer 0 10 1 5 customer_settable L115241Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


i nt ra En bH oR eq Re je ct Ra te Mi no r O ve rl oa dC on tr ol < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ov er lo ad Co nt ro l> 3 n one M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R R C Co nn ec te d M od e Mo bi li ty Pr oc ed ur eshis parameterspeciies the rate atwhichintra-e handovers are rejected in inorOverload.One outo

is rejected,unless R equals zero in whichcase none are rejected.N.A. Integer 0 10 1 0 customer_settable L115241

Overload Control volutions & Qo i erentiationoneNB Backplane



P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related toSpeedDependentMobilityHomeCellsMobilityis selected to be reported.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved L115705 User velocity dependent Radio M obility LR14.3


P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to SpeedDependentMobilityisselected to be reported.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L115705 User velocity dependent Radio Mobility LR14.3

i nt r aFr eq u en c yR e se l ec t io n C e ll S el e ct i on Re s el e ct i on Co nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lS e le c ti o nR e se l ec t io n Co nf > 3 n o ne C al l Man ag e me nt C a ll H an d li n g

his parameterindicates whetherintra-requencycellreselectionis allowed whenthe cellis barred. ee


Enumerate allowed(0), notAllowed(1) allowed system_restricted L97933 Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change LA2.0

io tA ware FDS Enabl ed C el lL2 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL2 UL Conf > 2 parti alRadio Resource


This parameterenables the IoT aware FDS,where the FDS will pickthe PRB locations withlowestIoT for packettransmissions.If it is disabled,the FDS willalways startfrom the 2 edges of the carrierfrequency.

Boolean false system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

i pF il te ri ng Re po rt ed P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to IpFiltering is selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved L114382 Security DoS Attack Protections LR13.1

iratHOThreshold CTg <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SubscAndEquipmentTraces>-<CTg> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Subscriber and equipment traces This parameter specifies the IRAT HO threshold value (number of outgoing IRAT HO attempts). Integer 0 300000 1 0 eng_tunable L92645 Subscriber & Equipment Trace Enhancements LA2.0

isA2CAhandlingDuringAnrAllowed AutomaticNeighborRelation<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This flag specifies if A2_CA measurementreportreceived from the UE while UE has ANR measurementconfigured has to be handled ornot.

Boolean true customer_settable L103176 ANR Support for Inter Freq Neighbours T/LA6.0

i sA CQ Ir eq ue st Af te rC tx tS et up Al lo we d C el lL 2UL Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll L2 UL Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols whetherthe uplinkscheduleris allowed to requestan A-CQI reportto the call justafter 

acallsetup orhandover,inthe firstPUSCHgrantafterRACHmsg3.Boolean false system_restricted CR546635

isAisgAllowed ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Enhanced Node B Hardware

This parameterindicates whetherAISG is licensed forthis eNodeB. If True,thenthis causes the AISGbusses to be powered and scans performed for AISG devices. If False,the busses remainunpowered (note:anypresentTMAs willnothave powerand willnotprovide RF gain)and no AISG devices willbe detected or controlled.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0


A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n one M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it yP ro ce du re s

Forintra-LTE HO from nonHeNB,this parametercontrols auto calculationand update ofLteNeighboringCellRelation::cellKind of cells detected byANR orconfigured manually.If it is setto False,theexisting value (defaultmacro)applies and is used inHetNetmobilitypegging,and the CellSize IE inoutgoingHO REQUEST is setbased on LteCell::cellSize.If it is True,cellKind and the CellSize IE are calculatedbased onattributes underCellKindPerCellSizeConf.Forintra-LTE HO from HeNB,this parametercontrols whetherornotthe targeteNB determines the sourceHeNB operate inopen,closed orhybrid mode forHetNetmobilitypegging.

N.A. Boolean False customer_settable 170745Neighborcellclassificationand mobilitycounters for HetNet


isBearerTypeBasedPrbEstimationPreferr ed

ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This flag requests Call-Processing to use bearertype-based modem reportforPRB consumptionestimation,if bearertype-based modem reportis received.

Boolean false system_restricted L114539.1 Congestion Management at Call Admission LA4.0

is Carri erA ggre gati onEnab le d A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no ne


Features andParameters

Enhanced Node B HardwareThis parameteractivates ordeactivates CarrierAggregationfunction.Activationis allowed ifcellMappingOverBoardMode=modeCA.

N.A. Boolean false Customer_settable 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3


A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no ne Mo bi lit y C S F al lbac kand S RVC CThis parameterenables ordisables CCO withNACC as mechanism forCS Fallbackto GERANforemergencyvoice calls.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L114190.1CSFB enhancementto UTRAN/GERAN--enhancedRedirectionand PSHO



A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no ne Mo bi lit y C S F al lbac kand S RVC CThis parameterenables ordisables CCO withNACC as mechanism forCS Fallbackto GERANforgeneralvoice calls.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L114190.1CSFB enhancementto UTRAN/GERAN--enhancedRedirectionand PSHO


isCellIncludedForRedirectionAssistance GeranNeighboringCellRelation<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<GeranNeighboringCellRelation>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterindicates whetherthe GERANcellcan be included forredirectionassistance (enhancedredirection).

Boolean false customer_settable L114190.1CSFB enhancementto UTRAN/GERAN--enhancedRedirectionand PSHO


isCellIncludedForRedirectionAssistance UtraFddNeighboringCellRelation<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>-<UtraFddNeighboringCellRelation>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterindicates whetherthe UTRANcellcan be included f orredirectionassistance (enhancedredirection).

Boolean false customer_settable L114190.1CSFB enhancementto UTRAN/GERAN--enhancedRedirectionand PSHO



ecoveryEnabledeNB <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none

MiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Enhanced Node B HardwareThis parameterenables the automatic remapping of cells incase of bCEMreplacementinorderto recoverthe

CA feature.Boolean true Eng_tunable 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3



eNB <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures and


Enhanced Node B HardwareThis parameterenables the automatic remapping of cells incase of permanentbCEMfailure in orderto

recoverthe LTE service coverage while deactivating CA feature.

Boolean true Eng_tunable 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

isCmasEnabled ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 none Call Management Cell Setup This parameter enables or disables the Commercial Mobile Alert Service (CMAS). N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L92127 Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) support T/LA6.0


TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols whethercontentionfree RACHis allowed for configuring aUE withaTTI Bundlingconfiguration.Whenthe parameteris setto false,acontentionbased RACHprocedure is used instead.Thedifference betweenthe two cases is thatin the case of contentionfree RACHthe RACHmsg3 uses a TTIBundling timing whereas anon-TTIB timing is used forRACH msg3 inthe case of contentionbased RACH(asper3GPP).

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

i s CQ I ba se d Pu s hP o we r Ct r lE n ab l ed U LP o we rC o nt r ol C on f < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < UL P ow er C on t ro l Co nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource


This parametercontrols the activationof the computationof the PUSCHSINR targetbased onthe CQIinformationreported bythe UE.

Boolean false system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

isCsFallbackToGeranAllowed ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter enables or disables the feature for CS Fallback to GERAN. N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L92026 CS Fallback to GERAN for Voice Calls LA3.0isCsFallbackToUtraAllowed ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter enables or disables the applicable feature for CS Fallback to UTRAN. N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L92025 CS Fallback to UTRA(WCDMA) for Voice Calls LA3.0


A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no ne Mo bi lit y C S F al lbac kand S RVC CThis parameterenables ordisables the capabilityof Enhanced Redirectionbased CSFB to UTRANandGERANand enhancementof PS Handoverto UTRAN.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L114190.1CSFB enhancementto UTRAN/GERAN--enhancedRedirectionand PSHO


i sC sf bE nh anc ed Re di re ct io nE na bl ed A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n one M ob il it y C S F al lb ac k an d S RV CCThis parameterenables ordisables the capabilityof Enhanced Redirectionbased CSFB to UTRANattheOMC bymeans of asoftware license mechanism.This flag enables the capabilityto be managedcommerciallyas anoptionalvalue-added feature.By default,the feature is disabled.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L116051Supportof enhanced RRC Releses redirectionfor CSFB to UTRAN


is Cs fbT o1x Rt tF orDR xUE all owed A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no ne Mo bi lit y C S F al lbac kand S RVC CThis parameter,if True,indicates to UEs,by means of SIB8, thatthe eNodeB is capable of supporting Dual-RxUE CS Fallbackto 1xRTT.Referto TS 36.331.

Boolean false customer_settable L92024.1CS Fallbackto 1XRTT for Voice Calls--Dualreceiver UE Standard based solution


i sD as De la yE na bl ed C el lA ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Ac ti vat io nS er vi ce > 2 p ar ti alMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Enhanced Node B Hardware

This parameterenabl es the provisioning of antennaPathDelayUL and antennaPathDelayDL values thatarelargerthan2100 ns,insupportof DAS systems.T he parametervalues are as follows: T rue:PathDelayvalues largerthan2100 ns maybe provisioned. F alse:maximum permitted PathDelayvalue is 2100 ns.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L115670Tunable AntennaPathDelaybetweenRadio(RRH/TRDU)and DAS


i s Da yL i gh tS av i ng T ime In S ib 1 6E n ab l ed C e ll A ct i va ti o nS e rv i ce < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lA c ti v at i on S er v ic e > 3 n o ne C al l Man ag e me nt C e ll S e tu pThis parameterenables the presence of the daylightsaving time IE in SIB16 whenthis informationblockistransmitted.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable 167219 eMBMS commercial (step2) LR13.3

i sD if fe re nt ia te Ut ra nM od eI nF GI sE na bl ed A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <A ct iv at io nS er vi ce > 3 n on e M ob il it y e vo lv ed m ul ti -c ar ri er t ra ff ic a ll oc at io n eM CT AThis parameterenables ordisables the 3GPP CR fordifferentiating UTRANmode inFeature GroupIndicators.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable 167243eUTRANStandard Alignment(3GPP Rel-10 Sept12)


isDualCarrierEnabled ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Enhanced Node B HardwareThis parameteractivates ordeactivates the capabilityto configure two carriers whentwo differentbCEM areused.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved L115616 Support for dual-band eNodeB with two modems T/LA6.0


C el lL2 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL2 UL Conf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols whetherthe amountof PUSCH resource allowed forUplinkSPS traffic is adapted tothe numberof VoIP users withanSPS configuration.The adaptationmechanism is controlled bytheSPSprioMetricTableMaskxxxparameters.

Boolean true system_restricted L115686 Scheduler improvements for VoLTE capacity LR13

isEcidSupportAllowed ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE Position Location Support This flag enables or disables the feature for ECID support. N.A. Boolean false customer_init L103895.1 ECID and LPP protocol support (trial) LA4.0

is EnbS el fCo nf ig Al lo wed A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

ENB and Software ConfigurationControlParametersThis parameteris used forfeature licensing.If enableAutomaticConfigurationis setto true,this parameter mustbe setto true.If enableAutomaticUpgrade is setto true,this parametermustbe setto true.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L96759 Self Configuration of eNB Phase2 LA3.0

i sE nh anc ed Cs fb To 1X Rt tE nab le d A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n one M ob il it y C S F al lb ac k an d S RV CCThis parameterenables ordisables the feature Enhanced CS Fallbackto CDMA 1xRTT.If True,indicates to UEs, bymeans of broadcasting 1xRTT pre-registrationparameters inSIB8,thattheeNodeB is capable of supporting Enhanced CS Fallbackto 1xRTT. See TS 36.331.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature



A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n one M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly to Mo bi li ty f ro m L TE to al l te ch no lo gi esThis parameterenables ordisables asetof enhancements to the UE measurementconfigurationinthe eNB;specific threshold offsets forcalls witha VoIP orGBR bearer,parallelpowerand qualitythresholds formobilityprocedures,and a mechanism to first measure the highestprioritycarriers forload-triggered handovers.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L115204Enhanced measurementparametersupportfor mobility


i sE nh anc ed Ov er lo ad Co nt ro lE na bl ed A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Overload ControlThis parameterenables ordisables Enhanced Overload Controlinthe eNodeB,allowing the discarding ofstale RRC Connectionand Re-establishmentrequests.The value False disables the feature;value True enables it.

N.A. Boolean false Customer_settable 156132 Overload Control - Outdated RRC messages T/LA6.0

isdd dd edirect ion or reventiveOloadEnabled

ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion, Radio admission control and eNB capacity This parameters allows to enable/disable FDD/TDD redirection for preventive offload. N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L114538 Enhanced Load Balancing criteria LR13.1

i sF ib er De la yA ll ow ed C el lA ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Ac ti vat io nS er vi ce > 2 p ar ti alMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Enhanced Node B Hardware This parameter enables or disables support for large delay between modem and RF head or to the antenna. N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L100622SupportFiberdelay(oranydelaybetweenmodemand RF head)inLTE


i sF or ce dD rx Fo rC sF al lb ac kA ll owe d A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n one M ob il it y C S F al lb ac k an d S RV CChis parameterspeciies whetherthe e ode is allowed to trigger whenrequesting measurements rom

UEs forCS Fallbackpurposes.This maysignificantlyimprove the time needed foraUE to perform aninter-RAT measurement.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L92026 CS Fallback to GERAN for Voice Calls LA3.0

is Fo urLe ve lP rb Cac Enabl ed A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementC ong es tio n, Radi o adm is sio nc ont rol and e NB c apac it y T his param et er enabl es or dis abl es abi lit yt o s pe ci fy up to f our ARP pri orit yc las se s f or cal ladm is sio n. N.A . B ool ean f al se c us to mer_ set tabl e 1 63 17 2 T raf fi c Manage ment ev ol uti on L R1 3. 3

i sF ul lC on fi gF or Ha nd ov er Al lo we d A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n one M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it yP ro ce du re shis parameterenables the G ullConig optiononthe e ode whenit acts as the argetand manages

the ue-ConfigRelease IE whenitacts as the Source to supportinter-release HO and IOT HO. Referto TS36.331.

Boolean false customer_settable L114644 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA5.0

is Ge oL ocP has eS ync Al lo wed A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 0 c ri ti calMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE Position Location Support This flag enables or disables the feature for eNodeB Phase-Sync Support for OTDOA. N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L115435.1eNB supportof OTDOA HearabilityEnhancement(Trial)


isGeranCcoAllowed ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameter enables or disables the eUTRAN to GERAN cell change order. N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L96371 EUTRA-to-GERAN Inter-RAT Mobility -- NACC LA3.0

i sG er an Cs fb Bas ed OnU eS ta te Al lo we d A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n one M ob il it y C S F al lb ac k an d S RV CC This parameterenables ordisables selective CS Fallbackto GERANmethod based onUE state:CCO withNACC forconnected UEs,enhanced redirectionforIdle UEs.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L114190.1 CSFB enhancementto UTRAN/GERAN--enhancedRedirectionand PSHO


i sG ra nt St re tc hi ng Fo rF DS us er sA ll ow ed C el lL 2U LC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lL 2U LC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter controls whether PUSCH grant stretching is enabled for FDS users. Boolean false eng_tunable CR604262

i sH ig hP ri or it yA cc es sUs er Mg mt En ab le d A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n oneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterenables ordisables recognitionof HighPriorityAccess calls and handling of relaxed admissionand overload rules.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved L115860 High Priority Access A dmission Control LR13.3

i sH oR et ry To Se co nd Be st Ce ll Al lo we d A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <A ct iv at io nS er vi ce > 3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterenables ordisables the handoverattemptto asecond bestLTE cellwhenthe handover preparationto the best cellhas failed for reasons associated to the neighborcellbeing locked,barred or reserved to operatoruse.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L115458Connected Mode mobilityenhanced for reservedcells


is Hrp dMe as Bas edR ed irA ll owe d A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no ne Mo bi lit yEUTRANto HRPD RRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This flag enables Enhanced Non-optimized LTE-to-eHRPD RedirectionthroughEventB2 (L84876)foractiveUEs if SIB8 HRPD info is configured onthe cell(hrpdInfoConfigured =True).Referto isSynchCdmaSystemTimeAllowed for UEs requiring MG (measurementgaps).

Boolean false customer_settable L84876Enhancementof LTE-to-HRPD Mobility-redirectionwitheHRPD measurement(Restricted test forSingleReceiverUE)


is IM SE me rge nc yCal lAl lowe d A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion, Radio admission control and eNB capacity This parameter enables or disables the IMS VoIP Emergency Call feature. N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L103897.1 eNB IMS VoI P emergency call support (trial) LA4.0

i s In ac t iv i ty B as e dD r xC o nf i gu re d Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o neRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies whetherthe TRB allows inactivitybased DRX is configured.This parametershouldbe unsetif ActivationService::inactivityBasedDrxEnabled==FALSE.

Boolean true system_restricted L101843 MAC DRx State Mgt under Inactivity Conditions LR13.1

is Inac ti vi tyB as ed DrxE nab led A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic Re sourc e A ll oc at io nand P ack et Sc he dul ing T his param et er is the f eat ure ac tiv at ion fl ag f or the t raf fi c i nac ti vi ty bas ed MA C DR X f eature. B ool ean f al se s ys tem _res erved L1 01 84 3 MA C DR xSt ate Mg tund er Inact ivit yC ond iti ons L R1 3. 1


A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n one M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it yP ro ce du re sThis parameterenables ordisables allowing UEs withagivenSubscriberProfile ID to hand in to acellreserved foroperatoruse.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L115458Connected Mode mobilityenhanced for reservedcells


is Inc re mental Sec to rE nabl ed A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 2 parti alMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Enhanced Node B HardwareThis parameteractivates ordeactivates the capabilityto configure up to nine cells same carrierand bandwidthwhenup to three differentbCEMare used.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L115401 Nine cells (one frequency) support on three modems LR13.3


A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no ne Mo bi lit y R RC I dl e Mo de Mo bi li tyhis parameterenables ordisables inter-req cellreselectionor andoveror edirectionto the other or 

TDD technology.N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L103790

Intra-LTE InterBand CellReselectionforTDD<->FDD



ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility This parameter enables or disables inter-freq cell reselection or Handover or Redirection. N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L103792Intra-LTE Inter-FrequencyMobilityforFDD<->FDDand TDD<->TDD


i sI nt er Fr eq Lo ad Ba la nc in gF ea tu re En ab le d A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <A ct iv at io nS er vi ce > 3 n on e M ob il it y e vo lv ed mu lt i- ca rr ie r tr af fi c a ll oc at io n eM CT AThis parameteractivates ordeactivates the 115223 feature inits entirety(X2 load exchange,load filtering,preventive offload).This flag is linked withthe feature license.

Boolean false customer_settable L115223 Inter-freq Load Balancing T/LA6.0


ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteractivates ordeactivates Inter-Frequencypreventive load controlbased onsemi-static PRBconsumptionorrealPRB consumptionand QoS deficit.

Boolean false system_reserved L114538 Enhanced Load Balancing criteria LR13.1

i sI nt er Se ct or Io Tc on tr ol En ab le d U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementTransmit Power This parameter controls the activation of the intra-EnB inter-Sector IoT control functionality. Boolean false system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

i sI nt raF re qM ob il it yA ll ow ed A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n one M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE RR C Co nn ec te d Mo de Mo bi li ty Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterenables ordisables the procedure of intra-frequencymobility.If disabled,the eNodeB doesnottriggeranyoutgoing intra-frequencymobilityprocedure and rejects anyincoming mobilityprocedure.

Boolean true customer_settable L96760 eNB Configuration Update Enhancements LA2.0

isLoadEqualizationEnabled LteNeighbor ingFreqConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y e vo lv ed m ul ti -c ar ri er t ra ff ic a ll oc at io n eM CT Ahis parameterallows to enable/disable load equalizationor eachL neighborcarrier.Itis notapplicable to

the serving carrier.N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L114538 Enhanced Load Balancing criteria LR13.1

i sL oc al Ti me Of fs et In Si b1 6E na bl ed C el lA ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lA ct iv at io nS er vi ce > 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt C el l Se tu pThis parameterenables the presence of the localtime offset IE inSIB16 whenthis informationblockis

transmitted.N.A. Boolean false customer_settable 167219 eMBMS commercial (step2) LR13.3

is LP PaI nt erf ac eAl lowe d A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no neMiscellaneousFeatures and


UE Position Location Support This parameter enables or disables the LPPa support in the eNB. N.A. Boolean false customer_init L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercial



i sM BM SB ea re rS er vi ce Co un ti ng Al lo we d L te Ce ll < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt E nh an ce d M ul ti me di aB ro ad ca st Mu lt ic as tS er vi ce e M BM S

This parameterflag willbe used to indicate one cellonwhichthe eMBMS counters willbe reported.There is

onlyone cellonwhichthe eMBMS counters willbe reported atmost.So forthis cellthe flag willbe set toTRUE,while forthe othercells the flag willbe setto FALSE.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L115262 eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated ineNB)


isMbmsBroadcastModeAllowed ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 none Call Management Enhanced Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service eMBMS This parameter activates the eMBMS feature. Boolean false customer_settable 158990eMBMS Commercialwithdistributed MCE(integrated ineNB)


isMbmsTrafficAllowed Mbms <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<Mbms> 3 none Call Management Enhanced Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service eMBMSThis parameteractivates/deactivates the eMBMS traffic.If deactivated,thenSIB13 is removed and MBSFNSF are muted and not reusable forunicast.

Boolean true customer_settable L115527eMBMS trialsupport(eMBMS services configured byOAMcommand)


i sM bs fn In fo rm at io nO ve rX 2E na bl ed A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <A ct iv at io nS er vi ce > 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt E nh an ce d M ul ti me di a Br oa dc as t Mu lt ic as t Se rv ic e e MB MSThis parameterwhenenabled allows transmissionand receptionof MBSFNSubframe InformationoverX2.Whenthis is activated the neighCellConfig transmitted inSIB3, SIB5 and MeasObjectEUTRA is computedaccording to the informationreceived from neighborcells.

N.A. Boolean false customer_init 167219 eMBMS commercial (step2) LR13.3

isMceDistributedModeEnabled ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 none Call Management Enhanced Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service eMBMS This parameter activates the dynamic eMBMS feature using the MCE function. N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L115262eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated ineNB)



A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <A ct iv at io nS er vi ce > 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt E nh an ce d M ul ti me di a Br oa dc as t Mu lt ic as t Se rv ic e e MB MS

This parameterwhenenabled and ismbsfnInformationOverX2Enabled whenenabled,allows the eNB to setmeasSubframePatternNeighand measSubframeCellListinMeasObjectEUTRA withthe values computedaccording to MBSFNInformationreceived from neighborcells.Those IE will notbe setin the measurementobject of the serving frequency.

N.A. Boolean false customer_init 167219 eMBMS commercial (step2) LR13.3

isMeasurementGapsAllowed ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 none Mobility evolved multi-carrier traffic allocation eMCTA This parameter enables or disables Measurement Gap Configuration. N.A. Boolean true customer_settable L93270 Measurement Gaps Management LA3.0

is Mo bi li tyT oGe ranA ll owe d A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no ne Mo bi lit y R RC Idl e Mo de Mo bi li tyThis parameterenables ordisables the features for mobilityto GERAN,including:-eUTRANto GERANInter-RAT MobilityCellReselection-Redirection;-eUTRAN-to-GERANInter-RAT Mobility– NACC.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L96371 EUTRA-to-GERAN Inter-RAT Mobility -- NACC LA3.0

isMobilityToHeNBEnabled ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 none Mobility I ntra-LT E RRC Connected Mode Mobility Procedures This parameter enables or disables mobility in connected mode towards HeNB cells. N.A. Boolean false customer_settable 134689 Macro/Metro to HeNB cell mobility LR13.1

isMobilityToHrpdAllowed ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 none MobilityEUTRANto HRPD RRC Connected Mode Mobility


This parameterenables Non-optimized LTE-to-eHRPD RedirectionthroughEventA2 (L82728)for active UEsif SIB8 HRPD info is configured onthe cell(thatis,hrpdInfoConfigured = True).WhetherEnhanced Non-optimized LTE-to-eHRPD RedirectionthroughEventB2 (L84876)is activated depends on

isHrpdMeasBasedRedirAllowed in additionto this flag.A single license supported byL79969 is shared betweenL82728 and L84876.

Boolean false customer_settable L84876Enhancementof LTE-to-HRPD Mobility-redirectionwitheHRPD measurement(Restricted test forSingleReceiverUE)


isMobilityToUtranAllowed ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility This parameter enables or disables the eUTRAN to UTRAN Inter-RAT Mobility. N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L96372EUTRAN-to-UTRAN(WCDMA)Inter-RAT Mobility--PS Handover 


i sM ob il it yT oU tr an Op en Sm al lC el lE na bl ed A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n one M ob il it yEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode Mobility

ProceduresThis parameter enables or disables the outbound mobility towards the UTRA FDD open small cells. N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L115393 LTE to UTRAN (FDD) small cell mobility support LR13.1

i sM ro In tr aF re qE na bl ed C el lA ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lA ct iv at io nS er vi ce > 3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE RR C Co nn ec te d Mo de Mo bi li ty P ro ce du re sThis parameteractivates ordeactivates the MobilityRobustness Optimizationfeature for intra-frequencyhandover.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L103177 HO Optimisation counters LR13.1

is arrowband use nabled CellActivation ervice < quipment>-< nb>-<LteCell>-<CellActivation ervice> partial L A ir Inter ace Layer his parameter controls whether the use o narrowband is enabled or not on the cell. oolean alse system_restricted L1144 Generalized O - CC /LA .

is No nG BRMi nRat eE nabl ed A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter is the feature activation flag for the non-GBR min-Rate enforcement feature. Boolean False system_reserved L115698 Minimum bitrate enforcement for non-GBR LR13.1

is No nG brP rb Cac Enabl ed R ad ioC acC el l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <R ad ioC acC ell > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This flag allows enabling/disabling PRB-based CAC fornon-GBR bearers and SRB,regardless ofminBitRateForBE value.If setto True,PRB-based CAC willbe done forall bearers.

Boolean True system_reserved CR734669


ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion, Radio admission control and eNB capacity This parameter enables or disables ability to specify number of UEs triggers for load balancing. N.A. Boolean false customer_settable 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3

isOffLoadUpo nReactiveLoadCo ntrolAllowed

A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n one M ob il it y e vo lv ed m ul ti -c ar ri er tr af fi c a ll oc at io ne MC TAThis parameterallows ordisables the mobilitytriggerto off-load UE uponreactive load controldecision.Thisparameteris also used for mobilityload-based licensing.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L103892.1Service,and load based handoverbehaviorsupport(eMCTA -Phase 2)



C el lL2 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL2 UL Conf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols whetherthe uplinkSPS scheduleris allowed to make the use of the {1PRB,MCS6}grantformat.As perTS36.311,this formatallows the transmissionof 328 transportblocksize over1PRB with

QPSK modulation.The HARQ process requires multiple HARQ transmissions before being decodable.

Boolean false system_restricted L115686 Scheduler improvements for VoLTE capacity LR13

isOOTAllowed TrafficRadioBearerConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<T rafficRadioBearerConf > 3 none Call Management Call Handling This parameter specifies whether the traffic radio bearer allows the operation of OOT (Out Of TimeAlignment). N.A. Boolean False customer_settable 166502 Out of Time Alignment (OOT) LR13.3

i sO OT Ma na ge me nt En ab le d A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 2 p ar ti al C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterenables ordisables the OOT management.OOT stands for “OutOf Time alignment”,and isused to efficientlyuse the limited PUCCH/SRS resource of the airinterface among active users.

N.A. Boolean False customer_settable 166502 Out of Time Alignment (OOT) LR13.3

i sO pt im iz ed Se gm en tat io nE nab le d A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementRadio Resource Managementfunctions

This parametercontrols the overallactivationof the Optimized Segmentationfunctionalityforuplinktrafficassociated to VoIP calls.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved 160815 Optimized Segmentation (MCS Override) T/LA6.0

i sO td oa Co mp at ib le Ne ig hb or Wi th ou tP rs C el lL 2D LC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lL 2D LC on f> 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterenables the eNodeB to be excluded from participationinOTDOA (Observed Time DifferenceOf Arrival)positionlocation. Whensetto true,the eNodeB is made compatible withOTDOA positionlocationenabled onothereNodeBs in the vicinitybymodifying downlinkscheduling inthis eNodeB to notinterfere withPositioning Reference Signals (PRS)transmissions of nearbycells.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable 159488MCO LTE software platform inLA6.0 -macro-metrosoftware parityphase 1.1


i sO td oa He ar ab il it yE nh anc em en tA ll ow ed A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupportThis parameterenables OTDOA hearabilityenhancement,bytransmissionof Positioning Reference Signals in

the cells.N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L115435.1

eNB supportof OTDOA HearabilityEnhancement


i sP 0P er si st en tF ie ld Pr es en t U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f> 3 n on eRadio Resource


This flag controls whetherthe UE is configured withthe p0NominalPUSCHPersistentandp0UEPUSCHPersistentare sentto the UE inthe SPS configurationcommand.Setting this parameterto TRUEis onlyforexperimentalpurposes,as itwillaffectthe PUSCHpowercontrolbehaviorof uplinkSPS grants.

Boolean false system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

isPCMDEnabled ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Per Call Measurement Data PCMD This parameter activates or deactivates eNodeB PCMD collection. N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L92646 eNB Per Call Measurement Data LA2.0

is PC MDo rT rac eMRE nabl ed A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Per Call Measurement Data PCMD This parameter enables A4 event trigger for measurement reports for PCMD or CT/DDT traces. N.A. Boolean false system_reserved 171159 PCMD enhancement -step2 LR13.3

i sP er Ne ig hb or Ca rr ie rL oa dC on tr ol En ab le d R ad io Ca cC el l < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <R ad io Ca cC el l> 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion, Radio a dmission control and e NB c apacity This p arameter enables o rdisables p er neighbor carrier preventive l oad c ontrol (load b alancing). N.A. Boolean false customer_settable 163172 Traffic M anagement evolution LR13.3


TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterselects if TTI Bundling PRB zone managerwilluse measurements from the modem or estimate PRB usage based uponusercountorGBR values.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

isPrimary LteNeighborPlmnI dentity<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<LteNeighboringCellRelation>-<LteNeighborPlmnIdentity>

N .A . n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C el lS et upThis parameterallows to specifyif the matching PLMNis the primaryone forthe neighborcell(the one thatispartof CellGlobalIdentity)oris justone of the PLMNs broadcastinthis cell.

N.A. Boolean N.A. customer_settable L104835eUTRANSharing basics:MOCNwithshared LTEspectrum


isPrimary PlmnIdentity <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<PlmnIdentity> 0 critical Call Management Cell SetupThis parameterallows to specifyif the matching PLMNis the primaryone forthe eNB (the one thatis partofeNB GlobalIdentityand CellGlobalIdentity)oris justone of the PLMNs broadcastinthe cells of the eNB.

N.A. Boolean N.A. customer_settable L104835eUTRANSharing basics:MOCNwithshared LTEspectrum


isPsHoToUtraAllowed ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameteractivates the eUTRANto UTRA FDD/TDD Inter-RAT MobilityPS Handoverwithinter-RATMeasurements.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L96372EUTRAN-to-UTRAN(WCDMA)Inter-RAT Mobility--PS Handover 



A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no ne Mo bi lit y C S F al lbac kand S RVC CThis parameterenables ordisables PS Handoveras mechanism forCS Fallbackto UTRANforemergencyvoice calls.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L114190.1CSFB enhancementto UTRAN/GERAN--enhancedRedirectionand PSHO


is s o o traorCsbGeneral o iceCallAllowed

A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no ne Mo bi lit y C S F al lbac kand S RVC Chis parameterenables ordisables andoveras mechanism orC allbackto A or generalvoice

calls.N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L114190.1

CSFB enhancementto UTRAN/GERAN--enhancedRedirectionand PSHO


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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature



U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the activationof the functionspeeding up the convergence of the PUSCHpower controlloop whenthe SINR erroris above athreshold level(see dlSinrToUlSinrTargetConversionThresh).

Boolean false system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3


TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterenables ordisables the use of inter-subframe Type2 PUSCHHopping (withNsb=1)forusersconfigured withTTI Bundling.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

isQciArpOnLineModificationEnabled ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 none Call Management Call Handling This parameter activates or deactivates QCI and ARP online modification for existing data bearers. Boolean false system_restricted L115644 Bearer Characteristics online modifications LR13.1

isQCIWeightEnabled ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter is the activation flag for feature per-QCI Scheduling Weight Support in DL/UL RF schedulers. Boolean false system_restricted 160636 Non-GBR prioritization T/LA6.0


ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteractivates ordeactivates inter-frequencyand inter-RAT load balancing triggered by realPRBconsumptionand QoS deficit.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable 171232 nGBR QoS based Load balancing LR13.3

is Reac ti ve Lo adC ontr ol All owed A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion, Radio admission control and eNB capacity This flag enables/disables reactive load control. Boolean false system_restricted L114539.1 Congestion Management at Call Admission LA4.0

isRedirectionForOotEnabled Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Call Management Call HandlingThis parameterallows enabling blind RRC RedirectionuponOOT to active transitionfailure due to lackofPUCCHcontexts.If setto False,normalRRC ConnectionRelease is used uponOOT to active transitionfailure.

N.A. Boolean False customer_settable 166502 Out of Time Alignment (OOT) LR13.3

is Rel 8Cs fb To1 XRt tE nabl ed A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no ne Mo bi lit y C S F al lbac kand SR VC CThis parameterenables ordisables the feature Rel-8 CS Fallbackto CDMA 1xRTT.If True,indicates to UEs, bymeans of broadcasting 1xRTT pre-registrationparameters inSIB8,thatthe cell(s)of the eNodeB is capable of supporting Rel-8 CS Fallbackto 1xRTT. See TS 36.331.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1


A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no ne Mo bi lit y C S F al lbac kand S RVC CThis parameterenables ordisables measurements forRel8 CS Fallbackto CDMA 1xRTT.Whenthisparameteris set to false,ablind redirectionis performed.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

isRfmAisgEnabled CpriRadioEquipment <ENBEquipment>-<CpriRadioEquipment> 2 partialMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Enhanced Node B Hardware

This parameteris setby the operatorto False if the associated RRH/TRDUshould nothave the AISG functionenabled.WhenOAMreceives this parametersetto False and the eNodeB MIB parameterwas setto enable,OAMwillnotsend acommand to the RRH/TRDUto initiate the AISG Scanfunction.. The defaultvalue isTrue,butthe end usercansetit to False foraconfigurationthatdoes notrequire the RRH/TRDUto turnontheaisg function.

Boolean true customer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

isRlfMonitoringAllowed ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 none Mobility I ntra-LT E RRC Connected Mode Mobility Procedures This parameter enables or disables the Radio Link Failure monitoring function. N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L115361 RLF monitoring and recovery improvement (Step 1) LA5.0

isRncidInUtraCgi UtraAnr  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<UtraAnr>

N.A. none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies if RNCid canbe extracted from UTRANCGI received inreportCGI measurementreportfrom UE.

N.A. Boolean true customer_init L108084.1 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA4.0

isRohcAllowed ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 0 critical LTE Air Interface Layer 2 This parameter enables or disables RoHC globally for the eNodeB. N.A. Boolean true system_restricted L110547.1 RoHC v1 Support for VoIP LA4.0

isRRCTraced CTg <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SubscAndEquipmentTraces>-<CTg> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Subscriber and equipment traces This parameter determines whether the RRC interface is traced. N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L92645 Subscriber & Equipment Trace Enhancements LA2.0

i sS 1E nh an ce me nt sA ll owe d A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n one M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE RR C C on ne ct ed Mo de Mo bi li ty Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterallows the activationof improvements overS1: partialfailure of PathSwitch,fullsupportofErrorIndication,randomized hold-off timerfor S1 re-establishmentafterpowerfailure,Resetall(following eNBLockcommand orclass parameterchange impacting allcells of the eNB).

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L97980 Improvements Over S1 LA5.0

isS1MMETraced CTg <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SubscAndEquipmentTraces>-<CTg> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Subscriber and equipment traces This parameter determines whether the S1-MME interface is traced. N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L92645 Subscriber & Equipment Trace Enhancements LA2.0


A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n one M ob il it y e vo lv ed m ul ti -c ar ri er tr af fi c a ll oc at io ne MC TA

This parameterenables ordisables the capabilityof service orQCI based traffic segmentationmobilitycontrol,whichincludes the service type orQCI definitionand service and QCI filters policyconfiguration,onand off atthe OMC bymeans of asoftware license mechanism.This flag enables this capabilityto be managedcommerciallyas anoptionalvalue-added feature.Defaultconditionis the feature is disabled.

Boolean false customer_settable L106136CommonMobilityManagementFramework(eMCTAPhase 1)


i sS IB 3R es el ec ti on Au to ma ti onE na bl ed A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n one M ob il it y R RC Id le Mo de Mo bi li tyThis parameterenables ordisables the feature thatautomaticallyadjusts cellreselectionparametersbroadcastinSIB3 based onserving cell loading.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L115203 Load based Idle Mode mobility LA5.0

i sS ig nB as ed CT En ab le d S ub sc An dE qu ip me nt Tr ac es < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <S ub sc An dE qu ip me nt Tr ac es > 3 n on eMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Subscriberand equipmenttracesThis parameterdeactivates Signaling Based Trace.If false is selected the eNodeB will deactivate allthesignaling based traces onallthe cells.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L92645 Subscriber & Equipment Trace Enhancements LA2.0

is Sm al lC el lGate way R nc Ac ces s < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< UtranA cce ss Gro up >-< Rnc Ac ces s> 3 no ne Mo bi lit yEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterindicates whetherornotthe UTRAN controlleris aSmallCell gateway.True indicates thattheUTRANcontrolleris a gateway.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L115393 LTE to UTRAN (FDD) small cell mobility support LR13.1

isSonPci6Sectors9CellsEnabled ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 none Call Management Cell Setup This parameter enables or disables the management of PCI to support 6 sector and 9 cell configurations. N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L115340Supportof Auto PCI forup to 9 cells pereNB and up

to 6 sectors per site configurationsLR13.3

is So nP ci All oc at ionE nab led A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no ne C al lManage ment C ell Se tupThis flag combined to lteIntraFreq uencyAnrEnabled attribute, allows the activation and the deactivation of PCIallocationbyeNodeB.Enabling ANR feature is apre-requisite forPCI allocationbyeNodeB.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L108258eNB Based PCI Allocation,ConflictDetectionandCorrection


i sS on Pc iI nt er fe re nc eR ed uc ti on En ab le d A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <A ct iv at io nS er vi ce > 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt C el l Se tu pThis parameteractivates ordeactivates the managementof interference intersites formetro cells intheDistributed PCI Algorithm.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L115966Adaptationof automatic PCI assignmentto HetNetwithMetrocells


isSpsConfigAllowed ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This flag enables or disables the Semi Persistent Scheduling of VoIP bearers. N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

i s SP S ov e rTTI Bu nd l in g En ab l ed TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the activationof uplinksemi-persistentscheduling forTTI Bundling.If this parameterissetto false,downlinksemi-persistentscheduling grantmaystill be used withTTI Bundling users..

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

is rvcc o traAllowed Activation ervice < quipment>-< nb>-<Activation ervice> none obility C a llback and CC his parameter enables or disables the eature CC to A- / . .A. oolean alse customer_settable L 1 CC upport to A - / LA .


ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteractivate s ordeactivates inter-frequency and inter-RAT load balancing triggered bystatic PRBconsumption.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable 155912Targetcellload considerationforIRAT mobilitytoWCDMA


i sS yn ch CD MA Sy st em Ti me Al lo we d A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n one M ob il it y R RC I dl e M od e M ob il it yThis parameterspecifies whetherornotthe systemTimeInfo IE is included inSIB8 foraneNodeB equippedwithaGPS receiverforUEs requiring measurementgaps to perform CDMA measurements,performingenhanced 1xRTT CS Fallbackand Idle UEs forcell(re)selection.Referto TS 36.331.

Boolean false customer_settable L84876Enhancementof LTE-to-HRPD Mobility-redirectionwitheHRPD measurement(Restricted test forSingleReceiverUE)


i sS yn cS ig na ls Di ve rs it yA ll ow ed C el lA ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lA ct iv at io nS er vi ce > 2 p ar ti al L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterspecifyif the Primaryand SecondarySynchronizationSignals diversityis allowed.If allowed,the Primaryand SecondarySynchronizationSignals are transmitting overall antennas of the eNodeB.if not,theP-SS and S-SS are transmitting overonly one antenna.(The physicalantennaassociated to the antennaport0).

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L84815 Single antenna transmit scheme LA4.0

i sS ys te mI nt eg ri ty Mo ni to rE na bl ed A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterenables ordisables System IntegrityMonitoring inthe eNodeB,allowing health-monitoring inthe Call-processing,Transport,and OAMareas,and recoveryif healthis notmaintained.The value False disables the feature;value True enables it.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved 163420 OAMReset Eradication LR13.1

isTraceActive CTg <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SubscAndEquipmentTraces>-<CTg> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Subscriber and equipment traces This parameter determines whether tracing is active (recording) or inactive (not recording). N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L92645 Subscriber & Equipment Trace Enhancements LA2.0

isTraff icBasedContextReleaseAllowed ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 none Call Management Call Handling This parameter enables or disables the release of UE contexts triggered by traffic inactivity. Boolean true system_restricted L96760 eNB Configuration Update Enhancements LA2.0

i sT ra ns mi tS ib 16 En ab le d C el lA ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lA ct iv at io nS er vi ce > 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt C el l Se tu pThis parameterenables SIB16 transmissioninthe related cell.Whensetto true,the SIB16 willinclude GPStime and leap seconds.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable 167219 eMBMS commercial (step2) LR13.3

isTriCarrierEnabled ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 none


Features andParameters

Enhanced Node B HardwareThis parameter activates orde activates the capability to configure up to nine cells three carriers and threebandwidths whenthree differentbCEM are used.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L115808 Tri-carrier BBU LR13.3

is TT IB und ling ForV oI PE nab led A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter enables or disables the feature TTI bundling. N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L114536.1 Support of TTI Bundling for VoIP LA5.0

isTurningRadioOffOnS1FailureEnabled ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 none Call Management Cell Setup This parameter enables the mechanism allowing to cut the radio off when all S1-MME links have failed. N.A. Boolean false system_restricted

isUeCategory4Allowed ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterenables the fullsupportof UE Category4 capabilities.If disabled,UEs reporting Category4and upwards are accepted,buthandled withCategory3 capabilities.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L116365 UE Category 4 Support LR13.3

isUeRel8EligibleToSps Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the eligibilityof UE rel8 to SPS.This parameteris onlyapplicable when

ActivationService::isSpsConfigAllowed=TRUE.N.A. Boolean false system_restricted 162790 Commercial VoLTE with SPS LR13.1

i su lM IM Oe na bl ed C el lA ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Ac ti vat io nS er vi ce > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter enables or disables UL MIMO. Boolean false customer_settable L76432 Scheduling Evolutions LA1.0


C el lL2 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL2 UL Conf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter controls whether enhanced PUSCH grant stretching is enabled. Boolean true eng_tunable CR604262


A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n one M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it yP ro ce du re sThis parameterspecifies,whenisFullConfigForHandoverAllowed is True,whetherthe source cellduring intra-LTE HO should also considersource SIB1 and SIB2 contained in HandoverPreparationInformationwhenpopulating ue-ConfigRelease forUE of Rel-9 or greater.Referto TS 36.331.

Boolean false customer_settable L115227 EUTRAN Standard Alignment LA5.0

i sU tr aC sf bB as ed On Ue St at eA ll ow ed A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n one M ob il it y C S F al lb ac k an d S RV CCThis parameterenables ordisables selective CS Fallbackto UTRANmethod based onUE state:PSHandoverforconnected UEs, enhanced redirectionforIdle UEs.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L114190.1CSFB enhancementto UTRAN/GERAN--enhancedRedirectionand PSHO


is Utr aD ataF orwardi ngA ll owe d A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no ne Mo bi lit yEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameter activates the data forwarding during inter-RAT handover to UTRA FDD/TDD. Boolean false customer_settable L96760 eNB Configuration Update Enhancements LA2.0

isUtraLoadBalancingEnabled ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 none Mobility CS F allback and S RVCC This p arameter enables U TRAN cell load c onsideration for IRAT m obility. N.A. Boolean false customer_settable 155912Targetcellload considerationforIRAT mobilitytoWCDMA


i sU tr aP re ve nt iv eL oa dC on tr ol En ab le d A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n oneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

his parameteractivates ordeactivates A preventive o load triggered byeitherstatic consumptionorrealPRB consumptionand QoS deficit.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable 155912Targetcellload considerationforIRAT mobilitytoWCDMA


isVoipOffloadEnabled RadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 none

Radio Resource

Management C ong es tio n, Radi o adm is sio nc ont rol and e NB c apac it y T his param et er enabl es or dis abl es al lo wing UE s wi th a VoI P b eare rt o be c andi dat es f or reac ti ve o ff load. N.A . B ool ean t rue c us to mer_ set tabl e 1 63 17 2 T raf fi c Manage ment ev ol uti on L R1 3. 3

i sV oI pS eg me nt at io nH an dl in gE na bl ed C el lL 2UL Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll L2 UL Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the activationof the specialhandling of VoIP segmentationinthe uplinkscheduler.Whenitis enabled,the priorityof the useris notdecreased untilallsegments of the speechframe have beentransmitted.

N.A. Boolean true system_reserved L115233.1 eNB SW Capacity Targets LA5.0

isX2Traced CTg <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SubscAndEquipmentTraces>-<CTg> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Subscriber and equipment traces This parameter determines whether the X2 interface is traced. N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L92645 Subscriber & Equipment Trace Enhancements LA2.0

 jumperLossDl AntennaPort <ENBEquipment>-<CpriRadioEquipment>-<AntennaPort> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameterspecifies the RF loss inthe downlink(transmit)directionforthe jumpercable betweenRFM

and cabinetantennaconnector.dB Float 0 10 0.1 0 customer_settable 159488

MCO LTE software platform inLA6.0 -macro-metro

software parityphase 1.1LR13.1

 jumperLossUl AntennaPort <ENBEquipment>-<CpriRadioEquipment>-<AntennaPort> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameterspecifies the RF loss inthe uplink(receive)directionforthe jumpercable betweenRFMand

cabinetantennaconnector.dB Float 0 10 0.1 0 customer_settable 159488

MCO LTE software platform inLA6.0 -macro-metro

software parityphase 1.1LR13.1

L 1N oi se Av er ag in gC oe ff ic ie nt L 1M ea su re me nt Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< L1 Me as ur em en tC onf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies the coefficient for averaging of the signal and noise powers in L1. Integer 0 16384 16 16224 system_restricted


L 1Me asure ment Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< L1 Me asure mentC onf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the coefficientfor averaging the speed, CFO (frequencyoffsetcorrection)and signalpower,inL1.The parameteris used forFDD supportonly.Forthe TDD case, the two separate parametersl1CFOAveragingCoefficientand l1SpeedandSignalPowerAveragingCoefficientare used instead of thisparameter.

Integer 0 16384 16 16224 system_restricted

l 1T im in gA dv an ce Av er ag in gC oe ff ic ie nt L 1M ea su re me nt Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L 1M ea su re me nt Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies the coefficient for averaging the timing advance in L1. Integer 0 16384 16 16224 system_restricted

labelAssociatedENB RetSubunit <ENBEquipment>-<Ret>-<RetSubunit> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameteris setbyOAM whenthe unitwas firstcreated and avalue is read from the unitorby the enduseratalatertime. The parameterregisters the identityof anothereNodeB thatshares the antennatowerwiththe eNodeB thatmanages this RET Subunit.

N.A. String 0 32 N.A. customer_init L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

labelSectorId RetSubunit <ENBEquipment>-<Ret>-<RetSubunit> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameteris setbyOAM atcreationoritcanbe set bythe end useratalatertime. The parameter registers the identityof the sectorof the eNodeB thatshares the antennapanelwiththe eNodeB thatmanagesthis subunitif suchdatawas previouslyseton this unitbythe antennapanelinstaller.

N.A. String 0 32 N.A. customer_init L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

lac GeranNeighboringCellRelation<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-

<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<GeranNeighboringCellRelation>3 none Mobility

EUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode Mobility


This parameterspecifies the LocationAreaCode of the GERANcell.Togetherwiththe associated PLMNidentity,this parameteruniquelyidentifies the LocationAreaof the cell.Referto 36.413:LAI IE (onlythe LAC).

N.A. Mixed 1 65533 1 N.A. customer_init L103174eNB Resource UtilisationRealTime Performance


lac UtraFddNeighboringCellRelation<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>-<UtraFddNeighboringCellRelation>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameteridentifies the targetforthe handover.The targetID is the RNC-ID forLTE-UMTS handoverasselected bythe eNodeB.The TargetID whenset to TargetRNC-ID includes LAI.LAI is used to uniquelyidentifyaLocationArea.The LAI is made of the PLMNidentityand of the LAC.Semantics description0000and FFFE notallowed.See TS36.413.

N.A. Mixed 1 65533 1 N.A. customer_init L96372EUTRAN-to-UTRAN(WCDMA)Inter-RAT Mobility--PS Handover 


latencySessionStart Mce <ENBEquipment>-<Mce> 3 none Call Management Enhanced Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service e MBMS This p arameter corresponds t o a network + eNB l atency corresponding to a session start. s Integer 0 256 1 0 customer_init L115808 Tri-carrier BBU LR13.3

latencySessionStop Mce <ENBEquipment>-<Mce> 3 none Call Management Enhanced Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service eMBMS This parameter corresponds to a network +eNB latency corresponding to a session stop. s Integer 0 256 1 0 customer_init 158990eMBMS Commercialwithdistributed MCE(integrated ineNB)


l ea pS ec on ds Co un t O ne XR tt Mo bi li ty Pa ra me te rs<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-

<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttMobilityParameters>3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC

This parameterspecifies the leap seconds count(Offsetof CDMA System Time from UTC)- See 3GPP2

C.S0005.N.A. Integer 0 255 1 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


listOfTracedCells CTg <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SubscAndEquipmentTraces>-<CTg> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures and


Subscriberand equipmenttracesThis parameteridentifies those cells of the eNodeB whichare subjectto tracing.The list should pointto one or more instances of the LteCellobject.The maximum size of the listis equalto the maximum numberof cells

thatmaybe controlled bythe eNodeB.

N.A. ServiceLink N.A. system_restricted L92645 Subscriber & Equipment Trace Enhancements LA2.0

l oa dE qua li za ti on De lt aT hr es ho ld R ad io Ca cC el l < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Rad io Ca cC el l> 3 n oneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterallows triggering load equalizationbetweencarriers,before preventive offloading is triggered.Itis anegative offsetto be applied onthe preventive offload threshold forstatic PRB usage.Value 0 means that

load equalizationis deactivated.

% Integer 0 50 0 eng_tunable L114538 Enhanced Load Balancing criteria LR13.1

loadTargetForOCNSonPDCCH LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterprovides the targetload forOCNS onPDCCH interms of power.This targetis the resultingload in% of the totalPowerof the cellon PDCCH,including the powerused byCCE and allocated forregular traffic.If the powerused byCCE forregulartraffic exceeds this load,OCNS PDCCHdoes notadd anyload.

% Float 0 100 0.1 0 system_restricted L96293 Support OCNS on PDCCH LA2.0

loadTargetForOCNSonPDSCH LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterprovides the targetload forOCNS onPDSCH interms of numberof RB. This targetis theresulting load in% of the totalRB of the cell,including the RB allocated forregulartraffic.If the numberorRBallocated byregulartraffic exceed this load,OCNS does notadd anyload.

% Integer 0 100 1 0 system_restricted L76494 Radio Load Noise Simulator LA1.0

localCellPowerLimit CpriRadioEquipment <ENBEquipment>-<CpriRadioEquipment> 2 partialMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameterestablishes amaximum allowed downlinkpowerforanycell assigned to this RFM,per certainEuropeanrequirements.The defaultis thatno powerlimitis applied (50dBm maximum cellpowerallowed).The parametervalue should be updated onlywithextreme caution.

dBm Float 0 50 0.1 50 system_restricted L115221 Support for SAMProvisioning o f B eta Parameters LA5.0

l oc al Ti me Of fs et O ne XR tt Mo bi li ty Pa ra me te rs<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttMobilityParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter specifies the offset of local time from System Time - See 3GPP2 C.S0005. N.A. Integer 0 63 1 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

lo cati onA re aC od e R outi ngA re a<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<UtranAccessGroup>-<RncAccess>-<RoutingArea>

N.A. none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameter specifies the Location Area Code supported by the target RNC. N.A. Integer 1 65535 N.A. customer_init L108084.1 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA4.0

locationIdentifier CpriRadioEquipment <ENBEquipment>-<CpriRadioEquipment> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameteris atextstring provided bythe operatorto describe the generallocationof the RFM,ortootherwise identifythe RFM.

N.A. String 0 255 $NULLSTRING$ customer_settable L115221 Support for SAMProvisioning of Beta Parameters LA5.0

logica lChannelbucketSizeDurationUL SignalingRadioBearerConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<SignalingRadioBearerConf> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterdescribes the bucketsize durationused for logicalchannelprioritizationpurposes,as per 

36.321.One value is signaled to the UE perlogicalchannel.m s E num erate


ms1000(5)N.A . s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 76 50 1 3GP P St andard C om pl iance L A1. 0

logica lChannelbucketSizeDurationUL Traff icRadioBearerConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<Traff icRadioBearerConf> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterdescribes the bucketsize durationused for logicalchannelprioritizationpurposes,as per 36.321.One value is signaled to the UE perlogicalchannel.

m s E num eratems50(0),ms100(1),ms150(2),ms300(3),ms500(4),ms1000(5)

N.A . s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 76 50 1 3GP P St andard C om pl iance L A1. 0

l o gi c al C ha nn el G ro up U L S i gn al i ng R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< S ig na l in gR ad i oB e ar e rC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteris used to indicate whichgroup id the uplinklogicalchannelbelongs to inthe BufferStatusreports.As per36.321.T his attribute links the logicalchannelto Buffer Occupancywhichis updated bytheBSR.WhenalogicalChannelis notlinkto aBO, the BufferOccupancyEstimate used bythe dynamicschedulerwillnotbe updated byaBSR report.

EnumerateBufferOccupanc y0 (0),Buf ferOccupancy1 (1),BufferOccupanc y2 (2),Buf ferOccupancy3 (3),noBufferOccupancy(4)

N .A . s y st e m_ r es t ri c te d L 9 24 8 3 U p t o 8 Co n cu rr e nt D a ta R ad i o B e ar er s p e r Us e r L A 3. 0

l o gi c al C ha nn el G ro up U L Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling This parameterspecif ies the group id of the uplinklogicalchannelin the BufferStatus repor ts.See TS 36.321. Enumerate

BufferOccupanc y0 (0),Buf ferOccupancy1 (1),BufferOccupanc y2 (2),Buf ferOccupancy3 (3),noBufferOccupancy(4)

N .A . s y st e m_ r es t ri c te d L 9 24 8 3 U p t o 8 Co n cu rr e nt D a ta R ad i o B e ar er s p e r Us e r L A 3. 0

logica lChannelPr iorit izedBitRateUL SignalingRadioBearerConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<SignalingRadioBearerConf> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterdescribes the prioritized bitrate of anuplinklogicalchannel,as per36.321.One value issignaled to the UE per logicalchannel.

K b yt e s/ s E nu mer at ekBps0(0),kBps8(1),kBps16(2),kBps32(3),kBps64(4),kBps128(5),kBps256(6),infinity(7)

kB ps 8 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 76 50 1 3GP P St andard Com pl iance L A1. 0

l o gi c al C ha nn el P ri o ri t iz e dB i tR at e UL Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o neRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the prioritized bitrate of anuplinklogicalchannel,as per36.321.One value issignaled to the UE per logicalchannel.

K b yt e s/ s E nu mer at ekBps0(0),kBps8(1),kBps16(2),kBps32(3),kBps64(4),kBps128(5),kBps256(6),infinity(7)

kB ps 8 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 76 50 1 3GP P St andard Com pl iance L A1. 0

logica lChannelPr iorityDL CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementRadio Resource Managementfunctions

his parameterspeciies the priorityused orscheduling whenthe delayorpackettransmissionover Cellreaches the PacketDelayBudget.

Integer 1 255 1 1 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

l o gi c al C ha nn el P ri o ri t yD L Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementRadio Resource Managementfunctions

This parameterspecifies the priorityused for scheduling whenthe delayforpackettransmissionreaches thePacketDelayBudget.

Integer 1 255 1 1 system_restricted L92095QCI & QCI Parameters ForEnhanced SchedulingDecisions


l o gi c al C ha nn el P ri o ri t yU L S i gn al i ng R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< S ig na l in gR ad i oB e ar e rC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the priorityof the configured uplinklogicalchannelas per36.321.One value is

signaled to the UE per logicalchannel.Integer 1 16 1 1 system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

l o gi c al C ha nn el P ri o ri t yU L Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the priorityof a logicalchannelas per36.321.One value is signaled to the UE per logicalchannel.

Integer 1 16 1 1 system_restricted L92483 Up to 8 Concurrent Data Radio Bearers per User LA3.0

l o gi c al C ha nn el S RMas k S i gn al i ng R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< S ig na l in gR ad i oB e ar e rC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the one bitflag provided to release 9 UEs orlateruponcreationorreconfigurationof

anuplinkSRB.Whensetto true,itindicates thatthe UE should inhibitforthatradio bearerthe triggering ofScheduling Requests whenthe UE is configured withanSPS inactive grants.

Boolean false system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

l o gi c al C ha nn el S RMas k Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the one bitflag provided to release 9 UEs orlateruponcreationorreconfigurationofanuplinkradio bearerTRB.Whensetto true,it indicates thatthe UE should inhibitforthatradio bearerthetriggering of Scheduling Requests whenthe UE is configured withanSPS inactive grants.

Boolean true system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

l on gD RX Cy cl e I na ct iv it yB as ed Dr xC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <I na ct iv it yB as ed Dr xC on f> 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteris astandard DRX configurationparameter(referto TS36.321)thateNB sends to UE.Itspecifies the long DRX cycle.


s f 32 0 s y st e m_ r es t ri c te d L 1 01 8 43 MA C D R x St a te Mg t un d er I n ac t iv it y C on d it i on s L R 13 . 1

lo wA rpP ri orit yS tart R ad ioC acE nb < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Rr mS ervi ces >-<R adi oC ac Enb > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the startof range of lowARP prioritylevel.The range [1..lowArpPriorityStart-1]is themedium/high/top prioritylevels,and the range [lowArpPriorityStart..15]is the lowprioritylevel.lowArpPriorityStart=1 means all 1-15 are lowpriorityand there are no medium/high/top priorityARPs.

Integer 1 15 1 1 customer_settable L114539.1 Congestion Management at Call Admission LA4.0

lo werB ound C el lRe se lec tio nAd apt ati on<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellSelectionReselectionConf>-<CellReselectionAdaptation>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameteris used to identifywhichCellReselectionAdaptationobjectis selected whenautomaticadaptationof cell reselectionparameters is enabled.Whenthe % of PRB consumed is in the range definedbylowerBound and upperBound thenthis objectis selected.

N.A. Integer 0 100 1 0 customer_settable L115203 Load based Idle Mode mobility LA5.0

l ow Mo bi li ty Do pp le rU pl in kT hr C el lR ad io Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Ra di oC on f> 3 n oneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteris anarrayof 6 Dopplerthreshold values used to decide if aUE can be switched to lowmobilitystatus.The differentvalues correspond to SRS period 5,10,20, 40 and 80 subframes respectively.

Integer 0 100 1 (25, 15, 10, 5, 0, 0) system_restricted L90853 Frequency diverse scheduling LA3.0

lowToMediumPr iorityThreshold RrcMeasurementConf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the prioritylimitoverwhichacarrieris considered amedium (oreventuallyhigh)

prioritycarrierformeasurementconfigurationpurposes.Anycarrierwithaprioritystrictlylowerthanthisparameterwillbe considered alowprioritycarrierforthe service concerned.If the parameteris not set,thereare onlytwo prioritysets forcarriers:highand medium.

N.A. Integer 0 7 1 N.A. customer_settable L115204 Enhanced measurementparametersupportfor mobility


lteCellPositionLatitude LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none Call Management Cell Setup

This parameterspecifies the latitude positionof the LteCellinthe WGS84 reference frame measured from theantenna.Encoding is defined as followed:<0:southof the equator;=0:at the equator;>0:northof the equator.

deg Float -90 +90 0.00001 N.A. customer_init L96760 eNB Configuration Update Enhancements LA2.0

lteCellPositionLongitude LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none Call Management Cell Setup

This parameterspecifies the longitude positionof the LteCellinthe WGS84 reference frame measured fromthe antenna.Encoding is defined as followed:<0:west prime meridian;=0:at prime meridian;>0:east of prime meridian.

deg Float -180 +180 0.00001 N.A. customer_init L96760 eNB C onfiguration Update E nhancements LA2.0

lt eI nt erF req ue nc yA nr Enab le d A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no ne Mo bi lit yAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameter activates or deactivates LTE inter-frequency ANR function. N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L103176 ANR Support for Inter Freq Neighbours T/LA6.0

lt eI nt raF req uenc yA nrE nab led A cti vati onS ervi ce < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ac ti vati onS ervi ce > 3 no ne Mo bi lit yAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameter activates or deactivates LTE intra-frequency ANR function. N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L108084 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA5.0

mACBOminimumPer iodicIncreaseValue SignalingRadioBearerConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<SignalingRadioBearerConf> 2 part ia lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the minimum UL BO periodic increase value.It is used,typically,whenGBR=0 for the bearer.

bytes Integer 0 512 1 5 system_restricted CR303865

mACBOminimumPer iodicIncreaseValue Traff icRadioBearerConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<Traff icRadioBearerConf> 2 part ia lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the minimum UL BO periodic increase value.It is used,typically,whenGBR=0 for the bearer.

bytes Integer 0 512 1 5 system_restricted CR303865

macBOperiodicIncreaseEnabledUl SignalingRadioBearerConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<SignalingRadioBearerConf> 2 part ia lRadio Resource

ManagementD yn am ic R es ou rc e Al lo cat io na nd P ac ke tS che du li ng T hi s pa ra me te re na bl es or d is ab le s pe ri od ic UL B O i nc re as e. E nu me ra te


enabled(1)d i sa bl e d s y st e m_ r es t ri c te d

mac B Op e ri o di c In c re as e En ab l ed Ul Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementD yn am ic R es ou rc e Al lo cat io na nd P ac ke tS che du li ng T hi s pa ra me te re na bl es or d is ab le s pe ri od ic UL B O i nc re as e. E nu me ra te


enabled(1)d i sa bl e d s y st e m_ r es t ri c te d

macBOPeriodicIncreasePer iodUl SignalingRadioBearerConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<SignalingRadioBearerConf> 2 part ia lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies, in ms, the period of periodic Buffer Estimate increase when configured. Integer 1 250 1 5 system_restricted

mac B OP e ri o di c In c re as e Pe ri o dU l Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies, in ms, the period of periodic Buffer Estimate increase when configured. Integer 1 250 1 5 system_restricted

m ac Cont enti onR es ol ut ionT im er C el lRac hCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>-< Cel lRac hCo nf > 3 no ne LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2 T his param et er spe ci fi es t he s tart val ue f or the M AC c onte nti on res olut io nt im er. See T S 36 .32 1. E num eratesf8(0),sf16(1),sf24(2),sf32(3),sf40(4),sf48(5),sf56(6),

sf64(7)s f6 4 s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed

macHARQMaxNumberOfTransmissionDl CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf>

3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies the maximum number of HARQ transmissions attempts for DTCH over SCell. N.A. Integer 1 8 1 8 eng_tunable 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

macHARQMaxNumberOfTransmissionDl SignalingRadioBearerConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<SignalingRadioBearerConf> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies the maximum number of HARQ transmissions attempts for DCCH. N.A. Integer 1 8 1 8 eng_tunable

macHARQMaxNumberOfTransmissionDl Traff icRadioBearerConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<Traff icRadioBearerConf> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies the maximum number of HARQ transmissions attempts for DTCH. N.A. Integer 1 8 1 8 eng_tunable 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3




2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic Re sourc e A ll oc at io nand P ack et Sc he dul ing T his param et er spe ci fi es the m axi mum num ber of HA RQ trans mi ss ions at te mpt s f or SP S. N.A . I nteg er 1 5 1 5 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 11 45 31 .1 V oL TE S ol uti on fo rF ie ld T ri al Ap pl icat io ns L A4. 0

mac H AR Q Ma xT i me r Dl C ar r ie r Ag g re g at i on Se c on da ry C on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-


3 noneRadio Resource


Dynamic Resource Allocationand PacketSchedulingThis parameterspecifies the maximum time allowed forthe completionof a HARQ process inthe SCell.Thetimeris started atthe time of the firsttransmissionof the HARQ process.Ontimerexpiry,the HARQ process

is terminated.

ms Integer 1 500 1 94 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

mac H AR Q Ma xT i me r Dl S i gn al i ng R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< S ig na l in gR ad i oB e ar e rC o nf > 3 n o neRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the maximum time allowed forthe completionof a HARQ process.The timerisstarted atthe time of the firsttransmissionof the HARQ process.Ontimer expiry,the HARQ process isterminated.

ms Integer 1 500 1 94 system_restricted

m ac HA RQ Ma xT im er Dl T ra ff ic Ra di oB ea re rC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <T ra ff ic Ra di oB ea re rC on f> 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the maximum time allowed forthe completionof a HARQ process.The timerisstarted atthe time of the firsttransmissionof the HARQ process.Ontimer expiry,the HARQ process isterminated.

ms Integer 1 500 1 94 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3



2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the maximum time allowed forthe completionof a HARQ process forSPS.The timer is started atthe time of the first transmissionof the HARQ process.Ontimerexpiry,the HARQ process isterminated.

ms Integer 1 40 1 40 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

macIn it ia lMCSIndexForBearerSetupDl SignalingRadioBearerConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<SignalingRadioBearerConf> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic Re sourc e A ll oc at io nand P ack et Sc he dul ing T his param et er spe ci fi es the i nit ial Mod ulati on and Co di ng S che me to be us ed at cal ls etup . N.A . I nteg er 0 2 8 1 4 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 92 48 3 Up t o 8 Co nc urr ent Dat aRad io B earers pe rUs er L A3. 0

macIn it ia lMCSIndexForBearerSetupDl Traff icRadioBearerConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<Traff icRadioBearerConf> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic Re sourc e A ll oc at io nand P ack et Sc he dul ing T his param et er spe ci fi es the i nit ial Mod ulati on and Co di ng S che me to be us ed at cal ls etup . N.A . I nteg er 0 2 8 1 4 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 92 48 3 Up t o 8 Co nc urr ent Dat aRad io B earers pe rUs er L A3. 0

m ac MI MO Mo de Dl C ar ri er Ag gr eg at io nS ec on da ry Co nf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf>

3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementD yn am ic R es ou rc e A ll oc at io n an d P ac ke t Sc he du li ng T hi s p ar am et er s pe ci fi es t he M IM O m od e a ll ow ed f or P DS CH o ve r SC el l. N .A . E nu me ra te m im oT wo La ye rs No tA ll ow ed (0 ), mi mo Tw oL ay er sA ll ow ed (1 )


 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

mac MIMOMo de D l S i gn al i ng R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< S ig na l in gR ad i oB e ar e rC o nf > 3 n o neRadio Resource

ManagementD yn am ic Re so ur ce Al lo cat io na nd Pa ck et S che du li ng T hi s p ar am et er s pe ci fi es th e M IM O m od e a ll ow ed fo rP DS CH . N .A . E nu me ra te m im oT wo La ye rs No tA ll ow ed (0 ), mi mo Tw oL ay er sA ll owe d( 1)


 s y s t em_ re s tr i ct e d L 9 24 8 3 U p t o 8 C o n cu rr e nt D a ta R ad i o B ea re rs p e r U se r L A 3. 0

m ac MI MO Mo de Dl T ra ff ic Ra di oB ea re rC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <T ra ff ic Ra di oB ea re rC on f> 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementD yn am ic Re so ur ce Al lo cat io na nd Pa ck et S che du li ng T hi s p ar am et er s pe ci fi es th e M IM O m od e a ll ow ed fo rP DS CH . N .A . E nu me ra te m im oT wo La ye rs No tA ll ow ed (0 ), mi mo Tw oL ay er sA ll owe d( 1)

mimowoLayers otAllowed

 s y s t em_ re s tr i ct e d L 9 24 8 3 U p t o 8 C o n cu rr e nt D a ta R ad i o B ea re rs p e r U se r L A 3. 0

macOuterLoopBlerControlTargetBlerDl CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf>

3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the targetBLER for the DL outerloop BLER controlinthe SCell. The value 0disables the BLC;the othervalues define the targetBLER.

% Integer 0 50 1 10 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

macOuterLoopBlerContro lTargetBlerDl SignalingRadioBearerConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<SignalingRadioBearerConf> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the targetBLER for the DL outerloop BLER control.The value 0 disables the BLC;the othervalues define the targetBLER.

% Integer 0 50 1 10 system_restricted L101841 VoIP in Dynamic Scheduler LA3.0

macOuterLoopBlerContro lTargetBlerDl Traff icRadioBearerConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<Traff icRadioBearerConf> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the targetBLER for the DL outerloop BLER control.The value 0 disables the BLC;the othervalues define the targetBLER.

% Integer 0 50 1 10 system_restricted L101841 VoIP in Dynamic Scheduler LA3.0



2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the amountof RLC and MAC overhead assumed to be used fordownlinkVoIPframes.Inbytes.

bytes Integer 0 64 3 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

macroEnbId Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 0 critical Call Management C ell SetupThis parameteruniquelyidentifies the eNodeB withinthe network.Itcorresponds to the 20 leftmostbits of E-UTRANCellIdentifierinTS 36.423 9.2.14 ECGI.Itis setonlywheneNB is nota Home eNB.

Integer 0 1048575 1 N.A. customer_init 158138 HeNB support (TSA Dependency) LR13.1

m ac ro En bI d L te Ne ig hb or in gC el lR el at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<LteNeighboringCellRelation>

N .A . n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C el lS et upThis parameteris the globaleNodeB ID of the neighboring eNodeB.See TS 36.423 9.2.22.This parametercorresponds to the 20 leftmostbits of E-UTRANCellIdentifierinTS 36.423 9.2.14 ECGI.

Integer 0 1048575 1 N.A. customer_init L81872Automatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation


macroEnbId X2Access <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<X2AccessGroup>-<X2Access> N.A. none Call Management Cell SetupThis parametercorresponds to the 20 leftmostbits of E-UTRANCellIdentifierinTS 36.423 9.2.14 ECGI. SeeTS 36.423 9.2.22 GlobaleNodeB ID of the targeteNodeB.Itis setonlywhenthe neighboreNB is notaHome eNB.

Integer 0 1048575 1 N.A. customer_init L81872Automatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation


macSINROffsetForLinkAdaptationDl CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf>

3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies the SINR off set that applies in the Link Adaptation in the CA bearer configuration. dB Float -20 20 0.25 0.00 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

macSINROffsetForLinkAdaptat ionDl SignalingRadioBearerConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<SignalingRadioBearerConf> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic Re sourc e A ll oc at io nand P ack et Sc he dul ing T his param et er spe ci fi es the S INR of fse tthat ap pli es in the Li nk Ad apt ati on in the be ar er co nf igurati on. dB F loat -20 2 0 0. 25 0 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L1 01 84 1 V oI P i nD ynam ic S che dul er L A3. 0

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


mac S IN R Of f se t Fo r Li n kA d ap t at i on Dl Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o neRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic Re sourc e A ll oc at io nand P ack et Sc he dul ing T his param et er spe ci fi es the S INR of fse tthat ap pli es in the Li nk Ad apt ati on in the be ar er co nf igurati on. dB F loat -20 2 0 0. 25 0 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L1 01 84 1 V oI P i nD ynam ic S che dul er L A3. 0

mainAntennaConfiguredPositionAltitude LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterregisters the altitude of the mainantennainacellin the WGS84 reference frame.Encoding is defined as follows:<0:belowsea level=0:atsealevel>0:above sealevel.The setof values {mainAntennaConfig uredPositio nLatitude, mainAntennaConfig uredPositionL ongitude,mainAntennaConfiguredPositionAltitude}={0,0,0}meanthe positionis invalid (no value entered bytheoperator).

meter Integer -1000 10000 0 customer_settable L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


mainAntennaConfiguredPositionLatitude LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterregisters the latitude of the mainantennainacellin the WGS84 reference frame.Encoding is defined as follows:<0:southof the equator;=0:at the equator;>0:northof the equator.The setof values {mainAntennaConfig uredPositio nLatitude, mainAntennaConfig uredPositionL ongitude,mainAntennaConfiguredPositionAltitude}={0,0,0}meanthe positionis invalid (no value entered bytheoperator).

deg Float -90 +90 0.00001 0 customer_settable L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment



LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterregisters the longitude of the mainantennainacellin the WGS84 reference frame.Encoding is defined as follows:<0:west prime meridian;=0:at prime meridian;>0:east of prime meridian.The setof values {mainAntennaConfig uredPositio nLatitude, mainAntennaConfig uredPositionL ongitude,

mainAntennaConfiguredPositionAltitude}={0,0,0}meanthe positionis invalid (no value entered bythe


deg Float -180 +180 0.00001 0 customer_settable L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


mainAntennaPositionAltitude LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> READ ONLY noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterreports the altitude of the mainantennainacell inthe WGS84 reference frame.RefertomainAntennaPositi onSource forsourc e of the value.Encoding is defined as follows:<0 -Indicates belowsealevel;

=0 -Indicates atsealevel;>0 - Indicates above sealevel.The setof values {mainAntennaPosi tionLatitude, mainAntennaPositi onLongitude,mainAntennaPositionAltitude}={0,0,0}means the positionis invalid.

meter Integer -1000 10000 N.A. customer_settable L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


mainAntennaPositionConf idence LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> READ ONLY noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterrepresents the confidence bywhichthe mainantennapositionis knownto be withintheuncertaintyellipsoid,expressed as apercentage.Itis notmeaningfulif {mainAntennaPositionLatitude,mainAntennaPositionLongitude,mainAntennaPositionAltitude}={0,0,0}. A value of 0 indicates no information.See TS 36.455 E-UTRANAccess PointPosition.

Integer 0 100 1 0 N.A. L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


mainAntennaPositionDeltaX LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterspecifies the distance inX-directionfrom the GPS antennaof the eNodeB to the mainRFantennaof the cell.The LteCell::mainAntennaPositionDeltaX/-Y/-Z datais to correctthe positionof the RF antenna,whichis usedforOTDOA and ECID positionmethods.The parameters (DeltaX,DeltaY,DeltaZ)are withrespectto the EarthCentered EarthFixed (ECEF)system(X,Y,Z)coordinates,where Z points to the northpole,(X,Y)defines the equatorialplane,and X points to theGreenwichmeridian(where longitude = 0 degrees).

meter Integer -1000 10000 0 customer_settable L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


mainAntennaPositionDeltaY LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none


Features andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterspecifies the distance inY-directionfrom the GPS antennaof the eNodeB to the mainRFantennaof the cell.The LteCell::mainAntennaPositionDeltaX/-Y/-Z datais to correctthe positionof the RF antenna,whichis used

forOTDOA and ECID positionmethods.The parameters (DeltaX,DeltaY,DeltaZ)are withrespectto the EarthCentered EarthFixed (ECEF)system(X,Y,Z)coordinates,where Z points to the northpole,(X,Y)defines the equatorialplane,and X points to theGreenwichmeridian(where longitude = 0 degrees).

meter Integer -1000 10000 0 customer_settable L103896

ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocation

controlplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


mainAntennaPositionDeltaZ LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterspecifies the distance inZ-directionfrom the GPS antennaof the eNodeB to the mainRFantennaof the cell.The LteCell::mainAntennaPositionDeltaX/-Y/-Z datais to correctthe positionof the RF antenna,whichis usedforOTDOA and ECID positionmethods.The parameters (DeltaX,DeltaY,DeltaZ)are withrespectto the EarthCentered EarthFixed (ECEF)system(X,Y,Z)coordinates,where Z points to the northpole,(X,Y)defines the equatorialplane,and X points to theGreenwichmeridian(where longitude = 0 degrees).

meter Integer -1000 10000 0 customer_settable L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


mainAntennaPositionLatitude LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> READ ONLY noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterreports the latitude of the mainantennainacell inthe WGS84 reference frame.RefertomainAntennaPositi onSource forsourc e of the value.Encoding is defined as follows:<0:southof the equator =0:at the equator 

>0:northof the equator.The setof values {mainAntennaPosi tionLatitude, mainAntennaPosit ionLongitude,mainAntennaPositionAltitude}={0,0,0}means the positionis invalid.

deg Float -90 +90 0.00001 N.A. customer_settable L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


mainAntennaPositionLongitude LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> READ ONLY noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parameterreports the longitude of the mainantennainacellin the WGS84 reference frame.RefertomainAntennaPositi onSource forsourc e of the value.

Encoding is defined as follows:<0:west prime meridian;=0:at prime meridian;>0:east of prime meridian.The setof values {mainAntennaPosi tionLatitude, mainAntennaPositi onLongitude,mainAntennaPositionAltitude}={0,0,0}means the positionis invalid.

deg Float -180 +180 0.00001 N.A. customer_settable L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment



LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> READ ONLY noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parametercorresponds to the Orientationof MajorAxis of the uncertaintyellipsoid forthe mainantennaposition.Itis notmeaningfulif {mainAntennaPositionLatitude,mainAntennaPositionLongitude,mainAntennaPositionAltitude}={0,0,0}.WhenmainAntennaPositi onUncertaintySemi Major=mainAntennaPo sitionUncertaintyS emiMinor, the uncertaintyellipsoid collapses to an uncertaintycircle,making the orientationof majoraxis of no significance.This parameterrepresents the Offsetand the Included angle whichare encoded inincrements of 1 using an8bitbinarycoded numberNinthe range 0 to 179.The relationbetweenthe numberNand the range offset(ao)and included (ai)of angles (indegrees)itencodes is described bythe following equations:Offsetangle (ao)2 N<= ao <2 (N+1)Accepted values forao are withinthe range from 0 to 359,9...9 degrees.Included angle (ai)

2 N< ai<=2 (N+1) Accepted values foraiare withinthe range from 0,0...1 to 360 degrees.See TS 36.455 E-UTRANAccess PointPosition.

Integer 0 179 1 0 N.A. L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


m ai nA nte nnaP os iti onUnc ertai ntyA lti tud e L teC ell < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l> R EA D ONLY no neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parametercorresponds to the uncertaintyaltitude forthe mainantennaposition.{mainAntennaPositionLatitude,mainAntennaPositionLongitude,mainAntennaPositionAltitude}={0,0,0}.Itis setto the value K mapped from the uncertaintyinaltitude,h,expressed inmeters according to the followingformula:h=C((1+x)^K-1)withC =45 and x =0.025.This corresponds to arange between0 and 990 meters for the uncertaintyaltitude.See TS 36.455 E-UTRANAccess PointPosition.

Integer 0 127 1 9 N.A. L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment



LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> READ ONLY noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parametercorresponds to the semi-minoraxis of the uncertaintyellipsoid associated withthe mainantennapositionand is notmeaningfulif {mainAntennaPositionLatitude,mainAntennaPositionLongitude,mainAntennaPositionAltitude}={0,0,0}.It is setto the value K mapped from the uncertaintyrexpressed inmeters according to the following formula:r=C((1+x)^K-1)withC =10 and x= 0.1.This corresponds to arangebetween0 and 1800 kilometers forthe uncertainty.See TS 36.455 E-UTRANAccess PointPosition.

Integer 0 127 1 7 N.A. L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment



LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> READ ONLY noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupport

This parametercorresponds to the semi-minoraxis of the uncertaintyellipsoid associated withthe mainantennapositionand is notmeaningfulif {mainAntennaPositionLatitude,mainAntennaPositionLongitude,mainAntennaPositionAltitude}={0,0,0}.It is setto the value K mapped from the uncertaintyrexpressed inmeters according to the following formula:r=C((1+x)^K-1)withC =10 and x= 0.1.This corresponds to arangebetween0 and 1800 kilometers forthe uncertainty.See TS 36.455 E-UTRANAccess PointPosition.

Integer 0 127 1 7 N.A. L103896ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocationcontrolplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


maintenancePer iodStar tTime AutomaticPhysicalCellIdentity<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticPhysicalCellIdentity>

3 no ne C al lManage ment C ell Se tupThis parameterspecifies the starttime from whichthe eNodeB mayselectrandomlyatimerconditioning thePCI confusioncorrection.Itis setin localtime.

h Integer 1 24 1 2 system_restricted L108258eNB Based PCI Allocation,ConflictDetectionandCorrection


majorOutThresholdF orPO OverloadControl <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<OverloadControl> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures and


Overload ControlThis parameterspecifies the processoroccupancy(PO)threshold atwhichthe eNB comes outof Major Overload.

% Integer 50 100 1 83 system_restricted L115241Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


majorThresholdForPO OverloadControl <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<OverloadControl> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Overload Control This parameter specifies the processor occupancy (PO) threshold at which Major Overload is declared. % Integer 50 100 1 88 system_restricted L115241Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


m ar gi nF or CA Be ar er Mi nR at eE nf or ce me nt E n bR ad io Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< En bR ad io Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the marginbeyond the minimum throughputtargetthatschedulerstarts to raise thescheduling priorityfor the user/CA bearer.

N.A. Float 0.1 3.0 0.1 0.5 system_reserved 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

m ar gi nF or No nG br Mi nR at eE nf or ce me nt E nb Ra di oC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< En bR ad io Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

his parameterspeciies the marginbeyond the minimum throughputtargetthatschedulerstarts to raise thescheduling priorityforthe user/bearer.

N.A. Float 0.1 3.0 0.1 0.5 system_restricted L115698 Minimum bitrate enforcement for non-GBR LR13.1

max A dj u st men tA t te mpt s Mo bi l it y Ro b us t ne s sO p t<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<MobilityRobustnessOpt>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur es

This parameterindicates the maximum numberof adjustmentattempts thatthe MRO algorithm is allowed toexecute.If this numberof attempts is reached thenthe algorithm willnotcontinue to make adjustmentattempts atthe presenttime (unless itis inthe middle of 1 generaladjustmentround inwhichcase it willcomplete thatround),butmaydo so inthe future if configurable criteriaare met.If the value is unsetthennolimitis applied.

N.A. Integer 1 1000 1 N.A. eng_tunable L103177 HO Optimisation counters LR13.1

m ax Do pp le rS hif tF orS PSD l C el lL2 DL Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>-< Cel lL2 DL Co nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter controls the Doppler Shif tlimit to allow SPS Activation. Hz Integer 0 850 1 70 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

maxElectricalTilt RetSubunit <ENBEquipment>-<Ret>-<RetSubunit> READ ONLY noneMiscellaneousFeatures and


Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameteris setatcreationof this objectby OAMand itreports the maximum supported electricaltiltofthe actuator(motor)forthis subunit,as read from the unititself.

deg Float -90 90 0.1 N.A. customer_init L115221 Support for SAMProvisioning of Beta Parameters T/LA6.0

m ax Ex te nd ed SRG rant Siz e C el lL2 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL2 UL Conf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the maximum grantsize thatcanbe issued bythe uplinkschedulerwhenrespondingto aSR.

N.A. Integer 0 100 1 100 system_restricted L115113.1 LA4.0 KPI Targets LA4.0

m ax GB Rf orV oI Ps ervi ceD l R ad ioC acC el l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <R ad ioC acC ell > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parametercontrols the maximum downlinkGBR value accepted by the eNodeB forVoIP service.If aGBR value largerthanthis parameteris received from S1 interface thenthe E-RAB setup ormodificationisrejected.

bits/s Integer 1 1000000 52600 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

m ax GB Rf orV oI Ps ervi ceUl R ad ioC acC el l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <R ad ioC acC ell > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parametercontrols the maximum uplinkGBR value accepted bythe eNodeB forVoIP service.If aGBRvalue largerthanthis parameteris received from the S1 interface,thenthe E-RAB setup or modificationisrejected.

bits/s Integer 1 1000000 52600 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

m ax HA RQm sg3 Tx C el lRac hCo nf FDD<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellRachConf>-<CellRachConfFDD>

2 partial LTE Air Interface L ayer 2 This parameter specifies the maximum number of UL transmissions for RACH message 3. Integer 1 5 3 system_restricted

maxHARQtx CellL2ULConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL2ULConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementD yn am ic Re so ur ce A ll oc at io n an d P ac ke t Sc he du li ng T hi s p ar am et er s pe ci fi es t he m ax im um nu mb er o f U L t ra ns mi ss io ns . E nu me ra te

n1(0),n2(1),n3(2),n4(3),n5(4)n 5 s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed

m ax HA RQ tx TT Ib un dl in g T TI Bu nd li ng Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lL 2U LC on f> -< TT I bu nd li ng Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic Re sourc e A ll oc at io nand Pack et Sc he dul ing T his param et er spe ci fi es the maxi mum num ber of UL bundl ed HAR Q trans mis si ons fo rT TI -B us er s. E num erate n4 (0 ), n8 (1 ), n1 2(2 ), n16 (3) n8 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L1 15 80 7 T TI Bund li ng phas e 2 L R1 3. 1

maximumFSSUsers CellL2DLConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL2DLConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies the maximum number of FSS users that can be managed. N.A. Integer 1 60 1 60 system_restricted L101841 VoIP in Dynamic Scheduler LA3.0


CellRachConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellRachConf> 3 none LTE Air Interface Layer 2 This parameter specifies the maximum number of HARQ transmissions attempts for RACH Message 4. N.A. Integer 1 8 1 8 system_restricted L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

maxMeasIdForMultip leMonitor ing RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y e vo lv ed m ul ti -c ar ri er t ra ff ic a ll oc at io n eM CT A

This parameters configures the maximum numberof measurements perUE forinter-frequencyand inter-RATmobilitypurposes.The intra-frequencymeasurements are excluded.The sum of the intra-frequency,inter-frequencyand inter-RAT measurements supported byUE need notto be more than30 forCA case and 21 for 

non-CA case.If this parameteris configured to ‘0’ thenthe eNodeB does notconfigure anyinter-frequencynor inter-RAT measurement.See TS36.133 and TS36.331.

N.A. Integer 0 28 1 N.A. customer_init L106136CommonMobilityManagementFramework(eMCTAPhase 1)


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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature



RrcmeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y e vo lv ed m ul ti -c ar ri er t ra ff ic a ll oc at io n eM CT A

This parameterconfigures the eNodeB maximum numberof allowed layers formultiple monitoring withmeasurementgaps.The UE mustbe capable of monitoring using gaps atotalof atleast 7 carrierfrequencylayers comprising of anyallowed combinationof E-UTRA FDD,E-UTRA TDD, UTRA FDD,UTRA TDD andGSMlayers (one GSMlayercorresponds to 32 cells), cdma2000 and HRPD layers.Withthis parametertheeNodeB truncates this list to ease the UE performance compliancy.See 3GPP TS36.133 section8.

N.A. Integer 0 7 1 N.A. customer_init L106136CommonMobilityManagementFramework(eMCTAPhase 1)


m ax Nb Of DataB eare rs PerC el l R ad ioC acC el l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <R ad ioC acC ell > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the maximum numberof databearers thatare allowed to be setup atthe same timeonone cellof the eNodeB.

N.A. Integer 0 4000 1 N.A. system_restricted L115233 eNB SW Capacity Targets LA5.0

m ax Nb Of Da ta Be ar er sP er En od eB R ad io Ca cE nb < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Rr mS er vi ce s> -< Ra di oC ac En b> 3 n oneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the maximum numberof databearers thatare allowed to be setup atthe same timeonthe eNodeB.

N.A. Integer 0 12000 1 N.A. system_restricted L115233 eNB SW Capacity Targets LA5.0

m ax Nb Of Da ta Be ar er sP er Ue R ad io Ca cE nb < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Rr mS er vi ce s> -< Ra di oC ac En b> 3 n oneRadio Resource

ManagementC on ge st io n, R ad io ad mi ss io n co nt ro l an d e NB ca pa ci ty T hi s p ar am et er s pe ci fi es th e m ax im um nu mb er o f d at a be ar er s ( DR B) t ha t ca n be co nf ig ur ed fo r an y UE . E nu me ra te 1 (0 ), 2 (1 ), 3 (2 ), 4 (3 ), 5 (4 ), 6 (5 ), 7 (6 ), 8 (7 ) N .A . s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 92 48 3 U p t o 8 Co nc ur re nt D at a Ra di o B ea re rs pe r Us er L A3 .0

m ax Nb Pl mnF or Gw cn Li ce ns e L ic ens in gM ng tS ys te m < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Li ce ns in gM ng tS ys te m> 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C el lS et up

This parameterspecifies the operators viewof the maximum numberof shared MME betweendifferentCNthatare permitted to be supported bythe eNodeB inaGateWayCore Networkenvironment(multiple corenetworkoperators,butwithshared Gateways).The value of this parameteris checked by the vendors license-managementsystem forconsistencywiththelicense foreUTRAN-sharing thatis issued to the operator.

N.A. Enumerate disabled(1), 2(2), 3(3), 4(4), 5(5), 6(6) disabled c ustomer_settable L115244GWCNconfiguration(withshared MME)foreUtran


m ax Nb Pl mn Fo rM oc nL ic en se L ic ens in gM ng tS ys te m < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Li ce ns in gM ng tS ys te m> 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C el lS et up

This parameterspecifies the operators viewof the maximum numberof Mobile Networks thatare permitted tobe supported by the eNodeB inaMulti-OperatorCore Networkenvironment.The value of this parameteris checked by the vendors license-managementsystem forconsistencywiththelicense foreUTRAN-sharing thatis issued to the operator.

N.A. Enumerate disabled(1), 2(2), 3(3), 4(4), 5(5), 6(6) disabled c ustomer_settable L115242eUTRANSharing:enhanced MOCN(eithershared or dedicated spectrum)


m ax Nb rOf Ac tive Us ers Per Ce ll R ad ioC acC el l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <R ad ioC acC ell > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion, Radio admission control and eNB capacity This parameter specifies the maximum number of active users that is allowed in acell. N.A. Integer 0 800 1 N.A. system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity -LR13.3 LR13.3

m ax Nb rO fD at aB ea re rs Pe rQ ci Gr ou p R ad io Ca cC el l < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Rad io Ca cC el l> 3 n one Radio ResourceManagement

Congestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity his parameterspeciies the maximum numbero databearers thatare allowed oreachQCI group inacell. Itshould be unsetif the corresponding QCI group is notdefined.

Integer 0 4000 1 N.A. system_restricted L115233 eNB SW Capacity Targets LA5.0

max Nb r Of P re s el e ct e dTTIB u nd l in gU s er s TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the maximum numberof TTI Bundling users thatcanbe pre-selected foruplinkdynamic scheduling in anygivenTTI.

N.A. Integer 0 31 2 system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

m ax Nb rO fR RC Co nn ec te dU se rs Pe rE nb R ad io Ca cE nb < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <R rm Se rv ic es >- <R ad io Ca cE nb > 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion, Radio admission control and eNB capacity This parameter specifies the maximum number of RRC connections the eNB controller can support. N.A. Integer 0 7200 1 N.A. system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity -LR13.3 LR13.3

max Nb r Of TTIb un d li n gU s er s TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the maximum numberof users withaTTI bundling configurationthatcanbe supportedinthe cell.

Integer 1 200 1 10 system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

maxNbrOfUsers RadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion, Radio admission control and eNB capacity This parameter specifies the maximum number of users allowed to be active on the cell. Integer 0 1000 1 N.A. system_restricted L115233 eNB SW Capacity Targets LA5.0

m ax Nb rOf Us ers ForS tret chi ngP Hl im it E nbR adi oC onf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< EnbR adi oC onf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This UL schedulerparameterdescribes the maximum allowed numberof active users inthe cell forto givemore PRB thanis allowed according to the UEs powerheadroom limitation.This threshold restricts the use ofthis branchof the scheduleralgorithm to cases where the numberof users is low and thus there is no riskofhitting CPUprocessing issue.This also corresponds to scenarios where the extralogic is mostlikelyto bring acellperformance gain.

users Integer 0 16 1 4 system_restricted


R ad ioC acE nb < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Rr mS ervi ces >-<R adi oC ac Enb > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the maximum numberof users thatmaybe off-loaded bypreventive load control.If the parameteris unset,thenthe numberof users whichmaybe off-loaded is notlimited.

N.A. Integer 1 1000 N.A. system_restricted L115223 Inter-freq Load Balancing T/LA6.0


R ad ioC acE nb < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Rr mS ervi ces >-<R adi oC ac Enb > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the maximum numberof users thatmaybe involved inreactive load control.Animpacted usermaybe off-loaded,ormaybe subjectto bearerrelease.

Integer 1 1000 1 N.A. system_restricted L114539.1 Congestion Management at Call Admission LA4.0

maxNbrOfVoip RadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the maximum numberof VoIP bearers intotalforacell. Italso allows disabling VoIPcallhandling inthe eNB.

N.A. Integer 0 400 1 N.A. system_restricted L115233 eNB SW Capacity Targets LA5.0

maxNbrULF SUsers CellL2ULConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL2ULConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the maximum numberof users thatcanbe managed bythe UL FrequencySelectivescheduler.

Integer 0 600 1 20 system_restricted L90853 Frequency diverse scheduling LA3.0

m ax No is eP lu sI nt er fe re nc eL ev el UL U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f> 3 n on eRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies the upperbound of estimated UL noise and interference levelabove whichFPC(fractionalpowercontrol)canfailto workproperly.It is used onlybyWPS and OMC inthis release.Note:The real-time actualUL noise and interference levelshould be equalto  p0NominalPUSCH+ (pUSCHPowerControlAlphaFactor-1)*pathLossNominal-uplinkSIRtarget ValueForDynamic PUSCHscheduli ng --(1)Whenone ormore of the parameters is changed resulting ina mismatchbetweenthe received SINR and theexpectation,the cellrequests the UE to adjustits Tx power,effectivelymaking the equationvalid forwhatever 

the noise and interference levelthe UE is experiencing atthe moment. Certainvalues orcombinationofvalues,however,maycause problems (forexample if p0NominalPUSCHis too large,itcancause excessiveinterference to neighbors).Thus it is importantthat


dBm Integer -113 -103 1 -108 system_restricted L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

m ax Nu mA lt So O ne XR tt Mo bi li ty Pa ra me te rs<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttMobilityParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies the maximum numberof alternative service options defined inC.R1001-G -See3GPP2 C.S0005.

N.A. Integer 0 7 1 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

m ax Nu mb er Of Ca ll Pe rE no de B R ad io Ca cE nb < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Rr mS er vi ce s> -< Ra di oC ac En b> 3 n oneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion, Radio admission control and eNB capacity This parameter specifies the maximum number of active users that are allowed per eNodeB. N.A. Integer 0 6000 1 N.A. system_restricted L115233 eNB SW Capacity Targets LA5.0


Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Mobility evolved multi-carrier traffic allocation eMCTAThis parameterspecifies the maximum numberof CDMA channels thatcanbe configured in measurementsforCS Fallbackto CDMA 1xRTT. This parametershallbe set whenisEnhancedCsfbTo1XRttAllowed=true or isRel8CsfbTo1XRttMeasurementBasedAllowed=true.

N.A. Integer 1 6 1 customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

maxNumberOfMPEiterations EnbRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter represents the maximum number of MPE iterations allowed in one TTI. iterations Integer 1 16 1 6 system_restricted

maxNumberOfUEPreSelectedperTTI CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the maximum numberof UE whichcan be pre-selected foragivenTTI for schedulinginthe SCell.

N.A. Integer 1 5 1 4 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

maxNumberOfUEScheduledPerTTI CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies the maximum number of UE which can be scheduled f or agiven TTI in the SCell. N.A. Integer 1 5 1 2 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

m ax Re fS ig Po we r T xP ow er Dy na mi cR ang e<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SimoResources>-<PowerOffsetConfiguration>-<TxPowerDynamicRange>

3 noneRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies the upperbound of referenceSignalPowerabove whichthe cells RRH/TRDUwillnotoperate properlyand ACLR (adjacentchannelleakage ratio)levelis strictlylimited byFCC and ETSIregulations.The value is derived from the powersettings of the celland managed byALUTemplates.

WARNING:The maximum absolute powerperRE shallnotbe exceeded.This parametershallnotbechanged withoutanagreementfrom ALU.

dBm Integer -10 40 1 N.A. eng_tunable L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

m ax Re po rt Ce ll s R ep or tC on fi gC DM A2 00 0<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigCDMA2000>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto HRPD RRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE maxReportCells included inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT inthe MeasConfigIE.See TS36.331.

N.A. Integer 1 8 1 2 customer_settable L84876Enhancementof LTE-to-HRPD Mobility-redirectionwitheHRPD measurement(Restricted test forSingleReceiverUE)


m ax Re po rtC el ls R ep ort Co nf ig EUT RA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigEUTRA>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterconfigures the RRC IE maxReportCells included inthe IE reportConfigEUTRA intheMeasurementConfigurationIE.See 3GPP 36.331.

Integer 1 8 1 N.A. customer_settable L103792Intra-LTE Inter-FrequencyMobilityforFDD<->FDDand TDD<->TDD


m ax Re po rtC el ls R ep ort Co nf ig GE RAN<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigGERAN>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterspecifies the maximum numberof cells,excluding the serving cell,to include inthemeasurementreport.This is used to provisionIE MaxReportCells inIE ReportConfigInterRAT,inIEMeasConfig.

Integer 1 8 1 N.A. customer_settable L92026 CS Fallback to GERAN for Voice Calls LA3.0

m ax Re po rtC el ls R ep ort Co nf ig UT RA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigUTRA>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE maxReportCells included inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT inthe MeasConfigIE.See TS36.331.

N.A. Integer 1 8 1 N.A. customer_settable L92025 CS Fallback to UTRA(WCDMA) for Voice Calls LA3.0


C el lL2 DL Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL2 DL Co nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic Re sourc e A ll oc at io nand Pack et Sc he dul ing T his param et er contro ls the maxi mum numb er of PR B that coul d be al lo cat ed fo rS PS in a gi ve ns ub-f ram e. I nteg er 1 10 0 1 50 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 11 45 31 .1 V oL TE Sol uti on fo rF ie ld Tri al Ap pl icat io ns L A4. 0

m ax Re tx Th re sh ol dd ow nl in k R lc Am Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <R lc Co nf >- <R lc Am Co nf > 3 n on e L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterspecifies the maximum numberof downlinkARQ retransmissions allowed.Whentheretransmissions counterof a PDUexceeds this threshold,the RLC considers thatRLC re-establishmentisrequired and Call-Processing is notified,as per TS 36.322.

reTx Enumerate t1(0), t2(1), t3(2), t4(3), t6(4), t8(5), t16(6), t32(7) t32 system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

m ax Re tx Th re sh ol du pl in k R lc Am Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< De di ca te dC on f> -< Rl cC on f> -< Rl cA mC on f> 3 n one L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterspecifies the maximum numberof UL ARQ retransmissions allowed onthe UL.Whentheretransmissioncounterof a PDUexceeds this threshold,the UE triggers arequestforRLC re-establishmentprocedure,as per TS 36.322.

reTx Enumerate t1(0), t2(1), t3(2), t4(3), t6(4), t8(5), t16(6), t32(7) t16 system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

max S IR t ar g et For Fra c ti o na l Po we r Ct r l U LP o we rC o nt r ol C on f < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < UL P ow er C on t ro l Co nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource


This parametersets the maximum SIR targetfor UL PUSCHwhenFractionalPowerControlis enabled.Theparametershould be set to ensure thatthe SIR targetdoes notexceed the SINR requirements forthe leastprotected MCS.

dB Float -5 25 0.1 10 system_restricted

m ax SI Rt ar ge tS PS Co rr ec ti on Va lu e U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource


This parametercontrols the maximum SIR targetcorrectionvalue thatis allowed to be applied by the UL SPSBLER control loop. dB Float -10 10 0.1 10 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0



2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the numberof SPS Activations to be sentbefore deciding to declare SPS Activationfailure.

Integer 0 5 3 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0



2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the maximum size of the list of users candidate forUL SPS activation.The purpose ofthis parameteris mostlyCPU processing load control.

Integer 0 120 20 system_restricted L115239.1 Voice Over LTE for Commercial Launches LA5.0





2 partialRadio Resource


Dynamic Resource Allocationand PacketSchedulingThis parametercontrols the maximum numberof UL SPS Activationgrants thatcanbe sentto aUE withoutgetting anyconfirmationof the activationof this grant.Whenthe limitis reached,the uplinkschedulerinitiates

anSPS release procedure.

Integer 1 20 1 5 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0



2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the numberof SPS releases to be sentbefore deciding to declare SPS releasefailure.

Integer 0 10 3 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0


Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies the maximum time the eNodeB canwaitto receive measurementreport(s)for 1xCSFB.This parametershallbe setwhenisEnhancedCsfbTo1XRttAllowed=true or isRel8CsfbTo1XRttMeasurementBasedAllowed=true.

ms Integer 300 1200 300 customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1


Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies the maximum time the eNodeB canwaitfor UE re-establishmentafteraMobilityFromEUTRACommand forCSFB to 1xRTT.This parametershallbe setwhenisEnhancedCsfbTo1XRttAllowed=true.

ms Integer 1 12000 11000 customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

maxTimeAllowedForCsfbMobilityAttempt E nb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies the maximum time the eNodeB candedicate to attempting aPS Handover,aCellChange Orderora Handoverto CDMA 1XRTT foraCS Fallbackrequest.Whenthis time period elapses,theeNodeB triggers a redirection.

ms Integer 500 4000 1200 customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

maxTransportFiberDelayLengthCategory E NBEquipment <ENBEquipment> 2 partialMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameterconfigures the transportdelaycategorysupported bythe eNodeB interms of fiberlength.For 

eachcellof the eNodeB,fiberlength=(1-wayfiberlengthbetweenbase unitand radio unit)+(1-wayantennapathdelay)*(1km /5 us)mustbe in the range specified bythe transportfiberdelaylengthcategory.The values are:-tenKm:fiberlength= 0..10 km-fifteenKm:fiberlength= 5..15 km.-twentyKm:fiberlength=0...20km.

N.A. Enumerate tenKm (1), fifteenKm (2),twentyKm(3) tenKm customer_settable L115158LTE RRH AntennaCross ConnectCapabilitySupportinLA4.0.1


max UL V oI P da ta Ra t eFo rTTI Bu nd l in g TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the threshold interms of uplinkdatarate associated to the VoIP service to decidewhetheraVoIP callcanbe considered candidate forTTI Bundling configurationornot.When2 VoIP bearersare configured,the sum orthe max of the rates is compared againstthe threshold (depending onthe value ofthe tBScombinat ionMethodSPSUl parameter).

Note thatthe uplinkVoIP datarate is calculated bymodem, taking into accountthe RoHC activationstatus andS1-AP GBR info forthe VoIP bearer(s).

bits/s Integer 1 65536 1 12200 system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1



2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the maximum VoIP uplinkthroughputthreshold used to allowthe activationof uplinkSPS grant.

Kbits/s Float 0 128 0.1 12.7 system_restricted L115239.1 Voice Over LTE for Commercial Launches LA5.0

mbmsExcessDataThrHigh LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none LTE Air Interface Layer 2

This parameteris anaverage ratio.The excess dataratio is the amountof datathatcould notbe scheduled yetbecause itwas received too early,divided bythe amountof datathatcanbe transmitted during one schedulingperiod.Whenthis threshold is reached for1 bearerinthe cell the MBMS failure alarm is raised indicating theworstbearerinerror.This conditionindicates thatthe packetdelayestimated bythe BM-SC and used to time-stamp the IP datagrams is too high.

% Integer 0 100 1 50 system_restricted L115527eMBMS trialsupport(eMBMS services configured byOAMcommand)


mbmsExcessDataThrLow LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none LTE Air Interface Layer 2This parameteris the alarm clearing threshold forthe excess dataratio.Whenallbearers are underthisexcess ratio threshold and have loss rates lowerorequalto mbmsPacketLossThrLow,the MBMS failure alarmis cleared.

% Integer 0 100 1 25 system_restricted L115527eMBMS trialsupport(eMBMS services configured byOAMcommand)


mbmsPacketLossThrHigh LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none LTE Air Interface Layer 2This parameteris apercentage of MBMS packetloss fora bearerinthe cell(packets from BMSC - packetstransmitted onair)/. Whenthis threshold is reached for1 bearerinthe cellthe MBMS failure alarm is raisedindicating the worstbearerinerror.

% Integer 1 100 1 5 system_restricted L115527eMBMS trialsupport(eMBMS services configured byOAMcommand)


Page 18: lte parameter description

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


mbmsPacketLossThrLow LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none LTE Air Interface Layer 2This parameteris apercentage of MBMS packetloss.Whenallbearers have loss rates lowerorequalto thisthreshold and allbearers are underthe excess datathreshold,the MBMS failure alarm is cleared.

% Integer 0 99 1 1 system_restricted L115527eMBMS trialsupport(eMBMS services configured byOAMcommand)


m bm sRe po rte d P er form anc eManage ment < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Perf orm anc eManage ment > 3 no neMiscellaneousFeatures and


P erf orm anc e Mo nit ori ng Param ete rs T his param et er spe ci fi es whethe r, or not ,t he gro up of co unt er s rel ate d to MB MS is sel ec ted to be rep orte d. N.A . B ool ean f al se s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 10 31 75 .1 P erf orm ance Counte rM anag em ent Sup po rt on eNB L A4. 0

m bm sS erv ic eAr eaI dLi st Mc eMbs fnA re a < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Mc e> -<Mc eMb sf nS ync hro Are a>-< Mc eMbs fnA re a> 3 no ne C al lManage ment E nhance d Mul ti med ia Broad cas tMul ti cast Se rvi ce e MB MS T his param et er spe cif ie s the l is to f MB MS S ervi ce A rea id ent it ies f or the MB SF NA re a. N.A . I nteg er 0 6 55 35 (0 ) c us to mer_ ini t L1 15 26 2eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated ineNB)


mbsfnAreaId MceMbsfnArea <ENBEquipment>-<Mce>-<MceMbsfnSynchroArea>-<MceMbsfnArea> N.A. none Call Management Enhanced Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service eMBMS This parameter identifies the MBSFN area at the creation. N.A. Integer 0 255 1 0 customer_init 158990eMBMS 3GPP Rel9 withdistributed MCE (integratedineNB)


m bs fn Ar ea Na me M ce Mb sf nA re a < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <M ce >- <M ce Mb sf nS yn ch ro Ar ea >- <M ce Mb sf nA re a> 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt E nh an ce d M ul ti me di a Br oa dc as t Mu lt ic as t Se rv ic e e MB MSThis parameteris afree name forthe MBSFN Area.This parametercanbe unset,itis justas administrative field notused bythe system.

N.A. String 1 64 mbsfnAreaName customer_init L115262eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated ineNB)


mb sf n Ar ea P ar ti t io n Rf L is t Mc eMbs f nA r ea < E NB E qu ip men t> - <Mc e> - <Mc eMb sf n Sy nc h ro A re a >- < Mc e Mb s fn A re a> 3 n o ne C al l Man ag e me nt E n ha nc e d Mul t ime di a B ro ad c as t Mul t ic a st S e rv i ce e MBMS

This parameterspecifies the second dimensionof a matrixhaving 2 dimensions.The matrixrepresents theeMBMS radio resources partitioned forthe MBSFN Area.This parameterallows choosing one orseveralradioframes and thenthe selected radio frames willcontainthe eMBMS sub frames specified bythe other parametermbsfnAreaPartitionSfListbelonging to the objectMceMbsfnArea.This parametercanbe unset,whichmeans thatallthe range is selected.

N.A. Enumerate rf0(0), rf1(1), rf2(2), rf3(3), rf4(4), rf5(5), rf6(6), rf7(7) N.A. customer_init L115262eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated ineNB)


mb sf n Ar ea P ar ti t io n Sf L is t Mc eMbs f nA r ea < E NB E qu ip men t> - <Mc e> - <Mc eMb sf n Sy nc h ro A re a >- < Mc e Mb s fn A re a> 3 n o ne C al l Man ag e me nt E n ha nc e d Mul t ime di a B ro ad c as t Mul t ic a st S e rv i ce e MBMS

This parameterspecifies the firstdimensionof a matrixhaving 2 dimensions.The matrixrepresents theeMBMS radio resources partitioned forthe MBSFNArea.The dimensionrepresented bythis parameteris thelistof sub frames whichcanbe used foreMBMS inside radio frame.This listrespects the 3GPP definitioninterm of sub frames thatcanbe used for eMBMS and whichis:  ForFDD:Starting from the firstgroup and from the first/leftmostbitin the group the allocationapplies tosubframes 1,2,3 ,6,7 and 8.  ForTDD:Starting from the firstgroup and from the first/leftmostbitin the group the allocationapplies to

subframes 3,4,7, 8,and 9.This parametercanbe unset,whichmeans thatallthe range is selected.

N.A. Enumerate sf1(0), sf2(1), sf3(2), sf6(3), sf7(4), sf8(5) N.A. customer_init L115262eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated ineNB)


m bs fn Ar ea Po ol ed Rf Li st M ce Mb sf nS yn ch ro Ar ea < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <M ce >- <M ce Mb sf nS yn ch ro Ar ea > 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt E nh an ce d M u lt im ed ia B ro ad ca st M ul ti ca st S er vi ce e MB MS

This parameterspecifies the second dimensionof a matrixhaving 2 dimensions.The matrixrepresents thepoolof eMBMS radio resources shared betweentwo MBSFNAreas whichcohabitona cell.This parameter 

allows choosing one orseveralradio frames and thenthe selected radio frames will containthe eMBMS subframes specified bythe otherparametermbsfnAreaPooledSfListbelonging to the objectMceMbsfnSynchroArea.If this parameteris unsetwhile the parametermbsfnAreaPooledSfListis set,thatmeans allthe radio range isselected.If this parameterand mbsfnAreaPooledSfListparameterare bothunset,thatmeans there is no pool,noselection.

N.A. Enumerate rf0(0), rf1(1), rf2(2), rf3(3), rf4(4), rf5(5), rf6(6), rf7(7) N.A. customer_init L115262eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated in


m bs fn Ar ea Po ol ed Sf Li st M ce Mb sf nS yn ch ro Ar ea < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <M ce >- <M ce Mb sf nS yn ch ro Ar ea > 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt E nh an ce d M u lt im ed ia B ro ad ca st M ul ti ca st S er vi ce e MB MS

This parameterspecifies the firstdimensionof a matrixhaving 2 dimensions.The matrixrepresents the poolofeMBMS radio resources shared betweentwo MBSFNAreas whichcohabitonacell.The dimensionrepresented bythis parameteris the listof sub frames whichcanbe used foreMBMS inside radio frame.Thislistrespects the 3GPP definitioninterm of sub frames thatcan be used foreMBMS and whichis:  ForFDD:Starting from the firstgroup and from the first/leftmostbitin the group the allocationapplies tosubframes 1,2,3 ,6,7 and 8.  ForTDD:Starting from the firstgroup and from the first/leftmostbitin the group the allocationapplies to

subframes 3,4,7, 8,and 9.If this parameteris unsetwhile the parametermbsfnAreaPooledRfListis set,thatmeans allthe subframesrange is selected.If this parameterand mbsfnAreaPooledRfListparameterare bothunset,thatmeans there is no pool,noselection.

N.A. Enumerate sf1(0), sf2(1), sf3(2), sf6(3), sf7(4), sf8(5) N.A. customer_init L115262eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated ineNB)


mb sf n Ar ea S yn c hr oP a tt e rn R fL i st Mc eMbs f nS y nc h ro A re a < E NB E qu ip men t> - <Mc e> - <Mc eMb sf n Sy nc h ro A re a > 3 n o ne C al l Man ag e me nt E n ha nc e d Mul t ime di a B ro ad c as t Mul t ic a st S e rv i ce e MBMS

This parameterspecifies the second dimensionof a matrixhaving 2 dimensions.The matrixrepresents theeMBMS radio resources patternatsynchronizationArealevelthatcanbe used by the sessions of the MBSFNSynchronizationArea.This matrixallows differentiating the unicastpartfrom the multicastpart.This parameterallows choosing one orseveralradio frames and thenthe selected radio frames willcontaintheeMBMS sub frames specified bythe otherparametermbsfnAreaSynchroPatternSfListbelonging to the objectMceMbsfnSynchroArea.If this parameteris unsetwhile the parametermbsfnAreaSynchroPatternSfListis set, thatmeans allthe radiorange is selected.If this parameterand mbsfnAreaSynchroPatternSfListparameterare bothunset,thatmeans there is nosynchronizationpatterndefined.

N.A. Enumerate rf0(0), rf1(1), rf2(2), rf3(3), rf4(4), rf5(5), rf6(6), rf7(7) N.A. customer_init L115262eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated ineNB)


mb sf n Ar ea S yn c hr oP a tt e rn S fL i st Mc eMbs f nS y nc h ro A re a < E NB E qu ip men t> - <Mc e> - <Mc eMb sf n Sy nc h ro A re a > 3 n o ne C al l Man ag e me nt E n ha nc e d Mul t ime di a B ro ad c as t Mul t ic a st S e rv i ce e MBMS

This parameterspecifies the firstdimensionof a matrixhaving 2 dimensions.The matrixrepresents theeMBMS radio resources patternatsynchronizationArealevelthatcanbe used by the sessions of the MBSFNSynchronizationArea.This matrixallows differentiating the unicastpartfrom the multicastpart.The dimensionrepresented bythis parameteris the listof sub frames whichcanbe used foreMBMS inside radio frame.Thislistrespects the 3GPP definitioninterm of sub frames thatcan be used foreMBMS and whichis:  ForFDD:Starting from the firstgroup and from the first/leftmostbitin the group the allocationapplies tosubframes 1,2,3 ,6,7 and 8.  ForTDD:Starting from the firstgroup and from the first/leftmostbitin the group the allocationapplies to

subframes 3,4,7, 8,and 9.If this parameteris unsetwhile the parametermbsfnAreaSynchroPatternRfListis set, thatmeans allthesubframes range is selected.If this parameterand mbsfnAreaSynchroPatternRfListparameterare both unset,thatmeans there is nosynchronizationpatterndefined.

N.A. Enumerate sf1(0), sf2(1), sf3(2), sf6(3), sf7(4), sf8(5) N.A. customer_init L115262eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated ineNB)


m bs fn Sy nc hr oA re aI d M ce Mb sf nS yn ch ro Ar ea < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <M ce >- <M ce Mb sf nS yn ch ro Ar ea > N .A . n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt E nh an ce d M u lt im ed ia B ro ad ca st M ul ti ca st S er vi ce e MB MSThis parameteridentifies the MBSFN SynchronizationAreaidentityatthe MBSFN synchronizationareacreation.

N.A. Integer 0 65535 1 0 customer_init 158990e G e l w it h d is t ri b ut e d C ( i nt e gr at edineNB)


m bs fn Sy nc hr oA re aN am e M ce Mb sf nS yn ch ro Ar ea < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <M ce >- <M ce Mb sf nS yn ch ro Ar ea > 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt E nh an ce d M ul ti me di a Br oa dc as t Mu lt ic as t Se rv ic e e MB MSThis parameteris afree name forthe MBSFNSynchronizationArea.This parametercanbe unset,itis justas administrative field notused bythe system.

N.A. String 1 64mbsfnSynchroAreaNa

me c us to me r_ ini t L 11 52 62

eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated ineNB)


mcc OneXRttMobilityParameters<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttMobilityParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC

This parameterspecifies the Mobile CountryCode (MCC)provided to UE in MobilityParameters -See 3GPP2

C.S0005.999 value correspond to wildcard MCC.

BcdString 3 3 999 customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

mcchModificationPeriod Mce <ENBEquipment>-<Mce> 3 none Call Management Enhanced Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service eMBMS

This parameterdefines periodicallyappearing boundaries,radio frames for whichSFNmod mcch-

ModificationPeriod =0, The contents of differenttransmissions of MCCHinformationcanonlybe differentifthere is at leastone suchboundaryin-betweenthem.

Enumerate rf512(0), rf1024(1) rf512 customer_init L115527eMBMS trialsupport(eMBMS services configured byOAMcommand)


mc ch R ep e ti t io n Pe ri o d Mc eMbs f nA r ea < E NB E qu ip men t> - <Mc e> - <Mc eMb sf n Sy nc h ro A re a >- < Mc e Mb s fn A re a> 3 n o ne C al l Man ag e me nt E n ha nc e d Mul t ime di a B ro ad c as t Mul t ic a st S e rv i ce e MBMSThis parameterspecifies the interval,inradio frames,betweentransmissions of MCCHinformation.The value rf32 corresponds to 32 radio frames,rf64 corresponds to 64 radio frames and so on.

N.A. Enumerate rf32(0), rf64(1), rf128(2), rf256(3) rf128 customer_init L115262eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated ineNB)


mceActionOverloadControl Mce <ENBEquipment>-<Mce> 3 none Call Management Enhanced Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service eMBMSThis parameterallows selecting the actions made bythe MCE whenthe eNB leaves the criticalstate.The bothpossible actions depends onthe MME capabilityand are the following:ShutdownconnectionSCTP orSend aM3 RESET.

N.A. Enumerate ShutdownSCTP(0), M3RESET(1) ShutdownSCTP customer_init 167219 eMBMS commercial (step2) LR13.3

mceId Mce <ENBEquipment>-<Mce> N.A. none Call Management E nhanced Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service eMBMS T his parameter identifies the MCE at the creation. N.A. Integer 0 65535 1 0 customer_init 158990e G e l w it h d is t ri b ut e d C ( i nt e gr at edineNB)


mceName Mce <ENBEquipment>-<Mce> 3 none Call Management Enhanced Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service eMBMSThis parameter specifie s the name of the Mce.This parametercanbe unset,itis justas administrative field notused bythe system.

N.A. String 1 64 mceName customer_init L115262eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated ineNB)


mc eQ o sTo Mc s Pr o fi l eI d Mc eMbs f nA r ea < E NB E qu ip men t> - <Mc e> - <Mc eMb sf n Sy nc h ro A re a >- < Mc e Mb s fn A re a> 3 n o ne C al l Man ag e me nt E n ha nc e d Mul t ime di a B ro ad c as t Mul t ic a st S e rv i ce e MBMSThis parameterallows aMBSFN Areato pointona eMBMS MCS mapping profile.The parametercanbe unsetwhichmeans thatthe eNodeB willtake the internalMCE to MCS mapping table ratherthanthe one whichhasbeenprovisioned.

ServiceLink N.A. customer_init 167219 eMBMS commercial (step2) LR13.3

mceQoSToMcsProfilName MceQosToMcsProfile <ENBEquipment>-<Mce>-<MceQosT oMcsProfile> 3 none Call Management Enhanced Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service eMBMS This parameter specifies the name of the profile to be used for eMBMS MCS mapping table. String 1 30 N.A. customer_init 167219 eMBMS commercial (step2) LR13.3

m ce Re port ed P er form anc eManage ment < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Perf orm anc eManage ment > 3 no neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring Parameters This parameter specifies whether, or not, the group of counters related to Mce is selected to be reported. N.A. Boolean false system_reserved L115262eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated in


m ch Sc he du li ng Pe ri od M ce Su pp or te dQ ci < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <M ce >- <M ce Su pp or te dQ ci > 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt E nh an ce d M ul ti me di a Br oa dc as t Mu lt ic as t Se rv ic e e MB MS T hi s p ar am et er s pe ci fi es t he i nt er na l de la y to b e u se d f or e MB MS d at a tr an sm is si on . N .A . E nu me ra terf8(0),rf16(1),rf32(2),rf64(3),rf128(4),rf256(5),rf512(6),rf1024(7)

rf8 customer_init L115262eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated ineNB)



C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterrepresents the correctionused whendoing the MCS selectionforaPUSCHgrantcontaining anA-CQI reportforacallcurrentlyusing the HigherBLER setpoint.

dB Float 0 5 0.1 3 system_restricted L101841 VoIP in Dynamic Scheduler LA3.0


C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterrepresents the correctionused whendoing the MCS selectionforaPUSCHgrantcontaining anA-CQI reportforacallcurrentlyusing the LowerBLER setpoint.

dB Float 0 5 0.1 2 system_restricted L101841 VoIP in Dynamic Scheduler LA3.0


C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteris atable comprising 4 elements,containing the corrections to make the MCS decisionmoreconservative N*8ms before aRACHmsg1 or 3 event.The firstelementcorresponds to N=1,the second toN=2,and so on..This table is used whenthe UE is managed withthe higherBLER setpoint.

dB Float 0 5 0.1 (2,1,1,0.5) system_restricted L104823OP PUCCHenhancement(increase active userfrom20 inLA2.0 to higher)



1or3ForLowerBLERSetpoint C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 2 parti al

Radio Resource

Management Dynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteris atable comprising 4 elements,containing the corrections to make the MCS decisionmore

conservative N*8ms before aRACHmsg1 or 3 event.The firstelementcorresponds to N=1,the second toN=2,and so on..This table is used whenthe UE is managed withthe lowerBLER setpoint. dB Float 0 5 0.1 (2,1,1,0.5) system_restricted L104823

OP PUCCHenhancement(increase active userfrom

20 inLA2.0 to higher) LA3.0

mC c o r re c ti o n o r C Q I i n i g he r L c a se

C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

his parameterspeciies the correctionused whendoing the C selectionor a C grantcontaining anP-CQI/P-RI reportforacallcurrentlyusing the HigherBLER set point.

dB Float 0 5 0.1 3 system_restricted L101841 VoIP in Dynamic Scheduler LA3.0


C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the correctionused whendoing the MCS selectionfora PUSCHgrantcontaining aP-CQI/P-RI reportforacallcurrentlyusing the LowerBLER setpoint.

dB Float 0 5 0.1 2 system_restricted L101841 VoIP in Dynamic Scheduler LA3.0

m CS co rr ec ti onF or Sm al lU LP ac ke ts C el lR ad io Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Ra di oC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the correctionused whendoing the MCS selectionfora PUSCHgrantforasmallpacketonly(as perSmallPktPuschPRBThrcriteria).

dB Float 0 5 0.1 3 system_restricted L90853 Frequency diverse scheduling LA3.0

m cs Tr an si ti on Ta bl eB le r1 M ce Qo sT oM cs Pr of il e < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <M ce >- <M ce Qo sT oM cs Pr of il e> 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt E nh an ce d M ul ti me di a Br oa dc as t Mu lt ic as t Se rv ic e e MB MSThis parameterspecifies the listof SINR thatis used by the MCE to determine whichMCS shallbe used inaMBSFNareafortargetBLER 1%.The first entryis the SINR forthe transitionfrom MCS0 to MCS1,secondentrytransitionfrom MCS1 to MCS2 and so on.

dB Float -10 30 0.5 <Null> customer_init 167219 eMBMS commercial (step2) LR13.3

m cs Tr an si ti on Ta bl eB le r1 0 M ce Qo sT oM cs Pr of il e < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <M ce >- <M ce Qo sT oM cs Pr of il e> 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt E nh an ce d M ul ti me di a Br oa dc as t Mu lt ic as t Se rv ic e e MB MSThis parameterspecifies the listof SINR thatis used by the MCE to determine whichMCS shallbe used inaMBSFNareafortargetBLER 10%.The firstentryis the SINR forthe transitionfrom MCS0 to MCS1,secondentrytransitionfrom MCS1 to MCS2 and so on.

dB Float -10 30 0.5 <Null> customer_init 167219 eMBMS commercial (step2) LR13.3

m cs Tr an si ti on Ta bl eB le r5 M ce Qo sT oM cs Pr of il e < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <M ce >- <M ce Qo sT oM cs Pr of il e> 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt E nh an ce d M ul ti me di a Br oa dc as t Mu lt ic as t Se rv ic e e MB MSThis parameterspecifies the listof SINR thatis used by the MCE to determine whichMCS shallbe used inaMBSFNareafortargetBLER 5%. The firstentryis the SINR forthe transitionfrom MCS0 to MCS1,secondentrytransitionfrom MCS1 to MCS2 and so on.

dB Float -10 30 0.5 <Null> customer_init 167219 eMBMS commercial (step2) LR13.3

m ea sO bj ec tL in k M ea su re me nt Id en ti ty Co nf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<MeasurementIdentityConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterrefers to the instance of the MeasObjectMO thatis considered whenthe UE is configured withthe measurementconf igured bythe instance of the MO MeasurementIde ntityConf.

ServiceLink N.A. customer_init L96760 eNB Configuration Update Enhancements LA2.0

me as Q ua nt i ty C DMA 20 0 0 R r cMea s ur eme nt C on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto HRPD RRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigure s the IE QuantityConfigCDMA2000::m easQuantityCDMA2 000 inIE QuantityConfigwhere the measurementquantityis used forCDMA2000 measurements.The choice ofpilotPnPhaseAndPilotStrengthis onlyapplicable forMeasObjectCDMA2000 of cdma2000-Type =type1XRTT.See TS36.331.This parametershallbe set whenHRPD measurements are needed.This parameteris notused for CS Fallbackto 1xRTT measurementconfiguration.ForCS Fallback,measQuantityCDMA2000 is forced to pilotPnPhaseAndPilotStrength,whichis the only possible option.

E num erate pi lot St reng th(0 ), pi lot PnP has eA ndP il ot St re ng th(1 ) p il otS tre ngt h s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 84 87 6Enhancementof LTE-to-HRPD Mobility-redirectionwitheHRPD measurement(Restricted test forSingleReceiverUE)


m ea sQ ua nt it yG ER AN R rc Me as ur em en tC on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameter configures the IE QuantityConfigGERAN in IE QuantityConfig. Enumerate rssi(0) N.A. customer_settable L84807EUTRA-to-GERANInter-RAT Mobility--CellReselectionand Redirection


m ea sQ ua nt it yU tr aF dd R rc Me as ur em en tC on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-

<RrcMeasurementConf>3 none Mobility

EUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode Mobility


This parameterconf igures the IE measQuantityUTRA-FD D of the QuantityConfigUTRA SEQUENCE

{measQuantityUTRA-FDD,measQuantityUTRA-TDD,filterCoefficient}.N.A. Enumerate cpichRSCP(0), cpichEcN0(1) N.A. customer_settable L76498

EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cell

reselelctionand RedirectionLA2.0

m ea su re dB yA NR L te Ne ig hb or in gC el lR el at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<LteNeighboringCellRelation>

N.A. none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This attribute indicates if the neighborrelationhas beenmeasured overthe air bythe ANR function.It allowseasyidentificationof the neighborrelations thathave been confirmed ordiscovered byANR feature.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L108172 Full Support of Intra-LTE ANR LA3.0

m ea su re dB yA nr U tr aF dd Ne ig hb or in gC el lR el at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>-<UtraFddNeighboringCellRelation>

N.A. none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This attribute indicates whetherthe neighborrelationhas beenmeasured overthe airbythe ANR function.Itallows easyidentificationof the neighborrelations thathave beenconfirmed ordiscovered by the ANR feature.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L108084.1 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA4.0

Page 19: lte parameter description

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


me as u re men tB a nd w id t h L t eN e ig hb o ri n gFr eq C on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameteris expressed as the numberof resource blocks.Itis also referred to as TransmissionBandwidthConfigurationNRB inTS 36.101.Itis broadcastinSystemInformationBlockType3 (Intra-frequency)/Type5 (Inter-frequency)and is also used inthe RRCConnectionR econfiguration message, including during HO throughRRC ConnectionReco nfigurationmessage.See TS 36.331.


N .A . s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 97 93 3Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


me as u re men tG ap s Pa tt e rn R r cMea s ur eme nt C on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y e vo lv ed m ul ti -c ar ri er t ra ff ic a ll oc at io n eM CT AThis parameterspecifies the gap length,MGL,and the gap repetitionperiod,MGRP,as defined in TS 36.133,formobilityfeatures.Note thatforCS Fallbackpurposes,the eNodeB maychoose to use the PatternId 0.

E num erate le ngt h6 ms _p eri od4 0m s(0 ), le ngt h6 ms _p eri od8 0m s(1) N.A . c us to mer_ set tabl e L 93 27 0 Meas ure me nt Gaps M anag em ent L A3. 0

measurementIdentityConfIdList RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur eshis parameterreers to the instance o easurementIdentityCon O thatmustbe considered whenthe is

handled onthe serving cell(s).ServiceLink N.A. customer_init L115225 EUTRAN Standard Alignment LR13.1

me as u re men tP u rp o se Me as ur e me nt I de n ti t yC o nf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<MeasurementIdentityConf>

3 n one M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it yP ro ce du re s T hi s p ar am et er c on fi gu re s t he p ur po se o f t hi s m ea su re me nt re po rt in g. E nu me ra te

Mobility-Intra-Freq (0),Mobility-Inter-RAT-to-HRPD (1),Automatic-Neig hbor-Relation (2),Report-CGI (3),Leaving-Coverage-Alarm (4),Entering-Coverage-Alarm (5),


N.A. customer_init L103896

ECID locationmethod and LPP/LPPalocation

controlplane protocolsupportforCommercialDeployment


mechanicalTilt Ret <ENBEquipment>-<Ret> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameteris the operator-provided value forthe antennapanelfixed mechanicaltiltsetat antennainstallationtime. 0 is horizontal,positive values indicate tiltdownfrom horizontal.

deg Float -90 90 0.1 0.1 customer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

mechanicalTilt RetSubunit <ENBEquipment>-<Ret>-<RetSubunit> 3 none


Features andParameters Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameteris setby the operatoratcommissioning orwhenthe antennapanelwas installed. The

parameterdisplays value forthe fixed mechanicalantennapanelthatwas setatantennainstallationtime.0 ishorizontal,positive values indicate tiltdownfrom horizontal. deg Float -90 90 0.1 -90.0 customer_init L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

m ed ium Arp Pr io ri tyS tart R ad ioC acE nb < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Rr mS ervi ces >-<R adi oC ac Enb > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the startof range of the medium ARP prioritylevel.The range[1..mediumArpPriorityStart-1]is the highand top prioritylevels,and the range[mediumArpPriorityStart..lowArpPriorityStart-1]is the medium prioritylevel.mediumArpPriorityStart= 1 means there are no highand top priorityARPs.

mediumArpPriorityStart= unsetormediumArpPriorityStart=lowArpPriorityStartmeans there are no mediumpriorityARPs,inwhichcase the range [1..lowArpPriorityStart-1]is highand top prioritylevels.

Integer 1 15 1 N.A. customer_settable 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3

mediumToHighPr iorityThreshold RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the prioritylimitoverwhichacarrieris considered ahighprioritycarrierfor measurementconfigurationpurposes.Anycarrierwithaprioritystrictlylowerthanthis parameterwillbeconsidered amedium orlowprioritycarrierforthe service concerned.If the parameteris notset,there are onlytwo prioritysets forcarriers:highand low.

N.A. Integer 0 7 1 N.A. customer_settable L115204Enhanced measurementparametersupportfor mobility


minElectricalTilt RetSubunit <ENBEquipment>-<Ret>-<RetSubunit> READ ONLY noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameteris setbyOAM atobjectcreationand itreports the minimum supported electricaltiltof theactuator(motor)forthis subunit,as read f rom the unititself.

deg Float -90 90 0.1 N.A. customer_init L115221 Support for SAMProvisioning of Beta Parameters T/LA6.0

m inGrant Si ze Fo rCQI rep ort ing E nbR adi oC onf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< EnbR adi oC onf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the minimum PUSCHgrantsize (interms of PRB number)thatis allowed to beissued whenaUE is expected to include aP-CQI/P-RI orA-CQI reportin the firstHARQ transmission.




4 PRB s ys tem _res tr ic ted L1 01 84 1 V oI P i nD ynam ic Sche dul er L A3. 0


C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the minnumberof PUSCHtransmissionand retransmissionbundles (forFDD)in TTIbundling thatare guaranteed notto collide withaMeasurementGap.

Integer 1 16 1 12 system_restricted L114536.1 Support of TTI Bundling for VoIP LA5.0

minimumCQIF orF SS CellL2DLConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL2DLConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic Re sourc e A ll oc at io nand P ack et Sc he dul ing T his param et er spe ci fi es the m ini mum C QI value ,be lo wwhi ch the use ris f orc ed i nto F DS s ched ul ing m od e. N.A . I nteg er 1 1 5 1 6 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L1 01 84 1 V oI P i nD ynam ic S che dul er L A3. 0


TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols represents the minimum SINR level used forthe uplinkSE metric associated to TTIbundling users.This minimum flooris introduced to have a bettercontrolonthe fairness betweenTTI Bundlingand non-TTI Bundling traffic.

dB Float -15 20 0.1 7.0 system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

m in In ac ti ve Ti me Fo rE ar ly OO TR el ea se R ad io Ca cE nb < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <R rm Se rv ic es >- <R ad io Ca cE nb > 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the minimum time aRRC connected userhas stayed inOOT state foritto be

considered forearlyOOT userrelease.s Float 0 60 0.1 2.0 system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

mi nMc hS c he d ul i ng P er io d Mc eMbs f nA r ea < E NB E qu ip men t> - <Mc e> - <Mc eMb sf n Sy nc h ro A re a >- < Mc e Mb s fn A re a> 3 n o ne C al l Man ag e me nt E n ha nc e d Mul t ime di a B ro ad c as t Mul t ic a st S e rv i ce e MBMS Th is p ar ame te r s pe c if i es t he i n te r na l d el a y to b e u s ed f o r eMB MS d at a t ra ns mis s io n. N .A . E nu mer at erf8(0),rf16(1),rf32(2),rf64(3),rf128(4),rf256(5),rf512(6),rf1024(7)

rf8 customer_init L115262eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated ineNB)


m inMC SF orULD SVo IP C el lL2 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL2 UL Conf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the minimum MCS thatis allowed to be used forVoIP grants of size x PRB whenOptimized Segmentationis applied. X corresponds to the indexof the table.Setting the parameterto 0effectivelydisables the MCS override.

Integer 0 10 (8,4,2,1) system_restricted 160815 Optimized Segmentation (MCS Override) T/LA6.0

minMCSwithACQI EnbRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies the minimum MCS allowed when A-CQI is multiplexed with PUSCH. Integer 0 22 1 5 system_restricted L101841 VoIP in Dynamic Scheduler LA3.0

minMCSwithPCQI EnbRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies the minimum MCS allowed when P-CQI/PMI /RI is multiplexed with PUSCH. Integer 0 22 1 5 system_restricted L90853 Frequency diverse scheduling LA3.0

mi nMo bi l it yE v en ts G en er al Mo bi l it y Ro b us t ne s sO p t<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<MobilityRobustnessOpt>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterspecifies the minimum numberof outgoing mobilityevents across allneighborcells thatmustbe reached before the MRO feature willconsiderattempting to adjustgeneralhandoverparameters.

N.A. Integer 1 100000 1 1000 eng_tunable L103177 HO Optimisation counters LR13.1

minMobilityEventsPerNeighbor MobilityRobustnessOpt


<MobilityRobustnessOpt> 3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur es

his parameterspeciies the minimum numbero outgoing mobilityevents involving aneighborcellthatmust

be reached before the MRO feature willconsiderattempting to adjustthe cellIndividualOffsetparameterfor this neighborcell.

N.A. Integer 1 100000 1 200 eng_tunable L103177 HO Optimisation counters LR13.1

m inNb rP RB Fo rULD SV oI P C el lL2 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL2 UL Conf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementRadio Resource Managementfunctions

This parametercontrols the minimum numberof PRBs thatis allowed to be used forVoIP grants whenOptimized Segmentationis applied.Setting the parameterto 1 effectivelydisables the PRB override.

Integer 1 4 2 system_restricted 160815 Optimized Segmentation (MCS Override) T/LA6.0

mi nN e ig h bo r imb al an c e Mo bi l it y Ro b us t ne s sO p t<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<MobilityRobustnessOpt>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameteris used to specifythatCIO adjustmentforaneighborwillonlybe attempted if the absolutevalue of the difference betweenthe numberof handovers thatwere triggered too slowlyand too quicklyfor thatneighboris greaterthanorequalto minNeighborImbalance.

N.A. Integer 0 10000 1 5 eng_tunable L115852 SON Intra-Frequency Handover Optimisations LR13.3

m in No is eP lu sI nt er fe re nc eL ev el UL U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f> 3 n on eRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies the lowerbound of estimated UL noise and interference levelbelowwhichFPC(fractionalpowercontrol)canfailto workproperly.It is used onlybyWPS and OMC inthis release.Note:The real-time actualUL noise and interference levelshould be equalto

  p0NominalPUSCH+ (pUSCHPowerControlAlphaFactor-1)*pathLossNominal-uplinkSIRtarget ValueForDynamic PUSCHscheduli ng --(1)Whenone ormore of the parameters is changed resulting ina mismatchbetweenthe received SINR and theexpectation,the cellrequests the UE to adjustits Tx power,effectivelymaking the equationvalid forwhatever the noise and interference levelthe UE is experiencing atthe moment. Certainvalues orcombinationofvalues,however,maycause problems (forexample if p0NominalPUSCHis too small,UE Tx powercanbe toolowto evenreacheNB resulting inUE attachfailure).Thus it is importantthat

minNoisePlusInterferenceLevelUL <=formula-(1).

dBm Integer -123 -113 1 -118 system_restricted L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

minorOutThresholdF orPO OverloadControl <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<OverloadControl> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Overload ControlThis parameterspecifies the processoroccupancy(PO)threshold atwhichthe eNB comes outof Minor 

Overload.% Integer 50 100 1 70 system_restricted L115241

Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS Differentiationon

eNB BackplaneT/LA6.0

minorThresholdForPO OverloadControl <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<OverloadControl> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Overload Control This parameter specifies the processor occupancy (PO) threshold at which Minor Overload is declared. % Integer 50 100 1 75 system_restricted L115241Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


minPRev OneXRttMobilityParameters<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttMobilityParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter specifies the minimum Protocol Revision Level of the MSC -See 3GPP2 C.S0005. N.A. Integer 0 255 1 6 customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

m inP uc chC onf ig Li feT im e C el lL1 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>-< Cel lL1 UL Conf > 3 no ne LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parameterspecifies the minimum time intervalbefore aPUCCH/SRS reconfigurationrequestcanmadeto aconnectionafterits currentconfigurationassignment.

s Float 0 10 0.1 3 system_restricted L115233 eNB SW Capacity Targets LA5.0

m in Re fS ig Po we r T xP ow er Dy na mi cR ang e<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SimoResources>-<PowerOffsetConfiguration>-<TxPowerDynamicRange>

3 noneRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies the lowerbound of referenceSignalPowerbelowwhichthe cells RRH/TRDUmaynotoperate properly.The value is derived from the powersettings of the celland managed byALUTemplates.Note:A value close to minRefSigPoweris to minimize RSRP (as measured byUEs in neighborcells)and notforhighfidelityof signal.Anexample is cellShrinkForS1LinksOutage.

WARNING:The minimum absolute powerperRE taking into accountRRH/TRDUminimum powershould berespected.This parametershallnotbe changed withoutanagreementfrom ALU.

dBm Integer -40 40 1 N.A. eng_tunable L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

minSINRForSPSDl CellL2DLConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL2DLConf> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter controls the minimum SINR to allow SPS Activation. dB Float -10 30 0.25 0.00 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

mi nS I Rt ar g et For Fra ct i on al P ow er C tr l U LP o we rC o nt r ol C on f < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < UL P ow er C on t ro l Co nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

Management TransmitPower 

This parametersets the minimum SIR targetfor UL PUSCHwhenFractionalPowerControlis enabled.The

parametershould be setto ensure thatthe SIR targetdoes notgo belowa levelatwhichthe end-user experience would be unacceptable.

dB Float -5 25 0.1 -1 system_restricted

m in SI Rt ar ge tS PS Co rr ec ti on Va lu e U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource


This parametercontrols the minimum SIR targetcorrectionvalue thatis allowed to be applied bythe UL SPSBLER controlloop.

dB Float -10 10 0.1 0 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

minTBSForSchedulingInSecondary DownlinkCAConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggreg ationPrimaryConf >-<DownlinkCACo nf>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterdetermines the minimum estimated TBS required to pre-selectthe userforsending dataintheSCellfora givenTTI (inbytes).

bytes Integer 0 18845 1 0 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

m inT Bs izeF orOp tS eg C el lL2 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>-< Cel lL2 UL Conf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementRadio Resource Managementfunctions

This parametercontrols the threshold interms of per20ms TB size associated acall’s VoIP bearer(s).Itthecalls TB size is lowerthe threshold thenOptimized Segmentationis notactivated onthe call.

bytes Integer 0 255 0 system_restricted 160815 Optimized Segmentation (MCS Override) T/LA6.0

m ob il it yF ai lu re Re po rt ed P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n one


Features andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to MobilityFailure is selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L103175.1 Performance Counter Management Support on eNB LA4.0

m ob il it yF ro mH et Ne tC el l P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures and


Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to MobilityFromHetNetCellis selectedto be reported.

N.A. Boolean false Customer_settable 170745Neighborcellclassificationand mobilitycounters for HetNet


M ob il it yF ro mH et Ne tC el l P er fo rm an ce Ma na gm en t < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt > 3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to MobilityFromHetNetCellis selectedto be reported.

N.A. Boolean FALSE customer_settable 170745Neighborcellclassificationand mobilitycounters for HetNet


m ob il it yT oH eN BR ep or te d P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to HomeCellsMobilityis selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted 134689 Macro/Metro to HeNB cell mobility LR13.1

m ob il it yT oH et Ne tC el l P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to MobilityToHetNetCellis selected tobe reported.

N.A. Boolean false Customer_settable 170745Neighborcellclassificationand mobilitycounters for HetNet


mo bi l it yTo Ut ra nO p en S ma l lC e ll R ep o rt e d P e rf o rma nc e Ma na ge men t < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< P er f or man c eMan ag e me nt > 3 n o neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to MobilityToUtranOpenSmallCellisselected to be reported.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved L115393 LTE to UTRAN (FDD) small cell mobility support LR13.1

modeConf Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> N.A. none LTE Air Interface T he physical layer L1his parameterselects the uplex ode inwhichthe e ode shalloperate: requency- ivision uplex,or 

Time-DivisionDuplex.N.A. Enumerate FDD(0),TDD(1) N.A. system_restricted

modificationPeriodCoeff LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none Call Management Cell SetupThis parameterspecifies the durationof the period during whichSystem Informationcannotbe modified,innumberof defaultpaging cycles.Itis defined inTS 36.331 and broadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Enumerate n2(0), n4(1), n8(2), n16(3) n2 system_restricted

m ro Co st Ge ne ra lO k M ob il it yR ob us tn es sO pt<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<MobilityRobustnessOpt>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterspecifies the MRO costvalue at the generallevel(meaning across allneighbors)thatisconsidered satisfactory.The MRO feature willnotattempthandoverparameteradjustmentif the computedMRO costis less thanor equalto this value.

N.A. Float 0.0 100.0 0.1 3.0 eng_tunable L103177 HO Optimisation counters LR13.1

mroCostHysteresis LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none Mobility Intra-LTE R RC C onnected M ode M obility ProceduresThis parameterindicates a hysteresis forMRO Cost. Afteroptimizationis completed,optimizationwillonlybeautomaticallyre-triggered if MRO costis greaterthanMobilityRobustnessOpt.mroCostGeneralOk,and greater thanmroCostBaseline plus mroCostHysteresis.

% Float 0.0 100.0 0.1 2.0 eng_tunable L103177 HO Optimisation counters LR13.1

m ro In tr aF re qR ep or te d P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to MroIntraFreq is selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved L115860 High Priority Access A dmission Control LR13.3

mscId OneXRttReferenceCell<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfP erPlmn>-<OneX RttReference Cell>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies the MSC ID of the Reference Cellforrouting of CDMA2000 messages -correspondto 1xRTT sectortowards whichthe signaling is performed.(See 3GPP2 A.S0008 -section5.2.4.17).

Integer 0 16777215 1 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


m tA cc es sR rc Cn xR eq Fi lt er ed In Ov er lo ad O ve rl oa dC on tr ol < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ov er lo ad Co nt ro l> 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in g

This parameterspecifies whetherthe eNodeB is allowed to applyrejectionrates onRRC ConnectionRequestmessages withcause =mt-access ornot.If this parameteris setto true,thenthe rejectionrate parameters “rrcCnxReqRejectRateMinor” and“rrcCnxReqRejectRateMajor” applyforoverload control.Otherwise,RRC ConnectionRequestmessages withcause = mt-access are neverrejected atall.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L115805 Overload Control Phase 3 LR13.1

mul t iC a rr i er P ri o ri t y F r eq ue n cy A nd B an d wi d th FDD < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Fr e qu e nc y An d Ba nd w id t hFD D> 0 c r it i ca l


Features andParameters

Enhanced Node B Hardware

This parameterspecifies the priorityof the carrierina multi-carrierconfiguration.If a modem is lost (andimplicitlyacarrier)anautomatic reconfigurationcould be executed to allowthe highestprioritycarriers to beused.Itis notimposed thatthe carriers have differentpriorities.

The highestpriorityis 0;the lowestis 9.

N.A. Integer 0 9 1 9 eng_tunable L115808 T ri-carrier BBU LR13.3

m ul ti pl eN id O ne XR tt Re gi st rat io nP ar am et er s<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttRegistrationParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter specifies CDMA2000 1xRTT multiple NID storage indicator - See 3GPP2 C.S0005. Boolean N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

m ul ti pl eS id O ne XR tt Re gi st rat io nP ar am et er s<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttRegistrationParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter specifies CDMA2000 1xRTT multiple SID storage indicator - See 3GPP2 C.S0005. Boolean N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

n2TxAntennaTm4OneLayerCodebook0 CodebookSubsetRestriction


<CarrierAggreg ationPrimaryConf >-<DownlinkCACo nf>-<CodebookSubsetRestriction>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies aprecodercodebooksubsetconfigured byhigherlayersignaling.A UE is restrictedto reportPMI and RI withinthis subset.See TS 36.213 [23,7.2]and TS 36.211 [21,].

N.A. Boolean true system_restricted L80279 Downlink Transmit Schemes for LA1.0 LA1.0

n2TxAntennaTm4OneLayerCodebook1 CodebookSubsetRestriction


<CarrierAggreg ationPrimaryConf >-<DownlinkCACo nf>-<CodebookSubsetRestriction>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies aprecodercodebooksubsetconfigured byhigherlayersignaling.A UE is restrictedto reportPMI and RI withinthis subset.See TS 36.213 [23,7.2]and TS 36.211 [21,].

N.A. Boolean true system_restricted L80279 Downlink Transmit Schemes for LA1.0 LA1.0

n2TxAntennaTm4OneLayerCodebook2 CodebookSubsetRestriction


<CarrierAggreg ationPrimaryConf >-<DownlinkCACo nf>-<CodebookSubsetRestriction>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies aprecodercodebooksubsetconfigured byhigherlayersignaling.A UE is restrictedto reportPMI and RI withinthis subset.See TS 36.213 [23,7.2]and TS 36.211 [21,].

N.A. Boolean true system_restricted L80279 Downlink Transmit Schemes for LA1.0 LA1.0

n2TxAntennaTm4OneLayerCodebook3 CodebookSubsetRestriction


<CarrierAggreg ationPrimaryConf >-<DownlinkCACo nf>-<CodebookSubsetRestriction>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies aprecodercodebooksubsetconfigured byhigherlayersignaling.A UE is restrictedto reportPMI and RI withinthis subset.See TS 36.213 [23,7.2]and TS 36.211 [21,].

N.A. Boolean true system_restricted L80279 Downlink Transmit Schemes for LA1.0 LA1.0

n2TxAntennaTm4TwoLayersCodebook1 CodebookSubsetRestriction <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggreg ationPrimaryConf >-<DownlinkCACo nf>-


2 partial Radio ResourceManagement

Dynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling This parameterspecifies aprecodercodebooksubsetconfigured byhigherlayersignaling.A UE is restrictedto reportPMI and RI withinthis subset.See TS 36.213 [23,7.2]and TS 36.211 [21,].

N.A. Boolean true system_restricted L80279 Downlink Transmit Schemes for LA1.0 LA1.0

n2TxAntennaTm4TwoLayersCodebook2 CodebookSubsetRestriction<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggreg ationPrimaryConf >-<DownlinkCACo nf>-


2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies aprecodercodebooksubsetconfigured byhigherlayersignaling.A UE is restrictedto reportPMI and RI withinthis subset.See TS 36.213 [23,7.2]and TS 36.211 [21,].

N.A. Boolean true system_restricted L80279 Downlink Transmit Schemes for LA1.0 LA1.0

n310 UeTimers <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<UeTimers> 3 none Call Management Call HandlingThis parameterspecifies the numberof consecutive out-of-sync indications received from lowerlayers for theUE to detectphysicallayerproblems.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Enumerate n1(0), n2(1), n3(2), n4(3), n6(4), n8(5), n10(6), n20(7) n1 system_restricted L97933Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


n311 UeTimers <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<UeTimers> 3 none Call Management Call HandlingThis parameterspecifies the numberof consecutive in-sync indications received from lowerlayers for the UEto recoverfrom physicallayerproblems.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

Enumerate n1(0), n2(1), n3(2), n4(3), n5(4), n6(5), n8(6), n10(7) n1 system_restricted L97933Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


naccTimersConfId BscAccess <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<GeranAccessGroup>-<BscAccess> 3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameteris anassociationparameterand is also called indirectionorpointerparameter.This parameterrefers to the instance of the NaccTimersConf MO thatmust be considered to retrieve allthetimers required forfeature CCO to GERAN.This parameteris introduced bythe feature 96731.

ServiceLink 1 N.A. customer_init L96371 EUTRA-to-GERAN Inter-RAT Mobility -- NACC LA3.0

nB LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none Call Management C all HandlingThis parameteris amultiple ordivisorof the paging cycle.It defines the ratio of paging occasions to thenumberof radio frames.Formore details,referto TS 36.304.Itis defined inTS 36.331 and broadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.


o n eT s y st e m_ r es t ri c te d

nbMaxCAConfiguredUePerPcell CarrierAggregationPr imaryConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationPrimaryConf>

3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameters controls the maximum numberof UE whichmaybe configured withCarrierAggregationinaPCELL.This parameters depends of the PCELL bandwidth.

N.A. Integer 0 48 1 N.A. system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3


RadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the numberof UE contexts reserved foremergencycalls,emergencyCS F allbacksand HighPriorityAccess calls.

Integer 0 20 1 0 system_restricted L115860 High Priority Access Admission Control LR13.3


R ad ioC acE nb < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Rr mS ervi ces >-<R adi oC ac Enb > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the numberof UE contexts reserved foremergencycalls,emergencyCS F allbacksand HighPriorityAccess calls ateNB level.

N.A. Integer 0 180 1 0 system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

nbrO A s er AC Cycle Cell achCon < quipment>-< nb>-<LteCell>-<Cell achCon > none L Air Inter ace L ayer his parameter speci ies the maximum A s that the e will issue per AC cycle. .A. Integer 1 1 1 system_restricted 1 e W capacity - L 1 . L 1 .


R ad ioC acE nb < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Rr mS ervi ces >-<R adi oC ac Enb > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This is the targetnumberof users thatthe eNB willtry to offload whenthe cumulated QoS deficit(across allnon-GBR QCIs)is at20% versus the targeted threshold (dlBitRateThresholdForPreventiveLoadControl).Notethatthe totalamountof UEs offloaded will neverexceed the configured maximum(maxNbrOfUsersImpactedByPreventiveLoadControl).

N.A. Integer 1 100 1 5 eng_tunable 171232 nGBR QoS based Load balancing LR13.3

nbrUserT hrFDS CellL2ULConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL2ULConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

his parameterspeciies the threshold load level,interms o numbero active users onthe cell, orswitchingthe UL schedulerinFrequencyDiverse schedulermode (forallusers).

Integer 0 600 1 50 system_restricted L90853 Frequency diverse scheduling LA3.0

nc cP er mi tt ed C el lR es el ec ti on Co nf GE RA N<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<CellReselectionConfGERAN>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility This parameter configures the IE ncc-Permitted included in IE SystemInformationBlockType7. N.A. BitString 8 8 11111111 customer_settable L84807EUTRA-to-GERANInter-RAT Mobility--CellReselectionand Redirection


nccPermitted MeasObjectGERAN<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<MeasObject>-<MeasObjectGERAN>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameter is a bitmap of NCCs for which the mobile station is permitted to report measurement. N.A. BitString 8 8 11111111 customer_settable L92026 CS Fallback to GERAN for Voice Calls LA3.0

nC el lC ha ng eH ig h S pe ed St at eE va lC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Sp ee dS ta te Ev al Co nf > 3 n one M ob il it y R RC I dl e M od e M ob il it yThis parametercontributes to the configurationof the IE SystemInformationBlockType3.This parameter configures the IE n-CellChangeHighincluded in the IE MobilityStateParameters.The numberof cell changesto enterhighmobilitystate.Corresponds to NCR_HinTS 36.304.See TS36.331.

numberofcells changes

Integer 1 16 1 N.A. customer_settable L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


nC el lC ha ng eM ed iu m S pe ed St at eE va lC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Sp ee dS ta te Ev al Co nf > 3 n one M ob il it y R RC I dl e M od e M ob il it yThis parametercontributes to the configurationof the IE SystemInformationBlockType3.This parameter configures the IE n-CellChangeMedium included in the IE MobilityStateParameters.The numberof cellchanges to entermedium mobilitystate.Corresponds to NCR_MinTS 36.304.See TS36.331.


cells changesInteger 1 16 1 N.A. customer_settable L76498

EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cell

reselelctionand RedirectionLA2.0

ne ig hC el lC on fi g L te Ne ig hb or in gF re qC onf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur es

This parameteradvises the eNodeB of informationrelated to MBSFNand TDD UL/DL configurationofneighborcells of this frequency.The possible values are as follows:00:Notallneighborcells have the same MBSFNsubframe allocationas serving cell;10:The MBSFNsubframe allocations of allneighborcells are identicalto orare subsets of thatin the serving

cell;01:No MBSFNsubframes are presentinanyneighborcell;11:DifferentUL/DL allocationinneighboring cells for TDD compared to the serving cell.

ForTDD,00, 10 and 01 are used onlyforsame UL/DL allocationinneighboring cells compared to the servingcell.ForFDD currentimplementation,onlythe value 1 is supported. See 3GPP TS 36.331.



ng(0),NoMbsfnSubframesArePresent(1),AllNeighbourHaveS ameOrSubsetsMB SFNSubframe AllocationAsServing(2),DifferentUlDlAllocation(3)

NoMbsfnSubframesAr ePresent

 c u st o me r_ s et t ab l e L 1 08 2 83 e NB C o nf i gu ra ti o n Mo d el I mp ro v eme nt s L A 3. 0

n et wo rk Co lo rC od e G er an Ne ig hb or in gC el lR el at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<GeranNeighboringCellRelation>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterspecifies the NetworkColorCode as defined inT S 23.003.Referto 36.331:PhysCellIdGERANIE.

N.A. BitString 3 3 N.A. customer_init L96371 EUTRA-to-GERAN Inter-RAT Mobility -- NACC LA3.0

n et wo r kC o nt ro l Or d er G e ra nN ei g hb o ri n gC e ll R el at i on<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<GeranNeighboringCellRelation>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterrefers to the parameterNETWORK_CONTROL_ORDER in TS is used to fillthe parameternetworkControlOrderinRRCMobilityFromEutraCommand.

N.A. BitString 2 2 N.A. customer_init L96371 EUTRA-to-GERAN Inter-RAT Mobility -- NACC LA3.0

nid OneXRttRegistrationParameters<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-

<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttRegistrationParameters>3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC

This parameterspecifies NetworkIdentification(NID),asub-identifierof aSystem as defined bythe ownerof

the SID -Numberthatuniquelyidentifies awireless system -See 3GPP2 C.S0005.Integer 1 65535 1 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

n oH oO r Re d ir e ct i on U tr aFd dN e ig hb o ri n gC e ll R el at i on<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>-<UtraFddNeighboringCellRelation>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This flag allows or forbids eNodeB to use the UTRAN neighbor relation for outgoing mobility procedure. N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L108084 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA5.0

n oH oO rR es el ec ti on L te Ne ig hb or in gC el lR el at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<LteNeighboringCellRelation>

3 none Mobility I ntra-LT E RRC Connected Mode Mobility Procedures This parameter allows or forbids eNodeB to use the LteNeighboringCellRelation for HO or reselection. N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L104002 Broadcast per cell SIB4 LA3.0


EnbRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterrepresents the IIR filtercoefficientforthe average noise powermetric used for UL MIMOdecisions inthe UL scheduler.The unitcorresponds to the granularityof 1/2^14 withinthe [0,1] range.

Integer 0 16384 1 256 system_restricted

noiseVarianceMetricSelect EnbRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteris used to determine whichnoise variance metric is chosenin RX physicallayerprocessing intheCE.Knownas «nvar_select» inthe EMIF SIM. T-MMSE PRB noise variance selection.Meaning:

0-->Use shortterm metric;1-->Use long term metric.

Integer 0 1 0 system_restricted

no mi nal MC Sf orS PS grant sUl C el lL2 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>-< Cel lL2 UL Conf > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the nominalMCS value used forUL SPS grants.The UL SPS schedulermayuse alowervalue of MCS if it costs the same amountof PRB as the MCS.

Integer 0 15 10 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

no mP ds chRs Ep reOf fs et C el lL2 DL Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL2 DL Co nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource


his parameterprovides inormationaboutthe nominalmeasuremento set(ind )betweenthe C andRS EPRE thatthe UE should assume whencomputing CQI.

dB Integer -2 12 2 0 system_restricted

no nG br Mi nR at eR ep or te d P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to NonGbrMinRate is selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved L115698 Minimum bitrate enforcement for non-GBR LR13.1

no Rem ove L teNe ighbo ri ngC el lRe lat ion<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<LteNeighboringCellRelation>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameter allows or forbids the deletion of the LteNeighboringCellRelation by eNodeB. N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L81872Automatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation


noRemove RncAccess <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<UtranAccessGroup>-<RncAccess> 3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameter allows or forbids the deletion of the RNC access by the eNodeB. N.A. Boolean false customer_init L108084 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA5.0

no Re mo ve U tr aF dd Ne ig hb or in gC el lR el at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>-<UtraFddNeighboringCellRelation>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameteris a flag thatallows orf orbids the deletionof the UtraFddNeighboringCellRelationbytheeNodeB.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L108084 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA5.0

noRemove X2Access <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<X2AccessGroup>-<X2Access> 3 none Mobility Automatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterallows orforbids the deletionof the X2 linkbyeNodeB.The permitted values are true orfalse.The defaultvalue is false.This flag is also used forblack-listing and white-listing.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L81872 Automatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation


noX2 X2Access <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<X2AccessGroup>-<X2Access> 3 none Call Management X2 Managementhis parameterallows or orbids e ode to establishthe link. he permitted values are true oralse. he

defaultvalue is false.Itis used forX2 black-listing and X2 white-listing.N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L81872

Automatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation




3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameteris used to enable/disable the ANR enhancementto notcreate an X2Access instance whenX2IP address retrievalfails.

Boolean false customer_settable 159506 ANR Enhancements - Phase 3 LR13.1

no X2HO X 2A cc es s < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< X2A cc es sGro up> -<X 2A cc es s> 3 no ne Mo bi lit y I nt ra-LT E RR C Co nnec te d Mo de Mo bi li ty Pr oc ed uresThis parameterallows orforbids eNodeB to use X2 linkforHO.T he permitted values are true and false.Thedefaultvalue is false.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L81872Automatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation


nR Pr iC ou nt Mo de L te Int ra Fr eq ue nc yA nr  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<LteIntraFrequencyAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies the NR prioritystatisticalmode to be used forthe NR replacementlogic.Thestatisticalmode can be based onthe numberof UE ANR measurementreportornumberHO measurementreportorbothnumberof UE ANR measurementreportand HO measurementreport.

N.A . E num erate A nrM RA ndHo MR Num (0 ),A nrM RNum (1), HoM RNum (2) A nrMR AndHo MRNum c us to mer_ set tabl e 1 59 50 6 A NR E nhance ment s - Phas e 3 L R1 3. 1

n RP ri or it yS ta tP er io d L te In tr aF re qu en cy An r  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-

<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<LteIntraFrequencyAnr>3 none Mobility

Automatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationand


This parameterspecifies the NR prioritystatisticalperiod to be used to update the NR priorityinintra-freq NRreplacementprocedure.If the NR prioritystatisticaltimeris expired,the NR priority(boththe NR in the NR list

and the newNR)willbe updated,and the NR prioritystatisticaltimerwillbe re-started.This parameterneeds tobe setto enable the NR replacementenhancement.

h Integer 1 2400 1 N.A. customer_settable 159506 ANR Enhancements - Phase 3 LR13.1

n RR ep la ce Hy st er es is L te In tr aF re qu en cy An r  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<LteIntraFrequencyAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

his parameterspeciies a hysteresis percentage whichcanbe used inthe replacementlogic to preventaNR inthe NR listfrom being replaced unless the priorityof the newcandidate intra-freq NR exceeds the priorityof the existing NR bythis percentage.

% Integer 0 100 1 30 customer_settable 159506 ANR Enhancements - Phase 3 LR13.1



3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter controls the number of HARQ processes dedicated to SPS. Integer 1 2 1 2 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0


DownlinkCAConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggreg ationPrimaryConf >-<DownlinkCACo nf>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterconfigures the numberof successive CQI reports withCQI_0 to be received to declare theSCelloutof coverage.

N.A. Integer 1 15 1 2 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

numberOfDLAntennas LteCellFDD <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteCellFDD> 2 partialMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Enhanced Node B Hardware This parameter specifies the number of DL antennas configured for the cell. Supported values are {1,2}. N.A. Integer 1 2 1 2 customer_settable L84815 Single antenna transmit scheme LA4.0

nu mb er Of Me as Re po rt ing Le ve ls U tr aL oa dB al an ci ng Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ut ra Lo ad Ba la nc in gC onf > 3 n one M ob il it y C S F al lb ac k an d S RV CCThis parameterspecifies the numberof reporting levels forRIM Event-triggered CellLoad reports.Thisparametercorresponds to the granularityof cell load reportrequested from peernodes.This parametershallbe setwhenActivationService:isUtraLoadBalancingEnabled=true.

N.A. Enumerate 2 (0), 3 (1), 4 (2), 5 (3), 10 (4) 4 customer_settable 155912Targetcellload considerationforIRAT mobilityto


numberOfRAPreambles CellRachConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellRachConf> 2 partial LTE Air Interface Layer 2 This parameter specifies the number of RA preambles per cell. Values supported in LA1.0 are {56, 60, 64}. Integer 56 64 4 56 system_restricted

numberOfULAntennas LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 2 partialMiscellaneousFeatures and


Enhanced Node B Hardware

This parameterspecifies the numberof UL antennas configured forthe cell.ForFDD,the regularsupported values are {1,2,4};butwhenFDD AAA virtualsectorizationis enabled thenvalues of {8,12}mayalso be configured.ForTDD,the supported values are {1,2,3,4, 6,8}.

EnumerateulAntenna1(0), ulAntenna2(1), ulAntenna3(2), ulAntenna4(3),ulAntenna6(4), ulAntenna8(5), ulAntenna12(6)

u l An te nn a2 c u st o me r_ s et t ab l e L 1 15 5 62 . 14RxReceive Diversityover5MHzBW FDD(Tracking FID foreCEM)



C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 3 no neRadio Resource


This parameterrepresents the minimum numberof UL measurementsamples to be received betweentwoconsecutive nonnullPUSCH powercontrolcommands whenonlydynamic scheduling (and thus notsemi-static scheduling)is activated foraUE.

Integer 1 255 1 50 system_restricted L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

numbero Lmeasurements eeded or endingValidTPCCommandForPUSCHspsMode

C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource


This parameterrepresents the minimum numberof UL measurementsamples to be received betweentwoconsecutive nonnullPUSCHpowercontrolcommands whenthe UE is SPS active state.

Integer 1 255 2 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

Page 21: lte parameter description

7/26/2019 lte parameter description

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/lte-parameter-description 21/77

FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


num berR Bnot ForP ag ing C el lL2 DL Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>-< Cel lL2 DL Co nf > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the numberof RBs thatwillnotbe used in DL byPaging Messages,inthe sub-frames where theyare transmitted.This allows to limitthe bandwidthallocated to PCCH,to keep room forSPSand dynamic allocationinthe same sub-frames.Change is takeninto accountatthe nextSI update opportunity,whenPCCHconfigurationis updated.

Integer 0 100 1 0 system_restricted L115114.1 LA4.0 eNB SW Capacity Targets LA4.0

numberRBnotForSIB SysInfoConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SysInfoConf> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the numberof RBs thatwillnotbe used in DL bySystem InformationMessages,inallsub-frames exceptsub-frame 0.This permits to keep room for VoIP allocation,forexample.This cannotbeguaranteed forsub-frame 0, whichholds PBCHand SCH.

Integer 0 100 1 0 system_restricted L108958 Sys-Info Scheduling Improvements LA3.0

of fs etF re q L teNe ighbo ri ngF re qC onf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-

<LteNeighboringFreqConf>3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur es

This parameterconfigures the RRC IE q-OffsetFreq,included inthe SIB5. The offsetvalue is applicable to thecarrierfrequency.If the parameteris unset,thenthe IE will notbe broadcastand the UE willuse avalue of 0

dB.Notused forIntra-frequencymobility.See 3GPP TS 36.331.

dB E num erate

dB-24 (0),dB-22 (1),dB-20 (2),dB-18 (3),dB-16 (4),dB-14(5),dB-12 (6),dB-10 (7),dB-8 (8),dB-6 (9),dB-5 (10),dB-4(11),dB-3 (12),dB-2 (13),dB-1 (14),dB0 (15),dB1 (16),dB2(17),dB3 (18),dB4 (19),dB5 (20),dB6 (21),dB8 (22),dB10(23),d

N .A . c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 10 82 83 e NB Co nf ig ur at io n Mo de l Im pr ov em en ts L A3 .0

offsetFreq MeasObjectCDMA2000<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<MeasObject>-<MeasObjectCDMA2000>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto HRPD RRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE offsetFreq included inthe IE MeasObjectCDMA2000 inthe IEMeasConfig::offsetFreq thatis used to indicate a frequencyspecific offsetto be applied whenevaluatingtriggering conditions formeasurementreporting.The value indB. See TS36.331.

dB Integer -15 15 1 0 customer_settable L84876nhancemento L - to- obility- redirection

witheHRPD measurement(Restricted test forSingleReceiverUE)


offsetFreq MeasObjectEUTRA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<MeasObject>-<MeasObjectEUTRA>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterconfigures the RRC IE offsetFreq included inthe IE MeasObjectEUTRA IE.The Offset valueis applicable to the carrierfrequency.If this parameteris unset,thenthe defaultvalue is configured inRRC.See 3GPP 36.331.

dB E num erate

dB-24 (0),dB-22 (1),dB-20 (2),dB-18 (3),dB-16 (4),dB-14(5),dB-12 (6),dB-10 (7),dB-8 (8),dB-6 (9),dB-5 (10),dB-4(11),dB-3 (12),dB-2 (13),dB-1 (14),dB0 (15),dB1 (16),dB2(17),dB3 (18),dB4 (19),dB5 (20),dB6 (21),dB8 (22),dB10(23),d

N .A . c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 96 76 0 e NB C on fi gu ra ti on U pd at e En ha nc em en ts L A2 .0

o ff se tF re qG ER AN M ea sO bj ec tG ER AN<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<MeasObject>-<MeasObjectGERAN>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameteris used to indicate a frequencyspecific offsetto be applied whenevaluating triggeringconditions formeasurementreporting.The value is indB.

dB Integer -15 15 1 0 customer_settable L92026 CS Fallback to GERAN for Voice Calls LA3.0

of fs etF re qUT RA Me asO bj ec tUT RA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<MeasObject>-<MeasObjectUTRA>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE offsetFreq included inthe IE MeasObjectUTRA inthe IE MeasConfig.The

offsetFreq is used to indicate afrequencyspecific offsetthatis applied whenevaluating triggering conditionsformeasurementreporting indB. See 3GPP TS36.331.

N.A. Integer -15 15 1 N.A. customer_settable L92025 CS Fallback to UTRA(WCDMA) for Voice Calls LA3.0

o nD ur at io nT im er I na ct iv it yB as ed Dr xC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <I na ct iv it yB as ed Dr xC on f> 3 n on e Radio ResourceManagement Dynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling This parameteris astandard DRX configurationparameter(referto TS36.321)thateNB sends to UE.Itspecifies the OnDurationof the DRX cycle. m s E num erate psf5(0),psf10(1),psf20(2),psf30(3),psf40(4),psf50(5),psf60(6),psf80(7),psf100(8),psf200(9) p s f1 0 s y st e m_ r es t ri c te d L 1 01 8 43 MA C D R x St a te Mg t un d er I n ac t iv it y C on d it i on s L R 13 . 1

one Fram e Mb sf nSub fram eA ll oc ati onP att ern<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<Mbms>-<MbsfnCellConf>-<MbsfnArea>-

<MbsfnSubframeAllocationPattern>2 partial

Radio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteridentifies the SF allocated forthe concerned MBSFNareain aframe.“1” denotes thatthecorresponding subframe is allocated forMBSFN.The following mapping applies:FDD:The first/leftmostbitdefines the MBSFNallocationforsubframe number1,the second bitfornumber2,third bitfornumber3 ,fourthbitfor number6,fifthbitfor number7,sixthbitfor number8.

TDD:The first/leftmostbitdefines the allocationforsubframe number3,the second bitfor number4,third bitfornumber7,fourthbitfor number8,fifthbitfor number9.Uplinksubframes are notallocated.The lastbitisnotused.If this parameteris notset,thenthe fourFrames parametermustbe set.

BitString 6 6 N.A. system_restricted L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0


sizeC el lL2 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL2 UL Conf > 2 parti al

Radio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the smallesttransportblocksize allowed to use the {1PRB,MCS6}grantformatwith

uplinkSPS grants.Used whenIsOnePRBMCS6forUplinkSPSgrantsAllowed is setto true.Integer 0 328 1 144 system_restricted L115686 Scheduler improvements for VoLTE capacity LR13


resholdC el lL2 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL2 UL Conf > 2 parti al

Radio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the minimum PUSCHSINR levelforusing the {1PRB,MCS6}grantformatwithuplinkSPS grants.The threshold value is in factthe sum of this parameterand the value ofsPSactivationSINRmarginUl.Used whenIsOnePRBMCS6forUplinkSPSgrantsAllowed is setto true.

dB Float 0 30 0.1 10.0 system_restricted L115686 Scheduler improvements for VoLTE capacity LR13

o ne S ho t AC S IMax De l ay C ar r ie r Ag g re g at i on Pr i ma ry C on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-

<CarrierAggregationPrimaryConf>2 partial

Radio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterdefines the maximum delaythe UL Schedulermustschedule aOne Shot A-CSI requested byDL Scheduler.Whenthis timerexpires,and the One ShotA-CSI requestis notgranted yet,the requestisdiscarded byUL Scheduler.

ms Integer 100 10000 100 100 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

o ne XR tt In fo Co nf ig ur ed O ne XR tt Ne ig hb or in g < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< On eX Rt tN ei ghb or in g> 3 n one M ob il it y R RC I dl e Mo de M ob il it y

This parameterenables inclusioninSIB8 the 1xRTT info provisioned onthe cell.

If True,OneXRttNeighboring informationwillbe included inSIB8 inthe System Info broadcastforthe cell;if False,OneXRttNeighboring informationwillbe excluded from SIB8 inthe System Info broadcast.WhetherSIB8 includes systemTimeInfo IE depends onthe setting of isSynchCdmaSystemTimeAllowed onthe eNodeB.

Boolean false customer_settable L76499.1 LTE and 1xRTT cell reselection LA4.0

o OT Ma na ge me nt Re po rt ed P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt > 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Ha nd li ngThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to OOTManagementis selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted 166502 Out of Time Alignment (OOT) LR13.3

Opt Seg Pus chS inrT hres h C el lL2 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>-< Cel lL2 UL Conf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementRadio Resource Managementfunctions

This parametercontrols the achievable PUSCHSINR threshold levelbeyond whichOptimized Segmentationisenforced foraVoIP call.

dB Float -10.0 40.0 0.5 5.0 system_restricted 160815 Optimized Segmentation (MCS Override) T/LA6.0

o ve rh ea dF or Ue In Ba dR ad io Co nd it io n R ad io Ca cC el l < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Rad io Ca cC el l> 3 n oneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the additionaloverhead (estimated)to admitanUE thatis considered to be inbadradio condition.The value 0 indicates thatallUEs are treated equally,regardless of the radio conditiontheyarein.

% Integer 0 50 1 0 system_restricted L92091 CAll Admission Evolutions LA3.0

o ve rl oa dC al lR ej ec tN ot Al lo we d A ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ac ti va ti on Se rv ic e> 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in g

This parameteractivates aproprietaryMME overload-handling mechanism.Ratherthanrejecting calls incaseof MME overload as specified in36.413,itallows to release RRC Connectionwithcause

loadbalancingTAUrequired for nondelay-tolerantUEs.This willresultinanew RRC Connectionwithoutproviding S-TMSI orregisteredMME,inwhichcase a newMME is selected bythe eNodeB. This proprietarymechanism shallbe used withcautionand limited to specific networktopologies,as it cancause overload ofotherMMEs.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L101845 eNB MME Selection Evolution LR15.1

O ve r ri d eO pt S eg A ct i va ti o nT i me r C e ll L 2U LC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f > 2 partial

Radio ResourceManagement Radio Resource Managementfunctions

his parametercontrols the amounto time Optimized egmentationis temporarilydisabled upondetectionoSRB1 traffic inorderto allowthe use of lowerMCS withanyRLC retransmission.Setting the parameterto 0effectively disables the timer mechanism. ms Integer   0 400 100 200 s y st e m_ r es t ri c te d 1 6 08 1 5 Optimized Segmentation(MCS Override) T/LA6.0

overrideS1GBRinf oForVoIP EnbVoipConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbVoipConf> 2 partial Radio ResourceManagement

Dynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols whetherthe schedulershallmake use of the S1 GBR informationto derive the SPS or 

DS grantsizes (whenthe parameteris set to False)orwhether,instead,itshallassume the value of thedefaultCodecforVoIPserviceUland defaultCodecforVoIPserviceDlparameters forVoIP.

Boolean false customer_settable L115647.1 VoLTE Friendly User Trial solution LA4.0

ovLevelForANRInhibition OverloadControl <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<OverloadControl> 3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

T his param et er spe ci fi es the l eve lo f o verl oad at whic hthe A NR f unc ti on wi ll be i nhi bit ed . N.A . E num erate Mi no r(0 ), Majo r(1 ), Cri ti cal (2) Majo r c us to mer_ set tabl e L1 15 24 1Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


o vL ev el Fo rC el lL oa dR ep or tA ct io n O ve rl oa dC on tr ol < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ov er lo ad Co nt ro l> 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt X 2 M an ag em en t

This parameterspecifies the levelof overload atwhichor above whichcellload exchanges are stopped:-onX2 interface:anyincoming X2AP eNB Resource Status Requestmessages willbe rejected,and anyincoming X2AP eNB Resource Status Update message willbe ignored,and stop sending X2AP eNBResource Status Update message.

-onS1 interface:RIMmessages forcell load are ignored.

N.A. Enumerate Minor(0), Major(1), Critical(2) Critical system_restricted 155912Targetcellload considerationforIRAT mobilitytoWCDMA


ovLevelForCTInhibition OverloadControl <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<OverloadControl> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Subscriberand equipmenttracesThis parameterspecifies the levelof overload atwhichthe Management-Based CallTrace f unctionwillbeinhibited.

N.A. Enumerate Minor(0), Major(1), Critical(2) Minor system_restricted L115241Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


ovLevelForDDTInhibition OverloadControl <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<OverloadControl> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

S ub sc ri be ra nd e qu ip me nt tr ac es T hi s p ar am et er s pe ci fi es t he l ev el o f o ve rl oad a tw hi ch th e D yn am ic D eb ug T ra ce f un ct io nw il l be i nh ib it ed . N .A . E nu me ra te M ino r( 0) ,M aj or (1 ), Cr it ic al (2 ) M in or s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 11 52 41Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


ovLevelForDTInhibition OverloadControl <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<OverloadControl> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

S ub sc ri ber and e qui pm ent trac es T his p aram et er spe ci fi es the l eve lo f overl oad at whic hthe De bug S naps hot func ti on wil lb e inhi bi te d. N.A . E num erate Mi no r(0 ), Majo r(1 ), Cri ti cal (2) Mino r s ys tem _res tr ic ted L1 15 24 1Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


ovLevelForPCMDInhibition OverloadControl <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<OverloadControl> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

P er Call Meas urem ent Data PCMD T his param et er spe ci fi es the l eve lo f o verl oad at whic hthe P CMD f unc ti on wi ll be i nhi bi ted . N.A . E num erate Mi no r(0 ), Majo r(1 ), Cri ti cal (2) C ri ti cal s ys tem _res tr ic ted L1 15 24 1Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


ovL ev el For S1 Trac eS tartA cti on Ove rl oad Co ntro l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ove rl oad Co nt rol > 3 no neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Subscriberand equipmenttracesThis parameterspecifies the levelof overload atwhichthe Signaling-Based CallTrace functionwillbeinhibited.

N.A. Enumerate Minor(0), Major(1), Critical(2) Minor system_restricted L115241Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


o vL ev el Fo rX 2E NB Co nf Up dA ct io n O ve rl oa dC on tr ol < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ov er lo ad Co nt ro l> 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt X 2 M an ag em en tThis parameterspecifies the levelof overload atwhichanyincoming X2 eNB ConfigurationUpdate messageswillbe rejected.

N.A. Enumerate Minor(0), Major(1), Critical(2) Critical system_restricted L115241Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


o vL ev el Fo rX 2S et up Re qA ct io n O ve rl oa dC on tr ol < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ov er lo ad Co nt ro l> 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt X 2 M an ag em en tThis parameterspecifies the levelof overload atwhichanyincoming X2 Setup Requestmessages willberejected.

N.A. Enumerate Minor(0), Major(1), Critical(2) Critical system_restricted L115241Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


p 0N om in al PU CC H U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< UL Po we rC on tr ol Co nf > 3 n oneRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies cellspecific PUCCHpowercontrolparameterP0_NOMINAL_PUCCH.See T S36.213, unitused is:dBm.

dBm Integer -127 -96 1 N.A. eng_tunable L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

p 0N om in al PU SC H U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< UL Po we rC on tr ol Co nf > 3 n oneRadio Resource


This parameterconfigures the cell-specific powercontrolparameterP0_NOMINAL_PUSCHfornon-persistentscheduled PUSCH(thatis,P0_NOMINAL_PUSCH(1)).See TS 36.213, unitused is:dBm.

See also minNoisePl usInterference LevelUL and maxNoisePlusI nterferenceLe velUL.

dBm Integer -126 24 1 N.A. eng_tunable L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

p 0N om in al PU SC HP er si st en t U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f> 3 n on eRadio Resource


This parametercontrols the value of the parameterdefined inTS 36.213 [23,].The parameterissignaled to the UE as partof the SPS configurationif the isP0PersistentFieldPresentflag is set to TRUE.

dBm Integer -126 24 -126 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

p0 ueP UCC H ULP owerC ont rol Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <ULP owerC ont rol Conf > 3 no neRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies UE-specific PUCCHpowercontrolparameterP0_UE_PUCCH.See TS 36.213,

dBm Integer -8 7 1 N.A. system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

p 0U eP US CH L og ic al Ch an ne lC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< De di ca te dC on f> -< Lo gi cal Ch an ne lC on f> 3 n oneRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies the required value P0_UE_PUSCHforlogicalchannel.If more thanone logicalchannelis configured,the highestvalue is selected.

dBm Integer -8 7 1 0 system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

p 0U EP US CH Pe rs is te nt U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< UL Po we rC on tr ol Co nf > 3 n oneRadio Resource


This parametercontrols the value of the parameterdefined inTS 36.213 [23,].The parameterissignaled to the UE as partof the SPS configurationif the isP0PersistentFieldPresentflag is set to TRUE.

dB Integer -8 7 0 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

p ac ing Ti me rF or Ea rl yO OT Re le as e R ad io Ca cE nb < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Rr mS er vi ce s> -< Ra di oC ac En b> 3 n oneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

his parameterspeciies the minimum intervalbetweentwo consecutive earlyOO userreleases inordertoavoid burstysignaling load addition.

s Float 0 5 0.1 0.0 system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

p ac k et D el a yB ud g et C ar r ie r Ag g re g at i on Se c on da ry C on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementRadio Resource Managementfunctions

This parameterspecifies the maximum packetdelayinthe eNodeB allowed before a scheduling is triggeredaccording to the logicalChannelPriorityDL.

ms Integer 30 10000 10 80 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

p ac ke tD el ay Bu dg et T ra ff ic Ra di oB ea re rC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <T ra ff ic Ra di oB ea re rC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementRadio Resource Managementfunctions

This parameterspecifies the maximum packetdelayinthe eNodeB allowed before a scheduling is triggeredaccording to the logicalChannelPriorityDL.

ms Integer 30 10000 10 80 system_restricted L92095QCI & QCI Parameters ForEnhanced SchedulingDecisions


p ac ke tE rr or Lo ss Ra te M ce Su pp or te dQ ci < EN BE qui pm en t> -< Mc e> -< Mc eS up po rt ed Qc i> 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt E nh an ce d M ul ti me di aB ro ad ca st Mu lt ic as tS er vi ce e MB MSThis parameterspecifies the packeterrorloss rate to be applied forthe eMBMS Sessionfordatatransmission.

Enumerate 0.1(0), 0.05(1), 0.01(2) 0.01 customer_init L115262eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated ineNB)


pagingForceMCSmin CellL2DLConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL2DLConf> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteroptionallyforces the minimum MCS used forPCHtransmissionto a specific value,to allowbetterorlowerprotectionthanthe one automaticallyselected.QPSK modulationis mandatory,and the range is0-9.Use avalue -1 to have AUTO mode.

N.A. Integer -1 9 1 -1 system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

p aO ff se tP ds ch P ow er Of fs et Co nf ig ur at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SimoResources>-<PowerOffsetConfiguration>

2 partialRadio Resource


This parameterprovides informationaboutthe exactpowersetting of the PDSCHtransmission.dB-6corresponds to -6 dB, dB-3 corresponds to -3 dB and so on.See 3GPP TS 36.213,5.2 [x].

N .A . E nu me ra tedB-6 (0),dB-4dot77 (1),dB-3 (2),dB-1dot77 (3),dB0 (4),dB1(5),dB2 (6),dB3 (7)

N .A . e ng _t un ab le

p ar am et er Re g O ne XR tt Re gi st ra ti on Pa ra me te rs<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttRegistrationParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies CDMA2000 1xRTT NID Parameter-change registrationindicator-See 3GPP2C.S0005.

Boolean N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

p at hL os sA ve rag in gC oe ff ic ie nt C el lR ad io Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Ra di oC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the IIR filtercoefficientforaveraging of the pathloss estimate.The value represents the IIR filterreference coefficientvalue assuming anSRS period of 5ms.If the callSRSperiod is differentfrom 5ms, the coefficientvalue is automaticallyadjusted to provide the same averagingwindowinthe time domain.The unitcorresponds to the granularityof 1/2^14 withinthe [0,1] range.

Integer 0 16384 1 4096 system_restricted L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

p at hL os sN om in al U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< UL Po we rC on tr ol Co nf > 3 n oneRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies anominalvalue forthe UL Path Loss (expressed as apositive number).Usuallythisis setto the value of the UL Pathloss foraUE at cellcenter.The unitused is:dB.

See also minNoisePl usInterference LevelUL and maxNoisePlusI nterferenceLe velUL.

dB Integer 0 127 1 60 eng_tunable L97919 UL Fractional Power Control Integration LA2.0

p BC HP ow er Of fs et P ow er Of fs et Co nf ig ur at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SimoResources>-<PowerOffsetConfiguration>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementTransmit Power This parameter provides the power offset of the PBCH when compared to the Cell Reference Power. dB Float -25.6 25.5 0.1 N.A. eng_tunable

p bO ff se tP ds ch P ow er Of fs et Co nf ig ur at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SimoResources>-<PowerOffsetConfiguration>

2 partialRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies the P_B offsetbetweenType A and Type B PDSCHresource elements.Formoreinformation,referto 3GPP TS 36.213,5.2.The actualvalue depends of the numberof antennas used.

N.A. Integer 0 3 1 N.A. eng_tunable

p CF IC HP ow er Of fs et P ow er Of fs et Co nf ig ur at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SimoResources>-<PowerOffsetConfiguration>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementTransmit Power This parameter provides the power offset of the PCFICH compared to the Cell Reference Power. dB Float -25.6 25.5 0.1 N.A. eng_tunable

pci LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 2 partial Call Management C ell SetupThis parameterprovides the physicalcellidentityas specified byTS 36.211,Chapter6.11 Synchronization

signals.N.A. Integer 0 503 1 N.A. customer_settable

pci LteNeighboringCellRelation<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<LteNeighboringCellRelation>

3 no ne C al lManage ment C ell Se tupThis parameterspecifies the physicalcellidentityas specified byTS 36.211,Chapter6.11 Synchronizationsignals.

N.A. Integer 0 503 1 N.A. customer_init

p ci Al lo we dL is t A ut om at ic Ph ys ic al Ce ll Id en ti ty<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticPhysicalCellIdentity>

3 no ne C al lManage ment C ell Se tup

This parameterspecifies the listof PCI to be used onthe cells forthe eNodeB.If dlEARFCN1 is present,the listis applicable forthatfrequency,else it is applicable forallfrequencies unlessthere is anotherPCI listfor the frequencyassociated withthe cell.If the parameteris not set,thenthe entire range mustbe considered.

N.A. Integer 0 503 1 N.A. eng_tunable T115169Auto PCI Advanced Requirements -Controlledmode inSONSupervisor 


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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature





3 no ne Mo bi lit y I nt ra-LT E RR C Co nnec te d Mo de Mo bi li ty Pr oc ed ures T his param et er spe ci fi es the l is to f P hys ical Cel lI dent it yd ed ic at ed t o He NB o pe rati ng in op en or hyb ri d m od e. N.A . I nteg er 0 50 3 N.A . c us to mer_ set tabl e 1 34 68 9 Mac ro/ Met ro to He NB c el lm ob ili ty L R1 3. 1

pciMod3Maintained LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none Call Management Cell SetupThis parameterdefines if Automatic PCI canchange ornotthe PCI mod 3 of a cell.Whenset,Automatic PCIif activated canchange the PCI whenconflicts butmustkeep the same PCI modulo 3.

N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L115340Supportof Auto PCI forup to 9 cells pereNB and upto 6 sectors per site configurations





3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures alist of PhysCellIdUTRA-FDD also called PrimaryScrambling Code.Itincludes thephysicallayeridentities reserved forthe UTRAN FDD (WCDMA)opensmall-cells thatare neighboring cells ofagivenLTE cell.Mustbe setif UTRA-FDD opensmallcells are deployed.Referto TS 36.331 and TS


N.A. Integer 0 511 1 N.A. customer_init L115393 LTE to UTRAN (FDD) small cell mobility support LR13.1


C e ll L 1L 2 Co n tr o lC h an ne l sC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 1 L2 C on tr o lC h an ne l sC o nf > 2 p ar ti a l L TE A i r In te r fa ce L a ye r 2This parameterspecifies the aggregationlevelused inthe cellfor allCRNTI grants intheCommonSearchSpace.

N.A. Enumerate 4 (0), 8 (1) 4 system_restricted L84872Downlinkcontrolchanneloptimization(PDCCH,PHICH,PCFICH)



C e ll L 1L 2 Co n tr o lC h an ne l sC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 1 L2 C on tr o lC h an ne l sC o nf > 2 p ar ti a l L TE A i r In te r fa ce L a ye r 2

This parameterspecifies the aggregationlevelused in the cellforall non-CRNTI grants intheCommonSearchSpace,and PDCCHorderinthe UE specific space.Note thatnaming is notaccurate enoughas PDCCHorderis withC-RNTI,and uses UE specific CCEs.Weborrowthe existing MIMparameterforthe use of PDCCHorder.

N.A. Enumerate 4 (0), 8 (1) 4 system_restricted L84872Downlinkcontrolchanneloptimization(PDCCH,PHICH,PCFICH)



CellL1L2ControlChannelsConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL1L2ControlChannelsConf> 2 partial LTE Air Interface Layer 2 This parameter indicates the aggregation level used in the cell. N.A. Enumerate 1 (0), 2 (1), 4 (2), 8 (3), adaptive (4) 4 system_restricted

pDCCHCQIToSINRLookUpTable CellL1L2Contro lChannelsConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL1L2Contro lChannelsConf> 3 noneRadio Resource


This parameterrepresents atable,for transforming CQI values into estimated PDCCHSINR values indB.It isrelated to the PDCCHpoweroffsets.

dB Float -10 30 0.25




 s y s t em_ re s tr i ct e d L 1 15 2 17 e NB C l a ss P a r ame te r C ha ng e I mpr o ve men ts L A 5. 0

pd cchOr de rT ransM ax C el lRac hCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRac hCo nf > 3 no ne C al lManage ment C al lHand li ngThis parameterspecifies the maximum numberof PDCCHtransmissions foranPDCCHorder(in ordertobring anOOT userto Active due to DL traffic arrival).

N.A. Integer 1 10 1 3 system_restricted 166502 Out of Time Alignment (OOT) LR13.3

p DC CH Po we rC on tr ol Ac ti va ti on C el lL 2D LC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll L2 DL Co nf > 3 n one Radio ResourceManagement TransmitPower  This parameteractivates the PDCCHPowerControlFeature.Whendeactivated,the configured powerfor PDCCHchannels are used. Boolean false system_restricted

p DC CH Po we rC on tr ol Ma xP ow er De cr ea se C e ll L2 DL Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lL 2D LC on f> 3 n on eRadio Resource


This parameterallows capping the maximum poweroffsetthatthe DL scheduleris allowed,to decrease belowthe configured powerforPDCCH.

dB Float 0 12.8 0.1 0.0 system_restricted L92801 Symmetrical 1.4MHz FDD BdW Mgt LR Future

p DC CH Po we rC on tr ol Ma xP ow er In cr ea se C el lL 2D LC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lL 2D LC on f> 3 n on eRadio Resource


This parameterallows capping the maximum poweroffsetthatthe DL scheduleris allowed,to add ontop ofthe configured powerforPDCCH.

dB Float 0 12.7 0.1 0.0 system_restricted L92801 Symmetrical 1.4MHz FDD BdW Mgt LR Future

pD CC HP owe rCo ntro lT ype C el lL2 DL Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL2 DL Co nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource


This parameterselects the algorithm used by the DownlinkSchedulerforPDCCHPowercontrol.

The options are:-Anticipated Scheduling PDCCHPowerControl(iso-functionalwithearlierproductrelease).-IN-Scheduling PDCCHPowerControl(enhanced algorithm).

E num erate A nt ic ip at ed Sc he dul ing(0 ), IN-S che dul ing (1 ) I N-S ched uli ng sys tem _res tr ic ted CR 44 23 50

pDCCHPowerOffsetSymbol1 PowerOffsetConfigurat ion<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SimoResources>-

<PowerOffsetConfiguration>2 partial

Radio Resource


This parameterprovides the poweroffsetof the PDCCHRE of the first OFDMsymbolwhencompared to the

CellReference Power.dB Float -25.6 25.5 0.1 N.A. eng_tunable

pDCCHPowerOffsetSymbol2and3 PowerOffsetConfiguration<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SimoResources>-<PowerOffsetConfiguration>

2 partialRadio Resource


This parameterprovides the poweroffsetof the PDCCHRE of the second and third OFDMsymbol comparedto the CellReference Power.

dB Float -25.6 25.5 0.1 N.A. eng_tunable

pdcpDiscardT imer PdcpConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<PdcpConf> 3 none LTE Air Interface Layer 2

This parameterconfigures UE’s PDCP discard timerwhensetting up DRBs.It is anenumerated value from{50ms,100ms,150ms,300ms,500ms,750ms, 1500ms,infinity}.If itis setto “infinity”,the UE shallnotperform PDCP discard.The value setting (including default)shallbe differentunderdifferentQCI whenthe parameteris pegged.For GBR QCIs,the defaultvalue shallbe the corresponding PDB (50ms,100ms,150ms,300ms).ForNon-GBRQCIs,the defaultvalue canbe setas 1500ms.

N .A . E nu me ra te50ms(0),100ms(1),150ms(2),300ms(3),500ms(4),750ms(5),1500ms(6),infinity(7)

N .A . s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed 3 43 09 L 1/ L2 f or L A0 .1 ( 34 30 9)

p d cp D lL o ss l es s Bu f fe rC o ef f ic i en ts Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o ne L TE A i r In te r fa ce L a ye r 2

This parameterprovides the listof coefficients as inputto calculate the DL PDCP lossless buffersize,intermsof numberof packets.The listincludes:SF -The base size (floororminimum)of the buffer,in terms of numberof packetsT -The buffering time,interms of msWQ -The QoS weighting factor(0 to 100%).ForGBR RBs,this normallyshould be setas 100%AP -Average packet(PDCP SDU)size,interms of bytesThe buffersize =Min[(SF +SA),4096]Where SA is the adaptive buffersize (innumberof packets)givenby the following formulae:ForGBR bearers: SA =Ceil[(GBR*T*WQ/100) /(8*AP)]

ForNon-GBR bearers:SA =Ceil[(AMBR*T*WQ/100)/(8*AP)]Where the GBR orAMBR shalluse the unitof kbps,and shallbe the values forDL.WQ is anintegerbetween0 and 100.The parameterlistis {SF,T, WQ,AP}.It shallbe applied onlyto RLC AMmode.

N.A. Integer 0 10000 1 N.A. system_restricted L97014 RLC-PDCP Flow Control LA2.0

pd cpD lL os sl es sB uf ferL if e P dc pCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< De di cate dC onf >-<P dc pC onf > 3 no ne LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2his parameterspeciies the maximum time apacketcanstayinthe L C lossless buer (packetlie) or 

Winpath.Afterthis time,the packetwillbe deleted byWinpath.ms Integer 0 15000 10 1000 system_restricted L76500 Lossless Intra-LTE Mobility LA1.0

p d cp D lS o ur ce S 1B u ff e rC o ef f ic i en ts Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o ne L TE A i r In te r fa ce L a ye r 2

This parameterprovides the listof coefficients as inputto calculate the source eNodeB PDCP DL S1 buffer size,interms of numberof packets.The listincludes:SF -The base size (floororminimum)of the buffer,in terms of numberof packetsSC -The ceiling of the buffer(maximum capped size),interms of numberof packetsT -The buffering time,interms of msWQ -The QoS weighting factor(0 to 100%).ForGBR RBs,this normallyshould be setas 100%AP -Average packet(PDCP SDU)size,interms of bytesThe buffersize =Min[(SF +SA),SC]

Where SA is the adaptive buffersize (innumberof packets)givenby the following formulae:ForGBR bearers: SA =Ceil[(GBR*T*WQ/100) /(8*AP)]ForNon-GBR bearers:SA =Ceil[(AMBR*T*WQ/100)/(8*AP)]Where the GBR orAMBR shalluse the unitof kbps,and shallbe the values forDL.WQ is anintegerbetween0 and 100.The parameterlistis {SF,SC,T,WQ, AP}.

N.A. Integer 0 10000 1 N.A. system_restricted L97014 RLC-PDCP Flow Control LA2.0

pdcpDlTarget DataForwardingBuf ferCoefficients

Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o ne L TE A i r In te r fa ce L a ye r 2

This parameterprovides the listof coefficients as inputto calculate the targeteNodeB PDCP dataforwarding

buffer(foreitherX2 directorS1 indirectforwarding)size,interms of numberof packets.The listincludes:SF -The base size (floororminimum)of the buffer,in terms of numberof packetsSC -The ceiling of the buffer(maximum capped size),interms of numberof packetsT -The buffering time,interms of msWQ -The QoS weighting factor(0 to 100%).ForGBR RBs,this normallyshould be setas 100%AP -Average packet(PDCP SDU)size,interms of bytesThe buffersize =Min[(SF +SA),SC]Where SA is the adaptive buffersize (innumberof packets)givenby the following formulae:ForGBR bearers: SA =Ceil[(GBR*T*WQ/100) /(8*AP)]ForNon-GBR bearers:SA =Ceil[(AMBR*T*WQ/100)/(8*AP)]Where the GBR orAMBR shalluse the unitof kbps,and shallbe the values forDL.WQ is anintegerbetween0 and 100.

The parameterlistis {SF,SC,T,WQ, AP}.

N.A. Integer 0 10000 1 N.A. system_restricted L97014 RLC-PDCP Flow Control LA2.0

p d cp D lTa rg e tS 1 Bu f fe r Co e ff i ci e nt s Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o ne L TE A i r In te r fa ce L a ye r 2

This parameterprovides the listof coefficients as inputto calculate the targeteNodeB PDCP DL S1 buffer size,interms of numberof packets.The listincludes:SF -The base size (floororminimum)of the buffer,in terms of numberof packetsSC -The ceiling of the buffer(maximum capped size),interms of numberof packetsT -The buffering time,interms of msWQ -The QoS weighting factor(0 to 100%).ForGBR RBs,this normallyshould be setas 100%AP -Average packet(PDCP SDU)size,interms of bytesThe buffersize =Min[(SF +SA),SC]

Where SA is the adaptive buffersize (innumberof packets)givenby the following formulae:ForGBR bearers: SA =Ceil[(GBR*T*WQ/100) /(8*AP)]ForNon-GBR bearers:SA =Ceil[(AMBR*T*WQ/100)/(8*AP)]Where the GBR orAMBR shalluse the unitof kbps,and shallbe the values forDL.WQ is anintegerbetween0 and 100.The parameterlistis {SF,SC,T,WQ, AP}.

N.A. Integer 0 10000 1 N.A. system_restricted L97014 RLC-PDCP Flow Control LA2.0

pd cpF lowC ont rol Ti mer Tp P dc pCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< De di cate dC onf >-<P dc pC onf > 3 no ne LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parameterspecifies the startvalue forthe Tp timer,as operated bythe PDCP NPUwhile it is inPDCPPAUSE/STOP states.Whenthe timerexpires,the PDCP controllershalltriggeraSIP from RLC to force RLC-PDCP flowcontrol.

ms Integer 10 30000 10 3000 system_restricted L97014 RLC-PDCP Flow Control LA2.0


P dc pCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< De di cate dC onf >-<P dc pC onf > 3 no ne LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2

This parameterconfigures the time period forwhichthe lossless buffercongestioneventwillbe held off.Thetimeris operated bythe PDCP NPUwhile itis inPDCP Lossless BufferCongestionstate.Whenthe timerisrunning,the NPUis prohibited to raise the lossless buffercongestioneventto the PDCP controller.This parameterapplies to AMTRBs only.

ms Integer 1 3000 1 100 system_restricted L97014 RLC-PDCP Flow Control LA2.0

p d cp L os s le s sB uf f er Hi g he r Th re s ho l d Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o ne L TE A i r In te r fa ce L a ye r 2

This parameterspecifies the higherthreshold (TH_High)forthe PDCP lossless bufferforRLC-PDCP flow

control.Itis percentage based so the realhigherbufferthreshold interms of bytes orpackets canbecalculated.This parameterapplies to AMTRBs only.

N.A. Integer 0 100 1 80 system_restricted L97014 RLC-PDCP Flow Control LA2.0

p d cp L os s le s sB uf f er L ow e rTh re s ho l d Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o ne L TE A i r In te r fa ce L a ye r 2

This parameterspecifies the lowerthreshold (TH_Low)forthe PDCP lossless bufferfor RLC-PDCP flowcontrol.Itis percentage based so the reallowerbufferthreshold interms of bytes orpackets canbecalculated.This parameterapplies to AMTRBs only.

N.A. Integer 0 100 1 30 system_restricted L97014 RLC-PDCP Flow Control LA2.0

pdcpPduSnSize PdcpConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<PdcpConf> 3 none LTE A ir Interface Layer 2

This parameterspecifies the user-plane PDCP PDUSequence Numberfield size (onlyapplicable to RLCUM),either7bits or12 bits.Auto means thatCall-Processing shalldecide the size,based onthe RB type.T he typicaluse for“auto” iswhenVoIP RB is requested (QCI-1),Call-Processing shallconfigure SNas 7 bits. Forotherhighbitrate UMRBs Call-Processing mayconfigure SNas 12 bits.

N.A. Enumerate auto (0), 7 (7), 12 (12) auto system_restricted 34309 L1/L2 for LA0.1 (34309)

pd cpS tat us Rep ort Enab le P dc pCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< De di cate dC onf >-<P dc pC onf > 3 no ne LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parameterenables ordisables PDCP status reportforAM RBs during HO orRRC connectionre-establishment.This parameteris used globallyfor UE and eNodeB.So the status reportis eitherallenabled or alldisabled forbothUE and eNodeB.

N.A. Boolean true system_restricted L76500 Lossless Intra-LTE Mobility LA1.0

p dc pU lD up li ca te De te ct io nW ind ow P dc pC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< De di ca te dC on f> -< Pd cp Co nf > 3 n one L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2

This parameteris used to derive a lowerboundaryforthe targeteNodeB,forradio bearers thatare mapped onRLC AMmode.It is used forUL duplicate detection.AnySN thatfalls into this windowpriorto the nextexpected SNindicated bythe source cellshallbe considered as aduplicate.The maximum size is 4095 (NOT 4096),thatis,one hyperframe minus one.Whenthe size is 0,the duplicate

detectionis effectivelydisabled.

N.A. Integer 0 4095 1 2048 system_restricted L76500 Lossless Intra-LTE Mobility LA1.0

p d cp Ul Tar ge t S1 B uf f er C oe f fi c ie n ts Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o ne L TE A i r In te r fa ce L a ye r 2

This parameterprovides the listof coefficients as inputto calculate the targeteNodeB UL PDCP S1 buffer size,interms of numberof packets.The listincludes:SF -The base size (floororminimum)of the buffer,in terms of numberof packetsSC -The ceiling of the buffer(maximum capped size),interms of numberof packets

T -The buffering time,interms of msWQ -The QoS weighting factor(0 to 100%).ForGBR RBs,this normallyshould be setas 100%AP -Average packet(PDCP SDU)size,interms of bytesThe buffersize =Min[(SF +SA),SC]Where SA is the adaptive buffersize (innumberof packets)givenby the following formulae:ForGBR bearers: SA =Ceil[(GBR*T*WQ/100) /(8*AP)]ForNon-GBR bearers:SA =Ceil[(AMBR*T*WQ/100)/(8*AP)]Where the GBR orAMBR shalluse the unitof kbps,and shallbe the values forUL.WQ is anintegerbetween0 and 100.The parameterlistis {SF,SC,T,WQ, AP}.

N.A. Integer 0 10000 1 N.A. system_restricted L97014 RLC-PDCP Flow Control LA2.0

pD VRe po rte d P er form anc eManage ment < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Perf orm anc eManage ment > 3 no neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

P erf orm anc e Mo nit ori ng Param ete rs T his param et er spe ci fi es whethe r, or not ,t he gro up o f c ount er s rel ate d to PD V i s s el ec ted to be re po rte d. N.A . B ool ean f al se s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 10 31 75 .1 P erf orm ance Counte rM anag em ent Sup po rt on eNB L A4. 0

pe ri od ic BS Rt im er C el lL2 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL2 UL Conf > 2 parti al LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parameterspecifies the startvalue forthe timerused to triggerperiodic transmissionof Buffer StatusReportMAC controlelements.See TS 36.321.

m s E num eratesf5(0),sf10(1),sf16(2),sf20(3),sf32(4),sf40(5),sf64(6),sf80(7),sf128(8),sf160(9),sf320(10),sf640(11),sf1280(12),sf2560(13),infinity(14)

s f5 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 76 50 1 3GP P St andard C om pl iance L A1. 0

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


pe ri od ic PHRt im er C el lL2 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>-< Cel lL2 UL Conf > 2 parti al LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parameterspecifies the startvalue forthe timerused to triggerperiodic transmissionof PowerHeadroomMAC controlelements.See TS 36.321.

m s E num erate


s f2 00 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 76 50 1 3GP P St andard Com pl iance L A1. 0

p er io di cR Ir an kA ve ra gi ng Co ef f ic ie nt C el lR ad io Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lR ad io Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterdetermines the forgetting-factorfortime-averaging rankcalculationwhenreceiving periodic RIreports.The provisioned value is divided by256 and subtracted from 1 to provide aforgetting-factorbetween0 and 0,996.

N.A. Integer 1 256 1 15 system_restricted L90853 Frequency diverse scheduling LA3.0

p er io dM ea sF or PR BC on su mp ti on R ad io Ca cC el l < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Rad io Ca cC el l> 3 n oneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

his parameterspeciies the periodicityo measurement( Consumption)messages rom modem to Call-Processing.

s Integer 1 10 1 system_restricted L114538 Enhanced Load Balancing criteria LR13.1

p er io dM ea sF or Ue Ra di oC on di ti on R ad io Ca cC el l < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Rad io Ca cC el l> 3 n oneRadio Resource

ManagementC ong es tio n, Radi o adm is sio nc ont rol and eNB capac it y T his param et er spe ci fi es the peri od ici ty of UE rad io co ndi ti on mes sage s f ro m m ode m to Call -P ro ces sing . m s I nteg er 5 00 1 00 00 50 0 50 0 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 92 09 1 CA ll Adm is sio nE vo lut io ns L A3. 0

p er PR BM ea su re me nt Re po rt ed P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt > 3 n on eMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to perPRBMeasurementis selected to

be reported.N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L103175.1 Performance Counter Management Support on eNB LA4.0

p HI CH Po we rO ff se t P ow er Of fs et Co nf ig ur at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SimoResources>-<PowerOffsetConfiguration>

2 partialRadio Resource


This parameterprovides the poweroffsetof the PHICHwhenfullyloaded and itis compared to the CellReference Power.

dB Float -25.6 25.5 0.1 N.A. eng_tunable

p hi chR es ou rc e P ow er Of fs et Co nf ig ur at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SimoResources>-<PowerOffsetConfiguration>

2 parti al LT E Air Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parametercorresponds to the Ng value,which,aftermultiplicationbyNDLRB/8,determines the numberofPHICHgroups.See 3GPP TS 36.211 section6.9.

Enumerate oneSixth (0), half (1), one (2), two (3) N.A. eng_tunable

P HR thre shol dF or7 00 MHzZ one A E nbR adi oC onf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< EnbR adi oC onf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterrepresents atable of PHR threshold levels defining the maximum numberof PRB allowed for granting inUL frequencyzone A whenthe “700 MHzupperblock C” mode is enabled.

dB Float -24 58 0.5 22 system_restricted L85004UE Emissioncontrolin700MHzUpperC block(option1)


P HR thre sho ldF or7 00 MHzZ one B1 E nbR adi oC onf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< EnbR adi oC onf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

his parameterrepresents atable o threshold levels deining the maximum numbero allowed or granting inUL frequencyzone B1 whenthe “700 MHzupperblock C” mode is enabled.

dB Float -24 58 0.5 22 system_restricted L85004UE Emissioncontrolin700MHzUpperC block(option1)


P HR thre sho ldF or7 00 MHzZ one B2 E nbR adi oC onf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< EnbR adi oC onf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterrepresents atable of PHR threshold levels defining the maxnumberof PRB allowed for 

granting inUL frequencyzone B2 whenthe “700 MHzupperblock C” mode is enabled.dB Float -24 58 0.5 13 system_restricted L85004

UE Emissioncontrolin700MHzUpperC block


P HR thre sho ldF or7 00 MHzZ one C E nbR adi oC onf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< EnbR adi oC onf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterrepresents atable of PHR threshold levels defining the maximum numberof PRB allowed for granting inUL frequencyzone C whenthe “700 MHzupperblock C” mode is enabled.

dB Float -24 58 0.5 8 system_restricted L85004UE Emissioncontrolin700MHzUpperC block(option1)


p hy sC el lI dU TR A U tr aF dd Ne ig hb or in gC el lR el at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>-<UtraFddNeighboringCellRelation>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE physCellId thatis used to indicate the physicallayeridentityof the cell. The

IE physCellId is included inthe IE MeasObjectUTRA inthe IE MeasConfig.The IE physCellId is included inthe IE MeasResults inthe IE MeasResultUTRA.See TS 25.331,the primaryscrambling code.

N.A. Integer 0 511 1 N.A. customer_init L108084 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA5.0

p il ot Inc re me nt O ne XR tt Mo bi li ty Pa ra me te rs<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttMobilityParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter specifies the pilot PN sequence offset index increment - See 3GPP2 C.S0005. N.A. Integer 0 15 1 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

pilotStrengthOffsetForOtherGbrCalls RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the PilotStrengthoffsetto be applied to CDMA2000 neighborcellthresholds inUEmeasurementconfigurationforcalls thathave atleastone GBR bearersetup butno voice bearers.Itappliesto reportconfigurations B1 (b1-ThresholdCDMA2000)and B2 (b2-Threshold2CDMA2000).Notsetting theparameteris equivalentto setting itto value 0.

dB Float -5 5 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L115204Enhanced measurementparametersupportfor mobility


pi ngP ong Ti me Mo bi lit yR ob us tnes sOp t<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<MobilityRobustnessOpt>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterspecifies the maximum amountof time forahandoverfrom cellA to cell B and backto cellA tobe counted as aping pong handover.

ms Integer 0 10000 1 1000 eng_tunable L103177 HO Optimisation counters LR13.1

p in gP ong We ig ht M ob il it yR ob us tn es sO pt<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<MobilityRobustnessOpt>

3 none Mobility Intra-LTE RRC Connected Mode Mobility Procedures This parameter indicates the weighting factor for Ping Pong handover in the MRO algorithm. N.A. Integer 0 100 1 1 eng_tunable L103177 HO Optimisation counters LR13.1


<ENBEquipm ent>-<Enb>-<Dedi catedConf>-< TrafficRadi oBearerConf>-<ReactiveLoadControlActionForBearerAdmission>

3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteridentifies the instance of the PlmnIdentityobjectthatdefines MCC and MNC of the concernedPLMN.

ServiceLink N.A. customer_init L115242eUTRANSharing:enhanced MOCN(eithershared or dedicated spectrum)


plmnId CellReservation <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellReservation> 3 none Call Management Call HandlingThis parameterrefers to the instance of PlmnIdentityobjectthatdefines MCC and MNC of the concernedPLMN.

ServiceLink N.A. customer_settable L104835eUTRANSharing basics:MOCNwithshared LTEspectrum


plmnId MmeAccess<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<S1AccessGroup>-<MmeAccessGroup>-<MmeAccess>

2 p ar ti al C al l Ma na ge me nt S 1 M an ag em en tThis parameterrefers to the instance of the PlmnIdentityobjectthatdefines the MCC and MNC of theassociated PLMN.

N.A. ServiceLink N.A. customer_init L114383 Transport eUTRAN Sharing LA4.0

p lm nM ob il eC ou nt ry Co de B sc Ac ce ss < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ge ra nA cc es sG ro up >- <B sc Ac ce ss > 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C el lS et up

This parameterregisters the Mobile CountryCode (MCC)forthe associated BSC.The MCC is a partof theunique identity(PLMN-Id)of the Public Land Mobile Network.The PLMN-Id consists of Mobile CountryCode (MCC)and Mobile NetworkCode (MNC).PLMN-Id =MCC || MNCReferto TS 23.003MCC(36.331):SEQUENCE (SIZE (3))OF INTEGER (0..9),The firstelementcontains the firstMCC digit,thesecond elementthe second MCC digitand so on.

BcdString 3 3 N.A. customer_init L96371 EUTRA-to-GERAN Inter-RAT Mobility -- NACC LA3.0

p lm nM ob il eC ou nt ry Co de E xt er na lP lm nI de nt it y < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ex te rn al Pl mn Id en ti ty > 0 c ri ti ca l C al l Ma na ge me nt C el l Se tu pThis parameteridentifies the MCC thatis broadcastinSIB1 of the neighborcells of the eNodeB.The parametermustbe set if the VLANforX2u orX2c depends onthe targetPLMNid.

BcdString 3 3 N.A. customer_init

p l mn Mo b il e Co u nt ry C od e H rp d Ne i gh bo r in g Pe rC a rr i er  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<HrpdNeighboring>-<HrpdBandClassConf>-<HrpdNeighboringPerCarrier>

3 none Call Management C ell Setup This parameter identifies the MCC the target HRPD carrier belongs to. BcdString 3 3 N.A. customer_init L104836 eUTRAN Sharing - Mobility LA4.0

p l mn Mo b il e Co u nt ry C od e L t eN e ig hb o rP l mn I de nt i ty<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<LteNeighboringCellRelation>-<LteNeighborPlmnIdentity>

3 none Call Management C ell Setup This parameter identifies the MCC the LTE neighbor cell belongs to. BcdString 3 3 N.A. customer_init L104835eUTRANSharing basics:MOCNwithshared LTEspectrum


p lm nM ob il eC ou nt ry Co de M bm sB ea re rS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Mb ms >- <M bm sB ea re rS er vi ce > 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C el lS et up

This parameteris apartof the TemporaryMobile Group Identity(TMGI)as defined inTS 24.008 [49] and inSee TS 36.331 identifies uniquelythe identityof anMBMS service.itis composed of: -the Mobile CountryCode (MCC).See TS23.003 thatis the first partof the PLMNId -the Mobile NetworkCode (MNC).See TS 23.003.thatis the lastpartof the PLMNid -The service ID forthis PLMN.

BcdString 3 3 N.A. customer_init L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

p l mn Mo b il e Co u nt ry C od e O ne X Rt t Ne i gh bo ri n gP e rC ar r ie r  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttBandClassConf>-<OneXRttNeighboringPerCarrier>

3 no ne C al lManage ment C ell Se tupThis parameterspecifies the Mobile CountryCode (MCC)the target1XRTT carrierbelongs to.This parametermustbe set formobilityto 1XRTT.Otherwise,itshould be unset.

BcdString 3 3 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

plmnMobileCountryCode PlmnIdentity <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<PlmnIdentity> 0 critical Call Management Cell Setup This parameter identifies the MCC that is broadcast in SIB1 of the cells of the eNodeB. BcdString 3 3 N.A. customer_init L104835 eUTRANSharing basics:MOCNwithshared LTEspectrum


p lm nM ob il eC ou nt ry Co de R nc Ac ce ss < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ut ra nA cc es sG ro up >- <R nc Ac ce ss > N .A . n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C el lS et up

This parameterspecifies aPublic Land Mobile Networkwhichis uniquelyidentified byits PLMN identifier.PLMN-Id consists of Mobile CountryCode (MCC)and Mobile NetworkCode (MNC).PLMN-Id =MCC || MNC

MCC(36.331):SEQUENCE (SIZE (3))OF INTEGER (0..9),The firstelementcontains the firstMCC digit,thesecond elementthe second MCC digitand so on. See TS 23.003.

BcdString 3 3 N.A. customer_init

plmnMobileCountryCode TaiListNotSupportingImsVoip <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<TaiListNotSupportingImsVoip> 3 none Call Management Cell Setup This p arameter specifies the C ountry code of t he T AI not supporting I MS V oIP c all. N.A. BcdString 3 3 N.A. customer_init L115685 Mobility enhancement for VoIP s ervice LA5.0

plmnMobileCountryCode X2Access <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<X2AccessGroup>-<X2Access> 3 none Call Management C ell Setup This parameter identifies the country covered and target eNodeB. BcdString 3 3 N.A. customer_init L81872Automatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation


p lm nM ob il eN et wo rk Co de B sc Ac ce ss < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ge ra nA cc es sG ro up >- <B sc Ac ce ss > 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C el lS et up

This parameterregisters the Mobile NetworkCode (MNC)forthe associated BSC.The MNC is a partof theunique identity(PLMN-Id)of the Public Land Mobile Network.The PLMN-Id consists of Mobile CountryCode (MCC)and Mobile NetworkCode (MNC).PLMN-Id =MCC || MNC

Referto TS 23.003MNC(36.331):SEQUENCE (SIZE (2..3))OF INTEGER (0..9),The firstelementcontains the firstMNC digit,the second elementthe second MNC digitand so on.

BcdString 2 3 N.A. customer_init L96371 EUTRA-to-GERAN Inter-RAT Mobility -- NACC LA3.0

p lm nM ob il eN et wo rk Co de E xt er na lP lm nI de nt it y < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ex te rn al Pl mn Id en ti ty > 0 c ri ti ca l C al l Ma na ge me nt C el l Se tu pThis parameteridentifies the MNC thatis broadcastinSIB1 of the neighborcells of the eNodeB.The parametermustbe set if the VLANforX2u orX2c depends onthe targetPLMNid.

BcdString 2 3 N.A. customer_init

p l mn Mo b il e Ne t wo rk C od e H rp d Ne i gh bo r in g Pe rC a rr i er  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<HrpdNeighboring>-<HrpdBandClassConf>-<HrpdNeighboringPerCarrier>

3 none Call Management C ell Setup This parameter identifies the MNC the target HRPD carrier belongs to. BcdString 2 3 N.A. customer_init L104836 eUTRAN Sharing - Mobility LA4.0

p l mn Mo b il e Ne t wo rk C od e L t eN e ig hb o rP l mn I de nt i ty<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<LteNeighboringCellRelation>-<LteNeighborPlmnIdentity>

3 none Call Management C ell Setup This parameter identifies the MNC the LTE neighbor cell belongs to. BcdString 2 3 N.A. customer_init L104835eUTRANSharing basics:MOCNwithshared LTEspectrum


p lm nM ob il eN et wo rk Co de M bm sB ea re rS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Mb ms >- <M bm sB ea re rS er vi ce > 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C el lS et up

This parameteris apartof the TemporaryMobile Group Identity(TMGI)as defined inTS 24.008 [49] and inSee TS 36.331 identifies uniquelythe identityof anMBMS service.itis composed of:

 -the Mobile CountryCode (MCC).See TS23.003 thatis the first partof the PLMNId -the Mobile NetworkCode (MNC).See TS 23.003.thatis the lastpartof the PLMNid -The service ID forthis PLMN.

BcdString 2 3 N.A. customer_init L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

p l mn Mo b il e Ne t wo rk C od e O ne X Rt t Ne i gh bo ri n gP e rC ar r ie r  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttBandClassConf>-<OneXRttNeighboringPerCarrier>

3 no ne C al lManage ment C ell Se tupThis parameteridentifies the Mobile NetworkCode the target1XRTT carrierbelongs to.This parametermustbe set formobilityto 1XRTT.Otherwise,itshould be unset.

BcdString 2 3 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

plmnMobileNetworkCode PlmnIdentity <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<PlmnIdentity> 0 critical Call Management Cell Setup This parameter identifies the MNC that is broadcast in SIB1 of the cells of the eNodeB. BcdString 2 3 N.A. customer_init L104835eUTRANSharing basics:MOCNwithshared LTE


p lm nM ob il eN et wo rk Co de R nc Ac ce ss < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ut ra nA cc es sG ro up >- <R nc Ac ce ss > N .A . n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C el lS et up

This parameterspecifies aPublic Land Mobile Networkwhichis uniquelyidentified byits PLMN identifier.PLMN-Id consists of Mobile CountryCode (MCC)and Mobile NetworkCode (MNC).PLMN-Id =MCC || MNCMNC(36.331):SEQUENCE (SIZE (2..3))OF INTEGER (0..9),The firstelementcontains the firstMNC digit,the second elementthe second MNC digitand so on.See TS 23.003.

BcdString 2 3 N.A. customer_init

plmnMobileNetworkCode TaiListNotSupportingImsVoip <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<TaiListNotSupportingImsVoip> 3 none Call Management Cell Setup This p arameter specifies the Network code of t he T AI not supporting I MS V oIP c all. N.A. BcdString 2 3 N.A. customer_init L115685 Mobility enhancement for VoIP s ervice LA5.0

plmnMobileNetworkCode X2Access <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<X2AccessGroup>-<X2Access> 3 none Call Management C ell Setup This parameter identifies the operator covered and the target eNodeB. BcdString 2 3 N.A. customer_init L81872Automatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation


pMax CellReselectionConfLte<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<CellReselectionConfLte>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameterspecifies the maximum UL powerlevelallowed to be transmitted forneighborcellreselection,including intrafrequency.The parametercorresponds to P_EMAX inTS 36.101 and is broadcastinSystemInformationBlockType3 or5.

If the parameteris unset,thenthe IE willnot be broadcastand the UE willuse the maximum poweraccordingto its UE Capability.

dBm Integer -30 +33 1 N.A. customer_settable

p Ma x C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC onf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Se le ct io nR es el ec ti on Co nf > 2 p ar ti al M ob il it y R RC I dl e M od e M ob il it y

This parameterspecifies the maximum UL powerlevelallowed to be transmitted to the localcellat selection

time.The parametercorresponds to the parameterP_EMAX as defined inTS 36.101,and is broadcastinSystemInformationBlockType1.If the parameteris unset,thenthe IE willnot be broadcastand the UE willuse the maximum poweraccordingto its UE Capability.

dBm Integer -30 +33 1 N.A. customer_settable

pMaxG eran C el lRe se lec tio nCo nf GE RA N<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<CellReselectionConfGERAN>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameterconfigures the IE p-MaxGERANbroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType7.If the parameteris unset,thenthe IE willnot be broadcastand the UE willuse the maximum poweraccordingto its UE Capability.

dBm Integer 0 39 1 N.A. customer_settable L84807EUTRA-to-GERANInter-RAT Mobility--CellReselectionand Redirection


pMaxUT RA C el lRe se lec tio nCo nf Ut raF dd<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>-<CellReselectionConfUtraFdd>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility This parameter configures the p-MaxUTRA included in the IE SystemInformationBlockType6. See TS 36.331. dBm Integer -50 33 1 24 customer_settable L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


pmcGranularityPeriod ENBEquipment <ENBEquipment> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring Parameters

This parameterspecifies the time period atwhichthe eNodeB generates successive PMfiles thatcanberetrieved bythe PMCollectionServer.The allowed granularityperiods are:  5 minutes,15 minutes,30 minutes,60 minutes.The defaultis 15 minutes.

m in E num erate 5m inut es (0 ), 15 minut es (1 ), 30m inute s(2), 60m inut es (3 ) 1 5m inutes e ng_ tunabl e

p MC ou nt er En ha nc em en tR ep or te d P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt > 3 n on eMiscellaneousFeatures and


Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to PMCounterEnhancementis selectedto be reported.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved 162426 Performance Counter Enhancements LR14.1

pnOffset OneXRttReferenceCell<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfP erPlmn>-<OneX RttReference Cell>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCChis parameterspeciies the O setrepresenting the hysicalcellidentities inC A o the reerence

cell.PN offset Integer 0 511 1 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

p nO ff se tL is t H rp dN ei gh bo ri ng Pe rC ar ri er  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<HrpdNeighboring>-<HrpdBandClassConf>-<HrpdNeighboringPerCarrier>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameterspecifies the listof PNOffsets representing the Physicalcellidentities inCDMA2000 andcorresponds to physCellIdListin3GPP 36.331. PNOffsetis the timing of the CDMA2000 cellshortcodesrelative to system time;the unitis PNoffset, whichis (CDMA pilot)Pseudo Noise sequence offsetinunits of64 PNchips.Whenincluded inSIB8,the first16 members at mostare applicable to bothRel-8 and Rel-9 UEs,and the

remaining members (if any)are applic able to Rel-9 UEs only.Whenused inthe contextof connected UE measurement,allprovisioned members are included byeNodeB.

PN offset Integer 0 511 1 N.A. customer_init L114644 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA5.0

p nO ff se tL is t O ne XR tt Ne ig hb or in gP er Car ri er  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-

<OneXRttBandClassConf>-<OneXRttNeighboringPerCarrier>3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameterspecifies the listof PNOffsets representing the Physicalcellidentities inCDMA2000 andcorresponds to physCellIdListin3GPP 36.331. PNOffsetis the timing of the CDMA2000 cellshortcodesrelative to system time;the unitis PNoffset, whichis (CDMA pilot)Pseudo Noise sequence offsetinunits of64 PNchips.

Whensetand included inSIB8,the first 16 members atmostare applicable to bothRel-8 and Rel-9 UEs,andthe remaining members (if any)are applicable to Rel-9 UEs only.Whenused inthe contextof connected UE measurement(notsupportinLA4.0.1),onlythe first32 membersatmostare included byeNodeB and the remaining 8 (if any)are ignored;see 36.331.

PN offset Integer 0 511 1 N.A. customer_init L76499.1 LTE and 1xRTT cell reselection LA4.0

P ol lB yt eD own li nk R lc Am Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< De di ca te dC on f> -< Rl cC on f> -< Rl cA mC on f> 3 n one L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterconfigures the downlinkvalue of Poll_Byte parameteras per 36.322.This parameter represents the intervalbetweenpolls in terms of numberof transmitted bytes.

K b yt e s E nu mer at ekb25(0),kb50(1),kb75(2),kb100(3),kb125(4),kb250(5),kb375(6),kb500(7),kb750(8),kb1000(9),kb1250(10),


k bi nf in it y s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 76 50 1 3 GP P S ta nd ar d C om pl ia nc e L A1 .0

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


P ol lB yt eU pl in k R lc Am Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< De di ca te dC on f> -< Rl cC on f> -< Rl cA mC on f> 3 n one L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterconfigures the uplinkvalue of Poll_Byte parameteras per36.322.This parameterrepresentsthe intervalbetweenpolls interms of numberof transmitted bytes. Note thatinthe uplinkthis functioncannot

be disabled inthe UE,as per3GPP.

K b yt e s E nu mer at ekb25(0),kb50(1),kb75(2),kb100(3),kb125(4),kb250(5),kb375(6),kb500(7),kb750(8),kb1000(9),kb1250(10),


k bi nf in it y s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 76 50 1 3 GP P S ta nd ar d C om pl ia nc e L A1 .0

p ol lP DUD own li nk R lc Am Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< De di ca te dC on f> -< Rl cC on f> -< Rl cA mC on f> 3 n one L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterconfigures the downlinkvalue of Poll_PDUparameteras per36.322.This parameter represents the intervalbetweenpolls,in PDU.The parameterapplies onlyforRLC Acknowledged Mode.

p du E nu me ra tep4(0),p8(1),p16(2),p32(3),p64(4),p128(5),p256(6),pInfinity(7)

p3 2 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 76 50 1 3GP P St andard C om pl iance L A1. 0

p ol lP DUU pl in k R lc Am Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< De di ca te dC on f> -< Rl cC on f> -< Rl cA mC on f> 3 n one L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterconfigures the uplinkvalue of Poll_PDUparameteras per 36.322.This parameterrepresentsthe intervalbetweenpolls,inPDU.The parameterapplies onlyforRLC Acknowledged Mode.

p du E nu me ra tep4(0),p8(1),p16(2),p32(3),p64(4),p128(5),p256(6),pInfinity(7)

p3 2 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 76 50 1 3GP P St andard C om pl iance L A1. 0

p ol lT ri gg er Tp ol lR et ra ns mi tD ow nl in k R lc Am Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <R lc Co nf >- <R lc Am Co nf > 3 n on e L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2his parameterenables ordisables the polltriggeruponexpirationo timer _poll_retransmit. he parameter 

applies onlyforRLC Acknowledged Mode.Boolean true system_restricted

p or t4 Po we rO ff se t P ow er Of fs et Co nf ig ur at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SimoResources>-<PowerOffsetConfiguration>

2 partialRadio Resource


This parameterconfigures the poweroffsetof Port 4 (the totaltransmitpowerof allof 2 antennas)to the CellReference Power.Poweroffsetf orPort4 is applied foreachReference Signal(RS)and Resource Element(RE)forPMCH.It is used in2 antennaRRH.

dB Float -25.6 25.5 0.1 3 eng_tunable L115527eMBMS trialsupport(eMBMS services configured byOAMcommand)


p os it io ni ng Sy st em An te nn aC ab le De lay P os it io ni ng Sy st em < EN BE qui pm en t> -< Po si ti on in gS ys te m> 0 c ri ti ca lMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

UE PositionLocationSupportThis parameterspecifies the antennacable delaythatshould be takeninto accountforthe positioning system (forexample,GPS ),relating to the lengthof the installed antennacable.The unitis nsec.

ns Integer 0 100000 1 0 customer_init L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

p ow er Do wn Re g O ne XR tt Re gi st ra ti on Pa ra me te rs<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttRegistrationParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter specifies CDMA2000 1xRTT NID Power-down registration indicator - See 3GPP2 C.S0005. Boolean N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

powerOffsetForCr itica lCRNTIGrants CellL1L2Contro lChannelsConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL1L2Contro lChannelsConf> 2 part ia lRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies the poweroffsetto applyon PDCCHmessages carrying grants for RACHMsg4,SRB1,TA,DRX, DL SPS Activation,and DL SPS Release.

dB Float -12.7 12.8 0.1 0 eng_tunable L115113.1 L A4.0 KPI Targets LA4.0

p o we rO f fs e tFo rD C I3 C e ll L 1L 2 Co n tr o lC h an ne l sC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 1 L2 C on tr o lC h an ne l sC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementTransmit Power This parameter specifies the power offset to apply on DCI3. dB Float -12.7 12.8 0.1 0 eng_tunable L115113.1 LA4.0 KPI Targets LA4.0

powerOffsetF orNonCRNTIGrantsI nCommonSearchSpace

CellL1L2Contro lChannelsConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL1L2Contro lChannelsConf> 2 part ia lRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies the poweroffsetto applyon PDCCHmessages carrying grants for DBCH,Paging,RACHMsg2,and PDCCHorder.Note thatnaming is notaccurate enoughas PDCCHorderis withC-RNTI,and uses UE specific CCEs.Weborrowthe existing MIMparameterforthe use of PDCCHorder.

N.A. Float -12.7 12.8 0.1 0.0 eng_tunable L115113.1 L A4.0 KPI Targets LA4.0

p ow er Up Re g O ne XR tt Re gi st rat io nP ar am et er s<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttRegistrationParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter specifies CDMA2000 1xRTT NID Power-up registration indicator - See 3GPP2 C.S0005. Boolean N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

pRACHDetectF alseAlarmProb CellRachConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellRachConf> 2 partial LTE Air Interface Layer 2 This parameter specifies the false alarm probability for PRACH preamble detection. % Enumerate 0dot01(0), 0dot1(1), 1(2) 0dot1 system_restricted L98565 4Rx Receive Diversity over 10MHz BW FDD LR13.1

prachFrequencyOffset CellRachConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellRachConf> 2 partial LTE Air Interface Layer 2 This parameter configures the frequency offset for PRACH transmission. PRB Integer 0 94 1 3 system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

pRachIndexAlgorithm Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 2 partial LTE Air Interface L ayer 2This parameterspecifies the algorithm to be used by the eNodeB to determine pRachConfigIndexvalue.If unset the value legacy_based will be used. N.A. Enumerate legacy_based(0), modem_based(1) legacy_based system_restricted L115401 Nine cells (one f requency) support on three modems LR13.3

p RA CH Pr ea mb le Fo rm at C el lA ct iv at io nS er vi ce < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lA ct iv at io nS er vi ce > 2 p ar ti al L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2

This parameterspecifies the RACHformat.

Format0(0):use preamble format0,default.Format2(2):use preamble format2.Format3(3):use preamble format3.Format4(4):use preamble format4.

N .A . E nu me ra te f or ma t0 (0 ), f or ma t2 (2 ), f or ma t3 (3 ), f or ma t4 (4 ) f or ma t0 s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 92 63 9 R AC HI mp ro ve me nt s - RA CH bu rs t fo rm at 2 s up po rt T / LA 6. 0

p rb G ra nt S iz eFo rTTI Bu nd l in g TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

his parametercontrols the size interms o numbero o the C grants assigned to I undlingusers inthe cell.The size is restricted to the range [1,3]PRBs as per3GPP specification.

N.A. Integer 1 3 2 system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

p rb Re se rv at io nF ac to r T ra ff ic Ra di oB ea re rC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <T ra ff ic Ra di oB ea re rC on f> 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteris aCAC multiplicationfactorforGBR bearers PRB reservation.Itis multiplied byGBR duringCAC.Itis also used forPRB licensing feature as well,inthe PRB allocator.Typicallyforvoice this value is 65 because VAD reduces PRB consumptionto 60 % of nominaland RTCPadds 5%.If the parameteris unsetthenno reservationforGBR bearers is considered.

% Integer 1 100 1 N.A. system_restricted L114539.1 Congestion Management at Call Admission LA4.0

p re am bl eI ni ti al Re ce iv ed Ta rg et Po we r C el lR ac hC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Ra ch Co nf > 3 n oneRadio Resource


This parameterconfigures the initialpreamble transmitpowerparameter.Values are [-120,-90]dB withgranularityof 2dB.



d B m- 1 04 e n g_ t un ab l e

pre am bl eT rans Max C el lRac hCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRac hCo nf > 3 no ne LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parametercorresponds to the PREAMBLE_TRANS_MAX parameter,as defined inTS 36.321.Once thethreshold has beenreached,the UE MAC layerreports to RRC thatthere is aRandom Access Problem.


n100(9),n200(10)n 3 s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed

p re am bl eT ran sm it Po we rS te pS iz e C el lR ac hC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Ra ch Co nf > 3 n oneRadio Resource

ManagementTransmit Power This parameter configures the preamble transmit power step size. Values are [0,2,4,6] dB. Enumerate dB0(0), dB2(1), dB4(3),dB6(4) dB6 eng_tunable

p re fM si dT yp e O ne XR tt Mo bi li ty Pa ra me te rs<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttMobilityParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter specifies the Preferred Access Channel Mobile Station Identifier Type - See 3GPP2 C.S0005. Integer 0 3 1 3 customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

presenceAntennaPort1 LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none Call Management Call HandlingThis parameteris used to setthe IE PresenceAntennaPort1 inSIB3. Itis used to indicate whetheralltheneighboring cells use AntennaPort1. Whensetto TRUE,the UE mayassume thatatleasttwo cell-specificantennaports are used in allneighboring cells.See 3GPP 36.331.

Boolean true system_restricted

p re s en c eA n te n na Po r t1 L t eN e ig hb o ri n gFr eq C on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameteris used to set the IE PresenceAntennaPort1 inSIB5, whichindicates whetheralltheneighboring cells use AntennaPort1 onthe indicated frequency.Whenthis parameteris setto TRUE,the UEwillassume thatatleasttwo cell-specific antennaports are used inall neighboring cells.See 3GPP 36.331.

Boolean true customer_settable L103791Inter-frequencyCellreselelctionformulti-bandsupport


pRev OneXRttMobilityParameters<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttMobilityParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter specifies the Protocol Revision Level of the MSC - See 3GPP2 C.S0005. N.A. Integer 0 255 1 6 customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

p re ve nt iv eL oa dC on tr ol Hy st er es is Ti me r R ad io Ca cE nb < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <R rm Se rv ic es >- <R ad io Ca cE nb > 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementC ong es tio n, Radi o adm is sio nc ont rol and e NB c apac it y T his param et er is the ti me ral lo wing t o co ntro lthe rate at whic hpre vent iv e o ff load ing c an be tri gg ere d. m s I nteg er 5 00 6 50 00 3 00 0 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L1 15 22 3 I nte r-f req L oad B al anc ing T /LA 6.0


RadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the threshold interms of active users per cell,uponwhichpreventive offload willbetriggered to offload UEs towards less loaded cells.It is defined as apercentage ofMaxNbOfActiveUs ersPerCell.

% Integer 0 100 1 100 system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

p re v en t iv e Of f lo a dL i nk L t eN e ig hb o ri n gFr eq C on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>

3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteris setto identifyto the instance of PreventiveOffload thatapplies to this instance ofLteNeighboringFreqConf whenper neighborcarrierpreventive load balancing is used.Unsetif this carrierisnotused for perneighborcarrierpreventive load balancing.

ServiceLink N.A. customer_init 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3

p re v en t iv e Of f lo a dL i nk U tr aFd dN e ig hb o ri n gFr eq C on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>

3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteris setto identifyto the instance of PreventiveOffload thatapplies to this instance ofUtraFddNeighboringFreqConf whenperneighborcarrierpreventive load balancing is used.Unsetif this carrier is notused forperneighborcarrierpreventive load balancing.

ServiceLink N.A. customer_init 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3

pr imarySyncSignalPowerOffset PowerOffsetConfigurat ion<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SimoResources>-<PowerOffsetConfiguration>

2 partialRadio Resource


This parameterprovides the poweroffsetof the PrimarySynchronizationSignalcompared to the CellReference Power.

dB Float -25.6 25.5 0.1 N.A. eng_tunable

pro hib itP HRt im er C el lL2 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL2 UL Conf > 2 parti al LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parameterspecifies the startvalue forthe timerused to prohibitsubsequenttransmissions of Power Headroom MAC controlelements,once a1st PHR has beensent.See TS 36.321.

m s E num eratesf0(0),sf10(1),sf20(2),sf50(3),sf100(4),sf200(5),sf500(6),sf1000(7) sf0 system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

provisionedEnbIdentifier OAMInterface <ENBEquipment>-<OAMInterface> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameteris aninternalOMC parameterformanaging the self commissioning of eNB.The parameteris used to identifythe eNB during the self commissioning phase.If this parameteris set,allthe

otherOAMInterface parameters,used foridentifying the eNB, are ignored.The value of the parameteriscompared to the identifiers discovered from the eNB (ex:eNB serialnumber).If one of them match,the eNBwillbe self commissioned.This parametercanbe unset.

N.A. String 0 255 N.A. customer_init L115970 eNB Self Commissioning Improvements LR13.1

provisioningSynchronization Mce <ENBEquipment>-<Mce> 3 none Call Management Enhanced Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service e MBMSThis parameterindicates the absolute time at whichthe configurationupdate should applyuponan onlineprovisioning parameteronthe MCE side. Itallows to synchronize the setof eNB involves inthe parametersupdate.

N.A. Integer 0 4294967295 1 0 customer_init 167219 eMBMS commercial (step2) LR13.3

p rs Ba nd wi dt h P os it io ni ng Re fe re nc eS ig na ls < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <P os it io ni ng Re fe re nc eS ig na ls > 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the bandwidththatis used to configure the positioning reference signals on.Enumerated values are specified innumberof resource blocks (n6 corresponds to 6 resource blocks,n15 to15 resource blocks and so on)and define 1.4,3,5, 10,15 and 20 MHzbandwidth.

Enumerate n6 (0), n15 (1), n25 (2), n50 (3), n75 (4), n100 (5) N.A. eng_tunable L101821Userplane and controlplane OTDOA withhearabilitysupportforCommercialdeployment


p rs C on f ig ur at i on I nd e x P o si t io ni n gR e fe re n ce S ig na l s < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Po s it i on in g Re f er e nc e Si g na l s> 3 n o neRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic Re sourc e A ll oc at io nand P ack et Sc he dul ing T his param et er spe ci fi es the p os iti oni ng ref erenc e s ignals c onf igurati on ind ex. se e tab le 6 .1 0. 4. 3-1 i n3 6. 21 1. I nteg er 0 40 95 N.A . e ng_ tunabl e L1 01 82 1

Userplane and controlplane OTDOA withhearabilitysupportforCommercialdeployment


p rs C on f ig ur at i on I nd e x Mb sf n Po s it i on i ng R ef e re nc e Si g na l < E N B Eq ui p me nt > -< E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Po s it i on in g Re f er e nc e Si g na l s> 3 n o ne C al l Man ag e me nt E n ha nc e d Mul t ime di a B ro ad c as t Mul t ic a st S e rv i ce e MBMSThis parameterspecifies the positioning reference signals configurationindex.This parameteris acopyof theparameterPositioningReferenceSignals::prsConfigurationIndex,and itis used by the MCE allocatorto managethe conflictone radio frame use betweenthe MBMS and PRS (OTDOA)feature.

Integer 0 4095 N.A. customer_settable 158990eMBMS 3GPP Rel9 withdistributed MCE (integratedineNB)


p rs Mut i ng P er i od i ci t y P o si t io ni n gR e fe re n ce S ig na l s < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Po s it i on in g Re f er e nc e Si g na l s> 3 n o neRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the lengthof the PRS muting sequence,innumberof positioning occasions (po),asdefined inTS 36.355.The PRS muting sequence itself is defined byprsMutingSequence.If the parameteris notset,thenthe PRS muting is inactive.

Enumerate po2(0), po4(1), po8(2), po16(3) N.A. system_restricted L101821Userplane and controlplane OTDOA withhearabilitysupportforCommercialdeployment


p rs Mut i ng S eq ue n ce P o si t io ni n gR e fe re n ce S ig na l s < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Po s it i on in g Re f er e nc e Si g na l s> 3 n o neRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the PRS muting sequence,of lengthprsMutingPeriodicitybits.If abitin the PRS

muting sequence is setto 0,thenthe PRS is muted inthe corresponding PRS positioning occasion.If the parameteris notset,thenthe PRS muting is inactive.

BitString 2 16 N.A. system_restricted L101821Userplane and controlplane OTDOA withhearabilitysupportforCommercialdeployment


p rs Nu mS ub fr am es P os it io ni ng Re fe re nc eS ig na ls < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <P os it io ni ng Re fe re nc eS ig na ls > 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementD yn am ic Re so ur ce Al lo cat io na nd Pa ck et S che du li ng T hi s p ar am et er s pe ci fi es th e n um be ro f c ons ec ut iv e d own li nk su bf ram es wi th po si ti oni ng re fe re nc e s ig na ls . E nu me ra te s f1 (0 ), s f2 (1 ), sf 4 ( 2) ,s f6 (3 ) s f1 e ng _t un ab le L 10 18 21 .1

Userplane and controlplane OTDOA withhearabilitysupportforCommercialdeployment


p rs N umS ub f ra mes Mb sf n Po s it i on i ng R ef e re nc e Si g na l < E N B Eq ui p me nt > -< E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Po s it i on in g Re f er e nc e Si g na l s> 3 n o ne C al l Man ag e me nt E n ha nc e d Mul t ime di a B ro ad c as t Mul t ic a st S e rv i ce e MBMS

This parameterspecifies to the MCE the numberof consecutive downlinksubframes withpositioningreference signals.

The contentforthis parametershould be the same thanthe one used forPRS feature (prsNumSubframeslocated into the PositioningReferenceSignals object).This parametercanbe unsetwhichmeans the MCE does nottake into considerationthe interactionwithPRSfeature.

Enumerate sf1 (0), sf2 (1), sf4 (2), sf6 (3) N.A. customer_settable 158990 eMBMS 3GPP Rel9 withdistributed MCE (integratedineNB) LR13.1

p rs Po we rO ff se t P ow er Of fs et Co nf ig ur at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SimoResources>-<PowerOffsetConfiguration>

2 partialRadio Resource


This parameterprovides the poweroffsetof the Positioning Reference Signals (PRS)RE whencompared tothe CellReference Power.

dB Float -25.6 25.5 0.1 0 system_restricted L101821Userplane and controlplane OTDOA withhearabilitysupportforCommercialdeployment


ps Hando verUt raEnab le d R nc Ac ces s < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< UtranA cce ss Gro up >-< Rnc Ac ces s> 3 no ne Mo bi lit yEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameteractivates the neighborRNC abilityto supportthe PS handoverfrom eUTRANto UTRA

FDD/TDD.True indicates thatthe neighborRNC is capable to supportthe PS handoverfrom eUTRANtoUTRA FDD/TDD.

Boolean N.A. customer_settable L108084 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA5.0

ps HoT oUtr aT im ers Co nf Id R nc Ac ces s < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< UtranA cce ss Gro up >-< Rnc Ac ces s> 3 no ne Mo bi lit yEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterrefers to the instance of PsHoToUtraTimersConf MO thatmustapplyforhandovers involvingthe RNC thatis represented bythis instance of RncAccess MO.

ServiceLink 1 N.A. customer_init L108084 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA5.0

pS RSO ff set ULP owerC ont rol Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <ULP owerC ont rol Conf > 2 parti alRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies a4-bitvalue thatis signaled to the UE to setP_SRS_OFFSET. ForKs=1.25,the UEsets P_SRS_OFFSET to pSRSOffset– 3.ForKs=0, P_SRS_OFFSET is setto -10.5 +1.5*pSRSOffsetvalue.See TS 36.213,

Integer 0 15 1 N.A. system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

ptpClientEnable ClockSync <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ClockSync> 0 criticalMiscellaneousFeatures and


AirInterface ClockSynchronization

This parameterindicates whether1588 PTP is supported bybotheNodeB and the network.The values are as follows:True=Enable/available

False=DisabledNOTE:This does NOT define 1588 PTP as Primaryclocksource,butas avalid clocksource.

Boolean false customer_settable L92076 Synchronization: 1588V2 LA3.0


C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the IIR filtercoefficientforaveraging of the PUCCHsignalpowermetric whenaPUCCHformat1xtransmissionis used.The unitcorresponds to the granularityof 1/2^14 withinthe [0, 1]range.

Integer 0 16384 1 2048 system_restricted L84873 Uplink control channel optimization (PUCCH & SRS) L A3.0


C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the IIR filtercoefficientforaveraging of the PUCCHsignalpowermetric whenaPUCCHformat2xtransmissionis used.The unitcorresponds to the granularityof 1/2^14 withinthe [0, 1]range.

Integer 0 16384 1 4096 system_restricted L84873 Uplink control channel optimization (PUCCH & SRS) L A3.0

puc chR eco nf igP ac eT im er C el lL1 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL1 UL Conf > 3 no ne LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parameterspecifies the minimum time intervalbetween2 PUCCH/SRS reconfigurationrequests from thesame cell.

s Float 0 10 0.1 1 system_restricted L115233 eNB SW Capacity Targets LA5.0


C el lL1 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL1 UL Conf > 2 parti al LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parameteris a3-entrylist,indicating the PUCCH/SRS loading thresholds to assignalowerUEconfigurationprofile.The first entrycorresponds to Super->Premium,second entrycorresponds to Premium->Normal,the third entrycorresponds to Normal->Base.

% Integer 0 100 (30, 40, 60) system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

p uc ch Sr sC on fS te pU pL oa di ng Th re sh ol d C el lL 1U LC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lL 1U LC on f> 2 p ar ti al L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameteris a3-entrylist,indicating the PUCCH/SRS loading thresholds to assignahigherUEconfigurationprofile.The first entrycorresponds to Premium->Super,the 2nd entrycorresponds to Normal->Premium,the 3rd entrycorresponds to Base->Normal.

% Integer 0 100 (20, 30, 50) system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

p US CH io TC on tr ol Ac ti va ti on Fl ag U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource


This parametercontrols the activationof the PUSCH IoT controlfunctionalityinthe uplinkscheduler.Boolean false system_restricted CR604179

p US CH io TC on tr ol Co ef Ab ov eT hr 1 U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource


This parametercontrolthe coefficientused to compute is the amountof USCHSIR targetcorrectionforIoTlevels above pUSCHioTControlThresh1.

Float 0 2 0.1 0.5 system_restricted CR604179

p US CH io TC on tr ol Co ef Be lo wT hr 1 U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource


This parametercontrolthe coefficientused to compute is the amountof USCHSIR targetcorrectionforIoTlevels belowpUSCHioTControlThresh1.

Float 0 2 0.1 1.0 system_restricted CR604179

p C i o C o n tr o l i n a rg e tC o rr A bo ve hr1

U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource


his parametercontrols the minimum amounto I targetcorrectionthatcanbe applied to the callbythe Iocontrolfunctionwhenthe IoT levelis above the value of pUSCHioTControlThresh1.

dB Integer -10 +10 0 system_restricted CR604179

pUSCHioTControlMinTargetCorrBelowThr 1

U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource


This parametercontrols the minimum amountof SIR targetcorrectionthatcanbe applied to the callby the IoTcontrolfunctionwhenthe IoT levelis belowthe value of pUSCHioTControlThresh1.

dB Integer -10 +10 -3 system_restricted CR604179

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


p US C Hi o TC o nt ro l Th er mal N oi s eC o rr U LP o we rC o nt r ol C on f < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < UL P ow er C on t ro l Co nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource


This parametercontrols the correctionto the defaultwideband thermalnoise value thatis assumed bythePUSCHIoT controlfunction.

dB Integer -10 +50 0 system_restricted CR604179

p US CH io TC on tr ol Th re sh 1 U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource


This parametercontrols the IoT threshold values forapplying aPUSCHSIR targetcorrectionproportionaltothe amountof IoT above pUSCHioTControlThresh1 expressed indB.

dB Integer 0 60 3 system_restricted CR604179

p US CH io TC on tr ol Th re sh 2 U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource


his parametercontrols the threshold values ororcing all s to use C I targeto d and blockanyPUSCHTPC powerup command.

dB Integer 0 60 15 system_restricted CR604179

p US CH Po we rC on tr ol Al ph aF ac to r U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f> 3 n on eRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies the partialpathloss compensationfactor.Itis also knownas alpha.UL FractionalPowerControlis enabled bysetting this parameterto avalue in the range 0<alpha<1.Whenalphais setto 1,classic UL powercontrolis performed;thatis,withfull pathloss compensation.Use ofalpha=0 is not recommended.

See also minNoisePl usInterference LevelUL and maxNoisePlusI nterferenceLe velUL.

Enumerate 0(0), 0.4(1), 0.5(2), 0.6(3), 0.7(4), 0.8(5), 0.9(6), 1.0(7) N.A. eng_tunable L76432 Scheduling Evolutions LA1.0

pUSCHsinrAveragingCoefForDSpowerCtr l

C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the averaging coefficientof the SINR metric used forPUSCHpowercontrolwhentheUE is not configured withanuplinkSPS grant.The value represents the IIR filterreference coefficientvalueassuming anSRS period of 5ms.If the callSRS period is differentfrom 5ms, the coefficientvalue isautomaticallyadjusted to provide the same averaging windowinthe time domain.The unitcorresponds to thegranularityof 1/2^14 withinthe [0,1]range.

Integer 0 16384 1 300 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

pUSCHsinrAveragingCoefForSPSpower Ctrl

C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the averaging coefficientof the SINR metric used forPUSCHpowercontrolwhentheUE is not configured withanuplinkSPS grant.The value represents the IIR filterreference coefficientvalue

assuming anSRS period of 5ms.If the callSRS period is differentfrom 5ms, the coefficientvalue isautomaticallyadjusted to provide the same averaging windowinthe time domain.The unitcorresponds to thegranularityof 1/2^14 withinthe [0,1]range.

Integer 0 16384 1 8192 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

p us chS in rB ac ko ff On Ra ch Re gi on C el lL 2UL Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll L2 UL Co nf > 3 n oneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the SINR back-off inthe schedulerpriorityweightcalculationas wellas MCSdeterminationif the PUSCH is scheduled involves anyPRB onthe RACHPRB region.

dB Float 0 10 0.1 3.0 system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

p us c hS i nr C on ve r ge n ce S pe e dU pTh re s h U LP o we rC o nt r ol C on f < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < UL P ow er C on t ro l Co nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

Management Dynamic Resource Allocationand PacketSchedulingThis parameter controls the threshold triggering the speed up of the convergence of the PUSCHpower controlloop. dB Integer 0 15 6 system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

qam 64 Rep ort ed P er form anc eManage ment < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Perf orm anc eManage ment > 3 no neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

P erf orm anc e Mo nit ori ng Param ete rs T his param et er spe ci fi es whethe r, or not ,t he gro up of co unt er s rel ate d to 64QA Mi s s el ect ed to be re po rte d. N.A . B ool ean f al se s ys tem _res erved L 10 31 75 .1 P erf orm ance Counte rM anag em ent Sup po rt on eNB L A4. 0

qCI MbmsBearerService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<Mbms>-<MbmsBearerService> N.A. noneRadio Resource

ManagementRadio Resource Management functions This parameter identifies the value of the QoS Class Identifier (QCI). Integer 1 255 1 4 system_restricted L115527

e t ri a l su pp o rt ( e s e rv i ce s c o n ig u re d b yOAMcommand)


qCI QciConfForOffload<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell>-<PreventiveOffload>-<QciConfForOffload>

3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion, Radio admission control and eNB capacity This parameter identifies the value of the QoS Class Identifier (QCI). Integer 1 255 1 N.A. system_restricted 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3

q CI T ra ff ic Ra di oB ea re rC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< De di ca te dC on f> -< Tr af fi cR ad io Be ar er Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementRadio Resource Management functions This parameter identifies the value of the QoS Class Identifier (QCI). Integer 1 255 1 N.A. system_restricted L92095

QCI & QCI Parameters ForEnhanced SchedulingDecisions


qci QciPriorityConf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<MobilityPriorityTable>-<QciPriorityConf>

3 n one M ob il it y e vo lv ed m ul ti -c ar ri er tr af fi c a ll oc at io ne MC TA T hi s p ar am et er s pe ci fi es t he S 1 B ea re rL ev el Qo S P ar am et er s Q CI v al ue . N .A . E nu me ra te


N.A . c us to mer_ ini t L 10 38 92 .1Service,and load based handoverbehaviorsupport(eMCTA -Phase 2)


q ci Ar pO nL in eM od if ic at io nR ep or te d P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt > 3 n on eMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to QciArpOnLineModificationisselected to be reported.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved L115644 Bearer Characteristics online modifications LR13.1

qCIforVoipRtpRtcp RadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the S1 BearerLevelQoS Parameters QCI value foreNodeB to assume RTP/RTCP

VoIP traffic.Integer 1 9 1 1 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

q ci Gr oup T ra ff ic Ra di oB ea re rC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< De di ca te dC on f> -< Tr af fi cR ad io Be ar er Co nf > 3 n oneRadio Resource

ManagementRadio Resource Management functions This parameter specifies index of qciGroup that QCI of this instance belongs to. Integer 1 32 1 N.A. system_restricted L114539.1 Congestion Management at Call Admission LA4.0

qciHierarchyForMult iQciCallL ist MobilityPr ior ityTable<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<MobilityPriorityTable>

3 n on e M ob il it y e vo lv ed m ul ti -c ar ri er t ra ff ic a ll oc at io n eM CT A

This parameteris used byQCI based eMCTA to manage mobilityof multi QCI calls.This parameteris onlyused forcoverage-based mobilitywhenisMobilityTypeEmctaEnabled=True.The parametermayspecifyanordered listof up to 32 QCI values.The QCI value having the lowestpositionvalue inthe list (thatis,element[0])is the mostimportantQCI and willdrive the mobility.The parametermaybe setif ActivationService::isServiceBasedTrafficSegmentationAllowed is setto True.

If,however,the above parameteris set to True and this parameteris notset,thenthe system willrefer to thefrequencypriority,as givenbydefaultConnectedPriorityOfFreq.

N .A . E nu me ra te





N.A . c us to mer_ ini t L 10 38 92 .1Service,and load based handoverbehaviorsupport(eMCTA -Phase 2)


q Hy st C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC onf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Se le ct io nR es el ec ti on Co nf > 3 n one M ob il it y R RC I dl e M o de M ob il it y

This parameterconfigures the hysteresis value of the serving cellused bythe UE forranking criteriaincell

reselection.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType3. dB E num erate


dB8(7),dB10(8),dB12(9),dB14(10),dB16(11),dB18(12),dB20(13),dB22(14),dB24(15) d B4 c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 97 93 3

Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter 

Change LA2.0

qHys tD elt a C el lRe se lec tio nAd apt ati on<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellSelectionReselectionConf>-<CellReselectionAdaptation>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameteris used to modifythe qHystvalue broadcastinSIB3 whenthe cellload is betweenthe lower and upperbounds.The value is relative to CellSelectionReselectionConf::qHyst.If qHystDeltais setto -2thenthe value broadcastwillbe the enumerated value thatis 2 positions less thanCellSelectionReselectionConf::qHyst.

N.A. Integer -15 15 1 0 customer_settable L115203 Load based Idle Mode mobility LA5.0

qHys tS fHi gh S pe ed Stat eE val Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <S pe ed Stat eE val Co nf > 3 no ne Mo bi lit y R RC I dl e Mo de M obi li ty

This parametercontributes to the configurationof the IE SystemInformationBlockType3.This parameter configures the IE sf-Highincluded inthe IE SpeedStateReselectionPars.Parameter“Speed dependentScaling-FactorforQhyst” inTS 36.304.The sf-Highconcerns the additionalhysteresis to be applied,inHighMobilitystate,to Qhystas defined inTS 36.304.In dB.Value dB-6 corresponds to -6dB,dB-4 corresponds to -4dB and so on.See TS36.331.

dB Enumerate dB-6(0), dB-4(1), dB-2(2), dB0(3) N.A. customer_settable L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


q Hy st Sf Me di um S pe ed St at eE va lC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Sp ee dS ta te Ev al Co nf > 3 n one M ob il it y R RC I dl e M od e M ob il it y

This parametercontributes to the configurationof the IE SystemInformationBlockType3.This parameter configures the IE sf-Medium included inthe IE SpeedStateReselectionPars.Parameter“Speed dependent

Scaling-FactorforQhyst” inTS 36.304.The sf-Medium concerns the additionalhysteresis to be applied,inMedium Mobilitystate,to Qhystas defined inTS 36.304.In dB.Value dB-6 corresponds to -6dB,dB-4corresponds to -4dB and so on.See TS36.331.

dB Enumerate dB-6(0), dB-4(1), dB-2(2), dB0(3) N.A. customer_settable L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


qOf fse tC el l L teNe ighbo ri ngC el lRe lat ion<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<LteNeighboringCellRelation>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameterspecifies the offsetbetweenthe currentLteCelland the LteNeighboringCell.

This parametermustbe setif the neighborcellis included inthe neighborcelllistto be provided inthe SystemInformationindB.This parameteris defined inTS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType4 and inSystemInformationBlockType5.

dB E num erate


N .A . c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 10 37 92Intra-LTE Inter-FrequencyMobilityforFDD<->FDDand TDD<->TDD




3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameterspecifies the offsetbetweenthe currentLteCelland the HeNB neighborcelloperating inopenorhybrid mode.This parametermustbe setif the neighborcellis included inthe neighborcelllistto be provided inthe SystemInformationindB.This parameteris defined inTS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType4 and inSystemInformationBlockType5.

dB E num erate


N .A . c us to me r_ se tt ab le 1 34 68 9 M ac ro /M et ro to He NB c el l mo bi li ty L R1 3. 1

qQualMin CellReselectionConf Lte<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<CellReselectionConfLte>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameterconfigures the serving cell minrequired RSRQ levelused by the UE incell reselection.See 3GPP 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType3 orSystemInformationBlockType5.

dB Integer -34 -3 1 N.A. customer_settable L114644 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA5.0

qQual Mi n C el lRe se lec tio nCo nf Ut raF dd<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>-<CellReselectionConfUtraFdd>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility This parameter configures the q-QualMin included in the IE SystemInformationBlockType6. See TS 36.331. dB Integer -24 0 1 -16 customer_settable L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


q Qu al Mi n C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f> 3 n on e M ob il it y R RC I dl e M od e M ob il it yThis parameterconfigures the serving cell minrequired RSRQ levelused by the UE incell reselection.See 3GPP 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType1.

dB Integer -34 -3 1 N.A. customer_settable L114644 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA5.0

q Qu al Mi nO ff se t C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f> 3 n on e M ob il it y R RC I dl e Mo de Mo bi li ty

This parameterspecifies anoffsetto be applied incellselectioncriteriabythe UE whenitis engaged inaperiodic searchforahigherpriorityPLMN.Defined inTS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType1.

dB Integer 1 8 1 N.A. customer_settable L114644 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA5.0

qR xLe vMi n C el lRe se lec tio nCo nf GE RA N<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-

<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<CellReselectionConfGERAN>3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameterconfigures the IE q-RxLevMinincluded inIE SystemInformationBlockType7The value sentoverthe RRC interface is computed byadding 115 to the configured value and dividing by2(the UE performs the opposite computation,thatis:IE value * 2 -115).

dBm Integer -115 -25 2 N.A. customer_settable L84807EUTRA-to-GERANInter-RAT Mobility--Cell

Reselectionand RedirectionLA2.0

qRxLevMin CellReselectionConf Lte<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<CellReselectionConfLte>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameterconfigures the minrequired RSRP levelused bythe UE incellreselectiononthe frequencyCarrier.The value sentoverthe RRC interface is half the value configured.The UE thenmultiplies the received valueby2.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType3 or5. See TS 3GPP 36.331.

dBm Integer -140 -44 2 -70 customer_settable L108283 eNB Configuration Model Improvements LA3.0

qR xLe vMi n C el lRe se lec tio nCo nf Ut raF dd<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>-<CellReselectionConfUtraFdd>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameterconfigures the q-RxLevMinincluded inthe IE SystemInformationBlockType6.The value sentoverthe RRC interface is computed bysubtracting 1 to the configured value and dividing by2.The UE performs the opposite computation,thatis,{IE value *2)+ 1}.See TS 36.331.

dBm Integer -119 -25 2 -115 customer_settable L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


q Rx Le vM in C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f> 3 n on e M ob il it y R RC I dl e M od e M ob il it y

This parameterconfigures the serving cell minrequired RSRP levelused by the UE in cellreselection.The value sentoverthe RRC interface is half the value configured.The UE thenmultiplies the received valueby2.See 3GPP 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType1.

dBm Integer -140 -44 2 -50 customer_settable L96760 eNB Configuration Update Enhancements LA2.0

q Rx le vm in of fs et C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f> 3 n on e M ob il it y R RC I dl e Mo de M ob il it y

This parameterspecifies anoffsetto be applied incellselectioncriteriabythe UE whenitis engaged inaperiodic searchforahigherpriorityPLMN.

The value sentoverthe RRC interface is half the value configured and the UE thenmultiplies the receivedvalue by2.Defined inTS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType1.If the parameteris unset,thenthe IE willnot be broadcastand the UE willuse avalue of 0 dB.

dB Integer 2 16 2 N.A. customer_settable L96760 eNB Configuration Update Enhancements LA2.0

rABackoff CellRachConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellRachConf> 3 none LTE Air Interface L ayer 2 This parameter configures the RA back-off parameter. Integer 0 12 1 6 system_restricted

rabInactivityTimer EnbRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the durationof the timerused to determine whetheranestablished E-RAB is inactive.This informationis used to peg counter12635 incase abeareris dropped while its inactivitytime is above thevalue of this parameter.

ms Integer 0 10000 150 system_restricted L115929 eRAB Counter Enhancements LA5.0

rac GeranNeighboringCellRelation<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<GeranNeighboringCellRelation>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameteris used to identifya Routing AreawithinaLocationArea.Referto 36.413:RAC IE.

N.A. Integer 0 255 N.A. customer_init L96371 EUTRA-to-GERAN Inter-RAT Mobility -- NACC LA3.0

rac UtraFddNeighboringCellrelation<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>-<UtraFddNeighboringCellRelation>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameteris used to identifyaRouting AreawithinaLocationArea.Itis used forPS services

TargetID.Itidentifies the targetforthe handover.The targetID is the RNC-ID forLTE-UMTS handoverasselected bythe eNodeB.The TargetID whensetto TargetRNC-ID includes RAC.See TS36.413.

N.A. Integer 0 255 N.A. customer_init L96372EUTRAN-to-UTRAN(WCDMA)Inter-RAT Mobility--PS Handover 



ePreamblesC el lRac hCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRac hCo nf > 2 parti al LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2

This parameterindicates the scaling factormultiplied ontop of the (n-1)RACHdetectionthreshold to detect

the nthpreamble inthe same RACHcycle.InLR13.3,nis up to 2.N.A. Float 1 2 0.01 1.25 system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

rA CHMe ss ag e3 MC SI nde x C el lRac hCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>-< Cel lRac hCo nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the MCS indexforRACHmessage 3.MCS indexis defined inTS 36.213,Table8.6.1.1.Range is 0…4.

Integer 0 4 1 3 system_restricted L76432 Scheduling Evolutions LA1.0

rACHMessage3NumberOfPRBs CellRachConfFDD<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellRachConf>-<CellRachConfFDD>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter indicates the number of PRBs for RACH message 3 in contention based access. Integer 1 4 1 2 system_restricted L92038 Enhanced eNB 9326 LA2.0 Sw Capacity LA2.0

r AC HM es sag e3 St ar ti ng PR BI nd ex C el lR ac hC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Ra ch Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies the starting PRB index for RACH message 3 Area. N.A. Integer 0 99 1 2 system_restricted L76432 Scheduling Evolutions LA1.0

rachMs g2F orc eMCS mi n C el lRac hCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>-< Cel lRac hCo nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteroptionallyforces the minimum MCS used forRACHMessage 2 transmissionto aspecificvalue,to allowbetteror lowerprotectionthanthe one automaticallyselected.QPSK modulationmandatory,andthe range is 0-9.Use avalue -1 to have AUTO mode.

N.A. Integer -1 9 1 -1 system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


rachMs g2Num berOf RB C el lRac hCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>-< Cel lRac hCo nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametersets the maximum numberof RBs allocated to RACHMessage2.This parameteris used byDLS and ULS to reserve msg2 PRB resources.Unused PRB resource willbe reused byDL dynamic


N.A. Integer 1 9 1 3 system_restricted L115435.1eNB supportof OTDOA HearabilityEnhancement(Trial)


r ac hM sg 2S pe ct ral Ef fi ci en cy C el lR ac hC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Ra ch Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the spectrum efficiencyinterms of bits perPRB thatthe RACH msg2 should becoded with.

N.A. Integer 1 256 1 19 system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

rachMsg2StartRB CellRachConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellRachConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter sets the position of the first RB allocated to RACH Message 2 in the sub-frame. N.A. Integer 0 99 1 N.A. system_restricted L115435.1

eNB supportof OTDOA HearabilityEnhancement(Trial)


rachMs g4F orc eMCS mi n C el lRac hCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>-< Cel lRac hCo nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteroptionallyforces the minimum MCS used forRACHMessage 4 transmissionto aspecificvalue,to allowbetteror lowerprotectionthanthe one automaticallyselected.QPSK modulationmandatory,andthe range is 0-9.Use avalue -1 to have AUTO mode.

N.A. Integer -1 9 1 -1 system_restricted L90852

rachP erio dic ity C el lRac hCo nf FDD<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellRachConf>-<CellRachConfFDD>

2 parti al LT E Air Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parameterspecifies the RACHMessage 1 periodicity.Formostsystem bandwidths,aperiodicityof either10ms or20ms is supported.However,forthe 1.4MHzbandwidth,onlythe 20ms value is supported.

N.A. Enumerate 10ms (0), 20ms (1) N.A. system_restricted L92801.1 Symmetrical 1.4MHz FDD BdW Mgt LA5.0

rachP faT ol eranc e C el lRac hCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>-< Cel lRac hCo nf > 2 parti al LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2

This parameterspecifies howmuchtolerance canbe allowed beyond the configured false alarm probability

(pRACHDetectFalseAlarmProb).Whenthe measured false alarm probability>(rachPfaTolerance*pRACHDetectFalseAlarmProb),the up-adjustmentof the RACHdetectionthreshold is auto-triggered bymodem.

N.A. Integer 2 64 2 10 system_restricted L98565 4Rx Receive Diversity over 10MHz BW FDD LR13.1

r ac hT hr es ho ld Ad jS ca le Fa ct or C el lR ac hC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Ra ch Co nf > 2 p ar ti al L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterspecifies the scaling factorto controlthe speed of automatic upward adjustmentof the RACH

detectionthreshold.Note thatthe unitcorresponds to the granularityof 1/16 withinthe [1/16,1] range.Integer 1 16 1 8 system_restricted L98565 4Rx Receive Diversity over 10MHz BW FDD LR13.1

r ac hT hr es ho ld Max Co nt ro l C el lR ac hC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Ra ch Co nf > 2 p ar ti al L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterspecifies the maximum allowed RACHdetectionthreshold,whichis min (0xFFFF,Tlow*rachThresholdMaxControl),where Tlowis calculated internallybymodem.

N.A. Integer 1 16 1 8 system_restricted L98565 4Rx Receive Diversity over 10MHz BW FDD LR13.1

radioFrameAllocationOffset MbsfnSubframeAllocationPattern<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<Mbms>-<MbsfnCellConf>-<MbsfnArea>-<MbsfnSubframeAllocationPattern>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteridentifies the SF allocated forthe concerned MBSFNarea.Radio-frames thatcontainMBSFNsubframes occurwhenequationSFNmod radioFrameAllocationPeriod =radioFrameAllocationOffsetissatisfied.Value n1 forradioFrameAllocationPeriod denotes value 1,n2 denotes value 2,and so on.When

fourFrames is used forsubframeAllocation,the equationdefines the first radio frame referred to inthedescriptionbelow.Values n1 and n2 are notapplicable whenfourFrames is used.

Integer 0 7 0 system_restricted L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

radioFrameAllocationPer iod MbsfnSubframeAllocationPattern<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<Mbms>-<MbsfnCellConf>-<MbsfnArea>-<MbsfnSubframeAllocationPattern>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteridentifies the SF allocated forthe concerned MBSFNarea.Radio-frames thatcontainMBSFNsubframes occurwhenequationSFNmod radioFrameAllocationPeriod =radioFrameAllocationOffsetissatisfied.Value n1 forradioFrameAllocationPeriod denotes value 1,n2 denotes value 2,and so on.WhenfourFrames is used forsubframeAllocation,the equationdefines the first radio frame referred to inthedescriptionbelow.Values n1 and n2 are notapplicable whenfourFrames is used.

Enumerate n1(0), n2(1), n4(2), n8(3), n16(4), n32(5) n1 system_restricted L115217 eNB C lass P arameter Change I mprovements LA5.0

radioOffHysteresisTimer Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Call Management C ell SetupThis parameterspecifies the time to wait(inseconds)before eNodeB cuts the radio off following afailure of allS1-MME links.

s Integer 1 60 1 10 system_restricted

r aL oad in gT hr es ho ld Fo rB ac ko ff C el lR ac hC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Ra ch Co nf > 3 n one L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterspecifies the RACHloading (expressed interms of numberof UL PUSCHmessages receivedresponding to the RAR grants vs.the maximum RACH capacity)threshold beyond whichthe back-off willbeenabled.

% Integer 0 100 1 50 system_restricted 166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 LR13.3

randUpdateInterval Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies the rand update intervalfor CS Fallbackto 1xRTT. This parametershallbeconfigured withthe same value on alleNBs to allowsynchronizationinrand determination.This parameteris setwhenisRel8CsfbTo1XRttEnabled=true.

min Integer 1 240 1 10 customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

range BlackCellConf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<BlackCellConf>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameterspecifies the numberof physicalcellidentities inthe range to be black-listed (including the start

identity).Value n4 corresponds to 4,n8 corresponds to 8 and so on. If this parameteris unset,then,ineffect,onlythe identityspecified bythe startparameteris black-listed.See 3GPP 36.331.


N.A. customer_init L104002 Broadcast per cell SIB4 LA3.0

raRe sp ons eW ind owS ize C el lRac hCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRac hCo nf > 2 parti al LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2 T his param et er conf igure s the R A re spo ns e s ize. Se e T S 3 6.3 21. N.A . E num erate sf 2(0 ), sf 3(1 ), sf 4(2 ), sf 5(3 ), sf 6(4 ), sf 7(5 ), sf 8(6 ), sf 10 (7) s f5 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 11 54 36 .1 RA CH Fo rm at 2 P has e I (T rac ki ng F ID f or eCE M) L A5. 0


PlmnIdentity <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<PlmnIdentity> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterselects the action(UE release,orUE offload)for reactive load controltriggered byEmergencyorHighPriorityAccess calladmissionin the concerned PLMN.PLMNto consideris the one in whichthe UE to pre-emptis established.

E num erate cal lRe leas e(0 ), out go ing Mob ili ty(1) out go ing Mob ili ty s ys tem _res erved L1 15 86 0 Hig hP ri ori ty Ac ces s A dm is si on Co nt rol L R1 3. 3

r ef e re nc e Si g na lP o we r P o we r Of f se t Co nf i gu ra t io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SimoResources>-<PowerOffsetConfiguration>

3 noneRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies the absolute powerto be applied for eachReference Signal(RS)and ResourceElement(RE).The value indBm is applicable forasingle RE.

Note:Its dynamic range is betweenminRefSigPowerand maxRefSigPower.Change in referenceSignalPower has proportionalchange intotalconfigured power.

dBm Integer -60 50 1 N.A. eng_tunable L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

r eg is tr at io nP er io d O ne XR tt Re gi st ra ti on Pa ra me te rs<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttRegistrationParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter specifies CDMA2000 1xRTT NID registration period - See 3GPP2 C.S0005. Integer 0 127 1 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

r eg is tr at io nZ on e O ne XR tt Re gi st ra ti on Pa ra me te rs<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttRegistrationParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter specifies CDMA2000 1xRTT NID registration zone - See 3GPP2 C.S0005. Integer 0 4095 1 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

relativeCellIdentity LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 2 partial Call Management Cell Setup

This parameterindicates the cellidentitywithinthe eNodeB.Associated to the eNodeBs macroEnbId,itallowsto uniquelyidentifyacellwithinthe LTE RAN.

This parametercorresponds to the 8 rightmostbits of E-UTRANCell IdentifierinTS 36.423 9.2.14 ECGI.Itis setonlywheneNB is nota Home eNB.

Integer 0 255 1 N.A. customer_init 158138 HeNB support (TSA Dependency) LR13.1

r el at iv eC el lI de nt it y L te Ne ig hb or in gC el lR el at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<LteNeighboringCellRelation>

N .A . n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C el lS et upThis parameterprovides the relativeCellIdentityassociated withthe macroEnbId.Itallows to uniquelyidentifyacellwithinE-UTRAN.This parametercorresponds to the 8 rightmostbits of E-UTRANCell Identifier.See TS 36.423 9.2.14 ECGI.

Integer 0 255 1 N.A. customer_init L81872Automatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation


rem ote Co ntro ll erI d C pri Rad ioE qui pm ent < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Cp riR adi oEq ui pm ent > R EA D ONLY no ne


Features andParameters

Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameteris auser-friendlyidentificationof the remote controller.Itis used in case of a shared Multi-

TechnologyCpriRadioEquipment. If the eNodeB is of the Metro Cell Outdoortype,thenthis parametermustnotbe set.

N.A. String 0 255 N.A. customer_init 159488 MCO LTE software platform inLA6.0 -macro-metrosoftware parityphase 1.1


rep ort Am ount R ep ort Co nf ig CD MA 200 0<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigCDMA2000>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto HRPD RRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE reportAmountincluded inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT in the MeasConfigIE.See TS36.331.

N.A . E num erate r1 (0), r2 (1 ), r4 (2) ,r 8 ( 3), r1 6 (4), r3 2 (5), r6 4 (6), inf init y(7 ) r4 c us to mer_ set tabl e L 84 87 6

Enhancementof LTE-to-HRPD Mobility-redirection

witheHRPD measurement(Restricted test forSingleReceiverUE)


rep ort Am ount R ep ort Co nf ig EUT RA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigEUTRA>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterconfigures the RRC IE reportAmountincluded inthe IE reportConfigEUTRA intheMeasurementConfigurationIE.See 3GPP 36.331.

E num erate r1 (0), r2 (1 ), r4 (2) ,r 8 ( 3), r1 6 (4), r3 2 (5), r6 4 (6), inf init y(7 ) N.A . c us to mer_ set tabl e L1 03 79 2Intra-LTE Inter-FrequencyMobilityforFDD<->FDDand TDD<->TDD


rep ort Am ount R ep ort Co nf ig GE RAN<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigGERAN>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterindicates the Numberof measurementreports.This is used to provisionIE ReportAmountinIE ReportConfigInterRAT,inIE MeasConfig.

E nu me ra te r 1 ( 0) ,r 2 ( 1) ,r 4 ( 2) ,r 8 ( 3) ,r 16 ( 4) ,r 32 ( 5) ,r 64 ( 6) ,i nf in it y( 7) N .A . c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 92 02 6 C S F al lb ac k to G ER AN fo rV oi ce C al ls L A3 .0

reportAmount ReportConfigUTRA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigUTRA>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE reportAmountincluded inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT in the MeasConfigIE.See TS36.331.

N .A . E nu me ra te r 1( 0) ,r 2( 1) ,r 4( 2) ,r 8( 3) ,r 16 (4 ), r3 2( 5) ,r 64 (6 ), in fi ni ty (7 ) N .A . c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 92 02 5 C S F al lb ac k to U TR A( WC DM A) f or V oi ce C al ls L A3 .0

reportConfigId ReportConfig<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterconfigures the RRC IE reportConfigId inthe MeasurementConfigurationIE.See 3GPP36.331.

Integer 1 32 1 N.A. customer_init L96760 eNB Configuration Update Enhancements LA2.0

r ep or tC on fi gL in k M ea su re me nt Id en ti ty Co nf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<MeasurementIdentityConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterrefers to the instance of the ReportConfig MO thatis considered whenthe UE is configuredwiththe measurementconfigured bythis instance of the MO MeasurementIdentityConf.

ServiceLink N.A. customer_init L96760 eNB Configuration Update Enhancements LA2.0

rep ort Inte rval R ep ort Co nf ig CD MA 200 0<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigCDMA2000>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto HRPD RRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE reportIntervalincluded inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT inthe MeasConfig IE.See TS36.331.

N .A . E nu me ra te

ms120(0),ms240 (1),ms480 (2),ms640 (3),ms1024 (4),

ms2048 (5),ms5120 (6),ms10240 (7),min1 (8),min6 (9),min12 (10),min30 (11),min60 (12)

m s1 20 c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 84 87 6

Enhancementof LTE-to-HRPD Mobility-redirection

witheHRPD measurement(Restricted test forSingleReceiverUE)


rep ort Inte rval R ep ort Co nf ig EUT RA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigEUTRA>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterconfigures the RRC IE reportIntervalincluded inthe IE reportConfigEUTRA intheMeasurementConfigurationIE.See 3GPP 36.331.


ms120(0),ms240 (1),ms480 (2),ms640 (3),ms1024 (4),

ms2048 (5),ms5120 (6),ms10240 (7),min1 (8),min6 (9),min12 (10),min30 (11),min60 (12)

N .A . c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 10 37 92Intra-LTE Inter-FrequencyMobilityforFDD<->FDDand TDD<->TDD


rep ort Inte rval R ep ort Co nf ig GE RAN<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigGERAN>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterspecifies the intervalbetweenperiodicalreports.This is used to provisionIE ReportIntervalinIE ReportConfigInterRAT,inIE MeasConfig.


ms120(0),ms240 (1),ms480 (2),ms640 (3),ms1024 (4),

ms2048 (5),ms5120 (6),ms10240 (7),min1 (8),min6 (9),min12 (10),min30 (11),min60 (12)

N .A . c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 92 02 6 C S Fa ll bac k to G ER AN fo rV oi ce C al ls L A3 .0

rep ort Inte rval R ep ort Co nf ig UT RA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigUTRA>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE reportIntervalincluded inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT inthe MeasConfig IE.See TS36.331.

N .A . E nu me ra te



N .A . c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 92 02 5 C S F a ll ba ck t o U TR A( WC DM A) f or V oi ce C a ll s L A3 .0

rep ort Quanti ty R ep ort Co nf ig EUT RA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigEUTRA>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterconfigures the RRC IE reportQuantityincluded inthe IE reportConfigEUTRA intheMeasurementConfigurationIE.See 3GPP 36.331.

Enumerate sameAsTriggerQuantity (0), both(1) N.A. customer_settable L103792Intra-LTE Inter-FrequencyMobilityforFDD<->FDDand TDD<->TDD


r ep o rt Q ua nt i ty Ut r aFd dR 1 0 R e po rt C on f ig U TR A<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigUTRA>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the quantities to be included inthe UTRA measurementreport.The value bothmeans thatboththe CPICHRSCP and CPICHEcN0 quantities are to be included inthe measurementreport.The parametershould be setonlywheninter-RAT mobilityto UTRANis supported.See TS36.331.

N.A. Enumerate both(0) both customer_settable L115225 EUTRAN Standard Alignment LR13.1

r es e rv ed D lP r bP e rc e nt a ge R ad i oC a cC e ll P er P lmn<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell>-<RadioCacCellPerPlmn>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion, Radio admission control and eNB capacity This parameter specifies the percentage of DL PRB reserved for the identified PLMN in the cell. N.A. Integer 0 100 1 0 system_restricted L115242

eUTRANSharing:enhanced MOCN(eithershared or dedicated spectrum)


r es e rv ed N bO f Da ta B ea re rs R ad i oC a cC e ll P er P lmn<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell>-<RadioCacCellPerPlmn>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion, Radio admission control and eNB capacity This parameter specifies the number of data bearers reserved for the identified PLMN in the cell. N.A. Integer 0 4000 1 0 system_restricted L115242

eUTRANSharing:enhanced MOCN(eithershared or dedicated spectrum)


reservedNbrOfDataBearersPerQciGroup RadioCacCellPerPlmn<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell>-<RadioCacCellPerPlmn>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the numberof databearers reserved forthe identified PLMNin eachQCI group inthe cell.If notset,then,no reservationforanyQCI group for this PLMN.

N.A. Integer 0 4000 1 (0) system_restricted L115242eUTRANSharing:enhanced MOCN(eithershared or dedicated spectrum)


r es er ve dN br Of Us er s R ad io Ca cC el lP er Pl mn<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell>-<RadioCacCellPerPlmn>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion, Radio admission control and eNB capacity This parameter specifies the number of calls reserved for the identified PLMN in the cell. N.A. Integer 0 1000 1 0 system_restricted L115242

eUTRANSharing:enhanced MOCN(eithershared or dedicated spectrum)


r es e rv ed U lP r bP e rc e nt ag e R ad i oC a cC e ll P er P lmn<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell>-<RadioCacCellPerPlmn>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion, Radio admission control and eNB capacity This parameter specifies the percentage of UL PRB reserved for the identified PLMN in the cell. N.A. Integer 0 100 1 0 system_restricted L115242

eUTRANSharing:enhanced MOCN(eithershared or dedicated spectrum)


resourceBlockPersistentAreaEnd FrequencyAndBandwidthFDD <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<FrequencyAndBandwidthFDD> 2 part ia lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

his parameterrepresents the Last esource locko the areawhere the e ode allocates semi-persistentand dynamic DTCH.Use a value lowerthanStartto allocate fullbandwidth.

N.A. Integer 1 99 1 1 system_restricted

resourceBlockPersistentAreaStart FrequencyAndBandwidthFDD <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<FrequencyAndBandwidthFDD> 2 part ia lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterrepresents the FirstResource Blockof areawhere the eNodeB allocates semi-persistentand

dynamic DTCH.N.A. Integer 0 98 1 2 system_restricted

resourceBlockShif t CellL2DLConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL2DLConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterindicates the frequencyhopping shiftinnumberof RBs applied ontransmissions of SystemInformationmessages onD-BCH.

N.A. Integer 0 96 1 0 system_restricted L108958 Sys-Info Scheduling Improvements LA3.0

retAldUniqueName Ret <ENBEquipment>-<Ret> 3 none


Features andParameters

Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameteris setbyoam at creationand consists of atextstring comprised of the AISG-assigned RET

vendorcode (2 characters)appended withthe units serialnumber(max17 characters),and serves as auniqueidentifierforthe unit.This is matched withthe unique identityvalue read from the RET.

N.A. String 0 20 $NULLSTRING$ customer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

retAssociatedEnodebFriendlyName Ret <ENBEquipment>-<Ret> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameteris setbythe end userfor the eNodeB thatserves as hostof aRET associated withanother eNodeB ornon-LTE BTS.This textstring describes thatotherBTS.

N.A. String 0 255 $NULLSTRING$ c ustomer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

retFriendlyName Ret <ENBEquipment>-<Ret> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameteris set bythe end userto specifyafriendlynamd to aRET unit.Itconsists of atextstring thatdescribes the locationoruse of the RET.

N.A. String 0 255 $NULLSTRING$ c ustomer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

retSelfTest Ret <ENBEquipment>-<PositioningSystem> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installation and Commissioning Parameters This parameter is set by the end user to initiate aself test of the the RET unit. N.A. Boolean false customer_init L115221 Support for SAM Provisioning of Beta Parameters T/LA6.0

retSoftwareFilename Ret <ENBEquipment>-<PositioningSystem> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameteris setbythe customerto starta newsoftware download to aRET unit.The name canincludethe locationof the fielthatwould be downloaded to the RET unit.The value willbe unsetuntilthe operator decides to download anewsoftware to the RET unit.

N.A. String 0 255 $NULLSTRING$ customer_init L115221 Support for SAMProvisioning of Beta Parameters T/LA6.0

retSubunitAssociatedeNodeB RetSubunit <ENBEquipment>-<Ret>-<RetSubunit> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameteris setbythe operatorduring the eNodeB commissioning oritcanbe set lateronbytheoperatorafterthe eNodeB connects withthe OMC.The parameteridentifies the eNodeB thatshares theantennapanelwiththe eNodeB thatmanages this Subunitorthe name of the Managing eNodeB.WhenaRET supports more thanone Subunit,thenanindividualSubunitmaybe associated withaeNodeB

otherthanthe localeNodeB.The associated eNodeB mustbe one whichshares the antennapanelthatcontains the multi-antennas RET.

N.A. String 0 30 N.A. customer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

retSubunitId AntennaPort <ENBEquipment>-<CpriRadioEquipment>-<AntennaPort> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures and


Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameterassigns aspecific RET and RET subunitto serve the antennaport.Thatis,itidentifies theRet/RetSubunit managed objectinst ance thatrepresents the serving RET subunit.

The parametershould be unsetif no RET serves the antennaport.

ServiceLink N.A. customer_init L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

retSubunitNumber RetSubunit <ENBEquipment>-<Ret>-<RetSubunit> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameteris setby OAMand itassociates the containing instance of RetSubUnitwiththe related SNMPretSubUnitTable entry.Its the one having aretActuatorNumbersetto the same value as defined bythisattribute and having the same retAldRitNumberas defined forthe parentobjectRET.

Integer 1 4 1 1 customer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

retxBSRtimer CellL2ULConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL2ULConf> 2 partial LTE Air Interface Layer 2This parameterspecifies the startvalue forthe timerRETX_BSR_TIMER.The timeris used to preventdeadlocksituations where the eNodeB waits foraSR and the UE does nottriggeraregularBSR.See TS36.321.

m s E num eratesf320(0),sf640(1),sf1280(2),sf2560(3),sf5120(4),sf10240(5)

s f3 20 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 76 50 1 3GP P St andard Com pl iance L A1. 0

rfmControlMode CpriRadioEquipment <ENBEquipment>-<CpriRadioEquipment> 0 criticalMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning Parametershis parameterspeciies the type o managementthe e ode OA provides orthe whenthe unitmay

be shared withanotherBTS. Values are-Standalone Controller(defaultvalue),PrimaryController,SecondaryController.

Enumerate Standalone(0), Primary(1), Secondary(2) Standalone customer_init 159488MCO LTE software platform inLA6.0 -macro-metrosoftware parityphase 1.1


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V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


rim ForC el lLo adE nabl ed R nc Ac ces s < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< UtranA cce ss Gro up >-< Rnc Ac ces s> 3 no ne Mo bi lit y C S F al lbac kand S RVC CThis parameterindicates whetherthe RIMfor CellLoad Reporting feature is supported bythe RNC or not.This parametershallbe setwhenActivationService:isUtraLoadBalancingEnabled=true.

Boolean false customer_init 155912Targetcellload considerationforIRAT mobilitytoWCDMA


rimF orNaccEnabled BscAccess <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<GeranAccessGroup>-<BscAccess> 3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameter indicates whether the RIMfor NACC feature is supported by the BSC or not. Boolean N.A. customer_init L96371 EUTRA-to-GERAN Inter-RAT Mobility -- NACC LA3.0

rimForUtraSiEnabled RncAccess <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<UtranAccessGroup>-<RncAccess> 3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC This parameter indicates whether the RIMfor UTRAN SI feature is supported by the RNC or not. Boolean false customer_init L114190.1CSFB enhancementto UTRAN/GERAN--enhancedRedirectionand PSHO


r lc Di sc ar dT im er En b T ra ff ic Ra di oB ea re rC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <T ra ff ic Ra di oB ea re rC on f> 3 n on e L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2

This parameterconfigures the eNodeB RLC SDUdiscard timerto perform QoS based discard.It is anenumerated value from {50ms,100ms,150ms,300ms,500ms, 750ms,1500ms,infinity}.If itis setto “infinity”the RLC shallnotperform discard.

The value setting (including default)shallbe differentunderdifferentQCI whenthe parameteris pegged.For GBR QCIs,the defaultvalue shallbe the corresponding PDB (50ms,100ms,150ms,300ms).ForNon-GBRQCIs,the defaultvalue canbe setas 1500ms.

N.A. Enumerate N.A. N.A. N.A.50ms(0),100ms(1),150ms(2),300ms(3),500ms(4),750ms(5),1500ms(6),infinity(7)

N.A. system_restricted L97014 RLC-PDCP Flow Control LA2.0

r lc P dc p Fl o wC o nt r ol E na bl e d Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o ne L TE A i r In te r fa ce L a ye r 2This parameterdisables orenables the RLC-PDCP flowcontrolfeature forthe TRB. Whenitis disabled,theRLC and PDCP shallnot perform anyflowcontroland buffermanagementactions.However,the RLC may stillperform QoS timer-based discard.

N.A. Boolean N.A. N.A. N.A. true system_restricted L97014 RLC-PDCP Flow Control LA2.0

r lc S du Bu f fe r Co e ff i ci e nt s Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o ne L TE A i r In te r fa ce L a ye r 2

This parameterprovides the listof coefficients as inputto calculate the totalRLC SDUbuffersize,interms ofKBytes forthe sum of allSDUs .The list includes:SF -The base size (floororminimum)of the buffer,in terms of KBytesSC -The ceiling of the buffer(maximum capped size),interms of KBytesT -The buffering time,interms of msWQ -The QoS weighting factor(0 to 100%).ForGBR RBs,this normallyshould be setas 100%

The buffersize =Min[(SF +SA),SC]Where SA is the adaptive buffersize (inKBytes)givenbythe following formulae:ForGBR bearers: SA =Ceil[(GBR*T*WQ/100) /8000]

ForNon-GBR bearers: SA =Ceil [(AMBR*T*WQ/100)/8000]Where the GBR orAMBR shalluse the unitof kbps,and shallbe the values forDL.WQ is anintegerbetween0 and 100.The parameterlistis {SF, SC,T,WQ}. Itshallbe applied regardless of UMorAM mode.

N.A. Integer 0 10000 1 N.A. system_restricted L97014 RLC-PDCP Flow Control LA2.0

r lc S du Bu f fe r Hi g he r Th re s ho l d Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o ne L TE A i r In te r fa ce L a ye r 2This parameterspecifies the higherthreshold (TH)forthe RLC SDUbuffer forRLC-PDCP flowcontrol.Itis

percentage based so the realhigherbufferthreshold interms of bytes orpackets canbe calculated.N.A. Integer 0 100 1 80 system_restricted L97014 RLC-PDCP Flow Control LA2.0

r lc S du Bu f fe r Lo we r Th re s ho l d Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o ne L TE A i r In te r fa ce L a ye r 2This parameterspecifies the lowerthreshold (TL)forthe RLC SDUbufferforRLC-PDCP flowcontrol.It is

percentage based so the reallowerbufferthreshold interms of bytes orpackets canbe calculated.N.A. Integer 0 100 1 30 system_restricted L97014 RLC-PDCP Flow Control LA2.0

r nc Ac ce ss Id U tr aF dd Ne ig hb or in gC el lR el at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>-<UtraFddNeighboringCellRelation>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameteris anassociationparameter,also knownas anindirectionorpointerparameter.This parameter refers to the instance of the RncAccess MO thatmustbe considered to retrieve allthe informationrelated tothe targetRNC controlling the UTRA FDD cell modeled bythis instance of UtraFddNeighboringCellRelationMO.

ServiceLink 1 N.A. customer_init L108084 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA5.0




3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameteris anassociationparameter,also knownas anindirectionorpointerparameter.This parameter refers to the instance of the RncAccess MO thatmustbe considered to retrieve allthe informationrelated tothe targetSmallCellGatewaycontrolling the UTRA FDD small celllayermodeled bythis instance ofUtraFddNeighboringSmallCellLayerRelationMO.Mustbe setif plane information(like plmnMobileCountryCodeorplmnMobileNetworkCode,PS handovercapability,SRVCC capability)are used foroutbound mobilitytoUTRA FDD smallcells.

N.A. ServiceLink 1 N.A. customer_init L115393 LTE to UTRAN (FDD) small cell mobility support LR13.1

rncId RncAccess <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<UtranAccessGroup>-<RncAccess> N.A. none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode Mobility


This parameterregisters the RNC-ID as anINTEGER (0..4095)and if the Extended RNC-ID IE is included inthe TargetID IE,the RNC-ID IE is ignored.The TargetID identifies the targetforthe handover.The targetID

is the RNC-ID forLTE-UMTS handoveras selected bythe eNodeB.The targetID whensetto TargetRNC-IDincludes RNC-ID.See TS36.413.

N.A. Integer 0 4095 1 N.A. customer_init L96372EUTRAN-to-UTRAN(WCDMA)Inter-RAT Mobility--

PS Handover LA3.0

rohcFoRepeat RohcConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<RohcConf> 3 none LTE Air Interface Layer 2This parameteris used onlyforthe compressorinU-mode.It specifies the maximum numberof compressedpackets to send inFO state inU-mode,before moving to SO state.

N.A. Integer 1 50 1 5 system_restricted L110547 RoHC v1 Support for VoIP T/LA6.0

rohcIrLimit RohcConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<RohcConf> 3 none LTE Air Interface Layer 2This parameteris used onlyforthe compressorinU-mode.It specifies the maximum numberof non-IRpackets to send inU-mode.Afterthis numberof non-IR packets,the compressorshallmove backto IR state.

N.A. Integer 0 5000 10 100 system_restricted L110547 RoHC v1 Support for VoIP T/LA6.0

rohcIrRepeat RohcConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<RohcConf> 3 none LTE Air Interface Layer 2This parameteris used onlyforthe compressorinU-mode.It specifies the maximum numberof IR packets tosend (inIR state)afterentering the U-mode.Afterthis numberof IR packets,the compressorshallmove tohigherstates.

N.A. Integer 1 50 1 5 system_restricted L110547 RoHC v1 Support for VoIP T/LA6.0

r oh cM ax Ci d T ra ff ic Ra di oB ea re rC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <T ra ff ic Ra di oB ea re rC on f> 3 n on e L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2

This parametersets the maximum CID numberused foraRoHC channel.This needs to be configured for bothUE and eNodeB.Itis notproposed to use differentMax_CID forUL and DL so bothUE and eNodeBshalluse the same Max_CID.The maximum numberof CIDs used byUE/eNodeB willbe Max_CID + 1.

This numberhas the upperlimitset byLarge_CIDS.Thatis,if Large_CIDS is True,this parametercanbe setup to 16383,otherwise this parametercanonlybe set up to 15.Therefore this parameteris also used toderive the parameterLarge_CIDS forthe RoHC compressor/decompressor.If Max_CID <= 15,Large_CIDS=False,otherwise Large_CIDS =True.3GPP has defined maximum RoHC contexts (signaled byUE)as covering the UL and DL contexts collectivelyforthe UE,withaneffective maximum of 16384.Inorderto preventaviolationof maximum RoHC contexts,the rohcMaxCid mustbe restricted to amaximum of8191.

N.A. Integer 1 8191 1 15 system_restricted L110547 RoHC v1 Support for VoIP T/LA6.0

rohc Pref erre dM od e R ohc Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< De di cate dC onf >-<R ohc Conf > 3 no ne LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parameteris used onlyfor the decompressor.Itselects the preferred mode in whichthe decompressor wishes to stay,choosing from U-Mode,O-Mode orR-Mode.

N.A. Enumerate U-mode (0), O-mode (1), R-mode (2) O-mode system_restricted L110547 RoHC v1 Support for VoIP T/LA6.0

r oh cP ro fi le s T ra ff ic Ra di oB ea re rC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <T ra ff ic Ra di oB ea re rC on f> 3 n on e L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2

This parameterenables the RoHC profiles fora TRB.The parameteris presented inabit string formatwithalengthof 9,representing the 9 profiles defined in 3GPP excluding profile 0x0000 whichis compulsory.Eachbitindicates aparticularprofile inthe following mapping table.Value 1 means thatparticularprofile is enabled,value 0 means disab led.

This parameteris used forthe inputof NPURoHC profile configuration,as wellas Call-Processing inputfor RRC RoHC profile configuration(whichalso takes into accountof UE capability).

Bit1: profile 0x0001 RTP/UDP/IP

Bit2: profile 0x0002 UDP/IP

Bit3: profile 0x0003 ESP/IP

Bit4: profile 0x0004 IP

Bit5: profile 0x0006 TCP/IP

Bit6: profile 0x0101 RTP/UDP/IP v2

Bit7: profile 0x0102 UDP/IP v2

Bit8: profile 0x0103 ESP/IP v2

Bit9: profile 0x0104 IP v2

Profile 0x0000 (No-compression)is compulsorywhenRoHC is enabled.Therefore this is notincluded inthebitmap to also alignwithRRC PDCP-configurationformat(whichhas also only9 profiles).

Whenall9-bits are setto zero,RoHC will be completelydisabled forthatparticularTRB.

N.A. BitString 9 9 111110000 system_restricted L110547 RoHC v1 Support for VoIP T/LA6.0

r oh cR tp Ti me st am pB as ed Co mp re ss io n R oh cC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< De di ca te dC on f> -< Ro hc Co nf > 3 n one L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameteris aBooleanflag,used only forthe compressor.True means the RTP timestamp-basedcompressionis enabled.This is specified inRFC3095 as one of the RTP compressionalgorithms.Falsemeans itis disabled.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L110547 RoHC v1 Support for VoIP T/LA6.0

rohc Sl id ing Wi nd owS ize R ohc Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< De di cate dC onf >-<R ohc Conf > 3 no ne LT E Air Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parameterspecifies the sliding windowsize,interms of numberof packets,forthe compressorforthewindowbased LSB encoding of compressible fields.The mechanism is specified inRFC3095.

N.A. Integer 4 2048 4 256 system_restricted L110547 RoHC v1 Support for VoIP T/LA6.0

rohcSoLimit RohcConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<RohcConf> 3 none LTE Air Interface Layer 2This parameteris used onlyforthe compressorinU-mode. Itspecifies the maximum numberof compressedpackets to send inSO state.Afterthis numberof packets,the compressorshallmove downto FO state.

N.A. Integer 0 5000 10 200 system_restricted L110547 RoHC v1 Support for VoIP T/LA6.0

r oh cS ta nd al on eF ee db ac kT im eo ut R oh cC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< De di ca te dC on f> -< Ro hc Co nf > 3 n one L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameteris used onlyforthe compressor.Whenitreceives afeedbackpacketfrom the associateddecompressor,it waits forthis timer(inms) to expire thento send itto standalone.Otherwise itpiggybacks thefeedbackto adatapacketwhenitis available before timeout.

ms Integer 0 500 1 5 system_restricted L110547 RoHC v1 Support for VoIP T/LA6.0

rohc State Contro lK 1 R ohc Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< De di cate dC onf >-<R ohc Conf > 3 no ne LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parameteris used onlyfordecompressor.Itspecifies the k1 value inFC to SC state transition.Whenthere are k1 decompressionfailures outof n1 totalreceived datapackets,the decompressorshallmove fromFC to SC state.The values mustmeetthe conditionof k1 <=n1.

N.A. Integer 1 10 1 1 system_restricted L110547 RoHC v1 Support for VoIP T/LA6.0

rohc State Contro lK 2 R ohc Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< De di cate dC onf >-<R ohc Conf > 3 no ne LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parameteris used onlyforthe decompressor.Itspecifies the k2 value inSC to NC state transition.Whenthere are k2 decompressionfailures outof n2 totalreceived datapackets,the decompressorshallmove fromSC to NC state.The values mustmeetthe conditionof k2 <=n2.

N.A. Integer 1 10 1 1 system_restricted L110547 RoHC v1 Support for VoIP T/LA6.0

rohc State Contro lN1 R ohc Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< De di cate dC onf >-<R ohc Conf > 3 no ne LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parameteris used onlyforthe decompressor.Itspecifies the n1 value inFC to SC state transition.Whenthere are k1 decompressionfailures outof n1 totalreceived datapackets,the decompressorshallmove fromFC to SC state.The values mustmeetthe conditionof k1 <=n1.

N.A. Integer 1 10 1 1 system_restricted L110547 RoHC v1 Support for VoIP T/LA6.0

rohc State Contro lN2 R ohc Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< De di cate dC onf >-<R ohc Conf > 3 no ne LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2his parameteris used onlyorthe decompressor.Itspeciies the n value in C to C state transition.When

there are k2 decompressionfailures outof n2 totalreceived datapackets,the decompressorshallmove fromSC to NC state.The values mustmeetthe conditionof k2 <=n2.

N.A. Integer 1 10 1 1 system_restricted L110547 RoHC v1 Support for VoIP T/LA6.0

rootSequenceIndex CellRachConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellRachConf> 2 partial LTE Air Interface Layer 2 This parameter configures the parameter Root-sequence-index. See TS 36.211, table 5.7.2-4 and 5.7.2-5. Integer 0 837 1 1 customer_init

rout ing Ar eaCo de R outi ngA re a<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<UtranAccessGroup>-<RncAccess>-

<RoutingArea>N.A. none Mobility

Automatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationand

OptimisationThis parameter specifies the Routing Area Code supported by the target RNC. N.A. Integer 0 255 N.A. customer_init L108084.1 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA4.0

r rc Cn xR ee st ab Re je ct Rat eM aj or O ve rl oa dC on tr ol < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ov er lo ad Co nt ro l> 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies the rate R atwhichincoming RRC ConnectionReestablishmentRequests arerejected inMajorOverload.One outof R is rejected,unless R equals zero inwhichcase none are rejected.

N.A. Integer 0 10 1 5 system_restricted L115241Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


r rc Cn xR ee st ab Re je ct Rat eM in or O ve rl oa dC on tr ol < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ov er lo ad Co nt ro l> 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies the rate R atwhichincoming RRC ConnectionReestablishmentRequests arerejected inMinorOverload.One outof R is rejected,unless R equals zero inwhichcase none are rejected.

N.A. Integer 0 10 1 0 system_restricted L115241Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


rrc CnxR eq Re jec tR ate Maj or Ove rl oad Co ntro l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ove rl oad Co nt rol > 3 no ne C al lManage ment C al lHand li ng

This parameterspecifies the rate R at whichincoming RRC ConnectionRequests are rejected in Major Overload.One outof R is rejected,unless R equals zero inwhichcase none are rejected. RRC ConnectionRequests from delay-tolerantUEs are allrejected using extendedWaitTimeDueToENB regardless of thesettings.

N.A. Integer 0 10 1 3 system_restricted L115241Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


rrc CnxR eq Re jec tR ate Mi nor Ove rl oad Co ntro l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ove rl oad Co nt rol > 3 no ne C al lManage ment C al lHand li ng

This parameterspecifies the rate R at whichincoming RRC ConnectionRequests are rejected in Minor Overload.One outof R is rejected,unless R equals zero inwhichcase none are rejected. RRC Connection

Requests from delay-tolerantUEs are allrejected using extendedWaitTimeDueToENB regardless of thesettings.

N.A. Integer 0 10 1 8 system_restricted L115241Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS Differentiationon

eNB BackplaneT/LA6.0

rrc CnxR eq Wait Ti meMaj or Ove rl oad Co ntro l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ove rl oad Co nt rol > 3 no ne C al lManage ment C al lHand li ngThis parameterspecifies the waitTime value to be used whenRRC ConnectionRequests are rejected inMajor Overload.A random value inthe range of (75%,125%)of the parameterrespecting min/maxcardinalities willbe used. Referto extendedWaitTimeDueToENB fordelay-tolerantUEs.

s Integer 1 16 1 16 system_restricted L115241Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


rrc CnxR eq Wait Ti meMi nor Ove rl oad Co ntro l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ove rl oad Co nt rol > 3 no ne C al lManage ment C al lHand li ng

This parameterspecifies the waitTime value to be used whenRRC ConnectionRequests are rejected inMinor 

Overload. A random value inthe range of (75%,125%)of the parameterrespecting min/maxcardinalities willbe used. Referto extendedWaitTimeDueToENB fordelay-tolerantUEs.

s Integer 1 16 1 10 system_restricted L115241Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


r rc Co nne ct io nR ep or te d P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to RrcConnectionis selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L103175.1 Performance Counter Management Support on eNB LA4.0

rrcConnSetupCompleteTimer Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Call Management Call Handling

This parameterspecifies the guard timerforRRC ConnectionSetup Complete,whichis used to monitornonanswerfrom the UE incase of no receptionof RRC ConnectionSetup Complete from the UE.The timerisstarted inthe eNodeB attransmissionof RRC ConnectionSetup and stopped at response message receptionfrom the UE.At timerexpiry,the RRC ConnectionSetup procedure is failed.

ms Integer 50 3000 10 1000 system_restricted CR540555

r rc On ly Cn xL if eT im e T ra ff ic Ba se dR el ea se Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <R rm Se rv ic es >- <T ra ff ic Ba se dR el ea se Co nf > 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Ha nd li ngThis parameterspecifies the timerarmed byeNodeB foragivenUE whenthe first dedicated message isreceived from the MME (InitialContextSetup RequestorDownlinkNAS Transport).The timeris stopped whenatransportbeareris established.

ms Integer 1000 86400 1 14000 system_restricted L96760 eNB Configuration Update Enhancements LA2.0

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Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


rrcProcedureDefenseTimer Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Call Management Call Handling

This parameterspecifies the startvalue forthe eNodeB internaldefense timerwhichis used to monitornonanswerfrom the UE incase of anyRRC procedure exceptforRRC ConnectionSetup (whichusesEnb::rrcConnSetupCompleteTimer).The timeris started inthe eNodeB atmessage transmissionand stoppedatresponse message receptionfrom the UE.At timerexpiry,the procedure is failed.

ms Integer 50 3000 10 1000 eng_tunableCR540555,CR148092

rrc Re es tab lis hm ent Thres ho ld C Tg < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Subs cA nd Equi pm entT rac es> -< CT g> 3 no neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Subscriber and equipment traces This parameter specifies the RRC threshold value (number of RRC connection reestablishment attempts). Integer 0 300000 1 0 eng_tunable L92645 Subscriber & Equipment Trace Enhancements LA2.0

rrcRlsTimerForOOTUser Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Call Management C all HandlingThis parameterspecifies the timerforthe eNodeB to waitafterthe RRC connectionrelease message is sentto OOT user.Onlywhenthe timer expires,the eNodeB triggers the removalof the usercontext.

ms Integer 0 800 50 100 system_restricted 166502 Out of Time Alignment (OOT) LR13.3

rsrpOffsetO nNeighborCellF orOtherGbrCalls

RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the RSRP offsetto be applied to neighborcellthresholds inUE measurementconfigurationforcalls thathave atleastone GBR bearersetup butno voice bearers.Itapplies to reportconfigurations A4 (a4-Threshold)and A5 (a5-Threshold2).Notsetting the parameteris equivalentto setting it

to value 0.

dB Integer -10 10 1 N.A. customer_settable L115204Enhanced measurementparametersupportfor mobility



RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the RSRP offsetto be applied to neighborcellthresholds inUE measurementconfigurationforcalls thathave atleastone VoIP bearersetup withTTI Bundling activated.Itapplies to reportconfigurations A4 (a4-Threshold)and A5 (a5-Threshold2).Notsetting the parameteris equivalentto setting itto value 0.

dB Integer -10 10 1 N.A. customer_settable L114536.1 Support of TTI Bundling for VoIP LA5.0

rsrpOffsetOnNeighborCellForVoIPCalls RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie sThis parameterspecifies the RSRP offsetto be applied to neighborcellthresholds inUE measurementconfigurationforcalls thathave at leastone VoIP bearerset up.Itapplies to reportconfigurations A4 (a4-Threshold)and A5 (a5-Threshold2).Notsetting the parameteris equivalentto setting itto value 0.

dB Integer -10 10 1 N.A. customer_settable L115204Enhanced measurementparametersupportfor mobility


rsrpOffsetO nServingCellF orOtherGbrCalls

RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the RSRP offsetto be applied to serving cellthresholds inUE measurementconfigurationforcalls thathave atleastone GBR bearersetup butno voice bearers.Itapplies to reportconfigurations A1,A2, A5 (a5-Threshold1)and B2 (b2-Threshold1).Notsetting the parameteris equivalentto

setting itto value 0.

dB Integer -10 10 1 N.A. customer_settable L115204Enhanced measurementparametersupportfor mobility



RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the RSRP offsetto be applied to serving cellthresholds inUE measurementconfigurationforcalls thathave atleastone VoIP bearersetup withTTI Bundling activated.Itapplies to reportconfigurations A1,A2, A5 (a5-Threshold1)and B2 (b2-Threshold1).Notsetting the parameteris equivalenttosetting itto value 0.

dB Integer -10 10 1 N.A. customer_settable L114536.1 Support of TTI Bundling for VoIP LA5.0

rsrpOffsetOnServingCellForVoIPCalls RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie sThis parameterspecifies the RSRP offsetto be applied to serving cellthresholds inUE measurementconfigurationforcalls thathave atleastone VoIP bearersetup.It applies to reportconfigurations A1,A2,A5(a5-Threshold1)and B2 (b2-Threshold1).Notsetting the parameteris equivalentto setting it to value 0.

dB Integer -10 10 1 N.A. customer_settable L115204Enhanced measurementparametersupportfor mobility


rsrqOffsetO nNeighborCellF orOtherGbrCalls

RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the RSRQ offsetto be applied to neighborcellthresholds inUE measurementconfigurationforcalls thathave atleastone GBR bearersetup butno voice bearers.Itapplies to reportconfigurations A4 (a4-Threshold)and A5 (a5-Threshold2).Notsetting the parameteris equivalentto setting itto value 0.

dB Float -5 5 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L115204Enhanced measurementparametersupportfor mobility



RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the RSRQ offsetto be applied to neighborcellthresholds inUE measurementconfigurationforcalls thathave atleastone VoIP bearersetup withTTI Bundling activated.Itapplies to reportconfigurations A4 (a4-Threshold)and A5 (a5-Threshold2).Notsetting the parameteris equivalentto setting it

to value 0.

dB Float -5 5 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L114536.1 Support of TTI Bundling for VoIP LA5.0

rsrqOffsetOnNeighborCellForVoIPCalls RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie sThis parameterspecifies the RSRQ offsetto be applied to neighborcellthresholds inUE measurementconfigurationforcalls thathave at leastone VoIP bearerset up.Itapplies to reportconfigurations A4 (a4-Threshold)and A5 (a5-Threshold2).Notsetting the parameteris equivalentto setting itto value 0.

dB Float -5 5 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L115204Enhanced measurementparametersupportfor mobility


rsrqOffsetO nServingCellF orOtherGbrCalls

RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the RSRQ offsetto be applied to serving cell thresholds inUE measurementconfigurationforcalls thathave atleastone GBR bearersetup butno voice bearers.Itapplies to reportconfigurations A1,A2, A5 (a5-Threshold1)and B2 (b2-Threshold1).Notsetting the parameteris equivalenttosetting itto value 0.

dB Float -5 5 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L115204Enhanced measurementparametersupportfor mobility



RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the RSRQ offsetto be applied to serving cell thresholds inUE measurementconfigurationforcalls thathave atleastone VoIP bearersetup withTTI Bundling activated.Itapplies to reportconfigurations A1,A2, A5 (a5-Threshold1)and B2 (b2-Threshold1).Notsetting the parameteris equivalenttosetting itto value 0.

dB Float -5 5 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L114536.1 Support of TTI Bundling for VoIP LA5.0

rsrqOffsetOnServingCellForVoIPCalls RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie sThis parameterspecifies the RSRQ offsetto be applied to serving cell thresholds inUE measurementconfigurationforcalls thathave atleastone VoIP bearersetup.It applies to reportconfigurations A1,A2,A5(a5-Threshold1)and B2 (b2-Threshold1).Notsetting the parameteris equivalentto setting it to value 0.

dB Float -5 5 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L115204Enhanced measurementparametersupportfor mobility


rssiMeasurementInterval LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 2 partialMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameterspecifies the measurementintervalforthe declarationof adiversityimbalance alarm for thecell.The time specified is an approximate time,notanactualtime.T he implementationmightchoose to use anumberof RSSI measurements above the threshold instead of anactualtime.

min Integer 0 45 1 15 customer_settable L114792 eNodeB OAM Enhancements LA5.0

rssiNoiseFloorOffset LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 2 partialMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameterspecifies the RSSI Noise FloorlevelOffsetfor the RSSI signallevelthreshold forthe cell.Thevalue range is 0 to -12.0 dB.The parameteris used by the Modem to determine whetherthe signalis goodenoughto perform diversityimbalance monitoring forthe cell. The defaultvalue is 3.0 dB.

dB Float 0.0 12.0 0.1 3.0 customer_settable L114792 eNodeB OAM Enhancements LA5.0

rssiOffsetForOtherGbrCalls RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the RSSI offsetto be applied to GERAN neighborcellthresholds inUEmeasurementconfigurationforcalls thathave atleastone GBR bearersetup butno voice bearers.Itappliesto reportconfigurations B1 (b1-ThresholdGERAN)and B2 (b2-Threshold2GERAN).Notsetting the parameter is equivalentto setting itto value 0.

dB Integer -10 10 1 N.A. customer_settable L115204Enhanced measurementparametersupportfor mobility


r s si O ff s et For T ti B Vo I PC al l s R r cMea s ur eme nt C on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the RSSI offsetto be applied to GERAN neighborcellthresholds inUEmeasurementconfigurationforcalls thathave atleastone VoIP bearersetup withTTI Bundling activated.Itapplies to reportconfigurations B1 (b1-ThresholdGERAN)and B2 (b2-Threshold2GERAN).Notsetting the

parameteris equivalentto setting itto value 0.

dB Integer -10 10 1 N.A. customer_settable L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

r s si O ff s et For V oI P Ca l ls R r cMea s ur eme nt C on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the RSSI offsetto be applied to GERAN neighborcellthresholds inUEmeasurementconfigurationforcalls thathave atleastone VoIP bearersetup. Itapplies to reportconfigurations B1 (b1-ThresholdGERAN)and B2 (b2-Threshold2GERAN).Notsetting the parameterisequivalentto setting it to value 0.

dB Integer -10 10 1 N.A. customer_settable L115204Enhanced measurementparametersupportfor mobility


rxPath CellAntennaPort <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellAntennaPort> 2 partial


Features andParameters

Installation and Commissioning Parameters This parameter specifies whether or not the specified antenna port is to be used as a cell receive path. Boolean true customer_init L115295Band Class 25 (PCS)LTE eNodeB Configurations inLA5.0


rxUsed AntennaPort <ENBEquipment>-<CpriRadioEquipment>-<AntennaPort> 2 partial


Features andParameters

I nstallation and Commissioning Parameters This parameter allows in the configuration the Rx usage on this antenna port when it is set to true. Boolean true customer_init L114909.3 Full AI SG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

s1APinitUeMsgTimer Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Call Management C all Handling

This parameterspecifies the startvalue forthe eNodeB defense timerwhichis used to monitornonanswer from the MME incase of S1AP InitialUE Message.The timeris started inthe eNodeB atmessagetransmissionand stopped atresponse message receptionfrom the MME.Attimerexpiry,the procedure isfailed.

s Integer 1 60 1 30 system_restricted

s1APProcedureDefenseTimer Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Call Management S1 Management

This parameterspecifies the startvalue forthe eNodeB defense timerwhichis used to monitornonanswer from the MME incase of some UE-dedicated S1-AP procedures.The timeris started inthe eNodeB atmessage transmissionand stopped atresponse message receptionfrom the MME.Itis used upontransmissionof S1 UE ContextRelease Request,S1 PathSwitchRequestand S1 HandoverCancel.Attimer expiry, the procedure is failed.

ms Integer 50 30000 10 1000 customer_settable

s 1H oR eq Re je ct Ra te Ma jo r O ve rl oa dC on tr ol < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ov er lo ad Co nt ro l> 3 n one M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it yP ro ce du re shis parameterspeciies the rate atwhichincoming 1 andover equests are rejected in ajorOverload.

One outof R is rejected,unless R equals zero inwhichcase none are rejected.N.A. Integer 0 10 1 5 customer_settable L115241

Overload Control volutions & Qo i erentiationoneNB Backplane


s 1H oR eq Re je ct Ra te Mi no r O ve rl oa dC on tr ol < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ov er lo ad Co nt ro l> 3 n one M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it yP ro ce du re sThis parameterspecifies the rate R at whichincoming S1 HandoverRequests are rejected inMinorOverload.One outof R is rejected,unless R equals zero inwhichcase none are rejected.

N.A. Integer 0 10 1 0 customer_settable L115241Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


s1 Pagi ngI gnore Rat eMaj or Ove rl oad Co ntro l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ove rl oad Co nt rol > 3 no ne C al lManage ment C al lHand li ngThis parameterspecifies the rate R at whichincoming S1 Paging Requests are ignored inMajorOverload.One outof R is ignored,unless R equals zero inwhichcase none are ignored.

N.A. Integer 0 10 1 5 system_restricted L115241Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


s1 Pagi ngI gnore Rat eMi no r Ove rl oad Co ntro l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Ove rl oad Co nt rol > 3 no ne C al lManage ment C al lHand li ngThis parameterspecifies the rate R at whichincoming S1 Paging Requests are ignored inMinorOverload.One outof R is ignored,unless R equals zero inwhichcase none are ignored.

N.A. Integer 0 10 1 10 system_restricted L115241Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


s 1P ag in gP ri or it yI nd ic at io nH an dl in g O ve rl oa dC on tr ol < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ov er lo ad Co nt ro l> 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in ghis parametera llows ororb ids e ode to ilter 1-A aging or whenitremains inCr itica lOver load

foralong period.N.A. Boolean TRUE system_restricted L115805 Overload Control Phase 3 LR13.1

s 1R ab Mo di fy Re qR ej ec tR at eM aj or O ve rl oa dC on tr ol < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ov er lo ad Co nt ro l> 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies the rate R at whichincoming S1 E-RAB ModifyRequests are rejected in Major 

Overload.One outof R is rejected,unless R equals zero inwhichcase none are rejected.N.A. Integer 0 10 1 5 system_restricted L115241

Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS Differentiationon

eNB BackplaneT/LA6.0

s 1R ab Mo di fy Re qR ej ec tR at eM ino r O ve rl oa dC on tr ol < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ov er lo ad Co nt ro l> 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies the rate R at whichincoming S1 E-RAB ModifyRequests are rejected in Minor Overload.One outof R is rejected,unless R equals zero inwhichcase none are rejected.

N.A. Integer 0 10 1 10 system_restricted L115241Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


s 1R ab Se tu pR eq Re je ct Ra te Ma jo r O ve rl oa dC on tr ol < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ov er lo ad Co nt ro l> 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies the rate R at whichincoming S1 E-RAB Setup Requests are rejected in Major Overload.One outof R is rejected,unless R equals zero inwhichcase none are rejected.

N.A. Integer 0 10 1 5 system_restricted L115241Overload ControlEvolutions & QoS DifferentiationoneNB Backplane


s 1R ab Se tu pR eq Re je ct Ra te Mi no r O ve rl oa dC on tr ol < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ov er lo ad Co nt ro l> 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameterspecifies the rate R at whichincoming S1 E-RAB Setup Requests are rejected in Minor Overload.One outof R is rejected,unless R equals zero inwhichcase none are rejected.

N.A. Integer 0 10 1 10 system_restricted L115241Overload Control volutions & Qo i erentiationoneNB Backplane


s C el l De ac t iv at i on T ime rR 1 0 D o wn l in kC A Co n f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggreg ationPrimaryConf >-<DownlinkCACo nf>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic R es ourc e All oc at io nand P ack et Sc he dul ing T his p aram et er conf igure s the S Cel ld e-ac ti vati on ti mer . f ram es E num erate rf 2(0 ), rf 4(1), rf 8(2 ), rf 16 (3), rf 32( 4), rf 64(5 ), rf 128 (6), inf ini ty(7) i nf init y s ys tem _res tr ic ted 1 60 84 7 Co mm erc ial CA L R1 3. 3

s ea rc hW in do wS iz e M ea sO bj ec tC DM A2 00 0<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<MeasObject>-<MeasObjectCDMA2000>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto HRPD RRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterprovides the searchwindowsize to be used by the UE for the neighboring pilot.See C.S0005-A [25]and TS36.331.

N.A. Integer 0 15 1 N.A. customer_init L84876Enhancementof LTE-to-HRPD Mobility-redirectionwitheHRPD measurement(Restricted test forSingleReceiverUE)


searchWindowSizeSIB8 LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameterspecifies the CDMA2000 searchwindowsize (commonforHRPD and 1xRTT).It is used to

assistinsearching forneighboring pilots.This field is required foraUE withrx-ConfigHRPD=`single and/orrx-Config1XRTT=`single to perform handover,cellre-selectionand UE measurementbased redirectionfrom E-UTRANto CDMA2000 according to 3GPP 36.331.See also TS 36.304.This parametermustbe set if the cellhas HrpdNeighboring::hrpdInfoConfigured or OneXRttNeighboring::oneXRttInfoConfigured setto True.

Integer 0 15 1 8 customer_settable L82728LTE-to-HRPD Mobility--cellreselectionandredirectionwithno eHRPD measurement


s ec on da ry Ce ll Id C ar ri er Ag gr eg at io nS ec on da ry Co nf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf>

2 p ar ti al C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Han dl in gThis parameteris anassociationparameterwhichlinks aprimarycellwitha secondarycell.Itidentifies aSCELL (SecondaryCell)used byCarrieraggregationfeature.The secondarycellis a cellinstance of LteCellMO.

N.A. ServiceLink 1 N.A. customer_init 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

secondarySyncSignalPowerOffset PowerOffsetConfiguration<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SimoResources>-<PowerOffsetConfiguration>

2 partialRadio Resource


This parameterprovides the poweroffsetof the SecondarySynchronizationSignalcompared to the CellReference Power.

dB Float -25.6 25.5 0.1 N.A. eng_tunable

sEcorrInit CellRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterrepresents the initialSpectrum Efficiencycorrectionfactorvalue as perLinkAdaptationsectioninUL DRAPS FN(indB).

dB Float -10 10 0.1 -7 system_restricted L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

sEcorrMax CellRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterrepresents the minimum Spectrum Efficiencycorrectionfactorvalue as perLinkAdaptationsectioninUL DRAPS FN(indB).

dB Float -10 10 0.1 10 system_restricted L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

sEcorrMin CellRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

his parameterrepresents the minimum pectrum iciencycorrectionactorvalue as perLinkAdaptationsectioninUL DRAPS FN(indB).

dB Float -10 10 0.1 -10 system_restricted L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

sE co rrS te pF orHi ghe rB LE R C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterprovides the Spectrum Efficiencycorrectiontable to controlthe higherUL BLER targetsetting.HigherBLER targetsetting is used for highvelocityUEs whenthere is no VoIP service and no MeasurementGap active.The formatof this parameteris atable of 10 parameters,eachof them ranging from -0.5 to +0.5,withastep

size of 0.1/128 (thatis, 1281 possible values).Typicalsettings provide around 50% HARQ 1stHARQretransmissionperformance.

dB Float -0.5 0.5 0.00078125




 s y s t em_ re s tr i ct e d L 1 15 2 17 e NB C l a ss P a r ame te r C ha ng e I mpr o ve men ts L A 5. 0

sE co rrS te pF orL owe rBL ER C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterprovides the Spectrum Efficiencycorrectiontable to controlthe lowerUL BLER targetsetting.

LowerBLER targetsetting is used for lowvelocityUEs,VoIP users and Calls withMeasurementGap active.The formatof this parameteris atable of 10 parameters,eachof them ranging from -0.5 to +0.5,withastepsize of 0.1/128 (thatis, 1281 possible values).Typicalsettings provide around 10% HARQ 1stHARQretransmissionperformance.

dB Float -0.5 0.5 0.00078125




 s y s t em_ re s tr i ct e d L 1 15 2 17 e NB C l a ss P a r ame te r C ha ng e I mpr o ve men ts L A 5. 0

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


SectorID AntennaPort <ENBEquipment>-<CpriRadioEquipment>-<AntennaPort> 2 partialMiscellaneousFeatures and


Installation and Commissioning Parameters This parameter indicates the geographical sector on which this antenna port is emitting. Integer 1 9 1 N.A. customer_init L115808 Tri-carrier BBU LR13.3

sectorNumber LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> READ ONLY partialMiscellaneousFeatures and


Installation and Commissioning Parameters This parameter reports the number of the sector supporting this LTE Cell. N.A. Integer 1 9 1 N.A. customer_init L115808 Tri-carrier BBU LR13.3

se cto rNum be r One XR tt Re fe renc eC el l<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfP erPlmn>-<OneX RttReference Cell>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies the sectornumberof the Reference Cell forrouting of CDMA2000 messages -correspond to 1xRTT sectortowards whichthe signaling is performed.(See 3GPP2 A.S0008 - section

Integer 0 15 1 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

seed Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies the seed value for3G1X authentication.Itshallbe configured to the same value onalleNBs to allowsynchronizationinrand determination.

This parameteris setwhenisRel8CsfbTo1XRttEnabled=true.

N.A. Integer 1 4294967295 1 65535 customer_settable 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

s er vi ce Fai lu re Re po rt ed P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures and


Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to ServiceFailure is selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L103175.1 Performance Counter Management Support on eNB LA4.0

se rvi ceT ype S er vic eT yp eP ri ori tyCo nf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<MobilityPriorityTable>-<ServiceTypePriorityConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y e vo lv ed m ul ti -c ar ri er t ra ff ic a ll oc at io n eM CT AThis parameterconfigures the service-type:inorderto allowthe differentservice-based allocationstrategies,the E-MCTA process relies onthe notionof service-type.This is anALU-proprietarynotionthatindicates thetype of application,forwhichthe RAT/Carrierallocationis optimized.

N .A . E nu me ra tecsfbByIdleUE(1),emergencyCsfbByIdleUE(2),csfbByConnectedUE(3),emergencyCsfbByConnectedUE(4),csfbTo1XRtt(5)

N.A. customer_init L106136CommonMobilityManagementFramework(eMCTAPhase 1)


sfnSyncOption ClockSync <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ClockSync> 0 criticalMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

AirInterface ClockSynchronization

This parameterdetermines whetherthe eNodeB clockis:-frequencylocked,-frequencyand phase locked,-frequencyand phase and time-of-daylocked.The parameterapplies onlywhere Phase Sync is apossible option(GPS or1588 is employed).

EnumerateFreqSyncOnly(0),FreqAndPhaseSyncEnabled (1),FreqAndPhaseAndTimeOfDaySyncEnabled (2)

F r eq S yn cO nl y c u st o me r_ s et t ab l e L 1 15 4 35 . 1eNB supportof OTDOA HearabilityEnhancement(Trial)


s ho rt DR XC yc le I na ct iv it yB as ed Dr xC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <I na ct iv it yB as ed Dr xC on f> 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteris astandard DRX configurationparameter(referto TS36.321)thateNB sends to UE.Itspecifies whetherthe shortDRX cycle is enabled,and if itis enabled,the cycle-time insub-frames.

Enumerate Disabled(0), sf20(1), sf40(2) Disabled system_restricted L101843 MAC DRx State Mgt under Inactivity Conditions LR13.1

sib12SchedulingClass SysInfoConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SysInfoConf> 3 none Call Management Cell Setup This parameter specifies the SIB Scheduling Class id for SystemInformationBlockType 12. N.A. Integer 1 3 1 2 system_restricted L92127 Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) support T/LA6.0

s ib 13 No nM BS FN re gi on Le ng th M bs fn Ar ea < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <M bm s> -< Mb sf nC el lC on f> -< Mb sf nA re a> 2 p ar ti al L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2

This parameterindicates howmanysymbols from the beginning of the subframe constitute the non-MBSFNregion.This value applies inallsubframes of the MBSFNareaused forPMCH transmissions as indicated in

the MSI.The values s1 and s2 correspond with1 and 2 symbols,respectively:see TS 36.211 [21,Table 6.7-1].Onlyvalue s1 is available.

Enumerate s1(0), s2(1) s1 system_restricted L115527eMBMS trialsupport(eMBMS services configured by


s i b1 3 No nMB SFN re g io nL e ng t h Mc eMbs f nA r ea < E NB E qu ip men t> - <Mc e> - <Mc eMb sf n Sy nc h ro A re a >- < Mc e Mb s fn A re a> 3 n o ne C al l Man ag e me nt E n ha nc e d Mul t ime di a B ro ad c as t Mul t ic a st S e rv i ce e MB MS

This parameterindicates howmanysymbols from the beginning of the subframe constitute the non-MBSFNregion.This value applies inallsubframes of the MBSFNareaused forPMCH transmissions as indicated inthe MSI.The values s1 and s2 correspond with1 and 2 symbols,respectively:see TS 36.211 [21,Table 6.7-1].Onlyvalue s1 is available.

Enumerate s1(0), s2(1) s2 customer_init L115262eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated ineNB)


sib13SchedulingClass SysInfoConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SysInfoConf> 3 none Call Management Cell Setup This parameter defines the SIB Scheduling Class id for SystemInformationBlockType 13. Integer 1 3 1 1 system_restricted L115527eMBMS trialsupport(eMBMS services configured byOAMcommand)


s ib 13 Si gn al in gM CS M ce Mb sf nA re a < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <M ce >- <M ce Mb sf nS yn ch ro Ar ea >- <M ce Mb sf nA re a> 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt E nh an ce d M ul ti me di a Br oa dc as t Mu lt ic as t Se rv ic e e MB MS

This parameterindicates the Modulationand Coding Scheme (MCS)applicable forthe subframes indicated

bythe field sf-AllocInfo and forthe firstsubframe of each MCHscheduling period (whichmaycontainthe MCHscheduling informationprovided byMAC).Value n2 corresponds withthe value 2 for parameterinTS 36.213[23,Table],and so on.

Enumerate n2(0), n7(1), n13(2), n19(3) n7 customer_init L115527eMBMS trialsupport(eMBMS services configured byOAMcommand)


sib1 c hedulingClass ysIn oCon < quipment>-< nb>-<LteCell>-< ysIn oCon > none Call anagement C ell e tup his parameter speci ies the I cheduling Class id or ystemIn ormation lock ype 1 . Integer 1 1 system_restricted 1 1 e commercial (step ) L 1 .

sib1TargetMCS SysInfoConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SysInfoConf> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the targetMCS to be applied fortransmissionof SystemInformationBlockType1,thenumberof retransmissions being fixed to 3 by3GPP.

N.A. Integer 0 9 1 2 system_restricted L108958 Sys-Info Scheduling Improvements LA3.0

sib2SchedulingClass SysInfoConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SysInfoConf> 3 none Call Management Cell Setup This parameter specifies the SIB Scheduling Class id for SystemInformationBlockType 2. Integer 1 3 1 1 system_restricted L108958 Sys-Info Scheduling Improvements LA3.0

sib3SchedulingClass SysInfoConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SysInfoConf> 3 none Call Management Cell Setup This parameter specifies the SIB Scheduling Class id for SystemInformationBlockType 3. Integer 1 3 1 1 system_restricted L108958 Sys-Info Scheduling Improvements LA3.0sib4 chedulingClass ysIn oCon < quipment>-< nb>-<LteCell>-< ysIn oCon > none Call a nagement C ell e tup his parameter speci ies the I cheduling Class id or ystemIn ormation lock ype 4. Integer 1 1 system_restricted L1 ys-In o cheduling Improvements LA .

sib5SchedulingClass SysInfoConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SysInfoConf> 3 none Call Management Cell Setup This parameter specifies the SIB Scheduling Class id for SystemInformationBlockType 5. Integer 1 3 1 3 system_restricted L108958 Sys-Info Scheduling Improvements LA3.0

sib6SchedulingClass SysInfoConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SysInfoConf> 3 none Call Management Cell Setup This parameter specifies the SIB Scheduling Class id for SystemInformationBlockType 6. Integer 1 3 1 3 system_restricted L108958 Sys-Info Scheduling Improvements LA3.0

sib7SchedulingClass SysInfoConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SysInfoConf> 3 none Call Management Cell Setup This parameter specifies the SIB Scheduling Class id for SystemInformationBlockType 7. Integer 1 3 1 3 system_restricted L108958 Sys-Info Scheduling Improvements LA3.0sib8SchedulingClass SysInfoConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SysInfoConf> 3 none Call Management Cell Setup This parameter specifies the SIB Scheduling Class id for SystemInformationBlockType 8. Integer 1 3 1 3 system_restricted L108958 Sys-Info Scheduling Improvements LA3.0

sibClass1TargetMCS SysInfoConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SysInfoConf> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the targetMCS to be applied fortransmissions of SIB Scheduling Class 1, whennoretransmissions are done.

N.A. Integer 0 9 1 0 system_restricted L108958 Sys-Info Scheduling Improvements LA3.0

si bCl as s1T arg et Peri od ici ty S ys Inf oC onf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>-< Sys Inf oC onf > 3 no ne C al lManage ment C ell Se tupThis parameterspecifies the targetperiodicityto be applied fortransmissions of SIB Scheduling Class 1,broadcasted in SIB1.

E num erate rf 8(0 ), rf 16(1 ), rf 32 (2 ), rf 64 (3), rf 12 8(4 ), rf 25 6(5 ), rf 512 (6) rf 16 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L1 08 95 8 S ys -I nf o Sc he dul ing I mp rov em ent s L A3. 0

sibClass2TargetMCS SysInfoConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SysInfoConf> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the targetMCS to be applied fortransmissions of SIB Scheduling Class 2, whennoretransmissions are done.

N.A. Integer 0 9 1 0 system_restricted L108958 Sys-Info Scheduling Improvements LA3.0

si bCl as s2T arg et Peri od ici ty S ys Inf oC onf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <S ys Inf oC onf > 3 no ne C al lManage ment C ell Se tupThis parameterspecifies the targetperiodicityto be applied fortransmissions of SIB Scheduling Class 2,broadcasted in SIB1.

E num erate rf 8(0 ), rf 16(1 ), rf 32 (2 ), rf 64 (3), rf 12 8(4 ), rf 25 6(5 ), rf 512 (6) rf 32 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L1 08 95 8 S ys -I nf o Sc he dul ing I mp rov em ent s L A3. 0

sibClass3TargetMCS SysInfoConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<SysInfoConf> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the targetMCS to be applied fortransmissions of SIB Scheduling Class 3, whennoretransmissions are done.

N.A. Integer 0 9 1 0 system_restricted L108958 Sys-Info Scheduling Improvements LA3.0

si bCl as s3T arg et Peri od ici ty S ys Inf oC onf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <S ys Inf oC onf > 3 no ne C al lManage ment C ell Se tupThis parameterspecifies the targetperiodicityto be applied fortransmissions of SIB Scheduling Class 3,broadcasted in SIB1.

E num erate rf 8(0 ), rf 16(1 ), rf 32 (2 ), rf 64 (3), rf 12 8(4 ), rf 25 6(5 ), rf 512 (6) rf 64 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L1 08 95 8 S ys -I nf o Sc he dul ing I mp rov em ent s L A3. 0

sid OneXRttRegistrationParameters<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttRegistrationParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies System Identification(SID)-Numberthatuniquelyidentifies awireless system -See3GPP2 C.S0005.

Integer 1 32767 1 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

sI DframeDetectionThresholdUl EnbVoipConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbVoipConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the threshold used fordetermining whetherthe amountof observed UL VoIP dataobserved during the speechActivityObservationWindowobservationwindowis aSilence DescriptionFrame or SpeechFrame.Expressed inbytes.

bytes Integer 0 255 68 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

signalingRadioBearerConfName SignalingRadioBearerConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<SignalingRadioBearerConf> 3 none

Radio Resource

Management Dynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterattaches a user-friendlyname,as determined by the operator,to the giveninstance of

SignalingRadioBearerConf. String 0 64 $NULLSTRING$ system_restricted

s im Tx Po we rD eg ra de dT im er S ys te mI nt eg ri ty Mo ni to r < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <S ys te mI nt eg ri ty Mo ni to r> 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Ha nd li ngThis parameterconfigures the SIMTX PowerMonitorhealthcheck.The value is the time inseconds thatSIMwillallowthe TX powerto be degraded before taking localrecoveryactions.

s Integer 0 86400 300 900 system_reserved 163420 OAMReset Eradication LR13.1

si nrB ac kof fF orS RGrant C el lL2 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>-< Cel lL2 UL Conf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteris used to controlthe back-off of UL SINR whendeciding the MCS used forthe UL grantissued inresponse to aSR,so to improve initialBLER of the transmission.

dB Float 0 5 0.5 1 system_restricted L115113.1 L A4.0 KPI Targets LA4.0



3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the maximum allowed deviationof the SINR whenSPS is active.WhenSINR isreduced bymore thanthis value,the SPS is released and the VoIP packets are managed inthe DynamicScheduler.

dB Float 0 40 0.25 6.00 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0


CellL1L2Contro lChannelsConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL1L2Contro lChannelsConf> 2 part ia lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

his parameterspeciies the signal-to-noise ratio threshold which,i exceeded,allows the e ode to allocatethe UE inthe UE-Specific searchspace instead of the Commonsearchspace,for signaling radio bearer (SRB1)orforTiming Advance (TA).

dB Float -10 30 0.25 30 system_restricted

sinrThrFSS CellL2ULConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL2ULConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the minimum UL SRS SINR threshold levelforallowing auserto be managed bytheUL FrequencySelective Scheduler.

dB Float -15 20 0.1 5.0 system_restricted L90853 Frequency diverse scheduling LA3.0

s In tr aS ea rc h C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f> 3 n on e M ob il it y R RC I dl e M od e M ob il it y

This parameterspecifies the threshold forthe serving cellreceptionlevel,belowwhichthe UE triggers intra-frequencymeasurements forcellreselection.The value sentoverthe RRC interface is half the value provisioned;the UE thenmultiplies the received valueby2.See TS 36.304.The RRC parameteris defined in TS 36.331 and is broadcastinSystemInformationBlockType3.If the parameteris unset,thenthe RRC IE willnotbe broadcastand the UEs inidle mode inthe cellwillmeasure forintra-frequencyreselectionunconditionally.

dB Integer 0 62 2 N.A. customer_settable L96760 eNB Configuration Update Enhancements LA2.0

s In tr aS ea rc hP C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f> 3 n on e M ob il it y R RC I dl e M od e M ob il it y

This parameterspecifies the threshold forthe serving cellreceptionlevel,belowwhichthe UE triggers intra-frequencymeasurements forcellreselection.The value sentoverthe RRC interface is half the value configured and the UE thenmultiplies the receivedvalue by2.See TS 36.304 and TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType3.If the parameteris unset,thenthe IE willnotbe broadcastand the UE applies the (default)value of infinity.

dB Integer 0 62 2 N.A. customer_settable L114644.1 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA4.0

s In tr aS ea rc hQ C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f> 3 n on e M ob il it y R RC Id le Mo de Mo bi li ty

This parameterspecifies the threshold forthe serving cellreceptionquality,belowwhichthe UE triggers intra-frequencymeasurements forcellreselection.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType3.If the parameteris unset,thenthe IE willnot be broadcastand the UE applies the (default)value of 0 dB.

dB Integer 0 31 1 N.A. customer_settable L114644.1 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA4.0

s I RTa rg e tf o rR e fe re n ce P UC C HFo rmat U LP o we rC o nt r ol C on f < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < UL P ow er C on t ro l Co nf > 3 n o neRadio Resource

ManagementTransmit Power This parameter is internal. It defines SINR target value for PUCCH in dB. dB Float -5 25 0.1 N.A. system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

sIRtargetSP SCorrectionRe setValueUlUplinkSemiPersistentSchedulingConf 



2 partialRadio Resource


This parametercontrols the value used to re-initialize the uplinkSPS BLER controlloop SINR correctionafter the detectionof aperformance issue withanuplinkSPS grant.

dB Float -10 +10 0.1 3 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

S IR ta rg et SP SC or re ct io nT ab le U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource


This parametercontrols the table of UL SIR targetcorrections used to tune the UL SPS BLER controlloop.

The firstelementinthe table corresponds to the correctionapplied whenthe SPS grantterminates after1transmissions.The second elementcorresponds to the correctionapplied uponsuccessfuldecoding after2transmissions.Etc… In case of HARQ failure afterreaching maxHARQtxtransmissionthenthe correction

corresponding to the nthelementin the table,withn= maxHARQTx+1,is applied.

dB Float -0.5 0.5 .00078125




e ng _t un ab le L 11 45 31 .1 V oL TE S ol ut io n fo r Fi el d T r ia l Ap pl ic at io ns L A4 .0




3 noneRadio Resource


This parametercontrols the SPS BLER controlloop SINR correctionthreshold used to detectperformanceissues withuplinkSPS grants.Whenthis threshold is reached,anuplinkSPS release procedure is triggered,the BLER correctionvalue is resetto the value of the sIRtargetSPSCorrectionResetValueUlparameterand thesPSactivationProhibitTimeUponSPSfailureUltimeris started.

dB Float 0 +10 0.1 10.0 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

sleepingCellInactivityTimer LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none Call Management Call HandlingThis parameterspecifies the initialvalue (inminutes)of the timerused to detectwhetherthe cellhas afaultnotdetected throughothermeans.If no RRC connections are established,re-established orhanded infortheperiod of the timerthenanalarm is raised.If set to 0 thenno alarm is raised.

min Integer 0 1440 1 0 eng_tunable L103186.1 C ell Outage Detection LA4.0

s ma ll Pk tH Pu sc hP ow er Ma rg in C el lR ad io Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Ra di oC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the UE powermarginindicating UE has ample powerto transmitmuchlargerpackets,

so the smallpackets are onlydue to smallBO.Integer 0 20 1 3 system_restricted L90853 Frequency diverse scheduling LA3.0

sm al lP ktP us chP RB Thr C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the threshold (expressed inPRB)to decide if an UL grantshallbe processed as asmallpacketUL grantornot.small packetUL grants are managed to ensure thatthe numberof HARQ

retransmissionis limited inorderto reduce PUSCHresource fragmentation.

bytes Integer 0 10 1 3 system_restricted L90853 Frequency diverse s cheduling LA3.0

sMeasure RrcMeasurementConf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur es

This parameterconfigures the RRC IE s-Measure,whichis used to define the serving cellqualitythresholdcontrolling whetherornotthe UE is required to perform measurements of intra-frequency,inter-frequencyandinter-RAT neighboring cells.The actualvalue used byUE is the IE value minus 140 (dBm).See 3GPP 36.331.

dBm Integer -140 -43 1 N.A. customer_settable L92079 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel8 Dec09 LA3.0

s Nf ie ld Le ng th Do wnl in k R lc Um Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< De di ca te dC on f> -< Rl cC on f> -< Rl cU mC on f> 3 n one L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterconfigures the downlinkvalue of SN field size parameteras per36.322.The parameterappliesonlyforRLC Unacknowledged Mode.

bits Enumerate size5(0), size10(1) size10 system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

s Nf ie ld Le ng th Up li nk R lc Um Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< De di ca te dC on f> -< Rl cC on f> -< Rl cU mC on f> 3 n one L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterconfigures the uplinkvalue of SNfield size parameteras per 36.322.The parameterappliesonlyforRLC Unacknowledged Mode.

bits Enumerate size5(0), size10(1) size10 system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

s No nI nt ra Se ar ch C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f> 3 n on e M ob il it y R RC I d le M o de M o bi li ty

This parameterspecifies the threshold forserving cellreceptionlevel,belowwhichthe UE triggers inter-frequencyand inter-RAT measurements forcell reselection,whenparametersNonIntraSearchP is unset.IfparametersNonIntraSearchP is setthe UE applies the value of sNonIntraSearchP instead.WhenbothsNonIntraSearch and sNonIntraSearchP are unset,the UE applies the default value of infinity.The value sentoverthe RRC interface is half the value configured and the UE thenmultiplies the receivedvalue by2.See TS 36.304 and TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType3.

dB Integer 0 62 2 N.A. customer_settable L84807EUTRA-to-GERANInter-RAT Mobility--CellReselectionand Redirection


s No n In tr aS e ar c hD e lt a C e ll R es e le c ti o nA d ap t at i on<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellSelectionReselectionConf>-<CellReselectionAdaptation>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameteris used to modify the s-nonIntraSearchvalue broadcastinSIB3 whenthe cellload is withintherange defined bythe lowerand upperbounds of this object.The value is added toCellSelectionReselectionConf::sNonIntraSearch.

N.A. Integer -62 62 2 0 customer_settable L115203 Load based Idle Mode mobility LA5.0

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


s No nI nt ra Se ar ch P C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f> 3 n on e M ob il it y R RC I dl e M o de M ob il it y

This parameterspecifies the threshold forserving cellreceptionlevel,belowwhichthe UE triggers inter-

frequencyand inter-RAT measurements forcell reselection.If the parameteris unsetand parameter sNonIntraSearchis set,the UE applies the value of sNonIntraSearch.WhenbothsNonIntraSearchandsNonIntraSearchP are unset,the UE applies the defaultvalue of infinity.The value sentoverthe RRC interface is half the value configured and the UE thenmultiplies the receivedvalue by2.See TS 36.304 and TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType3.

dB Integer 0 62 2 N.A. customer_settable L114644.1 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA4.0

s No n In tr aS e ar c hP D el t a C e ll R es e le c ti o nA d ap t at i on<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellSelectionReselectionConf>-<CellReselectionAdaptation>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameteris used to modify the s-nonIntraSearchP-r9 value broadcastinSIB3 whenthe cell load is withinthe range defined bythe lowerand upperbounds of this object.The value is added toCellSelectionReselectionConf::sNonIntraSearchP.

N.A. Integer -62 62 2 0 customer_settable L115203 Load based Idle Mode mobility LA5.0

s No nI nt ra Se ar ch Q C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f> 3 n on e M ob il it y R RC I dl e M o de M ob il it y

This parameterspecifies the threshold forserving cell receptionquality,belowwhichthe UE triggers inter-frequencyand inter-RAT measurements forcell reselection.

BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType3.If the parameteris unset,thenthe IE willnot be broadcastand the UE applies the (default)value of 0 dB.

dB Integer 0 31 1 N.A. customer_settable L114644.1 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA4.0

s No n In tr aS e ar c hQ D el t a C e ll R es e le c ti o nA d ap t at i on<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellSelectionReselectionConf>-<CellReselectionAdaptation>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameteris used to modify the s-nonIntraSearchQ-r9 value broadcastinSIB3 whenthe cell load is withinthe range defined bythe lowerand upperbounds of this object.The value is added toCellSelectionReselectionConf::sNonIntraSearchQ.

N.A. Integer -31 31 1 0 customer_settable L115203 Load based Idle Mode mobility LA5.0

Spare10 LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Spare ParametersThis parameteris a spare parameter,providing forextended configurationcapabilities for the LteCellobject.Note the Update TransientEffects propertyof the parameter.

Integer 0 4294967295 1 0 N.A. 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

Spare13 Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Spare ParametersThis parameteris a spare parameter,providing forextended configurationcapabilities for the Enb object.Note the Update TransientEffects propertyof the parameter.

Integer 0 4294967295 1 0 N.A.

Spare15 Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures and


Spare ParametersThis parameteris a spare parameter,providing forextended configurationcapabilities for the Enb object.Note the Update TransientEffects propertyof the parameter.

Integer 0 4294967295 1 0 N.A. 172164 QCI1 GBR Cap Removal LR13.1

sp are1 Rep ort ed P er form anc eManage ment < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Perf orm anc eManage ment > 3 no neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

P erf orm anc e Mo nit ori ng Param ete rs T his param et er spe ci fi es whethe r, or not ,t he gro up of co unt er s rel ate d to Sp are 1 i s s el ec ted to be re po rte d. N.A . B ool ean f al se s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 10 31 75 .1 P erf orm ance Counte rM anag em ent Sup po rt on eNB L A4. 0

sp are2 Rep ort ed P er form anc eManage ment < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Perf orm anc eManage ment > 3 no neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

P erf orm anc e Mo nit ori ng Param ete rs T his param et er spe ci fi es whethe r, or not ,t he gro up of co unt er s rel ate d to Sp are 2 i s s el ec ted to be re po rte d. N.A . B ool ean f al se s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 10 31 75 .1 P erf orm ance Counte rM anag em ent Sup po rt on eNB L A4. 0

sp are3 Rep ort ed P er form anc eManage ment < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Perf orm anc eManage ment > 3 no neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to spare3Reported is selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted

Spare4 Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 2 partialMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Spare ParametersThis parameteris a spare parameter,providing forextended configurationcapabilities for the Enb object.Note the Update TransientEffects propertyof the parameter.

Integer 0 4294967295 1 0 N.A. L114492 Generalized OP-PUCCH T/LA6.0

Spare4 LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 2 partialMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Spare ParametersThis parameteris a spare parameter,providing forextended configurationcapabilities for the LteCellobject.Note the Update TransientEffects propertyof the parameter.

Integer 0 4294967295 1 0 N.A.

sp are4 Rep ort ed P er form anc eManage ment < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Perf orm anc eManage ment > 3 no neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to spare4Reported is selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted

Spare5 LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 2 partialMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Spare ParametersThis parameteris a spare parameter,providing forextended configurationcapabilities for the LteCellobject.Note the Update TransientEffects propertyof the parameter.

Integer 0 4294967295 1 0 N.A. 165524 SPS improvements for VoLTE capacity LR13.1

sp are5 Rep ort ed P er form anc eManage ment < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Perf orm anc eManage ment > 3 no neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to spare5Reported is selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted

Spare6 LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Spare ParametersThis parameteris a spare parameter,providing forextended configurationcapabilities for the LteCellobject.Note the Update TransientEffects propertyof the parameter.

Integer 0 4294967295 1 0 N.A. 134093WB-AAA B07 A +1.7/2.2 P - LTE eNode Bconfigurationand functionnalsupport

LR Future

Spare7 Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 2 partialMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Spare ParametersThis parameteris a spare parameter,providing forextended configurationcapabilities for the Enb object.Note the Update TransientEffects propertyof the parameter.

Integer 0 4294967295 1 0 N.A.

Spare7 LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Spare ParametersThis parameteris a spare parameter,providing forextended configurationcapabilities for the LteCellobject.Note the Update TransientEffects propertyof the parameter.

Integer 0 4294967295 1 0 N.A. 159488MCO LTE software platform inLA6.0 -macro-metrosoftware parityphase 1.1


Spare8 Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 2 partialMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Spare ParametersThis parameteris a spare parameter,providing forextended configurationcapabilities for the Enb object.Note the Update TransientEffects propertyof the parameter.

Integer 0 4294967295 1 0 N.A. L115225 EUTRAN Standard Alignment LR13.1

Spare9 Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 2 partialMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Spare ParametersThis parameteris a spare parameter,providing forextended configurationcapabilities for the Enb object.Note the Update TransientEffects propertyof the parameter.

Integer 0 4294967295 1 0 N.A. 161003 eNodeB SW capacity (LA7.0) LR13.1

Spare9 LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Spare ParametersThis parameteris a spare parameter,providing forextended configurationcapabilities for the LteCellobject.Note the Update TransientEffects propertyof the parameter.

Integer 0 4294967295 1 0 N.A. 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

sp eec hA ct ivit yOb servat io nW ind ow E nbV oip Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< EnbV oip Co nf > 2 parti al

Radio Resource

Management Dynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

his parametercontrols the size orthe observationwindowused to detecti a oI is in peechActive or 

inSpeechInactive state. Enumerate


ms100(6) m s6 0 s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 11 52 39 V oi ce O ve r LT E fo r Co mm er ci al L au nc he s L A5 .0

sp idA ll owed InR es erv ed Ce ll s P lm nI de nt it y < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Pl mnI dent it y> 3 no ne Mo bi lit y I nt ra-LT E R RC Co nnec te d M ode Mo bi li ty Pr oc ed uresThis parameterspecifies the SubscriberProfile ID forwhichincoming handovers to acell reserved for operatoruse are allowed.This parametermustbe setif isIncomingHoToReservedCellBasedOnSpidAllowedis setto True.

N.A. Integer 1 128 N.A. customer_settable L115458Connected Mode mobilityenhanced for reservedcells





2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the guard time to preventthe activationof downlinkSPS grants fora period of timeafterthe creationof the UE contextinthe cell(uponcall setup oruponhandover).This guard time is necessaryto give time to LinkAdaptationto converge.

ms Integer 0 15000 20 100 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0




2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

his parametercontrols the guard time to preventthe activationo downlink grants oraperiod o timeafterthe creationof the UE contextinthe cell(uponcall setup oruponhandover).This guard time is necessaryto give time to RoHC and LinkAdaptationto converge.

ms Integer 0 15000 20 1000 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

spsActivationProhibitTimeUponSPSAbnor malReleaseDl



2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the guard time to preventanewdownlinkSPS activationprocedure afteradownlinkSPS abnormalrelease.

s Float 0 15 0.25 15 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

spsActivationProhibitTimeUponSPSFailur eDl



2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the guard time to preventanewdownlinkSPS activationprocedure afteradownlinkSPS grantactivationfailure.

s Float 0 15 0.25 15 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

sPSactivationProhibitTimeUponSPSfailur eUl



2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the guard time used to preventanewuplinkSPS activationprocedure afteranuplinkSPS grantactivationfailure orupondetectionof aperformance issue withanSPS grant.

s Float 0 15 0.25 15 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0



2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter activates the usage of Allocation Type 1 for SPS. N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L115686 Scheduler improvements for VoLTE capacity LR13



2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter activates the usage of Allocation Type 2 Distributed for SPS. N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L115686 Scheduler improvements for VoLT E capacity LR13

s ps Fa vo r M ce Mb sf nS yn ch ro Ar ea < EN BE qui pm en t> -< Mc e> -< Mc eM bs fnS yn ch ro Ar ea > 3 n one C al l Ma na ge me nt E nh an ce d M u lt im ed ia Br oa dc as t Mu lt ic as tS er vi ce e MB MSThis parameterspecifies the priorityinterm of sub frame use betweenthe eMBMS and the SPS feature.Whenthe flag is setto TRUE and thenthe SPS is activated the MCE willcoordinate the radio resource allocationinorderto minimize collisionwiththe SPS.

N.A. Boolean false customer_init L115262eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated ineNB)





2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteractivates the re-use of the SPS HARQ processes configured forthis UE between2 SPS freshtransmissions whenthe SPS patternhas activated bythe L1/L2.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L115239.1 Voice Over LTE for Commercial Launches LA5.0




2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteractivates the re-use of the SPS HARQ processes configured forthis UE whenthe SPS patternhas beenreleased bythe L1/L2.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L115239.1 Voice Over LTE for Commercial Launches LA5.0



3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic Re sourc e A ll oc at io nand Pack et Sc he dul ing T his param et er spe ci fi es the init ial Mod ulati on and Co di ng Sche me to be us ed at cal ls etup fo rS PS . N.A . I nteg er 0 1 5 1 4 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 11 45 31 .1 V oL TE Sol uti on fo rF ie ld Tri al Ap pl icat io ns L A4. 0



2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter activates the Link Adaptation Improvement for SPS. N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L115686 Scheduler improvements for VoLTE capacity LR13



3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametersets aSINR offsetto be applied onthe estimated SINR before deciding onthe MCS selectedforthe SPS Activation.

dB Float -40 40 0.25 0.00 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

spsMACMultiplexingAllowed DownlinkSemiPersistentSchedulingConf 



2 partial Radio ResourceManagement Dynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling This parameteractivates the dualVoIP beareroptimizationallowing to transmit2 VoIP frames for2 differentbearers inthe same SPS pattern. N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L115239.1 Voice Over LTE for Commercial Launches LA5.0



2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter activates the PDSCH Power control for SPS. N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L115686 Scheduler improvements for VoLTE capacity LR13



2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter activates the per PRB allocation for SPS. N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L115686 Scheduler improvements for VoLTE capacity LR13

s PS pr io Me tr ic Ta bl eM as kS ta rt Po si ti on Ul C el lL 2U LC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lL 2U LC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the startpositions interms of PRB indexof the PRB zone where uplinkSPS grantsare notallowed to be mapped.The differentindexvalues are related to the differentSPSprioMetricTableMaskThresholdUL thresholds.This parameteris onlyused when

isDynamicManagementOfSPSresourceEnabled is setto TRUE.

Integer 0 99 1 (8, 14, 20) system_restricted L115686 Scheduler improvements for VoLTE capacity LR13

s PS pr io Me tr ic Ta bl eM as kS to pP os it io nU l C el lL 2U LC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lL 2U LC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the stop positions interms of PRB indexof the PRB zone where uplinkSPS grantsare notallowed to be mapped.The differentindexvalues are related to the differentSPSprioMetricTableMaskThresholdUL thresholds.This parameteris onlyused whenisDynamicManagementOfSPSresourceEnabled is setto TRUE.

Integer 0 99 1 (41, 35, 29) system_restricted L115686 Scheduler improvements f or VoLTE c apacity LR13

s PS pr io Me tr ic Ta bl eM as kT hr es ho ld UL C el lL 2UL Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll L2 UL Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the threshold interms of maximum numberof VoIP users withanSPS configurationforusing the SPSprioMetricTableMaskStart/Stop maskwiththe same table index.This parameteris onlyusedwhenisDynamicManagementOfSPSresourceEnabled is setto TRUE.

Integer 0 600 1 (20, 50, 75) system_restricted L115686 Scheduler improvements for VoLTE capacity LR13




2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter activates the monitoring of the VoIP data rate for SPS. N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L115686 Scheduler improvements for VoLTE capacity LR13

s RB Id en ti ty S ig na li ng Ra di oB ea re rC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <S ig na li ng Ra di oB ea re rC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies the SRB identity, as either 1 or 2. Integer 1 2 1 N.A. system_restricted L92095

QCI & QCI Parameters ForEnhanced SchedulingDecisions


srProhibitTimer CellL1ULConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL1ULConf> 3 none LTE Air Interface Layer 2

This parametercontrols the minimum separationintime betweenconsecutive Scheduling Requesttransmissions bythe UE (referto 36.321 sec.5.4.4).Itcan be used to preventunwanted repetitions of SRs.The parameteris expressed innumberof SR periods.Itis sentto the UE in the RRC IE sr-ProhibitTimer-r9.It

applies to Rel9 UEs.srProhibitTimer=0 means no minimum interval(SRs canbe sentat everySR period).

N.A. Integer 0 7 0 system_restricted L114644 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA5.0

s rs Ba nd wi dt hC on fi gu ra ti on C el lL 1UL Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll L1 UL Co nf > 2 p ar ti al L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2

This parameterdetermines the cell SRS bandwidthconfiguration.See TS 36.211,table,, and

ForFDD 1.4 MHz,the supported value is bw7:4 PRBs;ForFDD 3 MHz,the supported value is bw5:12 PRBs;ForFDD 5 MHz,the supported value is bw2:24 PRBs;ForFDD 10 MHz,the supported value is bw0 orbw1: 48 PRBs;ForFDD 15 MHz,the supported value is bw0:72 PRBs;ForFDD 20 MHz,the supported value is bw0:96 PRBs.


bw0 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 92 80 5 S ym met ric al 3MHz FDD B dW M gt L A4. 0

srsEnabled LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none LTE Air Interface L ayer 2 This parameter enables or disables the SRS per UE. Boolean true system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

s rs Fr eq ue nc yD om ai nP os it io n C el lL 1UL Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll L1 UL Co nf > 2 p ar ti al L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parametercontrols the PRB startpositionof the SRS signalwhenisNarrowbandSRSuseEnabled is settotrue.WhenisNarrowbandSRSuseEnabled is set to false,the parametervalue is ignored and the value 0 issystematicallysent.

Integer 0 23 1 8 system_restricted L114492 Generalized OP-PUCCH T/LA6.0

Page 31: lte parameter description

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature



C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 2 parti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the IIR filtercoefficientfor averaging of the SRS signalpowermetric used for UL syncdetection.The value represents the IIR filterreference coefficientvalue assuming anSRS period of 5ms. Ifthe callSRS period is differentfrom 5ms,the coefficientvalue is automaticallyadjusted to provide the sameaveraging windowinthe time domain.The unitcorresponds to the granularityof 1/2^14 withinthe [0,1]range.

Integer 0 16384 1 1024 system_restricted

s rs SI NR Th re sh ol dF or Re li ab le De te ct io n C el lL 1U LC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lL 1U LC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the measured SRS SINR (w/o anypowercompensation)threshold beyond whichtheSRS detectionis regarded as reliable hence canbe used forL1/L2 metric update purpose suchas UL SINR,TA tracking and OOS detection.

dB Float -20 0 0.1 -8 system_reserved L101843 MAC DRx State Mgt under Inactivity Conditions LR13.1

s rv cc To Ge ra nR ep or te d P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to SrvccToGeranis selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved L101819 SRVCC support to GERAN LR14.1

srvccT ype RncAccess <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<UtranAccessGroup>-<RncAccess> 3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterindicates SRVCC type whenperforming SRVCC to UTRANprocedure forcorrespondingtargetRNC.

N.A. Enumerate restrictedCSonly(0),PSandCS(1),disabled(2) PSandCS customer_settable L92126 SRVCC Support to UTRAN-FDD/T DD LA5.0

start BlackCellConf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<BlackCellConf>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility This parameter specifies the lowest physical cell identity in the range. See 3GPP 36.331. N.A. Integer 0 503 1 N.A. customer_settable L104002 Broadcast per cell SIB4 LA3.0

s up po rt ed Qc i M ce Su pp or te dQ ci < EN BE qui pm en t> -< Mc e> -< Mc eS up po rt ed Qc i> N .A . n one C al l Ma na ge me nt E nh an ce d M ul ti me di aB ro ad ca st Mu lt ic as tS er vi ce eM BM SThis parameterspecifies the QCI supported bythe MCE.The QCI contained inthe received sessionstartmessage willbe compared to this parameter.If itdoes notmatch,thenthe MCE willrejectthe sessionbysending asessionstartfailure withthe appropriate cause.

N.A. Mixed 128 254 1 4 customer_init 158990eMBMS 3GPP Rel9 withdistributed MCE (integratedineNB)


syncEClockEnable ClockSync <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ClockSync> 0 criticalMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

AirInterface ClockSynchronization

This parameterindicates whetherSyncE is supported bynetwork.The values are as follows:True=Enable/availableFalse=DisabledNOTE:This does NOT define SyncE as Primaryclocksource,butas avalid clocksource.

Boolean true customer_settable L92073 Synchronization: SyncE LA2.0

syncPeriodDuration MbmsBearerService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<Mbms>-<MbmsBearerService> 3 none LTE Air Interface Layer 2 This parameter specifies the duration of a synchronization period, as defined in TS 36.300. frames Integer 4096 4096 1 4096 system_restricted L115527eMBMS trialsupport(eMBMS services configured byOAMcommand)


s ync Pe ri od Of fs et M bm sB ea re rS er vi ce < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Mb ms >- <M bm sB ea re rS er vi ce > 3 n one L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2

This parameterspecifies the time offsetbetweenthe BM-SC and the eNodeB.The time stamp in the syncheaderminus syncPeriodOffsetis the eNodeB system frame number.Allthe eNodeBs shallhave the sameoffsetfora givenbearerservice.Normallythis parameteris setto 0.In case of modification,itshould be madeatBM-SC level.However,this MIMparametercanbe usefulin case the eNodeBs are unsynchronized withoneorseveralBM-SC.

frames Integer 0 4095 1 0 system_restricted L115527eMBMS trialsupport(eMBMS services configured byOAMcommand)


t300 UeTimers <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<UeTimers> 3 none Call Management Call HandlingThis parameterspecifies the startvalue forthe UE timerT300.The timeris started upontransmissionofRRCConnectionRequestand is stopped uponreceptionof RRCConnectionSetup orRRCConnectionReject.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

m s E num eratems100(0),ms200(1),ms300(2),ms400(3),ms600(4),ms1000(5),ms1500(6),ms2000(7)

ms100 eng_tunable L97933Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


t301 UeTimers <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<UeTimers> 3 none Call Management Call HandlingThis parameterspecifies the startvalue forthe UE timerT301.The timeris started upontransmissionofRRCConnectionReestablishmentRequestand is stopped uponreceptionof RRCConnectionReestablishmentorRRCConnectionReestablishmentReject.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

m s E num eratems100(0),ms200(1),ms300(2),ms400(3),ms600(4),ms1000(5),ms1500(6),ms2000(7)

m s1 00 s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 97 93 3Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


t302 UeTimers <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<UeTimers> 3 none Call Management Call Handling

This parameterspecifies the startvalue forthe UE timerT302.The timeris started uponreceptionof

RRCConnectionRejectand is stopped uponsuccessfulRRC establishmentorcellre-selection.See TS36.331.SentinRRCConnectionReject(informationelementwaitTime).

s Integer 1 16 1 5 system_restricted L96760 eNB Configuration Update Enhancements LA2.0

t304 UeT imers <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<UeTimers> 3 none Mobility I ntra-LT E RRC Connected Mode Mobility Procedures

This parameterspecifies the startvalue forthe UE timerT304.The timeris started inthe UE inconnectedmode uponreceptionof RRCConnectionReconfigurationmessage including the MobilityControlInformation.Attimerexpirythe UE initiates the RRC connectionre-establishmentprocedure.See TS 36.331.SentinRRCConnectionReconfiguration.

m s E num erateTimer50MS(0),Timer100MS(1),Timer150MS(2),Timer200MS(3),Timer500MS(4),Timer1000MS(5),


T i me r 20 0 0MS c u st o me r_ s et t ab l e L 9 67 6 0 e NB C o nf i gu ra ti o n Up d at e E n ha nc e me nt s L A 2. 0

t304CellChangeOrder UeT imers <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<UeTimers> 3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterspecifies the startvalue forthe T304 CellChange OrderUE timer.The timeris started intheUE inconnected mode uponreceptionof MobilityFromEUTRACommand message for CellChange Order purposes.Attimerexpirythe UE initiates the RRC connectionre-establishmentprocedure.See TS 36.331.SentinMobilityFromEUTRACommand.

m s E num erateTimer100MS(0),Timer200MS(1),Timer500MS(2),Timer1000MS(3),Timer2000MS(4),Timer4000MS(5),Timer8000MS(6)

T i me r 20 0 0MS c u st o me r_ s et t ab l e L 9 63 7 1 E UTR A- t o- GE R AN I n te r -R A T Mo bi l it y - - NA C C L A 3. 0

t310 UeTimers <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<UeTimers> 3 none Call Management Call HandlingThis parameterspecifies the startvalue forthe UE timerT310.The timeris started inthe UE inconnectedmode upondetecting radio linkproblems.Attimerexpirythe UE goes to idle mode.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

m s E num eratems0(0),ms50(1),ms100(2),ms200(3),ms500(4),ms1000(5),ms2000(6)

m s1 00 0 s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 97 93 3Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


t311 UeTimers <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<UeTimers> 3 none Call Management Call HandlingThis parameterspecifies the startvalue forthe UE timerT311.The timeris started uponinitiating the RRCconnectionre-establishmentprocedure and is stopped whenasuitable cellhas beenselected.See TS36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.

m s E num eratems1000(0),ms3000(1),ms5000(2),ms10000(3),ms15000(4),ms20000(5),ms30000(6)

m s1 00 0 s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 97 93 3Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


t320 UeTimers <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<UeTimers> 3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parametercontributes to the configurationof the IE IdleModeMobilityControlInfo:t320This IE is used to configure the IE t320 of the IE IdleModeMobilityControlInfo of the messageRRCConnectionRelease TS36.331.Start:Uponreceiving t320 oruponcell(re)selectionto E-UTRA from anotherRAT with validitytime configuredfordedicated priorities (inwhichcase the remaining validitytime is applied).Stop:Uponentering RRC_CONNECTED,whenPLMNselectionis performed onrequestbyNAS,or uponcell(re)selectionto anotherRAT (inwhichcase the timeris carried onto the otherRAT).Atexpiry:Discard the cellreselectionpriorityinformationprovided bydedicated signaling.See TS36.331.

s Enumeratemin5(0),min10(1),min20(2),min30(3),min60(4),min120(5),min180(6)

N .A . c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 76 49 8EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


tA Fai lure Ti mer C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 2 parti al LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2

This parameterspecifies the DL sync timervalue inseconds.Whenno HARQ ACK of anyTA command(periodic TA orL1 TA command)has beenreceived forthe giventime period,then1.DLS puts the UE in outof sync phase,and thennotifies ULS.2.DLS regards the linkto UE not workable,and blocks UE scheduling foranytraffic data(exceptforSRB

messages).UE canonlyrecoverthroughRACHprocedure or perform RRC re-establishmentprocedure.

The value 0 is used to disable the timer.

s Float 0 12 0.1 3 system_restricted L115233.1 eNB SW Capacity Targets LA5.0



2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterselects the TBS to be used when2 VoIP calls are multiplexed.It is possible to selectthe sumorthe maxof the 2 TBS.

N.A. Enumerate sum (0), max(1) sum system_restricted L115239.1 Voice Over LTE for Commercial Launches LA5.0

tBScombinationMethodUl EnbVoiPConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbVoipConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterselects the uplinkVoIP TBS computationmethod to be used when2 VoIP calls aremultiplexed.It is possible to selectthe sum orthe maxof the 2 TBS.

N.A. Enumerate sum (0), max(1) sum system_reserved L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

tc eI pA dd re ss S ubs cA ndE qui pm entT rac es < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Subs cA nd Equi pm entT rac es> 3 no neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Subscriberand equipmenttraces

This parameterspecifies the IPv4 address of the Trace CollectionEntity(bydefault,itis the OMC IP address)-forcalltraces only.The parametervalue is setautomaticallybythe OMC if:-asignaling-based ormanagement-based trace is activated(thatis,if eitherisSignBasedCTEnabled orCTg::isTraceActive is setto True);

  AND - IPv4 is used forthe trace collection.

N.A. IP4Address N.A. customer_init L92645 Subscriber & Equipment Trace Enhancements LA2.0

t ce Ip Ad dr es sv 6 S ub sc An dE qui pm en tT rac es < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Su bs cA nd Eq ui pm en tT ra ce s> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Subscriberand equipmenttraces

This parameterspecifies the IPv6 address of the Trace CollectionEntity(bydefault,itis the OMC IP address)-forcalltraces only.The parametervalue is setautomaticallybythe OMC if:-asignaling-based ormanagement-based trace is activated(thatis,if eitherisSignBasedCTEnabled orCTg::isTraceActive is setto True);

  AND - IPv6 is used forthe trace collection.

N.A. IP6Address N.A. customer_init L108879eNodeB snapshots and debug traces (dynamic &post-mortem)Step 2


tc eUd pP ort S ubs cA ndE qui pm entT rac es < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Subs cA nd Equi pm entT rac es> 3 no neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Subscriberand equipmenttracesThis parameterspecifies the portonthe Trace Collectionentity(TCE)to receive the call-trace UDP stream.The parametervalue is setautomaticallybythe OMC if asignaling-based trace ora call-trace is activated -thatis,if eitherisSignBasedCTEnabled orCTg::isTraceActive is setto True.

N.A. Integer 1024 65535 57054 customer_settable L92645 Subscriber & Equipment Trace Enhancements LA2.0

templateVersion ENBEquipment <ENBEquipment> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

ENB and Software ConfigurationControlParameters

This parameteridentifies the versionof the template package applied to the configuration.The parameter value is provided bythe template package.Itis notrecommended forthe operatorto modifythe parameter value.The parametermaybe unsetif no template package has beenapplied.

N.A. String 1 128 N.A. system_restricted

tE val uat io n S pe ed Stat eE val Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <S pe ed Stat eE val Co nf > 3 no ne Mo bi lit y R RC I dl e Mo de M obi li ty

This parametercontributes to the configurationof the IE SystemInformationBlockType3.This parameter 

configures the IE t-Evaluationincluded inthe IE MobilityStateParameters.The durationforevaluating criteriatoentermobilitystates.Corresponds to TCRmaxinT S 36.304.Value inseconds,s30 corresponds to 30 s andso on.See TS36.331.

s Enumerate s30(0), s60(1), s120(2), s180(3), s240(4) N.A. customer_settable L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


t hr es ho ld 2E ut ra Rs rp R ep or tC on fi gE UT RA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigEUTRA>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterconfigures the second threshold to be used foreventA5 measurementreporting.Itshould besetif the parametertriggerTypeEUTRA is setto eventA5 and triggerQuantityis setto RSRP.Otherwise,itshould be unset.See 3GPP 36.331.

dBm Integer -140 -43 1 N.A. customer_settable L92079 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel8 Dec09 LA3.0

t hr es ho ld 2E ut ra Rs rq R ep or tC on fi gE UT RA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigEUTRA>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

his parameterconigures the second threshold to be used oreventA measurementreporting.Itshould besetif the parametertriggerTypeEUTRA is setto eventA5 and triggerQuantityis setto RSRQ.Otherwise,itshould be unset.See 3GPP 36.331.

dB Float -20 -3 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L92079 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel8 Dec09 LA3.0

t hr es ho ld CD MA 20 00 R ep or tC on fi gC DM A2 00 0<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigCDMA2000>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto HRPD RRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE Threshold-CDMA2000 included inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT intheMeasConfig IE.This IE should be presentif the parametertriggerTypeInterRAT is setto eventB1 or eventB2.The B2/B1 eventthresholds forCDMA2000 are the CDMA2000 pilotdetectionthresholds and are expressed

as anunsigned binarynumberequalto [-2 x 10 log 10 Ec/Io]in units of 0.5dB,see C.S0005-A [25]fordetails.The actualvalue used byUE is IE /(-2). See TS36.331.

dB Float -31.5 0 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L84876Enhancementof LTE-to-HRPD Mobility-redirectionwitheHRPD measurement(Restricted test forSingle



t hr es ho ld Eu tr aR sr p R ep or tC on fi gE UT RA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigEUTRA>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur es

This parameterconfigures the RRC IE Threshold EUTRA RSRP included inthe IE reportConfigEUTRA intheMeasurementConfigurationIE.This parametermustbe setif the parametertriggerTypeEUTRA is set to eventA1,eventA2,eventA4 or eventA5 and triggerQuantityis set to RSRP.Otherwise,the parametershould be unset.See 3GPP 36.331.

dBm Integer -140 -43 1 N.A. customer_settable L92079 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel8 Dec09 LA3.0

t hr es ho ld Eu tr aR sr pB 2 R ep or tC on fi gC DM A2 00 0<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigCDMA2000>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto HRPD RRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE Threshold EUTRA RSRP included inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT intheMeasConfig IE.This parametermustbe setif the parametertriggerTypeInterRAT is setto eventB2.The actualvalue used byUE is IE value – 140 dBm.See TS 36.331.

dBm Integer -140 -43 1 N.A. customer_settable L92079 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel8 Dec09 LA3.0

t hr es ho ld Eu tr aR sr pB 2 R ep or tC on fi gG ER AN<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigGERAN>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE Threshold EUTRA RSRP included inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT inthe

MeasConfig IE.This parametermustbe setif the parametertriggerTypeInterRAT is setto eventB2.The actualvalue used byUE is IE value – 140 dBm.See TS 36.331.

dBm Integer -140 -43 1 N.A. customer_settable L92079 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel8 Dec09 LA3.0

t hr es ho ld Eu tr aR sr pB 2 R ep or tC on fi gU TR A<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigUTRA>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE Threshold EUTRA RSRP included inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT intheMeasConfig IE.This parametermustbe setif the parametertriggerTypeInterRAT is setto eventB2.The actualvalue used byUE is IE value – 140 dBm.See TS 36.331.

dBm Integer -140 -43 1 N.A. customer_settable L92079 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel8 Dec09 LA3.0

t hr es ho ld Eu tr aR sr q R ep or tC on fi gE UT RA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigEUTRA>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur es

This parameterconfigures the RRC IE Threshold EUTRA RSRQ included inthe IE reportConfigEUTRA intheMeasurementConfigurationIE.This parametermustbe setif the parametertriggerTypeEUTRA is set to eventA1,eventA2,eventA4 or 

eventA5 and triggerQuantityis set to RSRQ.Otherwise,itshould be unset.The actualvalue used byUE is (IE value – 40)/2 dB. See 3GPP 36.331.

dB Float -20 -3 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L92079 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel8 Dec09 LA3.0

t hr es ho ld Eu tr aR sr qB 2 R ep or tC on fi gC DM A2 00 0<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigCDMA2000>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto HRPD RRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE Threshold EUTRA RSRQ included inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT intheMeasConfig IE.This parametermustbe setif the parametertriggerTypeInterRAT is setto eventB2.The actualvalue used byUE is (IE value – 40)/2 dB. See TS 36.331.

dB Float -20 -3 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L92079 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel8 Dec09 LA3.0

t hr es ho ld Eu tr aR sr qB 2 R ep or tC on fi gG ER AN<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigGERAN>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE Threshold EUTRA RSRQ included inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT intheMeasConfig IE.This parametermustbe setif the parametertriggerTypeInterRAT is setto eventB2.The actualvalue used byUE is (IE value – 40)/2 dB. See TS 36.331.

dB Float -20 -3 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L92079 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel8 Dec09 LA3.0

t hr es ho ld Eu tr aR sr qB 2 R ep or tC on fi gU TR A<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-

<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigUTRA>3 none Mobility

EUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode Mobility


This parameterconfigures the IE Threshold EUTRA RSRQ included inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT intheMeasConfig IE.

This parametermustbe setif the parametertriggerTypeInterRAT is setto eventB2.The actualvalue used byUE is (IE value – 40)/2 dB. See TS 36.331.

dB Float -20 -3 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L92079 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel8 Dec09 LA3.0

thre sho ld Ge ran R ep ort Co nf ig GE RAN<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigGERAN>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterspecifies the threshold GERANdefined foreventB2 oreventB1. This IE canbe presentonlyif the parametertriggerTypeInterRAT is set to eventB1 oreventB2.This is used to provisionIE b2-Threshold2GERANorb1 counterpartinIE ReportConfigInterRAT,inIEMeasConfig.The actualvalue used byUE is IE value – 110 dBm.

dBm Integer -110 -47 1 N.A. customer_settable L92079 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel8 Dec09 LA3.0

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


T hr es ho ld Re la ti ve Pr ev en ti ve Of fl oa d R ad io Ca cE nb < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <R rm Se rv ic es >- <R ad io Ca cE nb > 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parametercorresponds to the deltarequired inload betweenneighborand serving cells.When triggeringpreventive offload forload equalization(based onsemi-static PRB usage),the targetcellmust be less loadedthanthe source cellbythis percentage,otherwise itwillnotbe considered as avalid targetforload balancing.

% Integer 0 100 10 system_reserved L114538 Enhanced Load Balancing criteria LR13.1

t hr es ho ld Ut ra Ec N0 R ep or tC on fi gU TR A<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-

<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigUTRA>3 none Mobility

EUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode Mobility


This parameterconfigures the IE utra-EcN0 included inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT inthe MeasConfig IE.This parametershould be setonlyif the parametertriggerTypeInterRAT is setto eventB1 oreventB2 and the

measurementreportis forUTRA-FDD.The provisioned parametervalue is (IE value – 49)/2 indB. See TS 36.331.

dB Float -24.5 0 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L92079 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel8 Dec09 LA3.0

t hr es ho ld Ut ra Rs cp R ep or tC on fi gU TR A<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigUTRA>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE utra-RSCP included inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT inthe MeasConfig IE.This parametermustbe setif the parametertriggerTypeInterRAT is setto eventB1 oreventB2.The provisioned parametervalue is IE value minus 115 indBm. See TS 36.331.

dBm Integer -120 -24 1 N.A. customer_settable L92079 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel8 Dec09 LA3.0

t hr es hS er vi ng Lo w C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f> 3 n on e M ob il it y R RC I d l e M od e M ob il it y

This parameterspecifies the threshold forserving cell receptionlevelused inreselectionevaluationtowardslowerpriorityE-UTRANfrequencyorRAT.The value sentoverthe RRC interface is half the value configured and the UE thenmultiplies the receivedvalue by2.See TS 36.331.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType3.

dB Integer 0 62 2 0 customer_settable L84807EUTRA-to-GERANInter-RAT Mobility--CellReselectionand Redirection


t hr e sh S er vi ng L ow De l ta C e ll R es e le c ti o nA d ap t at i on<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellSelectionReselectionConf>-<CellReselectionAdaptation>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameteris used to modify the threshServingLowvalue broadcastinSIB3 whenthe cellload is withintherange defined bythe lowerand upperbounds of this object.The value is added toCellSelectionReselectionConf::threshServingLow.

N.A. Integer -62 62 2 0 customer_settable L115203 Load based Idle Mode mobility LA5.0

t hr es hS er vi ng Lo wQ C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lS el ec ti on Re se le ct io nC on f> 3 n on e M ob il it y R RC I dl e M od e M ob il it yThis parameterspecifies the threshold forserving cellreceptionqualityused in reselectionevaluationtowardslowerpriorityE-UTRANfrequencyorRAT.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType3.

dB Integer 0 31 1 N.A. customer_settable L114644.1 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA4.0

t hr e sh S er vi ng L ow QD e lt a C e ll R es e le c ti o nA d ap t at i on<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellSelectionReselectionConf>-<CellReselectionAdaptation>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameteris used to modify the threshServingLowQ-r9 value broadcastinSIB3 whenthe cell load iswithinthe range defined bythe lowerand upperbounds of this object. The value is added to


N.A. Integer -31 31 1 0 customer_settable L115203 Load based Idle Mode mobility LA5.0

thre shX Hi gh C el lRe se lec tio nCo nf 1xR tt<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttBandClassConf>-<CellReselectionConf1xRtt>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameter(corresponds to threshX-Highin36.331)is the highthreshold used inreselectiontowards thisCDMA2000 (1xRTT)band class expressed as anunsigned binarynumberequalto FLOOR (-2 x 10 xlog10Ec/Io)inunits of 0.5 dB.The actualvalue used byUE is IE * (-1).See TS 36.331 and 36.304.

dB Float -31.5 0 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L76499.1 LTE and 1xRTT cell reselection LA4.0

thre shX Hi gh C el lRe se lec tio nCo nf GE RA N<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<CellReselectionConfGERAN>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameterconfigures the IE threshX-Highincluded inIE SystemInformationBlockType7.The value sentoverthe RRC interface is half the value configured and the UE thenmul tiplies the received value by2.

dB Integer 0 62 2 N.A. customer_settable L84807EUTRA-to-GERANInter-RAT Mobility--CellReselectionand Redirection


thre shX Hi gh C el lRe se lec tio nCo nf Hr pd<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<HrpdNeighboring>-<HrpdBandClassConf>-<CellReselectionConfHrpd>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameter(corresponds to threshX-Highin36.331)is the highthreshold used inreselectiontowards thisCDMA2000 band class expressed as anunsigned binarynumberequalto FLOOR (-2 x10 x log10 Ec/Io)inunits of 0.5 dB.The actualvalue used byUE is IE *(-1). See TS 36.331 and 36.304.

dB Float -31.5 0 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L92079 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel8 Dec09 LA3.0

thre shX Hi gh C el lRe se lec tio nCo nf Lt e<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<CellReselectionConfLte>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameterconfigures the IE threshX-Highincluded inIE SystemInformationBlockType5 for inter-frequency.The value sentoverthe RRC interface is half the value configured and the UE thenmultiplies the receivedvalue by2.See 3GPP 36.331.

dB Integer 0 62 2 20 customer_settable L108283 eNB Configuration Model Improvements LA3.0

t hr es hX Hi gh C el lR es el ec ti on Co nf Ut ra Fd d<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>-<CellReselectionConfUtraFdd>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameterconfigures the threshX-Highincluded inthe IE SystemInformationBlockType6.The value sentoverthe RRC interface is half the value configured and the UE thenmultiplies the received value by2. See TS36.331.

dB Integer 0 62 2 62 customer_settable L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


thre shX Hi ghQ C el lRe se lec tio nCo nf Lt e<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<CellReselectionConfLte>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameterconfigures the IE threshX-HighQ included inIE SystemInformationBlockType5 for inter-frequencyreselection.See 3GPP 36.331.

dB Integer 0 31 1 N.A. customer_settable L114644.1 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA4.0

t hr es hX Hi gh Q C el lR es el ec ti on Co nf Ut ra Fd d<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>-<CellReselectionConfUtraFdd>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameterconfigures the IE threshX-HighQ included inIE SystemInformationBlockType6 for reselectionto UTRAN.See 3GPP 36.331.

dB Integer 0 31 1 N.A. customer_settable L114644.1 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA4.0

thre shX Low C el lRe se lec tio nCo nf 1xR tt<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttBandClassConf>-<CellReselectionConf1xRtt>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameter(corresponds to threshX-Highin36.331)is the lowthreshold used inreselectiontowards thisCDMA2000 (1xRTT)band class expressed as anunsigned binarynumberequalto FLOOR (-2 x 10 xlog10Ec/Io)inunits of 0.5 dB (encoding of this is done throughenumeration).The actualvalue used byUE is IE *(-

1).See TS 36.331 and 36.304.

dB Float -31.5 0 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L76499.1 LTE and 1xRTT cell reselection LA4.0

thre shX Low C el lRe se lec tio nCo nf GE RA N<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-<GeranNeighboringFreqsConf>-<CellReselectionConfGERAN>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameterconfigures the IE threshX-Lowincluded inIE SystemInformationBlockType7.The value sentoverthe RRC interface is half the value configured and the UE thenmul tiplies the received value by2.

dB Integer 0 62 2 N.A. customer_settable L84807EUTRA-to-GERANInter-RAT Mobility--CellReselectionand Redirection


thre shX Low C el lRe se lec tio nCo nf Hr pd<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<HrpdNeighboring>-<HrpdBandClassConf>-<CellReselectionConfHrpd>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameter(corresponds to threshX-Highin36.331)is the lowthreshold used inreselectiontowards thisCDMA2000 band class expressed as anunsigned binarynumberequalto FLOOR (-2 x10 x log10 Ec/Io)inunits of 0.5 dB (encoding of this is done throughenumeration).The actualvalue used byUE is IE *(-1). SeeTS 36.331 and 36.304.

dB Float -31.5 0 0.5 N.A. customer_settable L92079 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel8 Dec09 LA3.0

thre shX Low C el lRe se lec tio nCo nf Lt e<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<CellReselectionConfLte>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameterconfigures the IE threshX-Lowincluded inIE SystemInformationBlockType5 for inter-frequency.The value sentoverthe RRC interface is half the value configured and the UE thenmultiplies the receivedvalue by2.See 3GPP 36.331.

dB Integer 0 62 2 0 customer_settable L108283 eNB Configuration Model Improvements LA3.0

thre shX Low C el lRe se lec tio nCo nf Ut raF dd<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-


3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameterconfigures the threshX-Lowincluded inthe IE SystemInformationBlockType6.The value sentoverthe RRC interface is half the value configured and the UE thenmultiplies the received value by2. See TS


dB Integer 0 62 2 62 customer_settable L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cell

reselelctionand Redirection


thre shX LowQ C el lRe se lec tio nCo nf Lt e<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<CellReselectionConfLte>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameterconfigures the IE threshX-LowQ included in IE SystemInformationBlockType5 for inter-frequencyreselection.See 3GPP 36.331.

dB Integer 0 31 1 N.A. customer_settable L114644.1 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA4.0

t hr es hX Lo wQ C el lR es el ec ti on Co nf Ut ra Fd d<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>-<CellReselectionConfUtraFdd>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameterconfigures the IE threshX-LowQ included in IE SystemInformationBlockType6 for reselectionto UTRAN.See 3GPP 36.331.

dB Integer 0 31 1 N.A. customer_settable L114644.1 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA4.0

t hr Fo rP OT oS ki pH OD at aF or wa rd ing O ve rl oa dC on tr ol < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Ov er lo ad Co nt ro l> 3 n one M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it yP ro ce du re sThis parameterspecifies the controllerP.O.threshold beyond whichthe data-forwarding skipping for idle callsis enabled.

% Integer 0 100 1 100 customer_settable L1152342 ethernetport:eUTRANsharing and QOSforwarding defence


tHys tNo rm al S pe ed Stat eE val Co nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>-< Spe ed Stat eE val Co nf > 3 no ne Mo bi lit y R RC I dl e Mo de M obi li ty

This parametercontributes to the configurationof the IE SystemInformationBlockType3.This parameter configures the IE t-HystNormalincluded inthe IE MobilityStateParameters.The additionaldurationfor evaluating criteriato enternormalmobilitystate.Corresponds to TCRmaxHystinTS 36.304.Value inseconds,s30 corresponds to 30 s and so on.See TS36.331.

s Enumerate s30(0), s60(1), s120(2), s180(3), s240(4) N.A. customer_settable L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


t im eA li gn me nt Ti me rC om mo n C el lL 2UL Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll L2 UL Co nf > 3 n one L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterspecifies the startvalue forthe time alignmenttimer.The value is broadcastonSIB2 and used

bythe UE.See TS 36.321.m s E num erate

sf500(0),sf750(1),sf1280(2),sf1920(3),sf2560(4),sf5120(5),sf10240(6), infinity(7) sf2560 system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

t im eA li gn me nt Ti me rD ed ic at ed C el lL 2UL Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll L2 UL Co nf > 2 p ar ti al L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterspecifies the startvalue forthe time alignmenttimervalue sentoverdedicated RRC signaling

and used bythe UE.See TS 36.321.m s E num erate

s ( ), s (1), s1 ( ), s1 ( ), s (4), s 1 ( ),sf10240(6), infinity(7) sf2560 system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

t imeOffsetForLowPr iorityCarriers RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the time thatthe eNB willwaitbefore configuring measurements forlowprioritycarriers,aftersetting up the measurements formedium prioritycarriers.This mechanism is used forload-triggered handovers inorderto ensure thathighand medium prioritycarriers are favored overlow prioritycarriers.If the parameteris notset,measurements forlowprioritycarriers are setup atthe same time asmedium prioritycarriers.

ms Integer 50 2000 10 N.A. customer_settable L115204Enhanced measurementparametersupportfor mobility


timeOffsetForMediumPriorityCarriers RrcMeasurementConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y F ea tu re s a pp ly t o M ob il it y fr om LT E t o a ll t ec hn ol og ie s

This parameterspecifies the time thatthe eNB willwaitbefore configuring measurements formedium prioritycarriers,aftersetting up the measurements forhighprioritycarriers.This mechanism is used forload-triggeredhandovers inorderto ensure thathighprioritycarriers are favored overmedium or lowprioritycarriers.If theparameteris notset,measurements formedium prioritycarriers are setup at the same time as highprioritycarriers.

ms Integer 50 2000 10 N.A. customer_settable L115204Enhanced measurementparametersupportfor mobility


ti merP dc pS tat us Rep ort Wait P dc pCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< De di cate dC onf >-<P dc pC onf > 3 no ne LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parameterspecifies the PDCP waiting timerforUE PDCP status report.This is used byPDCP duplicateavoidance forOTA transmissionoption.

ms Integer 1 1500 1 50 system_restricted L109433 eNB KPI Objectives (C-plane, U-plane) for LA3.0 LA3.0

ti merR lcE nd Marke r P dc pCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< De di cate dC onf >-<P dc pC onf > 3 no ne LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2his parameterconigures the time period orwhichthe C layerwillwaitor the arrivalo the LC layerend

markers,whenHO is triggered forthe UE.ms Integer 1 100 1 15 system_restricted L76500 Lossless Intra-LTE Mobility LA1.0

t im er St at us Pr oh ib it Do wn li nk R lc Am Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <R lc Co nf >- <R lc Am Co nf > 3 n on e L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterconfigures the downlinkvalue of timerT_status_prohibit.This timeris used to prohibitthereceiving side of anAMRLC entityfrom sending consecutive acknowledgementstatus reports.The parameter applies onlyforRLC Acknowledged Mode.

m s E num erate


m s10 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 76 50 1 3GP P St andard C om pl iance L A1. 0

t im er St at us Pr oh ib it Up li nk R lc Am Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <R lc Co nf >- <R lc Am Co nf > 3 n on e L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterconfigures the uplinkvalue of timerT_status_prohibit.This timeris used to prohibitthereceiving side of anAMRLC entityfrom sending consecutive acknowledgementstatus reports.The parameter applies onlyforRLC Acknowledged Mode.

m s E num erate



m s10 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 76 50 1 3GP P St andard C om pl iance L A1. 0


Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none


Features andParameters

ENB and Software ConfigurationControlParameters

This parameterspecifies the time inminutes to waitafteraSW Activationforthe EMS orNEMto read thesoftwareFallbackTimerStop attribute.If the softwareFallbackTimerStop attribute is notread before the timer expires,eNodeB willautomaticallyfallbackto the previous SW version.This is adefense mechanism topreventthe eNodeB from becoming isolated due to errors ina newlyactivated SW version. This timerisconfigurable bythe operatorfrom the EMS orNEM.

Possible values forthis parameterare :

0 -Turnoff SW fallbackfunctionality(defaultvalue).30 ...120 -time inminutes.

min Integer 0 120 30 customer_init L108514 eNB SW Replacement Improvements LA3.0

t im er Tp ol lR et ra ns mi tD ow nl in k R lc Am Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <R lc Co nf >- <R lc Am Co nf > 3 n on e L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterconfigures the downlinkvalue of timerT_poll_retransmitas per36.322.The parameterappliesonlyforRLC Acknowledged Mode.

m s E num erate



m s60 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 76 50 1 3GP P St andard C om pl iance L A1. 0

t im er Tp ol lR et ra ns mi tU pl in k R lc Am Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <R lc Co nf >- <R lc Am Co nf > 3 n on e L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterconfigures the uplinkvalue of timer T_poll_retransmitas per 36.322.The parameterappliesonlyforRLC Acknowledged Mode.

m s E num erate



m s60 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 76 50 1 3GP P St andard C om pl iance L A1. 0

t im er Tr eo rd er in gD ow nl in k R lc Am Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <R lc Co nf >- <R lc Am Co nf > 3 n on e L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterconfigures the downlinkvalue of timerT imer_Reordering as per36.322.This timeris used bythe receiving side of anAMRLC entityand anUM RLC entityforHARQ reordering.

m s E num erate



m s45 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 76 50 1 3GP P St andard C om pl iance L A1. 0

t im er Tr eo rd er ing Do wn li nk R lc Um Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< De di ca te dC on f> -< Rl cC on f> -< Rl cU mC on f> 3 n one L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2 T hi s p ar am et er c on fi gu re s t he v al ue o f D ow nl in kU Mt im er T _r eo rd er in g as p er 36 .3 22 . m s E nu me ra te



m s45 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 76 50 1 3GP P St andard C om pl iance L A1. 0

t im er Tr eo rd er ing Up li nk R lc Am Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< De di ca te dC on f> -< Rl cC on f> -< Rl cA mC on f> 3 n one L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterconfigures the uplinkvalue of timerTimer_Reordering as per 36.322.This timeris used bythereceiving side of anAMRLC entityand anUM RLC entityforHARQ reordering.

m s E num erate



m s45 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 76 50 1 3GP P St andard C om pl iance L A1. 0

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


ti merT reo rde ri ng Upl ink R lc Um Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< De di cate dC onf >-<R lc Co nf >-< Rl cUm Co nf > 3 no ne LT E Air Inte rf ace L ayer 2 T his p aram et er conf igure s the val ue of U pl ink UM ti mer T_re or de ring as p er 36 .3 22 . m s E num erate


m s45 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 76 50 1 3GP P St andard C om pl iance L A1. 0

t im eT oT ri gg er T ra ff ic Ba se dR el ea se Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <R rm Se rv ic es >- <T ra ff ic Ba se dR el ea se Co nf > 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Ha nd li ngThis timeris started/resetforanactive UE wheneverthere is UL orDL TRB traffic.Ontimerexpiry,the UEcontextis released from the eNodeB.

s Float 1 1080 0.1 10 eng_tunable L92093LTE mobiltyenhancements (dormancytimer enhancement)


ti meT oT ri gg er R ep ort Co nf ig CD MA 200 0<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigCDMA2000>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto HRPD RRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE TimeToTriggerincluded inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT inthe MeasConfigIE.See TS36.331.

m s E num erate



N .A . c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 84 87 6

Enhancementof LTE-to-HRPD Mobility-redirection

witheHRPD measurement(Restricted test forSingleReceiverUE)


ti meT oT ri gg er R ep ort Co nf ig EUT RA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigEUTRA>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterconfigures the RRC IE TimeToTriggerincluded inthe IE reportConfigEUTRA intheMeasurementConfigurationIE.See 3GPP 36.331.

m s E num erate


N .A . c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 10 37 92Intra-LTE Inter-FrequencyMobilityforFDD<->FDDand TDD<->TDD


ti meT oT ri gg er R ep ort Co nf ig GE RAN<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigGERAN>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterindicates the time during whichaspecific criteriaforthe eventneeds to be metinordertotriggerameasurementreport.This is used to provisionIE TimeToTriggerinIE ReportConfigInterRAT,inIE

MeasConfig. See 3GPP 36.331.

m s E num erate


N .A . c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 92 02 6 C S Fa ll bac k to G ER AN fo rV oi ce C al ls L A3 .0

ti meT oT ri gge r R ep ort Co nf ig UT RA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigUTRA>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE TimeToTriggerincluded inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT inthe MeasConfigIE.See TS36.331.

m s E num erate


N .A . c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 92 02 5 C S F a ll ba ck t o U TR A( WC DM A) f or V oi ce C a ll s L A3 .0

t i me ToTr ig g er A ll o we d Va l ue s Mo bi l it y Ro b us t ne s sO p tC e ll < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Mo b il i ty R ob u st n es s Op t Ce l l> 3 n o ne Mo bi l it y I n tr a- LTE R R C C o nn ec t ed Mo d e Mo bi l it y P ro c ed u re sThis parametercontains alistof the enumerated values of the timeToTriggerparameterforintra-frequencymobilitythatare allowed to be used bythe MRO feature.If the value is unsetthenMRO willnotadjustthetimeToTrigger.

N .A . E nu me ra te






 c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 10 31 77 H O O pt im is at io nc ou nt er s L R1 3. 1

t im eT oT ri gg er Sf Hi gh R rc Me as ur em en tC on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur es

This parameterconfigures the timeToTrigger-SF included inthe IE MeasConfig.Parameter“SpeeddependentScaling-FactorfortimeToTrigger”.The concerned mobilitycontrolrelated parameteris multipliedwiththis factorif the UE is inHighMobilitystate as defined inTS 36.304.Value oDot25 corresponds to 0.25,oDot5 corresponds to 0.5 , oDot75 corresponds to 0.75 and so on. See TS36.331.

N.A. Enumerate oDot25(0), oDot5(1), oDot75(2), lDot0(3) N.A. customer_settable L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


t i me ToTr ig g er S fMed i um R r cMea s ur eme nt C on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<RrcMeasurementConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur es

This parameterconfigures the timeToTrigger-SF included inthe IE MeasConfig.Parameter“SpeeddependentScaling-FactorfortimeToTrigger”.The concerned mobilitycontrolrelated parameteris multipliedwiththis factorif the UE is inHighMobilitystate as defined inTS 36.304.Value oDot25 corresponds to 0.25,oDot5 corresponds to 0.5 , oDot75 corresponds to 0.75 and so on. See TS36.331.

N.A. Enumerate oDot25(0), oDot5(1), oDot75(2), lDot0(3) N.A. customer_settable L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


t im eT oT ri gg er SR B2 T ra ff ic Ba se dR el ea se Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <R rm Se rv ic es >- <T ra ff ic Ba se dR el ea se Co nf > 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt C al l Ha nd li ng

This parameterspecifies the UE inactivitytimerforSRB2,while the existing MIMparameter TrafficBasedReleaseConf->timeToTriggeris for TRB (Traffic RB). Value 0 = disabled,meaning the UE inactivitymonitoring onSRB2 is disabled (inotherwords,SRB2 traffic isnotcounte d as UE activity).

Note:eNB monitors SRB2 activityonlyif TBCR is enabled(ActivationService.isTrafficBasedContextReleaseAllowed =TRUE)AND this parametertimeToTriggerSRB2 is !=0.

s Float 0 10 0.1 0.0 eng_tunable L92093LTE mobiltyenhancements (dormancytimer enhancement)


timeToWaitForEnbDirectInfoTransfer NaccTimersConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<S1AccessGroup>-<S1Timers>-<NaccTimersConf>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterspecifies the time to waitbefore the eNodeB retries to retrieve the sys info foraGERANcellfrom atargetBSC.The eNodeB starts this timerto getsys info periodicallyorwhensys info is no more valid or deleted inthe contextforthis GERANcelland whenall networkconditions are fulfilled so thatthe eNodeB canrequestthe sys info.

min Integer 1 1440 1 1440 customer_settable L96371 EUTRA-to-GERAN Inter-RAT Mobility -- NACC LA3.0

timeToWaitForEnbDirectInfoTransfer UtraCellLoadTimersConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<S1AccessGroup>-<S1Timers>-<UtraCellLoadTimersConf>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC

This parameterspecifies the time to waitbefore the eNodeB retries to retrieve the cellload foranUTRANcellfrom atargetRNC.The eNodeB starts this timerto get cellload periodicallyorwhencellload is no more validordeleted inthe contextforthis UTRANcell and whenallnetworkconditions are fulfilled so thatthe eNodeBcanrequestthe cellload.

min Integer 1 1440 1 240 customer_settable 155912Targetcellload considerationforIRAT mobilitytoWCDMA


timeToWaitForEnbDirectInfoTransfer UtraSiTimersConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<S1AccessGroup>-<S1Timers>-<UtraSiTimersConf>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC

This parameterspecifies the time to waitbefore the eNodeB retries to retrieve the sys info foranUTRANcell

from atargetRNC.The eNodeB starts this timerto get sys info periodicallyorwhensys info is no more valid or deleted inthe contextforthis UTRANcelland whenall networkconditions are fulfilled so thatthe eNodeB canrequestthe sys info.

min Integer 1 1440 1 1440 customer_settable L114190.1CSFB enhancementto UTRAN/GERAN--enhancedRedirectionand PSHO


timeZoneName Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Call Management C ell Setup

This parameterspecifies the timeZoneName of the eNodeB, The timeZoneName formatis as follows:1.Area:continentand ocean.

2.Location:the name of the locationwithinthe givenArea-usuallyidentifying the cityorisland.This is astandardized time-zone format.It matches withthe Olsondatabase formatfortimeZoneName.Currently,the eNodeB supports only nine standard time-zones,allof whichapplyinthe United States(AST,EST,DST,MST,PST,AKST,HST,SST and ChST).Note:thatthe values fortimeZoneName use _ instead of the standard /as the separatorbetweenthe AreaandLocationelements.







ohnston(30),Pacific_Midway(31),Pacific_PagoPago(32),Pacific _Saipan(33),Pacific_Wake(34),Africa_Ceuta(35),America_Cayenne(36),America_Guadeloupe(37),America_Marigot(38),America_Martinique(39),America_Miquelon(40),America_Saint_Barthelemy(41),Asia_Almaty(42),Asia_Aqtau(43),Asia_Dubai(44),Asia_Riyadh(45),Asia_Shanghai(46),Atlantic_Canary(47),Europe

 _Madrid(48),Europe_Paris(49),Indian_Reunion(50),Pacific_Gambier(51),Pacific_Marquesas_Islands(52),Pacific_Noumea(53),Pacific_ Tahiti(54)

UT C c us to me r_ ini t L 11 52 20 e NB US Ti me Zo ne Su pp or tf or PM F il es L A5 .0

tmaAldUniqueName Tma <ENBEquipment>-<Tma> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameteris setbyOAM atcreationand itcomprises atextstring of the AISG-assigned TMA vendor code appended withthe units serialnumber,and serves as aunique identifierforthe unit.This is matched withthe unique identityvalue read from the TMA.

N.A. String 0 20 $NULLSTRING$ customer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

tmaAssociatedEnodebFriendlyName Tma <ENBEquipment>-<Tma> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameteris setbythe end userand it is used whenthe eNodeB serves as hostof a TMA associatedwithanothereNodeB ornon-LTE BTS. This textstring describes thatotherBTS.

N.A. String 0 255 $NULLSTRING$ c ustomer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

tmaAssociatedRfmFriendlyName Tma <ENBEquipment>-<Tma> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameteris setbythe end userand it provides afield to fora string identifying the RF unitserved bythisTMA physicalunit.This RF unitmaybe part of this eNodeB oranothereNodeB ornon-LTE BTS.

N.A. String 0 255 $NULLSTRING$ c ustomer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

tmaFriendlyName Tma <ENBEquipment>-<Tma> 3 none


Features andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameteris set bythe end userto assignfriendlyname (textstring)to conveyaname orlocationoruseof the TMA.

N.A. String 0 255 $NULLSTRING$ c ustomer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

tmaSelfTest Tma <ENBEquipment>-<Tma> 3 none


Features andParameters

I nstallation and Commissioning Parameters This parameter is set by the end user to initiate a self test on the TMA physical unit. N.A. Boolean false customer_init L115221 Support for SAM Provisioning of Beta Parameters T/LA6.0

tmaSoftwareFilename Tma <ENBEquipment>-<Tma> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures and


Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameteris setby customerortechnicianto startanewsoftware applicationapplicationdownload to theTMA.The value inthis parameteris returned to blankafterdownload start.The Name in this field canincludethe locationof the file name.The parametercanstayunset(blank)untilanewsoftware is downloaded to theTMA.

N.A. String 0 255 $NULLSTRING$ customer_init L115221 Support for SAMProvisioning of Beta Parameters T/LA6.0

tmaSubunitId AntennaPort <ENBEquipment>-<CpriRadioEquipment>-<AntennaPort> 2 partialMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameterassigns aspecific T MA and TMA subunitto serve the antennaport.Thatis,itidentifies theTma/TmaSubunitmanaged objectinstance thatrepresents the serving TMA subunit.The parametershould be unsetif no TMA serves the antennaport.

ServiceLink N.A. customer_init L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

tmaSubunitNumber TmaSubunit <ENBEquipment>-<Tma>-<TmaSubunit> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameterassociates the containing instance of TmaSubunitwiththe related SNMP tmaSubUnitTableentry.Its the one having atmaSubunitNumbersetto the same value as defined by this attribute and having thesame tmaAldRitNumberas defined for the parentobjectTMA.

Integer 1 4 1 1 customer_settable L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0

tMeasWaitForOffload Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Mobility evolved multi-carrier traffic allocation eMCTAThis parameterspecifies the maximum time the eNodeB canattempta reportof RRC measurementconfigured foroff-load reason.Whenthis time period elapses,the off-loading process is stopped.

ms Integer 100 60000 2000 customer_settable L103892.1ervice,and load based handoverbehaviorsupport

(eMCTA -Phase 2)LA4.0

t Mo bi li ty Fr om Eu tr aC CO N ac cT im er sC on f   <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<S1AccessGroup>-<S1Timers>-<NaccTimersConf>

3 none Mobility EUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterspecifies the startvalue forthe eNodeB internalguard timerwhichis used to monitorthe UEcellchange orderto GERANprocedure.The timeris started inthe eNodeB atmessage

RRCMobilityFromEUTRACommand transmissionand stopped atreceiving UE Release Command from MME.AttimerexpiryeNodeB triggers the release of allUE associated resources bysending anS1 UE ContextRelease Requestto the MME.

ms Integer 1 10000 1 10000 customer_settable L96371 EUTRA-to-GERAN Inter-RAT Mobility -- NACC LA3.0

t oo Ea rl yW ei ght M ob il it yR ob us tn es sO pt<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<MobilityRobustnessOpt>

3 none Mobility Intra-LTE RRC Connected Mode Mobility Procedures This parameter indicates the weighting factor for Too Early handover in the MRO algorithm. N.A. Integer 0 100 1 10 eng_tunable L103177 HO Optimisation counters LR13.1

t oo Lat eW ei gh t M ob il it yR ob us tn es sO pt<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<MobilityRobustnessOpt>

3 none Mobility Intra-LTE RRC Connected Mode Mobility Procedures This parameter indicates the weighting factor for Too Late handover in the MRO algorithm. N.A. Integer 0 100 1 10 eng_tunable L103177 HO Optimisation counters LR13.1

t ot al Zo ne s O ne XR tt Re gi st rat io nP ar am et er s<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttConfPerPlmn>-<OneXRttRegistrationParameters>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterspecifies CDMA2000 1xRTT Numberof registrationzones to be retained -See 3GPP2C.S0005.

Integer 0 7 1 N.A. customer_init 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1

tOverload UeT imers <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<DedicatedConf>-<UeTimers> 3 none Call Management Call Handling

This parameter is used to configure the IE waitTime of the IE rrcConnectionRej ect-r8 of the messageRRCConnectionRejectTS36.331 incase of RRC Connectionrejected due to MME Overload.Itspecifies thetime inseconds before UE canattemptanew RRC Connection.A random value inthe range of(75%*tOverload,125%*tOverload)respecting min/maxcardinalities willbe used.RefertoextendedWaitTimeDueToMME fordelay-tolerantUEs.

s Integer 1 16 1 16 system_restricted L101845 eNB MME Selection Evolution LR15.1

t pc Pe ri od Fo rP US CH tp cO ve rD CI 3 U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <U LP ow er Co nt ro lC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource


This parametercontrols the period used fortransmitting PUSCHpowercontrolTPC commands overPDCCHDCI3 whenthe UE is in SPS active state.The unitis the 10ms radio frame.

Integer 1 20 4 system_restricted L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0

tPCRACHMsg3 CellRachConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellRachConf> 2 partialRadio Resource


This parameterspecifies the poweroffsetbetweenRACHmessage 1 and message 3.Supports [-6,-4,-2,0,2,4,6,8]dB inLA1.0.The TPC command is sentinthe Random Access Response (RAR)as persection6.2of 36.213.

dB E num erate-6dB(0),-4dB(1),-2dB(2),0dB(3),2dB(4),4dB(5),6dB(6),8dB(7)

4d B s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 76 50 1 3GP P St andard C om pl iance L A1. 0

traceDepth CTg <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SubscAndEquipmentTraces>-<CTg> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Subscriberand equipmenttracesThis parameterspecifies the levelof detailrequired inthe Trace data.TS 32.422 V8.4.0 defines the levels ofTrace Depth.The trace depthforthe eNodeB is one of the trace configurationparameters specified inTS32.422 V8.4.0.

N.A. Enumerate minimum(0), maximum(2) maximum system_restricted L92645 Subscriber & Equipment Trace Enhancements LA2.0

traceId CTg <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SubscAndEquipmentTraces>-<CTg> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures and


Subscriberand equipmenttraces

This parameteris partof the Trace Reference defined in3GPP TS 32.421 v8.0.0.The parameteris definedas follows:A globallyunique ID shallbe generated foreachTrace Sessionto identifythe Trace Session.The method for achieving this is to divide the Trace reference into Country,Operator, and trace Id.

Integer 1 16777215 N.A. system_restricted L92645 Subscriber & E quipment Trace E nhancements LA2.0

trackingAreaCode LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility This parameter identifies the Tracking Area Code of the cell. See TS 36.331. BitString 16 16 N.A. customer_init L97933Dynamic SysInfo ModificationunderCellParameter Change


t ra ck in gA re aC od e L te Ne ig hb or in gC el lR el at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-

<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<LteNeighboringCellRelation>3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameters identifies the Tracking AreaCode to whichbelongs the neighborcell

Defined inTS 36.331.BitString 16 16 N.A. customer_init L81872

Automatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationand


trackingAreaCode aiList ot upportingIms oip < quipment>-< nb>-< aiList ot upportingIms oip> none obility evolved multi-carrier tra ic allocation e C A his parameter speci ies the AC o the AI not supporting I oI call. .A. it tring 1 1 .A. customer_init L11 obility enhancement or o I service LA .

t ra f fi c Ba se d Co nt e xt R el e as e Ti mer I n ac t iv i ty B as e dD rx C on f < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< I na c ti v it y Ba se d Dr xC o nf > 3 n o neRadio Resource

ManagementD yn am ic R es ou rc e A ll oc at io na nd P ac ke tS che du li ng T hi s p ar am et er s pe ci fi es t he d es ir ed R LC d or ma nc yt im er wh en th e D RX c on fi gu ra ti on is a ct iv at ed o nt he U E. s F lo at 1 1 08 0 0 .1 1 0 s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 10 18 43 M AC D Rx St at e M gt un de rI na ct iv it yC on di ti on s L R1 3. 1

t ra f fi c Ra d io B ea re r Co n fN ame Tr af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o neRadio Resource

ManagementRadio Resource Managementfunctions

This parameterattaches a user-friendlyname,as determined by the operator,to the giveninstance ofTrafficRadioBearerConf.

String 0 64 $NULLSTRING$ system_restricted L92095QCI & QCI Parameters ForEnhanced SchedulingDecisions


t ra ff ic Sha pi ng Re po rt ed P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to TrafficShaping is selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L103175.1 Performance Counter Management Support on eNB LA4.0

trafficThreshold CTg <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SubscAndEquipmentTraces>-<CTg> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Subscriber and equipment traces This parameter specifies the traff ic threshold value (connected UE percentage). % Integer 0 100 1 0 eng_tunable L92645 Subscriber & Equipment Trace Enhancements LA2.0

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


transmissionMode LteCellFDD <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteCellFDD> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterselects one of the Transmissionmodes defined inTS 36.213,7.1,where tm1 refers totransmissionmode 1, tm2 to transmissionmode 2,and so on.

N.A. Enumerate tm1 (1), tm2 (2), tm3 (3), tm4 (4) N.A. eng_tunable L80279 Downlink Transmit Schemes for LA1.0 LA1.0

t ra ns mi ss io nM od eR 10 D ow nl in kC AC on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggreg ationPrimaryConf >-<DownlinkCACo nf>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter configures the PCell Transmission Mode for CA UE. N.A. Enumerate tm1 (1), tm2 (2), tm3 (3), tm4 (4) tm4 eng_tunable 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

t ra ns p or tP a ck et S iz e Co un te r sR e po r te d P e rf o rma nc e Ma na ge men t < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< P er f or man c eMan ag e me nt > 3 n o neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to TransportPacketSizeCounters isselected to be reported.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved 160816 Transport Counters per bucket LR15

t R es e le c ti o n1 x Rt t Sf H ig h O ne X Rt t Sp e ed D ep e nd e nt C on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttSpeedDependentConf>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameterconfigures the t-Reselection1xRTT-SF included inthe IE SystemInformationBlockType8.Parameter“Speed dependentScaling-FactorforTreselectionHRPD” inTS 36.304.If the field is notpresent,

the UE behavioris specified in TS 36.304.The concerned mobilitycontrolrelated parameteris multiplied withthis factorif the UE is inHighMobilitystate as defined inTS 36.304.Value oDot25 corresponds to 0.25,oDot5corresponds to 0.5 , oDot75 corresponds to 0.75 and so on. See TS36.331.

N.A. Enumerate oDot25(0), oDot5(1), oDot75(2), lDot0(3) N.A. customer_settable L76499.1 LTE and 1xRTT cell reselection LA4.0

tReselection1xRttSfMedium OneXRttSpeedDependentConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<OneXRttNeighboring>-<OneXRttSpeedDependentConf>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameterconfigures the t-Reselection1xRTT-SF included inthe IE SystemInformationBlockType8.Parameter“Speed dependentScaling-FactorforTreselectionHRPD” inTS 36.304.If the field is notpresent,the UE behavioris specified in TS 36.304.The concerned mobilitycontrolrelated parameteris multiplied withthis factorif the UE is inMedium Mobilitystate as defined inTS 36.304.Value oDot25 corresponds to 0.25,oDot5 corresponds to 0.5 , oDot75 corresponds to 0.75 and so on. See TS36.331.

N.A. Enumerate oDot25(0), oDot5(1), oDot75(2), lDot0(3) N.A. customer_settable L76499.1 LTE and 1xRTT cell reselection LA4.0

t Re se le ct io nC dm a1 xR tt O ne XR tt Ne ig hb or in g < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< On eX Rt tN ei ghb or in g> 3 n one M ob il it y R RC I d le M o de M o bi li tyThis parameterspecifies the 1xRTT cellreselectiontimervalue inseconds.Itcorresponds to t-ReselectionCDMA2000 incellReselectionParameters1xRTT in36.331.

s Integer 0 7 1 N.A. customer_settable L76499.1 LTE and 1xRTT cell reselection LA4.0

t Re se le ct io nC dm aH rp d H rp dN ei gh bo ri ng < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Hr pd Ne ig hb or in g> 3 n one M ob il it y R RC I dl e M od e M ob il it yThis parameterspecifies the HRPD cellreselectiontimervalue inseconds.Itcorresponds to t-ReselectionCDMA2000 incellReselectionParametersHRPD in36.331.

s Integer 0 7 1 N.A. customer_settable L82728LTE-to-HRPD Mobility--cellreselectionandredirectionwithno eHRPD measurement


t Re se le ct io nE UT RA N C el lR es el ec ti on Co nf Lt e<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-

<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<CellReselectionConfLte>3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameterspecifies the value of the cellreselectionUE timerinthe cellon the indicated EUTRANfrequency.See TS 36.331.

The instance corresponding to the serving frequency(pointed byLteNeighboringFreqsConfId)is broadcastinSystemInformationBlockType 3, and otherinstances are broadcastinSIB5.

s Integer 0 7 1 2 customer_settable L96760 eNB Configuration Update Enhancements LA2.0

t R es e le c ti o nE u tr aS f Hi g h L t eS p ee d De p en de nt C on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<LteSpeedDependentConf>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameterconfigures the t-ReselectionEUTRA-SF thatis included inthe IE

SystemInformationBlockType3,timeToTrigger-SF in IE MeasConfig.The parameter“Speed dependentScaling-FactorforTReselectionEUTRA” inTS 36.304.If the field is notpresent,the UE behavioris specifiedinTS 36.304.The concerned mobilitycontrolrelated parameteris multiplied withthis factorif the UE is inHighMobilitystate as defined inTS 36.304.Value oDot25 corresponds to 0.25,oDot5 corresponds to 0.5 , oDot75corresponds to 0.75 and so on.

N.A. Enumerate oDot25(0), oDot5(1), oDot75(2), lDot0(3) lDot0 customer_settable L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


tReselectionEutraSfMedium LteSpeedDependentConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<LteSpeedDependentConf>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameterconfigures the t-ReselectionEUTRA-SF thatis included inthe IESystemInformationBlockType3 and timeToTrigger-SF in IE MeasConfig.Parameter“Speed dependent

Scaling-FactorforTReselectionEUTRA” inTS 36.304.If the field is notpresent,the UE behavioris specifiedinTS 36.304.The concerned mobilitycontrolrelated parameteris multiplied withthis factorif the UE is inMedium Mobilitystate as defined inTS 36.304.Value oDot25 corresponds to 0.25,oDot5 corresponds to 0.5,oDot7 5 corresponds to 0.75 and so on.

N.A. Enumerate oDot25(0), oDot5(1), oDot75(2), lDot0(3) lDot0 customer_settable L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


tReselectionGERAN GeranNeighboring <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring> 3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility This parameter configures the t-ReselectionGERAN included in the IE SystemInformationBlockType7. s Integer 0 7 1 N.A. customer_settable L84807EUTRA-to-GERANInter-RAT Mobility--CellReselectionand Redirection


tReselectionGERANSfHigh GeranSpeedDependentConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-<GeranSpeedDependentConf>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parametercontributes to the configurationof the IE SystemInformationBlockType7.See TS36.331.This parameterconfigures the t-ReselectionGERAN-SF included in the IE SystemInformationBlockType7.See TS36.331.

N.A. Enumerate oDot25(0), oDot5(1), oDot75(2), lDot0(3) N.A. customer_settable L84807EUTRA-to-GERANInter-RAT Mobility--CellReselectionand Redirection


tReselectionGERANSfMedium GeranSpeedDependentConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<GeranNeighboring>-

<GeranSpeedDependentConf>3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parametercontributes to the configurationof the IE SystemInformationBlockType7.See TS36.331.This parameterconfigures the t-ReselectionGERAN-SF included in the IE SystemInformationBlockType7.See TS36.331.

N.A. Enumerate oDot25(0), oDot5(1), oDot75(2), lDot0(3) N.A. customer_settable L84807EUTRA-to-GERANInter-RAT Mobility--Cell

Reselectionand RedirectionLA2.0

t R es e le c ti o nH rp d Sf H ig h H rp d Sp e ed D ep e nd e nt C on f  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<HrpdNeighboring>-<HrpdSpeedDependentConf>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameterconfigures the t-ReselectionHRPD-SF included in the IE SystemInformationBlockType8.Parameter“Speed dependentScaling-FactorforTreselectionHRPD” inTS 36.304.If the field is notpresent,the UE behavioris specified in TS 36.304.The concerned mobilitycontrolrelated parameteris multiplied withthis factorif the UE is inHighMobilitystate as defined inTS 36.304.Value oDot25 corresponds to 0.25,oDot5corresponds to 0.5 , oDot75 corresponds to 0.75 and so on. See TS36.331.

N.A. Enumerate oDot25(0), oDot5(1), oDot75(2), lDot0(3) N.A. customer_settable L108283 eNB Configuration Model Improvements LA3.0

tReselectionHrpdSfMedium HrpdSpeedDependentConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<HrpdNeighboring>-

<HrpdSpeedDependentConf>3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parameterconfigures the t-ReselectionHRPD-SF included in the IE SystemInformationBlockType8.Parameter“Speed dependentScaling-FactorforTreselectionHRPD” inTS 36.304.If the field is notpresent,the UE behavioris specified in TS 36.304.The concerned mobilitycontrolrelated parameteris multiplied with

this factorif the UE is inMedium Mobilitystate as defined inTS 36.304.Value oDot25 corresponds to 0.25,oDot5 corresponds to 0.5 , oDot75 corresponds to 0.75 and so on. See TS36.331.

N.A. Enumerate oDot25(0), oDot5(1), oDot75(2), lDot0(3) N.A. customer_settable L108283 eNB Configuration Model Improvements LA3.0

tR es el ec ti onUtra UtraNe ig hbo ri ng < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <UtraNe ig hbo ri ng > 3 no ne Mo bi lit y R RC I dl e Mo de Mo bi li ty

This parameterconfigures the t-ReselectionUTRA included inthe IE SystemInformationBlockType6,as

defined inTS36.331.This is the TreselectionUTRANparameterdefined inTS36.304.This concerns the cellreselectiontimerTreselectionRAT for UTRA.Value is defined in seconds.

s Integer 0 7 1 N.A. customer_settable L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


t R es e le c ti o nU tr aS f Hi g h U tr aS p ee d De p en d en tC o nf  <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraSpeedDependentConf> 3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parametercontributes to the configurationof the IE SystemInformationBlockType6 and configures the t-ReselectionUTRA-SF included inthe IE SystemInformationBlockType6,as defined in TS 36.331.This isdefined as the parameter,“Speed dependentScaling-FactorforTreselectionUTRA” in TS 36.304.

If the field is not present,referto the UE behaviorspecified inTS 36.304.The concerned mobilitycontrolrelated parameteris multiplied withthis factorif the UE is inHighMobilitystate as defined inTS 36.304.ValueoDot25 corresponds to 0.25,oDot5 corresponds to 0.5 , oDot75 corresponds to 0.75 and so on.

N.A. Enumerate oDot25(0), oDot5(1), oDot75(2), lDot0(3) lDot0 customer_settable L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection LA2.0

tReselectionUtraSfMedium UtraSpeedDependentConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraSpeedDependentConf>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode Mobility

This parametercontributes to the configurationof the IE SystemInformationBlockType6 and configures the t-ReselectionUTRA-SF included inthe IE SystemInformationBlockType6,as defined in TS 36.331.This isdefined as the parameter,“Speed dependentScaling-FactorforTreselectionUTRA” in TS 36.304.If the field is not present,referto the UE behaviorspecified inTS 36.304.The concerned mobilitycontrolrelated parameteris multiplied withthis factorif the UE is inMedium Mobilitystate as defined inTS 36.304.Value oDot25 corresponds to 0.25,oDot5 corresponds to 0.5 , oDot75 corresponds to 0.75 and so on.

N.A. Enumerate oDot25(0), oDot5(1), oDot75(2), lDot0(3) lDot0 customer_settable L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRANInter-RAT Mobility--Cellreselelctionand Redirection


tri gg er Quant it y R ep ort Co nf ig EUT RA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigEUTRA>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterconfigures the RRC IE triggerQuantityincluded in the IE reportConfigEUTRA intheMeasurementConfigurationIE.See 3GPP 36.331.

Enumerate rsrp (0), rsrq (1) N.A. customer_settable L103792Intra-LTE Inter-FrequencyMobilityforFDD<->FDDand TDD<->TDD


t ri gg er Ty pe EU TR A R ep or tC on fi gE UT RA<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigEUTRA>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterconfigures the RRC IE triggerType included inthe IE reportConfigEUTRA intheMeasurementConfigurationIE.

EnumerateeventA3 (0),periodicalStrongestCells(1),eventA2 (2),eventA4(3),eventA1 (4),eventA5 (5), periodicalReportCGI (6)

N .A . c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 96 76 0 e NB C on fi gu ra ti on U pd at e En ha nc em en ts L A2 .0

t ri gg er Ty pe In te rR AT R ep or tC on fi gC DM A2 00 0<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigCDMA2000>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto HRPD RRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE triggerType included inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT inthe IE MeasConfig.See TS36.331.

EnumerateeventB1 (0),eventB2 (1),periodicalSon(2),periodicalReportCGI (3),periodicalForCsfbTo1XRtt(4)

e ve nt B2 s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 84 87 6Enhancementof LTE-to-HRPD Mobility-redirectionwitheHRPD measurement(Restricted test forSingleReceiverUE)


t ri gg er Ty pe In te rR AT R ep or tC on fi gG ER AN<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigGERAN>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the RRC IE triggerType included inthe IE reportConfigInterRAT intheMeasurementConfigurationIE.

N .A . E nu me ra teeventB1 (0),eventB2 (1),periodicalSon(2),periodicalReportCGI (3),periodicalForCsfbTo1XRtt(4)

N .A . c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 92 02 6 C S Fa ll bac k to G ER AN fo rV oi ce C al ls L A3 .0

t ri gg er Ty pe In te rR AT R ep or tC on fi gU TR A<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<RrmServices>-<UeMeasurementConf>-<ReportConfig>-<ReportConfigUTRA>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the IE triggerType included inthe IE ReportConfigInterRAT inthe IE MeasConfig.See TS36.331.

N .A . E nu me ra teeventB1 (0),eventB2 (1),periodicalSon(2),periodicalReportCGI (3),periodicalForCsfbTo1XRtt(4)

N .A . c us to me r_ se tt ab le L 92 02 5 C S F a ll ba ck t o U TR A( WC DM A) f or V oi ce C a ll s L A3 .0

tS1EnbDirectIn foTransferTr ir NaccTimersConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<S1AccessGroup>-<S1Timers>-<NaccTimersConf>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto GERANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameteris defined in48.018 and is used inthe eNodeB to controlthe receptionof the response to apreviouslytransmitted RAN-INFORMATION-REQUEST PDUpiggybacked in S1 ENB DIRECTINFORMATIONTRANSFER.Itis started whenRAN-INFORMATION-REQUEST PDUpiggybacked inS1ENB DIRECT INFORMATIONTRANSFER is sentbyeNodeB.Itis stopped whenRAN-INFORMATIONPDUis received onS1 piggybacked inMME DIRECT INFORMATIONTRANSFER.

ms Integer 1 10000 1 3000 customer_settable L96371 EUTRA-to-GERAN Inter-RAT Mobility -- NACC LA3.0

tS1EnbDirectIn foTransferTr ir UtraCellLoadTimersConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<S1AccessGroup>-<S1Timers>-<UtraCellLoadTimersConf>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC

This parameteris defined in48.018 and is used inthe eNodeB to controlthe receptionof the response to apreviouslytransmitted RAN-INFORMATION-REQUEST PDUpiggybacked in S1 ENB DIRECTINFORMATIONTRANSFER.Itis started whenRAN-INFORMATION-REQUEST PDUpiggybacked inS1ENB DIRECT INFORMATIONTRANSFER is sentbyeNodeB.Itis stopped whenRAN-INFORMATIONPDUis received onS1 piggybacked inMME DIRECT INFORMATIONTRANSFER.

ms Integer 1 10000 1 3000 customer_settable 155912Targetcellload considerationforIRAT mobilitytoWCDMA


tS1EnbDirectIn foTransferTr ir UtraSiTimersConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<S1AccessGroup>-<S1Timers>-<UtraSiTimersConf>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCC

This parameteris defined in48.018 and is used inthe eNodeB to controlthe receptionof the response to apreviouslytransmitted RAN-INFORMATION-REQUEST PDUpiggybacked in S1 ENB DIRECTINFORMATIONTRANSFER.Itis started whenRAN-INFORMATION-REQUEST PDUpiggybacked inS1ENB DIRECT INFORMATIONTRANSFER is sentbyeNodeB.Itis stopped whenRAN-INFORMATIONPDU

is received onS1 piggybacked inMME DIRECT INFORMATIONTRANSFER.

ms Integer 1 10000 1 3000 customer_settable L114190.1CSFB enhancementto UTRAN/GERAN--enhancedRedirectionand PSHO


tS1RelocOverallForPsHandoverToUtra PsHoToUtraTimersConf 


<PsHoToUtraTimersConf> 3 none Mobility

EUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode Mobility


This parameterconfigures the timerthatthe source eNodeB starts afterreceiving the S1AP HANDOVER

COMMAND message incase of PS handoverto UTRA FDD/TDD.The source eNodeB starts the timer tS1RelocOverallforPS HO configured by tS1RelocOverallForPsHandoverToUtra.See TS 36.413. ms Integer 1 10000 1 N.A. customer_settable L96372

EUTRAN-to-UTRAN(WCDMA)Inter-RAT Mobility--

PS Handover  LA3.0

tS1RelocOverallForS1Handover S1HoTimersConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<S1AccessGroup>-<S1Timers>-<S1HoTimersConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur esThis parameterspecifies the time limitwhichmustbe setin the tS1RelocOveralltimerin the source eNodeB,uponits receptionof the S1AP HANDOVER COMMAND message (incase of S1 handover).See TS36.413.

ms Integer 1 10000 1 4000 customer_settable L98841Inter-eNodeB S1 HandoverwithMME & SGWRelocationforInter-region/vendorMobility


tS1RelocOverallForSrvccHandoverToUtraSrvccToUtraTimersConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<S1AccessGroup>-<S1Timers>-<SrvccToUtraTimersConf>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterconfigures the timerthatthe source eNodeB starts afterreceiving the S1AP HANDOVERCOMMAND message incase of SRVCC to UTRA FDD/TDD. The source eNodeB starts the timer tS1RelocOverallforSRVCC HO configured bytS1RelocOverallForSrvccHandoverToUtra.See TS 36.413.

ms Integer 1 10000 1 N.A. customer_settable L92126 SRVCC Support to UTRAN-FDD/TDD LA5.0

tS1RelocPrepForPsHandoverToUtra PsHoToUtraTimersConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<S1AccessGroup>-<S1Timers>-<PsHoToUtraTimersConf>

3 none MobilityEUTRANto UTRANRRC Connected Mode MobilityProcedures

This parameterconfigures the timerthatthe source eNodeB starts aftersending the S1AP HANDOVER

REQUIRED message forthe PS handoverto UTRA FDD/TDD.The source eNodeB starts the timer tS1RelocPrep forPS HO configured by tS1RelocPrepForPsHandoverToUtra.See TS 36.413.

ms Integer 1 10000 1 N.A. customer_settable L96372EUTRAN-to-UTRAN(WCDMA)Inter-RAT Mobility--PS Handover 


tS1RelocPrepForS1Handover S1HoTimersConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<S1AccessGroup>-<S1Timers>-<S1HoTimersConf>

3 n on e M ob il it y I nt ra -L TE R RC C on ne ct ed M od e M ob il it y Pr oc ed ur eshis parameterspeciies the startvalue orthe t1 eloc rep timer or 1 handover. he timeris started when

the source eNodeB sends the S1AP HANDOVER REQUIRED message.See TS36.413.ms Integer 1 10000 1 4000 customer_settable L98841

Inter-eNodeB S1 HandoverwithMME & SGWRelocationforInter-region/vendorMobility


tS1RelocPrepForSrvccHandoverToUtra SrvccToUtraTimersConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<S1AccessGroup>-<S1Timers>-<SrvccToUtraTimersConf>

3 none Mobility CS Fallback and SRVCCThis parameterconfigures the timerthatthe source eNodeB starts aftersending the S1AP HANDOVERREQUIRED message forSRVCC to UTRA FDD/TDD.The source eNodeB starts the timertS1RelocPrep for SRVCC HO configured bytS1RelocPrepForSrvccHandoverToUtra.See TS 36.413.

ms Integer 1 10000 1 N.A. customer_settable L92126 SRVCC Support to UTRAN-FDD/TDD LA5.0

t ti B un dl i ng A ct i va ti o nB L ER t hr e sh TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic Re sourc e A ll oc at io nand P ack et Sc he dul ing T his param et er contro ls the B LER t hres hol d us ed f or tri gg eri ng the ac ti vati on of the T TI B und ling c onf ig ur at io n. N.A . I nteg er 0 10 0 2 s ys tem _res tr ic ted L1 15 80 7 T TI Bund li ng phas e 2 L R1 3. 1

t ti B un dl i ng A ct i va ti o nL o ad Thr es h TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the maximum load interms of nonBestEffortPUSCHPRB utilizationforallowing theactivationof additionalTTI Bundling configurations.Index0,1 and 2 of the table corresponds to calls requiring

SPS grants of size 1,2 and 3 PRB respectively.

N.A. Integer 0 100 (80,70,70) system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

t ti B un dl i ng B LE R me as u re men tP o in t s TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the numberof HARQ Tx afterwhichthe BLER metric is measured to triggeraTTIBundling related actioninthe eNB.The mapping of the differentelements of the table is as follows:o Element_1:controls the BLER measurementpointassociated to the ttiBundlingActivationBLERthreshthreshold whenoptimized segmentationis enforced.o Element_2:controls the BLER measurementpointassociated to the ttiBundlingActivationBLERthreshthreshold whenoptimized segmentationis not enforced.

o Element_3:controls the BLER measurementpointassociated to the ttiBundlingDeactivationBLERthreshthreshold whenoptimized segmentationis enforced.o Element_4:controls the BLER measurementpointassociated to the ttiBundlingDeactivationBLERthreshthreshold whenoptimized segmentationis notenforced.o Element_5:controls the BLER measurementpointassociated to the ttiBundlingSegmentationThreshthreshold.o Element_6:controls the BLER measurementpointassociated to the ttiBundlingNoSegmentationThreshthreshold.o Element_7:controls the BLER measurementpointassociated to the ttiBundlingSPSactivationBLERthreshthresholdo Element_8 controls the BLER measurementpointassociated to the ttiBundlingSPSDeactivationBLERthreshthreshold.

N.A. Integer 1 12 (4,4,10, 12,12,10, 1, 1) system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

t ti B un dl i ng B LE R wi nd o wS i ze TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the size of the averaging window(interms of newHARQ transmissions)used tocompute the BLER metrics used by the TTI Bundling functionality.

N.A. Integer 1 256 10 system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature


t ti B un dl i ng D ea c ti v at i on BL E Rt h re s h TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the BLER threshold used fortriggering the deactivationof the TTI Bundlingconfiguration.

N.A. Integer 0 100 0 system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

t ti Bu nd li ng Ma xM CS fo rD S T TI Bu nd li ng Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lL 2U LC on f> -< TT I bu nd li ng Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This table controls the maximum MCS value thatis allowed to be used foruplinkdynamic grants whenaUE isconfigured withTTI Bundling.Index0,1 and 2 of the table corresponds to grants of size 1, 2 and 3respectively..

N.A. Integer 0 22 (10,0,0) system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

t ti B un dl i ng Ma xMC Sf o rS P S TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This table controls the maximum MCS value thatis allowed to be used for uplinksemi-persistentgrants whenaUE is configured withTTI Bundling.Index0,1 and 2 of the table corresponds to grants of size 1,2 and 3 PRBrespectively.

N.A. Integer 0 22 (10,0,0) system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

t ti Bu nd li ng Mi nM CS fo rD S T TI Bu nd li ng Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lL 2U LC on f> -< TT I bu nd li ng Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This table controls the minimum MCS value thatis allowed to be used foruplinkdynamic grants whenaUE isconfigured withTTI Bundling.Index0,1 and 2 of the table corresponds to grants of size 1, 2 and 3respectively.

N.A. Integer 0 22 (0,1,1) system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

t ti Bu nd li ng Mi nM CS fo rS PS T TI Bu nd li ng Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lL 2U LC on f> -< TT I bu nd li ng Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This table controls the minimum MCS value thatis allowed to be used for uplinksemi-persistentgrants whenaUE is configured withTTI Bundling.Index0,1 and 2 of the table corresponds to grants of size 1,2 and 3respectively.

N.A. Integer 0 22 (0,1,1) system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

t ti B un dl i ng No S eg men ta ti o nB L ER t hr e sh TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the BLER threshold measured overdynamic TTI Bundling grants.The threshold isused to stop speechpayload segmentationfordynamic grants.Note thatsegmentationis onlyavailable whenmaxHARQtx=8 orlower.

N.A. Integer 0 100 0 system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

t T Ib u nd l in gN ot i fi c at i on Re p et i ti o nT i me r TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the period of time forwhichthe state machine waits before repeating the notificationto RRC functionwhenthere is a change required inthe state of TTIbundling.The specialvalue ‘0’ implies thatonlyasingle notificationis sent.

s Float 0 10 0.5 1 customer_settable L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

t ti B un dl i ng P RB d ro p Th re s h TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the maximum numberof unused PRBs thatis allowed to be left reserved forTTIBundling traffic before triggering adecrease of the size of the PRB zone uponexpirationof thettiBundlingPRBdropTimertimer.

N.A. Integer 0 10 0 system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

t ti Bu nd li ng PR Bd ro pT im er T TI Bu nd li ng Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lL 2U LC on f> -< TT I bu nd li ng Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the amountof time the numberof unused TTI Bundling PRBs is atleastequaltottiBundlingPRBdropThreshold before triggering adecrease of the size of the PRB zone dedicated to TTIBundling traffic.

N.A. Integer 0 5000 100 500 system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

t ti B un dl i ng P RB p ri o ri t yO rd e r TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a l Radio ResourceManagement

Dynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling This table defines the indexof the PUSCHPRBs to be used forTTI Bundling traffic and theirpriorityintermsof activationorder.See LPUG documentationformore detailonthe formatof this definition.

N.A. Integer 0 255 (44,2,1,9,12,2,0,0,0,0,0,0)

  sys tem _res tr ic ted L1 15 80 7 T TI Bund li ng phas e 2 L R1 3. 1

t TI Bu nd li ng Re po rt ed P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to TTIBundling is selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_reserved L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

t ti B un dl i ng S eg men t at i on B LE R th re s h TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the BLER threshold measured overdynamic TTI Bundling grants.The threshold isused to allowspeechpayload segmentationfordynamic grants.A value of 0 means thatsegmentationisdisabled.Note thatsegmentationis onlyavailable whenmaxHARQtx=8 orlower.

N.A. Integer 0 100 2 system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

t ti B un dl i ng S PS a ct i va ti o nB L ER t hr e sh TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the BLER threshold used forallowing the activationof uplinkSPS grantforUEs

configured withTTI Bundling.N.A. Integer 0 100 0 system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

t ti B un dl i ng S PS D ea ct i va ti o nB L ER t hr e sh TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

his parametercontro ls the L threshold used to trigger the re lease o uplink grantor s coniguredwithTTI Bundling.

N.A. Integer 0 100 2 system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

ttl naA nte nnaGai n A nte nnaP ort < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Cp riR adi oEq ui pm ent >-< Ante nnaP or t> 2 parti al


Features andParameters

Installationand Commissioning Parameters

This parameterspecifies the gainof a TTLNA inthis port.The RFMis instructed to adjustits RF gainbythis

value.The parametermustbe setif ttlnaEquipped is True.The parametermustbe unsetif ttlnaEquipped is False.

0.1dB Integer 90 350 1 90 customer_settable L115158LTE RRH AntennaCross ConnectCapabilitySupportinLA4.0.1


ttlnaEquipped AntennaPort <ENBEquipment>-<CpriRadioEquipment>-<AntennaPort> 2 partialMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installationand Commissioning ParametersThis parameter,if setto True,signals to the system thatthe antennaporthas anexternalTTLNA attached thatis notconnected to anAISG bus or thatthere is aTMA whichis connected to anAISG bus thatis controlled byanothereNodeB.

Boolean true customer_settable 159488MCO LTE software platform inLA6.0 -macro-metrosoftware parityphase 1.1


txPath CellAntennaPort <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellAntennaPort> 2 partialMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installation and Commissioning Parameters This parameter specifies whether or not the specified antenna port is to be used as acell transmit path. Boolean false customer_init L115295Band Class 25 (PCS)LTE eNodeB Configurations inLA5.0


txUsed AntennaPort <ENBEquipment>-<CpriRadioEquipment>-<AntennaPort> 2 partialMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Installation and Commissioning Parameters This parameter allows in the configuration the Tx usage on this antenna port when it is set to true. Boolean true customer_init L115158LTE RRH AntennaCross ConnectCapabilitySupportinLA4.0.1


ueContextMaxLifeTime Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Call Management C all Handling

This optionalparameterspecifies,inhours (to a precisionof 0.5 hours),the maximum life-time foraUEcontext.The parameters functionis to protectcall admissioncontrolagainstanaccumulationof phantom UEcontexts.-If the parameteris notset,thenno limit is imposed uponthe life-time of aUE context.-If the parameteris set, thenthe life-time of eachUE contextis limited to the givenvalue.A UE contextis

released if its life-time exceeds the value of this parameter.

h Float 0.5 72 0.5 24 system_restricted

uE Co nt ex tR ep or te d P er fo rm an ce Ma na ge me nt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Pe rf or ma nc eM an ag em en t> 3 n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring ParametersThis parameterspecifies whether,ornot,the group of counters related to UEContextis selected to bereported.

N.A. Boolean false system_restricted L103175.1 Performance Counter Management Support on eNB LA4.0

uEContributionTargetInActivePhase LteInterFrequencyAnr <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<LteInterFrequencyAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies the contribution,interms of numberof measurementconfigurations,to the activephase of inter-frequency ANR.Itals o applies to the wake-up phase.

N.A. Enumerate 25 (0), 50 (1), 75 (2), 100 (3), 125 (4), noLimit (5) 75 customer_settable L103176 ANR Support for Inter Freq Neighbours T/LA6.0

uEContributionTargetInActivePhase LteIntraFrequencyAnr <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<LteIntraFrequencyAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies the contribution,interms of numberof measurementconfigurations,to the activephase of intra-frequency ANR.Itals o applies to the wake-up phase.

N.A . E num erate 25 (0 ), 50 (1 ), 75 (2 ), 10 0 (3), 125 (4 ), noL im it (5) 75 c us to mer_ set tabl e L1 08 08 4 A NR Sup po rt for Inte rR AT Ne ig hbo urs (UT RA N) L A5. 0

uEContributionTargetInActivePhase UtraAnr <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<UtraAnr> 3 none Mobility

Automatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies the contribution,interms of numberof measurementconfigurations,to the active

phase of UTRANANR.Itals o applies to the wake-up phase.

N.A . E num erate 25 (0 ), 50 (1 ), 75 (2 ), 10 0 (3), 125 (4 ), noL im it (5) 75 c us to mer_ set tabl e L1 08 08 4 A NR Sup po rt for Inte rR AT Ne ig hbo urs (UT RA N) L A5. 0

uEContributionTargetInMonitoringPhase LteInterFrequencyAnr <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<LteInterFrequencyAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies the contribution,interms of numberof measurementconfigurations,to the monitoringphase of inter-frequency ANR.

N.A. Integer 0 30 10 0 customer_settable L103176 ANR Support for Inter Freq Neighbours T/LA6.0

uEContributionTargetInMonitoringPhase LteIntraFrequencyAnr <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<LteIntraFrequencyAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies the contribution,interms of numberof measurementconfigurations,to the monitoringphase of intra-frequency ANR.

N.A. Integer 0 30 10 10 customer_settable L103176 ANR Support for Inter Freq Neighbours T/LA6.0

uEContributionTargetInMonitoringPhase UtraAnr <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<SelfOrganizingNetwork>-<AutomaticNeighborRelation>-<UtraAnr>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterspecifies the contribution,interms of numberof measurementconfigurations,to the monitoringphase of UTRANANR.

N.A. Integer 10 30 10 10 customer_settable L108084 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA5.0

uE Fai lu re Re po rt Re pe ti ti on Ti me r C el lR ad io Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Ra di oC on f> 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterdetermines howoftenthe ULS willrepeatthe UE Failure indicationto the higherlayers aftertheUE goes into the UE_Failure state.

This is to covercases suchas the UE Failure indicationbeing ignored bythe higherlayers (forexample,whenHO preparationis in progress forthe UE).

s Integer 1 10 1 5 system_restricted L115233.1 eNB SW Capacity Targets LA5.0

ue Ti merNo Of fl oad R ad ioC acE nb < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Rr mS ervi ces >-<R adi oC ac Enb > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This timeris used in orderto avoid aspecific UE being subjectto repeated inter-frequencyorinter-RAThandoverina shortperiod.The timeris started whenUE enters acellthroughinter-frequencyorinter-RAThandover.Whenthe timeris running,the UE will notbe selected for offload (reactive orpreventive).Setting thetimerto 0 willdeactivate this scheme (there willbe no restrictiononUE selection).

ms Integer 0 5000 100 1000 customer_settable L115221 Support for SAMProvisioning of Beta Parameters LA5.0

ul700MHzUpperCBlockEnabled LteCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter enables or disables 700 MHz Upper C Block configuration. Boolean false system_restricted L76432 Scheduling Evolutions LA1.0

ul Ac ti ve Th ro ug hp ut Av er ag eC oe ff ic ie nt E nb Ra di oC on f < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< En bR ad io Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the averaging coefficientforthe DL active bearerthroughputevaluation.Used in min-Rate evaluationfornon-GBR service.The value is divided by1024 to provide aforgetting factorbetween0and 0.999.

N.A. Integer 0 1023 1 1014 system_restricted L115698 Minimum b itrate e nforcement for non-GBR LR13.1

ul Ad mis si onT hre sho ldOnP rb R ad ioC acC el l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <R ad ioC acC ell > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the UL percentage threshold on PRB consumptionforthe admissionof alowpriority request. Reactive load control may be triggered if it is exceeded. Integer 0 100 1 90 system_restricted L114539.1 Congestion Management at Call Admission LA4.0

ul An te nn aG ai n C el lA nt en na Po rt < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll An te nn aP or t> R EA D O NL Y n oneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

I ns tal lati on and C om mi ss io ning P aram et ers T his param et er rep or ts t he e Nod eB -d et erm ined R F gai nf or eac hac ti ve up li nk (rec eive )p ath. dB F loat -50 15 0 0 .1 N.A . c us to mer_ ini t L1 15 22 1 S up po rt fo rS AM Pro vi sio ning o f B eta Param et ers T /LA 6.0

u lB an dw id th F re qu en cy An dB an dw id th FD D < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <F re qu en cy An dB an dw id th FD D> 2 p ar ti al L TE A ir I nt er fa ce T he p hy si ca l la ye r L1

This parameterspecifies the frequencybandwidthforuplinkinterms of the numberof PRBs.The same configurationshallbe used forUL and DL bandwidths inthe same eNodeB.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.If the parameteris unset,thenthe IE willnot be broadcastand the UE willconsiderthatthe uplinkbandwidthis

equalto the downlinkbandwidth.


N.A. customer_settable L108271 VSWR Testing Support LA2.0

u LC CE sp ac eM ax Ov er bo ok in gF ac to r C el lR ad io Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lR ad io Co nf > 2 p ar ti al L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterspecifies the maximum CCE searchspace overbooking factorallowed atthe UL schedulingpre-selectionstage.value 0 is forTDD only,to disable the functionality.

Integer 0 3 1 1 system_restricted L108271 VSWR Testing Support LA2.0

ulCellLoadedThreshold Enb <ENBEquipment>-<Enb> 3 none Mobility evolved multi-carrier traffic allocation eMCTA

This parametercorresponds to the UL threshold used to determine if aneighborcell is loaded ornot,bycomparing itwiththe remaining capacity,whichis productof capacityvalue and cellcapacityclass value

indicated overX2.% Integer 0 100 15 customer_settable L115223 Inter-freq Load Balancing T/LA6.0

u lE AR FC N F re qu en cy An dB an dw id th FD D < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <F re qu en cy An dB an dw id th FD D> 2 p ar ti al L TE A i r I nt er fa ce T he p h ys ic al l ay er L 1

This parameterspecifies the E-UTRA Absolute Radio FrequencyChannelNumberforuplinkin the cell.Itidentifies the uplinkcentercarrierfrequencyforthe cell according to definitioninTS 36.104.BroadcastinSystemInformationBlockType2.If the parameteris unset,thenthe IE willnot be broadcastand the UE willuse the value determined from the

defaultTX-RX frequencyseparationdefined inT S 36.101 [42, table 5.7.3-1].

N.A. Integer 18000 65535 1 N.A. customer_init

ulMaxNonGbrQosWeight EnbRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the maximum UL QoS weightfor non-GBR service due to QoS metric enforcement,including min-Rate and PDB.

N.A. Integer 1 64 1 8 system_restricted L115698 Minimum bitrate enforcement for non-GBR LR13.1

ulMCSTransitionTableForLargePUSCHGr ants

C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteris atable,composed of 22 SNR values,indB,forswitching between2 consecutive UplinkMCSs.This table is used for large UL grants;thatis,forgrants equalto orlargerthanthe value of theulMCSTransitionTablePRBsizeThreshold parameter.

dB Float -15 20 0.1


5.1,6,7, 7.9,8.5,9.3,9.8,11,11.5,13.5,


 e n g _ tu na bl e L 8 48 7 3 U pl i nk c o nt r ol c h an ne l o pt i mi z at i on ( P UC C H & S RS ) L A 3. 0

ulMCSTransitionTableForSmallPUSCHGr ants

C el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameteris atable,composed of 22 SNR values,indB,forswitching between2 consecutive UplinkMCSs.This table is used for smallUL grants;thatis,forgrants smallerthanthe value of theulMCSTransitionTablePRBsizeThreshold parameter.

dB Float -15 20 0.1


0.9,1.9,2.7,3.2,4.3,5.1,6,7, 7.9,8.5,9.3,


 e n g _ tu na bl e L 8 48 7 3 U pl i nk c o nt r ol c h an ne l o pt i mi z at i on ( P UC C H & S RS ) L A 3. 0

u lM CS Tr an si ti on Ta bl eP RB si ze Th re sh ol d C e l lR ad io Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <L te Ce ll >- <C el lR ad io Co nf > 3 n on eRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the smallestPUSCHgrantsize forusing theulMCSTransitionTableForLargePUSCHGrants instead of the ulMCSTransitionTableForSmallPUSCHGrantstransitiontable.

Integer 0 100 1 7 system_restricted L84873 Uplink control channel optimization (PUCCH & SRS) LA3.0

ul MI MOR ep ort ed P er form anc eManage ment < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Perf orm anc eManage ment > 3 no neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

Performance Monitoring Parameters This parameter specifies whether, or not, the group of counters related to ulMIMO is selected to be reported. N.A. Boolean false system_reserved 162426 Performance Counter Enhancements LR14.1

ulMinBitRateF orBE RadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteris used to determine the required PRBs to reserve resources inCAC in UL fornon-GBRbearers.

Kbits/s Integer 0 2048 1 1 system_restricted L92091 CAll Admission Evolutions LA3.0

u lM i nTh ro ug h pu t Ta rg e t T r af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o neRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the minimum UL active throughputtargetenforced byUL schedulerfornon-GBRbearerperQCI,whenthe bearerhas datato be transmitted overDL.The parametershallbe unsetifActivationService::isNonGbrMinRateEnabled==FALSE.

Kbits/s Integer 0 5000 50 0 system_restricted L115698 Minimum b itrate e nforcement for non-GBR LR13.1

uL Noi seR epo rte d P er form anc eManage ment < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Perf orm anc eManage ment > 3 no neMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

P erf orm anc e Mo nit ori ng Param ete rs T his param et er spe ci fi es whethe r, or not ,t he gro up of co unt er s rel ate d to UL No ise is se lec te d to be rep ort ed . N.A . B ool ean f al se s ys tem _res tr ic ted L 10 31 75 .1 P erf orm ance Counte rM anag em ent Sup po rt on eNB L A4. 0

ul Ov erhe ad Co ns ump ti on R ad ioC acC el l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <R ad ioC acC ell > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameterspecifies the UL resource consumptionforUL overhead channels suchas RACH,PUCCHandso on,inPRB persecond.

Integer 0 100000 1 0 system_restricted L92633 Capacity Licensing Impact in eNB LA2.0

ul PR Bco ns um pti onP erK bp s R ad ioC acC el l < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <R ad ioC acC ell > 3 no neRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteradvises the projected UL resource consumptionperrequested kBPS of GBR,inPRB per second perKbps.

Float 0 100 0.1 2 system_restricted L92633 Capacity Licensing Impact in eNB LA2.0



3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteris setas one conditionto triggerload balancing (inadditionto QoS degradationspecified inQciConfForOffload).WhenrealPRB consumptioninthe cell is above this threshold and QoS deficithitsanotherthreshold,load balancing is triggered to neighborcarriers defined byLteNeighboringFreqConf andUtraFddNeighboring FreqConf MOs withpre ventiveOfflo adLinkpo inting to this instance of PreventiveOffloadMO.The parametermaybe unsetif realPRB consumptionis notbeing used as atriggerforpreventive loadcontrol.

% Integer 0 100 1 80 eng_tunable 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3


RadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

his parameteris used as one conditionto triggerload balancing (inadditionto Qo degradation).WhenrealPRB consumptioninthe cellis above this threshold and QoS deficithits anotherthreshold,load balancing istriggered.

% Integer 0 100 80 eng_tunable 171232 nGBR QoS based Load balancing LR13.3

FDD N d BLTE t d i ti LR13 3 L V01 03/EN St d d

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FDDeNodeB LTE parameters description -LR13.3.L


V01.03/ EN -Standard


Parameter Object Object Path Class Service Impact Family Sub-Family Definition Unit Value Type Min max Step Enum Value Default value Source Feature id Feature nameFeature




3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteris set to the UL threshold (percell)above whichpreventive load control(load balancing)basedonsemi-static PRB usage willbe triggered to neighborcarriers defined by LteNeighboringFreqConf andUtraFddNeighboring FreqConf MOs withpre ventiveOfflo adLinkpo inting to this instance of PreventiveOffloadMO.The parametermaybe unsetif semi-static PRB consumptionis notbeing used as atriggerfor preventive loadcontrol.

% Integer 0 100 1 80 system_restricted 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3


RadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteris the UL threshold (percell)above whichpreventive load control(load balancing)willbetriggered based onsemi-static PRB usage.

% Integer 0 100 80 system_restricted L115223 Inter-freq Load Balancing T/LA6.0

u lQ C IS c he d ul i ng W ei g ht T r af f ic R ad i oB e ar e rC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< D ed i ca te d Co nf > -< Tra f fi c Ra di o Be a re r Co nf > 3 n o neRadio Resource

ManagementD ynam ic Re sourc e A ll oc at io nand P ack et Sc he dul ing T his param et er spe ci fi es the QC I we ig ht as so ci ate d wi th the T RB t hat the UL s ched ule rwi ll us e. N.A . F loat 0. 12 5 1 28 .0 0.1 25 1 .0 00 s ys tem _res erved 1 60 63 6 Non-GB R p rio ri ti zati on T /LA 6.0

ul RS Cyc li cS hi ft C el lL1 UL Conf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lL1 UL Conf > 2 parti al LT E A ir Inte rf ace L ayer 2This parameterspecifies the UL reference signalcyclic shiftvalue parametern^1_DMRS.See TS 36.211,

Integer 0 7 1 0 system_restricted L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance LA1.0

ul Sc he dP ro pF ai rA lp haF ac to r C el lL 2UL Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll L2 UL Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameter controls the fairness of the UL Dynamic Scheduler.o Alpha= 0 corresponds to the “conservative” schedulermode;o Alpha= 0.5 corresponds to the “proportionalfair” mode;o Alpha=1 corresponds to the “maxC/I” mode.

Float 0 1 0.5 0.5 customer_settable

ulSchedulerMode CellL2ULConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellL2ULConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterselects the mode of UL dynamic scheduling thatis to be used inthe cell: 1).FrequencySelective allowed;2):FrequencyDiverse only.

N.A . E num erate F req uenc yS ele cti veA ll owe d(0 ), Fre quenc yD ivers eOnly (1)FrequencySelectiveAll

owed s ys te m_ re st ri ct ed L 90 85 3 F re qu en cy di ve rs e s ch ed ul in g L A3 .0

ulSigConsumption RadioCacCell <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<RadioCacCell> 3 noneRadio Resource

ManagementCongestion,Radio admissioncontroland eNB capacity

This parameteradvises the projected UL resource consumptionforStandalone Signaling Config,inPRB per second.

Integer 0 100000 1 0 system_restricted L92633 Capacity Licensing Impact in eNB LA2.0

ul Sy nc SI NR OO St oS ync Thr es ho ld C el lR ad io Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Ra di oC on f> 3 n oneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies the threshold for transition from Out-of-Sync to In-Sync status in UL scheduler. dB Float -20 10 0.1 -4 system_restricted L76434 Layer 1 Evolutions LA1.0

ul Sy nc SI NR sy nc To OO ST hr es ho ld C el lR ad io Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll Ra di oC on f> 3 n oneRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies the threshold for transition from In-Sync to Out-of-Sync status in UL scheduler. dB Float -20 10 0.1 -5 system_restricted L76434 Layer 1 Evolutions LA1.0

ulSyncTimer CellRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource


Dynamic Resource Allocationand PacketSchedulingThis parameterspecifies the UL sync timerstartvalue in seconds.Whenacallspends more thanulSyncTimerinthe UL outof sync phase,thenthe MAC layersignals the loss to

the higherlayers.If notifyUlSyncFailureToDLS =true,thenthe downlinkscheduleris also notified.

s Float 0 10 0.1 3 system_restricted L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

u lU tr aC el lL oa de dT hr es ho ld U tr aL oa dB al an ci ng Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <U tr aL oa dB al an ci ng Co nf > 3 n on e M ob il it y e vo lv ed m ul ti -c ar ri er t ra ff ic a ll oc at io n eM CT Ahis parametercorresponds to the L threshold used to determine i an A neighborcellis loaded ornot,

bycomparing itwithits remaining capacity.This parametershallbe setwhenActivationService:isUtraLoadBalancingEnabled=true.

% Integer 0 100 15 customer_settable 155912Targetcellload considerationforIRAT mobilitytoWCDMA


u na ns we re dD ow nl in kP ol lC ou nt Ma x R lc Am Co nf < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <E nb >- <D ed ic at ed Co nf >- <R lc Co nf >- <R lc Am Co nf > 3 n on e L TE A ir I nt er fa ce L ay er 2This parameterspecifies the maximum numberof consecutive unanswered DL polls allowed.WhenthecounterPDUexceeds this threshold,RLC considers thatRLC re-establishmentis required and Call-Processing is notified.

Integer 1 63 1 63 system_restricted

uniqueName Mce <ENBEquipment>-<Mce> N.A. none Call Management Enhanced Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service eMBMS This parameter is the user friendly. It is used for eMBMS counter reporting. N.A. String 1 64 N.A. customer_init 158990eMBMS 3GPP Rel9 withdistributed MCE (integratedineNB)



UplinkCAConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationPrimaryConf>-<UplinkCAConf>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parameterspecifies the period of time forwhichthe state machine waits before repeating the notificationto RRC functionindicating thatCarrierAggregationmustbe deconfigured orcan be deconfigured.Thespecialvalue ‘0’implies thatonlyasingle notificationis sent.

s Float 0 10 0.5 1 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3


TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 3 n o neRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the threshold (expressed interms of achievable PUSCHSINR at the eNB ona 1PRBtransmission)used to triggeracallreconfigurationfrom TTI bundling to non-TTI Bundling mode.

dB Float -20 30 0.5 10 system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1


UplinkCAConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationPrimaryConf>-<UplinkCAConf>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the threshold (expressed interms of achievable PUSCHSINR at the eNB ona 1PRBtransmission)used to triggerthe RRC configurationof CarrierAggregationonacall.

dB Float -20 30 0.5 10.0 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

u pl i nk L in kB ud g et A la rmT ime To C le a r TT I Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the amountof time aTT I bundling callmustverifythe condition:uplinkLinkBudgetM etric(user) >upli nkLinkBudgetAlarm ClearanceThresho ldbefore triggering acallreconfigurationto non-TTI Bundling mode.

s Float 0 10 0.1 2 system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1


UplinkCAConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationPrimaryConf>-<UplinkCAConf>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the amountof time acall mustverifythe condition:uplinkLinkBudgetM etric(user) >upli nkLinkBudgetAlarm ClearanceThresho ldbefore allowing to triggerthe RRC configurationof CarrierAggregation.

s Float 0 10 0.1 2 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

u pl i nk L in kB ud g et A la rmT ime To Tri g ge r TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 2 p ar ti a lRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the amountof time anon-TTI bundling callmust verifythe condition:uplinkLinkBudgetM etric(user) <uplinkLinkBudge tAlarmTrigg erThresholdbefore triggering acallreconfigurationto TTI Bundling mode.

s Float 0 10 0.1 2 system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1

uplinkLinkBudgetAlarmTimeToTriggerFor CA

UplinkCAConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationPrimaryConf>-<UplinkCAConf>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the amountof time acall configured forCarrierAggregationmustverifythe condition:uplinkLinkBudgetM etric(user) <uplinkLinkBudge tAlarmTrigg erThresholdbefore triggering aCA de-configurationRRC procedure.

s Float 0 10 0.1 2 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

u pl i nk L in kB ud g et A la rmTri g ge rTh re s ho l d TTI Bu nd l in gC o nf < E NB E qu ip men t> - <E nb > -< L te C el l >- < Ce l lL 2 UL C on f >- <TTI bu nd l in gC o nf > 3 n o neRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the threshold (expressed interms of achievable PUSCHSINR at the eNB ona 1PRBtransmission)used to triggeracallreconfigurationfrom non-TTI bundling to TTI Bundling mode.

dB Float -20 30 0.5 0 system_restricted L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 LR13.1


UplinkCAConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CarrierAggregationConf>-<CarrierAggregationPrimaryConf>-<UplinkCAConf>

2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols the threshold (expressed interms of achievable PUSCHSINR at the eNB ona 1PRBtransmission)used to triggerthe RRC de-configurationof CarrierAggregationonacall.

dB Float -20 30 0.5 0.0 system_restricted 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3

uplinkSeFloor EnbRadioConf <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<EnbRadioConf> 2 partialRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocation and Packet Scheduling This parameter specifies the minimum spectrum efficiency eNB will assume on the UL user. N.A. Float 0 3.0 0.01 0.02 system_restricted 160636 Non-GBR prioritization T/LA6.0


schedulingC el lRadi oCo nf < ENB Eq ui pm ent> -< Enb >-< Lt eC el l>- <C el lRadi oCo nf > 3 no ne

Radio Resource


This parameterspecifies the UL SIR TargetValue used fordynamicallyscheduled PUSCHtraffic.When

FractionalPowerControlis enabled (and the UL SIR targetvaries withpathloss),this parametersets the SINRtargetassociated withapathloss equalto ULPowerControlConf::pathLossNominal.

See also minNoisePl usInterference LevelUL and maxNoisePlusI nterferenceLe velUL.

dB Float -5 25 0.1 4 eng_tunable L115217 eNB Class Parameter Change Improvements LA5.0

up perB ound C el lRe se lec tio nAd apt ati on<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<CellSelectionReselectionConf>-<CellReselectionAdaptation>

3 none Mobility RRC Idle Mode MobilityThis parameteris used to identifywhichCellReselectionAdaptationobjectis selected whenautomaticadaptationof cell reselectionparameters is enabled.Whenthe % of PRB consumed is in the range definedbylowerBound and upperBound thenthis objectis selected.

N.A. Integer 0 100 1 0 customer_settable L115203 Load based Idle Mode mobility LA5.0

us eF SS mo de Up on Co nt ex tS et up C el lL 2UL Co nf < EN BE qui pm en t> -< En b> -< Lt eC el l> -< Ce ll L2 UL Co nf > 2 p ar ti alRadio Resource

ManagementDynamic Resource Allocationand PacketScheduling

This parametercontrols whetheruponcallsetup oruponhandoverthe callis managed bythe FrequencySelective instead of the FrequencyDiverse scheduler.

Boolean true customer_settable CR604262

u se Of Po ol ed Sf M ce Mb sf nA re a < EN BE qu ip me nt >- <M ce >- <M ce Mb sf nS yn ch ro Ar ea >- <M ce Mb sf nA re a> 3 n on e C al l Ma na ge me nt E nh an ce d M ul ti me di a Br oa dc as t Mu lt ic as t Se rv ic e e MB MS

This parameterindicates if the MBSFNAreacanuse the poolof subframes shared betweenthe MBSFNAreas once itsetof partitioned sub frames is fullyused.If this parameteris set No thenthe MBSFNAreais not

authorized to use the pool,otherwise if the parameteris setto YesAsPrimaryMbsfnAreaor YesAsSecondaryMbsfnArea,the MBSFNAreais authorized to use the poolof share sub frame and the MCEallocatorwilltrig differentwayof radio resource allocationwithinthis pool depending ifYesAsPrimaryMbsfnAreaorYesAsSecondaryMbsfnAreais used.

N.A. Enumerate No ( 0), YesAsPrimaryUser (1), YesAsSecondaryUser (2) No customer_init L115262eMBMS Trialwithdistributed MCE (integrated ineNB)


us erLab el L teNe ighbo ri ngC el lRe lat ion<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<LteNeighboring>-<LteNeighboringFreqConf>-<LteNeighboringCellRelation>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterallows the operatorto assignauser-friendlyname to the LteNeighboringCellRelationobject.This parameteris optionaland maybe leftunsetif the operatordoes notwish to assignaname.

N.A. String 0 128 N.A. customer_settable




3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterallows the operatorto assigna user-friendlyname to the

LteNeighboringOpenOrHybridHeNBCellLayerRelationobject. This parameteris optionaland maybe leftunsetif the operatordoes notwishto assigna name.

N.A. String 0 128 N.A. customer_settable 134689 Macro/Metro to HeNB cell mobility LR13.1

userLabel RncAccess <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<UtranAccessGroup>-<RncAccess> 3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterallows the operatorto assignauser-friendlyname to the RncAccess object. This parameterisoptionaland maybe leftunsetif the operatordoes notwishto assignaname.

N.A. String 0 128 N.A. customer_settable

us er La be l U tr aF dd Ne ig hb or in gC el lR el at io n<ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<LteCell>-<UtraNeighboring>-<UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf>-<UtraFddNeighboringCellRelation>

3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterallows the operatorto assignauser-friendlyname to the UtraFddNeighboringCellRelationobject.This parameteris optionaland maybe leftunsetif the operatordoes notwishto assignaname.

N.A. String 0 128 N.A. customer_settable



3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameterallows the operatorto assigna user-friendlyname to theUtraFddNeighboringSmallCellCloudRelationobject.Mustbe set if the operatorwishes to assigna name.

N.A. String 0 128 N.A. customer_settable L115393 LTE to UTRAN (FDD) small cell mobility support LR13.1

userLabel X2Access <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<X2AccessGroup>-<X2Access> 3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

his parameterallows the operatorto assignauser-riendlyname to the Access object. his parameterisoptionaland maybe leftunsetif the operatordoes notwishto assignaname.

N.A. String 0 128 N.A. customer_settable

userSpecif icInfo ENBEquipment <ENBEquipment> 3 noneMiscellaneousFeatures andParameters

ENB and Software ConfigurationControlParametersThis optionalparameteris aninformationfield reserved forthe user.No specific treatmentonthis field isperformed bythe system.Itmay be setorunsetas desired bythe operator.

N.A. String 0 128LA13.1_MIM_40.1-


  customer_settable L78706 eNB Platform OA&M LA1.1

utraAnrEnabled ActivationService <ENBEquipment>-<Enb>-<ActivationService> 3 none MobilityAutomatic NeighbourRelationConfigurationandOptimisation

This parameter activates or deactivates UTRAN ANR function. N.A. Boolean false customer_settable L108084 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA5.0

FDD N d B LTE t d i ti LR13 3 L 01 03 / EN St d d

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FDD eNodeB LTE parameters description - LR13.3.L


v01.03 / EN - Standard


param identity object name default value feature id eng feature name external release licence id licence selector family Recommended value in LPUG

accessClassBarringDefense OverloadControl TRUE L115805 Overload Control Phase 3 LR13.1 Call Management true

duplexMode LteCellFDD FddFullDuplex L115820 Half Duplex FDD for Cassidian band T/LA6.0 LTEduplexMode None LTE Air Interface FddFullDuplex

ecHighPriorityCallsFilteringCriticalOverload OverloadControl TRUE L115805 Overload Control Phase 3 LR13.1 Call Management true

groupHoppingEnabled ActivationService true L84816 Support group hopping for PUCCH and PUSCH LA2.0 LTE Air Interface True

isAisgAllowed ActivationService false L114909.3 Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RET Functionality LA5.0 LTEisAisgAllowed None Miscellaneous Features and Parameters False

isAutoUpdateOnLteNeighborCellKindEnabled ActivationService False 170745 Neighbor cell classification and mobility counters for HetNet LR13.3 Mobility False

isBearerTypeBasedPrbEstimationPreferred ActivationService false L114539.1 Congestion Management at Call Admission LA4.0 Radio Resource Management True

isCarrierAggregationEnabled ActivationService false 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3 LTEisCarrierAggregationEnabled None Miscellaneous Features and Parameters False

isCcoWithNaccForCsfbEmergencyCallAllowed ActivationService false L114190.1 CSFB enhancement to UTRAN/GERAN-- enhanced Redirection and PSHO LA4.0 Mobility False

isCcoWithNaccForCsfbGeneralVoiceCallAllowed ActivationService false L114190.1 CSFB enhancement to UTRAN/GERAN-- enhanced Redirection and PSHO LA4.0 Mobility False

isCellRemappingForCarrierAggregationRecoveryEnabled Enb true 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3 Miscellaneous Features and Parameters False

isCellRemappingForCoverageRecoveryEnabled Enb true 160847 Commercial CA LR13.3 Miscellaneous Features and Parameters False

isCmasEnabled ActivationService false L92127 Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) support T/LA6.0 LTEisCmasEnabled MACRO,MCO Call Management False

isCsFallbackToGeranAllowed ActivationService false L92026 CS Fallback to GERAN for Voice Calls LA3.0 LTEisCsFallbackToGeranAllowed None Mobility False

isCsFallbackToUtraAllowed ActivationService false L92025 CS Fallback to UTRA(WCDMA) for Voice Calls LA3.0 LTEisCsFallbackToUtraFddAllowed None Mobility False

isCsfbEnhancedRedirectionAndPsHoAllowed ActivationService false L114190.1 CSFB enhancement to UTRAN/GERAN-- enhanced Redirection and PSHO LA4.0 LTEisCsfbEnhancedRedirectionAndPsHoAllowed MACRO,MCO Mobility False

isCsfbTo1xRttForDRxUEallowed ActivationService false L92024.1 CS Fallback to 1XRTT for Voice Calls-- Dual receiver UE Standard based solution LA4.0 LTEisCsfbTo1xRttForDRxUEallowed MACRO,MCO Mobility FalseisDasDelayEnabled CellActivationService false L115670 Tunable Antenna Path Delay between Radio (RRH/TRDU) and DAS LA4.0 LTEisDasDelayEnabled None Miscellaneous Features and Parameters False

isDayLightSavingTimeInSib16Enabled CellActivationService false 167219 eMBMS commercial (step2) LR13.3 Call Management False

isDifferentiateUtranModeInFGIsEnabled ActivationService false 167243 eUTRAN Standard Alignment (3GPP Rel-10 Sept 12) LR13.3 Mobility false

isDualCarrierEnabled ActivationService false L115616 Support for dual-band eNodeB with two modems T/LA6.0 LTEisDualCarrierEnabled None Miscellaneous Features and Parameters False

isEcidSupportAllowed ActivationService false L103895.1 ECID and LPP protocol support (trial) LA4.0 LTEisEcidSupportAllowed None Miscellaneous Features and Parameters False

isEnbSelfConfigAllowed ActivationService false L96759 Self Configuration of eNB Phase2 LA3.0 LTEisENBselfConfigAllowed MACRO,MCO Miscellaneous Features and Parameters False

isEnhancedCsfbTo1XRttEnabled ActivationService false 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1 Mobility False

isEnhancedMeasurementParametersEnabled ActivationService false L115204 Enhanced measurement parameter support for mobility LA5.0 LTEisEnhancedMeasurementParametersEnabled MACRO,MCO Mobility False

isEnhancedOverloadControlEnabled ActivationService false 156132 Overload Control - Outdated RRC messages T/LA6.0 Miscellaneous Features and Parameters False

isFddTddRedirectionForPreventiveOffloadEnabled ActivationService false L114538 Enhanced Load Balancing criteria LR13.1 Radio Resource Management False

isForcedDrxForCsFallbackAllowed ActivationService false L92026 CS Fallback to GERAN for Voice Calls LA3.0 Mobility False

isFourLevelPrbCacEnabled ActivationService false 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3 LTEisFourLevelPrbCacEnabled None Radio Resource Management False

isFullConfigForHandoverAllowed ActivationService false L114644 EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPP Rel-9 LA5.0 Mobility True

isGeoLocPhaseSyncAllowed ActivationService false L115435.1 eNB support of OTDOA Hearability Enhancement (Trial ) LA4.0 LTEisGeoLocPhaseSyncAllowed None Miscellaneous Features and Parameters False

isGeranCcoAllowed ActivationService false L96371 EUTRA-to-GERAN Inter-RAT Mobility -- NACC LA3.0 Mobility False

isGeranCsfbBasedOnUeStateAllowed ActivationService false L114190.1 CSFB enhancement to UTRAN/GERAN-- enhanced Redirection and PSHO LA4.0 Mobility False

isHighPriorityAccessUserMgmtEnabled ActivationService false L115860 High Priority Access Admission Control LR13.3 LTEisHighPriorityAccessUserMgmtEnabled None Radio Resource Management False

isHoRetryToSecondBestCellAllowed ActivationService false L115458 Connected Mode mobility enhanced for reserved cells LA5.0 Mobility False

isHrpdMeasBasedRedirAllowed ActivationService false L84876 Enhancement of LTE-to-HRPD Mobility - redirection with eHRPD measurement (Restricted LA3.0 Mobility False

isIMSEmergencyCallAllowed ActivationService false L103897.1 eNB IMS VoIP emergency call support (trial) LA4.0 Radio Resource Management False

isInactivityBasedDrxEnabled ActivationService false L101843 MAC DRx State Mgt under Inactivity Conditions LR13.1 LTEisInactivityBasedDrxEnabled None Radio Resource Management False

isIncomingHoToReservedCellBasedOnSpidAllowed ActivationService false L115458 Connected Mode mobility enhanced for reserved cells LA5.0 LTEisIncomingHoToReservedCellBasedOnSpidAllowed N one Mobility False

isIncrementalSectorEnabled ActivationService false L115401 Nine cells (one frequency) support on three modems LR13.3 LTEisIncrementalSectorEnabled None Miscellaneous Features and Parameters False

isInterFreqEutraOtherFrameStructureMobilityEnabled ActivationService false L103790 Intra- LTE Inter Band Cell Reselection for TDD<->FDD LR13.1 LTEisInterFreqEutraOtherFrameStructureMobilityEnableNone Mobility False

isInter Fr eqEu traSameFrameStr uctur eMobilityAllowed ActivationSer vice false L1 037 92 Intr a- LTE Inter- Frequ ency Mobility f or FDD<->FDD and TDD<- >TDD LA3.0 LTEisIn ter Fr eqEutr aSameFrameSt ructu reMobilityAllowe MACRO,MCO Mobility False

isInterFreqLoadBalancingFeatureEnabled ActivationService false L115223 Inter-freq Load Balancing T/LA6.0 LTEisInterFreqLoadBalancingFeatureEnabled None Mobility falseisInterFreqPreventiveLoadControlEnabled ActivationService false L114538 Enhanced Load Balancing criteria LR13.1 Radio Resource Management False

isIntraFreqMobilityAllowed ActivationService true L96760 eNB Configuration Update Enhancements LA2.0 Mobility True

isLoadEqualizationEnabled LteNeighboringFreqConf false L114538 Enhanced Load Balancing criteria LR13.1 Mobility False

isLocalTimeOffsetInSib16Enabled CellActivationService false 167219 eMBMS commercial (step2) LR13.3 Call Management False

isLPPaInterfaceAllowed ActivationService false L103896 ECID location method and LPP/LPPa location control plane protocol support for Commercia LA5.0 Miscellaneous Features and Parameters False

isMbmsBroadcastModeAllowed ActivationService false 158990 eMBMS Commercial with distributed MCE (integrated in eNB) LR13.1 LTEisMbmsBroadcastModeAllowed None Call Management False

isMbsfnInformationOverX2Enabled ActivationService false 167219 eMBMS commercial (step2) LR13.3 Call Management False

isMceDistributedModeEnabled ActivationService false L115262 eMBMS Trial with distributed MCE (integrated in eNB) T/LA6.0 LTEisMceDistributedModeEnabled None Call Management False

isMeasSubframePatternNeighInterFreqEnabled ActivationService false 167219 eMBMS commercial (step2) LR13.3 Call Management False

isMeasurementGapsAllowed ActivationService true L93270 Measurement Gaps Management LA3.0 Mobility False

isMobilityToGeranAllowed ActivationService false L96371 EUTRA-to-GERAN Inter-RAT Mobility -- NACC LA3.0 LTEisMobilityToGeranAllowed None Mobility False

isMobilityToHeNBEnabled ActivationService false 134689 Macro/Metro to HeNB cell mobility LR13.1 Mobility False

isMobilityToHrpdAllowed ActivationService false L84876 Enhancement of LTE-to-HRPD Mobility - redirection with eHRPD measurement (Restricted LA3.0 LTEisMobilityToHrpdAllowed MACRO,MCO Mobility False

isMobilityToUtranAllowed ActivationService false L96372 EUTRAN-to-UTRAN (WCDMA) Inter-RAT Mobility -- PS Handover LA3.0 LTEisMobilityToUtranAllowed MACRO,MCO Mobility False

isMobilityToUtranOpenSmallCellEnabled ActivationService false L115393 LTE to UTRAN (FDD) small cell mobility support LR13.1 Mobility false

isMroIntraFreqEnabled CellActivationService false L103177 HO O ptimisation c ounters LR13.1 LTEisMroIntraFreqEnabled None Mobility False

isNarrowbandSRSuseEnabled CellActivationService false L114492 Generalized OP-PUCCH T/LA6.0 LTEisNarrowbandSRSuseEnabled None LTE Air Interface False

isNonGbrMinRateEnabled ActivationService False L115698 Minimum bitrate enforcement for non-GBR LR13.1 LTEisNonGbrMinRateEnabled None Radio Resource Management False

isNumUeBasedPreventiveLoadControlEnabled ActivationService false 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3 LTEisNumUeBasedPreventiveLoadControlEnabled None Radio Resource Management False

isOffLoadUponReactiveLoadControlAllowed ActivationService false L103892.1 Service, and load based handover behavior support (eMCTA -Phase 2) LA4.0 LTEisOffLoadUponReactiveLoadControlAllowed MACRO,MCO Mobility false

isOOTManagementEnabled ActivationService False 166502 Out of Time Alignment (OOT) LR13.3 LTEisOOTManagementEnabled None Call Management True

isOptimizedSegmentationEnabled ActivationService false 160815 Optimized S egmentation (MCS O verride) T/LA6.0 LTEisOptimizedSegmentationEnabled MACRO,MCO Radio R esource M anagement False

isOtdoaHearabilityEnhancementAllowed ActivationService false L115435.1 eNB support of OTDOA Hearability Enhancement (Trial ) LA4.0 Miscellaneous Features and Parameters False

isPCMDEnabled ActivationService false L92646 eNB Per Call Measurement Data LA2.0 LTEisPCMDEnabled MACRO,MCO Miscellaneous Features and Parameters False

isPCMDorTraceMREnabled ActivationService false 171159 PCMD enhancement - step2 LR13.3 Miscellaneous Features and Parameters False

isPerNeighborCarrierLoadControlEnabled RadioCacCell false 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3 LTEisPerNeighborCarrierLoadControlEnabled None Radio Resource Management False

isPsHoToUtraAllowed ActivationService false L96372 EUTRAN-to-UTRAN (WCDMA) Inter-RAT Mobility -- PS Handover LA3.0 Mobility False

isPsHoToUtraForCsfbEmergencyCallAllowed ActivationService false L114190.1 CSFB enhancement to UTRAN/GERAN-- enhanced Redirection and PSHO LA4.0 Mobility False

isPsHoToUtraForCsfbGeneralVoiceCallAllowed ActivationService false L114190.1 CSFB enhancement to UTRAN/GERAN-- enhanced Redirection and PSHO LA4.0 Mobility False

isQCIWeightEnabled ActivationService false 160636 Non-GBR prioritization T/LA6.0 Radio Resource Management False

isQoSBasedPreventiveLoadControlEnabled ActivationService false 171232 nGBR QoS based Load balancing LR13.3 Radio Resource Management True

isReactiveLoadControlAllowed ActivationService false L114539.1 Congestion Management at Call Admission LA4.0 Radio Resource Management False

isRel8CsfbTo1XRttEnabled ActivationService false 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1 LTEisRel8CsfbTo1XRttEnabled MACRO,MCO Mobility False

isRel8CsfbTo1XRttMeasurementBasedEnabled ActivationService false 134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT LR13.1 Mobility False

isRlfMonitoringAllowed ActivationService false L115361 RLF monitoring and recovery improvement (Step 1) LA5.0 LTEisRlfMonitoringAllowed None Mobility False

isRohcAllowed ActivationService true L110547.1 RoHC v1 Support for VoIP LA4.0 LTEisRohcAllowed None LTE Air Interface True

isS1EnhancementsAllowed ActivationService false L97980 Improvements Over S1 LA5.0 Mobility False

isServiceBasedTrafficSegmentationAllowed ActivationService false L106136 Common Mobility Management Framework (eMCTA Phase 1) LA3.0 LTEisServiceBasedTrafficSegmentationAllowed MACRO,MCO Mobility False

isSIB3ReselectionAutomationEnabled ActivationService false L115203 Load based Idle Mode mobility LA5.0 LTEisSIB3ReselectionAutomationEnabled None Mobility False

isSonPci6Sectors9CellsEnabled ActivationService false L115340 Support of Auto PCI for up to 9 cells per eNB and up to 6 sectors per site configurations LR13.3 Call Management false

isSonPciAllocationEnabled ActivationService false L108258 eNB Based PCI Allocation, Conflict Detection and Correction LA3.0 LTEisSonPciAllocationEnabled MACRO,MCO Call Management False

isSonPciInterferenceReductionEnabled ActivationService false L115966 Adaptation of automatic PCI assignment to HetNet with Metrocells LR13.3 Call Management False

isSpsConfigAllowed ActivationService false L114531.1 VoLTE Solution for Field Trial Applications LA4.0 LTEisSpsConfigAllowed None Radio Resource Management False

isSrvccToUtraAllowed ActivationService false L92126 SRVCC Support to UTRAN-FDD/TDD LA5.0 LTEisSrvccToUtraAllowed MACRO,MCO Mobility False

isStaticPrbBasedPreventiveLoadControlEnabled ActivationService false 155912 Target cell load consideration for IRAT mobility to WCDMA LR13.1 Radio Resource Management False

isSynchCdmaSystemTimeAllowed ActivationService false L84876 Enhancement of LTE-to-HRPD Mobility - redirection with eHRPD measurement (Restricted LA3.0 Mobility False

isSyncSignalsDiversityAllowed CellActivationService false L84815 Single antenna transmit scheme LA4.0 LTE Air Interface false

isTrafficBasedContextReleaseAllowed ActivationService true L96760 eNB Configuration Update Enhancements LA2.0 Call Management True

isTransmitSib16Enabled CellActivationService false 167219 eMBMS commercial (step2) LR13.3 Call Management False

isTriCarrierEnabled ActivationService false L115808 Tri-carrier BBU LR13.3 LTEisTriCarrierEnabled None Miscellaneous Features and Parameters False

isTTIBundlingForVoIPEnabled ActivationService false L114536.1 Support of TTI Bundling for VoIP LA5.0 LTEisTTIBundlingForVoIPEnabled None Radio Resource Management False

FDD eNodeB LTE parameters description LR13 3 L v01 03 / EN Standard

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v01.03 / EN - Standard


isTurningRadioOffOnS1FailureEnabled ActivationService false Call Management False

isUeCategory4Allowed ActivationService false L116365 UE Category 4 Support LR13.3 LTEisUeCategory4Allowed None Radio Resource Management False

isulMIMOenabled CellActivationService false L76432 Scheduling Evolutions LA1.0 LTEisulMIMOenabled None Radio Resource Management False

isUseCommonIEsForUeConfigReleaseEnabled ActivationService false L115227 EUTRAN Standard Alignment LA5.0 Mobility False

isUtraCsfbBasedOnUeStateAllowed ActivationService false L114190.1 CSFB enhancement to UTRAN/GERAN-- enhanced Redirection and PSHO LA4.0 Mobility False

isUtraDataForwardingAllowed ActivationService false L96760 eNB Configuration Update Enhancements LA2.0 Mobility False

isUtraLoadBalancingEnabled ActivationService false 155912 Target cell load consideration for IRAT mobility to WCDMA LR13.1 LTEisUtraLoadBalancingEnabled None Mobility False

isUtraPreventiveLoadControlEnabled ActivationService false 155912 Target cell load consideration for IRAT mobility to WCDMA LR13.1 Radio Resource Management False

isVoipOffloadEnabled RadioCacCell true 163172 Traffic Management evolution LR13.3 Radio Resource Management False

lteInterFrequencyAnrEnabled ActivationService false L103176 ANR Support for Inter Freq Neighbours T/LA6.0 LTEInterFrequencyAnrEnabled MACRO,MCO Mobility False

lteIntraFrequencyAnrEnabled ActivationService false L108084 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA5.0 LTEAnrEnable MACRO,MCO Mobility False

maxNbrOfVoip RadioCacCell N.A. L115233 eNB SW Capacity Targets LA5.0 Radio Resource Management Depends on bandwidth and release

mtAccessRrcCnxReqFilteredInOverload OverloadControl false L115805 Overload Control Phase 3 LR13.1 Call Management false

overloadCallRejectNotAllowed ActivationService false L101845 eNB MME Selection Evolution LR15.1 Call Management see Engineering Recommendation LPUG

pRACHPreambleFormat CellActivationService format0 L92639 RACH Improvements - RACH burst format 2 support T/LA6.0 LTEpRACHPreambleFormat3Enabled None LTE Air Interface format0

s1PagingPriorityIndicationHandling OverloadControl TRUE L115805 Overload Control Phase 3 LR13.1 Call Management true

transmissionMode LteCellFDD N.A. L80279 Downlink Transmit Schemes for LA1.0 LA1.0 LTEis1AntennaTransmitMode None Radio Resource Management Depends on bandwidth

utraAnrEnabled ActivationService false L108084 ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours (UTRAN) LA5.0 LTEutraAnrEnabled MACRO,MCO Mobility False

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Count of Parameter 

Feature id Feature name Object Parameter Total

34309 L1/L2 for LA0.1 (34309) PdcpConf pdcpDiscardTimer 1

pdcpPduSnSize 1

134093WB-AAA B07 A + 1.7/2.2 P - LTE eNodeB configuration and functionnal support LteCell Spare6 1

134689 Macro/Metro to HeNB cell mobility ActivationService isMobilityToHeNBEnabled 1

LteNeighboringOpenOrHybridHeNBCellLayerRelation cellIndividualOffset 1

pCIList 1qOffsetCell 1

userLabel 1

PerformanceManagement mobilityToHeNBReported 1

134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT ActivationService isEnhancedCsfbTo1XRttEnabled 1

isRel8CsfbTo1XRttEnabled 1

isRel8CsfbTo1XRttMeasurementBasedEnabled 1

Enb maxNumberOfCdmaChannelFor1xCsfbMeasurements 1

maxTimeAllowedFor1xCsfbMeasurements 1

maxTimeAllowedFor1xCsfbReEstablishment 1

maxTimeAllowedForCsfbMobilityAttempt 1

randUpdateInterval 1

seed 1

LteCell Spare9 1MeasObjectCDMA2000 bandClass 1

MobilityPriorityTable defaultConnectedPriorityOfFreq 1

OneXRttAccessBarring acBarringClass0To9 1

acBarringClass10 1

acBarringClass11 1

acBarringClass12 1

acBarringClass13 1

acBarringClass14 1

acBarringClass15 1

acBarringClassEmg 1

acBarringClassMsg 1

acBarringClassReg 1

acBarringStatus 1

OneXRttMobilityParameters auth 1daylt 1

fpcFchIncluded 1

fpcFchInitSetptRc11 1

fpcFchInitSetptRc12 1

fpcFchInitSetptRc3 1

fpcFchInitSetptRc4 1

fpcFchInitSetptRc5 1

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134791 enhanced CSFB to 1xRTT OneXRttMobilityParameters gcsnaL2AckTimer 1

gcsnaSequenceContextTimer 1

imsi1112 1

imsiTSupported 1

leapSecondsCount 1

localTimeOffset 1

maxNumAltSo 1

mcc 1

minPRev 1

pilotIncrement 1prefMsidType 1

pRev 1

OneXRttNeighboringPerCarrier plmnMobileCountryCode 1

plmnMobileNetworkCode 1

OneXRttReferenceCell bandClass 1

cellId 1

frequency 1

mscId 1

pnOffset 1

sectorNumber 1

OneXRttRegistrationParameters foreignNidReg 1

foreignSidReg 1

homeReg 1multipleNid 1

multipleSid 1

nid 1

parameterReg 1

powerDownReg 1

powerUpReg 1

registrationPeriod 1

registrationZone 1

sid 1

totalZones 1

PerformanceManagement csfbTo1XRttReported 1

155912Target cell load consideration for IRATmobility to WCDMA ActivationService isStaticPrbBasedPreventiveLoadControlEnabled 1

isUtraLoadBalancingEnabled 1isUtraPreventiveLoadControlEnabled 1

OverloadControl ovLevelForCellLoadReportAction 1

PerformanceManagement utraLoadBalancingReported 1

RncAccess rimForCellLoadEnabled 1

utraCellLoadTimersConfId 1

UtraCellLoadTimersConf timeToWaitForEnbDirectInfoTransfer 1

tS1EnbDirectInfoTransferTrir 1

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mobility to WCDMA UtraLoadBalancingConf dlUtraCellLoadedThreshold 1

numberOfMeasReportingLevels 1

ulUtraCellLoadedThreshold 1

156132Overload Control - Outdated RRCmessages ActivationService isEnhancedOverloadControlEnabled 1

158138 HeNB support (TSA Dependency) Enb macroEnbId 1

LteCell relativeCellIdentity 1

158990eMBMS 3GPP Rel9 with distributedMCE (integrated in eNB) MbsfnPositioningReferenceSignal prsConfigurationIndex 1

prsNumSubframes 1eMBMS Commercial with distributedMCE (integrated in eNB) ActivationService isMbmsBroadcastModeAllowed 1

Mce latencySessionStop 1

159488MCO LTE software platform in LA6.0 -macro-metro software parity phase 1.1 AntennaPort jumperLossDl 1

 jumperLossUl 1

ttlnaEquipped 1

CellL2DLConf isOtdoaCompatibleNeighborWithoutPrs 1

CpriRadioEquipment remoteControllerId 1

rfmControlMode 1

LteCell Spare7 1

159506 ANR Enhancements - Phase 3 AutomaticNeighborRelation noX2AccessCreationOnIPAddressRetrievalFailure 1LteIntraFrequencyAnr filterCoefficientNRPriority 1

nRPriCountMode 1

nRPriorityStatPeriod 1

nRReplaceHysteresis 1

159538eICIC with Semi-Static ABS (FDD,Macro Cell) PerformanceManagement eCICabsGenerationReported 1

160636 Non-GBR prioritization ActivationService isQCIWeightEnabled 1

EnbRadioConf uplinkSeFloor 1

TrafficRadioBearerConf dlQCISchedulingWeight 1

ulQCISchedulingWeight 1

160815Optimized Segmentation (MCSOverride) ActivationService isOptimizedSegmentationEnabled 1

CellL2ULConf bOcheckForOptSeg 1


minTBsizeForOptSeg 1

OptSegPuschSinrThresh 1

OverrideOptSegActivationTimer 1

160816 Transport Counters per bucket PerformanceManagement transportPacketSizeCountersReported 1

160847 Commercial CA ActivationService isCarrierAggregationEnabled 1

CarrierAggregationPrimaryConf nbMaxCAConfiguredUePerPcell 1

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v01.03 / EN Standard


160847 Commercial CA CarrierAggregationPrimaryConf oneShotACSIMaxDelay 1

CarrierAggregationSecondaryConf aperiodicCSIRankAveragingCoefficientForSCell 1

aperiodicCSISINRAveragingCoefficientForSCell 1

carrierCompensationFactor 1

dlCABearerSchedulingWeight 1

dlMinThroughputTarget 1

dlOnDurationPriorityBoostForCABearer 1

dlQoSMetricType 1

logicalChannelPriorityDL 1

macHARQMaxNumberOfTransmissionDl 1macHARQMaxTimerDl 1

macMIMOModeDl 1

macOuterLoopBlerControlTargetBlerDl 1

macSINROffsetForLinkAdaptationDl 1

maxNumberOfUEPreSelectedperTTI 1

maxNumberOfUEScheduledPerTTI 1

packetDelayBudget 1

secondaryCellId 1

DownlinkCAConf aperiodicCSITriggerR10Trigger1 1

caMaximumActivationAttempts 1

caOneShotACQIRequestAttemptsUponCAConfiguration 1

caOneShotACQIRequestPer iodUponCAConfigurat ion 1cqiReportAperiodicR10Enabled 1

cqiReportConfigR10NomPdschRsEpreOffset 1

minTBSForSchedulingInSecondary 1

numberOfCQI0ForSCellForOutOfCoverageDetect ion 1

sCellDeactivationTimerR10 1

transmissionModeR10 1

Enb cellMappingOverBoardMode 1

isCellRemappingForCarrierAggregationRecoveryEnabled 1

isCellRemappingForCoverageRecoveryEnabled 1

EnbRadioConf caBearerInactivityTimer 1

dlAct iveThroughputAverageCoeff ic ientForCABearer 1

dlCABearerClippingFactor 1

marginForCABearerMinRateEnforcement 1LteCell carrierAggregationCellGroup 1

PerformanceManagement carrierAggregationReported 1

UplinkCAConf betaOffsetACKIndexForFourBitsAckNack 1

deltaFPUCCHFormat1bCSR10 1

uplinkCAtriggerNotificationRepetitionTimer 1

uplinkLinkBudgetAlarmClearanceThresholdForCA 1

uplinkLinkBudgetAlarmTimeToClearForCA 1

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v01.03 / EN Standard


160847 Commercial CA UplinkCAConf uplinkLinkBudgetAlarmTimeToTriggerForCA 1

uplinkLinkBudgetAlarmTriggerThresholdForCA 1

161003 eNodeB SW capacity (LA7.0) Enb Spare9 1

162426 Performance Counter Enhancements PerformanceManagement pMCounterEnhancementReported 1

ulMIMOReported 1

162790 Commercial VoLTE with SPS Enb isUeRel8EligibleToSps 1

163172 Traffic Management evolution ActivationService isFourLevelPrbCacEnabled 1

isNumUeBasedPreventiveLoadControlEnabled 1

LteNeighboringFreqConf preventiveOffloadLink 1

PreventiveOffload cellNbrOfUsersLoadControlThreshold 1dlPreventiveLoadControlThresholdOnRealPrb 1

dlPreventiveLoadControlThresholdOnStaticPrb 1

ulPreventiveLoadControlThresholdOnRealPrb 1

ulPreventiveLoadControlThresholdOnStaticPrb 1

QciConfForOffload dlBitRateThresholdForPreventiveLoadControl 1

qCI 1

RadioCacCell cellNbrOfUsersLoadControlThreshold 1

deltaAdmissionThresholdOnPrbForExisting 1

delt aAdmissionThresholdOnPrbForMediumPrioReq 1

deltaAdmissionThresholdOnPrbForTopPrioReq 1

isPerNeighborCarrierLoadControlEnabled 1

isVoipOffloadEnabled 1

RadioCacEnb enbNbrOfUsersLoadControlThreshold 1highArpPriorityStart 1

mediumArpPriorityStart 1

UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf preventiveOffloadLink 1

163420 OAM Reset Eradication ActivationService isSystemIntegrityMonitorEnabled 1

SystemIntegrityMonitor simTxPowerDegradedTimer 1

165524 SPS improvements for VoLTE capacity LteCell Spare5 1

166502 Out of Time Alignment (OOT) ActivationService isOOTManagementEnabled 1

CellRachConf pdcchOrderTransMax 1

Enb isRedirectionForOotEnabled 1

rrcRlsTimerForOOTUser 1

PerformanceManagement oOTManagementReported 1

TrafficRadioBearerConf isOOTAllowed 1

166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 CellL1ULConf pucchSrsConfStepDownLoadingThreshold 1pucchSrsConfStepUpLoadingThreshold 1

worstPucchSrsConfigAllowed 1

CellL2ULConf grantStretchingForFDSusersThresh 1

iotAwareFDSEnabled 1

puschSinrBackoffOnRachRegion 1

CellRachConf nbrOfRARsPerRACHCycle 1

rachDetec tionThresholdScalingForMult iplePreambles 1

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v01.03 / EN Standard


166802 eNB SW capacity - LR13.3 CellRachConf rachMsg2SpectralEfficiency 1

raLoadingThresholdForBackoff 1

CellRachConfFDD cfRACHMessage3NumberOfPRBs 1

RadioCacCell maxNbrOfActiveUsersPerCell 1

preventiveLoadControlThresholdNbrOfActiveUsers 1

RadioCacEnb averagingPeriodForNbrActiveUsersPreventiveOffload 1

cuLoadingThreshForEarlyOOTRelease 1

maxNbrOfRRCConnectedUsersPerEnb 1

minInactiveTimeForEarlyOOTRelease 1

nbrOfContextsReservedForEcAndHpaCalls 1pacingTimerForEarlyOOTRelease 1

ULPowerControlConf dlSinrToUlSinrTargetConversionFactor 1

dlSinrToUlSinrTargetConversionThresh 1

interSectorIoTcontrolminCellLoadThr 1

interSectorIoTcontrolPeriod 1

isCQIbasedPushPowerCtrlEnabled 1

isInterSectorIoTcontrolEnabled 1

isPUSCHSinrConvergenceSpeedUpEnabled 1

puschSinrConvergenceSpeedUpThresh 1

166984Support of Multiple Frequency BandIndicators for TDD ActivationService disableEarlyMeasurementConfiguration 1

167219 eMBMS commercial (step2) ActivationService isMbsfnInformationOverX2Enabled 1

isMeasSubframePatternNeighInterFreqEnabled 1CellActivationService isDayLightSavingTimeInSib16Enabled 1

isLocalTimeOffsetInSib16Enabled 1

isTransmitSib16Enabled 1

Mce mceActionOverloadControl 1

provisioningSynchronization 1

MceMbsfnArea mceQosToMcsProfileId 1

MceQosToMcsProfile mceQoSToMcsProfilName 1

mcsTransitionTableBler1 1

mcsTransitionTableBler10 1

mcsTransitionTableBler5 1

SysInfoConf sib16SchedulingClass 1

167243eUTRAN Standard Alignment (3GPP Rel-10 Sept 12) ActivationService isDifferentiateUtranModeInFGIsEnabled 1


Factory, Commissioning, 3GPP36.104/141 Conformance, and CustomerAcceptance Test Support for MacroCells (LR13.3) Enb doEnbResetAfterConfiguration 1

170745Neighbor cell classification and mobilitycounters for HetNet ActivationService isAutoUpdateOnLteNeighborCellKindEnabled 1

CellKindPerCellSizeConf cellKindForCellSizeLarge 1

cellKindForCellSizeMedium 1

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counters for HetNet CellKindPerCellSizeConf cellKindForCellSizeSmall 1

cellKindForCellSizeVerySmall 1

LteNeighboringCellRelation cellKind 1

PerformanceManagement mobilityFromHetNetCell 1

mobilityToHetNetCell 1

171159 PCMD enhancement - step2 ActivationService isPCMDorTraceMREnabled 1

171232 nGBR QoS based Load balancing ActivationService isQosBasedPreventiveLoadControlEnabled 1

RadioCacCell dlPreventiveLoadControlThresholdOnRealPrb 1

ulPreventiveLoadControlThresholdOnRealPrb 1

RadioCacEnb extraMarginNbUeSelectedPreventiveOffload 1filteringCoef ficientForQosBasedPreventiveOffload 1

inactivityTimeForPreventiveOffload 1

nbrOfUsersImpactedByQosBasedPreventiveOffload 1

TrafficRadioBearerConf dlBitRateThresholdForPreventiveLoadControl 1

172164 QCI1 GBR Cap Removal Enb Spare15 1

158990eMBMS 3GPP Rel9 with distributedMCE (integrated in eNB) Mce mceId 1

uniqueName 1

MceMbsfnArea mbsfnAreaId 1

MceMbsfnSynchroArea dlBandwidth 1

mbsfnSynchroAreaId 1

MceSupportedQci supportedQci 1

160847 Commercial CA LteCell Spare10 1TrafficRadioBearerConf macHARQMaxNumberOfTransmissionDl 1

macHARQMaxTimerDl 1

170745Neighbor cell classification and mobilitycounters for HetNet PerformanceManagment mobilityFromHetNetCell 1

CR303865 (blank) SignalingRadioBearerConf mACBOminimumPeriodicIncreaseValue 1

TrafficRadioBearerConf mACBOminimumPeriodicIncreaseValue 1

CR361482 (blank) CellL1L2ControlChannelsConf dlTargetSINRTableForPDCCH 1

CR442350 (blank) CellL2DLConf pDCCHPowerControlType 1

CR500683 (blank) CellL1ULConf betaOffsetACKIndex 1

betaOffsetCQIIndex 1

betaOffsetRIIndex 1

CR540555 (blank) Enb rrcConnSetupCompleteTimer 1

CR540555, CR148092 (blank) Enb rrcProcedureDefenseTimer 1CR546635 (blank) CellL2ULConf isACQIrequestAfterCtxtSetupAllowed 1

CR604179 (blank) ULPowerControlConf pUSCHioTControlActivationFlag 1

pUSCHioTControlCoefAboveThr1 1

pUSCHioTControlCoefBelowThr1 1

pUSCHioTControlMinTargetCorrAboveThr1 1

pUSCHioTControlMinTargetCorrBelowThr1 1

pUSCHioTControlThermalNoiseCorr 1

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CR604179 (blank) ULPowerControlConf pUSCHioTControlThresh1 1

pUSCHioTControlThresh2 1

CR604262 (blank) CellL2ULConf isGrantStretchingForFDSusersAllowed 1

isUplinkGrantStretchEnhancementEnabled 1

useFSSmodeUponContextSetup 1

CR650666 (blank) CellRachConf autoRSIConfigEnabled 1

CR734669 (blank) RadioCacCell isNonGbrPrbCacEnabled 1

CR774802 (blank) Enb changeCauseInUeCtxRlsReqRetry 1

L100622Support Fiber delay (or any delaybetween modem and RF head) in LTE CellActivationService isFiberDelayAllowed 1

CellL1ULConfFDD cellRtdAdjust 1

L101815 Intra LTE FDD/TDD Handover PerformanceManagement interFreqEutraOtherFrameStructureMobilityReported 1

L101819 SRVCC support to GERAN PerformanceManagement srvccToGeranReported 1


User plane and control plane OTDOAwith hearability support for Commercialdeployment PositioningReferenceSignals prsBandwidth 1

prsConfigurationIndex 1

prsMutingPeriodicity 1

prsMutingSequence 1

PowerOffsetConfiguration prsPowerOffset 1


User plane and control plane OTDOA

with hearability support for Commercialdeployment PositioningReferenceSignals prsNumSubframes 1

L101841 VoIP in Dynamic Scheduler CellL2DLConf maximumFSSUsers 1

minimumCQIForFSS 1

CellRadioConf mCScorrectionForACQIinHigherBLERcase 1

mCScorrectionForACQIinLowerBLERcase 1

mCScorrectionForPCQIinHigherBLERcase 1

mCScorrectionForPCQIinLowerBLERcase 1

EnbRadioConf minGrantSizeForCQIreporting 1

minMCSwithACQI 1

SignalingRadioBearerConf macOuterLoopBlerControlTargetBlerDl 1

macSINROffsetForLinkAdaptationDl 1

TrafficRadioBearerConf macOuterLoopBlerControlTargetBlerDl 1

macSINROffsetForLinkAdaptationDl 1

L101843MAC DRx State Mgt under InactivityConditions ActivationService isInactivityBasedDrxEnabled 1

CellL1ULConf srsSINRThresholdForReliableDetection 1

CellL2DLConf dlPCQIValidityWindow 1

dlSINRDecayUponPCQIErasure 1

InactivityBasedDrxConf dlOnDurationPriorityBoost 1

drxInactivityTimer 1

drxRetransmissionTimer 1

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Conditions InactivityBasedDrxConf drxShortCycleTimer 1

longDRXCycle 1

onDurationTimer 1

shortDRXCycle 1

trafficBasedContextReleaseTimer 1

PerformanceManagement inactivityBasedDrxReported 1

TrafficRadioBearerConf isInactivityBasedDrxConfigured 1

L101845 eNB MME Selection Evolution ActivationService overloadCallRejectNotAllowed 1

UeTimers tOverload 1

L103174eNB Resource Utilisation Real TimePerformance Reporting GeranNeighboringCellRelation lac 1

L103175.1Performance Counter ManagementSupport on eNB PerformanceManagement geranOrUtranReported 1

hRPDor1xRTTReported 1

mbmsReported 1

mobilityFailureReported 1

pDVReported 1

perPRBMeasurementReported 1

qam64Reported 1

rrcConnectionReported 1

serviceFailureReported 1

spare1Reported 1

spare2Reported 1

trafficShapingReported 1

uEContextReported 1

uLNoiseReported 1

L103176 ANR Support for Inter Freq Neighbours ActivationService lteInterFrequencyAnrEnabled 1

AutomaticNeighborRelation isA2CAhandlingDuringAnrAllowed 1

LteInterFrequencyAnr activePhaseMeasReportHysteresis 1

activePhaseMeasReportThreshold 1

anrMeasurementOnly 1

drxCycleForReportCGI 1

garbageCollectionInterval 1

uEContributionTargetInActivePhase 1

uEContributionTargetInMonitoringPhase 1

LteIntraFrequencyAnr garbageCollectionInterval 1uEContributionTargetInMonitoringPhase 1

LteNeighboringFreqConf anrActiveAfterX2Setup 1

anrInitiateX2Setup 1

L103177 HO Optimisation counters CellActivationService isMroIntraFreqEnabled 1

LteCell mroCostHysteresis 1

LteNeighboringCellRelation x2AccessId 1

MobilityRobustnessOpt hoRejectedTimer 1

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L103177 HO Optimisation counters MobilityRobustnessOpt maxAdjustmentAttempts 1

minMobilityEventsGeneral 1

minMobilityEventsPerNeighbor 1

mroCostGeneralOk 1

pingPongTime 1

pingPongWeight 1

tooEarlyWeight 1

tooLateWeight 1

wrongCellWeight 1

MobilityRobustnessOptCell timeToTriggerAllowedValues 1L103186.1 Cell Outage Detection LteCell sleepingCellInactivityTimer 1

L103790Intra- LTE Inter Band Cell Reselectionfor TDD<->FDD ActivationService isInterFreqEutraOtherFrameStructureMobilityEnabled 1

L103791Inter-frequency Cell reselelction for multi-band support LteNeighboringFreqConf presenceAntennaPort1 1

L103792Intra-LTE Inter-Frequency Mobility forFDD<->FDD and TDD<->TDD ActivationService isInterFreqEutraSameFrameStructureMobilityAllowed 1

LteNeighboringCellRelation qOffsetCell 1

ReportConfigEUTRA hysteresis 1

maxReportCells 1

reportAmount 1

reportInterval 1

reportQuantity 1

timeToTrigger 1

triggerQuantity 1

L103892.1Service, and load based handoverbehavior support (eMCTA -Phase 2) ActivationService isOffLoadUponReactiveLoadControlAllowed 1

Enb tMeasWaitForOffload 1

MobilityPriorityTable qciHierarchyForMultiQciCallList 1

QciPriorityConf eMctaPriority 1

qCI 1

L103895.1 ECID and LPP protocol support (trial) ActivationService isEcidSupportAllowed 1

ENBEquipment bbuConfiguredPositionAltitude 1

bbuConfiguredPositionLatitude 1

bbuConfiguredPositionLongitude 1

bbuPositionDeltaX 1

bbuPositionDeltaY 1bbuPositionDeltaZ 1


ECID location method and LPP/LPPalocation control plane protocol supportfor Commercial Deployment ActivationService isLPPaInterfaceAllowed 1

AntennaPort Azimuth 1

ENBEquipment bbuPositionAltitude 1

bbuPositionLatitude 1

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location control plane protocol support ENBEquipment bbuPositionLongitude 1

LteCell cellAzimuth 1

cellhorizontalBeamwidth 1

cellverticalBeamwidth 1

mainAntennaConfiguredPositionAltitude 1

mainAntennaConfiguredPositionLatitude 1

mainAntennaConfiguredPositionLongitude 1

mainAntennaPositionAltitude 1

mainAntennaPositionConfidence 1

mainAntennaPositionDeltaX 1mainAntennaPositionDeltaY 1

mainAntennaPositionDeltaZ 1

mainAntennaPositionLatitude 1

mainAntennaPositionLongitude 1

mainAntennaPositionOrientationOfMajorAxis 1

mainAntennaPositionUncertaintyAltitude 1

mainAntennaPositionUncertaintySemiMajor 1

mainAntennaPositionUncertaintySemiMinor 1

MeasurementIdentityConf measurementPurpose 1

PositioningSystem gpsAntennaPositionAltitude 1

gpsAntennaPositionLatitude 1

gpsAntennaPositionLongitude 1

L103897.1 eNB IMS VoIP emergency call support(trial) ActivationService isIMSEmergencyCallAllowed 1

L104002 Broadcast per cell SIB4 BlackCellConf range 1

start 1

LteNeighboringCellRelation noHoOrReselection 1

L104823OP PUCCH enhancement (increaseactive user from 20 in LA2.0 to higher) CellRadioConf 

mCScorrectionForGrantsBeforeRachMsg1or3ForHigherBLERSetpoint 1

mCScorrectionForGrantsBeforeRachMsg1or3ForLowerBLERSetpoint 1

L104835eUTRAN Sharing basics: MOCN withshared LTE spectrum CellReservation cellReservedForOperatorUse 1

plmnId 1

LteNeighborPlmnIdentity isPrimary 1

plmnMobileCountryCode 1plmnMobileNetworkCode 1

PlmnIdentity isPrimary 1

plmnMobileCountryCode 1

plmnMobileNetworkCode 1

L104836 eUTRAN Sharing - Mobility HrpdNeighboringPerCarrier plmnMobileCountryCode 1

plmnMobileNetworkCode 1

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L106136Common Mobility ManagementFramework (eMCTA Phase 1) ActivationService isServiceBasedTrafficSegmentationAllowed 1

RrcMeasurementConf maxMeasIdForMultipleMonitoring 1

maxNbCar riersForMul tipleMoni toringUsingMeasGaps 1

ServiceTypePriorityConf eMctaPriority 1

serviceType 1

L108084ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours(UTRAN) ActivationService lteIntraFrequencyAnrEnabled 1

utraAnrEnabled 1

CellL1ULConf cqiMaskR9 1LteIntraFrequencyAnr uEContributionTargetInActivePhase 1

RncAccess directFwdPathAvailability 1

extendedRncId 1

noRemove 1

psHandoverUtraEnabled 1

psHoToUtraTimersConfId 1

UtraAnr activePhaseMeasReportHysteresis 1

activePhaseMeasReportThreshold 1

drxCycleForReportCGI 1

garbageCollectionInterval 1

uEContributionTargetInActivePhase 1

uEContributionTargetInMonitoringPhase 1

UtraFddNeighboringCellrelation noHoOrRedirection 1

noRemove 1

physCellIdUTRA 1

rncAccessId 1

utraSystemInformationContainer 1

UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf hnbPciList 1

L108084.1ANR Support for Inter RAT Neighbours(UTRAN) RoutingArea locationAreaCode 1

routingAreaCode 1

UtraAnr isRncidInUtraCgi 1

UtraFddNeighboringCellrelation measuredByANR 1

L108172 Full Support of Intra-LTE ANR LteIntraFrequencyAnr anrMeasurementOnly 1

LteNeighboringCellRelation measuredByANR 1


eNB Based PCI Allocation, Conflict

Detection and Correction ActivationService isSonPciAllocationEnabled 1AutomaticPhysicalCellIdentity enableCollisionMaintenancePeriod 1

enableMaintenancePeriod 1

maintenancePeriodStartTime 1

L108271 VSWR Testing Support AntennaPort vswrUrgentThreshold 1

vswrWarningThreshold 1

CellRadioConf uLCCEspaceMaxOverbookingFactor 1

FrequencyAndBandwidthFDD ulBandwidth 1

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L108283 eNB Configuration Model Improvements CellReselectionConfLte qRxLevMin 1

threshXHigh 1

threshXLow 1

HrpdSpeedDependentConf tReselectionHrpdSfHigh 1

tReselectionHrpdSfMedium 1

LteNeighboringFreqConf dlEARFCN 1

neighCellConfig 1

offsetFreq 1

L108514 eNB SW Replacement Improvements Enb timerToWaitForFallbackToPreviousSWversion 1

L108879eNodeB snapshots and debug traces(dynamic & post-mortem) Step 2 SubscAndEquipmentTraces tceIpAddressv6 1

L108958 Sys-Info Scheduling Improvements CellL2DLConf resourceBlockShift 1

SysInfoConf numberRBnotForSIB 1

sib1TargetMCS 1

sib2SchedulingClass 1

sib3SchedulingClass 1

sib4SchedulingClass 1

sib5SchedulingClass 1

sib6SchedulingClass 1

sib7SchedulingClass 1

sib8SchedulingClass 1

sibClass1TargetMCS 1

sibClass1TargetPeriodicity 1

sibClass2TargetMCS 1

sibClass2TargetPeriodicity 1

sibClass3TargetMCS 1

sibClass3TargetPeriodicity 1

L109433eNB KPI Objectives (C-plane, U-plane)for LA3.0 PdcpConf dlPdcpDuplicateAvoidanceEnabled 1

timerPdcpStatusReportWait 1

L110547 RoHC v1 Support for VoIP RohcConf rohcFoRepeat 1

rohcIrLimit 1

rohcIrRepeat 1

rohcPreferredMode 1

rohcRtpTimestampBasedCompression 1rohcSlidingWindowSize 1

rohcSoLimit 1

rohcStandaloneFeedbackTimeout 1

rohcStateControlK1 1

rohcStateControlK2 1

rohcStateControlN1 1

rohcStateControlN2 1

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L110547 RoHC v1 Support for VoIP TrafficRadioBearerConf rohcMaxCid 1

rohcProfiles 1

L110547.1 RoHC v1 Support for VoIP ActivationService isRohcAllowed 1

L111577eNB KPI Objective Improvements forLA3.0 EnbRadioConf aUGprocessDuration 1

aUGtriggerDelayforRACHmsg4 1

aUGulBOincreasePeriod 1

aUGulBOincreaseRAmsg4 1

aUGulBOincreaseRepetitionNumber 1

aUGulBOincreaseSRB1uponCallSetup 1L112791 Transport counters PerformanceManagement vlanReported 1

L114190.1CSFB enhancement to UTRAN/GERAN--enhanced Redirection and PSHO ActivationService isCcoWithNaccForCsfbEmergencyCallAllowed 1

isCcoW ithNaccForCsfbGeneralVoiceCallAllowed 1

isCsfbEnhancedRedirectionAndPsHoAllowed 1

isGeranCsfbBasedOnUeStateAllowed 1

isPsHoToUtraForCsfbEmergencyCallAllowed 1

isPsHoToUtraForCsfbGeneralVoiceCallAllowed 1

isUtraCsfbBasedOnUeStateAllowed 1

GeranNeighboringCellRelation isCellIncludedForRedirectionAssistance 1

RncAccess rimForUtraSiEnabled 1

utraSiTimersConfId 1

UtraFddNeighboringCellrelation isCellIncludedForRedirectionAssistance 1

UtraSiTimersConf timeToWaitForEnbDirectInfoTransfer 1

tS1EnbDirectInfoTransferTrir 1

L114382 Security DoS Attack Protections PerformanceManagement ipFilteringReported 1

L114383 Transport eUTRAN Sharing MmeAccess plmnId 1

L114492 Generalized OP-PUCCH CellActivationService isNarrowbandSRSuseEnabled 1

CellL1ULConf srsFrequencyDomainPosition 1

CellL1ULConfFDD dedicatedSrsBandwidth 1

Enb Spare4 1

L114531.1VoLTE Solution for Field TrialApplications ActivationService isSpsConfigAllowed 1

CellL2DLConf maxDopplerShiftForSPSDl 1

maxResourceBlocksPerTTIToLimitSPSAllocation 1

minSINRForSPSDl 1CellL2ULConf nominalMCSforSPSgrantsUl 1

CellRadioConf numberofULmeasurementsNeededForSendingValidTPCCommandForPUSCHspsMode 1

pUSCHsinrAveragingCoefForDSpowerCtrl 1

pUSCHsinrAveragingCoefForSPSpowerCtrl 1

DownlinkSemiPersistentSchedulingConf activityPeriodForSPSActivationDl 1

blerMaxVariationForSPSDl 1

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Applications DownlinkSemiPersistentSchedulingConf defaultCodecforVoIPServiceDl 1

inactivityPeriodForSPSReleaseDl 1

macHARQMaxNumberOfTransmissionWithSPSDl 1

macHARQMaxTimerWithSPSDl 1

macRLCOverheadDl 1

maxSPSActivationAttemptsDl 1

maxSPSReleaseAttemptsDl 1

numberOfConfSPSProcessesDl 1

sinrMaxVariationforSPSDl 1

spsActivationProhibitTimeUponCallSetupWithoutROHCDl 1

spsActivationProhibitTimeUponCallSetupWithROHCDl 1

spsActivationProhibitTimeUponSPSAbnormalReleaseDl 1

spsActivationProhibitTimeUponSPSFailureDl 1

spsInitialMCSIndexForBearerSetupDl 1

spsLinkAdaptationSINROffsetDl 1

EnbVoipConf activeToInactiveSpeechThresholdUl 1

disableVoIPbearerPeriodicBOincreaseDuringSpeechInactivityUl 1

inactiveToActiveSpeechBSRthresholdUl 1

inactiveToActiveSpeechthresholdUl 1

sIDframeDetectionThresholdUl 1

RadioCacCell maxGBRforVoIPserviceDl 1

maxGBRforVoIPserviceUl 1

qCIforVoipRtpRtcp 1

SignalingRadioBearerConf logicalChannelSRMask 1

TrafficRadioBearerConf logicalChannelSRMask 1

ULPowerControlConf isP0PersistentFieldPresent 1

maxSIRtargetSPSCorrectionValue 1

minSIRtargetSPSCorrectionValue 1

p0NominalPUSCHPersistent 1

p0UEPUSCHPersistent 1

SIRtargetSPSCorrectionTable 1

tpcPeriodForPUSCHtpcOverDCI3 1

UplinkSemiPersistentSchedulingConf maxSPSgrantTxCountUL 1

sIRtargetSPSCorrectionResetValueUl 1

sIRtargetSPSCorrectionThresholdForSPSreleaseUl 1sPSactivationProhibitTimeUponSPSfailureUl 1

L114536.1 Support of TTI Bundling for VoIP ActivationService isTTIBundlingForVoIPEnabled 1

CellL1L2ControlChannelsConf extraDCI0powerOffsetForTTIBundling 1

CellL1ULConf betaOffsetACKIndexForTTIbundling 1

CellRadioConf minHARQtxWithoutMGcollisionForTTIbundling 1

RrcMeasurementConf cpichEcn0OffsetForTtiBVoIPCalls 1

cpichRscpOffsetForTtiBVoIPCalls 1

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L114536.1 Support of TTI Bundling for VoIP RrcMeasurementConf rsrpOffsetOnNeighborCellForTtiBVoIPCalls 1

rsrpOffsetOnServingCellForTtiBVoIPCalls 1

rsrqOffsetOnNeighborCellForTtiBVoIPCalls 1

rsrqOffsetOnServingCellForTtiBVoIPCalls 1

L114538 Enhanced Load Balancing criteria ActivationService isFddTddRedirectionForPreventiveOffloadEnabled 1

isInterFreqPreventiveLoadControlEnabled 1

LteNeighboringFreqConf isLoadEqualizationEnabled 1

RadioCacCell loadEqualizationDeltaThreshold 1

periodMeasForPRBConsumption 1

RadioCacEnb ThresholdRelativePreventiveOffload 1

L114539.1Congestion Management at CallAdmission ActivationService isBearerTypeBasedPrbEstimationPreferred 1

isReactiveLoadControlAllowed 1

PlmnIdentity arpPriorityEmergency 1

RadioCacCell admissionThresholdOnNbrOfDBs 1

deltaAdmissionThresholdOnNbrOfDBsForHighPrioReq 1

deltaAdmissionThresholdOnPrbForHighPrioReq 1

dlAdmissionThresholdOnPrb 1

ulAdmissionThresholdOnPrb 1

RadioCacEnb lowArpPriorityStart 1

maxNbrOfUsersImpactedByReactiveLoadControl 1

ReactiveLoadControlActionForBearerAdmission action 1

TrafficRadioBearerConf prbReservationFactor 1

qciGroup 1

L114644EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPPRel-9 ActivationService isFullConfigForHandoverAllowed 1

CellL1ULConf srProhibitTimer 1

CellReselectionConfLte qQualMin 1

CellSelectionReselectionConf qQualMin 1

qQualMinOffset 1

Enb dlNasDeliveryWaitTimeNoDRX 1

GeranNeighboringCellRelation dtmCapability 1

HrpdNeighboringPerCarrier pnOffsetList 1

SsacBarringForVideoMMTEL accessBarringTime 1

accessClass11Barring 1

accessClass12Barring 1

accessClass13Barring 1accessClass14Barring 1

accessClass15Barring 1

accessProbabilityFactor 1

SsacBarringForVoiceMMTEL accessBarringTime 1

accessClass11Barring 1

accessClass12Barring 1

accessClass13Barring 1

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Rel-9 SsacBarringForVoiceMMTEL accessClass14Barring 1

accessClass15Barring 1

accessProbabilityFactor 1

L114644.1EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPPRel-9 CellReselectionConfLte threshXHighQ 1

threshXLowQ 1

CellReselectionConfUtraFdd threshXHighQ 1

threshXLowQ 1

CellSelectionReselectionConf sIntraSearchP 1

sIntraSearchQ 1sNonIntraSearchP 1

sNonIntraSearchQ 1

threshServingLowQ 1

L114792 eNodeB OAM Enhancements LteCell rssiMeasurementInterval 1

rssiNoiseFloorOffset 1

L114909.3Full AISG 2.0 Multi-Antenna RETFunctionality ActivationService isAisgAllowed 1

AntennaPort antennaLabel 1

antennaPathAttenuationDL 1

antennaPathAttenuationUL 1

antennaPathDelayDL 1

antennaPathDelayUL 1

antennaPortLabel 1

retSubunitId 1

rxUsed 1

tmaSubunitId 1

CpriRadioEquipment isRfmAisgEnabled 1

PositioningSystem positioningSystemAntennaCableDelay 1

Ret mechanicalTilt 1

retAldUniqueName 1

retAssociatedEnodebFriendlyName 1

retFriendlyName 1

RetSubunit antennaBandClass 1

antennaElectricalTilt 1

labelAssociatedENB 1

labelSectorId 1

mechanicalTilt 1retSubunitAssociatedeNodeB 1

retSubunitNumber 1

Tma tmaAldUniqueName 1

tmaAssociatedEnodebFriendlyName 1

tmaAssociatedRfmFriendlyName 1

tmaFriendlyName 1

TmaSubunit tmaSubunitNumber 1

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L115113.1 LA4.0 KPI Targets CellL1L2ControlChannelsConf powerOffsetForCriticalCRNTIGrants 1

powerOffsetForDCI3 1

powerOffsetForNonCRNTIGrantsInCommonSearchSpace 1

CellL2ULConf maxExtendedSRGrantSize 1

sinrBackoffForSRGrant 1

L115114.1 LA4.0 eNB SW Capacity Targets CellL2DLConf numberRBnotForPaging 1

L115158LTE RRH Antenna Cross ConnectCapability Support in LA4.0.1 AntennaPort ttlnaAntennaGain 1

txUsed 1CpriRadioEquipment cpriPort 1

dbu 1

ENBEquipment maxTransportFiberDelayLengthCategory 1

LteCell diversityImbalanceThreshold 1

L115203 Load based Idle Mode mobility ActivationService isSIB3ReselectionAutomationEnabled 1

CellReselectionAdaptation lowerBound 1

qHystDelta 1

sNonIntraSearchDelta 1

sNonIntraSearchPDelta 1

sNonIntraSearchQDelta 1

threshServingLowDelta 1

threshServingLowQDelta 1

upperBound 1

CellSelectionReselectionConf autoReselectMinInterval 1

autoReselectValueTagChange 1

weightDlPrbCell 1

weightDlPrbEnb 1

weightUlPrbCell 1

weightUlPrbEnb 1

L115204Enhanced measurement parametersupport for mobility ActivationService isEnhancedMeasurementParametersEnabled 1

RrcMeasurementConf cpichEcn0OffsetForOtherGbrCalls 1

cpichEcn0OffsetForVoIPCalls 1

cpichRscpOffsetForOtherGbrCalls 1

cpichRscpOffsetForVoIPCalls 1

lowToMediumPriorityThreshold 1

mediumToHighPriorityThreshold 1pilotStrengthOffsetForOtherGbrCalls 1

rsrpOffsetOnNeighborCellForOtherGbrCalls 1

rsrpOffsetOnNeighborCellForVoIPCalls 1

rsrpOffsetOnServingCellForOtherGbrCalls 1

rsrpOffsetOnServingCellForVoIPCalls 1

rsrqOffsetOnNeighborCellForOtherGbrCalls 1

rsrqOffsetOnNeighborCellForVoIPCalls 1

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support for mobility RrcMeasurementConf rsrqOffsetOnServingCellForOtherGbrCalls 1

rsrqOffsetOnServingCellForVoIPCalls 1

rssiOffsetForOtherGbrCalls 1

rssiOffsetForVoIPCalls 1

timeOffsetForLowPriorityCarriers 1

timeOffsetForMediumPriorityCarriers 1

L115217eNB Class Parameter ChangeImprovements CellL1L2ControlChannelsConf pDCCHCQIToSINRLookUpTable 1

CellRachConf maximumNumberOfDLTransmisionsRACHMessage4 1

CellRadioConf cQIToSINRLookUpTable 1dlMCSTransitionTable 1

numberofULmeasurementsNeededForSendingValidTPCCommandForPUSCHdynamicMode 1

pathLossAveragingCoefficient 1

sEcorrInit 1

sEcorrMax 1

sEcorrMin 1

sEcorrStepForHigherBLER 1

sEcorrStepForLowerBLER 1

ulSyncTimer 1

uplinkSIRtargetValueForDynamicPUSCHscheduling 1

DownlinkMimo dlSinrThresholdBetweenCLMimoTwoLayersAndOneLayer 1

dlSinrThresholdBetweenOLMimoAndTxDiv 1

DynamicCoverageMgmt cellShrinkForOamBarring 1

cellShrinkForS1LinksOutage 1

Enb cellBarringHysteresisTimer 1

LteCell cellBarred 1

MbmsBearerService plmnMobileCountryCode 1

plmnMobileNetworkCode 1

MbsfnSubframeAllocationPattern oneFrame 1

radioFrameAllocationOffset 1

radioFrameAllocationPeriod 1

PowerOffsetConfiguration referenceSignalPower 1

TrafficRadioBearerConf dataForwardingForX2HoEnabled 1

TxPowerDynamicRange maxRefSigPower 1

minRefSigPower 1ULPowerControlConf deltaPreambleMsg3 1

maxNoisePlusInterferenceLevelUL 1

minNoisePlusInterferenceLevelUL 1

L115219 eNB Soft Shutdown DynamicCoverageMgmt cellShrinkForCallsDraining 1

L115220 eNB US Time Zone Support for PM Files Enb timeZoneName 1

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L115221Support for SAM Provisioning of BetaParameters AntennaPort horizontalBeamwidth 1

verticalBeamwidth 1

CellAntennaPort ulAntennaGain 1

CpriRadioEquipment fruId 1

localCellPowerLimit 1

locationIdentifier 1

RadioCacEnb ueTimerNoOffload 1

Ret retSelfTest 1

retSoftwareFilename 1RetSubunit antennaCalibrate 1

antennaConfigFile 1

maxElectricalTilt 1

minElectricalTilt 1

Tma tmaSelfTest 1

tmaSoftwareFilename 1

TmaSubunit bypassMode 1

L115223 Inter-freq Load Balancing ActivationService isInterFreqLoadBalancingFeatureEnabled 1

Enb dlCellLoadedThreshold 1

ulCellLoadedThreshold 1

x2ResourceReportPeriodicity 1

x2ResourceStatusMaxOverload 1

RadioCacCell cellCapacityClass 1

dlPreventiveLoadControlThresholdOnStaticPrb 1

ulPreventiveLoadControlThresholdOnStaticPrb 1

RadioCacEnb arpThresholdForPreventiveLoadControl 1

maxNbrOfUsersImpactedByPreventiveLoadControl 1

preventiveLoadControlHysteresisTimer 1

L115225 EUTRAN Standard Alignment AccessBarring accessBarringCsfbStatus 1

AccessBarringForCsfb accessBarringTime 1

accessClass11Barring 1

accessClass12Barring 1

accessClass13Barring 1

accessClass14Barring 1

accessClass15Barring 1

accessProbabilityFactor 1

Enb Spare8 1ReportConfigUTRA reportQuantityUtraFddR10 1

RrcMeasurementConf measurementIdentityConfIdList 1

UeTimers extendedWaitTimeDueToENB 1

extendedWaitTimeDueToMME 1

L115227 EUTRAN Standard Alignment ActivationService isUseCommonIEsForUeConfigReleaseEnabled 1

L115233 eNB SW Capacity Targets CellL1ULConf initPUCCHSRSConfigProfile 1

minPucchConfigLifeTime 1

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L115233 eNB SW Capacity Targets CellL1ULConf pucchReconfigPaceTimer 1

OverloadControl inactivityTimerToSkipHODataForwarding 1

RadioCacCell maxNbOfDataBearersPerCell 1

maxNbrOfDataBearersPerQciGroup 1

maxNbrOfUsers 1

maxNbrOfVoip 1

RadioCacEnb maxNbOfDataBearersPerEnodeB 1

maxNumberOfCallPerEnodeB 1

TrafficBasedReleaseConf inactivityTimerToRejectInComingHOInCCMOverload 1

inactiv ityTimerToReleaseOutGoingHOInCCMOver load 1L115233.1 eNB SW Capacity Targets CellL2ULConf doNotForceVoIPusersToLowerBler 1

isVoIpSegmentationHandlingEnabled 1

CellRadioConf tAFailureTimer 1

uEFailureReportRepetitionTimer 1

L1152342 ethernet port: eUTRAN sharing andQOS forwarding defence OverloadControl thrForPOToSkipHODataForwarding 1

L115239Voice Over LTE for CommercialLaunches EnbVoipConf speechActivityObservationWindow 1

L115239.1Voice Over LTE for CommercialLaunches DownlinkSemiPersistentSchedulingConf spsHARQProcessReuseForDSWhenSPSActivated 1

spsHARQProcessReuseForDSWhenSPSReleased 1

spsMACMultiplexingAllowed 1

tBScombinationMethodSPSDl 1

UplinkSemiPersistentSchedulingConf maxSPSgrantActivationQueueSizeUl 1

maxVoIPdataRateForSPSactivationUl 1

L115241Overload Control Evolutions & QoSDifferentiation on eNB Backplane OverloadControl intraEnbHoReqRejectRateMajor 1

intraEnbHoReqRejectRateMinor 1

majorOutThresholdForPO 1

majorThresholdForPO 1

minorOutThresholdForPO 1

minorThresholdForPO 1

ovLevelForANRInhibition 1

ovLevelForCTInhibition 1

ovLevelForDDTInhibition 1

ovLevelForDTInhibition 1

ovLevelForPCMDInhibition 1ovLevelForS1TraceStartAction 1

ovLevelForX2ENBConfUpdAction 1

ovLevelForX2SetupReqAction 1

rrcCnxReestabRejectRateMajor 1

rrcCnxReestabRejectRateMinor 1

rrcCnxReqRejectRateMajor 1

rrcCnxReqRejectRateMinor 1

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Differentiation on eNB Backplane OverloadControl rrcCnxReqWaitTimeMajor 1

rrcCnxReqWaitTimeMinor 1

s1HoReqRejectRateMajor 1

s1HoReqRejectRateMinor 1

s1PagingIgnoreRateMajor 1

s1PagingIgnoreRateMinor 1

s1RabModifyReqRejectRateMajor 1

s1RabModifyReqRejectRateMinor 1

s1RabSetupReqRejectRateMajor 1

s1RabSetupReqRejectRateMinor 1x2HoReqRejectRateMajor 1

x2HoReqRejectRateMinor 1

L115242eUTRAN Sharing: enhanced MOCN(either shared or dedicated spectrum) LicensingMngtSystem maxNbPlmnForMocnLicense 1

RadioCacCellPerPlmn reservedDlPrbPercentage 1

reservedNbOfDataBearers 1

reservedNbrOfDataBearersPerQciGroup 1

reservedNbrOfUsers 1

reservedUlPrbPercentage 1

ReactiveLoadControlActionForBearerAdmission plmnId 1

L115244GWCN configuration (with shared MME)for eUtran Sharing LicensingMngtSystem maxNbPlmnForGwcnLicense 1

L115262eMBMS Trial with distributed MCE(integrated in eNB) ActivationService isMceDistributedModeEnabled 1

LteCell isMBMSBearerServiceCountingAllowed 1

Mce mceName 1

MceMbsfnArea dlSinr 1

mbmsServiceAreaIdList 1

mbsfnAreaName 1

mbsfnAreaPartitionRfList 1

mbsfnAreaPartitionSfList 1

mcchRepetitionPeriod 1

minMchSchedulingPeriod 1

sib13NonMBSFNregionLength 1

useOfPooledSf 1

MceMbsfnSynchroArea hetNetMacroBlankingPatternDL 1mbsfnAreaPooledRfList 1

mbsfnAreaPooledSfList 1

mbsfnAreaSynchroPatternRfList 1

mbsfnAreaSynchroPatternSfList 1

mbsfnSynchroAreaName 1

spsFavor 1

MceSupportedQci mchSchedulingPeriod 1

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(integrated in eNB) MceSupportedQci packetErrorLossRate 1

PerformanceManagement mceReported 1

L115295Band Class 25 (PCS) LTE eNodeBConfigurations in LA5.0 CellAntennaPort antennaPortId 1

rxPath 1

txPath 1


Support of Auto PCI for up to 9 cells pereNB and up to 6 sectors per siteconfigurations ActivationService isSonPci6Sectors9CellsEnabled 1

LteCell pciMod3Maintained 1

L115361RLF monitoring and recoveryimprovement (Step 1) ActivationService isRlfMonitoringAllowed 1

LteCell hoReportTimer 1

L115393LTE to UTRAN (FDD) small cell mobilitysupport ActivationService isMobilityToUtranOpenSmallCellEnabled 1

PerformanceManagement mobilityToUtranOpenSmallCellReported 1

RncAccess isSmallCellGateway 1

UtraFddNeighboringSmallCellLayerRelation pciUtraFddForOpenSmallCellList 1

rncAccessId 1

userLabel 1

voiceOverIpCapability 1

L115401Nine cells (one frequency) support onthree modems ActivationService isIncrementalSectorEnabled 1

Enb pRachIndexAlgorithm 1

L115435.1eNB support of OTDOA HearabilityEnhancement (Trial ) ActivationService isGeoLocPhaseSyncAllowed 1

isOtdoaHearabilityEnhancementAllowed 1

CellRachConf rachMsg2NumberOfRB 1

rachMsg2StartRB 1

ClockSync sfnSyncOption 1

L115436.1RACH Format 2 Phase I (Tracking FIDfor eCEM) CellRachConf raResponseWindowSize 1

L115458Connected Mode mobility enhanced forreserved cells ActivationService isHoRetryToSecondBestCellAllowed 1

isIncomingHoToReservedCellBasedOnSpidAllowed 1

PlmnIdentity spidAllowedInReservedCells 1

L115527eMBMS trial support (eMBMS servicesconfigured by OAM command) LteCell mbmsExcessDataThrHigh 1

mbmsExcessDataThrLow 1

mbmsPacketLossThrHigh 1

mbmsPacketLossThrLow 1

Mbms isMbmsTrafficAllowed 1

MbmsBearerService guaranteedBitRate 1

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configured by OAM command) MbmsBearerService qCI 1

syncPeriodDuration 1

syncPeriodOffset 1

MbsfnArea sib13NonMBSFNregionLength 1

Mce mcchModificationPeriod 1

MceMbsfnArea sib13SignalingMCS 1

PowerOffsetConfiguration port4PowerOffset 1

SysInfoConf sib13SchedulingClass 1


4Rx Receive Diversity over 5MHz BW

FDD (Tracking FID for eCEM) LteCell numberOfULAntennas 1

L115616Support for dual-band eNodeB with twomodems ActivationService isDualCarrierEnabled 1

L115644Bearer Characteristics onlinemodifications ActivationService isQciArpOnLineModificationEnabled 1

PerformanceManagement qciArpOnLineModificationReported 1

L115647.1 VoLTE Friendly User Trial solution EnbVoipConf defaultCodecforVoIPServiceUl 1

overrideS1GBRinfoForVoIP 1

L115657Compatibility check betweenconfiguration and modem card ENBEquipment expectedModemType 1

L115670Tunable Antenna Path Delay betweenRadio (RRH/TRDU) and DAS CellActivationService isDasDelayEnabled 1

L115685 Mobility enhancement for VoIP service TaiListNotSupportingImsVoip plmnMobileCountryCode 1plmnMobileNetworkCode 1

trackingAreaCode 1

L115686Scheduler improvements for VoLTEcapacity CellL2DLConf fdsAllocationType1Activation 1

fdsAllocationType2DistributedActivation 1

voIPAllocationType1Activation 1

voIPAllocationType2DistributedActivation 1

voIPPerPRBAllocationActivation 1

CellL2ULConf isDynamicManagementOfSPSresourceEnabled 1

isOnePRBMCS6forUplinkSPSgrantsAllowed 1

onePRBMCS6forUplinkSPSgrantsminTBsize 1

onePRBMCS6forUplinkSPSgrantsSINRthreshold 1

sPSprioMetricTableMaskStartPositionUl 1sPSprioMetricTableMaskStopPositionUl 1

sPSprioMetricTableMaskThresholdUL 1

DownlinkSemiPersistentSchedulingConf spsAllocationType1Activation 1

spsAllocationType2DistributedActivation 1

spsLinkAdaptationImprovementActivation 1

spsPdschPowerControlActivation 1

spsPerPRBAllocationActivation 1

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capacity DownlinkSemiPersistentSchedulingConf spsVoIPDataRateMonitoringActivation 1

L115698Minimum bitrate enforcement for non-GBR ActivationService isNonGBRMinRateEnabled 1

EnbRadioConf dlActiveThroughputAverageCoefficient 1

dlNonGBRClippingFactor 1

marginForNonGbrMinRateEnforcement 1

ulActiveThroughputAverageCoefficient 1

ulMaxNonGbrQosWeight 1

PerformanceManagement nonGbrMinRateReported 1

TrafficRadioBearerConf dlMinThroughputTarget 1dlQoSMetricType 1

ulMinThroughputTarget 1

L115705 User velocity dependent Radio Mobility LteCell cellKind 1

PerformanceManagement intraFreqMobilityToOpenMetroCellMobilityToHeNBReported 1

intraFreqMobilityToOpenMetroCellReported 1

L115767RACH Improvements - RACH burstformat 3 support (up to 70 km radius) LteCell cellRadius 1

L115805 Overload Control Phase 3 OverloadControl accessClassBarringDefense 1

ecHighPriorityCallsFilteringCriticalOverload 1

mtAccessRrcCnxReqFilteredInOverload 1

s1PagingPriorityIndicationHandling 1L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 EnbVoipConf tBScombinationMethodUl 1

PerformanceManagement tTIBundlingReported 1

RrcMeasurementConf rssiOffsetForTtiBVoIPCalls 1

TTIBundlingConf gBRUlPrbConsumptionPerKbps 1

isContentionFreeRACHForTTIBundlingAllowed 1

isPRBMeasurementForTTIBundlingAllowed 1

isPUSCHType2HoppingOverTTIBundlingEnabled 1

isSPSoverTTIBundlingEnabled 1

maxHARQtxTTIbundling 1

maxNbrOfPreselectedTTIBundlingUsers 1

maxNbrOfTTIbundlingUsers 1

maxULVoIPdataRateForTTIBundling 1

minimumSINRForTTIBundlingSEComputation 1prbGrantSizeForTTIBundling 1

ttiBundlingActivationBLERthresh 1

ttiBundlingActivationLoadThresh 1

ttiBundlingBLERmeasurementPoints 1

ttiBundlingBLERwindowSize 1

ttiBundlingDeactivationBLERthresh 1

ttiBundlingMaxMCSforDS 1

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L115807 TTI Bundling phase 2 TTIBundlingConf ttiBundlingMaxMCSforSPS 1

ttiBundlingMinMCSforDS 1

ttiBundlingMinMCSforSPS 1

ttiBundlingNoSegmentationBLERthresh 1

tTIbundlingNotificationRepetitionTimer 1

ttiBundlingPRBdropThresh 1

ttiBundlingPRBdropTimer 1

ttiBundlingPRBpriorityOrder 1

ttiBundlingSegmentationBLERthresh 1

ttiBundlingSPSactivationBLERthresh 1ttiBundlingSPSDeactivationBLERthresh 1

uplinkLinkBudgetAlarmClearanceThreshold 1

uplinkLinkBudgetAlarmTimeToClear 1

uplinkLinkBudgetAlarmTimeToTrigger 1

uplinkLinkBudgetAlarmTriggerThreshold 1

L115808 Tri-carrier BBU ActivationService isTriCarrierEnabled 1

AntennaPort SectorID 1

FrequencyAndBandwidthFDD multiCarrierPriority 1

LteCell dedicatedConfId 1

enbRadioConfId 1

enbVoipConfId 1

sectorNumber 1

Mce latencySessionStart 1

L115820 Half Duplex FDD for Cassidian band LteCellFDD duplexMode 1MeasObjectEUTRA dlEARFCN 1

L115850 eCCM2-controlled introduction in FDD ENBEquipment expectedControllerType 1

L115852SON Intra-Frequency HandoverOptimisations MobilityRobustnessOpt attemptOppositeDirection 1

cioBeginAdjustThreshold 1

fasterSlowerMargin 1

minNeighborimbalance 1

MobilityRobustnessOptCell a3OffsetMax 1

a3OffsetMin 1

cioMax 1

cioMin 1

L115860 High Priority Access Admission Control ActivationService isHighPriorityAccessUserMgmtEnabled 1PerformanceManagement highPriorityAccessUserMgmtReported 1

mroIntraFreqReported 1

PlmnIdentity arpPriorityHighPriorityAccess 1

reactiveLoadControlAct ionForEcAndHpaAdmission 1

RadioCacCell nbOfContextsReservedForEcAndHpaCalls 1

L115929 eRAB Counter Enhancements EnbRadioConf rabInactivityTimer 1

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L115966Adaptation of automatic PCI assignmentto HetNet with Metrocells ActivationService isSonPciInterferenceReductionEnabled 1

AutomaticPhysicalCellIdentity interferenceMinMeasurements 1

interferenceThreshold 1

LteCell cellSiteNumber 1

L115970 eNB Self Commissioning Improvements OAMInterface provisionedEnbIdentifier 1

OamTransportConf emsFqdn 1

ProvisionedEmsAddressData emsIpv4Address 1

emsIpv6Address 1emsOamLinkInitPort 1

L116051Support of enhanced RRC Relesesredirection for CSFB to UTRAN ActivationService isCsfbEnhancedRedirectionEnabled 1

L116365 UE Category 4 Support ActivationService isUeCategory4Allowed 1

L76432 Scheduling Evolutions CellActivationService isulMIMOenabled 1

CellL2DLConf alphaFairnessFactor 1

CellRachConf rACHMessage3MCSIndex 1

rACHMessage3StartingPRBIndex 1

LteCell ul700MHzUpperCBlockEnabled 1

ULPowerControlConf accumulationEnabled 1

pUSCHPowerControlAlphaFactor 1

L76434 Layer 1 Evolutions CellRadioConf ulSyncSINROOStoSyncThreshold 1

ulSyncSINRsyncToOOSThreshold 1

L76494 Radio Load Noise Simulator LteCell loadTargetForOCNSonPDSCH 1

L76498EUTRAN-to-UTRAN Inter-RAT Mobility --Cell reselelction and Redirection CellReselectionConfUtraFdd cellReselectionPriority 1

pMaxUTRA 1

qQualMin 1

qRxLevMin 1

threshXHigh 1

threshXLow 1

LteSpeedDependentConf tReselectionEutraSfHigh 1

tReselectionEutraSfMedium 1

MeasObjectUTRA carrierFreq 1

RrcMeasurementConf filterCoefficientOfQuantityConfigUtra 1

measQuantityUtraFdd 1timeToTriggerSfHigh 1

timeToTriggerSfMedium 1

SpeedStateEvalConf nCellChangeHigh 1

nCellChangeMedium 1

qHystSfHigh 1

qHystSfMedium 1

tEvaluation 1

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Cell reselelction and Redirection SpeedStateEvalConf tHystNormal 1

UeTimers t320 1

UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf bandUtraFdd 1

carrierFreq 1

UtraNeighboring tReselectionUtra 1

UtraSpeedDependentConf tReselectionUtraSfHigh 1

tReselectionUtraSfMedium 1

L76499.1 LTE and 1xRTT cell reselection CellReselectionConf1xRtt cellReselectionPriority 1

threshXHigh 1

threshXLow 1OneXRttBandClassConf bandClass 1

OneXRttNeighboring oneXRttInfoConfigured 1

tReselectionCdma1xRtt 1

OneXRttNeighboringPerCarrier frequency 1

pnOffsetList 1

OneXRttSpeedDependentConf tReselection1xRttSfHigh 1

tReselection1xRttSfMedium 1

L76500 Lossless Intra-LTE Mobility PdcpConf pdcpDlLosslessBufferLife 1

pdcpStatusReportEnable 1

pdcpUlDuplicateDetectionWindow 1

timerRlcEndMarker 1

L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance CellL1ULConf dsrTransMax 1

groupAssignmentPUSCH 1

ulRSCyclicShift 1CellL2DLConf pagingForceMCSmin 1

CellL2ULConf dlPathlossChangeForPHRreporting 1

periodicBSRtimer 1

periodicPHRtimer 1

prohibitPHRtimer 1

retxBSRtimer 1

timeAlignmentTimerCommon 1

timeAlignmentTimerDedicated 1

CellRachConf prachFrequencyOffset 1

rachMsg2ForceMCSmin 1


FrequencyAndBandwidthFDD dlBandwidth 1

LogicalChannelConf p0UePUSCH 1LteCell additionalSpectrumEmission 1

srsEnabled 1

RlcAmConf maxRetxThresholddownlink 1

maxRetxThresholduplink 1

PollByteDownlink 1

PollByteUplink 1

pollPDUDownlink 1

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L76501 3GPP Standard Compliance RlcAmConf pollPDUUplink 1

timerStatusProhibitDownlink 1

timerStatusProhibitUplink 1

timerTpollRetransmitDownlink 1

timerTpollRetransmitUplink 1

timerTreorderingDownlink 1

timerTreorderingUplink 1

RlcUmConf sNfieldLengthDownlink 1

sNfieldLengthUplink 1

timerTreorderingDownlink 1timerTreorderingUplink 1

SignalingRadioBearerConf logicalChannelbucketSizeDurationUL 1

logicalChannelPrioritizedBitRateUL 1

logicalChannelPriorityUL 1

TrafficRadioBearerConf logicalChannelbucketSizeDurationUL 1

logicalChannelPrioritizedBitRateUL 1

ULPowerControlConf deltaFPUCCHFormat1 1

deltaFPUCCHFormat1b 1

p0NominalPUCCH 1

p0NominalPUSCH 1

p0uePUCCH 1

pSRSOffset 1

sIRTargetforReferencePUCCHFormat 1

L78706 eNB Platform OA&M AntennaPort assignedTransceiverPort 1ENBEquipment aliasName 1

userSpecificInfo 1

L80279 Downlink Transmit Schemes for LA1.0 CodebookSubsetRestriction n2TxAntennaTm4OneLayerCodebook0 1

n2TxAntennaTm4OneLayerCodebook1 1

n2TxAntennaTm4OneLayerCodebook2 1

n2TxAntennaTm4OneLayerCodebook3 1

n2TxAntennaTm4TwoLayersCodebook1 1

n2TxAntennaTm4TwoLayersCodebook2 1

DownlinkMimo dlMIMODefaultCodeBook 1

LteCellFDD transmissionMode 1


Automatic Neighbour Relation

Configuration and Optimisation AutomaticNeighborRelation dormantPhaseTimerForCgiDiscovery 1LteIntraFrequencyAnr activePhaseMeasReportHysteresis 1

activePhaseMeasReportThreshold 1

drxCycleForReportCGI 1

LteNeighboringCellRelation cellIndividualOffset 1

macroEnbId 1

noRemove 1

relativeCellIdentity 1

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Configuration and Optimisation LteNeighboringCellRelation trackingAreaCode 1

X2Access macroEnbId 1

noRemove 1

noX2 1

noX2HO 1

plmnMobileCountryCode 1

plmnMobileNetworkCode 1


LTE-to-HRPD Mobility -- cell reselectionand redirection with no eHRPD

measurement HrpdBandClassConf bandClass 1HrpdNeighboring hrpdPreRegAllowed 1

tReselectionCdmaHrpd 1

HrpdNeighboringPerCarrier frequency 1

LteCell searchWindowSizeSIB8 1

L84807EUTRA-to-GERAN Inter-RAT Mobility --Cell Reselection and Redirection CellReselectionConfGERAN cellReselectionPriority 1

nccPermitted 1

pMaxGeran 1

qRxLevMin 1

threshXHigh 1

threshXLow 1

CellReselectionConfLte cellReselectionPriority 1

CellSelectionReselectionConf sNonIntraSearch 1

threshServingLow 1GeranNeighboring tReselectionGERAN 1

GeranNeighboringFreqsConf bandGERAN 1

GeranARFCNList 1

GeranSpeedDependentConf tReselectionGERANSfHigh 1

tReselectionGERANSfMedium 1

LteCell cellSize 1

MeasObjectGERAN bandGERAN 1

GeranARFCNList 1

RrcMeasurementConf filterCoefficientOfQuantityConfigGERAN 1

measQuantityGERAN 1

L84815 Single antenna transmit scheme CellActivationService isSyncSignalsDiversityAllowed 1

LteCellFDD numberOfDLAntennas 1

L84816 Support group hopping for PUCCH andPUSCH ActivationService groupHoppingEnabled 1

L84872Downlink control channel optimization(PDCCH, PHICH, PCFICH) CellL1L2ControlChannelsConf cFI1Allowed 1

cFI2Allowed 1

cFI3Allowed 1

cFIIncreaseTimer 1

cFIThreshold1 1

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(PDCCH, PHICH, PCFICH) CellL1L2ControlChannelsConf cFIThreshold2 1

dynamicCFIEnabled 1

pdcchAggregationLevelForCRNTIGrantsInCommonSearchSpace 1

pdcchAggregationLevelForNonCRNTIGrantsInCommonSearchSpace 1

L84873Uplink control channel optimization(PUCCH & SRS) CellRadioConf pUCCHFormat1xDMRSpowerAveragingCoefficient 1

pUCCHFormat2xDMRSpowerAveragingCoefficient 1

ulMCSTransitionTableForLargePUSCHGrants 1ulMCSTransitionTableForSmallPUSCHGrants 1

ulMCSTransitionTablePRBsizeThreshold 1

ULPowerControlConf deltaFPUCCHFormat2 1

deltaFPUCCHFormat2a 1

deltaFPUCCHFormat2b 1


Enhancement of LTE-to-HRPD Mobility -redirection with eHRPD measurement(Restricted test for Single Receiver UE) ActivationService isHrpdMeasBasedRedirAllowed 1

isMobilityToHrpdAllowed 1

isSynchCDMASystemTimeAllowed 1

CellReselectionConfHrpd cellReselectionPriority 1

HrpdNeighboring hrpdInfoConfigured 1

MeasObjectCDMA2000 carrierFreq 1cdma2000Type 1

offsetFreq 1

searchWindowSize 1

ReportConfigCDMA2000 maxReportCells 1

reportAmount 1

reportInterval 1

thresholdCDMA2000 1

timeToTrigger 1

triggerTypeInterRAT 1

RrcMeasurementConf measQuantityCDMA2000 1

L85004UE Emission control in 700MHz Upper Cblock (option 1) EnbRadioConf aMPRappliedToSRS 1

PHRthresholdFor700MHzZoneA 1PHRthresholdFor700MHzZoneB1 1

PHRthresholdFor700MHzZoneB2 1

PHRthresholdFor700MHzZoneC 1

L90852 (blank) CellRachConf rachMsg4ForceMCSmin 1

L90853 Frequency diverse scheduling CellL2DLConf fDSOnly 1

fdsPerPRBAllocationActivation 1

CellL2ULConf deltaNbrUserThrFDS 1

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L90853 Frequency diverse scheduling CellL2ULConf deltaSinrThrFSS 1

maxNbrULFSUsers 1

nbrUserThrFDS 1

sinrThrFSS 1

ulSchedulerMode 1

CellRadioConf aperiodicCQIrankAveragingCoefficient 1

highMobilityDopplerUplinkThr 1

lowMobilityDopplerUplinkThr 1

mCScorrectionForSmallULPackets 1

periodicRIrankAveragingCoefficient 1smallPktHPuschPowerMargin 1

smallPktPuschPRBThr 1

EnbRadioConf minMCSwithPCQI 1


CS Fallback to 1XRTT for Voice Calls--Dual receiver UE Standard basedsolution ActivationService isCsfbTo1xRttForDRxUEallowed 1

Enb idle1xCsfbForDualRxUE 1

L92025CS Fallback to UTRA(WCDMA) forVoice Calls ActivationService isCsFallbackToUtraAllowed 1

MeasObjectUTRA offsetFreqUTRA 1

ReportConfigUTRA maxReportCells 1

reportAmount 1

reportInterval 1

timeToTrigger 1triggerTypeInterRAT 1

L92026 CS Fallback to GERAN for Voice Calls ActivationService isCsFallbackToGeranAllowed 1

isForcedDrxForCsFallbackAllowed 1

MeasObjectGERAN nccPermitted 1

offsetFreqGERAN 1

ReportConfigGERAN maxReportCells 1

reportAmount 1

reportInterval 1

timeToTrigger 1

triggerTypeInterRAT 1

L92038 Enhanced eNB 9326 LA2.0 Sw Capacity CellRachConfFDD rACHMessage3NumberOfPRBs 1L92073 Synchronization: SyncE ClockSync clockSyncSourcePriorityList 1

syncEClockEnable 1

L92076 Synchronization: 1588V2 ClockSync ptpClientEnable 1

L92079EUTRAN Standard Alignment on 3GPPRel8 Dec09 CellReselectionConfHrpd threshXHigh 1

threshXLow 1

ReportConfigCDMA2000 hysteresis 1

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Rel8 Dec09 ReportConfigCDMA2000 thresholdEutraRsrpB2 1

thresholdEutraRsrqB2 1

ReportConfigEUTRA threshold2EutraRsrp 1

threshold2EutraRsrq 1

thresholdEutraRsrp 1

thresholdEutraRsrq 1

ReportConfigGERAN hysteresis 1

thresholdEutraRsrpB2 1

thresholdEutraRsrqB2 1

thresholdGeran 1ReportConfigUTRA hysteresis 1

thresholdEutraRsrpB2 1

thresholdEutraRsrqB2 1

thresholdUtraEcN0 1

thresholdUtraRscp 1

RrcMeasurementConf sMeasure 1

L92091 CAll Admission Evolutions RadioCacCell badUeSinrThreshold 1

dlMinBitRateForBE 1

goodUeSinrThreshold 1

overheadForUeInBadRadioCondition 1

periodMeasForUeRadioCondition 1

ulMinBitRateForBE 1


LTE mobilty enhancements (dormancy

timer enhancement) TrafficBasedReleaseConf timeToTrigger 1timeToTriggerSRB2 1

L92095QCI & QCI Parameters For EnhancedScheduling Decisions CellL1ULConfFDD cqiReportingModeAperiodic 1

SignalingRadioBearerConf sRBIdentity 1

TrafficRadioBearerConf logicalChannelPriorityDL 1

packetDelayBudget 1

qCI 1

trafficRadioBearerConfName 1

L92126 SRVCC Support to UTRAN-FDD/TDD ActivationService isSrvccToUtraAllowed 1

RncAccess srvccType 1

SrvccToUtraTimersConf tS1RelocOverallForSrvccHandoverToUtra 1

tS1RelocPrepForSrvccHandoverToUtra 1

UtraFddNeighboringCellrelation voiceOverIpCapability 1

L92127Commercial Mobile Alert System(CMAS) support ActivationService isCmasEnabled 1

LteCell emergencyAreaIdList 1

SysInfoConf sib12SchedulingClass 1

L92483Up to 8 Concurrent Data Radio Bearersper User RadioCacEnb maxNbOfDataBearersPerUe 1

SignalingRadioBearerConf logicalChannelGroupUL 1

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L92483 per User SignalingRadioBearerConf macInitialMCSIndexForBearerSetupDl 1

macMIMOModeDl 1

TrafficRadioBearerConf logicalChannelGroupUL 1

logicalChannelPriorityUL 1

macInitialMCSIndexForBearerSetupDl 1

macMIMOModeDl 1

L92633 Capacity Licensing Impact in eNB RadioCacCell dlOverheadConsumption 1

dlPRBconsumptionPerKbps 1

dlSigConsumption 1

ulOverheadConsumption 1ulPRBconsumptionPerKbps 1

ulSigConsumption 1

L92638Ciphering & Integrity Protection ForRadio Interface PlmnIdentity allowedCipheringAlgorithmList 1

allowedIntegrityProtectionAlgorithmList 1

L92639RACH Improvements - RACH burstformat 2 support CellActivationService pRACHPreambleFormat 1

L92645Subscriber & Equipment TraceEnhancements CTg callTraceSessionName 1

iratHOThreshold 1

isRRCTraced 1

isS1MMETraced 1

isTraceActive 1

isX2Traced 1listOfTracedCells 1

rrcReestablishmentThreshold 1

traceDepth 1

traceId 1

trafficThreshold 1

SubscAndEquipmentTraces isSignBasedCTEnabled 1

tceIpAddress 1

tceUdpPort 1

L92646 eNB Per Call Measurement Data ActivationService isPCMDEnabled 1

L92801 Symmetrical 1.4MHz FDD BdW Mgt CellL2DLConf pDCCHPowerControlMaxPowerDecrease 1

pDCCHPowerControlMaxPowerIncrease 1

L92801.1 Symmetrical 1.4MHz FDD BdW Mgt CellRachConfFDD rachPeriodicity 1

L92805 Symmetrical 3MHz FDD BdW Mgt CellL1ULConf srsBandwidthConfiguration 1L93270 Measurement Gaps Management ActivationService isMeasurementGapsAllowed 1

RrcMeasurementConf measurementGapsPattern 1

L96293 Support OCNS on PDCCH LteCell loadTargetForOCNSonPDCCH 1

L96371EUTRA-to-GERAN Inter-RAT Mobility --NACC ActivationService isGeranCcoAllowed 1

isMobilityToGeranAllowed 1

BscAccess naccTimersConfId 1

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L96371 NACC BscAccess plmnMobileCountryCode 1

plmnMobileNetworkCode 1

rimForNaccEnabled 1

GeranNeighboringCellRelation arfcn 1

baseStationColorCode 1

bscAccessId 1

ci 1

networkColorCode 1

networkControlOrder 1

rac 1NaccTimersConf timeToWaitForEnbDirectInfoTransfer 1

tMobilityFromEutraCCO 1

tS1EnbDirectInfoTransferTrir 1

UeTimers t304CellChangeOrder 1

L96372EUTRAN-to-UTRAN (WCDMA) Inter-RAT Mobility -- PS Handover ActivationService isMobilityToUtranAllowed 1

isPsHoToUtraAllowed 1

PsHoToUtraTimersConf tS1RelocOverallForPsHandoverToUtra 1

tS1RelocPrepForPsHandoverToUtra 1

RncAccess rncId 1

UtraFddNeighboringCellrelation cId 1

lac 1

rac 1

L96759 Self Configuration of eNB Phase2 ActivationService isEnbSelfConfigAllowed 1

L96760eNB Configuration UpdateEnhancements ActivationService isIntraFreqMobilityAllowed 1

isTrafficBasedContextReleaseAllowed 1

isUtraDataForwardingAllowed 1

CellReselectionConfLte tReselectionEUTRAN 1

CellSelectionReselectionConf qRxLevMin 1

qRxlevminoffset 1

sIntraSearch 1

LteCell lteCellPositionLatitude 1

lteCellPositionLongitude 1

MeasObjectEUTRA offsetFreq 1

MeasurementIdentityConf measObjectLink 1

reportConfigLink 1RadioCacEnb cchSelfLearningCoef 1

ReportConfig reportConfigId 1

ReportConfigEUTRA eventA3Offset 1

triggerTypeEUTRA 1

RrcMeasurementConf filterCoefficientRSRP 1

filterCoefficientRSRQ 1

TrafficBasedReleaseConf rrcOnlyCnxLifeTime 1

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L96760 Enhancements UeTimers t302 1

t304 1

L97014 RLC-PDCP Flow Control PdcpConf pdcpFlowControlTimerTp 1

pdcpLosslessBufferCongestionEventTriggerProhibitTimer 1

TrafficRadioBearerConf pdcpDlLosslessBufferCoefficients 1

pdcpDlSourceS1BufferCoefficients 1

pdcpDlTargetDataForwardingBufferCoefficients 1

pdcpDlTargetS1BufferCoefficients 1

pdcpLosslessBufferHigherThreshold 1pdcpLosslessBufferLowerThreshold 1

pdcpUlTargetS1BufferCoefficients 1

rlcDiscardTimerEnb 1

rlcPdcpFlowControlEnabled 1

rlcSduBufferCoefficients 1

rlcSduBufferHigherThreshold 1

rlcSduBufferLowerThreshold 1

L97084.1eNB Synchronization support forOTDOA (Trial) ClockSync gpsClockEnable 1

gpsModeSelect 1

L97919 UL Fractional Power Control Integration ULPowerControlConf filterCoefficient 1

pathLossNominal 1

L97933Dynamic SysInfo Modification under CellParameter Change AccessBarring accessBarringForEmergencyCalls 1

accessBarringStatus 1

AccessBarringForOriginatingCalls accessBarringTime 1

accessClass11Barring 1

accessClass12Barring 1

accessClass13Barring 1

accessClass14Barring 1

accessClass15Barring 1

accessProbabilityFactor 1

AccessBarringForSignaling accessBarringTime 1

accessClass11Barring 1

accessClass12Barring 1

accessClass13Barring 1

accessClass14Barring 1

accessClass15Barring 1

accessProbabilityFactor 1

CellSelectionReselectionConf intraFrequencyReselection 1

qHyst 1

LteCell trackingAreaCode 1

LteNeighboringFreqConf measurementBandwidth 1

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L97933 Parameter Change UeTimers n310 1

n311 1

t300 1

t301 1

t310 1

t311 1

L97980 Improvements Over S1 ActivationService isS1EnhancementsAllowed 1

L97981 LTE Handover Optimization S1HoTimersConf endFwdData 1


4Rx Receive Diversity over 10MHz BW

FDD CellRachConf pRACHDetectFalseAlarmProb 1rachPfaTolerance 1

rachThresholdAdjScaleFactor 1

rachThresholdMaxControl 1

L98840 Up to 4 Simultaneous Bearers per User EnbRadioConf enforceAMBRvalues 1


Inter-eNodeB S1 Handover with MME &SGW Relocation f or Inter-region/vendorMobility S1HoTimersConf tS1RelocOverallForS1Handover 1

tS1RelocPrepForS1Handover 1

TrafficRadioBearerConf dataForwardingForS1HoEnabled 1

X2Access directFwdPathAvailability 1


Performance Counter ManagementSupport on eNB (FDD – TDD common

part only PerformanceManagement customerSpare1Reported 1customerSpare2Reported 1

T115165ANR Advanced requirements -Controlled mode in SON Supervisor PerformanceManagement enhancedAnrReported 1

T115169Auto PCI Advanced Requirements -Controlled mode in SON Supervisor AutomaticPhysicalCellIdentity pciAllowedList 1

(blank) (blank) ActivationService isTurningRadioOffOnS1FailureEnabled 1

CellL1L2ControlChannelsConf cFI 1

pdcchAggregationLevelForUESearchSpace 1

s inrThresholdForCommonOrUEspec if icSearchSpace 1

CellL2DLConf nomPdschRsEpreOffset 1

pDCCHPowerControlActivation 1

CellL2ULConf maxHARQtx 1

ulSchedPropFairAlphaFactor 1

CellRachConf contentionFreeRACHenabled 1

highSpeedFlag 1

macContentionResolutionTimer 1

numberOfRAPreambles 1

preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower 1

preambleTransMax 1

preambleTransmitPowerStepSize 1

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(blank) (blank) CellRachConf rABackoff 1

rootSequenceIndex 1

CellRachConfFDD maxHARQmsg3Tx 1

CellRadioConf sRSpowerForULSyncAveragingCoefficient 1

CellReselectionConfLte pMax 1

CellSelectionReselectionConf pMax 1

DownlinkMimo dlSinrThresholdBetweenCLMimoOneLayerAndTxDiv 1

Enb autoResetTimer 1

defaultPagingCycle 1

eNBname 1modeConf 1

radioOffHysteresisTimer 1

s1APinitUeMsgTimer 1

s1APProcedureDefenseTimer 1

Spare13 1

Spare7 1

ueContextMaxLifeTime 1

x2APProcedureDefenseTimer 1

ENBEquipment equipmentKind 1

pmcGranularityPeriod 1

templateVersion 1

EnbRadioConf energyMetricSelect 1

maxNbrOfUsersForStretchingPHlimit 1

maxNumberOfMPEiterations 1noisePowerAveragingCoefficientForULMIMO 1

noiseVarianceMetricSelect 1

ExternalPlmnIdentity plmnMobileCountryCode 1

plmnMobileNetworkCode 1

FrequencyAndBandwidthFDD dlEARFCN 1

resourceBlockPersistentAreaEnd 1

resourceBlockPersistentAreaStart 1


L1MeasurementConf L1NoiseAveragingCoefficient 1

l1SpeedCFOandSignalPowerAveragingCoefficient 1

l1TimingAdvanceAveragingCoefficient 1

LteCell cellDLTotalPower 1

cellIndividualOffset 1

gpsFrameOffset 1

modificationPeriodCoeff 1

nB 1

pci 1

presenceAntennaPort1 1

Spare4 1

LteNeighboringCellRelation pci 1

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(blank) (blank) LteNeighboringCellRelation userLabel 1

PerformanceManagement customerSpare3Reported 1

customerSpare4Reported 1

customerSpare5Reported 1

spare3Reported 1

spare4Reported 1

spare5Reported 1

PowerOffsetConfiguration paOffsetPdsch 1

pBCHPowerOffset 1

pbOffsetPdsch 1pCFICHPowerOffset 1

pDCCHPowerOffsetSymbol1 1

pDCCHPowerOffsetSymbol2and3 1

pHICHPowerOffset 1

phichResource 1

primarySyncSignalPowerOffset 1

secondarySyncSignalPowerOffset 1

RlcAmConf pollTriggerTpollRetransmitDownlink 1

unansweredDownlinkPollCountMax 1

RncAccess plmnMobileCountryCode 1

plmnMobileNetworkCode 1

userLabel 1

SignalingRadioBearerConf macBOperiodicIncreaseEnabledUl 1

macBOPeriodicIncreasePeriodUl 1macHARQMaxNumberOfTransmissionDl 1

macHARQMaxTimerDl 1

signalingRadioBearerConfName 1

TrafficRadioBearerConf macBOperiodicIncreaseEnabledUl 1

macBOPeriodicIncreasePeriodUl 1

ULPowerControlConf InitialPowerHeadroomValue 1

maxSIRtargetForFractionalPowerCtrl 1

minSIRtargetForFractionalPowerCtrl 1

UtraFddNeighboringCellrelation userLabel 1

X2Access userLabel 1

Grand Total 1550