Registered with the Department of Human Services Print Post Approved 350190 / 00023 ISSN 0816 7877 see inside back cover for more 1 in 5 will be affected with mental illness. 5 in 5 can help. You can help by joining mifriend mi voice winter 2010 issue118 membership matters it’s renewal time again p10 schizophrenia awareness week celebrate families at the bruce woodcock memorial lecture p4 inside out breakthrough play comes to Melbourne p5

MI Voice Winter Edition

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MI Voice Winter Edition 2010

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Page 1: MI Voice Winter Edition

Registered with the Department of Human Services Print Post Approved 350190 / 00023 ISSN 0816 7877

see inside back cover for more1 in 5 will be affected with mental illness. 5 in 5 can help. You can help by joining mifriend


winter 2010issue 118

membership matters it’s renewal time again p10

schizophrenia awareness week

celebrate families at the bruce woodcock memorial lecture p4

inside out breakthrough play comes to Melbourne p5

Page 2: MI Voice Winter Edition

I am delighted to announce that Australian of the

Year, Professor Patrick McGorry, has agreed to be the

keynote speaker for our Annual General Meeting on

Tuesday 9 November 2010.

As you may know, MI Fellowship Board has been

reviewing governance processes for some time now, and

the most recent to be looked at is our Board election

process. The Board has consulted with our Returning

Officer, Mr Bernie Feely. A summary of key dates in the

process identified by Mr Feely can be found in this edition

of mi voice on page 10. We will be calling for nominations

for positions in the next edition of mi voice.

Over the past few months you may have seen an active

debate in the newspapers about Social Housing and

Affordable Housing. The terms may sound like they refer

to the same thing but are actually different. Affordable

Housing refers to publicly-funded housing available to

people on a household income of up to $70,000 a year.

Social Housing, on the other hand, refers to publically-

funded housing that is managed through not-for-profit

charities where an individual pays no more than 27 to 30

per cent of their pension on housing.

“The Board believes housing for people with mental illness should be scattered across all forms of housing to avoid creating ghettos of disadvantage and negative community impact.”

Social Housing continues to be a key issue for MI

Fellowship’s Board, in particular the placement of this

form of housing. The Board believes housing for people

with mental illness should be scattered across all forms

of housing to avoid creating ghettos of disadvantage and

negative community impact. Housing needs to be built

where there are amenities, including public transport,

shops and other vital services where jobs and education

opportunities are available.

At the Board’s last meeting we resolved again that housing

and support for people who have multiple and complex

needs is inadequate and agreed that advocacy for this group

will continue to be a key agenda item for the Board’s Policy

& Advocacy Committee.

For further details of our advocacy position and data

collection on the current housing situation of the people we

support, see Elizabeth Crowther’s report on page 3.

from our president


Appropriate housing continues to be a central issue for many people with a mental illness.



contents from our chief executive p3 | schizophrenia awareness week p4-5 | employment programs p6 | advocacy p7 | people and their stories p8 | news bites p9 | membership matters p10 | board p11 | Front cover photo: Matthew Aberline4

winter 2010

The Hon. Robert Knowles AO


Page 3: MI Voice Winter Edition


from our chief executive

Recently, the Australian Government

announced in its Nation Building -

Economic Stimulus Plan that 4,500 public

homes would be built in Victoria by June

2012. While this may be good news overall,

there has not been adequate provision to

resolve the appalling housing situation for

people with a mental illness.

For some time, MI Fellowship has

been collecting data about the housing

circumstances of people we support and

building an advocacy position. We believe that

there are two distinct problems: appropriate

access to permanent housing stock; and

effective support and specialised housing for

people who have complex issues with mental

illness and substance abuse.

“Research tells us that at least 15,000 people with mental illnesses in Victoria are in inappropriate housing, many of whom are at risk of becoming homeless. A minimum of 30 per cent of homeless people have a mental illness.”

To address the access issue we have

formed a working group with MIND, NEAMI,

HomeGround Services and Doutta Galla

Community Health to develop strategies

to advocate for access to Nation Building

housing stock.

Research tells us that at least 15,000 people

with mental illnesses in Victoria are in

inappropriate housing, many of whom are at

risk of becoming homeless. A minimum of 30

per cent of homeless people have a mental

illness. We have lobbied the Department of

Human Services to set aside a minimum

percentage of public housing for people who

have a mental illness. To date, this argument

has not been accepted.

We know that access to public housing

alone will not provide a solution and that

private rental must also be considered, so

we have proposed the development of a

rental scheme in partnership with clinical and

housing agencies. Under the scheme, one

partner could rent housing stock on behalf

of the partnership as a whole. This would

bring together all the supports people need,

including effective treatment, support for

personal skill development, payment of rent

and housing maintenance. A major difficulty,

however, is a 20 per cent gap between what

a person can afford to pay for rent and the

market rate. We have put forward proposals

for funding that gap, but, to date, have not

gained agreement.

We have also been advocating for the

development of specific housing options for

people who experience complex and enduring

mental illness and alcohol and drug issues.

While we welcome the recent Department

of Health funding for Intensive Psychosocial

Outreach packages, we still have much work

to do.

Access to social housing is at the top of our advocacy agenda.

Elizabeth Crowther

home truths

Key figures on mental health

and housing

• At least 42% of people with

severe mental illness are

currently housed in tenuous

forms of accommodation

• Research shows that

two-thirds of consumers

identify housing and

housing support as the most

important issues in their lives

• Only 27% of people with

psychiatric disability are

buying their own homes

compared to 70% of the

mainstream population

• Housing supply is insufficient.

Private rental is becoming

increasingly out of reach.


winter 2010

Page 4: MI Voice Winter Edition

“ You have to go to work. You gotta’ come home. You gotta’ deal with the kids, deal with your own home. Your own problems, you know, really start piling up.”

– a mother with mental illness

Dr Joanne Nicholson


Visit www.mifellowship.org

for news, views, events and mental health information. Who knows?

– you may wish to make a secure online donation while you’re there.

Make sure to subscribe to our free private e-newsletter mi voice

update, which keeps you in touch with us in between magazines.

social inclusion

When many people think of mental illness in families, their minds turn towards parent carers of children with a mental illness. This year’s Bruce Woodcock Memorial Lecture speaker offers a different perspective: what about families where it is the parent who has a mental illness?

Dr Joanne Nicholson from the University of Massachusetts has been researching the role of mental illness within families for more than 20 years and is coming to Melbourne to advocate a whole-of-family approach to mental health recovery.

In the US, approximately 68 per cent of women with a mental illness and 58 per cent of men are parents, yet in many cases mental health services focus only on the consumer without paying regard to the impact that mental illness has on their role as a parent, or their role as a parent has on their mental illness.

For parents with a mental illness it is not rare to have feelings of guilt or shame about the relationship they have with their children as well as stress associated with maintaining their roles as good parents. These feelings can exacerbate their mental illness and complicate their recovery journey. When

mental health services fail to identify the impact family life has on parents with a mental illness, they neglect a core element of potential recovery.

Dr Nicholson advocates a comprehensive approach to mental health services where therapeutic services and social services work together to help parents with a mental illness and the family as a whole.

Under this model, parents would not have to worry about how their children are coping while they receive care and children of consumers would have much greater understanding of what their parents are going through.

Over the past four years, Dr Nicholson and her team have been trialling this model in Boston, Massachusetts. Her data shows significant improvement in the mental health outcomes for the parents participating.

While in the country, Dr Nicholson will be sharing what her team has learned from the Family Options program and how it can fit into an Australian setting.

It takes a village to raise a child. What does it take to build a village?

family mattersmivoicewinter 2010 E

Page 5: MI Voice Winter Edition

inside out

In addition to Dr Nicholson’s work with parents with a

mental illness, another form of family dynamics will be

explored at the Bruce Woodcock Memorial Lecture through

a performed reading from Inside Out, a play about a

mother’s relationship with her son who has schizophrenia.

Inside Out has played to enthusiastic audiences in NSW

and ACT, garnering rave reviews and praise from carers of

people with a mental illness. The play takes audiences on

a journey into one young man’s mind, where the borders

are always changing and the battle lines being redrawn.

The play explores his mother’s struggle to understand

what is happening and to know how to maintain a loving

relationship with her son.

MI Fellowship will stage theatrical performances of Inside

Out in October’s Mental Health Week. This debut Victorian

run will include performances in Frankston, Shepparton,

Clayton and Moonee Ponds. Details for these performances

will be announced in future editions of mi voice.

Inside Out was written by Mary Rachel Brown and is

directed by Peter J. Adams. It stars Valerie Bader and

Benn Welford.



mivoice winter 2010


After the success of last year’s Corporate Breakfast during

Schizophrenia Awareness Week 2009, MI Fellowship is

back with a vengeance to do it all again in 2010.

The Corporate Breakfast is a function that brings together

organisations within the mental health sector and leaders

from the corporate world to discuss key mental health

issues. To cope with demand, this year’s breakfast has

doubled in size and will accommodate up to a hundred

leaders from different industries and sectors.

This year, the keynote speaker will be our visiting

international expert, Dr Joanne Nicholson, who will talk

about how different sectors of the community can work

together to provide whole-of-family care. She will be joined

by Melbourne Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, who will provide

special commentary.

MI Fellowship’s Corporate Breakfast

will be held at 7am on May 19 at the

Melbourne Cricket Ground’s Harrison Room.

second helpings for corporate breakfast

qElizabeth Crowther, special guest speaker Dr David Morris, Deputy Lord Mayor for the City of Melbourne, Susan Riley and Robert Knowles at the 2009 Corporate Breakfast.

EBenn Welford and Valerie Bader perform in Inside Out PHOTO: Matthew Aberline

Page 6: MI Voice Winter Edition

mivoice update – email newsletterStay in touch with the latest news and events in mental health. Register your details at

www.mifellowship.org/news-subscribe.shtml. It’s free, private and you can unsubscribe at any time.

“ For many people with a mental illness who are looking for employment, finding a job is merely a first step; staying in the job is a whole other issue.”


It’s the good news that’s been a year in the making. After a

long and exhaustive process, MI Fellowship is pleased to

announce that we have won tenders to provide employment

services in seven key areas around Victoria.

The MI Fellowship tenders have been sub-contracted through

Ostara, one of Australia’s largest disability employment services.

They will be running in the Geelong, Bayside, Plenty, Yarra, East

Gippsland and Latrobe Valley employment service areas, and we

will maintain our current service in the Peninsula area.

For many people with a mental illness who are looking for

employment, finding a job is merely a first step; staying in

the job is a whole other issue. MI Fellowship’s employment

services address both issues. As well as identifying employment

opportunities, we work with consumers and workplaces to ensure

that the type of employment fits consumers’ recovery paths and

that any issues that arise can be addressed sensitively without

creating stress for either party. We work in partnership with

treatment services to deliver this program.

MI Fellowship expands employment programs.

up to the job

Taking this approach to employment services has proven

to keep people with a mental illness in jobs for longer,

allowing them to build essential skills and workplace

confidence. Regular employment also assists people with

a mental illness towards recovery. As well as providing a

sense of purpose and source of esteem, employment allows

people with a mental illness to make new relationships with

co-workers and establish financial independence.

The changes come as part of the Federal Department of

Education Employment and Workplace Relations’ merging of

the old Disability Employment Network (DEN) and Vocational

Rehabilitation Services (VRS) into a single program – the

Disability Employment Services (DES), which took effect on

March 1. The former VRS programs are now referred to as

Disability Support Services under DES, and the former DEN

programs are referred to as Disability Maintenance Services.

mivoicewinter 2010

Page 7: MI Voice Winter Edition


Employment and education were central themes to Laura

Collister’s, General Manager Rehabilitation Services,

presentation at The Mental Health Services (TheMHS)

Summer Forum on February 19.

The TheMHS Conference is a forum for mental health

professionals, consumers, carers and researchers from

around the world to come together to exchange knowledge

and ideas about issues affecting people with a mental illness.

This year’s TheMHS Summer Forum focused on the issue of

“the right to care that works”.

In Laura’s presentation, which was entitled “Unfinished

business: Participation in employment and education”, she

talked about the continuing job of deinstitutionalisation and

the need to finish the business of social inclusion.

Laura outlined continuing issues with social exclusion in

the fields of employment and education. In particular, she

highlighted that up to 78 per cent of people with a mental

illness are not currently part of the Australian workforce and

outlined seven proven practices that could be implemented

in Australia to drastically reduce this figure.

Ultimately Laura argued that the best path forward in

Australia was for employment services to become integrated

with treatment services and linked to strong sources of

psychosocial support. This model enables people with a

mental illness to find a job and receive suitable assistance

to keep a job.

us and TheMHSMI Fellowship talks up integration for employment and education.

mivoice winter 2010

On February 17, MI Fellowship’s Elizabeth Crowther and

Julie Anderson presented the Well Ways MI Recovery

program to VICSERV’s CEO and Coordinator’s Network

Meeting, to highlight the role that peer education can play

in recovery.

Peer education is the idea that people with a mental illness

develop better health outcomes when education is facilitated

by other people with a mental illness who are further along

their recovery journey. Peer leaders can draw on personal

experience to give realistic advice on managing illness and

providing knowledge on what treatment options are available

and effective. MI Recovery is based around this philosophy.

Julie’s presentation demonstrated how peer leaders

facilitating MI Recovery provide inspiration, hope and

validation whilst creating an environment of camaraderie and

support amongst the MI Recovery participants.

Following the presentation, meeting attendees showed

significant interest in adopting the Well Ways MI Recovery

program, which requires peer leaders to be trained and

employed to facilitate the program.

MI Fellowship has received funding from the Department of

Health and Ageing to support MI Recovery in 3 states and the

ACT with 16 peer leaders being trained to deliver the program.

helping each otherThe benefits of peer education.

“ ... up to 78 per cent of people with a mental illness are not currently part of the Australian workforce and outlined seven proven practices that could be implemented in Australia to drastically reduce this figure”

Elizabeth Crowther and Julie Anderson.

Laura Collister

Page 8: MI Voice Winter Edition

“At the end of last year, I graduated from university

with a degree in psychology. I got another tattoo to

mark the occasion because, well, it’s a pretty big deal

for me. You see, no one would ever have thought that

I could get a Uni degree, including me.

I’m in my mid-40s and have experienced major

depression since childhood. I don’t even remember

a time before I became depressed.

As a child, unloved and vulnerable, I fell victim to a local

predator. At 13, I hacked off my beautiful hair and made my

first suicide attempt. I still told no one for almost 30 years.

For years I simply lived with a fierce, burning pain that

tore at my chest – an intense fear of abandonment that

triggered horrendous reactions when I felt rejected,

which was often.

I constantly looked for relief, punishing myself with

starvation and over-exertion, just to feel the pain. Finally

I discovered alcohol and things went from bad to worse.

I lost my driver’s licence and my husband. My existence

was one of instability: in my relationships; in my work life;

and in my housing situation.

Two weeks after my 40th birthday I broke down again.

This time, though, I finally received a diagnosis and, with

my consent, was put on an anti-depressant. I was referred

to a psychiatrist who I have seen every week since.

I accepted that I was ill but with help I didn’t have to stay

that way. I made a commitment to myself to have the best

life I could and, most importantly, I found something that is

truly meaningful and valuable to me – psychology.

Through MI Fellowship, I have been trained to provide

telephone information, referral and support. I now volunteer

with the Helpline and talk to people who’ve had experiences

just like mine. And for people with a mental illness, being

able to talk to someone who truly understands what it means

to be mentally ill, the meaning is immeasurable.

I have grown as a person since being on the Helpline. There

are just no words to describe how it feels when someone

thanks you just for listening to them share their pain.

I intend to use my degree to work with other people who are

suffering from mental illness and enable them to find their

own path to a meaningful life.”



dates for your diary in 2010 Bruce Woodcock Memorial Lecture – Tuesday, 18 May, Victorian Arts Centre | Schizophrenia Awareness Week Corporate Breakfast – Wednesday, 19 May, Harrison Room, MCG | Annual General Meeting – Tuesday November 9, Middletons | Find out more about all activities by calling (03) 8486 4200 or visit www.mifellowship.org

...for people with a mental illness, being able to talk to someone who truly understands what it means to be mentally ill, the meaning is immeasurable.

people and their stories

conquering the great unknownMel Kelleher volunteers on Helpline.

mivoicewinter 2010

Page 9: MI Voice Winter Edition


When the Coffee Group was first launched at Bromham

Place last October who could have predicted the

demand it would generate? Interest is now so great that

it has a spin-off program, the Breakfast Club.

Both clubs are for registered participants in MI Fellowship’s

day programs and allow people with a mental illness to relax

over a coffee or meal in a public environment that is part of

Richmond’s vibrant café scene.

“People in the Coffee and Breakfast Clubs are really

enjoying the benefits of social inclusion,” says Phil Watson,

Manager, Rehabilitation North East.

“They’re building a network of friends around the local area

and increasing their confidence to grab a coffee and a chat

outside the cafes.”

news bites

Nick and Ernest enjoy a cuppa at Coffee Club.

carers find harmony in choirMI Fellowship is delighted to announce the first

performance of our Carers’ Choir will take place on June

19 at St Mark’s Baptist Church in Clifton Hill.

Since early April the Carers’ Choir has been rehearsing

diligently for its upcoming performance under the leadership

of celebrated musician Kavisha Mazzella. Ms Mazzella is

leader of the Italian Women’s Choir, La Voce Della Luna,

which will also be thrilling the audience at St Mark’s

Baptist Church.

The Carers’ Choir was initially established to provide carers

from different backgrounds with a social outlet and a creative

way to express themselves.

To enquire about booking seats for the Carers’ Choir

performance on June 19, contact Rosemary Baker at

MI Fellowship on (03) 8486 4232.

mivoice winter 2010

no misfits in this breakfast club!

Currently, two local cafes are taking part in the Coffee

Group and Breakfast Clubs, but with demand still growing a

third may be added soon.

Kavisha Mazzella of La Voce Della Luna

art on the move at SheppartonThe redevelopment of MI Fellowship’s day programs in the

Hume region is a great move for local artists – with a mental

illness and without.

For the last nine months, MI Fellowship’s Hume art program

has been running on a weekly basis from the Shepparton

Art Gallery. Participants have enjoyed exposure to other

artists’ work as well as showing their own pieces to a much

larger audience.

“Little by little, we’re seeing a big improvement in consumers’

confidence through being at the gallery,” says Trudy Fuller,

day program co-ordinator for the Hume region.

“Seeing what other artists in the area are doing has been a

great inspiration for some of our artists, and visitors to the

gallery are walking away with an improved sense of what

people with a mental illness are actually like.”

MI Fellowship’s art program at Shepparton is also expanding

to include members of the community without a mental illness.

Art program participants find inspiration in the community at Shepparton.

Page 10: MI Voice Winter Edition


If you are currently a MI Fellowship member, you will soon

be receiving a renewal form in the mail complete with a reply

paid envelope.

Your continued membership with us lets you enjoy ongoing

membership benefits. It also contributes to the support of

MI Fellowship initiatives, which enabled us to work with nearly

2000 people with a mental illness last year to improve their

quality of life and make progress with education, employment,

housing and relationships.

An important aspect of your membership is that it gives you

the right to vote at MI Fellowship’s Annual General Meeting

on Tuesday November 9, which will feature 2010’s Australian

of the Year Professor Patrick McGorry.

Make sure your membership is renewed to be eligible to vote!

If you are a current member and do not receive your

renewal letter, please contact us on (03) 8486 4200.

membership matters

renew your membership

MI Fellowship’s Board recently appointed Mr Bernard Feely as Returning Officer for 2010 and to review our obligations and processes in regards to Board elections as part of our ongoing governance review.

Mr Feely has identified the following important dates as the key steps in this year’s Board election. More information about our Board election will feature in the next edition of mi voice.

• Nominations for Board positions will open Wednesday 22 September 2010

• Nominations for Board positions will close on Wednesday 6 October 2010 at 5.00pm

• Ballot opens Wednesday 20 October 2010

• Ballot closes Wednesday 3 November 2010 at 5:00pm

• Election date is Friday 5 November 2010

• Annual General Meeting is Tuesday 9 November 2010 at 5.00pm

mivoicewinter 2010

awards nominations

Another reason to make sure your membership is valid is that you can nominate someone you know to receive a MI Fellowship Award.

The MI Fellowship Awards are presented to people whose work has made a significant impact on the lives of people with a mental illness or improved the community’s understanding of mental health issues. They are announced at each year’s Annual General Meeting.

To find out more about the award categories and to download a nomination form, visit www.mifellowship.org/awards.shtml %

It’s that time of the year again: time to renew your MI Fellowship membership.

important dates for MI Fellowship board election process for 2010

Page 11: MI Voice Winter Edition


As psychiatrist to the Alfred Hospital’s Homeless Outreach

Psychiatric Service (HOPS) for the past 11 years, and recent

president of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College

of Psychiatrists, Dr Freidin has developed a long-held

interest in combining clinical and social services to meet

people’s mental health needs.

“At HOPS I have seen and learned about the value of

collaborative, holistic approaches through the secondary

consultation and education work we do with non-government

organisations,” he says.

HOPS provides case management to 30 to 40 homeless people

who have a mental illness “but, importantly, we also work

intensively with community workers at Sacred Heart Mission

and Hanover Crisis Accommodation Service”.

That combination of clinical and social work has led to the

completion of research that demonstrates “you can reach far

more people and assist them on the path to recovery when

you have clinical services working in close collaboration with

community services,” says Dr Freidin.

It is an approach that won recognition in the 2009 Victorian

Public Healthcare Awards with a Silver award in the Reducing

Inequalities category for an integrated approach to mental

healthcare on the streets.

It is no surprise, then, that Dr Freidin is part of the World

Psychiatric Association’s (WPA) taskforce on improving

collaboration between clinicians, consumers and carers.

“Our last meeting on developing the draft recommendations

was in March and I hope to bring the recommendations when

they are completed to MI Fellowship,” says Dr Freidin.

There will be a worldwide consultation process involving

143 WPA member organisations, other international mental

health organisations, and consumer and carer groups from

many countries.

“Social services are terribly important so that people are not

just seen as the ‘illness’ but are seen as people who have a

range of needs,” says Dr Freidin.

“What will ultimately make a difference is increasing everyone’s

understanding that the care of a patient works best when there

is collaboration at all levels, and we need education across the

sector to shift everyone in that direction.”

finding answers in collaboration MI Fellowship board member Dr Julian Freidin is part of an international taskforce on improving collaboration between clinicians, consumers and carers.

“you can reach far more people and assist them on the path to recovery when you have clinical services working in close collaboration with community services,”

for policy and advocacy, get on boardMI Fellowship’s board has established a new Policy and Advocacy sub-committee. It will bring a comprehensive approach to how MI Fellowship responds to public debate on the major shortcomings in mental health services as well as delivering on the ambitious agenda set out in MI Fellowship’s Strategic Plan to 2013.

Chaired by board member Lyn Allison, who has significant experience in both policy and advocacy, the sub-committee will spell out MI Fellowship’s official policy position on a range of mental health issues such as housing, employment and education. It will develop stronger links with government and other key decision makers, oversee our

partnerships in the mental health sector and refine our approach to working with the media.

Although still in its early days, the sub-committee has already developed a list of priority tasks and started work on identifying key MI Fellowship campaign issues in the lead up to the next state election. We will report on more advances shortly.

Julian Freidin

mivoice winter 2010


Page 12: MI Voice Winter Edition


Chief Executive : : Elizabeth CrowtherEditorial : : Hootville CommunicationsDesign : : Room44, Lisa MinichielloPrinting : : Bambra PressMI Voice aims to keep our readers informed of the latest

information on mental illness and our advocacy work. It is also

our opportunity to keep potential and existing supporters and

donors informed of the Mental Illness Fellowship’s activities

and the difference their contribution makes.

MI Voice is the quarterly publication of the Mental Illness

Fellowship Victoria, Fairfield Place 276 Heidelberg Road,

Fairfield, Victoria, Australia, 3078.

Telephone : : 03 8486 4200Fax : : 03 8486 4265Email : : [email protected] : : www.mifellowship.orgMental Illness Fellowship retains the right to edit articles. Please note that the opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor or the Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria.

© Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria. PO Box 359 Clifton Hill, Vic 3068 All rights reserved.ACN 093 357 165 ABN 93 093 357 165 ISSN 0816 7877

have you been paying attention?

MI Fellowship volunteer Stephen made a big splash on February 27, when he featured heavily in a national broadcast about community treatment orders.

All In The Mind, an ABC Radio National program dedicated to exploring the mind, our brains and behaviour talked with Steve about his personal experiences with community treatment orders and the often difficult role they have played in his recovery journey. He also discussed his volunteer work with MI Fellowship.

You can find a transcript and audio file of the program on the ABC site at www.abc.net.au/rn/allinthemind/


A different Steven also made a big impact recently with an article in the Whitehorse Leader that profiled his work as a Well Ways facilitator

and participant and how the program had “saved his life and his relationship with his son”.

board of directorsPresident : : The Hon. Robert Knowles

Vice President : : Mrs Diane Brown

Secretary : : Mr Darrel Drieberg

Treasurer : : Mr Paul Montgomery

Directors : : Mr Nathan Shafir, Mrs Elaine Price, Ms Lyn Allison, Mr Theo Krambias, Dr Julian Freidin, Mr Lei Ning, Ms Louise Milne-Roch, Ms Jenny King


Read and WIN!Your chance

to win 2 movie tickets

One winner will receive a Village Cinemas double pass to the movie of their choice. It’s a chance to sit back and enjoy, all thanks to MI Fellowship.

The prize will be valid for 12 months for any session, seven days a week.

The answer, and many other interesting facts and stories, can be found in this edition of mi voice. The winner will be drawn on the night.

How well do you know your mi voice? Here’s a simple – and rewarding – way to find out.

Come along to the Bruce Woodcock Memorial Lecture with an answer to the question below and go into the draw to win two Gold Class movie tickets with Village Cinemas.

From which university in the US does Dr Joanne Nicholson hail?

thank you to our supporters


Whitehorse Leader, 10 March 2010

winter 2010