MINING ON THE COMSTOCK. ?. A QaMrBfUL VIKW OP TH SITUATION. raoi>rcTtvn minip.ska ami ino voa thk nev* BONtNXsK. TUB KTTUO IBJBatsBk am> na LOW (juaux ortxa.minlso ar a UKriH or thukk tboc«akt> rwrr. fywou an trTjTsrtir'*' iiOBOBBSiBiiinBi us inninsaiiBB I VlRlilMA Cl t\, Ni V.. JuilC '12..Thc Ililli.-sol IhS Comstock lode arc the deepest un the American Contiucut. Three have attnute.l a tlcplh nf BjOOO feet, at d a uumlier lange in depth freOBS*900 to 2.SOO bet. Although huudretls of million* ni goUatahl irobi ami silver have been taken limn tba mines along the hair, the present yield is OOBtBBtB* tivcv insignificant.' Neal ly every muting coinpat.J 1,11 the leda is uoweniraged in sinking and dnltinn iu scurch of nev* ore deposits. PHOOCCUVB MIM a. At the north cud of tho lode IBS Sierra Nevada and UntOU Consolidated C IBBpentaa have ore which cam* in at 0 petal 2.150 feet below the surface and whic i is known lo extend BB thc 9*800 level. In th* Union Consolidated tins deposit of ore is rtliont 4.1 feet ha width en the 2,200 level. On Bceeaat of certain operations nt progress in the Union shaft, tnronirh which ho'h the Sierra Nevada and UbJoB Ceaeaasaattad Bahaes srlll ha wotbani, bo oro eau at prciseut Ik? extracted by either company. The old " Bunama mines".the California ami Consolidate,', Tlrglaln MO sti'l BKtractiBg BBd null- ilia' ure. Thia coules from rho stope* nu their old upmr levels. The Consolidated VsiKtiua, Osssayaaj las." week extracted ami-cut to the mill 1.179laos of ore, the overege saeaj "f whton \vasj4ti 99. The same wa ck the Cali'mia Company mined and shipped to the Brillo 907 tana of ore of the ossaj v.,lne of 939 -ll !»er ton. Tim n.U'- .md NercreeaCeaapeay yeeterday began heisting ore. This comes from a deposit ah.mt ten feet in **icth. lound soiue BBOBthfl si:,ce on their 2,100 toveL rho average aaaaj of IbtatoreiaSS] *2. At tho lime it was found nothing more wa* done wit] ti is vein (han to run a eruesoas throngb it. and ascertaio tts width. lu following tho deposit up in the extraction of ire u valuable bonanza is liable u> bc fsstWO. Some of the ore in trie rata is sa r,ih as rn j (vt developed on the Comstock. The working of this vela will nt least give relief n> stoohheidi rs hy lednaiag assessments. The AheOosapeay.ee tba sowtharanart nf tin Comet* ck, n ar Devil's Onto, hs gen shipping "re to ¦ Us last Fr my. Thir. ore wa* take MU . time one, lt sanas from the 1,000,1,100 and L700 levels. I kate i- :ie te or ie-,s ore on Oil tho levels, of the mine It 'in lae 1,050 to the l.O.tO. (lu the upper levels it 1- free n Hiing ore, bul on the 1,950 level it bi boee, cont einlng o loree pereeutage of galena, xtac end copper end iron pyrites, yoi it tai rich tn gold nnd salver, tbe Baanya running from $10 u> 9200 per ton. Some exnertments are now h, usa made for the reuii. noa ol iii bose or ot the IVotte roweling furnace neai tba Dartre Gate, At tbs <j nun linne, which is at the OBtroaM south end of t. Coaastock, as tar Mearplored tl,ey have neil ore Irmn the surface down, bili ns yet they bav* no great width ot it 1 though they have only attained a depth of 300 feet. At thia dapto they ore drifting noitb and south preparatory to erest- eetringand extraetnig ore. ilievetn.tr any time takeout c.inti il Tallie quanti, les of iioml ore ut this in.:.c. ll Tl UK nuBANXAS Mining tuen pa] bul little attention to whal tiny n, * have :u sig) t In tbe way of ore. Their minds on.upted with the booani 11 to cobbo.the bonaaaaa of tba future. Mure appears to be ic-1 regularity as regards tba ol tba ba las ol rich ore known as " bonan* ¦/, -.'" K> tween them are rios of e lively barren ground, bu! as yet Here is no a-- ceri d' el Inw of Batata regulating the width I OOpruductive heirs. They only kn >w that there wa* such eheh between their first and second me <.!' bonana -. 1 id ti.a; they ore oe » il mosl poi ifs in ano;lier berren bair, pushingdowaw ird in seereb of their third line of bonanzas. Tb* neaaaaars thought to he al no treat distance, aa thara ara signs of the beginning of soother tortile gone s" in al 1 e depth 0! ab il 2 800 feet. At the B tcher atina un lb* 2,700 level mus I nnd Batu tn en d ii ..I ¦-. snlpburel ore ebon! three seel la width* which pn suited the appear- snee ot lbs top ol an tue b sly, A' about t h depth a mai ki .1 ob use*. Ln I .I tbe n in wa-" Ibo Yelina Jacket shaft; Imperial and Alpha nines the ehnngi ,v 1- the 2,900, and lo the B 1 li >o al rh.- 2, ISO li vol. A sbaubsr ehenae bea bean observed farther to tbs nerlhwerd ot s depth of from 2,300 to 2.500 feel At tbe latter depth tn tbe Ophir they ;,.¦" drifting and buri og with Ibo diamond drill iq a gu lu.ttiou winch n.s-:.ys from 9fl to 920 ...,. i,,:,. iiimi roa t.ik aaw bonaxsao. Hartog thus glanced at the present rituation on the i ,.:n t ^, H vv.ll bs in-xt in ord* .a l< ok ol *' hal 1- being dune at the prim ipal point . atong tbe lode toward the attainment ol a greater depth. Water is found to be a great'-: hindrance al areal dapttas thea either heal ar lack ol air. Itu that pure air cun be bad Bl any depth attainable. The greeter the death ul the mine tbe mare 1 fu' is she rush al air at the bottom, when twos] . (or ot! er openings reaching ls the inrfae are eon- nsetad. At the death of 3.000 feel this mi gruel thal it blows efl beta, and is found by the Buners unpleasant tu face. Volumes of surface .ur boob cool off the honied reek waUa af tho drifts nf th.-1 iwet levels. As a niciiis of drainage the Bwfre Tumid ? il! be efehnost incalculable value. Already the leading mines of the middle nert of tin- lode have derived greet benefit from their conn etion witta it. The snares of the nain Bairn Tunnel is ataavatt directly wait to tho point whore it strikes ibo casi side ni the C linstock lode in the around o. t:ie Saville Min¬ ing Company, then one branch u es north and another sonni. Tims the tunnel aid hhlbvaaebes take the form of the lefter " T,'" the bra'iches form¬ ing the top ot tiie letter. Thees branches will he extended along the eastern toeeof the lode ta the Mirra Nevada on the ooTtbandto thi Belehei on tim south. The tunnel strikes Ibo CbauBPOck at a dei ' 1.000feet bslow the serfaee, that obviating tbe neceaaity oj pumping water to thal beigbt, a h b kt no siiiitli lU'in, no will be aoen when are con.,- t,. cunokaar Hie weight of a coluaiu ul wal 1 1,000 fi ii high, rho nelse lanae! ond ito btaactaes give us a aaw -inf-.ce, si to sneal ,1,000 lei I beloa sn-1. oe of ih,' earth, from wbtoh ta take a oea .le¬ na ri ur* 111 the blisi ie-s of 1:1 a li 111 n.' mir m in B. Nic¬ ol thc min-s nov* connected min lt oe ii wader sigher tb n theil 1,600 level. I h> :m. Hi ¦: octa has aires ¦-. com 1 ct- <l « Goaidand Currv,Beal ond Belcher, Consolidated I --lim and California; the main inn I tapa the Sa*-ut,'-, a.ni t itrougb he Savage the Hale ind Jior- en grew ..'. I bs Benah bia;.ch s wub the J, i.a 1 uug ,i. u. nhl Ba road the Tetlow Jacket ahafu which it vv.il reaiui at 00 ili-t.i. t dav. A drill frees the Chollar-Kortram Bavaaje shaft goaBoste wish the salve rennel, saving 1,000 feat gf peiping, jot wnh Hie mah of weter coming ie fkomadrifl um (rosa tbe abaft on tbe 2,400 level ii tn the c u ¦'! the ve 0 un the Sat ige grouud,both thc psunpa and bnttti 1 tanks musl le- kept ia em slant mot JOB to hanni, th,- waler. Without Hie 8u- tro lunnel tle-y woulil have been dgOWBOd OBI ul th.-2.100 towal tn boah the savage ai..! Hal.- aad Nnrcros-. but with lt. they wiil be stale tn keepdown thc water nulli ihi' -ul,!. nailcan ISSoMBHB lopped by the dun bevu aral Md mit. Aa soon as this flow of water aha)] ces, Hu s,\ Bgja Hale and Sort ross. Chothtraad retool Obnrpa- atoe will he obis tn inn prosp cling drifts and thor- ouglily ctylore. their gia.und ut thc depth of 9,400 len. lu Hie LUoIJjx ann r.iL.M.1. nu minina baa ja t Leen dotio below tin- l.'.UM) level. fha Belcher Mmiug Coutpany have attained a vertical depth of «l,000 feet, at wbtoh point they bav* (tnfteii savaral hundred reel nevsh and Bowes and have imtuV several alt,.mp s, both by means ot araaaaatla ami ti*** shswaaad Saris!, u> explore lite veiu lo th,- eastward, wases ii is satBeetod vviii again be cut tbe nuia.ll Vela spnli-ii of shove as hov- lui/ been cut on tbe 2,70") level Imf a nish of hot Water na* always ensued, which put u atop to thea* operations, 1 lu- dull helen aro now plugged up with sections of gao pipe faniatbod willi lancets thraegh wfaiata the flow of waler to legaleses le suit tue capacity Ol ibc puuipj. 1 nu temperature, or t.us water ia 170 degrees Fahrenheit. Water at this temperature bo le ats up the level that nilly work strictly lieies- snrv tat undertaken. A mirth drift is being pushed as rattail* as p OBlbla SO cuinecl with an Mal drift that is Injinu astveaasd inward ii .'i th,- it.dei !<-v el ol thc Crown Paint m.ne. (lue- th - i ounsctiou is mode, flicn' will be fl geed strong crrenbstion of air tn Ito' h mines, and Banana atiBg I BeVBllona fl a\ then be undertaksn. I Ins Belcher north drift will n"t ..ton si s oonnee- tioii with Hu- i rewa Point, bur **iii be pushed sneed WI it rea. hes thc yellow Jacket abaft, bow 3.000 tact deep, with a aumn 30 feel lower; I bsbaw the :<,noo staaten. As lhere sj ol th- Y*iiow J*eksi shaft powetfal pamping machinery, wrtb a ii e ot osunpsextending trout the surfac? down to lin- rt.(Kio station, these turee deep Clown I'oil.l. I', her lilli Yellow Juki **iil b»' able te render mutoal assistance, once the*- ar,- em . ct,.I, iu ease of a rush ot waaas eta.urling m either. Evan nov. they werk tofljalhet throe ih Bppag i iiiiboi tiena tho isand tiet is a great di pth, iud a can* lau ted witB tl"' HotlO I I, il In 1 tl Will 000801 Hu- Yellow .I n k.i shaft ko pomp watai to tba height ai 1.400 feel to reach ir. However, aa tba powerful machinery oa tbe Comstock non iii pumps :i,mai feet, we ana safely calenI tte on b dug abie to pump another 3,000 bel betow tba 1,000 l.'V.I. In this shaft, th* BleOfSXd vertical sh nf I "ii the continent, an accident occarrod h.e: Priabvy which resulted 111 the death nf six of the Bight ne u whe hsppeved lo i»e at the hoi tom ot the time. The oe- aidant was the dusapine of a ear toad ot tanka, pseks, drills and ssedax*-luinunen, into the shaft al a piont within about forty feel of the lop. A fea¬ ture of Hie rte. lilrut Worthy nf mit- aim SOM c ibu- lated lo ill the heart el tue miner ol suohdeptbs with owe and dread is related by ¦ sarvivorwho wa* but slightly injured. Thia was flint thc shower ot iron and steel fe.i |g iH-ruci hi'-nce among thane me ii, aol a warning Bound ws beard. During Hie latter pur: el their r*>uiaa of l.ooo yards th" Btlsailea treveUod so swiftly thai all saexm wa-s lett tar I'ciiii.d. TItK NORTH KM Mis . It ie toward the mines al the north end of the Comstock, however, that the evett -f all sUslr deni¬ ers and minina men on the Pacific Hoa*' are pow turned.the Merrit N- vadit ami Ciimni anseasaBsted. What thev wish to sec is the enenhtg np nf the lower levels of IInse mums, hut as the* must bc winked through tho Union shell (owned by tbe Mena devada, Union Coaselul Mexican Companies), nothing can bc done until all is in readiness ol said shaft, near sha bottom of wbtoh, at ti:.- 2.500 level, a pump.the leal ol s lute teaching lo thi mr- face.is ticing pul in. When tbe pnrap goes into oisTaiion the water will h< pamped from the 2,000 siatnui of the Sierra Nevada and a drift started to connect with oue from the -lii.it al the samedoi th. When thia connection rs made both mines will be dry cn the 2.500 level and a;s.) uti thoa* level above thur ha*,- not been thoroughly prospected As tin- ore deposits af the twa mine been followed beloa the 2. mu level, all bops big bonanza nay exist mi the ievo' below. I.iiVV-c.k *ur OOXAXXIO. Tims it wil'be leeulhat everywhere along tito ( rootstock the mining companies are going down, down, in leatehof bonanzas o' n hore like those found am', worked above Bj working only thc rich deposits "i or,-known aa bonanzas, il is with ns of the Comstock towns alway- cither a f": st or t famine.there i- aa comfortable medium condittoi. Ir bas always been so. Between bonanzas there have ever been iiiue- wbeu half Ol .il M ss Idle, everybody in debt, and business alums! at s stand. All flus time we tbonld have " 'iii" between bonanzas by working to* . dies. We should then have been making ii comforial U living righi slooa, snd the bonanzas, when they eau,-, would hive li- cn pul down as so ranch xtra and auto iked foi uti godsend*. Ibu in the 'h.nu' pitched ut, the high key.wage and all ell' "iir malt"; | down to the minor key of thc low ..ral. However, it will not atv* cys be ad of waiting a w linus year to gel a to work Irma one to three months at : | :i da* .the wanes fi .-1 Miner-' I": ..'i foi ill tn ir* ':¦ - their beads below the snrfao*.wi shall ha*- ,i i arraiigemenl by which a certain class of min be ullowsd to cain two ir three rio! v eai thromrb. In < '.!¦¦ a rolil ores nf a very toe u-i m 11 re i lu the business ol con nitrating ores iu esta) while here on the I tock norlin g mi uel P. F. »-i.i- T i. ol tl lr me that li* is able to coiiccii: rat oren Alluw- .ratinj to be tl per ton or even twice tl at figure, we < lora- Btock ii ii. fore I bal wouh dnctiou if reduced thre orfour volumes. Indeed, in I de men ai on [rom lints "ii sud at a short di bj some seta ction ont. Wi en this can be d ne i- ;,i tj ceri am th ii-.,s< nf ou' ' i '"'i, '' ii.ie by i uni ration. \'ii ve ii" tl runnel an Ix : low ara,..'' rc, snfflci il i san i- ol :;!.. ii i i iv a ire "i m e ol j -. In ni nu u.rie. iheS ivi«o,Chollar, H :nr mstanc : that will ;t--;i, frnii f5 to '' 5, I e. o-, [brough a, Bui isl for a fee '¦¦ni Riv r. .'. here t li ore tr.i'i'.i by means oi machinery driven p liver. ural -ir-! thi a mid be a nm ¦. best concentrating apparatui now in nae, and the ifr.it- n j. mills on tl ( arson Biver. 1' u 1 such mills i gean be pi itabfj d< n al mia- low-grad ATHLETIC SPORTS OM SI ITEN ISL IND. Tho second annual championship games of ne Staten latoad Athletic Ctob-wers h*-bt yesi r i. nn Utegrwaads of the elah ,t Wes) Brighton. On d'm-ni Un-,-'. lui te. There was a tn ¦'. it'.: Lance, snd un.sr "j rn.- zan contested. I rn- sports op ned vita tbrowraathe bani mer, wk 'i ia- ... a tn ( P. ll.tri dist mee 72 in I...».. iii.- loo .* arda ma via* wen bj j. ll. Um.m. i 10*0seconds. I.8. Taylor came In in ia Un rup,eloseli rollo* 'il hy I. M. Pu time, ."¦: 1 ..<',. The iuuiii.tr ii.;.-i |amp wa. won by V. ** Daraud, who el 'tired ."i feel *; Indies, Tlie sjnarter ibi'c run s bj J. ll. Simmer, W. J. I". K ¦!>¦.: I - b* Ina a rood in i; rime. 58 c-oil i K. i. i'. i-.- ... ile In7 minuten a- ¦oconSua rteutlair M. W. Jansse man, aboui a gauri* ol ¦> ;. .,¦ ul: '... C. V Hi." reel, il.,.-. rho Oral ui U n the lui u ¦<¦. renai. ol r ie -I it len talana iii I B ni ri .! a - wan ". ul ',., -i.i,t-i, Island. Who pultod their opponents ii, mu', s, :s i -.-e.. ii*. Th- s <. i .<i (jul!, between iniii '.v.V (lyniasaunni and Snug Hs . wa* woo nv . i- un u., ., ia adVf Sgl *' v. lien the tea minutes were un. the Hit.il pu - ten I ind ami U"* Wood men ,»r rved sn a ur he Mut i-ii I-Un ie m. if they vanished 3 um ¦:¦ - and 0 -.e.aol.-. Tbe 'J-> j av ,f ll. Hi'iiiii I, W. J. "row ¦! Hu .J l7~ . .... lela r iee, to* i :.-i -i *¦' >. ri <j a - v "i ¦: Goold, I h.ie fl tali .t - Ta- 120 yu ii- in:nih- ra* .. a J se nc .- ue, i-'i .-. ic i. Tu* ti-i,'ii, ran «,,- ami by W. C. I., ....mi. ll,,n 2:28Lj *.'. .1. Jf. Huberts BUNNISG IND ll JLKI.Sti AT If", The sixth annual games nf the Scottish- \ Oil 'I I the ..¦ :. '.ii. i the : .. I. i. v , i K K II. A. C.; P. H. I. ( ; ii. .. I lu tbf io .11 -.(.!.. v, .-. .1 .. '.1 't .1 V. H v : r. ir na i -H. In rn >. un* tu, i r ..nd th H LC. s v- i \,un h. J. ¦-. . 'h w.d... rilli, -. V. V ,1 li i-i tm... o:t ..c ii, i,i.iiil it ¦¦¦. mil, I i. ROWING "A Till hil.L VOA kl IA.. K\tc,:-ivc preparation* were mode by thc A'i. ii otu it ia in . v. li., L, ssaS asses yasbatuay stoaraaaa, oa tbs Kill vas Kuli, opposiu Doruss Potni, sad suet ibi s enjoy meat np to wttbla is hour of tb li.ui de ipi j I for the raoes, whan tbs r:;i i eau-, a, um 111-I I ne V. i.s I- .|.,-.l a :ll I.), tile ii.-se. MleJ il l rente. Tue dlslsncc row*d a - sboui IU iu.i.i.;ui, U ii kept. 1 Ue Progv imui w us i rotlott -; loll! iial-eil SSSa 1 W. ill -. ..ri. h U. Il I*'.. (U I ), 1. r .Allen, lt. ( A un t, ( ii ii i, - w. i. i. i.. m. h, a n u-x-WBin) Ked W. H-1 ii iii.iil Ufv). ,4. I. M i,is .. J. 1. MMarset, .'. kt, Dal istraka}, V. IA Veen bees (coxswain). Tee whites voucaaily. Foin- nreii shells: Walla.Walter Usa (bom), J. X D.mur, j c Humphrey*. H. w. rra«k(s .ni Bas bl-lward Buittii (lum), Ar.liui' IblSUe, L. li. IVcil.t. ll i.icu Btrrube), lite reds a-trae tu Brst. Iour-ohF-d *iir.: Waite.M J. StttMna ilxmi, BdwarJ (,ii.i. sbargb, K. W. Tr.t»«,H. 1'. PraSB fsumk*), Wall i Man (rox'wuui) B .¦!.ii. J. M letbi (ic .). Cl. A Faller J. A Lodwick, I Ud'ifi i t . I.. ), Kilvdiini -mu.m (.ox awain). The waites Wee. r-uuiH *cuii ram Osatsaisam I C. M. Qrees oas Annul- lUiMH'. (iio<-u wr.'U alur a close saab Si. lt V. K Hchuyicr was st^rtor and fc'.oa. rick 0 KuXreii, ie; crec. AT MONMOUTH PAWL FF.R.VI UKFV. WINS THK .IKKKCY I'KHHY. Basnaaaar ai^v*HTn rMUv-Taoi'itM^ov pk. i ir PsBUnut ISUVJ oUntaVaBMi Wa* i,i.» r atkd.rns IrTHV.K RU rt. The grant! island af Monmouth Puk was treaded rossel ii. t i mst] stael Seepaos ** ,.s rn- waled 1,1 ladies n 11 i. iag Breach kati u an'1 niiii..-. Bo aioeS beeaty of festal Iga.Idreos nirt thc eje In | iBCttM "V-t tba fro >nr si St e*nifwl tit*- on vi -Ui'ii mat > I 1% and other rllte* hint eent inrtnv ol ttr-r hsaetbau .smsa to Baa Bew-Jetasi sbsss lin* year, awi th.i: ii irood prnportio of toesiqas tool an leftist In rsclna. Thoura there wss nat ts i:r r ¦ bast o' tpe elson pr, neill a- SS BOOM tl .! di vs ia pre vine* vivt. the nu if ker toa west ap hi UM taanssswds. The* wsti bm Sbts Ui.jtt-.nu. .util the ruin catii,-. A brit.'. BBWtSS pie vealed say tbaagbt el bast, aad tbs r.«'*iui( ii.duuougti sf tbe sai selling aad stirring la it tameka tbs hw pa swiftly, ktoreover, tba management pushed on .-vents ¦0 BBB Bad his. .i ,r .: ,;i Ute r*ii a ..: BtSsSf Bl the nport Hutt rfu- .tfti-rw.inti sen,cl .ill BM short. It wan over lui sf aut iihum ca an I eejuTitient. Mut Um- ruin wm unwelcome. ktVUrySBM tBansXht U.at lt WM erasa needed, imt everyees »based tbal ll bad aol a om just tab h. As OS Ike nr'ti«l merit of Hie raeinrr it rn iii not winn lie forgotten, The track anti better Hutu aa BSturdaci ami rim rnntuns wa* fwifier. Twice ttl* minti tXpatUUkred taifu.su ami tito feseral stood ol attasssss wssa inuet, a-t a ished, v .. Ten ibonghl d poastbla thal (irena,,4 caiai lose tia- in* Briss nf Hi" day, thc Jetsej D 1 Bul he lild lo*e lt, arni the nenr jir ve I blmwlt .1 iro.Ht rae- hore. As Only Incident In Sae career of Fr: sahtV, GteeaflaVfl osneoaiar, wheel drew Batata la tana .r. * m m. manum stsaad ks S saaStoB -t Jtr- oin Parb in tbe autumn, and ala tocetng tam BsgnsS- 1 . ni eolt ti cn io ,1 , lu- l.e-* far Nie lii«t Ulai last tlSSe ir. PrrnclraV si ttl -.t rhee was owned by n" Amur. Wmri Hr. sassvfassiad fisas IPs imf IwiflalBat latoncti i, sad was baagbl by nabeaaa st Cs. rh -..-'.:. .*; Bsspl Songbtthsl sam was ssaeh ab,;*--'lu ir ,i«- vine Tim result "i ihc Jsrasi snowed that th's was an irror PernclSe'sa li pr vi ¦:- saeoess was m the Wtyuers st..ki < at Jerome, .lu- ** n r, t.'.nuirh mest of the bntetbouobi Oresauti had beotwa kata Sj ahead. 1 h starter pr. *. sled kbs d al si lbs htvoriss rn Um iii si nice y irising abu adeeudvs sad over ta* athen ipeed made them ai si] duuaernus te him. Tin- 1 .. id conti wm tbe J 1-: * Derby, tbe deetatos ol wbtoh BMSHtoned En ne third. u.<- br-t tile fit* uri' c IO] '. d . WSS to tfei rc,.uni | btCC. The foin th rs t** walk ai 1." Ia tko aita a SUy bttto tketudhtsf Brat nt th- n 1 iimi has totta aits ba ki rs ia tbs Freneh pools gol 1 stun ol ¦.' ty for one St? their Investment Tbe favorite csp un-.. i tin Weller Cup, and tbs Mal twa raw a s ere also Uki n by ho best In the opinion ol tbe s).ul,iii 1-. HOW lu: STA tri RB S IS Colonel Bjtmuious out lld tatmself .11 :h' ti-: race. If s OB li lr ;--t.Bl e. ur-", lie I. '' .:.f e 1 owners snd spec si irs ",i sa Am rican race-track. A lair start in i ih**rt race ii v.iih bim tbe non and aol the ni-, sud n crt.,rt r tba s .a 1 ia his tot Seven ran lu tbe epentna Sve furtongs dash li and ii ...¦- f ii hoi * .. Ulai l's lu Idius Mr Hu il lu pound?); nilvOosfltp no? ;io!ii.l-i: I om!'- Virgil i' Bride 1 age flOTp arl lard's Ally B ? (104 I ri I. I."I* i Hugo wasa i on sol la ¦'-'.ii.. ;.¦-,..--'.. nilly I- -:;-. .- the re si m tbe fl He Huab wen their tacts hythe antef rac Bes ha fl .1 - . ni iimi of Sir Hugh, 1. ' .1 : c. .lilli.' r Milt,* ut III . I I. li a at iimi ur ihc v. Ml. la. j... lick .- BOW .:-.'. 'I BB I'.»ii HY. 'I".- Jersey H h a i- 1 '. da, tbe ', I Hake* ai d 1 l.e Ca Island De by. i o- ii'- .ii i bb 1 .". , nsi 11 bad ali loglot) on i fr, and I i.n a>:.i rn- ed in fmai tor a ,'. un I-, il 1... lu ill .1 tu .: ls 1'. »v ll a lie* ii ran (J eoade trn lo shake off ins rival hui .- inna ,. s ol the li . ei. uni 1.1- v. A ¦ii ,' fl- Ul tl eli l ne w '. i-- a "i Uoet. A oKinn 1, a:i.i tua -hun uni l| ¦',..¦..., ,u_ 14 Perm lille shed over rbe Hue m -i-v vii-ie- mi 21-15.goe.1 tim* for tbe I ll 11 ...,--¦ irui a in. leos iu* n.- Min! 1.. Ul 1 i... -i.-. !¦: ,. mi ,.ui roi . '. sm a -mee se r 11 ai .1 a -ll-',.,;, te I'. ". .: ID a ii*, ly stir. J nell c, Qcbeu paad ... - lil, I. ' ii ' 'iou <.. .:.,. ., ri 11 ¦¦ .wi. ji \ r en v*.... -1 .'< 11 1ld* ii .ii- .'. ie' ii receive .-._:¦'n ', .... *. on 1. -u 1- ¦¦. r- and twi .,,... ...un ml ti -... wa IS,3 1 si *- '.SD TO IM-l'uirr. Tue sbrewattu .* is Read rase to bel sa v -w Bspetafces, plod sseb, ball fi ". H de* rared b J Bl ..--.". -.. ( ml ul as four app* .11", 1 on t '. Hail-, With 1 I rr- I OT! ll 1 ¦:'- eil.. I rS, 114 -", '" Pw .i '-..,... Ie*, al 1390 '.-. Iraers's .- : 1 1 ¦¦ ,: ...ino, and Gk L. Lonl- ,,¦, 1 '...,-.. -;. .1 !. 1 until b -.mi Hun: in tors till 1 ,-,. \ he ¦' oil arai ^ d. ne nw . h. 1. , -*. Ul ti.i- rsl 1 owa liken. 1 I rai - sau 1 : 111 un. ll I :. .1 ot Pei la, .ii h- lil au i. » wa I a :. ,: ,. t re* a lo J il 11 '-. :' nil V vs .1 SrAUTLI a ,. tux a put ol ol fl , mic eriir ' I k.} 1 CO, alni li walked i.',' mrs MIS ¦*.: ur g ,1*,:, r-tr'.r-. Saeas Brees '.¦ L Lusbtoi I .. Bari il<i sara. 116 posuels), tba lavern '»ui.ii i. 1,. .ra,lOS p* eat 0100; \. li. 1-'. ri 1. li i.u a, (i years, 10S) Betti h'»: " ands), I '4 1 ai ,' I j BeUt, ooSWlBtma Ol Hun i's k> .1 g. K intern t \ 1¦-. BO l-l! 1). ..ii ¦'! 'a colt 1 :i ,ir., Ha |t*ui al-), SSS H :.,r . ir- UiS . 'I.I I IB*! 110,1. hilt ... aa retch was 1 t bel ....... 1.11 .». 1 vaii'iu .rn ;. gan - 'i:m nant wi ghi 1 ni a rb ai ,i 1. nani 1 '¦¦-. 1¦*,»ioi,. w a ,1 -Ia i . lan t ifier a h tni i* tr mrale, .11 IA7U Bnq d. au, HurolU third. Mu: um puo: tn'k. la pcu B07 60. lil \ ll Ml B IUIHMI "lt * CUP. Pix 1rc11il.Mi1 -11 rads fer U.c Welter ( up. a BW*iB| BusaolsiBBSs riders. g'J5 sss 1. play or pay, wita Solid milli U; ills line. Hu.liijiters nf a mile. II. .Mei saeas code Judith (j yearn, 1S8 aaButas|,tbs tovsstta, at lino. Mi (iruivlUe was on Bor.it I (flgsd, Hi* i,.,iiinM. seeaad rbsaaa, Bl #3.1; Ueiimuii PardP ww eu Miiniriiliim (.", yeiin*. 15s [1.1111.l-l. at $2f* ; Aitlnn llmiicr un V .mid nc ku (3 years. 11'J pOBBp 1. Si BtSJ .vu. lt. svaassaaa (ubi Pelloa jased Iff f""i ll slftl] mid Daobat Prtos on Tramp gt yeena, lad peoedst, ai |15. Junta, tim favorite, sturt* d i.corlr. oed tea teat for a qntner of i% mlle. Their sta] r>a*»ed thens all suh t iimi a rd i.. aad had \m uni. b more »d*< u ibaa iii.,; 'ii,.u*li abe wiv- rbltl, b with !:;tte skirl, sh 1.1 u I- i'in m. rv*., .".»*'. U-, in l:23te Ti.linc Barest!, nii.l Odd-Fet'ow third. Viuirferdecken ledon the track fevrore tba aiurr. ssa Arthur Humer repnuuied and ii. ,.-i ia. race. Freusb seo! stcketa an Judith ji .1-11 ii sae h lab tav'i- ARvrntan Barlina aver. There v ere flve rn USS neiilnr: rue,., 1*1 ial'*«, for B ¦m. Ti-,,,.:'- .;- Briton 0 '.esr', 112 psaods) Sseugkl fl Tl ht t in i*; Ptevts Lorillsrd' hana Bpartaa (fl ¦. i -, i":. u. ...-,. Iii 0; O, L. l.nril¬ tur. '." fitly ih.sii'!-. fl rear*.fl peet**] -.¦.; Daasy'S s sa* (S rears, tm peuads). 060. aad MeOnstVa Bili Aui|o\ (4 VaOS ii'. ."U i. | '¦". --..irt11, ,ist for ne.inv .t ruin i eu Ue five It ap coin" etely Bad ell haag ta the lem Blass Ut hut wa Bani la the third et fuuriii posit lea sp lal boon stn rhenhetaok he eli:-[ piree when ll' ch., c snd in fi .*» nedor a Strang pn'l in tne mrw.uVsl rim'" f-j:l--, -.tenr** tiree |segth< bel hu. 1 I lil lt ll i Bl* stendler li 1-T's wb*n ne wai .kio oi un.rt ot :he ii.r.-- vi.it obst, na- keen like Las i. .a i...,. e Bevel i.: v '¦. ¦¦ .,1 H.- v.i'ii Ibo 1,,-riiv tti»i vent, defeating tte Bilgaty Duke of Noa ic siiuis oily i! mr , tl o-U. Ki'inh poo rickett* on Mi m. were s >rto git earn, HBas sad a <..-, entered t . ne so J r.r tT.orio. tetley 0 Ike Bidding I'D Ulai iialil he vi..,- b*U*hl In fal SI.00.1 in .i lairs kV!,-.. bbl own, r. s Ketty had ta r*nr rSOfttess p bis buna, sad staten oaar wat anani Meta Felling 'me- t ji ni ii,. I* the Bool sneeess ol h of the year n raeea ef tbat krari, wiwa leen Issn un i.-r-,. i.li'.iu wah theos ortweotb r I., r intered, Tic-i \*a- rirupbThwlj sol um seas yssoaisatj. kai svw. i'Bii5i.*M wins TVS BlaaVfljaXBUkSBb Ikeassaaaeesaas wi* unumi'u'.y btourealaag*naseek only tin(.. wk- nut, faa Bewportet-vbto's bans Pn L* lem (aged, i i:: o* bDds), hreusrhl SaSototbs iioolsjts "'. tim- Mst art rears, I4S pouudo), B900\snd Cartnaehrs mare Bertha <~> wars, tis oswadst, *?*joo. Hi*tui i,trice retased lo Uiie. UM lir-*t ju t>. url kteausy, ai* rider, Bad to ase his whip vtsereusly tc t~-f nun over. Hut tbe pass o -lew tam he overteok the other* soon afw- w.i 'i-umi problem and oe led alternate v. Bertha s badly. diopnSBi keck Bnfl reaasdenig m tba lear. -.- ned to be lu near trim generally, for bs a u witi iiion thai iii- usual a unsnieHS, nd osl vr a ci ',. i, .i Problem and he osasts s tory in ;he ni mlle pear, sud bo so th.'*oiik'nh rxliaasted thai itcel mul c. rd went ra utriredto v ¦'¦ thew taos ing nt all to tb* Soul fur.oinf. Pr iWi m'i a ai tas< bi wench! ¦! eid»»d thc ¦¦i.ii-r ii r - rttrths Defoe* Disturb* i-i a bel desperarelj lick ot lbs whole Mil. almost fni ns irern weariness, I he nsse was 5c4.1. a wa* twenty or th ny lengthi ..!¦ ¦. Tuern wera no U le. stu aol pool licki - on I'l-.iih u, w< re worth #11 IO. BtlUOSd i'iiur ila-,- With seven ir loataOaki ucl rn sa b iur anuiii im n r,,:, ,.... bordie rave C0NTES1 T\ Mrn a.,'., h i/.v. N" riv a iluiu.-i ml ap delora, with itiiiuy ,:.,. , ,i Basal i-i ii ..! 'ii" aaa Ailinn Club sro -y l" inn - li* n bj tl ,. nb. Tl entri nnne n club bad oaTer ,i band'ora to ilr ll | v,u meil.il I" the vent exeepi ilie tv. pectal ¦¦ walk and half-mils ran.to wk* k beauttfal sold -..ii.- tho prises, n n, ,i. bm ri spee- trttori sn elded ulai, :!: -t BC nut \>. Il I' .. titors, Ml i *> ru ai wei ind v.'ii'i wei ie -r, tonk their situations Ko, -i ni ¦¦'¦¦ it: ' nt a ul i u Ol Iii' competitors. wh»» weran stb ht j at of I At, 'u in the UU '! I Ue- ,. drei iji .¦,,.., ree sett si nu vari ii', I -, . uv i the M n- tiu .1 i- i i: e, i. -i : . ! Adams li Willetta (Tnh ran for awn Pu l .1 1.4. Gd i.ju. itle re, .' I- ll io iiii'l ni vi r ¦¦ w. , 27 sec (. v. V ,u- U .- r aire H.. Vii ... -j-.ii '. .-¦¦.(., J. el .ti, U, J. ,,..! ll tl OM . t ¦, ¦> ,,- U|i S ti- ¦ he Park tia > U aro draw s to,. i "'¦ il the Path I.- Hu ii ( iii-... i fl -, eon- ic-ti-d; I ¦r '< am. inspli to ru.- i ,| e-'-i one, was in era bv two - ''.<¦ bad 'in, ie iii" a. Uki ii.ni, ile ; clay, so la m. a ei,,i ed to i),.«r rite In it one ur. e vi |'i e i:;,. k. ,a -a of .¦.-. made ii ;.,- e. Pur v I fl u" Tl;. raia lo I BM fe t, bul au -I He wai li j* at u-i .--', ana vwi-cjtii: 1,'iit "f InweriiiL.'rhe i. al ii k i"" a "ii von cia lion and tho vu- ,r i, i lavor- ;ii,,,.. u> Kplen ,: 1,.-iiu" ,itnt fair walking drew lc-ill we'd dem nus from thi ipeetntore. lt. u. .-., le, '.I-. ,:, oiiii vi.i-tc Club, prt'ved an ,,',¦. .ii 'i-,: .,- for loo** win. it it sever beaten tweet] Ire wi da; is ihtw waa m n A i, li llnli, wu> Bseon* i M. Esq Ireis. Pnta.im tl kktlle Inks I rd. Tba Mile lum Handicap had tlgktee itarti rs, ia I a ¦' won enaiiy !,-. T. i t.'onvey. Pi :.:.. m erle C ub. (SO varrti) In M-i| ll i '. il. i H-..- .1 Ne-. Yera waasacestd amt e. (iimi"!. New-York, taird, Fortheii mile run ipcci.il, l.. I Myers, Manhattan linn, th* fleetest rn distance ii, .1. A. il i. :i,um. Vern-ia Al Iel ii: ( Lilli, Wet,-tl ¦',".. ttiTincr Resorts. t MOS-: TUE CATSKILLS.-On a farm; .'\ .¦'¦;!,: iii iii ii-ii..rv plano ero*ro r oaenuTsfrosi < il ii *. .rasas bo a wars o i i. I. |. i .li a fl in lermn l.i mic i> t. 11., h. S6 a ml f 7 er ju \-ii-. lui bain, 'l: .ene Ca., S.T il' SI'KKilKN". N. V.. 32 miles via Erie.. .'» Largo:.',i.,-. slty rooms, good tabla lonss moderate: i. i.,;ii,i.v. Wo, ts i adar-st .viMrottit a. ra ap IUOK.V. a. rn*.I,. QUIET COUNTRY HOTEL; « none.! tor -.nie ran co lii'ur uni charlu ii-' -irr'-iiiunllni's. f. ..¦.nun,., .itiii fur luiii.iit numbai ot ,uill,-s ,unt amkbrea ,iiie .,. j,*,- tm eseluatvfl a sr*er* A.a,lrmai r i* w * lsiis a --IN. iviw.iris iun iiuu-i.'-ui.a- I ii. wm imt-! . . \ O* BAN iIIai' .ne lb, x-iui atuated fifty rants ftutu the cirf. ¦'¦¦ ira etea 1* 11.. h. \v. LU' OS, Iru r: [loAKD ul V. 'ur"" i.id Falls Fuiui, i I > i ; ids e iiiiiiiuif. .¦- 1 VI. II. (SINUS, I..l^ew.Ml .Comity. V, v ?. I ; i.'ru- HIKi. lill.I.S." t,allin House" l> Psraat, i's a popular bualtvrosen; l^aoui**! a ii \ ,,.,,--.. i,,|. .,. o lERKSHiUE ll!LL.«.Thc Coiling !!." teals UT en 03 !>. r iliir : |ier Al BJCd iu: .v. r .,, UU ttl) AMONG Iiu f.\ I.-i* ILL-, mar \,r:n lum nam 'ni N MitMrt, linrbam, uro i >. nu v. \. v. I50ARD :tt a FARM HOUSE In thc (ATS- I > ,.,!', . iii. rarj doati tble i.i month* ai ul iwtee it i of sadie fr-mi ... '. .: .'i.ill . vu -.no, i,i ii. .a u v, b*. V. i C V\!-KII.L. N. V..Country Board |/5 pur i . a lour. / Mil N i RY BOARD, f. ni*,:, ruble house j "... kial erna ni Sos u .-e.-r. i-i - I "iu',urv 'em C', MNiLV BOARD. . Samtnun Spring -ll. 'u .. ll '' ,In.el i,!eit,,.ui -.. uer, i: i. u m ,,,, u, ,i rt, r i * ii ii ..oa. aprtiniwellfl I ko H'm". Highland" Milla, WY. V/ i «o bonni Kris, Maee. ad rrataH a i l un r.- un-ii.i lum'. nt.! -. ,...u POOFtaWTOWN 10ISE ,0 LAEE. N. V. VV ii I -li,i lt 'I I. I Aii.iy -. K IUTTi Mt a 11, null ,in w in; limul esra aa ...i u.i.n, betas a Alban.) BIM CBupcrstOWB. _ CH)UNTRY BOARD al n tami Bones, eaatara . s ..ii. nu,, wslka sud vu »»; [nulli, largs Bfldanri siemi fie.h i;.i'.« sciib sn*l vnaVtablsa; Sarnia n ,i ersia. galera i-> I. IV Wan. 1 ¦-' true »i...\ \. Ait,lrr«« itu. j r. \v a un ." r.' -i m. ',!.. \. V. ( ii I.IS 8UMMKR RETREAT ami FARM. J Ann.i g ll e Q nulli Ins u ruinn.Mlat'H nl\rr irie,lii tine iltlv «, lue -.Inuit i ii:..bl, i. suv ii.-, le. law. ill a li* tabbi Bi nt u^e« srlees n n*va tale kurana »u*l. arrt.iu*e>. mboIibs psoorletor caa ii- »<..., it - | .. i,.,,iu 7 l ,, nt, .* iii -.* _ W. v ri'li:. MnriiKiiowu. t'bseviTabtr, X. Y. CM>K1LL Mul"\|.\INS. Seekers nf pwre kit rsa Bklfllll Ih Bill eu; -le li lulen ll o.u lAullux f.K.I i.I. m. ¦¦ .nt'..-,, -in.ii.ii bi Ben term* sod BS per week ; rafrreuces alvaa i aaanubi irmu i,.,..i sad leiesrspu dallj i, 1.1., lalilu fiui:tali,.|| mul, et/-s ntl Ik v, u elalie an! narr. Se. A.iitniii lt. H. WILLIAMS), Iumi Uur :. .i .,, \. \. Du rn mer Resorts. pOUrfTRT IU »A HI) nt tory fnrinhonan in \j Uorksblr* Iiiils; ure Btr. lonni tooms i>e*uuiai Hui,, rv Ail.Ireaa K. n. TRACY. UiuHilaie. Il.-rk alura (nun- tr &tass. _ / »AT8KILL MOUNTAINS..fftxteen miles V>t tniu, ( aiiiilt uaiuatMl u lum'muw, rt trina- har neat .,( ne unta a-. ...Kb arnanSB inn'"* l i.ima oars ar, no malani, «.¦ .el srUMSJ 'rill uf all SiixW. veretakla*. .'liter,,ci, Bi la. etc tiri ue itl» a ii e. ;u ie. ',- linti-reai. I',,s| r>; li i.rnV.-e a; tiwi. Ititijr i-i-inmaiil'-atlaiia wilB b>i*i.« ann train*. Idai nf c.:* rtttenHies aa* cu. T'i_a. Sb BM n.-, a I IXOB IU" Iv UKU.l.KK. r.aat Uitrtrntti, liree.i.jul.. X. V._ ^ANGLEWOOD HOUSF...Eagtowoad, N. J., A ii iniii''' I,.¦iel , epos nil i.iiviiii U min » irani SSW. Y.ir. .ai Nm tl ern ila! n«t.l af N-w Ja ti^qninng Hattsa^Mausehenti r.Yetu ont..fi'-jlirs. J hom Sam Voil. In '.I A. n, siiraliiiiii »| o. ml I riv nlxht boats ro: tu- t w,;,, mn-nins 'ram fur '.! anchester. K if. Orr ia. 17X01 LLF.NT BOARD, Mah. (Manta* i«>oa- k J ,i,m, arr himnlMB New- Y*-« fr»*|U«iil rt isa »p»- i. ,'.i., laoulies tot the *'.i-uii Bob IT, Clrcleviue, New-Ya _ I7D0C0MR HOUSE, Nev.-London, Cona.. 1 J in th* ^,mr,d now nuen heantlflll «l><! healthy ; no ni ,1 r'.-i, rn luiv 1- T,i #ernel itl ala*s*i. loesw uiwur- la.-aeil; gas, oeils. I, n-grspu. ispwiil rules tor line. i' -. inn-. M li er prlotar. I/ALLS HOUSE..Open fur Barn mer guests: - ii".u r.ire I ere miJintiiiii ar. J. B. M'ltOOB- (A'k.li. Mick... Umii, Pena. _ 'A UM HOUSE al Wading Uiver, clnee ki -iuchI sBan rapacity. 18 *u. I.<unr r«inn.1 Kailrnai! i. ie,. Bkfldr, heall.,}, dally mall; price. »*i. L.UMA r * Yv. i. _, I.WI.'M ROUSE on lugli sjrorrnd, rommand- ina a tine vt. w <>r mount* .. aa on ritry blab r*>>mit fur i Iimi lueii o«-* sou* iiriri' *j ami fi *i|lt« VV. h. FUFM'II. K ant Durham. Oreen* Co.. B. Y. /GREENWICH, CONN..Shady -rr n-ds. \f BflSflSBg kaatas Bad baas, badraea, BOX VP, Oswnqwrsb. /M.LN lillxH". ( olCWVALL. N. Y.-Himhu " a ,,,,« "nea ic BSVaa irruuiil ifjs. Water, woo.1 itr,,* Usafe vnierabov*. mu*. curr. *«.¦**. lU/iu, ito. un pt***. J. I. / <00D BOARD can ix- had st ¦ tann-.ie "A un li tra L-iuirnl a ir rh- (at.Kills, pl*n*aai iix-ainm ii .' h a.t. v iuia'e icrnis. *.". imt week. #'Jo per mimili. Apply bi -ill ll*i Ff.M u r)urri»m. (.reen,-. onutv. B.V. jfJOOD BOARD..Desirable location, within "I n>.. lin rs of etty, st rwsso sob rstea, se* for roorsrlf Adilreaa Mt-* .i.vui.I..I C.AUK, t crilauut-uu ll misou, tl r-Yorr. _ (1 OD room try houri; largs siry moms; J li u ak .. j I "un I- iilniiiilaiii labia i teruis mo. crate i-\i-Tii-: .a .-,.. t h, iiu.i ..*<¦. address *'"*( Y P IOTB, Wi too. Court. f^UYMARD SPRING HoTJSET . ¦ ( 1 .i; (karn !izsc<»-i-tv. I'lcaaaat watta sad dnves. DMaune lunnras sad u*tu*r. Almeta Wat. n il ¦* turti. I'rop.-tUir. IlJA.vD UNION HOTEL, «". BABA ruin BrBINOa, If, opcm ron uk sKAeojr. UV SKY CLAIR, I- HAMILTON li »;.'.:. Staniford, flinn.- PH st- la-, t .mai- h.- ,'.¦ Bunt er um le wMaaaaflflafl 6iia.lv lavna; I., e I cnn u'ar'i; go* xaa ruuu. ur m n r ni ., v ¦.... ne li".o'. .... r.'io \i..*V.ir« ('uv hi -. ir room; ii.iiiiiiK-, iiu.iti. :|r uini Babsag, M. ll. ii KU >l'» X. '"¦ P :. i_ j IAV1NG REX! KD a mimbi r of rooina to ll satyear*aaaaata boo sta 3saeatba,other Bea rt I milli* ,.f -c..! runts eau ttutl ace. ian).nona at aallafac- turr ratea -i.n alt renal ¦-,. rifsreo ¦¦ wlvaa sad rs WAAC C. uki.-.. A BUI, "nrat llsmiit. li I -I. h -hie._ Ht) M EST K A 11 f A 11M Mu way lief vs er-n S ir- :.- mi lr .ru !'. 11. BSd k. K. depot; boa in eenery, ea, By a, ci --io e. lal f ; p.nai . s InUKs'i.c. ii I ti n ¦ .rmu *.'i to S" par -.e.-,.. I.I lil'- i.. a-, vu rr -ir: l..i. ".. X. V._ LIILI/S MANSION HOUSE, E imfdon. II .i -.,;..i .lui arin. rv. line liri* -. boat Ins oue nf the eli eat i .'. ie, .tn, mn ral iowna tn i ¦ hmi»*I ita . rn -. -. ..a for ia tar. Kel i. A'I'luton, Ki ti... Ti i.i.,1 7- Worth **., epeurA .,..,-,,.m.,!. ;: ,- .,..1 , rv .ill.l.. I (i. <; I'.u.wt i. I j .; ici. v irrts nv,-. ep, li a i at ol asa Beor tn araier. a.e.-law,, tain , v it a: i- ni il*! - !. < Bal ll or ca.i la i. ,-¦ I i-.tii Ww EKISPRINUS,Bethlehem. Penn-, I J v i ey LL U ', v «.,; iiu l koa Uiv -,,,,.lil r-^irl i, ,. ..i -". t] .- ,t a ..I " BSB* il ' ii¦.¦ lau te cn ui'i. latrun. i, rm-mi.ui r .ie. Apply ai ".ho -prinir- >¦< \U >'. M. Ki. i - _ MAtfilANSET HOUSE, Shohei Wand. J AM Ks - * uft'ie- Ifaerkeiey." Sew-Yark, Propi -mr. VfAPLEVYOOD on the CATSKILLS, near .'I i-.i ie i-.iuie. i'.iiri ulan ll..All - BUAUUlX Ill lila 'i.' ii I. aitc ord ,v \IOUNTAIN HOM1 Littl 'ti. V. H..Situ- .»ll , ireh, in a arv, lu Hiv 1". Hil v .... .ii ,a,l for HAXUKU. \|OUNTAlN VIEW TA '.'. Crttsktll ..'I iiiiiii'ii,.i- I'le, «.i ls-.ii.iii moma rseai | r... llr-l rlaaa I'.r nu i - r \ . i I .j iii.iji.. .v. 1.,, ni -,, ivii.i-i' LardaXati I, r -i \| KMI'Mu'K.MAilni; ;;,»[- . NVwport, Tt.. a.'I > I mau Milli ii :«.. .ii.l inonu iv. f10 I" - .' iel w. ,-lc. .. i rerun ei !..-.* li .c * 2u7 i mill,'ny. X, Y. CHA-, a .1 I a- in. Bsasgor. MOIL il \N LAKE HOUSE. A i1.il.liif.il re.-., t tor lir.ii '.ucl n ss BkfB SSat tb*lr ler -I. -. X't 0 1>H1 .: lv< ij oue ai Bbail lunn, fi,na .%, w V u ^ i us v > u .. sat*. i r " ... iUU X. Y. VIAPLEWOOD HALL, .»! rai f.D. MAaa, SIX boara fi ,,, ..eiv-.- the sea. Tho ii- . ii iva ai h. ., .. ii a :u iv ,,i-.i..,i Slummer resort kmuxu ii. ,. v-. iiii-; un.i.s. For fin obi sod lei,;,- ... K. K. MK ll i.- ihier.i h.,ri-tor of th* .. ut: - il ~.| n a Iv HUH .1 Orange Fountain, row miles noni ile iluaaaat b aaa naatarm piasaa riuO*. fruits . renufl moleiate ; resarsatafl evebaagwa -i,i' i.'i, a. .¦.. oi lie* 5-Jwrauae, X. J. flCEAN UliOVE, N. J.-8PRAY VIEW \ f ii: ,i ^:'. i, un a ,. a. -i v ii. Th* bona* Baa eu ar.., it ..,¦ iBuoeaos nw ir ai ul m ms snd serfset v nutation t ls liouee ii «.. -itiiaie thai lt baa sa un h -ti a ted v nt c "in ara Weat, » i aaa, o.e..ii amt ba knut lhere ure piaasaa ou .n"i Wory. A-uir. ,-h .i'i-l'.r!l VV j 1TB, P Bot a" .¦_ liRllSPECT HOUSE, B*.thle.ieui, White a. alosBtfllBB. N. II. A Ui-.-tt-cAiMSaaiiii,-" 'in.irt'nu baa ..., - ail i u tall ,n 'a ulai-. .:i ,_W I'Hii.i.li's. pLAISTED HOUSE, Jeflenon lfi!l. White I M. nm t ii if-, x ii.Views inisarpBasi il. luriitotl wuh - entire exumprtou tr un il n. i. c nilli ale: liny lc. er. I' is to Ji-irerviu lilr.-i't. H. il. iM.Al-TK.i ISM.*', I'm. _ PAVILION HOTEL, WoiMtohurgr, L. L, IS X iniies from sew Turk. BsgntScent ten a, kaiaural svoooda mi I'.i.i'.i lefamiitesi B*Haa*ariaoi na* Bavflr; para m-m .in oumiuoapoiui stible, ipteiidt'l ilrtvea; cheap rail- Mad .nu iimi eu iiiimIu ute prices. A. S. UI.AUVIX e''»._ PROSPECT ll< >('-!".. N* i.¦i-oii-tiK-HiuUiu, 1 (11-!.:n- ji ni-: l. r,,n h. rsaehad ky thees nesilnfI lim-s, a'ao liv ilail.«on 1,1 H. ll mel s.utUi-ril lt. it. uf .N. J. Ilnin* BM Bil U.,iiel'II l.li|irr.i,|liiilU. erilll.tlll rlif "HS "I tilt* ttl.. .1 Vlwwa on I ho iluil.suiu T. J. 1" 'l-l'Kit fmiirielor. pRlJSPfcCr PARK ID ill. I Vl.skll.I.. X Y ¦Bgb eifv-ituui. nnmiitalii air. with BSflasSV unatirnaaae.1 lr. U.e.vi.iil. tliitl i-l.i.sa iii every nSBpSBBi nci iMUUnnlact >ua for tea; BOW SpSBi BSSflSSUMS ly Badasa Uiver ilallruuvl ami APJSOT cay boBCB. PBOUl'KCT P lilli Iii"';:!. C'S PASY POLAND SPRING HOUSE.-Ricker &Yonngi I PrstrkM m. aaata PMsad. Me. This I'ujuiiar i-uini...-! Norla a coital of the mpetlor Bier- Us... iii.- Pula "i Sanaa w fltos *s * erne 'o; tMrnm mad i ,i ie beaoii of ila ecaner* nn,i ba ,f loi-u- '.,r,Niuu.i| uilVil .una. fie: niall ee.-Ki i^is-sl a uln-ilta i a ali., ul ira apply aa aleive. or lo l>. 1. I' (' ll N M ll v, Al HOI for tu.- ru am! .:>rlii_; Wru, 'i liii'eiay gt,, New Vort, UkWLEY SPRINGS, VA.. 2,«K>0 f.-ff ,',:».* n li,., ¦*.,[.-1. |>,.' .'. r »-. ai ce l,niels, ll'll li u .1 1, 'I I" ll .1- lei] I uue 1 Ku pu 'ic a, ,1-, C. K. -I Li KM. Iia-uier. BarrtaOBBWra, Va piCHFIEIJ) SPRINGS, N. Y.-LxtvU.-nt It, Bummer boanl al rcatoiabia ralaa;p'oaaaul ciio.-e; ir. .-I .v. innoit. .' ,' , iii .i,i.iiK« ,-ul hitilia m.,.-I Ul iwcnly I chiii.ik- ieii-'- in iel. AtldSaa* P. U. Hu* lo'.. liEVEN SPRINGS MOI STAIN HOUSE, O Muli. X. V lt lanie, n, alli.r,i, l am lUleU "Ul I m. Uy II.ii.-- Uvtrnaskly raaoTateal aaa palUiaS; |,ntv n 11 K . I -i i N ,t (' 'I) SEASIDE HOARDING -At Greenwich Acad- O mv r:.nr i.ie. :,w ell. I. I. .A lie uHlf ul plS*S ni'un -1 ii.l' -,M 1 lt. .1. ll .rn- « "i ano.y tu K ii. Ul.-K K i.-1...,.. pnaalpflt, h.,.' ll nuni, li. ll. I. _ CEA VIEW HOUSE, Savin Ko.-k, Weet Ha* ?T5 veil. I 'nilli.. I- inUV Ul..' ll lui 1 berni fur ilibvi .nil*, nix,, u K. FIU'.IMAN. I't-nirtetor. SARATOGA SPRINGS, ll vVaahinaton-sL, O asgastl* pars ut -1 trau.t injtoo. neaxSaftasa;lara; iivvn. pieaaaal r,M,iii., raoulas wsteri hsbbi aad ippotai h. WA-.1IUL ttXl-.'^, lorunrly Vii linet JJil mu. New York " ny._ CM mi HOUSE, coawwaxx on thc uunsox aauvbuiH mi i. BflWl] furn sh»il. C. II. ..MIl'IL s LOAT MANSION. U. L. TODD, IVopne i r tonuerty 'f tin- viii.tn ir .., saratn^B), fViat-'oirn. Bu.k iimi I'n, .v. V.-I'nl> lions* ia allua'eil in Un, 1'. oonoo Mun, i .in-, .ia tnllea irom Ssw-Vart, oat lbs I rte BaUrnaa ; ai ii rea lawn ««<«n.l haili (tue ilrivua, suaile, iotkc inaiia HI.il I. ul,lui rn, nely. _ _ corin MliL HOTEL, mi Great South Bay, l^ Aunt* ville. I. t, hivlinr heen ts-nttej alni amara**,! "rn a., .iuui,K...le .(Kl (Urila, la LOW up>ui lui' the aaSBOB allll I bStnteS BOSItea Bad hluell-l,!-j< jt.mi.1 niau ¦hoolbia I'-'' a '* rb.ny unlea feast dkrt'va Uaiiu .ii rn ntl u :¦.n rat. m ¦*¦ the mouth 10c perday. Mrs. a t"1 Kl .vt. A SUB, proprietors._ CHA BEACH PALACE HOTEL, tij (KINKY Isl AM), Ia aplett.Ililly Ineatert ami safassti I HON Pl KU, ls bow mv .hr Um iiuui.., nun ni or Ur. -harli-* A. biarntt. uf X cw York. Tho ro-.Uiii-.iut pru ra arv reaaouajle Tani,- d'HoU tko Do»l on (he la uu.l. Bl. Tba moat Btssa int am] select Ku'el for families atnl excur- iiuu matteo. Laillni rtaluns lb*) lalaml eau Uavu Utuir v*-*> ii^.M cheek, il iisjo of. hai £»._ L LAUREL HOUSE. KanteraadH Kalla, alamil Mouutaloa, M. Y -tlpt-u (rom Uwr tn sro.mb. .11 i._^,i tnuu Uio huuao meei ail uoaut ab't trama al .iisalii. J. L.MCHCTT.Truprteter._ 'IMIL KOUNTAIN HOUSE. Caiupttwmlle. M. a. ll. fleaaa-Kli located, uimniAuilln^ uoa ot tba fliioat ti »- In the Willie M'uuiuiiua. banns 'jeea eulargail will uuruJuiy 1. 1 ur au oula!*, abo sudmaa MITCDRLL. A UuWAhO, Proprioters. TH "KmnuntniM. A T MADISON SQL A '*;. TnEA^^^tluWt /* ?l":.i liJIi'mt .TliKUVA, kAVl: Manaasar Univ i. e-irre nuw oom w.Ut ita rsa; Uar mm^iu. Th- Ililli.i ..i o trthe Ur.is'iw «*_BB iheaire ii, rsa ii*th nar f aT««.t,i, . ,es **.Tf1. ,1 I rnvnaw Perfect -v-¦ m of ir \/.y.i. kikkf. i,-t.-e-, i Summer v.- it'i.ir «*."> - -1> AfT**. tarrant rmrm ereev Keelia*- st *te. .».»«?*»» hm isa* st a i I AV ERL Y'S IHH-ST. TH KATI a I n'lici ol l li .1 .ind nail av* .1. H. IIAVKKI.Y rraviAftnVu,.,, I Bul,rely BM ae-lt or W r. mi ti .u:i.!,'s i-;., A -i kB hkiitv, ia ni m hoi 11 * ot. ro v nv tu,; -<iiixr». Hnine.. v»i-di"--l ur sn* **>urd .r. r'Ulli * * J al i. Honrtll ..i .. _ A''TV IIK<(|, rilK rHKl Iv [OS ii.R *V KIAL'S i ONTLIfT ll A.Ma. I. T.Utrt near rita *»* nu- t * \ ion t iii vi Numb mi itatyi B AdttiMaM'O, 5 i * mb. K'SMml ..!.. flt. Ef ETROFOUTAN CONCEIT HALL, ¦»*> In -ulnar .iiMl llaCaf. iu-!'": l'tr AK'i.xaox'-t arrsBB oa it-ritA, _ Auni..: ti Jr |-, r. ,|e BBWBS. gi amt Oi \| RS.t,ILLIE DEVEREUX BLA Kr wilfr*~ . I Burt I.ni-r "'> e ,.i ilae *A'oas*n is.ff,-»( e d Vrauwst tlie I', n .hu. ni sud ll. inner .t ITewlentMl ... v nunns IV pilhlican Hall, .'.ft Weat I.Usl.. ou WaWJieads, v. .*. Jul, 7 \ir,L< i'.- HARDEN MILA I'..C. i" J. tl ll', .rill.i .l'ropite.!.r lad .( vt haas 1. i; '.lI.MnUK «.«-.H-i*re wsnifr- MIN Iii. I, .\ irhllv V nt? S X»I'T Mttllie'ii. I t ll * I V I MIXMTBKI lt.KV lii.V - i,,,M INK itKMVtl, M...-ill'.!,. l.'iilu'U.li MIVsTKI'II,-. AKSIVII, MIS-ii.KI ,IM Hi UNI, KIKV tl) Art..I. tli*IV(i. MiN-lili h.' Jubilee Ntna-rs, Ak. . Sru.-. .\K*I'. ki. :.n\-r;.i.i uO'Xoreiiy a i incbksliur tnum msivil. MAMMOlll HltA-si MAMJ AM) tlKClir >TllA. \i;W-V(ll:i* AQUARIUM, ll'ivra' :;.nh-el. . V 1 he lirnuu sp, rs.-ilsr Trsce.fr !', B l '- A. BWIS ei.-iiLia- al A. BATCBIMY MATTI* Bl ST J. flitsrlaasnn. «;ui '.*. ea»,_. fTNTON SQUARE IH KATHE. I * M. PA T.Bt KR.I r..j rleior-*u Mau/ar. Munday Jua* ii, sod Kv rr 1 ,. nani rsrt ,sv x.»iio*. F:ti-.it..ni iv r.Ai i.ni.sii will apo r in the |,u, ,u au,- 1 rut. Love uk um uki. vi ii; £arL I oNH BRANCH UACI'.S. Tue ll.-: sWasta, I a ,.,.. r PLVnorTH i'.'n -v r' u es ila- l rn -., a/ivertiBeawut gaster heatltag "Ks, MONMOUTH PARK RACES LONQ HU *' ti. X. I '-I t-I siHMl.it *.:.'.. .,, .- Ha :p:-.. i-i M.. laj Ju,i- ,. i h -i.i I, . -,,4. '. .' Sta oe a*.an roses aatek Ssa', in .... lac Ti ..:, <i ,.v i" ",i s rion, lil r il lc lt t" U'^rtr ¦> .i.e.. a. IO., tin ti 15. i*.i."i ts a, m.. ia it, ;. au Hil Jill. .. Ul. JOS IB. Ix>,i W'.li e*ve il ,1) , , i, ,,| the : ::, ,, ii i::,:i, .. .,'.!. u i. m. mi v. ur in - ai tl bri lorn i" ki. ii. :i.n- il: ..*. i., .'.. , lite « ...... l a ¦Ut . will e not, ks. I..r. I i ni.:,l,,iu i:,,, ,.i elm.*,:.i.i ,1 lt BB B unit, to ita UlaBi.rj--.fr nunn A LADY wishes i ;i"*iti(in ::»* ne ei'ir,- RBI / *. one ur Ittr« ite ..nt a on ,- :. .-.».. s-1 .. Mot* A. la Wk K.st h sasgaaflataM, * I t -)';'<» I.s. WT ERV AN IV UUKEAT. .la Al hillls ut L'*e.' i-o n;' -,e fem. lu rii la I ,i .; Usn mri* lu ir, e "i.i -' II I , i int \ ftWF DISH UIRL, 'at Iv an .... i I fl : . - .1 jv. (Ml.'. ! & .-'li . i » i ti ** :i .:. r .o.. .ivy ur cami |. -, -i. nOl SE v'OSK or ( OOK. \c._|U .ic:.;. ii turk a HOUSEWORKER..B a ti*.it. lislv. un. Hi¬ ll .1 ;,it lt *. v. I ..ll ,, ¦. NU RSI .. itent wu io, raps ., - ... ., | .re. bJWEDISH MAN IND WirV.-l'r.. lUtaCs , l-l 'rills e.. ll, ll ll CH t . :¦, I., r .-I. ii-.., i- . n - ,. ii. r \ h «n - :. lei ni r nt ,i r i et. 'A ul M L-L '. in -' nd gcutli tn * ta¬ li .:. ,,;. he 'u i. .-. i - .I \t G.Humans CJ intra.Ul i.;«j i VOUNG MAN' wno bas 'rt* il -i <;. ai . \ ii n n r i ul. -v ni l-l .it nil ^'ii . i r .. u ie .ie. J "I K nt . as. VVuL.N'i; MAN, 2S y*,in», desiree ' - . ir** - . '.lit, rvfituii h a h_l * f th* eitv ia a'i r .i i- ,.i c.; al . ¦) IT * v* basaak .rn. _ t VOUNO MAN, Jl yt-11.sot'.-ii'.-. * ul I like . \ .ml Ill L' ve irsl-i-IHM* rifer.tx-e.. (.Il ir lli't aa. .WI I. .1 V Mu I ,1 >*'. I el . A PUSHING*, sn,.ir y urn r luir- ii it .- iimi In i iii nau'le " ia, li ai,. . i-r-u has a dlr . li lull, i.l'e wu ,l,a BU c -j li- *i PUY, '.'t,l W< s; i iu si |>'i 'KKI.i PER. - By un Al i.kk« p r. I > .ft ,.i u jj- adi B i . -i asa* ,i,i si e .ni i,»-i :.. I... >.¦* ¦¦ .. \V'Ai TL li..Uv ,i \. ii ,i . * V o.ii li1 .a fr un i ...' -ii,".. i- aa io aps i. 1 .>¦». »a arst-elna r»t, ri " "./i I, ri- l> BBf ;,.u-\ a**SSBV*S r jil -a V* Kl iHMA.N - .1-1 .,u-nl. tjfly CUiinted \V ANTI P..ArsBepesfl sean loath cnasaw *T .i? ri ¦¦¦ ., i. ,ui a rn..ii, ul a " cw IO. uljn! i- I f fine n 'I ,,ir BkiMMil I m.-,"' iimiii'.i mn lu , I '. ,u, tl ," ,iiii:.j.er "f il.eu Ada '-. :, ''¦<*- I. I, -..! 1' -I uti. e* ll ,». 1, .: '. Xew-Y.irk i .::.. niv.iiir s«a, x. ei i...-, r. I. i. in .. mul i»,,it.-- ,.e-Ii. i. 5umina Rcsorlo. rriU'. HEALTHIEST nnaJ Babel InrtnmenniBiB 1 i.n ,i,||* ir a fcW '¦. aX't.-i-s ; IfeSefl OSSUB ni tr half ii'tle Iron ci'iiui lillie ny rsum, BlBBf! ai -Na-I .. no iiislulii ur ians iailnts aarssa ssssmbm A*UrSSB4. la Tumptliia, Vcrliiinii v.iu.e. null -. ('.uni y v 1 _ 'I'HE BERESHIRE HILL-. EG BER f P. 1 \* A BOB A S"V -I-k-i .lie lasa, aff"t a rsi. Isaa ace.uiiiiiistiiioii tu a old tim .'.tun. iw Kui{ md osaatff n. mu ,i f.,r a .j ri ,r i.usst.svaass nek Batik ¦«.. -s- lei... v..- asa mia. anuilo a.i.nle laiuriojs IHnU. -e .4 lur _r- CUlBT._ r|MIL SI". NICHOLAS HOrEL, s.w turk.- I Sn Un.el In the Cl* Ul*'-., BBB '. -ii! f I '¦. Nil II LA* jud ll I- mir iuk d hy tho vi .mv en iii In .iH-art'in. Silmtriit*', i-oiului't.-l. with ih,-r.if l.c-i ul SUM JU-L.lame ju imal ..- li ia i-l" ai jr 4*SlB aim- fur i.i io Ile.- ea mine io -mir, > rc*.rt. u fnr- n I i,«i. Ap un. nm '"i sm e. w tu an.st* oar'sra Amt mi i.i bssibss, at iu, si. -..;.. i. ii- ". nu.--*:, ni .... iwk.sl ¦- Ima Ile Hut i. Social'it » tu S,i:um.r BSSBtSSS lu ia** Jiu. un. Au.ii-L ______ THE DANSVILLE 4AN1 I AUlUM. I A lu.i'ii resort loi lu.a la ml o»e-wot -I auiliul m>- .1 ..1 liie ia: .-ii "I lil BM B « 1 I, '¦:. : re uBeraUoo ¦ un- :.. ii i-i, mul 1....1 a '. >-. '' -t'l-r.** lusa nu m.. .h.j e_nsibu.i ii.iHi . ua-ihi ian," i- Mi) ll UK i-.' lui' i: « .... 0 -|c;;i ir" | ll I'*( S l**J I'liy*.. lill "i N-OI I-" k Ml Mini '"'IU ti Iii .Ul ll lilli- "'il' wi n mi a's. leia, i '., e. Ae rmi ... Silau.il | h lu j.I ul il 'li flu.ii « ¦ ,.i , . I, -Ul*. V*n.i ll M .11 e- v '.li twenty i o ., eu ,h i- .'. -eui Mamu tm " . ir i ;M- ii i v ii* Iud i. . li ll -Ja II* '.ll. N IS -l 1 I il. ll ...! ¦¦-. i.i..- ".N« Tura._ f'NI IL!' STATES HOTEL, %j m.. uttioaaT is ai ulm ric city, I is m,.v "iu. i toa THK SBAl a VV W UH \ lil Hi iv r. I), i maj .i-a n Mus'' r Dssa m- ¦srasaasaaanna i*1 ¦ Biiuw n a v 1T1 I.ANOS.Ctir'.ivv.ll-.-u-.lii 1- >.t, N. \ \ J i, ., ., ii e ii. ...-..... r t;,.ii .¦. n li .us.. u i ,-i s riv .I ru* e ' I ¦en B.ne.i. a raeaa*M,an.S. - U«v. Kl.r u \,ACATK)H. The teitlanra ia th. < Slid i...lill u il Ililli Ul" I,eu. .1 New Haven, ona si. ubi aha al r .. ossa iuir .os- tobe iii-iui-is" »**_ Ul ll ll' ill Jill, 1U>. I'» Ll' I" ll lit snd soiieiv I.UUI in .. o-ii t » t ou Ula a«* alu.ie. wi i. mr ursti ,, :, ,, ,i bs] . 'I >s .in jinn, Illina lui l mill*, swiuilll Bfli SSW SB *. A 1. ll ill --Kl I i'lucipal W'HIIE IWUNTAINS.Gsjaalaew ll-.u-*', rt km k \i h\ a, x ii a eaasitSslss '-' ..' air una nan- ai rtur wau-r no Bay errr busi.l. Ol tu sin s Book tilr* uUla *ud t'Uua itt JU', liruadway. lb li .iUOllXOW .»''>. _ l'!,,lit.rlar__ VVINDSOli HOTEL, BAitAroviA sWBIsTaja, X. V, bow urav, on toe AtranrvAW rta ia Dorins th,- psst season Una Hotel baa boca e..i*rs*C Ovss Bftr rnvsio rartors bb*I BsseoBy-estBBa, with BAtba ba, sdoaa tbe sxtsrlor waaUr rabuili. sud ta* inuruir aiogmaMf rsStssS and roforolabeS Wuvoa.umS. Boona, bc., can bs bad oa ayultcsaon at Ul* forb Aveaoa Hotel. Wsw Tork. CWA a H. BHklXKY, Mflti.r. . sTtlTAPPLrCATIONS for uear h* SlM.WF.lt ^tHI lUnARO. »*od v**jT leseuotiona and Urtu,, td bx-aa a eu 5 uoauui.no dihkctouy, sm nrasaws*. 1loo tu No. *. i

MINING ON THE COMSTOCK. AT MONMOUTH PAWL TnEA^^^tluWt · Someof theore in trie rata is sa r,ih as rn j (vtdeveloped on the Comstock. The workingofthisvela will nt least give relief

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Page 1: MINING ON THE COMSTOCK. AT MONMOUTH PAWL TnEA^^^tluWt · Someof theore in trie rata is sa r,ih as rn j (vtdeveloped on the Comstock. The workingofthisvela will nt least give relief


A QaMrBfUL VIKW OP TH SITUATION.raoi>rcTtvn minip.skaamiino voa thk nev*


(juaux ortxa.minlso ar a UKriH or thukk

tboc«akt> rwrr.

fywou an trTjTsrtir'*' iiOBOBBSiBiiinBi us inninsaiiBB IVlRlilMA Cl t\, Ni V.. JuilC '12..Thc Ililli.-sol IhS

Comstock lode arc the deepest un the AmericanContiucut. Three have attnute.l a tlcplh nf BjOOOfeet, at d a uumlier lange in depth freOBS*900to 2.SOO bet. Although huudretls of million* ni

goUatahl irobi ami silver have been taken limn tbamines along the hair, the present yield is OOBtBBtB*

tivcv insignificant.' Neal ly every muting coinpat.J

1,11 the leda is uoweniraged in sinking and dnltinniu scurch of nev* ore deposits.


At the north cud of tho lode IBS Sierra Nevadaand UntOU Consolidated C IBBpentaa have ore whichcam* in at 0 petal 2.150 feet below the surface and

whic i is known lo extend BB thc 9*800 level. In th*Union Consolidated tins deposit of ore is rtliont 4.1

feet ha width en the 2,200 level. On Bceeaat ofcertain operations nt progress in the Union shaft,tnronirh which ho'h the Sierra Nevada and UbJoBCeaeaasaattad Bahaes srlll ha wotbani, bo oro eau at

prciseut Ik? extracted by either company.

The old " Bunama mines".the California ami

Consolidate,', Tlrglaln MO sti'l BKtractiBg BBd null-ilia' ure. Thia coules from rho stope* nu their old

upmr levels. The Consolidated VsiKtiua, Osssayaajlas." week extracted ami-cut to the mill 1.179laosof ore, the overege saeaj "f whton \vasj4ti 99. Thesame wa ck the Cali'mia Company mined and

shipped to the Brillo 907 tana of ore of the ossajv.,lne of 939 -ll !»er ton.

Tim n.U'- .md NercreeaCeaapeay yeeterday beganheisting ore. This comes from a deposit ah.mt ten

feet in **icth. lound soiue BBOBthfl si:,ce on their

2,100 toveL rho average aaaaj of IbtatoreiaSS] *2.

At tho lime it was found nothing more wa* donewit] ti is vein (han to run a eruesoas throngb it.

and ascertaio tts width. lu following tho depositup in the extraction of ire u valuable bonanza is

liable u> bc fsstWO. Some of the ore in trie rata is sa

r,ih as rn j (vt developed on the Comstock. The

working of this vela will nt least give relief n>

stoohheidi rs hy lednaiag assessments.

The AheOosapeay.ee tba sowtharanart nf tin

Comet* ck, n ar Devil's Onto, hs gen shipping "re to¦ Us last Fr my. Thir. ore wa* take MU .

time one, lt sanas from the 1,000,1,100 and L700levels. I kate i- :ie te or ie-,s ore on Oil tho levels, of

the mine It 'in lae 1,050 to the l.O.tO. (lu the upperlevels it 1- free n Hiing ore, bul on the 1,950 level itbi boee, conteinlng o loree pereeutage of galena, xtacend copper end iron pyrites, yoi it tai rich tn goldnnd salver, tbe Baanya running from $10 u> 9200per ton. Some exnertments are now h, usa made for

the reuii. noa ol iii bose or ot the IVotte rowelingfurnace neai tba Dartre Gate,At tbs <j nun linne, which is at the OBtroaM south

end of t. Coaastock, as tar Mearplored tl,ey haveneil ore Irmn the surface down, bili ns yet theybav* no great width ot it 1 though they have onlyattained a depth of 300 feet. At thia dapto theyore drifting noitb and south preparatory to erest-

eetringand extraetnig ore. ilievetn.tr any timetakeout c.inti ilTallie quanti, les of iioml ore ut thisin.:.c.

ll Tl UK nuBANXASMining tuen pa] bul little attention to whal

tiny n, * have :u sig) t In tbe way of ore. Theirminds on.upted with the booani 11 to cobbo.thebonaaaaa of tba future. Mure appears to

be ic-1 regularity as regards tbaol tba ba las ol rich ore known as " bonan*¦/, -.'" K> tween them are rios of e

lively barren ground, bu! as yet Here is no a--

ceri d' el Inw of Batata regulating the width IOOpruductive heirs. They only kn >w that there wa*

such eheh between their first and second me <.!'

bonana -. 1 id ti.a; they ore oe » il mosl poi ifs

in ano;lier berren bair, pushingdowaw ird in seerebof their third line of bonanzas. Tb*neaaaaars thought to he al no treat distance, aa

thara ara signs of the beginning of soother tortilegone s" in al 1 e depth 0! ab il 2 800 feet.At the B tcher atina un lb* 2,700 level mus I nnd

Batu tn en d ii ..I ¦-. snlpburel ore ebon!three seel la width* which pn suited the appear-snee ot lbs top ol an tue b sly, A' about t hdepth a mai ki .1 ob use*. Ln I .I tbe n inwa-" Ibo Yelina Jacket shaft;Imperial and Alpha nines the ehnngi ,v 1-

the 2,900, and lo the B 1 li >o al rh.- 2, ISO li vol. Asbaubsr ehenae bea bean observed farther to tbsnerlhwerd ot s depth of from 2,300 to 2.500 feelAt tbe latter depth tn tbe Ophir they ;,.¦" driftingand buriog with Ibo diamond drill iq a gulu.ttiou winch n.s-:.ys from 9fl to 920 ...,. i,,:,.

iiimi roa t.ik aaw bonaxsao.

Hartog thus glanced at the present rituation onthe i ,.:n t ^, H vv.ll bs in-xt in ord* .a l< okol *' hal 1- being dune at the prim ipal point . atongtbe lode toward the attainment ol a greater depth.Water is found to be a great'-: hindrance al arealdapttas thea either heal ar lack ol air. Ituthat pure air cun be bad Bl any depth attainable.The greeter the death ul the mine tbe mare 1fu' is she rush al air at the bottom, when twos] .

(or ot! er openings reaching ls the inrfae are eon-

nsetad. At the death of 3.000 feel thismigruel thal it blows efl beta, and is found by theBuners unpleasant tu face. Volumes of surface .ur

boob cool off the honied reek waUa af tho drifts nfth.-1 iwet levels.As a niciiis of drainage the Bwfre Tumid ? il! be

efehnost incalculable value. Already the leadingmines of the middle nert of tin- lode have derivedgreet benefit from their conn etion witta it. Thesnares of the nain Bairn Tunnel is ataavatt directlywait totho point whore it strikes ibo casi side nithe C linstock lode in the around o. t:ie Saville Min¬ing Company, then one branch u es north andanother sonni. Tims the tunnel aid hhlbvaaebestake the form of the lefter " T,'" the bra'iches form¬ing the top ot tiie letter. Thees branches will heextended along the eastern toeeof the lode ta theMirra Nevada on the ooTtbandto thi Beleheion tim south.The tunnel strikes Ibo CbauBPOck at a dei '

1.000feet bslow the serfaee, that obviating tbeneceaaity oj pumping water to thal beigbt, a h bkt no siiiitli lU'in, no will be aoen when are con.,- t,.

cunokaar Hie weight of a coluaiu ul wal 1 1,000 fi ii

high, rho nelse lanae! ond ito btaactaes give us

a aaw -inf-.ce, si to sneal ,1,000 lei I beloasn-1. oe of ih,' earth, from wbtoh ta take a oea .le¬

na ri ur* 111 the blisi ie-s of 1:1 a li 111 n.' mir m in B. Nic¬ol thc min-s nov* connected min lt oe ii

wader sigher tb n theil 1,600 level.I h> :m. Hi ¦: octa has aires ¦-. com 1 ct- <l «

Goaidand Currv,Beal ond Belcher, ConsolidatedI --lim and California; the main inn I tapa theSa*-ut,'-, a.ni t itrougb he Savage the Hale ind Jior-en -» grew ..'. I bs Benah bia;.ch swub the J, i.a 1 uug ,i. u.

nhl Ba road the Tetlow Jacket ahafu whichit vv.il reaiui at 00 ili-t.i. t dav.A drill frees the Chollar-Kortram Bavaaje shaft

goaBoste wish the salve rennel, saving 1,000 featgf peiping, jot wnh Hie mah of weter coming iefkomadrifl um (rosa tbe abaft on tbe 2,400 levelii tn the c u ¦'! the ve 0 un the Sat ige grouud,boththc psunpa and bnttti 1 tanks musl le- kept ia em

slant motJOB to hanni, th,- waler. Without Hie 8u-tro lunnel tle-y woulil have been dgOWBOd OBI ulth.-2.100 towal tn boah the savage ai..! Hal.- aadNnrcros-. but with lt. they wiil be stale tn keepdownthc water nulli ihi' -ul,!. nailcan ISSoMBHB loppedby the dun bevu aral Md mit.

Aa soon as this flow of water aha)] ces, Hu s,\

Bgja Hale and Sort ross. Chothtraad retool Obnrpa-atoe willheobis tn inn prosp cling drifts and thor-ouglily ctylore. their gia.und ut thc depth of 9,400len. lu Hie LUoIJjx ann r.iL.M.1. nu minina baa ja t

Leen dotio below tin- l.'.UM) level.fha Belcher Mmiug Coutpany have attained a

vertical depth of «l,000 feet, at wbtoh point theybav* (tnfteii savaral hundred reel nevsh and Bowesand have imtuV several alt,.mp s, both by means otaraaaaatla ami ti*** shswaaad Saris!, u> explore liteveiu lo th,- eastward, wases ii is satBeetod vviiiagain be cut tbe nuia.ll Vela spnli-ii of shove as hov-lui/ been cut on tbe 2,70") level Imf a nish of hotWater na* always ensued, which put u atop to thea*operations,

1 lu- dull helen aro now plugged up with sectionsof gao pipe faniatbod willi lancets thraegh wfaiatathe flow of waler to legaleses le suit tue capacityOl ibc puuipj. 1 nu temperature, or t.us water ia 170

degrees Fahrenheit. Water at this temperature bo

le ats up the level that nilly work strictly lieies-

snrv tat undertaken. A mirth drift is being pushedas rattail* as p OBlbla SO cuinecl with an Mal driftthat is Injinu astveaasd inward ii .'i th,- it.dei !<-v elol thc Crown Paint m.ne. (lue- th - i ounsctiou is

mode, flicn' will be fl geed strong crrenbstion of air

tn Ito' h mines, and Banana atiBg I BeVBllona fl a\ thenbe undertaksn.

I Ins Belcher north drift will n"t ..ton si s oonnee-tioii with Hu- i rewa Point, bur **iii be pushedsneed WI it rea. hes thc yellow Jacket abaft, bow3.000 tact deep, with a aumn 30 feel lower; Ibsbaw the :<,noo staaten. As lhere sj ol th- Y*iiowJ*eksi shaft powetfal pamping machinery, wrtb aii e ot osunpsextending trout the surfac? down tolin- rt.(Kio station, these turee deepClown I'oil.l. I', her lilli Yellow Juki**iil b»' able te render mutoal assistance,once the*- ar,- em . ct,.I, iu ease ofa rush ot waaas eta.urling m either. Evan nov. theywerk tofljalhet throe ih Bppag i iiiiboi tienatho isand tiet is a great di pth, iud a can*lau ted witB tl"' HotlO I I, il In 1 tl Will i» 000801Hu- Yellow .I n k.i shaft ko pomp watai to tbaheight ai 1.400 feel to reach ir. However, aa tbapowerful machinery oa tbe Comstock non iiipumps :i,mai feet, we ana safely calen I tte on b dugabie to pump another 3,000 bel betow tba 1,000l.'V.I.In this shaft, th* BleOfSXd vertical sh nf I "ii the

continent, an accident occarrod h.e: Priabvy whichresulted 111 the death nf six of the Bight ne u whehsppeved lo i»e at the hoi tom ot the time. The oe-aidant was the dusapine of a ear toad ot tanka,pseks, drills and ssedax*-luinunen, into the shaft ala piont within about forty feel of the lop. A fea¬ture of Hie rte. lilrut Worthy nf mit- aim SOM c ibu-lated lo ill the heart el tue miner ol suohdeptbswith owe and dread is related by ¦ sarvivorwhowa* but slightly injured. Thia was flint thc showerot iron and steel fe.i |g iH-ruci hi'-nce among thaneme ii, aol a warning Bound ws beard. During Hielatter pur: el their r*>uiaa of l.ooo yards th"Btlsailea treveUod so swiftly thai all saexm wa-s letttar I'ciiii.d.


. It ie toward the mines al the north end oftheComstock, however, that the evett -f all sUslr deni¬

ers and minina men on the Pacific Hoa*' are pow

turned.the Merrit N- vadit ami Ciimni anseasaBsted.What thev wish to sec is the enenhtg np nf thelower levels of IInse mums, hut as the* must bcwinked through tho Union shell (owned bytbe Mena devada, Union CoaselulMexican Companies), nothing can bc doneuntil all is in readiness ol said shaft,near sha bottom of wbtoh, at ti:.- 2.500level, a pump.the leal ol s lute teaching lo thi mr-face.is ticing pul in. When tbe pnrap goes intooisTaiion the water will h< pamped from the 2,000siatnui of the Sierra Nevada and a drift started toconnect with oue from the -lii.it al the samedoi th.When thia connection rs made both mines will bedry cn the 2.500 level and a;s.) uti thoa* levelabove thur ha*,- not been thoroughly prospectedAs tin- ore deposits af the twa minebeen followed beloa the 2. mu level, all bopsbig bonanza nay exist mi the ievo' below.

I.iiVV-c.k *ur OOXAXXIO.Tims it wil'be leeulhat everywhere along tito

( rootstock the mining companies are going down,down, in leatehof bonanzas o' n hore like thosefound am', worked above Bj working only thc

rich deposits "i or,-known aa bonanzas, il is withns of the Comstock towns alway- cither a f": st or t

famine.there i- aa comfortable medium condittoi.Ir bas always been so. Between bonanzas therehave ever been iiiue- wbeu half Ol .il M ss

Idle, everybody in debt, and business alums! at s

stand. All flus time we tbonld have "

'iii" between bonanzas by working to* .

dies. We should then have been making ii

comforial U living righi slooa, snd thebonanzas, when they eau,-, would hiveli- cn pul down as so ranch xtra and auto iked foi

uti godsend*. Ibu in the 'h.nu'pitched ut, the high key.wage

and all ell' "iir malt"; |down to the minor key of thc low ..ral.However, it will not atv* cys be ad ofwaiting a w linus year to gel ato work Irma one to three months at: | :i da* .the wanes fi .-1Miner-' I": ..'i foi ill tn ir* ':¦ -

their beads below the snrfao*.wi shall ha*- ,i i

arraiigemenl by which a certain class of minbe ullowsd to cain two ir three rio!v eai thromrb. In < '.!¦¦a rolil ores nf a very toe u-i m 11 re i luthe business ol con nitrating ores iu esta)while here on the I tock norlin g mi

uel P. F. »-i.i- T i. ol tl lrme that li* is able to

coiiccii: rat oren Alluw-.ratinj to be tl per ton or

even twice tl at figure, we < lora-Btock ii ii. fore I bal wouhdnctiou if reduced thre orfour volumes. Indeed,

in I de men aion [rom lints "ii sud at a short di

bj some seta ction ont.Wi en this can be d ne i- ;,i tj ceri am th

ii-.,s< nf ou''

i '"'i, '' ii.ie by i uni ration.\'ii ve ii" tl runnel an Ix

: low ara,..'' rc, snfflci il i

san i- ol :;!.. ii i i iv a ire "i m e ol j -. Inni nu u.rie. iheS ivi«o,Chollar, H

:nr mstanc : thatwill ;t--;i, frnii f5 to '' 5, I e. o-,

[brough a, Bui isl for a fee'¦¦ni Riv r. .'. here t li ore

tr.i'i'.i by means oi machinery drivenp liver.

ural -ir-! thi amid be a nm ¦.

best concentrating apparatui now in nae, and theifr.it-

n j. mills on tl ( arson Biver. 1' u 1 such millsi gean be pi itabfj d< n al mia-



Tho second annual championship games ofne Staten latoad Athletic Ctob-wers h*-bt yesi r i. nn

Utegrwaads of the elah ,t Wes) Brighton. Ond'm-ni Un-,-'. lui te. There wasa tn ¦'. it'.: Lance, snd un.sr "j rn.- zan

contested. I rn- sports op ned vita tbrowraathe banimer, wk 'i ia- ... a tn ( P. ll.tri dist mee 72in I...».. iii.- loo .* arda ma via* wen bj j. ll. Um.m. i

10*0seconds. I.8. Taylor came In in ia Unrup,eloseli rollo* 'il hy I. M. Pu time, ."¦: 1 ..<',. Theiuuiii.tr ii.;.-i |amp wa. won by V. ** Daraud, whoel 'tired ."i feel *; Indies, Tlie sjnarter ibi'c run s

bj J. ll. Simmer, W. J. I". K ¦!>¦.: I - b* Ina a rood in i;rime. 58 c-oil i K. i. i'. i-.- ... ile In7minuten a- ¦oconSua rteutlair M. W. Jansseman, aboui a gauri* ol ¦> ;.

.,¦ ul: '... C. V Hi."reel, il.,.-. rho Oral ui U n the lui u ¦<¦.

renai. ol r ie -I itlen talana iii I B ni ri .! a - wan ". ul

',., -i.i,t-i, Island. Who pultod their opponentsii,mu', s, :s i -.-e.. ii*. Th- s <. i .<i (jul!, betweeniniii '.v.V (lyniasaunni and Snug Hs . wa* woo nv

. i- un u., ., ia adVf Sgl *' v. lien thetea minutes were un. the Hit.il pu - tenI ind ami U"* Wood men ,»r rved sn a ur heMut i-ii I-Un ie m. if they vanished3 um ¦:¦ - and 0 -.e.aol.-. Tbe 'J-> jav ,f ll. Hi'iiiii I, W. J. "row ¦! Hu.J l7~ . .... lela r iee, to*

i :.-i -i *¦' >. ri <j a - v "i

.¦ ¦: Goold, I h.ie fl tali .t - Ta- 120yu ii- in:nih- ra* .. a Jse nc .- ue, i-'i .-. ic i. Tu* ti-i,'ii, ran

«,,- ami by W. C. I., ....mi. ll,,n 2:28Lj *.'. .1. Jf.Huberts


The sixth annual games nf the Scottish-\ Oil 'I I

the ..¦:. '.ii.

i the

: ..

I. i. v

, i K K II. A. C.; P. H. I. ( ; ii... I

lu tbf io.11 -.(.!..

v,.-. .1 .. '.1 't

.1 V. H v

: r. ir nai -H.

In rn >. un* tu, i

r ..nd th H LC.s v- i

\,un h. J. ¦-. . 'hw.d... rilli, -. V. V ,1 li i-i

tm... o:t ..c ii, i,i.iiil it ¦¦¦. mil, I i.

ROWING "A Till hil.L VOA kl IA..

K\tc,:-ivc preparation* were mode by thcA'i. ii otu it ia in .

v. li., L, ssaS asses yasbatuay stoaraaaa, oa tbs Kill vas

Kuli, opposiu Doruss Potni, sad suet ibi senjoymeat np to wttbla is hour of tb li.ui de ipi j I

for the raoes, whan tbs r:;i i eau-, a, um111-I I ne V. i.s I- .|.,-.l a :ll I.), tile ii.-se. MleJ il l

rente. Tue dlslsncc row*d a - sboui IU iu.i.i.;ui,

U ii kept. 1 Ue Progv imui w us i rotlott -;loll! iial-eil SSSa 1 W. ill -. ..ri. h U. Il I*'.. (U I ), 1.

r.Allen, lt. ( A un t, ( ii ii i, - w. i. i. i.. m.h, a n u-x-WBin) Ked W. H-1 ii iii.iil Ufv). ,4. I.M i,is .. J. 1. MMarset, .'. kt, Dal istraka}, V. IA Veenbees (coxswain). Tee whites voucaaily.Foin- nreii shells: Walla.Walter Usa (bom), J. X

D.mur, j c Humphrey*. H. w. rra«k(s .ni Basbl-lward Buittii (lum), Ar.liui' IblSUe, L. li. IVcil.t. lli.icu Btrrube), lite reds a-trae tu Brst.Iour-ohF-d *iir.: Waite.M J. StttMna ilxmi, BdwarJ

(,ii.i. sbargb, K. W. Tr.t»«,H. 1'. PraSB fsumk*), Wall iMan (rox'wuui) B .¦!.ii. J. M letbi (ic .). Cl. A FallerJ. A Lodwick, I Ud'ifi i t . I.. ), Kilvdiini -mu.m (.ox

awain). The waites Wee.r-uuiH *cuii ram Osatsaisam I C. M. Qrees oas

Annul- lUiMH'. (iio<-u wr.'U alur a close saab Si.

lt V. K Hchuyicr was st^rtor and fc'.oa. rick 0KuXreii, ie; crec.


Basnaaaar ai^v*HTn rMUv-Taoi'itM^ov pk. i ir

PsBUnut ISUVJ oUntaVaBMi Wa* i,i.» r atkd.rnsIrTHV.K RU rt.

The grant! island af Monmouth Puk was

treaded rossel ii. t i mst] stael Seepaos** ,.s rn- waled 1,1 ladies n 11 '¦ i. iag Breach kati u an'1

niiii..-. Bo aioeS beeaty of festal Iga.Idreosnirt thc eje In | iBCttM "V-t tba fro >nr si

St e*nifwl tit*- on vi -Ui'ii mat > I 1% andother rllte* hint eent inrtnv ol ttr-r hsaetbau.smsa to Baa Bew-Jetasi sbsss lin* year, awith.i: ii irood prnportioof toesiqas tool an leftist In rsclna.Thoura there wss nat ts i:r r ¦ bast o' tpeelsonpr, neill a- SS BOOM tl .! di vs ia pre vine* vivt. the nu if

ker toa west ap hi UM taanssswds. The* wsti bmSbts Ui.jtt-.nu. .util the ruin catii,-. A brit.'. BBWtSS pie

vealed say tbaagbt el bast, aad tbs r.«'*iui( ii.duuougtisf tbe sai selling aad stirring la it tameka tbs hw paswiftly, ktoreover, tba management pushed on .-vents

¦0 BBB Bad his. .i ,r .: ,;i Ute r*ii a ..: BtSsSf Blthe nport Hutt rfu- .tfti-rw.inti sen,cl .ill BM short. It

wan over lui sf aut iihumca an I eejuTitient. Mut Um-

ruin wm unwelcome. ktVUrySBM tBansXht U.at lt WM

erasa needed, imt everyees »based tbal ll bad aol a om

just tab h.

As OS Ike nr'ti«l merit of Hie raeinrr it rn iii not winn lie

forgotten, The track anti better Hutu aa BSturdaci ami

rim rnntuns wa* fwifier. Twice ttl* minti tXpatUUkredtaifu.su ami tito feseral stood ol attasssss wssa inuet,a-t a ished, v .. Ten ibonghl d poastbla thal (irena,,4

caiai lose tia- in* Briss nf Hi" day, thc Jetsej D 1

Bul he lild lo*e lt, arni the nenr jir ve I blmwlt .1 iro.Htrae- hore. As Only Incident In Sae career of Fr:

sahtV, GteeaflaVfl osneoaiar, wheel drew Batata la tana.r. * m m. manum stsaad ks S saaStoB -t Jtr-

oin Parb in tbe autumn, and ala tocetng tam BsgnsS-1 . ni eolt ti cn io ,1 , lu- l.e-* far Nie lii«t Ulai last tlSSe

ir. PrrnclraV si ttl -.t rhee was owned by n"Amur. Wmri Hr. sassvfassiad fisas IPs imf IwiflalBat

latoncti i, sad was baagbl by nabeaaa st Cs.rh -..-'.:. .*; Bsspl Songbtthsl sam was ssaehab,;*--'lu ir ,i«- vine Tim result "i ihc Jsrasisnowed that th's was an irror PernclSe'sa li pr vi ¦:-

saeoess was m the Wtyuers st..ki < at Jerome,.lu- ** n r, t.'.nuirh mest of the

bntetbouobi Oresauti had beotwa kata Sj ahead.1 h starter pr. *. sled kbs d .¦ al si lbs htvoriss rn Um

iii si nice y irising abu adeeudvs sad over ta* athenipeed made them ai si] duuaernus te him. Tin-

1 .. id conti wm tbe J 1-: * Derby, tbe deetatos olwbtoh BMSHtoned En ne third. u.<- br-t

tile fit* uri' c IO] '. d . WSS to tfei rc,.uni | btCC. The foin th

rs t** walk ai 1." Ia tko aita a SUy bttto tketudhtsfBrat nt th- n 1 iimi has totta aits

ba ki rs ia tbs Freneh pools gol 1 stun ol¦.' ty for one St? their Investment Tbe favorite csp

un-.. i tin Weller Cup, and tbs Mal twa raw a s ere also

Uki n by ho best In the opinion ol tbes).ul,iii 1-.

HOW lu: STA tri RB S ISColonel Bjtmuious out lld tatmself .11 :h' ti-: race. If

s OB li lr ;--t.Bl e. ur-", lie I.

'' .:.f e 1

owners snd spec si irs ",i sa Am rican race-track. Alair start in i ih**rt race ii v.iih bim tbenon and aol the ni-, sud n crt.,rt

r tba s .a 1 ia his totSeven ran lu tbe epentna Sve furtongs dash li

and ii ...¦- f ii hoi * ..

Ulai l's lu Idius Mr Hu il lu pound?);nilvOosfltp no? ;io!ii.l-i: I om!'- Virgil i'

Bride 1 age flOTparl lard's Ally B ? (104 I

ri I. I."I*

iHugo was a i on sol la¦'-'.ii.. ;.¦-,..--'.. nilly

I- -:;-. .- the re si m tbe flHe Huab wen their tacts hythe antef rac


ha fl .1

-. ni iimi of Sir Hugh, 1.

'.1 : c.



Milt,* ut III . I I. li


at iimi ur ihc v.

Ml. la. j... lick .-

BOW .:-.'. 'I BB I'.»ii HY.

'I".- Jersey H h a i- 1

'. da, tbe', I

Hake* ai d 1 l.e Ca Island De by. i

o- ii'- .ii i

bb 1 .". ,nsi 11 bad

ali loglot) on i fr, and I

i.n a>:.i rn- ed in fmai tor a

,'. un I-, il 1...lu ill .1 tu .: ls 1'. »v ll a

lie* ii ran (J eoade trn lo shake off ins rival hui.- inna

,. s ol the li . ei. uni 1.1-v. A

¦ii ,' fl- Ul tl eli l ne w

'. i-- a "i Uoet. A oKinn1, a:i.i tua -hun

uni l| ¦',..¦..., ,u_ 14 Perm lille shedover rbe Hue m -i-v vii-ie- mi 21-15.goe.1 tim* for tbe

I ll 11 ...,--¦ irui a in. leos iu* n.-

Min! 1.. Ul ,¦ 1 i... -i.-.

!¦: ,. mi ,.ui roi . '. sm a -mee se r 11 ai .1a

-ll-',.,;, te I'. ". .: ID

a ii*, ly stir. J nell c, Qcbeu paad... -

lil, I. 'ii ''iou <.. .:.,.

., ri 11 ¦¦ .wi. ji \ r

en v*.... -1 .'< 11 1ld* ii .ii- .'. ie' ii receive .-._:¦'n', .... *. on 1. -u 1- ¦¦. r- and twi.,,... ...un ml ti -... wa IS,3

1 si *- '.SD TO IM-l'uirr.

Tue sbrewattu .* is Read rase to bel sav -w Bspetafces, plod

sseb, ball fi ". H de* rared b JBl ..--.".

-.. ( ml ul as four app* .11", 1 on t '.

Hail-, With 1 I rr- I OT! ll 1 ¦:'- eil.. I rS, 114-", '" Pw .i '-..,...Ie*, al 1390 '.-. Iraers's .-

: 1 1 ¦¦ ,: ...ino, and Gk L. Lonl-

,,¦,1 '...,-.. -;..1 !. 1 until b -.mi Hun: in tors

till 1 ,-,. \ he ¦' oil arai ^ d. ne

nw . h. 1. , -*. Ul ti.i- rsl 1 owaliken. 1

I rai - sau 1


111 un. llI


.1 ot Pei la, .¦

.ii h- :« lil aui. » wa

I a :. ,: ,. t

re* a lo Jil 11


nil V vs .1 SrAUTLIa ,. tux a put ol ol fl

, mic eriir ' I k.} 1 CO, alni li

walked i.',' mrsMIS ¦*.: ur g

,1*,:, r-tr'.r-. Saeas Brees '.¦ L Lusbtoi I ..

Bari il<i sara. 116 posuels), tba lavern'»ui.ii i. 1,. .ra,lOS p*

eat 0100; \. li. 1-'. ri 1. li i.u a, (i years, 10S)Betti h'»: " ands),

I '4 1 ai ,' I j

BeUt, ooSWlBtma Ol Hun i's k> .1 g. K intern t

\ 1 ¦-. BO l-l! 1). ..ii ¦'! 'a colt 1

:i ,ir., Ha |t*ui al-), SSS H '¦ :.,r . ir-UiS . 'I.I I IB*! 110,1. hilt

... aa retch was 1 t bel .......

1.11 .». 1 vaii'iu .rn ;. gan - 'i:m nant wi ghi1 ni a rb ai ,i 1. nani 1 '¦¦-. 1¦*,»ioi,. w a ,1 -Ia i .

lan t ifier a h tni i*trmrale, .11 IA7U Bnqd. au, HurolU third. Mu: um puo: tn'k. la pcu

B07 60.lil \ ll Ml B IUIHMI "lt * CUP.

Pix 1rc11il.Mi1 -11 rads fer U.c Welter ( up. a BW*iB|BusaolsiBBSs riders. g'J5 sss 1. play or pay, wita Solidmilli U; ills line. Hu.liijiters nf a mile. II. .Mei

saeas code Judith (j yearn, 1S8 aaButas|,tbs tovsstta,at lino. Mi (iruivlUe was on Bor.it I (flgsd, Hi*

i,.,iiinM. seeaad rbsaaa, Bl #3.1; Ueiimuii PardP ww eu

Miiniriiliim (.", yeiin*. 15s [1.1111.l-l. at $2f* ; Aitlnn

llmiicr un V .mid nc ku (3 years. 11'J pOBBp 1. Si BtSJ.vu. lt. svaassaaa (ubi Pelloa jased Iff f""i ll slftl]mid Daobat Prtos on Tramp gt yeena, lad peoedst, ai

|15. Junta, tim favorite, sturt* d i.corlr. oed tea teat

for a qntner of i% mlle. Their sta] r>a*»ed thens allsuh t iimi a rd i.. aad had \m uni. b more »d*< u ibaa

iii.,; 'ii,.u*li abe wiv- rbltl, b with !:;tte skirl, sh

1.1 u I- i'in m. rv*., .".»*'. U-, in l:23te Ti.linc Barest!,nii.l Odd-Fet'ow third. Viuirferdecken ledon the trackfevrore tba aiurr. ssa Arthur Humer repnuuied andii. ,.-i ia. race. Freusb seo! stcketa an Judithji .1-11 ii sae

h lab tav'i- ARvrntan Barlina aver.

There v ere flve rn USS neiilnr: rue,., 1*1 ial'*«, for B

¦m. Ti-,,,.:'- .;- Briton 0 '.esr', 112

psaods) Sseugkl fl Tl ht t in i*; Ptevts Lorillsrd'hana Bpartaa (fl ¦. i -, i":. u. ...-,. Iii 0; O, L. l.nril¬tur. '." fitly ih.sii'!-. fl rear*.fl peet**] -.¦.; Daasy'S

s sa* (S rears, tm peuads). 060. aad MeOnstVaBili Aui|o\ (4 VaOS ii'. ."U i. | '¦". --..irt11, ,ist for

ne.inv .t ruin i eu Ue five It ap coin" etely Bad ell

haag ta the lem Blass Uthut wa Bani la the third et

fuuriii positlea sp lal .¦ boon stn rhenhetaokhe eli:-[ piree when ll' ch., c sndin fi .*» nedor a Strang pn'l in tne mrw.uVsl rim'"

f-j:l--, -.tenr** tiree |segth< bel hu. 1I lil lt ll

i Bl* stendler li 1-T's wb*n ne wai.kio oi un.rt ot :he ii.r.-- vi.it obst, na- keen like Las

i. .a i...,. e Bevel i.: v '¦. ¦¦ .,1 H.- v.i'ii Ibo1,,-riiv tti»i vent, defeating tte Bilgaty Duke of

Noa ic siiuis oily i! mr , tl o-U. Ki'inhpoo rickett* on Mi m. were s >rto git earn,HBas sad a <..-, entered t . ne so J r.r tT.orio. tetley

0 Ike Bidding I'D Ulai iialil he vi..,- b*U*hl In falSI.00.1 in .i lairs kV!,-.. bbl own, r. s Ketty had ta r*nrrSOfttess p bis buna, sad staten oaar wat anani Meta

Felling 'me- t ji ni ii,. I* the Bool sneeess ol hof the year n raeea ef tbat krari, wiwa leenIssn un i.-r-,. i.li'.iu wah theos ortweotb r

I., r intered, Tic-i \*a- rirupbThwlj sol um seasyssoaisatj. kai svw.

i'Bii5i.*M wins TVS BlaaVfljaXBUkSBbIkeassaaaeesaas wi* unumi'u'.y btourealaag*naseek

only tin(.. wk- nut, faa Bewportet-vbto's bans Pn L*lem (aged, i i:: o* bDds), hreusrhl SaSototbs iioolsjts "'.

tim- Mstart rears, I4S pouudo), B900\sndCartnaehrs mare Bertha <~> wars, tis oswadst, *?*joo.Hi*tui i,trice retased lo Uiie. UM lir-*t ju t>.url kteausy, ai* rider, Bad to ase his whipvtsereusly tc t~-f nun over. Hut tbe pass

o -lew tam he overteok the other* soon afw-w.i 'i-umi problem and oe led alternate v. Berthas badly. diopnSBi keck Bnfl reaasdenig m tba lear.

-.- ned to be lu near trim generally, for bsa u witi iiion thai iii- usual a unsnieHS, nd osl

vr a ci ',. i, .i Problem and he osasts s toryin ;he ni mlle pear, sud bo

so th.'*oiik'nh rxliaasted thai itcel mul c. rd went ra

utriredto v ¦'¦ thew taos ing nt all to tb* Soul fur.oinf.Pr iWi m'i a ai tas< bi wench! ¦! eid»»d thc¦¦i.ii-r ii r - rttrths Defoe* Disturb*i-i a bel desperarelj lick ot lbs whole Mil.almost fni ns irern weariness, I he nsse was 5c4.1.

a wa* twenty or th ny lengthi..!¦ ¦. Tuern wera no U le. stu aol pool licki - onI'l-.iih u, w< re worth #11 IO.

BtlUOSd i'iiur ila-,- With sevenir

loataOaki ucl rn sab iur anuiii im n r,,:, ,.... bordie rave

C0NTES1 T\ Mrn a.,'., h i/.v.

N" riv a iluiu.-i ml ap delora, with itiiiuy,:.,. , ,i Basal i-i ii ..! 'ii" aaaAilinn Club sro-y l"

inn - li* n bj tl >¦ ,. nb. Tl entrinnne n club bad oaTer ,i band'orato ilr ll | v,u meil.il I" the

vent exeepi ilie tv. pectal ¦¦

walk and half-mils ran.to wk* k beauttfal sold-..ii.- tho prises,

n n, ,i. bm ri .¦ spee-trttori sn elded ulai, :!: -t BC

nut \>. Il I' .. titors,Ml i *> ru

ai weiind v.'ii'i wei ie -r, tonk their situations

Ko, -i ni ¦¦'¦¦ it: ' nt a ul i u

Ol Iii'

competitors. wh»» weran stb ht j

at of I At, 'u in theUU :¦ '! I Ue-


drei iji.¦,,.., ree sett sinu variii',


-, .uv

i the M n-tiu .1

i- i i:e, i. -i

: . !Adams li Willetta

(Tnhran for awn

Pul .11.4. Gd i.ju.

itle re,.'

I- llio iiii'l ni vi r

¦¦ w., 27 sec (. v. V ,u-

U .- raire H.. Vii ... -j-.ii

'. .-¦¦.(.,

J. el .ti, U, J. ,,..!

ll tlOM. t

¦, ¦> ,,- U|i S ti-¦

he Park tia > U aro draw s to,.i "'¦ il the Path

I.- Hu ii( iii-... i fl -, eon-

ic-ti-d; I ¦r '< am. insplito ru.- i ,| e-'-i one, was in era bv two

- ''.<¦ bad 'in, ie iii" a.

Uki ii.ni, ile ; clay, so

la m. a ei,,i ed to i),.«r riteIn it one ur. e vi |'i e i:;,. k.

,a -a of .¦ .¦.-. made ii ;.,- e. Pur v

I fl u" Tl;.

raia lo I BM fe t, bul au -IHe wai li j* at

u-i .--', ana vwi-cjtii: 1,'iit "f InweriiiL.'rhe i. al

ii k i"" a "ii von cia lion and tho vu- ,r i, i lavor-;ii,,,.. u> Kplen ,: 1,.-iiu" ,itnt fair walking drewlc-ill we'd dem nus from thi ipeetntore.

lt. u. .-., le, '.I-. ,:, oiiii vi.i-tc Club, prt'ved an,,',¦. .ii 'i-,: .,- for loo** win. it it

sever beaten tweet] Ire wi da; is ihtw waam n A i, li llnli, wu> Bseon*

i M. Esq Ireis. Pnta.im tl kktlle Inks I rd. Tba Milelum Handicap had tlgktee itarti rs, ia I a ¦' won enaiiy!,-. T. i t.'onvey. Pi :.:.. m erle C ub. (SO varrti) InM-i| ll i '. il. i H-..- .1 Ne-. Yera waasacestd amt e.

(iimi"!. New-York, taird, Fortheii mile run ipcci.il,l.. I Myers, Manhattan linn, th* fleetest rn distance

ii, .1. A. il i. :i,um. Vern-ia Al Iel ii: ( Lilli,Wet,-tl ¦',"..

ttiTincr Resorts.t MOS-: TUE CATSKILLS.-On a farm;

.'\ .¦'¦;!,: iii iii ii-ii..rv plano ero*ro r oaenuTsfrosi< il ii *. .rasas bo a wars o i

i. I. |. i .li a fl in lermn l.i mic i> t. 11., h. S6 a ml f 7 er

ju \-ii-. lui bain, 'l: .ene Ca., S.T

il' SI'KKilKN". N. V.. 32 miles via Erie...'» Largo:.',i.,-. slty rooms, good tabla lonss moderate:

i. i.,;ii,i.v. Wo, ts i adar-st .viMrottit a. raapIUOK.V.

a. rn*.I,. QUIET COUNTRY HOTEL;« none.! tor -.nie ran co lii'ur uni charlu ii-' -irr'-iiiunllni's.

f. ..¦.nun,., .itiii fur .¦ luiii.iit numbai ot ,uill,-s ,unt amkbrea,iiie .,. j,*,- tm eseluatvfl a sr*er* A.a,lrmai

r i* w * lsiis a --IN. iviw.iris iun iiuu-i.'-ui.a-

I ii.wm imt-! .

. \ O* BAN iIIai'.ne lb, x-iui atuated fifty rants ftutu the cirf.

¦'¦¦ ira etea 1* 11..

h. \v. LU' OS, Iru r:

[loAKD ul V. 'ur"" i.id Falls Fuiui, iI > i -¦ ; ids e iiiiiiiuif.

.¦- 1 VI. II. (SINUS, I..l^ew.Ml.Comity. V, v

?. I ; i.'ru- HIKi. lill.I.S." t,allin House"l> Psraat, i's a popular bualtvrosen; l^aoui**!

a ii \ ,,.,,--.. i,,|. .,. o

lERKSHiUE ll!LL.«.Thc Coiling !!."teals UT en 03 !>. r iliir : |ier

Al BJCd iu: .v. r .,,

UU ttl) AMONG Iiu f.\ I.-i* ILL-, mar\,r:n lum nam

'ni N MitMrt, linrbam, uro i >. nu v. \. v.

I50ARD :tt a FARM HOUSE In thc (ATS-I > ,.,!', . iii. rarj doati tble

i.i month* ai ul iwtee it i of sadiefr-mi ... '.

.: .'i.ill . vu -.no, i,i ii. .a u v,

b*. V.


CV\!-KII.L. N. V..Country Board |/5 puri . a lour.

/ Mil N i RY BOARD, f. ni*,:, ruble house j"... kial erna ni Sos u .-e.-r.

i-i - I "iu',urv 'em

C', MNiLV BOARD. . Samtnun Spring-ll. 'u .. ll '' ,In.el i,!eit,,.ui

-.. uer, i: >¦ i. u m ,,,, u,,i rt, r i * ii ii ..oa.

aprtiniwellfl I ko H'm". Highland" Milla, WY.V/ i «o bonni Kris, Maee. ad rrataH a

i l un .¦ r.- un-ii.i

lum'. nt.! -. ,...u

POOFtaWTOWN 10ISE ,0 LAEE. N. V.VV ii I -li,i lt 'I I. I

Aii.iy -. K IUTTi Mta 11, null ,in w in; limul esra aa ...i u.i.n, betas a Alban.)

BIM CBupcrstOWB. _

CH)UNTRY BOARD al n tami Bones, eaatara. s ..ii. nu,, wslka sud vu »»; [nulli, largs

Bfldanri siemi fie.h i;.i'.« sciib sn*l vnaVtablsa; Sarnia n ,i

ersia. galera i-> I. IV Wan. 1 ¦-' true »i...\ \. Ait,lrr«« itu.j r. \v a un ." r.' -i m. ',!.. \. V.

( ii I.IS 8UMMKR RETREAT ami FARM.J Ann.i g ll e Q nulli Ins u ruinn.Mlat'H nl\rr irie,lii tine

iltlv «, lue -.Inuit i ii:..bl, i. suv ii.-, le. law. ill a li* tabbiBi nt u^e« srlees n n*va tale kurana »u*l. arrt.iu*e>. mboIibspsoorletor caa ii- »<..., it - | .¦ .. i,.,,iu 7 l ,, nt, .* iii -.*

_W. v ri'li:. MnriiKiiowu. t'bseviTabtr, X. Y.

CM>K1LL Mul"\|.\INS. Seekers nf pwrekit rsa Bklfllll Ih Bill eu; -le li lulen ll o.u lAullux f.K.I

i.I. m. ¦¦ .nt'..-,, -in.ii.ii bi Ben term* *¦ sod BS perweek ; rafrreuces alvaa i aaanubi irmu i,.,..i sad leiesrspu

dallj i, 1.1., lalilu fiui:tali,.|| mul, et/-s ntl Ik v, u

elalie an! narr. Se. A.iitniii lt. H. WILLIAMS), Iumi Uur:. .i .,, \. \.

Du rnmer Resorts.

pOUrfTRT IU »A HI) nt tory fnrinhonan in\j Uorksblr* Iiiils; ure Btr. lonni tooms i>e*uuiaiHui,, rv Ail.Ireaa K. n. TRACY. UiuHilaie. Il.-rk alura (nun-tr &tass.


/ »AT8KILL MOUNTAINS..fftxteen milesV>t tniu, ( aiiiilt uaiuatMl u lum'muw, rt trina- har neat

.,( ne unta a-. ...Kb arnanSB inn'"* l i.ima oars ar, no

malani, «.¦ .el srUMSJ 'rill uf all SiixW. veretakla*. .'liter,,ci,Bi la. etc tiri ue itl» a ii e. ;u ie. ',- linti-reai. I',,s|

r>; li i.rnV.-e a; tiwi. Ititijr i-i-inmaiil'-atlaiia wilB

b>i*i.« ann train*. Idai nf c.:* rtttenHies aa* cu. T'i_a. SbBM n.-, a I IXOB IU" Iv UKU.l.KK. r.aat Uitrtrntti,liree.i.jul.. X. V._

^ANGLEWOOD HOUSF...Eagtowoad, N. J.,A ii iniii''' I,.¦iel , epos nil i.iiviiii U min » irani SSW.

Y.ir. .ai Nm tl ern ila! n«t.l af N-w Ja

ti^qninng Hattsa^Mausehenti r.Yetu ont..fi'-jlirs.J hom Sam Voil. In '.I A. n, siiraliiiiii »| o. ml I riv nlxht

boats ro: tu- t w,;,, mn-nins 'ram fur '.! anchester. K if.Orr ia.

17X01 LLF.NT BOARD, Mah. (Manta* i«>oa-k J ,i,m, arr himnlMB New- Y*-« fr»*|U«iil rt isa »p»-i. ,'.i., laoulies tot the *'.i-uii Bob IT, Clrcleviue,New-Ya _

I7D0C0MR HOUSE, Nev.-London, Cona..1 J in th* ^,mr,d now nuen heantlflll «l><! healthy ; no

ni ,1 r'.-i, rn luiv 1- T,i #ernel itl ala*s*i. loesw uiwur-

la.-aeil; gas, oeils. I, n-grspu. ispwiil rules tor line.i' -. inn-. M li er prlotar.

I/ALLS HOUSE..Open fur Barnmer guests:- ii".u r.ire I ere miJintiiiii ar. J. B. M'ltOOB-

(A'k.li. Mick... Umii, Pena. _

'AUM HOUSE al Wading Uiver, clnee ki-iuchI sBan rapacity. 18 *u. I.<unr r«inn.1 Kailrnai!

i. ie,. Bkfldr, heall.,}, dally mall; price. »*i. L.UMAr * Yv. i. _,

I.WI.'M ROUSE on lugli sjrorrnd, rommand-ina a tine vt. w <>r mount* .. aa on ritry blab r*>>mit fur


Iimi lueii o«-* sou* iiriri' *j ami fi *i|lt«VV. h. FUFM'II. Kant Durham. Oreen* Co.. B. Y.

/GREENWICH, CONN..Shady -rr n-ds.\f BflSflSBg kaatas Bad baas, badraea, BOX VP, Oswnqwrsb.

/M.LN lillxH". ( olCWVALL. N. Y.-Himhu" a ,,,,« "nea ic BSVaa irruuiil ifjs. Water, woo.1 itr,,*Usafe vnierabov*. mu*. curr. *«.¦**. lU/iu, ito. un pt***.

J. I.

/ <00D BOARD can ix- had st ¦ tann-.ie"A un li tra L-iuirnl a ir rh- (at.Kills, pl*n*aai iix-ainm

ii .' h a.t. v iuia'e icrnis. *.". imt week. #'Jo per mimili.

Apply bi -ill ll*i Ff.M u r)urri»m. (.reen,-. onutv. B.V.

jfJOOD BOARD..Desirable location, within"I n>.. lin rs of etty, st rwsso sob rstea, se* for roorsrlfAdilreaa Mt-* .i.vui.I..I C.AUK, t crilauut-uu ll misou,tl r-Yorr. _

(1 OD room try houri; largs siry moms;J li u ak .. j I "un I- iilniiiilaiii labia i teruis mo. crate

i-\i-Tii-: .a .-,.. t h, iiu.i ..*<¦. address*'"*( Y P IOTB, Wi too. Court.

f^UYMARD SPRING HoTJSET. ¦ ( 1 .i; (karn !izsc<»-i-tv. I'lcaaaatwatta sad dnves. DMaune lunnras sad u*tu*r. Almeta

Wat. n il ¦* turti. I'rop.-tUir.


opcm ron uk sKAeojr.


HAMILTON li »;.'.:. Staniford, flinn.-PH st- la-, t .mai- h.- ,'.¦ Bunt er um le wMaaaaflflafl

6iia.lv lavna; I., e I cnn u'ar'i; go* xaa ruuu. ur m n r ni

., v ¦.... ne li".o'. .... r.'io \i..*V.ir« ('uv hi -. ir

room; ii.iiiiiiK-, iiu.iti. :|r uini Babsag, M. ll. iiKU >l'» X.'"¦ P :. i_

j IAV1NG REX! KD a mimbi r of rooina toll satyear*aaaaata boo sta 3saeatba,other Bea rt

I milli* ,.f -c..! runts eau ttutl ace. ian).nona at aallafac-turr ratea -i.n alt renal ¦-,. rifsreo ¦¦ wlvaa sad rs

WAAC C. uki.-.. A BUI, "nrat llsmiit. li I-I. h -hie._

Ht) M EST K A 11 f A 11M Mu way lief vs er-n S ir-:.- mi '¦ lr .ru !'. 11. BSd k. K.

depot; boa in eenery, ea, By a, ci --io e.

lal f ; p.nai . s InUKs'i.c. ii Iti n ¦ .rmu *.'i to S" par -.e.-,..

I.I lil'- i.. a-, vu rr -ir: l..i. ".. X. V._LIILI/S MANSION HOUSE, E imfdon.

II .i -.,;..i .luiarin. rv. line liri* -. boat Ins oue nf the eli eat i .'.

ie, .tn, mn ral iowna tn i ¦ .¦ hmi»*I ita .

rn -. -. ..a for ia tar. Kel i. A'I'luton, Kiti... Ti i.i.,1 7- Worth **., epeurA .,..,-,,.m.,!. ;: ,- .,..1 , rv


I (i. <; I'.u.wt i.I j .; ici. v irrts nv,-. ep,li a i at ol asa Beor tn araier. a.e.-law,, tain

,v it a: i- ni il*! - !. < Bal ll orca.i la i. ,-¦

I i-.tii Ww EKISPRINUS,Bethlehem. Penn-,I J v i ey LL U ', v «.,; iiu l koa Uiv

-,,,,.lil r-^irl i, ,. ..i -". t] .- ,t a ..I " BSB* il '

ii¦.¦ lau te cn ui'i.latrun. i, rm-mi.ui r .ie. Apply ai ".ho -prinir- >¦< \U>'. M. Ki. i -


MAtfilANSET HOUSE, Shohei Wand.JAM Ks - *

uft'ie- Ifaerkeiey." Sew-Yark, Propi -mr.

VfAPLEVYOOD on the CATSKILLS, near.'I i-.i ie i-.iuie. i'.iiri ulan ll..All - BUAUUlX Ill

lila 'i.' ii I. aitc ord ,v

\IOUNTAIN HOM1 Littl 'ti. V. H..Situ-.»ll , ireh, in a arv,

lu Hiv 1". Hil v .... .ii ,a,l forHAXUKU.

\|OUNTAlN VIEW TA '.'. Crttsktll..'I iiiiiii'ii,.i- I'le, «.i ls-.ii.iii moma rseai |r... llr-l rlaaa I'.r nu i - r \ . i I

.j iii.iji.. .v. 1.,, ni -,, ivii.i-i' LardaXatiI, r -i

\| KMI'Mu'K.MAilni; ;;,»[- . NVwport, Tt..a.'I >I mau Milli ii :«.. .ii.l inonu

iv. f10 I" - .' iel w. ,-lc.. . i rerun ei !..-.* li .c *

2u7 i mill,'ny. X, Y. CHA-, a .1 I a- in. Bsasgor.

MOIL il \N LAKE HOUSE.A i1.il.liif.il re.-., t tor lir.ii '.ucl n ss BkfB SSat tb*lr

ler -I.-. X't 0 1>H1

.: lv< ij oue ai Bbail lunn, fi,na .%, w V u ^

i us v > u .. sat*. i

r " ... iUU X. Y.

VIAPLEWOOD HALL,.»! rai f.D. MAaa,SIX boara fi ,,, ..eiv-.- the sea. Tho

ii- . ii iva ai h. ., .. ii a :u iv ,,i-.i..,i Slummer resort

kmuxu ii. ,. v-. iiii-; un.i.s. For fin obi sodlei,;,- ... K. K. MK ll i.-

ihier.i .¦ h.,ri-tor of th* .. ut: - il ~.| n a Iv HUH .1

Orange Fountain, row miles noniile iluaaaat b aaa naatarm piasaa riuO*. fruits

. renufl moleiate ; resarsatafl evebaagwa -i,i'i.'i, a. .¦.. oi lie* 5-Jwrauae, X. J.

flCEAN UliOVE, N. J.-8PRAY VIEW\ f ii: ,i ^:'. i, un a ,. a. -i v ii. Th* bona* Baaeu ar.., it ..,¦ iBuoeaos nw ir ai ul m ms snd serfsetv nutation t ls liouee ii «.. -itiiaie thai lt baa sa un h-ti a ted v e» nt c "in ara Weat, » i aaa, o.e..ii amt ba knut

lhere ure piaasaa ou .n"i Wory. A-uir. ,-h

.i'i-l'.r!l VV j 1TB, P Bot a" .¦_liRllSPECT HOUSE, B*.thle.ieui, Whitea. alosBtfllBB. N. II. A Ui-.-tt-cAiMSaaiiii,-" 'in.irt'nu baa ...,- ail i u tall ,n 'a ulai-. .:i ,_W I'Hii.i.li's.

pLAISTED HOUSE, Jeflenon lfi!l. WhiteI M. nm t ii if-, x ii.Views inisarpBasi il. luriitotl wuh

- entire exumprtou tr un il n. i. c nilli ale: liny lc. er.

I' is to Ji-irerviu lilr.-i't. H. il. iM.Al-TK.i ISM.*', I'm.


PAVILION HOTEL, WoiMtohurgr, L. L, ISX iniies from sew Turk. BsgntScent ten a, kaiauralsvoooda mi I'.i.i'.i lefamiitesi B*Haa*ariaoi na* Bavflr; param-m .in oumiuoapoiui stible, ipteiidt'l ilrtvea; cheap rail-Mad .nu iimi eu iiiimIu ute prices. A. S. UI.AUVIXe''»._PROSPECT ll< >('-!".. N* i.¦i-oii-tiK-HiuUiu,

1 (11-!.:n- ji ni-: l.r,,n h. rsaehad ky thees nesilnfI lim-s, a'ao liv ilail.«on1,1 H. ll mel s.utUi-ril lt. it. uf .N. J. Ilnin* BM BilU.,iiel'II l.li|irr.i,|liiilU. erilll.tlll rlif "HS "I tilt* ttl.. .1 Vlwwa

on Iho iluil.suiuT. J. 1" 'l-l'Kit fmiirielor.

pRlJSPfcCr PARK ID ill.I Vl.skll.I.. X Y

¦Bgb eifv-ituui. nnmiitalii air. with BSflasSV unatirnaaae.1 lr.

U.e.vi.iil. tliitl i-l.i.sa iii every nSBpSBBi nci iMUUnnlact >ua for

tea; BOW SpSBi BSSflSSUMS ly Badasa Uiver ilallruuvl ami

APJSOT cay boBCB. PBOUl'KCT P lilli Iii"';:!. C'S PASY

POLAND SPRING HOUSE.-Ricker &YonngiI PrstrkM m. aaata PMsad. Me.

This I'ujuiiar i-uini...-! Norla a coital of the mpetlor Bier-Us... iii.- Pula "i Sanaa w fltos *s * erne 'o; tMrnm mad i

,i ie beaoii of ila ecaner* nn,i ba ,f loi-u-'.,r,Niuu.i| uilVil .una. fie: niall ee.-Ki i^is-sl a uln-ilta

i a ali., ul ira apply aa aleive. or lo l>. 1. I' (' ll N M ll v,

Al HOI for tu.- ru am! .:>rlii_; Wru, 'i liii'eiay gt,, New Vort,

UkWLEY SPRINGS, VA.. 2,«K>0 f.-ff ,',:».* nli,., ¦*.,[.-1. |>,.' .'. r »-. ai ce l,niels, ll'll

li u .1 1, 'I I" ll .1- lei] I uue 1 Ku pu 'ic a, ,1-,C. K. -I Li KM. Iia-uier. BarrtaOBBWra, Va

piCHFIEIJ) SPRINGS, N. Y.-LxtvU.-ntIt, Bummer boanl al rcatoiabia ralaa;p'oaaaul ciio.-e;

ir. .-I .v. innoit. .' ,' , iii .i,i.iiK« ,-ul hitilia m.,.-IUl iwcnly I chiii.ik- ieii-'- in iel. AtldSaa* P. U. Hu* lo'..

liEVEN SPRINGS MOI STAIN HOUSE,O Muli. X. V lt lanie, n, alli.r,i, l am

lUleU "Ul I m.Uy II.ii.-- Uvtrnaskly raaoTateal aaa palUiaS; |,ntv n

11 K . I -i i N ,t (' 'I)

SEASIDE HOARDING -At Greenwich Acad-O mv r:.nr i.ie. :,w ell. I. I..A lie uHlf ul plS*S ni'un

-1ii.l' -,M 1 lt..1. ll .rn- « "i ano.y tu K ii. Ul.-K K i.-1...,.. pnaalpflt,h.,.' ll nuni, li. ll. I.


CEA VIEW HOUSE, Savin Ko.-k, Weet Ha*?T5 veil. I 'nilli.. I- inUV Ul..' ll lui 1

berni fur ilibvi .nil*, nix,, uK. FIU'.IMAN. I't-nirtetor.

SARATOGA SPRINGS, ll vVaahinaton-sL,O asgastl* pars ut -1 trau.t injtoo. neaxSaftasa;lara;iivvn. pieaaaal r,M,iii., raoulas wsteri hsbbi aad ippotai

h. WA-.1IUL ttXl-.'^, lorunrly Vii linet JJilmu. New York " ny._CM mi HOUSE,

coawwaxx on thc uunsoxaauvbuiH mi i.

BflWl] furn sh»il. C. II. ..MIl'IL

sLOAT MANSION. U. L. TODD, IVopnei r tonuerty 'f tin- viii.tn ir .., saratn^B), fViat-'oirn.

Bu.k iimi I'n, .v. V.-I'nl> lions* ia allua'eil in Un, 1'. oonoo

Mun, i .in-, .ia tnllea irom Ssw-Vart, oat lbs I rte BaUrnaa ;ai ii rea lawn ««<«n.l haili (tue ilrivua, suaile, iotkc inaiiaHI.il I. ul,lui rn, nely. _ _

corin MliL HOTEL, mi Great South Bay,l^ Aunt* ville. I. t, hivlinr heen ts-nttej alni amara**,! "rna., .iuui,K...le .(Kl (Urila, la LOW up>ui lui' the aaSBOB allll

I bStnteS BOSItea Bad hluell-l,!-j< jt.mi.1 niau¦hoolbia I'-'' a '* rb.ny unlea feast dkrt'va Uaiiu

.ii rn ntlu :¦.n rat.m ¦*¦ the mouth 10c perday. Mrs.a t"1 Kl .vt. A SUB, proprietors._CHA BEACH PALACE HOTEL,

tij (KINKY Isl AM),Ia aplett.Ililly Ineatert ami safassti I HON Pl KU, ls bow mv

.hr Um iiuui.., nun ni or Ur. -harli-* A. biarntt. uf Xcw York.Tho ro-.Uiii-.iut pru ra arv reaaouajle Tani,- d'HoU tko Do»l

on (he la uu.l. Bl.Tba moat Btssa int am] select Ku'el for families atnl excur-

iiuu matteo. Laillni rtaluns lb*) lalaml eau Uavu Utuir v*-*>ii^.M cheek, il iisjo of. hai £»._

L LAUREL HOUSE. KanteraadH Kalla,alamil Mouutaloa, M. Y -tlpt-u (rom Uwr tn sro.mb..11 i._^,i tnuu Uio huuao meei ail uoaut ab't trama al

.iisalii. J. L.MCHCTT.Truprteter._'IMIL KOUNTAIN HOUSE. Caiupttwmlle. M.a. ll. fleaaa-Kli located, uimniAuilln^ uoa ot tba fliioat

ti »- In the Willie M'uuiuiiua. banns 'jeea eulargail willuuruJuiy 1. 1 ur au oula!*, abo sudmaa

MITCDRLL. A UuWAhO, Proprioters.


"KmnuntniM.A T MADISON SQLA '*;. TnEA^^^tluWt/* ?l":.i liJIi'mt .TliKUVA, kAVl: Manaasar

Univ i. e-irre nuw oom w.Ut ita rsa; Uar mm^iu.Th- Ililli.i ..i o trthe Ur.is'iw «*_BBiheaire ii, rsa ii*th nar f aT««.t,i, . ,es

**.Tf1. ,1I rnvnawPerfect -v-¦ m of ir \/.y.i. kikkf. i,-t.-e-, i

Summer v.- it'i.ir «*."> - -1>AfT**.tarrant rmrm ereev Keelia*- st *te. .».»«?*»» hmisa* st ai I AV ERLY'S IHH-ST. THKATI

a I n'lici ol l li .1 .ind nail av*.1. H. IIAVKKI.Y rraviAftnVu,.,,

I Bul,rely BM ae-lt orW r. mi ti .u:i.!,'s i-;., A -i kB hkiitv,

ia ni m hoi 11 *

ot. ro v nv tu,; -<iiixr».Hnine.. v»i-di"--l ur sn* **>urd .r.

r'Ulli * * J al i. Honrtll ..i ..

_A''TV IIK<(|, rilK rHKl

Iv[OS ii.R *V KIAL'S i ONTLIfT llA.Ma.I. T.Utrt near rita *»*nu- t * \ ion t

iii vi Numb mi itatyi BAdttiMaM'O, 5 i * mb. K'SMml ..!.. flt.

Ef ETROFOUTAN CONCEIT HALL,¦»*> In -ulnar .iiMl llaCaf.

iu-!'": l'tr AK'i.xaox'-t arrsBB oa it-ritA,_

Auni..: ti Jr |-, r. ,|e BBWBS. gi amt Oi

\| RS.t,ILLIE DEVEREUX BLAKr wilfr*~. I Burt I.ni-r "'> e ,.i ilae *A'oas*n is.ff,-»( e d Vrauwsttlie I', n .hu. ni sud ll. inner .t ITewlentMl ... v nunns IVpilhlican Hall, .'.ft Weat I.Usl.. ou WaWJieads, v. .*. Jul, 7

\ir,L< i'.- HARDEN MILA I'..C.i" J. tl ll', .rill.i .l'ropite.!.r lad .( vt haas1. i; '.lI.MnUK «.«-.H-i*re wsnifr-MIN Iii. I, .\ irhllv V nt? S X»I'T Mttllie'ii. I t ll * I V IMIXMTBKI lt.KV lii.V - i,,,M INK itKMVtl,M...-ill'.!,. l.'iilu'U.li MIVsTKI'II,-. AKSIVII,MIS-ii.KI ,IM Hi UNI, KIKV tl) Art..I. tli*IV(i.MiN-lili h.' Jubilee Ntna-rs, Ak. . Sru.-. .\K*I'. ki.:.n\-r;.i.i uO'Xoreiiy a i incbksliur tnum msivil.

MAMMOlll HltA-si MAMJ AM) tlKClir >TllA.

\i;W-V(ll:i* AQUARIUM, ll'ivra' :;.nh-el.. V 1 he lirnuu sp, rs.-ilsr Trsce.fr

!', B l '- A.BWIS ei.-iiLia- al A.

BATCBIMY MATTI*Bl ST J.flitsrlaasnn. '¦ «;ui '.*. ea»,_.

fTNTON SQUARE IHKATHE.I * M. PA T.BtKR.I r..j rleior-*u Mau/ar.Munday Jua* ii, sod Kv rr 1 ,. nani rsrt ,sv x.»iio*.

F:ti-.it..ni iv r.Ai i.ni.siiwill apo r in the |,u, ,u au,- 1rut. Love uk um uki.

vi ii; £arLI oNH BRANCH UACI'.S. Tue ll.-: sWasta,

I a ,.,.. r PLVnorTH i'.'n -v

r' u es ila- l rn-., a/ivertiBeawut gaster heatltag "Ks,

MONMOUTH PARK RACES LONQHU *' ti. X. I '-I t-I siHMl.it *.:.'.. .,, .-

Ha :p:-.. i-i M.. laj Ju,i- ,. i h -i.i I, . -,,4.'. .' Sta oe a*.an roses aatek Ssa', in

.... lacTi ..:, <i ,.v i" ",i s rion, lil r il lc lt t" U'^rtr

¦> .i.e.. a. IO.,tin ti 15. i*.i."i ts a, m.. ia it, ;. au

Hil Jill. .. Ul. JOS IB. Ix>,i W'.li e*ve il ,1) , , i, ,,|the : ::, ,, ii i::,:i, .. .,'.!. u i. m.

mi v. ur in - ai tl brilorn i" ki. ii. :i.n- il: ..*. i., .'.. , lite «

...... la

¦Ut . will e not, ks.I..r. I i ni.:,l,,iu i:,,, ,.i elm.*,:.i.i ,1 lt BB

B unit, to ita UlaBi.rj--.frnunn

A LADY wishes i ;i"*iti(in ::»*ne ei'ir,- RBI / *. one ur

Ittr« ite ..nt a on ,- :. .-.».. s-1.. Mot* A. la Wk K.st h sasgaaflataM, * I

t -)';'<» I.s. WT ERVAN IV UUKEAT..la Al hillls ut L'*e.' i-o n;' -,e fem.lu rii la I ,i .;Usn mri* lu

ir, e "i.i -' III , i int

\ ftWF DISH UIRL, 'at Iv an....

iI fl : . - .1 jv.

(Ml.'. ! & .-'li .

i » i ti ** :i .:. r.o.. .ivy ur cami |.

-, -i.

nOl SE v'OSK or ( OOK. \c._|U .ic:.;.ii turk a

HOUSEWORKER..B a ti*.it. lislv. un. Hi¬ll .1 ;,it lt

*. v. I..ll ,, ¦.

NURSI .. itent wu io, raps.,

-... ., | .re.

bJWEDISH MAN IND WirV.-l'r.. lUtaCs, l-l 'rills e.. ll, ll ll CHt.

:¦, I., r .-I. ii-.., i- . n - ,. ii. r \ h «n- :. lei ni r nt

,i r i et.

'A ul M L-L '. in -' nd gcutli tn * ta¬li .:. ,,;. he 'u i. .-. i

- .I\t

G.Humans CJ intra.Ul i.;«j

i VOUNG MAN' wno bas 'rt* il -i <;. ai. \ ii n n r i ul. -v ni l-l .it nil ^'ii . i r

.. u ie .ie. J "I K nt . as.

VVuL.N'i; MAN, 2S y*,in», desiree ' - . ir**- . '.lit, rvfituii h a h_l * f

th* eitv ia a'i r

.i i- ,.i c.; al . ¦) IT *v* basaak .rn.


t VOUNO MAN, Jl yt-11.sot'.-ii'.-. * ul I like. \

.ml Ill L' ve irsl-i-IHM* rifer.tx-e.. (.Il ir lli't aa..WI I. .1 V Mu I ,1 >*'. I el .

A PUSHING*, sn,.ir y urn r luir- ii

it .- iimi In i iii nau'le " ia, liai,. .¦ . i-r-u has a dlr .

li lull, i.l'e wu ,l,a BU c-j

li- *i PUY, '.'t,l W< s; i iu si

|>'i 'KKI.i PER. - By un Al i.kk« p r.I > .ft ,.i u jj- adi B i . -i asa*,i,i si e .ni i,»-i :.. I... >.¦* ¦¦ ..

\V'Ai TL li..Uv ,i \. ii ,i .

* V o.ii li1.a fr un i ...' -ii,".. i- aa io aps i. 1 .>¦». »a arst-elnar»t, ri " "./i I, ri- l> BBf ;,.u-\ a**SSBV*S r jil -a

V* Kl iHMA.N - .1-1 .,u-nl.

tjfly CUiinted\V ANTI P..ArsBepesfl sean loath cnasaw*T .i? ri ¦¦¦ ., i. ,ui a rn..ii, ul a " cw IO. uljn! i- If

fine n 'I ,,ir BkiMMil I m.-,"' iimiii'.i mn lu , I '.

,u, ;¦ tl ," ,iiii:.j.er "f il.eu Ada '-. :,''¦<*-I. I, -..! 1' -I uti. e* ll ,». 1, .: '. Xew-Y.irk i .::.. niv.iiir s«a,x. ei i...-, r. I. i. in .. mul i»,,it.-- ,.e-Ii. i.

5umina Rcsorlo.rriU'. HEALTHIEST nnaJ Babel InrtnmenniBiB1 i.n ,i,||* ir a fcW '¦. aX't.-i-s ; IfeSefl OSSUB ni tr

half ii'tle Iron ci'iiui lillie ny rsum, BlBBf! ai -Na-I ..

no iiislulii ur ians ia ilnts aarssa ssssmbm A*UrSSB4. laTumptliia, Vcrliiinii v.iu.e. null -. ('.uni y v 1


'I'HE BERESHIRE HILL-. EG BER f P.1 \* A BOB A S"V -I-k-i .lie lasa, aff"t a rsi. Isaa

ace.uiiiiiistiiioii tu a old tim .'.tun. iw Kui{ md osaatffn. mu ,i f.,r a .j ri ,r i.usst.svaass nek Batik ¦«.. -s-

lei... v..- asa mia. anuilo a.i.nle laiuriojs IHnU. -e .4 lur _r-

CUlBT._r|MIL SI". NICHOLAS HOrEL, s.w turk.-I Sn Un.el In the Cl* Ul*'-., BBB '. -ii! f I '¦.

Nil II LA* jud ll I- mir iuk d hy tho vi

.mv en iii In .iH-art'in. Silmtriit*', i-oiului't.-l. with ih,-r.ifl.c-i ul SUM JU-L.lame ju imal ..- li ia i-l" ai jr 4*SlBaim- fur i.i io Ile.- ea mine io -mir, > rc*.rt. u fnr- n I i,«i.

Ap un. nm '"i sm e. w tu an.st* oar'sra Amt mi i.i bssibss,at iu, si. -..;.. i. ii- ". nu.--*:, ni .... iwk.sl ¦-

Ima Ile Hut i. Social'it » tu S,i:um.r BSSBtSSS lu ia**Jiu. un. Au.ii-L ______

THE DANSVILLE 4AN1 I AUlUM.I A lu.i'ii resort loi lu.a la ml o»e-wot -I

auiliul m>- .1 ..1 liie ia: .-ii "I lil BM B « 1

I, '¦:. : re uBeraUoo ¦un- :.. ii i-i, mul 1....1 a .¦ '. >-. '' -t'l-r.**

lusa nu m.. .h.j e_nsibu.i ii.iHi . ua-ihiian," i- Mi) ll UK i-.' lui' i: « ....

0 -|c;;i ir" | ll I'*( S l**J I'liy*.. lill "i

N-OI I-" k Ml Mini '"'IU ti Iii .Ul ll lilli- "'il'wi n mi a's. leia, i '., e. Ae rmi ...

Silau.il | h lu j.I ul il 'li flu.ii « ¦ ,.i

, . I,-Ul*. V*n.i ll M .11 e-

v '.li

twenty i o ., n» eu ,h i- .'. -eui Mamu tm " . ir i

;M- ii i v ii* Iud i. . li ll -JaII* '.ll. N IS -l 1 I il. ll ...! ¦¦-. i.i..- ".N«


f'NI IL!' STATES HOTEL,%j m.. uttioaaT is ai ulm ric city, I

is m,.v "iu. i toa THK SBAl a

VV W UH \ lil Hi ivr.

I), i maj .i-a n Mus'' r Dssa m-

¦srasaasaaanna i*1 ¦Biiuw n a v

1T1 I.ANOS.Ctir'.ivv.ll-.-u-.lii 1- >.t, N. \ \J i, ., ., ii e ii. ...-..... r

t;,.ii .¦. n li .us.. u i ,-i sriv.I ru* e

' I

¦en B.ne.i. araeaa*M,an.S. - U«v. Kl.r u

\,ACATK)H. The teitlanra ia th. <

Slid i...lill u il Ililli Ul" I,eu. .1New Haven, ona si. ubi aha al r ..

ossa .¦ iuir .os- tobe iii-iui-is" »**_Ul ll ll' ill Jill, 1U>. I'» Ll' I" ll lit

snd soiieiv I.UUI in .. o-ii t » t ou Ula a«* alu.ie. wi i. mr

ursti ,, :, ,, ,i bs] . 'I >s .in jinn,Illina lui l mill*, swiuilll Bfli SSWSB *.

A 1. ll ill --Kl I i'lucipal

W'HIIE IWUNTAINS.Gsjaalaew ll-.u-*',rt km k \i h\ a, x ii a eaasitSslss '-' ..' "¦

air una nan- ai rtur wau-r no Bay errr busi.l. Ol tu sin s

Book tilr* uUla *ud t'Uua itt JU', liruadway. lbli .iUOllXOW .»''>.



bow urav,

on toe AtranrvAW rta ia

Dorins th,- psst season Una Hotel baa boca e..i*rs*C Ovss

Bftr rnvsio rartors bb*I BsseoBy-estBBa, with BAtba ba,sdoaa tbe sxtsrlor waaUr rabuili. sud ta* inuruir aiogmaMfrsStssS and roforolabeS Wuvoa.umS.Boona, bc., can bs bad oa ayultcsaon at Ul* forb

Aveaoa Hotel. Wsw Tork.CWAa H. BHklXKY, Mflti.r.

.sTtlTAPPLrCATIONS for uear h* SlM.WF.lt^tHI lUnARO. »*od v**jT leseuotiona and Urtu,, td

bx-aa a eu 5 uoauui.no dihkctouy, sm nrasaws*.1loo tu No. *.
