Matthew Vocabulary by Frequency Within Matthew o`( h`( to, the kai, and, even, also auvto,j( &h,( &o, himself, herself, itself, same; he, she, it le,gw to say, speak de, but, and su, you evn in (dat) eivmi, I am evgw, I eivj into (acc) ouv not, no VIhsou/j Jesus, Joshua ou-toj( au[th( tou/to this; he, she, it o[ti that, because, since pa/j( pa/sa( pa/n all, every, all things mh, not, lest o[j( h[( o[ who, which ga,r for evpi, over, on, at the time of (gen); on the basis of, at (dat); on, to, against (acc) a;nqrwpoj( &ou( o` a man avpo, from (gen) e;rcomai to come, go ti,j( ti, who? which? what? why? to,te then, at that time ui`o,j( &ou/( o` a son poie,w to do, make evk( evx out of, from (gen) ouvrano,j( &ou/( o` heaven ku,rioj( &ou( o` a lord, the Lord gi,nomai to become, be e;cw to have, hold maqhth,j( &ou/( o` a disciple o`ra,w to see meta, with (gen); after (acc) h; or ei-j( mi,a( e[n one avkou,w to hear path,r( patro,j( o` father eva,n if ivdou, See! Behold! Look! Lo! polu,j( pollh,( polu, much, many (plural) dia, through (gen); on account of (acc) di,dwmi to give ou=n then, accordingly avpokri,nomai to answer basilei,a( &aj( h` a kingdom eiv if evkei/noj( &h( &o that lamba,nw to take, receive qeo,j( &ou/( o` a god, God prose,rcomai to come to o;cloj( &ou( o` a crowd, multitude e[wj until; as far as (with gen) avfi,hmi to let go, permit, forgive genna,w to beget h`me,ra( &aj( h` a day gh/( gh/j( h` the earth, land evxe,rcomai to go out, come out a;n untranslatable particle - makes a statement contingent qe,lw to will, wish, desire pro,j to, towards, with (acc) du,o two w`j as, that, how, about

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Matthew Vocabulary by Frequency Within Matthew

o`( h`( to, the

kai, and, even, also

auvto,j( &h,( &o, himself, herself, itself, same; he, she, it

le,gw to say, speak

de, but, and

su, you

evn in (dat)

eivmi, I am

evgw, I

eivj into (acc)

ouv not, no

VIhsou/j Jesus, Joshua

ou-toj( au[th( tou/to this; he, she, it

o[ti that, because, since

pa/j( pa/sa( pa/n all, every, all things

mh, not, lest

o[j( h[( o[ who, which

ga,r for

evpi, over, on, at the time of (gen); on the basis of, at (dat); on, to, against (acc)

a;nqrwpoj( &ou( o` a man

avpo, from (gen)

e;rcomai to come, go

ti,j( ti, who? which? what? why?

to,te then, at that time

ui`o,j( &ou/( o` a son

poie,w to do, make

evk( evx out of, from (gen)

ouvrano,j( &ou/( o` heaven

ku,rioj( &ou( o` a lord, the Lord

gi,nomai to become, be

e;cw to have, hold

maqhth,j( &ou/( o` a disciple

o`ra,w to see

meta, with (gen); after (acc)

h; or

ei-j( mi,a( e[n one

avkou,w to hear

path,r( patro,j( o` father

eva,n if

ivdou, See! Behold! Look! Lo!

polu,j( pollh,( polu, much, many (plural)

dia, through (gen); on account of (acc)

di,dwmi to give

ou=n then, accordingly

avpokri,nomai to answer

basilei,a( &aj( h` a kingdom

eiv if

evkei/noj( &h( &o that

lamba,nw to take, receive

qeo,j( &ou/( o` a god, God

prose,rcomai to come to

o;cloj( &ou( o` a crowd, multitude

e[wj until; as far as (with gen)

avfi,hmi to let go, permit, forgive

genna,w to beget

h`me,ra( &aj( h` a day

gh/( gh/j( h` the earth, land

evxe,rcomai to go out, come out

a;n untranslatable particle - makes a statement contingent

qe,lw to will, wish, desire

pro,j to, towards, with (acc)

du,o two

w`j as, that, how, about

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avdelfo,j( &ou/( o` brother

i[na in order that, that

avlla, but, except

kata, down from, against (gen); according to, during, throughout (acc)

profh,thj( &ou( o` a prophet

evgei,rw to raise up

eivse,rcomai to go or come in or into, enter

avpe,rcomai to depart, go away

ba,llw to throw, put, cast

lo,goj( &ou( o` a word, the Word

e`autou/( &h/j( &ou/ of himself

ou[tw( ou[twj thus

avmh,n verily, truly, amen

paradi,dwmi to hand over, betray

dou/loj( &h( &on a slave

me,gaj( mega,lh( me,ga large, great

o[stij( h[tij( o[ti whoever, whichever, whatever

a;lloj( &h( &o other, another

gunh,( &aiko,j( h` a woman, wife

poreu,omai to go, proceed

Farisai/oj( &ou( o` Pharisee

evkba,llw to cast out

evkei/ there

peri, concerning, about (gen); around (acc)

u`po, by (gen); under (acc)

du,namai to be powerful, able

eu`ri,skw to find

ouvde, and not, not even, neither, nor

po,lij( &ewj( h` a city

VIwa,nnhj( &ou( o` John

kale,w to call, name invite

lale,w to speak

mh,thr( &troj( h` a mother

ponhro,j( &a,( &o,n evil

avkolouqe,w to follow

avrciereu,j( &e,wj( o` chief priest, high priest

oivki,a( &aj( h` a house

prw/toj( &h( &on first

evsqi,w to eat

oi=da to know

ovfqalmo,j( &ou/( o` an eye

suna,gw to gather together

cei,r( ceiro,j( h` a hand

Pe,troj( &ou( o` Peter

avposte,llw to send

basileu,j( &e,wj( o` a king

grammateu,j( &e,wj( o` a scribe

o`do,j( &ou/( h` a way, road, journey

o[loj( &h( &on whole, all

o;noma( &toj( to, a name

a;rtoj( &ou( o` bread, a loaf

i[sthmi to cause to stand, stand

kalo,j( &h,( &o,n good

ti.j( ti. someone, something, a certain one, a certain thing, anyone, anything

w[ra( &aj( h` an hour

a;ggeloj( &ou( o` an angel

ble,pw to see

ginw,skw to come to know, learn, know, realize

me,n on the one hand, indeed (postpositive particle often untranslated)

ai;rw to take up, take away

avpo,llumi to destroy; to perish (middle)

avpolu,w to release

ka,qhmai to sit

karpo,j( &ou/( o` fruit

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o[tan whenever

ouvdei,j( ouvdemi,a( ouvde,n no one, none, nothing, no

pi,ptw to fall

pneu/ma( &toj( to, a spirit, the Spirit

u`pa,gw to depart

avpodi,dwmi to give back, pay; to sell (middle)

e;mprosqen in front of, before (gen)

paidi,on( &ou( to, an infant, child

para, from (gen); beside, in the presence of (dat); alongside of (acc)

fobe,omai to fear

w-de here, hither

avgro,j( &ou/( o` a field

Daui,d( o` David

di,kaioj( &a( &on right, just, righteous

o[pwj in order that, that

pa,lin again

parabolh,( &h/j( h` a parable

spei,rw to sow

tuflo,j( &h,( &o,n blind

avgaqo,j( &h,( &o,n good

Galilai,a( &aj( h` Galilee

qa,lassa( &hj( h` the sea

qerapeu,w to heal

kardi,a( &aj( h` the heart

o;roj( &ouj( to, a mountain

paralamba,nw to receive, take

plhro,w to fill, fulfill

fhmi, to say

Cristo,j( &ou/( o` Christ, Messiah, Anointed One

yuch,( &h/j( h` soul, life, self

e;qnoj( &ouj( to, a nation; Gentiles (plural)

o[soj( &h( &on as great as, as many as

pi,nw to drink

proseu,comai to pray

prosfe,rw to bring to, offer

sw,|zw to save

w[ste so that

aivte,w to ask

dida,skw to teach

zhte,w to seek

lao,j( &ou/( o` a people

mo,noj( &h( &on alone, only

pw/j how?

skandali,zw to cause to stumble

sw/ma( &toj( to, a body

ta,lanton( &ou( to, a talent

te,knon( &ou( to, a child

avpoktei,nw to kill

a;rcw to rule

genea,( &a/j( h` a generation

dw,deka twelve

euvqe,wj immediately

~Hrw,|dhj( &ou( o` Herod

i`ma,tion( &ou( to, a garment

maka,rioj( &a( &on blessed, happy

ovmnu,w to swear, take an oath

o[pou where, whither

ouvai, woe! alas!

ploi/on( &ou( to, a boat

proskune,w to worship

shmei/on( &ou( to, a sign

u`pokrith,j( &ou/( o` a hypocrite

fai,nw to shine, appear

de,ndron( &ou( to, a tree

dexio,j( &a,( &o,n right

dida,skaloj( &ou( o` a teacher

du,namij( &ewj( h` power

evkei/qen there, thence, from that place

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VIsrah,l( o` Israel

kefalh,( &h/j( h` head

kra,zw to cry out

krate,w to grasp

kri,sij( &ewj( h` judgment

nekro,j( &a,( &o,n dead

o[te when

pe,nte five

presbu,teroj( &a( &on elder

pu/r( &o,j( to, fire

trei/j( &tri,a three

ai-ma( &toj( to, blood

avnoi,gw to open

daimo,nion( &ou( to, a demon

i`ero,n( &ou/( to, a temple

~Ieroso,luma( to, Jerusalem

VIwsh,f( o` Joseph

katabai,nw to go down

li,qoj( &ou( o` a stone

Mari,a( &aj Mary

mhde, but not, nor, not even

pisteu,w to have faith (in), believe

pro,baton( &ou( to, a sheep

sa,bbaton( &ou( to, the Sabbath

sto,ma( &toj( to, a mouth

a[gioj( &a( &on holy; saints (plural noun)

avmpelw,n( &w/noj( o` a vineyard

avnacwre,w to depart, withdraw

gra,fw to write

de,comai to receive

de,omai to bind

doke,w to think; seem

evxousi,a( &aj( h` authority

e;scatoj( &h( &on last

e[teroj( &a( &on other, another, different

h`gemw,n( &o,noj( o` a leader, a (Roman) governor

i;dioj( &a( &on one's own

VIou,daj( &a( o` Judas, Judah

kairo,j( &ou/( o` time, an appointed time

misqo,j( &ou/( o` wages, reward

oi=koj( &ou( o` a house, home

pou,j( podo,j( o` a foot

pro,swpon( &ou( to, face, presence

stauro,w to crucify

to,poj( &ou( o` a place

fulakh,( &h/j( h` a guard, a prison, a watch

w[sper just as, even as

avnabai,nw to go up

a;nemoj( &ou( o` a wind

a;xioj( &a( &on worthy

a[ptw to touch

avrgu,rion( &ou( to, silver

ga,moj( &ou( o` a marriage, wedding, wedding feast

dw/ron( &ou( to, a gift

e;xeimi to depart, leave

e;xw without; outside (gen)

e`pta, seven

VHli,aj( &ou( o` Elijah

qhsauro,j( &ou/( o` a storehouse, treasure

khru,ssw to proclaim, preach

ko,smoj( &ou( o` the world

ma/llon more, rather

me,llw to be about to

nai, truly, yes

nao,j( &ou/( o` a temple

nu,x( &nukto,j( h` night

o[moioj( &a( &on like

ouvci, not

parakale,w to beseech, urge, exhort, comfort

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pare,rcomai to pass by, pass away; to arrive

peina,w to hunger

Pila/toj( &ou( o` Pilate

Si,mwn( &wnoj( o` Simon

sunagwgh,( &h/j( h` a synagogue

suni,hmi to understand

avgapa,w to love

aivw,n( &w/noj( o` an age

avnh,r( avndro,j( o` a man, husband

avpagge,llw to announce, report

dei/ it is necessary

evlee,w to have mercy

evpa,nw above; over (gen)

evperwta,w to ask, question, demand of

e;rhmoj( &ou( h` a desert, wilderness

e;ti still, yet, even

ziza,nion( &ou( to, a tare

quga,thr( &tro,j( h` a daughter

VIoudai,a( &aj( h` Judea

kaqi,zw to seat, sit

mh,pote lest perchance

mikro,j( &a,( &o,n small, little

nhsteu,w to fast

no,moj( &ou( o` a law, the Law

ovdou,j( &ovdo,ntoj( o` a tooth

oivkodome,w to build, edify

o`moio,w to make like, liken, compare

pai/j( &paido,j( o`( h` a boy, girl, child, servant

pi,stij( &ewj( h` faith, belief, trust

plana,w to lead astray

po,soj( &h( &on how great? how much?

sh,meron today

so,j( &sh,( &so,n your

telw,nhj( &ou( o` a taxgatherer

VAbraa,m( o` Abraham

avgora,zw to buy

a`marti,a( &aj( h` a sin, sin

avnaginw,skw to read

a;ra then, therefore

a;rti now, just now

bapti,zw to baptize

baptisth,j( &ou/( o` baptist

ge,enna( &hj( h` gehenna

daimoni,zomai to be demon possessed

dikaiosu,nh( &hj( h` righteousness

do,xa( &hj( h` glory

evggi,zw to come near

e;nduma( &toj( to, apparel (esp. the outer robe)

e[neka on account of, for the sake of (gen)

evpiti,qhmi to lay upon

e`toima,zw to prepare

evcqro,j( &h,( &o,n hating; enemy (as a noun)

zwh,( &h/j( h` life

h;dh now, already

qa,natoj( &ou( o` death

qauma,zw to marvel, wonder at

kaqari,zw to cleanse

kaqeu,dw to sleep

kakw/j badly

keleu,w to order

klauqmo,j( &ou/( o` weeping

kru,ptw to conceal

kwfo,j( &h,( &o,n deaf, dumb

ma,caira( &hj( h` a sword

merimna,w to be anxious, distracted

me,soj( &h( &on middle, in the midst

mnhmei/on( &ou( to, a tomb, monument

Mwu?sh/j( &e,wj( o` Moses

oivkodespo,thj( &ou( o` a householder

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ouvra,nioj( &on heavenly, in heaven, from heaven

ou=j( wvto,j( to, an ear

ovyi,a( &aj( h` evening

pe,ran beyond (gen)

peripate,w to walk

poi/oj( &a( &on what sort of? what?

po,te when?

poth,rion( &ou( to, a cup

Saddoukai/oj( &ou( o` a Sadducee

sko,toj( &ouj( to, darkness

spe,rma( &toj( to, a seed

sulle,gw to collect, gather

sfo,dra exceedingly

tele,w to finish, fulfill

tri,toj( &h( &on third

u[dwr( u[datoj( to, water

u[steroj( &a( &on later, afterwards

feu,gw to flee

fro,nimoj( &on prudent, wise

fwnh,( &h/j( h` a sound, voice

fw/j( &fwto,j( to, light

aivw,nioj( &on eternal

brugmo,j( &ou/( o` a biting, a gnashing of teeth

game,w to marry

gewrgo,j( &ou/( o` a farmer

grhgore,w to watch, keep watch

deu/te come!

dhna,rion( &ou( o` a denarius

dia,boloj( &ou( o` slanderer, accuser, the Devil

diakone,w to wait upon, serve

diw,kw to pursue, persecute

evktei,nw to stretch forth, stretch out

evntolh,( &h/j( h` a commandment

evpiginw,skw to come to know, recognize

evpitima,w to rebuke, warn

evrga,thj( &ou( o` a workman, laborer

e;rgon( &ou( to, work, deed

euvqu,j( &ei/a( &u, straightway, immediately

za,w to live

Zebedai/oj( &ou( o` Zebedee

VHsai<aj( &ou( o` Isaiah

qe,lhma( &toj( to, will

qerismo,j( &ou/( o` harvest

qusiasth,rion( &ou( to, an altar

VIakw,b( o` Jacob

VIa,kwboj( &ou( o` James

VIorda,nhj( &ou( o` the Jordan

kako,j( &h,( &o,n bad, evil

kerdai,nw to gain

kri,nw to judge, decide

lupe,w to grieve

lu,w to loose

metabai,nw to depart

mh,te neither, nor

mwro,j( &a,( &o,n foolish

numfi,oj( &ou( o` a bridegroom

ovli,goj( &h( &on little, few

o;nar( to, a dream

ovpi,sw behind, after (gen)

o[rion( &ou( to, a boundary, region

ou;te neither, nor

ovfei,lw to owe, ought

peira,zw to test, tempt, attempt

proa,gw to lead forth, go before

prose,cw to attend to, give heed to

proskale,omai to summon, call to

pwle,w to sell

stre,fw to turn

ta,foj( &ou( o` a grave, tomb

te,loj( &ouj( to, end

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thre,w to keep

tima,w to honor

cai,rw to rejoice

cara,( &a/j( h` joy, delight

crei,a( &aj( h` a need

a;kanqa( &hj( h` a thorn

a`martwlo,j( &o,n sinful; sinner (as a noun)

avna,keimai to recline (at meals)

avnatolh,( &h/j( h` east, dawn

avnti, instead of, for (gen)

avpa,gw to lead away

avpe,cw to have received; to be distant

avpoqnh,|skw to die

a;rcwn( &ontoj( o` a ruler

avsth,r( &e,roj( o` a star

Barabba/j( &a/( o` Barabbas

Bhqle,em( h` Bethlehem

diya,w to thirst

evkporeu,omai to go out

evla,sswn( &on lesser

evmbai,nw to embark

evmpai,zw to mock

e;nocoj( &on involved in, liable, guilty

euvloge,w to bless

euvw,numoj( &on of good name, euph. for left

h[lioj( &ou( o` the sun

qro,noj( &ou( o` a throne

VIoudai/oj( &a( &on Jewish, a Jew, Judea

ivcqu,j( &u,oj( o` a fish

VIwna/j( &a/( o` Jonah

ka,lamoj( &ou( o` a reed

katalu,w to destroy; to lodge

kle,ptw to steal

koino,w to make common, to defile

krupto,j( &h,( &o,n hidden

lampa,j( &a,doj( h` a torch, lamp

metanoe,w to repent

mhdei,j( mhdemi,a( mhde,n no one

mise,w to hate

no,soj( &ou( h` a disease

xe,noj( &h( &on strange; a stranger, host (as a noun)

ouvde,pote never

paralutiko,j( &ou/( o` a paralytic

periba,llw to put around, clothe

perisseu,w to abound, be rich

pe,tra( &aj( h` a rock

pisto,j( &h,( &o,n faithful, believing

plh,n however, but, only, nevertheless; except (gen)

po,qen whence?

poti,zw to give drink to

pro, before (gen)

ptwco,j( &h,( &o,n poor; poor man (as a noun)

r`h/ma( &toj( to, a word

sapro,j( &a,( &o,n rotten, worthless

sa,rx( sarko,j( h` flesh

seautou/( &h/j of you

ska,ndalon( &ou( to, a cause of stumbling

Solomw,n( &w/noj Solomon

splagcni,zomai to have compassion

stauro,j( &ou/( o` a cross

sukh/( &h/j( h` a fig tree

sumbou,lion( &ou( to, counsel, a council

su,ndouloj( &ou( o` a fellow slave

sunte,leia( &aj( h` completion, end, consummation

ti,qhmi to place

tria,konta thirty (indeclinable)

u`pe,r in behalf of (gen); above (acc)

file,w to love

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foneu,w to kill, murder

fwne,w to call

cruso,j( &ou/( o` gold

cwlo,j( &h,( &o,n lame

a;gw to lead

Ai;guptoj( &ou( h` Egypt

avkoh,( &h/j( h` hearing; a report, news

avna,stasij( &ewj( h` resurrection

avni,sthmi to cause to arise, arise

avnomi,a( &aj( h` lawlessness

avparne,omai to deny

avpokalu,ptw to reveal

avrne,omai to deny

avrch,( &h/j( h` a beginning

avsko,j( &ou/( o` a (leather) bottle, wineskin

Babulw,n( &w/noj( h` Babylon

blasfhmi,a( &aj( h` reproach, blasphemy

ge, indeed, at least, really, even

grafh,( &h/j( h` a writing, Scripture

gumno,j( &h,( &o,n naked

doxa,zw to glorify

eivrh,nh( &hj( h` peace

e[kastoj( &h( &on each

e`kato,n a hundred

e`katonta,rchj( &ou a centurion

evkko,ptw to cut out, cut off

evklekto,j( &h,( &o,n chosen, elect

evkplh,ssomai to be astonished, amazed

evmo,j( &h,( &o,n my, mine

evnte,llomai to command

evpistre,fw to turn to, return

evrga,zomai to work

evrwta,w to ask, request, entreat

e;swqen from within, within, inside

e[toimoj( &h( &on ready, prepared

euvagge,lion( &ou( &n good news, glad tidings, the Gospel

zu,mh( &hj( h` leaven

h[kw to have come

qea,omai to behold

qli/yij( &ewj( h` tribulation

qu,ra( &aj( h` a door

iva,omai to heal

i;de see! behold!

VIsaa,k( o` Isaac

ivscuro,j( &a,( &o,n strong

ivscu,w to be strong, able

kaqi,sthmi to set, constitute, put in charge

kaino,j( &h,( &o,n new

Kai/sar( &oj( o` Caesar

katakri,nw to condemn

katalei,pw to leave

katoike,w to inhabit, dwell

Kafarnaou,m( h` Capernaum

kw,mh( &hj( h` a village

lepro,j( &ou/( o` scaly, leprous

lh|sth,j( &ou/( o` a robber

li,an greatly

loipo,j( &h,( &o,n remaining; the rest (as a noun); for the rest, henceforth (as an adverb)

ma,goj( &ou( o` a magician

me,roj( &ouj( to, a part

metoikesi,a( &aj( h` change of abode, deportation

mh,ti interrogative particle in questions expecting a negative answer

moiceu,w to commit adultery

nefe,lh( &hj( h` a cloud

noe,w to understand

nu/n now

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o[qen whence, wherefore

oi=noj( &ou( o` wine

ovligo,pistoj( &on of little faith

o`mologe,w to confess, profess

o[rkoj( &ou( o` an oath

parqe,noj( &ou( h` a virgin

parousi,a( &aj( h` presence, coming

pa,sca( to, passover (indeclinable)

pa,scw to suffer

pe,mpw to send

peteino,n( &ou( to, a bird

pou/ where? whither?

profhteu,w to prophesy

pu,lh( &hj( h` a gate, porch

r`abbi,( o` Rabbi, master (indeclinable)

Satana/j( &a/( o` Satan

seismo,j( &ou/( o` an earthquake

si/toj( &ou( o` wheat

sumfe,rw to bring together; it is profitable

su,n with (dat)

teleuta,w to die

ti,ktw to give birth to

trofh,( &h/j( h` food

fe,rw to carry, bear, bring, lead

coi/roj( &ou( o` a pig

corta,zw to eat to the full, be satisfied, be filled

cwre,w to make room for; to hold

w`sau,twj likewise

avganakte,w to be indignant

avgaphto,j( &h,( &o,n beloved

avge,lh( &hj( h` a herd

a`gia,zw to sanctify

avgora,( &a/j( h` a market-place

avdelfh,( &h/j( h` a sister

aivti,a( &aj( h` a cause, reason, accusation

avle,ktwr( &oroj( o` a cock

avlhqw/j truly

avllh,lwn( &ouj( &ouj of one another

a`marta,nw to sin

avmfo,teroi( &ai( &a both

avna, upwards, up (acc); each (with numerals)

avnable,pw to look up, receive sight

avnate,llw to cause to rise

avnekto,j( &o,n tolerable, bearable

a[paj( &asa( &an all

avpodhme,w to go abroad, go on a journey

avpoqh,kh( &hj( h` a storehouse, barn

avrgo,j( &h,( &o,n inactive, idle

a`rpa,zw to seize

avsqene,w to be weak, sick

avsqenh,j( &e,j weak

avsfali,zw to make secure, fasten

auvlh,( &h/j( h` a courtyard, court

au;rion tomorrow

avfani,zw to destroy

avfori,zw to separate, set apart

basani,zw to torment

basta,zw to bear, carry

Beelzebou,l( o` Beelzebul

blasfhme,w to revile, blaspheme

gasth,r( &tro,j( h` the belly

ge,nnhma( &toj( to, offspring, child, brood

dei,knumi to show

de,ka ten

dekate,ssarej fourteen

deu,teroj( &a( &on second

dia,konoj( &ou( o` a servant, administrator, deacon

dialogi,zomai to debate, reason

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diaskorpi,zw to scatter, separate, squander

diafe,rw to differ

didach,( &h/j( h` teaching

dioru,ssw to break through, break in

doko,j( &ou/( h` a beam of timber, log

dunato,j( &h,( &o,n powerful, possible

evggu,j near

evqniko,j( &h,( &o,n a Gentile

evkklhsi,a( &aj( h` assembly, congregation, church

evkce,w to pour out

evlai,a( &aj( h` an olive tree

e;laion( &ou( to, olive oil

evlehmosu,nh( &hj( h` alms

e;leoj( &ouj( to, pity, mercy, compassion

e;natoj( &h( &on ninth

evndu,w to put on, clothe

e;xwqen from without, outside (gen)

evxw,teroj( &a( &on outer, outside

evpei, when, since

evpidei,knumi to show, to prove

evpizhte,w to seek for

evpisuna,gw gather, gather together

e`tai/roj( &ou( o` a companion, friend, comrade

euvdoke,w to think it good, be well pleased with

euvnou/coj( &ou( o` a eunuch

e;cidna( &hj( h` a viper

qanato,w to put to death

qa,ptw to bury

qarse,w to be of good courage

qeri,zw to reap

qri,x( &trico,j( h` a hair

VIeremi,aj( &ou( o` Jeremiah

i`ereu,j( &e,wj( o` a priest

i`kano,j( &h,( &o,n sufficient, able, considerable

kaqaro,j( &a,( &o,n clean

kaqw,j as, just as, even as

ka,mhloj( &ou( o` camel

ka,rfoj( &ouj( to, a speck

katakai,w to burn up

kei/mai to lie, be laid

kh/nsoj( &ou( o` a poll tax

kla,doj( &ou( o` a branch (of a tree)

kla,w to break

klei,w to shut

kle,pthj( &ou( o` a thief

klhronome,w to inherit

koili,a( &aj( h` the belly, womb, stomach

ko,ptw to strike, smite

kora,sion( &ou( to, a girl

kosme,w to adorn

koustwdi,a( &aj( h` a guard

kra,spedon( &ou( to, a border, tassel, fringe

krith,j( &ou( o` a judge

kullo,j( &h,( &o,n crippled

la,mpw to shine

leuko,j( &h,( &o,n white

Magdalhnh,( &h/j( h` woman of Magdala

maqhteu,w to be a disciple, to make a disciple

malaki,a( &aj( h` sickness, weakness

manqa,nw to learn

margari,thj( &ou( o` a pearl

martu,rion( &ou( to, a testimony, witness, proof

mastigo,w to scourge

me,nw to remain, abide

meri,zw to divide

metame,lomai to regret, repent

mimnh,|skomai to remember

Nazara,( Nazare,q Nazareth

nomi,zw to suppose

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xhrai,nw to dry up

o`dhgo,j( &ou/( o` a leader, guide

o`moi,wj likewise

ovneidi,zw to reproach

o;noj( &ou( o` an ass, donkey

ovrgi,zomai to make angry

o;fij( &ewj( o` a serpent

palaio,j( &a,( &o,n old

paragi,nomai to come, arrive

para,gw to pass by

para,dosij( &ewj( h` a tradition

pei,qw to persuade

peria,gw to lead around, to go about

perisso,j( &h,( &o,n excessive, abundant

peristera,( &a/j( h` a dove

periti,qhmi to place around

pipra,skw to sell

platu,j( &ei/a( &u, broad; street

plhsi,on near; a neighbor (as a noun)

plou,sioj( &a( &on rich

poimh,n( &e,noj( o` a shepherd

pornei,a( &aj( h` fornication

potamo,j( &ou/( o` a river

prau<j( &praei/a( &prau< gentle

pri,n before

prwi< in the morning, early

pw/loj( &ou( o` a colt

r`i,za( &hj( h` a root

r`i,ptw to throw, cast, to throw off, toss

sei,w to shake

Sidw,n( &w/noj( h` Sidon

So,doma( &wn( to, Sodom

sofi,a( &aj( h` wisdom

stratiw,thj( &ou( o` a soldier

sumfwne,w to agree with, agree together

sunai,rw to settle accounts

sune,drion( &ou( to, a council, the Sanhedrin

sunta,ssw to arrange, direct, order

tapeino,w to humble

tacu,j( &ei/a quickly; quick

te, and (enclitic weak connective particle)

te,leioj( &a( &on complete, perfect, mature

toiou/toj( &au,th( &ou/ton such

tosou/toj( &au,th( &ou/ton so great, so much; so many (plural)

Tu,roj( &ou( h` Tyre

u`pa,rcw to be, exist

u`yo,w to lift up, exalt

Fi,lippoj( &ou( o` Philip

fo,boj( &ou( o` fear, terror

co,rtoj( &ou( o` grass, hay

cro,noj( &ou( o` time

cw,ra( &aj( h` a country

cwri,j without, apart from (gen)

yeudoprofh,thj( &ou( o` a false prophet

w`sanna, hosanna (save, we pray)

w`sei, like, about

wvfele,w to profit

VAbia,( o` Abijah

VAbiou,d( o` Abiud

avggareu,w to compel, press into service

a[|dhj( &ou( o` Hades

VAzw,r( o` Azor

avqw/|oj( &on innocent

aivgialo,j( &ou/( o` the seashore, beach

avka,qartoj( &on unclean

avkribo,w to ascertain precisely

a;kron( &ou( to, high point, boundary

a[laj( &atoj( to, salt

a`lieu,j( &e,wj a fisherman

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avllo,trioj( &a( &on another's, strange, foreign

a[ma at the same time; together with (dat)

VAminada,b( o` Amminadab

avmfie,nnumi to clothe, dress

VAmw,j( o` Amos

avnai,tioj( &on innocent

avnakli,nw to lay upon, lay down, to lie back

avna,pausij( &ewj( h` cessation, rest

avnapau,w to refresh; to take rest (middle)

VAndre,aj( &ou( o` Andrew

avnti,dikoj( &ou( o` an opponent, adversary

avpe,nanti over against, before, contrary to

avpokaqista,nw to restore, bring back

avposta,sion( &ou( to, certificate of divorce

avpostre,fw to turn away, turn back

avpw,leia( &aj( h` destruction

VAra,m( o` Aram

avrketo,j( &h,( &o,n sufficient, enough, adequate

avrcai/oj( &a( &on old, ancient

VAsa,f( o` Asa(ph)

avspa,zomai to greet, salute

avstraph,( &h/j( h` lightning, brightness

auvxa,nw to cause to grow; increase

VAca,z( o` Ahaz

VAci,m( o` Achim

ba,ptisma( &toj( to, baptism

baru,j( &ei/a( &u, heavy, burdensome

Bhqani,a( &aj( h` Bethany

Bo,ej( o` Boaz

bo,qunoj( &ou( o` a pit

bo,skw to feed

bou,lomai to wish, determine

broch,( &hj( h` rain

brw/sij( &ewj( h` eating, food, rust

gami,zw to give in marriage

ge,mw to fill

ge,nesij( &ewj( h` origin, birth, genealogy

geu,omai to taste

gonupete,w to fall on the knees, kneel down

gwni,a( &aj( h` an angle, a corner

de,smioj( &ou( o` a prisoner

diakri,nw to discriminate, judge; to doubt (midle)

diapera,w to cross over

diasafe,w to report, explain

diafhmi,zw to spread abroad

di,dracmon( &ou( to, a double drachma

die,rcomai to pass through

dikaio,w to justify, pronounce righteous

di,ktuon( &ou( to, a net

dista,zw to doubt, waver, hesitate

douleu,w to serve

dusmh,( &h/j( h` (the) western (region)

dw/ma( &toj( to, a house, a housetop

dwrea,n without cost; without cause

~Ezeki,aj( &ou( o` Hezekiah

evkdi,dwmi to rent, let out for hire

evkdu,w to take off, to put off

evkrizo,w to uproot

e[ktoj( &h( &on sixth

VElea,zar( o` Eleazar

VEliaki,m( o` Eliakim

VEliou,d( o` Eliud

evmble,pw to look at

evmptu,w to spit upon

e`nde,katoj( &h( &on eleventh

evnenh,konta ninety

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evnqume,omai to ponder, consider, think

evnqu,mhsij( &ewj( h` deliberation, thought, idea

evnne,a nine

evxaire,w to take out, to deliver

evxeta,zw to scrutinize, examine, make a search

e`xh,konta sixty

evxomologe,w to confess, profess

e`orth,( &h/j( h` a feast

evpiba,llw to lay upon

evpidi,dwmi to give to

evpiqume,w to desire

evpiske,ptomai to visit, have a care for

evpitre,pw to permit

e`pta,kij seven times

~Esrw,m( o` Hezron

eu= well

eu;kopoj easy; only comparative in the NT

euvnouci,zw to make a eunuch of, castrate, emasculate

euvcariste,w to give thanks

Zaboulw,n( o` Zebulun

Zorobabe,l( o` Zerubbabel

zugo,j( &ou/( o` a yoke

zw,nh( &hj( h` a belt

hvli, Eli, my God

~Hrw|dia,j( &a,doj( h` Herodias

qeristh,j( &ou/( o` a reaper, harvester

qewre,w to look at, behold

qhla,zw to suckle, nurse

qhsauri,zw to lay up, store up, treasure

qo,ruboj( &ou( o` an uproar, riot

qusi,a( &aj( h` a sacrifice

~Ieroso,luma( to, Jerousalem

VIessai,( o` Jesse

VIeconi,aj( &ou( o` Jechoniah

i`nati, for what purpose? why?

VIskariw,q Iscariot

VIwaqa,m( o` Jotham

VIwbh,d( o` Obed

VIwra,m( o` Joram

VIwsafa,t( o` Josaphat

VIwsi,aj( &ou( o` Josiah

kaqe,dra( &aj( h` a seat, chair

kaqhghth,j( &ou/( o` a teacher, leader

Kai?a,faj( &a( o` Caiaphas

kalu,ptw to cover

kalw/j well

ka,minoj( &ou( h` a furnace

katabolh,( &h/j( h` a foundation

katadika,zw to pass sentence upon, condemn

kataklusmo,j( &ou/( o` a flood

katamarture,w to bear witness against, testify against

katapate,w to trample under foot

kataponti,zomai to drown, sink

katarti,zw to mend, fit, perfect, prepare

katafrone,w to think little of, despise

kathgore,w to accuse

ka,tw down, below

kerameu,j( &e,wj( o` a potter

kine,w to move

klai,w to weep

kla,sma( &toj( to, a broken piece

kli,nh( &hj( h` a couch

koima,omai to sleep, fall asleep

ko,kkoj( &ou( o` a grain, seed

kolobo,w to curtail, shorten

kopia,w to toil, labor

ko,finoj( &ou( o` a basket

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krema,nnumi to hang

krou,w to knock, strike

krufai/oj( &a( &on hidden, private

ku/ma( &toj( to, a wave

kuna,rion( &ou( to, a little dog

la,qra| secretly

liqobole,w to pelt with stones, to stone

lu,koj( &ou( o` a wolf

lu,cnoj( &ou( o` a lamp

Maqqai/oj( &ou( o` Matthew, one of the twelve apostles

makro,qen from afar, afar

makroqume,w to be patient

malako,j( &h,( &o,n soft, effeminate

Manassh/ Manasseh

ma,rtuj( &ma,rturoj a witness

Matqa,n( o` Matthan

me,loj( &ouj( to, a member

metai,rw to go away, depart

meta,noia( &aj( h` repentance

metaxu, between, after

metre,w to measure

me,tron( &ou( to, a measure

me,cri until; as far as (gen)

misqo,w to hire

moicali,j( &i,doj( h` an adulteress

moica,omai to commit adultery with

mu,loj( &ou( o` a mill, a millstone

mu,ron( &ou( to, ointment, perfume

Naassw,n( o` Nahshon

Nazwrai/oj( &ou( o` inhabitant of Nazareth, Nazarene

neani,skoj( &ou( o` a youth

ne,oj( &a( &on new, young

Nefqali,m( o` Naphtali

nh,pioj( &a( &on an infant, child

ni,ptw to wash

Nw/e( o` Noah

xhro,j( &a,( &o,n dry, withered

xu,lon( &ou( to, wood, tree

VOzi,aj( &ou( o` Uzziah

oivkiako,j( &ou/( o` member of a household

o;pisqen behind, after

ovru,ssw to dig

ovrce,omai to dance

ouvke,ti no longer

ou;pw not yet

ovfeile,thj( &ou( o` a debtor

pa,ntote always

parabai,nw to go aside, transgress

paragge,llw to command, charge

parakou,w to overhear, listen, refuse to listen to

para,ptwma( &toj( to, a trespass

parati,qhmi to set before; to entrust (middle)

paracrh/ma immediately

pata,ssw to smite

patri,j( &i,doj( h` of one's fathers, fatherland

peirasmo,j( &ou/( o` temptation

penqera,( &a/j( h` a mother-in-law

penqe,w to mourn

pentakisci,lioi( &ai( &a five thousand

peri,cwroj( &ou( h` neighboring

petrw,dhj rocky, stony

pi,mplhmi to fill

pi,nax( &akoj( h` a board, dish, platter

plh,rhj( &ej full

pne,w to blow

pni,gw to choke, strangle

po,lemoj( &ou( o` a war

polla,kij often

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po,rnh( &hj( h` a prostitute

posa,kij how often?

prosdoka,w to wait for, look for

proseuch,( &h/j( h` prayer

prosko,ptw to strike against, to stumble

prosta,ssw to command, order

prosti,qhmi to add, add to

ptw/ma( &toj( to, dead body, corpse

purra,zw to to be (fiery) red

r`api,zw to slap

r`h,gnumi to break apart, throw down, dash

~Roboa,m( o` Rehoboam

r`u,omai to rescue, deliver

Sadw,k( o` Zadok

Salaqih,l( o` Shealtiel

saleu,w to shake

Salmw,n( o` Salmon

sbe,nnumi to quench, extinguish

selhnia,zomai to be an epileptic

sh,j( &shto,j( o` a moth

si,napi( &ewj( to, mustard (a plant)

siwpa,w to be silent

sofo,j( &h,( &o,n wise

spuri,j( &i,doj( h` a large basket

steno,j( &h,( &o,n narrow

strouqi,on( &ou( to, a sparrow

strwnnu,w to spread, furnish

sunana,keimai to recline with (at table)

sci,zw to split, tear

tamei/on( &ou( to, inner room, storeroom

tara,ssw to trouble

tessera,konta forty

tetrakisci,lioi( &ai( &a four thousand

timh,( &h/j( h` honor, price

tra,peza( &hj( h` a table

tre,fw to make to grow, to nourish, feed

tre,cw to run

tri,j thrice

tu,ptw to smite

u`gih,j( &e,j whole, healthy, well

u`panta,w to meet, go to meet

u`pa,nthsij( &ewj( h` a going to meet

u`phre,thj( &ou( o` a servant, assistant

u`po,dhma( &toj( to, a sandal, shoe

u`pome,nw to tarry; to endure

u`yhlo,j( &h,( &o,n high

Fa,rej( o` Perez

fimo,w to muzzle, to put to silence

forti,on( &ou( to, a burden, load

fulh,( &h/j( h` a tribe

fu,llon( &ou( to, a leaf

futeu,w to plant

fwteino,j( &h,( &o,n bright, full of light

ceimw,n( &w/noj( o` winter, a storm

citw,n( &w/noj( o` a tunic

clamu,j( &u,doj( h` a mantle, robe

crhmati,zw to instruct, reveal, answer, warn

croni,zw to spend or take time, delay

yeudomarturi,a( &aj( h` a false witness

w= Oh!

{Abel( o` Abel

avgallia,w to exult, rejoice

avga,ph( &hj( h` love

avggei/on( &ou( to, a vessel, flask, container

a;ggoj( &ouj( to, vessel, container

a;gkistron( &ou( to, a fishhook

a;gnafoj( &on unshrunken, new

a;grioj( &a( &on wild, savage

avdhmone,w to be distressed, troubled

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avdike,w to wrong, do wrong, harm

a;dikoj( &on unjust, unrighteous

avdunate,w to be unable

avdu,natoj( &on incapable, impossible

aveto,j( &ou/( o` an eagle, vulture

a;zumoj( &on unleavened

ai`morroe,w to bleed, suffer with hemorrhage

ai=noj( &ou( o` praise

ai`reti,zw to choose

avkaqarsi,a( &aj( h` uncleanness, impurity

a;karpoj( &on unfruitful

avke,raioj( &on unmixed, pure, innocent

avkmh,n even yet, still

avkrasi,a( &aj( h` to lack of self-control, self-indulgence

avkribw/j carefully, accurately

avkri,j( &i,doj( h` a locust

avkuro,w to revoke, invalidate

avla,bastroj vase for holding perfume or ointment

avlei,fw to anoint

a;leuron( &ou( to, wheat flour

avlh,qeia( &aj( h` truth

avlhqh,j( &e,j true

avlh,qw to grind

a`li,zw to salt

~Alfai/oj( &ou( o` Alphaeus

a[lwn( &oj( h` a threshing floor

avlw,phx( &ekoj( h` a fox

avmele,w to neglect, be unconcerned

avme,rimnoj( &on free from care

a;mmoj( &ou( h` sand

a;mpeloj( &ou( h` vine

avmfi,blhstron( &ou( to, casting-net

avnabiba,zw to bring up, draw up

avnaboa,w to cry out

avnagka,zw to force, compel, urge

avna,gkh( &hj( h` necessity, distress

avna,gw to lead up; to put to sea, set sail (middle)

avnaire,w to take up; to kill, put to death

avnaka,mptw to turn back, to return

avnapi,ptw to recline

avnaplhro,w to fill up, fulfill

avnafe,rw to bring up, offer

a;neu without (gen)

avne,comai to endure

a;nhqon( &ou( to, dill

avnqi,sthmi to resist, oppose

a;niptoj( &on unwashed

avnta,llagma( &toj( to, an exchange

avnte,comai to hold, hold fast, be devoted to

a;nudroj( &on waterless, dry

a;nwqen from above, again

avxi,nh( &hj( h` an axe

avpa,gcomai to hang oneself

avpai,rw to take away, depart

a`palo,j( &h,( &o,n tender

avpa,nthsij( &ewj( h` a meeting

avpa,th( &hj( h` deceit, deceitfulness

avpisti,a( &aj( h` unbelief

a;pistoj( &on unbelieving, faithless

a`plou/j( &h/( &ou/n simple, single, sincere

avpodekato,w to tithe, collect a tithe

avpodokima,zw to reject

avpokefali,zw to behead

avpokuli,w to roll away

avponi,zw to wash

avpospa,w to draw away, withdraw, draw out

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avpo,stoloj( &ou( o` an Apostle

avpoti,qhmi to put off, lay aside

avpocwre,w to go away, depart, leave

a;rguroj( &ou( o` silver

avre,skw to please

avriqme,w to number, count

~Arimaqai,a( &aj( h` Arimathea

avristero,j( &a( &v left, on the left

a;riston( &ou( to, breakfast, dinner

avrke,w to assist, suffice

a`rpagh,( &h/j( h` plunder, robbery

a[rpax( &agoj ravenous

a;rrwstoj( &on feeble, sickly

a;rshn( &en male

VArce,laoj( &ou( o` Archelaus

a;sbestoj( &on unquenchable

avsqe,neia( &aj( h` weakness

avspasmo,j( &ou/( o` a greeting

avssa,rion( &ou( to, an assarion, a farthing (one tenth of a drachma)

avsu,netoj( &on without understanding

a;timoj( &on without honor, dishonored

auvle,w to play a flute

auvlhth,j( &ou/( o` a flute player

auvli,zomai to spend the night, lodge

auvtou/ there, here

avfaire,w to take away

avfedrw,n( &w/noj( o` toilet, latrine

a;fesij( &ewj( h` a sending away, remission

avcrei/oj( &on useless, worthless, unworthy

a;cri as far as, up to (gen); until (as conjunction)

a;curon( &ou( to, chaff

ba,qoj( &ouj( to, depth

Baraci,aj( &ou( o` Barachiah

bare,w to burden, weigh down

bare,wj with difficulty

Barqolomai/oj( &ou( o` Bartholomew

Bariwna/ Barjona

ba,roj( &ouj( to, burden, weight

baru,timoj( &on very expensive, very precious

basanisth,j( &ou/( o` a jailer, a torturer

ba,sanoj( &ou( h` (an examination by) torture, torment, pain

basileu,w to reign

basi,lissa( &hj( h` a queen

battaloge,w to use the same words again and again, stammer

bde,lugma( &toj( to, a detestable thing, abomination

bebhlo,w to profane, desecrate

Bhqsai?da,( h` Bethsaida

Bhqfagh,( h` Bethphage

bh/ma( &toj( to, judgment seat

bia,zomai to force, dominate

biasth,j( &ou/( o` a violent man

bibli,on( &ou( to, a book

bi,bloj( &ou( h` a book

blasta,nw to sprout, produce

boa,w to cry aloud

bohqe,w to come to the aid of

bre,cw to send rain, to rain, to wet

brw/ma( &toj( to, food

Gadarhno,j( &h,( &o,n from Gadara

galh,nh( &hj( h` a calm

Galilai/oj( &a( &on Galilean

Geqshmani, Gethsemane

gene,sia( &wn( to, a birthday celebration

ge,nhma( &toj( to, fruit, produce, harvest

Gennhsare,t( h` Gennesaret

gennhto,j( &h,( &o,n born, begotten

ge,noj( &ouj( to, race, kind

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goggu,zw to mutter, murmur

Golgoqa/ Golgotha

Go,morra( &aj( h` Gomorrah

goneu,j( &e,wj( o` a parent

dai,mwn( &onoj( o` demon, evil spirit

da,ktuloj( &ou( o` a finger

da,neion( &ou( to, a loan, debt

dani,zw to lend money, borrow money (middle)

Danih,l( o` Daniel

deigmati,zw to make a show of, expose, disgrace

deilo,j( &h,( &o,n cowardly, timid

dei/na( o` a certain one

deinw/j terribly, vehemently

dei/pnon( &ou( to, a supper

Deka,polij( &ewj( h` Decapolis

de,omai to beseech

derma,tinoj( &h( &on (made of) leather

de,rw to beat

desmeu,w to bind together, to tie up (in a bundle)

de,smh( &hj( h` a bundle

desmwth,rion( &ou( to, a prison, jail

deu/ro until now, come here!

dh, also, indeed, now, therefore (used to give greater exactness)

dh/loj( &h( &on clear, evident, plain

diable,pw to see clearly, look intently

diaqh,kh( &hj( h` a covenant

diakaqari,zw to clean out

diakwlu,w to prevent

dialla,ssw to be reconciled

dialogismo,j( &ou/( o` a reasoning, questioning, thought

diameri,zw to divide, distribute

dia,noia( &aj( h` the mind, understanding, a thought

diarpa,zw to plunder

diarrh,gnumi to tear, break

diaste,llomai to set apart, fig. to distinguish, to charge expressly

diastre,fw to distort, pervert, misinterpret, corrupt

diasw,|zw to bring safely through (a danger), to save thoroughly

diata,ssw to command

didaskali,a( &aj( h` teaching, doctrine

die,xodoj( &ou( h` an outlet, a way out

dieth,j( &e,j two years old

dio, wherefore

diplou/j( &h/( &ou/n double, two-fold

diu?li,zw to filter out, strain out

dica,zw to divide in two

dicotome,w to cut in two

diwgmo,j( &ou/( o` persecution

do,loj( &ou( o` guile

do,ma( &toj( to, a present, gift

dusba,staktoj( &on hard to bear

dusko,lwj with difficulty, hardly

eva,w to permit, allow

e`bdomhkonta,kij seventy times

e;gersij( &ewj( h` resurrection

evgkatalei,pw to leave behind, forsake, abandon

evgkru,ptw to hide

eivde,a( &aj( h` a form, appearance

eivkw,n( &o,noj( h` an image, likeness

eivrhnopoio,j( &ou( o` making peace

eivsakou,w to listen, to hear

eivsporeu,omai to enter

eivsfe,rw to carry inward, bring in

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ei;wqa to be accustomed

e`katontaplasi,wn( &on a hundred times

evkla,mpw to shine (forth)

evklu,omai to loose, faint, grow weary

evkpeira,zw to test thoroughly, tempt

evktina,ssw to shake off or out

evkto,j aside from, besides, outside (gen)

evkfu,w put forth

evlafro,j( &a,( &o,n light, easy to bear

evle,gcw to convict, reprove

evleh,mwn( &on merciful, sympathetic, compassionate

evleu,qeroj( &a( &on free

evlpi,zw to hope

evmautou/( &h/j of myself

evmba,ptw to dip

evmbrima,omai to be moved with anger, to admonish sternly

VEmmanouh,l( o` Emmanuel

evmpi,prhmi to set on fire

evmpi,ptw to fall into

evmpori,a( &aj( h` business, trade

e;mporoj( &ou( o` a merchant

evmfani,zw to manifest, disclose

evnanti,oj( &a( &on opposite, hostile, opposed, contrary

e[ndeka eleven

evnerge,w to work, effect

e;nqen from here

e;ntalma( &toj( to, a precept, commandment

evntafia,zw to prepare for burial, bury

evnto,j inside, among

evntre,pw to turn about, to reverence, to put to shame, respect

evntuli,ssw to wrap up, fold up

e[x six

evxanate,llw to spring up

evxi,sthmi to amaze, be amazed

evxorki,zw to put under oath, adjure

evpai,rw to lift up

evpa,n when, as soon as

evpana,gw to put out (to sea), to return

evpani,sthmi to rise up against

evpau,rion on the morrow

evpibai,nw to go aboard, to set foot, embark

evpi,blhma( &toj( to, a patch

evpigambreu,w to marry as next of kin

evpigrafh,( &h/j( h` an inscription

evpikaqi,zw to sit, sit down

evpikale,w to call, name; to invoke, appeal to (middle)

evpilamba,nomai to take hold of

evpilanqa,nomai to forget, neglect

evpiorke,w to swear falsely, make a false vow

evpiou,sioj( &on for today, daily

evpi,shmoj( &on splendid, outstanding, notorious

evpiskia,zw to overshadow

evpispei,rw to sow upon or besides

evpi,tropoj( &ou( o` a guardian, steward, foreman

evpifw,skw to dawn, begin

evreu,gomai to utter, proclaim

evrhmi,a( &aj( h` a wilderness, desert

evrhmo,omai to desolate, lay waste

evrh,mwsij( &ewj( h` desolation, devastation, destruction

evri,zw to quarrel, wrangle

evri,fion( &ou( to, a goat

e;rifoj( &ou( o` a young goat, kid

e;sw within

e;toj( &ouj( to, a year

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euvaggeli,zw to bring good news, preach good tidings

euvdi,a( &aj( h` fair weather, tranquillity

euvdoki,a( &aj( h` good pleasure

euvkairi,a( &aj( h` fitting time, favorable opportunity

euvnoe,w to think kindly of, to make friends

euvru,cwroj( &on broad, spacious

Za,ra( o` Zerah

Zacari,aj( &ou( o` Zacharias

zhmio,w to suffer loss

zumo,w to leaven, ferment

h`ge,omai to be chief; to think, regard, consider

h`du,osmon( &ou( to, mint

h`liki,a( &aj( h` maturity, age

~Hrw|dianoi,( &w/n( o` a Herodian

Qaddai/oj( &ou( o` Thaddaeus

Qama,r( h` Tamar

qauma,sioj( &a( &on wonderful, remarkable, admirable

qaumasto,j( &h,( &o,n wonderful, marvelous

qemelio,w to lay a foundation, found, establish

qe,roj( &ouj( to, summer

qh/luj( &eia( &u female, woman

qli,bw to press, oppress

qnh,|skw to die

qorube,w to make a commotion, agitate, disturb

qrhne,w to lament, mourn, sing a dirge

qroe,omai to be troubled, frightened

qumo,omai to make angry, enrage

qu,w to sacrifice, kill

Qwma/j( &a/( o` Thomas

ivatro,j( &ou/( o` a physician

VIericw,( h` Jericho, a city of Pal.

i[lewj( &wn gracious, merciful

i;soj( &h( &on equal

ivcqu,dion( &ou( to, a small fish

ivw/ta( to, iota (the tenth Hebrew letter, yodh)

kaqa, just as

kaqe,zomai to sit down

Kaisa,reia( &aj( h` Caesarea

kai,w to burn

kaki,a( &aj( h` malice, evil

kakologe,w to speak evil of, revile

kammu,w to close (the eyes)

Kananai/oj( &ou( o` a Cananean

karpofore,w to bear fruit

katagela,w to deride, ridicule, laugh at

kata,gnumi to break in pieces

kataqemati,zw to curse

katakurieu,w to exercise dominion over, lord over, subdue

katamanqa,nw to observe (well), learn

katanoe,w to observe

katape,tasma( &toj( to, a curtain or veil

katapi,nw to drink down, swallow

katara,omai to curse

kataskeua,zw to prepare

kataskhno,w cause to dwell, settle, abide

kataskh,nwsij( &ewj( h` a place to live, nest

katastre,fw to overturn , destroy, ruin

katafile,w to kiss fervently

katace,w to pour out, down, over

kate,nanti over against, opposite

katexousia,zw to exercise authority over

katesqi,w to eat up, devour

katiscu,w to overpower, prevail

katwte,rw lower, below

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kaumati,zw to burn up, scorch

kau,swn( &wnoj( o` burning heat

kerai,a( &aj( h` a projection, hook, stroke

kh,rugma( &toj( to, a proclamation

kh/toj( &ouj( to, a sea-monster

kibwto,j( &ou/( h` a wooden box, ark

klei,j( &kleido,j( h` a key

klhronomi,a( &aj( h` an inheritance

klhrono,moj( &ou( o` an heir

klh/roj( &ou( o` a lot, portion

klhto,j( &h,( &o,n called

kli,banoj( &ou( o` an oven, furnace

kli,nw to cause to bend, bow

kloph,( &h/j( h` a theft

kodra,nthj( &ou( o` a quadrans (penny)

koinwno,j( &ou/( o` a partner, sharer

ko,kkinoj( &h( &on scarlet

ko,lasij( &ewj( h` punishment

kolafi,zw to strike with the fist, treat roughly

kolla,omai to join, cleave to

kollubisth,j( &ou/( o` a moneychanger

komi,zw to receive

konia,w to whitewash

koniorto,j( &ou/( o` dust

kopa,zw to stop, abate, cease

ko,poj( &ou( o` labor, trouble

korbana/j( &a/( o` temple treasury

krani,on( &ou( to, a skull

krauga,zw to cry out

kraugh,( &h/j( h` an outcry, crying, clamor

krhmno,j( &ou/( o` a steep bank, cliff

kri,ma( &toj( to, judgment

kri,non( &ou( to, a lily

kta,omai to acquire

kth/ma( &toj( to, a possession, piece of property

kti,zw to create

ku,minon( &ou( to, cummin

Kurhnai/oj( &ou( o` a Cyrenian

ku,wn( &kuno,j a dog

kwlu,w to forbid, hinder, prevent

kw,nwy( &wpoj( o` a gnat, mosquito

lalia,( &a/j( h` speech, way of talking

latome,w to hew out of a rock

latreu,w to serve, worship

la,canon( &ou( to, a garden herb, a vegetable

legiw,n( &w/noj( h` a legion

lema why?

le,pra( &aj( h` leprosy

lhno,j( &ou/( h` a wine press

li,banoj( &ou( o` (the) Lebanon

likma,w to crush, scatter

limo,j( &ou/( o` hunger, famine

li,non( &ou( to, a lamp-wick, linen garment

lu,tron( &ou( to, the price of release, ransom

lucni,a( &aj( h` a lampstand

Magada,n( h` Magadan

makra,n far away

mamwna/j( &a/( o` riches, mammon

marture,w to bear witness, testify

ma,thn in vain, to no end

megalu,nw to make or declare great, enlarge, exalt

meqermhneu,w to translate, to interpret

mequ,w to be drunken

me,laj( &aina( &an black, ink

me,li( &itoj( to, honey

me,lei it is a care

me,rimna( &hj( h` care, anxiety, worry

mesto,j( &h,( &o,n full

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metamorfo,omai to transform, transfigure

mhke,ti no longer

mi,gnumi to mix

mi,lion( &ou( to, a mile

mnhmoneu,w to remember

mnhmo,sunon( &ou( to, memory, a memorial

mnhsteu,omai to espouse, betroth

mo,dioj( &ou( o` a (dry) measure

moicei,a( &aj( h` adultery

mono,fqalmoj( &on one-eyed

mu,rioi( &ai( &a ten thousand

musth,rion( &ou( to, a mystery

mwrai,nw to make foolish, make tasteless

nh,qw to spin

nh/stij( &idoj not eating, hungry

ni/koj( &ouj( to, victory

Nineui,thj( &ou( o` a Ninevite

nomiko,j( &h,( &o,n pertaining to the law; one skilled in the Mosaic law, a lawyer

no,misma( &toj( to, a coin

nossi,on( &ou( to, a young bird

no,toj( &ou( o` the south wind, south

nu,mfh( &hj( h` a bride, a young woman

numfw,n( &w/noj( o` a bridal chamber, wedding hall

nusta,zw to become drowsy, doze

o`dhge,w to lead, guide, teach

ovdurmo,j( &ou/( o` lamentation, mourning

oivketei,a( &aj( h` a household (of slaves)

oivkodomh,( &h/j( h` a building; edification

oivkoume,nh( &hj( h` the (inhabited) world

oivnopo,thj( &ou( o` a drunkard

oi-oj( &a( &on such as

ovknhro,j( &a,( &o,n lazy, idle, indolent

ovligopisti,a( &aj( h` littleness of faith

o[lwj altogether, completely, actially

o;mma( &toj( to, an eye

ovniko,j( &h,( &o,n of or for an ass

o;xoj( &ouj( to, sour wine

o[rama( &toj( to, a vision

ovrgh,( &h/j( h` wrath, anger

o`rma,w to hasten on, rush

o;rnij( &iqoj( h` a hen

ovste,on( &ou a bone

ovsfu,j( &u,oj( h` the loin

ouvdamw/j by no means

Ouvri,aj( &ou( o` Uriah

ovfeilh,( &h/j( h` a debt, duty, obligation

ovfei,lhma( &toj( to, debt, that which is owed

ovye, long after, late

pagideu,w to ensnare, entrap

paidi,skh( &hj( h` a maid servant

pai,w to strike, spec. to sting

pa,lai long ago, of old

paliggenesi,a( &aj( h` renewal, rebirth, regeneration

paraqala,ssioj( &a( &on by the sea

paraporeu,omai to go beside or past

paraskeuh,( &h/j( h` preparation, the day of preparation (for a Sabbath or feast)

pa,reimi to be present; to have arrived

parekto,j except for, apart from, outside (gen)

pare,cw to offer, afford

pari,sthmi to be present, stand by

paromoia,zw to be like

paroyi,j( &i,doj( h` a dish, plate

pacu,nomai to become dull or insensitive, to fatten

pezh/| by land

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pe,lagoj( &ouj( to, the open sea, the depths (of the sea)

pe,raj( &atoj( to, a limit, end, boundary

peri,lupoj( &on very sad

peri,sseuma( &toj( to, superfluity, abundance

perissw/j abundantly, exceedingly, beyond measure

ph,ra( &aj( h` a leather pouch, bag

ph/cuj( &ewj( o` a cubit

pikrw/j bitterly

pla,nh( &hj( h` a wandering, error

pla,noj( &on a deceiver

platu,nw to broaden, enlarge, open wide

ple,kw to plait, weave

plhqu,nw to multiply

plh,rwma( &toj( to, fullness

plou/toj( &ou( o` wealth, riches

poiki,loj( &h( &on varied, manifold

poimai,nw to shepherd, rule

poi,mnh( &hj( h` a flock

polulogi,a( &aj( h` much speaking, wordiness

polu,timoj( &on very precious, costly, valuable

ponhri,a( &aj( h` iniquity, wickedness

po,rrw far (away)

potapo,j( &h,( &o,n from what country? what kind of?

pra/gma( &toj( to, a deed, matter, thing

praitw,rion( &ou( to, headquarters (in a Rom. camp)

pra/xij( &ewj( h` a deed, function, practice

pre,pw to be clearly seen, to be fitting, proper

probai,nw to go forward, advance

probiba,zw to cause to come forward, prompt

proe,rcomai to go in front, precede

pro,qesij( &ewj( h` a setting forth; a purpose

pro,qumoj( &on willing, ready, eager

prole,gw to say beforehand

prosh,lutoj( &ou( o` a proselyte, convert

pro,skairoj( &on temporary, passing, transitory

proskuli,w to roll (up to)

proslamba,nomai to receive, accept, take aside

prosme,nw to wait longer, remain

prospi,ptw to fall upon, fall prostrate before

prosfwne,w to call to

profhtei,a( &aj( h` a prophecy

profqa,nw to anticipate, come before

prwi<a( &aj( h` (early) morning

prwtokaqedri,a( &aj( h` the chief seat, seat of honor

prwtoklisi,a( &aj( h` the chief place, place of honor (at table)

pteru,gion( &ou( to, highest point, pinnacle

pte,rux( &ugoj( h` a wing

ptu,on( &ou( to, a winnowing fork

ptw/sij( &ewj( h` a fall

pulw,n( &w/noj( o` a vestibule, gateway

punqa,nomai to inquire

pu,rgoj( &ou( o` a tower

pure,ssw to suffer with a fever

pureto,j( &ou/( o` a fever

r`a,bdoj( &ou( h` a staff, rod

r`aka, raca, an empty-headed fool

r`a,koj( &ouj( to, a rag, piece of cloth

~Rama,( h` Ramah

r`afi,j( &i,doj( h` needle

~Raca,b( h` Rahab

~Rach,l( h` Rachel

~Rou,q( h` Ruth

r`u,mh( &hj( h` a narrow street, lane, alley

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sabacqa,ni sabachthani, you have forsaken me

sagh,nh( &hj( h` a dragnet

sa,kkoj( &ou( o` sackcloth

sa,lpigx( &iggoj( h` a trumpet

salpi,zw to sound a trumpet

Samari,thj( &ou( o` Samaritan

saro,w to sweep

sa,ton( &ou( to, a seah (a Hebrew measure)

se,bw to reverence, worship

selh,nh( &hj( h` the moon

siagw,n( &o,noj( h` a cheek

sindw,n( &o,noj( h` fine linen cloth

sitisto,j( &h,( &o,n fattened

Siw,n( h` Zion

skeu/oj( &ouj( to, a vessel; goods (plural)

skhnh,( &h/j( h` a tent, tabernacle

skia,( &a/j( h` shadow

sklhrokardi,a( &aj( h` hardness of heart

sklhro,j( &a,( &o,n hard, rough, strong

skorpi,zw to scatter

skoteino,j( &h,( &o,n dark

skoti,a( &aj( h` darkness

skoti,zomai to darken

skuqrwpo,j( &h,( &o,n sad, gloomy

sku,llw to trouble, bother, annoy

smu,rna( &hj( h` myrrh (a costly perfume); Smyrna

spei/ra( &hj( h` cohort

sph,laion( &ou( to, a cave

spo,ggoj( &ou( o` a sponge

spodo,j( &ou/( h` ashes

spo,rimoj sown, grain field

sta,dioj a stadia (about 600 feet)

stath,r( &h/roj( o` the stater (a coin)

stafulh,( &h/j( h` (a bunch of) grapes

sta,cuj( &uoj( o` Stachys

ste,gh( &hj( h` a roof

ste,fanoj( &ou( o` a crown

stra,teuma( &toj( to, an expedition, an army, a company of soldiers

stugna,zw to become gloomy, to be shocked or sad

suzeu,gnumi to join together

su/kon( &ou( to, a fig

sullale,w to talk with, discuss

sullamba,nw to take, conceive

sumbouleu,w to plot, advise

sumpni,gw to choke

sunauxa,nomai to grow together

sune,rcomai to come together

suneto,j( &h,( &o,n intelligent, clever, wise

sune,cw to hold fast, oppress

sunqla,omai to crush (together), dash to pieces

sunthre,w to preserve, treasure, defend

suntri,bw to break in pieces, crush

Suri,a( &aj( h` Syria

sustauro,omai to crucify with

sustre,fw to gather up, bring together

sfragi,zw to seal

sci,sma( &toj( to, a tear, division

scola,zw to devote oneself to, be unoccupied

tapeino,j( &h,( &o,n humble, downcast

ta,ssw to arrange, appoint, order

tau/roj( &ou( o` a bull, ox

tafh,( &h/j( h` a burial, burial-place

te,ktwn( &onoj( o` a builder, carpenter

teleuth,( &h/j( h` an end, death

telw,nion( &ou( to, tax office

te,raj( &atoj( to, a wonder

te,ssarej four

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te,tartoj( &h( &on fourth

tetraa,rchj( &ou( o` a tetrarch

ti,llw to pluck, pick

to,koj( &ou( o` interest

tolma,w to dare

trapezi,thj( &ou( o` a money changer, banker

tra,chloj( &ou( o` the neck

tri,boloj( &ou( o` a thistle, briar

tri,boj( &ou( h` a beaten track, a path

tro,poj( &ou( o` manner, way

tru,blion( &ou( to, a bowl, dish

tru,phma( &atoj( to, a hole

trw,gw to gnaw, crunch, eat

tu,fomai to smoke, smolder

u`bri,zw to mistreat, insult

u`mne,w to sing to, to praise

u`pakou,w to obey

u[pnoj( &ou( o` sleep

u`podei,knumi to show, indicate, point out

u`pozu,gion( &ou( to, a donkey, ass

u`poka,tw under, below, down at

u`po,krisij( &ewj( h` hypocrisy

u`popo,dion( &ou( to, a footstool

u`stere,w to lack, need

u[yistoj( &h( &on highest

fa,goj( &ou( o` a glutton

fanero,j( &a,( &o,n manifest

fa,ntasma( &toj( to, an apparition, ghost

fe,ggoj( &ouj( to, light, brightness

fh,mh( &hj( h` report, news

fqa,nw to come before (another), anticipate, arrive

fqo,noj( &ou( o` envy

fi,loj( &ou( o` loving; a friend (as a noun)

foneu,j( &e,wj( o` a murderer

fo,noj( &ou( o` a murder

fore,w to wear, bear

forti,zw to load, burden

fragello,w to flog, scourge

fragmo,j( &ou/( o` a wall, fence, hedge, partition

fra,zw to explain, interpret

frone,w to think

fugh,( &h/j( h` flight

fulakth,rion( &ou( to, a phylactery, a prayer-band

fula,ssw to guard, keep

futei,a( &aj( h` a plant

fwleo,j( &ou/( o` den, hole

calepo,j( &h,( &o,n hard, difficult

calko,j( &ou/( o` money, copper or bronze

Cananai/oj( &a( &on a Canaanite

cei/loj( &ouj( to, a lip, an edge

ciw,n( &o,noj( h` snow

colh,( &h/j( h` gall (a bitter herb)

Corazi,n( h` Chorazin

crh,|zw to need, have need of

crhsto,j( &h,( &o,n good, kind

cwri,zw to separate, depart, leave

cwri,on( &ou( to, a place, field

yeu,domai to lie

yeudomarture,w to bear false witness

yeudo,martuj( &uroj( o` a false witness

yeudo,cristoj( &ou( o` a false Christ or Messiah

yici,on( &ou( to, a crumb, scrap

yucro,j( &a,( &o,n cold

yu,comai to go out, be extinguished, grow cold

wvdi,n( &i/noj( h` a birth pang, agony

w=moj( &ou( o` a shoulder

w`rai/oj( &a( &on beautiful, fair, lovely

wvti,on( &ou( to, an ear