Media Relations & News Releases

Media Relations & News Releases Review so far (from Lecture 3) Who are the media? What media do we want to target? Why do we need to target specific

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Page 1: Media Relations & News Releases Review so far (from Lecture 3) Who are the media? What media do we want to target? Why do we need to target specific

Media Relations & News Releases

Page 2: Media Relations & News Releases Review so far (from Lecture 3) Who are the media? What media do we want to target? Why do we need to target specific

Review so far (from Lecture 3) Who are the media? What media do we want to target? Why do we need to target specific media? How do journalists work? What makes the news? What’s newsworthy? How to get covered in the media?

Page 3: Media Relations & News Releases Review so far (from Lecture 3) Who are the media? What media do we want to target? Why do we need to target specific

Next step

How to make a good news story How to build news releases How to build a publication profile and a

media list

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The news release selection process Editor John Smith on a Monday morning

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How to build a news release - in the news or in the bin?

Editors receive up to 100 (150 not unheard off) news releases a day (might be sieved through by PA first)

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What makes a good news release?

Substance & good, appropriate writing Must contain news and not be just

background info Despite this, all too many news releases

sent to editors start like this…

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The no-news news release

“Wilbur & Co is a well established engineering company that has been making hydraulic breaks in Glasgow for 58 years. They are based in Kirkwood street where…..”

All background and no news story in sight at all

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Keep the story simple & clear

The story that you want to cover needs to be obvious in the first sentence

Editor/journalist needs to be able to immediately see what the story is all about in the first paragraph

Don’t try to cram in too much Decide what the story is and make it clear

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Problem scenario

“Wilbur & Co, which has just opened a new factory in Cumbernauld, has appointed Ms Julie Smith as the first female Managing Director to launch a new range of hydraulic brakes.”

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Too many stories…

The problem with this opening sentence is that we have confusion - this contains three different stories right away

The new female MD

The new factory The new set of breaks

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What can we do instead? Think about the media you are targeting -

which of these story angles would find the editor most important:Engineering weekly - new hydraulic brakeWomen’s magazine- story on female MDThe Herald - new factory opened with new jobs

Best to write multiple releases

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The story has to be complete

A good story needs to answer all the questions rather then raise more

You need to provide all the info an editor needs

They need to know immediately what’s happening and to whom!

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This includesTitle, first name & surname of all people

mentioned - no initials

e.g. Ms Julie Smith, not J.M. Smith

Always provide the position each person mentioned holds - who they are

e.g. managing director

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Provide full names of organisations etc before abbreviating them to initials

Exceptions are organisations that are known by their initials such as the BBC

E.g. The Scottish Canoe Association (SCA) is holding their annual …..

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Always explain the context

Although it may be clear to you why this news release is a superb news story, it may not be immediately clear to others/ editors

Fine balance to be struck - provide enough info without overloading the news release with too much background info

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Example: Wilbur & Co Wilbur & Co has announced profits of

£150,000 for the last financial year

This in itself is not such a big story, a modest profit for a little know company

So, we need some context here!

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Wilbur & Co have announced profits of £150,000 for the last financial year only 18 months after the factory was completely destroyed by a devastating explosion.

Now, this is completely different! Suddenly, there is a bigger story. How can this company be making profits such a short time after disaster struck, etc

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Wilbur & Co have announced profits of £150,000 for the last financial year only 18 months after the factory went into receivership.

There is another great story here. How could this happen? Was previous management terrible, some dodgy dealings going on etc.

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A story needs to stand up! Journalists often receive news releases that

would make good stories if only there were more facts to go on.

Example: Wilcott Safety Ltd, Glasgow, has won a £1m order from a major Canadian insurance company. This could be a good story, major investment, foreign

investor, etc But who are they? Need to provide the name, if the

client doesn’t want to give the name, it’s no story.

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How to build a news release

“Given how many millions of news releases are produced and pumped out by press offices every year, it is amazing how many are totally rubbish: badly written, wrongly targeted, and destined for the waste bin.”

Paul Richards (1998) How to be your own spin doctor

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The main aim of a news release has to be grasped within 10 seconds.

Editors need to move through the bumph very quickly looking for the nugget of gold amongst a pile of sand!

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Essential elements of a news release

A news release is essentially a news story written to arouse the interest of a specific news organisation / publication

It consists of three main parts: The headline The introduction (called “intro” by journalists) The body of the story

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Further elements It can also contain:

Notes to the editors at the bottom of the page. This can contain background information about the company, issue or product that is not vital to the story, but might help the journalist to understand the wider issue

Appended documents such as product information sheets / company information sheets

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First step: Write the body of the news release

To do this you have to select the right facts to answer the famed W- questions

What is happening

Who is doing it

Where is it taking place

When it happened or will happen

Why is it happening

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Intro paragraph All these questions have to be answered in the

intro of the story The first paragraph encapsulates the whole

story and entices the journalist to read on by concentrating on the most newsworthy elements

From the five W’s the strongest angle might be what and who; or where & what

Where is important because it will quickly tell the journalists whether it’s on his / her patch

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Intro paragraph The first paragraph should be short &

snappy One or two sentences, maximum 30

words A good way of getting a feel for it is to

take a newspaper and read a few opening paragraphs.

Try to style your opening paragraph on that

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Intro : examples

Airport capacity in Scotland (what & where) is at a breaking point due to the failure of past governments to address the problem (why), according to an article Consumer Policy Review (who) published today (when).

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Example 2: Gobble & Belch Gobble & Belch a food processing company have

decided to launch a new range of baby foods for discerning infants in a test market in London & South East. It will be called Gourmet baby. The company’s research revealed that the modern baby likes a range of subtle flavours. Gobble and Belch plans to have its first three products in the range out for Christmas. They are launching their food range today, 24 October 2006 at Harrods in London.

Flavours included Salmon & Asparagus; Caviar & Lime; Honeyroasted Pork & Parsnip

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Intro: Gobble & Belch

Gobble & Belch, a food manufacturer, (who) is launching its new range of baby food (what), Gourmet Infant, today (when) at Harrods in London (where). This comes as research shows that modern babies have sophisticated palates.(why)

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Don’ts - common mistakes!!!! Do not put background info in the first

paragraph that should come later or never


Gobble & Belch, the London food manufacturer that was founded 83 years ago by the great grandfather of today’s managing director is launching a new range of baby food

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Don’ts - common mistakes Describe the thinking that has led up to the

launch of the new product before delving into the news

Example:Gobble& Belch has been researching the market

into baby food. After an extensive study the company felt that there should be a greater range of flavours available to mothers to buy for their babies. Research has shown that……As a result the company is launching their new range today.

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Different intro versions for different papers Mothers chose the recipes for Gourmet baby, a

new range of tinned baby foods launched this week by Gobble & Belch.

Gobble & Belch this week launched a test market of Gourmet baby, its new range of tinned baby foods, in 800 supermarkets in London and the south-east

Kent was chosen by market researchers to test Gourmet baby, a new range of tinned baby foods, launched by Gobble & Belch

Women’s magazine - a what story

Trade magazine - a who story

Local newspaper - a where story

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Writing the body of the news release

Once you have written the first paragraph you will find it much easier to do the rest of the story.

Subsequent paragraphs should then expand on aspects of the 5 W’s with less important information and quotes coming further down the text

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Use the inverted pyramid shape

Intro: answer all W questions

Further detail on W’s



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Further considerations for the main body of the release

Quotations should be short and punchy. Nothing crucial should be buried in latter

stages of the body text Journalists often complain that there was

something useful buried in the fifth paragraph after 200 words - that’s too late!

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News releases should never be longer than two pages, in most cases only one.

If you can’t tell the story in two pages, you have to rethink the bare bones of the story. (Is it maybe more then one story, do you need all the information, are you using a scattergun approach?)

The point of a release is to attract attention in a competitive market, not to give a comrephensive report.

If journalists want more info, they’ll call!

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Writing the headline After you have written the main body, you can

move on to the headline. The intro will give you good direction and focus

your mind on what this is all about The headline should sum up the essence of the

story Might be the only part the editor reads - make it


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Writing the headline Keep it short

Summary & attention grabber. Ten words max

Keep it simple What’s the central point?

Use short words Headline writers have to make their headlines fit

the space available. Short words also convey ideas more simply.

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Writing the headline Put a verb in it

It brings life into the headline and gives the impression that something is happeningDon’t write: Wilcott & Smith’s new contract

Write: “Wilcott & Smith secures new contract”

Don’t write: Gobble & Belch’s new office

Write: Gobble & Belch opens new office

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Writing the headline

Don’t try to be funny or clever There is nothing worse than a poor pun,

particularly if it’s a weak story Most editors will write their own If they want a funny headline they’ll make

one up themselves

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Some more examples

Smith criticises local authority development proposals


Smith attacks council plan

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Some more examples

Babies to gobble new food



New food launched for babies

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Things to avoid when writing a news release PufferyExample: Smith & Co, who have been making

world-famous hydraulic breaks for half a century, have yet again established themselves as the leading player in the market by creating a superb new product.

Basically, puffery are words that lengthen a story, but don’t get your news release anywhere apart from the bin!

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Puffery Top Ten Unique Leading Fastest Flexible Boasting Easy to use Popular

World Class Successful Breakthrough Major Versatile Key xyz Vast

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Lunch-to-go, the best café in Glasgow, has extended its tasty sandwiches by adding a new luxury range. They offer the finest ingredients in town.

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Thousands of office workers thank God for Lunch-to-go who helped them to relieve their lunch boredom by providing ….(as if…!!!)

There is also more subtle exaggeration which needs to be avoided, always stick to the facts

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The news release format The format must be consistent and meet

the journalists’ expectations of the info they need

Must follow accepted rules of journalism Has to be clear and clean Has to be in line with the house style of

your own organisation to be easily recognisable

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News release format A4 paper Produced on news release printed paper /

on-line version of this Single sided The design should be simple, not cluttered

up with too many logos and awards 12 point font for text Easy to read font

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News release format: Layout

1.5 or 2 line spacing, two line spacing is preferable

Wide margins, perhaps 2.5 cm to the left and right and margins at top and bottom, too

At the top of the news release, it should clearly state those two words

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The headline should be placed about one third of the way down

The text should start about half way down That leaves plenty of room for the sub-editor to

put in his changes / instructions The first paragraph should not be indented Subsequent paragraphs can be indented if you


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Contact details should appear at the top (briefly) as well as the bottom (full)

Below the contact details at the top there should be details to whom it is directed eg “For attention: News Editors”

Contact details should include the name of the person journalists should phone and that should include 24 hour contact if possible

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So: For the attention of housing correspondents

Or: For newsdesks

Best: include the name of journalists which you have researched beforehand

E.g. For attention of Julie Smith, Food & Lifestyle editor

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Date or Embargo? At the top left comes the date the news release

is issued or the date and time of the embargo that you wish to place on the information in the release.

Embargoes are used to warn journalists that info in advance of an event cannot be transmitted to the public beforehand

Journalists tend to observe this, but they have no obligation and will ignore it if they see fit

Use embargoes only when necessar.

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be given above the heading in Capitals Heading: should be bold, centred, upper case

and not more then two lines long (the shorter the better)

“For attention: Picture desks” (that’s where you should send these)

…and don’t send photo opp invites to radio newsrooms!

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Body text:

Main chunk of the release: should be 12 point, perhaps Times, but could be other easily readable font, aligned left, arranged in short paragraphs

Sub headings are only necessary if it’s a long release, which shouldn’t happen too often

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More follows or ends At the bottom of the first page you must inform

the journalist whether there is more on a following page

Write “more follows” or “more” bottom right on the page

At the top of the next page comes the so called “slug” or “catchline”

The slug is often upper case and preceded by a forward slash and should reflect the story, e.g.

/Baby Food2

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“Notes to Editors” Notes to editors is a convention where

background information is supplied – on separate sheet(s), or certainly after the contact details at least

They are always numbered The first note is usually about what the

organisation is and does Second could be further info on what additional

publications etc are available

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HP Foods Glasgow

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 20th October 2006For attention of newsdesksContact: your name here, 24hrs phones, e-mail etc


INTRO PARAGRAPH with all the W questions. Should not be too long.

If you are in luck the journalist has read on to the second paragraph and you can provide more facts on the Five-Ws.

‘Near the end you can add a quote.’, Always add name and position of the spokesperson.

Ends (if it ends)

More follows (if that’s the case)

NOTES TO THE EDITOR1) who you are and what you stand for2) Other notes

For more information contact: name & numbers and address

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“The news release wot I wrote”…or questions of English

Write in clear English Do not use code or jargon (particularly

difficult when writing about technical subjects such as engineering, computing, etc)

Do not use essay or literary writing styles Avoid attempts at being humourous

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Common errors Mixing single & plural

Example: The company’s finance committee has decided to hold a emergency meeting and they will meet on Thursday

Remedy: always choose either plural or singular and be consistent

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More common errors Wrong possessive

All corporate bodies are impersonal - so they should be not be referred to by personal pronouns

Example: All the company’s departments, who are located at Stirling, will be involved in the expansion programme.

Replace “who” with “which”


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…and more: Muddled timings There often can be a confusion over tenses. For example:Lunch-to-go has launched a new range of

sandwiches which will be available in all their outlets.

Problem: has launched & will be availableRemedy: always check tenses to reflect the current

status of what is happening. Here it should be “the range is available in all their outlets”

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Other faux pas Don’t use clichés Don’t repeat yourself (make every word count

instead) Extra capitals: use capitals only for proper

nouns, so for example don’t write Managing Director, but managing director

Under no circumstances highlight the company name in capitals in a news release - this is editors’ pet hate as they have to mark it down to lower case and it also makes it look like an advert

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Leave out words that do not work: eg. adverbs, redundancies, tautology Too many press releases are very wordy and

packed with words that don’t do anything apart from fill the page

Examples: actually, really, simply, very Be very tough when editing - think, do I need

really need these words?

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Use short words when they do the job best (journalistic convention)“say” instead of “communicate”“but” for “however”“let” for “allow”“make” for “manufacture”“about’ for “approximately”“show” for “demonstrate”

More guidance? See Wynford Hicks’ English for Journalists (Routledge, 2007, 3rd ed) (e-book)

…And Orwell’s 6 basic rules (see here): http://www.economist.com/research/styleGuide/index.cfm?page=673899

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A few words on quotes

A news release can be strengthened by a quotation or quote in journalists speak

It brings the human element to the story However, there are many pitfalls:

Don’t make empty sentences full of puffery or praise (worst of all, self-satisfaction)

Don’t make them sound as if they are invented

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So, how to quote properly???

Add the human touch by making it sound as if the quote was spoken by a normal human being.

Use “I” and “we” and “don’t” and “can’t”

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‘Forward projections indicate a profit above those achieved in previous years,’ said Julie Smith, managing director.

‘I think we’ll make a record profit,’ said Julie Smith, managing director.



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Always use a quote to add value to the story

Add something new or special to your release. Don’t let the quote just repeat the content in other words

The new foreign customer will allow Wilcott & Smith to employ 50 more staff. ‘We are delighted to be able to employ more people”, says xyz


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One problem you might come across is that clients/ bosses etc might want to add their own quotes which might sound awful and stilted.

Another problem might be that they’ll ask you to invent quotes for them. Always, always check that they are happy with them before sending material out

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Putting the final touches to your release

Once you have drafted your release and worked on the layout, you need to be you own editor

Check for Story-line: does it work well, have you included

all the facts? Repetition: Have you repeated yourself in

material or quotes

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Ambiguity: Is everything perfectly clear? Could anything be misconstrued

Has it been cleared by all interested parties? Have I written like a journalist? Grammar? Have any grammatical errors crept

in? Accuracy: Are all the names right, prices, product

names, etc? Proof reading: Are there no spelling, typing or

punctuation errors?

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What can be added to a release

Photos Need to be professional Need to add something Don’t expect they’ll be used They are more like a taster Add a caption

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Further material Graphs Charts Technical drawings Cartoons Fact sheets Logos Maps Artists’ impressions (e.g. of new buildings etc.) Product samples (careful: bribery!)

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How to deliver your news release? Mail Fax E-mail / Online news release delivery services Website (pull-medium) Special Delivery

Multi-method approach Don’t forget to research preferences of


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Summary: A news release is a means NOT an end! It is a method of alerting a journalist and

selling a story You are in competition with other people

wanting to sell stories That’s why it has to have the right

combination of a clear and recognisable format & a strong, well-written story

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Always remember:

The ratio of news releases issued to those used equals the survival rate of lemmings!!!