* *r -f- i > '"^ \ ,\ , « I I , ' ' <" ' ?> "^ "j? , •** r ««w ?•, " / , •" :•. >r" *c: M ( 0 : ' -'•-••..•r.,.>v ^ - ^ ,"•,•„'' » PrtiiUu & Cotion Shtwls. t fecicfcftigreen, Bfond «w»t of articles called for In his trade gteat of articles called withe* *a*fU them fbr Mr price. Most k i i Up* mmtmi fad tt^mi^i^i^M lim foHowiMg comprise a par| «g%*c| > " f S-Ssm ia^^u^ffepiir - Frisnch working Gottpa, Linen and Cot- m W j j j j q j ' ^ i l -; *' •*-••;•,•.."• - .;• '*--•. patent Linfea Thread, black and usorted pa WliiUtnd ^^t^f rinOj Cotton ^towti. . Ga<b\>\ Hair, Nail l«*,8M WalleU, Be. H , i*tVlJreMtiif Case*, #^|^iid^J mfch Shoea, PaiU l* " To tke Ccntlemea. jwfcfcf* / ^ r BTOWD and bUck Cr»p« C ^ g i WD Line n,&CbUoo Drilling ^ ^ : Wcf plainJmd Fluted Satin MBiiiM^^lwksft"' - '"' ; .* : „ BltcfcfcfaniT colored Huskini CIove«, and white S.lk 1-2 Hose. t J f ^; hit ctwtonier* for their ina reipeetfijlly inforn» ie^MftklIy4bat be*!tai ^«n«shis J&k- * ^ y ! at biacdd Hand, where ito« and«ommerFash- *iSiSI «*i and Produce JP »• Flour, <Roeue»t«,j RaiwMtf wh»* Glaa, 1 U 1 h^h wioei, and Choc#J*teTrkf, t*$tf fajityfcaf •&* sbavwg Soap, Lou^on'thd Art^ri'csn mislaid, mm, cte^jftitiuiaiiois^tvutiafeisv"* ; fi*^io»e pepper, p^>p«r a'atacey*nehovies Ketchup* short an3 »>ng «1*fc pipel,' Sperm, Jiould ahd-dipped candles ; JRti4i(il4tiedO£l in?, »<! m iat»a^i% Brown and yettow cigars Scotch and macsba snuff, • • PioruiHadeira, "Petferiife, V misrea. Sweet and cWti^iign f w ^^' Brandy, ram, PoJIsnd and American Giu "••• ^/i . i./FJlfiT. . ;;;!. Malaga,bloom and smyraa rihfns| * % Pronesj, citronti,dates, %«, curiftnts, Almouds, filberts, oiadejra, J JJTJTS. Peanuts*n& cocoa '* y , * "'. ••' •'- ' "'• "MSB, . -: ' \, Mackerel, No. l s shad,dty codfisb, /,i Pickled codfish and herring, OgdenBUurgh,$I^85 i8 Post-Office, " OG&ES&VTJIO A MAIL is mad^fl^itthisjoico every JjL evening, except Satur4ay»j,for tbi JjL eveoiligi ^ficpt aidayi, south and west, «|r4|ooVern|>B.r and Wa- tertowhjptid owe»r^c^Fedftor^jne «Quth aftd we$t fcvirj evening, except ^Sunday evenidwi ' ':-- •.*.•::.;', ^';*- ••' ? A. tttail 4[»"aJ»a ttnde'fp"-e?*if. Sufiday ucsdav arid^hujtsdny^^iveivifiglfgirPlitt* t [ Tucsdav arid^jsnyveivigl.fgl burgh) via. OaofdnT ° M*o for -Qeiiinark dt^ placet tomb, yu.MorrUtowD and d: AillV l ^thVi Hammond:" And also |or Waddington & Fort-Covin; atd places iu Lower Canada* , And oiails arereceivedfromlhete direction* Tuesday Tbuisday an^ Situtdfty eseni AMkn ls'alsojaadetipevery, day extep Sundayt fof ¥ ? fWcptt atid place*'iu flipper Canada,'at #AV'M.: And receiycd* irfka ~ ~ ~* •*"-"•• •'• ejtcppt S w d i : TAe JfaJI* arexJpju! on Sunday evenings " " _ ' "* i> >t» ! [Bi.itf."":.- ! ;;•".; 8 AfWi aB.d;*jP,jj^U and remains >pj>fcu R0hi *rid afier Jf Ihiti thef ^VwH!ji« op ness fto» *0 p>clock A- M. prdeir of the Directori. ^ l 0 HiFebfuar yruvi^W «v>ti ( a ^ , ^..,., . » - Donwt Marble Tactory. T UPEI^l, y i i p „» » f<iHy infeisliiiXrienia and Jih pithlic gene)cMly.»thirt hehal tesmovedtc the buHdibe foVroerty occttme'd byM, Nor- th^tfb>#'to WvK Ka?k1aVHateI»R>M th^tf»b>#'to WvK Ka?k1aVHateI»R>M Street, #hfer««lff>offef»"forM»iIe)* Wrge, quantity of Grave 4* Tom^iSpmes, made from the-Dor*etWliiteMaiDleVwfciicb for the last twenty vearshnbeen pteferrtd mtfce jwliiMpat Giuea of the Unile3 State?, to any other Marble for Us smoothuress b tddWt ' ' V' bisawy ttiddotaWity* ; _ . V hit. V- Uatterf himself from hii long ex- perience iufinishibf and engraving Marble, tliat he c»n fire entire Mtisfacliou to thos « h o Ittirftifttr hitalwlULbusiutfgs, by dpjtig rk well, d lli h l hiswor a U L , , and selling cheap. Also for s»le a small assortment o ncoinmohly low fur G*SH lii JLfnitQ, i83* MM Choeto! Choose!! ; A LARGE lot jost-twceived fromfti JLX. very celebrated dairy of Judge Bai Ty, and for »ile at the Ogdensburgh Pro vision Store, by "'• M. S. May 27th'j. 1834. r,22-tf H p H E «ubicriber wishes to ioiorni his X frieods and cyptomets, that he still carrieton the SO»hJtfaking Bust- Mf«S, at the old stlmd, iu the! sas>h shop adjoiuing the p»il factory, where he in- tends keepingou hand, Bash of various sizes and dimensions, nt the usual prices, chosp for rfta^y p»y- BLfifBS made on short notice and; most reasonsble terms. Shoe miiker's peg blocks, on hand by the sub scribeir, '%i -tale; as fair aa anicie a« can Bfod\h^4'Vh' " S> "jB. The above articles all warranted of first quality. JHtORATIQ PECK. Ggdaensburjtb, Jan, =18,1633, 4tf BOOK«fel>RUJ>ST()«E ERMAN keepa consUnlly on >3».iia«d athia Store 10 Ford-stree, a generalfccompJet* mssoHment of BOOKS —Sckooj, Oasica!, Medical, aod Miscella- neous; iMMthet with, t full BHWrttoent of STAf lONARY, eomprisinf all the vsrie- liet vnaUy to be found in that liae. Abo follairitt>teBaiv« amrtaMid of ' " MEDICINES, T Paints, vi ^^op^_^ ftlS invaloablt hell% relferatiVe an dh lt X preserver hai pltotei-tto wost *aluta-i ni r.fii<>i.rio«s roffledv^eveir offered toe and efficacious remedy^eyeir pffered public. jfoi curing dyarjepaiaJ^fl* wdige*-' tion, liver complaints, jauijdicif ||hean buip.' ing, mitt, stomadj, debility c>t4tealcnes« of the digestive organs aiarfh.eefeJiSjIaU b*w- hend, loss dtlppfet«i,l| J pfes9ion from food flatulence^ bystericks, .co»gl»*#«pm.Stt«np tion n here thelungs become effected from sympathy wilh the sWrnacb, dropsies flora Jtis»v,ttBiversal wstt>rativ;e in all cases wheriHhe; stomach, literpr-bfcwels, or :aDy of thftdigeslwe fljgans areihe pritnsry seat* of the disease. It abopresreWtt-fll-bTKaU! comphints removes habitual costiveness, strauguary and"all im,puTiUeji!'pf*thejbloodl, for. Weakly and delicateieinaltfeatid? eWK 3re% rip ittediciTje has evejr rir^vJB* so>salu* taty.- It removes all "ohstjuctipngy Inipaffi ing «tt«ngth and vigor to tlialnvliSie system restoring bloom t»*,"(h& fiiclsly'a?™ sallflw cheek, and plumpness to the meig«jvU frpji .personal knowledgejoMtsremedij powers.that we speaky ftn^ing witftfissedti cures in hundreds of cases.nt is ded to the sHicted with ib$ eilificates pf. its.cures.^sepfl^ and jefereucies gjrarn ^ff^wspWM'hl^cituwHS' who have received itabenpfita vtyhefe she- medicineIsTjQidiS^Jj'pr aale/by Dr. l^yier,, pruggist, QgdensbtirghV and Hiram I)OZ.j AoifIK'S anpiriarjy *f*f Scythe, RifleB^waJraHteid Wate Proof arid durabiey for sale cftthe Sfe tAsr June 10*1834, f 25*lf. Pi^HESpbletibpt, p*ys-94teuiktot igo« Mills inWaddingtbrV. r •" " ^ ; •* GG0VERNEUR OGDEN. January, lSth 1034^, * Mt. : . - > ' . ' . . . ' . w : * =• - < v . ' r |p : )r3[E snhsenber \va>tsl»M jjijtapd roust JtliaVeit:and will liavo it u ifIje^a'rl gei it, alttiwise indebted to him•-|»ill^w«''wifctt pay-iinjess' tliey attfnd to. this NO.T^CJE f. p . rfprii tvverltyjld thiri|;bfed: : K^y«. j : have loaued i$-;ti$,"uydlY -*-»* «^».- Avithin twooVthrfte y^ijs p*a they vipuid t ^-lhe. irouble tp. ^luin as thej _, ,_ work of^niost^ory descrU* 1 lion^ffkeptfohsaVe tem»f;l{a|ljly cueip.l reidy my v or short •>pr~"' a ^ J1 * i ' ^ * ;"'"•'• '' ' -jfrJuORCrl Ogdensb&rgh, ApVif H ; rilHE IliS^totti^esf i?d pe^nt^ and JL- debts of Sjlvesier Gilbert-of '0gdein hur^bX^^sf^^ri 'duly assigned |0 |h Wbscr|Ws,'«pon|;ertk|«i irusts in the jati assignment fexprfiifedf Uiiey, krtby give notice, that Mil i««ntfaiite se.Ule^ment oj the debts is indtspeiiSabie, and uuless attended tti withonV delay, pro^cution ivillbelcpm luenccd. The subSicrthefsiha^e appointe '$ > '^i^lp*t : tifi-eie»i'iJpjli»ti!»atteft^ to"fti^«<bJ g^ tame, in fe tlement an^ collection of the debts, Mid to •grtlnt^ di*^^*^, 5 » n f « c l u *Hauces for.th%: O.N.fefeYMOOR, ' iVERTELLSd., %A.f~' s ""'•""•• •gh,Sf*yS Cleveland 1S34. gh» and cold* at the'ir commencement, by which neglect they have often termuwted in Consumption, nnd proved fatal, , < " ''•>"', > These Cougrf* Drop»-Imve been'e*ten*i»ely prescribed by Phynic1nn«, and n6«fc WrttiyMo jrive therii» deoidei preference to any other arti cle uow in inc. " ..... , . Fjfwft^O^f/Benti For the c«reof naif, rheiirp snd nould .W -• ' G Ety A valuable remedy for weak, torf, or Infimn'e e y * ' - ' - - ' < ' •- w ' \ •'"• '' \ :'••'-••"' -*"'^*^ - W Fihch f i VegettUfbtk'SUieri, j *7- A wwereJwa wmelJyfor.the Jaundice, **<"'-* ; WppV^e/aJte/^fcCHnltiM, , yuafe and certain cure (however inv*t*r«te> In three tppllentioni. It does not contain any mer cury or other precorioim ingredient. <'.''"•" '*• '• " The nfflicteitare deiired tocoll on Mr*X. Marr ris, of Ogdeniburgh, where they c»n ex»m Certificates, Becommemlktiont, &c. fi*nl F_. •leiani of eminence, and clti»eit» in the flr»tCl»M of society. They »re alto re^nented to otm«rte }h»t the abore artiele* nre prfnored by ILIl ReynMdis orB.tr.rm, N. Y. and limt curb onUlde label to the above article* «re signed by biro in hit own hand writlnfc, . • A netMupplyjort received, ana for »ate by T3-M-ly L. MORRI8, praygiat. and Fresh.—Almonds^ ir anuls, pea nuts, cocoa tttl, and walnots, now - i ; * T NATHANILE F. HYEB, «* JUm «m<| Jt«a<l hi g 0 | | $ | iVG5,-fmm this date until spriug '•> -:-{ ?.. :"• *WS»*Si f •JL ' ^ y ^ f f . 4 , f densburgli* keep* corrtt»n%v pu^hand for sle^-at ^Ubtei»16 tad retail, a large and e'ififIlssortm»stt'|Pnt ^'t mmnfAi ? • and Dye-Woods ces ittdin rtbis fp irleflieetr«ua Vpo)«W& uBrp4'ufilte l mtIii'MWii% fEhe; fuHeit >elian«8 roSy fceWC*if iSitHfcWf 7 •^SSM^k0^^itpk^m^^^P«^ wi4 Jftos*. ofllicleil^'ftjiy^^:,>|*ti««S!!jfi4v<b»|,3itik st #Jpc*j, p ejccite'tKe capinnry vessel* organs tlmt secrete the inatle - *,L At -^ 1 IJ •#i mf bfrxc^oj*4^pji«j)i|ii ygfB**ftpsr thpfceayM«tioc(k«».»igned. them by nature, •cli'ar!g«B r aw) v«ry teiwetotft * / "-''\•';* :He i* wtllftSVarA *& i\i^%itn^U«tmppi^ff who have pnlmed themselves end their *punou» nodDoininsl*pecifick»,'on thtpultlic: a4C-*n# iBJ^t^at^'remfdyviU'bQ&^^a^^^ C4T« lfliafaw\ *• §FV*t*/ **ft«# v«as«4*^»«r w t f t y w M j Hiy^^'y— y tlie few whohnve happily;avai)edthem»elTeao! ibeOPJiorliiftjtj?:ofper(ectciire«,«by«pplic»Uon», I have also n *overeifro «p*ciBck: for the cure 6ftheSaUithe;ttm*»a'* i "' i ' i "** !I ' N ' ' i.r ;. ;MA?JPTHEWWlN ., Of Augu»t», beafPrcucott, Upper Canad» C : ^ . y % ^ ^ ^ ^ j after m»n>vineu"(;ctu(i) spplicntioni, in ihlk.yea j^4,-iappir¥dlo^r v Ma»|ipw^||jtMb > Hr««» Iba course of about ono month .made a perfec riieei ontttbave'Mii'aolr^bWfr^miVaiWfe' i r GiveniindermyhiriilifEi\Tard»burgh,.in tli ' DititfJ^ltiIlI€;adtbt tao cerifryi'tHatvmy daugirtieir l '*'oiiy,-wa l *ior along timetroiibUd with «-C*ucer on lier left cTieelfj in vain werl mony_application» mad* to M Intoali^VholnlMathah'two^rnonthaeilniicted it frdiji the very^o^at^Sytiiibti^afj^^iit^ fprcd ,iioittcoiiireiiieflcetiX'ui-i^ -^J •• •. * ^7^-, Given under my hand «it:Auj;u»t«j:lnth«.Dii I do certify, that my witehad beentroubledto. five ye»r» \yUh n.Cunccr «Tp her no«e, whipb.ap- pesred to incr^|*e (o the^eniipe,. «lff,atrj " " cwre : of ttic name, durinjf. that fithei ti»«» ur>u made by several ptrsoni whd pretended skiir in that complaint, but to no eflfct'i.untilapplioateoa e!• now c^htpV*tc)y relieved fto ytOytnabur October, $8§3; CHAtttES I>A*I^ V Many other Certificate? might htre be'intr*" ducedj lilt it is thought uhneeCRiary, «»'it i* 4)e4ieved that the itbove -willaiinBfaetorily itiow lic theefficacy Of the «pecificWi and tb« illi K«*lLf«^a. Tf^ii*^^ 1 1*^w^ ^^Ml^^.-J' ' .' _ >• ^ mence at the o bpi and passengers cap be well nccommodaleff. J;BtJSH January JLj 1834, M ^ ^ tppt y e MedipaT Paculty.rjTor i Asilimos &Con»umptWn, td > h d t i eurmg Cdtjj?h», T ^ a b eig!.! hundred .nd-.hi r ,y-t W0 ,exec U tS e b 7 J™4l D- Cady, of OgrteMborgh, in the Sute of New- * •* *"•" ' —"•'' tf'titimfttik.i&k ^e^i^inefe^tn. SHmWfflWm "Frederick G.dy's lot, thprfce ona-lin'e piirall g ^ ttt thisaifl M> pk'a Office of St, ^ w r Book No. 5 of Mortgages, p»gtt 4 more fully appsar, «nd whichaak ^^tol VtoH m ^^ aim B. has m m*ifam& WM- 8amuei R. 8peJm*0! th* ^P^^S ^O being P and Notice U iherefon h«*bt girm that by rlrtne of Iha pow«r oaiitaiMd in Iba i a « Mortgage, and In pur»»n« of th« tw i db p d in I pur»»n« of th« atawe mm AMM at the h (,''' >.•.!.•.•.! I- cause the same to bapublished^rKone new*-. ^W^^ft»H leaon gtfoda sold at atietio*, fhall JS&pM mmmmmmmM. mmmmmmmm Utessftafdkfiwsiw A»t S»i» f!W Which/is ;boun|e.d p.f.foUp\ys : - , l l l d i ^lwgfM, gy i'wleen%nks,- tliepe south, tvvent fjejtyfetgl»t eg^,5y,p tysonej-jodaand tenjtgijf .k r^ ji a f f ; ^ jtntaiat A«Bk^ Atf* th«Lyisl»tureofthUState»»nddOcettif7,tbat-jt-i« Pmmmmmtn pleeiwiMi^tV^M^H^aJt^n^tl^tt!^^ Morrlntown ;»nd,:de«rihrti as follows : all tha pie#e,.j)»rc«lwtract>f limjjhertin.*^i:?,<1es.crt d i 14j ! d b j j | 3 h tWM »nd,:de«r a f wtract>f limjjhe 14jn|f ! a«d bjejn| 3t» in &«lGouniyi> villkjetorOj;deniburjrbil>eglhnii)g»t* poititiin the^urnpike- fif.y «nk« from a^poit, Abrahtm 'Tru»«s-l«!Uth#est*prner,'thence*itnirii« alone tiS^Jiaji]|t;i6|(|-jf^nerHh*»ffr flf the rivir St.:tiwre«ce, sixty hV^1^M^M^b^d$inr-tto *. SHBBI k l Jk l 'f& QY virtue of an etecbtionisiued out of 9^ v We falfretaeieoiBrfpf^JiidiefatgrtW ^he'Sta1c"6/Ne#'aror:^%Bd' v f<i>-toe:!diiect^d : and delivered agiiiigtithe R *ods and* chat- ties, lands and teuementtQl 1 C41eb Pierce, 1 havetaetzea and taken all tlie fight, title anainterest of the said Gakb Pierce id and to the fpllpwittjgr ^eicrib,ea;%J J fte«|pr fi|r- ile1«|IWBfff^.aii1h'aM»rtaMar- ' itj*rl^itfitate^n^f"tow* '*•" ..;i#ftPutiiy-.6"f ; Sfi tlwvtett*<|, 41 ; New-fe>rk s 4>eiiifMm'i naled by; lor nnmber^rty eigbtflf laidflUtonGr4isTi*e¥Jwrtileiiqu ^^ ^H|||^^|^ iiof eplumbia Wade is designated | y t » l l i ^ S | w M S i r r the lots laid *«ut on thft-iveiterly side of rpad; leadingirnm snl^arillige to ©•tiiel l4tfoe'f, «»Hed Maitf Street, beginhing at a' atone; aunk In the ground in the north east- erly fine of safA Wal^-*triM*^wle4>%^ E; S;JB;. being the tiortlje*rerty corner of lot number four; froB th*n«e alon^balino of said street five rods t(t a stone rosrkerf S. B. C. P. from thence loa line at right iBj&y *$ fey^jtem&fy----'- % IlhalU,|K^t^«i|lkVen. 4i* w Ihe tawn *f «Ja^rM;«?ii ! '^tit, : ««y si^mm^mmmmmt of .st* j i «oteaat9Pdiyrft» Dealer. sndConlu tt^^iaMlj^i ^ ||ft|^%lfe«M-^ S :lay1n|eBt^m A^3UtHo*^^f#>i«i/pWaiT oflnniJ tituxte and ijiny in tlie town of LU f^ J i ^ ^ 4 a lsft«ja;o(liMJV;tteiS>»h * 1 trjiiree, thence south, twenty g( j.eMt.tf'one hondretl..and•,-forty *5ghl j t»t»ke»t,thencc suwb, sixVylwodegrees,ifvt f tbintd» io a stakei thence «ortb Jf *»tefity wcslone-humlrefl an'4 forty eigli lfthi*&tty:AWo"ajeter<l«S/*»sttliir eigut <iegreei t west one uuntireu anu mny eipiii f6d»rth?n^«ttolfthi*&tty~«Wo"3)^^ftS/*»st^ *^«^M<l#i6k-R l >^#^ ? l^#?ie^ l ^Sl ! % ui B tw|nty-niiiej»$r^ > n **-t-°J i ?..'H < P i J t '<|».* n ^,.foqr 3ftb%tinate;»»?lsns«t»n0do«btfta.^wp6^^^^^ i0lejx:*»»&«» *M pf^ure.vese^ib^irtiibyiicnl '•jftftmJ v4i?clt atfrfrd thetiiosfcftirlajnibtpUi^ ^ops^i^^v^r^1e.^aftlt»*VferJrt:$We8Pif|he disposal or in the hands of man, lor the: cfleclual ipreyeniioh and rcpioyi^.itf tbU loathsome class of diseases. Dr. G^reati profea§iun%] «?xp«ri. eince, his well"kh6tviiviTcit>wea nrid.Pnuioyftted re*pecUbililycircumstnnccsnndinr by hiJ unifdi'in,- kind ojid tndcftti5giiibl«.*ttenti0ni »ympatliy nnd hujnanity towards his pRtie'nts, ;ar«jftittver|n1ryflMk;no,\y)edigecl|aid nndet $M \d\.$*fa») in*pl WScpn not time* •irteUy^bjervf 3, Indiyiffuabi *t. la^£^i<*'^ : ^isV^on'^e«a^eMe>« M$Q00t&$ &BlWtfflQflpf, *$?, jtftwf-forjQfihji/'-i^-.•••,.•.,.••,'•. >vV".'''-.'' ^. " |^;feceT#d;ai^l"igs§ien|;-ipf Ti»* TQBA'OiJO wi»icb will be .snlJ lower'Jh*n- '•^A;i&O0 ; wl»ic|j' vvdl be^snfd*iitvtvi th*n- eier offered in tlHSjinarket fy the Clrssf u,accpun«s. ^gfe^urg^Mi it* ». ir. i«^ 131 A^^fo^e4^o»fi«eti«itln life Ww npcrior Pnste Blacking of

mmmmmmmm - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031401/1834-08-19/ed... · 2009-01-08 · flatulence^ bystericks, .co»gl»*#«pm.Stt«np tion n here thelungs

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Page 1: mmmmmmmm - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031401/1834-08-19/ed... · 2009-01-08 · flatulence^ bystericks, .co»gl»*#«pm.Stt«np tion n here thelungs

* * r



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* c :M ( 0 : ' - ' • - • • . . • r . , . > v ^ - ^ ,"•,•„''

»PrtiiUu & Cotion Shtwls.


fecic fcfti green, Bfond

«w»t of articles called for In his tradegteat of articles calledwithe* *a*fU them fbr

Mr price. Most ki iUp* mmtmifad

tt^mi^i^i^M limfoHowiMg comprise a par|« g % * c | > " f

S-Ssm ia^^u^ffepiir

- Frisnch working Gottpa, Linen and Cot-m W j j j j q j ' ^ i l - ; *' •*-••;•,•.."• - .;• ' * - - • .

patent Linfea Thread, black and usorted

paWliiUtnd^ t f

rinOj Cotton

^ t o w t i . .Ga<b\>\ Hair, Nail

l«*,8MWalleU, Be. H ,

i*tVlJreMtiif Case*,#^|^iid^J


PaiU l*• • "

To tke Ccntlemea.

jwfcfcf* / ^ rBTOWD and bUck Cr»p« C ^ g

i WD Line n,&CbUoo D r i l l i n g^ ^ : •

W cf plainJmd Fluted SatinMBiiiM^^lwksft"' - '"' ; .* : „BltcfcfcfaniT colored Huskini CIove«,

and white S.lk 1-2 Hose.

t J f ^; hitctwtonier* for their

i n a reipeetfijlly inforn»ie^MftklIy4bat be*!tai

^ « n « s h i sJ&k- *

^ y !at biacdd Hand, where

i to «



«*i and Produce b«

J P »• Flour, <Roeue»t«,j

RaiwMtf wh»* Glaa,1 U 1 h^h wioei, and

Choc#J*teTrkf, t*$tf fajityfcaf •&* sbavwgSoap, Lou^on'thd Art ri'csn mislaid,mm, c t e^j ftitiuiaiiois^tvutiafeisv"* ;

fi*^io»e pepper, p^>p«r a'atacey*nehoviesKetchup* short an3 »>ng «1*fc pipel,'Sperm, Jiould ahd-dipped candles ;J R t i 4 i ( i l 4 t i e d O £ l

in?, »<! m iat»a^i%Brown and yettow cigarsScotch and macsba snuff, • •PioruiHadeira, "Petferiife, V misrea.Sweet and cWti^iign f w ^ ^ 'Brandy, ram, PoJIsnd and American Giu"••• ^ / i. i . / F J l f i T . . ; ; ; ! .Malaga,bloom and smyraa rihfns| *%

Pronesj, citronti,dates, %«, curiftnts,Almouds, filberts, oiadejra, J JJTJTS.Peanuts*n& cocoa '* y , * "'.••' •'- ' "'• "MSB, . -: ' \,Mackerel, No. l sshad,dty codfisb, / , iPickled codfish and herring,

OgdenBUurgh,$I^85 i8

Post-Office," OG&ES&VTJIO

A MAIL is mad^fl^itthisjoico everyJ j L evening, except Satur4ay»j,for tbiJ j L eveoiligi ^ficpt a i d a y i ,south and west, «|r4|ooVern|>B.r and Wa-tertowhjptid owe »r^c^Fedftor^jne «Quthaftd we$t fcvirj evening, except Sundayevenidwi ' ':-- •.*.•::.;', ^';*- ••' ?

A. tttail 4[»"aJ»a ttnde'fp"-e?*if. Sufidayucsdav arid^hujtsdny^^iveivifiglfgirPlitt*

t [Tucsdav a r i d ^ j s n y v e i v i g l . f g lburgh) via. OaofdnT ° M*o for -Qeiiinark

d t ^ placet tomb, yu.MorrUtowD andd: A i l l V l ^ t h V iHammond:" And also |or

Waddington & Fort-Covin;atd places iu Lower Canada* , And oiailsarereceivedfromlhete direction* TuesdayTbuisday an^ Situtdfty eseni

A Mkn ls'alsojaadetipevery, day extepSundayt fof ¥?fWcptt atid place*'iu flipperCanada,'at #AV'M.: And receiycd* irfka~ ~ ~* •*"-"•• •'• ejtcppt S w d i :

TAe JfaJI* arexJpju! on Sunday evenings" " _ ' "*i>>t»![Bi.itf."":.-! ;;•".;

8 AfWi aB.d;*jP,jj^U and remains >pj>fcu

R0hi *rid afier JfIhiti thef ^VwH!ji« op

ness fto» *0 p>clock A- M.

prdeir of the Directori.

^ l 0


y r u v i ^ W « v > t i ( a ^ , ^..,., . » -

Donwt Marble Tactory.T U P E I ^ l , y i i p

„ » » f<iHy infeisli i iXrienia and Jihpithlic gene)cMly.»thirt hehal tesmovedtcthe buHdibe foVroerty occttme'd byM, Nor-th^t fb># ' to WvK Ka?k1aVHateI»R>Mth^tf»b>#'to WvK Ka?k1aVHateI»R>MStreet, #hfer««lff>offef»"forM»iIe)* Wrge,quantity of Grave 4* Tom^iSpmes,made from the-Dor*etWliiteMaiDleVwfciicbfor the last twenty vearshnbeen pteferrtdmtfce jwliiMpat Giuea of the Unile3 State?,to any other Marble for Us smoothuressb t d d W t ' ' V'bisawy ttiddotaWity* ; _ . V

hit. V- Uatterf himself from hii long ex-perience iufinishibf and engraving Marble,tliat he c»n fire entire Mtisfacliou to thos«ho Ittirftifttr hitalwlULbusiutfgs, by dpjtig

rk well, d lli hl

hiswora U L ,

, and selling cheap.Also for s»le a small assortment o

ncoinmohly low fur G*SHlii JLfnitQ, i83* MM

Choeto! Choose!!

; A LARGE lot jost-twceived fromftiJLX. very celebrated dairy of Judge BaiTy, and for »ile at the Ogdensburgh Provision Store, by

"'• M. S.May 27th'j. 1834. r,22-tf

H p H E «ubicriber wishes to ioiorni hisX frieods and cyptomets, that he still

carrieton the SO»hJtfaking Bust-Mf«S, at the old stlmd, iu the! sas>h shopadjoiuing the p»il factory, where he in-tends keepingou hand, Bash of various sizesand dimensions, nt the usual prices, chospfor rfta y p»y- BLfifBS made on shortnotice and; most reasonsble terms. Shoemiiker's peg blocks, on hand by the subscribeir,'%i -tale; as fair aa anicie a« canB f o d \ h ^ 4 ' V h ' "

S> "jB. The above articles all warrantedof first quality. • JHtORATIQ PECK.

Ggdaensburjtb, Jan, =18,1633, 4tf

BOOK«fel>RUJ>ST()«EERMAN keepa consUnlly on

>3».iia«d athia Store 10 Ford-stree, ageneral fc compJet* mssoHment of BOOKS—Sckooj, Oasica!, Medical, aod Miscella-neous; iMMthet with, t full BHWrttoent ofSTAf lONARY, eomprisinf all the vsrie-liet vnaUy to be found in that liae. Abo

follairitt>teBaiv« amrtaMid of ' "



^^op^_^ftlS invaloablt hell% relferatiVe an

d h ltX preserver hai pltotei-tto wost *aluta-ini r.fii<>i.rio«s roffledv^eveir offered toeand efficacious remedy^eyeir pffered

public. jfoi curing dyarjepaiaJ fl* wdige*-'tion, liver complaints, jauijdicif ||hean buip.'ing, mitt, stomadj, debility c>t4tealcnes« ofthe digestive organs aiarfh.eefeJiSjIaU b*w-

hend, loss dtlppfet«i,l|Jpfes9ion from foodflatulence^ bystericks, .co»gl»*#«pm.Stt«nption n here thelungs become effected fromsympathy wilh the sWrnacb, dropsies flora

Jtis»v,ttBiversal wstt>rativ;e in all caseswheriHhe; stomach, literpr-bfcwels, or :aDyof thftdigeslwe fljgans areihe pritnsry seat*of the disease. It abopresreWtt-fll-bTKaU!comphints removes habitual costiveness,strauguary and"all im,puTiUeji!'pf*thejbloodl,for. Weakly and delicateieinaltfeatid? eWK3re% rip ittediciTje has evejr rir vJB* so>salu*taty.- It removes all "ohstjuctipngy Inipaffiing «tt«ngth and vigor to tlialnvliSie systemrestoring bloom t»*,"(h& fiiclsly'a?™ sallflwcheek, and plumpness to the meig«jvUfrpji .personal knowledgejoMtsremedijpowers.that we speaky ftn^ing witftfissedticures in hundreds of cases.nt i sded to the sHicted with ib$

eilificates pf. its.cures. sepfl andjefereucies gjrarn ff^wspWM'hl^cituwHS'who have received itabenpfita vtyhefe she-medicineIsTjQidiS^Jj'pr aale/by Dr.l^yier,, pruggist, QgdensbtirghV and Hiram

I)OZ.j AoifIK'S a n p i r i a r j y* f * f Scythe, RifleB^waJraHteid WateProof arid durabiey for sale cftthe Sfe tAsr

June 10*1834, f 25*lf.

Pi^HESpbletibpt, p*ys-94teuiktot igo«

Mills inWaddingtbrV. r •" " ; •* GG0VERNEUR OGDEN.

January, lSth 1034 , * Mt.• : . - • > • ' . ' . . . ' . w • : * • = • • • • • • • - < v . '

r|p:)r3[E snhsenber \va>tsl»M jjijtapd roustJtliaVeit:and will liavo ituifIje^a'rl gei

it , alttiwise indebted to him•-|»ill^w«''wifcttpay-iinjess' tliey attfnd to. this NO.T^CJE

f. p . rfprii tvverltyjld thiri|;bfed::K^y«.j : have loaued i$-;ti$,"uydlY -*-»* «^».-Avithin twooVthrfte y^ijs p*athey vipuid t ^- lhe . irouble tp. luin as thej

_ , ,_ work of^niost^ory descrU*1

lion^ffkeptfohsaVe tem»f;l{a|ljly cueip.lreidy myvor short •>pr~"'a^J 1* i' * ;"'"•'• '' ' -jfrJuORCrl

Ogdensb&rgh, ApVif H

;r i l H E IliS^totti^esf i?d p e ^ n t ^ andJL- debts of Sjlvesier Gilbert-of '0gdein

hur^bX^^sf^^ri 'duly assigned | 0 |hWbscr|Ws,'«pon|;ertk|«i irusts in the jatiassignment fexprfiifedf Uiiey, kr tby givenotice, that Mil i««ntfaiite se.Ule ment oj thedebts is indtspeiiSabie, and uuless attendedtti withonV delay, pro^cution ivillbelcpmluenccd. The subSicrthefsiha^e appointe'$>' i lp*t:tifi-eie»i'iJpjli»ti!»atteft^ to"fti «<bJ

g^tame, in fe

tlement an^ collection of the debts, Mid to•grtlnt di*^^*^,5 »nf «clu*Hauces for.th%:


%A.f~'s ""'•""•• ••gh,Sf*yS



gh» and cold* at the'ir commencement,by which neglect they have often termuwted inConsumption, nnd proved fatal, , < " ''•>"', >

These Cougrf* Drop»-Imve been'e*ten*i»elyprescribed by Phynic1nn«, and n6«fc WrttiyMojrive therii» deoidei preference to any other article uow in inc. ". . . . . , . Fjfwft^O^f/BentiFor the c«reof naif, rheiirp snd nould .W

-• ' G EtyA valuable remedy for weak, torf, or Infimn'e• e y * ' - ' - - • • • ' • • < ' •-w' \ •'"• ' ' \ : ' • • ' - • • " ' - * " ' ^ * ^

- W Fihchfi VegettUfbtk'SUieri, j *7-A wwereJwa wmelJy for. the Jaundice, **<"'-*

; WppV^e/aJte/^fcCHnltiM, ,yuafe and certain cure (however inv*t*r«te> Inthree tppllentioni. It does not contain any mercury or other precorioim ingredient. <'.''"•" '*• '•" The nfflicteitare deiired tocoll on Mr*X. Marrris, of Ogdeniburgh, where they c»n ex»mCertificates, Becommemlktiont, &c. fi*nl F_.•leiani of eminence, and clti»eit» in the flr»tCl»Mof society. They »re alto re^nented to otm«rte}h»t the abore artiele* nre prfnored by I L I lReynMdis orB.tr.rm, N. Y. and limt curb onUldelabel to the above article* «re signed by biro inhit own hand writlnfc, . •

A netMupplyjort received, ana for »ate byT3-M-ly L. MORRI8, praygiat.

and Fresh.—Almonds^ir anuls, pea nuts, cocoa

tttl, and walnots, now - i — ; *T

NATHANILE F . HYEB,«* JUm «m<| Jt«a<l


g 0 | | $ |iVG5,-fmm this date until spriug

'•> -:-{ ? . . :"• *WS»*Si f

•JL ' ^ y ^ f f . 4 , fdensburgli* keep* corrtt»n%v pu^hand forsle^-at ^Ubtei»16 tad retail, a large and

e'ififIlssortm»stt'|Pnt 't mmnfAi ? •

and Dye-Woodsces

ittdin rtbis fp

irleflieetr«ua Vpo)«W& uBrp4'ufiltelmtIii'MWii%fEhe; fuHeit >elian«8 roSy fceWC*if iSitHfcWf7

•^SSM^k0^^itpk^m^^^P«^wi4 Jftos*. ofllicleil^'ftjiy^^:,>|*ti««S!!jfi4v<b»|,3itik

st #Jpc*j, pejccite'tKe capinnry vessel*

organs tlmt secrete the inatle- *,L At -^ 1 I J •#i

mf bfrxc^oj*4^pji«j)i|ii ygfB**ftpsrthpfceayM«tioc(k«».»igned. them by nature,•cli'ar!g«Braw) v«ry teiwetotft * / "-' '\•' ;*:He i* wtllftSVarA *& i\i^%itn^U«tmppi^ff

who have pnlmed themselves end their *punou»nodDoininsl*pecifick»,'on thtpultlic: a4C-*n#i B J ^ t ^ a t ^ ' r e m f d y v i U ' b Q & ^ ^ a ^ ^ ^

C4T« lfliafaw\ *• §FV*t*/ **ft«# v«as«4*^»«r wtftywMj H i y ^ ^ ' y — y —

tlie few whohnve happily;avai)edthem»elTeao!ibeOPJiorliiftjtj?:ofper(ectciire«,«by«pplic»Uon»,

I have also n *overeifro «p*ciBck: for the cure6ftheSaUithe;ttm*»a'*i"'i'i"**!I ' N ' '

i.r ;. ;MA?JPTHEWWlN., Of Augu»t», beafPrcucott, Upper Canad»

C : ^ . y % ^ ^ ^ ^ jafter m»n>vineu"(;ctu(i) spplicntioni, in ihlk.yeaj^4,-iappir¥dlo^rvMa»|ipw^||jtMb>Hr««»Iba course of about ono month .made a perfecriieei ontttbave'Mii'aolr^bWfr^miVaiWfe' ir Giveniindermy hiriilifEi\Tard»burgh,.in tli' D i t i t f J ^ l t i I l I € ; a d t b t

tao cerifryi'tHatvmy daugirtieirl'*'oiiy,-wal*ioralong timetroiibUd with «-C*ucer on lier leftcTieelfj in vain werl mony_application» mad* to

M Intoali^VholnlMathah'two^rnonthaeilniictedit frdiji the very^o^at^Sytiiibti^afj^^iit^fprcd ,iioittcoiiireiiieflcetiX'ui-i^ -^J •• •. * 7^-,

Given under my hand «it:Auj;u»t«j:lnth«.Dii

I do certify, that my witehad beentroubledto.five ye»r» \yUh n.Cunccr «Tp her no«e, whipb.ap-pesred to incr^|*e (o the^eniipe,. «lff,atrj " "

cwre: of ttic name, durinjf. that fithei ti»«» ur>umade by several ptrsoni whd pretended skiir inthat complaint, but to no eflfct'i.untilapplioateoa

e!• now c htpV*tc)y relieved fto

y t O y t n a b u rOctober, $8§3; CHAtttES I > A * I ^ V

Many other Certificate? might htre be'intr*"ducedj l i l t it is thought uhneeCRiary, «»'it i*4)e4ieved that the itbove -willaiinBfaetorily itiow

lic theefficacy Of the «pecificWi and tb«i l l i K«*lLf«^a. Tf^ii*^^11*^w^ ^^ M l^^ . -J ' ' .' _ > • ^

mence at the ob p i

and passengerscap be well nccommodaleff.

J;BtJSHJanuary JLj 1834,

M ^ ^ tppty e MedipaT Paculty.rjTori Asilimos &Con»umptWn,

t d > h d t ieurmg Cdtjj?h»,

T ^ a b eig!.! hundred .nd-.hir,y-tW0,execUtSeb7J™4lD- Cady, of OgrteMborgh, in the Sute of New-* •* *"•" ' —"•'' tf'titimfttik.i&k

^e^i^inefe^tn. SHmWfflWm"Frederick G.dy's lot, thprfce on a-lin'e piirall

g ^ttt thisaifl M>

p k ' a Office of St, ^ w rBook No. 5 of Mortgages, p»gtt 4more fully appsar, «nd whichaak^ ^ t o l VtoH m^^aim B.

hasm m*ifam& WM-

8amuei R. 8peJm*0! th*

^P^^S^ Obeing

PandNotice U iherefon h«*bt girm that by rlrtne of

Iha pow«r oaiitaiMd in Iba ia« Mortgage, and Inpur»»n« of th« t w i db

p d in Ipur»»n« of th« atawemm AMM

at theh

( , ' ' ' > . • . ! . • . • . ! I-

cause the same to bapublished^rKone new*-.

^W^^ft»Hleaon gtfoda sold at atietio*, fhall JS&pM

mmmmmmmM.mmmmmmmmUtessftafdkfiwsiw A»t

S»i» f ! W

Which/is ;boun|e.d p.f.foUp\ys : - ,l l l d i

^ l w g f M , gyi'wleen%nks,- tliepe south, tvvent

fjejtyfetgl»t e g ^ , 5 y , ptysonej-jodaand tenjtgijf .k

r ^ j i a f f ; ^ j t n t a i a t A « B k ^ Atf*



pleeiwiMi^tV^M^H^aJt^n^tl^tt !^^Morrlntown ;»nd,:de«rihrti as follows : all thapie#e,.j)»rc«lwtract>f limjjhertin.* i:?,<1es.crt

d i 1 4 j ! d b j j | 3 h t W M

»nd,:de«r a fwtract>f limjjhe14jn|f!a«d bjejn| 3t»in &«lGouniyi>

villkjetorOj;deniburjrbil>eglhnii)g»t* poititiinthe^urnpike- fif.y «nk« from a^poit, Abrahtm'Tru»«s-l«!Uth#est*prner,'thence*itnirii« alone

tiS^Jiaji]|t;i6|(|-jf^nerHh*»ffrflf the rivir St.:tiwre«ce, sixtyhV^1^M^M^b^d$inr-tto

*. SHBBI klJkl'f&Q Y virtue of an etecbtionisiued out of

9 ^ v W e falfretaeieoiBrfpf^JiidiefatgrtW^he'Sta1c"6/Ne#'aror: %Bd'vf<i>-toe:!diiect d:

and delivered agiiiigtitheR*ods and* chat-ties, lands and teuementtQl1 C41eb Pierce,1 havetaetzea and taken all tlie fight, titleanainterest of the said Gakb Pierce id andto the fpllpwittjgr eicrib,ea;%JJf te«| pr fi|r-ile1«|IWBfff^.aii1h'aM»rtaMar-' itj*rl^itfitate^n^f"tow* '*•"..;i#ftPutiiy-.6"f ;Sfi tlwvtett*<|,41 ;New-fe>rks4>eiiifMm'i

naled by; lor nnmber^rty eigbtflflaidflUtonGr4isTi*e¥Jwrtileiiqu

^^ H | | | ^ ^ | ^iiof eplumbia Wadeis designated | y t » l l i ^ S | w M S i r rthe lots laid *«ut on thft-iveiterly side ofrpad; leadingirnm snl^arillige to ©•tiiell4tfoe'f, «»Hed Maitf Street, beginhing at a'atone; aunk In the ground in the north east-erly fine of saf A Wal^-*triM*^wle4>%^E; S;JB;. being the tiortlje*rerty corner oflot number four; froB th*n«e alon^balinoof said street five rods t(t a stone rosrkerfS. B. C. P. from thence lo a line at right

iBj&y *$ fey^jtem&fy----'-%

IlhalU,|K^t^«i|lkVen.4i* w Ihe tawn *f «Ja^rM;«?ii! '^tit,:««y si^mm^mmmmmt of .st*

j i«oteaat9Pdiyrft»Dealer. sndConlutt^^iaMlj^i



oflnniJ tituxte and ijiny in tlie town of LUf^ J i ^ ^

4 a

lsft«ja;o(liMJV;tteiS>»h*1 trjiiree, thence south, twenty g (

j.eMt.tf'one hondretl..and•,-forty *5ghl jt»t»ke»t,thencc suwb, s i xVy lwodegrees , i f v t ft b i n t d » io a stakei thence «ortbJf*»tefity

wcslone-humlrefl an'4 forty eiglilfthi*&tty:AWo"ajeter<l«S/*»sttliir

eigut <iegreeit west one uuntireu anu mny eipiiif6d»rth?n^«ttolfthi*&tty~«Wo"3) ftS/*»st*^«^M<l#i6k-R l>^#^?l^#?ie^ l^Sl !%uiBtw|nty-niiiej»$r^ >n**-t-°Ji?..'H<PiJt'<|».*n ,.foqr

3ftb%tinate;»»?lsns«t»n0do«btfta. wp6^^^^^i0lejx:*»»&«» *M pf^ure.vese^ib^irtiibyiicnl'•jftftmJ v4i?clt atfrfrd the tiiosfcftirlajni btpUi^^ops^i^^v^r^1e.^aftlt»*VferJrt:$We8Pif|hedisposal or in the hands of man, lor the: cfleclualipreyeniioh and rcpioyi^.itf tbU loathsome classof diseases. Dr. G ^ r e a t i profea§iun%] «?xp«ri.eince, his well"kh6tviiviTcit>wea nrid.Pnuioyfttedre*pecUbililycircumstnnccsnndinrby hiJ unifdi'in,- kind ojid tndcftti5giiibl«.*ttenti0ni»ympatliy nnd hujnanity towards his pRtie'nts,

;ar«jftittver|n1ry flMk;no,\y)edigecl| a id nndet $M


in*pl WScpn not

time* •irteUy^bjervf 3, Indiyiffuabi *t.la^£^i<*'^:^isV^on'^e«a^eMe>«

M$Q00t&$ & BlWtfflQflpf, *$?,j t f t w f - f o r j Q f i h j i / ' - i ^ - . • • • , . • . , . • • , ' • . > v V " . ' ' ' - . ' ' ." |^;feceT#d;ai^l"igs§ien|;-ipf T i » *TQBA'OiJO wi»icb will be .snlJ lower'Jh*n-'•^A;i&O0;wl»ic|j' vvdl be^snfd*iitvtvith*n-eier offered in tlHSjinarket fy the Clrssf


^gfe^urg^Mii t *

». ir. i « ^131 A^^fo^e4^o»fi«eti«itln life Ww

npcrior Pnste Blacking of