Gallantry Honour House Society’s Newsletter Michael Bublé Superstar support for Honour House Game On Lacrosse, uniforms and a tiny hero Hearts & Minds Say Hello Who’s helping to keep our doors open? A guest fighting on two fronts October 2015

Michael Bublé Game On

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Page 1: Michael Bublé Game On

Gallantry Honour House Society’s Newsletter

Michael Bublé Superstar support for Honour House

Game On Lacrosse, uniforms and a tiny hero

Hearts & Minds

Say Hello Who’s helping to keep our doors open?

A guest fighting on two fronts

October 2015

Page 2: Michael Bublé Game On

A Night for

Heroes O n May 22nd 2015

Honour House held its

third bi-annual gala at the Sheraton Wall Centre Hotel in downtown Vancouver. The evening was an overwhelming success with approximately $400,000 raised for Honour House Society during the evening’s proceedings. Global BC News Anchor, Chris Gailus, once again kindly, provided his services as emcee for the event

which was attended by 600 guests. Following a cocktail reception, guests took to their seats as a large Honour Guard made up of

Chris Gailus, gave a very warm welcome to everyone attending the Gala and thanked them for their support for Honour House. He followed by introducing M.P. and Parliamentary Secretary for Veterans Affairs, Pierre Lemieux, who spoke of his visit to Honour House and the opportunity he recently had to meet with some of its guests and the crucial

Honour House held its

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reception, guests sseeats Hoono maad

military and emergency services members, escorted the head table into the room. As the sound of

the bagpipes continued, the Honour Guard took their places by the stage. Following a moment of silence to remember the fallen, Firefighter & Paramedic couple Sean and Kim Rousseau

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Fred Lee

Chris Gailus

presented to each family, who joined us that evening, by our Gala Co-chairs Melissa De Genova and Bronwyn Barter. Next onto the stage was 8 year old Ryan Perks who was joined by New Westminster Fire Chief, Tim Armstrong and Chief of Vancouver Police Dept. Adam Palmer. Ryan had donated his birthday money to Honour House and challenged our guests to do the same that evening. During their speeches, the

Honour House Gala Co-Chairs thanked Gala Sponorship Chairs Michael Flanigan, Frank Franco, Pete Reisner and Mike Rutigliano and so many others who had helped to make the event such a resounding success.

“I’ve seen the difference Honour House has made to our heroes and their families–the home it has offered in difficult times,” Melissa De Genova

role that Honour House is playing in supporting some of our county’s bravest men and women. Deputy Premier, Minister of Energy and Mines, Minister Responsible for Housing and MLA, Rich Coleman then paid tribute to the sacrifices that our military

and emergency services personnel make every day to protect our freedom and way of life. Chris was back on stage to introduce four short films produced by Global BC, which told the stories of just some of the incredible men and women in uniform who have stayed at Honour House and the heartbreaking battles that they and their families have been through. Following each film a bouquet of flowers was

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“I want to thank you guys for having me here, truly, and Jann wishes she could be here. I’m thrilled I could take her place because what you do is, you do great work. I’m so happy you’re here tonight.” Michael Bublé

Following a speech from President, Al De Genova, it was time for our live auction. Auctioneer Mark Bergevin was joined by “man about town” Fred Lee who encouraged uniformed members and civilians alike to dig deep and support Honour House. After an amazing evening of heart felt stories and generous support it was announced that Jann Arden would not be able to perform. However, Bruce Allen had found a “suitable”replacement….none other than Canadian superstar Michael Bublé! It was quite the task to keep Mr. Bublé s performance a secret, however the final reveal added an extra special surprise for gala guests who rushed to the stage and danced the night away to Michael’s incredible performance. Michael sang many of his hits as well as an Elvis classic which he dedicated to his manager,

Bruce Allen, who was there that night and without whose support the evening would not have been possible. His last song of the night resonated with the crowd as he dedicated one of his most famous numbers, the captivating and emotionally charged “Home” to Honour House. This year’s Gala was

certainly an unforgettable evening for everyone who attended.

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Ryan’s Challenge

N ew Westmister resident, Ryan Perks, is an 8 year old boy with some very

big ideas. In April he was preparing to celebrate his birthday party and when his friends asked him what presents he would like this year, he told them that instead of toys he’d like to donate all of his birthday money to Honour House and the brave men and women that keep him and his family safe, every day. While visiting the house with his mom and little sister he was given a fire fighter’s challenge coin by Fire Chief and Honour House Board member Tim Armstrong and received a

High five from Canada’s tallest Mountie, Constable Mike Della-Paolera.

Ryan took the challenge literally and has been an Honour House champion ever since. He recently took to the stage at our gala, started his own Facebook campaign, has had his challenge read out in the BC legislature and even took his challenge to the Mayor and Council at New Westminster City Hall. Did we mention that he’s only 8 years old? Thank you Ryan. You are an amazing young man and we’re pretty sure you have a very bright future ahead of you.

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T he New Westminster Salmonbellies hosted a “Salute to Honour House”

A Salute to Honour House

event during their game against Victoria Shamrocks in July. We were joined that evening by so many of our men and women in uniform, who spent time speaking to those attending the game about the difficult and often dangerous work that they do every day. Members from BC Paramedics, BC Sheriffs, Military,

BC Corrections, New Westminster Fire and Rescue, BC Conservation and New Westminster Police Department all took part, to make the event an incredible success. The Honour Guard escorted BC Paramedic Andrea Mahoney to the arena floor to sing the national anthem as the crowd rose to its feet. Following a speech from Hon. Lt. Col., 15th Field

Regiment and Honour House President Al De Genova the game got underway. During breaks in the action in the arena, uniformed members took turns defending the goal against some of the Jr. Salmonbellies where, oddly, every single kid scored a goal! Later in the evening young philanthropist, Ryan Perks, addressed the crowd and was joined on the floor by over 30 members of our emergency services. During the final break, the uniformed members took to the arena once again to launch some t-shirts into the crowd and judge a Frisbee toss which helped to raise some funds for the house. A great game and a great night was had by all.

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A Guest’s Story

L iam and Lisa Stackwood spent the first leg of their long road to recovery in a

hotel next to St. Paul’s hospital in Vancouver. Liam, a military veteran with over 25 years of service, needed a life saving heart transplant. He had also been recently diagnosed with PTSD from his time serving overseas with the Canadian Military Police. One of the worst triggers for Liam’s PTSD was the sound of sirens. Their accommodation next door to one of the city’s busiest hospitals was far from

riggers for Liam s PTSD was the ound of sirens. Their ccommodation ext door to onef the city’s usiest hospitals

was far from

Liam with his trauma support dog and best buddy, Hammer, relaxing in the gardens at Honour House

“During my time in the military, I’d faced some incredibly challenging situations but I never thought the biggest challenge in my life would be one that affected me and my family. The safety and comfort that Honour House provided for us when we faced our biggest battle is something that I can’t ever thank them enough for.“ Liam Stackwood C.A.F. Ret.

ideal. Liam’s treatment would involve constant trips to and from St Paul’s over a long period of time and paying to stay in a hotel during each visit would potentially cost the veteran thousands of dollars of his hard-earned military pension. The couple were prepared to do whatever it took to return Liam to good health but the thought of living out of a hotel and the huge associated financial burden wasn’t helping at all. Saving Liam’s life could potentially have come at a very heavy

cost for the couple. During a conversation with a social worker at the hospital, Liam mentioned his past military service. Two hours later their bags were packed and they were on their way to Honour House with a new safe and comfortable place to call home. We are pleased to announce that Liam has just received his new heart and is recovering well with the help and support of his wife Lisa and of course his K9 companion, Hammer.

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Meet our Volunteer Couples

W e’d like to introduce you to two of our amazing volunteer

Honour House Volunteers Brock and Haley

“Public service runs deep in my family with many members serving in health care, policing, and the military. As an RN in VGH’s burns and trauma centre and the wife of an RCMP member, I feel heartfelt pride and gratitude toward those unsung heroes who keep us all safe and healthy every day, asking for little in return.”

couples who donate their time and hard work to Honour House Society. Brock Johnson and Haley Myers have gone above and beyond for us on so many occasions. Brock’s plumbing skills have been put to good use and Haley has used her knowledge of sign language to help some of our hearing impaired guests and

“My brother Dylan, who is also an Honour House volunteer, is currently going the through the process to become a firefighter and Brock wants to become a police officer. I’m studying for my nursing degree so I’m surrounded by people who want to dedicate their lives to helping others. I love volunteering at the house and having the opportunity to meet some incredibly strong and

Darren and Liza Young joined us when Darren heard about Honour House whilst working as a jail guard with VPD. Darren

volunteers. You’ll regularly see Brock and Haley tirelessly helping at many of our fundraising events.

inspiring people.” Haley Myers

Liza Young, RN

brought his wife Liza along to help one afternoon and he soon had her signed up. Darren recently became an RCMP officer but still volunteers when he can, Liza continues to be an advocate for the house helping to bring awareness through her hospital connections.

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B ronwyn Barter joined the Honour House Board of Directors soon after we

Meet the Board

“Ever since my first day on the job, I’ve had a deep passion for our paramedics and dispatchers that continues to drive me to this day. Connecting our members and their families with Honour House is just one way that we’re able to help the men and women who spend their working lives selflessly helping others.” Bronwyn Barter, APBC President & Honour House Director

opened our doors to our very first guests, back in 2011. She currently sits on our Admissions Committee and she’s worked tirelessly, with fellow Gala Co- Chair Melissa De Genova, to make our biggest fundraiser “A Night for Heroes” an incredible success. Bronwyn began her career as a Paramedic with BC Ambulance Service in 1995 in Kaslo, BC. Throughout her career she has had the opportunity to work as a Paramedic stationed in Trail, Victoria and Vancouver. In 2009 Bronwyn was promoted to Chief Paramedic and has worked as a Chief in areas such as Ashcroft, Richmond, Osoyoos and currently in Nelson. In 2011 she was elected President of CUPE Local 873. Soon afterwards, along with fellow Paramedic and Honour House Director, Garth Dinsmore, she approached her union members at their


convention with a motion to support Honour House. Now each year, every member of the Ambulance Paramedics and Emergency Dispatchers of BC donates $20 from their paycheques to help provide a safe and comfortable refuge for their brothers and sisters in uniform when they need help. With around 3,900 members provincially their donation makes up the largest single annual contribution that the House receives. Bronwyn hopes to encourage other emergency services organizations to take similar action and get involved. Bronwyn is excited about

up coming Honour House projects and will be working hard to make resources available for more of our heroes in the future.

Bronwyn Barter

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Honour House Society, 509 St George Street, New Westminster, BC, V3L 1L1

(778) 397-4399 [email protected]

Honour House provides a temporary home for our Canadian Forces, Veterans, Emergency Services Personnel and their families while they travel to receive medical care and treatment in the Metro Vancouver area. Members of our Military and Police Officers, Fire Fighters, Paramedics, Corrections Officers, Sheriffs, Coast Guards, Fisheries and Wildlife Officers, Emergency Dispatchers, Search and Rescue, Conservation Officers, Border Guards and retired members of all of these groups along with immediate family members (wives, husbands, common law partners and their children) are all welcome to stay at Honour House free of charge. These brave men and women, along with their families, sacrifice so much to protect our freedom and our everyday way of life, each and every day. Honour House allows us the opportunity to show our support and appreciation for their selfless sacrifice.