Miri a El Cel (Look at the Sky) Copy

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  • 7/30/2019 Miri a El Cel (Look at the Sky) Copy


  • 7/30/2019 Miri a El Cel (Look at the Sky) Copy


    Miri a el el (Look at the Sky)

    All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2012 by Christopher Lee Beamon

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or me-chanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage or retrieval system, without

    the permission in writing from the author/publisher


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    Why am I writing this book?

    I would like to document experiences that have affected, and

    effected my life. Since June of 2008, I have been feeling and

    seeing energy. I have the ability to see subtle energy around

    people, and things, and I can feel the energy of people, places,

    and things. This newfound ability, that literally began over-

    night contradicts everything that I have been institutionalized

    in: religion, school, family, and life in general.

    I have not yet been able to find the words to properly describe

    my experiences. So, for the moment this is my best effort to do

    so. I would like so much to convince those that I tell my story

    to, that there is so much more going on around us 24/7. But I

    am learning the hard way that my desire is an impossible one.

    Information like this, which is what I think our experiences

    boil down to, is not easy for most people to digest. Not every-

    one can deal with this information as I have; with wonder, cu-

    riosity, and the desire to understand, learn, and mature from


    Like observing nature, I seeIT, whats occurring all around us.

    Its like looking through a fine silk curtain that I can see

    through. I can see objects. I know something is there. I know

    what I see is real, but since these experiences are new for me,

    and this type of phenomena is not talked about in school,

    church, media, or seriously among friends and family, describ-

    ing and understanding what I see takes time.

    My challenge is to document experiences without physical

    proof. The scientific method cannot be applied to my claims.

    Without empirical evidence my argument can easily be picked

    apart. That being said, most of the energy experiences that I

    see and feel have been documented and studied by scientists,



    Nature has planted in our minds an insatiable longing to

    see the truth.

    Marcus Tullius CiceroRoman author, orator, & politician (106 BC - 43 BC)

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    branches of military, and recorded historically by different cul-

    tures, albeit under different names.

    That which I write in this book will frighten some, anger oth-

    ers, and make a few people laugh. There are many truths that

    can be discovered, and that exist in our world today. This is anattempt to document mine.


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    New Oxford American Dictionary

    Aura: A supposed emanation surrounding the body of a living creature,viewed by mystics, spiritualists, and some practitioners of complementarymedicine as the essence of the individual, and allegedly discernible by people

    with special sensibilities.

    Perception: The ability to see, hear or become aware of something throughthe senses; (smell, touch, taste, hearing, sight).

    Medicine (definition of Aura): A warning sensation experienced before anattack of epilepsy or migraine.


    Definition Of Aura

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    Bio Electromagnetic Energy

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    Electro Cardiogram (ECG) measures (Bio) electrical currents

    of the heart. Electro Cephalogram (EEG) measures (Bio) elec-

    trical currents of the brain. Super Conducting Quantum Inter-

    ference Device (SQUID) measures (Bio) electro magnetic fieldaround the body Dr. Samuel Williamson of New York Univer-

    sity states that SQUID offers more information about the the

    state of brain functioning than a normal EEG.1,2

    1939, Drs. H. Burr and F. Northrop at Yale University found

    that by measuring the energy field of a plant seed (which they

    determined the L or Life Field) they could tell how healthy the

    plant grown from that seed would be. They found that by

    measuring the field of a frogs eggs they could discern the fu-

    ture location the the frogs nervous system. Another such

    measurement pinpointed the time of ovulation in a woman,

    suggesting a new birth control method.3,4

    1959 Dr. Leonard Ravitz at William and Mary University

    Showed that the Human Energy Field fluctuates with a per-

    sons mental and psychological stability. He suggested that

    there is a field associated with the thought process. He sug-

    gested that variation of this field caused psychosomatic

    symptoms.5,6 (Psychosomatic Symptoms of a physical illness

    or other condition; of or relating to interaction of mind and

    body - New Oxford American Dictionary)

    1979 (another scientist) Dr. Robert Becker of Upstate Medi-

    cal School, Syracuse, New York, mapped a complex electrical

    field on the body which is shaped like the body and the centralnervous system. He named this field the Direct Current Con-

    trol System and found that it changes shape and strength with

    physiological and psychological changes. He also found parti-

    cles moving through this field that are the size of electrons.7,8

    Dr. Victor Inyushin of Kazakh University in Russia has done

    extensive research with the Human Energy Field since the

    1950s. Using the results from those experiments he suggests

    the existence of a bioplasmic energy field composed of ions,

    free protons, and free electrons. Since this is a state distinct

    from the four known states of matter - solids, liquids, gases,

    and plasma - Inyushin suggests that the bioplasmic energy

    field is the fifth state of matter. His observations showed [the]

    that bioplasmic particles are constantly renewed by chemical

    processes in the cells and are in constant motion. There ap-

    pears to be a balance of positive and negative particles within

    the bioplasma that is relatively stable. If there is a shift in this

    balance the health of the organism is affected. In spite of the


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    normal stability of the bioplasma, Inyushin has found that a

    significant amount of this energy is radiated into space.9,10


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    Be Careful Of What You Ask For

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    Barcelona Sants, June 2008, around midnight. Nine months

    earlier in September of 2007, I had just concluded a very emo-

    tionally, mentally, and physically draining work experience. I

    could not understand, at that time, why I had to go through

    that experience. And now in 2008, just nine months later, I

    found myself going through a quite similar work experience.

    And now, on this hot late summer night while I am lying on

    my back on my bed in a dimly lit bedroom staring at a dull

    white ceiling. I am thinking to myself I am tired of being

    f***ed with, I am tired of being lied to, and something is just

    not right. I want to know the truth. I want to know what is

    really going on. Be careful of what you ask for lol.

    While I was thinking all of this I noticed colors/energy, yellow

    and a reddish lavender. I now know that these colors/energy

    are what is scientifically recognized as the Bio Electromag-

    netic Field, Human Energy Field, and the Bioplasmic Energy

    Field. These are scientific names for what is commonly called

    the Aura.

    This was my third time seeing colors/energy. My first experi-

    ence was around 1998/99. I had injured my right hip at work

    and after having a Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI), Bone

    Scintigraphy (Bone Scan), X-Rays and Physical Therapy, doc-

    tors could not diagnose my injury. So, I began my own ther-

    apy: swimming, biking, and yoga. It was in my yoga class that

    I met a woman who practiced Reiki (Reiki: a healing tech-

    nique based on the principal that the therapist can channel en-

    ergy into the patient by means of touch to activate the natural

    healing process of the patients body and restore physical and

    emotional well-being - Origin Japanese, literally universal

    life energy New Oxford American Dictionary). The

    woman offered to give me a few Reiki sessions if I had an open

    mind. For me, as long as there was no pain involved I had an

    open mind. During those Reiki sessions I told the woman that

    I was seeing colors/energy. She said that I did not need to

    worry and that seeing colors/energy was something normal

    that sometimes occurs when an individual undergoes Reiki. I

    stopped seeing colors/energy when I completed my Reiki ses-


    2001 was my second experience seeing colors/energy. I was

    practicing Kung Fu (Kung Fu: a primarily Chinese martial art

    resembling Karate, Origin from Chinese gngf, from gng

    merit+ f master.) with a friend. I told him that once

    we began practicing together I began to see colors/energy (the

    same colors that I mentioned previously). I also had an in-


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    tense energy experience while practicing a simple martial arts

    move while my friend was standing in front of me. I felt like I

    was going to pass out, not from fatigue, but from the sensa-

    tion of the energy. My friend told me that his Sifu (Master) rec-

    ommended that I practice Tai Chi (Tai Chi: a Chinese martial

    art and system of calisthenics, consisting of sequences of very

    slow controlled movements. New Oxford American Diction-

    ary), due to my sensitivity to energy. At that time I thought

    Tai Chi was for old people (now I know better, its good for

    anyone and any age) and I was not interested in practicing. I

    stopped seeing colors/energy a short time after I stopped prac-

    ticing Kung Fu.


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    This is an example of the colors I see (not all the time!).

    MOVIE 2.1

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    This is an example of the colors I see (not all the time!)

    GAL LE RY 2.1

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    Seeing And Feeling

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    My third experience with seeing colors/energy was different

    because it has been an ongoing experience, and with this expe-

    rience I began to see more than just colors/energy.

    On Saturday following my third experience of seeing colors/

    energy, I decided to go for a walk to the Barceloneta. Its about

    an hour walk from Sants to the Barceloneta which is a popular

    beach for tourists and locals to walk, rollerblade, ride bikes,

    and hang out, that is also close to the Barcelona city center. It

    was a sunny day and I was wearing my shades. While I was

    walking I felt like something was wrong with my eyes, but my

    shades are polarized so I did not give the feeling much

    thought. When I arrived at the Barceloneta boardwalk I de-

    cided to look for a bench to sit down on and people watch.

    Midway along the beach the boardwalk rises at a point which

    incorporates a mixed use area with the boardwalk being situ-

    ated above, and cafes, restrooms and office spaces situated be-

    low. As you sit in this location you have a great view of the

    Mediterranean Sea and the sky. While sitting, I took off my

    shades for a moment and realized that there was not a prob-

    lem with my eyes. I was able to see energy emanating off of

    people as they stood or walked passed my field of view. The en-

    ergy is similar to a light transparent shadow (corporeal body

    of energy) and is what I always see around people. The major-

    ity of energy that I observed that day was situated close to the

    body and more or less in the same form of the body. However,

    there was a man, clean cut in appearance wearing dark dress

    pants and a long sleeve button down shirt whose energy was

    deformed and dangling from his head as he walked. Seeing en-

    ergy sure makes people watching a lot more interesting now.

    The following week I met a friend at Placa Catalunya to hang

    out and talk. He is actually the first person I told about my ex-

    periences. Anyway, it was about 11 pm at night and I decided

    to walk home. My route home to Sants took me along Gran

    Via Corts Catalans, a treelined street that is separated by a cen-

    ter pathway for walking and designated bike lanes. While I

    was walking I was experiencing a weird sensation, like I was

    being pushed and pulled along (I know it has something to do

    with energy but, I am unable to thoroughly explain the sensa-

    tion). At one point along the way I had to cross the street. I

    happened to be standing next to a tree while I was waiting for

    the light to change. I felt a buzzing sensation on the side of my

    body that was closest to the tree. I could feel the energy of the

    tree! Not only could I feel the energy of the trees while stand-


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    ing next to them, but I could also feel their energy while I

    walked passed them.

    A few days later while returning home from Terrassa on the

    FGC (Ferrocarrils de Generalitat de Catalunya) I realized that

    I could see light transparent shadows, similar to what I could

    see emanating off of people, emanating off of trees, buildings,

    light poles, animals, billboards, everything. Consistently I see

    the transparent shadows emanating off of people, emanating

    off of trees, buildings, light poles, animals, billboards, every-

    thing. With trees and plants I sometimes see more colors/

    energy, like transparent red and green. With human beings I

    always see the transparent shadow that is close to the body,

    but I sometimes see different colors/energy radiating from the

    body, that are at different levels or layers from the body. Some-

    times I see red, green, yellow, and what I can only describe as

    a fuzzy white color/energy. With animals I see a dark trans-

    parent color/energy emanating from their bodies. (I have to

    add that when I am in a closed space with a lot of light con-

    tamination (bright light) it is difficult for me to see colors/

    energy around people and things. I can see colors/energy bet-

    ter in low light contamination or natural light situations.)


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    Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity

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    This next experience has forced me to make radical changes in

    my personal and social life.

    The week following my realization that I could see colors/

    energy and feel energy of trees (this was my third week into

    my new experiences), I realized that I could feel energy of

    static objects: for example a table, a book, a pen etc, also wa-

    ter, electronic and electrified devices, and people (their emo-

    tional energy). In part, my ability to feel energy of electronic

    and electrified devices has been identified by the World

    Health Organization (WHO) as Electromagnetic Hypersensi-

    tivity (EHS). WHO states that EHS is not caused by radiating

    electromagnetic fields i.e. the cause of EHS is unknown.

    Wikipedia Saturday May 19, 2012 12:24 PM Central European

    Summer Time, Barcelona, Spain:

    Idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electro-

    magnetic fields (IEI, EMF) is a set of claims of adverse medi-

    cal symptoms purportedly caused by exposure to electromag-

    netic fields.[1] Other terms for IEI, EMF include electromag-

    netic hypersensitivity (EHS), electrohypersensitivity, electro

    sensitivity, and electrical sensitivity (ES). Although the ther-

    mal effects of electromagnetic fields on the body are estab-

    lished, self described sufferers of electromagnetic hypersensi-

    tivity report responding to non ionizing electromagnetic

    fields (or electromagnetic radiation) at intensities well below

    the limits permitted by international radiation safety stan-

    dards. The majority of provocation trials to date have found

    that self-described sufferers of electromagnetic hypersensitiv-

    ity are unable to distinguish between exposure to real and

    fake electromagnetic fields,[2][3] and it is not recognized as

    a medical condition by the medical or scientific

    communities.[citation needed]

    The reported symptoms of EHS include headache, fatigue,

    stress, sleep disturbances, skin symptoms like prickling, burn-

    ing sensations and rashes, pain and ache in muscles and

    many other health problems. Whatever its cause, EHS symp-

    toms are a real and sometimes a disabling problem for the

    affected persons.

    In 2004 WHO (World Health Organization) conducted a

    workshop on electromagnetic hypersensitivity.[4] The aim of

    the conference was to review the current state of knowledge

    and opinions of the conference participants and propose

    ways forward on this issue. The meeting was conducted by


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    the WHO International EMF Project as part of the scientific

    review process to determine biological and health effects

    from exposure to EMF. The purpose of these workshops is to

    bring together expert scientists so that established health ef-

    fects and gaps in knowledge requiring further research can

    be identified. EHS has been a particularly contentious issue

    for a number of years.11

    WHO conclusion Wikipedia Saturday May 19, 2012 12:24 PM

    Central European Summer Time, Barcelona, Spain:

    EHS is characterized by a variety of non specific symptoms

    that differ from individual to individual. The symptoms are

    certainly real and can vary widely in their severity. What-

    ever its cause, EHS can be a disabling problem for the af-

    fected individual. EHS has no clear diagnostic criteria and

    there is no scientific basis to link EHS symptoms to EMF expo-

    sure. Further, EHS is not a medical diagnosis, nor is it clear

    that it represents a single medical problem.[1] 12

    Anyway, I was listening to music on my iPod Classic while re-

    turning home on the FGC from Terrassa. I was holding my

    iPod in my right hand and I began to notice that my arm was

    going numb. I was sitting in a window seat and I was leaning

    against the wall of the train, so I thought that this was the

    cause of my numbness. I switched the iPod from my right

    hand to my left hand. After a few moments I began to notice

    that now my left arm was becoming numb. I set my iPod down

    on my seat and I had no problems with numbness. So I real-

    ized then that I cannot hold my iPod in my hand because I

    could feel the energy emitting from it and over time this en-

    ergy caused discomfort. After this experience I began to notice

    that my hands would burn while typing on my laptop (like

    they are at this moment).

    I will describe the sensations of discomfort I experience from

    electronic and electrified devices. Its a mild burning sensa-

    tion, like putting your hands into an open flame. The intensity

    grows overtime and then becomes unbearable. Because of my

    upbringing and sports background I have an above average tol-

    erance for pain (and at the moment, using my laptop is a nec-

    essary evil). I take frequent breaks if I have to type on my lap-

    top. If I sit directly in front of my laptop I begin to have head-

    aches, my hands and arms burn, and the muscles in my neck,

    back, and shoulders begin to ache and cramp up. When I use

    my laptop I sit to one side, usually on the left of the laptop be-

    cause my right side can tolerate the discomfort more than my

    left side, but there are days that I cannot tolerate even this.


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    I experience these same sensations of discomfort from fluores-

    cent lighting, halogen lighting (my eyes become red, and they

    itch and burn after long exposure to fluorescent and halogen

    lighting), wifi, retail stores, basically places that have a lot of

    electronic and electrified devices. I use a Motorola V220 flip

    phone (old technology lol. While writing this book my Mo-

    torola died, so now Im using my Razr 3vxx, old cellular tech-

    nology still lol). I like it because I can hold it from the antenna

    while talking on speaker phone. I can switch hands to mini-

    mize the discomfort. When I put a phone to my ear, the mus-

    cles in my neck cramp up immediately and the phone causes

    me to have headaches.


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    First Orb

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    The following month, July of 2008, I moved out of my flat

    that was located in Barcelona Sants, to a small beach town

    situated about 30 kilometers (km) outside of Barcelona along

    the Costa Maresme, called Premi de Mar. It was in Premi

    that my (para)normal experiences broadened. My first experi-

    ence was subtle. At first I thought it was a reflection of sun-

    light through the window. And when I finally realized that

    without question, that my experience was not sunlight being

    reflected through the window, or my imagination, I watched

    with fascinated interest.

    I was renting a room in a three bedroom flat on the second

    floor of a four story building. The front door of the flat opens

    into a small foyer (an entrance hall in a house or apartment

    New Oxford American Dictionary). The foyer has a large dou-

    ble window. If you are facing the window and looking out you

    have a view of the flats behind the building and a church

    called Sant Cristfol (Sant Christopher in Catalan) on the

    right. When you exit the foyer you enter into the living room.

    With your back to the window in the foyer and facing the

    living-room there was a small sofa on the left along the wall.

    There was a large sofa on the wall that faces you. In front of

    the sofa was a small dining table. And there was a space along

    the wall facing the small sofa for a small Television and TV


    I was sitting on the sofa and my laptop was on my right side. I

    was watching a video on youtube. I happened to look up in the

    direction of the foyer and I noticed a small bug flying in circles

    below the window in the foyer. I know that this is not a fasci-

    nating experience and that it is a quite common occurrence fa-

    miliar to many people. But, what I saw circling with the bug

    was fascinating. I saw a small transparent yellow/gold orb

    (spherical object or shape New Oxford American Diction-

    ary) about the size of a quarter (25 cents) circling underneath

    and with the bug. I thought that it was sunlight but the posi-

    tion of the sun relative to the location of the living-room

    would be behind you all year round. I thought that it was sun-

    light being reflected off of the windows of the flats behind my

    building. There were no reflections passing through the win-

    dow of the foyer, and the position of the bug and the orb was

    below the angle of the line of sight for it to be a reflection, be-

    cause any reflected light would be blocked by the lower win-

    dow pane.


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    Since this experience I have been able to see orbs and other

    things trailing/following birds as they fly, but I have not had

    the experience again of seeing an orb trailing or following a



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    Second Orb

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    My next experience occurred at night around 12:00 AM or

    1:00 AM in the morning. If you are standing in the foyer you

    can look out of the window and see the church on your right.

    There is a good view of the clock-tower from this location. I de-

    cided to stretch my legs, so I went to the foyer to look out the

    window at the night sky. I had been standing in the foyer look-

    ing out of the window for only a few moments when I saw a

    reddish orange solid colored orb traveling silently from right

    to left in a horizontal position. My first thought was meteor-

    ite, but I have seen a few meteorites or falling stars as they

    are commonly called, and I have had a few geology lectures

    about the subject of meteorites, and I did not notice the same

    processes associated with a meteorite entering earths atmos-


    If you happen to observe a falling meteorite, mostly they are

    entering or falling down through earths atmosphere. I have

    yet to see one traveling about 5 to 6 meters (16 to 19 feet) hori-

    zontally just above, and between a row of flats or houses at a

    low elevation. Next, if you are able to see a meteorite falling

    on a clear night and you are relatively close you can observe it

    burning up due to its high rate of speed and the friction en-

    countered by entering earths atmosphere. On one occasion, I

    observed a light trail of smoke as a meteorite burned up while

    falling to earth. And lucky for us, that most meteorites burn

    up completely before impacting the earth.

    This reddish orange orb that I observed was round and looked

    like it was about the size of a softball (a modified form of

    baseball played on a smaller field with a larger ball, seven

    rather than nine innings, and underarm pitching. The game

    evolved during the late 19th century from a form of indoor

    baseball. New Oxford American Dictionary) (softball size: 11

    to 16 inches or 27.94 to 40.64 centimeters - Wikipedia Satur-

    day June 9, 2012, 13:09 PM, Central European Summer Time,

    Barcelona, Spain13). The orb was traveling horizontally just

    above the tops of the flats behind my building, it was moving

    fast, and as I said earlier, it was silent. There was no trail of

    smoke, and it did not appear to be burning up due to friction,

    it was not becoming smaller as it was traveling. When the orb

    was directly in front of my line of sight it vanished into thin

    air. I have had another experience similar to this, and I will

    write about that in a later chapter in this book.


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    Be sure that it is not you that is mortal, but only your body. Forthat man whom your outward form reveals is not yourself; thespirit is the true self, not that physical figure which and be

    pointed out by your finger.

    Marcus Tullius CiceroRoman author, orator, & politician (106 BC - 43 BC)

    (Para)normal Experience

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    I had another experience with the church that occurred at

    night. The kitchen of the flat that I was staying in has a win-

    dow and door that faces an easterly direction. There is a clock

    tower on the front part of the church, two faces of the clock

    can be clearly seen. The back part of the church has a floor

    that is about half the height of the tower and is round and it

    has medium sized windows. I am not sure of the use of that

    room, but during my time living in Premi de Mar I never saw

    any activity in that part of the church, and the windows were

    always closed.

    This August night I happened to be in the kitchen late at

    night, and I was standing in the doorway that was facing the

    church in an easterly direction. The lights were off in the flat. I

    was looking at the small round tower that is located behind

    the large clock tower. I noticed a bluish white round light hov-

    ering in the window. There was not a change in light intensity

    like a flashlight. If a flashlight is pointed directly at you, it is

    really bright, and if the flashlight is turned away from you the

    intensity diminishes. This light did not flicker like a flame of

    candle light or a lamp. What was interesting about this experi-

    ence was that I had an interaction with this light. I have to re-

    mind you that the lights were off in my flat and this light was

    bright enough to be seen but not bright enough to shine into

    my flat.

    So, while I was staring at this hovering round light (what I

    now know as an orb), it slowly moved to my right, its left, to

    the windows edge so that I could barely see it. So I moved to

    my right, and I had the door jam blocking the majority of my

    view. I could still barely see the tower window with my left

    eye. The hovering orb moved back to the center of the window

    so, I moved back into the center of the door way. The hovering

    orb moved back to the edge of the window of the small tower.

    Ironically, a few weeks after this experience I happened to

    watch a movie on TV called The Haunted Mansion starring

    Eddie Murphy. The premise of the movie was that Eddie Mur-

    phys character and family, wife and two kids, had to stay in

    the haunted mansion over night to earn an inheritance. Orbs

    were interacting with the kids in the beginning of the movie,

    and then later the orbs revealed themselves in corporeal form.

    When I saw this I realized that the orb that I had seen in the

    tower window was a spirit that was not in corporeal form. For

    me, this was a clear example of art imitating life.


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    3D Effect

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    I returned to California in January of 2009, for six months.

    While I was home I felt that I had to return to Barcelona, to

    the place where these amazing experiences began. To learn as

    much as I could about what was happening to me and to learn

    how to adapt my new awareness and my new life to the regu-

    lar daily life of present society.

    One of the first things I noticed while in California was the dif-

    ference of the energy between Barcelona and Southern Califor-

    nia. For me, the energy in Barcelona is subtle in comparison

    to Southern California. For example, the shadow of energy

    emanating off of objects like freeway billboards, street light

    poles, sign posts, is slightly off set, and close in Barcelona. In

    Southern California, the energy of the objects mentioned

    above is not as subtle and is more off set. The best way for me

    to describe the experience is to use the old school 3D effect as

    an example: if you observe a red and blue 3D drawing you will

    notice how the objects drawn are off set by the two colors to

    create the 3D effect while wearing 3D glasses. Now, what I see

    and experience is not to the extreme off a 3D drawing, but it is

    very similar and the best way that I can relate my experience.


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    We Are Not Alone

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    The next three experiences occurred over the course of two

    weeks in the Mojave Desert (while standing on my grandmoth-

    ers back porch lol!), before my return trip to Barcelona in July

    of 2009. When I began having these experiences of feeling

    and seeing energy my sleep patters changed. I often find my-

    self waking up at two or three oclock in the morning. So, I

    make it a point to go outside and look at the night sky for an

    hour or two, just to see what I can see.

    The first experience was a brilliant three flash pulse of light,

    that occurred twice within moments of each other. The night

    was clear and starry. I could not see, nor hear any airplanes or

    helicopters flying by. After the flashes there was nothing that I

    could see as an originator of the flashes.

    The second experience topped the first of the three experi-

    ences. It was another clear starry night, about two or three in

    the morning. I happened to look up, due west, and I saw a phe-

    nomenon that I can only explain by using a phosphorescent

    match as an example. Coming from somewhere else , an ob-

    ject burned its way into our dimension, our reality. The en-

    trance of this object was similar to that of a person striking a

    match, and then observing the phosphorus flare before the

    flame appears. This object did not enter from above (the sky),

    or below (the ground). If you had a vertical line directly in

    front of you, and then you imagine a line parallel to the

    ground and going from right to left bisecting the vertical line,

    and then imagine another line that bisects that parallel line,

    but its vector is pointing towards you. That will give you a ba-

    sic 3D image in your mind. The object entered our reality

    from the point where the lines intersect, on the parallel line

    (left to right) that bisects the vertical line, from nowhere, but

    it came from somewhere. It burned in. Once it burned in it

    looked like a reddish orange orb, similar to the orb I observed

    traveling away from the church in Premi de Mar.Silent and

    traveling fast The orb vanished in two or three seconds, ex-

    actly like the orb I saw in Premi.

    The third experience topped the first and the second. Again, it

    was about two or three in the morning. It was a starry night. I

    was looking in a north westerly direction. I could see clearly

    three stars of a constellation. Then, the most surreal thing hap-

    pened. I stood there, and watched the largest of the three stars

    begin to slowly move away from the constellation in a north

    westerly direction. I lost my religion at that moment, because

    I was seeing and experiencing something that was beyond re-

    ligious parables and metaphors. At the time, I did not know


  • 7/30/2019 Miri a El Cel (Look at the Sky) Copy


    which constellation it was. I researched a freeware solar sys-

    tem and star system program to determine which constella-

    tion it could have been. Based on the program I used I am

    98% sure that the three stars of the constellation I observed

    were of the cup of the Big Dipper, or Ursa Major. At that time

    of year, July 2009, and at that time of night, two or three in

    the morning, It is the only constellation that was in the right

    position, for the star that had I observed moving.


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    CHAPTER 10

    You Decide

  • 7/30/2019 Miri a El Cel (Look at the Sky) Copy


    May 1, 2012. I went for a walk with my digital camera (Nikon

    D40) in a local park called Parc Collserola. Its a nice walk in

    the hills that are just behind Barcelona. There are good views

    of the city and the Mediterranean Sea, and it is a popular park

    for walking and mountain biking.

    Anyway, I was walking along taking random photos. I stopped

    to sit in the shade on a less frequently used trail and took a

    break. A few minutes had passed when I noticed a bright ob-

    ject moving slowly from left to right. It was about two in the

    afternoon. I was facing a north east direction. I was trying to

    capture a picture of the object but I could not find it in the

    view finder of my camera. It was similar to an object I had

    seen in September of 2009. I actually captured an image of

    that object in 2009, but it is not a very good quality picture

    (10.1 mega pixel camera). Well, I had no luck capturing the ob-

    ject on this day, even though I could see it with my naked eye.

    I went to a rooftop barbecue later that afternoon. And whilesitting there with three other people I saw another bright ob-

    ject, it was about six oclock. I watched it move slowly until it

    disappeared. After a few moments of watching, my friends

    asked me what I was looking at. I said, its bright, like a star,

    moving slowly, and its not an airplane or a helicopter. They

    did not question me further and I did not provide any more de-


    The most interesting thing about this experience is that a few

    weeks later, I was looking at my photos from that day, May

    1st. I noticed something bright in one of the pictures that I

    had captured randomly about two hours earlier that day

    around 12:45. I had captured at least four bright objects like

    the object I saw at two oclock that I failed to photograph.


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    Bright Objects May 1, 2012 12:45 PM

    This is the random photo I took that has four easily visibleBright Objects

    MOVIE 10.1

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    Bright Object May 1, 2012 12:44 PM

    This is another random photo I took of a Bright Object that isa little more defined.

    MOVIE 10.2

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    Bright Objects May 1, 2012 12:45 PM

    This is the random photo I took that has four easily visible Bright Objects (high resolution)

    GALLE RY 10.1

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    Three Bright Objects

    GAL LERY 10.2

  • 7/30/2019 Miri a El Cel (Look at the Sky) Copy



    The fourth Bright Object

    GAL LE RY 10.3

  • 7/30/2019 Miri a El Cel (Look at the Sky) Copy


    Bright Object May 1, 2012 12:44 PM

    This is another random photo I took of aBright Object that is a little more defined

    (high resolution)

    GAL LERY 10.4

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    Bright Object

    GAL LE RY 10.5

  • 7/30/2019 Miri a El Cel (Look at the Sky) Copy


    1st Bright Object

    2nd Bright Objec

    3rd Bright Object

    4th Bright Object


    Bright Objects May 1, 2012 12:45 PM

    This is the random photo I took that has four easily visible Bright Objects(high resolution)

    1 2 3 4

  • 7/30/2019 Miri a El Cel (Look at the Sky) Copy


    1st Bright Object


    Bright Objects May 1, 2012 12:45 PM

    This is the random photo I took that has four easily visible Bright Objects(high resolution)

    1 2 3 4

  • 7/30/2019 Miri a El Cel (Look at the Sky) Copy


    2nd Bright ObjectThe largest of the four


    Bright Objects May 1, 2012 12:45 PM

    This is the random photo I took that has four easily visible Bright Objects(high resolution)

    1 2 3 4

  • 7/30/2019 Miri a El Cel (Look at the Sky) Copy


    3rd Bright Object


    Bright Objects May 1, 2012 12:45 PM

    This is the random photo I took that has four easily visible Bright Objects(high resolution)

    1 2 3 4

  • 7/30/2019 Miri a El Cel (Look at the Sky) Copy


    4th Bright ObjectIt looks like it has some kind

    of angular for to it. There

    were no airplanes or helicop-

    ters around when I took this



    Bright Objects May 1, 2012 12:45 PM

    This is the random photo I took that has four easily visible Bright Objects(high resolution)

    1 2 3 4

  • 7/30/2019 Miri a El Cel (Look at the Sky) Copy


    Bright Object


    Bright Object May 1, 2012 12:44 PM

    This is another random photo I took of a Bright Objectthat is a little more defined (high resolution)


  • 7/30/2019 Miri a El Cel (Look at the Sky) Copy


    Bright ObjectThis Bright Object round and

    a little more defined


    Bright Object May 1, 2012 12:44 PM

    This is another random photo I took of a Bright Objectthat is a little more defined (high resolution)


    i li i f h l d i i ld h

  • 7/30/2019 Miri a El Cel (Look at the Sky) Copy


    1. Brennan, Barbara Ann, Hands of Light - A Guide

    Through the Human Energy Field, Paperback Edition,

    June 1988, pp. 19-20.

    2. Williamson, Dr. Samuel, Personal Communication, NewYork, 1982.

    3. Brennan, Barbara Ann, Hands of Light - A Guide

    Through the Human Energy Field, Paperback Edition,

    June 1988, pp. 20.

    4. Burr, H.S., and Northrop, F.S.G., Evidence for the Exis-

    tence of an Electrodynamic Field in the Living Organisms.

    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ofthe United States of America, 1939, Vol. 24, pp. 284-288.

    5. Brennan, Barbara Ann, Hands of Light - A Guide

    Through the Human Energy Field, Paperback Edition,

    June 1988, pp. 20.

    6. Ravitz, L. J., Application of the Electrodynamic Field The-

    ory in Biology, Psychiatry, Medicine and Hypnosis, I. General

    Survey. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 1959,

    Vol. 1, pp. 135-150.

    7. Brennan, Barbara Ann, Hands of Light - A Guide

    Through the Human Energy Field, Paperback Edition,

    June 1988, pp. 20.

    8. Becker, R.O., Bachman, C., and Friedman, H., The Direct

    Current Control System. New York State Journal on

    Medicine, April 15, 1962, pp. 1162-79.

    9. Brennan, Barbara Ann, Hands of Light - A Guide

    Through the Human Energy Field, Paperback Edition,

    June 1988, pp. 20.

    10. Inyushin, V.M., On the Problem of Recording the Human

    Biofield. Parapsychology in the USSR, Part II, San Fran-

    cisco, Calif., Washington Research Center, 1981.

    11. Wikipedia, Saturday, May 19, 2012, 12:24 PM, Central

    European Summer Time, Barcelona, Spain Electromag-

    netic Hypersensitivity

    12. Wikipedia, Saturday, May 19, 2012, 12:24 PM, CentralEuropean Summer Time, Barcelona, Spain Electromag-

    netic Hypersensitivity

    13. Wikipedia, Saturday, June 9, 2012, 13:09 PM, Central

    European Summer Time, Barcelona, Spain Softball
