Made in Whittlesey 19/02/2010

Made in Whittlesey

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A book that utilised words and photographs to document a day spent traveling around my home town, recording the things that I have been brought up with with an outsider’s point of view.

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Made in Whittlesey


‘Made in Whittlesey’ is a book that utilised words and photographs to document a day spent traveling around my home town, looking at the things that I have been brought up with in an outsider’s point of view.

As a graphic design student, who has temporarily moved to Leeds for my studies, my visits back home are often in short periods, that make me appreciate the peace and lack of activity that happends in it. The contrast to a city lifestyle has made me realise the importance and liking for such a small

town that I was brought up in. Tempting me to reflect on the place that has inspired me. I didn’t want the book to ‘represent’ Whittlesey, but to simply offer people an idea of what the place is like through the use of photography and literature . I want the book to be quite pure and simple, therefore restricted myself to a time limit of a day to shoot, collect, organise and put the book together.

All photos from this book were phogotraphed in Whittlesey on Friday 19th February 2010

My answer to The Neighbourhood Project

12:59Location / In my room

One of my weaknesses is waking up in the morning, especially when I don’t have anything in particular to wake up for. In this case, reading week & being at home was the perfect excuse to have a lie in!

Didn’t wake up until almost 1:00 which was an improvement. Weather according to Google is ://

4°C Wind: SW at 8 mphHumidity: 70%

14:21Location / At my drive

Was much colder than I expected so decided to take the car instead of walking! On the way out, I decided it would be better to defrost the car first and this was what I saw while I was doing that; St Mary’s Church, brings back memories of going their during primary school for an event called the Christingle.

14:34Location / Wype Road Railway crossing

For those lucky enough not to be familiar with these, railway crossings are scattered around the area of Fenland district. Instead of having a bridge over them, we get these annoying crossings that is basically a traffic light for the train. This causes major traffic jams, wastes time, made me late for college so many times and pollutes the environment!

14:45Location / Station Road

Here’s me wasting 15 minutes to cross another railway crossing.

14:55Location / Ramsey Road

Regular sights of Whittlesey:Fields, Wind turbines & tall chimneys from the brick yard.

16:19Location / Somerfields

Our local Somerfields. Pretty much everyone of my age worked here at some point during their GCSEs/ Alevels.

16:24Location / Market Street

Whittlesey museum situated inMarket Street, passed this on the way back from Somerfields.

16:59Location / Briggate East

Went out cycling with my brother in hope to capture the more hidden and often forgotten parts of Whittlesey.

The snow from yesterday’s still evident.

17:11Location / Manor Leisure Centre field

17:17Location / Manor Leisure Centre park

Took a short break at the park, which was rather deserted.

17:29Location / St Mary’s Church

The day get’s dark by half 5, which pretty much forces my journey to an end. I could have got a tripod out but that wouldn’t showcase the town in it’s natural state. Basically, when it get’s dark that’s it. There is nothing to do, so we are forced to stay at home or go to the pub. I guess this is what I like about it, the traditional lifestyle of returning to a warm home to friends and family.

Contact/E / [email protected] / t-wan0811.blogspot.com

All rights are reserved © New York City 03/07/09

No part of this book may be used or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written per-mission from the creator.

The Neighbourhood Project submission by Tim Wan

Concept/A book that utilised words and photographs to document a day spent traveling around my home town, looking at the things that I have been brought up with in an outsider’s point of view.