ANGKASA wants to empower co-ops through CEP By : NADIAH KAMARUDIN UPDATE Malaysia eng.angkasa.coop / January 2019 Economy, ecosystem, governance and innovation. These are the four strategic thrusts of ANGKASA’s Strategic Plan 2017 – 2050. Each thrust has its own internal and external focuses that would assist the organization to achieve its vision and mission. These thrusts, too, are the pillars of Co-operative Empowerment Project (CEP), which is a term given to a project or a group of projects designed to bring positive impacts on a certain co-operative or a group of co-operatives for the purpose of sustainable revenue. 59 January 2019 PELANCAR

Malaysia UPDATE - eng.mykoperasi.coop · January 2019 PELANCAR 59 ANGKASA wants to empower co-ops through CEP By : NADIAH KAMARUDIN UPDATE Malaysia eng.angkasa.coop / January 2019

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59January 2019 PELANCAR

ANGKASA wants to empower co-ops through CEP



eng.angkasa.coop / January 2019

Economy, ecosystem, governance and innovation.

These are the four strategic thrusts of ANGKASA’s Strategic Plan 2017 – 2050. Each thrust has its own internal and external focuses that would assist the organization to achieve its vision and mission. These thrusts, too, are the pillars of Co-operative Empowerment Project (CEP), which is a term given to a project or a group of projects designed to bring positive impacts on a certain co-operative or a group of co-operatives for the purpose of sustainable revenue.

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CEP was formed by ANGKASA under its Strategic Economic Masterplan to set a broader direction for the co-operative movement in Malaysia, enabling them to be the prime mover of socio-economic activities in the country.

CEP also heavily revolves around the eight high impact sectors to be ventured into by co-operatives to drive the Co-operative Sector towards high-income and to be an effective contributor to the nation’s Gross Domestic Product GDP. For the first half of 2018, a total of USD5.38 billion in revenue has been generated by the co-operatives. This number represents 3.78 percent of USD142 billion, the total GDP recorded in the same period.

Through CEP, co-operatives look to increase its contribution to the GDP as the government also expects the sector’s revenue to reach USD12 billion by 2020. CEP is divided into three stages. The first stage or also known as CEP

1 is the main projects of ANGKASA. CEP 2 is when two or more co-operatives in the same function together in one project, while CEP 3 is projects that have a high economy or social impact led by a co-operative.

Each high impact sector carries its own set of CEPs. For example, one of the projects categorized under CEP 1 and falls under the Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Sector is a collaboration between ANGKASA and MARDI Officers Co-operative (KOMARDI), which will result in the production of virgin dairy calves. This project will help co-operatives becoming one of the key players in the country’s dairy industry.

Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ANGKASA, Mr. Nasir Khan Yahaya said co-operatives in Malaysia are committed in assisting people to cope with the high cost of living, but this commitment has always received less

recognition due to the little knowledge or information people have about co-operative in general and its roles. Mr. Yahaya added that through CEP, the co-operative

movement is hopeful to be viewed as the third sector after public and private sectors.

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» Group CEO of ANGKASA, Mr. Nasir Khan Yahaya speaks during session 1 of “Co-operatives contribution in helping economies become more resilient and sustainable” at the 10th ICA Asia and Pacific Co-operative Forum held at Tehran, Iran on November 28th, 2018.

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CEP 1 is the main projects of ANGKASA, either directly or through its other business entities. This project should be free to be competitive and goes through governance that clearly does not affect ANGKASA as the apex body of the co-operative movement.

CEP 2 is two or more co-operatives that have the same func-tion together in a spe-cific sector to produce an identified project or service required by the co-operative movement or open market. The project should seek funding from co-operative financing sources such as co-operative banks or funds from members. It can also involve ANGKASA as a strategic partner.

CEP 3 is projects that have a high impact on economic or social affairs led by a co-operative with existing strengths and abilities to produce a project or service required by the co-operative movement or open market. The projects should also seek fund-ing from co-operative financing sources such as co-operative banks or funds from members. It can also involve ANGKASA as a strategic partner.

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63January 2019 PELANCAR

International Cooperative AllianceAlliance Coopérative InternationaleAlianza Cooperativa Internacional

End of year message from ICA President

Dear cooperative friends,

We’ve come to the end of a very intense, yet fruitful year.

I’d like to thank members from every country and region who have opened their doors to me. I’ve had the opportunity to work closely with cooperatives all over the world. These encounters have filled me with pleasure, and motivated me to continue moving forward, convinced of the capacity our movement has to make real change. I’d like to keep up this close relationship, and be able to hear about your ideas and concerns first hand. I am just one more cooperativist among the one billion of us who make up this movement. The International Cooperative Alliance is our home. We keep our doors open, and encourage everyone to get involved.

In the coming year, we will be focusing on the following, among other initiatives:

• Building on the activities identified in our recent members’ survey, as being of highest value to members.• Ensuring that we provide the right services to meet your needs and that we attract and engage new members across the world.• Ensuring that we are in the strongest position to be heard and heeded by decision-makers at the highest national, regional and international levels.• Strengthening our determination to be recognized as a significant actor of sustainable development.• Organising events which keep members up-to-date of the latest developments on topical issues that may impact the cooperative movement and provide cooperators with opportunities for networking. • Issuing position papers on issues affecting the cooperative movement. • Maintaining regular communication and information with our members. • Making sure that the ICA remains a viable organization.• Working tirelessly to continue to connect regions and sectors, keeping our management flexible, open, and ultimately faithful to our cooperative principles and values.

I am very proud and privileged to be in the position to lead the ICA in this important work, which will culminate in the establishment of an ICA Strategy for 2020-2030. This ten-year vision should respond to the need and a will for more solidarity, sharing, justice, openness and peace are growing. We, together, are laying the foundations for us to be key players in the framework of the 2030 Agenda over the coming decade. The world needs our commitment. Sustainable development can only be built through cooperation, equality, and solidarity. For 175 years we have been generating decent work, with gender equality, respect for the environment, and inclusive to all people without exception. We hold the key for the development of a world based on fraternal, peaceful, and democratic relationships between countries. We will continue to press ahead, with the conviction of being part of a movement that is working for a better world, each and every day.

On behalf of my fellow Board Members and of the ICA staff, I wish you all a happy festive season and wonderful 2019 with your family and friends!

ARIEL GUARCO,President, International Cooperative Alliance