Word of Life License 2152E Welcome to St Mary’s Parish Family

Mass Song Line-Up 20150705

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Word of Life License 2152EWelcometo St MarysParish Family1Come As You Are 1504731 1/2

Come as you are, that's how I want you.Come as you are, feel quite at home.Close to My heart, loved and forgiven.Come as you are, why stand alone?

No need to fear, love sets no limits.No need to fear, love never ends.Don't run away, shamed and disheartened.Rest in My love, trust Me again.3Come As You Are 1504731 2/2

I came to call sinners, not just the virtuous.I came to bring peace, not to condemn.Each time you fail to live by My promiseWhy do you think I'd love you the less?

Come as you are, that's how I love you.Come as you are, trust Me again.Nothing can change the love that I bear you.All will be well, just come as you are.4Glory to God Mass of Glory and Praise (Paul Mason) 1/4

Glory to God in the highest,and on earth peaceto people of goodwill.We praise you, we bless you,we adore you, we glorify you,we give you thanksfor your great gloryLord God, heavenly KingO God, almighty Father.6Glory to God Mass of Glory and Praise (Paul Mason) 2/4

Glory to God in the highest,and on earth peaceto people of goodwill.

Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,Lord God, Lamb of God,Son of the Father,You take away the sins of the world,have mercy on us;7Glory to God Mass of Glory and Praise (Paul Mason) 3/4

You take away the sins of the world,receive our prayer;You are seated at the right handof the Father, have mercy on us.

Glory to God in the highest,and on earth peaceto people of goodwill.8Glory to God Mass of Glory and Praise (Paul Mason) 4/4

For you alone are the Holy One,you alone are the Lord,you alone are the Most High,Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit,in the glory of God the Father.

Glory to God in the highestand on earth peaceto people of goodwill. Amen.9Nicene Creed 1/4

I believe in one God, the Father almighty,maker of heaven and earth,of all things visible and invisible.I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,the Only Begotten Son of God,born of the Father before all ages.God from God, Light from Light,true God from true God,begotten, not made,consubstantial with the Father;Nicene Creed 2/4

through Him all things were made.For us men and for our salvationHe came down from heaven,and by the Holy Spirit was incarnateof the Virgin Mary, and became man.For our sake He was crucifiedunder Pontius Pilate,He suffered death and was buried,and rose again on the third dayin accordance with the Scriptures.

Nicene Creed 3/4

He ascended into heaven,and is seated at the right handof the Father. He will come againin glory to judge the living and the dead,and His kingdom will have no end.I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord,the giver of life, who proceedsfrom the Father and the Son,who with the Father and the Sonis adored and glorified,Nicene Creed 4/4

who has spoken through the prophets.I believe in one, holy, catholicand apostolic Church.I confess one baptismfor the forgiveness of sinsand I look forward to the resurrectionof the dead and the life of the worldto come, Amen.Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing 1/8

Come thou fount of every blessing,Tune my heart to sing thy grace.Streams of mercy, never ceasing,Call for songs of loudest praise.Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing 2/8

Teach me some melodious sonnet,Sung by flaming tongues above.Praise the mount, Im fixed upon it,Mount of thy redeeming love.Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing 3/8

Here I raise my Ebenezer,Here by thy great help Ive come.And I hope by thy good pleasureSafely to arrive at home.Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing 4/8

Jesus sought me when a stranger,Wandering from the fold of God,He, to rescue me from danger,Interposed His precious blood.Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing 5/8

O that day when freed from sinningI shall see thy lovely face.Clothed then in blood-washed linenHow Ill sing thy sovereign grace.Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing 6/8

Come, my Lord, no longer tarry,Take my ransomed soul away.Send thine angels now to carryMe to realms of endless day.Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing 7/8

O to grace how great a debtor,Daily Im constrained to be.Let thy goodness like a fetter,Bind my wondering heart to thee.Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing 8/8

Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it.Prone to leave the God I love.Heres my heart, O, take and seal it,Seal it for thy courts above.Heres my heart, O, take and seal it,Seal it for thy courts above.Holy Mass of Glory and Praise Paul Mason

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of hosts.Heaven and earth are full of your glory.Hosanna in the highest.Blessd is he who comes in the nameof the Lord.Hosanna in the highest.When We Eat This Bread Mass of Glory and Praise Paul Mason

When we eat this Breadand drink this Cup,we proclaim your Death, O Lord,until you come again.Lamb of God Mass of Glory and Praise Paul Mason

Lamb of God, Lamb of God,you take away the sins of the world,have mercy on us, Lamb of God.(repeat)

Lamb of God, Lamb of God,you take away the sins of the world,grant us, grant us peace.This is My Body / In Love for Me 1/5

This is my body broken for you;bringing you wholeness,making you free.Take it and eat it and when you do,do it in love for me.This is My Body / In Love for Me 2/5

This is my blood poured out for you;bringing forgiveness,making you free.Take it and eat it and when you do,do it in love for me.This is My Body / In Love for Me 3/5

Back to my Father, soon I shall go.Do not forget me, then you will see.I am still with you and you will know,you're very close to me.This is My Body / In Love for Me 4/5

Filled wit my Spirit,how you will grow.You are my branches, I am the tree.If you are faithful, others will know;you are alive in me.This is My Body / In Love for Me 5/5

Love one another, I have loved you.and I have shown youhow to be free.Serve one another and when you do,do it in love for me.Blessed Be Your Name 3798438 1/6

Blessed be Your nameIn the land that is plentifulWhere Your streams of abundance flowBlessed be Your name

Blessed be Your nameWhen I'm found in the desert placeThough I walk through the wildernessBlessed be Your nameBlessed Be Your Name 3798438 2/6

Every blessing You pour out IllTurn back to praiseWhen the darkness closes in LordStill I will say

Blessed be the name of the LordBlessed be Your nameBlessed be the name of the LordBlessed be Your glorious nameBlessed Be Your Name 3798438 3/6

Blessed be Your nameWhen the sun's shining down on meWhen the world's all as it should beBlessed be Your name

Blessed be Your nameOn the road marked with sufferingThough there's pain in the offeringBlessed be Your nameBlessed Be Your Name 3798438 4/6

Every blessing You pour out IllTurn back to praiseWhen the darkness closes in LordStill I will say

Blessed be the name of the LordBlessed be Your nameBlessed be the name of the LordBlessed be Your glorious nameBlessed Be Your Name 3798438 5/6

You give and take awayYou give and take awayMy heart will choose to sayLord blessed be Your name

You give and take awayYou give and take awayMy heart will choose to sayLord blessed be Your nameBlessed Be Your Name 3798438 6/6

Blessed be the name of the LordBlessed be Your nameBlessed be the name of the LordBlessed be Your glorious name

Blessed be the name of the LordBlessed be Your nameBlessed be the name of the LordBlessed be Your glorious nameWord of Life License 2152EGods blessing on the rest of your day

4410,000 Reasons 6016351 1/4

Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul;Worship His holy name.Sing like never before, O my soul;I'll worship Your holy name.

The sun comes up; it's a new day dawning.It's time to sing Your song again.Whatever may passand whatever lies before me;Let me be singing when the evening comes.10,000 Reasons 6016351 2/4

Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul;Worship His holy name.Sing like never before, O my soul;I'll worship Your holy name.

You're rich in love and You're slow to anger;Your name is great and Your heart is kind.For all Your goodness I will keep on singing;Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find.10,000 Reasons 6016351 3/4

Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul;Worship His holy name.Sing like never before, O my soul;I'll worship Your holy name.

And on that day when my strength is failingThe end draws near and my time has come.Still my soul will sing Your praise unending;Ten thousand years and then forevermore.10,000 Reasons 6016351 4/4

Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul;Worship His holy name.Sing like never before, O my soul;I'll worship Your holy name.