Malignant Lymphoma of Mucosa-As Lymphoid Tissue (MALT) Type Associ Ascariasis in the Liver 著者 "YAMABE Hirohiko, HAGA Hironori, KASHU Ip WATANABE Chihiro, KOBASHI Yoichiro" journal or publication title 鹿児島大学医学雑誌=Medical journal of Kagoshima University volume 47 number Suppl. 2 page range 137-139 URL http://hdl.handle.net/10232/18332

Malignant Lymphoma of Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue … · 2018-01-04 · high-grade lymphomas3^ Among extranodal lymphomas, a considerable proprotion is now believed to be lymphoma

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Page 1: Malignant Lymphoma of Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue … · 2018-01-04 · high-grade lymphomas3^ Among extranodal lymphomas, a considerable proprotion is now believed to be lymphoma

Malignant Lymphoma of Mucosa-AssociatedLymphoid Tissue (MALT) Type Associated withAscariasis in the Liver

著者 "YAMABE Hirohiko, HAGA Hironori, KASHU Ippei,WATANABE Chihiro, KOBASHI Yoichiro"

journal orpublication title

鹿児島大学医学雑誌=Medical journal ofKagoshima University

volume 47number Suppl. 2page range 137-139URL http://hdl.handle.net/10232/18332

Page 2: Malignant Lymphoma of Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue … · 2018-01-04 · high-grade lymphomas3^ Among extranodal lymphomas, a considerable proprotion is now believed to be lymphoma

Med. J. Kagoshima Univ., Vol. 47, Suppl. 2. 137-139, November, 1995

Case Report

Malignant Lymphoma

of Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT) Type

Associated with Ascariasis in the Liver

Hirohiko YAMABE1,

Hironori HAGA1, Ippei KASHU1, Chihiro WATANABE1

and Yoichiro KOBASHI2

laboratory of Anatomic Pathology, Kyoto University Hospital, Kyoto, Japan2Department of Pathology, Tenri Hospital, Nara, Japan


A 57-year-old woman with a low-grade mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) type lymphoma inthe biliary system of the liver is reported. This lesionwas accompanied by a long-standing biliary ascariasis inthe center of the lesion. Lymphoma cells showedmarginal zone distribution, lymphoepitheHal lesions inthe bile ducts, centrocyte-like and monocytoid features, and a B-cell phenotype. Follow-up studyrevealed no evidence of disease 4 years and 7 monthsafter surgery.

Key words: MALT type lymphoma, Liver, Ascariasis


Primary lymphomas in the liver and biliary tract arevery rare and account for only 0.4% in a large series of1,467 cases of extranodal lymphomas1^ Aozasa et al.found only 69 reported cases of primary hepaticmalignant lymphomas in the literature and noted thatdiffuse large cell B-cell lymphomas were the mostcommon2). Primary lymphomas of the biliary systemare also reported to be extremely rare3,4\ most beinghigh-grade lymphomas3^

Among extranodal lymphomas, a considerableproprotion is now believed to be lymphoma of themucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) typerecently described by Isaacason and Wright5). MALT

Address for Correspondence: Hirohiko YAMABE, M.D.Laboroatory of Anatomic Pathology, Kyoto UniversiyHospital, 54 Shogoin Kawahara-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-01, Japan

type lymphomas are considered low-grade lymphomasof B-cell origin with favorable clinical course in contrastto high-grade or large cell lymphomas.

We herein report a case of low-grade lymphoma ofthe MALT type occrring in the biliary system of theliver which was associated with ascariasis.

Case report

The patient was a 57-year-old housewife. In thefamily history, her father had diabetes mellitus, hermother had cholangiocarcinoma, and her sister hadcardiac infarct. The patient had cesarean section at 31years of age. She had been well until about 10 yearsago, when she first noticed intermittent pain in the rightepigastric region. A diagnosis of chronic hepatitis wasmade at that time, but she received no treatment. In ahealth check-up in February 1990, a calcified tumor wasincidentally found in the right lobe of the liver by plainx-photo and computed tomography (CT). She wasadmitted to Kyoto University Hospital for furtherexamination and treatment. The CT scan and the

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (Fig. 1) revealed anirregular calcified mass in the S7 and S8 area of theright hepatic lobe. Cholangiocarcinoma was suggestedas a clinical diagnosis, but reactive inflammatoryprocess, hemangioma, and metastatic tumor wereamong the differential diagnosis. Blood chemistry andserology data were unremarkable except for a slightelevation of 7 -GTP value and positive HBsAb. (Totalprotein 7.7 g/dl, albumin 4.5g/dl, total bilirubin0.6mg/dl, GOT 28 IU/L, GPT 18 IU/L, ALP 177 IU/L,7-GTP 54 IU/L, ChE 361 IU/L, LDH 394 IU/L,HBsAg(-), HBsAb( + ), CEA(-), AFP(-)). Rightlobectomy of the liver was performed on April 18,1990. No lymph node swelling was found. Pathological

Page 3: Malignant Lymphoma of Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue … · 2018-01-04 · high-grade lymphomas3^ Among extranodal lymphomas, a considerable proprotion is now believed to be lymphoma

[138] Med. J. Kagoshima Univ., Vol. 47, Suppl. 2, November, 1995

1. T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging scanshowing a high signal of the tumor with central lowsignal area.

diagnosis of a low-grade lymphoma of the MALT typeassociated with ascariasis was made. No further

treatment was given. The patient was well at a regularcheck-up on November 7, 1994, 4 years and 7 monthsafter surgery.


The resected tumor was located in the S7 and S8

area. It was well circumscribed and measured 6.5 X 7

X 8cm. The cut surface was solid, elastic hard andyellowish white with penetration of blood vessels andbile ducts and a central calcification (Fig. 2). Microscopic examination showed multiple nodular configurationof lymphoid cell proliferation containing germinalcenters (Fig. 3). Proliferating cells were located outsidethe reactive germinal centers which were accompaniedby remnants of mantle zones in some areas. These cellsshowed atypical centrocyte-like and monocytoid features (Fig. 4, 5). The so-called lymphoepitheHal lesionwas also found easily in the interlobular bile ducts (Fig.4). Immunohistochemical studies revealed that thetumor cells were L26 (CD 20, DAKO, Japan) positive

Fig. 2. Gross picture of the tumor.

and CD3 (polyclonal, DAKO, Japan) negative. In thecalcified area, there was a dead parasite with thick-shelled oval eggs mesuring 40 —45X50 —55 ,«m without operculum, which was most probably ascaris (Fig.6). From these findings, we concluded this was a low-grade MALT type lymphoma of the biliary system in

Fig. 4. Centrocyte-like lymphoma cells showing lymphoepitheHal lesions. (H & E, X 350)

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Fig. 5. Lymphoma cells with monocytoid features. (H & E,X 700)

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MALT Type Lymphoma in the Liver [139)



Fig. 6. A parasite (Ascaris) with eggs in the center of thelymphoma. (H & E, X 70)

the liver which developed in a setting of biliaryascariasis.


Malignant lymphomas in the liver and biliary systemare very rare'"4'. If they occur, most such lymphomasare large cell or high-grade lymphomas2"'. To ourknowledge, there is no prior report of low-gradeMALT type lymphoma in the hepatic biliary system,although a few cases have been reported in thegallbladder3'4'. The concept of MALT type lymphomapresented by Isaacson and Wright has now been wellaccepted4"7'. The present case fulfils the histologicalcriteria of low-grade MALT type lymphoma . Thiscase is peculiar in that a long-standing biliary ascariaiswas found in the center of the lymphoma. We have noidea about the relationship between the lesions, but it isvery reasonable to speculate that the long-standinginflammatory process caused by ascaris was a forerunner of the lymphoma, since MALT type lymphomasoccurring in the stomach, thyroid and salivary gland arethought to have some histogenetic relationship to thechronic inflammatory lesions often seen in the background of these lymphomas8"10'.


1) Freeman C, Berg JW, Cuter SJ. Occurrence andprognosis of extranodal lymphomas. Cancer 1972;29: 252-60.

2) Aozasa K, Mishima K, Ohsawa M. Primarymalignant lymphoma of the liver. Leukemia Lymphoma 1993; 10: 353-7.

3) Mosnier JF, Brousse N, Sevestre C, Flejou JF,Delteil C, Henin D, et al. Primary low-grade B-celllymphoma of the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissuearising in the gallbladder. Histopathology 1992; 20:273-5.

4) Pelstring RJ, Essell JH, Kurtin PJ, Cohen AR,Banks PM. Diversity of organ stie involvementamong malignant lymphomas of mucosa-associatedtissues. Am J Clin Pathol 1991; 96: 738-45.

5) Isaacson P, Wright DH. Extranodal malignantlymphoma arising from mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue. Cancer 1984; 53: 2515-24.

6) Lennert K, Feller AC. Low-grade malignant B-celllymphoma of MALT type. In: Lennert K, FellerAC. Histopathology of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas, 2nd ed. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1990: 111-4.

7) Harris NL. Extranodal lymphoid infiltrates andmucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT). Aunifying concept. Am J Surg Pathol 1991; 15: 879-84.

8) Chan JKC, Ng CS, Isaacson PG. Relationshipbetween high-grade lymphoma and low-grade B-cellmucosa-associted lymphoid tissue lymphoma(MALToma) of the stomach. Am J Pathol 1990;136: 1153-64.

9) Hyjek E, Isaacson PG. Primry B cell lymphoma ofthe thyroid and its relationship to Hashimoto'sthyroiditis. Hum Pathol 1988; 19: 1315-26.

10) Hyjek E, Smith WJ, Isaacson PG. Primary B-celllymphoma of salivary glands and its relationship tomyoepithelial sialadenitis. Hum Pathol 1988; 19:766-76.