K m m ţ r o s f M ' & f \ - m ew n^s+infel© ! % , un J^ 3 9 s^9 *on'c ?· aerisit prin labirintul anglo-saxon Ш un ' 1 ,'К‘Л*1 Л»Юд ideal pentru toţi cei care au învăţat engleza cândva şi... au uitat-o gramatică lecturi de exerciţii si teste si alte J еМ т вт е,

Manual Engle Za Ex Amen Baca Laure At

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examen bac engleza

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  • K m m r o s f M ' & f \ - m e w n ^ s + i n f e l !% ,

    un J ^ 39 s^ 9 *on'c ? aerisit prin labirintul anglo-saxon

    un '1,'*1 ideal pentru toi cei care au nvat engleza cndva i... au uitat-o



    de exerciii si teste

    s i a l t eJ


  • Ecaterina Comisei/

    Doina Milos9

  • Proiect editorial i realizare: C o m p a n i a

    Ilustraia copertei: planul m etroului londonez (detaliu) i vedere cu Brooklyn Bridge din New York

    Redactarea: C arm en erbnescu

    Corectura: Nicoleta Dasclu, Adina Kenere, Maria M uuroiu

    Procesare computerizat: Bogdan C onstantinescu

    Procesare film e : ZO O M -Soft

    Tiprit la : ARTA GRAFIC

    Autoarele volumului

    Ecaterina Comiel profesoar de lim ba englez, gradul 1, au toare de m anuale i cursuri

    Doina Milos profesoar de lim ba englez, gradul I, au toare a u n o r culegeri de teste

    ISBN: 973-99223-4-1

    compania, 2000 (ediie conform program ei MEN)

    Str. Prof. Ion Bogdan Nr. 16, Sector 1, 71149 Bucureti

    Tel: 211 59 64 Fax: 2 11 59 48

    e -m a il: com pania@ fx.ro http://freew eb.fx.ro/com pania

  • COPIM NSI R I A F M nj_F.7............... .... ... ............._..............

    LR_A_M-A XJjCL A........... ............... .................... ....................... 1 0S u b s ta n tiv u l 10 ' 1 Pluralul substantivelor 10 Exprim area posesiei 13 i A r tic o lu l 15 Articolul ho trt the 1S

    Articolul nehotrt a / an 16 Articolul zero 18 l i A d je c tiv u l 20 Adjective simple 20 Adjective com puse 24 P ro n u m e le 26 Pronum ele personal subiect 26 Pronum ele personal com plem ent (direct sau indirect) 27 81 Adjectivele i pronum ele posesive 27 Pronum ele reflexiv i de n trire 27 Pronum ele dem onstrativ 28 Pronum ele nehotrte 29 Pronum ele reciproce each other i one another 29 It / There 31 It p ronum e personal 31 It im personal 31 There 33 V erbu l 35 Tim purile verbale 35 M odaliti de exprim are a viitorului 44 Diateza 51 Subjonctivul 53 Verbele m odale 56 Can i could 57 May i might 58 Must 59

    Shall i should 60 Will i would 61 ; Neednt have i didnt need to 62 ; Tem porala i condiionala 66 11 Vorbirea indirect 7 0 & Schimbarea tim purilor verbale 71

    I F I r 7 7Cuvinte care dau btaie de cap 77 u Prieteni fali 82 Verbe dificile 83 * Verbe cu particul adverbial 85 Verbe neregulate 92

    T E I S , . : ^ J D J l :JE,A,sXSJZ},M^LMMSQ,.^^ S,Jo.

    l A C liM r J-FS_T F J~A_.t .A_F X--A.fi/LF-- !------- -..Advanced (profilul bilingv, 5-7 ore pe sptmn) Proba oral 106 Advanced Proba scris 113 Upper-intermediate (profilul intensiv, limbi strine i filologie) Proba oral 121 Upper-intermediate Proba scris 128 Intermediate (pentru celelalte profiluri, 1-2 ore pe sptmn) Proba oral 137 Intermediate Proba scris 145 Pre-intermediate (pen tru m inoriti i limba a IlI-a ) Proba oral 151 i Pre-intermediate Proba scris 153

    SXLLJLXXLt*Soluiile exerciiilor de gramatic 157 ! Soluiile testelor Texts fo r reading comprehension 165 Soluiile testelor ca la exam en 166 H Advanced Proba oral 166 Upper-intermediate Proba oral 167 Upper-intermediate Proba scris 168 Intermediate Proba oral 171 Intermediate Proba scris 173 Pre-intermediate Proba oral 176 Pre-intermediate Proba scris 176

    ..... ..................................... .........1 7

  • T e m e le de s+wdiwCartea este structurat n pa tru p r i : 1 o prezentare succint a problem elor eseniale ale gramaticii limbii engleze, cu suficiente exemple p en tru a le

    face nelese. Fiecare tem gramatical este nsoit de exerciii care te ajut s-i lmureti acele construcii care prezint dificulti.

    ~ 1 o selecie de structu ri gramaticale m enit s corecteze greeli frecvente11 texte de citit i de com entat, nsoite i ele de exerciii care te pregtesc p en tru diferitele teste i examene

    : exem ple de subiecte posibile la exam enul de bacalaureat Pentru c O K ! BAC la englez este conceput ca un m aterial p en tru studiu individual, am inclus i o list cu verbe neregulate, precum i soluiile exerciiilor.

    M anualele pe care le ai la d isp oziie pentru a pregti exam enul de bacalaureat sunt u rm toarele:~ 1 p en tru clasele cu program bilingv i cele cu program intensiv (la acestea din urm sunt valabile num ai

    prim ele trei manuale)-> English My Love (clasa a IX-a) a u to r i: R. Blan, . Colibaba, C. Coer, V Foceneanu,

    V Stan, R. Vulcnescu, EDFJ ediia 1994 i urm toarele (far ediia 1999 revizuit)-> Perspectives on English (clasa a X-a) a u to r i: R. Blan, M. Carianopol, . Colibaba,

    C. Coer, V Foceneanu, V Stan, R. Vulcnescu, OUP, 1997 -> News and Views (clasele a -a i a X II-) a u to r i : . Colibaba, C. Coer, V Foceneanu,

    V Stan, R. Vulcnescu, OUFJ ediia 1998Crossing Cultures a u to r i: R. M arinescu, T. Minculescu, Cavallioti, 1998

    -i Real Views a u to r i: Traci Parks, Patti McLaughlin, 1996 11 p en tru clasele cu 1-2 sau 3-4 ore pe sptmn, limba I

    - English My Love (clasele a IX-a i a X-a)manual pen tru clasa a XI-a a u to r i : . Cojan, R. Surdulescu, A. Tnsescu, EDFJ ediia 1991 i urm toarele

    - 1 manual pen tru clasa a X II- a u to r i : S. D orr, R. Surdulescu, M. Tatos, EDf ediia 1993 i urm toarele

  • ~ 1 p e n tru clasele cu 1-2 sau 3-4 ore pe sptmn, limba a Il-a English My Love (clasele a IX-a i a X-a)m anual p en tru clasa a XI-a a u to r i: . Cojan, R. Surdulescu, A. Tnsescu, HDFJ ediia 1991 si urm toarele > >

    1 p en tru m inoriti i limba a IlI-a-> m anual p en tru clasa a VIII-a, EDJ ediia 1991 i urm toarele

    Tematica pentru exam enul de bacalaureat este urm toarea :

    > Teme generale de com unicare :Travelling

    - Hobbies - Music > Food -I Cinema -< Fashion

    Books Sports

    1 Teme de cultur i civilizaie din spaiul anglo-saxon :- p en tru clasele bilingve : tem ele incluse n seciunea Culture and Civilisation

    din manualele indicate i tem ele studiate din manualele Crossing Cultures i Real Views -> p e n tru clasele intensive : tem ele incluse n seciunea Culture and Civilisation

    din manualele indicate - p en tru celelalte tipuri de clase : tem ele cuprinse n Stream A ale m anualelor indicate

    La examenul de bacalaureat se evalueaz capacitatea candidailor de a folosi corect i adecvat structurile lexicale,m orfologice, sintactice i sem antice studiate n m anualele indicate p en tru fiecare profil n parte.

  • C e t r e b u i e s a s f i iExist trei tipuri de subiecte, n funcie de num rul de ore de limb englez studiate la clas i de num rul de ani n care s-a studiat limba englez :~_l p en tru profilul bilingv (5-7 ore pe sptmn)~ 1 p en tru profilul intensiv, limbi strine i filologie (3-4 ore pe sptmn)~ 1 p en tru celelalte profiluri, p en tru m inoriti i limba a IlI-a (1-2 ore pe sptmn)

    Exam enul de bacalaureat d in anul 2000 va avea urm toarea structur :~ 1 proba oral (prob obligatorie) cu urm toarele tipuri de cerine :

    I. Read the text and comment on it (textul oferit va fi necunoscut)II. Exerciiu de transform are sau de com pletare a propoziiilorIII. Exerciiu care i cere candidatului s povesteasc, s descrie, s analizeze i s susin

    un punct de vedere po rn in d de la un suport scris~1 proba scris p en tru prim ele dou profiluri, cu urm toarele subiecte :

    I. a) Text necunoscut pe care candidaii trebuie s-l rezum e n tr-un num r dat de cuvinteb) C om entariu asupra textului pe o tem dat

    II. Exerciiu de retroversiune, literar sau neliterarIII. Eseu argumentativ, narativ sau descriptiv (aproximativ 250 cuvinte)

    ~ 1 proba scris pen tru celelalte profiluri, p en tru m inoriti i limba a IlI-aI. U n tex t cu spaii lacunare (cloze)II. Exerciiu de retroversiuneIII. Eseu (aproximativ 250 cuvinte)

    S - f a + u r i + r u t r a t a r e a s u b i e c t e l o rProba oral

    Pentru a realiza com entariul textului, i recom andm s respeci urm toarele etape :-> gsete ideea principal a textului i sintetizeaz-o n tr-o fraz

    rezum textul cu propriile cuvinte - scrie care este prerea ta despre tem a respectiv

  • ~1 Pentru susinerea unui punct de vedere porn ind de la un suport scris, i recom andm :-> s analizezi mai nti afirmaia i s gseti cuvintele-cheie-> s analizezi cuvintele-cheie, explicnd nelesul fiecruia-> s gseti argum ente n favoarea i contra afirmaiei, prezentnd i exem ple

    Proba scris~11 Pentru realizarea unui rezum at sunt necesare urm toarele etape :

    dac textul este form at d in tr-un singur paragraf, gsete ideea principal i reform uleaz-o n m od original

    -> dac textul conine mai m ulte paragrafe, gsete ideea principal a fiecruia, selecteaz elem entele im portante i rezum textul cu propriile cuvinte, evitnd folosirea structurilo r din text

    ~1 Com entariul scris pe care urm eaz s-l realizezi trebuie s cuprind propria ta prere asupra dom eniuluim enionat n text. Chiar dac aceasta este asem ntoare cu cea a autorului, nu repeta structurile i formulrile din fragmentul literar. Fii o rig inal!

    ~ ' La retroversiune, elem entele care se noteaz s u n t :- 1 structurile gramaticale-> folosirea unui vocabular adecvat textului dat


    1 Eseul de aproximativ 250 de cuvinte poate fi narativ, argum entativ sau descriptiv.In cazul unei naraiuni, nu ncepe s povesteti nainte de a-i fi schiat un plan de idei.Amintirile care par spontane sunt cele mai elaborate. N u uita c ele implic sentim ente, iar acestea trebuie redate n tr-un limbaj literar. A tenie la folosirea tim purilor ! O rice am intire nseam no aciune din trecut. Dac nu-i am inteti nim ic fascinant din copilria ta, inventeaz !N u se puncteaz conform itatea cu realitatea, ci bogia vocabularului, claritatea organizrii i corectitudinea exprimrii.Eseul argumentativ se bazeaz pe o structurare foarte clar a poziiilor ceru te : argum ente n sprijinul i m potriva afirmaiei. S tructura unui astfel de eseu ar putea fi urm toarea : in troducere prezentarea general a tem ei puse n d iscu ie i; cuprins prezentarea cu exemplificri a argum entelor

  • n favoarea i m potriva a firm aie i; ncheiere o idee general care reia poziia predilect a autorului eseului sau o alt idee care deschide noi perspective de abordare a afirmaiei.

    -> Eseul descriptiv te oblig s foloseti un vocabular adecvat, ct mai bogat, i structuri literare (com paraie i descriere) care s ajute la crearea atmosferei.

    A te n ie ! N u se adm it structurile contrase (don't, didn't, isn't, hasn't etc.) n nici un tip de eseu.Ortografia american este acceptat doar dac folosirea ei este consecvent.

    C u m HVe+i s i n g u rExist o m are varietate a stilurilor de a nva. Cte bordeie, attea obiceie ! , spune o vorb din popor.Tu te cunoti cel mai bine ! Ii vom sugera doar o m odalitate care a dat rezultate bune de-a lungul anilor.Citete cu atenie fiecare capitol de teorie, apoi rezolv exerciiile. Num ai dup ce i-ai dat toat osteneala, verific-te cu ajutorul soluiilor de la sfritul volumului. Dac rspunsurile tale coincid, totul este O K !Dac nu, recitete cu atenie capitolul respectiv, zbovete asupra exem plelor i apoi n toarce-te la exerciii.Primul contact cu textul literar nu este suficient p en tru a rezolva toate cerinele, de aceea trebuie s citeti nc o dat textul cu m ult atenie. N u intra n panic dac nu ai neles vreun cuvnt. Sensul m ultor cuvinte se poate deduce din context, cu condiia s te strduieti s gseti elem entele ajuttoare (clues).


    Ecaterina Com isei

    D oina M ilos>si


  • 6 RsA-M A-TlCA

    S u b s t a n t i v u l

    In limba englez, substantivele po t fi num rabile (countable) i nenum rabile (uncountable). Substantivele num rabile p o t fi precedate de a / an i adm it form a de plural. Cele nenum rabile nu accept a / an i nu au form de plural.

    P lu r a lu l sub -s+dw +ive ltfir

    D e regul, pluralul se formeaz p rin adugarea term inaiei -s la form a de singular a substantivului,

    book - books car - cars cake - cakes toy - toys

    BJLux a I I _ s j l l b s t a n t i v e l o r s i m p ieSubstantivele term inate n -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x adaug la plural term inaia -es.

    bus - buses class - classes

    wish - wishes watch - watches box - boxes

    Substantivele care se term in n consoan + transform la plural semivocala n -ies.

    lady - ladies city - cities

    Substantivele n -f, -fe fac pluralul n -ves. leaf - leaves wife - wives

    A t e n i e !Unele substantive term inate n -f accept -s la plural,

    roof - roofs cliff - cliffs belief - beliefs proof - proofs chief - chiefs

    Pentru substantivele care se term in la singular n -o, la plural avem dou s itu a ii:~ 1 term inaia -es tomato - tomatoes

    potato - potatoes hero - heroes

  • term inaia -s kilo - kilosradio - radios photo - photos piano - pianos

    Exist substantive cu plural neregulat (irregular plurals) care schimb vocala (sau vocalele) din ultim a silab,

    man - men foot - feet woman - women tooth - teeth goose - geese mouse - mice

    Unele substantive au aceeai form la singular i la plural.

    sheep - sheep deer - deer aircraft - aircraft means - means series - series species - species

    This means of transport is cheap.Both these means of transport are cheap.

    O bservaieFish face parte din aceast grup. Pluralul fishes desemneaz specii diferite de peti.

    Substantivele m prum utate din limbile latin i greac pstreaz desinenele de plural din limbile de provenien.

    phenomenon - phenomena medium - media

    datum - data crisis - crises

    In limba englez exist i substantive care au num ai form de p lu ra l: glasses, binoculars, scissors, pliers, tweezers, pyjamas, jeans, trousers, tights, pants, shorts.Form a de singular a acestora se realizeaz cu ajutorul sintagmei one pair of.

    I need a new pair of glasses.

    A ten ie !One pair of se folosete i cu substantivele gloves, socks, shoes p en tru a exprim a singularul.

    R i u r a l u l s u b s ta n ii.w e .lo x c o m p u s e

    De regul, substantivele com puse formeaz pluralul prin trecerea la aceast form a ultim ului element,

    a grown-up - grown-ups a tin-opener - tin-openers a toothbrush - toothbrushes an alarm clock - alarm clocks a forget-me-not - forget-me-nots

    Substantivele com puse d in tr-un alt substantiv i construcie prepoziionl adaug -s la prim ul element,

    sister-in-law - sisters-in-law a passer-by - passers-by

    Dac prim ul elem ent al substantivelor com puse este man sau woman, pluralul se formeaz p rin schimbarea am belor elemente.

    a woman driver - women drivers a man singer - men singers

  • Pluralul n 's se folosete p en tru a exprim a :~ 1 pluralul literelor alfabetului

    She never spells "accommodation" with two cs and tw o m's.

    - 11 pluralul unor date : in the 1990's sau the 1990s (n anii 90)_1 pluralul unor prescurtri

    Should we have more or fewer MP's (or Mps).

    O bservaii>Substantivele homework, advice, knowledge, information, luggage, furniture, money, progress nu po t avea form a de plural n limba englez.

    Students have lots of homework to do. =

    Elevii au m ulte tem e de iacut.We need some more information. = Avem

    nevoie de mai m ulte inform aii.Where's your money ? = U nde-i sunt banii ?

    Cuantificarea acestor substantive se face cu ajutorul unor sintagme ca : an article of, an item of, a piece of, a word of.

    a piece / word of advice a piece / an article of furniture a piece / an item of information

    Unele substantive au form de plural (news, measles, mumps, economics, politics, mathematics, physics, statistics, billiards, gymnastics, athletics), dar acordul se face cu verbul la singular.

    No news is good news.Politics is an interesting subject.Measles is a catching disease.

    H P r o b l e m e de p r o n u n i e> Pluralul n -es al substantivelor term inate

    n [s], [z], tf], [3], [d3], [tj] se pronun [iz].buses [bAsiz]quizzes [kwiziz]brushes [brAjiz]watches [wotjiz]messages [mesid3 iz]bridges [brid3 iz]

    Substantivele term inate n vocale surde [t], [d],[], [f], [], [h] formeaz pluralul cu -(e)s care sepronun [s].

    maps [maeps]roofs [ru:fs]cloths [cbGs]spots [spots]cooks [kuks]

    Substantivele term inate n vocale i consoanesonore, cu excepia acelora n [d], [b], [g], [v],[m], [n], [rj], [1], [6], [r], formeaz pluraluln -(e)s care se pronun [z].

    plays [pleiz]clothes [kbu5z]Pigs [pigz]boys [boiz]bands [baendz]claims [kleimz]bees [bi:z]bills [bilz]songs [sorjz]

    Cteva substantive au pronunie aparte la plural.baths [ba:6z]houses [hauziz]mouths [mau6z]

  • paths [:]truths [tru:5z]

    E x p v i poses ie iIn limba englez posesia se poate exprim a n dou moduri.


    Aceast m odalitate de a exprim a posesia se folosete mai ales atunci cnd posesorul este o persoan, un animal, o ar sau o organizaie.

    my friend's name Lesley's answer a sparrow's nest Africa's oil reserves

    In unele cazuri, atunci cnd este vorba despre biroul, cabinetul, magazinul cuiva, obiectul posedat poate lipsi cu totul, subnelegndu-se.

    She went to the doctor's.Rosie is at the hairdresser(s).

    De asemenea, obiectul posedat poate lipsi i atunci cnd nelesul propoziiei este foarte clar.

    W hose is that bag ? It's Jack's.

    A ten tie!Posesivul n 's poate fi folosit i p en tru a exprim a :> ideea de produs de : cow's milk, sheep's wool ~ 1 msura tim pului, a distanei sau a v a lo rii: two dollars'

    worth of popcorn, a day's journey, yesterday's newspapers, two hours' wait

    P r o b l em e de s c r i e r e i p r o n u n i e 11 Substantive la singular + 's

    my brother's T-shirt ~ 1 Substantive cu plural neregulat + 's

    the children's room ~ 1 Substantive la plural + '

    my grandparents' house the candidates' speeches the boys' game

    11 Substantive la singular (mai ales num e strine) Socrates' ideas

    1 'S se pronun ca i n cazul pluralului n -s al substantivelor.

    teacher's [tiitjbz]girl's [:1]Tom's [tomz]Madge's [masdgiz]Isaac's [aizsks]Charles's [tjailziz]M a r/s [m esriz]

    P o s e s i v u l ! o i

    Se folosete atunci cnd :~~1 posesorul este un substantiv n eu tru : the pages

    of the book, the cover of the magazine ~ l denum irile geografice sunt u rm ate de un num e

    p ropriu : the Sea of C rete; the Strait of Dover ~ 1 num ele proprii sunt form ate d in tr-un substantiv

    cu apoziie : the reign of queen Victoria

  • ~ 1 subliniem autorul unei opere : the plays of George Bernard Shaw

    ~ 1 subliniem durata unei a c iu n i: the destruction of the rain forests, the establishment of a new college

    Atenie In unele situaii putem form ula posesia p rin ambele m o d alit i:

    the earth's gravity sau the gravity of the earth the president's speech sau the speech of the presidentEngland's history sau the history of England

    . cXercijH !

    Complete the blanks with the plurals of the following

    nouns.table m atch glass foot g a s - victory thief policem an analysis potato valley f i s h -radio fox knife

    Write these sentences in the plural.a) A bus is the cheapest way o f getting into town.b) The child was waiting for you.c) This tom ato has gone bad.d) A male deer usually has horns on its head.e) H e lost one front too th in the fight.f) Theyve published a series of readers for students o f English.

    g) Is it the original drawing o r is it a copy ?h) A w olf is a wild animal tha t looks like a dog.

    A Write the correct form of these sentences.a) His knowledges o f English are very good.b) You m ust do your hom eworks first.c) Physics are difficult to study.d) She has lots o f luggages.e) H ere are the 8 o clock news.

    A Correct the mistakes.a) For m ore inform ations please w rite to M r Smith.b) H e has caught two beautiful fishes.c) H ow m uch money have been w ithdraw n from my account ?d) All luggages m ust be checked in one hour before departure.e) W hat tim e are the news on BBC ?f) We all learn by experiences.g) H e died a heroes death.h) The m ain political partys in the U nited States are the D em ocrats and the Republicans.

    Rewrite these sentences and put the apostrophe 0 where necessary.a) Have you m et your friends parents ?b) Tom works in my fathers office.c) She pu t her hope in the doctors hands.d) H e needs a couple of days rest.e) I know his brothers name b u t I forgot his sisters.f) W here has she pu t the childrens new toys ?g) H e cant h it the target at a miles distance.

  • h) She borrow ed James bike.i) He was a friend o f my fathers.j ) H e w ent to the newsagents to buy a magazine.

    A - r + i e o l u l

    Articolul este un determ inant, un mijloc de individualizare a obiectelor i fenom enelor d intr-un context. In limba englez exist articolul notrt i nehotrt, i articolul zero.

    A n r + i e o l u l K o + v i t f i n e

    Are dou pronunii, n funcie de sunetul cu care ncepe substantivul d e te rm in a t:~ 1 the se pronun [] atunci cnd st n faa cuvintelor

    care ncep cu o consoan (the car, the floor, the coat) sau cu o semivocal e, o, u, w, (the European, the one, the university, the week, the year)

    the se pronun [] atunci cnd cuvintele ncep cu o vocal (the activity, the effort, the office) sau cu h m ut (the honour, the hour)

    F 1 ,,1.^. r t i c o l u , i u i ... h o LxJL h eArticolul the se folosete n urm toarele s itu a ii:~ 1 n faa unui substantiv m enionat anterior

    A man and a woman were sitting in front of us. The woman was smiling but the man seemed to be very angry.

    1 n faa unui substantiv bine determ inatThe people I met there were very friendly.The house at the end of the street belongs to my uncle.

    ~ l n faa substantivelor care denum esc ceva unic (o singur persoan sau un singur obiect)

    the sun the moon the Bible the Pope the Queen the pyramids the North Pole the town centre ~ 1 n faa unui substantiv la singular, p en tru a denum i o

    ntreag specieThe whale is an endangered species.

    ~ 11 n faa unui substantiv folosit n sens g enera l:the weather, the sky, the environment, the human present, the past, the future, the wind

    A ten tie !In cazul n care ne referim la o situaie particular, se folosete articolul nehotrt a / an :

    I could hear the wind. There's a biting north wind.

    ~ 1 n faa num elor proprii la p lu ra l: the Brysons (familia Bryson)

    ~ 1 n construcii n care apar cuvintele union, united, republic, empire sau dynasty

    The United States The United Arab Republic The People's Republic of China The Roman Empire The Han Dynasty

  • NO bservaieIn engleza american, the se folosete n num ele unor c ld iri: the Museum of Natural History, the Smitshonian, the Gallery of Modern Art, the White House, the World Trade Centre. In engleza britanic, denum irea principalelor cldiri i organizaii din ora nu este precedat de articolul h o t r t: Oxford University, Manchester Airport, Liverpool Football Club

    ~1 n denum irile perioadelor istorice : the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, the Stone Age, the Middle Ages

    ' n num ele unor ziare : The Times, The Daily News,The Washington Post

    ~ 1 n denum irile geografice :-I num e de puncte cardinale : the North,

    the Southnum e de r u r i : the Mississippi, the Nile, the Danube

    - num e de m ri i oceane : the Pacific Ocean, the Dead Sea

    -> num e de deserturi i go lfu ri: the Sahara, the Gulf of Mexico

    -> n denum iri ale unor insule, lacuri, lanuri m untoase, r i : the Philippines, the Azores, the Great Lakes, the Rocky Mountains, the Alps, the Carpathians, the Netherlands

    ~ 1 num e de g rd in i: the Bronx Zoo, the Botanical Gardens ~ 1 n denum irea unor grupri, organizaii, departam ente

    guvernam entale ; the American Red Cross, the fire department, the police, the board of education, the town council

    ~ l1 n faa adjectivelor p en tru a le substantiviza: the rich, the elderly, the unemployed, the Japanese, the Germans

    ~ 1 n construciile superlativului adjectivelor : the best, the biggest

    ~ 11 n faa instrum entelor muzicale, atunci cnd se sugereaz o activitate :

    He plays the violin. She is learning the piano. D a r : He has just bought a guitar.

    - 11 n faa num eralului o rd in a l: the first, the second

    A ten ie !In anum ite expresii, the nu se folosete cu num eralul o rd in a l:

    It was love at first sight.At first glance, it looked like the right one.On second thought, his idea seems quite useful.

    A r r + i c o l w l *\1\>+ + a / av\Form a a a articolului nehotrt se folosete n faa cuvintelor care ncep cu o consoan (a book, a teacher, a voyage) sau o semiconsoan (a European, a one-week holiday, a U-turn, a window).Form a an se folosete n faa cuvintelor care ncep cuo vocal (an artist, an elephant, an orange) sau cu h m ut (an hour, an honest man, an heir).

    O bservaie>Abrevierilor pronunate ca un cuvnt sunt precedate de form a a a articolului n e h o t r t: a NASA scientist, a FIFA decision.

  • In cazul n care abrevierilor se pronun pe litere, se folosete form a an.

    an MA [ em ei]an FBI agent [ e f bi:ai eic^snt]

    P I O S I X & a ti r t i C 0 .1 ti. 1 Li:

    Articolul nehotrt se foloseste n urm toarele s itu a tii:~ atunci cnd nu tim nim ic despre substantivul

    respectiv sau cnd acesta este m enionat pen tru prim a dat

    There was a man in front of the door.Do you have a car ?

    pen tru a ne referi la un m em bru din tr-o clas A teacher must be very patient.A spider has eight legs.

    ~ 1 n faa unui substantiv num e de profesie She is a doctor.He wants to become an architect.

    - 1 n faa num erelor i a fraciilor : a hundred, a thousand, a fifth of the amount

    - 11 n num ele unor bolian allergy, a cold, a headache, a sore throat, a tumor dar : toothache, earache, backache, stomachache

    ~1 dup adverbele quite, such, what, rather, without, as, half, many urm ate de un substantiv la singular

    Such a nice g irl!W hat a lovely d a y !He is quite a gentleman !

    ~1 n expresii referitoare la tim p, distan, can tita te : three times a week, once a month, tw o dollars a pound

    ~ 1 n unele expresii uzuale all of a sudden to have a good time in a hurry / rush as a matter of fact it's a shame in a good mood

    O bservaiiU neori pu tem avea a / an sau one. Atunci cnd folosim one punem accent pe numr.

    They'll be away for one (or a) year.He scored one (or a) hundred and sixty points.

    Articolul a plasat n faa lui few i little confer acestora un plus de cantitate.

    Jack has few friends. He is often lonely.(few = not many, almost none)Tom has a few friends in England.(a few = several)My sister has little money. She cant afford a vacation this year, (little = not much, a very small quantity, not enough)John has a little money. He is going to buy a new bicycle, (a little = some, enough)

  • A r r + i e o l w l N u se folosete nici un fel de articol n urm toarele cazu ri:~11 substantive num e de m aterii

    Butter is fattening.We need air to breathe.Water is very important for life.

    ~ 1 n num ele un o r b o l i : appendicitis, rheumatism, AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis, leukemia

    _ substantive abstracte nedefinite Beauty is only skin-deep.The aim of this activity is to promote friendship. War is horrible.

    ~ 11 zilele sptmnii, lunile anului i anotim purile They have English on Monday.It is very cold in February.It often rains in spring.

    ~ 1 n expresii referitoare la loc, tim p i micare to / at / from school to / a t / from university / college to / at / from churchby car / bus / bicycle / plane / train / boat on foot

    ~ l n anum ite ex p resii: with knike and fork; arm in a rm ;from top to b o tto m ; day after day

    ~ 1 num e de m aterii de studiu, jocuri, sporturi We learn English.He likes basketball.

    ~1 num e de ri form ate d in tr-un singur cuvnt i orae : Romania, England, London, Bucharest, Prague

    atunci cnd substantivele bed, church, harbour, hospital, jail, market, school etc. sunt folosite n scopul pen tru care au fost fcute

    It's la te ! Go to bed.D a r : She put her toy on the bed.


    W hat is the correct pronunciation of the in the following examples ?a) the balloonb) the red housec) the answerd) the unione) the hour before dawnf) the long road

    g) the Europeanh) the Indiani) the um brella j) the university k) the year1) the w indow

    Complete the blanks with a or an.a) w ild dog

    b)c) .

    d) e) .


    old m an hair. honest person .. unicorn


    g)h)0 -j ) k)1)-

    book. unique event . orange . ice cream . one-way road . MA degree

    Complete the blanks with the or a / an where needed.a) Alps are i n ...........Austria a n d ......... Switzerland.b) Hague is the capital o f .........Netherlands.c) Sunday is the first day of the week.d) I ts .........shame that you cant com e to my party.e) She h a d .......... toothache all night long.

  • f) His father i s .......... engineer.g) iMoby D ick i s .......... interesting book.Its ..........best book I ve ever read.h ) They w ent to v is i t .......... Smiths.i I Mary used to p la y ..........guitar.j I We d o n t go to school o n ..........Saturday.. .......... Renaissance began in Italy d u r in g .............rourteenth century.t) ............ Romanians have a marvellous folksongtradition.

    0 Complete the blanks with a / an or one.a I She was looking f o r .........shop w here she could buysomething to drink.b It was Saturday afternoon .............shop was open bu tall the others w ere closed.) I asked f o r .......... slice o f bread. I d idnt need three ofthem.d I .Ml the students passed the exam, w ith j u s t .............exception.e 1 W ould you like m e to ta k e ........... photo o f thisbeautiful old building ?

    f) W hy dont you go to see her ? It only takes y o u ..........hour.

    If necessary, complete the blanks with an article.B y ..........N ovem ber 1776, W ashingtons badly mauledarm y m ade camp i n ......... Pennsylvania, a c ro ss .........Delaware River from New Jersey. ........... Hessians w entinto w inter quarters at Trenton, o n .......... o ther side o f........... river. O n ............Christmas night, H am iltonscompany took part in one o f .........m ost famous exploitso f ........... Revolutionary War. W h ile ........... Hessiansw ere en joy ing .......... huge banquet, W ashington ferriedhis troops a c ro ss ........... ice-clogged Delaware River,about eight miles above Trenton. H e split his forces intotwo columns, one u n d e r .............General John Sullivan,..........o ther u n d e r .............. General Nathanael Greene.They descended on Trenton and c a u g h t............ Hessianscompletely b y ........... surprise. Colonel Rahle was killedand nine hundred Hessians taken p riso n ers ...........victory,after so many m onths o f defeat, d i d .......... great deal torev ive ........... spirits o f .............. w eary Americans. It alsoencouraged e n lis tm en ts ............ following spring.

    Alexander Hamilton by W illiam W ise

  • A -djec+ivulAdjectivul exprim o calitate a unui obiect, a unei stri sau a unei situaii.

    A rd je e + ive s im p le

    In funcie de num rul de silabe coninu t de adjectivele simple, acestea respect anum ite reguli de form are a com paraiei.

    o p 3. 3. l d j.. 0 t i & 10 - s i m -16

    Gradul pozitiv reprezint form a de baz a adjectivelor: tall, difficult, old etc.Gradul com parativ se folosete atunci cnd se com par nsuirile a dou substantive :~ 11 comparativul de egalitatea se exprim prin as ... as

    (to t aa de ... ca ...)Mary is as tall as her friend.Lesson two is as difficult as lesson three.

    11 comparativul de inferioritate se exprim p rin not as / so ... as (nu aa de... ca...) sau prin less ... than...(mai pu in ... dect...)

    Grandma is not as old as Grandpa.My English is less accurate than hers.

    ~ 1 comparativul de superioritate se exprim p rin adjectiv + sufixul -er + than, n cazul adjectivelor scurte , sau more + adjectiv + than, n cazul adjectivelor lung i (mai... dect...)

    Winter is colder than autumn.This story is more interesting than the one I read last week.

    Gradul superlativ are urm toarele dou form e :~ 1 superlativul re la tiv : the + adjectiv + sufixul -est sau

    the most + adjectiv (cel mai...)John is the youngest of them.This is the most difficult problem we have to solve.

    ~ 11 superlativul ab so lu t: adverbele extremely, fantastically, highly, impossibly, incredibly, infinitely, really, remarkably, terribly, very etc. + gradul pozitiv al adjectivului

    They were confrunted with extremely low temperatures.She is remarkably tall for her age.

    De regul, adjectivele monosilabice formeaz comparativul i superlativul cu ajutorul sufixului -er, respectiv -(e)st, n tim p ce adjectivele din dou sau mai m ulte silabe formeaz comparativul i superlativul cu ajutorul lui more i the most, high - higher - the highestdangerous - more dangerous - the most dangerouslow - lower - the lowestsensitive - more sensitive - the most sensitive

    U nele adjective bisilabice (common, gentle, handsome, mature, narrow, pleasant, polite, simple, stupid, subtle etc.) po t form a comparativul i superlativul cu ajutorul am belor reguli.

    Exist adjective neregulate care au form e diferite pen tru comparativ i superlativ :

  • good - better - the best bad - worse - the worst little - less - the least much / many - more - the most

    Let's look for a better restaurant. I think this is the best restaurant around here.He's recovering from a bad accident. In fact, it was worse than he thought. It is the worst accident he has ever had.

    n m p a.r.Al-i.a ._a.ri.j.e r j j /^ JLoj :

    a e x e ,g u ia t e

    _ iteva adjective au dou form e la com parativ i superlativ:~ 7 adjectivul old

    old - older - the oldest elder - the eldest

    F irm ele elder i the eldest se folosesc far adverbul than, iranci cnd se face referire la m em brii aceleiai familii.

    My elder sister is a student.Who is the eldest in your family ?

    adjectivul farfar - farther - the farthest

    further - the furthest : =rther i the farthest se folosesc atunci cnd se face reierire la distan.

    They live two miles farther away from here than I do.

    Further este folosit cu sensul de adiional, suplim entar.

    This needs further discussion.They asked for some further information.

    - 11 adjectivul late are dou form e doar la superlativul relativ

    late - later - the last the latest

    I didn't read the last chapter of the book.(ultimul, dup care nu mai urm eaz nimic)

    Have you bought Metallica's latest album ?(ultimul, cel mai recent)

    3 ff j p t i v p I n r

    Pentru a ntri ideea exprim at de un adjectiv se folosesc sintagmele much sau far naintea form ei de com parativ a adjectivului sau by far dup aceasta.

    This is a much more interesting alternative.It is quicker by far to go by train.

    C onstrucia din ce n ce m a i + adjectiv se red p rin dou comparative unite cu ajutorul lui and.

    Its getting harder and harder to find time for everything you want to do.This lecture's getting more and more boring.

    C onstrucia cu c t + com parativ + cu a t t se red n limba englez p rin dou comparative precedate de the.

    The higher the price, the better the product.

  • P r o b l em e de s c r i e r e a1 a d j e c t i v e l o r la c o m p a r a t i vII 1 Adjectivele term inate n tr-o consoan precedat1 de o vocal scurt dubleaz consoana final.

    hot - hotter big - bigger thin - thinner sad - sadder2

    j ~ 1 Adjectivele term inate n - precedat I de o consoan transform - n -i.

    happy - happier easy - easier pretty - prettier

    j ~~1 Adjectivele term inate n -e m ut l p ierd naintea I sufixului -er.

    safe - safer large - larger


    Exist un mare num r de adjective derivate din verbe cu ajutorul sufixului -ing (participial adjectives).Aceste adjective po t avea att funcie sintactic de atribut, ct i de num e predicativ.

    She stopped in front of a charming house.The instructions were confusing.

    Adjectivele n -ing formeaz gradele de com paraie dup regulile com paraiei adjectivelor cu mai m ulte silabe.

    Its a very frightening thought.They spent a really pleasing evening at the theatre.He couldn't be more confusing.Her husband is the most boring person I've ever met.

    A ten ie !Exist i adjective term inate n -ing care nu provin din verbe : appetizing, balding, cunning, enterprising, neighbouring.

    Adjectivele n -ing se folosesc p en tru a exprim a ceea ce sim im fa de un obiect, o persoan etc.

    The noise was very annoying.The film was disappointing.

    Adjective term inate n -ed au o form similar cu aceea a participiului trecu t al verbelor regulate (alarmed, amused, bored, delighted, disappointed, disillusioned, embarrassed, puzzled, surprised, tired) sau neregulate (drawn, hidden, known, paid, torn, written).

    She was a worried old woman.They have just bought a furnished flat.Mind the broken glass.

    Unele adjective n -ed nu sunt suficiente pen tru a clarifica sensul substantivului, de aceea ele sunt precedate de un adverb (superbly cut suit, highly developed technology, perfectly worded statement).Adjectivele n -ed se folosesc p en tru a descrie anum ite stri.

    I was annoyed by the news.They were disappointed by the film.

  • A d j ' 1 1 -V -Si' i d v i* 1 -6 i i i

    Adverbele n -ly provin din adjective simple la care se adaug sufixul respectiv.

    happy - happily strange - strangely

    A ten ie!Exist ns i adjective simple care se term in n -ly : cowardly, daily, fatherly, friendly, kindly, lively, lonely,Tionthly, weeklyAceste adjective nsoite de sintagme prepoziionale de renul fashion, manner sau way se transform n adverbe.

    He greeted me in a friendly way.

    Unele adverbe adm it pe lng form a simpl i pe cea in sufixul -ly. Cele dou form e au acelai neles.

    She speaks very loud(ly).I promise to be there as quick(ly) as possible.

    Cteva adverbe au nelesuri diferite p en tru cele dou .

    They arrived late for the the meeting.I haven't met them lately (recently).

    I can't sing that high.His films are very highly regarded, (people praise them)

    The window was wide open so the burglar went straight in.You can easily find the book, it is widely available, (in many places)

    He has always worked hard.His younger brother hardly does anything at all. (his younger brother is very lazy)

    P r o b l e me de t op i c

    Ca regul general, adjectivele stau n faa substantivelor: a difficult problem, a new dress, an interesting story.

    Exist unele adjective precum afraid, alike, alone, ashamed, asleep, awake, content, glad, ill, likely, well care se poziioneaz dup anum ite verbe (appear, be, become, feel, get, look, sound, smell, taste).

    Im glad to hear he's feeling better.Now that he had apologized, she looked content.Snow showers are likely in the next hours.

    Adjectivele care exprim mrimea, durata sau vrsta (broad, deep, high, long, old, tall, wide) stau dup substantive.

    The road is six feet broad.The building was more than tw o hundred years old.

    Atunci cnd mai m ulte adjective determ in un substantiv, ordinea lor este, de obicei, urm toarea : quality, size, age, shape, colour, origin / place, material.

    it was a nice, large, green, plastic bag.She was wearing a beautiful, navy, Scottish, woollen jacket.

  • Ardjec+iv'e eo w p iA se

    Adjectivele com puse sunt form ate din dou sau mai m ulte cuvinte i se scriu de obicei cu cratim n tre ele.

    a good-looking girl a low-paid job

    Adjectivele com puse sunt form ate din :~ 1 un adjectiv sim plu sau un num eral i un adjectiv n

    -ed : a long-haired person, a six-sided object ~ 1 un adjectiv sau un adverb i un participiu t r e c u t :

    a short-lived relationship, a well-known story ~ 1 un adjectiv, adverb sau substantiv i un participiu

    p re z e n t: a long-lasting material, a mouth-watering aroma U n num r lim itat de adjective com puse se formeaz din mai m ult de dou cuvinte care se scriu cu cratim n tre ele.

    a down-to-earth person the day-to-day administration

    Adjectivele com puse care accept grade de com paraie formeaz comparativul i superlativul dup regula general a com paraiei adjectivelor form ate din mai m ulte silabe.

    She was even more open-minded than I expected.He is the most absent-minded person I've ever met.

    In cazul adjectivelor com puse din tr-un adverb i un adjectiv care i pstreaz sensul, adverbul suport gradele de com paraie.

    ill-tempered - worse-tempered - the worst-temperedwell-known - better-known - the best-known

    Complete the blanks with the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives.a) cheap ....................................................................b) w id e .......................................................................c) small .....................................................................d) sad ............................................................... .........e) bad ........................................................................f) u se fu l.....................................................................g) self-sufficient.......................................................h) cool .......................................................................i) n a r ro w ...................................................................j) little ........................................................................

    Use the following words to make sentences with a comparative adjective and than.a) Bucharest, big, Ploieti.b) My brother, old, me.c) H er watch, expensive, mine.d) The crop this year, good, last year.e) Life in the country, healthy, life in a town.f) He, generous, I thought.g) It is, bad, I expected.h) Rome, far from London, Paris.

    Choose the correct adjective to complete the blanks.a) W eve had a very (tired / tiring) day at the office today.b) It was a terrible film and I was (bored / boring) from start to finish.

  • i I was com pletely (confused / confusing) w ith the rules : : the game.I The map was very (confused / confusing) and they ^ot lost.e Jane looked calm b u t Im sure she felt really terrified / terrifying).

    f tV .- Complete the sentences using the comparative or the : -sedative form of the adjective in brackets.i They chose this hotel because it was (good) in the tow n and (cheap) than they expected, r Mona Lisa is (famous) painting in my opinion, I dont know who is (old) in their family b u t Im snr that Tom is (young) than his sister, d He is considered (popular) pop singer. Definitely, be is (popular) by far than any o ther pop singer in his country.e Travelling by car is (comfortable) than by bus bu t : ou are in a hurry, go by plane. I ts the (fast).

    Where necessary, write the correct form of these

    sentences:: I havent read the latest chapter o f this book.: Are there any fu rther questions ? Tom is elder than his brother.1 This house is m uch m ore spacious than the flat we used to live in.e Travelling by train is least tiring than driving.: >he seems to be getting th iner and thiner.^ It was by far the baddest tim e o f my life, h ! W hat an excited idea !

    Translate the following sentences into English.a) Programele de televiziune sunt din ce n ce mai interesante.b) Este din ce n ce mai frig i zilele sunt din ce n ce mai scurte.c) Povestea aceasta este din ce n ce mai plictisitoare.d) Cu ct meciul era mai palpitant, cu att mai tare strigau spectatorii.e) Cu ct se antrena mai m ult, cu att mai puine greeli facea.

    Use the correct form.a) H e came in and smiled friendly / in a friendly way at everybody.b) He kicked the ball highly / high over the goal.c) She w orked hardly / hard and passed the exam.d) They havent visited us late / lately.

  • P r o H i A w e l e

    Pronum ele este partea de vorbire flexibil care se substituie unui substantiv, prelundu-i categoriile gramaticale.

    P r o w u w e l e p e r s o n a l ~ ^ w b i e e +

    Persoana Singular PluralI 1 wea Il-a you youa I ll-a he

    she theyit

    Pronum ele personal I se scrie nto tdeauna cu liter mare. Spre deosebire de limba rom n, n limba englez subiectul unei propoziii trebuie m enionat ntotdeauna.

    I am busy. (Eu) sunt ocupat.Folosim persoana a I l-a singular he atunci cnd ne referim la un brbat sau biat, iar she la o femeie sau o fat.

    My brother is a student. He studies civil engineering.Jane came in. She was wearing a very short dress.

    D up pronum ele nehotrte somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, atunci cnd nu putem specifica dac este vorba despre un brbat sau o femeie, folosim they pen tru persoana a IlI-a singular.

    If anyone wants to attend this course, they must write their name on this list.

    Pronum ele personal la persoana a I l l - singular it l folosim atunci cnd :~ > ne referim la un obiect, animal, loc, organizaie

    sau la o noiune abstractI've just bought a new coat. It was very expensive.We visited Paris. It was very crowded.Do you listen to the BBC when it broadcasts the news ?We started earlier. It was not a good idea.

    ~ 1 ne referim la or, dat sau vreme (n acest ultim caz, it are funcia de subiect p en tru verbele impersonale)

    It is very hot here.It is half past eleven.It is January 10th.It was very cold and rainy.

    ~ 11 n principal avem pronum ele nehotrte nothing, everything, something i anything

    Everything happens when you don't want it to.

    ~ l identificm persoaneWho's the girl in black 7 Its Rosie Lewis.

  • Pronum ele p e rso n a l - co m p le m e n f ( . d i r e c t S u i n d i r e c t

    Persoana Singular Pluralme us

    i Il-a you youa III-a him

    her themit

    Can you help me with this problem ?He likes you.He sent her a long letter.I'm looking for my cat. Have you seen it ? They invited us to their wedding anniversary. I haven't told them the news.

    Areste form e ale pronum elui personal se folosesc in rspunsurile scurte (registrul familiar) sau dup >i than.

    W hos going to try ? Me.She's got the same amount as him.

    Pr . r.umele personal n cazul dativ este precedat i e Drepoziia to atunci cnd urm eaz un substantiv sau un pronum e n cazul acuzativ.

    Give him the bike!Give the bike / it to him !

    Ardjee+iv/ele .si p ro n u m e le poses \veA djectivele posesivemy your his her itsour your theirPronum ele posesivemine yours his hers itsours yours theirs

    I've got a new bike. This is my bike. Its mine. Youve got two letters. These are your letters. These are yours.They have their books. They have taken theirs.

    A ten tie !Pronum ele posesiv precedat de prepoziia of se folosete n ex p resii: a friend of mine, a book of yours, a student of hers.

    P ro n u m e le r e - f le x iv s\ de n + a r i r e>Pronum ele reflexiv i cel de n trire au aceeai form.

    Persoana Singular Plural

    I myself ourselvesa II-a yourself yourselvesa III-a himself

    herself themselvesitself

  • Pronum ele reflexiv arat c aciunea exprim at de verb se rsfrnge asupra subiectului (subiectul i com plem entul d irect sunt identice).

    / helped myself to another piece of cake.He stretched himself out flat on the floor.She fell and hurt herself.

    D e asemenea, el poate nlocui pronum ele personal dup sintagmele as, like, but (for) i except (for).

    People like yourself (or like you) still prefer reading to watching TV Everybody flattered her except myself.

    Pronum ele reflexive din expresiile by oneself i on my own au rolul de a sublinia c o aciune este fcut de subiect singur, far ajutorul altcuiva.

    She says she can run the business by herself / on her own.Chris was sitting on his own / by himself in the corner of the pub.

    A te n ie !M ulte verbe care n limba rom n sunt reflexive nu sunt u rm ate n limba englez de pronum e reflexiv : complain, concentrate, feel, remember, dress, relax, shave, wash.

    She complains all the time.He feels better today.You should try to relax.They washed, dressed, had breakfast and went to school.

    IF O ..-5>. l"'G 5. p " 0 U Ttl Q 1 LX.!..*: d-6.: .-'.|

    Pronum ele de n trire st fie im ediat dup cuvntul pe care l n trete, fie la sfritul propoziiei, n cazul n care se refer la subiectul acesteia.

    Do you like the cake ? I myself made it.The doctor said so himself.She told me the news herself.The house itself is nice but it is too far to the city centre.Tom and Mary paid for it themselves

    P r o m A w e l e d e w o w . s + v a + i v '

    A propiere DeprtareSingular this thatPlural these those

    This is a difficult problem.That's Mike at the bus-stop.Those look riper than these.

    In limba englez this i these se folosesc num ai p en tru a desem na ceva din im ediata apropiere a vorbitorului, att n tim p, ct i n spaiu.

    A te n tie !Form ula de prezentare a unei persoane este :

    This is Linda.This is Mr and Mrs Baker.

    Folosim pe this chiar dac prezentm mai m ulte persoane.

  • P ro n u m e le + + s.. oody everybody nobody somebodyar> everyone no one someoneanything everything nothing something

    r.ir2cteristicile p renum elor nehotrte :~ je acord cu verbul la singular

    Everything is ready.Does anyone know the answer ?

    rronum ele cu sufixul -thing se refer la obiecte, idei, situaii, activiti

    Was there anything on the table ?There's something interesting on the front page. The doctor said there was nothing wrong with me.

    rronum ele cu sufixul -body i -one se refer la oersoane i a c cep t 's p en tru exprim area posesiei

    Someone from your office phoned.When I arrive there was nobody at home.She would appreciate anyone's opinion.This must be somebody's business.

    reluarea sau explicitarea unui pronum e nehotrt se face folosind pronum ele personal la plural

    Everybody was enjoying themselves.Ask anyone. TheyW tell you the same thing. Nobody bothered to help her, did they ?

    pronum ele nehotrte asociate cu else fac referire 'a o alt persoan / obiect

    He couldnt think of anybody else.If you dont need it, give it to somebody else. Tom and Jane asked for soup. Nobody else wanted it.

    ~1 pronum ele care ncep cu some, every i no sunt folosite n propoziii afirmative

    Someone rang while you were out.Everthying is so expensive these days.Nobody could help her.There was nothing we could do to make her change her mind.

    ~ 1! pronum ele care ncep cu any se folosesc n propoziii interogative i negative

    Was there anything under the table ?I cant see anybody outside.

    > n propoziiile afirmative anyone i anybody se refer la oam eni n general

    Anyone can answer this question.

    P r o n u m e le r e c ip r o c e each o + k e r s i one dno+lfver>Each other este pronum ele reciproc care se folosete atunci cnd ne referim la dou persoane.

    Betty and Mary are jealous of each other.

    One another se folosete atunci cnd ne referim la mai m ulte persoane.

    The students in my group always help one another.

  • W V flou^ eXeirciyii!.

    ^ ^ Replace the underlined words by pronouns.a) Jane gave the m oney to Jeremy.b) Tom bought som e flowers for Rebecca.c) My b ro ther and I told a story to our little sister.d) You and I m ust show M r Brown the way to the station.e) H enry and John gave a CD to m e and my friend.f) Give this bone to the dog.

    Choose the correct word.a) Let me introduce my friends. This is / These are M r and Mrs King.b) There is anything / nothing to eat.c) Anyone / Som eone broke into the house.d) D o you know anything / nothing about it ?e) Ted was asking hisself / him self the same question.f) Ask anyone. H e / They will tell you.

    Change these sentences. Use possessive adjectives and pronouns whenever possible.M o d e l:M r Brown plays a m ore im portan t part in local politics than Mrs Brown.His part in local politics is m ore im portant than her part.His p art in local politics is m ore im portant than hers.

    a) Mike bought a m ore sophisticated com puter than we did.

    b) Betty w rote a m ore interesting essay than Mike did.c) The Brysons garden is m ore beautiful than our garden.

    Complete the sentences using on my own / by myself etc. Sa) The luggage was too heavy for m e to c a r r y ...................b) She doesnt like straw berries w ith cream. She prefers t h e m ...................c) D o you like working w ith o ther students o r do you prefer w o rk in g ........................d) We are happy you decided to come w ith us.We w ouldnt like to g o ..........................

    Rewrite each sentence so that it has a similar meaning and contains the word / words given.a) There was nothing we could see.

    We couldnt ........................................b) We are all coffee drinkers here.

    E verybody.........................................c) W hen I phoned there was no answer.

    N o o n e ..........................................................d) No one caught the last bus yesterday.

    Everyone .......................................................e) Are we going to be introduced there ?

    Is a n y o n e .......................................................

    Translate these sentences.a) Cei doi tineri se uitau unul la altul i preau c nu neleg nimic.b) Cine altcineva ar vrea s m part prjitura cu noi ?c) Ea se plnge c nu aude bine.d) nsui / Chiar doctorul i- spus s nu mai fumeze.

  • e I Trebuie s te culci m ult mai devreme.: Nimeni nu a ajutat-o. A trebu it sa term ine proiectul singur.* Ct e ceasul ?- E mai frig dect m ateptam.

    1+ / T k e r eIn .im ba englez o problem delicat o constituie >:4osrea structu rilo r care ncep cu it sau there.

    I f prow w w e fersov\A\t este pronum ele personal care se folosete atunci cnd se face referire la un obiect, un loc, o organizaie,o noiune abstract, un animal sau chiar la un copil mic.

    Have you listened to the concert ? Yes, it was fabulous.When Pongo the dog was brought home it kept to its corner without moving for two days.

    t se folosete i n cazul identificrii unei persoane.Who's that over there ? Its Helen Cook.Hello. It's Christine Black, (form ula de prezentare la telefon)

    1 + i m p e v . s w a l

    It ndeplinete funcia sintactic de subiect pen tru verbele impersonale.

    1 O S 1 S ^ i * t i r i t i ti O

    Cazurile n care putem folosi aceast structur sunturm toarele :~ 1 p en tru a descrie u n loc sau o situaie

    It's nice here.>1 p en tru a vorbi despre vreme

    It has been raining.

    O bservaieAtunci cnd descriem vremea putem folosi it m preuncu urm toarele verbe im personale :

    to drizzle a ploua m runt, a cerne, a burn iato hail a cdea, a bate grindinato pour a ploua torenialto rain a plouato sleet a cdea lapoviato snow a ningeto thunder a trsni

    ~"1 p en tru a spune ct este ora It's seven o'clock.

    ~ 11 p en tru a vorbi despre o anum it perioad de tim p It's tw o weeks since you last wrote.

    1 p en tru a exprim a dataIt's Saturday, the 23rd of December.

  • - 1 p en tru a vorbi despre distane It's 200 miles to London.

    P n l n c i r p a c t r n r t i u i i

    i : : * \ f : I3 :

    Aceast structur se folosete atunci cnd :~ 1 ne referim la o situaie care a fost descris mai nainte

    Hes never come to see his parents. It's most strange, isn't it ?

    com entm un evenim ent, o situaie sau un fapt It costs so much to get there.

    O bservaiePentru acest caz se mai folosete i structura it + to be + ad jec tiv / substantiv + that...In propoziia introdus prin that verbul este should + infinitivul scurt dac adjectivul / substantivul exprim :~ 1 im portana aciunii

    It's important that she should listen to her own conscience.It is his wish that we should all come on time.

    ~ 1 o reacie personalIt's astonishing that she should be so stubborn.It was a surprise that they should come to meet us.

    -1 exprim m efectul unei aciuni asupra unei persoane It surprised / shocked / pleased him to realise he had won a lot of money.

    ~ 1 indicm de ce anum e este nevoie p en tru realizarea unei aciuni (tim p, tip de persoan, bani)

    It took an hour to get to the village.It takes a great man to build such a company. It took the crow a month to build its nest.

    i L n J n j s i I n i i t ( i m . 1)

    It poate avea funcia sintactic de com plem ent atunci cnd d o r im :~ 1 s exprim m sentim ente (cu ajutorul verbelor hate,

    like, adore, dislike, enjoy, loathe, love, prefer)He knew they would have hated it if he had said no.

    ~1 s scoatem n eviden o parte de propoziie (cleft sentences)

    My aunt took the child to Paris yesterday.

    It was my aunt who took the child to Paris yesterday (not my mother).It was the child that my aunt took to Paris yesterday (not the cat).It was to Paris that my aunt took the child yesterday (not to London).It was yesterday that my aunt took the child to Paris (not last year).

    O bservaieAtunci cnd un pronum e este scos n eviden, exist dou posibiliti de exprim are :

    It is I who am responsible, (formal English)It is me thats responsible, (informal English)It is you who are right, (formal English)It is you that's right, (informal English)

  • ~ s I exprim m opinia unei persoane sau a unui grup r.especificat de oam eni (cu ajutorul verbelor accept, acknowledge, agree, appear, argue, assume, believe, conclude, decide, expect, find, discover, estimate, explain, 'eel, happen, hold, know, look, mention, notice, predict, ealize, recommend, remember, report, seem, state, think, understand)

    He found it hard to believe his eyes.We thought it wrong to pay the ransom.It is assumed that all children will be happy at Christmas.It was said that he could speak Chinese.It seemed that he was the right person for the job.It appeared that we had taken the wrong decision.It looked as if he knew everything.It happened that Paula could not be found at home that very day.

    51 sugerm o idee venit n ultim ul m om entIt occured to him that he hadn't talked to his colleagues since the day before Christmas.It crossed my mind to ask you about your plans. It struck me to tell you how lucky we had been to leave before the flood.

    T k e r e

    In funcie de pronunie, acest cuvnt are dou n e lesu ri: there [] este adverb i nseamn n acel loc

    W hat's the green thing over there ?~ there is [6ariz] / there are [:] nseam n

    exist , se afl

    There are funcia de subiect al propoziiei care introduceo noiune nou, subiectul logic fiind plasat dup verb.

    There were thirty boys in the class.There are three reasons why we should listen to her.There is a car in the street.

    Aceste construcii se folosesc i atunci cnd se face referire la un evenim ent care a avut sau va avea loc.

    There was a knock at the door.There will be a general election next year.

    In engleza britanic, n stilul literar, there apare nsoit de verbele exist, remain, arise, follow i come p en tru a sugera existena.

    There remained the matter of Johnson.There followed a great flood of indignation in the newspapers.There comes a time when you forget about your troubles.

    Fill in the following sentences with it is or there is. You may need the plural, the negative, the past or the future of these structures.a) W hats the tim e ? ................3.30.b) H ow far is it to London ? .....................60 miles.c) all sorts o f stories about this castle.................said tha t an old lady hid her dow ry in hereand t h a t ...................... an underground passage leadingto the church.

  • d) Does M ary have any children ? Yes....................adaughter, L u c y .................Lucy who answeredthe phone yesterday.e ) very cold last night. Yes, .......................snowstorm s all over the country.f) a garage behind the building, bu tI don t t h in k .................any room for your car.g) Can I have a pound o f apples, please ? Im afraid any left.h) I t was very windy yesterday. ................. impossibleto go for a walk.i) ging to be a bus strike tom orrow.j) Com e on, children ! ..................... tim e to get up !

    Emphasize the underlined elements by using

    it is / it was.a) John m et one o f his friends in the street yesterday.b) M r W hite d idnt get a seat on his train this m orning.c) The first tim e Victor heard this story had been after Christm as d inner.d) I w ould often climb trees w hen I was a boy.e) Sydney had only two topics o f conversation.f) Every dish is aim ed at the eye as well as at the palate.g) Someone has left a parcel for us outside the front door.h) For H ogan, the results have been devastating.i) Shes very anxious for her daughter to succeed.j) M uch of the m oney has found its way into the pockets o f a few thousand.

    Rephrase the following sentences so that the meaning stays the same by using it is or there is.a) Today is really muggy ! ..................................... today !b) To learn is never too late............................. to learn.c) The train hasnt arrived, which is strange. hasnt arrived.d) Crying over spilt m ilk is no use................. spilt milk.e) N ear the hotel is a m all...................... near the hotel.f) You w ent to Spain no t your sister....................... to Spain.g) Craiova is a long way from h ere ................. to Craiova.h) You w rote to us two weeks ago...................... lastw rote.

    Finish the following sentences.a) It surprised h im ............................................b) It was his w is h .............................................c) H e takes it for g ra n te d ...............................d) Paul found it h a r d .........................................e) I t was the c a t ................................................f) I t takes a m o n th ..........................................g) It h a p p e n e d ....................................................h) It was am azing .............................................i) I t crossed my m in d .......................................j) H e considers it n ecessa ry ...........................

    Translate into English.a) C red c o s ning la noapte.b) Dac m erg pe jos, o s fac o or pn acolo.c) Ii era greu nvtoarei s cread povestea Emiliei.d) N u iese fum far foc.

  • e 1 Sunt trei zile de cnd am plecat de acas.: E nevoie de m ult curaj p en tru a rm ne un om cinstit in zilele noastre.; \ ine o vreme cnd e bine s lupi pen tru drepturile tale.- La u este un brbat nalt i cu barb care are un r.ichet m are n brae.

    Peter este cel care a spart geamul, a Pe mas se afl o vaz cu trandafiri.

    V e r b u l

    Verbul este acea parte de vorbire care exprim aciuni,- - -rese, stri. El are urm toarele categorii gramaticale : , aspect, numr, persoan, m od i diatez.

    T u n p u r i le v e rb a le

    Ir. :mba englez, tim purile m odului indicativ prezint ou form e, n funcie de durata i desfurarea m tim p a aciunii exprim ate de verb : aspectul simplu, care arat o aciune general sau repetat, i aspectul : r.iinuu, care arat o aciune nen trerupt , desfurat intr-o perioad de tim p bine definit.

    X ii.e_Sj-rn-pJ.fiB_r p g p n t T a j i s ePersoana Aflrmativ Interogativ N egativ

    1 sg 1 drink do 1 drink ? 1 do not drinka Il-a sg. you drink do you drink ? you do not drinka I l l - sg. he/ she / does he / he/ she /

    it drinks she / it drink ? it does not drink

    I pi. we drink do we drink ? we do not drinka Il-a pi. you drink do you drink ? you do not drinka IH-a pi. they drink do they drink ? they do not


    1 P r o b l eme de sc r i e r ea v e r b u l u i lal p e r s o a n a

    1 a II I- a s i n g u l a rCele mai m ulte verbe adaug term inaia -s.

    like - likes start - starts read - reads feel - feels play - plays

    Verbele care se term in n consoan + schimb semivocala n i i adaug term inaia -es.

    try - tries fly - flies

    Verbele care se term in n -s, -z, -ch, -x adaug term inaia -es la persoana a IlI-a singular,

    cross - crosses buzz - buzzes catch - catches wash - washes mix - mixes

  • ~ 1 Exist cteva verbe care au form e speciale, be - is have - has go - goes do - does

    P r o b l e me de p r o n u n i e a t e r m i n a i e i -(e)sPronunarea term inaiei -(e)s depinde de sunetul careo preced. Regulile de pronunare a verbelor la persoana a I l l - singular sunt similare cu acelea ale substantivelor la plural.

    Folosirea.lui Sim ple Present Tense Acest tim p se folosete p en tru a exprim a :~ 1 un adevr general

    Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius.A molecule of water has two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen.

    ~ 1 aciuni obinuite, repetateI usually go to work by bus.He gets up at 6 o'clock every morning.Do you smoke ?She doesn't take sugar in her coffee.

    ~1 sentim ente i opiniiI think this is their house but I'm not sure.She likes strawberry ice cream but prefers chocolate.

    ~~1 com entariile sportive de la radio i televiziune John passes to Smith, Smith to Tony,Tony intercepts and ... it's a g o a l!

    ~11 rezum area aciunilor un o r cri, filme sau prezentri tablourilor istorice

    In Chapter 1, Hellen meets her foster parents and agrees to return to school.The Civil War begins-.

    Acest tim p se formeaz din verbul to be + infinitivul scurt al verbului de conjugat + sufixul -ing.


    A firm a t iv I am drinking

    you are drinking he / she / it is drinking

    we are drinking you are drinking they are drinking

    Interogativ am I drinking ?

    are you drinking ? is he / she / it drinking ?

    are we drinking ? are you drinking ? are they drinking ?

    N e g a t iv I am not drinking

    you are not drinking he / she / it is not drinking

    we are not drinking you are not drinking they are not drinking

    *. " P r o b l e m e de s c r i e r e a v e r b u l u i n -ing~~1 In cazul n care verbul se term in n tr-u n e m ut,

    acesta dispare.

  • have - having write - writing drive - drivingE x cep ii: be - being

    see - seeing agree - agreeing

    Verbele m onosilabice care se term in n tr-o consoan precedat de o vocal dubleaz consoana final.

    sit - sitting stop - stopping dig - digging swim - swimming

    Verbele term inate n - pstreaz semivocala, indiferent dac este precedat de o vocal sau de o consoan,

    try - trying fly - flying play - playing say - saying

    Terminaia -ie a verbelor se transform n -. lie - lying die - dying

    rc.os ireal u iJke&eatXaritmuQ us Jfe n s e Acest tim p se folosete pen tru a exprim a : : aciune care este n curs de desfurare n

    m om entul vorbirii (de obicei este folosit i un adverb ie tim p now, right now, at this moment)

    The child is watching a cartoon right now.Listen ! Somebody is knocking on the door.

    ~ d schim bare de scurt durat n tr-o activitate obinuit

    He goes to work by bus but today he is walking. At the moment they are living in a very small flat.

    o aciune planificat s se desfoare n viitor (i n aceast situaie se folosete un adverb de timp)

    Paul is going on a trip to Australia next month. Are you doing anything on Saturday night ?I'm going to a concert,

    o aciune repetat n m od frecvent (n aceast situaie sunt folosite adverbele forever, all the time, always cu sensul de very often)

    He's always making silly mistakes.

    O bservaiiExist verbe care se folosesc destul de rar la prezentul continuu i care au un alt neles la acest tim p fa deform a de infinitiv.D in aceast categorie fac parte :

    1 verbe care exprim o activitate mintal sau o em oiebelieve love see (= understand)doubt hate feel (= have an opinion)suppose prefer think (= have an opinion)imagine realise understandknow recognise want(dis)like remember wish

    verbe care exprim percepii senzorialeappear sound seemlook (= seem) hear seesmell taste

    ~ 1 verbe care genereaz reaciiagree deny impressplease satisfy astonishdisagree mean promisesurprise

  • alte verbebe deserve measure (= have length)belong fit needconcern include oweconsist involve owncontain lack possessdepend matter weigh (= have weight)

    Aceste verbe p o t exprim a o aciune (action verbs) sau0 stare (state verbs) i au neles diferit.

    state verbsWe have an old car. (= own)1 think you are right (= believe)He comes from Germany. (= lives in, was born in)I see your point. (= I understand)

    action verbsWe are having dinner. (= eating)Im thinking about her behaviour. (= analyzing)He's coming from Germany.(= travelling from)I'm seeing a doctor.(= go to)

    Unele verbe care exprim stri p o t fi folosite la prezentul continuu atunci cnd se refer la o perioad scurt de tim p.

    Holidays cost a lot of money. - a permanent stateThis voyage is costing us a lot of money. - a short period of time

    In cteva situaii putem folosi acelai verb att la prezentul simplu, ct i la prezentul continuu, far s existe vreo diferen de sens.

    I feel so sad about it. She looks very well.

    I'm feeling so sad about it. She's looking very well.

    T he J u ejL s.e

    In funcie de form a pe care o au verbele la trecutul simplu i la participiul trecut, ele se m part n dou ca tego rii: verbe regulate i verbe neregulate.Verbele regulate formeaz trecutul simplu p rin adugaterm inaiei -(e)d la form a de infinitiv scurt.wash - washed - washed = a spla a splat splat

    A firm a t iv I walked

    you walked he / she / it walked

    we walked you walked they walked

    I n te r o g a t iv did I walk ?

    did you walk ? did he / she / it walk ?

    did we walk ? did you walk ? did they walk ?

    N e g a t iv I did not walk

    you did not walk he / she / it did not walk

    we did not walk you did not walk they did not walk

    Form a scurt la negativ este I didn't walk.

  • f-i-osirea lui Simple Past TenseI re s t tim p se folosete atunci cnd :

    ' rbim despre o aciune care s-a petrecu t n tr-un interval de tim p bine definit din trecu t i care s -a ncheiat

    My sister cooked lunch yesterday.The Prime Minister visited Cluj last Monday.My friend graduated two years ago.

    m ~ nescriem o situaie sau o aciune care s-a desfaurat ; r - a lungul unei perioade de tim p n trecu t

    My grandma lived in a small village during her last years.Lots of strikes were organized throughout 1999.

    ~ rse referim la o activitate care s-a petrecu t n m odrepetat n trecu t


    Regularly every Christmas Mary went to visit her grandparents.

    Ob-servatiiIfc ele would i used to se folosesc p en tru a exprim a jctruni care s-au petrecu t n m od repetat n trecut.

    When he was younger he used to argue a lot with his parents.During the holidays we would meet at the beach every morning.

    Lseo to se folosete p en tru a descrie obiceiuri din trecu t care nu mai sunt valabile n prezent.

    He used to drive to work but now he goes by bus.

    buld nu se folosete cu verbe care exprim stri.He would own a house in the mountains. incorectHe used to own a house in the mountains. corect

    P r o b l em e de s c r i e r e a v e r b e l o r r e g u l a t e la S i mp l e Pas t Tense~ 1 Cele mai m ulte verbe regulate prim esc

    term inaia -ed.end - ended look - looked watch - watched open - opened help - helped want - wanted

    ~ Verbele term inate n -e m ut adaug numai -d. hope - hoped believe - believed

    ~ 1 Verbele term inate n tr-o vocal accentuat i o consoan (cu excepia lui w i y) dubleaz consoana i adaug -ed.

    stop - stopped plan - planned refer - referred admit - admitted

    ~ 1 Verbele term inate n tr-o vocal + pstreaz semivocala naintea term inaiei -ed : play - played

    ~1 Verbele term inate n consoan + schimb pe n i i adaug -ed.

    study - studied cry - cried

    ~ l Verbele term inate n - prim esc term inaia -ked : panic - panicked

    ~ ' In engleza britanic, -I final se dubleaz dupo vocal, chiar dac aceasta nu este accentuat : travel - travelled

  • P r o b l e me de p r o n u n i en funcie de sunetele care preced term inaia -ed, aceasta se p ronun as tfe l:~ 1 [d] dup vocale i consoane sonore

    (cu excepia lui d)hurried [bvrid] arrived [-raivd] screamed [skriimd]

    ~ ' [t] dup consoane surde (cu excepia lui t) laughed [la:ft] watched [wotjt] looked [lukt] stopped [stopt] crossed [krost]

    ~ [id] dup d i tneeded [ni:did] wanted [wontid]

    Pentru form a de Simple Past Tense a verbelor neregulate, consult lista acestora.

    P s t l en*s*e- (Zo n 1 1 n u o u s

    Se formeaz din verbul to be la Simple Past Tense + participiul prezent (form a n -ing) al verbului de conjugat.

    I was sleeping.You were working.

    A f i rm a t iv I was walking

    you were walking he / she / it was walking

    we were walking you were walking they were walking

    Interogativ was I walking ?

    were you walking ? was he / she / it walking ?

    were we walking ? were you walking ? were they walking ?

    N e g a t iv I was not walking

    you were not walking he / she / it was not walking

    we were not walking you were not walking they were not walking

    Folosirea lui Past Tense ContinuousAcest tim p se folosete atunci cnd :~ 1 exprim m o aciune care s-a desfaurat ne n trerup t

    n tr-o perioad de tim p bine definit din trecu t I was doing my homework at five o'clock yesterday.My brother was sleeping when I came home last night.

    ~ 1 accentum faptul c o aciune s-a desfaurat pe o perioad mai lung de tim p

    The baby was crying all day yesterday.They were having fun the whole time they were together.

    ~ 1 exprim m o aciune de durat desfurat n trecut i n tre ru p t de o alt aciune din trecu t

    When the guests arrived I was still cooking. She was sleeping when the phone rang.

  • Se :: rmeaz din verbul to have la Simple Present Tense + , :-i-:dpiul trecu t al verbului de conjugat.

    I have written.She has gone.

    A f i rm a t iv I have walked

    you have walked -e / she / it has walked

    we have walked you have walked they have walked

    I n te r o g a t iv have I walked ?

    have you walked ? has he / she / it walked ?

    have we walked ? have you walked ? have they walked ?

    N e g a t iv I have not walked

    you have not walked he / she / it has not walked

    we have not walked you have not walked they have not walked

    ?c.asirea lui Simple Present Perfect Tense t e s t tim p se folosete atunci cnd :~ : aciune trecut are legtur cu prezentul

    I can't buy anything else because I have spent all my money.She is lying in bed because she has broken her leg.

    construcie cu verbul la Simple Present Perfect>r poate transform a n tr-una cu verbul la prezent,I- in d acelai sens.

    She has broken her leg. = Her leg is broken.Have you learnt the lesson ? = Do you know the lesson ?

    ~ 1 o aciune este nedefinit n tim p She has done a lot for me.Have you bought a new car ?

    ~ 11 redm tiri referitoare la evenim ente recenteHere is the 12 o'clock n ew s: The Prime Minister has approved the new year's budget. The number of unemployed has reached tw o million.

    Atunci cnd se detaliaz o afirm aie se folosete Past Tense, form a simpl sau continu.

    I've lost my wallet. I remember I had it when I paid the train ticket but then I couldn't find it.

    A ten tie !jDac se precizeaz m om entul n care s-a petrecu t evenimentul, se folosete trecutul simplu.

    There was a fire at Windsor Castle last night.

    In engleza american, p en tru a transm ite inform aii se folosete trecutul simplu.

    Did you hear it? "Senate Bean Soup" is served daily in the Senate dining room.

    ~ l aciunile ncepute n trecu t au efect i n prezent (folosim adverbele ever, never, before, already, ye)

    I'm sure Ive seen her before.Have you ever travelled by plane ?She has already published three articles in a very popular magazine.

    1 o aciune s-a pe trecu t de mai m ulte ori pn n prezent

  • She has made several phone calls since coffee break.How often have you been abroad so far ?I've listened to this story three times.

    ~ 11 apar sintagmele this / it / that is the first / second / best / worst etc.

    This is the first time they have come to Bucharest.It is the second time they've asked him to resign.

    p r b r f n n t i n i m n c

    Se formeaz din verbul to be la Simple Present Perfect +participiul prezent al verbului de conjugat (form a n -ing).

    I have been playing the piano since I was five. It has been raining since two o'clock.

    A f i rm a t iv I have been walking

    you have been walking he has been walking

    we have been walking you have been walking they have been walking

    I n te r o g a t iv have I been walking ?

    have you been walking ? has he been walking ?

    have we been walking ? have you been walking ? have they been walking ?

    N e g a t iv I have not been walking

    you have not been walking he it nas not been walking we have not been walking you have not been walking they have not been walking

    Folosirea,lui The Present Perfect,ContinuousAcest tim p se folosete p en tru a exprim a :1 o aciune nceput n trecu t care se continu

    n prezentI have been teaching English for a long time.(= I started teaching English a long time ago and I'm still teaching this language.)

    ~1 o aciune care se term in n trecu t i are efecte n prezent

    "You look thrilled.""I know. I've been watching a very amusing movie."

    ObservaiiAtt Present Perfect Continuous, ct i Simple Present sau Present Continuous se folosesc atunci cnd o aciune care a nceput n trecu t continu i n prezent. Folosind ns Present Perfect Continuous, se pune accent pe ideea de pn acum .

    I help him with his German lessons every tw o weeks.I've been helping him with his German lessons every tw o weeks, but I think I'll make it every Monday from now on.

    For i since se folosesc cu Present Perfect Simple sau Continuous.~ 1 For este u rm at de o perioad de tim p.

    He's been very busy for three days.I've known them for ten years.She has been cooking for two hours.

    ~ 1 Since este urm at de m om entul n care a nceput aciunea.

  • He's been very busy since Monday.I've known them since 1990.She has been cooking since 11 o'clock.

    I p P g 1 P p r f p r t T p n x s

    S r r rm ea/. din had + participiul trecu t al verbului : conjugat.

    A firm a tiv I n t e r o g a t iv N e g a t iv- id walked had I walked ? I had not walked

    pH -ad walked had you walked ? you had not walked


    b ^ sirea J u i The Simple Past PerfectJense timp se folosete atunci cnd :

    exprimm o aciune trecut anterioar unei alte iciuni to t din trecu t

    I knew / I was sure I had met her.When we arrived a t the station the train had already left.She had done her lessons by six o'clock yesterday.She had lived in this house since 1990 when I moved in.

    in vorbirea indirect verbul din propoziia principal este la un tim p trecu t

    "I've seen the film", Tom said. Tom said he had seen the film.

    ~ 1' folosim adverbele hardly, scarcely i no soonerI had hardly / scarcely fallen asleep when the telephone rang.He had no sooner arrived than he had to leave again.

    A ten tie !JAtunci cnd apar adverbele hardly, scarcely i no sooner, propoziiile secundare sunt in troduse de when (corespunztor prim elor dou), respectiv de than.

    n stilul literar sau n cel form al se obinuiete s se fac inversiunea.

    Hardly had i fallen asleep when the telephone rang.No sooner had she agreed to quit the job than she started to regret it.

    Se formeaz din had been + participiul prezent al verbului de conjugat (form a n -ing)

    When I got home my friend had been waiting for about half an hour.

    Afirm ativ InterogativI had been walking had I been walking ?

    you had been walking had you been walking ?

    N e g a t iv I had not been walking

    you had not been walkingetc.

  • Folosirea lui The Past Perfect ContinuousAcest tim p exprim o aciune de lung durat, care a continuat pn n tr-un anum it m om ent din trecut.

    He had been waiting in the rain for half an hour when she arrived.At that time we had been working on the project for six months.

    A ten ie !Form a continu se folosete atunci cnd accentul se pune pe aspectul de continuitate a unei aciuni, n tim p ce form a simpl se folosete atunci cnd se evideniaz term inarea unei aciuni.

    I had been watching horror films and my mind was full of terrifying images.I had watched lots of horror films and was beginning to get scared.

    M o d a lifa + i de e x p r im a r e A V ii+tf>rttlui

    In limba englez exist mai m ulte m odaliti de exprim are a viitorului.

    S H 1. .*> .si.. W-111*Afirm ativ Interogativ N egativ I shall / will shall / will I ? I shall / will not

    you will will you ? you will notetc.

    n vorbirea curent se folosesc form ele scurte : I'll, you'll, shan't, wont etc.

    uxl*Se folosesc atunci cnd : 1 anticipm aciuni despre care nu tim cu certitudine

    c vor avea locLiverpool will win tomorrow.Perhaps it will rain tonight.

    ~1 facem sugestii sau exprim m intenia / oferta / prom isiunea / am eninarea

    Shall I drive ?I'll hit him if he does that again.Ill make some sandwiches to take with us.I shall be in touch with you again.

    A ten ie !Shall este folosit foarte rar n engleza am erican i este to t mai des n locuit cu will i n engleza britanic.

    La form a negativ se folosesc form ele contrase shan't i won't. In vorbirea curent att shall, ct i will se folosesc la form a scurt II.

    n propoziia tem poral viitorul se red prin prezent.We'll meet you at the airport when you arrive.I'll get up when the alarm goes off tomorrow morning.As soon as this lesson ends, Tom will go out to play.

  • S X JU X t

    k sas t structur se folosete p en tru a sugera c aciunea i fcst planificat.

    The President is to visit Israel next January.He was nervous because he was to go on a dangerous mission for the first time.


    f t gn iHg to + i 111,,,,1..y-axim iuJMary is going to buy a new car.My friends are going to move house.

    3e goi ig to este fo lo sit:pentru a exprim a o aciune care a fost prem editat

    I'm going to lend him the money he needs.When are you going to have your hair cut ?

    ~ r-entru a anticipa o aciune atunci cnd ne bazm pe ceva sigur

    Jane is going to have a baby.Look o u t! He's going to shoot you !

    U l Pr e 5 6 n t Co n t in u u si t folosete p en tru a exprim a proiecte personale.

    We're going abroad next summer.I'm meeting Lesley this evening.I'm having a party. Would you like to come ?

    i i e n i e !**rsent Continuous se folosete atunci cnd vrem s : m em accent pe ideea de aran jam ent , iar going to

    :i cnd exprim m intenia unei aciuni viitoare.

    Are you going anywhere this weekend ?(pen tru a afla despre un aranjam ent viitor) Are you going to go anywhere this weekend ?(pentru a ti ce s-a hotrt)

    f Li t 0 " : :CZ:0 tl-ITILiO Li 5

    Se formeaz din shall / will + be + verbul n -ing i sefo losete :~ 1 p en tru a exprim a o aciune ce se va desfur n tr-un

    m om ent precis din viitorThis time next week I'll be lying on a hot sandy beach.Good luck with the te s t ! Ill be thinking of you.

    ~ 1 p en tru a ne referi la o aciune sigur din viitor, planificat dinainte (n aceast situaie se folosete i un adverb de tim p)

    Professor Charles Alderson will be giving a lecture on testing at this time next Tuesday.Shell be performing on Saturday and Sunday at the Royal Festival Hall.

    Jb.ii.Lfi1,..B.ejrix,cl..,1,&,Se formeaz din will have + participiul trecu t al verbului de conjugat i se folosete p en tru a exprim a o aciune din viitor care se va desfur naintea unei alte aciuni din viitor.

    The builders say they'll have finished their work by next Saturday.By this time next month I'll have lost a lot of weight.

  • E i LLux.fi., . . . i n ...t i y e ^ - E a s t

    Atunci cnd ne referim la aciuni posterioare m om entului din trecu t despre care vorbim , folosim viitorul n trecut. Astfel, is going to va deveni was going to, iar will se va transform a n would.

    Last time I saw him, he was going to buy a new house.In 1990 she arrived in Bucharest where she would spend the next five years of her life. We knew they would be famous before long.

    Write these verbs in the third person singular.speak w rite g playread try have dohurry be eat missbrush buy watch see

    illIn this story there are many errors in the use of the

    Simple Present Tense. Whenever necessary, write the correct forms.Inspector X always use the same m ethod. H e read the newspapers and listen to the news. H e never miss stories about crimes. H e like strange crimes. If the explanations in the paper makes no sense, he becom es interested. O ften the police brings difficult cases to him. Sometimes the victim finds his way to Inspector X s apartm ent.No m atter how hard the criminal trys to escape, he has no chance.

    Use the "cue" words to write questions and answers.M odel :You / look after your p e t / yes D o you look after your p e t ?Yes, I do.

    a) your neighbours / have a dog / yesb) the dog / bark at m idnight / yesc) your cat / like the dog / nod) the cat / chase the dog / noe) they / fight w hen they m eet / yesf) you / like your neighbours dog / no

    @ Fill in the blanks with the Present Continuous of the verbs.a) My p la n e ............................... right now. (take off)b) N ext week w e ..................... to London, (fly)c) The b u s ........................... in ten minutes.(leave)d) This w eek I ........................to my office, (walk)e) h e ........................ in N ew York now ?(sightsee)f) Y ou .................... alw ays...................... about my cookin(complain)g) My favourite te a m ...............n o t ......................thisevening, (play)h) I .......................... for a drink, (die)

    Choose the most suitable tense.a) Go straight on. Then, you tu rn / you are turning right.b) I usually go / am going to school by bus.

  • : I think / I am thinking this is the ir car.: The children watch / are watching a cartoon

    it now.Every sum m er she visits / is visiting Britain to

    rove her English.How often does the postm an com e / is the postm an

    ing?The great Rom anian gymnast wins / is winning. W hat ic to ry !

    * That isnt true. I don t believe / Im no t believing i t !

    Put each verb in brackets into the most suitable ;ent tense.

    i I (hear) that you have been elected chairm an. Tongratulations !

    She cant see you right now. She (teach) a lesson.: W hat you (do) in the evenings ?) Physics is hard. I (no t understand) it.: Nobody (get) up early for fun.

    I (think) about my friend.I (think) they are away.I (apologise) for the delay in replying to your letter.

    Complete the sentences with the simple past formsthe verbs.Yesterday w e .................... to go to a restaurant for~h. (decide)