MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision Lecture 5 Lecture 5 Introduction to Linear Algebra Introduction to Linear Algebra Shankar Sastry Shankar Sastry September 13 September 13 th th , 2005 , 2005

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision Lecture 5 Introduction to Linear Algebra Shankar Sastry September 13 th, 2005

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MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

Lecture 5Lecture 5

Introduction to Linear AlgebraIntroduction to Linear AlgebraShankar SastryShankar Sastry

September 13September 13thth, 2005, 2005

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

What is the set of transformations that preserve the inner product?

Remember inner product under a transformation?

More on this later …

Orthogonal group

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

MEMENTO!will appear incalibration(aka Q-R)Structure of theParameter matrix

Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

Nu(A )






Ra(A )

X X’





Structure induced by a linear map

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors encode the “essence” of the linear map represented by A: the range space, the null space, the rank, the norm etc.

How do the notions of eigenvalues and eigenvectors generalize to NON-SQUARE matrices?

SVD, later …

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

Symmetric matrices

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

Symmetric matrices (contd.)

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

Skew-symmetric matrices

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

Skew-symmetric matrices (contd.)

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

The singular value decomposition

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

The SVD (contd.)

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision


The SVD: geometric interpretation

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

Pseudo-inverse and linear systems

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

Useful for matrix factorization MEMENTO!

Fixed-rank approximation

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

Transformation groups

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

Not a linear transformation! Can be made linear in HOMOGENEOUS

COORDINATESMEMENTO!will appeareverywhere

Affine transformation

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

Composition of affine transformations.

What is the inverse transformation?

Affine group (contd.)

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

What is the set of transformations that preserve the inner product?

Remember inner product under a transformation?

More on this later …

Orthogonal group

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

Euclidean group

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

Unconstrained optimization

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

Unconstrained optimization (contd.)

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

Iterative minimization (local)

Steepest descent:

Newton’s method:

More in general:

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

Gauss-Newton, Levemberg-Marquardt

Quadratic cost function

No second derivatives

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

Constrained optimization

MASKS © 2004 Invitation to 3D vision

Lagrangian function and multipliers