In This Issue Feature Articles Mercy not Sacrifice by Thomas Clanton………….. 2 View from the Pew by Robin Miller…………………. 3 Reflections of EPC Basketball Season……………... 4 EPC Making a Difference…………………………………………. 5 Feature Events EPC Talent Show & Dinner……………………………... 6 Palm Sunday Lunch & Egg Hunt……………………... 6 Wonderful Wednesday………………………………….. 7 VBS: Hometown Nazareth……………………………... 7 EPCYouth………………………………………………………………. 8 Adult Connections Presbyterian Women…………………………………….. 9 Amazing Grays……………………………………………... 9 Thank You Note…………………………………………….. 9 Current & Upcoming Events March Calendar…………………………………………….. 10 Birthdays & Anniversaries…………………………….. 11 Upcoming Events ………………………………………….. 12

March 2015

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Page 1: March 2015

In This Issue Feature Articles Mercy not Sacrifice by Thomas Clanton………….. 2 View from the Pew by Robin Miller…………………. 3 Reflections of EPC Basketball Season……………... 4 EPC Making a Difference…………………………………………. 5 Feature Events EPC Talent Show & Dinner……………………………... 6 Palm Sunday Lunch & Egg Hunt……………………... 6 Wonderful Wednesday………………………………….. 7 VBS: Hometown Nazareth……………………………... 7 EPCYouth………………………………………………………………. 8 Adult Connections Presbyterian Women…………………………………….. 9 Amazing Grays……………………………………………... 9 Thank You Note…………………………………………….. 9 Current & Upcoming Events March Calendar…………………………………………….. 10 Birthdays & Anniversaries…………………………….. 11 Upcoming Events ………………………………………….. 12

Page 2: March 2015

Mercy not Sacrifice by Thomas Clanton

Jesus says: Go and learn what this means, I desire mercy not sacrifice.

To me this seems to be one of the most important lessons of the Christian Life. What does this mean? Why is it important?

When Jesus says this in the New Testament, it is always in response to the Pharisees. As we know the Pharisees were the religious leaders of the time. They kept strict regiments and installed extra biblical restrictions to keep themselves far from sin. However, Jesus often calls them out for being motivated not by love for God, but for love of status and moral superiority. He is saying to them that their motivations are all wrong.

God wants us to love him above all things. He wants us to know him and become more like him. The more we become like him, the more obedient we become to the commands of God. This obedience, or mercy, is produced when our hearts are softened and changed by God. Out of this mercy, our good works and obedience flow. We don ’t follow God’s commands to receive God ’s love. We obey out of love for the one who first loved us. Jesus hints to us that this is the key to understanding the Christian life. We often get frustrated trying to change a sin pattern or control a certain situation. We put into place restrictions and safeguards, but it seems that things get more and more out of hand. Jesus tells us to stop trying to control things; instead, come to me, discover me, love me and then your heart will be driven to obedience out of this love.

Colossians 3 says “since you have been raised with Christ set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. “ We often get frustrated with earthly problems and in our weakness we seek an earthly solution. Jesus says come set your mind on me and I will show you a more excellent way.

So, as we move throughout this month, lay aside the burden of control and focus more on the beauty, excellence, and sovereignty of Jesus Christ. Put your trust in his mercy and allow your mind to be fixed on heavenly things.

As Jesus says, “Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy not sacrifice .’” (Matthew 9:13)


Page 3: March 2015

View from the Pew By Robin Miller

My husband, John, and I moved to

the Upstate in 2010 with our (then)

four year old twins, Emma Kate and

Read Parker Miller. As a family, we

had lived in several different states

and a couple of different countries

prior to choosing Easley as our

permanent residence. As soon as

we were settled in our new home, I

began to look for the “perfect

church.” I was on a mission to find

a church home that could reconcile

my Baptist upbringing with John’s

Episcopal one, a church home that

demonstrated the divine nature of worship through music, and a church home that

understood the importance of guiding children to a rich understanding of Christ’s love for ALL


After two years spent visiting churches in and around Easley, I became very frustrated. In a

tearful conversation with a dear friend, I confided that my search for a church had been futile

and shared my sense of failure for failing to provide my children with an opportunity to

worship faithfully. My dear friend recommended that I visit Easley Presbyterian. The

following Sunday was Youth Sunday. We visited Easley Presbyterian that Sunday, and that day,

my search for a home church concluded. The reverence of the service appealed to John, the

integrity of the music appealed to me, and the remarkable young people who stood in the

sanctuary and shared their faith not only filled my heart to overflowing, but convinced me

that Easley Presbyterian was a place where these “children” had learned through experience

about the love of God and the abundant mercy of Christ.

As I write this, I am humbled and grateful to call Easley Presbyterian Church my “home.” and

while it is far from “perfect,” it has provided my family an opportunity to worship and grow

spiritually, as well as to serve others. If you are visiting for the first time, I look forward to

meeting you and extending to you the love that has been extended to me and my family.


Page 4: March 2015

Reflections from EPC Basketball Season

On February 15, we celebrated our season with a banquet in our

Fellowship Hall. The room was filled with 100 players from 4-16 years

old, girls and boys, who were all smiles enjoying pizza and reliving

some of the great moments. The room was also filled parents,

grandparents, friends and fans who followed the teams all year long

and came together to encourage and cheer.

Also present were dedicated coaches who spent time each week

teaching, coaching, nurturing, applying Band-Aids, listening and

encouraging. After listening to the coaches talk about each team

and player and also giving us their highlights of the season, it

became obvious that EPC basketball is more about building

relationships and friendships than x’s and o’s. We are grateful to our

coaches who took time to lead our children and youth this year.

Here are some reasons that this year was so special to so


Britt Burnett (coach for 1st/2nd co-ed team) — "We didn't end

up with a many wins this season, but these kids had a great

attitude about playing. We were down several games at

halftime, and we would pull out the clipboard and pencils to

show the kids what the other team was doing and how they

could improve to get back in the game. They always responded

with, 'It's not about losing or winning. We should be playing to

have fun.' So, we decided to just play and have fun, and that's

what we did."

Isabel Durham (9th grader)— Our coaches have helped us

through life struggles we have had, and they are more like

second mothers than coaches to us – although they are very

good coaches!!

I am thankful to have had them in my life for four years.

Kaitlyn Ellison (5th grader)— I love basketball so much! Because

basketball is good exercise, it is a good way to make friends, and

it is just really really fun!

Gracie Ellison (3rd-4th grade team)— I like playing defense, and

I have friends on the team.

Aaron Ellison (1st & 2nd CoEd team)— I got to practice with my


Brayden Ellison (1st & 2nd CoEd team)—I got to play with my

friends, and I got to shoot. I like to play defense, and I have a lot

of fun.

Congratulations to ALL of our EPC

basketball teams for a terrific season!


Page 5: March 2015

Kairos prison ministry is a national ministry

that focuses on showing Christ to those incarcerated in America. Their mission focuses on Matthew 25:36 where Jesus is talking about whatever you do for the least of these, you do for him, The passage says: “I needed clothes and you clothed me; I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” We have several members of our church who assist with this excellent ministry in a variety of ways. One way to help with this ministry is to go into the prisons on a Kairos weekend. We caught up with Carolyn Schmitt and asked her to describe her last experience at the Kairos weekend at the local women’s prison. She explained to us that before you can attend a weekend you must go through the Kairos training. In the training they teach you how to lead small group discussions and speak to the common problems women in prison face. After training, the group of women meet with the prison chaplain on a Saturday morning to go over their plan for the day. The women in the prison set up the tables and staging area in the prison gymnasium. The women from Kairos enter the gym around 10:30. The women who signed up for the weekend enter the gym around 10:45. The volunteers then sing to the women as they walk in. The prisoners sit down at their assigned tables with two Kairos volunteers. Throughout the day there are six speakers who bring a message on a particular topic. After each speech, the volunteers help lead a discussion on the topic. Carolyn says that it is the goal of the volunteers to encourage the prisoners to talk and think through what has just been said. She says it is much more impactful when the prisoners can come to realizations themselves without the volunteers giving them all of the answers. Carolyn sometimes speaks to the group. This past month she recited two poems to the women. One of the poems she recited, “When he comes,” is an old spiritual song about faithfully waiting for the Lord. The volunteers stay for about 2 1/2 hours. They then have a follow up visit within a couple of weeks. Carolyn has seen women who have been resistant and hard hearted softened by the word of God. She has built relationships with these women and stays in contact the best she can. She has seen the struggles that these incarcerated women go through and has seen how God has given them strength and courage to carry on in the toughest of times. She wants to thank everyone for their support of this ministry and wants to remind you that the prisoners enjoy your cookies very much. Thank you for your support and please continue to be in prayer for all those who volunteer their time towards this wonderful ministry.

Sandy Hagood & Tracy Barnes go March 19-22.

Deliver cookies by Noon on March 18.

Carolyn Schmidt goes April 23-26.

Deliver cookies by Noon on April 22.

The EPW are responsible for providing volunteers at SHINE, the local

soup kitchen, at 4:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Both men and women are needed. If you would like to participate in this loving ministry to the hungry, please call Karen Cooper at 859-2431.


Page 6: March 2015

Palm Sunday Lunch and Easter Egg Hunt

Celebrate the season with a covered dish lunch after church on

Sunday, March 29, followed by our annual Easter Egg Hunt. All ages

through 5th grade are invited to bring a basket and collect eggs!

If you would like to donate individually wrapped pieces of candy or small items for the eggs,

please drop off in Ginna’s office. Remember the item must be able to fit in a small plastic egg.

Come and enjoy some of EPC’s membership talent on our new Fellowship Hall stage Sunday

evening, March 22.

This talent show will be combined with a youth mission fundraiser meal served by EPCHigh.

The meal will be served at 5:30 p.m. and will include spaghetti w/meat sauce, salad and garlic


The show will start at 6:00 p.m. It will be about an hour of thoroughly entertaining performers

ranging in age from young children through retirees!

Cost for dinner and show is $7 for adults and $5 for children 10 and under.


Page 7: March 2015

Lenten Series: “The Passion of Christ,” led by, Rev. Christie Gravely

March 4 Garden of Gethsemane

March 11 Arrest and Trial

March 18 The Crucifixion

March 25 Death of Jesus

The preschool and elementary children will study The Lord’s Supper during the month of March.

Wonderful Wednesday Meals

March 4 Meatball Stroganoff w/egg noodles, mixed vegetables & dessert March 11 Baked chicken, scalloped potatoes, green bean casserole & dessert March 18 Taco bar, salad & dessert March 25 Baked ham, mac & cheese, green beans, rolls & dessert

Remember to sign up by noon each week on the Monday prior to Wednesday. You may use the tear slip from the bulletin or sign up online at www.easleypresbyterian.org/wonderful-wednesday-meal.php.

Hometown Nazareth June 7-11, 2015 5:30-8:30 PM

Get ready to run, play, sing and dance where Jesus did as a boy at our Vacation Bible School: Hometown Nazareth. We will step back in time and into the town of Nazareth complete with a working Mar-

ketplace, family “tribes,” exciting music and fun and games. One of the highlights will be the nightly visit to Mary’s House to hear from Jesus’ mother what he was like as a boy. Just like us, he had a family, had a name, traveled and went to church. You don’t want to miss this trip to learn more about Jesus as a boy!

It takes a village to run this village…so sign up to volunteer today at www.easleypresbyterian.org/vbs-volunteer-registration.php

Middle and High school students are encouraged to volunteer as well.

Register as a participant, order a T-shirt ($9), signup for dinner ($2perperson/per night) and order a music CD ($6), all at www.easleypresbyterian.org/vbs-particpant-registration.php Don’t forget – there is something just for 5thgraders! Sign up for 5th grade Mission Madness and put your faith into action by serving others all week long!


VBS for the whole

Church Family

Page 8: March 2015

Last month EPCHigh were equipped with more

information on their summer trip to Belize. They studied the culture of Belize, the people who are living there, and the service we will be doing there. We then began to learn more about what true service looks like. In the following months EPCHigh will be investigating how to do missions in a sustainable and healthy way. We discussed the importance of relationships and understanding. The main goal of our trip is to show the people we are serving Jesus and walk alongside them in their journey. Our main goal is not to finish x amount of

church walls by the end of the week, but to love the people we are serving. The students then split into groups and organized their trip fundraisers. They came up with some pretty exciting ideas and can’t wait to share them with you! EPCHigh also participated in the CROP Hunger Walk and connected to other Presbyterian youth groups at the Presbyterian Youth Council mid-year event.

Last month EPCMiddle also connected with other Presbyterian youth groups at the PYC mid-year event. They

heard some great music about Sam Burchfield and had a time of worship and reflection. Some middle school students also participated in the CROP Hunger Walk on the Furman University Campus raising awareness and funds for hunger both locally and abroad. They were equipped in their faith by learning how to make Jesus the

cornerstone of their life. We played a game that illustrated the importance of a firm foundation. We saw that it was a piece of cake to build a tower of blocks when you could have corner pieces but when these pieces were taken away everything began to fall apart. They also learned to love God for who he is instead of for what he gives by looking at the story off Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12 and 13. We had a dramatic reading of this story where we saw evil king, Jeroboam, attempt to manipulate the religious system to gain power. We learned from this that we shouldn’t just be moral and religious to receive some sort of blessing, but should be obedient out of love for God. We then learned about the perseverance of this faith through the man of God at the end of chapter 13. We learned from this story to continue in obedience even through intense temptation.


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Amazing Grays April 16-18

Callaway Gardens w/ Christian Tours For those going on the trip, Christian Tours will contact you individually with the itinerary.

March 11

Laura’s Tea Room in Ridgeway, SC Join us for High Tea and be treated like royalty! You will not leave hungry from this 3 - 4 course meal. The cost is $30 which includes tax and gratuity. Please sign up and make your payment by March 4th. We will leave the church at 9:00 a.m. and be back by 5:00 p.m. If you have any questions, call Denise at 616-7454.

Circle Meetings for March

For more information about Easley Presbyterian Women, or about joining a Circle, please contact EPW Moderator Lori Brock at 350-4644 or [email protected].

Coordinating Team will meet in the Church Library on Mar. 25 at 10:00 a.m. F.I.S.H. Circle will meet in Room E206 on Mar. 22 at 4:00 p.m. F.R.O.G. Circle will meet in Room E201 Mar. 12 at 9:30 a.m. Journey Circle will meet in the home of Kelli Burnett Mar. 15 at 6:30 p.m. Joy Circle will meet in the Church Parlor Mar. 3 at 7:00 p.m. Supper Sisters Circle will meet Mar 12 at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday AM Circle will meet in the Church Library Mar. 11 at 10:00 a.m.


Page 10: March 2015


9:00 AM Worship Service 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 5:00 PM King’s Kids’ Choir 5:30 PM EPC High 6:30 PM Adult Handbells


3:30 PM EPCMiddle 4:00 PM Handchimes 4:00 PM Youth Handbells 4:45 PM Children’s Choir 5:10 PM Youth Choir 5:30 PM Dinner 6:15 PM WW Classes 7:10 PM Adult Choir

Other Weekly


Prayer Group, Tuesdays

at 10:00 AM

Men’s Bible Study

& Breakfast, Thursdays at

6:30 AM

EVENTS FOR MARCH TUESDAY, MARCH 3 Joy Circle, 7:00 PM (Parlor) FRIDAY, MARCH 6 BFF (Bible– Fellowship– Faith), 10:00 AM SUNDAY, MARCH 8 Daylight Savings Time begins Diaconate, 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 Wednesday AM Circle, 10:00 AM, Library Amazing Grays Outing to Laura’s Tea Room THURSDAY, MARCH 12 FROG Circle, 9:30 AM (E201) FRIDAY, MARCH 13 BFF (Bible– Fellowship– Faith), 10:00 AM High School Retreat to Montreat SUNDAY, MARCH 15 Session, 6:00 PM Journey Circle, 6:30 PM, in the home of Kelli Burnett MONDAY, MARCH 16 Book Club, 7:00 PM

THURSDAY, MARCH 12 Supper Sisters Circle, 6:30 PM, TBD FRIDAY, MARCH 20 BFF (Bible– Fellowship– Faith), 10:00 AM SUNDAY, MARCH 22 FISH Circle, 4:00 PM, E206 Talent Show & Dinner, 5:30 PM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 PW Coordinating Team Meeting, 10:00 AM FRIDAY, MARCH 27 BFF (Bible– Fellowship– Faith), 10:00 AM SUNDAY, MARCH 29 (Palm Sunday) Covered Dish Lunch and Egg Hunt


Page 11: March 2015

Cathy Mitchell 2

Betty Smith 3 Eric Dillon 3 Hunter Collie 3

John Williams 4

Jenna English 4 Gabe Ploski 4

Wayne Prins 5 Jason Hartis 5 Devin Southerland 5

Judy Bell 6 Murphy Mahaffey 6 Scott Ross 6 Barrett Rampey 6

Stewart Bauknight 7 Claudia York 7 Alan Groome 7 Mimi Edwards 7 Joanna Griese 7

Bo Jeanes 8 Cheryl Bauknight 8 Lily Weisner 8

Ginger Smith 9 Sharon Mahanes 9 John Dockery 9

Kathy Schonhar 10 Steve Acres 10 Laura English 10

Loraine Brockway 11

Sam Daniels 11

Matt Lake 11 Bill Jameson 11

Byron Norris 12 Tammy Davis 12 Scott Graham 12 Michael Ledford 12

Paige Succop 12 Emily Giambalvo 12

Theresa Schonhar 13 Brady Darity 13 Peyton Beane 13

Carol Kantor 14 Ellie Miller 14 Rut Galloway 15 Marcia Ragsdale 15 Pat Miller 15 Drew Crittendon 15 Arlo Young 15 Rusty Ritter 16 Sally Barnes 16 Joe Goodwin 16 Charlie Syracuse 16

Nicole Prohaska 18 Gracelyn Latham 18 Thomas Clanton 18 Brody Alexander 18

Savannah Lanford 20

Mac Moore 21

Vicki Fletcher 22 Steve Lesley 22 Gale Beasley 22 Steve Loving 22 Kim Welborn 22

David Cook 23 Melissa Wilbanks 23 Claudia Gibbons 23 Gracie Wilson 23 Angela Weisner 23

Ruth Rice 24 Courtney Norris 24

Dianne Galloway 25 Esther-Hannah Volk 25 Scott Bowick 25

Eric Miller 26

Janet Hunt 27 Carolyn Brice 27 Hunter Lewis 27

Shirley Shepard 29 Dan Dailey 29 Will Young 29 Alex Houck 29 Charles Simmons 29 Ava Dean 29 Noah Ledford 29

Dee Goodwin 30 Jennifer Graham 30 Harris Smith 30

Barbara Shealy 31 Anne Goudelock 31 Sallie Robinson 31 Kelton Cooper 31 Joey Mathvink 31

Charley & Kathy Schonhar 4

Phil & Terri French 5

Carl & Nancy Walsh 5

Carey & Claudia York 12

Curtis & Ellen Davis 19

Scott & Dianne Durham 19

Murphy & June Mahaffey 25

Jim & Pam Rivard 28


Page 12: March 2015

APRIL 1 NO Wonderful Wednesday APRIL 2 - 7:00 PM Maundy Thursday & Tenebrae Service APRIL 3 - 12:00 PM Good Friday Service & Soup Luncheon Church Office Closed APRIL 5 Easter Sunday Services 9:00 & 11:00 AM Easter Breakfast 10:00 AM APRIL 26 Youth Sunday MAY 3 Confirmation Sunday MAY 6 Children’s Choir Musical in Fellowship Hall MAY 13 Children’s Choir Musical @ Foothills Presbyterian Community MAY 17 Graduate Recognition MAY 25 Church Office Closed

UPCOMING EVENTS Mark Your Calendars

JUNE 7 - 11 VBS - Hometown Nazareth JUNE 7 - 12 EPCMiddle - 6th Grade Mission Trip to Raleigh, NC JUNE 15 - 18 Crusader Basketball Camp JUNE 20 - 26 EPCHigh Mission Trip to Belmopan, Belize JULY 3 Church Office Closed JULY 5 - 10 EPC week at Camp Buc JULY 12 - 18 EPCHigh to Montreat JULY 20 - 24 Sprout Day Camp (completed K5-2nd Grades) July 26 - 31 EPCMiddle - 7th & 8th Grade Mission Trip to Asheville, NC AUGUST 3 - 7 SOAR Day Camp (completed 3rd-5th Grades)


For more information, please visit

www.easleypresbyterian.org and click the

UPCOMING & CURRENT EVENTS tab or look in the bulletin insert.


Page 13: March 2015

The mission of Easley Presbyterian Church is to reach out and invite people to

join in the life and love of Jesus Christ, to nurture them in the Christian faith

within the tenets of Presbyterianism and to send them into the world to serve.

Church Staff


Rev. Dr. Bill Seel

Associate Pastor

Rev. Christie S. Gravely

Director of Christian Education

Ginna Lister

Director of Youth & Missions

Thomas Clanton

Director of Music

Dr. Ralph Boggess

Youth Choir Director

Angela Weisner

Youth Handbell Director

Bunny Deener

Kindergarten Director

Libby Dodson

Church Secretary

Jonene Garrett

Financial Secretary

Nancy Cochran

Christian Education Secretary

Cynde Whitmire

Building Superintendent

Tony Brock

Asst. Building Superintendent

Mel Brock

Easley Presbyterian Church

200 South 1st Street

Easley, SC 29640

OFFICE 864.859.4220 FAX 864.859.0212


Worship: Sunday 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Sunday School: 10:00 a.m.

Class of 2015

Stewart Bauknight

Scott Beane

Karen Cooper

Joel Ledbetter

Phil Lyles

Monty Oxendine

Carl Walsh

Scott Wilbanks

Class of 2016

Phil Barker

Floride Caldwelll

Paul Cook

John Cutchin

Chuck Dawkins

Terri French

Kathy Lyles

Dan Nunnery

Class of 2017

Nick Caldwell

Tracey Lake

Dennis Latham

Richard Mintz

Ruth Rice

Alfred Robinson

Billy Waddell

David Weaver

Class of 2015

Linda Black

Rick Gantt

Jennifer Graham

Meg Jewell

Steve Lewis

Wilma Shealy

Elizabeth Weaver

David Whittemore

Class of 2016

Barry Brock

Dottie Grantham

David Houck

Greg Lucas

Deborah Mintz

David Mitchell

Heidi Roach

Will Young

Class of 2017

Gregg Branham

Kelli Burnett

Rachel Coon

Clare Nunnery

Rex Rice

Chuck Riehm

Robert Sams

Carey York

Church Officers Session



Elder Emeritus: Bill Robinson

Hubert Bowick Dan Spearman Dexter Rogers