The background of my magazine was a blank white shape, added from the rectangular tool. I added this image to photoshop but manipulated it in now way, I only enlarged the image to fill the background.

Magazine edits

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Page 1: Magazine edits

The background of my magazine was a blank white shape, added from the rectangular tool.

I added this image to photoshop but manipulated it in now way, I only enlarged the image to fill the background.

Page 2: Magazine edits

I added the masthead by using the text tool, I then used the character bar to make the masthead larger and bolder.

I added the cover lines by also using the text tool, underlined them by using the character bar again and changed the colour by the colour icons at the edge of the screen.

Page 3: Magazine edits

I added the issue date and barcode, by using the text box tool and the importing image option.

Page 4: Magazine edits

I added more issue information by once again using the text tool, I added the price this way.

I then added the Priestley website at the bottom of my page to complete the final cover.