Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1) Testing Programme (downloadable from www.pearson.pl/testy) Authors: Liz Kilbey, Bartosz Michałowski The Matura Focus Testing Programme contains a wealth of tests that are scalable, varied and objective. The following shows the types of tests that are available online and on the Test Master CD-ROM: 1. Three Oral Matura Sets for the students and examiners 2. Sixteen A and B Grammar Quizzes 3. Eight A and B Vocabulary Quizzes 4. Eight A and B MiniMatura Tests 5. Two cumulative A and B Achievement Tests 6. Placement Test 7. Matura End-of-the-Year Test Versions A and B cover the same scope of material. Even though the task types are the same in each version (this ensures the same level of complexity for each version), the individual items tested via a given task type are different. These tests can be used in two ways: students are divided into groups A and B and each group gets its version of the test – this eliminates possible cheating, all students write group A test only – then version B of the test can be used as remedial testing once a student fails the test. What you can do with the Word files: 1 You can change the text, move the word boxes, change the punctuation etc. 2 You can change the page’s two-column layout into a one column document. In order to do this, highlight the area of the whole page except the main heading bar. Go to Page set up (Układ strony) on the tool bar of the screen. Click on Columns (Kolumny) and select One (1 kolumna). Click on it. If a particular Word document consists of more than one page – repeat the procedure with each page separately / change two columns into one column page by page. Remember not to highlight the main heading bar. 3 You can also copy any individual task from the Test Word document to a new Word document. Create a new Word document. Highlight selected task on the Test Word document – press Ctrl+C. Go to the new document, move the cursor there, press Ctrl+V. Some minor adjustments to the Task layout may be necessary. 1. Oral Matura Sets for the students and examiners/teachers There are three sets preparing students for the oral Matura exam. Wersja dla egzaminującego Wersja dla zdającego © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1) Matura Speaking Test Units 1–3 Zestaw 1 • Człowiek • Nauka i technika • Kultura Egzamin maturalny z języka angielskiego Wersja dla egzaminującego Rozmowa wstępna Człowiek Nauka i technika Kultura Can you describe your best friend's personality? Would you like to be a politician? Why/Why not? Do you wear different kinds of clothes to school and after school? Why/Why not? Which websites do you regularly use? Why? What can you do on a Facebook profile? Would you like to go on a space mission? Why/Why not? What kind of art are you good at? Who is your favourite musician? Tell me about a film you like. Zadanie 1 4 minuty Dodatkowe uwagi dla egzaminującego Uczy Pan/Pani zdającego/zdającą języka angielskiego. Zdający/Zdająca jest reżyserem/reżyserką przedstawienia w języku angielskim, które ma przygotować jego/jej klasa pod Pana/Pani nadzorem. W zależności od tego, jak potoczy się rozmowa, proszę włączyć do niej wszystkie lub tylko wybrane punkty. Proszę poprosić zdającego/zdającą o dokładniejsze wyjaśnienie jakiejś kwestii. Proszę grzecznie nie zgodzić się ze zdającym/zdającą, tak aby musiał/musiała podać kolejne argumenty lub zaproponować inne rozwiązanie. Proszę zasugerować wystawienie sztuki napisanej samodzielnie przez uczniów. Proszę zasugerować wystawienie sztuki również poza szkołą (np. w ośrodku kultury) lub udział w festiwalu teatralnym dla młodzieży. Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający. Zadanie 2 3 minuty Pytania dla egzaminującego 1 What is the boy probably telling his granddad? Why? 2 How important are your grandparents in your life? Why? 3 Tell me about a nice day that you or someone you know spent with a family member. Zadanie 3 5 minut Pytania dla egzaminującego Proszę zadać zdającemu/zdającej dwa z poniższych pytań: 1 How often do you replace your phone with a new model? Why? 2 Why is it important for many young people to have mobile Internet? 3 Which way of communicating do you prefer: talking on the phone or sending text messages? Why? 4 Tell me about your first mobile phone. © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1) Matura Speaking Test Units 1–3 Zadanie 1 4 minuty Zostałeś/Zostałaś reżyserem/reżyserką przedstawienia teatralnego w języku angielskim, które zamierza przygotować twoja klasa. Poniżej podane są cztery kwestie, które musisz omówić z nauczycielem/nauczycielką języka angielskiego. Rodzaj przedstawienia Główna rola Data premiery Pomoc innych osób/nauczycieli Rozmowę rozpoczynasz ty. Zadanie 2 3 minuty Opisz ilustrację, a następnie odpowiedz na pytania egzaminującego. Zadanie 3 5 minut Popatrz na zdjęcia 1, 2 i 3. Bierzesz udział w badaniu dotyczącym sposobów wykorzystywania smartfonów przez młodych ludzi. Wybierz tę funkcję z przedstawionych na zdjęciach, która jest twoim zdaniem najważniejsza, i uzasadnij swój wybór. Wyjaśnij, dlaczego odrzucasz pozostałe propozycje. Zestaw 1 • Człowiek • Nauka i technika • Kultura Egzamin maturalny z języka angielskiego Wersja dla zdającego 2 3 1

Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1) Testing Programme - … · Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1) Testing Programme 4. A and B MiniMatura Tests There are eight A and B MiniMatura Tests, which are based

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Page 1: Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1) Testing Programme - … · Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1) Testing Programme 4. A and B MiniMatura Tests There are eight A and B MiniMatura Tests, which are based

Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1) Testing Programme(downloadable from www.pearson.pl/testy)Authors: Liz Kilbey, Bartosz Michałowski

The Matura Focus Testing Programme contains a wealth of tests that are scalable, varied and objective. The following shows the types of tests that are available online and on the Test Master CD-ROM:

1. Three Oral Matura Sets for the students and examiners2. Sixteen A and B Grammar Quizzes3. Eight A and B Vocabulary Quizzes4. Eight A and B MiniMatura Tests

5. Two cumulative A and B Achievement Tests 6. Placement Test7. Matura End-of-the-Year Test

Versions A and B cover the same scope of material. Even though the task types are the same in each version (this ensures the same level of complexity for each version), the individual items tested via a given task type are different. These tests can be used in two ways: • students are divided into groups A and B and each group gets its version of the test – this eliminates possible cheating,• all students write group A test only – then version B of the test can be used as remedial testing once a student fails the test.

What you can do with the Word fi les:

1 You can change the text, move the word boxes, change the punctuation etc.2 You can change the page’s two-column layout into a one column document. In order to do this, highlight the area of

the whole page except the main heading bar. Go to Page set up (Układ strony) on the tool bar of the screen. Click on Columns (Kolumny) and select One (1 kolumna). Click on it. If a particular Word document consists of more than one page – repeat the procedure with each page separately / change two columns into one column page by page. Remember not to highlight the main heading bar.

3 You can also copy any individual task from the Test Word document to a new Word document. Create a new Word document. Highlight selected task on the Test Word document – press Ctrl+C. Go to the new document, move the cursor there, press Ctrl+V. Some minor adjustments to the Task layout may be necessary.

1. Oral Matura Sets for the students and examiners/teachers

There are three sets preparing students for the oral Matura exam.

Wersja dla egzaminującego Wersja dla zdającego

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1)

Matura Speaking TestUnits 1–3


• Człowiek• Nauka i technika• Kultura

Egzamin maturalny z języka angielskiegoWersja dla egzaminującego

Rozmowa wstępna

Człowiek Nauka i technika Kultura

• Can you describe your best friend's personality?

• Would you like to be a politician? Why/Why not?

• Do you wear different kinds of clothes to school and after school? Why/Why not?

• Which websites do you regularly use? Why?

• What can you do on a Facebook profi le?

• Would you like to go on a space mission? Why/Why not?

• What kind of art are you good at?

• Who is your favourite musician?

• Tell me about a fi lm you like.

Zadanie 1 4 minuty

Dodatkowe uwagi dla egzaminującego

Uczy Pan/Pani zdającego/zdającą języka angielskiego. Zdający/Zdająca jest reżyserem/reżyserką przedstawienia w języku angielskim, które ma przygotować jego/jej klasa pod Pana/Pani nadzorem.W zależności od tego, jak potoczy się rozmowa, proszę włączyć do niej wszystkie lub tylko wybrane punkty.

➜ Proszę poprosić zdającego/zdającą o dokładniejsze wyjaśnienie jakiejś kwestii.

➜ Proszę grzecznie nie zgodzić się ze zdającym/zdającą, tak aby musiał/musiała podać kolejne argumenty lub zaproponować inne rozwiązanie.

➜ Proszę zasugerować wystawienie sztuki napisanej samodzielnie przez uczniów.

➜ Proszę zasugerować wystawienie sztuki również poza szkołą (np. w ośrodku kultury) lub udział w festiwalu teatralnym dla młodzieży.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

Zadanie 2 3 minuty

Pytania dla egzaminującego1 What is the boy probably telling his granddad? Why?

2 How important are your grandparents in your life? Why?

3 Tell me about a nice day that you or someone you know spent with a family member.

Zadanie 3 5 minut

Pytania dla egzaminującego

Proszę zadać zdającemu/zdającej dwa z poniższych pytań:

1 How often do you replace your phone with a new model? Why?

2 Why is it important for many young people to have mobile Internet?

3 Which way of communicating do you prefer: talking on the phone or sending text messages? Why?

4 Tell me about your fi rst mobile phone.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1)

Matura Speaking TestUnits 1–3

Zadanie 1 4 minuty

Zostałeś/Zostałaś reżyserem/reżyserką przedstawienia teatralnego w języku angielskim, które zamierza przygotować twoja klasa. Poniżej podane są cztery kwestie, które musisz omówić z nauczycielem/nauczycielką języka angielskiego.

Rodzaj przedstawienia

Główna rola

Data premiery

Pomoc innych osób/nauczycieli

Rozmowę rozpoczynasz ty.

Zadanie 2 3 minuty

Opisz ilustrację, a następnie odpowiedz na pytania egzaminującego.

Zadanie 3 5 minut

Popatrz na zdjęcia 1, 2 i 3.

Bierzesz udział w badaniu dotyczącym sposobów wykorzystywania smartfonów przez młodych ludzi.

• Wybierz tę funkcję z przedstawionych na zdjęciach, która jest twoim zdaniem najważniejsza, i uzasadnij swój wybór.

• Wyjaśnij, dlaczego odrzucasz pozostałe propozycje.


• Człowiek• Nauka i technika• Kultura

Egzamin maturalny z języka angielskiegoWersja dla zdającego

2 3


Page 2: Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1) Testing Programme - … · Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1) Testing Programme 4. A and B MiniMatura Tests There are eight A and B MiniMatura Tests, which are based

Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1) Testing Programme

2. A and B Grammar Quizzes

There are sixteen A and B Grammar Quizzes (two per Unit), which test the grammar taught in each grammar lesson in the Student’s Book. Depending on the quiz, they should take between 10 and 20 minutes each.

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Group A

Group A

Grammar Quiz

Grammar Quiz

Unit 1

Unit 1

Imię i nazwisko:

Imię i nazwisko:



Total /15

Total /15

1 Complete the sentences. Write ONE word in each gap.

X: How old is John?

Y: Seventeen.

1 X: What Dorothy do?

Y: She's a doctor.

2 X: many houses has he got?

Y: Four!

3 X: Who drive a car in your family?

Y: My mum and my older brother.

4 X: has happened?

Y: There's been an accident.

5 X: When you meeting Jonathan?

Y: At 7 o'clock.

6 X: What is Emily listening ?

Y: The radio.

7 X: you ever been to London?

Y: Yes. We went there last summer./7

2 Write the questions about (a) the subject and about (b) the object of each statement.

The little boy is reading a book.

a Who is reading a book?

b What is the little boy reading?

1 Jason has read the newspaper.

a ?

b ?

2 My sister loves animals.

a ?

b ?

3 Yvonne can ride a bike.

a ?

b ?

4 Mr Thorn is painting the room.

a ?

b ?


1 Complete the sentences. Write ONE word in each gap.

X: How old is John?

Y: Seventeen.

1 X: What Dorothy do?

Y: She's a doctor.

2 X: many houses has he got?

Y: Four!

3 X: Who drive a car in your family?

Y: My mum and my older brother.

4 X: has happened?

Y: There's been an accident.

5 X: When you meeting Jonathan?

Y: At 7 o'clock.

6 X: What is Emily listening ?

Y: The radio.

7 X: you ever been to London?

Y: Yes. We went there last summer./7

2 Write the questions about (a) the subject and about (b) the object of each statement.

The little boy is reading a book.

a Who is reading a book?

b What is the little boy reading?

1 Jason has read the newspaper.

a ?

b ?

2 My sister loves animals.

a ?

b ?

3 Yvonne can ride a bike.

a ?

b ?

4 Mr Thorn is painting the room.

a ?

b ?


1.2 Present tenses question forms

1.2 Present tenses question forms3. A and B Vocabulary Quizzes

There are eight A and B Vocabulary Quizzes, which test the vocabulary taught in each vocabulary lesson in the Student’s Book. Depending on the quiz, they should take between 10 and 20 minutes each.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1)


1 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There are more words than you need.

crazy interesting lazy outgoing popular sensible stupid unkind

I think Tania was stupid to accept that job. She works hard and earns very little.

1 I've changed and I'm quite now – I like meeting new people and talking to them.

2 My grandmother is a very person. She's had some unusual experiences during her long life.

3 Benjamin is very . He stays in bed till 12.00 every day!

4 Tony is often and says some horrible things to people.

5 You can’t have a party in the garden in February! Everyone will think you are .


2 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. The fi rst letters of these words have been given.

Michael is such a serious person. He never smiles or has fun with his friends.

1 Some students simply hate school and don't care about anything. I wonder why they are so n .

2 Gillian is a c girl and she does well at school.

3 Lucas, don't be s . Let other children play with your toys!

4 Emma is very m – she's got a successful business but lives a very simple life.

5 Joshua thinks he's f but his jokes are awful!


3 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

Politicians are responsible for the future of the nation.

1 The tourists were disappointed the hotel.

2 I've never been keen doing sports.

3 Is Alexander serious moving to Nigeria next year?

4 Mr Gibson is passionate his work at the university.

5 Are you interested learning Spanish at all?


4 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in capitals.

I waited for Gabriel for an hour and he didn't come – he's so irresponsible. RESPONSIBLE

1 That's an plan – it will be very diffi cult to complete this project on time. AMBITION

2 Some students knew the questions before the exam! How ! FAIR

3 Carter is an boy – he always wants to play football or go running. ENERGY

4 My parents treat me like a baby – they say I'm very young and . EXPERIENCED

5 I'm really about our project. I am sure we will win the competition! OPTIMIST


Group AVocabulary Quiz

Unit 1 Imię i nazwisko:

Klasa: Total /20

Page 3: Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1) Testing Programme - … · Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1) Testing Programme 4. A and B MiniMatura Tests There are eight A and B MiniMatura Tests, which are based

Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1) Testing Programme

4. A and B MiniMatura Tests

There are eight A and B MiniMatura Tests, which are based on material covered in a given unit. These should be administered after each respective unit review. Although they take the form of a matura test, they are ‘minimaturas’ because they are meant to take approximately 40–45 minutes each. They test grammar and vocabulary, English in Use as well as listening, reading and writing skills.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1)

Group AMiniMatura

Unit 1 Imię i nazwisko:

Klasa: Total /50


1 Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi przymiotnikami. Pierwsze litery brakujących słów zostały podane.

John is very shy – he doesn't like talking to people he doesn't know.

1 Susan always helps people in need. She's g .2 My boss is b -t  . He gets annoyed

easily and can shout at you for no reason.3 I'm an h person – I always tell the truth.4 My cousin is very s – other children can't

play with her toys!5 Alan wants to be successful at work. He's very

a ./5

2 Uzupełnij zdania słowami z ramki. W ramce podano kilka dodatkowych słów.

models casual homeless impression risks sensitive survey uniform voluntary

Actors are often role models for young people.1 I'm sure that he will make a good

on you when you see him.2 Students at my school cannot wear clothes.3 Angela doesn't like taking – she's cowardly.4 I would like to do some work

for the Red Cross.5 Fred's very to criticism.


3 Napisz pytania o brakujące części zdania.

At the moment I'm reading [_____].What are you reading at the moment?

1 Katie has bought [_____] today. ?2 [_____] is thinking of moving to London. ?3 I'm talking to [_____]. ?4 [_____] is the longest word in English. ?5 Jason wants to study [_____] at university. ?


4 Wybierz prawidłowe odpowiedzi.

Mrs Jones wants talking / to talk to you.1 I never manage getting / to get home before six.2 I don't mind talking / to talk to a journalist – I'm not shy.3 I will never agree wearing / to wear these sweatpants.4 Have you considered getting / to get a part-time job?5 Ursula prefers speaking / to speak in English to her

Spanish friends./5


5 Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi (A–C) wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i poprawny gramatycznie tekst.

My friend Mel and I are very passionate clothes but we don't buy any from shops. Why? Because we can't 1 to buy expensive designer clothes and there aren't any good shops with clothes for teenagers. But we have found a way to have something 2 to wear. Now, instead of shopping, we spend our free time 3 sketches of clothes. We buy the material online and make our clothes on my mum’s sewing machine. I love being 4 and thinking up new ideas. Our clothes are never boring. Mel's really good 5 making dresses and skirts. She has just made a new dress. It will be a perfect dress for my birthday party. I’m really excited!

A about B with C in1 A refuse B adapt C afford2 A uncooperative B unkind C unusual3 A draw B drawing C to draw4 A cheerful B creative C responsible5 A at B by C about


6 Z podanych odpowiedzi (A–C) wybierz właściwe tłumaczenie fragmentu podanego w nawiasie.

Who (pracuje) with Ann at the café today?A does she work B is working C have worked

1 X: I'm not worried about James.Y: (Ja też nie.) I'm sure he'll be fi ne.A Me too. B I'm not. C Me neither.

2 John has been (poważnie zaangażowany w) the election campaign this year.A really involved in B very serious aboutC absolutely crazy about

3 (Na kogo czekasz)?A Who is waiting for you?B Who are you waiting for?C Are you waiting for someone?

4 My sister wants to be a politician because she (przejmuje się) human rights.A is sensitive to B cares about C is keen on

5 In the mornings (nie zajmuje mi dużo czasu wybór) the clothes I want to wear to school.A I avoid spending time choosingB I don't spend a lot onC I never spend a lot of time choosing


© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1)

MiniMatura Group AUnit 1


7 Przeczytaj tekst. Dobierz właściwy nagłówek (A–G) do każdego fragmentu tekstu. Wpisz odpowiednią literę w miejsca (1–5). Uwaga: dwa nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnego fragmentu.

A We could do more if…B A good jobC Why am I doing this?D Looking towards the futureE Free time and profi tF My English teacherG Five days of school is enough.


Hi, I’m Ellie and this is the � rst sentence in my � rst ever blog. My English teacher suggested it. I think it’s a good idea. I want to be a writer, so, after all, writing a blog might be a way to start. Right now I live with my parents and brother in a � at in the centre of Birmingham. Maybe you don’t know but Birmingham is England’s second city. I go to a huge comprehensive school called Maybank High.


Maybank High is a friendly place and there aren’t too many strange rules. I like English best, that’s what I’m hoping to study at university. I’m quite keen on sport as well, in fact I play hockey for the school team, which is great except for weekend matches. I mean, I love sport, but not on Saturday mornings! Saturdays are for resting! My best friend does karate and I’m thinking of taking that up too. But just for self-defence, not to win medals.


I’m into other things as well as sport. I’m learning salsa dancing, for example, which is excellent fun and very good exercise. What else? I like IT, and I manage a website for a neighbour. They taught us how to do it at school and it’s a great way to make a bit of money.


I can’t imagine life without lots of shops. On Saturdays and Sundays my friends and I quite often meet up in town and then just go round looking in shop windows – it’s fun! Plus, there are lots of cinemas, the music scene is pretty good, and there’s a brand new sports centre. Of course we can’t always afford to do much, so we often just hang out.


I’m 16 so I have to choose which subjects to study next year (apart from English). It’s a hard decision to make. I  de� nitely want to go to university but I don’t know which one. My ambition is to be a journalist, or, even better, a sports writer. That would be such a cool job but I’m not sure how to start.



8 TRACK 2 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę Katie i Martina. Odpowiedz na pytania (1–5). Zaznacz znakiem (x) odpowiednią rubrykę w tabeli.

Who Katie Martin

1 recommends a band?

2 expresses surprise?

3 takes a lot of exercise?

4 suggests how to keep fi t?

5 agrees with an idea?



9 Wykonaj zadanie egzaminacyjne.

Uczestniczysz w wymianie szkolnej ze szkołą w Anglii. Napisz e-mail do kolegi z Australii.

• Wyjaśnij, gdzie jesteś, i krótko opisz to miejsce.• Wyraź opinię na temat rodziny, u której mieszkasz

podczas wymiany.• Opisz nauczyciela/nauczycielkę, który/która opiekuje się

twoją grupą w angielskiej szkole.• Napisz, jakie masz plany na najbliższy weekend.

Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów. Długość e-maila powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów.

Hi Tony,

Guess where I am!

OK, I must be going now. Write soon!

Bye for now,



MiniMiniUnit 1

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę Katie i Martina. Odpowiedz na pytania (1–5). Zaznacz znakiem (x) odpowiednią rubrykę w tabeli.

Słownictwo i gramatyka Środki językowe

Umiejętności językowe: rozumienie ze słuchu,

rozumienie tekstów pisanych i tworzenie wypowiedzi pisemnej

Page 4: Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1) Testing Programme - … · Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1) Testing Programme 4. A and B MiniMatura Tests There are eight A and B MiniMatura Tests, which are based

Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1) Testing Programme

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1)

Group AAchievement Test

Units 1–4 Imię i nazwisko:

Klasa: Total /50


1 Uzupełnij zdania poprawnymi formami słów utworzonych od słów podanych w ramce.

amusing arrogant confi dent cosy disappointed unoriginal

Alan thinks he’s best at everything. He is really arrogant.1 I am sure I can do it. I feel really in myself.2 We were when we didn’t win the match.3 That book really made me laugh, it’s very .4 It isn’t a new storyline. It’s very .5 We stayed in a lovely little cottage. It was warm and



2 Uzupełnij luki słowami, których znaczenie zostało podane w nawiasach.

Why are you so miserable (sad) today?1 Andy is a great basketball player. He’s very f

(strong and healthy) and he’s k (enthusiastic) too.2 I’d like the o (chance) to be a j

(news writer) and write newspaper a (reports).


3 Zaznacz słowo, które nie należy do tej samej kategorii co pozostałe.

brush hoodie jacket suit 1 composer comedian sculpture critic2 capsule orbit parachute hatch 3 setting horror thriller documentary4 couch cupboard wardrobe duvet5 temple canyon castle monument



4 Wykorzystując podane wyrazy, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, tak aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego.

English isn’t as diffi cult as Chinese. MOREChinese is more dif� cult than English.

1 I hate getting up in the morning. STANDI morning.

2 How long have you been here? GETWhen here?

3 Your marks aren’t as good as mine. THANMy yours.

4 We’ve decided to watch a DVD. GOINGWe DVD.

5 They moved here three years ago. LIVEDThey years.


5 Wybierz poprawną opcję.

My dad’s a teacher. He’s teaching / teaches Geography.1 What’s making / does make that awful noise?2 ‘Who told you / did you tell?’ ‘Lucy told me.’3 I’ve had the same room for / since I was born.4 You’re lucky. I didn’t use / used to have a laptop at your age.5 Nick was falling asleep when somebody was shouting /

shouted his name./5


6 W zdaniach (1–5) wybierz słowo, które poprawnie uzupełnia luki w obydwu zdaniach. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

My uncle is very funny. He’s good at people with jokes.I like the James Bond fi lms. They’re very and enjoyable.A involving B outgoing C entertaining

1 Don’t hang yet. I haven’t fi nished talking!I had an awful morning. I got late and everything went wrong.A up B over C out

2 I’m going to a complaint about the rubbish in the street.Please don’t so much noise, we’re trying to have a conversation!A say B make C do

3 ‘I don’t like this music.’ ‘ you? I do.’You look tired. Why you sit down?A would B do C don’t

4 My little brother is obsessed his toy trains.I was a bit disappointed my exam result.A with B to C of

5 Look at this photo. That’s me, the background!Sorry but my opinion, that’s not quite right.A on B at C in


7 W zdaniach (1–5) spośród podanych opcji (A–C) wybierz tę, która może najlepiej zastąpić zaznaczony fragment. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Meg is a really sociable person.A noisy B sporty C friendly

1 What’s the matter? Why are you grumpy today?A bad-tempered B upset C nervous

2 We ran out of petrol on the way home.A got some B looked for someC didn’t have enough

3 I’d rather not go skating.A ’ve never been B don’t like C don’t fancy

4 Nancy considered going to France in the summer.A fancied B loved C thought about

5 That is a really impressive building.A wonderful B high C beautiful


© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1)

Group AUnits 1–4Units 1–4Units 1–4Achievement Test


8 Przeczytaj trzy teksty związane z wynalazkami. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Text 1

Phil Thompson is an IT student with big ideas. He � rst became interested in computers when he was � ve. He didn’t have a computer at home but he joined a computer club at school and quickly became an expert. When he was 15 he got a Saturday job in a computer shop. He enjoyed it and he learnt a lot. In fact after six months he built his own computer! Phil says he wants to start an IT company and plans to be a millionaire before he’s 30. He seems to be well on the way!

1 The text is about a young man who is A good at business. B clever and ambitious. C rich and successful.

2 Where did Phil become interested in IT? A at home. B at school. C in a computer shop.

Text 2

Charles Babbage (1791-1871), was a mathematician and an inventor. He is mostly famous because he invented a  ‘counting machine’ – in other words, a very early computer. Although he drew detailed designs of his machine, Babbage did not actually build one. About a hundred and � fty years later, a group of scientists and mathematicians decided to use his plans to build a working model. After seventeen years, they � nally completed it in 2002, and the machine is now on display in the Science Museum in London. The ‘Babbage Engine’ has 8,000 parts, weighs 5 tons and is more than three metres long and about two metres high. It works perfectly.

3 The text tells us about A the history of computers. B how Babbage built one of the fi rst computers. C one of the fi rst designs of a computer.

4 The machine in the Science Museum is A between 10 and 20 years old. B Babbage’s own machine. C 150 years old.

Text 3

The � rst thing you notice about the Stella Mark 6 is its size. It’s very big – much bigger than most other smartphones. Because of this, it’s quite hard to use with only one hand – and that is a big disadvantage. On the other hand, the screen is wonderful. There’s room to do real work on it, and the display is excellent. Think of it more as a very very small tablet! The camera isn’t anything special but it’s perfectly � ne for most people. One of the best things about this phone is the competitive price. If you don’t mind carrying a big phone, it’s one to consider.

5 The author’s intention is A to advertise a smartphone. B to describe his or her smartphone. C to review a smartphone.

6 The author says that A the best thing about the phone is its size. B it is easy to read. C he/she particularly likes the camera.


9 Przeczytaj tekst. Dobierz właściwe pytanie (A–F) do każdego fragmentu tekstu. Wpisz odpowiednią literę w miejsca (1–4). Uwaga: dwa pytania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnego fragmentu.

A When did the Stephensons become famous? B What happened to spoil things? C Who invented the train? D Who were George and Robert Stephenson? E Why was there a competition? F Why is George Stephenson famous?

THE ROCKET1 George Stephenson was born in Northumberland, England, in 1781 and his son Robert was born in 1803. They were both engineers with a particular interest in railways and trains. George invented railway tracks (the � rst one was eight miles long!), and he and Robert went on to design one of the most famous trains ever – the ‘Rocket’.

2 In 1829, George Stephenson built a new railway track in the north of England, between Liverpool and Manchester. When the line was � nished, there was a competition to � nd the best train. The prize was £500 – a fortune in those days. Three trains took part in the competition, and one of them was the ‘Rocket’.

3 It was an exciting event, and crowds of people came to watch. The three trains went backwards and forwards while the people cheered them on. The ‘Rocket’ was faster than the other two. Not only that, the other two kept breaking down, but the ‘Rocket’ kept going! It was the clear winner and its makers were suddenly heroes.

4 A year later, the railway between Manchester and Liverpool opened. Once again, crowds of people came to watch. Unfortunately this time there was a tragedy. William Huskisson, a government minister, was standing on the railway line when the ‘Rocket’ hit him. He died later in hospital.


’s teaching that awful noise??’ ‘Lucy told me.’

since to have a laptop at your age.

Nick was falling asleep when somebody

Achievement TestAchievement Test

Uzupełnij zdania poprawnymi formami słów utworzonych

Alan thinks he’s best at everything. He is really

when we didn’t win the match.That book really made me laugh, it’s very

We stayed in a lovely little cottage. It was warm and

Uzupełnij luki słowami, których znaczenie zostało

Andy is a great basketball player. He’s very (enthusiastic) too.

(chance) to be a

Zaznacz słowo, które nie należy do tej samej kategorii

brush hoodie jacket suit composer comedian sculpture criticcapsule orbit parachute hatch setting horror thriller documentarycouch cupboard wardrobe duvettemple canyon castle monument

Słownictwo Gramatyka Środki językowe Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

5. Cumulative A and B Achievement Tests

There are two A and B Achievement Tests (one for every four units: Units 1–4 and Units 5–8) that revise vocabulary, grammar, English in Use and reading skills. Depending on the test, they should take between 40 and 50 minutes each.

6. Placement Test

The Matura Focus Placement Tests are designed to help the teacher to place students at the right level of the Focus series. Each test contains 100 multiple-choice questions and is designed to last for an hour. If students get less than 60% of the answers right, they should use the lower level indicated in the title, e.g. for the Focus 2/Focus 3 test they should use Focus 2. If they get more than 70% of the answers right, they should use the higher level indicated in the title. 60–70% of right answers puts students in the middle of the two levels and your decision as to where to place these students should depend on the level of the rest of the class.

7. Matura End-of-the-Year Test

This is one complete Matura test at the basic level, designed for students to put their English skills to the test.

Page 5: Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1) Testing Programme - … · Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1) Testing Programme 4. A and B MiniMatura Tests There are eight A and B MiniMatura Tests, which are based

L epsze efek t y k szt a ł cen ia

Diagnoza szkolnaIt is recommended that upper-secondary students are diagnosed regularly. For information please go to: digital.pearson.pl

Dla szkoły ■ szczegółowa analiza osiągnięć uczniów na każdym etapie kształcenia i obiektywne porównanie na tle szkoły

i populacji ■ gotowy materiał naprawczy skorelowany z wynikami testów – odpowiedź na specjalne potrzeby edukacyjne

poszczególnych uczniów ■ rzeczywista indywidualizacja nauczania zgodnie z założeniami nowej podstawy programowej ■ stałe monitorowanie realizacji podstawy programowej i stopnia przygotowania uczniów do egzaminów

końcowych ■ lepsze rezultaty uzyskiwane przez uczniów na egzaminach końcowych

Dla ucznia ■ zapoznanie z formatem egzaminów końcowych dzięki testom próbnym ■ rosnąca świadomość stopnia przygotowania do egzaminów końcowych ■ rozwijanie obszarów, w których uczeń uzyskał słabsze wyniki ■ motywacyjne działanie raportów pozwalających śledzić postępy ucznia

Dla rodziców ■ systematyczna informacja na temat postępów ucznia na tle klasy i populacji ■ wskazanie obszarów, w których uczeń powinien wykonać dodatkowe ćwiczenia ■ zapewnienie dodatkowego materiału dopasowanego do potrzeb konkretnego ucznia ■ możliwość świadomego zaangażowania w proces nauczania i w realizację programu naprawczego