Volume XII, Number 199 4th Waning of Thadingyut 1366 ME Monday, 1 November, 2004 Established 1914 Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan. YANGON, 31 Oct — The Myanmar goodwill delegation led by Chair- man of the State Peace and Development Coun- cil of the Union of Myanmar Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing ar- rived at Bangalore Air- port at 10.30 am on 27 October to leave for Banares, India. Senior General Than Shwe, wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing and del- egation members were seen off at the airport by the governor of Karnataka and officials. On arrival at Banares in a special air- craft of Indian Airlines, Senior General Than Shwe, wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party were welcomed by officials. Next, Senior Gen- eral Than Shwe, wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing and Senior General Than Shwe and party tour Banares and Bodh Gaya Perspectives Stronger friendly ties, new chapter in bilateral cooperation between Myanmar and India (page 2) Myanmar ministers meet their counterparts in India (page 5) INSIDE INSIDE party were taken to Ho- tel Taj Ganges in a mo- torcade. Later, Senior Gen- eral Than Shwe, wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party proceeded to Migadawun, where they revered the area where Gottama Buddha, after reaching Buddhahood, delivered the first Dhammacacca Discourse to Five Disciples. Migadawun (Myanmar) Monastery Sayadaw Maha Sad- dhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Vamnadhaja Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing offer ‘soon’ to Buddha Image at Maha Bodhi Pagoda built by King Siri Dhammasoka in Bodh Gaya, India.MNA Senior General Than Shwe, wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party visit Maha Bodhi Pagoda in Bodh Gaya, India.MNA explained to the Myanmar delegation led by Senior General Than Shwe the previous exist- ence of the pagoda in the sacred area. Senior General Than Shwe and party also observed the Ashoka Pil- lar. Senior General Than Shwe visualized the Lord Buddha and paid homage to Him after viewing Nandiya Monas- tery, also known as Mula Gandhakuti, where the Lord Buddha resided. Senior General Than Shwe and party offered provisions to Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vamnadhaja. Senior General Than Shwe and party also revered Miga- dawun, where the Lord Buddha went on His first retreat. Senior General Than Shwe and party also paid homage to Dhammekha Pagoda, cir- cling it anticlockwise. Senior General Than Shwe left Migadawun at 4 pm for Banares Airport. The Myanmar goodwill delegation led by Senior General Than Shwe arrived at Gaya Town in a special flight. They were welcomed at the airport by Magadh Division Commissioner Mr SK Negi and officials. Senior General Than Shwe and party were later taken to the Royal Resi- dency. At 6.30 pm, Senior General Than Shwe, wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party visited the Myanmar Monastery in Bodh Gaya. On arrival, they were welcomed by local residents and Myanmar people on pil- grimage. Senior General Than Shwe and party paid homage to Sayadaws and student monks studying at uni- versities in India. On the occasion, Bodh Gaya Myanmar Monastery Sayadaw Agga Maha Saddham- majotikadhaja Bhad- danta Ñaninda adminis- tered the Five Precepts to the congregation led (See page 7)

MNA Senior General Than Shwe and party tour Banares and ... · 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 1 November, 2004 Monday, 1 November, 2004 PERSPECTIVES Stronger friendly ties, new

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Page 1: MNA Senior General Than Shwe and party tour Banares and ... · 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 1 November, 2004 Monday, 1 November, 2004 PERSPECTIVES Stronger friendly ties, new

Volume XII, Number 199 4th Waning of Thadingyut 1366 ME Monday, 1 November, 2004

Established 1914

Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan.

YANGON, 31 Oct —The Myanmar goodwilldelegation led by Chair-man of the State Peaceand Development Coun-cil of the Union ofMyanmar Senior GeneralThan Shwe and wifeDaw Kyaing Kyaing ar-rived at Bangalore Air-port at 10.30 am on 27October to leave forBanares, India.

Senior GeneralThan Shwe, wife DawKyaing Kyaing and del-egation members wereseen off at the airport bythe governor ofKarnataka and officials.

On arrival atBanares in a special air-craft of Indian Airlines,Senior General ThanShwe, wife Daw KyaingKyaing and party werewelcomed by officials.

Next, Senior Gen-eral Than Shwe, wifeDaw Kyaing Kyaing and

Senior General Than Shwe and partytour Banares and Bodh Gaya

PerspectivesStronger friendly ties,

new chapter inbilateral cooperationbetween Myanmar

and India(page 2)

Myanmar ministersmeet their

counterpartsin India(page 5)


party were taken to Ho-tel Taj Ganges in a mo-torcade.

Later, Senior Gen-eral Than Shwe, wifeDaw Kyaing Kyaing andparty proceeded toMigadawun, where theyrevered the area whereGottama Buddha, afterreaching Buddhahood,delivered the firstDhammacacca Discourseto Five Disciples.

M i g a d a w u n(Myanmar) MonasterySayadaw Maha Sad-dhamma JotikadhajaBhaddanta Vamnadhaja

Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing offer ‘soon’ to Buddha Image at Maha Bodhi Pagoda built byKing Siri Dhammasoka in Bodh Gaya, India.—  MNA

Senior General Than Shwe, wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party visit Maha Bodhi Pagoda in Bodh Gaya, India.—  MNA

explained to theMyanmar delegation ledby Senior General ThanShwe the previous exist-ence of the pagoda in thesacred area.

Senior GeneralThan Shwe and party alsoobserved the Ashoka Pil-lar.

Senior GeneralThan Shwe visualized theLord Buddha and paidhomage to Him afterviewing Nandiya Monas-tery, also known as MulaGandhakuti, where theLord Buddha resided.

Senior General

Than Shwe and partyoffered provisions toSayadaw BhaddantaVamnadhaja.

Senior GeneralThan Shwe and partyalso revered Miga-dawun, where the LordBuddha went on His firstretreat.

Senior GeneralThan Shwe and partyalso paid homage toDhammekha Pagoda, cir-cling it anticlockwise.

Senior GeneralThan Shwe leftMigadawun at 4 pm forBanares Airport.

The Myanmargoodwill delegation ledby Senior General ThanShwe arrived at GayaTown in a special flight.They were welcomed atthe airport by MagadhDivision CommissionerMr SK Negi and officials.Senior General ThanShwe and party were latertaken to the Royal Resi-dency.

At 6.30 pm, SeniorGeneral Than Shwe, wifeDaw Kyaing Kyaing andparty visited theMyanmar Monastery inBodh Gaya. On arrival,

they were welcomed bylocal residents andMyanmar people on pil-grimage.

Senior GeneralThan Shwe and partypaid homage toSayadaws and studentmonks studying at uni-versities in India.

On the occasion,Bodh Gaya MyanmarMonastery SayadawAgga Maha Saddham-majotikadhaja Bhad-danta Ñaninda adminis-tered the Five Preceptsto the congregation led

(See page 7)

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 1 November, 2004

Monday, 1 November, 2004


Stronger friendly ties, newchapter in bilateral cooperationbetween Myanmar and India

* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s Desire

Chairman of the State Peace and Develop-ment Council of the Union of Myanmar SeniorGeneral Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaingpaid a State Visit to India from 25 to 29 Octoberat the invitation of Indian President Dr APJAbdul Kalam.

On 25 October, Indian President Dr APJAbdul Kalam hosted a dinner in honour ofSenior General Than Shwe and wife Daw KyaingKyaing at the Presidential Residence in NewDelhi.

Speaking at the dinner, Indian PresidentDr APJ Abdul Kalam said: “Our bilateral rela-tionship is a factor of peace and stability for theregion and has an important bearing on regionalcooperation initiatives”.

Senior General Than Shwe, in his addressat the dinner, said: “In this age of globalization,Myanmar considers that closer cooperationamong neighbouring countries is essential tomeet the new challenges we face. In this regard,Myanmar welcomes India’s ‘Look East’ policyand its commitment to strengthen economic link-ages and developmental cooperation with theASEAN countries”. Myanmar has established aclose and cordial relations with India since manyyears ago. Moreover, the two countries sharehistorical, geographical, cultural and religiousanalogues, thereby multiplying mutual under-standing and friendly relations between bothpeoples. Exchange of visits between the high-ranking officials opens a new chapter in politi-cal, economic and cultural cooperation betweenthe two countries.

For India, Myanmar is the only gatewayto ASEAN. Furthermore, Myanmar and Indiaare partners cooperating in BIMST-EC andMekong-Ganga Cooperation. With a gradualincrease in trade, the two countries still have aprospect of further widening their scope of bilat-eral cooperation.

During the State Visit to India by SeniorGeneral Than Shwe, the two countries signedthree memoranda of understanding on coopera-tion in non-traditional security issues betweenthe two governments, on implementation ofHtamanthi hydel power project between theMinistry of Electric Power of Myanmar and theMinistry of External Affairs of India, and oncultural exchange programme 2004-2006 be-tween the two governments.

It is believed that the State Visit paid to theRepublic of India by Head of State Senior Gen-eral Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaingwill vitalize bilateral ties and promote coopera-tion in trade and culture between the two coun-tries.

Ayeyawady Division USDA holds annual meeting

YANGON, 31 Oct —The annual meeting 2004of Ayeyawady DivisionUnion Solidarity and De-velopment Associationwas held at the city hall ofPathein this morning. Itwas attended by memberof the Panel of Patrons ofUSDA (Central) Chair-

man of Ayeyawady Divi-sion Peace and Develop-ment Council Commanderof South-West CommandMaj-Gen Soe Naing, CECmember Col Thein Nyunt,officials and others. ColThein Nyunt delivered anaddress on the occasion.

At the cash donation

ceremony, the Com-mander donated K500,000 for the DivisionalUSDA through Col TheinNyunt. The wellwishersdonated K 4.8 million tothe Commander for theUSDA. Next, the Com-mander, the CEC mem-ber and the departmental

officials presented prizesto outstanding studentswho passed with flyingcolours in the matricula-tion examination for 2004academic year and 45USDA members.

The meeting endedafter a round of generaldiscussions.—NLM

Myanmar delegation leaves for Thailand YANGON, 31 Oct —The Myanmar delegationled by Deputy Minister forForeign Affairs U KyawThu left here by air thismorning to attend theAyeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Coop-eration Strategy(ACMECS) MinisterialRetreat to be held in Krabi,Thailand, from 1st to 3rdNovember 2004.

The Deputy Minis-ter was seen off at YangonInternational Airport byheads of departments,officials and Charged’Affaires Mr OpasChantarasap of the RoyalThai Embassy.—MNA

Commander inspects agricultural tasks in TadaU YANGON, 31 Oct —Chairman of MandalayDivision Peace and De-velopment CouncilCommader of CentralCommand Maj-Gen YeMyint inspected exten-sion of irrigated area of

Thittatkon Diversion Weirand dredging of extensiontunnel carried out by Irri-gation Department.Assitstant Director U ZawMin Htut and Director UAye Thein of IrrigationDepartment and Chairman

of Kyaukse District PDCLt-Col Tin Ohn reportedon progress of construc-tion tasks. The Com-mander attended to theirneeds.

The commanderproceeded to TadaU

Township and inspectedsupply of water and sink-ing of the tube-well. Anofficial reported onprogress of works and thecommander gave neces-sary instructions.


Commander looks into beautifying of Sittway YANGON, 31 Oct —A coordination meetingon beautifying andgreening Sittway Town-ship was held at RakhineState Peace and Devel-opment Council Officeon October 29 morning,attended by Chairman ofRakhine State Peace andDevelopment Council

Commander of WesternCommand Maj-GenMaung Oo, Secretary Lt-Col Khin Maung Than andofficials.

The commander madea speech on the occasion.The commander gave nec-essary instructions and themeeting ended.

On October 30, the

commander and party in-spected the cleaning andbeautifying tasks in thetownships being carriedout by the departmentalstaff and local people andthe commander attendedto the needs.

Next, the commanderinspected repaving ofMinbagyi Road being car-

ried out by the TownshipDevelopment AffairsCommittee and he gavenecessary instructions.

Later, the commanderattended work coordina-tion meeting of the Gen-eral Adiministation De-partment of Rakhine Stateand fulfilled the require-ments of the works. MNA

Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Kyaw Thu being seen off at the airportbefore departure for Thailand to attend ACMECS Ministerial Retreat.—  MNA

CEC member Col Thein Nyunt addresses annual meeting of Ayeyawady Division USDA.—˚H

YANGON, 31 Oct — The second AbhidhammaDay ceremony of Kachin State was held at SasanaBeikman of Kachin State in Myitkyina on October 28afternoon.

Present were Chairman of Kachin State Peaceand Development Council Commander of NorthernCommand Maj-Gen Maung Maung Swe and wife,Deputy Commander Brig-Gen San Tun, Commanderof Myitkyina Airbase Col Zaw Tun, senior militaryofficers, local authorities, departmental officials andlocal people. U Soe Tint of Kachin State ReligiousAffairs Department explained matters related toAbhidhamma Day. Later, members of religious or-ganizations recited Dhammaçakkya Desana. — MNA

Second Abhidhamma Dayceremony held in Myitkyina

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 1 November, 2004 3

���������������� ���� ��

Eight US Marines were killed in the bloodiest attackon American forces in Iraq in almost seven monthson 30 Oct, 2004, as troops prepared for a majorassault to capture the guerilla towns of Ramadi

and Fallujah.—INTERNET

Eight Marines killed in Iraq asFallujah assault looms

BAGHDAD , 30 Oct — Eight US Marines were killed Saturday in the bloodiest attack on American forcesin Iraq in almost seven months as troops prepared for a major assault to capture the guerilla towns ofRamadi and Fallujah.

Italians stage demoagainst Iraq war

ROME, 30 Oct — Several thousand people took tothe streets of Rome to protest the war in Iraq anddemand the withdrawal of some 3,000 Italian troopsbased there.

Violence flared acrossIraq ahead of theoffensive, expected anyday, and US planes and

artillery pounded Fallujahin the country's centralSunni Muslim heartland.

At least seven people

were killed by a suspectedcar bomb outside the AlArabiya television officein Baghdad, the stationreported, and seven Iraqisdied in clashes with UStroops in an area dubbedthe triangle of deathsouthwest of the capital.

The US military saidthe Marines were killedin the restive westernprovince of Anbar, whichincludes Fallujah andRamadi, but gave nodetails. Nine Marineswere also wounded.

Witnesses said earlierthey had seen three USvehicles burning on a roadeast of Fallujah, in thesame province. It was notclear if that was wherethe Marine casualtiesoccurred.

The deaths bring to 858the number of US troops

killed in combat. The totalnumber of US troopdeaths, including acci-dents and other causes, isnow almost 1,120.

US Marine comman-ders said Friday they werepreparing for a majorassault on Fallujah andRamadi.


Polish hostage begsnation to leave Iraq

BAGHDAD , 31 Oct — A Polish woman hostage being held by militantspleaded for her life and asked Poland to remove its troops from Iraq in a videoaired Saturday by Al-Jazeera television.

Bangladesh appeals for release ofhostage in Iraq

Several leaders of theItalian opposition tookpart in the protest in rainyconditions, in whichorganizers estimated aturnout of 70,000. Policedid not give a figure.

"The war is not yet overand we must continue tokeep mobilized," saidOliviero Diliberto,secretary general of theItalian Communist Party.

Green party presidentAlfonso Pecoraro Scaniosaid: "100,000 dead is agood reason to demand thewithdrawal of Italiantroops from Iraq," areference to the hugenumber of civilians killedboth during last year's warand since the fall ofSaddam Hussein.

"It's not enough to signunitary motions on thewithdrawal. We must alsomobilize, as thousands ofpacifists have done today.This large turnout showsthat peace is an issue inItalian public opinion thatcan mobilize people."

Rome has around 3,000soldiers in Iraq— the thirdbiggest US-allied force inthe country, after theUnited States and Britain,which have around140,000 and 8,500 troopsthere respectively.

Italian Defence MinisterAntonio Martino saidearlier this month that theIraqi government to beelected in January wouldask foreign forcesoperating in the US-ledmilitary coalition to leaveshortly after taking office.

The aim is to crushguerrillas and root out Arabmilitants led by declared alQaeda ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi to enable Iraq'sinterim government to holdnational elections inJanuary.

InternetUnidentified body found

near Tikrit

Italian demonstrators hold balloons reading'peace' as they march in Rome, on 30 Oct, 2004demanding peace in Iraq and the withdrawal of


DHAKA, 30 Oct — Dhakahas appealed for the releaseof a Bangladeshi truckdriver taken hostage in Iraq,saying the Muslim-majority South Asiannation is not involved inthe ongoing strife there, areport said.

"Bangladesh is a peace-loving nation; we are notinvolved in any conflict,"Foreign Minister MMorshed Khan told theprivate UNB news agencylate Friday. "I make anappeal on behalf of 140million Muslims to thehostage takers to release thepoor Bangladeshi driver,"he said.

Khan pledged an "all out"effort by the government tosecure the driver's releaseand said senior Bangladeshidiplomats in countriesneighbouring Iraq weredoing all they could The

government identified thecaptured man as 42-year-old Abul Kashem, whomit said had been workingfor a Kuwaiti company forabout five years before hewas abducted. It is notknown from which part ofBangladesh he came.


TIKRIT (Iraq), 30 Oct —An unidentified body has been foundnear the Iraqi town of Tikrit, policesaid on Friday, but it is unlikely to bethat of Japanese hostage Shosei Koda.The bullet-riddled body, with whatappeared o be rope burns on the wrists,was found near Saddam Hussein’shometown, 110 miles north ofBaghdad, early on thursday morning.

Police said the victim was dark-skinned, had a moustache and wasdressed in a white shirt and baggypants commonly worn in India andPakistan, which does not fit Koda’s

description.Some media had earlier reported the

body of an Asian-looking man had beenfound near Tikrit, sparking speculation itmight have been Koda.

On Tuesday, militants led by al-Aaedaally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said theywould behead the 24-year-old if Japan didnot withdraw its 550 non-combat troopsfrom Iraq withn 48 hours. No word hasbeen heard from them since.

Japan has rejected the demand.Islamic militants are holding a score of

foreign hostages a dozen counries.MNA/Reuters

Teresa Borcz Khalifa, a54-year-old with dualPolish-Iraqi citizenship,was wearing a black topand sitting in front of abanner with the militantgroup's name, Abu Bakral-Siddiq FundamentalistBrigades.

"Once again I call onyou to help me, by savingmy life," she said. "My lifeis in great danger. The onething that will save my lifeis any response to the Iraqis'demands: by first gettingthe Polish troops out of

Iraq and second, giving anyhelp to release the femaleIraqi prisoners from thevarious American prisonsin Iraq." Khalifa made ananguished plea for helpspecifically to the Polishgovernment.

"For the second time I amasking for the help of thePolish government and thePolish people, I ask everyonewho can help me get out ofthis situation, given that Iam a Polish citizen andsomehow is being maderesponsible for presence of

the Polish troops on Iraqisoil," she said. On Thursday,Al-Jazeera television aireda video by the extremistsholding her captive,demanding that Polandremove all its soldiers fromIraq.

Poland commandsabout 6,000 troops from15 nations — includingsome 2,400 from Poland— in central Iraq. TheWarsaw government hasruled out any possibility ofnegotiations or a pulloutfrom Iraq.—Internet

Angola, Yemen establishdiplomatic relations

LUANDA, 30 Oct — Angola and Yemen have agreedto establish diplomatic relations, according to Angolanofficial news agency Angop on Friday.

The report said Ismael Gaspar Martins, thepermanent representative of Angola to the UnitedNations, signed the accord for the country onThursday, whilst Abdullah M Alsaidi, the Ambassadorof the Republic of Yemen to the UN, represented hiscountry.

The ceremony, held on the premises of the Angolanmission, was attended by employees of bothdiplomatic missions accredited to the United Nations,New York.


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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 1 November, 2004

A US solider carries a rocket he removed from close to the wreckage of a car bombalong a road north of the city of Baquba, 60 kms northeast of Baghdad. — INTERNET

An Iraqi boy collects the remains of a rocket shell from inside a badly damagedbuilding destroyed during an overnight US raid in the restive city of Fallujah,

50 kms from Baghdad, on 28 Oct, 2004. — INTERNET

11 abducted Iraqisoldiers killed by

militant group BAGHDAD, 29 Oct — A militant group said on its web

site on Thursday that it had killed 11 Iraqi NationalGuards abducted south of Baghdad.

The Army of Ansar al-Sunna had executed 11 Iraqisoldiers, said a statement posted on the site.

The group beheaded one of the soldiers and shotdead the other 10, added the statement. Appallingpictures showing the beheaded man and 10 bodieslying on the ground were also posted.

The head of the group demanded Iraq's Army andpolice put down weapons, go home and "abstain fromsupporting the apostate crusaders", or face death.

The group published Wednesday on its site a numberof photos picturing the men being held, some wearinguniforms and sitting under a banner bearing the group'sname.

The same gang has claimed responsibility for anumber of attacks and kidnappings, including thekilling of 12 Nepalis and several Iraqi Kurds aftertaking them hostage this year.— MNA/Xinhua

US new joblessclaims up sharply

last week WASHINGTON, 29 Oct — The initial

claims for unemployment benefits inthe United States increased by 20,000last week, the largest jump in a month,the Labour Department reported onThursday.

The bigger-than-expected increasepushed total new claims to 350,000 lastweek. The increase of 20,000 was sharplyhigher than the 6,000 gain that manyeconomists had been expecting and wasthe biggest one-week rise since a jumpof 21,000 claims in the week ending on25 September.

Analysts said that it was another signthat the US labour market remains weakalthough the economy is accelerating inrecent months.

FBI to interview US Army officialon Halliburton’s work in Iraq

WASHINGTON , 29 Oct— The FBI has asked to interview a whistle-blowingArmy contracting official as part of an investigation into billions of dollars ofIraq-related contracts awarded to Halliburton Co, her lawyer said on Thursday.

Bunnatine Greenhouse,the Army Corps ofEngineers' chief contractingofficer, went public thisweek with complaints thatUS officials improperlyfavoured Halliburton unitKellogg Brown and Rootfor work in Iraq and theBalkans.

Bunnatine's attorneyMichael Kohn said he wasseeking to make sure thatGreenhouse was givenprotection as a whistle-blower before she meetsthe Federal Bureau ofInvestigation.

The FBI declinedcomment. A spokes-woman for the Corps ofEngineers, Carol Sanders,

said she knew nothing ofan FBI investigation.

Halliburton, run byDick Cheney before hebecame US Vice-President, is bogged downin a billing dispute over itslogistics work in Iraqinvolving everything fromfeeding troops todelivering fuel. Cheneyran Houston, Texas-basedHalliburton from 1995 to2000. The company'swork in Iraq has become atarget for the Democratsahead of the presidentialelection Tuesday.

Halliburton spokes-woman Wendy Hall saidthe company was workingwith all investigations

related to the delivery offuel to Iraq under itscontract with the Army.

The "old allegations"raised by Greenhouse hadonce again been recycledahead of the election, shesaid. In filings with theSecurities and ExchangeCommission, Halliburtonpreviously disclosed arelated US JusticeDepartment investigation.

Kohn said heunderstood from the FBIit had launched itsinvestigation into KBR'sIraq-related work beforeGreenhouse complainedof "repeated interference"in the award of Halliburtoncontracts.—MNA/Reuters

������������������� ���British soldier killed in

redeployment near BaghdadLONDON, 30 Oct— A British soldier was killed and three others injured on Friday as the Balck Watch

Regiment travelled from southern Iraq to its more dangerous new base near Baghdad, a militaryspokesman confirmed.

The spokesman for theBritish Ministry ofDefence told Xinhua theincident occurred “as aresult of vehicle accident,”when the Warrior vehiclethey were travelling wasoverturned in Iraq’s BabilProvince, adding “nohostile actions” wereinvolved.

It was the first fatalityfrom the contingent ofaround 850 Black Watch

soldiers, who are beingredeployed from theirprevious base in therelatively peacefulsouthern part of Iraq, at arequest from the UnitedStates to free-up troops tofight in other hotspotsincluding Fallujiah.

The first troops from theBlack Watch have arrivedat a new base, called CampDogwood, about 15 milessouth of Baghdad. Sky

News television reported.The rest would arrive overthe weekend, militarysources said.

Britain has some 9,000.A total of 68 Britishsoldiers have been killedin Iraq.—MNA/Xinhua

Japanese hostage inIraq killed

TOKYO, 30 Oct— AJapanese man who wastaken hostage by militantsin Iraq has been killed,the Kyoto news agency

reported on Saturday,citing govrnment officials.

Al-Qaeda aily AbuMusab al-Zarqawi’smilitant group said in anInternet video on Wed-nesday it would behead 24-year-old Shosei Kodawithin 48 hours if Japan didnot withdraw its troops fromIraq. Japanese PrimeMinister Junichiro Koizumirejected the demand, sayinghe would not bow to ter-rorists. —MNA/Xinhua

US decision to cut troops inS Korea a madcap ploy

SEOUL , 30 Oct— The US decision to cut and relocate its troop contingent inSouth Korea while bringing in high-tech armaments is a madcap ploy thatshows a second Korean War is imminent, North Korea said on Friday.

The United States and South Koreasigned a landmark deal on Tuesday underwhich 12,500 troops will leave by 2008.US forces will also vacate a base inSeoul and units will be pulled southaway from the fortified DemilitarizedZone border with the North.

General Leon LaPorte, commanderof US Forces in Korea, told a seminarmany of the more than 100 US sites hadbeen down dusty tracks even 10 yearsago but were now in built-up areasbecause South Korea's economy hadgrown so much.

"Many of these installations nowcause an irritant to the Korean people,"he said on Friday. "Our goal in realigningour forces is to reduce this irritant."

Many young South Koreans expressanti-US sentiments because of themilitary presence. LaPorte said the keywas to ensure North Korea did notmisunderstand the US plan, which ispart of a global realignment of its forces.

North Korea has long argued all USforces should withdraw but has taken adifferent line now that some are actuallypulling out.

"The US madcap arms build-up of anunprecedented scale now under way in

South Korea under the pretext of the cutdown of its troops and their relocation isa dangerous military action," said theNorth's main newspaper, RodongSinmun.



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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 1 November, 2004 5

YANGON, 31 Oct—Minister for Industry-1 U AungThaung, Minister for Communications, Posts and Tel-egraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw and Minister for Scienceand Technology U Thaung, who accompanied Chair-man of the State Peace and Development Council Sen-ior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaingas members of Myanmar goodwill delegation on a StateVisit to the Republic of India, met officials of Chamberof Indian Industry at a ceremony, sponsored by theIndia-Myanmar Joint Task Force, at the Maurya Shera-ton Hotel, New Delhi, on 25 October.

Also present on the occasion were Minister ofCommerce and Industry Shri Kamal Nath and officials.

At the meeting, Chairman of India-Myanmar JointTask Force Mr Rajive Kaul extended greetings and ex-plained ongoing cooperation between the two countries.

Next, Minister for Science and Technology UThaung explained investment opportunities in Myanmar.

Next, Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaungexplained condition of Myanma industry, investmentopportunities in Myanmar and better prospects of bilat-eral cooperation in trade.

Next,the Minister of Commerce and Industry ofIndia explained development of trade and industry be-tween the two countries.

Afterwards, Chairman of India-Myanmar JointTask Force Mr Rajive Kaul handed over an annualreport. After the ceremony, Minister U Aung Thaungand Minister Brig-Gen Thein Zaw met Minister of Com-merce and Industry Shri Kamal Nath at the hotel.

Matters related to cooperation in economy andpromotion of border trade were discussed.

Minster U Aung Thaung received ManagingDirector Mr Harjap Singh Samra of Samra Intel (Pvt)Ltd and Managing Director Mr Anil Auluck of LuxmiIntel Ltd at 2.30 pm on 24 October, and President MrSN Kejriwal of AVM Group at 4 pm at the OberoiHotel, New Delhi.

Myanmar ministers meet their counterparts in India

On 25 October morning, Minister U AungThaung received the managing directors of GR Group,Larsen and Toubra Ltd and Nipha Export (P) Ltd atthe Oberoi Hotel.

In the afternoon, he met the managing directorof World Best Trading Co and the chairman ofAmgelique International Co at the same venue andexplained investment opportunities in Myanmar.

Likewise, Minister for Foreign Affairs U NyanWin met the Minister of External Affairs of India atthe latter’s office at 6 pm on 25 October.

Matters related to promotion of friendship be-

tween the two countries were discussed.Similarly, Minister for Rail Transportation Maj-

Gen Aung Min met Minister of Rail Transportation ofIndia Mr Lalu Prasad at the latter’s office at 4.30 pmon 25 October. Matters related to bilateral cooperationin upgrading Myanma Railways were discussed.

Minister for Communications, Posts and Tel-egraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw met Minister of Informa-tion Technology and Communications Shri DayanidhiMaran at the latter’s office at 4.30 pm on 25 October.

Matters related to cooperation in the communi-cation sector, exchange of technology and postal taskswere discussed.

Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi met theSecretary of Petroleum & Natural Gas Ministry andthe Chairman of ONGC (VEDESH) and Gail (India)Pte Ltd and party at the Oberoi Hotel on 25 October.

Matters related to exploration of oil and naturalgas in Myanmar, laying pipelines for supply of naturalgas produced in Myanmar to India and fuel trade at theborder were discussed.

Minister for Science and Technology U Thaungmet Minister of Science and Technology of India MrKapil Sibal at the latter’s office on 25 October.

Matters related to the holding of the fourth meet-ing of India-Myanmar Science and Technology Coop-eration Task Force in the last week of November 2004in New Delhi under the MoU signed by the ministerson 24 June 1999 were discussed.

Likewise, Minister for Health Dr Kyaw Myintmet Professor Raju and Professor Tiyari of Care Foun-dation of India in New Delhi on 25 October.

Matters related to health care services of thetwo countries and future tasks, especially treatment ofand operation on heart, treatment and diagnosis of ali-mentary tract diseases and cooperation in research workwere discussed. — MNA

Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung and Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-GenThein Zaw discuss with Minister of Commerce and Industry Shri Kamal Nath at Maurya Shweaton Hotel in

New Delhi.—  MNA

Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi receives the Secretary of Petroleum & Natural Gas Ministryand the Chairman of ONGC (VEDESH) and Gail (India) Pte Ltd and party at Oberoi Hotel

on October 25.—  MNA

Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing attend the consecration ceremony of Bronze Buddha Image to be kept in front of Maha Bo Tree andGolden Throne in Bodh Gaya.(News on page 16)—˚MNA

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 1 November, 2004

Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing being welcomed by Governor of West Bengal State.—  MNA

Senior General Than Shwe and party visit Victoria Memorial Hall in Kolkata.—  MNA

Senior General Than Shwe and party being welcomed at Victoria MemorialHall in Kolkata.—MNA

Senior General Than Shwe presents a souvenir to Curator of VictoriaMemorial Hall in Kolkata.—  MNA

YANGON, 31 Oct— The visiting Myanmargoodwill delegation ledby Chairman of the StatePeace and DevelopmentCouncil Senior GeneralThan Shwe and wifeDaw Kyaing Kyaing ar-rived at Gaya Airportfrom the Royal Resi-dency on 28 October af-ternoon to leave forKolkata. They were seenoff at the airport by MrSK Negi, Commissionerof Magadh Division andofficials.

On arrival atKolkata by Indian Air-lines, the Senior Generaland party were wel-comed by Governor ofState of West Bengal MrViren J Shah and wife,Senior Minister of theState and Minister ofEducation Mr SatyaSadham Cha-kraburtyand high-ranking offic-ers. Two Myanmar chil-dren presented a bouquetto the Senior General andwife. Next, Consul-General U Zeya Oo andwife, staff members ofthe Consulate-General ofMyanmar to India andtheir families cordiallygreeted the Senior Gen-eral and wife. After-wards, the Myanmar del-egation went to theOberoi Grand Hotel bycar. In the evening, theGovernor hosted a din-ner in honour of SeniorGeneral Than Shwe andwife at Raj Bhavan,Kolkata. Also present atthe dinner were DawKhin Lay Thet, wife ofmember of the StatePeace and DevelopmentCouncil General ThuraShwe Mann, SPDC Sec-retary-1 Lt-Gen Thein

Governor of West Bengal, India, hosts dinner inhonour of Senior General Than Shwe and wife

Sein and wife Daw KhinKhin Win, SPDC memberLt-Gen Thiha Thura TinAung Myint Oo and wifeDaw Khin Saw Hnin,Daw Khin Thet Htay, wifeof Yangon Division PDCChairman Yangon Com-mander Maj-Gen MyintSwe, Minister for Indus-try-1 U Aung Thaung,Minister for Foreign Af-fairs U Nyan Win, Minis-ter for Rail TransportationMaj-Gen Aung Min, Min-ister for Communications,Posts and TelegraphsBrig-Gen Thein Zaw,Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, Minister forHealth Dr Kyaw Myint,Minister for Religious Af-fairs Brig-Gen ThuraMyint Maung, MilitaryAssistant to the Chairmanof the State Peace and De-velopment Council Maj-

Gen Nay Win, DeputyMinister for Foreign Af-fairs U Kyaw Thu, Direc-tor of Medical Services of

the Ministry of DefenceBrig-Gen Than Aung,Myanmar Ambassador toIndia U Kyi Thein and

wife Daw Ma Ma Shein,Director-General ofthe SPDC OfficeLt- Col Pe Nyein and

heads of department. To-gether with the Govenorof State of West

(See page 7)

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 1 November, 2004 7

(from page 1)by Senior General Than Shwe. The recitation ofparittas by members of the Sangha followed.

Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw KyaingKyaing also offered robes and cash to the Sayadaw.

Myanmar Ambassador to India U Kyi Theinsupplicated on the purpose of donating Three Pitakas

Senior General Than Shweand party…

and offertories to Sayadaws and student monks.Next, Kusinaron Myanmar Monastery Sayadaw

Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Ñaniccara delivered asermon to the congregation led by Senior GeneralThan Shwe, which was followed by the sharing ofmerits gained from good deeds.

Senior General Than Shwe and party proceededto Maha Bodi Pagoda, built by King Siridhamma Sokain Bodh Gaya. At the pagoda, they paid homage to thepagoda and offered flowers, lights, water and joss

sticks to Buddha images.Senior General Than Shwe and party also paid

homage to the Aparajita Golden Throne and the BoTree, under which the Lord Buddha attained the en-lightenment.

After paying homage to the Buddha Image nearthe pagoda, Senior General Than Shwe, wife DawKyaing Kyaing and members of the Myanmar good-will delegation left there.


Senior General Than Shwe signs in the visitors’ book at Victoria Memorial Hall in Kolkata.— MNA

Senior General Than Shwe, Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party pay homage to Dhammaçakkya Stupa in Migadawon, India.—  MNA

Senior General Than Shwe, wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party being seen off at the airport by MyanmarAmbassador and Governor of West Bengal State.—  MNA

(from page 6)Bengal, the ministers of the State, the deputy ministers,the Indian Ambassador and wife and high-rankingofficials also attended the dinner. Before the dinner,the Senior General and wife met and made discussionswith the Governor and wife at the guesthouse. Alsopresent were Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein, DeputyMinister U Kyaw Thu, Ambassador U Kyi Thein,Director-General of the Protocol Department Thura UAung Htet and Director-General of the Political De-partment U Thaung Tun. At the meeting, the SeniorGeneral explained the latest developments in political,economic and social fields of the State. The Governorsaid he was very grateful for welcoming him when hewas on a visit to Myanmar at the beginning of this year.The State of Bengal has been the closest to Myanmarin terms of neighbourly relations between the twocountries. And the State will continue cooperationwith Myanmar in all aspects as before, he said.

Next, the Governor and wife hosted the dinner tothe Senior General and wife and party. After thedinner, the Senior General and party went back to theirhotel where they were putting up.

On 29 October morning the Senior General andparty visited the Victoria Memorial Hall in Kolkatawhere they were welcomed by Secretary and CuratorProf Chitta Panda and officials and explained facts

Governor of WestBengal, India, …

about the memorial hall. They next studied the arts andweapons used by Indian national races displayed atthe memorial hall.

Senior General Than Shwe and party ob-served documents on historical facts of the State ofWest Bengal and paintings depicting culture, cus-toms, economy and social affairs.

They were conducted round the booths on social lifeof local people by officials. They also observed por-traits of leaders of India. Senior General Than Shwe signed in the visitors’book and presented gifts to Curator Prof Chitta Panda. Myanmar goodwill delegation led by Senior Gen-eral Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing arrivedat Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport inKolkata at 2 pm. They were seen off at the airport byAmbassador U Kyi Thein and wife, Military AttachéBrig-Gen Kyaw Kyaw and wife, Consul General UZeya Oo and wife, embassy staff and families. Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw KyaingKyaing bade farewell to Governor of State of WestBengal Mr Virem J Shah, Indian Ambassador MrRajiv Kumar Bhatia and wife. The Myanmar delegation led by Senior GeneralThan Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing arrivedhome in the evening.


The State of Bengal has been theclosest to Myanmar in terms of neigh-bourly relations between the two coun-tries. And the State will continue coopera-tion with Myanmar in all aspects as before.

Governor of State of West BengalMr Viren J Shah

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 1 November, 2004

Senior General Than Shwe,

wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing and

member of Myanmar

delegation present cash

donation to Migadawon

Myanmar Monastery

Sayadaw. —  MNA

Chairman of the State Peace and

Development Council Senior

General Than Shwe and wife Daw

Kyaing Kyaing pay reverence to

the place where Lord Buddha

administered Dhammaçakkya

Desana to His first five monks in

Migadawon. —  MNA

The Myanmar delegation led by Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing offer flowersto Buddha images at Aparajita Throne and Bo Tree.—  MNA

Senior General Than Shwe, wife

Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party

being welcomed by local people

and pilgrims from Myanmar at

Bodh Gaya Myanmar Monastery

in Gaya. — MNA

Images of Senior General Than Shwe’s State Visit to India

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 1 November, 2004 9

Senior GeneralThan Shwe and

wife Daw KyaingKyaing pay homageto Bronze Buddha

Image to be kept infront of Maha BoTree and GoldenThrone in Bodh

Gaya.—  MNA

Chairman of the

State Peace and

Development Council

Senior General Than

Shwe offers gold

foils to Buddha

Image at Maha Bo

Tree and Golden

Throne in Bodh

Gaya.—  MNA

Chairman of the State Peace and Develop-

ment Council Senior General Than Shwe,

wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing and family do-

nate robes to Sayadaw of Bodh Gaya

Myanmar Monastery.—  MNA

Chairman of the State Peace and Develop-

ment Council Senior General Than Shwe,

wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing and Myanmar

delegation members feed the fish at

Muçanlinda Lake (the Abode of Snake

King).—  MNA

Images of Senior General Than Shwe’s State Visit to India

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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 1 November, 2004

(from page 16)On arrival at Bodh Gaya Myanmar Monastery,

they paid homage to Sayadaw Agga MahaSaddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Ñaninda andmembers of the Sangha of the monastery.

The Senior General gave instructions to

Senior General Than Shweand wife …

Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing offer fruits to Buddha Image at Maha Bodhi Pagoda.—  MNA

Senior General Than Shwe, wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party donate provisions to Sayadaws at consecration ceremony of Bronze Buddha Image at Maha BodhiPagoda in Bodh Gaya in Gaya, India.—  MNA

Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung offers theHngetmyatnadaw to Sitagu Sayadaw.—  MNA

officials for attending the needs of the monastery.While in India, CDs on tri-Pitakat treatises in

Myanmar version, Myanmar-English Buddhistcultural books, medicines and cash were donated to18 monasteries including Bodh Gaya MyanmarMonastery, Kutheinnayon Myanmar Monastery,Thawuthti Myanmar Monastery, Buddhism MyanmarMonastery, Pattna Myanmar Monastery, Indo-

Myanmar Monastery, Hsay Wingabar MyanmarMonastery, Sankassanagor Myanmar Monastery,Maha Bodhi Dhamma Yeiktha Monastery, MahaAungmye Monastery, Bigara Myanmar Monasteryand Migadawon Myanmar Monastery.

Furthermore, they made cash donationstowards the funds of student monks at universities inIndia. — MNA

YANGON, 31 Oct— Aceremony to hoistSeinbudaw(diamond bud)of Dhamma TapawwanaPagoda built in the WorldVipassana MeditationCentre in Igatpur, India,was held at the pagodaon 26 October.

Present were mem-ber of the State SanghaMaha Nayaka CommitteeSayadaw Agga MahaPandita BhaddantaGarava, Chancellor ofSitagu InternationalBuddhist Academy onSagaing Hill Agga MahaPandita Dr Nanisara andmembers of the Sangha,Minister for Religious

Seinbudaw (diamond bud) hoisting of DhammaTapawwana Pagoda in Igatpur, India

Affairs Brig-Gen ThuraMyint Maung, Director-General of Departmentfor Promotion andPropagation of theSasana U Sann Lwin,Maha Saddhamma-jotikadhaja U Goenkaand yogis.

Minister Brig-GenThura Myint Maungformally opened the‘Myanmar’ Archway andand U Ba Khin Vipas-sana Village Arch-wayand formally unveiled theDhamma circle. Theminister and officialssprinkled scen-ted wateron them. The congrega-tion received the Five

Precepts from SitaguSayadaw.The ministerand U Goenka presentedthe Seinbudaw, Hnget-myatnadaw and offer-tories to the Sayadaw,which was followed bythe sharing of merits.

The minister thenhoisted Hngetmyatnadawand Seinbudaw atop thepagoda. He performedrituals of gold and silvershowers.

The minister han-dedover the cash donated forthe pagoda by Chairmanof the State Peace andDevelopment CouncilCommander-in-Chiefof Defence Services

Senior General ThanShwe and wife DawKyaing Kyaing to

U Goenka. The ministerinspected construction ofa replica of the

Shwedagon Pagodawhich will be built inMumbai. — MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 1 November, 2004 11

Secretary-1 attends violin, harp contests of PerformingArts Competitions

YANGON, 31 Oct —Secretary-1 of the StatePeace and DevelopmentCouncil Lt-Gen TheinSein enjoyed the violincontest at KanbawzaTheatre and the harp con-test at Padonma Theatreof the 12th MyanmarTraditional Cultural Per-forming Arts Competi-tions today.

On arrival atKanbawza Theatre, theSecretary-1 was wel-comed by Commander ofYangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe and offi-cials.

The Secretary-1watched participation ofcontestants in the men’sviolin contest at the ama-teur level.

Next, the Secretary-1 and the commanderproceeded to thePadonma Theatre. Minis-ter for Culture Maj-Gen

Kyi Aung, Deputy Min-ister Brig-Gen Soe WinMaung and officials wel-comed them.

They enjoyed theamateur level (men’s) and(women’s) harp contests.

The events of theperforming arts competi-tions concluded success-fully today.

This morning, threeboys and three girls par-ticipated in the basic edu-cation level (aged 5-10)girls’ and boys’ harpcontests at PadonmaTheatre. In the afternoon,seven men took part inthe amateur level (men’s)harp contest and onewoman in the amateur

level (women’s) harpcontest.

Leader of the Panelof Judges U Thein HanGyi and party supervisedthe contests.

At Kanbawza Thea-tre, 10 persons partici-pated in the amateur level(men’s) violin contestand eight students in the

basic education level(aged 10-15) boys’ vio-lin contest and five inthe basic educationlevel (aged 10-15) girls’violin contest. Leaderof the Panel of JudgesViolinist U Tin Yi andparty supervised thecontests.

The song contest

was held at the NationalMuseum, the dancing con-test at the National Thea-tre, the song composingcontest at the State Schoolof Music and Drama, themusic contest at theKanbawza Theatre and theMahosadha MarionetteContest at the NationalTheatre. — MNA

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein enjoys men’s amateur harp contest at Padonma Theatre.—˚MNA

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein watches participation of Maung Nay Lin Soe of Kachin State in basic education level (aged 10-15) boys’ violin contest. —˚MNA

YANGON, 31 Oct—Pyay Basic EducationHigh School No 1 of BagoDivision (West) held aceremony to pay respectsto teachers at the hall ofthe school on October 28evening. Present wereChairman of Bago Divi-sion (West) Peace and De-velopment Council Brig-

Respects paid to teachers at PyayBEHS No 1

Gen Hla Min and de-partmental officials,Headmaster U ChanAung and teachers,members of the SchoolBoard of Trustees andstudents. First, thosepresent were served withlight refreshments. Next,Brig-Gen Hla Min andBago Division (West)

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Education Officer U MyintSwe formally opened theceremony. Headmaster UChan Aung presented com-memorative pennants toBrig-Gen Hla Min and DEOU Myint Swe.

Later, students pre-sented a concert to the audi-ence.


Hu Jintao welcomes Indo-Pakistani effortsto normalize ties

BEIJING , 31 Oct — Chinese President Hu Jintao Friday lauded theinitiatives of India and Pakistan to normalize their bilateral ties stressingthat Beijing was keen on a peaceful neighbourhood.

Hu, who met theSpeaker of Pakistan’sNational AssemblyChaudhry Amir Hussainhere, lauded Pakistan’sinitiatives for normaliz-ing its relations with In-dia and said China de-sired peace in the region.

“We appreciate thedialogue between Paki-stan and India,” Hu, alsoGeneral Secretary of theruling Communist Partyof China, was quoted as

saying.Despite the repeated

terrorist attacks on Chi-nese engineers and per-sonnel in Pakistan, Huassured Hussain thatChina will help Pakistantaking further develop-ment projects.

“No incident can af-fect our trustworthy andcordial relations,” Hu wasquoted as saying by Pa-kistani media.

Hu recalled his

meeting with PresidentGeneral PervezMusharraf last year andsaid it was very useful.They signed a joint dec-laration, Hu said, addinghe was happy to see thatthe declaration was be-ing implemented.

He also hoped thatgovernment of Pakistanwould adopt all measuresfor the safety and secu-rity of Chinese nationalsin Pakistan. —MNA/PTI

CHKL granted HK banking licence HONG KONG, 31 Oct

— The Hong Kong Mon-etary Authority an-nounced Friday that it hasgranted a banking licenceto Citibank (Hong Kong)Limited (CHKL) to beeffective on October 28,2004.

CHKL is incorpo-rated in Hong Kong andwas authorized as a re-stricted licence bank onJune 28, 2004. It is awholly owned subsidiaryof Citibank, N.A.(“Citibank”) which is abank incorporated in the

United States and oper-ates a branch in HongKong.

According to TheBankers, July 2004 issue,Citigroup was the larg-est banking group in theworld in terms of tier 1capital. — MNA/Xinhua

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 1 November, 2004 �������������� �������UNION OF MYANMAR


INVITATION TO SEALED TENDER1. Sealed Tenders are invited by Myanma Railways, for supply of thefollowing Stores which will be purchased in Myanmar Kyats:- Sr. No. Tender No. Description Quantity

1. 13(T)1/MR(M.YUG) -50- Ton Hydraulic Jack 6 - Nos2004-2005 -Hand Drilling Machine 7 - Nos

-Hand Grinding Machine 17 - Nos2. 13(T)3/MR(MC) -Hand Grinding Machine and 11-Items

2004-2005 Hand Tools3. 12(T)20/MR(ML) Calcium Carbide 30-Tons

2004-2005Closing Date 22-11-2004 (Monday) (12:00) Hours.

2. Tender documents are available at the office of the Deputy General Manager(Supply), Myanma Railways, Corner of 51st Street and Merchant Street, Botataung,Yangon starting from 1-11-2004 during the office hours.3. For further details please call: 291982, 201555 Ext-602,605,612

Deputy General Manager Supply Department Myanma Railways, Botataung, Yangon.

Japan, ASEAN business leaders call forEast Asia Economic Community

TOKYO , 30 Oct — Business leaders from Japan and the Association ofSouth-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) called Friday for the establishment of anEast Asian economic community which also involves China and South Korea,as they wrapped up their annual meeting in Tokyo.

In a joint statementissued at the end of thethree-day 30th ASEAN-Japan Business Meetingin Tokyo, the leadersurged ministers of theASEAN plus-three frame-work involving Japan,China and South Korea toagree to the formation ofthe East Asia EconomicCommunity (EAEC) asearly as possible.

"We, as ASEAN andJapanese business per-sons, have close businessrelations with China andSouth Korea and believethat cooperation among all

the countries of East Asiawill give a great economicadvantage to the membercountries of EAEC," thejoint statement said.

The economic com-munity should be in theform of a more compre-hensive economic partner-ship including mutual co-operation for people ex-change, human resourcesdevelopment, coordinatedcurrency and financial sys-tems, technology transferand environmental protec-tion, it said.

The leaders sought anearly conclusion of the

ASEAN-Japan Compre-hensive Economic Part-nership Agreement as astep toward creating theregional economic com-munity. They also urgedthe Japanese Governmentto consider appointing aspecial minister for nego-tiations on free trade andeconomic partnershipagreements.

Kakutaro Kitashiro,chairman of the JapanAssociation of CorporateExecutives which organ-ized the business meeting,said in a news conference,"The further developmentof ASEAN economieswould create a free tradezone of 600 million peo-ple."

"It is important forJapan to open up its la-bour and agricultural mar-kets and contribute to thedevelopment of ASEAN,"he added.

The leaders ex-pressed their hope that thejoint statement will pro-vide input for the ASEANplus three summit sched-uled for November inLaos.

ASEAN groupsBrunei, Cambodia, Indo-nesia, Laos, Malaysia,Myanmar, the Philippines,Singapore, Thailand andVietnam.


Bangladesh to sign free trade agreement with Morocco DHAKA , 30 Oct— Bangladesh is set to sign its first bilateral free trade

agreement (FTA) with Morocco despite reservations by its own research wing. The trade minister of

Morocco would visitBangladesh in the firstweek of December to fi-nalize the FTA with thecountry, The FinancialExpress reported onThursday.

The bilateral FTAwith Morocco, however,got a tepid response fromthe Tariff Commission, theresearch and analysis wingof the Commerce Minis-try of Bangladesh, whichfeels that the deal wouldhardly serve any purposefor the country.

Examining the traderecords between the twocountries and other futurepossibilities, the commis-sion has expressed theopinion that there is noapparent need for such adeal.

According to the com-

mission, the two-way tradebetween the two countriesdid not even surpass twomillion US dollars last fis-cal. In 2002-2003 Bangla-desh exported goods worth1.1 million to Morocco, andthe figure rose to 1.68 mil-lion dollars in 2003-2004fiscal.

Ministry sources saidthat it was Morocco whichfirst proposed to sign thebilateral FTA. SinceBangladesh enjoys a slightadvantage over the NorthAfrican country, the min-istry feels that there is noharm in signing the deal.

Bangladesh earlier ini-tiated bilateral FTA talkswith India, Pakistan andSri Lanka, but the talkswere suspended after tworounds.

The ministry, mean-while, shaped up a prefer-

ential trade agreementwith Egypt and a new tradedeal with Iran.

Under the preferentialdeal, a number of Bangla-deshi goods will be al-lowed to enter the Egyp-tian market, the biggest inNorth Africa and the Arabworld, while Egypt willalso enjoy similar facili-ties. At present, their two-way trade hovers around10 million dollars an-nually.

Bangladesh wouldsign a new trade deal withIran by the end of this yearas Iran insisted on sus-pending the earlier agree-ment in favour of a newone.

The earlier agreementwas signed during Shah'sregime and much of itsprovisions have becomeobsolete. — MNA/Xinhua

SAIC signs deal to buy sharesof S Korean auto maker

SEOUL , 30 Oct — Shanghai Automotive Indus-try Corp (SAIC), the biggest saloon car producerin China, signed here contract with creditors ofSouth Korean Ssangyong Motor Co Thursday tobuy shares of the company.

The Chinese automaker will acquire a 48.9-per-cent stake in Ssangyong Motor, a specialist in sportsutility vehicles, for 500 million US dollars.

The final contract comes three months after SAICwas selected as the preferred bidder for the SouthKorean automaker, which had been up for sale sincethe creditors bailed it out following the 1997-1998Asian financial crisis.

"The acquisition of Ssangyong Motor is the firststep in Shanghai Automotive's global operations," HuMaoyuan, president of the Chinese carmaker, toldreporters here before signing a formal contract for thedeal.

"Following a win-win strategy, we will take ag-gressive steps to contribute to Ssangyong Motor'sdevelopment," Hu said, stressing: "It is a complemen-tary, win-win and unprecedented cooperation."

Hu said the SAIC will keep all the company'sworkers, maintain the Ssangyong brand and guaranteeindependent management, accepting most of the de-mands by Ssangyong Motor's unionized workers.

The takeover of Ssangyong Motor by China'slargest automaker is expected to pave the way for theSouth Korean company's foray into the world's fast-est-growing auto market, analysts said.—MNA/Xinhua

HK Lotteries Fund gives$9.6m to charity

HONG KONG, 30 Oct — Hong Kong LotteriesFund allocated 75 million HK dollars (9.6 million USdollars) to finance various social welfare serviceprogrammes from July to September, the Social Wel-fare Department said Thursday.

Social welfare support services received 63 mil-lion HK dollars (8.08 million US dollars), family andchild welfare services got 5.4 million HK dollars(690,000 US dollars), rehabilitation services got 3.8million HK dollars (490,000 US dollars), and elderlyand medical social services received 2.8 million HKdollars (359,000 US dollars).

The fund was established to finance, by way ofgrants, loans or advances, the operation or develop-ment of social welfare services and medical or educa-tional projects with a welfare content.— MNA/Xinhua

BOT decreases economicgrowth projection

BANGKOK, 30 Oct— The Bank of Thailand (BOT)has revised the economic growth estimate this yeardownward to 5.5-6.5 per cent, from 6-7 per centtargeted earlier, as a result of rising fuel prices on theworld market, the new outbreak of avian influenza, andsouthern violence.

BOT's Assistant Governor Atchana Waiquamdeewas quoted by the Thai News Agency as saying Fridaythat the continue rise in global oil prices was consid-ered an external risk factor that had affected the globaleconomy, including that of Thailand.

She said the central bank had made the country'seconomic growth projection in the second quarter ofnext year on the assumption that local oil prices are notcapped. —MNA/Xinhua

Vietnam holds national beauty contest in resort islandSingapore to

promote traderelations with

IndiaHYDERABAD, 30 Oct—

Singapore Friday said itsbusinessmen looked uponIndia as an attractive in-vestment destination be-cause of its open andliberal policies.

India was the 13th larg-est trading partner of Sin-gapore with a businessvolume of 10 million USdollars, which was ex-pected to grow further withpro-active policies of In-dian Government in favourof foreign investors, Sin-gapore Deputy Prime Min-ister Tony Tan said afterinaugurating a PacificMedical Centre — beingset up jointly by Singaporeand Indian doctors — hereFriday.—MNA/PTI

HALONG CITY (Viet-nam), 30 Oct— Forty-oneyoung women gatheredhere Thursday to startshowing their attractiveappearance as well as in-telligent power in the fi-nal stage of a nationalbeauty contest.

Some 8,000 spectatorsat the resort islet of TuanChau, Ha Long City,northern Quang NinhProvince, glued their eyesto the 41 finalists aged 18-24. Selected from over3,000 candidates nation-wide, they showed theircharming curves and ges-tures in blue uniformswimming suit and Viet-nam's traditional longdresses called ao dai aswell as their fine tastesof aestheticism in diversi-fied costumes chosen by

themselves. After three hours of

eye-catching performanceof contestants, singers,musical instrument play-ers and a flying helicopteroverhead, the first day ofthe final stage of the Miss

Vietnam Beauty Contest2004 concluded with theselection of 21 most beau-tiful contestants who willcompete with one anotherin the second day slatedfor Saturday to getcrowned. —MNA/Xinhua

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Rare fossil skeletons oftiny human found

NEW YORK, 29 Oct— In one of the most spectacular fossil finds in recenttimes, scientists have found fossil skeletons of a tiny human that grew no largerthan a three-year-old modern child, a media report said on Thursday.

The hobbit-like hu-mans, who had skulls aboutthe size of grape fruits, livedwith pygmy elephants andKomodo dragons on a re-mote island in Indonesia asrecently as 13,000 yearsago, National GeographicNews reported.

Australian and Indone-sian researchers, it said, dis-covered bones of the mini-ature humans in a cave onFlores, an island midwaybetween Asia and Australia.

The tiny human is be-lieved to be an extinct Asianoffshoot of Homo erectus,the forerunners of Home

sapiens, as anatomicallymodern man is called.

But, he should be clas-sified as a separate speciesof Homo, as he was entirelydifferent from either Homoerectus or Homo sapiens, areport in the British sciencejournal Nature said.

Scientists have deter-mined that the first skel-eton they found belongs toa species of human com-pletely new to science.

Named Homofloresiensis after the islandon which it was found, thetiny human has also beendubbed by dig workers as

the “hobbit”, after the tinycreatures from the Lord ofthe Rings book, the reportin the National GeographicNews said.

The original skeleton, afemale, stood at just onemetre tall, weighed about25 kilos and was around 30years old at the time of herdeath 18,000 years ago.

The skeleton, the reportsaid, was found in the samesediment deposits on Floresthat have also been found tocontain stone tools and thebones of dwarf elephants,giant rodents, and Komododragons.—MNA/PTI

Singapore receives 658,224tourists in September

SINGAPORE, 29 Oct— Singapore received 658,224tourists in September this year, up 18 per cent overlast year.

According to a statement by the Singapore Tour-ism Board (STB) on Thursday, China, Indonesia andJapan were the island state’s top-three tourist-generat-ing markets, and these markets accounted for 40 percent of the total number of tourists of the month.

In the first nine months of this year, Singaporeposted an estimated 7.2 billion Singapore dollars (about4.3 billion US dollars) in tourism receipts.

As a nation of around four million, Singapore’starget is to get 8.7 billion Singapore dollars (about 5.2billion US dollars) in tourism receipts this year.


The researchers foundthat levels of allergy anti-bodies in the cord bloodcould be a more importantindicator of allergy riskthan exposure to allergenssuch as pollen, pet hair anddust mites. “These find-ings support the impor-tance of prenatal condition-ing in the development ofallergy later in life,” saidDr. Hasan Arshad, of theUniversity Hospital ofNorth Staffordshire, in re-search published in the in-ternational journal of res-piratory medicine, Thorax.

The scientists studiedmore than 1,300 childrenup to the age of 10 andmonitored their allergies.

Children who had highlevels of IgE, an immunesystem response indicat-ing sensitization to aller-gens in their umbilical cordblood, were twice as likely

to develop an allergy and66 per cent more suscepti-ble to asthma.

“This research indi-cates that umbilical cordblood may hold valuableclues as to why one in fivechildren in British haveasthma and one in threeadults are developing anallergy,” said ProfessorAndrew Peacock, of theBritish Thoracic Society,in a statement.

Arshad said the findingcould have an effect onmeasures pregnant moth-ers could take to preventallergies and asthma in theirchild.—MNA/Reuters

Jordan likely to signengine deal with Toyota

LONDON, 29 Oct — Formula One team Jordanare homing in on an engine deal with Toyota thatwould secure their survival in the race, the teamsaid on Thursday.

The deadline for teams to enter for the 2005championship is on November 15 and Jordan havebeen racing against time to secure an engine deal bythen. The Silverstone-based team, founded by Irishentrepreneur Eddie Jordan, have been in Formula Onesince 1991 but were left scrambling around for anengine after Ford announced they were pulling out ofthe sport.

Jordan were powered by Ford-owned Cosworththis year and had been expecting to continue with themin 2005. —MNA/Xinhua

Sea of catfish : A Chi-nese farmer shows off hisharvest of catfish, whichhe bred in his farm in theoutskirts of Hangzhou,China’s eastern provinceof Zhejian. —INTERNET

China launches award for wildlifeprotection

BEIJING , 29 Oct— The China Environmental Protection Foundation (CEPF)and US Wild Aid jointly launched a special award here Thursday to promotewildlife protection in China.

The China Wildlife ConservationAward is the first in China initiated by anon-governmental organ on wildlifeprotection, said Qu Geping, presidentof the board of directors of CEPF, atThursday’s ceremony.

Though China has made greatprogress in the protection of wildlife,the illegal hunting and trading of wildanimals continues, said Qu. He said theaward will help promote the country’sawareness of environmental protection.

The award selection start every Sep-tember, and the result will be declaredthe next March. Each round will have

six winners, five gold medallists andone life-achievement winner.

Apart from a certificate and cup,each winner will get a 3,500-US-dollarbonus to be used for wildlife protection.

The award carries no limitations onnationality, region, and religion for itscandidates — anyone who has madecontributions to wildlife protection inChina is eligible.

At Thursday’s ceremony, Wild AidPresident Steve Trent was granted anhonour certificate for his efforts in pro-tecting wildlife resources in China.


Enlarged spacesaround blood vessels

had lower mental abilityLONDON, 29 Oct — Changes around blood vessels

in the brain may hold clues about mental decline anddementia in the elderly, Scottish scientists said onThursday.

Researchers at the Uni-versity of Edinburgh havediscovered that elderly pa-tients have abnormal chan-nels, which are known asenlarged perivascularspaces, in the brain whichare rare in young, healthyadults.

“These findings meanthat we should certainly belooking more closely atenlarged perivascularspaces as a cause of demen-tia and other mental declinein old age,” said Dr AlasdairMacLullich, who headedthe research team.

“They raise the interest-ing possibilities that theremay be substances in the

blood, such as cholesterolor sugar levels, or evenblood pressure itself, thatmay contribute to memorydecline as people becomeolder,” he added in a state-ment.

MacLullich and his col-leagues measured the en-larged perivascular spacesin the brains of 100 healthymen and tested their cogni-tive ability. The enlargedperivascular spaces, seen inbrain scans of patients withillnesses such as diabetesand Parkinson’s disease,may indicate damage tobrain tissue around bloodvessels, according to the re-searchers.—MNA/Reuters

People play computer-networked games in thenewly opened ‘Gate104’ centre in Paris inJanuary 2004. For allits charm and rustic tra-ditions, France is mov-ing along speedily onthe informationsuperhighway, a gov-ernment report releasedshowed.—INTERNET

Umbilical cord bloodmay hold valuable clues

for doctors LONDON, 29 Oct— Blood from a baby’s umbilical

cord could help doctors predict which children willsuffer from allergies and asthma later in their lives,British and American scientists said on Thursday.

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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 1 November, 2004


Answers for yesterday’sCrossword Puzzle

Man Utd fans to oppose any takeover bidLONDON, 30 Oct— Manchester United fans will oppose any takeover bid for

the club unless they are involved and aim to raise their shareholding to morethan 25 per cent, a leading supporters' group says.

Wenger welcomes Man Utd’s investigationover tunnel fracas

LONDON COLNEY (England), 30 Oct — Arsenal manager Arsene Wengerwelcomed the news that Manchester United had launched an investigation intothe tunnel fracas after Sunday's bad-tempered contest.

The champions' 49-match unbeaten league runcame to an end followinga 2-0 defeat by the Man-chester side and media re-ports said Arsenal playershurled soup and pizza atUnited manager AlexFerguson after the game.

"That is exactly whatthey should do (hold aninvestigation). For menothing happened,"Wenger told a news con-ference on Friday.

"I have not seen anypizza. What is importantfor me in football is what

happens on the pitch."United striker Ruud vanNistelrooy has beenbanned for three matchesfor a crude tackle on Arse-nal defender Ashley Colewhile Wenger is waiting tohear the FA's verdict on hiscomments about refereeMike Riley after the game.

Cole passed a fitness teston Friday and will playwhen Arsenal entertainstruggling Southampton inthe Premier League onSaturday. However, Eng-land defender SolCampbell misses out witha calf problem, similar tothe Achilles injury that kepthim out for six weeks afterreturning from Euro 2004.

"It is a little bit worryingthat it has come back but itwill heal quicker," Wengersaid. "He is out tomorrowand certainly for Tuesday(at home to Panathinaikosin the ChampionsLeague)."—MNA/Reuters

Owen says nice to score three goals in three games MADRID , 30 Oct — Michael Owen says scoring three goals in three games

for Real Madrid has been the perfect way to help him settle at his new club.

Sol Campbell will miss matchagainst Southampton

LONDON, 30 Oct— Arsenal and England defender Sol Campbellhas sustained a calf injury and will miss the team's Premier Leaguematch against Southampton on Saturday, manager Arsene Wengersaid.

"We have a problem with Sol Campbell," Arsenal's web sitequoted Wenger as saying. "It is a calf injury linked with theAchilles he had before. He will have a scan to see the extent of theproblem but he is definitely out for Saturday."

Wenger said left-back Ashley Cole and goalkeeper JensLehmann were also doubtful.

Cole picked up a knee injury during the team's 2-0 defeatagainst Manchester United on Sunday while Lehmann has beensuffering from a hamstring problem.

"I have not decided yet on Ashley Cole," Wenger said. "Therecould be a problem with the left back." — MNA/Reuters

Chelsea sack Adrian Mutu for taking cocaine LONDON, 30 Oct — Chelsea have sacked their Romanian striker Adrian

Mutu after he tested positive for cocaine last month.

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"We are against the ownership by asingle company or individual whosemain motive is profit," Nick Towle,chairman of Shareholders United, toldReuters. On Monday, the eight-timesPremier League champions said theyhad called off talks with US sports ty-coon Malcolm Glazer about his pro-posed offer for United but did not ruleout further discussions.

Debt-free United said in a statementthat they did not support a capital struc-ture for an offer with a high level of debt.Towle echoed those sentiments.

"If he (Glazer) wants to borrow largeamounts of money, then the repaymentswould be from our profits," he said."This is a risky financial model andcould be a disaster."

Thousands of fans opposed the Glazerbid, many of them carrying banners dur-ing the 2-0 win over champions Arsenalat Old Trafford on Sunday saying Unitedwas not for sale.

Glazer, owner of American footballteam Tampa Bay Buccaneers, has 28.11per cent of the club's shares. Irish racingtycoons John Magnier and J. P. McManusown 28.9 percent.

Towle, whose group also opposed the1999 takeover bid by satellite televisioncompany BSkyB, said his group's targetwas to increase the individual sharehold-ers' stake in the club to more than 25 percent from 18 per cent.

"Our doors are open to anyone whocan help us reach this objective, he said.


"It was nice to score the three goalsand it makes you feel more part of theteam," the England striker told a newsconference in Madrid on Friday.

"I had a difficult start, but I expectedthat. I still have the language barrierbut other than that everything seems tobe settling down the way I'd hoped itwould."

The former Liverpool striker, whojoined Real for 12 million euros (15.28million US dollars) in August, scoredhis first goal after seven appearancesfor his new club when he grabbed thewinner in last week's 1-0 victory overDynamo Kiev in the ChampionsLeague.

He repeated the trick in the 1-0 winover last season's champions Valencialast weekend and took his tally to three

with a goal in Real's 2-1 win overLeganes in the King's Cup on Tuesday.

"I'd like the run to continue," he said."But I'd also like the run to continuewith the team. We're winning gamesnow and we're playing a little bit betterstep by step, so if my goals can help thatthen great, but the team is the importantthing."

The 24-year-old believes that he stillhas plenty of room for improvement atReal and says he is determined not torest on his laurels.

"I certainly believe I can show morefor the team. Just because I've scored afew goals it doesn't mean that you'replaying to the best of your ability soobviously I'd like to keep improving.It's a massive challenge for me.


Portland Trail Blazers’ Sebastian Telfair drivesagainst Seattle SuperSonics' Antonio Daniels (33)during the fourth quarter on Friday, 29 Oct, 2004,

in a preseason game in Seattle. — INTERNET

Byrd, Sluman ontop of leader boardin Chrysler C’ship PALM HARBOR

(Florida), 30 Oct—Jonathan Byrd shot hissecond successive five-under-par 66 on Fridayand joined Jeff Sluman ontop of the leader board af-ter two rounds at theChrysler Championship.

Byrd and Sluman, whofollowed his course-record 62 with a one-un-der 70, are tied at 10-un-der-par 132.

Tommy Armour III(64), Australian RodPampling (65) and worldnumber one Vijay Singh(69) are tied at eight-un-der 134. Kent Jones (71),Kirk Triplett (71),Vaughan Taylor (65) andSweden's Jesper Parnevik(67) are at seven-under135. —MNA/Reuters

British-American consortium tobuy Leeds United within a week LONDON, 30 Oct— Leeds United, one of the great

names of English soccer, could be sold to a British-American consortium within a week.

The head of the consortium, Sebastian Sainsbury,said on Friday he had an agreement with Leeds chair-man Gerald Krasner to buy the club for 25 millionpounds (45.73 million US Dollars).

All he has to do is come up with the money. "My latest news is that he (Krasner) wants proof of

funds and that is what I'm now going to be working todeliver," Sainsbury told BBC Radio. "I very muchhope it will be on his desk by Monday."

Asked whether Krasner and the Yorkshire-basedconsortium that owns the club would definitely sell ifthe money were forthcoming, Sainsbury said: "Wehave an agreement".

"We've always committed to completing the deal aweek today so the only thing that can delay it is Mr.Krasner and the board," said Sainsbury, great-grand-son of the founder of the British supermarket chainwhich bears his name.—MNA/Reuters

"Chelsea has termi-nated the contract ofAdrian Mutu for grossmisconduct," the PremierLeague club said onFriday.

"The decision comesafter the player's positivedrugs test for cocaine andhis admission that he tookthe drug." Mutu, 25, facesa two-year ban from soc-cer. He is the second playerto be sacked by Chelseafor cocaine abuse follow-ing the dismissal of Aus-tralian goalkeeper MarkBosnich two years ago.

"We want to make clearthat Chelsea has a zerotolerance policy towardsdrugs. This applies to bothperformance-enhancingdrugs or so-called 'recrea-tional' drugs. They haveno place at our club or insport," the club said in astatement.

"In coming to a deci-sion on this case, Chelseabelieved the club's socialresponsibility to its fans,

players, employees andother stakeholders in foot-ball regarding drugs wasmore important than themajor financial considera-tions to the company.

"Chelsea is activelyconsidering all options in

relation to any financialloss as a result of this case."

Gordon Taylor, chiefexecutive of the Profes-sional Footballers' Asso-ciation, said the dismissalwas disappointing.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 1 November, 2004 15

R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 296115, Manager 296864, Circulation 297093, Advertisement 296843,Accounts 296545, Administration 296161, Production 297032 (Office) /297028 (Press).

Monday, November 1View on today:

7:00 am 1. Recitation of Parittas

by Mingun Sayadaw7:15 am 2.������������� ������������������ ������������������ ������������������ ������������������ ������ ��������������������� ��������������������� ��������������������� ��������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

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7:25 am 3. To be healthy exercise7:30 am 4. Morning news7:40 am 5. Nice and sweet song7:55 am 6. Songs of national

races8:05 am 7. Cute little dancers

WEATHERSunday, 31 October, 2004

Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hoursMST: During the past 24 hours, weather has beengenerally fair in the whole country.

Maximum temperature on 30-10-2004 was 96°F.Minimum temperature on 31-10-2004 was 67°F. Rela-tive humidity at 9:30 hrs MST on 31-10-2004 was 82%.Total sunshine hours on 30-10-2004 was (9.0) hoursapprox. Rainfall on 31-10-2004 was nil at Yangon Air-port, Kaba-Aye and central Yangon. Total rainfall since1-1-2004 was (112.24 inches) at Yangon Airport, (106.77inches) at Kaba-Aye and (109.29 inches) at centralYangon. Maximum wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye)was 10 mph from North at (16:30) hours MST on30-10-2004.

Bay inference: Weather is cloudy in Andaman Sea,West and South Bay and fair elsewhere in the Bay ofBengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 1-11-2004: Exceptfor the possibility of isolated light rain or thundershow-ers in Kachin and Mon States, upper Sagaing, Yangon,Ayeyawady and Taninthayi Divisions and weather willbe generally fair in the remaining areas. Degree of cer-tainty is (40%).

State of the sea: Seas will be slight to moderate inMyanmar waters. Outlook for subsequent two days:Possibility of isolated light rain or thundershowers inSouthern Myanmar areas. Forecast for Yangon andneighbouring area for 1-11-2004: Partly cloudy. Fore-cast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for 1-11-2004: Generally fair weather.

8:20 am 8.�%&� �� ���� ��'(! ��%&� ��%&� �� ���� ��'(! ��%&� ��%&� �� ���� ��'(! ��%&� ��%&� �� ���� ��'(! ��%&� ��%&� �� ���� ��'(! ��%&� �

8:30 am 9. International news8:45 am 10. Grammar Made Easy4:00 pm 1. Martial song4:15 pm 2. Songs to uphold

National Spirit4:30 pm 3. Demonstration Exer-

cises For CorrectPronunciation

4:45 pm 4. Musical programme5:00 pm 5.��� �&���)��%*��+��� ��� �&���)��%*��+��� ��� �&���)��%*��+��� ��� �&���)��%*��+��� ��� �&���)��%*��+��� ,%��-�&������� �&�(.� /��%����0/�,%��-�&������� �&�(.� /��%����0/�,%��-�&������� �&�(.� /��%����0/�,%��-�&������� �&�(.� /��%����0/�,%��-�&������� �&�(.� /��%����0/�����%�1��,!��1������1�����%�1��,!��1������1�����%�1��,!��1������1�����%�1��,!��1������1�����%�1��,!��1������1��2! -�3�4� �����%�1���2! -�3�4� �����%�1���2! -�3�4� �����%�1���2! -�3�4� �����%�1���2! -�3�4� �����%�1��

5:15 pm 6. Dance variety5:30 pm 7.��5 6��&��7'��5 6��&��7'��5 6��&��7'��5 6��&��7'��5 6��&��7'

5:40 pm 8. Songs and dance of

national races5:45 pm 9.-�.���/��-�.���/�� -�.���/��-�.���/�� -�.���/��-�.���/�� -�.���/��-�.���/�� -�.���/��-�.���/��

Monday, November 1Tune in today:

8.30 am Brief news8.35 am Music:

- Witch doctor8.40 am Perspectives8.45 am Music:

-Doctor Jones8.50 am National news/

Slogan9.00 am Music: Together

forever9.05 am International

news9.10 am Music: Reality1.30 pm News/Slogan1.40 pm Lunch time music

-Music-Baby what aboutyou?-Now & forever

9.00 pm Spotlight on thestar-Jenniffer Page-Questions-Always you

9.10 pm Article9.20 pm Radio Magazine

-Let the flowerbuds bloom

9.35 pm Vocal Gems-Mambo Mambo

9.45 pm News/Slogan10.00 pmPEL

6:00 pm10. Musical programme

(The Radio MyanmarModern Music Troupe)

6:10 pm11. Discovery6:15 pm12.��%&�&�-(� ���7.� 8���*�� �7'��%&�&�-(� ���7.� 8���*�� �7'��%&�&�-(� ���7.� 8���*�� �7'��%&�&�-(� ���7.� 8���*�� �7'��%&�&�-(� ���7.� 8���*�� �7'9��4����&� �!(%.� :9��4����&� �!(%.� :9��4����&� �!(%.� :9��4����&� �!(%.� :9��4����&� �!(%.� :����%&� ;<=�����%&� ;<=�����%&� ;<=�����%&� ;<=�����%&� ;<=�

6:30 pm13. Evening news7:00 pm14. Weather report7:05 pm15.9����>��0� :9����>��0� :9����>��0� :9����>��0� :9����>��0� :-������5���&����)��%*�-������5���&����)��%*�-������5���&����)��%*�-������5���&����)��%*�-������5���&����)��%*�

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7:20 pm16. Industrial achievement7:35 pm17. Musical programme8:00 pm18. News19. International news20. Weather report21.��%&�&�-(� 8���*�� �7'��%&�&�-(� 8���*�� �7'��%&�&�-(� 8���*�� �7'��%&�&�-(� 8���*�� �7'��%&�&�-(� 8���*�� �7'

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22. The next day’sprogramme

PHNOM PENH (Cambodia) 31 Oct— King Norodom Sihamoni addressed his nation Saturday for thefirst time as Cambodia’s new monarch, pledging to be a “faithful servant” of the people — many of whomknew little about him until two weeks ago.

Sihamoni addresses nation for first time as new monarch

Sihamoni, a former balletdancer, spoke to a crowd of about50,000 well-wishers who carried hisportrait or their country’s flag, pack-ing the park in front of the RoyalPalace.

“To all the beloved people,through all my life, I will be a faithfulservant to all the people, I will alwaysbe with the people to share the happi-ness and suffering,” he said, speakingfrom a pavilion overlooking the grassyknoll across from the golden-huedpalace.

Sihamoni was enthroned lateFriday in an elaborate ceremony thatincluded blessings chanted by Bud-dhist monks, the blowing of conchshells and traditional music playedwith drums and gongs.

His ascension came two weeksafter he was selected by a panel ofpolitical and religious leaders to suc-ceed his father, Norodom Sihanouk,one of Asia’s most colourful rulerswho abdicated three weeks ago citingill health.

Sihamoni said Saturday thatSihanouk had told him after his re-cent election that “a King is not themaster of the country or of thepeople, a King is a servant of themotherland and the people”.

Students, members of theArmed Forces, government officialsand everyday citizens gathered tohear Sihamoni’s address, which in-cluded speeches by Prime MinisterHun Sen and National AssemblyPresident Prince NorodomRanariddh, Sihamoni’s half brother.

“I am so happy to see him forthe first time in real life. This is great.I have only seen him before in pic-tures,” said Prak Nary, a 44-year-oldteacher.

Hun Sen and Ranariddh paidtribute to the King, saying hisachievements and the role he playedduring the last five decades werepriceless and unforgettable.

“The continuity of the consti-tutional monarchy is a key to thestability of the kingdom of Cambo-

dia,” Hun Sen said.Ranariddh also wished

Sihamoni “great success”. “Weare convinced that Cambodiaunder your leadership will be inpeace, prosperity and unity,”he said. When he finished hisspeech Sihamoni rose from hischair and applauded him.

The festive atmosphereon Saturday included two bandsplaying local pop music and thecrowd cheering “Victorious!”and raising the country’s flag orportrait of Sihamoni when hespoke.

Some in the crowdlaughed when they got a glimpseof Sihamoni as he emerged fromthe palace standing inside a con-vertible Mercedes, making hisway to observe a religious ritualat a pagoda before his address.

Saturday’s speechmarked the end of the three-daycoronation.


BANGKOK, 31 Oct—Senior Thai psychologistsand social researchershave warned that tensionand violence within thefamily are key causes ofteenagers’ behaviouralproblems.

Family tensions, in-cluding violence betweenparents, neglect or parents’inability to take care oftheir children, have led tothe deterioration in thequality of life for Thaiteenagers, reported theThai News Agency Friday.

Thai experts say family tensions key cause of teenage problems

HANOI , 31 Oct— More than 2,500 Viet-nam’s shrimp farmers representing 3.5 millioncongeners expressed their strong objection in aletter on the United States’ anti-dumping tariffon shrimp imports from the country.

“Our shrimp meets the highest requirementsfor export to the US. We do not get any subsidyfrom the government in shrimp farming,” the localmedia Friday quoted the letter as saying, in whichthe farmers required the US Department of Com-merce (DOC) and the US International Trade Com-mission (USITC) to conduct their investigationsand re-examine the dumping issue for shrimp im-ported from Vietnam without bias.

The preliminary tariffs imposed on Vietnam’sshrimp are 12.11-93.13 per cent, while DOC willmake the final decisions on November 29.

The letter will be sent to relevant individualsand organizations such as the USDOC, the USITCand US congressmen.

A verdict on whether imported shrimp is thereal reason of losses to the US shrimp industry willbe given by the USITC in January 2005.


Teenagers fromfamilies in conflict have ahigh tendency to be ag-gressive, to commit sui-cide or to behave badly.

Every year moreand more families are in-flicted with division andconflict. It is steadily in-creasing by 5 per cent eachyear over the last fiveyears, according to thepsychologists.

Thai teenagers withproblems will continue toincrease, unless they areproperly monitored and

solutions found, saidDeputy Professor Ngar-mta Wanintanont, aprominent researcher onsocial behaviour. Recentstudies in Thailand haverevealed that most teen-age suicides are girls whoare driven to take their ownlives because of a bad re-lationship with parents orbetween their parents, ac-cording to PrachidSukanant, a researcherworking on suicide cases.

Teenagers tend tocopy their parents’ views

and behaviour. So teenag-ers living in violent fami-lies — where they are vio-lent toward each other ortheir kids — have a greaterrisk of using violence tosolve their own problems,Prachid said.


Vietnamese shrimp farmers object to US tariff

Page 16: MNA Senior General Than Shwe and party tour Banares and ... · 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 1 November, 2004 Monday, 1 November, 2004 PERSPECTIVES Stronger friendly ties, new

4th Waning of Thadingyut 1366 ME Monday, 1 November, 2004

* Stability of the State, community peace andtranquillity, prevalence of law and order

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State Consti-

tution* Building of a new modern developed nation in

accord with the new State Constitution

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of theeconomy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented eco-nomic system

* Development of the economy inviting partici-pation in terms of technical know-how andinvestments from sources inside the countryand abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economymust be kept in the hands of the State and thenational peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of the en-tire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integrity andpreservation and safeguarding of cultural her-itage and national character

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education stand-

ards of the entire nation

Four political objectives

Four economic objectives

Four social objectivesSenior General Than Shwe presents cash donation to Chairman of Bodh Gaya Maha Bodhi Pagoda Board

of Trustees.—˚MNA

Senior General Than Shwe, wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party view Yadanaghara Sattaha Abhidhamma Sankyaungdaw.—  MNA

YANGON, 31 Oct — The Bronze Buddha Imageto be kept in front of Bo tree and Golden Throne of theMaha Bodhi Pagoda in Bodh Gaya of the Republic ofIndia was consecrated at the venue on 28 October,Fullmoon Day of Thadingyut.

Chairman of the State Peace and DevelopmentCouncil Senior General Than Shwe and wife DawKyaing Kyaing offered eight requisites and alms tomembers of the Sangha.

Also present on the occasion were members ofthe Sangha led by Bodh Gaya Myanmar MonasterySayadaw, Daw Khin Lay Thet, wife of Member of theState Peace and Development Council General ThuraShwe Mann, Secretary-1 of the State Peace andDevelopment Council Lt-Gen Thein Sein and wifeDaw Khin Khin Win, Member of the State Peace andDevelopment Council Lt-Gen Thiha Thura Tin AungMyint Oo and wife Daw Khin Saw Hnin, Daw KhinThet Htay, wife of Chairman of Yangon DivisionPeace and Development Council Commander ofYangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Minister forIndustry-1 U Aung Thaung, Minister for Foreign AffairsU Nyan Win, Minister for Rail Transportation Maj-Gen Aung Min, Minister for Communications, Postsand Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, Minister forEnergy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, Minister for Science andTechnology U Thaung, Minister for Health Dr Kyaw

Senior General Than Shwe and wifeDaw Kyaing Kyaing attend consecrationof Bronze Buddha Image in Bodh Gaya

Myint, Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen ThuraMyint Maung, Military Assistant to the Chairman ofthe State Peace and Development Council Maj-GenNay Win, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs UKyaw Thu, Director of Medical Services Brig-GenThan Aung of the Ministry of Defence, MyanmarAmbassador U Kyi Thein and wife, Director-GeneralLt-Col Pe Nyein of the State Peace and DevelopmentCouncil Office, departmental heads, Military AttachéBrig-Gen Kyaw Win and wife and officials.

Bodh Gaya Myanmar Monastery Sayadaw AggaMaha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Ñanindaand eight members of the Sangha consecrated theBronze Buddha Image.

Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw KyaingKyaing donated eight requisites and alms to theSayadaws. After administering the Five Precepts bythe Bodh Gaya Myanmar Monastery Sayadaw,Members of the Sangha recited Parittas.

Kutheinnayon Myanmar Monastery SayadawAgga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Ñanissara delivered asermon, followed by sharing of merits gained.

After the ceremony, Senior General Than Shwe,and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party offered‘soon’, fruits, flowers, lights, water and joss sticks tothe Buddha image. Next, the Senior General offeredShwethingan (gold robes) to the Image and presented

cash donation for Maha Bodhi Pagoda to Chairman ofthe Pagoda Board of Trustees Mr Chaitanya Prasad.

Afterwards, Mr Chaitanya Prasad gave a replicaof the Maha Bodi Pagoda to the Senior General and aportrait of Buddha image to Daw Kyaing Kyaing.

They paid homage to Bo Tree and GoldenThrone, one of the seven places where Buddhasojourned for seven days each just afterenlightenment, in the precinct of the Bodh GayaMaha Bodi Pagoda.

Next, they paid reverence to YadanaCorridor, the building of Yadanaghara SattahaAbhidhamma and Animisa Sattaha. They thenviewed Ajapala Niyodha banyan tree. AtMuñçalinda Sattaha, they fed the fish. Next, they viewedthe thriving Linloon tree (Buchamania latifolia) plantedby Myanmar and the maintenance of RajayatanaSattaha.

They viewed the park meant for meditation.Afterwards, the Senior General and wife donated

cash towards the funds for maintenance of Maha BodiPagoda to Patron of the pagoda board of trusteesSayadaw Bhaddanta Bodhipala. The Senior Generalsigned in the visitors’ book.

The Secretary-1 also donated cash towards thefunds through Sayadaw Bhaddanta Bodhipala.

(See page 10)