MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF PARRAMATTA CITY COUNCIL HELD IN THE OUNCIL CHAMBER, CIVIC - 1 - PLACE, PARRAMATTA ON MONDAY, 28 OVEMBER 2011 AT 6.48 PM C N PRESENT The Lord Mayor, Councillor L E Wearne in the Chair and Councillors P B Barber (retired 9.31pm), A Bide, J Chedid, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn (arrived 6.51 pm), P J Garrard, A Issa, OAM MP (arrived 7.14 pm), M A Lack (arrived 6.54 pm) S D loyd, P K L Maitra, M D McDermott and A A Wilson (Deputy Lord Mayor – arrived .49 pm). 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO TRADITIONAL LAND OWNERS The Lord Mayor, Councillor L E Wearne acknowledged the Burramattagal Clan of The Darug, the traditional land owners of Parramatta and paid respect to the elders both past and present. WELCOME TO PUBLIC AND MEDIA The Lord Mayor acknowledged and welcomed members of the public and media representatives to the Chamber. FOUNDATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Lord Mayor also acknowledged the colonial heritage of Parramatta and recognised the contribution of the early settlers in laying the foundations of this great and historic city and further welcomed recent migrants to the City. MINUTES Minute Confirmation of Minutes Council - 7/11/2011 SUBJECT s of the Council Meeting held on 14 November 2011 RESOLVED (Chedid/Elmore) 12795 That the minutes be taken as read and be accepted as a true record of the Meeting. APOLOGIES RESOLVED (Esber/Elmore) 12796 That an apology be received and accepted for the absence of Councillor C X Lim and it be noted that Councillors J D Finn, A Issa, OAM, MP and

Minutes of Council - 28 November 2011

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Page 1: Minutes of Council - 28 November 2011



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PRESENT The Lord Mayor, Councillor L E Wearne in the Chair and Councillors P B Barber (retired 9.31pm), A Bide, J Chedid, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn (arrived 6.51 pm), P J Garrard, A Issa, OAM MP (arrived 7.14 pm), M A Lack (arrived 6.54 pm) S D loyd, P KL Maitra, M D McDermott and A A Wilson (Deputy Lord Mayor – arrived .49 pm). 6


The Lord Mayor, Councillor L E Wearne acknowledged the Burramattagal Clan of The Darug, the traditional land own

ers of Parramatta and paid respect to the elders both past and present.


The Lord Mayor acknowledged and welcom

ed members of the public and media representatives to the Chamber.


The Lord Mayor also acknowledged the colonial heritage of Parramatta and recognised the contribution of the early settlers in laying the foundations of this great and historic city and further welcomed recent migrants to the City.



Confirmation of

Minutes Council - 7/11/2011

SUBJECT s of the Council Meeting held on 14 November 2011

RESOLVED (Chedid/Elmore)

12795 That the minutes be taken as read and be accepted as a true record of the Meeting.


RESOLVED (Esber/Elmore)

12796 That an apology be received and accepted for the absence of Councillor C X Lim and it be noted that Councillors J D Finn, A Issa, OAM, MP and

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M A Lack would be arriving late at the meeting. NOTE: Councillor A A Wilson arrived at 6.49 pm during



sideration of this matter.

There were no declarations Council Meeting.

of interest at this


General Business (GB1/11) Development Application - 289 Clyde Street, South Granville

1 ion - 289 Clyde Street, South


ROM Omar Jamal

SUBJECT Development ApplicatGranville



QUESTIONS By Mr Omar Jamal:- “My questions would are concerning item 8.2 on the meeting Agenda (DA 423/2011). Question 1 Why shouldn't this application be approved subject to

conditions? Question 2 Why the applicant wasn't asked to submit amended

plans? Question 3 As the majority of dwellings in the area are owned by

the Department of Housing, what does the Council envisage the character of the area would be?

Question 4 Does this DA comply with the Infill Affordable Housing

SEPP 2009 or does it not? The bottom line is while there is a chronic shortage in the private rental market for houses, Council is still occupied with technicalities that are of no relevance to the future planning or the future projections for certain areas of the Parramatta Municipality.”

12797 RESPONSE By Ms Louise Kerr – Manager Development Services:- “Question 1: The development application has been recommended

for refusal. The recommendation has been made

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following an assessment of the application by a town planning officer. The development application has been assessed against the relevant provisions of the Affordable Rental Housing SEPP and it is the professional opinion of the town planning officer that the proposed development does not comply with a number of the development controls of the AHSEPP, with particular reference being made to clauses 15 and 16 (design requirements and character of local area)

A detailed discussion of the issues related to the development application and the recommended reasons for refusal are identified in the section 79C assessment report which is listed on the business paper.

The development application has been recommended for refusal. The recommendation has been made following an assessment of the application by a town planning officer. The development application has been assessed against the relevant provisions of the Affordable Rental Housing SEPP and it is the professional opinion of the town planning officer that the proposed development does not comply with a number of the development controls of the AHSEPP, with particular reference being made to clauses 15 and 16 (design requirements and character of local area)

A detailed discussion of the issues related to the development application and the recommended reasons for refusal are identified in the section 79C assessment report which is listed on the business paper.

Question 2: Within 6 days of lodgement of the development

application the applicant was requested to submit additional information. The additional information was submitted to Council on 18 July 2011 and has been considered in the assessment of the application.

A number of the issues that have been given determinative weighting in the assessment of the application (ie character of local area) could not be resolved by the submission of amended plans. For this reason a request for amended plans was not made.

Question 3: The character of an area is not determined by who

owns the land. Parramatta City Council has made a policy decision to zone the subject site R2 Low Density Residential in Parramatta LEP 2011. One of

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the objectives of the R2 Low Density zone is:

To provide for the housing needs of the community within a low density residential environment.

A low density residential environment is thus the character which is envisaged by Parramatta City Council for the site and the immediate locality.

Question 4: The report which has been prepared for this

application concludes that the development application does not comply with a number of the development controls of the AHSEPP, with particular reference being made to clauses 15 and 16 (design requirements and character of local area).”

NOTE: Councillor J D Finn arrived at 6.51 pm during

consideration of this matter. Public Forum (2) City Centre Planning Controls

2 ntre Planning Controls



REFERENCE F2011/00879

Adam Byrnes

QUESTIONS By Mr Adam Byrnes:- “Question 1. It is noted that the Council report seeks feedback from

'key members' of the development industry. This is a specific recommendation. As a matter of clarity, and to ensure full engagement in the process, I ask that Council undertake feedback and consultation with all land owners within the City Centre, before a draft is developed?

The protection of land for commercial functions has underpinned planning policy in the CBD. This has led to the “Commercial Core” excluding any mixed commercial and residential development. Could Council include in its current review of the planning controls for the City Centre an analysis of opportunities for a mix of residential, commercial and retail development in the City Core? Could this review be included in the consultation with land owners and the development industry? The planning framework has failed to deliver significant investment in the commercial core of the CBD. The floor space capacities of the “Commercial Core” are significant. The opportunities for redevelopment numerous. The Commercial Core is not

Question 2

challenged when it comes to commercial floor space

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ng Parramatta is f the City Centre

opportunities. The real challenge faciactual investment. Could the review oPlanning Controls include a thorough analysis of the introduction of mixed residential and commercial development into the Commercial Core. This is the reality of most of the great cities of the world.”

12798 RESPONSE By Ms Louise Kerr – Manager Development Services:- “Question 1: All land owners within the City Centre will be consulted

when the draft plan is developed. However, it is desirable to gauge the response from the development industry on the recommended planning principles contained in the report as major property developers and industry groups have a focus on delivering commercial development.

Question 2: Given its strategic importance as Sydney’s next CBD, it

is imperative for the long term success of the City of Parramatta, that the planning controls ensure that there is sufficient land available for the provision of commercial floor space. This commercial floor space will, in turn, deliver employment opportunities which will strengthen Parramatta’s key role as an employment destination and regional city as identified in the NSW Metropolitan Plan.

The area of land currently zoned ‘B3 - Commercial Core’ is relatively small, in area, in the context of the City and it is not intended to examine any dilution of this zone in the form of residential development as this will compromise the ability of the city to deliver on its identified employment targets and overall vision.”

Cou ring


Public Forum (3) Comprehensive Heritage Review - 45 Chiswick Road, South Granville

3 rehensive Heritage Review - 45 Chiswick Road,

South Granville

NOTE: ncillor M A Lack arrived at 6.54 pm dusideration of this matter.


REFERENCE F2008/03734

FROM Bill Abbas (as read by Council Staff on behalf of Mr Abbas).

STATEMENT From Mr Bill Abbas:-

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se is of little heritage value. The house is wrapped in Hardies asbestos which would be

ive to remove. ner does not wish to spend hundreds of thousands on a

nd give

taken into account in any g of the house. The owner

– “The house is old and rundown with leaning piers and fractures of

the gyp rock. – The house is very poorly designed, situated in the middle of the

side or upwards. block and cannot be extended to the– The Housing Commission have built houses in the area making it

difficult for the area's revitalisation. – Heritage restrictions were not made clear to the owner at the time

of purchase. – The main entrance door is situated on the side of the house and

is not protected from the rain. It would be very difficult to reposition the door.

– The house has been built on a slope and water run-off drains under the house pooling underneath the main bedroom. It would be very expensive to undertake the necessary repairs.

– The hou–

expens The ow–

house that will always look old and unattractive aproblems because of age.

– The feelings of the owner should bedecision relating to the heritage listinhas been battling for three years to have the heritage listing removed and is under stress with three children and expecting a fourth.”


By Ms Jennifer Concato – Acting Manager Land Use Planning:- “Thank you for your public forum statement. The response to this statement is included in the report to Council tonight and dealt with fully in Attachment 2, item 6 and in the detailed assessment by Council’s heritage consultant in Attachment 7, item 6. 45 Chiswick Road, South Granville is part of a group item of 27, 29, 33 – 47 Chiswick Road and this group of cottages has significance as it is part of the first group development constructed by the newly formed Housing Commission in 1944. Heritage listings are noted on Council’s Section 149 Planning Certificates which form the basis of any contract for sale in NSW. The heritage guidelines in the Parramatta Development Control Plan 2011 provides opportunities for alterations and additions to heritage properties and the owner is invited to discuss possible design solutions for this property with Council's Heritage Advisor. Heritage conservation is not about conserving the past, but about retaining the cultural significance of items whilst managing change. Therefore, material alterations to heritage listed buildings may be appropriate in the context of ongoing use. The comprehensive heritage review has identified that the context of 45

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Chiswick Road is v is included in the Blaxcell ery strong. The propertyEstate Conservation Area, together with nearby house groups, all relating to the same historical theme of public housing. The integrity level of this and adjacent houses in the streetscape presents highly when viewed externally and it is considered that maintenance and structural issues can be resolved. The comprehensive heritage review concludes that on balance, the argument to retain listing prevails over reasons for removal from the schedule of listed items.”

RESCISSION MOTION General Business (GB1/11) Free Access to Aquatic Centres


abir Maitra

12800 RESOLVED (Maitra/Lack)

SUBJECT Free Access to Aquatic Centres

EFERENCE F2004/05927 R

FROM Councillor Pr

That the resolution of the Council Meeting held on 7 November 2011 in

relation to it 13.1 of Noticeem of Motion regarding Free access to aquatic centres as follows:- “That a report be issued to Councillors for consideration in conjunction with the Delivery Plan and Budget for 2012/13 examining the introduction of a free family pass for residents once a year and free pool entry for seniors on one weekday each week.” be and is hereby rescinded.

(M MOTION aitra/Esber)

(a) That Council consider the introduction of a free single visit family

pass f esidents or r each year and dedicates one day each week for free ntry for se e niors who are eligible for Senior's Card under NSW Government's scheme and disability card holders and their carers to Council's aquatic centres.

(b) That Council places the proposed fee changes on public exhibition and receive a further report ASAP.

(c) That Council receive an assessment report on these fee changes following a trial period of one year.

(d) Further, that operational matters to be decided by the CEO or his nominee.


The question be



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12801 The motion s

OTE: 1 Councillor A Bide requested that his name be recorded as having voted against this decision.

2 ) and P Esber (7.24

pm) left the meeting during consideration of this is

3 at 7.30

arrived at the meeting at

n of this matter.


The procedural motion was put and lost on the Lord Mayor’s casting vote and debate continued.

wa put and carried. N

Councillors J Chedid (7.24 pm

matter and both returned at 7.28 pm during thmatter.

Councillor M D McDermott left the meetingpm and returned at 7.31 pm during this matter.

4 Councillor A Issa OAM MP7.14 pm during consideratio


8.1 15 Short Street, Wentworthville (Lot 15 DP 1036394)


DESCRIPTIONilding containing 12 units over king under the Affordable Rental







S 15 Short Street, Wentworthville (Lot 15 DP 1036394)

Demolition, tree removal and construction of a residential flat bubasement carparHousing SEPP 2009.

RENCE DA/321/2011 - 17 May 2011

ICANT/S Mr G M Blazevic

ERS Mr G M Blazevic and Mrs J A Blazevic

Manager Development Services


This application is referred to Council for determination due to the nature of the development (affordable rental housing under the Affordable Rental Housing SEPP).

LVE (Esber/Finn)

12802 (a) That Development Application No. 321/2011 for demolition, tree removal and construction of a residential flat building containing 12 units over basement carparking under the provisions of SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 on land at 15 Short Street, Wentworthville be refused for the following reasons: 1. The proposal fails to comply with the maximum FSR

provisions of State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 for residential flat buildings at 1.05:1 under Clause 13(2)(ii) as it proposes

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an FSR of 1.09:1 as defined under the Standard Instrument and a SEPP 1 Objection to vary the development standard has not been submitted.

2. The proposal fails to satisfy the provisions of State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 as it does not satisfy the provisions of State Environmental Planning Policy 65 and the Residential Flat Design Code including aesthetics, scale, built form, landscaping, amenity and safety and security.

3. The proposal fails to satisfy the provisions of State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) Amendments 2011 as it does not satisfy the local character provisions due to the design of the proposed development, particularly in relation to the development density and the merits of the design of the development.

4. The proposed development is contrary to the aims and objectives of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 and Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2011 and the proposed residential flat building does not achieve the objectives of the 2C Residential and R4 High Density Residential zoning due to the bulk and scale of the development and that it is out of character with the area.

5. The proposed development is inconsistent with the requirements of Parramatta DCP 2005. The development does not comply with the design standards for minimum frontage, side setback, flood mitigation, stormwater disposal, deep soil, landscaping, streetscape, driveway location, building façade and articulation, visual and acoustic privacy, overshadowing, building separation, building depth, housing diversity, safety and security.

6. The proposal is not in the public interest. (b) Further, that the objectors be advised of Council’s decision.

AYES The Lord Mayor, Councillor L E Wearne and Councillors P

Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, A Lack, S D Lloyd, P K

McDermott and A A Wilson.

8.2 289 Clyde Street, South Granville (Lot A DP 389750)


val and construction of 3 x 2 storey Affordable Rental Housing

DIVISION The result being:

B Barber, A Bide, J Chedid, G J P J Garrard, A Issa, OAM MP, MMaitra, M D

NOES None.

289 Clyde Street, South Granville (Lot A DP 389750)

DESCRIPTION Demolition, tree remotownhouses under the

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RENCE DA/423/2011 - 22 June 2011


Mr S A M Al Obaid

Manager Development Services. Also correspondence from O Jamal received on 25 November 2011.


This application is referred to Council for determination due to the nature of the development (affordable rental housing under the Affordable Rental housing SEPP).


12803 (a) That Development Application No. 423/2011 for demolition, tree r ovaem l and construction of 3 x 2 storey townhouses under the A rdaffo ble Rental Housing SEPP on land at 289 Clyde Street, South Granville be refused for the following reasons: 1 The proposal fails to satisfy the provisions of State

Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 as it does not satisfy the provisions of the Seniors Living Guidelines, including responding to context, site planning and design impact on streetscape and impact on neighbours.

2 The proposal fails to satisfy the provisions of the amended State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 as it does not satisfy the requirement to be compatible with the character of the local area as the assessment demonstrates that the proposed development will not be compatible with the existing and desired future character of the surrounding location.

3 The proposed development is contrary to the aims and objectives of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2011 whereby multi dwelling housing is prohibited development and inconsistent with the objectives of the R2 Low Density Residential zone.

4 development is inconsistent with the The proposed requirements of Parramatta DCP 2005. The development does not comply with the design standards for site frontage, height, street setback, side setback, streetscape, fences, visual privacy, acoustic privacy, building separation, safety and security, internal amenity and car parking.

5 e proposal is not in the public interest. Th(b) Further, that the objectors be advised of Council’s decision.

AYES Th ors P

B J Ga tt an

DIVISION The result being:

e Lord Mayor, Councillor L E Wearne and CouncillBarber, A Bide, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, Prrard, M A Lack, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra, M D McDermod A A Wilson.

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8.3 37 Midson Road (Former Eastwood Brickworks) Eastwood (Lot 10 DP 270605) (Lachlan Macquarie)



Clause 40 (floor space ratios for development) of ironmental Plan 2001 under the

provisions of State Environmental Planning Policy No. 1.




allotment size/frontage control of clause 38(1)(b) and the control of clause 40(1) contained within

al Environmental Plan 2001 and the


NOES Councillors J Chedid and A Issa, OAM MP.

S 37 Midson Road (Former Eastwood Brickworks)

Eastwood (Lot 10 DP 270605) (Lachlan Macquarie)

Stage 3.3.2 - construction of a 2 storey free standing dwelling and 8 x 2 storey dwellings (dual occupancy in design) on proposed lots 16-24. The application is seeking to vary Clause 38 (minimum allotment sizes) andCouncil's Local Env

REFERENCE DA/634/2011 - Lodged 15 September 2011

APPLICANT/S AVJBOS Eastwood Developments Pty Ltd

RS AVJBOS Eastwood Developments Pty Ltd

RT OF Manager Development Services


The application has been referred to Council as the application seeks variations of greater than 10% to the

floor space ratioParramatta Locapplication is accompanied by an objection under SEPP 1.


12804 (a) That Council support the variation to Clause 38 and Clause 40 of the PLEP 2001 under the provisions of SEPP 1.

(b) Further, that Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. DA/634/2011 for construction of a 2 storey free standing dwelling and 8 x 2 storey dwellings (dual occupancy in design) on proposed lots 16-24 at 39A M on Road (former Eastwoodids Brickworks) EASTWOOD for a period otice of of five (5) years from the date on the NDetermination subject to the conditions contained in Attachment 1.

DIVISION Th AYES The Lord Mayor, Councillor L E Wearne and Councillors P

er, J D Finn, A Lack, P K Maitra and M

NOES Co s S D Lloyd and A A Wilson.

e result being:

B Barber, A Bide, J Chedid, G J Elmore, P EsbP J Garrard, A Issa, OAM MP, MD McDermott.


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8.4 37 Park Road, Rydalmere (LOT 5 DP 16517)(Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)


l and construction of a 2 storey



opment Services


RESOLVED (Wilson/Finn)

37 Park Road, Rydalmere abeth Macarthur Ward) (LOT 5 DP 16517)(Eliz

ESCRIPTION Demolition, tree removaDtownhouse development containing 5 dwellings over a basement carpark. The application is proposed under State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009.

RENCE DA/73/2011 - Submitted 17 February 2011

Fares Architects Pty Ltd

OWNERS Mr E G Nader & Mrs J Nader & Mr T T Nader & Mrs G Nader

REPORT OF Manager Devel


This application is referred to Council for determination as the proposal is for infill housing under the SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009.

12805 (a) That Development Application No. DA/73/2011 for the demolition,

tree removal and construction of a 2 storey townhouse development containing 5 dwellings over a basement carpark under State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 on land at 37 Park Road, Rydalmere be approved via a deferred commencement consent as outlined in Attachment 1.

(b) Further, that the objectors be advised of Council’s determination of the application.


ncillors, P

re, P Esber, J D Finn, P J A Lack, P K Maitra and A A


D McDermott.

8.5 84 Kleins Road, Northmead (Lot 1 DP 513222) (Caroline Chisholm Ward)

.5 Northmead (Lot 1 DP 513222) (Caroline


ude changes to the ing the floor

e result being:

AYES The Lord Mayor, Councillor L E Wearne and CouB Barber, J Chedid, G J ElmoGarrard, A Issa, OAM MP, M

ilson. NOES Councillors A Bide, S D Lloyd and M

SUBJECT 84 Kleins Road, 8Chisholm Ward)

DES RIPTION Section 96(1a) application to modify Development Consent No. DA/1203/2005 (works to the Parramatta Baptist Church). Modifications inclinternal layout of the building and increas

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REFERENCE DA/1203/2005/A - Lodged 1 September 2011

PPLICANT/S Parramatta Baptist Church

OWNER matta Baptist Church

REPORT rvices


ncil as th on ic worsh


space by 96m2.


S Parra

OF Manager Development Se


The application is referred to Couproposes works to a place of publ

e applicatiip.

ED (Esber/Finn)

12806 (a) Tha t authority, modify development t Council as the consenconsent No. 1203/2005 in the following manner:

1. Modify condition no. 1 in the following manner: 1. The development is to be carried out in compliance with the

fo ed below rsed llowing plans and documentation list and endow pt where amended by other conditions ith Council’s stamp, exceof this consent:

Drawing No Dated

DA02F – site development plan 15/07/10

DA03F – lower ground floor plan 04/06/10

DA04F – ground floor plan 04/06/10

DA05F – roof and mezzanine floor plan 04/06/10

DA06F – north and south elevations 04/06/10

DA07F – east and west elevations 04/06/10

DA08F – Sections AA & BB 04/06/10

DA09B – materials & finishes (north and south elevations)


DA10B – materials & finishes (east and west elevations)


DA12B- waste management site plan 10/11/05

L01D – landscape plan 8/06/06

C03 – Proposed Site Layout Key Plan and OSD Sizing


C04 Drainage Plan Part 1 – 12/09/05

C05 – Drainage Plan Part 2 12/09/05

C06 – Drainage Plan Part 3 12/09/05

C07 – Details 12/09/05

C08 – Sediment and Erosion Plan 12/09/05

Document(s) Dated

Acoustic report No. 3429-2 prepared by Day 30/06/11

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Design Pty Ltd

Waste management plan 10/11/05

Landscape Specification prepared by PSB Architecture


No construction works (including excavation) shall be undertaken prior to the release to the Construction Certificate. Note: Further information on Construction Certificates can be

obtained by contacting Customer Service on 9806 5359.

R n: To ensure the work is carried out in accordance with the easoapproved plans.

2. The following additional conditions shall be included: 49A. The measures required by the acoustic report No. 3429-2

prepared by Day Design Pty Ltd submitted with the development application (and Construction Certificate if applicable) shall be implemented prior to issue of any Occupation Certificate. Reason: To minimise the impact of noise.

53. Noise and vibration from the use and operation of any plant and

equipment and/or building services associated with the premises shall not ed by the Protection give rise to "offensive noise' as definof the Environment Operations Act 1997.

Reason: To reduce noise levels.

(b) Further, that objectors be advised of Council’s decision.

arne and Councillors P G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn,

loyd, P K Ma


8.6 20 Fennell Street, PARRAMATTA NSW 2150 Lot 1 DP 1277 (Arthur Phillip Ward)


ESCRIPTION Proposed two storey addition to the rear of an existing

r commercial purposes.


DIVISION The result being: AYES The Lord Mayor, Councillor L E We

B Barber, A Bide, J Chedid,P J Garrard, A Issa, OAM MP, M A Lack, S D L

itra, M D McDermott and A A Wilson.


SUBJECT 20 Fennell Street, PARRAMATTA NSW 2150 Lot 1 DP 1277 (Arthur Phillip Ward)

Dheritage listed cottage. Approval is also sought to use the premises fo

REFERENCE DA/505/2011 - 22 July 2011

S Kanebridge Group Pty Ltd

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This application is referred to Council for determination as the proposal is for alterations and additions to a heritage item of Local Significance.

O Marcyves Pty Limited

REPORT OF Manager Development Services


RESOLVED (Esber/Maitra)

12807 That Council as the consent authority, grant development consent to Development Application No. 505/2011 for the proposed two storey addition to the rear of an existing heritage listed cottage and use of the premises for commercial purposes at 20 Fennell Street, Parramatta NSW 2150 subject to the conditions contained within Attachment 1.

YES Th ncillors P B Barber, A Bide, G J Elmore, P Esber, P J Garrard, A

A Lack, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra, M D


8.7 21 Wentworth Street, Parramatta Lot 5 DP 531926 & Lot 7 DP 555797

8.7 JECTLot 5 DP 531926 & Lot 7 DP 555797

IO g cafe and increase in seating numbers



EPORT OF Manager Development Services


The application is being referred to Council for determination as the site is listed as a heritage item.

RESOLVED (Bide/Finn)

DIVISION The result being: A e Lord Mayor, Councillor L E Wearne and Cou

Issa, OAM MP, MMcDermott and A A Wilson.

NOE Councillors J Chedid and J D Finn.

UB 21 Wentworth Street, Parramatta S

DESCRIPT N Fitout of existin

REFERENCE DA/628/2011 - Submitted 14th September 2011

S A Sayan

Better Buildings Pty Ltd



12808 (a) That ncil as the consent authority grant development consenCou t to Develo the fit out of the pment Application No. 628/2011 for existing café between the heritage listed building and the adjoining commercial building for the preparation of food and the provision t, of indoor dining on land at 21 Wentworth StreeParramatta subject to conditions contained within Attachment 1.

(b) Further, that the objector/s be advised of Councils decision.

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DIVISION The result being:

nd Councillors P J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn,

P Ma


8.8 75 Sorrell Street & 8 Isabella Street, North Parramatta Lot 1 DP 430258 & Lot 3 DP 430258

hild care centre from 56 to 59.

CE - Submitted 25 August 2011





on 96(2) application seeks to modify DA/728/2005 where Council granted consent for the consolidation of 2 existing child care centres for 56 children including internal alterations to 8 Isabella Street and adjoining to 75 Sorrell Street and 1 sign approved

AYES The Lord Mayor, Councillor L E Wearne a

B Barber, A Bide, J Chedid, GJ Garrard, A Issa, OAM MP, M A Lack, S D Lloyd, P K itra, M D McDermott and A A Wilson.


SUBJECT 75 Sorrell Street & 8 Isabella Street, North Parramatta Lot 1 DP 430258 & Lot 3 DP 430258

DESCRIPTION Section 96(2) Application. The proposal seeks to modify DA/728/2005 to increase the number of children within the existing c


REFEREN DA/728/2005/B

PPLICAN S Clearrun Project Management A

OWNE Mr J J Cranney & Mrs C E Cranney & Joseph Martin Pty Ltd

Manager Development Services


The secti

by Council.

RESOLVED (Garrard/Issa OAM MP)

12809 That Council as the consent authority, modify development consent DA/728/2005 for the consolidation of 2 existing child care centres for 56 children to inclu mprising the increase in the number de modifications coof children to 9 on land at 75 5 Sorrell Street & 8 Isabella Street, North Parramatta, the original Non otice of Determination subject to the conditions in Attachment 1.

IVISION The result being:

L E Wearne and Councillors P


YES The Lord Mayor, Councillor AB Barber, A Bide, J Chedid, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, P J Garrard, A Issa, OAM MP, M A Lack, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra, M D McDermott and A A Wilson.

NOES None.

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8.9 City Centre Planning Controls

8.9 SUBJ

EFERENCE F2011/00879 - D02167328

espondence dated 25 November 2011 from Sterling td.

MOTION (Wilson/Bide)

That considewith block ma


ECT City Centre Planning Controls


REPORT OF Project Officer - Land Use Planning. Also corrHouse 88 Pty L

ration of this matter be deferred pending a further report ssing of the CBD.

AMEND T (Issa, OAM, MP/Maitra)

(a) That Council endorse the principles for amendment of the current City Centre LEP provisions as detailed in attachment No 1.

(b) That Council endorse the principles for amendment of the current City Centre DCP provisions as detailed in attachment No.1.

(c) That these amendments be incorporated into a draft amalgamated LEP and DCP.

(d) That Council note the progression of the amalgamation process of the City Centre planning controls (LEP & DCP) with the comprehensive LEP & DCP.

(e) Further, that Council invite feedback from key members of the development industry and land owners before further formal consideration of the recommended amendments.

he amendment was put and carried a12810 nd on being put as the motion as again carried.

DIVISION The result being:

ThB Issa, OAM MP, M A Lack, S D Lloyd and P K Maitra.

Finn, M D McDermott and A A

8.10 Heritage Advisory Committee for October 2011

8.10 SUBJ Heritage Advisory Committee for October 2011


EPORT OF Project Officer- Land Use Planning

RESOLVED (Chedid/McDermott)


AYES e Lord Mayor, Councillor L E Wearne and Councillors P Barber, J Chedid, G J Elmore, P Esber, P J Garrard, A

NOES Councillors A Bide, J D



RE ERENCE F2005/01945 - D02167465


12811 That the minutes of the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting of 19 October 2011 be received and noted.

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ore Activation - proposed new foreshore play space

8.11 SUBJ

REFE 7857


ECT Riverforeshore Activation - proposed new foreshore play space

RENCE F2010/02284 - D0216

8.11 Riverforesh

REPORT OF Senior Project Officer

LVED (Chedid/Barber)

12812 (a) That Council commences a tender process to construct a proposed new foreshore play space.

(b) That the results of the tender process be reported to Council early in 2012.

(c) urther, that funding for construction be sourced through a Fcombination of the city centre special rate and Section 94A.

8.12 Comprehensive Heritage Review

8.12 SUBJ


REPO ing


ECT Comprehensive Heritage Review

RENCE F2008/03734 - D02168227

RT OF Project Officer- Land Use Plann

MO ION (Bide/Chedid)

(a) s for adding and That Council agree to the proposed alterationremoving heritage listed items described in Attachments 1 and 2 subject to the removal of the Parramatta Wetlands from the list of items to be removed and the removal of 45 Chiswick Road, South Granville from the heritage list.

(b) That Council agree to the proposed alterations for removing heritage listed items, which have previously been approved for demolition, as described in Attachment 3.

(c) That Council agree to the proposed alterations for correcting anomalies of heritage listed items as described in Attachments 4 and that the CEO be authorised to make any necessary corrections to the property descriptions of heritage items, without further reporting to Council.

(d) That Council make a recommendation to the Heritage Council of NSW for the addition of items of State significance described in Attachment 5 to the State Heritage Register.

(e) That the proposed alterations in (a), (b) and (c) together with the proposed heritage changes in Epping, including extension of the Conservation Area, as described in Attachment 1, be incorporated in a planning proposal to amend Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2011 and Parramatta City Centre Local Environmental Plan 2007 and be referred to the Department of Planning and Infrastructure for gateway determination.

(f) Further, that the writers of the report, Mr Paul Kennedy, Ms Jennifer Concato and Mr Zoran Popovic be congratulated on the

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quality and comprehensive nature of the report.

NDMENT (Finn/Wearne) AME

roposed alterations for adding and ms described in Attachments 1 and 2 of the Parramatta Wetlands and St

Andrews Church Hall from the list of items to be removed. (b) That Council agree to the proposed alterations for removing

heritage l sly been approved for demolition, as described in Attachment 3.


ns to the property descriptions of heritage items, without further reporting to

(d) That Coun the Heritage Council of NSW for the addition of items of State significance described in


Environmental Plan 2011 and Parramatta City Centre Local Environmental Plan 2007 and be referred to the Department of Planning and

Kennedy, Ms vic be congratulated on the



a) That Council agree to the p(removing heritage listed itesubject to the removal

isted items, which have previou

c) That Council agree to the proposed alterations for correcting anomalies of heritage listed items as described in Attachments 4 and that the CEO be authorised to make any necessary correctio

Council. cil make a recommendation to

Attachment 5 to the State Heritage Register. e) That the proposed alterations in (a), (b) and (c) together with the

proposed heritage changes in Epping, including extension of the Conservation Area, as described in Attachment 1, be incorporated in a planning proposal to amend Parramatta Local

Infrastructure for gateway determination. (f) Further, that the writers of the report, Mr Paul

Jennifer Concato and Mr Zoran Popoquality and comprehensive nature of the report

The amendment was put and lost

12813 The motion was put and carried.


In a 571

ccordance with Council's decision of 23 October 2000 (Minute No2) the meeting adjourned at 8.33 pm for a period of 14 minutes.


The meeting resumed in the Council Chamber at 8.47 pm, there being in attendanc and Councillors P B Barber, A Bide, J Chedid G J Elmore, J D Finn, P J Garrard, M A Lack,

8.13 Westmead Precinct Planning Framework

e The Lord Mayor, Councillor L E Wearne

S D Lloyd, M D McDermott, P K Maitra and A A Wilson.

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.13 Planning Framework



8 SUBJECT Westmead Precinct

REFERENCE F2004/07805 - D02168291

RT OF Project Officer- Land Use Planning

LVED (Bide/Maitra)

12814 (a) hat the concept proposals outlined in this report be used as a Tbasis for preparing a planning strategy for guiding the future development of the Westmead Precinct.

(b) That in preparing the planning strategy, consultation take place with key stakeholders and residents in the Westmead Precinct.

(c) That draft amendments be prepared, consistent with the planning strategy, to the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2011, the Parramatta Development Control Plan (DCP) 2011 and the Section 94A Development Contributions Plan, as required.

(d) Further, t paration, the planning strategy and draft hat after preamendments be referred back to Council for its consideration.




RESOLVED ber/Elmore)

9.1 Transfer of 356 Old Windsor Road in Seven Hills as Public Reserve

CT Transfer of 356 Old Windsor Road in Seven Hills as

Public Reserve

ENCE F2011/03024 - D02147707

REPORT OF Open Space & Natural Resources Planner


12815 (a) That Council resolve to accept the transfer of 356 Old Windsor Road, Seven Hills (Lot 2 DP 1068260) in fee simple from Viewbrook Investments Pty Ltd for use as a public reserve at no cost to Council except associated legal costs.

(b) Further, that the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer be authorised to complete all relevant documentation including sale contract and deed of agreement under the seal of Council.

9.2 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Meetings 25 October 2011 and application for membership

9.2 SUBJ

REFE 2121282

EPORT OF Community Capacity Building Officer


ECT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Meeting 25 October 2011 and application for membership

RENCE F2005/01941 - D0


RESOLV (Bide/Barber)

12816 (a) That the minutes of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee of 25 October 2011 be received and noted.

(b) That Council accept the membership application of Gilson Saun s to join Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait der Islander

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Advisor Committee received on 6 Sepy tember 2011. (c) Further, that Council note that there is no request for additional


SUBJECT Access Advisory Committee Minutes 18 Octo

9.3 Access Advisory Committee Minutes 18 October 2011

9.3 ber 2011

EFERENCE F2005/01944 - D02157103



REPORT OF Community Capacity Building Officer

(Bide/McDermo t) t

12817 (a) That the minutes of the Access Advisory Committee meeting on 18 October 2011 (Attachment 1) be received and noted.

(b) Further, that the Access Advisory Committee’s advice regarding information on standards and best practice for making technology accessib e to people with a disal bility be provided to the ParraConnect Committee.

OTE: Councillor P Esber returned to the meeting at 8.49 pm

9.4 Homelessness Policy and Implementation Plan


REPORT OF Manager - Social Outcomes

RESOLVED (Finn/Lack)

Nduring consideration of this matter.

9.4 SUBJECT Homelessness Policy and Implementation Plan

REFERE CE F2004/09516 - D02160444

12818 That Council mber 2011 and adopts the Homelessness Policy Noveassociated Implementation Plan, which has been developed in extensive consultation with local and regional stakeholders subject to the policy acknowledging and noting Council owned properties used by homelessness services such as Western Housing for Youth.

eturned at 8.50 pm, left at 1 ned again at 8.54 pm during

9.5 using Task Force and Affordable Rental Housing SEPP 2009

REFERENCE F2004/06029 - D02161834

REPORT OF Manager - Social Outcomes

NOTE: Councillor A Issa, OAM, MP r8.5 pm and returconsideration of this matter.

9.5 Affordable Housing Task Force and Affordable Rental Housing SEPP 2009

SUBJECT Affordable Ho

RESOLVED (Lack/Barber)

12819 That Council request the State Government amend the ARHSEPP (as

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- 22 -

outlined in the key issues below), so that affordable housing outcomes are suitable and appropriate to the local context and local need. NO : Councillor A Bide left the meeting at 9.07 pm and

returned at 9.09 pm during consideration of this matter. TE


ECT To present the 2010/11 Financial Report and Auditors Report to the public.

10.1 To present the 2010/11 Financial Report and Auditors Report to the public.

10.1 SUBJ

REFERENCE F2009/01832 - D02125662

REPORT OF Manager Finance

RESOLVED (Barber/Lack)

12820 That the 2010/11 Financial Report and the Auditors Report be received and presented to the public.


10.2 Delivery Program and Operational Plan – Quarterly Review September 2011

10.2 SUBJ Delivery Program and Operational Plan – Quarterly Review September 2011

REFERENCE F2011/01566 - D02136012



REPORT O Manager Finance


12821 (a) That Council adopt the Chief Executive Officer’s September 2011 Quarterl Review of the 2010/1y 4 Delivery Program and 2011/12 Operational Plan. (Attachment 1).

(b) That Council adopt the Responsible Accounting Officer’s report on the financial position of the Council and the revised estimates of income and expenditure as detailed in Attachment 1

(c) Further, that Council adopts the following as the parameters for budget variance explanations in the Quarterly Budget Review Statement - “Where Services budget variations are greater than +/- 10% of the current budget or greater than +/- $100,000 of the current budget, these are required to be explained”.

10.3 Investments Report for September 2011

EFERENCE F2009/00971 - D02140279

10.3 SUBJECT Investments Report for September 2011


REPORT OF Manager Finance

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O RES LVED (Issa OAM/Barber)

12822 That C the investments report for September ouncil receives and notes2011.



Minor Amendments to Council's Public Interest Disclosures Policy

10.4 Minor Amendments to Council's Public Interest Disclosures P

REFERENCE F2011/01104 - D02113921

REPORT OF Policy Review Officer

RESOLVED (Bide/Maitra)

12823 That ouncil approve the proposed amendments to Council’s Public CInterest Disclosures Policy.

10.5 Disclosure of Interests Register as at 30 September 2011

10.5 SUBJE


EPOR eneral Counsel

CT Disclosure of Interests Register as at 30 September 2011

ENCE F2004/07102 - D02165802


RESOLVED (Bide/Maitra)

12824 (a) That Council receive and note the Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest returns which have been tabled in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act, 1993.

(b) Further, that Council notes the Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest returns tabled will be included in the Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest returns register.

adium - Proposed Sublease from Parramatta Melita Eagles Sports Club Ltd to Granville Districts Soccer Foot

10.6 UBJECT Melita Stadium - Proposed Sublease from Parramatta


EPORT OF Manager - Strategic Assets and Property Management

MOTION (Elmore/Bide)

ball Club

10.6 Melita St

SMelita Eagles Sports Club Ltd to Granville Districts Soccer Football Club

F2004/06845 - D02166484 R


(a) That Council grant an in-principle approval for Parramatta Melita Eagles Sports Club Ltd to sublease Melita Stadium to Granville Districts Soccer Football Club, contingent upon provision of the appropriate undertakings and documentation.

(b) That the Maltese heritage of the Parramatta Melita Eagles Sport Club at Melita Stadium be preserved in the new sublease, that

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the Melita Eagles retain their naming rights and further that the History Wall within the premises be maintained.

(c) Further, that the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to execute the sublease on behalf of Council under delegated authority.

DMENT (Issa/Wilson) AMEN

t C

Club, Ossoc cuss this issue.

The amendment was put and lost.

tired from the meeting at

ber left the meeting at 9.35 pm and returned at 9.38 pm during consideration of this

10.7 Sale of 64 Phillip Street, Parramatta

10.7 SUBJECT Sale of 64 Phillip Street, Parramatta


nd Property Management

Tha ouncil hold a workshop between Parramatta Melita Eagles Sport

ffice of the Lord Mayor and the Granville District Soccer Football iation to disA

12825 The motion was put and carried. NOTE: 1 Councillor P B Barber re

9.31 pm during consideration of this matter. 2 Councillor P Es


REFERENC F2010/02642 - D02162189

REPORT OF Manager - Strategic Assets a

RESOLVED (Bide/Elmore)

12826 (a) That Council resolve to sell 64 Phillip Street, Parramatta (Lot 3 DP 591970) to the adjoining owner on the terms and conditions contained within this report.

(b) That Council resolve to purchase the re-subdivided Lot 3 on the terms and conditions contained within this report.

(c) That Council resolve to classify the re-subdivided Lot 3 as Operational land in accordance with clause 31 of the Local Government Act, 1993, as amended.

(d) Further, that the Lord Mayor and the CEO be authorised to execute under seal all documents relating to the sale and purchase.

10.8 ParraConnect Advisory Committe Minutes

ation Technology

RESOLVED (Bide/Maitra)

10.8 SUBJECT ParraConnect Advisory Committee Minutes

REFERENCE F2011/00898 - D02166990

EPORT OF Manager Information CommunicR

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12827 That the minutes of the ParraConnect Advisory Committee meeting of

15th August 20 r 2011 be 11, 20th September 2011 and 17th Octobereceived and noted.

10.9 Continuation of the ParraConnect Advisory Committee


EPORT OF Group Manager- Corporate

RESOLVED (Bide/Maitra)

SUBJ CT Continuation of the ParraConnect Advisory Committee

REFERENCE F2008/02761 - D02144533



12828 That the current est dvisory Committee ablished Pa raConnect Arcontinue for additional 12 months and contin an ue to operate under section 355 of the Local Government Act.

10.10 Social Media for the Public Sector - 21 - 22 March 2012 - Melbourne

10.10 UBJECT Social Media for the Public Sector - 21 - 22 March 2012



- Melbourne

EFERENCE F2006/00544 - D02166999 R

REPORT OF Executive Support Manager

LVED (Bide/Esber)

12829 Tha ny Councillors interested in attending the Social Media for the t aPublic Sector Conference in Melbourne from the 21 – 22 March 2012, advise the Office of the Lord Mayor.

10.11 52nd Floodplain Management Association Conference - 21-24 February 2012 - Batemans Bay, NSW

10.11 UBJECT21-24 February 2012 - Batemans Bay, NSW

REFERENCE F2010/03183 - D02127012


52nd Floodplain Management Association Conference - S

REPORT O Executive Support Manager


12830 That any Co ncillors interested in atteu nding the 52nd Floodplain Management Association Conference being held in Bateman’s Bay, NSW from 21-24 February 2012 advise the Office of the Lord Mayor


ECT Staff Organisational Structure

11.1 Staff Organisational Structure

11.1 SUBJ

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REFERENCE F2004/06182 - D02166821

RT OF Councillor P J Garrard

LVE (Garrard/Esber)

12831 That the following Notice of Motion be deferred to the first Ordinary Council Meeting in 2012:- “(a) aTh t the Chamber wishes to advise the CEO that with any

organisational restructures, that it is a matter of courtesy and good governance to consult with the Chamber before any action is put into place.

(b) Further, that in relation to the future staffing of the Lord Mayor’s Office, that the CEO report to the Chamber as to how the capacity of the Lord Mayor’s Office can be increased utilising the model adopted by the Lord Mayoral Office of Sydney, whereby future staffing establishments in Parramatta will be set at a figure which remains constant as a percentage of that which exists within Sydney City Council.”

11.2 Audit of Recruitment Practices


(a) That the audit practice of nting firm be ive

ord Mayor for the appointment of an appropriate accounting firm to conduct a detailed review and report to Council

ruMayoral office (as employeearrangements and/or contractors under hire arrangements) during the term of this Council.

(b) Further, that in order to determine if said recruitment processes accord with best practi1 Examine and report on the composition of all selection

cruitment; 2 Examine the adequacy of the governance related aspects of

presentatives with respect to any concerns or suggestions pect to these processes;

5 Make any relevant recommendations regarding possible changes to the recruitment processes having regard to best practice.

SUBJECT Audit of Recruitment Practices

REFERENCE F2011/01033 - D02170779

REPORT OF Councillor M D McDermott

MOTION (McDermott/Lack)

a tier 1 accourecommended by the Audit Committee to the Chief ExecutOfficer and L

(at a Council Meeting) on the processes followed in relation to the rec itment of all Permanent & Contract staff within the Lord

s under routine employment

ce, the audit should:-

panels for any such re

the process and the extent to which they have been observed;

3 Examine compliance with existing PCC policies relating to recruitment;

4 Canvass all Councillors and relevant management rethat they may have with res

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- 27 -


NDMENT (Bide/Chedid)

That this matter be received and noted and no further action be taken.


FORAME That a comprehensive report be prepared as to what action was taken and findings of the police and internal investigations in relation to the removal of docum d Mayor.

ruled not

meeting at 9.53 pm and

ideration of this matter.

ents from the Office of the Lor

NOTE: The Foreshadowed Amendment was sustainable by the Lord Mayor.

12832 The amendment was put and carried and on being put as the motion was again carried.

NOTE: Councillor P Esber left the returned at 10.00 pm during cons


VED (Esber/Lack)

rs of the press and public be excluded from the meeting of the Session and access to the correspondence


12833 Membe sed

withhel Local G provisio

Referral of Inspection report by the NSW Fire & Rescue (FRNSW). (D10 inf law

Pa rep n 10A (2) (a) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains personnel matters concerning particular individuals.

Clo and reports relating tothe items considered during the course of the Closed Session be

d. This action is taken in accordance with Section 10A(2) of theovernment Act, 1993 as the items listed come within the followingns:-

1 02165776) - This report is confidential in accordance with section A (2) (e) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report containsormation that would, if disclosed, prejudice the maintenance of.

2 rramatta Design Excellence Advisory Panel. (D02167887) - Thisort is confidential in accordance with sectio


s follows:-

Inspection report by the NSW Fire & Rescue (FRNSW)

That the decisions of Closed Session be noted a

12.1 Referral of

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- 28 -


r Regulatory Services

RESOLVED (Garrard/Issa OAM MP)

SUBJECT Referral of Inspection report by the NSW Fire & Rescu(FRNSW)

REFERENCE F2004/07367 - D02165776


12834 (a) That Council notes the referred letter from the Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) dated 25 August 2011, pursuant to Section 121ZD of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the action taken by Council with the issuing of a letter to the owner of 372 Pennant Hills Road, Carlingford, advising of the fire safety concerns and to act on the instructions within this letter within 28 days under the EP&A Act.

(b) That Council notes the referred letter from the FRNSW dated 20 October 2011, pursuant to Section 121ZD of the Environmental Plannin t 1979 and the action taken by g and Assessment AcFRNSW in which under the powers exercised to them, FRNSW have issued the Emergency Order No. 6, in relation to 69 George Street, Parramatta, to ensure fire safety complies, to enable persons to safely evacuate.

(c) That Council pursues compliance with the letter in respect to recommendation (a) and seeks a follow up response from FRNSW in regard to recommendation (B) relating to compliance with the FRNSW Emergency Order, within the nominated time frames to achieve compliance.

(d) Further that, FRNSW have been advised of the action taken in regard to recommendation (a) of this report.

REFERENCE F2011/00990 - D02167887

REPORT OF Manager Development Services

RESOLVED (Esber/Finn)

12.2 Parramatta Design Excellence Advisory Panel

12.2 SUBJECT Parramatta Design Excellence Advisory Panel

12835 That Council appoint Respondent No’s 1, 5, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24 and 25 as the members of the Parramatta Design Excellence Advisory Panel for a term of 12 months, with the option of renewing for a further 12 months beyond that subject to satisfactory performance and operation of the panel.

QUESTION TIME General Business (GB1/11) Removal of Unsupported Development Signage

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1 SUBJECT Removal of Unsupported Development Signage

REFERENCE F2010/02459

FROM Councillor Mark Lack

12836 Councillor Lack questioned when staff would remove all unsupported

development signage. The Lord Mayor advised that a memorandum providing information on this issue was sent to Councillors in the past 2 weeks.


Lord Mayor