Miscellaneous EOC Review Questions

Miscellaneous EOC Review Questions. [xxxxx are three children in our family.] A.[Their] B.[They’re] C.[There] D.[Thayr]

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Miscellaneous EOC Review Questions

[xxxxx are three children in our family.]

A. [Their]B. [They’re]C. [There]D. [Thayr]

[xxxx all girls.]

A. [Their]B. [They’re]C. [There]D. [Thayr]

[Two of them are sitting over xxx. ]

A. [Their]B. [They’re]C. [There]D. [Thayr]

[xxxxx sister is at home.]

A. [Their]B. [They’re]C. [There]D. [Thayr]

[Meg was xxx tired xx walk home. I was tired, xxx. The xxx of us walked xxx a phone booth, and I called for a cab.]

A. [to, too, to, two]B. [too, to, too, too, to]C. [too, to, too, two, to]D. [to, to, too, two, to]

[I will study, xxx I’ll go to Karen’s house.]

A. [than]B. [while]C. [then]D. [after]

[Vera is more determined xxx her older sister.]

A. [then]B. [while]C. [than]D. [because]

[How many paragraphs are there in an EOC Expository and Persuasive essay?]

A. [1]B. [2]C. [3]D. [4]

[How does the reader know when a new paragraph starts?]

A. [The writer yells, “Hey reader! This is a new paragraph!”]

B. [The reader doesn’t know.]C. [The writer starts the first word of the first

sentence of new paragraph a little further to the right- this is called indenting.]

D. [None of the above.]

[How many essays do you have to write on the 10th grade writing EOC?]

A. [10]B. [2]C. [3]D. [400]

[The thesis statement should be primarily composed of?]

A. [junk]B. [long, complicated thoughts.]C. [lots of yours, yours, & yourself]D. [EXACT words from the prompt]

[Which of the following is NOT a NO-NO word?]

A. [things]B. [you]C. [got]D. [promote]

[Which of the following is NOT a power verb?]

A. [fosters]B. [defines]C. [promotes]D. [gets]

[Which of the following is NOT 3rd person?]

A. [he]B. [she]C. [people]D. [I]

[Which of the following is NOT 1st person?]

A. [we]B. [us]C. [he]D. [I]

[What will happen if the writer inserts opinions like- “I think”, “I feel”, “..this is better” in

Expository writing?]

A. [the student will get a commended score]B. [the student will receive a barely passing

score]C. [the student will receive a failing score]D. [the student will receive a 70%]

[Which of the following is NOT an expectation of EOC Expository writing?]

A. [It is well organized.]B. [It contains a clear and concise Thesis

Statement.]C. [It contains researched facts.]D. [It explains, defines, or describes.]

[Which of the following is NOT an expectation of EOC Persuasive writing?]

A. [It is well organized.]B. [It contains a clear and concise Thesis

Statement.]C. [It contains language or content not

appropriate for school.]D. [It convinces the reader to take the writer’s

view of an argument.]

[Which of the following is NOT included in a Persuasive Conclusion?]

A. [Re-word and rewrite of the Thesis.]B. [A statement telling the reader that you

know not everyone agrees with you.]C. [A sentence telling one idea the opposing

view might have against your opinion.]D. [A sentence telling the reader that the paper

is over, like- THE END!]

[The Thesis Statement needs to …..]

A. [be clear and concise]B. [have enough information that the reader can

tell exactly what the writing prompt asked]C. [tell the reader what the two body paragraphs

are about]D. [be really confusing and repeating]

[Which of the following is NOT considered BAD in EOC writing…..]

A. [repeating]B. [using 2nd person]C. [not planning the essay]D. [filling up all 26 lines!!!]

[What should you do if you can’t think of a single attribute to describe one of your body

paragraph main ideas in the thesis statement?]

A. [just don’t mention that body paragraph in the thesis]

B. [use a short, clear, & concise phrase]C. [pull your hair out during the test]D. [take a nap]

[Writers should always consider their audience. Who is your audience for EOC?]

A. [the KISD school board]B. [Mrs. Freeman]C. [educators]D. [business leaders]

[Which of the following is NOT required in a SAR- short answer response??]

A. [a thesis statement-using words from the prompt]

B. [textual evidence directly from the selection using “ “]

C. [explanations connecting the textual evidence to the answer]

D. [3 paragraphs]

[If I don’t proofread my essay for mistakes, I’ll probably get extra points deducted for silly mistakes.]

A. TrueB. False

[The expectations the Texas Education Agency has about the 10th grade EOC essays and SARs are extremely high. ]

A. TrueB. False

[If the writer writes outside the thick black box on a SAR or essay, even one tiny word, it will be completely ignored by the grader.]

A. TrueB. False

[Students can use a dictionary on spelling questions.]

A. TrueB. False

[Students can use a dictionary to look up synonyms to avoid repeating.]

A. TrueB. False

Dependent: After the child is seated

Independent: Her mom pushed the swing.

Combine: if child/dependent (weak) is on the swing, being pushed by the parent/ independent- a comma- (like a swing seat) is needed.

After the child was seated, her mom pushed the swing.

(not a stand alone clause)

(complete with a subject and verb.)

IndependentDependent , Clauses & Commas

Dependent: followed by the cubs (not a stand alone clause)

Independent: The adult lions lead the way. (complete with a subject and verb.)

Combine: If the parent leads the way (it’s strong) and the child follows there’s no assistance, swing/comma, needed.

The adult lions lead the way followed by the cubs.

Independent +Dependent Clauses & Commas

Independent ; Independent

An independent clause is a complete sentence.

It contains a noun and a verb.

An independent clause is a complete sentence; it contains a noun and a verb.

Clauses & Semicolons

Independent , FANBOYS Independent

F orAndNorButOrYetSo

Solution: Grandma still rides her Harley motorcycle, and her toy poodle balances in a basket between the handlebars.

Run-on: Grandma still rides her Harley motorcycle her toy poodle balances in a basket between the handlebars.

Clauses, FANBOYS & Commas

Compound Sentences with FANBOYS

• The teens walked to the park, but it was closed.• The gentleman did not know where the sound came

from, so he hid behind the tree.• The cat was happy, and he slept underneath the bed.• I believe technology’s impact on society is beneficial,

but I realize not everyone agrees with me.• Spring break was wonderful, yet it could have lasted
