478 " AUTO-DIAGNOSIS." To the Editors of THE LANCET. SIRS,-I do not know if the inclosed would interest your readers. It was presented to me on Christmas Day by an Indian in hospital who had been operated on by my assistant for fissure a day or two previously. The date, spelling, and punctuation are his own. It amused me at the time, especially as he was doing very well. He had no further trouble after writing the letter. I am, Sirs, yours faithfully, j.ort..DOuaa.n, Red Sea, d aLL. 1st, 1907. BDWAUIJ CRISPIN. (INCLOSURE.] 1. Fever every night. 2. Stiffening and pricking and continuous pain in the operated fissure. 3. Stool descends with blood and matter but with great difficulty and pain. 4. The glands between the sex and the thies are swollen and paining. 5. The legs freezing from the knee to the foot especially the right one. 6. Pain in the loins beside the abdomen on both the sides and under the abdomen and the waist and in the back sometimes. 7. General uneasiness sometimes to suffocation and sleeplessness. 8. Can’t sit or can’t lie down easily. 9. The dressing goes out for more than 20 hours in a day-though sometimes it may stick well. 10. Some softening and calming ointment is advisable for the inside of the wound so that it may draw out all the matter from inside (as Mercury does and there is no fear if the dressing goes out) and keep the place soft and glissy for the stool to come out easily. 11. Some medicine advisable for purifying and strengthening the blood to get a quick cure as (quinine, Iron, walnut &c do ...... 25/12/1908. THE MEDICAL INSPECTION OF SCHOOL CHILDREN. To the Editors of THE LANCET. SIRS,-Can any of your readers ecommend to me any book dealing with the medical inspection of school children ? Is there any reliable literature available on the subject of the education of defective (mentally) children and of children who stammer? If you could give me any information on these points through the medium of THE LANCET I should be very much obliged. I am, Sirs, yours faithfully, Feb. llth, 1907. Tttei2de Ap7tasia.-We have received an interesting note upon this subject which bears no evidence, direct or inferential, of its author- ship. COMMUNICATIONS not noticed in our present issue will receive attention in our next. Medical Diary for the ensuing Week. OPERATIONS. METROPOLITAN HOSPITALS. MONDAY (18th).-London (2 P.M.), St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), St. Thomas’s (3.30 P.M.), St. George’s (2 P.M.), St. Mary’s (2.30 p.:al:.). Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), Westminster (2 P.M.), Chelsea (2 P.M.), Samaritan (Gynaecological, by Physicians, 2 P.M.), Soho-square (2 P.M.), City Orthopaedic (4 P.M.), Gt. Northern Central (2.30 P.M.), West London (2.30 P.M.), London Throat (9.30 A.M.), Royal Free (2 P.M.), Guy’s (1.30 P.M.), Children, Gt. Ormond-street (3 P.M.), St. Mark’s (2.30 P.M.). TUESDAY (19th).-London (2 P.M.), St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), St. Thomas’s (3.30 P.M.), Guy’s (1.30 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), West- minster (2 P.M.), West London (2.30 P.M.), University College (2 P.M.), St. George’s (1 P.M.), St. Mary’s (1 P.M.), St. Mark’s (2.30 P.M.), Cancer (2 P.M.), Metropolitan (2.30 P.M.), London Throat (9.30 A.M.), Samaritan (9.30 A.M. and 2.30 P.M.), Throat, Golden- square (9.30 A.M.), Soho-square (2 P.M.), Chelsea (2 P.M.), Central London Throat and Ear (2 P.M.). Children. Gt. Ormond-street (2 P.M.. Ophthalmic, 2.15 P.M.), Tottenham (2.30 P.M.). WEDNESDAY (20th).-St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), University College (2 P.M.), Royal Free (2 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.). Charing Cross (3 P.M.), St. Thomas’s (2 P.M.), London (2 P.M.), King’s College (2 P.M.), St. George’s (Ophthalmic, 1 P.M.). St. Mary’s (2 P.M.), National Orthopaedic (10 A.M.), St. Peter’s (2 P.M.), Samaritan (9.30 A.M. and 2.30 P.M.), Gt. Northern Central (2.30 P.M.), West- minster (2 P.M.), Metropolitan (2.30 P.M.), London Throat (9.30 A.M.), Cancer (2 P.M.), Throat, Golden-square (9.30 A.M.), Guy’s (1.30 P.M.), Royal Ear (2 P.M.), Royal Orthopaedic (3 P.M.). Children. Gt Onnond-street (9.30 A.M., Dental, 2 P.M.), Tottenham (Ophthalmic, 2.30 P.M.) THURSDAY (21st).-St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), St. Thomas’. (3.30 P.M.), University College (2 P.M.), Charing Cross (3 P.M.), St. George’s (1 P.M.), London (2 P.M.), King’s College (2 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), St. Mary’s (2.30 P.M.), Soho-square (2 P.M.). North-West tendon (2 P.M.), Gt. Northern Central (Gynaecological, 2.30 P.M.), Metropolitan (2.30 P.M.). London Throat (9.30 A.M.). Samaritan (9.30 A.M. and 2.30 P.M.), Throat, Golden-square (9.30 A.M.), Guy’e (1.30 P.M.), Royal Orthopaedic (9 A.M.). Royal Ear (2 P.M.). Children, Gt. Ormond-street (2.30 P.M.), Tottenham (Gynaecological, 2.30 P.M.). FRIDAY (22nd).-London (2 P.M.), St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), St. Thomas’s (3.30 P.M.), Guy’s (1.30 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.). Charing Cross (3 P.M.), St. George’s (1 P.M.), King’s College (2 P.M.), St. Mary’s (2 P.M.), Ophthalmic (10 A.M.), Cancer (2 P.M.). Chelsea (2 P.M.), Gt. Northern Central (2.30 P.M.), West London (2.30 P.M.), London Throat (9.30 A.M.), Samaritan (9.30 A.M. and 2.30 P.M.), Throat, Golden-square (9.30 A.M.), City Orthopaedic (2.30 P.M.), Soho-square (2 P.M.), Central London Throat and Ear (2 P.M.), Children, Gt. Ormond-street (9 A.M., Aural, 2 P.M.), Tottenham (2.30 P.M.). SATURDAY (23rd).-Royal Free (9 A.M.), London (2 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), St. Thomas’s (2 P.M.), University College (9.15 A.M.), Charing Cross (2 P.M.), St. George’s (1 P.M.), St. Mary’s (10 P.M.), Throat, Golden-square (9.30 A.M.), Guy’s (1.30 P.M.), Children, Gt. Ormond-street (9.30 A.M.). At the Royal Eye Hospital (2 P.M.), the Royal London Ophthalmic (10 A.M.), the Royal Westminster Ophthalmic (1.30 P.M.), and the Central London Ophthalmic Hospitals operations are performed daily. SOCIETIES. MONDAY (18th).-MEDICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON (11, Chandos-street, Cavendish-square, W.).-9 P.M. : Lettsomian Lecture :—Dr. C. E. Beevor: The Diagnosis and Localisation of Cerebral Tumours. TUESDAY (19th).-PATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON (20. Hanover- , square, W.).-8.30 P.M.: Dr. D. Forsyth: The Parathyroid Gland in Man.-Dr. W L. Harnett: A Histological Study of the Human Parathyroid Gland. -Dr. F. A. Bambridge and Dr. P. R. Parkinson: The Morbid Histology of the Suprarenal Gland.-Dr. W. 0. Meek : A Rare Variety of Cardiac Degeneration. THERAPEUTICAL SOCIETY (Apothecaries’ Hall, Blackfriars, E.C.).- 4.30 P.M.: Ladies’ Day and Conversazione. There will be Various t Exhibits. Paper :-Dr. Crichton : The Metric System in Prescribing and Dispensing. . WEDNESDAY (20th).-ROYAL MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY (20, Hanover- , square, W.).-8 P.M.: Exhibition of Slides of Marine Zoological Objects lent by Mr. Flatters. Papers :—Mr. J. W. Gordon : An : Early Criticism of the Abbe Theory.-Mr. J. Murray : Some Tardi- grada of the Sikkim Himalaya.-Dr. E. Penard: On Some Rhizo- : pods from the Sikkim Himalaya. SOCIETY OF ARTS (John-street, Adelphi, W.C.).-8 P.M.: Mr. H. Williams : Cold Storage and Food Supply. THURSDAY (21st).-NEUROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF THE UNITED KING’ DOM (11, Chandos-street, Cavendish-square, W.).-8.30 P.M.: Annual General Meeting. Election of Officers. Presidential Address :- Dr. C. E. Beevor: The Distribution of the Arteries supplying the Human Brain. ! FRIDAY (22nd).-BRITISH ELECTBOTHERAPEUTIC SOCIETY (11, Chandos- ! street, Cavendish-square, W.) -8 P.M.: Council. 8.30 P.M.: Paper :- ) Dr. S. Sloan: Some Physiological Effects of High Frequency Currents in Disease (illustrated by lantern slides and apparatus). c CLINICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON (20, Hanover-square, W.). -8.30 P.M.: Mr. R. Johnson and Mr. C. E. Reynolds: Case of Spinal Meningo- cele in an Adult Successfully Treated by Operation after Sponta- neous Rupture had occurred.-Mr. C. H. Fagge: Resection of the Jejunum and Colon for Carcinoma of the Former.-Mr. T. H. Kellock : A New Method of Excising the Shoulder-joint. LEOTITRES, ADDRESSES, DEMONSTRATIONS, &o. MONDAY (18th).-MEDICAL GRADUATES’ COLLEGE AND POLYCLINIC (22, Chenies-street, W.C.).-4 P.M. : Mr. G. Pernet: Clinique. r (Skin.) 5.15 P.M. : Lecture :-Dr. L. Guthrie : Delayed Poisoning by Anaesthetics. POST-GRADUATE COLLEGE (West London Hospital, Hammersmith- : road, W.).-12 noon: Pathological Demonstration :-Dr. G. C. Low. 2 P.M.: Medical and Surgical Clinics. 2.30 P.M.: Operations. X Rays. Mr. Dunn: Diseases of the Eye. 5 P.M.: Lecture :-Mr. Baldwin: Practical Surgery. NORTH-EAST LONDON POST-GRADUATE COLLEGE (Tottenham Hos- pital, N.).-9.30 A.M.: Clinique:-Surgical Out-patient (Mr. H. Evans). 2.30 P.M.: Cliniques : Medical Out-patient (Dr. Whipham), Throat, Nose, and Ear (Mr. Carson); X Ray Demonstration (Dr. Pirie). LONDON SCHOOL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE (Dreadnought Hospital, Greenwich).-2.30 P.M.: Operations. 2.30 P.M.: Sir D. Duckworth: . Medicine. 3.15 P.M.: Mr. W. Turner: Surgery. 4 P.M.: Dr. StClair , Thomson : Diseases of the Throat, Nose, and Ear. Out-patient , Demonstrations:-10 A.M.: Surgical and Medical. 12 noon: Bar : and Throat. 3.15 p. M.: Special Lecture :-Mr. W. Turner : Abdominal , Catastrophes. TUESDAY (19th).-MEDICAL GRADUATES’ COLLEGE AND POLYCLINIC , (22, Chenies-street, W.C.).-4 P.M.: Dr. L. Wililams: Clinique. (Medical.) 5.15 P.M.: Lecture:—Dr. P. Stewart: Disorders of Sleep. . POST-GRADUATE COLLEGE (West London Hospital, Hammersmitn- - road, W.).-10 A.M.: Dr. Moullin: Gynaecology. 2 P.M.: ! Medical and Surgical Clinics. Dr. Ball: Diseases of the Throat, . i Nose, and Ear. 2.30 P.M. : Operations. X Rays. Dr. Abraham: t Diseases of the Skin. 5 P.M. : Lecture :-Dr. Moullin: Ectopic - Gestation and Pelvic Haemorrhage. I NORTH-EAST LONDON POST-GRADUATE COLLEGE (Tottenham Hos- t pital, N.).-10.30 A.M.: Clinique :-Medical Out-patient (Dr. Auld). 2.30 P.M : Surgical Operations (Mr. Carson); Cliniques: Gynæcolo- : gical Out-patient (Dr. Giles), Surgical Out-patient (Mr. Edmunds). 4.30 P.lII.: Lecture:-Dr. Giles: Some Difficulties in Gynaecological 5 Diagnosis. , LONDON SCHOOL OF CLINICAL -MEDICINE (Dreadnought Hospital, t Greenwich).-2.30 P.M.: Operations. 2.30 P.M.: Dr. R. T. Hewlett: - Medicine. 3.15 P.M. : Mr. Carless: Surgery. 4 P.M. : Mr. M. Morris: , Diseases of the Skin. Out-patient Demonstrations :-10 A.M.: , Surgical and Medical. 12 noon: Skin. NATIONAL HOSPITAL FOR THE PARALYSED AND EPILEPTIC (Queen- , square, Bloomsbury, W.C.).-3.30 P.M.: Clinical Lecture:—Sir W. Gowers. CHARING CROSS HOSPITAL.-4 P.M. : Demonstration:-Dr. Fenton : . (Medical). (Post-Graduate Course.) t ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN (Albemarle-street, W.).- t 3 P.M.: Prof. W. Stirling: The Visual Apparatus of Man and , Animals. WEDNESDAY (20th).-MEDICAL GRADUATES’ COLLEGE AND POLY- CLINIC (22, Chenies-street, W.C.).-4 P.M.: Mr. C. Ryall: Clinique. , (Surgical.) 5.15 P.M.: Lecture :-Dr. P. Horrocks: The Uterine . Curette and its Uses. . POST-GRADUATE COLLEGE (West London Hospital, Hammersmith- ! road, W.).-10 A.M.: Dr. Ball: Diseases of the Throat, Nose, and ) Ear. Dr. Saunders : Diseases of Children. 2 P.M.: Medical and

Medical Diary for the ensuing Week

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To the Editors of THE LANCET.

SIRS,-I do not know if the inclosed would interest your readers. Itwas presented to me on Christmas Day by an Indian in hospital who hadbeen operated on by my assistant for fissure a day or two previously.The date, spelling, and punctuation are his own. It amused me at the

time, especially as he was doing very well. He had no further troubleafter writing the letter. I am, Sirs, yours faithfully,

j.ort..DOuaa.n, Red Sea, d aLL. 1st, 1907. BDWAUIJ CRISPIN.

(INCLOSURE.]1. Fever every night.2. Stiffening and pricking and continuous pain in the operated

fissure.3. Stool descends with blood and matter but with great difficulty and

pain.4. The glands between the sex and the thies are swollen and paining.5. The legs freezing from the knee to the foot especially the right


6. Pain in the loins beside the abdomen on both the sides and underthe abdomen and the waist and in the back sometimes.

7. General uneasiness sometimes to suffocation and sleeplessness.8. Can’t sit or can’t lie down easily.9. The dressing goes out for more than 20 hours in a day-though

sometimes it may stick well.10. Some softening and calming ointment is advisable for the inside

of the wound so that it may draw out all the matter from inside (asMercury does and there is no fear if the dressing goes out) and keep theplace soft and glissy for the stool to come out easily.

11. Some medicine advisable for purifying and strengthening theblood to get a quick cure as (quinine, Iron, walnut &c do ......



To the Editors of THE LANCET.

SIRS,-Can any of your readers ecommend to me any book dealingwith the medical inspection of school children ? Is there any reliableliterature available on the subject of the education of defective

(mentally) children and of children who stammer? If you could

give me any information on these points through the medium ofTHE LANCET I should be very much obliged.

- - - - - - - --

I am, Sirs, yours faithfully,Feb. llth, 1907.

Tttei2de Ap7tasia.-We have received an interesting note upon thissubject which bears no evidence, direct or inferential, of its author-ship.

COMMUNICATIONS not noticed in our present issue will receive attentionin our next.

Medical Diary for the ensuing Week.OPERATIONS.

METROPOLITAN HOSPITALS.MONDAY (18th).-London (2 P.M.), St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), St.

Thomas’s (3.30 P.M.), St. George’s (2 P.M.), St. Mary’s (2.30 p.:al:.).Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), Westminster (2 P.M.), Chelsea (2 P.M.),Samaritan (Gynaecological, by Physicians, 2 P.M.), Soho-square(2 P.M.), City Orthopaedic (4 P.M.), Gt. Northern Central (2.30 P.M.),West London (2.30 P.M.), London Throat (9.30 A.M.), Royal Free(2 P.M.), Guy’s (1.30 P.M.), Children, Gt. Ormond-street (3 P.M.),St. Mark’s (2.30 P.M.).

TUESDAY (19th).-London (2 P.M.), St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), St.Thomas’s (3.30 P.M.), Guy’s (1.30 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), West-minster (2 P.M.), West London (2.30 P.M.), University College(2 P.M.), St. George’s (1 P.M.), St. Mary’s (1 P.M.), St. Mark’s(2.30 P.M.), Cancer (2 P.M.), Metropolitan (2.30 P.M.), London Throat(9.30 A.M.), Samaritan (9.30 A.M. and 2.30 P.M.), Throat, Golden-square (9.30 A.M.), Soho-square (2 P.M.), Chelsea (2 P.M.), CentralLondon Throat and Ear (2 P.M.). Children. Gt. Ormond-street

(2 P.M.. Ophthalmic, 2.15 P.M.), Tottenham (2.30 P.M.).WEDNESDAY (20th).-St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), University College

(2 P.M.), Royal Free (2 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.). Charing Cross(3 P.M.), St. Thomas’s (2 P.M.), London (2 P.M.), King’s College(2 P.M.), St. George’s (Ophthalmic, 1 P.M.). St. Mary’s (2 P.M.),National Orthopaedic (10 A.M.), St. Peter’s (2 P.M.), Samaritan(9.30 A.M. and 2.30 P.M.), Gt. Northern Central (2.30 P.M.), West-minster (2 P.M.), Metropolitan (2.30 P.M.), London Throat (9.30 A.M.),Cancer (2 P.M.), Throat, Golden-square (9.30 A.M.), Guy’s (1.30 P.M.),Royal Ear (2 P.M.), Royal Orthopaedic (3 P.M.). Children. GtOnnond-street (9.30 A.M., Dental, 2 P.M.), Tottenham (Ophthalmic,2.30 P.M.)

THURSDAY (21st).-St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), St. Thomas’.(3.30 P.M.), University College (2 P.M.), Charing Cross (3 P.M.), St.George’s (1 P.M.), London (2 P.M.), King’s College (2 P.M.), Middlesex(1.30 P.M.), St. Mary’s (2.30 P.M.), Soho-square (2 P.M.). North-Westtendon (2 P.M.), Gt. Northern Central (Gynaecological, 2.30 P.M.),Metropolitan (2.30 P.M.). London Throat (9.30 A.M.). Samaritan(9.30 A.M. and 2.30 P.M.), Throat, Golden-square (9.30 A.M.), Guy’e(1.30 P.M.), Royal Orthopaedic (9 A.M.). Royal Ear (2 P.M.). Children,Gt. Ormond-street (2.30 P.M.), Tottenham (Gynaecological, 2.30 P.M.).

FRIDAY (22nd).-London (2 P.M.), St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), St.Thomas’s (3.30 P.M.), Guy’s (1.30 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.). CharingCross (3 P.M.), St. George’s (1 P.M.), King’s College (2 P.M.), St. Mary’s

(2 P.M.), Ophthalmic (10 A.M.), Cancer (2 P.M.). Chelsea (2 P.M.), Gt.Northern Central (2.30 P.M.), West London (2.30 P.M.), LondonThroat (9.30 A.M.), Samaritan (9.30 A.M. and 2.30 P.M.), Throat,Golden-square (9.30 A.M.), City Orthopaedic (2.30 P.M.), Soho-square(2 P.M.), Central London Throat and Ear (2 P.M.), Children, Gt.Ormond-street (9 A.M., Aural, 2 P.M.), Tottenham (2.30 P.M.).

SATURDAY (23rd).-Royal Free (9 A.M.), London (2 P.M.), Middlesex(1.30 P.M.), St. Thomas’s (2 P.M.), University College (9.15 A.M.),Charing Cross (2 P.M.), St. George’s (1 P.M.), St. Mary’s (10 P.M.),Throat, Golden-square (9.30 A.M.), Guy’s (1.30 P.M.), Children, Gt.Ormond-street (9.30 A.M.).

At the Royal Eye Hospital (2 P.M.), the Royal London Ophthalmic(10 A.M.), the Royal Westminster Ophthalmic (1.30 P.M.), and theCentral London Ophthalmic Hospitals operations are performed daily.


Cavendish-square, W.).-9 P.M. : Lettsomian Lecture :—Dr. C. E.Beevor: The Diagnosis and Localisation of Cerebral Tumours.

TUESDAY (19th).-PATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON (20. Hanover-, square, W.).-8.30 P.M.: Dr. D. Forsyth: The Parathyroid Gland

in Man.-Dr. W L. Harnett: A Histological Study of the HumanParathyroid Gland. -Dr. F. A. Bambridge and Dr. P. R. Parkinson:The Morbid Histology of the Suprarenal Gland.-Dr. W. 0. Meek :A Rare Variety of Cardiac Degeneration.

THERAPEUTICAL SOCIETY (Apothecaries’ Hall, Blackfriars, E.C.).-4.30 P.M.: Ladies’ Day and Conversazione. There will be Various

t Exhibits. Paper :-Dr. Crichton : The Metric System in Prescribingand Dispensing.


square, W.).-8 P.M.: Exhibition of Slides of Marine ZoologicalObjects lent by Mr. Flatters. Papers :—Mr. J. W. Gordon : An

: Early Criticism of the Abbe Theory.-Mr. J. Murray : Some Tardi-grada of the Sikkim Himalaya.-Dr. E. Penard: On Some Rhizo-

: pods from the Sikkim Himalaya.SOCIETY OF ARTS (John-street, Adelphi, W.C.).-8 P.M.: Mr. H.Williams : Cold Storage and Food Supply.

THURSDAY (21st).-NEUROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF THE UNITED KING’DOM (11, Chandos-street, Cavendish-square, W.).-8.30 P.M.: AnnualGeneral Meeting. Election of Officers. Presidential Address :-Dr. C. E. Beevor: The Distribution of the Arteries supplying theHuman Brain.

! FRIDAY (22nd).-BRITISH ELECTBOTHERAPEUTIC SOCIETY (11, Chandos-! street, Cavendish-square, W.) -8 P.M.: Council. 8.30 P.M.: Paper :-) Dr. S. Sloan: Some Physiological Effects of High Frequency

Currents in Disease (illustrated by lantern slides and apparatus).c CLINICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON (20, Hanover-square, W.). -8.30 P.M.:

Mr. R. Johnson and Mr. C. E. Reynolds: Case of Spinal Meningo-cele in an Adult Successfully Treated by Operation after Sponta-neous Rupture had occurred.-Mr. C. H. Fagge: Resection of theJejunum and Colon for Carcinoma of the Former.-Mr. T. H.Kellock : A New Method of Excising the Shoulder-joint.


MONDAY (18th).-MEDICAL GRADUATES’ COLLEGE AND POLYCLINIC(22, Chenies-street, W.C.).-4 P.M. : Mr. G. Pernet: Clinique.

r (Skin.) 5.15 P.M. : Lecture :-Dr. L. Guthrie : Delayed Poisoning byAnaesthetics.

POST-GRADUATE COLLEGE (West London Hospital, Hammersmith-: road, W.).-12 noon: Pathological Demonstration :-Dr. G. C. Low.

2 P.M.: Medical and Surgical Clinics. 2.30 P.M.: Operations. X Rays.Mr. Dunn: Diseases of the Eye. 5 P.M.: Lecture :-Mr. Baldwin:Practical Surgery.

NORTH-EAST LONDON POST-GRADUATE COLLEGE (Tottenham Hos-pital, N.).-9.30 A.M.: Clinique:-Surgical Out-patient (Mr. H.Evans). 2.30 P.M.: Cliniques : Medical Out-patient (Dr. Whipham),Throat, Nose, and Ear (Mr. Carson); X Ray Demonstration (Dr.Pirie).

LONDON SCHOOL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE (Dreadnought Hospital,Greenwich).-2.30 P.M.: Operations. 2.30 P.M.: Sir D. Duckworth:

. Medicine. 3.15 P.M.: Mr. W. Turner: Surgery. 4 P.M.: Dr. StClair, Thomson : Diseases of the Throat, Nose, and Ear. Out-patient, Demonstrations:-10 A.M.: Surgical and Medical. 12 noon: Bar: and Throat. 3.15 p. M.: Special Lecture :-Mr. W. Turner : Abdominal, Catastrophes.

TUESDAY (19th).-MEDICAL GRADUATES’ COLLEGE AND POLYCLINIC, (22, Chenies-street, W.C.).-4 P.M.: Dr. L. Wililams: Clinique.

(Medical.) 5.15 P.M.: Lecture:—Dr. P. Stewart: Disorders of Sleep.. POST-GRADUATE COLLEGE (West London Hospital, Hammersmitn-- road, W.).-10 A.M.: Dr. Moullin: Gynaecology. 2 P.M.:

! Medical and Surgical Clinics. Dr. Ball: Diseases of the Throat, .i Nose, and Ear. 2.30 P.M. : Operations. X Rays. Dr. Abraham:t Diseases of the Skin. 5 P.M. : Lecture :-Dr. Moullin: Ectopic- Gestation and Pelvic Haemorrhage.I NORTH-EAST LONDON POST-GRADUATE COLLEGE (Tottenham Hos-t pital, N.).-10.30 A.M.: Clinique :-Medical Out-patient (Dr. Auld).

2.30 P.M : Surgical Operations (Mr. Carson); Cliniques: Gynæcolo-: gical Out-patient (Dr. Giles), Surgical Out-patient (Mr. Edmunds).

4.30 P.lII.: Lecture:-Dr. Giles: Some Difficulties in Gynaecological5 Diagnosis., LONDON SCHOOL OF CLINICAL -MEDICINE (Dreadnought Hospital,t Greenwich).-2.30 P.M.: Operations. 2.30 P.M.: Dr. R. T. Hewlett:- Medicine. 3.15 P.M. : Mr. Carless: Surgery. 4 P.M. : Mr. M. Morris:, Diseases of the Skin. Out-patient Demonstrations :-10 A.M.:, Surgical and Medical. 12 noon: Skin.

NATIONAL HOSPITAL FOR THE PARALYSED AND EPILEPTIC (Queen-, square, Bloomsbury, W.C.).-3.30 P.M.: Clinical Lecture:—Sir

W. Gowers.CHARING CROSS HOSPITAL.-4 P.M. : Demonstration:-Dr. Fenton :

. (Medical). (Post-Graduate Course.)t ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN (Albemarle-street, W.).-t 3 P.M.: Prof. W. Stirling: The Visual Apparatus of Man and, Animals.

WEDNESDAY (20th).-MEDICAL GRADUATES’ COLLEGE AND POLY-’ CLINIC (22, Chenies-street, W.C.).-4 P.M.: Mr. C. Ryall: Clinique., (Surgical.) 5.15 P.M.: Lecture :-Dr. P. Horrocks: The Uterine. Curette and its Uses.. POST-GRADUATE COLLEGE (West London Hospital, Hammersmith-! road, W.).-10 A.M.: Dr. Ball: Diseases of the Throat, Nose, and) Ear. Dr. Saunders : Diseases of Children. 2 P.M.: Medical and


Surgical Clinics. 2.30 P.M.: Operations. X Rays. Dr. Robinson:Diseases of Women. 5 P.M.: Mr. Ll. Williams: Extractions.

NORTH-EAST LONDON FosT-GRADUATE COLLEGE (Tottenham Hos-pital, N.).-2,30 P.M.: Cliniques :-Dermatological (Dr. Meachen),Ophthalmological (Mr. Brooks), Medical Out-patient (Dr. Whip-ham).

LONDON SCHOOL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE (Dreadnought Hospital,Greenwich).-2.30 P.M.: Operations. 2.30 P.M.: Dr. F. Taylor:Medicine. 3.30 P.M.: Mr. Cargill: Ophthalmology. Out-patientDemonstrations:-10 A.M.: Surgical and Medical. 11 A.M.: Eye.Special Lecture :—Dr. F. Taylor : Leukaemia.

HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTION AND DISEASES OF THE CHEST (Bromp-ton).-4 P.M.: Lecture :-Dr. Maguire: The Treatment of ThoracicAneurysm, with demonstration of selected cases.

THURSDAY (21st).-MEDICAL GRADUATES’ COLLEGE AND POLYCLINIC(22, Chenies-street, W.C.).-4 P.M.: Mr. Hutchinson: Clinique.(Surgical.) 5.15 P.M. : Lecture :-Dr. G. N. Pitt: AssociatedAbdominal and Thoracic Disease.

POST-GRADUATE COLLEGE (West London Hospital, Hammersmith-road, W.).-2 P.M. : Medical and Surgical Clinics. 2.30 P.M.: Opera-tions. X Rays. Mr. Dunn: Diseases of the Eye. 5 P.M.:Lecture :-Dr. R. H. Cole: The Diagnosis and Treatment of GeneralParalysis.

NORTH-EAST LONDON POST-GRADUATE COLLEGE (Tottenham Hos-pital, N.).-2.30 P.M.: Gynaecological Operations (Dr. Giles).Cliniques :-Medical (Dr. Whiting), Surgical Out-patient (Mr.Carson). 3 P.M.: Clinique:-Medical In-patient (Dr. Chappel).4.30 P.M.: Lecture :-Dr. Corner: Mental Disorders associated withPregnancy and Parturition.

LONDON SCHOOL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE (Dreadnought Hospital,Greenwich).-2.30 P.M.: Operations. 2.30 P.M.: Dr. G. Rankin :Medicine. 3.15 P.M.: Sir W. Bennett: Surgery. 4 P.M.: Dr. H.Cooper: Radiography. Out-patient Demonstrations :-10 A.M.:

Surgical and Medical. 12 noon : Ear and Throat.ST. JOHN’S HOSPITAL FOR DISEASES OF THE SKIN (Leicester-square,W.C.).-6 P.M.: Chesterfield Lecture :-Dr. M. Dockrell: Fungous I,Diseases of the Skin : I., Tinea Circinata ; II., Inbricata, Versicolor ’,III., Erythrasma; IV., Actinomycosis; V., Madura Foot.

CHARING CROSS HOSPITAL.-4 P.M.: Mr. Clogg: Demonstration(Surgical). (Post-Graduate Course.)

HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN (Gt. Ormond-street, W.C.).-4 P.M.:Lecture:-Dr. Thompson: Mitral Stenosis.

FRIDAY (22nd).-MEDICAL GRADUATES’ COLLEGE AND POLYCLINIC(22, Chenies-street, W.C.).-4 P.M.: Mr. L. Lack: Clinique.(Throat.)

POST-GRADUATE COLLEGE (West London Hospital, Hammersmith-road, W.).-10 A.M.: Dr. Moullin: Gynaecology. 2 P.M.:Medical and Surgical Clinics. Dr. Ball: Diseases of the Throat,Nose, and Ear. 2.30 P.M.: Operations. X Rays. Dr. Abraham:Diseases of the Skin. 5 P.M.: Lecture :-Dr. Abraham: Cases of SkinDisease.

NORTH-EAST LONDON POST-GRADUATE COLLEGE (Tottenham Hos-pital, N.).-9.30 A.M.: Clinique:-Surgical Out-patient (Mr. H.Evans). 2.30 P.M.: Surgical Operations (Mr. Edmunds). Cliniques:-Medical Out-patient (Dr. Auld), Ophthalmological (Mr. Brooks).3 P.M.: Clinique :-Medical In-patient (Dr. Leslie).

LONDON SCHOOL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE (Dreadnought Hospital,Greenwich).-2.30 P.M.: Operations. 2.30 P.M.: Dr. R. Bradford:Medicine. 3.15 P.M.: Mr. McGavin: Surgery. Out-patient Demon-strations:-10 A.M.: Surgical and Medical. 12 noon: Skin.

NATIONAL HOSPITAL FOR THE PARALYSED AND EPILEPTIC (Queen-square, Bloomsbury, W.C.).-3.30 P.M.: Clinical Lecture :-Dr.A. Turner : Disseminated Sclerosis.

SATURDAY (23rd).-POST-GRADUATE COLLEGE (West London Hos-pital, Hammersmith-road, W.).-10 A.M.: Dr. Ball: Diseases of theThroat, Nose, and Ear. 2 P.M.: Medical and Surgical Clinics.2.30 P.M.: Operations. X Rays. Dr. Robinson: Diseases of_Women.

LONDON SCHOOL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE (Dreadnought Hospital,Greenwich.)-2.30 P.M.: Operations. Out-patient Demonstrations:-10 A..M.: Surgical and Medical. 11 A.M.: Eye.

ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN (Albemarle-street, W.).-3 P.M. Prof. J. J. Thomson: Rontgen, Cathode, and Positive Rays.

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