Influencer Contact Management Global Contacts Access to media database of more than 28,000 journalists and bloggers in the UK, and an additional 360,000 globally View detailed profile information and export details Create custom distribution lists Search by name, region, job title and publication Receive statistics and analysis on your release, e.g., open rate, bounce backs, etc Use keyword search functionality to identify trending topics With more than 24,000 customers, Meltwater is the leading provider of media intelligence solutions. Meltwater is your one-stop shop, providing global media monitoring, big data analysis, social media monitoring, an international influencer contact database and broadcast monitoring. With offices in 27 countries, we offer our customers an international service, at a personal and local level, from our offices in London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Dublin. Search and Insights Identify new contacts and build relationships Database updated daily by dedicated in-house team Journalist search by name, outlet, beat or location Gain a current overview of the latest articles from various influencers Find and target journalist writing about specific keywords, competitors, etc. to help combat out-of-date lists Benefit from in-depth training and consultation About Meltwater Search and Insights: Cross reference relevant topics with influencer content. Global Contacts: Reach out for the most relevant media contacts for tailored topics. Go to www.meltwater.com and talk to us about achieving your business goals

Meltwater New Platform

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Influencer Contact Management

Global Contacts







Search and Insights





About Meltwater

Search and Insights: Cross reference relevant topics with influencer content.

Global Contacts: Reach out for the most relevant media contacts for tailored topics.

Go to www.meltwater.com and talk to us about achieving your business goals

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Targeted approach: Use Natural Language Processing (NLP) to search existing articles.

Analysis: Analyse the readership to reach your target audience.


Package Prices

Meltwater Influencer Contact Management: Meltwatermakesitsimpleandeasytofindthoughtleadersfromprint,blogsandsocialmedia.Weoffertheindustry‘smostuniquesolutiontobettertargetjournalistsusingkeywordsearchingonrelatedcontentandnaturallanguageprocessing(NLP).Withinfluencercontactmanagement,Meltwaterdeliverstargetedjournalistinformationandproducesreliable,smartpressreleasedistributionlists.


Go to www.meltwater.com and talk to us about achieving your business goals

Page 3: Meltwater New Platform

Social PackageEngage




















About Meltwater

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Engage: Find and join in with conversations about your industry, brand and community.

Publish: Create compelling content for all channels.

Analyse: Measure social ROI and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Package Prices


Go to www.meltwater.com and talk to us about achieving your business goals

Meltwater Listen, Analyse and Engage:Meltwater‘ssocialmediasuiteoffersallthetoolsyouneedforsocialmediamanagement.



Page 5: Meltwater New Platform

Media IntelligenceListen














About Meltwater

Go to www.meltwater.com and talk to us about achieving your business goals

Create Reports: At the click of a button, create a visual representation of your work

Stay Ahead: Learn the latest insights and trends before others in the industry

Page 6: Meltwater New Platform


Listen: Process all important information at a glance.

Understand: Keep ahead of industry news, market trends and your company’s brand impact.

Benchmark: Recognise where you stand compared to competition.

Go to www.meltwater.com and talk to us about achieving your business goals

The Meltwater Media Intelligence Platform:Meltwaterprovidesglobalmediaintelligence,monitoringmorethan270,000onlinenewssourcesand300millioninsightsonFacebook,Twitter,YouTube,blogs,Instagramandforums.


Package Prices