Man and Cougar

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  • 7/30/2019 Man and Cougar



    Benjamin drove his black BMW over the dirt road and parked amongst the beat-

    up Fords and Chevys. He opened the door, placed his brand new Pumas atop the

    gravel and inhaled the fresh air around him. The dust from the road tickled his nostrils,

    the bright sun left dancing dots in front of his eyes and the wind cooled his already

    burning skin. He put on his aviators and smiled broadly.

    It is absolutely beautifulout here, he shouted. He approached the passengers

    side and pulled on the door handle. Doesnt this place make you feel so alive?

    A blonde woman with fare skin, green eyes and bright red lips extended out her

    French-manicured hand and sighed dramatically. Benjamin grabbed a hold of her hand

    and pulled her up gently. The woman furrowed her brows and studied her surroundings

    with contempt.

    This place looks like a junkyard, she complained.

    Benjamin held back a grimace. Cmon Amanda, live a little! Were only in the

    parking lot. The real stuff is over there.

    Amanda followed Benjamins gaze and frowned up at the mountain lumbering

    over her. Can we go back home please? I can think of something much more fun than

    hiking on a stupid deserted mountain, she flirted.

    Benjamin shook his head and took a couple steps away from her. Babe, its a

    beautiful day. The sun is shining, the wind is blowing and there is nature everywhere!Just humor me today, please?

    Amanda pouted. Fine. If I get sun burned, Im going to make you just as

    miserable as I am.

    Benjamin kissed her cheek and smiled. Its a deal. Now lets rub you up with

    some sunscreen so that you dont have to try to ruin my life. He pressed a button on

    his keys and watched the trunk slowly open. I remembered to bring your hat, your

    organic sunscreen, your gluten free snacks, filtered water and sugar free lemonade.

    Amanda looked at her phone and spun around in a couple of circles. I cant get

    any service out here. Did you bring your router? I dont know what Im going to do

    without my cell phone.

    Benjamin stared at her. Are you being serious?

    Amanda stared right back. Why would I be kidding?

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    No. No I didnt bring a router. I brought all of the stuff I mentioned to make sure

    that youll be comfortable on our hike. Now, please stop being so negative about the

    whole thing. I really want you us to enjoy this. Lets get away from your rather high

    maintenance tendencies and become one with nature. Well only be out here for a

    couple of hours. I think that youll be able to manage.

    Amanda stared at Benjamin with contempt. Did you just accuse me of being

    high maintenance?

    He pulled a paper bag out of the trunk and shook it in the air. Gluten free

    cookies, he sung sweetly.

    She walked up to Benjamin, snatched the cookies out of his hands and kissed

    him hard on the lips. Just remember, Im only doing this because I love you.

    He ran his fingers through her long ponytail and smiled. And Im so lucky that

    you do. So, put your hat on, take off those high heels and lather on your sunscreen.

    Its already one, and its only going to get hotter.

    Amanda pulled off her sweatshirt revealing a perfectly tanned body, curvy hips, a

    six-pack and a neon pink sports bra supporting her double D breasts.

    Benjamin studied her curiously. You brought a t-shirt didnt you?

    Amanda looked down at her slender body and frowned. Do you see what I look

    like? Why would I cover myself up with a t-shirt? You should consider yourself luckythat you get to look at me all day.

    Benjamin shrugged, slung the backpack over his shoulder, grabbed Amandas

    hand and tried to ignore the wandering eyes of the men around him. He was used to

    Amanda getting immense amounts of attention and he knew that he should consider

    himself lucky to be with someone so attractive, but her lack of modesty tended to make

    him uncomfortable. Not even jealous sometimes, it was embarrassing to be with

    someone so full of herself.

    I hope youre excited. I dont think you understand how beautiful this place can

    be when youre away from the roads and the rush of traffic. Theres something peaceful

    about the whole ordeal, Benjamin chirped.

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    Amanda scoffed. I hope youre right. Ill be lucky if I can get a tan during this

    whole adventure of yours. I dont want my new shoes to get dirty, so lets find a cement

    path to walk on if we can.

    The couple made their way through the parking lot and into the visitors center,

    trying to decide which trail would suit them best. Benjamin refused to remain on the

    sidewalk, arguing that they would miss out on the real hiking experience and Amanda

    remained adamant about keeping her shoes clean, even though she had bought them

    specifically for hiking. There was a group gathered on the back patio area, so Benjamin

    tugged on Amandas hand to see what they were talking about.

    What are you doing? Amanda whined.

    I just want to see what the deal is with this group. Maybe we could follow them.

    A man in a green polo shirt and khaki shorts was gesturing toward a straw hut

    that resembled a small, round tent. As you can see, this is the house of a traditional

    Kumeyaay tribesman. There are many Kumeyaay who reside on reservations

    throughout Southern California today, but this was their original home before invaders

    took over.

    Amanda nudged Benjamins shoulder and asked, What is a Kumeyaay?

    Benjamin hoped that no one else around him heard her question. The

    Kumeyaay are the Indian people who used to live here. Theres a bunch of informationabout them on this plaque right here.

    She seemed to ignore him. How could anybody actually take a shower in that

    little thing? Do you think they had to share a bedroom? Or even worse; what if they

    had to share a bathroom? I couldnt even imagine how horrible that would be.

    Rather than succumb to his embarrassment, Benjamin shifted Amandas

    attention to the wording on the board in front of them. He knew that Amanda didnt

    really care, but he wanted her to get something out of this trip. More importantly, he

    wanted her to not seem like such an idiot. According to this, they came here over

    2,000 years ago!

    Some priest took their land? And they just allowed it to happen?

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    Benjamin chuckled. I dont know if it worked like that. Junipero Serra lead an

    army of fifty Spanish soldiers and missionaries; they made the Indians build the Mission

    just a little bit from here.

    Amanda pulled on Benjamins hand, making sure that they didnt lose the tour

    group. I dont understand why the Indians didnt fight.

    Benjamin shrugged. Im sure they did. History is probably going to be a bit

    skewed because its in the eyes of conquers, not really the conquered. I think that the

    Indians attempted to riot by burning down the Mission, but wound up having to rebuild it

    anyway. Im sure they were more interested in protecting themselves and their


    Where are they all now?

    Like the tour guide mentioned, they live in multiple reservations throughout

    Southern California. I think that the ownership of their land ended around the beginning

    of the 1900s. Its not as if they just disappeared off of the face of the planet, but Im

    sure that parts of their culture changed as the world around them did. Didnt you learn

    about them in school?

    Amanda chuckled. Do I look like I need to pay attention in school in order to get

    good grades?

    Benjamin smiled down at her, unable to come up with a decent response to herstatement. She appeared to be the perfect woman to everyone who saw the handsome

    couple walking by them. She always dressed to impress, her make-up was flawless,

    she worked to keep her figure like that of a model, she had blemish-free skin, and she

    had the uncanny ability to seduce Benjamin no matter how angry she made him. He

    pulled his eyes away from her and studied the trees around him, squinting up at the sun

    through his aviators, wondering what on earth he was doing with his life. He watched a

    small bird fly across the sky and observed a bee buzzing around his arm. Despite the

    fact that everyone envied Benjamins relationship with Amanda, he couldnt help but feel

    like his heart had been replaced by a black hole and it was sucking the life out of him.

    He needed something more.

    You want to do something fun? Lets get out of here. Maybe find a nice little

    romantic getaway, Benjamin whispered, being careful not to interrupt the tour guides

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    speech. Lets just take this trail over here and see where it goes. He jumped off of the

    designated path and motioned for Amanda to follow.

    I dont think were supposed to do that, Amanda hissed. The guy in the

    obnoxiously hideous polo told us not to wander off of the path or stray away from the

    group. Something bad could happen to us.

    Benjamin shrugged. Since when do you listen to what people tell you to do?

    Live a little babe! We can explore on our own and really get down and dirty. When he

    winked at her, Amanda glared at him skeptically. Dont look at me like that. When

    have I ever led you astray? I wouldnt do anything to put you into any real danger.

    Okay. Fine. But can you get out of the bushes? Id rather not find a trail

    through poisonous plants, infectious insects and hungry animals. I think they have

    maps in the Visitors Center.

    A map? We dont need a map! Lets be our own pioneers and rediscover this

    place. We have snacks, water and each other. Give me a pretty smile gorgeous. I

    know youre excited to be alone with me. Maybe we could find a comfortable place to

    cuddle. We could even whip out some of the dried fruit I brought for us.

    Amanda smirked and intertwined her fingers with Benjamins. You owe me

    some sugar free frozen yogurt after this. She planted a kiss on his lips and smiled up

    at him sweetly.The couple walked off in a direction opposite of the tour group, trotting down

    paths that led them further and further away from civilization. Even though the park was

    in the middle of the town, the twisted paths and overgrown foliage made it difficult to find

    their way back to the Visitors Center. It seemed like every turn led to a dead end and

    whenever they retraced their steps, they wound up disappearing into the maze of heat

    and exhaustion. It should have been easy to find their way back, but Amandas

    incessant talking had caused Benjamin to zone the world out he had been

    mechanically walking forward, trying to enjoy the beauty of the world around him.

    Unfortunately, the gnat on his shoulder continuously buzzed in his ear and he couldnt

    take it anymore.

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    Amanda looked over her shoulder nervously and tapped on Benjamins shoulder.

    Can we sit and take a break sweetheart? Its really hot out here and Im starving, She


    Lets just go a little bit further. Theres some shade behind those trees over

    there. Benjamin pulled on Amandas arm, forcing her to follow him.

    Youre being a jerk Ben, Amanda snapped at him. I dont want to do this

    anymore. Weve been going about this stupid trip for hours and were who knows how

    many miles away from the Visitors Center. Just admit to me that you should have

    listened to me and picked up a map because were clearly lost. You only have one

    water bottle left in your backpack and Im horribly sunburned. Why cant we just go

    home? Weve already seen all theres to see out here. Trees, dirt, dead plants and

    jagged rocks Im bored and Im tired. Please, let me go home.

    Ben dropped to the ground beneath the shade of an oak tree and pulled his

    backpack in front of him. He threw a bag of crackers at Amanda and nearly laughed

    when she cowered out of the way. If you want to go, then leave! Im so sick and tired

    of hearing you complain about every little thing. Your shoes are dirty, your makeup is

    smeared, your pony tail is frizzy, and your hat is giving you a headache just shut up!

    Im out here to enjoy my day away from work and the stupid people who inhabit this

    god-forsaken planet. Youre being unbearable. Im beginning to think Id be better offwithout you. Please do me a favor and get the hell away from me.

    Im going to pretend that you didnt say that, Amanda snapped.

    Benjamin scoffed. Do you need me to repeat it again?

    Amandas cheeks flared red. If you recall, I didnt want to come to this hellhole

    in the first place! Youre the one who made me miss my nail appointment because you

    wanted me to enjoy nature with you! This place sucks. I wouldnt come here again if

    my life depended on it.

    Benjamin grabbed his keys out of his pocket and threw them at her feet. Then

    leave. This place will be so much more rewarding without you polluting the beauty with

    your fake bullshit.

    Her eyes grew wide and her face grew pale. She no longer looked angry; she

    was petrified. B-B-B-Ben, she stuttered.

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    He sighed. What do you want?

    She pointed to his side while she slowly backed away from him. S-Sn-Sn

    Benjamin threw his hands in the air impatiently. God Amanda, stop being an

    idiot! What the hell do you want from me? Do I need to pay you to leave? Because my

    God, that will be worth every last penny.

    When he reached down to grab his wallet out of his back pocket, he felt a scaly

    substance rub against his wrist. Before he could register his fear, a burning sensation

    shot throughout his body and his head began to spin wildly. Amanda screamed and

    ran, worried more about saving herself than about the boy vomiting in front of her.

    Benjamin fell to the side and closed his eyes, cringing from the unbearable pain. He

    wanted to cry out for help, but he couldnt find his voice. He ran through the tunnel and

    let the darkness completely take over.

    When Benjamin opened his eyes, he found himself staring up at the twinkling

    stars. His arm felt numb, his body was experiencing horrible chills, and beads of sweat

    were running down his forehead. He attempted to sit up, but his head spun

    uncomfortably and his stomach tightened in pain. Lying back on the ground, he tried to

    take in his surroundings. He couldnt see very far in any direction, but he tried toconvince himself that he was somewhere safe.

    Amanda? He asked into the emptiness.

    He was amidst rocks and dirt, bushes of coastal sage by his side and crickets

    chirping somewhere by his ears. He heard a stick crack close by and his pulse began

    to beat rapidly. His nausea grew more unpleasant and a sudden feeling of vulnerability

    suffocated him.

    Amanda? He asked again, this time with more urgency.

    He turned his head to the side and noticed a Kumeyaay hut erected not too far

    from him. He recognized it from the one that the tour guide had pointed out earlier, and

    was too delusional to question if he had wandered that close to the Visitors Center.

    Hoping to gather some protection from the dangers he couldnt perceive around him, he

    turned onto this stomach and army crawled through the small opening.

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    To his great surprise, a pair of sapphire blue eyes appeared in front of him. He

    jumped to his feet, bumped his head on top of the hut and fell to the ground, groaning.

    His heart was pounding in his chest, making his body shake anxiously.

    You shouldnt stand up that quickly. You need to wait until you gather back your

    strength. That bite left you pretty weak earlier, A girlish voice whispered.

    Benjamin rubbed his head, trying to ignore the black dots flashing in and out of

    his vision. Im fine, thank you very much. I just accidentally hit my head.

    Im sorry about scaring you. Its my fault that you got hurt again.

    Benjamin chuckled. Oh, you didnt scare me. I dont get scared that easily.

    So, you usually jump up and scream when you wake up from fainting?

    Benjamin noticed the mocking tone of the girls voice and grew defensive. So,

    you usually hide in Kumeyaay huts in the middle of the night?

    Actually, yes I do.

    He looked curiously at the eyes studying him and pushed himself into a sitting

    position. He discovered that he immediately wanted to lie back down, but refused to

    show how weak he was really feeling. He didnt want whoever he was conversing with

    to feel like they held any power over him. Who are you?

    My name is Geralyn. What do you call yourself?

    Benjamin couldnt help but notice how her voice filled his uneasy heart with astrange sense of comfort. I go by Benjamin. Are you homeless or something?

    She snorted. You must have bumped your head harder than I thought. I live

    here. Youre in my home, so Id appreciate if you didnt treat me so poorly.

    Benjamin stared into those piercing blue eyes, wondering if he was speaking to a

    crazy person. Im sorry I invaded your home, he said sarcastically. Do you think you

    can come closer? I cant see you in the dark and Id like to know who Im talking to.

    Geralyn stepped into a ray of moonlight shining through a small opening in the

    roof of the hut and brushed a loose, black strand of hair away from her face.

    Benjamins mouth hung wide open, his mind awestruck, his body unable to summon the

    courage to speak. Geralyn was beyond radiant. In the moonlight, her tan skin glowed.

    Her nose was petite and round, her eyes large and slightly almond shaped, and her hair

    seemed to hang down to her shoulders. She didnt smile, but her pale lips made

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    Benjamins breath catch in his throat. She wasnt wearing any make-up, she covered

    her slender body with her arms and she shyly averted her eyes from Benjamins

    judgmental gaze.

    Why are you looking at me like that? Have you never seen a human being

    before? Geralyn asked, playing nervously with her hair.

    Benjamin shook his head and snapped out of the trance she cast over him. Ive

    never seen a human being as beautiful as you before, he admitted.

    Geralyn blushed and smiled, revealing two rows of crooked teeth. Benjamin

    couldnt look away everything about her was endearing.

    Why do you live here?

    This has been my home for about two thousand years now, she replied.

    Benjamin stared at her incredulously. Two thousand years? He decided that

    she was definitely crazy. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever had the

    pleasure to meet, but she was completely insane.

    Geralyn laughed at the confused look on his face. Ill explain it further to you

    tomorrow if youre still hanging around here. Right now, you need your rest. That rattle

    snake bit you pretty badly.

    He looked down at his arm and noticed that it was still swollen. How did you

    know what to do?To my people, its common knowledge. Theres a plant called Echinacea that

    heals snake wounds. Its a lavender looking flower with skinny little petals.

    Your people? Did you rub it on my arm or something?

    At this, Geralyn laughed again. You dont know much about wildlife do you? I

    crushed it up, put it in some water and forced it down your throat. I had hope that you

    would be okay because I think I found you only a few hours after the snake bit you. If I

    had found you any later, you may not have survived. And yes, my people. I lived with

    the Kumeyaay all those years ago before everything completely changed.

    I dont know how I feel about you shoving something down my throat. We dont

    know each other that well.

    Geralyn stared at him inquisitively. What?

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    Benjamin sniggered. Dont worry about it. I was just trying to make a joke to

    lighten up the mood a little bit.

    Oh, Im sorry. Im still getting used to modern lingo. Anyway, you need to really

    get some sleep. So stop talking.

    Benjamin nodded and laid his head down on a pile of soft fur collected behind

    him. Thank you for saving me. I dont think I thanked you properly, Benjamin

    mumbled sleepily.

    Geralyn lay down on her side of the hut and smiled. Im glad that I could help.

    When Benjamin woke up, he realized that his arm was wrapped around

    Geralyns body. He felt the soft fur adorning her midsection and snuggled closer,

    absorbing the warmth she provided. He sighed happily and opened his eyes to look at

    the beautiful woman cuddling beside him.

    His heart began to sprint wildly, fear building as tremors shook his body. He

    suppressed a scream by holding his breath; suddenly, running away seemed to be the

    only logical escape. He slowly lifted his arm and rolled over, trying not to make any

    sudden movements that may wake the creature sleeping beside him. He scooted

    towards the hut wall and breathed a huge sigh of relief.

    Until he saw the animal stir.Benjamin scanned the circumference of the hut hoping to find a means of

    protecting himself. He concluded that his only escape was being blocked by the

    creature, and suddenly, he wondered what had happened to Geralyn. Was she still

    alive? Did she lure the creature into the hut to kill him? Was this some sick joke thats

    played on people who dont listen to the tour guide? He was still debating whether or

    not to make a run for it when the creature turned its head and stared. His heart felt as if

    it was being squeezed into dust. It was bleeding in his chest, the life being sucked out

    of him.

    Those eyes. He recognized those eyes; those sapphire blue eyes that had

    saved him from certain death. He gazed into the mountain lions eyes, his mind

    refusing to believe the truth that was standing right before him. He pressed his back

    against the wall and closed his eyes; he wanted nothing more than to wake up from this

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    nightmare and be safe in his bed with Amanda taking care of his fever. He felt a cold,

    moist object on his nose and hesitantly opened his eyes. The cougar had come face to

    face with Benjamin, cornering him against the wall.

    Please dont eat me, Benjamin pleaded. I doubt that I taste very good.

    Wouldnt you prefer a nice packrat or a fat deer? They have a lot of those around here.

    The cougar refused to move, daring Benjamin to stare into its eyes Geralyns

    eyes. Benjamin swallowed and took a deep breath, his mind bouncing from one crazy

    idea to the next. His first instinct was to run, but he knew that his chance of getting

    away from a full grown cougar were slim to none. Cougars have the ability to jump

    twenty feet up or down a hillside and are adapted to sprint short distances at forty-five

    miles per hour. Benjamin figured he was as good as dead. He gently reached his hand

    out and made contact with the coarse fur on the neck of the wild animal. He had run out

    of any better ideas and thought that coaxing the large creature might distract it from

    eating him. The cougar closed its eyes and turned its head to the side, urging Benjamin

    to scratch harder. When he hesitated, the cougar squeaked at him, a sound that made

    chills run up and down Benjamins spine. He obediently scratched behind the cougars

    ear and patted the back gently, smiling when he heard the giant cat purring.

    Never in my life did I imagine myself petting a mountain lion in the middle of a

    Kumeyaays house.The cougar seemed to smile at Benjamin, its big blue eyes lighting up with

    emotion. Benjamin studied the sapphires and shook his head, honestly believing that

    he wasnt right in the mind.

    I dont think that Geralyn knew what she was doing when she saved me from

    that rattle snake. Im obviously still hallucinating; otherwise I wouldnt be sitting here

    having an intimate moment with a cougar.

    The cougar screamed maliciously and knocked Benjamin to the ground, taking

    away any courage that Benjamin had managed to hold onto. The animal pinned

    Benjamin to the ground and screamed in his face, bearing fangs that made Benjamin

    feel as if he might soil himself. The big blue eyes pierced through his strength, reducing

    him to a feeling of utter helplessness.

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    Im sorry, Im sorry! I didnt mean to say anything to offend you. Maybe youre

    Geralyns pet. Im sure she did a wonderful job and cured me perfectly. Benjamin

    slapped himself in the forehead. Youre talking to a mountain lion Benny boy. You

    need to get a hold of yourself.

    The cougar shook its head, released its grip on Benjamin and turned its back on

    him it reminded Benjamin of the way Amanda swished her hips whenever she walked

    away from him after an argument. He waited until the cougar was completely out of

    sight to relax his muscles and risk moving out of his submissive position.

    I must be hallucinating; I refuse to believe that I just escaped the jaws of a

    mountain lion. None of this makes sense. Maybe Im dehydrated. I need to get my

    head on straight if I want to get out of here alive.

    He found his backpack resting by the entrance of the hut, his last water bottle still

    full and Amandas disgusting health snacks still uneaten. He gulped the entire bottle of

    water down in one swig and squinted into the sun, emerging from his rescuers home.

    He dropped the bottle and stared wondrously at the vast expanse of land spread out in

    front of him. He was on top of a mountain, only a few feet away from a cliff that dropped

    into nothingness. He was surrounded by clouds, birds were flying beneath him and he

    wondered if he had reached the top of Mount Olympus. He wanted to jump onto the

    clouds and fly higher into the sky, defying all odds, discovering worlds unknown. If helooked hard enough, he could spot the big city in the distance, but he had no idea where

    on earth he was currently located. Every way he turned, he was surrounded by bright

    blue sky and a light breeze; he felt both dizzy and intoxicated. He had never

    experienced such a beautifully natural view before. He smiled and took a deep breath,

    filling his lungs with air that was free of the toxic environment within the city.

    His anxieties and fears evaporated through his pores and his senses were more

    heightened than ever. His eyes were unaffected by the brilliant sunshine, the wind sent

    sensual rushes over his body, the smell of wood and dirt created a sense of complete

    freedom, and the silence that filled the air hummed through his ears as if he was being

    serenaded by a secret lover. The entire experience was tantalizing. Benjamin had

    believed that hed never experience a better feeling than intimacy with a woman, but

    this? He finally understood the powerful effects of ecstasy and pleasure.

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    Now this is what Ive been searching for. This was what I wanted to see.

    When night fell, Benjamin found himself overwhelmingly restless. He had been

    content sitting atop the world for an hour or two, but he craved exploration.

    Unfortunately, all sides of the mountain appeared steep and dangerous, so he had kept

    his distance from them. However, his solution of walking in thousands of circles around

    the hut only made him anxious. He didnt know how he would get out of here if he were

    put in any real danger. He wondered what had happened to Geralyn or if he would see

    her ever again. He then began to question his sanity. He noticed the swollenness of

    his snakebite had abated slightly, but seeing the wound made him feel slightly sick. He

    wondered if Amanda had been able to get away from the snake on time. He wondered

    about the cougar he encountered earlier and then he thought about Geralyn some

    more. It was mental, but there was something about Geralyn that gave Benjamin hope.

    He had never believed in a silly clich like love at first sight, but Geralyn definitely held

    some strange power over him. Maybe it was because she had saved his life; maybe it

    was the melodious tone of her voice; maybe it was the way those blue eyes radiated

    intense passion he simply couldnt put his finger on it. He finally fell to the ground and

    stared up at the stars, defeat and exhaustion grabbing hold of his sanity.

    Last time I found you laying on the ground, you were half-dead. Do I have to beworried this time? Geralyns voice floated through Benjamins heart, making his pulse

    quicken instantly. He looked over toward the sound of her voice and spotted Geralyns

    flawlessly slim body completely illuminated by the moonlight. She was more beautiful

    than he had remembered.

    I think I might be having a heart attack. Want to perform CPR and make me feel


    Geralyn laughed. Okay Benny. I think youve been exposed to the sun for too

    long today because youre clearly not thinking straight. She sat on the ground next to

    him and hugged her knees to her chest. What did you end up doing today?

    Benjamin sat up and rested his palms on the dirt behind him. Did you just call

    me Benny?

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    Geralyn blushed. Is that okay? I dont want to cross any boundaries, but I

    thought it was kind of cute.

    Benjamin laughed. I havent had anyone call me that in years. I dont mind at

    all. He paused thoughtfully. I had the most interesting encounter with a mountain lion

    this morning. It was terrifying.

    Geralyn remained silent and stared into the darkness.

    Strangely enough, this mountain lion had eyes that were identicalto yours. Is

    that something that is common around here? Mountain lions having eyes that resemble

    those of a human?

    Geralyn closed her eyes and steadied her breathing. If I tell you something

    crazy, will you promise me that you wont run away?

    Benjamin furrowed his brows. Geralyn, youre the most beautiful girl Ive ever

    met. I highly doubt Id ever find a legitimate reason to run away from you.

    Geralyn took another deep breath and mumbled, That was me.

    Benjamin stared at her. What did you say?

    She straightened her shoulders and turned her hypnotizing gaze on him. That

    mountain lion you saw today? That was me.

    Benjamin shook his head and chuckled. Dont joke around like that. You and I

    both know that is physically impossible.Geralyn glared. Why would I lie about something like that? Do you think its

    cool to change into a ferocious animal that everybody is scared of? Do you think I

    want that?

    Benjamin shrugged. Im sorry if this hurts your feelings, but I think youre being

    crazy. I cant believe it. That isnt humanly possible.

    You people these days are so narrow minded. In my tribe, some lucky

    individuals were called born shamans. There were different types of shamans in

    charge of various activities throughout the tribe, but my case was different. There arent

    many women who become shamans, especially one like me. My people considered me

    extremely special. She paused and gathered her thoughts together, wondering if she

    would be able to dig up the past like this. It always hurt her to talk about losing her

    family and her life, but she didnt know how else to get Benjamin to trust her. Im able

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    to transform myself into my guardian animal which is the cougar. We have a story a

    creation story of sorts about different animals and how my people view them. Tu-

    caypa and Yokomatis were the two sons of Earth Mother and Primal Water. These

    sons were the ones who created man, other life forms, heavenly bodies and culture.

    They were known for having pet foxes. The noble elder twin was sickened by water

    given to him by Frog and despite the great care given by Eagle and Mountain Lion, he

    died. During the sons cremation ceremony, it is said that coyote stole and ate his

    heart. This is why Frog is abhorred, Eagle and Mountain Lion revered and Coyote

    distrusted. When I was still a young child, I transformed into a cougar, unsure of how to

    handle my special power. My parents discovered this talent and wept joyously, saying

    that I was going to be the one to lead my people to a greater life nobody had been

    able to transform into a mountain lion for hundreds of years. My parents asked the only

    other shaman who had shape-shifting powers to be my mentor and teach me how to

    control my blessing. Im called a Nagual. I have the ability to become one with Cougar

    and take his true form. However, something went wrong when the Missionaries took

    over our land. My mentor and I were separated and I was never able to complete my

    training. Ever since that dreadful occurrence, Ive lived as a cougar by day and as a

    human by night.

    Benjamin sat there, dumbfounded. He wondered if he had been saved bysomeone who had escaped from a mental asylum. It would make sense as to why she

    lived isolated away from other human beings for so long. If this is really true, how are

    you still alive after all of these years? Dont you have to die at some point?

    Geralyn shrugged. I do age, but at an extremely slow rate. I was never able to

    explain that to any of my fellow tribe members. I remained a child for many more years

    than any of my peers. It was hard for me to make friends because of it. Some people

    believed that my mother was bewitched when I was in her belly; some believed that she

    sold my soul to the devil so that she could have another child she and my father

    wanted a boy and some believe that I am the reincarnation of Mountain Lion from the

    creation story, but nobody knows for sure. My mother died before I cared to ask her

    about it.

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    Benjamin reflected on her answer and frowned. Ive always loved nature, but

    have never really taken the time to experience it. I constantly come up with excuses for

    why Im too busy to care. When I was in college, I was too absorbed in school and

    drinking to look around at the world Ive taken for granted, and now, Im too focused on

    my job to really think about the damage Ive done to this wonderful place. Busy, busy,

    busy its always the same sorry excuse.

    Are you too busy to experience it now?

    Benjamin raised an eyebrow. Depends on what you have in mind.

    Geralyn smiled, grabbed Benjamins arm and pulled him to the edge of the

    mountain top. The fog and the clouds had covered any view of the ground below them,

    making Benjamin feel as if he was jumping to his death. Geralyn must have noticed

    Benjamins hesitancy because she chuckled. You have to trust me on this one. Oh,

    and be sure to watch your footing. It can be dangerous to novice hikers such as you.

    Benjamin puffed out his chest and ignored the urge to protest. Geralyn pulled

    him down an extremely deep path at a half jog, hopping nimbly from one rock to the

    next. She made her way easily down the jagged edges and rough dirt despite her bare

    feet and constantly encouraged Benjamin to keep up with her. When they made it to

    the bottom of the mountain, Benjamin was drenched in sweat, covered in scratches and

    completely out of breath.What are you trying to do? Kill me? Im not as nimble on my feet as you are.

    Geralyn gently touched his shoulder, immediately relieving the pain that had

    been coursing through his body. I told you to trust me. I wouldnt do anything to harm


    She pushed past a thick layer of brush and motioned for Benjamin to follow.

    When he stood beside her, he couldnt believe his eyes. Right in front of him, a river

    was flowing peacefully over a collection of wood and rocks. There were ducks

    splashing one another, fish darting left and right, water droplets glistening on cat tails,

    leaves floating along the current and coyotes drinking from the rivers edge. His heart

    beat with excitement, his body yearning to become one with the animals. He looked at

    Geralyn and smiled.

    Okay. I trust you.

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    She grabbed his hand, interlacing her thin fingers with his, and took off running

    towards the water. She jumped into the air, giggling happily, dragging Benjamin behind

    her. When Benjamins body hit the water, his heart pounded with life. It was cool and

    refreshing, the current racing through his hair, his clothes sticking to his skin, his

    muscles numb from excitement. Their bodies swirled together in the water, fish nipping

    at their toes, ducks quacking angrily at the disturbance and coyotes yipping with delight.

    When the two emerged from the crystal clear water, Geralyn was laughing whole-

    heartedly and Ben was completely transfixed by her natural beauty. He stared at her,

    absorbing every inch of her face: the way the moonlight hit her just right, the way part of

    her remained covered in shadow. He noticed the glistening water droplets on her

    eyelids and the water that ran down her chin, dripping lightly onto her chest. He swam

    over to her, placed his feet on the muddy ground beneath him, held Geralyn in his arms

    and wished that he could remain in this moment forever.

    You are the most beautiful person I have ever met Geralyn. Inside and out, you

    completely blow me away, He whispered.

    She blushed and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. You dont know that

    much about me. How could you say that?

    Benjamin grabbed the same strand of hair and twirled it in between his fingertips,

    adoring the texture of her soft mane mixed with the dampness of the water. Because, Ifeel as if Ive known you my entire life. I have never felt this way before.

    He leaned forward and connected his lips with hers, unable to resist the

    temptation any longer. They were chapped and wet, gentle and kind. She wrapped her

    arms around his neck and moved closer, enjoying the first human contact that she had

    experienced since the missionaries invaded. Benjamins hairs stuck up on his neck and

    goose bumps appeared all over his skin. Her touch was electric and made him feel

    whole again. When he pulled away from her, he opened his eyes to find the sunlight

    beginning to rise and a cougar in his arms.

    This time, his fear had dissipated and was replaced by a strong sense of

    affection. Youre still beautiful Geralyn. Youre absolutely gorgeous. He felt her purr

    and kissed her nose. Without a doubt, you are the most beautiful creature I have ever

    had the pleasure to have laid eyes on.

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    Geralyn nuzzled his neck and smiled. She couldnt believe that a human had the

    power to make her feel this way. She loved it and hoped that he would never let her go.

    Benjamin walked along the path leading him back to the parking lot. Geralyn had

    taken off when the sun had raised high into the sky and Benjamin refused to wait

    around the hut like a lovesick puppy. Instead, he thought it would be a nice surprise to

    show Geralyn what modern romance was like: a bouquet of flowers and a big box of

    chocolates. He thought about buying her a stuffed cougar, but didnt know if she would

    appreciate the irony behind it. He couldnt believe what he was feeling. He didnt think

    that it was possible, but he couldnt deny the emotions that were dancing through him.

    He was head over heels in love with a cougar.

    He smiled and shook his head. What were the odds of that happening?

    He spotted his BMW, but remembered that he had thrown his keys at Amanda

    when they had had their fight. He sighed and continued on, figuring that a nice little

    walk to the local store wouldnt hurt anything. At this point, he needed to walk around

    more often he wouldnt be able to keep up with Geralyns endeavors otherwise.

    Thats when they made eye-contact. He couldnt help but wonder what on earth

    she was doing here.

    She screamed and ran across the dirt, kicking up dust and rocks behind her.Benjamin froze and braced himself as Amanda flung her body at him. Youre alive! Oh

    baby, youre alive! She shrieked over and over again.

    She wrapped her long slender legs around his hips and planted kiss after kiss on

    his lips. Ive been worried sick about you! Why didnt you call me? I looked

    everywhere for you, but couldnt find you anywhere! I even had the park rangers go

    searching for you, but they came up empty handed. Im so happy to see that youre

    okay! She continued to try to kiss him, but soon gave up when she noticed he wasnt

    responding to her. Whats wrong? She asked slowly climbing down from him.

    Benjamin stared down at Amanda, unsure of how to respond to her. He was

    supposed to be excited. He finally found the girl he was in supposedly in love with, but

    it made him feel depressed. He had wished he remained up at the hut. He didnt want

    to have to deal with Amanda ever again. She was like a leech, sucking out his blood

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    until he lay lifeless on the ground. Why was she here? What did she think she was

    doing? H-Hey sweetie, He said hesitantly. Sorry, I just wasnt expecting to see you

    here. Im a bit surprised right now.

    She beamed up at him, wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him

    in for another round of kisses. I missed you so incredibly much. Ive been here every

    single day hoping to see you! I kind of thought that you were dead, but I refused to

    believe it; its felt like years since Ive seen you! I felt so bad after our stupid fight. I was

    acting like a little kid. Im so sorry. I shouldnt have treated you that way and I promise

    you Ill never do that ever again.

    Benjamin heard a rustling in the bushes and noticed a pair of sapphire eyes

    studying him. His cougar, his love, was staring at him, watching a blonde model kiss

    him over and over again and he wasnt doing anything to stop it. His heart dropped

    down into the pit of his stomach as a pang of confusion stabbed him in the side. He

    reached out, hoping that she would wait to listen to his explanation. But she had

    already turned around and disappeared. If he didnt do something now, he would lose

    his chance forever. Amanda looked over her shoulder and followed Benjamins stare.

    What are you looking at?

    He shook his head and shrugged, trying not to let his guilt influence his behavior.

    Nothing. I thought I saw something, but I must have been seeing things. Im think thatmy snake bite isnt one hundred percent healed yet. How did you get here?

    I drove your car silly! You gave me your keys remember?

    So, you had time to grab my keys and run away while a snake was poisoning

    me, but you didnt have time to try and help me?

    Amanda looked as if she was going to cry. Well, what did you expect me to do?

    Im not a zoologist so I dont know what to do when a rattle snake attacks. I thought that

    running away was the best thing to do. The first thing I did was tell the park rangers

    when I found the Visitors Center, but because you led me into the middle of nowhere, it

    took me a long time to make my way back. We wouldnt have been in that position if

    you had just listened to me instead of being a stubborn jerk about the whole thing.

    Benjamin felt his anger rising in his chest. Are you really going to bring that up

    right now? You think thats my fault? If you hadnt been complaining the entire time, I

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    wouldnt have had to collapse to the ground out of sheer exhaustion from listening to

    you nag me incessantly.

    Amanda glared at him. You take that back.

    Why should I? Youre never going to change. Youre a great person Amanda.

    Youre gorgeous, youre talented and you have some sweetness somewhere in that

    stone cold heart of yours, but I just cant take it anymore. I think this is where we call it

    quits. This isnt working out for either of us.

    Amanda took Benjamins keys out of her pocket and threw them at him as hard

    as she could. Youre a prick Benjamin Logan. You dont deserve someone as perfect

    as me. You dont know how good you have it. Youll miss me. Trust me. Youll miss

    everything about me.

    She turned around and stalked off, swishing her hips away in a final attempt to

    draw Benjamins attention. Hey Amanda! He called out.

    She turned back, her eyes glimmering with hope. He tossed the keys back to her

    and smiled. You can take these back. I wont need them where Im going.

    He turned back towards Geralyns mountain and took off at a sprint, hoping that

    he wasnt already too late. He knew that she had seen Amandas behavior, but he

    would just have to explain the whole situation to her. She would understand. She had

    to understand. He didnt know what he would do if she refused to speak to him. He justneeded her to hear him out. He should have told her the truth sooner, but he could fix

    it. He loved her. Love could fix everything. He looked up at the sun and figured that he

    would make it up to the mountain by the time she turned back into a human. He pushed

    himself even harder.

    She had to know the truth.

    Benjamin pulled himself over the mountains final ledge and collapsed to the

    ground, his body completely fatigued and dehydrated. He panted, craving some water,

    wondering if his heart might explode from beating so hard. The pebbles on the ground

    cut his cheek, and he felt the painful urge to vomit, but he didnt care. He needed to find


    Geralyn! He moaned.

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    He pushed himself onto his hands and knees and crawled into the hut hoping to

    find her there. He heard the sound of someone sobbing and wished he could crawl into

    a hole and die. He had made Geralyn cry and he had never felt so bad in his life.

    Geralyn? He called out gently.

    Get out of here, She spat. I dont want to see you ever again.

    Please, just listen to me. Benjamin still hadnt caught his breath and his world

    was reeling around him, but he needed to convince Geralyn to listen to him. I can

    explain everything.

    She turned around to look at him, her eyes red and puffy, fresh tears rushing

    down her cheeks, her sapphire blue eyes fading into a dark grey. Oh, so youre going

    to explain why you lied to me? Are you going to tell me that you were leading me on

    because youre a disgusting pig? Were you going to tell me how flawless that Barbie

    character is? Do you think Im an idiot? Do you think Im a nave little girl who doesnt

    know what its like to be loved?

    Benjamin swallowed back a whimper. If youd just give me a chance, I promise

    you Ill tell you everything. I know I should have told you before this, but please just

    listen to me.

    Why should I give you a chance? You completely lied to me. You have a

    girlfriend and you hid that from me. Do you think that you deserve my attention?Benjamins shoulders slumped. Of course I dont think I deserve it, but Im

    begging you to hear me out. I wont lie to you. Ill tell you everything.

    Geralyn wiped her nose with her arm. Why should I trust you?

    Because Im in love with you Geralyn..

    She stared at Benjamin, unsure if she had heard him correctly. Excuse me?

    I know that you heard me. Im sorry that I didnt tell you about Amanda sooner.

    I hadnt expected to see her ever again. She showed up out of nowhere and attacked

    me I didnt want that. I swear to you Geralyn, I didnt no I dont want that. I want

    you. Ive never experienced these feelings with anybody else before. Youve shown

    me what living is all about. You can make something so average appear extraordinary.

    You live in a world that is so disgustingly complicated, but you have a lifestyle that is so

    exceedingly simple. Your life is beautiful strange, but sexy. If everyone lived like you,

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    we would be happier. We would be free from all of the material objects that bind us to

    technology. I dont need a car, I dont need a TV, I dont need a computer and I dont

    need a plastic girlfriend whose sole purpose is to impress others to gain the attention

    of others. I needto be with you. You could teach me so much more about living; about

    being completely and utterly alive.

    I cant live anywhere else Benny. Ive told you about my problem. I cant control

    my transformations, she said sadly. You cant take me out to lunch, you couldnt take

    me to the movies, and you cant introduce me to your family. How can you even think

    like that? You should stay with Amanda. She obviously loves you and you obviously

    care about her. You can have a real relationship with her you cant live in the real

    world with me.

    Benjamin scooted closer to Geralyn and reached out for her hand. She refused

    to return the gesture at first, but succumbed to his persistent smiles. It may seem

    ridiculous, but I know that youre the one for me. I dont need the average type of

    relationship that everyone else has. I would trade every hour in the day just so that I

    could spend twenty minutes with you at night. What we have is special. Ive never had

    this connection with anybody. There has been a piece missing from my life recently,

    and youre the one who has completed the puzzle youve made me complete again.

    Please Geralyn. Dont push me away. I would never do anything to hurt you. I want tobe with you and only you. This life, this place? Benjamin gestured around him. This

    is what I want. This is real. That other world I lived in? That was nothing but lies and

    insincerity. I dont want to go back there but if I had to, Id bring you with me. As a

    cougar or as a human, I will love you forever.

    She smiled up at him and leaned in for a kiss, hoping that he was being honest.

    If you screw me over, I will let my inner cougar kill you.

    Benjamin laughed and breathed into her lips, And if that happens, I wont run

    away. Ill take it like a man.

    She giggled and kissed him, long and hard. I think I might love you Benny.

    He snuggled up beside her and held her throughout the night, sleeping more

    soundly than he thought possible. When he awoke, he found a cougars head resting

    on his chest. He listened to her purring and kissed her forehead. Thanks again for

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    saving my life Geralyn. He fell asleep intertwined with the woman he loved, his

    breathing synced with hers. Maybe one day, you could teach me that transformation

    thing. Then we could run wild together.

    Geralyn squeaked and scooted closer to Benjamin, nuzzling her head against his

    neck. Benjamin smiled and fell back asleep, peace and serenity becoming one with his

    spirit. He finally understood what it meant to be alive, and couldnt wait to start living
