Mountain Pieta Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center Winter 2016 Telephone: 626-355-7188 / Fax: 626-355-0485 / Email: [email protected] / www.materdolorosa.org The Passionists of Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center in October celebrated the rededication of the outdoor Stations of the Cross to mark the 50th anniversary of their construction. They were joined in the outdoor event by His Excellency David G. O’Connell, Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles and more than 250 friends, retreatants and benefactors. The stations underwent major renovation and repair. The project included the addition of a dramatic, life-size bronze sculpture of “Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.” It depicts Jesus with arms raised to heaven at the moment of his surrender to the will of his Father. The sculpture is nestled among 90-year-old olive trees, near the wooded, quarter-mile winding pathway of the stations. Welcoming Bishop O’Connell to Mater Dolorosa were Father Joseph Moons, C.P., provincial of Holy Cross Province, Father Patrick Brennan, C.P., previous retreat director, and Father Michael Higgins, C.P., current retreat director. After blessing and rededicating the stations and sculpture, Bishop O’Connell thanked the Passionist Community “who has made it possible for thousands to make retreats here over the years.” Joking about how he made the stations as a student “whenever I got into trouble,” Bishop O’Connell remarked it’s time to make the stations “again,” noting he must have gotten into “trouble” with his recent ordination as bishop. Christopher Slatoff, sculptor of the Gethsemane statue, received special recognition for his dramatic rendition of Jesus in the garden. He was commissioned to create the sculpture by then-retreat director Father Pat Brennan and the retreat center’s Board of Directors. “I’ve always wanted to be at Mater Dolorosa,” Slatoff remarked. And through his impressive sculpture, he will be for many years to come. And for years to come, on Saturday evenings, with soft lights lining the path, retreatants will begin their Way of the Cross where Jesus began his way to Calvary – in the olive tree grove in the Garden of Gethsemane. Bishop David G. O’Connell blesses renovated outdoor Stations of the Cross at Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center He thanks Passionist Community ‘for thousands who make retreats here.’

Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center - FAITH Digitalfaithdigital.org/MaterDolorosa/MDRC_WINTER16/AD7E212B... · 2016-01-20 · Mater Dolorosa. The life and ministry here at Mater

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Page 1: Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center - FAITH Digitalfaithdigital.org/MaterDolorosa/MDRC_WINTER16/AD7E212B... · 2016-01-20 · Mater Dolorosa. The life and ministry here at Mater


Mountain PietaMater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center

Winter 2016

Telephone: 626-355-7188 / Fax: 626-355-0485 / Email: [email protected] / www.materdolorosa.org

The Passionists of Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center in October celebrated the rededication of the outdoor Stations of the Cross to mark the 50th anniversary of their construction.

They were joined in the outdoor event by His Excellency David G. O’Connell, Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles and more than 250 friends, retreatants and benefactors.

The stations underwent major renovation and repair. The project included the addition of a dramatic, life-size bronze sculpture of “Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.” It depicts Jesus with arms raised to heaven at the moment of his surrender to the will of his Father. The sculpture is nestled among 90-year-old olive

trees, near the wooded, quarter-mile winding pathway of the stations.

Welcoming Bishop O’Connell to Mater Dolorosa were Father Joseph Moons, C.P., provincial of Holy Cross Province, Father Patrick Brennan, C.P., previous retreat director, and Father Michael Higgins, C.P., current retreat director.

After blessing and rededicating the stations and sculpture, Bishop O’Connell thanked the Passionist Community “who has made it possible for thousands to make retreats here over the years.”

Joking about how he made the stations as a student “whenever I got into trouble,” Bishop O’Connell remarked it’s time to make the stations “again,” noting he must have

gotten into “trouble” with his recent ordination as bishop.

Christopher Slatoff, sculptor of the Gethsemane statue, received special recognition for his dramatic rendition of Jesus in the garden. He was commissioned to create the sculpture by then-retreat director Father Pat Brennan and the retreat center’s Board of Directors.

“I’ve always wanted to be at Mater Dolorosa,” Slatoff remarked. And through his impressive sculpture, he will be for many years to come.

And for years to come, on Saturday evenings, with soft lights lining the path, retreatants will begin their Way of the Cross where Jesus began his way to Calvary – in the olive tree grove in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Bishop David G. O’Connell blesses renovated outdoor Stations of the Cross at Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center

He thanks Passionist Community ‘for thousands who make retreats here.’

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Dear friends,

The very first thing I want to do in this newsletter is wish you a very Happy New Year! As 2016 begins, my prayer is that this year is filled with God’s blessing for you and your family! May 2016 be the best year yet.

We here at Mater Dolorosa are looking forward to a year filled with rich opportunities to welcome the many men, women, married couples and young adults who participate in our weekend retreats and the hundreds of high school juniors and seniors who come for their annual Kairos retreat. We also look forward to welcoming the other high schools that bring their students for retreat, as well as the parish staffs, archdiocesan programs and ecumenical groups that spend time here at Mater Dolorosa deepening their experience of God and growing in their faith. We do expect 2016 to be a year to remember!

Speaking of years to remember, 2015 wasn’t all that bad! In addition to the many retreats and programs that filled our days and months, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of our beloved Stations of the Cross. As you are aware, this beautiful devotion lies at the very center of the spirituality of Mater Dolorosa, so on the occasion of this 50th anniversary, we renovated the stations by renewing the paths, lighting, landscape and watering systems. That project is complete and we were able to have a special blessing of the renewed Stations of the Cross in early October. Bishop David O’Connell, an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, joined with our Provincial, Father Joseph Moons, C.P. and Father Patrick Brennan, C.P. to lead a special blessing for the renewed stations. We had about 200 retreatants join us for this beautiful event which is described later in this issue.

We were also able to put in place a new sculpture of Christ at the beginning of our Garden of Gethsemane prayer area. The Christ figure will be complemented later this year by statues of Peter, James and John asleep at Christ’s feet. The sculptor of this beautiful set of figures, Christopher Slatoff, has sent the statue of Peter to the foundry and will be working on James and John after the first of the year. We hope to be able to complete this Garden of Gethsemane sometime this spring. Be sure to visit this prayerful

garden setting on your next visit here to Mater Dolorosa.

The life and ministry here at Mater Dolorosa continue to thrive. We look forward to all that 2016 will offer us. As you look forward to 2016, know that you are in our prayers here at Mater Dolorosa. Please keep us in yours as well. May the passion of Jesus Christ be always in our hearts!

–Father Mike, C.P.

St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother

Patron saint of students, young people and seminarians

The child who would someday take the religious name of Gabriel was born March 1, 1838, in the Italian town of Assisi to Agnes and Sante Possenti. He was baptized Francis after St. Francis of Assisi. Francis was the 11th of 13 children. When Francis was 4, his sister, Adele, died of a serious illness; his mother died shortly after. His older sister, 13-year-old Mary Louise became his substitute mother.

Francis, a typical teenager, loved to hunt, dance and party. Popular among his friends, Francis earned the nicknames “the dancer” and “the ladies’ man.” But he still felt something was lacking. He felt an inner calling from the Blessed Mother to become a Passionist. Despite his father’s opposition, Francis applied to join the Passionist Community. He was accepted, and, in 1856, he entered the novitiate to begin his training and formation. A year later, he made his vows as a Passionist, and took the name Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother. As a Passionist he grew in love with Our Lord and the Mother of Sorrows.

In 1861, Gabriel was diagnosed with tuberculosis. The young seminarian refused to excuse himself from his duties and community life. He clung to his motto, “Our perfection does not consist of doing extraordinary things, but to do the ordinary things well.” Eventually, his superiors forbade him from engaging in any further activity that would worsen his condition. Gabriel died Feb. 27, 1862. He was canonized in 1920 and declared the patron saint of youth, students and young men studying for the priesthood. Today, millions of pilgrims visit St. Gabriel’s shrine in Isola del Gran Sasso. It is one of the most visited shrines in the world.


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By Father Bob Weiss, C.P.

Mercy is central to Catholic theology. Pope Francis describes it as, “Mercy: the ultimate and supreme act by which God comes to meet us. Mercy: the fundamental law that dwells in the heart of every person who looks sincerely into the eyes of his brothers and sisters on the path of life. Mercy: the bridge that connects God and man, opening our hearts to the hope of being loved forever despite our sinfulness.” (Misericordiae Vultus 2)

Forgiveness and the Sacrament of Reconciliation are fundamental actions in experiencing mercy and allowing it to work in us. When we acknowledge our own sinfulness and seek forgiveness, we experience God’s mercy. Our response to God’s gift of mercy is one of gratitude that compels us to extend mercy to those around us.

According to Father Bob Weiss, C.P., “It seems today that we handle the

forgiveness of sins in two ways. First, the most common one, we deny that we even have sin. We forgive our sins by saying they are not sins in the first place. That’s the easiest way to forgive sins. It is a very false way. They are not forgiven at all, because sin distorts and twists. Whether we know it’s a sin or not, it makes us crooked. So sins are not forgiven by saying there is no such thing as sin anyway.

“The other way to forgive sin is to acknowledge that we have to confess our sins. We acknowledge we are guilty. We recognize we did the wrong thing and seek God’s forgiveness.”

Father Bob, who has a background in

Scripture scholarship, finds Psalm 51 to be a “dandy one” for the Hebrew understanding of sin and forgiveness.

Verse 3 of the Psalm reads: “Be gracious (hãnan) to me, O God, according to your loving kindness; According to the greatness of your compassion blot out my transgressions.” (NAS)

The verb hãnan depicts a heartfelt response by someone who has something to give to one who has a need. It often has the sense of showing kindness to the poor and needy.

“Forgiveness and the Sacrament of Reconciliation are fundamental actions in experiencing mercy

and allowing it to work in us.”

Father Bob Weiss, C.P. preaching.


“We are total products of God’s mercy. When we get the gift, we have to use it. That gift of mercy has to work in us,” explains Father Bob.

“Often, people say, ‘I can’t forgive myself.’ Well that’s’ true. Only God forgives. We can’t forgive ourselves. There is nothing we can do to expiate our guilt. Jesus expiated our guilt on the cross. By His blood we are washed clean.

“That’s why the Sacrament of Reconciliation is very important for experiencing mercy. To experience forgiveness is to experience mercy.”

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Celebrating under the stars


T H E 1 2 T H A N N U A L

Harvest on the HillIt was a gas!

Passionist Pack

Enjoying the after-dinner entertainmentThank you ladies.

You are the reason for the event’s success!

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It was an evening under the stars, 1950s style. It was the 12th annual Harvest on the Hill celebration at Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center and everyone was on cloud 9. Ladies wore gowns, men sported fedoras. Smooth crooning Father Alan Philip belted a rendition of “That’s Life,” such that “old blue eyes” would have turned green with envy.

It was an evening when the “Rat Pack” stepped aside for the “Passionist Pack.” Even “Bombay

Bruno” (D’Souza), dressed in pilot’s garb, landed for a brief appearance. And it was an evening of music and dance, great dinner and great company.

More than 215 came to bid on auction items ranging from a flight in a PT-19 World War II flight trainer to martial art lessons; from a collection of 154 bottles of excellent wines to a weeklong stay in a house on the Hawaiian island of Kauai or a winter week in Lake Tahoe.

Because of the support of all, the evening was a huge success. It generated a preliminary net of more than $111,000. Mater Dolorosa is deeply grateful for the generosity of all its benefactors, volunteers and attendees. Special thanks go to our event co-chairs, Angel Throop and Kathryn Kenney. Once again, they organized a wildly enjoyable evening for all. Can they top this event next year? It won’t be easy. After all, that gala evening under the stars – it was “a gas.”

Passionist Pack Dancing the night away

Peculiar sightingThe Alverno ladies came through again with their help during the evening.

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“After my first retreat in 1995, I knew I could never miss going annually” says Ron Brown. “To me, a year seems too long a wait to revive the spiritual feeling that a Mater Dolorosa silent raetreat always provides.

“The Passionists’ Charism of ‘Remembering Christ Crucified’ is truly accomplished at a retreat weekend at Mater Dolorosa. It is wonderful to have ... my son on retreat with me annually and ... my wife, mother, daughter-in-law and my sister (along with her three daughters) all spiritually benefiting from Passionists’ retreat experiences.”


Ron not only attends his retreat annually, but has become involved over the years as a very active volunteer. He was invited by Father Pat Brennan to join the Retreat Center Advisory Board, which was later replaced by our current Board of Directors. Ron has served as a board member, a board committee chair, a committee member and “at least once a month I have attended a board and/or committee meeting.”


“Over the years, the Passionists have attracted many talented lay

people to also contribute their expertise to help ensure the continued success of our blessed Retreat Center. Several of the long-time volunteers have been blessed to see a number of our children also become involved in the center’s ministries.”


“While my wife and I will continually contribute our time, talent and treasure to both Mater Dolorosa and our local parish, we were especially moved to remember Mater Dolorosa in the form of a legacy plan. We want to help the Passionists’ charism thrive through its Retreat Ministry at Mater Dolorosa beyond our time on earth.

“As a result, Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center is included in our will to receive a percentage of our estate; in support of this intention, an annuity was established with the center as the sole beneficiary. We invite others to prayerfully discern the importance of Mater Dolorosa to our lives and opportunities for helping ensure the Passionists’ ‘Remembering Christ Crucified’ for the ages.”


Mater Dolorosa is truly blessed and thankful to have Ron and Pat as members of the Legacy Society and the Passionist Family. If you are interested in supporting the future of the Passionist charism and ministry, please contact the Development Office at 626.355.7188.


– A legacy of time, talent and treasure –

God’s Blessings to all, Ron & Pat Brown, San Clemente, CA


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January 8, 2016 Men’s Weekend

Annunciation, Arcadia Bruce Kvidahl 626-444-1123Our Lady Queen of Angels, Tom Sweeney 949-721-8334 Newport BeachOxnard Group, Oxnard Richard Perez 805-223-6176Colton Group Mark Martinez 909-783-1451St. John Baptist, Baldwin Park Jose Garcia. 626-962-1848All Other Parishes Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188Vice President John Ramirez 805-983-2675

January 15, 2016 Men’s Weekend St. Cecilia, Tustin James Baer 714-832-7343St. Joseph, Placentia Thomas Woore 714-996-3478All Other Parishes Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188Vice President: Thomas Woore 714-996-3478

January 22, 2016 Men’s Weekend Transfiguration, L.A. Greg Warner 323-242-9686St. Anthony Claret, Anaheim Joel Inzunza 714-535-4518St. Bernadette, L.A. Gilbert Wright 310-645-3580St. Boniface, Anaheim Roger Bramm 714-772-8643St. Mark, Venice Friedrich Hirt 310-827-1585St. Irenaeus, Cypress Fred Navarro 714-761-8617St Augustine Richard Stromberg 310-397-5067All Other Parishes Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188Vice President: Roger Bramm 714-772-8643

January 29, 2016 Men’s Weekend Mission San Juan Capistrano John Tenery 949-582-1566Our Lady of Fatima, Eduardo Jimenez 949-584-9680 San ClementeSt. Edward, Dana Point Rob Wagner 949-429-1928St Joan of Arc, Victorville Louis Lerma 760-956-7348All Other Parishes Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188Vice President: Rob Wagner 949-429-1928

February 5, 2016 Women’s Weekend St. Cecilia, Tustin Beverly Truzzolino 714-832-6424St. Norbert, Orange Marcia Ferraro 714-637-6189St. Philip the Apostle, Pasadena Jean Bowler 626-793-8953St Elizabeth, Altadena Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188Vice President Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188All Other Parishes Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188

February 12, 2016 Couples Couples Retreat Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188

February 19, 2016 Men’s Weekend Ascension, L.A. Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188St. Christopher, West Covina Oscar Abcede 626-961-7120St. Finbar, Burbank Michael Calabrese 818-802-0490St. Jane Frances, No. Hollywood Romeo Mendoza 702-338-5853St. John Vianney, Manuel Briones 626-333-5493 Hacienda HeightsSt. Juliana Falconieri, Fullerton Ron Green 909-597-2299Resurrection, Escondido Dann Nielsen 760-415-1771All Other Parishes Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188Vice President: Deacon Gerhard Stadel 714-870-5714

February 26, 2016 Men’s Weekend Our Lady of Victory, L.A. Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188Resurrection, L.A. Alex Gamboa & 626-968-5698 Ralph Gamboa 323-780-1330Sacred Heart, L.A. Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188St. Alphonsus, L.A. Joe Diaz 323-269-3778St. Bede theVenerable, La Canada Tim Collins 818-541-9711St. Hilary, Pico Rivera Joseph Dominguez 562-271-7853St. Mariana, Pico Rivera Gabriel Herrera 562-949-3953St. Thomas More, Irvine Paul Geiger 714-505-5412St. Angela Merici, Brea Brian Prieto 714-577-0200All Other Parishes Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188

March 4, 2016 Men’s Weekend State Council K of C Ross Willour 760-318-3622Lancaster K of C Dennis Duffy 818-613-1795Manhattan Beach K of C Mike Rotolo 310-505-3052Simi Valley K of C Mike Palacios 805-581-9506Fallbrook K of C Bill Weber 760-728-5325San Marino K of C Steve Cipriani 626-449-2837All Other Parishes Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188Vice President: Ross Willour 760-324-1591

March 11, 2016 Men’s Weekend St. Bernard, L.A. Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188St. Catherine, Laguna Beach Jim Raynoha 858-414-2909St. Charles, North Hollywood Nick Fairchild 818-632-5762St. Dominic, L.A. John Van Dyke 323-258-6045St. Paul of the Cross, La Mirada Victor Pelayo 562-944-1663St. Luke, Temple City Al Santillanes 626-285-3381St. Elizabeth/St John Neumann Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188All Other Parishes Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188Vice President: Victor Pelayo 562-944-1663

March 18, 2016 Men’s Weekend Holy Family, South Pasadena Ernie Arnold 323-982-0927St. Denis, Diamond Bar Mike Kellogg 909-860-1332St. Mary Magdalen, L.A. Al Wilson 310-559-7159St. Peter Claver, Simi Valley Gary Carlson 805-522-0875St. Pius X, Santa Fe Springs Tony Reyes 562-868-7696St. Rose of Lima Joe Ferrall 805-428-1894All Other Parishes Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188Vice President: Gary Carlson 805-522-0875

March 24, 2016 Begins Holy Thursday and ends Easter Sunday morning Spanish Speaking Men’s Retreat Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188

April 1, 2016 Men’s Weekend Immaculate Conception, Patrick Moore 626-358-4700 MonroviaHoly Name of Mary, San Dimas Tom Kielty 909-592-5906Lay Bros. of the Poor / St Mary’s Dennis Cook 760-356-4198St. Polycarp, Stanton Jiggs Herold 714-539-2894St. Rita, Sierra Madre Bill Cosso 626-355-5656Karcher Family Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188All Other Parishes Call Retreat Center 626-355-7188Vice President: Don Juge 714-897-9067

2016 Weekend Retreat Schedule

May 16, 2016 – The 10th Annual Golf Classic at Glendora Country Club

Get ready for our 10th Annual Golf Classic at the Glendora Country Club. Chaired again by Pat Wickhem and his team Jim Brewer, tournament Operations Manager, and Claire Brewer, tournament secretary, the golf classic is

sure to be a great day. Invite your family or friends to join us for the social and dinner. Contact Pat directly at 626-416-8824 or [email protected]. You may also contact the Mater Dolorosa Development Office at 626-355-7188 or [email protected].. Registration/donations can be completed online at https://passionist.org/mater-dolorosa-passionist-retreat-center/golf-classic



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Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center700 N. Sunnyside AvenueSierra Madre, CA 91024

Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center

Mountain Pieta ............................................................................. Winter 2016

Aquí Se Habla El Español

Outreach to the Spanish-speaking community of Southern California has become an integral part of the ministry at Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center. In September 2015, Father Clemente Barrón, C.P., was assigned as the director of Hispanic Ministry here and at Christ the King in Citrus Heights, Calif.

With Deacon Manuel Valencia, associate retreat director, Father Clemente immediately began the Southern California outreach effort. They met first with Bishop David G. O’Connell, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. He expressed concern about the need to reach the men of the archdiocese. He also offered his enthusiastic support, not only in words, but in personal action and participation.

The team also met with Hispanic deacons and their wives. Together, they reflected on the needs of the Spanish-speaking Catholics of the region. They agreed there is a great need to gather Spanish-speaking Catholics for the purpose of faith formation. While parishes offer some programs and movements have some retreats, a retreat center program can do much to strengthen the faith life of individuals and families.

In October, Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center held its

first Evening of Recollection for the Spanish-speaking, led by Father Clemente. It was followed in December with the center’s first Christmas Festival of Las Posadas. These events are part of the Passionist Community’s efforts to expand the ongoing mission to the Church in Southern California.

The message is going out loud and clear: Aquí Se Habla El Español.

Deacon Manuel Valencia, his wife, Chela, and Fr. Clemente Barrón, CP, prepare to meet with a small group of Spanish-speaking ministers that include deacons, their wives, a representative from the archdiocese and a religious from Maryknoll.