mona mittal

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  • 8/7/2019 mona mittal




  • 8/7/2019 mona mittal


    INTRODUCTIONy Since 1950 a substan tial volum e of study has go ne in to

    facets of en trep rene ur d e v elopmen t in indiay Stud ies shows that en trep rene ur ar e born and can be mad e.y It is possible to inden tify the indi v iduals in all

    commu ni ties with en trep rene ur ial tal en t, to tra in

    th em ,mot i vate th em through prope r tra inin g.

  • 8/7/2019 mona mittal


    It is a ne w concep t to har ne ss un tappe d

    huma n talen t.EDP has str iked a welcome note in changing the pe rcep tion of socie ty by creat ing ne w av en ues for self de v elopmen t.

    gov ernmen t plays an importa n t rol e by creat ing en v ironmen t cunduci v e foren trep rene ur il growth .

  • 8/7/2019 mona mittal


    OBJECTIVEy To iden tify and tra in poten tial en trep rene ur.y To impart bas ic managerial understa nding.y To understa nd th e process &procedur e of

    sett ing up small bus ine ss.y To tra in en trep rene ur to ma ke th em u ndersta nd

    thr eats a nd opp urtu ni ties of en v ironmen t.

  • 8/7/2019 mona mittal


    LONG TERM OBJECTIVEy To gene rate self employmen t for th e educated

    une mploy ed you .y To augm en t th e numb er of en terpren uer to inc rease th e pace of economy .y To industr ilise rural a nd back ward ar eas.

  • 8/7/2019 mona mittal


    NEEDy To en hance th e mot i vation ,kn owledge and skills of

    th e poten tial en terpren uer.y To arous e and reform th e en terpren uerial behav iourin th eir day to day a cti v ities.y Assist th em in de v elopmen t of th eir own en terprise.

  • 8/7/2019 mona mittal


    ROLE & RELEVANCEy C reat ion of employmen t opp urtu ni ties.y C apital format ion.y Balance d regional de v elopmen t.y Use of local resour ces.y Imrov emen t in standard of l i v ing.y Imrov emen t in PC I.y Pre v en ting industr ial slums .

  • 8/7/2019 mona mittal


    National Institute for entrepreneurship and Small Business

    Development (NIESBUD)y Establ ished by Gov ernmen t of India in 1983

    y A n apex body for coord inat ion and supe rv ison on acti v itiesof various institut es en gaged in en trep rene ur ialde v elopmen t

    y Helps e volut ion of EDP, mod el syllabi, eff ecti v e tra inin gstrat egies, methodology, ma nuals and tools

    y A cti v ities underta ken :

    y Orga nise and conduct tra inin g programm esy C oord inate tra inin g acti v ities of various agencie s/ inst itut esy Prov ide aff iliat ion to su ch inst itut esy Hold exam inat ions and conf er cert if icates to tra ine rs and

    tra inee sEn trep rene ursh ip Managemen t

  • 8/7/2019 mona mittal


    Small Industries Service Institutes

    (SISI)y Three mon ths part t ime e v enin g cours es in managemen t

    y 4-6 week s part t ime cours es in in ten si v e tra inin g in

    func tional areas (mar keting, f inance )y Speci al cours es in qual ity con trol, HR, produ ction

    plannin g, produ ct d e v elopmen t etc

    y Mobile workshops impart ing tra inin g on correct usag e of tools a nd equ ipmen t

    y Helps with preparat ion of plan t layouts

    y Helps indi v idual f irms o n speci f ic problems facedEn trep rene ursh ip Managemen t

  • 8/7/2019 mona mittal


    Small Industries Development

    Organisation (SIDO)

    y Runs EDP in collaborat ion with f inanci al institut es,

    directorat e of industr ies

    y Gi v es on th e job tra inin g on shop floor (carpen try,electr ical de v ices)

    y Sends its off icials/tra ine rs to orga nisat ions to u pdat e th eir kn owledge

    En trep rene ursh ip Managemen t

  • 8/7/2019 mona mittal


    National Small Industries

    Corporation (NSIC)y Prov ides app ren ticesh ip for 2 y ears

    y Trainin g supe rv isory staff of SSI up to 2 y ears

    y Trainin g to en ginee rs up to 2 y ears

    y Trainin g workmen for 12 mon ths


    Trainin g to set u p own v en tur ey Adv ice on machine ry and componen ts

    y Produ ction of technologically advance d ma chine s

    En trep rene ursh ip Managemen t

  • 8/7/2019 mona mittal


    Entrepreneurship DevelopmentInstitute of India (EDII)

    y De v elops programm es for en trep rene ur ial tra inin g andde v elopmen t

    y De v elops inn ovat i v e tra inin g techniques for tra ine rs

    y Focused att en tion on women en trep rene urs w ith f irst su chEDP in 1988

    y EDP for rural en trep rene ursh ip de v elopmen t in U.P andOr issa

    y Famous for orga nising camps on en trep rene ursh ip

    y C ondust ed EDP in Sri Lank a, Nepal, Ghana, Ken ya etc

    En trep rene ursh ip Managemen t

  • 8/7/2019 mona mittal


    National Alliance of YoungEntrepreneurs (NAYE)

    y C on tr ibut ion in enc ourag ing women en trep rene ursh ip

    y Set u p women s wing in 1975


    This wing assists wom en in :y Gett ing better access to r esour ces, in frastru ctur e, mar kets

    y Iden tify in v estm en t opp ortu ni ties

    y Atten ding to problems of indi v idual industr ies

    y Sponsor part icip at ion in trad e fairs, exhibitions, conf erence s

    y Orga nise seminars, tra inin g programm es, workshops

    En trep rene ursh ip Managemen t