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    Step 7: Paragraphs

    Choose a singular focus

    Each paragraph should have a clear, singular focus to it. If there is an overriding error

    students make in writing essays, it is shifting topics within the same paragraph, rather

    than continuing to develop the same idea they began with. paragraph is a discrete unit

    of thought that e!pands one specific idea, not three or four. If you find yourself shifting

    gears to start a new topic, begin a new paragraph instead.

    Someone once compared the beginning of a new paragraph to the changing angle of a

    wall. "hen the angle of the wall changes, a new wall begins. #et your paragraphs belike that wall: running straight along a certain angle, and beginning anew when the

    angle changes.

    Begin with a topic sentence

    $othing will help you keep a tighter focus on your paragraphs than topic sentences.

    topic sentence is generally the first sentence of the paragraph, and it describes the

    claim or point of the paragraph, thus orienting the reader to the purpose of theparagraph. "hen you use topic sentences, your reader will invariably find it easier to

    follow your thoughts and argument. s an e!ample, look at the first sentences of each

    paragraph on this page. %he entire paragraph is focused around the stated topic

    sentence. dditionally, headings are used to make it even clearer and easier to follow. If

    you&re writing a long research essay '() * pages+, you might consider using headings.

    Develop the idea

    Invariably students shift topics and lose focus within their paragraphs because they do

    not know how to adeuately develop their ideas. %hey usually know the paragraph

    needs to be longer, but they don&t know how to e!pand their idea to fill that length.

    Indeed a paragraph should be at least half a page long, but usually no more than one

    page. -ow, then, if you don&t have enough to say, do you fill that paragraph length


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    Instead of broadening the focus, which will only be another form of topic shifting, try

    implementing these techniues for development:

    illustrate your idea with e!amples

    give an authoritative uotation

    anticipate and respond to counterarguments

    back your ideas with more evidence

    offer another perspective to the idea

    brainstorm more insights about the idea

    elaborate on causes/effects, definitions,


    Practice with paragraphs

    Step 0: %he 1onclusion

    Recap your main idea

    If your essay was long and comple!, sometimes difficult to follow, in the conclusion

    you&ll want to recap your ideas in a clear, summari2ing manner. 3ou want your readers

    to understand the message you intended to communicate. -owever, if your essay was

    short and simple, don&t insult your readers by restating at length the ideas they already

    understand. Strike a balance according to what you feel your readers need. In a short

    essay '4)) words or less+, any recapitulation should be brief 'about 5 sentences+, and

    rephrased in a fresh way, not 6ust cut and pasted from the thesis.

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    Leave a memorable impression

    It&s not enough 6ust to restate your main ideas if you only did that and then ended your

    essay, your conclusion would be flat and boring. 3ou&ve got to make a gracefule!it from

    your essay by leaving a memorable impression on the reader. 3ou need to say

    something that will continue to simmer in the reader&s minds long after he or she has put

    down your essay. %o leave this memorable impression, try . . .

    giving a thoughtprovoking uotation

    describing a powerful image

    talking about conseuences or implications

    stating what action needs to be done

    ending on an interesting twist of thought

    e!plaining why the topic is important

    Keep it short

    8eep your conclusion short, probably ten lines or less, and avoid fluff. 3ou&re 6ust trying

    to make a clever e!it, and presumably all the really important points have been made

    previously in your essay. 3ou should not introduce any totally new ideas in the

    conclusion9 however, you should not merely repeat your thesis either. %his situation

    not presenting anything new, and neither 6ust sticking with the old at first seems to be

    a parado!. -owever, with a little effort, one of the above si! methods will usually yield a

    uiet 2inger, as ;ohn %ribble calls it.

    Examples of Real Conclusions

    1. Ending on an image

    %oday, as the phonographs which follow prove, the mystiue of the cat is still very much

    alive in the Egyptian environment.

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    =uslim world, as apparently >od inspired man to write its namei, t, t in rabic letters

    in such a shape that it looks like a cat

    #orraine 1hittock, Cairo Cats

    2. Restating the thesis in a fresh way

    If this book has any future use, it will be as a modest contribution to that challenge, and

    as a warning: that systems of thought like ?rientalism, discourses of power, ideological

    fictionsmindforg&d manaclesare all too easily made, applied, and guarded. bove all, I

    hope to have shown my reader that the answer to ?rientalism is not ?ccidentalism. $o

    former ?riental will be comforted by the thought that having been an ?riental himself

    he is likelytoo likelyto study new ?rientalsor ?ccidentalsof his own making. If the

    knowledge of ?rientalism has any meaning, it is in being a reminder of the seductive

    degradation of knowledge, of any knowledge, anywhere, at any time. $ow perhaps

    more than before.

    Orientalism,Edward Said

    3. Ending on an image

    "hen one reads any strongly individual piece of writing, one has the impression of

    seeing a face somewhere behind the page. It is not necessarily the actual face of the

    writer. I feel this very strongly with Swift, with @efoe, with

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    nineteenthcentury liberal, a free intelligence, a type hated with eual hatred by all the

    smelly little orthodo!ies which are now contending for our souls.

    1harles @ickens, >eorge ?rwell

    4. Ending on a quotation

    popular tale, which I picked up in >eneva during the last years of "orld "ar I, tells of

    =iguel Servet&s reply to the inuisitors who had condemned him to the stake: I will

    burn, but this is a mere event. "e shall continue our discussion in eternity.

    ;orge #uis Aorges, Nonfictions

    . !o"ing towards the general

    %he practice of rhetoric involves a careful attention to the characteristics and

    preferences of the audience for whom the writer intends the message. lthough Syfers&

    and #impus& essays might be somewhat out of place for a contemporary audience, in

    the (B7)s they were not. -owever, as argued throughout this essay, it is Syfers&

    memorable sarcasm and wit that ultimately win over her audience. Aeing humorous

    while also driving home a worthwhile point is a difficult feat to accomplish in writing.

    Aecause Syfers accomplishes it so well, she seems to have stepped over the

    boundaries of time and reached a much larger audience than she may have originally


    imitation of a student essay

    #. $al%ing a&out im'lications or consequences

    I am uite convinced that what hinders progress in the rab world is the absence of a

    free press. %he dirt in our society has been swept under the carpet for too long. Aut I am


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    certain that this won&t be the case for much longer. rabs are beginning to engage in

    lively debate over their political and social predicament. nd l;a2eera offers a ray of

    hope. lready, other rab stations are imitating %he ?pposite @irection, though with

    limitations. Press freedom leads to political freedom. Someday, in spite of the attempts

    by today&s totalitarian rulers, a free rab press may help to create real democracy in the

    rab world.

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    If you uote ;ones, Smith, and ;ohnson in your essay, these three authors should

    appear with full documentation on the "orks 1ited pagel. @on&t forget them. #ikewise,

    all the authors or sources listed in the "orks 1ited page should appear in the body of

    your essay. %here should be no sources listed on the "orks 1ited page that were not

    cited in your actual essay.

    $ %nly &uote catchy or memorable phrases or sentences

    If the source you&re uoting is unremarkable and dry in its e!pression or opinion, don&tbring that unremarkable, dry te!t into your own writing as well. Paraphrase this material

    instead, and follow up your paraphrase with the author&s name in parentheses 'or the

    article title, if there is no author+. ?nly uote catchy, memorable, uotable phrases, and

    keep the uotations short one or two lines usually. In general you want to uote

    sparingly and preserve your own voice.

    ' Don(t rely too much on the same source

    If you have four or five uotes from the same

    author, your reader will eventually 6ust desire to

    read that author instead. %oo much uoting also

    compromises your own voice and sense of authority about the issue. Dather than

    limiting your research to one or two authors, draw upon a wide variety of sources, and

    uote only snippets from each. -aving variety will ensure that you are well read in the

    sub6ect and that you&ve e!amined the issue from multiple perspectives.

    ) *ollow up your &uotations with commentary+ interpretation+ or analysis

    void 6ust dropping in the uotation and then immediately moving on, assuming the

    reader fully understands the meaning, purpose, and application of the uotation 6ust

    presented. 3ou almost always should comment on the uotation in some way, even if


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    your commentary is a simple ree!planation of what the uotation means 'In other

    words . . .+. Demember that you&re taking the uotation from an article you&ve read, but

    the reader only gets a glimpse of that whole article and lacks the conte!t that you have,

    so it might be more difficult for the reader to understand it. Aecause the essay is

    supposed to representyourideas, not 6ust those of another, you must find some way to

    comment or analy2e what you summari2e or uote.

    , -se signal phrases to introduce your &uotations

    signal phrase is a clause before the uotation that identifies the author 'e.g., ;ones

    says, or ccording to ;ones . . .+. Signal phrases are essential to create a bridge

    between your own voice and that of another you are incorporating into your essay. If

    you identify the author in the signal phrase, don&t also identify author in parentheses

    following the uotation. ?nce is enough.

    lso, don&t put the article title in the signal phrase unless you want to draw particular

    attention it. Including the article title in your signal phrase usually results in a long,

    clunky preuote phrase that takes the focus off the uotation.

    E(am'le of a clun%y 're)quote signal 'hrase* ccording to the article

    1ensorship in merican -igh School Deading 1lasses, %wain&s -uckleberry

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    'ecial note))qtd. in* Suppose you&re using a uotation that appears inside an article

    written by someone other than the one saying the uotation. In other words, if you&re

    using, say, ;udge "illiam&s uotation that appears within =ary ;ones& article, you cite it

    by writing td. in following the uote. If so, write td. in ;ones, or whomever.

    E!ample: ccording to ;udge "illiams, 6ust law is the foundation of a 6ust

    society 'td. in ;ones+.

    If ;ones is 6ust paraphrasing "illiams, then you would omit the td. in and 6ust write


    .ractice/Dead @iana -acker&s sample research essayand identify as many instances

    as you can where the above five principles are used.

    Step Ba: 1itation

    uick ;ump =enu

    @irect uotation


    =i!ed uotation


    #inks F Practice

    %here are three main ways to integrate uotations into your essay: '(+ direct uotation,

    '5+ paraphrase, and 'G+ mi!ed uotation. 3ou should usually paraphrase the material,

    and only directly uote it or give a mi!ed uotation when the phrasing of the uotation is

    interesting or catchy in some pleasing way uote when the te!t is uotable, in other

    words 'like the uotation on the homepage of this site+.

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    1 Direct 0uotation

    @irect uotation involves uoting word for word one or more sentences from an author

    or source."hen you uote, be sure to introduce your uotation with a signal phrase.

    signal phrase is a clause that lets the reader know who the author or source is. In the

    following e!amples of direct uotation, note how the signal phrases precede the


    ccording to 8arl =enninger, a

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    s far as signal phrases and paraphrasing go, when you paraphrase you can choose

    whether or not to use a signal phrase. If you do not use a signal phrase, you must

    identify the author in parentheses following the paraphrase. -ere are a few e!amples:

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    I have compiled a number of websites, "ord documents, and Powerpoints on =#

    style, created by different instructors and organi2ations who present the comple!ities of

    inte!t citation and works cited.

    3ou can also do some practices with inte!t citation.

    Step (): #anguage

    ccording to %ruman 1apote, %he greatest pleasure of writing is not what it&s about, but

    the music the words make. s you edit the language of your essay, you are trying to

    make music out of the words.

    In this step the content of your essay should besolid. If the idea itself needs discarding, you

    shouldn&t be tweaking the language9 it would be

    a waste of time working on transitions if the

    organi2ation and structure of your essay were

    in need of repair. -ence editing the language of

    your essay comes last. -ere you are putting

    polish on a shoe that has already been sewn.

    Editing the language can be tedious, but it is essential. 3ou&ve got to proofread your

    essays do2ens of times to catch all the rough spots and language errors. s you

    proofread you will be checking for misspellings, poor mechanics, bad grammar,

    awkward word flow and numerous other linguistic details that you can improve.

    Proofreading the language may take hours as you attempt to polish your language to

    the point that it is pleasing to read and has literary style.

    3ive 4our Eyes Rest

    %he more you read your essay, the more blind you become to it. Soon you stop reading

    the words on the page and only begin reading what&s in your mind, which you falsely

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    transpose onto the page. %he actual letters could be

    -ebrew, or >reek, for all it matters at that point.

    @on&t keep reading hour after hour until your mind

    registers the entire te!t at a glance, without seeing the

    details. "hat you must do is rest your eyes9 take a

    break. >ive yourself a day or two between revisions.

    '%his is why you should not procrastinate your

    assignments.+ "hen you come back to your essay with

    fresh eyes and a renewed perspective, you will see with added clarity all the rough

    phrasings and strange ideas that your eyes once glided over.

    Know #hat to Loo" *or

    3ou can read your essay a thousand times over, but if you don&t know what you&re

    looking for, you will probably miss all the errors you&re attempting to find. If you&re going

    to work hard, make sure you&re putting all your energy to a productive use. 8now what

    to look for when you proofread. See the criteria in the >rades sectionof this site. %here

    are twelve areas to look for: logic, evidence, development, focus, structure, unity,

    integration, inte!t citation, works cited, grammar, clarity, style. 1heck off each categoryas you e!amine your essay. nother help for proofreading is to ask yourself the same

    uestions in the Peer Deview, conducting instead a selfreview.

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    from others on ideas and language, your friend or family member cannot take upon the

    role of an editor, changing your sentences and thoughts to reflect a linguistic and

    analytical level that is not yours and which is beyond your ability. Passing off another&s

    language as your own even if the ideas remain original to your own mind is

    considered plagiarism. 3our work must be your own, and that includes the language and

    style, not 6ust content.

    8nowing that the work is your own, and that it represents your highest level of

    performance, you will feel a sense of achievement and personal growth that perhaps

    you have not e!perienced before. Each essay should seem to you that it is your best

    work to date. ?nly when you feel this way is the paper done.

    1ontinue on to editing your language for clarity, style, and grammar.

    Stage ()a: 1larity

    uick ;ump =enu

    %opic sentences


    $eedless words




    -se topic sentences

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    what the topic of the paragraph will be. Msing topic sentences to signpost your

    meaning will orient the reader and help him or her follow comfortably along your path of


    3ou will discover that when a writer uses topic sentences, you can skim the entire essay

    and still understand the main points. %he ne!t time you read a long essay, try reading

    only the first one or two sentences of each paragraph. 3ou will rarely be lost or confused

    if the topic sentences make clear what the purpose of each paragraph is.

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    ?mit needless wordsN ?mit needless wordsN %his was the constant advice, says E.A.

    "hite, of his former professor, "illiam Strunk. "hite says Strunk would occasionally

    grab a student by the lapels and shout this phrase several times, but then be almost

    restricted from elaborating more for fear of violating the very principle he was teaching.

    Omit needless words, write with concision, ma%e your sentences succinct, cut out the

    fat, remo"e the deadwood, ma%e e"ery word 'ull its own weight these common

    phrases are all intended to convince students to streamline their prose with more

    efficiency and power by removing unnecessary words.

    In Strunk&s own words, Cigorous writing is concise. sentence should contain no

    unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a

    drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. Inother words, if you bought a new car and looked under the hood, you would be appalled

    to see unnecessary, functionless parts. Similarly in an essay, all sentences and

    paragraphs must have an essential function and purpose.

    1oncision can also be understood through the metaphor of dilution. word by itself has

    a sense of power, but when combined with other words, the power of that word is

    diluted by the presence of the other words, each of which is fighting for the reader&s

    attention. If you want to focus the reader&s attention, don&t dilute your best words with

    unnecessary phrases and elaborations. In this way, more can be less.

    Needless 0ords* good basketball player is not necessarily one who is tall and

    dominating on the floor, or who has more height than the other players 'e.g., 4&7

    and above+, but rather one who is keen enough to perceive strengths and

    weaknesses on the court, can see mismatches, liabilities, weak spots, and knows as

    well how to capitali2e on his or her own strengths, be they speed, uickness, or

    e!plosive driving power.

    Concise* good basketball player is not necessarily one who is tall and dominating, but

    rather one who can perceive strengths and weaknesses on the court, can see

    mismatches, liabilities, weak spots, and knows as well how to capitali2e on his or her

    own strengths, be they speed, uickness, or e!plosive driving power.


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    u'er Concise* good basketball player needs prudence more than height.

    Needless 0ords* Dugby players must be fully prepared and always ready to

    immolate their almost already wartorn bodies in sacrifice, in diving ruthlessly for the

    leather ball, blocking with their arms e!tended and their legs firmly planted on the

    ground, always moving with tenacity and vigor and enthusiasmacross the e!pansive

    green lawn, for the good of the team and the honor of the sport itself. #ong live the


    Concise*Dugby players must be fully prepared to immolate their bodies in sacrifice, in

    diving ruthlessly for the ball, blocking with their arms e!tended and their legs firmly

    planted, always moving with tenacity and vigor across the e!pansive green lawn, for the

    good of the team and the honor of the sport itself.

    u'er Concise* Dugby players sacrifice their bodies for the game.

    Establish emphasis

    Subordination and coordination allow you to em'hasi

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    Coordinating Clauses* %he train improved the mobility and efficiency of travel, and it

    put many cowboys out of work. /-oth clauses ha"e equal em'hasis.

    u&ordinating Clauses* Even though many cowboys were out of work, they began

    a new culture of city dwelling that drew them together with social strength. /$he red

    clause has less em'hasis.

    Coordinating Clauses* =any cowboys were out of work, but they began a new culture

    of city dwelling that drew them together with social strength.

    u&ordinating Clauses* "hile many thought the cowboy era was over, the new

    city cowboys proved to be a vital, powerful force in merican unpopular culture. /$he red

    clause has less em'hasis.

    Coordinating Clauses* =any thought the cowboy era was over, yet the new city

    cowboys proved to be a vital, powerful force in merican unpopular culture.

    -se Rhythm

    If you really want to get fancy with emphasis, you can e!periment with periodic and

    cumulative sentences. Periodic and cumulative sentences are two advanced options for

    creating a strong sense of rhythm and emphasis in your sentence. %he periodic

    sentence is one in which the main clause is considerably delayed, whereas the

    cumulative sentence opens uickly with the main clause, and then adds on multiple

    nonrestrictive clauses after it.

    6eriodic sentence*Sigmund erman psychologist born in the late nineteenth

    century, and famous for his controversial theories about earlychildhood psychological

    formation and other adult disorders, including suicide, patricide, and matricide, omitted

    essential data formulating his theories.

    Cumulati"e sentence* Sigmund ermany, where he was born.


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    6eriodic sentence* pparently 1oca1ola, which is currently used by its own

    manufacturers to clean out the engines of their trucks, as well as remove toilet stains,

    purify the stomach of uestionable bacteria, and marinate steak in several hours

    'frightening facts about a substance harmlessly and thoughtlessly consumed by millions

    of people around the world+, originally it was laced with cocaine.

    Cumulati"e sentence*pparently 1oca1ola once contained cocaine, which in the

    early twentieth century was not thought to be harmful taken in small doses, especially

    when the dose was only (/()) of a grain per bottle, hardly something to give one a

    heavy addiction, yet still strong enough to mildly lure one to consuming the soda, which

    was not so different from various medicines at the time, also containing slight trace

    amounts of cocaine, practically unavoidable byproducts from cocoa leaves.

    Cumulati"e*I wish I could give you fresh material, but I can&t, said =a! 8ing, another

    classmate, who went on to edit %he Philadelphia Inuirer and now, by coincidence, is

    president of the -ein2 Endowments, the wealthy Pittsburgh charity of which =r. 8erry&s

    wife, %eresa, is the chairwoman. '$he New >or% $imes,(4 =ay 5)), Prep School


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    probably clear and easy to follow. ?n the other hand, if you can&t see yourself saying

    what you&ve written to anyone, consider revising it to make it more readable. >o back

    and revise your sentences to make them friendlier, clearer, more straightforward.

    Step ()b: Style

    3our style is the fingerprint of your writing and consists of a number of comprising

    elements. s you edit your essay for style, pay attention to these si! areas:

    Personal references


    Sentence length

    Se!ist pronouns

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    In addition to providing a weak argument, using I also takes the focus off the sub6ect

    and places it on you, the writer, which is sometimes desired in creative writing, but

    undesirable in an academic essay where the focus is supposed to be on a specific

    topic. 3ou can usually recast your sentence in a way that omits personal references, but

    if the sentence 6ust doesn&t sound right without I, then leave it in. It&s better to be self

    centered than unreadable.

    6ersonal References* In my opinion,gay marriage threatens the institution of

    marriage and the essential structure of the family, which is the fabric of society.

    Re"ised* >ay marriagethreatens the institution of marriage and the essential

    structure of the family, which is the fabric of society.

    6ersonal References*I think thatsociety is held together by allowing individuals

    to live as they which, not by constricting laws.

    Re"ised*Society is held together by allowing individuals to live as they which, not

    by constricting laws.

    Diction/ Choose the right words

    Students learning to use a thesaurus often use it e!cessively and incorrectly in their

    selection of words. 8nowing that all synonyms do not mean the same thing that each

    synonym has a subtle nuance of meaning making it distinct from the other words will

    help you avoid random substitutions of words that merely seem to look better. Msing

    good diction in your essay involves choosing e!actly the right word for the meaning you

    want. If you&re unsure of a word&s meaning, look it up in an online dictionaryor download

    a dictionary to your computer.

    6oor ?iction* @evlin&s essay predicates that a society consists of a group of

    people brought together by a common set of morals and assurances.

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    -etter ?iction*@evlin&s essay assertsthat a society consists of a group of people

    brought together by a common set of morals and beliefs.

    6oor ?iction* -art responds that @evlin&s essay is nothing more than a babble

    and malentendu of what a society is.

    -etter ?iction* -art responds that @evlin&s essay is nothing more than a

    confusionand misunderstandingof what a society is.

    7ary your sentence length

    1hoppiness is the effect of multiple short sentences in a row giving a sense of

    breathlessness and childlike simplicity. 1ontrastingly, the opposite multiple,

    successive elongated sentences one after another gives a sense of neverending

    lung power and pompous sophistication. short sentence can be a good option for the

    content you&re writing, 6ust as a long one can as well. %he key is to mi( them u' so that

    you have some short sentences and some long alternating with each other. %his variety

    will give rhythm to your prose.

    Cho''y sentences* ;ohn turned on the computer. -e opened

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    costly for color photos, while the web would be too dull for merely black and

    white, but this color vs. noncolor dilemma was only the tip of the iceberg for

    ;ohn in

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    she, but if you need to write he or she more than twice in the sentence, you might

    give your reader a headache. %ry to avoid s/he or he/she simply because it is

    unsightly. Deally the best solution is plurali2ation. '"hen implementing the plural

    solution, remember the principle of agreement.Everyone needs their umbrella is not

    grammatical, because everyone is a singular sub6ect.+

    o e(ist* If a medical student wants to succeed, he has to learn to budget his time


    o @i&erated* If medical students want to succeed, they haveto learn to budget his

    time wisely.

    o e(ist*If one wants to become a @;, he has to be familiar with the current music

    styles and have a strong sense of internal rhythm and musical flow.

    o @i&erated* If one wants to become a @;, he or she has to be familiar with the

    current music styles and have a strong sense of internal rhythm and musical flow.

    o e(ist* good computer programmer has to root his knowledge in practical


    o @i&erated* >ood computer programmers have to root their knowledge in practical


    !aintain a level of formality

    ;ust as in in daily life, in writing you naturally ad6ust the level of formality of your writing

    style to the situation and audience. 3ou may use one level of formality with your teacher,

    and another level with your best friend. In an academic essay, be sure to maintain a

    formal voice. ?ne way to ad6ust your level of formality is by avoiding contractions 'i.e.,

    using do not instead of don&t+. -owever, it is acceptable to use contractions if you

    desire to.

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    ;y'er)formal* %he degree to which private controversial moralities are

    decriminali2ed by the federal government depends on the e!tent of their in6urious

    repercussions on an otherwise benign society.

    $oo informal*%he feds will start putting pervs and whores in the slammer if they

    feel their smutty actions are mi!in& up good men and women.

    Aust right*"hether private immoralities are outlawed by the government or not

    depends on the harm they inflict on public society.

    6void emotionalism

    In addition to a formal voice, you should also maintain a coolheaded, ob6ective tone.

    %one usually becomes an issue when you are writing about hot topics you feel strongly

    about religion, for e!ample, or cultural values. Even when you strongly disagree with

    an idea, avoid getting emotional in your e!pression. void seeming angry, or

    condescending, or rude. 8eep your calm and remain scholarly, and try to portray

    yourself as one who is ob6ectively assessing the situation.

    Emotional* "e mustdo everything we can to legali2e gay marriage.

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    Step ()c: >rammar

    s you edit the grammar of your essay, you should particularly focus on the grammar

    concepts that your teacher has previously marked on your papers.

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    Correction*%hey looked up at the constellations and could see a multitude of

    different patterns/?rion, the Aig @ipper, 1assiopia, and the Aear.


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    1. Bse a comma after an introductory clause.

    "hen Sally opened her eyes and looked around her she thought she was in a


    Correction* "hen Sally opened her eyes and looked around her, shethought she

    was in a dream.

    Seeing Sally return to full composure

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    Sallyshair needed washing.

    Correction*Sally&s hair needed washing.

    ?nesneed for companionship is second only to onesneed for food.

    Correction*?ne&s need for companionship is second only to one&sneed for food.

    %he lifeguardstower chairs were empty due to the lack of people on the beach.

    Correction*%he lifeguard&stower chairs were empty due to the lack of people on

    the beach.

    Practice with possessives

    .ronoun 6greement/Pronoun agreement errors occur when the pronoun and the

    corresponding sub6ect do not match up. Plural sub6ects have plural pronouns, and

    singular sub6ects have singular pronouns.

    If a boy wants to impress a girl, theybetter do more than build sandcastles.

    Correction* If a boy wants to impress a girl, he better do more than build


    "hen someone is lonely, theyusually go on a picnic.

    Correction* "hen someone is lonely, he or she usually goes on a picnic.

    $ote: %he following pronouns are singular pronouns: anyone, everyone, whoever,

    someone, no one, nobody.

    Practice with pronoun agreement

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    Correction*Sally went to the beach, and she had a picnic there.

    %he weather at the beach was rather windy, you had to keep a hold of your hat or

    it would blow off.

    Correction*%he weather at the beach was rather windy, so you had to keep a

    hold of your hat or it would blow off.

    Practice with runons


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    Correction*%here are a few thingsI hate.