Measuring Social Impact of Terrorism%5B2%5D

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  • 8/3/2019 Measuring Social Impact of Terrorism%5B2%5D


    Quantifying fear: the social impact of terrorism1

    Juan Prieto-RodrguezUniversidad de Oviedo, Avda. del Cristo s/n, 33071 Oviedo

    Tel: +34 985 103768. E-mail: [email protected]

    Juan Gabriel Rodrguez*Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Campus de Viclvaro, 28032 Madrid

    Tel: +34 91 4887948. E-mail: [email protected]

    Rafael SalasUniversidad Complutense de Madrid, Campus de Somosaguas, 28223 Madrid

    Tel: +34 91 3942512. E-mail: [email protected]

    Javier Suarez-PandielloUniversidad de Oviedo, Avda. del Cristo s/n, 33071 Oviedo

    Tel: +34 985 103768. E-mail: [email protected]


    This paper proposes a methodology to measure social impact of terrorism. We define a

    multidimensional terrorism index based not only on deaths but also on other variables

    such as injuries, bombs and kidnappings. The weight of each terrorist activity is given

    by its social impact, which is estimated through its relevance in the media. For this task

    we build up a new data set from the four most important newspapers in Spain, namely,

    El Pas, El Mundo, ABC and La Vanguardia. Finally, we evaluate the social impact of

    ETA terrorism in Spain from 1993 through 2004.

    Keywords: terrorism, multidimensional index and social impact weight.

    JEL Codes: C20, D00 and Z13.

    *Corresponding author

    1We are grateful for assistance with the data base from Jorge Reones. We also acknowledge useful

    comments and suggestions by the participants in the Lisbon Conference on Defence and Security 2008.

    This research has benefited from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology Projects SEJ2007-64700/ECON and SEJ2006-15172/ECON. The usual disclaimer applies.

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    The calculated use of violence or the threat of violence to inculcate fear;

    intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the

    pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.

    (Definition of terrorism by the U.S. Department of Defense)

    1. INTRODUCTIONSince September 11th terrorism has became a global problem and a worldwide concern.

    In fact, terrorist activities are one of the most important worries for those societies that

    suffer from this problem (for example, Ireland and Spain). Though terrorism is easy to

    observe, its measurement is a difficult task (see Frey and Luechinger, 2005).

    The traditional measurement of terrorism based on the number of terrorist events and/or

    casualties (see, for example, the time series study in Enders and Sandler, 2002) does not

    consider the consequences for people in terms of economic or utility losses. However,

    sophisticated techniques also have problems. Impact studies that measure individual

    losses in terms of monetary revenue (see, among others, Enders and Sandler, 1991;

    Enders et al. 1992; Enders and Sandler, 1996; Caplan, 2002; Drakos and Kutan, 2003

    and Abadie and Gardeazbal, 2003) exclude non-market values so, in this manner, they

    may underestimate the phenomenon of terrorism. The hedonic market approach relies

    on the assumption that labor and housing markets are in equilibrium meanwhile the

    averting behavior approach assumes perfect substitutability between individual and

    public expenditures for the mitigation of terrorism effects. Moreover, both approaches

    cannot capture the negative external effects of terrorism over non-use values.2 A

    2 The non-use values are the following: existence value; option value; education value; and, prestige


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    different method, the contingent valuation survey includes non-use values (see, for

    instance, Viscusi and Zeckhauser, 2003); however, strategic response biases are

    possible. Moreover, this method relies on the individual valuation of a specific public

    good. This evaluation is a demanding cognitive task so superficial responses without

    adequate consideration of substitutes and the budget constraint may result. The political

    reaction of voters may capture individuals evaluation of anti-terrorist policies (see, for

    example, Nacos 1994). The problem with this method is that voters may solely evaluate

    a government by its outcomes. In this case, citizens could support a particular

    government that has not undertaken any policy to fight against terrorism if terrorism

    declines due to other factors. Another method to measure terrorism in the literature is

    the induced change in happiness.3 This approach captures non-use values though utility

    losses may reflect not only the effects of terrorism but also government reactions.

    This paper proposes a class of indices to measure terrorism. In particular, we propose a

    multidimensional index of terrorism based on a set of dimensions or factors that

    generate relevant social impact. The basic variables that we consider are the following:

    number of people murdered or injured; type of attack; scale of terrorism action; and,

    number of kidnapped people. In the construction of our index we assume a certain

    degree of substitution among different dimensions or variables. As a consequence, we

    discard lexicographic orderings. Moreover, we weight dimensions according to social

    valuation. The valuation that society makes of terrorist activities is not directly

    observable so we must consider a proxy. We take, in particular, the relevance of

    terrorist activities in newspapers as a proxy for social valuation. In this manner, we

    capture utility losses due to terrorism. Furthermore, non-market values and non-use

    3 The relationship between economics and happiness is analyzed, among others, by Frey and Stutzer,

    2002 and Bruni and Porta, 2005.

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    values are, in principle, included and the contamination of government reactions is

    avoided. Nevertheless, the reliability of our measure will depend on the gravity of the

    gap between public opinion and coverage given to terrorist acts by newspapers.

    To measure the degree of terrorism impact in newspapers, we have built up a new data

    set with the incidence of ETA activities in the four most important newspapers in Spain,

    namely, El Pas, El Mundo, ABC and La Vanguardia. This data set covers the period

    1993-2004. Therefore, it provides information for a complete political cycle including

    three general elections and their corresponding four legislative periods: two

    governments of the Partido Socialista Obrero Espaol (PSOE, henceforth) and two

    governments of the Partido Popular (PP, henceforth).4

    Once we have estimated the weight for each dimension, the evolution of ETA terrorism

    in Spain is analyzed. In general terms, we find that ETA terrorism has non-

    monotonically decreased since 1994.

    The paper is organized as follows: we proposed a multidimensional index of social

    impact of terrorism in Section 2; the data sets used to compute this index and the

    regression models to empirically determine the weight assigned to each dimension are

    presented in Section 3; the social impact in Spain of ETA activities during the period

    1993-2004 is displayed in Section 4; we comment the usefulness of the proposed index

    in Section 5; and finally, in Section 6, we discuss the main results.

    4See Barros and Gil-Arana (2006) for a study on ETA activity during the last 30 years.

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    2. SOCIAL IMPACT OF TERRORISM: A THEORETICAL PROPOSAL FOR AN INDEXWe develop in this section a theoretical proposal for measuring social impact of

    terrorism. This proposal should be eligible for any country or region and any time. A

    first decision to be made is to choose between an ordinal and cardinal approach. We

    focus our attention on cardinal approaches since we are interested in comparisons

    between periods and regions based on total levels of terrorism activity and not on

    relative terms.

    Once this option has been taken, we must decide between a uni-dimensional and

    multidimensional approach. The problem with a uni-dimensional index of terrorism, for

    example one exclusively based on casualties, is that other dimensions of terrorism are

    missed. In fact, people may suffer from great terrorist threats even if there are no

    casualties. As said above, measurement of terrorism based on the number of terrorist

    casualties does not consider the consequences for people in terms of economic or utility

    losses. Consequently, estimations of terrorism based in just one dimension may be

    biased. We believe, accordingly, that any possible dimension of terrorism must be

    considered so we advocate for a multidimensional approach. Moreover, we show below

    that the uni-dimensional approach is a particular case of our proposal. That is, both

    methodologies converge when the coefficients for all dimensions other than one are not

    statistically different from zero. In Section 4 we estimate the empirical relevance of

    including variables other than killed people for ETA terrorism in Spain.

    An important issue in multidimensional measurement is the choice of dimensions. One

    possible criterion to choose relevant dimensions is orthogonally. To compute this

    orthogonally we could apply multivariate analysis using information on different

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    terrorism dimensions.5 However, it is difficult to find orthogonal dimensions in the

    terrorism framework. Variables like the number of people murdered or injured, bombs,

    scale of terrorism action and the number of kidnapped people do not seem to be

    orthogonal at all. Therefore, we work directly with observable variables which can be,

    in principle, substitutes or complements. We assume that dimensions are substitutes,

    think for example about the relationship between total number of killed people and

    injured people. Nevertheless, some complementarities are possible when dealing with

    directly observable terrorism variables.6 The degree of substitutability between

    dimensions is calculated through a regression approach in Section 3.

    Once a multidimensional cardinal approach has been adopted, there are two main

    possible ways to define a terrorism index: the axiomatic approach and the information

    theory approach. In the first case, a set of axioms is imposed over the measure. In the

    second case, aggregation of dimensions for terrorism assessments adopts the

    Information Theory approach (see Theil, 1967). In this paper we explore the last

    approach which is formally presented next.7

    Let }...,,2,1{ nN= be the set of terrorist attacks in a period of time and }...,,2,1{ dD =

    the set of indicators or dimensions, whether they are of a quantitative or qualitative

    nature. An outcome matrixX is an n x dmatrix whose elementxij is the outcome of

    5 Some of these techniques are Principal Components Analysis, Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis.

    6For instance, the magnitude of a bomb seems to be positively correlated with casualties. However, we

    do not have information about the magnitude of a bomb, only about the type of bomb.

    7 Measurement of multidimensional poverty applies a somehow related methodology (see Maasoumi

    1986). In this field, all relevant attributes of well-being are assumed to be perfectly substitutable, though

    some scholars have recently suggested the existence of a partial trade-off between attributes (see

    Bourguignon and Chakravarty 2003, Tsui 2002).

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    the terrorism attack i in terms of the dimension j. The domain of outcome matrices

    denoted by is restricted to matrices of nonnegative integer numbers. Then, a

    multidimensional terrorism index T () for a given period of time is a mapping from

    matrixXto a number in the set of real-valued numbers:

    = :)()( XfXT .

    This index must fulfillthe following normalization property: T(X) = 0 wheneverxij = 0

    for all i andj. However, this index cannot be normalized to 1 for the case terrorism is

    maximum because, in principle, there is no upper bound for terrorist activity.

    Now, we discuss the theoretical properties of this index trying to explain its relevance.

    A first possibility for T(X) could be the lexicographic ordering of social preferences.

    Given two scenariosXand Y(for example, two countries or two periods of time for the

    same country) the lexicographic ordering is as follows:















    where = =


    iijj xx

    1denotes aggregate value for anyj dimension. We assumej is ordered

    according to certain social hierarchical relevance, such as j = 1 is the number of killed

    people in a terrorist attack,j = 2 is the number of injured people and so on. In words, as

    long as the first dimension ofX is larger than that of Y, X shows a higher degree of

    terrorism, and this is so even if the rest of dimensions are larger forY. But as soon as the

    first dimension become equal only the second dimension is relevant.

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    Unfortunately, the lexicographic ordering is just an extreme possibility. There are two

    main problems with this ordering. First, it assumes that there is no substitution between

    dimensions at all. For example, one murder is always worst than any amount of injured

    people. Second, it is not marginally affected by small variations inxij, that is, it is not

    continuous because it may exhibit jumps.

    To avoid these problems we adopt a different approach. The idea is to replace the n

    pieces of information on the values of terrorist attacks for the various dimensions by a

    composite indicator ),...,( 1 cdcc xxx = which is a vector of d scalars, one for each

    dimension. For this, the vector ),...,( 1 njj xx corresponding to the dimensionj is replaced

    by the scalar cjx . This scalar may be considered as representing the level that dimension

    j derives from the terrorist attacks that have occurred in a society during a given period

    of time. In this paper, we consider that jcj xx = though other alternatives are possible

    because terrorist attacks are not necessarily alike. For instance, we could weight more

    those terrorist attacks that take place before an election (see Barros et al., 2006 and

    Berrebi and Klor, 2006), or those which occur at the beginning of the period when

    people have not got used to them yet. To make things simple we assume that terrorist

    attacks are equally important so they will receive the same weight. Nevertheless, we

    introduce a dummy for each year in the proposed regression model to control for the

    year when terrorist attacks take place (see Section 3).

    Next, we have to select appropriate weights for the dimensions in the composite vector

    cx . We propose to weight each dimension by its presence in the media. That is, we

    consider that the main purpose of terrorist activity is to make terrorists goals notorious

    to society. However, the valuation that society makes of terrorist activities is not

    directly observable so we proxy the social relevance of each dimension by its presence

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    in television, newspapers, reviews and so on. The advantage of this weighting procedure

    is that utility losses of terrorism are considered. Moreover, non-market values and non-

    use values are captured without the contamination of government reactions. The

    estimation procedure of these weights is presented in Section 3.

    Finally, what is the proposed model or aggregation function for the index T()? In

    principle, we could think about the translog function or the constant elasticity of

    substitution function (CES) because of their flexibility to support different alternatives

    about substitution between variables. Unfortunately, the estimation of these functions

    requires the specification of each component cjx in logarithms so zero values are not

    allowed. All terrorist activities take this value from time to time (fortunately!),

    consequently, we need to rely on a different model. A first candidate is the Cobb-

    Douglas function which defines imperfect substitution between terrorism dimensions

    but it is not possible for the same reason above. We eventually propose a linear and

    quadratic aggregation functions. In the linear case, the terrorism index is the following:







    where j is the weight of dimension j. This functional form assumes perfect

    substitution between dimensions though they have different weights. Because of this

    disadvantage we propose a quadratic model. In this case, the terrorism index is the








    )( cccc



    cjj xxxxxXT +++==

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    where dimensions 1 and 2 are the number of killed people and injured people,

    respectively. Note that the rest of explicative variables (j = 3, ..., d) will be dummies so

    it does not make sense to extend the quadratic form to these variables. The advantage of

    this functional form is that the marginal rate of substitution is not constant (see next


    3. ESTIMATION OFWEIGHTSTo make our index T() applicable we need to estimate the weight for each dimension.

    As said in the previous section, we propose to weight each dimension by its presence in

    the media as a proxy for social valuation. Accordingly, we build up a data set with

    information about terrorist activities in newspapers. For this empirical exercise, we

    focus on a long term terrorist problem in Spain since the last years of Francos era, the

    terrorist activities of ETA. Since the 11th March 2004 train bombing was not an ETA

    attack, it is excluded from our study.8


    The data set Terrorism in Western Europe: Events Data (Engene, 2006) is a valuable

    source of information for analysing patterns of terrorism in Western Europe. From this

    data set, we obtain information for the following dimensions of terrorism: total number

    of killed people; total number of injured people; type of attack (letter bomb, car bomb,

    other bomb, rocket or grenade attack, armed attack and other attack); kidnappings; and,

    8International terrorism is analysed, among others, in Engene (2004), Bellany (2007) and Barros et al.


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    type of target (military, police, public service, political institution, business and civil).

    The descriptive statistics for these variables are shown in the appendix (see Table A.1.)

    Moreover, using information contained in this data set to locate ETA activities through

    time, we have collected daily data from the four most important newspapers in Spain,

    namely, El Pas, El Mundo, ABC and La Vanguardia. The first three newspapers are

    national meanwhile the last one is local, in particular, Catalan. Moreover, the ordering

    of national newspapers attending to their conservatism is the following: ABC; El

    Mundo; and, El Pas. We have considered the following twelve variables: photograph in

    the cover page; percentage of the news about terrorism on the cover page; percentage of

    the news about terrorism in the editorial section; total number of pages; photograph on

    the first interior page; percentage of the news about terrorism on the first interior page;

    photograph on the second interior page; percentage of the news about terrorism on the

    second interior page; photograph on the third interior page; percentage of the news

    about terrorism on the third interior page; percentage of the news about terrorism on the

    second day editorial; and, second day total number of pages. The descriptive statistics

    for these variables are shown in the Table A.2. (see appendix).

    Information about ETA activities has been collected for a complete political cycle

    including three general elections and their corresponding four legislative periods: two

    governments of the PSOE from 1993 through 1996 and from 2004 through 2008; and

    two governments of the PP from 1996 through 2000 and from 2000 through 2004. Note

    that the data set only provides information for the first year of PSOEs second

    government though there was a truce from the 22nd of March 2006 through the 30th of

    December 2006.

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    The first step in the estimation of weights is to define an appropriate dependent variable.

    This variable has to represent the social valuation of terrorist activities. For this we

    apply Factor analysis to the data collected from Spanish newspapers. In model 1 we

    only consider information about the following day, in particular: photograph on the

    cover page; percentage of the news about terrorism on the cover page; percentage of the

    news about terrorism on the editorial section; and, total number of pages. The results for

    this model are shown in Table 1.

    Table 1. Factor analysis of model 1.

    Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative

    Factor1 2.46068 2.11617 0.9716 0.9716

    Factor2 0.34451 0.45422 0.1360 1.1077

    Factor3 -0.10970 0.05324 -0.0433 1.0643

    Factor4 -0.16295 . -0.0643 1

    VariableWeightFactor 1 Uniqueness

    Cover photograph 0.7526 0.4336

    % Cover 0.8935 0.2016

    % Editorial 0.7066 0.5007

    Total number of pages 0.7724 0.4034

    N 537

    LR test [independent vs. saturated chi2(66)] 1262.83

    Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure 0.6888

    AIC (Factor1) 199.4424

    BIC (Factor1) 216.5863

    The eigenvalue of a particular factor captures its variance. Accordingly, the column of

    proportions gives the part of total variance that is explained by each factor. Thus, the

    first factor accounts for more than 97% of total variance meanwhile the second factor

    accounts for 13% of total variance and so on. The last two eigenvalues are negative

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    because the matrix has not full rank, that is, although there are 4 factors the

    dimensionality of the factor space is smaller. Given these results we have taken the

    factor 1 as our dependent variable. Note that the weight of each variable of information

    in the construction of Factor 1 is provided below the eigenvalues. Moreover, it is shown

    the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy. This is an index for comparing

    the magnitudes of observed correlation coefficients with the magnitudes of partial

    correlation coefficients. Large values for the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure indicate that

    a factor analysis for a set of variables is a good idea.

    We also consider an extensive model (model 2) which includes information about the

    second day. Results are shown in the appendix (see Table A.3.). It is apparent from the

    results in Table 1 and Table A.3. that the first factor explains the major part of total

    variance. In this sense the result of model 1 is robust. Moreover, the Kaiser-Meyer-

    Olkin measure increases from 0.69 to 0.82. However, the required level of information,

    twelve variables instead of four, significantly reduces the net benefit of extending the

    model. For these two reasons we compute the dependent variable, social impact, by the

    Factor 1 in model 1.

    Once social impact has been estimated by Factor analysis, we regress this dependent

    variable on the terrorism dimensions specified above. The estimated coefficient of a

    particular terrorism dimension will represent the part of social impact that such

    dimension explains. We have also included in the regression a dummy for each year to

    control for time and a dummy variable for El Pas, El Mundo and La Vanguardia to

    control for the difference between newspapers. In Table 2 the results for the linear and

    quadratic specifications are shown. Note that the variables other attacks, civil targetand

    ABCare used as references so they are not included in the regression.

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    Table 2. Regression of model 1.

    Social impact (model 1) Lineal Quadratic

    Total killed 0.22748*** 0.62002***

    (0.038) (0.088)

    Total killed squared --- -0.06931***

    --- (0.016)

    Total injured 0.01313*** 0.04791***

    (0.003) (0.009)

    Total injured squared --- -0.00039***

    --- (0.000)

    Total killed * Total injured --- -0.00569***

    --- (0.002)

    Letter bomb 0.42541* 0.49863**

    (0.224) (0.218)

    Car bomb 0.46301*** 0.46053***

    (0.135) (0.133)

    Other bomb 0.04976 0.0472

    (0.148) (0.147)

    Rocket or grenade attack -0.26524 -0.10021

    (0.374) (0.364)

    Armed attack 0.71809*** 0.64656***

    (0.140) (0.136)

    Kidnapping 0.78329*** 0.86321***

    (0.256) (0.249)

    Military target 0.25213* 0.17283

    (0.133) (0.130)

    Police target -0.09364 -0.23505**

    (0.104) (0.107)

    Public service target -0.01358 0.07702

    (0.128) (0.129)

    Political institutions target 0.41084*** 0.34341***

    (0.108) (0.107)

    Business target -0.27707 -0.23694

    (0.197) (0.191)

    El Mundo -0.27326*** -0.26716***(0.084) (0.081)

    El Pas -0.35276*** -0.35538***

    (0.085) (0.082)

    La Vanguardia -0.49669*** -0.49014***

    (0.083) (0.081)

    Constant -0.46497** -0.62766***

    (0.201) (0.198)










    ***: Significant at the 1% level. **: Significant at the 5% level. *: Significant at the1% level. Standard deviations in parentheses.

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    First, the quadratic specification achieves a better fit than the linear specification.

    Besides the square terms and the cross effect are negative and statistically significant at

    1%. A negative value for the square terms implies certain saturation in the social impact

    of total killed and injured people. In fact, these two variables reach their maximum

    social impact at 4 killed people and 60 injured people, respectively.

    Second, kidnapping reaches the largest coefficient. We could think, therefore, that the

    best strategy for a terrorist group like ETA, in terms of social impact, is kidnapping

    instead of killing people. In fact, kidnapping also allows terrorist groups to collect

    money. However, we think that terrorist groups like ETA do not widely adopt this

    strategy because kidnapping is a great source of risk and cost for the gang.

    Moreover, the fact that the variable armed attack has also a larger coefficient than total

    killed people in the quadratic specification reinforces our multidimensional approach, in

    the sense that total killed people does not include the whole terrorism phenomenon.

    Next section shows the difference between the proposed multidimensional index and a

    measure based exclusively on killed people.

    Third, newspapers have a different sensitivity towards terrorism. As said above, the

    variable ABC is used as reference so the negative sign of the coefficients for El Pas, El

    Mundo and La Vanguardia implies that these newspapers are less sensitive towards

    terrorism than ABC. Thus, the ordering of the Spanish newspapers according to this

    sensitivity is the following: ABC; El Mundo; El Pas; and, La Vanguardia. The more

    conservative is a national newspaper, the greater the sensitivity towards terrorism. Note

    that the inclusion of a dummy variable for the type of newspaper allows us to control

    for newspapers ideology. Unfortunately, it does not permit to control for the gap

    between public opinion and coverage given to terrorist acts by newspapers. Media

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    coverage of terrorist events and publics attitudes and perceptions may be different if we

    face a common-interest game. In this case, terrorists get free publicity for their cause

    and media make money as reports of terror attacks increase newspaper sales (see

    Rohner and Frey, 2007).

    Fourth, we assumed in Section 2 that total number of killed and injured people were

    substitutive variables. Moreover, the quadratic specification of our model implied a

    non-constant marginal rate of substitution between both dimensions. Both assumptions

    are confirmed in Table 3 where the estimations for the marginal rate of substitution at

    different quantiles are shown. Bear in mind that the marginal incidence measures are the

    derivative of social impact with respect to the number of killed and injured people.

    Meanwhile, the marginal rate of substitution is the ratio of both variables. The rate of

    substitution for the mean is 12.22.

    Finally, we have also computed a regression for social impact in model 2. The results

    are shown in the appendix (see Table A.4.). In general terms, estimations in Table 2 are

    replicated for a more extensive definition of social impact.

    Table 3. Marginal Rate of Substitution.


    Marginalincidence of killed


    Marginalincidence of

    Injured People

    Marginal Rate ofSubstitution

    5% 0.6200 0.0479 12.9413

    10% 0.6200 0.0479 12.9413

    25% 0.6200 0.0479 12.9413

    50% 0.4814 0.0422 11.4021

    75% 0.4757 0.0414 11.4794

    90% 0.2916 0.0295 9.8803

    95% 0.2574 0.0248 10.3677

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    4. SOCIAL IMPACT OF ETATERRORISM IN SPAINThe final step is to calculate the multidimensional index T(). For this, we have used the

    estimated coefficients in Table 2, after eliminating the variables of control (dummies for

    time and newspapers). To make comparisons, we have also computed a terrorism index

    based exclusively on the total number of killed people (lexicographic ordering). The

    number of attacks, deaths and the value of index Tby year are shown in the appendix

    (see Table A.5.). Moreover, we have applied nonparametric techniques to smooth the

    diary evolution of deaths and index T. In particular, we have used the Nadaraya-Watson

    nonparametric smoother (Nadaraya, 1964 and Watson, 1964) with the Epanechnikov

    kernel (Epanechnikov, 1969).

    In Figure 1 we show the evolution of both indices of terrorism. Note that the index T

    has no dimensions so the scale in the vertical axis corresponds to the number of killed

    people. Moreover, there was a truce from 16th of September 1998 through 3rd of

    December 1999. The vertical lines in Figure 1 represent this period of time.

    Two facts become apparent from Figure 1. The first fact is that both measures need not

    to coincide in their diagnosis. That is, one index can indicate that terrorism is increasing

    meanwhile the other can indicate the opposite (see, for example, the first half of 1995,

    the beginning of 1997 and 2004). A more important fact is that the killed people index

    does not include the whole information about terrorist activities so it smoothes

    terrorism. This causes a more linear evolution of the killed people index in comparison

    with the proposed index T() which shows higher crests and deeper valleys. For the

    whole period we observe that ETA terrorism has non-monotonically decreased since


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    Figure 1. Evolution of ETA terrorism in Spain (1993-2004).

    5. ECONOMIC APPLICATIONSIn previous sections we have described the contents and main properties of the proposed

    index of terrorism. Next, we suggest some fields where this index can be applied.

    Obviously, this is not a closed list of issues, but only a sort of examples exploring where

    the use of our proposal can be useful.

    Evaluation of terrorism costs

    In the economic literature, some studies have recently assessed the costs of terrorism.

    They adopt a macroeconomic perspective (see Caplan, 2002 and Abadie and

    Gardeazbal, 2003) or a microeconomic perspective based on the quality of life lost (see

    Frey et al., 2007) or the actual loss of human life (Riera et al., 2007). We think that our

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    index, insofar as it approximates the social relevance of terrorism, can be used as a

    complementary tool in this field.

    Economic impact of terrorism in development

    Another issue that has received increasing attention is the analysis of the determinants

    for development (see for example Olson, 1996 and Murdoch and Sandler, 2002). A line

    of research that has given some fruits in this field explores the impact of terrorism in

    development. In particular, terrorism has been analyzed through its effects on capital

    markets (Chen and Siems, 2004), foreign investment (Enders and Sandler, 1996) and

    economic activities linked to specific sectors, typically tourism (Enders et al., 1992 and

    Llorca-Vivero, 2008). A terrorism index like the one we are proposing may help

    researchers to explain these phenomena. For example, economic activities like tourism

    and foreign investment crucially depend on the perception that foreign people have on

    countrys security. Accordingly, it might be a good idea to study the incidence of

    foreign public opinion on economic growth. The difference with respect our study

    would be the source of information: foreign newspapers.

    Terrorism, institutions and public choice

    A third field where our indicator can be applied is Institutional Economics. More

    precisely, the proposed terrorism index can be used to study the roots of institutions and

    processes of collective choice. A good example of this is the number of studies devoted

    to analyze the connections between economic variables like poverty, cultural variables

    like education and terrorism (see, among others, Berreby, 2007 and Krueger and

    Malekov, 2003). Another example from a more theoretical view is the number of

    studies that question the irrationality of terrorism (Caplan, 2001a, 2001b and 2008) or

    its effects on the duration of Governments (Saez, 2002).

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    Terrorism and public economics

    Finally, another research guide that can be supported by an instrument such as the one

    proposed here is the analysis of terrorism effects on the allocation of public spending.

    Thus, terrorism affects public spending not only through protection of citizens (defence

    and police spending) (Higgs and Kilduff, 1993 and Prez-Fornis et al., 2004), but also

    through the support of victims and reconstruction of damages.

    In all these cases, possibly more, we think that a multidimensional index based on the

    social valuation of terrorism such as the one suggested here, can help to understand the

    economic roots and effects of this social scourge.


    This paper proposes a multidimensional index of terrorism. We construct this measure

    by aggregating the different dimensions of terrorism, namely, killed people, injured

    people, bombs, kidnappings and targets. For this aggregation we estimate the weight of

    each dimension by regressing the social impact of terrorism on these dimensions.

    However, social impact is not directly observable so we consider information in the

    media as a proxy. Finally, we apply our index to the terrorism of ETA in Spain and

    compare it with the evolution of the total number of killed people. The comparison

    shows that the effort to compute the proposed index is worthwhile.

    Let us finish this paper with the following comment. The nature and political objectives

    of national and international terrorist groups are usually different. Thus, national

    terrorism is usually linked to territorial defined political objectives, independence in

    most of the cases. On the contrary, global terrorism is usually focused on factors like

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    religion and the socio-economic organization of a nation. However, both kinds of

    terrorism manifest themselves through their impact on the citizens state of mind. The

    methodology proposed here measures the social impact of terrorism so, in principle, it

    can be applied in the measurement of both kinds of terrorist activities.


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    Table A.1.Descriptive statistics of the dependent and explicative variables

    Variable Mean Std. Dev.

    Social Impact (from Factor analysis) 0.02127 0.93458

    Total killed 0.68691 0.97433

    Total injured 3.24099 11.23905

    Letter bomb 0.02657 0.16096

    Car bomb 0.29791 0.45778

    Other bomb 0.29981 0.45861

    Rocket or grenade attack 0.00190 0.04356

    Armed attack 0.27894 0.44890

    Kidnapping 0.02657 0.16096

    military target 0.10436 0.30602

    police target 0.15939 0.36639

    public service target 0.07780 0.26811

    political institutions target 0.19355 0.39545

    business target 0.03985 0.19579

    El Mundo 0.25237 0.43479

    El Pais 0.24288 0.42923

    La Vanguardia 0.26186 0.44006

    Table A.2.Descriptive statistics of the factor variables

    Variable Mean Std. Dev.

    Cover photograph 0.57169 0.49529

    % Cover 0.42719 0.30491% Editorials 0.14022 0.15661

    Total number of pages 3.80447 3.20286

    First interior page photograph 0.94896 0.22029

    % first interior page 0.87600 0.20650

    Second interior page photograph 0.74488 0.43634

    % Second interior page 0.71248 0.40977

    Third interior page photograph 0.50466 0.50044

    % third interior page 0.48678 0.46370

    % second day editorials 0.15604 0.28968

    Second day total number of pages 1.97816 2.70367

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    Table A.3.

    Factor analysis of model 2.

    Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative

    Factor1 5.51367 4.40069 0.7138 0.7138

    Factor2 1.11297 0.37551 0.1441 0.8579Factor3 0.73747 0.28102 0.0955 0.9534

    Factor4 0.45645 0.04154 0.0591 1.0125

    Factor5 0.4149 0.31655 0.0537 1.0662

    Factor6 0.09835 0.12312 0.0127 1.0789

    Factor7 -0.02477 0.03194 -0.0032 1.0757

    Factor8 -0.05671 0.02472 -0.0073 1.0684

    Factor9 -0.08143 0.0244 -0.0105 1.0578

    Factor10 -0.10583 0.01563 -0.0137 1.0441

    Factor11 -0.12146 0.09807 -0.0157 1.0284

    Factor12 -0.21953 . -0.0284 1

    Variable Factor1 Uniqueness

    Cover photograph 0.6543 0.5719

    % Cover 0.8181 0.3307

    % Editorial 0.6504 0.577

    Total number of pages 0.8001 0.3598

    First interior page photo 0.2756 0.9241

    % first interior page 0.5346 0.7142

    Second interior page photo 0.7634 0.4172

    % Second interior page 0.7888 0.3778

    Third interior page photo 0.8044 0.3529

    % third interior page 0.8234 0.322

    % second day editorial 0.3431 0.8823Second day total number ofpages 0.586 0.6566

    N 537LR test [independent vs. saturatedchi2(66)] 4769.01

    Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure 0.8150

    AIC (Factor1) 2099.245BIC (Factor1) 2150.451

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    Table A.4. Regression of model 2.

    Social impact (model 2) Lineal Quadratic

    Total killed 0.24340*** 0.64576***

    (0.038) (0.089)

    Total killed squared --- -0.06886***

    --- (0.016)

    Total injured 0.01264*** 0.05781***

    (0.003) (0.009)

    Total injured squared --- -0.00051***

    --- (0.000)

    Total killed * Total injured --- -0.00690***

    --- (0.002)

    Letter bomb 0.28526 0.37267*

    (0.228) (0.220)

    Car bomb 0.43928*** 0.41836***

    (0.138) (0.135)

    Other bomb 0.10644 0.0738

    (0.152) (0.149)

    Rocket or grenade attack -0.32302 -0.13739

    (0.718) (0.689)

    Armed attack 0.73931*** 0.67114***

    (0.143) (0.138)

    Kidnapping 0.81077*** 0.90410***

    (0.261) (0.251)

    Military target 0.19802 0.10822

    (0.136) (0.131)

    Police target -0.12392 -0.26248**

    (0.106) (0.108)

    Public service target -0.14652 -0.0327

    (0.134) (0.134)

    Political institutions target 0.36595*** 0.30206***

    (0.112) (0.110)

    Business target -0.27711 -0.21882

    (0.201) (0.193)

    El Mundo -0.37360*** -0.36738***(0.087) (0.083)

    El Pas -0.51043*** -0.51101***

    (0.088) (0.084)

    La Vanguardia -0.68079*** -0.67303***

    (0.086) (0.082)

    Constant -0.28539 -0.45265**

    (0.210) (0.205)




    ***: Significant at the 1% level. **: Significant at the 5% level. *: Significant at the 1%level. Standard deviations in parentheses.

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    Table A.5.

    Number of attacks, deaths and value of index T.

    Year Attacks Deaths Accumulated value ofT















