THE WORLD 2013 Productivity and development Organizations Technology Methods Literature Planificación Productividad y Desarrollo M AKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE IN !


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Guatemala has a lot of resources to work with, but are we actually productive? This is a

question that is hard to answer because being productive involves more than creating articles or

things to sell. In fact, our country has its own resources that can be used to produce things, but

they’re not always treated as they should.

For instance, our country is located in

a privileged place in the world; we have the

fortune of enjoying of an excellent weather,

fertile lands, lots of rivers, a big variety of

animals and plants, and many other things.

However, the issue here is not about

the resources we have, but about the usage

we give to those things in order to make our

life better.

There are many projects that we

could mention in our country that are being

developed with the objective of overcoming the economic crisis. It is important to be informed on

how to make your projects be sustainable; it doesn’t matter if you are participating in a project or

if you are about to start one.

The first thing about the projects we have in our country is that sometimes they don’t take

into account the natural resources they use. Sometimes it’s ok to reevaluate what we do in order

to make things go better. It is better to modify our work, instead of running out of our main

resources. And the second thing that you need to know is the way in which you organize

everything. A project that wasn’t planned can’t be as productive as one that was carefully

premeditated. You should a: How can I take more advantage of this resource? Are we destroying

nature? Does my project help others? How can I improve it?

So, Guatemala is a productive country, but it could

be more than what it is now. We work as a big community,

thinking not only about ourselves, but also about the

future generations. It is important to keep in mind that if

we run out of natural resources, we will never be able to

buy them again. As a result, we should plan thinking of all

the things that we can do to make our life better without

compromising nature.

A beacon of a light of hope

Many people are in the pursuit of changes to make the world a better place to live

in. Therefore, organizations have been created to help and protect the

environment, and reduce poverty and violence rate in the world as well.

What are those organizations?

There are several organizations which help environment and to improve peoples’

life conditions; such as UNICEF and Greenpeace.

UNICEF (United Nations Children´s fund)

They are a world-wild

organization that helps

build a world where

the rights of every

child are realized.

They work with others to overcome the obstacles that poverty,

violence, disease and discrimination affect in some children´s life.

They also promote girls’ education, so they encourage them to

complete primary educations because education makes people be

better thinkers, better citizens, and better parents to their own



“Greenpeace exists because

this fragile Earth deserves a

voice. It needs solutions. It

needs change. It needs action!”

(Greenpeace organization)

They protect the environment

from issues that harm the

world, such as: climate change,

deforestation, toxic pollution,

nuclear, overfishing and

pollution of oceans, rivers,

lakes and seas.

They are in favor of agriculture

because Healthy food grown

with the environment- not

against it.

They are a non-governmental organization that protects and conserves

the environment by changing attitudes and behavior. So they promote

peace by: catalyzing an energy revolution, defending oceans, forests,

animals and plants.

Greenpeace is an organization that works in 40 countries across Europe,

Asia, America, Africa and the Pacific. In addition, they do not accept

donations from governments, but they let individual people and

foundations grants contribute.

As technology continues evolving, companies

and schools across the country are turning to use

technology to participate in virtual classrooms that

allow them to engage effectively, taking online


Nowadays, the demand of people immersed in

technology continues increasing due to the different

options that the online courses offer and the personal

needs that each person has. There are different reasons for

which people take online courses. Would you like to continue studying?, but you

don’t have time, you don’t know where to go or how to get to school. In these

times, this has been a problem for many people who want to continue studying

and become successful people.

Online courses are a form of flexibility, courses do

not require that people have to take courses in a

particular schedule. You won't be required to attend your

course at a certain time and this allows you to work on

your assignments when you have time. These courses are

available 24 hours a day, and cover many countries

worldwide. Of course if you have ever dreamed of studying several courses at

once, online courses are a good option that allows you to do so.

Online courses give you several options to choose, such as: crafts, scientific,

math, cooking, languages, art, culture and many more. Here are some examples

of companies offering these services: , Classer2Go, ieuonline, Teol, Udutu, Open

English. You can take these courses for free or you can pay for them through your

credit card. You will be able to obtain diplomas, technical engineering, and higher

degrees and engineering university degrees, graduate college or a Master's

degree online from accredited colleges and universities.

Technology have advanced so much that online classes will allow you to

perform daily activities, such as: work, take care of your children, clean the house,

and still get a great education. If you want to continue studying, what are you

waiting for? New technology is waiting for you. Hurry up and choose what you’d

like to study. Good luck in your new technology life.

Colonia el milagro, zona 6 de mixco, Guatemala.

An educated citizenry

In this hamlet there are three public schools and two private schools; it means that the percentage of literacy is high and that almost all children can have a qualified education. We also can say that there is skilled force because almost all these people have improved their skills and are hard workers; however, citizens have to deal with a hard currency: eight quetzales per dollar.

Decision making

This hamlet is part of the municipality of Mixco. The mayor that manages this hamlet is Otto Perez Leal son of the president of Guatemala. By knowing that we can say that the congress is working hand by hand with Mixco; but, are they really working hard to finish the violence of this hamlet? We expect them to be looking for the wellbeing of the people of this hamlet because they have suffered a lot at the hands of violence. A fact is that the mayor has a hospital, a police department and a firefighter's station that will help them in every emergency presented in their daily life, Is it the only thing that the mayor can do to make El Milagro a better place? Are they in hands of a technically trained people? We as part of the city have to think if the people that manage our hamlets are making empathetic decisions that will help us to improve and be better every day.

Quality of life

In this hamlet violence reigns, and violence make people have economical issues. This also make them have a low economic status, violence also put aside education and doesn’t let kids study instead of being playing on streets, violence also make this hamlet be one of the most dangerous places on Guatemala city, and as a result they have a high infant mortality. This hamlet needs immediate help, and that is something that the mayor and his group of work have to do and change to give them quality of life.

Present Progressive

The website provides the information on how to use the present progressive

divided in different topics. Each topic was put in a specific link as it follows:

The link Summary, shows a brief idea of the usage of the present progressive with

simple examples and time markers.

The second link we find in english-hilfen.de for present progressive refers to the

function of this tense. It explains with some examples the six ways in which it can

be used (actions happening as we speak, to express future plans, temporary

actions, actions happening around the moment of speaking, trends, and irritating

repeated actions).

The third link in the website presents the four main time markers or signal words that

can give us the hint on where the tense is being used.

The following link explains the appropriate way to use the tense in affirmative,

negative and questions. It also shows some examples and grammar notes to

clarify. It's worth to point out that the website uses some colors to help the learner

identify the changes that were made.

Since we need to change verbs adding the particle -ing, the website explains the

different cases we can find. Those explanations are located in the link named

Spelling. It provides the rules to add -ing to verbs ending in -e, -ie, -c, and also to

double the last letter.

The link Special verbs has some tips on verbs that could give the learner some

trouble when using them in progressive.

The link Diagram, allows the learners to understand the time involved when using

progressive. It is easy to understand it by analyzing the timeline presented on it.

The last link for explanations is about contractions and long forms of the present

progressive. It explains that we frequently use the short forms in this tense; so it

provides examples in affirmative and negative statements.

The last two links were made for the learner to practice what he or she has

learned. Both, the complex tests and the exercises, are made of a set of exercises

that the website automatically checks. In case the answer is not correct, the

website explains the correct answer by clicking the word "comment".

Complex tests



Time: 12-15 minutes

Material: posters of different countries, paper, pens, desks.

On the wall there are pasted some posters with names and images about

different countries’ traditions, cultures and attractions.

Learners make a trip across different countries around the world, but every

time they go to a different poster, they start writing an e-mail to their friend.

The first e-mail has to start as it follows: I'm going on a tour around the world;

I'm leaving tomorrow to Mexico.

Every e-mail that they write has to be in present progressive.

They have from two to three minutes to visit each poster and write their e-

mails. There is music at the background and desks for students to be more


At the end of the trips, students share about their trip, and emails.

Componentes del currículo

Los componentes son: Manejo de Información Calidad, Tecnología Trabajo y Comunidad Desarrollo Sustentable.

Manejo de Información Promueve la investigación y

observación como forma principal de adquirir información.

Conduce a los estudiantes a la interpretación de la realidad y a construir nuevos conocimientos obteniendo actitudes positivas que los ayudaran a interactuar con las otras personas.

Calidad Es el encargado de buscar

la mejora de los ámbitos cotidianos de la vida personal o humana.

Es el encargado de incluir un conjunto de condiciones de la persona para mejorar su desarrollo integral buscando la excelencia.

Ayuda a los estudiantes a aplicar lo aprendido en clase en la vida diaria con calidad.

Tecnología Es la facilitación de materiales para las

actividades diarias del ser humano utilizando tecnoligia material intelectual y pertinente; otorga servicios para la realización de estas actividades.

Este componente nos da a entender que es necesario el contexto para encontrar respuestas a la problemática social.

Trabajo y Comunidad Este componente une lo practico del currículo dentro del aula como el desarrollo de la comunidad. Busca otorgar o hacer reflexionar a los estudiantes sobre la idea de que el trabajo es un medio de dignificación y desarrollo en general (personal, familiar,nacional etc.) Busca la integración de los contextos para desarrollar la capacidad laboral para poder convertir en productiva la escuela y la comunidad en la que se desarrollan.

Desarrollo Sustentable Busca la verificaciónsobre el impacto que genera la actividad humana, esto significa utilizar la tecnología como los otros recursos que tenemos para realizar dichas actividades con relación al beneficio de la comunidad. Se centra en la en la relación del humano con la naturaleza y el uso racional de los recursos que nos brinda.