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Miss Loock SHMD 119 Sport Didactics & Coaching Unit 13 1

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Miss LoockSHMD 119 Sport Didactics & CoachingUnit 13

1Training BasicsTraining BasicsIndex of Chapter:21. How the Body Works2. Fitness for Sport and Physical Training3. Coachs Role in Physical Training4. Training Principles

1. How the Body WorksThe Framework

Body consists of 206 bonesBody consists of 100 joints

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1. How the Body WorksThe Power

The power to move comes from 640 muscles

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5The heart is also a muscle beating 100 000 times a day

Heart pumps blood to every part of the body

The energy our bodies need comes from food that is converted into chemical energy by digestive system

The brain, spinal cord and nervous system controls movement

2. Fitness for Sport and Physical Training6Physical fitness in sport is the ability to meet the physical demands of the sport to perform optimally

Physical fitness is not a permanent condition, it is a state that the body is in at any particular time

7Benefits of Training:

Better performance

Less fatigue in long-duration contests

Quicker recovery after strenuous practice

Less muscle soreness

8Components of Physical FitnessEnergy FitnessAnaerobic Energy SystemAerobic Energy SystemMuscular FitnessMuscular Fitness is the ability of the muscles to meet the demands of the sport with optimal strength, endurance, speed, power and flexibilityMuscular Strength is the maximum amount of fore that a muscle can generate in a single effortMuscular Endurance is the ability of muscle to repeatedly contract or sustain a continues contraction involving less than maximum force9Components of Physical FitnessMuscular FitnessSpeed is the ability to move the body or parts of it very quickly

Reaction Time is the period from when a stimulus is perceived to the beginning of the movement

Movement Time is the period from the beginning or the movement to the end of the movement

Muscular Power is the ability to exert muscular strength quickly

10Components of Physical FitnessMuscular FitnessFlexibility is the range of motion through which the bodys joints are able to move

Balance refers to the ability to maintain a certain posture or to move without falling

Agility is the ability to start, stop and change direction and speed very quickly and with precision

3. Coachs Role in Physical Training11Know the physiology and training methods

Determine the physical demands of your sport

Assess the fitness of your athletesBenefits of fitness testing:It identifies individual differences in each component of physical fitnessIt helps predict performance potentialIt helps you guide athletes to the best positions or events for themIt allows you to assess athletes progress as they train12Design a physical training programMake decision on the following six variables:Choice of exerciseOrder of exerciseIntensity of exerciseVolume of exerciseFrequency of exerciseLength or rest period

Educate athlete about the training program

Conduct the training program

4. Training Principles13Specify principleThe best way to develop physical fitness for your sport is to train as closely as possible to the way it is applied in the sport

Overload principleTo improve fitness athletes must do more than what their bodies are used to doing

Progression principleSteadily improve fitness levels, you must continually increase the physical demands

Diminishing returns principleWhen unfit and training, fitness levels increase rapidly, but when fit and training, the amount of improvement in less14Variation principleChange activities regularly to not overuse on muscle group

Reversibility principleWhen athletes stop training their fitness will decrease

Individual differences principleEvery athlete is different and respond differently to the same training

Moderation principleAll things in moderationEnd of Chapter15