Major Events in World History

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  • 8/10/2019 Major Events in World History


    10001099 (A.D.)World History

    c. 10001300

    ClassicPuebloperiod of Anasazi culture; cliff dwellings.

    c. 1000

    Hungary and Scandinavia converted to Christianity. Viking raider Leif

    Eriksson discovers North America, calls it Vinland.Beowulf,Old

    English epic.

    c. 1008

    Murasaki Shikibu finishesThe Tale of Genji,the world's first novel.


    Muslims destroy Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.

    1013 Danes control England.Canutetakes throne(1016),conquers

    Norway(1028),dies(1035);kingdom divided among his sons: Harold

    Harefoot (England), Sweyn (Norway), Hardecanute (Denmark).


    Macbeth murders Duncan, king of Scotland.


    Robert Guiscard, Norman invader, establishes kingdom in Italy,

    conquers Sicily(1072).


    Final separation between Eastern (Orthodox) and Western (Roman)


    1055Seljuk Turks, Asian nomads, move west, capture Baghdad, Armenia(1064),Syria, and Palestine(1075).


    William of Normandy invades England, defeats last Saxon king, Harold II, at Battle of Hastings,

    crownedWilliam Iof England (the Conqueror).


    Construction on the cathedral in Pisa, Italy, begins.


    Emergence of strong papacy when Gregory VII is elected. Conflict with English and French kings and

    German emperors will continue throughout medieval period.


    At Council of Clermont, Pope Urban II calls for a holy war to wrest control of Jerusalem from Muslims, whichlaunches the First Crusade (1096), one of at least 8 European military campaigns between 1095 and 1291

    to regain the Holy Land. (For detailed chronology, seeThe Crusades.)

    11001199 (A.D.)World History

    Mesa VerdeCliff Dwellings(c. 10001300)

    Pete Maio

    Cathedral and Tower at Pisa

    Tasha Vincent
  • 8/10/2019 Major Events in World History



    Construction of Cathedral at Chartres, France.


    Second Crusade begins.c. 1150

    Angkor Watis completed.


    Universities of Paris and Oxford founded in France and England.


    Thomas Becketnamed Archbishop of Canterbury, murdered by Henry II's men(1170).Troubadours

    (wandering minstrels) glorify romantic concepts of feudalism.


    Ibn-Rushd begins translating Aristotle's works.


    Richard I (the Lionhearted) succeeds Henry II in England, killed in

    France(1199),succeeded by King John. Third Crusade.

    2001299 (A.D.)World History


    Fourth Crusade.


    Genghis Khan invades China, captures Peking(1214),conquers Persia(1218),invades



    Children's Crusade.


    King John forced by barons to signMagna Cartaat Runneymede, limiting royal power.


    Fifth Crusade.


    Sixth Crusade.


    TheInquisitionbegins as Pope Gregory IX assigns Dominicans responsibility for combating heresy. Torture

    used(1252).Ferdinand and Isabella establish Spanish Inquisition(1478).Tourquemada, Grand Inquisitor,

    forces conversion or expulsion of Spanish Jews(1492).Forced conversion of Moors(1499).Inquisition in

    Portugal(1531).First Protestants burned at the stake in Spain(1543).Spanish Inquisition abolished(1834).


    Mongols defeat Germans in Silesia, invade Poland and Hungary, withdraw from Europe after Ughetai,

    Mongol leader, dies.

    Chartres Cathedral

    Tasha Vincent

    The Crusades King John(11671216)

    Thomas Aquinas

  • 8/10/2019 Major Events in World History



    Seventh Crusade.


    Kublai Khan governs China, becomes ruler ofMongols(1259),establishes Yuan dynasty in

    China(1280),invades Burma(1287),dies(1294).

    1260 Chartres cathedral consecrated.


    Eighth Crusade.


    Marco Poloof Venice travels to China, in court of Kublai Khan(12751292),returns to Genoa(1295)and



    Thomas Aquinasstops work onSumma Theologica,the basis of all Catholic theological teaching; never

    completes it.


    English King Edward I summons the Model Parliament.

    13001399 (A.D.)World History


    Mali Empire reaches its height in Africa under King Mansa Musa.

    c. 1325

    The beginning of theRenaissancein Italy: writers Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio; painter Giotto. Development

    ofNohdrama in Japan.Aztecsestablish Tenochtitln on site of modern Mexico City. Peak of Muslim culture

    in Spain. Small cannon in use.


    Hundred Years' WarEnglish and French kings fight for control of France.


    At least 25 million people die in Europe's Black Death (bubonic plague).


    MingDynasty begins in China.


    John Wycliffe, pre-Reformation religious reformer, and followers translate Latin Bible into English.


    The Great Schism (to1417)rival popes in Rome and Avignon, France, fight for control of Roman CatholicChurch.

    c. 1387

    Chaucer'sCanterbury Tales.


    Tamerlane, the Mongol conqueror, begins last great conquestDelhi.
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    14001499 (A.D.)World History


    Casa di San Giorgio, one of the first public banks, founded in Genoa.


    Henry V defeats French at Agincourt. Jan Hus, Bohemian preacher

    and follower of Wycliffe, burned at stake in Constance as heretic.


    Portugal's PrinceHenry the Navigatorsponsors exploration of Africa's



    Brunelleschi begins work on the Duomo in Florence.


    Joan of Arcleads French against English, captured by

    Burgundians(1430)and turned over to the English, burned at the

    stake as a witch after ecclesiastical trial(1431).


    Incasrule in Peru.


    Florence becomes center of Renaissance arts and learning under theMedicis.


    Turks conquer Constantinople, end of theByzantine empire, beginning of theOttoman empire.


    The Wars of the Roses, civil wars between rival noble factions, begin in England (to1485). Having inventedprinting with movable type at Mainz, Germany, Johann Gutenberg completes first Bible.


    Ivan the Great rules Russia until1505as first czar; ends payment of tribute to Mongols.


    Moors conquered in Spain by troops of Ferdinand and Isabella.Columbusbecomes first European to

    encounter Caribbean islands, returns to Spain(1493).Second voyage to Dominica, Jamaica, Puerto

    Rico(14931496).Third voyage to Orinoco(1498).Fourth voyage to Honduras and Panama(15021504).


    Vasco da Gama sails around Africa and discovers sea route to India(1498).Establishes Portuguese colony

    in India(1502).John Cabot, employed by England, reaches and explores Canadian


    15001599 (A.D.)World History

    The Duomo in


    Linda J. Barnes

    Joan of Arc

  • 8/10/2019 Major Events in World History



    First black slaves in America brought to Spanish colony of Santo


    c. 1503Leonardo da Vincipaints theMona Lisa.Michelangelo sculpts



    St. Peter's Church started in Rome; designed and decorated by such

    artists and architects as Bramante, Michelangelo, da Vinci, Raphael,

    and Bernini before its completion in1626.


    Henry VIIIascends English throne. Michelangelo paints the ceiling of

    the Sistine Chapel.


    Balboa becomes the first European to encounter the Pacific Ocean.

    Machiavelli writesThe Prince.


    Turks conquer Egypt, control Arabia.Martin Lutherposts his 95

    theses denouncing church abuses on church door in Wittenberg

    start of theReformationin Germany.


    Ulrich Zwingli begins Reformation in Switzerland. Hernando Cortes

    conquers Mexico for Spain. Charles I of Spain is chosen Holy Roman

    Emperor Charles V. Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan sets out

    to circumnavigate the globe.


    Luther excommunicated by Pope Leo X.Suleiman I(the Magnificent)becomes Sultan of Turkey, invades

    Hungary(1521),Rhodes(1522),attacks Austria(1529),annexes

    Hungary(1541),Tripoli(1551),makes peace with

    Persia(1553),destroys Spanish fleet(1560),dies(1566).Magellan

    reaches the Pacific, is killed by Philippine natives(1521).One of his

    ships under Juan Sebastin del Cano continues around the world,

    reaches Spain(1522).


    Verrazano, sailing under the French flag, explores the New England

    coast and New York Bay.


    Troops of the Holy Roman Empire attack Rome, imprison PopeClement VIIthe end of the Italian Renaissance. Castiglione

    writesThe Courtier.The Medici family expelled from Florence.


    Pizarro marches from Panama to Peru, kills the Inca chieftain,

    Atahualpa, of Peru(1533).Machiavelli'sThe Princepublished



    Michelangelo's David


    Tasha Vincent

    Martin Luther


    Henry VIII(14911547)

    Queen Elizabeth I

  • 8/10/2019 Major Events in World History


    Reformation begins as Henry VIII makes himself head of English Church after being excommunicated by

    Pope.Sir Thomas Moreexecuted as traitor for refusal to acknowledge king's religious authority. Jacques

    Cartier sails up the St. Lawrence River, basis of French claims to Canada.


    Henry VIII executes second wife, Anne Boleyn. John Calvin establishes Reformed and Presbyterian form of

    Protestantism in Switzerland, writesInstitutes of the Christian Religion.Danish and Norwegian Reformations.

    Michelangelo'sLast Judgment.


    John Knox leads Reformation in Scotland, establishes Presbyterian church there(1560).


    Publication ofOn the Revolution of Heavenly Bodiesby Polish scholar Nicolaus Copernicusgiving his

    theory that the earth revolves around the sun.


    Council of Trent to meet intermittently until1563to define Catholic dogma and doctrine, reiterate papal



    Ivan IV(the Terrible) crowned as czar of Russia, begins conquest of Astrakhan and Kazan(1552),battles

    nobles (boyars) for power(1564),kills his son(1580),dies, and is succeeded by his weak and feeble-minded son, Fyodor I.


    Roman Catholicism restored in England by Queen Mary I.


    Akbar the Great becomesMogulemperor of India, conquers Afghanistan(1581),continues wars of conquest



    QueenElizabeth Iascends the throne (rules to1603). Restores Protestantism, establishes state Church of

    England (Anglicanism). Renaissance will reach height in EnglandShakespeare,Marlowe, Spenser.


    Persecution ofHuguenotsin France stopped by Edict of Orleans. French religious wars begin again withmassacre of Huguenots at Vassy. St. Bartholomew's Day Massacrethousands of Huguenots

    murdered(1572).Amnesty granted(1573).Persecution continues periodically until Edict of

    Nantes(1598)gives Huguenots religious freedom (until1685).


    Protestant Netherlands revolts against Catholic Spain; independence will be acknowledged by Spain



    Japan permits visits of foreign ships. Queen Elizabeth I excommunicated by Pope. Turks attack Cyprus and

    war on Venice. Turkish fleet defeated at Battle of Lepanto by Spanish and Italian fleets(1571).Peace of

    Constantinople(1572)ends Turkish attacks on Europe.


    Francis Drake returns to England after circumnavigating the globe; knighted by Queen ElizabethI(1581).Montaigne'sEssayspublished.


    Pope Gregory XIII implements the Gregoriancalendar.


    William of Orange rules the Netherlands; assassinated on orders of Philip II of Spain(1584).

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    Mary, Queen of Scots,executed for treason by order of Queen Elizabeth I.

    Monteverdi'sFirst Book of Madrigals.


    Defeat of the Spanish Armada by English. Henry, King of Navarre and Protestant

    leader, recognized as Henry IV, first Bourbon king of France. Converts to Roman

    Catholicism in1593in attempt to end religious wars.


    Henry IV enters Paris, wars on Spain(1595),marries Marie de

    Medici(1600),assassinated(1610).Spenser'sThe Faerie Queen.El Greco'sSt.

    Jerome.Galileo's experiments with falling objects.


    Boris Godunov becomes Russian czar. Tycho Brahe describes his astronomical



    1699 (A.D.)WorldHistory


    Giordano Bruno burned as a heretic. English East India Company established.


    Ieyasu rules Japan, moves capital to Edo (Tokyo). Shakespeare'sHamlet.


    Cervantes'sDon Quixote de la Mancha,the first modern novel.1607

    Jamestown, Virginia, establishedfirst permanent English colony on American

    mainland.Pocahontas, daughter of Chief Powhatan, saves life of John Smith.


    Samuel de Champlain establishes French colony of Quebec. TheRelation,the first

    newspaper, debuts in Germany.


    Galileosees the moons of Jupiter through his telescope.


    Gustavus Adolphus elected King of Sweden. King James Version of the Bible

    published in England. Rubens paints hisDescent from the Cross.1614

    John Napier discovers logarithms.


    Start of theThirty Years' War> Protestants revolt against Catholic oppression;

    Denmark, Sweden, and France will invade Germany in later phases of war. Kepler

    proposes last of three laws of planetary motion.


    A Dutch ship brings the first African slaves to British North America.

    The Revolutionary War


    (c. 15951617)

    The Library of Congress Picture Coll



    Johannes Kepler


    Taj Mahal

    The Library of Congress Picture Coll
  • 8/10/2019 Major Events in World History



    Pilgrims, after three-month voyage inMayflower,land at Plymouth Rock. Francis Bacon'sNovum Organum.


    New Netherland founded by Dutch West India Company.


    Massachusetts Bay Colony.1632

    Maryland founded by Lord Baltimore.


    Inquisition forces Galileo (astronomer) to recant his belief in Copernican theory.


    English Civil War. Cavaliers, supporters of Charles I, against Roundheads, parliamentary forces. Oliver

    Cromwell defeats Royalists(1646).Parliament demands reforms. Charles I offers concessions, brought to

    trial(1648),beheaded(1649).Cromwell becomes Lord Protector(1653).Rembrandt paints hisNight Watch.


    Taj Mahal completed.


    End of Ming Dynasty in ChinaManchus come to power.Descartes'sPrinciples of Philosophy.


    End of the Thirty Years' War. German population about half of what it was in1618because of war and



    Cromwell dies; son Richard resigns and Puritan government collapses.


    English Parliament calls for the restoration of the monarchy; invites Charles II to return from France.


    Charles II is crowned King of England. Louis XIV begins personal rule as absolute monarch; starts to build


    1664British take New Amsterdam from the Dutch. English limit Nonconformity with reestablished Anglican

    Church. Isaac Newton's experiments with gravity.


    Great Plague in London kills 75,000.


    Great Fire of London. Molire'sMisanthrope.


    Milton'sParadise Lost,widely considered the greatest epic poem in English.


    Pennsylvania founded byWilliam Penn.

    1683War of European powers against the Turks (to1699). Vienna withstands three-month Turkish siege; high

    point of Turkish advance in Europe.


    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's calculus published.


    James II succeeds Charles II in England, calls for freedom of conscience(1687).Protestants fear restoration

    of Catholicism and demand Glorious Revolution. William of Orange invited to England and James II
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    escapes to France(1688).William III and his wife, Mary, crowned. In France, Edict of

    Nantes of1598,granting freedom of worship to Huguenots, is revoked by Louis XIV;

    thousands of Protestants flee.


    Peter the Greatbecomes Czar of Russiaattempts to westernize nation and build

    Russia as a military power. Defeats Charles XII of Sweden at Poltava(1709).Beginning

    of theFrench and Indian Wars(to1763), campaigns in America linked to a series of

    wars between France and England for domination of Europe.


    William III of England defeats former king James II and Irish rebels at Battle of the

    Boyne in Ireland.John Locke'sHuman Understanding.

    17001799 (A.D.)World



    War of the Spanish Successionbeginsthe last of Louis XIV's wars for domination of

    the continent. The Peace of Utrecht (1714) will end the conflict and mark the rise of the

    British Empire. Called Queen Anne's War in America, it ends with the British taking New

    Foundland, Acadia, and Hudson's Bay Territory from France, and Gibraltar and Minorca

    from Spain.

    1704Deerfield (Mass.) Massacre of English colonists by French and Indians.Bach's first

    cantata.Jonathan Swift'sTale of a Tub.Boston News Letterfirst newspaper in



    United Kingdom of Great Britain formedEngland, Wales, and Scotland joined by

    parliamentary Act of Union.


    Bach'sSt. Matthew Passion.Isaac Newton'sPrincipiatranslated from Latin into English.


    Benjamin Franklinbegins publishingPoor Richard's Almanack.James Oglethorpe and

    others found Georgia.


    John Peter Zenger, New York editor, acquitted of libel in New York, establishingpress



    Capt. Vitus Bering, Dane employed by Russia, discovers Alaska. Frederick II the Great

    crowned king of Prussia.


    French Revolution (17891799)

    Benjamin Franklin


    Frederick the Great


    Samuel Johnson


    George Washington (17321799
  • 8/10/2019 Major Events in World History


  • 8/10/2019 Major Events in World History


    Russians settle Aleutian Islands.


    TheConstitution of the United Statessigned. Lavoisier's work on chemical nomenclature. Mozart'sDon



    FrenchParlementpresents grievances to Louis XVI who agrees to convening of Estates-General in1789

    not called since1613.Goethe'sEgmont.Laplace'sLaws of the Planetary System.


    French Revolutionbegins with the storming of the Bastille. (For detailed chronology, seeFrench Revolution

    (17891799).) In U.S., Washington elected president with all 69 votes of the Electoral College, takes oath of

    office in New York City. Vice President: John Adams. Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferson. Secretary of

    Treasury: Alexander Hamilton.


    H.M.S.Bountymutineers settle on Pitcairn Island. Aloisio Galvani experiments on electrical stimulation of the

    muscles. Philadelphia temporary capital of U.S. as Congress votes to establish new capital on Potomac.

    U.S. population about 3,929,000, including 698,000 slaves. Lavoisier formulatesTable of 31 chemical


    1791U.S. Bill of Rights ratified. Boswell'sLife of Johnson.


    Mary Wollstonecraft'sVindication of the Rights of Woman.


    Louis XVIandMarie Antoinetteexecuted. Reign of Terror begins in France. Eli Whitney invents the cotton

    gin, spurring the growth of the cotton industry and helping to institutionalize slavery in the U.S. South.


    Kosciusko's uprising in Poland quelled by the Russians. In U.S., Whiskey Rebellion in Pennsylvania as

    farmers object to liquor taxes. Reign of Terror ends with execution ofRobespierre.


    Napolon Bonaparte,French general, defeats Austrians. In the U.S., Washington's Farewell Address(Sept.

    17);John Adamselected president; Thomas Jefferson, vice president. Edward Jenner introduces smallpox



    Napoleon extends French conquests to Rome and Egypt. U.S. Navy Department established.


    Rosetta Stone discovered in Egypt. Napoleon leads coup that overthrows Directory, establishes the

    Consulate, becomes First Consulone of three who rule France together.

    New Zealand becomes first country in the world to grant women the vote.


    Sino-Japanese Warbegins (ends in1895with China's defeat). In France, Capt. AlfredDreyfusconvicted on

    false treason charge (pardoned in1906). In U.S.,Jacob S. Coxeyof Ohio leads Coxey's Army of

    unemployed on Washington.Eugene V. Debscalls general strike of rail workers to support Pullman

    Company strikers; strike broken, Debs jailed for six months.Edison's kinetoscope given first public showing

    in New York City.

  • 8/10/2019 Major Events in World History


    X-rays discovered by German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen. Auguste and Louis Lumire premiere motion

    pictures at a caf in Paris.


    Supreme Court'sPlessyv.Fergusondecisionseparate but equal doctrine. Alfred Nobel's will

    establishesprizesfor peace, science, and literature.Marconireceives first wireless patent in Britain.William

    Jennings Bryandelivers Cross of Gold speech at Democratic Convention in Chicago. First modernOlympic

    gamesheld in Athens, Greece.


    Theodor Herzl launches Zionist movement.


    ChineseBoxers, anti-foreign organization, established. They stage uprisings against Europeans

    in1900;U.S. and other Western troops relieve Peking legations. U.S. BattleshipMaineis sunk in Havana

    Harbor.Spanish-American Warbegins. U.S. destroys Spanish fleet near Santiago, Cuba. (For detailed

    chronology,seeSpanish-American War.) Pierre and MarieCuriediscover radium and polonium.


    Boer War(or South African War): conflict between British and Boers (descendants of Dutch settlers of South

    Africa). Causes rooted in longstanding territorial disputes and in friction over political rights for English and

    other uitlanders following 1886 discovery of vast gold deposits in Transvaal. (British victorious as war endsin1902.) Casualties: 5,774 British dead, about 4,000 Boers. Union of South Africa established in1908as

    confederation of colonies; becomes British dominion in1910.

    World War I (19141918)

    Imperial, territorial, and economic rivalries led to the Great War between the Central Powers (Austria-

    Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, and Turkey) and the Allies (U.S., Britain, France, Russia, Belgium, Serbia,

    Greece, Romania, Montenegro, Portugal, Italy, and Japan). About 10 million combatants killed, 20 million



    Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand and wife assassinated in Sarajevo by Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo

    Princip(June 28).Austria declares war on Serbia(July 28).Germany declares war on Russia(Aug. 1),on

    France(Aug. 3),invades Belgium(Aug. 4).Britain declares war on Germany(Aug. 4).Germans defeat

    Russians in Battle of Tannenberg on Eastern Front(Aug.).First Battle of the Marne(Sept.).German drive

    stopped 25 miles from Paris. By end of year, war on the Western Front is positional in the trenches.


    German submarine blockade of Great Britain begins(Feb.).Dardanelles CampaignBritish land in

    Turkey(April),withdraw from Gallipoli(Dec.Jan. 1916).Germans use gas at second Battle of

    Ypres(AprilMay).Lusitaniasunk by German submarine1,198 lost, including 128 Americans(May 7).On

    Eastern Front, German and Austrian great offensive conquers all of Poland and Lithuania; Russians lose 1

    million men (bySept. 6). Great Fall Offensive by Allies results in little change from 1914(Sept.

    Oct.).Britain and France declare war on Bulgaria(Oct. 14).


    Battle of VerdunGermans and French each lose about 350,000 men(Feb.).Extended submarine warfare

    begins(March).British-German sea battle of Jutland(May);British lose more ships, but German fleet never
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    ventures forth again. On Eastern Front, the Brusilov offensive demoralizes Russians, costs them 1 million

    men(JuneSept.).Battle of the SommeBritish lose over 400,000; French, 200,000; Germans, about

    450,000; all with no strategic results(JulyNov.).Romania declares war on Austria-Hungary(Aug.

    27).Bucharest captured(Dec.).


    U.S. declares war on Germany(April 6).Submarine warfare at peak(April).On Italian Front, Battle of

    CaporettoItalians retreat, losing 600,000 prisoners and deserters(Oct.Dec.).On Western Front, Battles

    of Arras, Champagne, Ypres (third battle), etc. First large British tank attack(Nov.).U.S. declares war on

    Austria-Hungary(Dec. 7).Armistice between new Russian Bolshevik government and Germans(Dec. 15).


    Great offensive by Germans(MarchJune).Americans' first important battle role at Chteau-Thierryas

    they and French stop German advance(June).Second Battle of the Marne(JulyAug.)start of Allied

    offensive at Amiens, St. Mihiel, etc. Battles of the Argonne and Ypres panic German leadership(Sept.

    Oct.).British offensive in Palestine(Sept.).Germans ask for armistice(Oct. 4).British armistice with

    Turkey(Oct.).German Kaiser abdicates(Nov.).Hostilities cease on Western Front(Nov. 11).

    World War II (19391945)

    Axis powers (Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria)versusAllies (U.S., Britain, France,

    USSR, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Greece, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,

    Poland, South Africa, Yugoslavia).


    GermanyinvadesPolandand annexes Danzig;BritainandFrancegiveHitlerultimatum(Sept. 1),declare

    war(Sept. 3).Disabled German pocket battleshipAdmiral Graf Speeblown up off Montevideo, Uruguay, onHitler's orders(Dec. 17).Limited activity (Sitzkrieg) on Western Front.


    Nazis invade Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg(May 10).Chamberlainresigns as Britain's prime

    minister;Churchilltakes over(May 10).Germans cross French frontier(May 12)using air/tank/infantry

    Blitzkrieg tactics.Dunkerque evacuation> about 335,000 out of 400,000 Allied soldiers rescued from

    Belgium by British civilian and naval craft(May 26June 3).Italy declares war on France and Britain;

    invades France(June 10).Germans enter Paris; city undefended(June 14).France and Germany sign

    armistice at Compigne(June 22).Nazis bomb Coventry, England(Nov. 14).


    Germans launch attacks in Balkans. Yugoslavia surrendersGeneral Mihajlovic continues guerrilla warfare;

    Tito leads left-wing guerrillas(April 17).Nazi tanks enter Athens; remnants of British Army quit

    Greece(April 27).Hitler attacks Russia(June 22).Atlantic CharterFDR and Churchill agree on war

    aims(Aug. 14).Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor, Philippines, Guam force U.S. into war; U.S. Pacific fleet

    crippled(Dec. 7).U.S. and Britain declare war on Japan. Germany and Italy declare war on U.S.; Congress

    declares war on those countries(Dec. 11).


    British surrender Singapore to Japanese(Feb. 15).Roosevelt orders Japanese and Japanese Americans in

    western U.S. to be exiled to relocation centers, many for the remainder of the war(Feb. 19).U.S. forces on

    Bataan peninsula in Philippines surrender(April 9).U.S. and Filipino troops on Corregidor island in Manila
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    Bay surrender to Japanese(May 6).Village of Lidice in Czechoslovakia razed by Nazis(June 10).U.S. and

    Britain land in French North Africa(Nov. 8).


    Casablanca ConferenceChurchill and FDR agree on unconditional surrender goal(Jan. 1424).German

    6th Army surrenders at Stalingradturning point of war in Russia(Feb. 12).Remnants of Nazis trapped on

    Cape Bon, ending war in Africa(May 12).Mussolini deposed; Badoglio named premier(July 25).Allied

    troops land on Italian mainland after conquest of Sicily(Sept. 3).Italy surrenders(Sept. 8).Nazis seize

    Rome(Sept. 10).Cairo Conference: FDR, Churchill, Chiang Kai-shek pledge defeat of Japan, free

    Korea(Nov. 2226).Tehran Conference: FDR, Churchill, Stalin agree on invasion plans(Nov. 28Dec. 1).


    U.S. and British troops land at Anzio on west Italian coast and hold beachhead(Jan. 22).U.S. and British

    troops enter Rome(June 4).D-DayAllies launch Normandy invasion(June 6).Hitler wounded in bomb

    plot(July 20).Paris liberated(Aug. 25).Athens freed by Allies(Oct. 13).Americans invade Philippines(Oct.

    20).Germans launch counteroffensive in BelgiumBattle of the Bulge(Dec. 16).


    Yalta Agreement signed by FDR, Churchill, Stalinestablishes basis for occupation of Germany, returns to

    Soviet Union lands taken by Germany and Japan; USSR agrees to friendship pact with China(Feb.

    11).Mussolini killed at Lake Como(April 28).Admiral Doenitz takes command in Germany; suicide of Hitlerannounced(May 1).Berlin falls(May 2).Germany signs unconditional surrender terms at Rheims(May

    7).Allies declare V-E Day(May 8).Potsdam ConferenceTruman, Churchill, Atlee (afterJuly 28), Stalin

    establish council of foreign ministers to prepare peace treaties; plan German postwar government and

    reparations(July 17Aug. 2).A-bomb dropped on Hiroshima by U.S.(Aug. 6).USSR declares war on

    Japan(Aug. 8).Nagasaki hit by A-bomb(Aug. 9).Japan agrees to surrender(Aug. 14).V-J Day

    Japanese sign surrender terms aboard battleshipMissouri(Sept. 2).

    Th Holo!a"st (19331945)

    Holocaust is the term describing the Nazi annihilation of about 6 million Jews (two thirds of the pre-World

    War II European Jewish population), including 4,500,000 from Russia, Poland, and the Baltic; 750,000

    from Hungary and Romania; 290,000 from Germany and Austria; 105,000 from The Netherlands; 90,000

    from France; 54,000 from Greece.

    The Holocaust was unique in its beinggenocidethe systematic destruction of a people solely because

    of religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, or sexual preferenceon an unmatched scale. Along with the Jews,

    another 9 to 10 million peopleGypsies, Slavs (Poles, Ukrainians, and Belarussians), homosexuals, and

    the disabledwere exterminated.


    Hitler named German Chancellor(Jan.).Dachau, first concentration camp, established(March).Boycotts

    against Jews begin(April).


    Anti-Semitic Nuremberg Laws passed by Reichstag; Jews lose citizenship and civil rights(Sept.).


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    Buchenwald concentration camp opens(July).


    Extension of anti-Semitic laws to Austria after annexation(March).Kristallnacht(Night of Broken Glass)

    anti-Semitic riots and destruction of Jewish institutions in Germany and Austria(Nov. 9).26,000 Jews sent to

    concentration camps; Jewish children expelled from schools(Nov. 910).Expropriation of Jewish property

    and businesses(Dec.).


    As war continues, Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing squads) follow German army into conquered lands,

    rounding up and massacring Jews and other undesirables.


    Goering instructs Heydrich to carry out the final solution to the Jewish question(July 31).Deportation of

    German Jews begins; massacres of Jews in Odessa and Kiev(Nov.);and in Riga and Vilna(Dec.).


    Mass killings using Zyklon-B begin at Auschwitz-Birkenau(Jan.).Nazi leaders attend Wannsee Conference

    to coordinate the final solution(Jan. 20).100,000 Jews from Warsaw Ghetto deported to Treblinka death



    Warsaw Ghetto uprisings(Jan.andApril);Ghetto exterminated(May).


    476,000 Hungarian Jews sent to Auschwitz(MayJune).D-day(June 6).Soviet Army liberates Maidanek

    death camp(July).Nazis try to hide evidence of death camps(Nov.).


    As Allies advance, Nazis force concentration camp inmates on death marches. Americans liberate

    Buchenwald and British liberate Bergen-Belsen camps(April).Nuremberg War Crimes Trial(Nov. 1945

    Oct. 1946).

    #ill$$i"% #ilsto$s

    The 100 Most Significant Events of the Last Thousand


    Reducing the millennium to a laundry list of highlights cannot pretend to be a definitive or accurate

    exercise. Note that only events judged to haveworldsignificance are included. Apologies for the inevitable

    bias toward Western as well as twentieth century eventswe are all prisoners of our own history. For a

    less whirlwind glance at the last thousand years, see ourMillennium Timeline.

    1066Norman Conquestof Britain

    1095Pope Urban II calls for theCrusades

    1100sAngkor Watis built

    1206Genghis Khanbegins creation of largest land empire in history

    1215Magna Cartasigned

    1260Chartres Cathedralconsecrated

    1271Marco Polobegins travels to Asia
  • 8/10/2019 Major Events in World History


    1273Thomas Aquinas'sSumma theologica

    1300sRenaissancebegins in Italy

    1347Bubonic plague(Black Death) spreads in Europe

    c.1387Chaucer'sCanterbury Tales

    1399Tamerlanebegins last great conquest

    1438Incan Empireformed in Peru

    1455Gutenberg's movable-type printing press produces the Bible

    1492Columbusreaches the New World

    1509Michelangelobegins painting Sistine Chapel

    1513Machiavelli'sThe Prince

    1517Martin Lutherinitiates Reformation

    1519Aztec Empireat height as Spanish arrive

    1520Suleiman Ithe Magnificent presides over the Ottoman Empire's greatest period

    1522Magellan's expedition circumnavigates the globe

    1543Copernicuspostulates aheliocentric universe

    1582Pope Gregory XIIIreformscalendar


    1605Cervantes'sDon Quixote,first modern novel

    1609Galileomakes first astronomical observations with a telescope

    1637DescartespublishesDiscours de la mthode

    1643Taj Mahalcompleted

    1664Newton's theory of universalgravitation

    1667Milton'sParadise Lost


    1690Locke'sEssay Concerning Human Understanding

    1721Bachcompletes the Brandenburg Concertos
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    1755Johnson'sDictionary of the English Language

    1760Industrial Revolutionbegins in England

    1762Rousseau'sThe Social Contract

    1764Mozart(aged eight) writes first symphony

    1769Wattpatents first practicalsteam engine

    1776U.S.Declaration of Independence;Adam Smith'sWealth of Nations

    1787U.S. Constitutionsigned

    1789French Revolutionbegins

    1792Wollstonecraft'sVindication of the Rights of Woman

    1796Jennerdiscoverssmallpox vaccine

    1808Beethoven'sFifth Symphony

    1815Battle of Waterloo crushesNapoleon

    1819Bolvardefeats Spanish forces at Boyac

    1826Niepce takes firstphotograph

    1833Slavery abolishedin British Empire

    1842Long usesfirst anesthetic(ether)

    1859Darwin'sOn the Origin of Species;Lenoir builds first practical internal-combustion engine

    1862Pasteur's experiments lead to germ theory; Salon des Refuss introducesimpressionism

    1867Japan ends 675-yearshogun rule

    1876Bellpatents the telephone

    1879Edisoninvents electric light

    1880sEurope colonizesAfrican continent

    1885World'sfirst skyscraperbuilt in Chicago

    1893New Zealandbecomes first country in the world to grantwomen the vote

    1895Lumire brothers introducemotion pictures;Marconisends first radio signals

    1897Herzl launchesZionist movement
  • 8/10/2019 Major Events in World History


    1900Freud'sInterpretation of Dreams

    1903Wright brothersfly first motorized airplane

    1905Einsteinannounces theory of relativity

    1907Picasso'sLes Demoiselles d'Avignonintroduces cubism

    1911Rutherforddiscovers structure of atom

    1913Forddevelops first movingassembly line

    1914World War Ibegins

    1916Sangerfounds internationalbirth control movement

    1917Leninleads theBolshevikRevolution

    1918GlobalSpanish flu epidemic


    1927Farnsworthdemonstrates working model of atelevision;Lemaitreproposesbig bang



    1929Hubbleproposestheory of expanding universe; U.S. stock market crash precipitates

    global depression

    1936Keynes'sThe General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money

    1939Hitlerinvades Poland;World War IIbegins

    1942Nazi leaders atWannsee Conferencecoordinatefinal solution to the Jewish question

    1945Atomic bombsare dropped onHiroshimaandNagasaki;first electronic computer, ENIAC,

    is built;Arab Leaguelaunches modernpan-Arabism

    1946First meeting ofU.N. General Assembly;Churchill's Iron Curtain speech marks

    beginning ofcold war

    1947Gandhi's civil disobedience movement leads to an independent India

    1949Communist victory inChinaunderMao Zedong

    1950sAbstract expressionismintroduced

    1953Watson, Crick, and Franklin discoverDNA's structure

    1954Brownv.Board of Educationbegins unraveling ofU.S. racial segregation
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    1957Russia launchesfirst satellite,Sputnik I

    1959Mary and Louis Leakeyuncoverhominid fossils

    1969Armstrong and Aldrinwalk on the Moon;Internet(ARPA) goes online


    1981Scientists identifyAIDS

    1989Fall of Communismin Eastern Europe

    1991Breakup of Soviet Union;apartheid endsin South Africa