Millenia Ls

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Millennial generation those born between 1984 and 1996.-(nacidos entre 1984 y 1996(varia depende de la fuente)) young adults who have grown up with digital technology and social media as integral and natural parts of their lives. -(Adultos jvenes que han crecido con la tecnologa digital y el social media como partes naturales e integrales en sus vidas ) Millennials make up at least a quarter of the total workforce.-(representan un cuarto de la fuerza laboral) 75 percent or more of the global workforce in little more than 10 years.-(Representarn el 75% o ms de la fuerza laboral en poco menos de 10 aos) Nearly 70 percent of Millennials across the globe say achieving a manager or leadership role in their careers is important. This feeling was strongest among respondents from Africa (84 percent) and lowest in Western Europe (61 percent). Even more interesting is the variability in responses regarding what exactly Millennials find most attractive about a manager/leader role and, bucking stereotypes, the most attractive quality was high earnings. FIGURE 1(WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER MOST ATTRACTIVE IN A MANAGER/LEADER ROLE? )-(cerca del 70% alrededor del mundo dicen que lograr una posicin de liderazgo en sus carreras es importante. ms en frica(84%) menos en Europa(61%), dentro de las cosas que consideraban ms importantes en las posiciones de liderazgo la ms atractiva eran las altas ganancias)

When asked whether they are up to the challenge of leadership including the stress and hard work thats involved in achieving it 64 percent agreed. The sentiment was felt most strongly among Africans (70 percent) and least among those in the Middle East (46 percent). FIGURE 2(I AM UP FOR THE CHALLENGE OF BEING A LEADER, INCLUDING EXTRA STRESS AND WORK TIME) -(Cuando se les pregunt si estan dispuesto a enfrentar los retos del liderazgo incluyendo el estres y el trabajo duro que involucra lograrlo el 64% estuvo de acuerdo (ms entre africanos 70%, menos en el medio este 46% ) )

Would Millennials consider giving up a well-paid and prestigious job to gain better work-life balance? The results were quite clear. Overall, 47 percent agreed, while only 17 percent disagreed (the remainder chose a neutral stance). FIGURE3(WOULD YOU CONSIDER GIVING UP A WELL-PAID AND PRESTIGIOUS JOB TO GAIN BETTER WORK-LIFE BALANCE? )-(considerarin los millennials rechazar un trabajo bien pagado y prestigioso para conseguir un mejor balance entre el trabajo y la vida, el 47% estuvo de acuerdo mientras que slo el 17% estuvo en desacuerdo, el resto fueron respuestas neutrales)

Millennials do not necessarily think government has a lot of influence in todays society figure4 -(no necesariamente creen que el gobierno tenga mucha influencia en la sociedad actual)

Millennials do not typically rely on friends and family for input on career issues figure5(que tanto esta la familia involucrada en las decisiones sobre tu carrera laboral?)

Across the globe, 71 percent of Millennials say they will enjoy a higher standard of living than their parents. (Just nine percent disagree!) Millennials in emerging markets in particular are much more positive about their futures F2.1(TO WHAT EXTENT DO YOU AGREE WITH THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT? OVER MY LIFETIME, I BELIEVE I WILL ENJOY A HIGHER STANDARD OF LIVING THAN MY PARENTS.) We asked Millennials about their fears related to their work life. On the whole, Millennials fear they will get stuck with no development opportunities (40 percent), that they will not realize their career goals (32 percent) and that they wont find a job that matches their personality (32 percent) f4(WHAT ARE YOUR GREATEST FEARS REGARDING YOUR FUTURE WORK LIFE? )