Presented by Randy Block IJCT, CCMC, CPRC Maximizing the Job Search 2009 *and a peek at 2010

Max Jobsrch2009 Block

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What works to find work in this economy

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Presented byRandy Block


Maximizing the Job Search 2009 *and a peek at 2010

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We will cover:The Macro ViewDefining a Successful Week In The Search

For WorkBay Area Job BuzzWhat Organizations Are Looking ForThe Personal BrandThe Importance of Values and TalentsYour RésuméThe Value Of NetworkingRedefining what job search success looks like

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The Macro ViewThe current economic situation is globalAsset bust and excessive borrowingMany jobs are not coming backEra of Western led innovation is over

(China and India emerge)Big Government is back (stakeholder in

private enterprise)Western consumption patterns are brokenQuality now supersedes quantity

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Bay Area Job Buzz Healthcare The Government-- Arms

and Defense Energy– “green collar”

jobs (predominantly paying 50K to 70K), nuclear power (paying more), fossil fuels and utilities.

Mobile computing and wireless applications

Food manufacturing Chemicals Accounting (tax

preparation, government regulation, etc)

Interim (“try before you buy”)

Slow to recover

Real Estate Auto Retail Construction Manufacturing Financial Services

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What doesn’t work in job search

Posting your résumé and applying on large job boards

Random dissemination of your résumé to organizations

Relying on search firms and employment agencies

Applying online (e.g., through a company website)

“I’ll keep you in mind” or “I’ll keep my eyes open”

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Organizations Are Hiring SolutionsThey don’t hire

peopleSolutions come in 3

Categories: 1.Full time2.Part Time and 3.Short Term

Contracts******over 50 crowd

2 sources of pain

1.Increasing Revenue

1.Increasing Productivity

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Job seeker is now a solution providerEach of you are your own business (P&L

etc.)Successful businesses have a definitive and

unique brandAnd use ways to communicate that brand

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What Is Personal Brand?Why would a company hire you?Do you know what it takes to be successful

in today’s economy?What are your relevant strengths and

accomplishments ?Your tagline “what do you do” that

adds value?

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Values Motivational SkillsWhat you prize

What you choose

What you act on

Unique set of talents that are transferable

Naturally adept

Easy and fun to use

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Your Résumé Reflects your strengths, values and skillsAccomplishments that support your

personal brandMaster résuméOne résumé does not fit allCustomize against known positions

(including cover letter)Make it relevant to the needs

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Networking– the most effectiveDefined as:

“Exchanging and Sharing Information…”

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Your Network Can HelpA’B’sC’sIndustryMarket segmentOrganizationsWHO DO THEY KNOW??

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6 Networking Questions1. What kind of work do you do?2. How did you get into your field?3. What do you like about it?4. What do you find the most challenging?5. What would make your job easier?6. What are the biggest challenges facing

your organization in the next 2 years?

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Defining Success In The Search For WorkThe number of strategic face to face

meetings in a weekThe two kinds of purpose for meetings:

1. Interview for a full time position 2. Exchanging information.

Success is no longer measured solely by the number of interviews or telephone screens.

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Changing IndustriesBe prepared to take a serious pay cut. You must be introduced to a target

company through networking.Everyone can relate to metrics– use them

in your accomplishments and examples.

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In 2010, become the hunted---less of the hunterYou do something that no one else doesBecome a subject expertThen become a thought leaderLinkedIn and Twitter—Companies will increasingly use the

internet to find experts

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George Elliott

“It’s never too late to be what you might have been.”