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Math 233 Syllabus

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MATHEMATICS 233 (Section 11) Fall 2015

Calculus of Functions of Several Variables M, W, F 12:20-1:10, Phillips 385

Instructor Cass Sherman ([email protected]

Office  Phillips 30 (Basement)

Office Hours Mon 1:30-2:30 in Office, Wed 1:15-2:15 in MHC, Fri 12:00-1:00 in Office

Textbook: Stewart, James.  Multivariable Calculus, 7th

 edition. You may purchase the textbookin any available format (eBook, alternate edition, etc.), as long as it is the 7

th edition.

Mission Statement: Math 233 builds upon the skills developed in Maths 231 and 232. It servesas a gateway to more advanced courses requiring sophisticated applications of space curves and

surfaces. Ideally, students will be those considering majors in a related field (e.g. physics,

economics, computer science, etc.) or generally possessing a mathematical curiosity. 233 is

work-intensive and requires commitment on the part of the student. Students looking for aschedule-filler or easy A may consider themselves warned.

WebAssign: You will need access to WebAssign for homework. See the attached sheet.

Calculators: Graphing calculators and technology (e.g. Wolfram Alpha) are all great forvisualizing functions and checking homework. However, calculator use is prohibited on exams

and quizzes. Problems will be designed so that computations are manageable by hand.

Placement: To be eligible to register for this course, at least one of the following must be true:

  You earned at least a 3 on the AP-BC exam.

  You earned at least a 5 on the IB-HL exam.

  You earned a passing grade in Math 232 or Math 283 taken at UNC-CH.


You have transfer credit for the equivalent of one of the above courses.  You have special permission from the department.

Course Outline: We will cover Chapters 12 through 16, with a few sections skipped or covered

in brief. The major topics are spatial geometry, curves and surfaces in three-dimensional space,

functions with several independent variables, notions of derivatives of such functions andnotions of integrals of such functions.

Lectures and Attendance: Please come to class prepared to learn. In class, please refrain fromusing cell phones and laptops –  such activities are distracting to you and those around you.

Reading the textbook before attending lectures is a recommended study habit. It will be

helpful to look at the example problems in each section when doing homework. I will do my bestto use different examples in class so that you have a varied set of examples to refer to.

You are responsible for all of the material covered in class or assigned as homework. A more

specific attendance policy may be implemented if necessary.

Sakai:  I will email announcements through the class Sakai website. I will also post important

course documents there, such as solutions to exams. Any uploads will be announced; you do not

need to check the Sakai website regularly.

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Homework: Homework will run online through WebAssign. You will need an access code,

which can be purchased either at the bookstore or directly from WebAssign. Please follow these

instructions to set up your WebAssign account (SEE ALSO THE ATTACHED SHEET):Website https://www.webassign.net/login.html

Class Key unc 2892 5763 

New Users Previous UsersClick on I have a Class Key.

Enter the appropriate Class Key from above and submit.

Verify that you have the correct class and choose Need to

Create … Complete all boxes with an * beside them with

your personal information.

Click on Create my account.

Click on Log in.

From this point on you will sign in as a returning user with

your User Name, Institution, and Password.

You have a 14 day grace period before you need to enter your

access code or purchase one from WebAssign. 

Click on I have a Class Key.

Enter the appropriate Class Key from

above and submit.

Verify that you have the correct class

and choose Already Have … 

You can log in with your User Name,

Institution, and Password.

You have a 14 day grace period before

you need to enter your access code or

 purchase one from WebAssign. 

Exams: There will be two midterm exams in class and a comprehensive final exam. The

midterm exams will be given on Friday the 25th

 of September and Friday the 30th

 of October.

The final exam is scheduled for Friday the 11th

  of December at 12:00PM. You cannot

request to take the final before this date. In order to receive a make-up final exam, you must havean official examination excuse. This excuse must be signed by a Dean (in Steele Building), and

you must bring this excuse, along with a picture ID, to the exam.

Make-Up Midterms: Make-ups will carry a severe penalty. My standing policy is that the grade

on a make-up be capped at 75%. There may be some instances (e.g. severe medical issue with

documentation) where the penalty is waived, but the overall message should be clear: take your

tests on time!

Quizzes (Semi-Tests): Three 25 minute quizzes will be given, about one per month. These will

hopefully function as a grade booster, but in any case, will be an asset when studying for exams.(Note: These are not pop quizzes; they will be announced in advance).

Grading: Quizzes: 20%, Midterms: 30%, Final: 35%, Homework: 15%

Math Help Center: The Math Help Center (MHC) offers free drop-in tutoring services

throughout the semester. It is located in Phillips 365 and runs weekday afternoons.

Honor Code: All students are expected to adhere to the UNC Honor Code. You may work

together on homework, but “teamwork” is not a valid exam strategy. Each exam will include an

honor pledge for you to sign. Visit http://honor.unc.edu for more information.

Disclaimer:  The instructor reserves the right to make changes in this syllabus, including test

dates, but any changes will be announced as soon as possible

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Math 232  –  Spring 2015  –  Cass Sherman  –  WebAssign and Textbook Info 

Textbook and WebAssign access for this class: 

  The text is

o  Stewart’s Calculus, Early Transcendentals, 7th edition (whole textbook, with or without the

additional label “Alternate Edition”), OR… 

Stewart’s Multivariable Calculus, 7th

 edition, with or without the additional label “AlternateEdition.” 

  Rather than a paper text, you may use the e-book (available from WA; perhaps for an additional fee.)

  You are required to have WebAssign access; your homework grade will come principally from


  If you don’t already have a copy of the 7th edition, can you “make do ” 

with the e-book access available to you (perhaps for an extra fee….) through WebAssign?

with using an earlier edition of one of Stewart’s Calculus texts (an Early Transcendentals version

or not)

o   by sharing a book with a friend or consulting the one in the math help center?

  You are welcome to use an earlier edition of the textbook, provided that you make sure that you work the

assigned problems from the 7th edition. This should not be hard: the 7 th edition problems are viewable in the

e-book access available from WebAssignments. (Of course, you will automatically get 7th edition problems

in your WebAssignments.)

1) Those receiving financial aid must, in order to be reimbursed, buy the book and/or WebAssign access from

UNC Student Stores.

2) Those who already have the textbook may have bought multi-term or lifetime-of-edition access and may not need

to spend any more money on WebAssign for this class.

3) Those who don’t have previously-purchased LOE (lifetime of edition) WebAssign access may


 buy access through Student Stores (from which those who receive financial aid must, in order to be

reimbursed for the purchases, must buy textbook and / or WebAssign access) , or


 buy access online from WebAssign (which will, I think, be cheaper than buying from the bookstore, with

its mandated markup) , or


 buy a new book. A shrink-wrapped text marked as having "EWA"(Enhanced WebAssign) should have anaccess code for WebAssign. However, there may be “one-term WA access” and “multi-term or “LOE”

(lifetime of edition) WA access” versions of these. In either case, don’t break the shrink-wrap until you are

sure you will stay enrolled.

4) One is not required to buy the student solutions manual.

WebAssign:  http://www.webassign.com  The assignments will become ‘visible’ to students on August

18. There is a two-week ‘grace period’ (beginning that day) during which you may use WebAssignfor this class without yet having paid for the access. If you have bought a shrink-wrapped book,don’t open it until you are sure you will stay enrolled.  

Class key: unc 2892 5763

To use your class key as a returning UNC user or to create a UNC WebAssign account, follow the instructions at

http://www.webassign.net/manual/WA_Student_Quick_Start.pdf .

Use unc as your institution code. Consider waiting to pay for WA until close to the end of the grace period.

Further info: WebAssign student user guide from publisher of textbook: http://www.wadsworthmedia.com/tlc/EWA/Student%20User%20Guide_Getting%20Started%20with%20EWA.pdf