MH370 23 March 2014 11 Comments Many a reader has inquired and I both briefly replied to a comment under the post "Saint Peter" and also answered a few questions separately, by e-mail. Because of the somewhat intense media coverage – essentially, media speculation until humanly "acceptable" hard evidence is encountered – I post again what The Committee offered, and their messages about human reaction, in general. I have gotten the following: There was a sinister component to this event. A device was brought through security in disguised pieces, then assembled out of sight. The device was inserted in the carry-on baggage of an unsuspecting passenger. The perpetrators were not aboard the flight. Investigation into likely suspects - such as passengers checking in but not boarding - has grown cold. There was an explosion and rapid, abrupt decompression of the passenger cabin at high, cruising altitude. A cascading series of mechanical failures occurred and the cockpit desperately attempted to manage them. The passengers were overcome by low oxygen then frigid temperatures. These effects soon took their toll on the cockpit. The pilots turned to attempt to ditch closer to land, attempting to descend into warmer, more oxygen rich air. This descent was not done as rapidly as normally possible because the breached fuselage affected perceived airworthiness in addition to the series of mechanical system failures. These also caused communication systems to go silent. The aircraft remained aloft at a lower altitude and slower airspeed and eventually went down. It will be found in deep water – I am getting four figures in feet – in the Indian Ocean south of the Bay of Bengal. Most of the damage and cause will be obscured in the wreckage; there are, unfortunately, no survivors.

Malaysia Airliner

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The UNreal Story

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Page 1: Malaysia Airliner

MH37023 March 2014



Many a reader has inquired and I both briefly replied to a comment under the post "Saint Peter" and also answered a few questions separately, by e-mail. Because of the somewhat intense media coverage – essentially, media speculation until humanly "acceptable" hard evidence is encountered – I post again what The Committee offered, and their messages about human reaction, in general.

I have gotten the following:  There was a sinister component to this event. A device was brought through security in disguised pieces, then assembled out of sight. The device was inserted in the carry-on baggage of an unsuspecting passenger. The perpetrators were not aboard the flight. Investigation into likely suspects - such as passengers checking in but not boarding - has grown cold.

There was an explosion and rapid, abrupt decompression of the passenger cabin at high, cruising altitude. A cascading series of mechanical failures occurred and the cockpit desperately attempted to manage them. The passengers were overcome by low oxygen then frigid temperatures. These effects soon took their toll on the cockpit. The pilots turned to attempt to ditch closer to land, attempting to descend into warmer, more oxygen rich air. This descent was not done as rapidly as normally possible because the breached fuselage affected perceived airworthiness in addition to the series of mechanical system failures. These also caused communication systems to go silent. The aircraft remained aloft at a lower altitude and slower airspeed and eventually went down. It will be found in deep water – I am getting four figures in feet – in the Indian Ocean south of the Bay of Bengal. Most of the damage and cause will be obscured in the wreckage; there are, unfortunately, no survivors. 

I ask The Committee to speak to us in general, with their observations.

"Greetings we offer on this sad occasion yet do wish to assure you, that all who perished are well and home. The great majority departed more easily than is understood; the loss of physical consciousness in the body, by lowered oxygen, is what affected the great many aboard. At this point their souls departed, long before physical injury was possible.

The worry and speculation are an example of your sensations of environment that mirror your true home, and the great longing for understanding are your soul reminding you, who you are and what your ability truly is. 

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You may all know what happened just as we are now looking into the events; the device was taken into the passenger hold as the carry bag was seen as too heavy for lifting into an overhead compartment, even though it fit the otherwise acceptable dimensions. There was an aggravation of damage by the contents of the cargo compartment directly affected by the first event. The examination of the wreckage will be difficult and not reveal this clearly. The entry into ocean water and permanence of stay will obscure signs of events. 

We beg a brief look upon rates of accidents involving automobiles and resulting deaths; by comparison to aircraft, there are the many more, of little concern by their occurrence in single and small amounts spread over a large area, over time. The acceptance is nearly unique and the causes of the mishaps clear in many cases, deemed within and under the control of the motorists.

The physical journey you undertake in a body brings a great sense of claustrophobia in the many of you; the inability to control a hostile environment lifts the sensation of horror when it occurs simultaneously to several or many dozens of you.

The desire to know impressed upon the habit of physical evidence gives rise to the scrutiny, speculation and theorizing now underway. This is a symptom of your true selves, of your desire to know and understand as your natural existence provides you.

The very few in general will accept - yet we offer the many of you reading these words shall understand more completely, more comprehensively - the desire to know can include sources not connected to commonly accepted and required physical evidence. 

There was agreement of all involved, who perished in this event, that we wish you to know and no condemnation of the pilots should there be; these were good men overwhelmed by circumstances and challenges of a crucial moment. 

Be well, we wish all."


cristina 23/03/2014 3:28pm

Love this part "no condemnation of the pilots should there be; these were good men overwhelmed by circumstances and challenges of a crucial moment. " <3 I think the same :)

santanu 24/03/2014 2:24am

I also felt that the pilots did their best under the circumstances. They are being unnecessarily suspected and their near and dear ones feel added sadness due to this reason.

The current investigation findings also appear to support the above message by the committee. That the plane flew at a lower altitude has been confirmed in today's news.

Page 3: Malaysia Airliner

While it is clear from the words of the committee that it was a deliberate attack which brought down the plane, can we have an idea on why they would try to bring down a china bound plane? Although there have been some recent terrorist activities within China, normally China is not a target of international terrorism. So what was the motivation for exploding a bomb in this case and what could possibly be the motive? So far nobody has claimed responsibility, which is unusual for terrorists because they like to advertise their vengeance. In that case, was the bomb exploded with any specific objective in mind?

Patrick 24/03/2014 9:23am

Revenge. The Committee told me the perpetrators came out of Indonesia and have been angry with Malaysia for some time.

Mike 24/03/2014 3:39am

Patrick, what are we to learn from this experience as onlookers of these tragic events.

Patrick 24/03/2014 9:28am

Excellent question, which I pass to The Committee.

"You who watch should compare what is determined, what remains unable to be concluded from physical symptoms and what was said, what is being offered now. In this you will understand."

Mike 24/03/2014 10:57am

Would the Committee care to elaborate a little. My spiritual eyesight is a little off focus and my human eyes are only slightly better to see the message in all this.

Patrick 25/03/2014 11:39am

@Mike - I don't believe there is a great message for humanity in the event itself, rather the reaction and reporting is the basis of the message we benefit from understanding.

Mary 24/03/2014 4:16pm

Channeling Erik: Erik mention that there was a problem with some kind of chip on the plane, I guess in the cockpit? Maybe the chip got fried. But nothing about what the committee has stated.Thank You for the information.I hope the find it, so the families can some answers.

santanu 24/03/2014 9:18pm

Simply a problem with a chip cannot escalate the matter to such an extent. When Partick first published the message on MH370 from the Committee on 12th March, nobody was talking on these lines in the media. Later some people tried to indicate pilot involvement by saying that his last words came after the transponders were switched off. This was later disproved. On 12th March, Committee mentioned that the pilots took the plane to a low altitude to escape the effects of low oxygen, cold and depressurization. Much later, the issue of taking the plane to a low altitude was being discussed, but it was said that pilot had done so to evade radar. Only in the last 2-3 days, the possibility of rapid depressurization and pilots' consequent

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attempt to take plane lower has been discussed in the media. Unless a catastrophic even took place which partially disabled the plane, there would have been some kind of communication with the ground. Surely the pilots survived the incident for a while but later died. Otherwise the plane would not have flew for 5 hours after they turned. The "zombie plane" theory gained ground much later than 12th March. Almost all of what the Committee had mentioned has become the prevailing theory and is being considered by many experts as the most likely event. Only the issue of terrorism is not being confirmed by anyone and as the committee says, it might never be.

Anne 24/03/2014 4:18pmWelcome back Patrick,glad to see you cover this important subject for us all.Love to all ...

Steve 25/03/2014 5:47pm

thanks Patrick,Their souls departed prior to physical injury being possible... excellent !