
Monday. Agenda and Homework On pgs. 40-41 write the date, copy the agenda, homework, and warm-up Agenda: Warm-up Collect essays on “Hip Hop Planet”

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Agenda and HomeworkOn pgs. 40-41 write the date, copy the agenda,

homework, and warm-up


• Warm-up

• Collect essays on “Hip Hop Planet”

• Vocabulary (pg. 59 Literature) on pg. 42 of INB

• Surveying the text – Class Discussion


Find a synonym and write a complete sentence for each vocabulary word (pg. 42 INB)


Brainstorm 5-6 traits that will enable a person to succeed in a test of survival.

VocabularyMake a 4-column

vocabulary chart on page 42 of your INB.

Label the columns: Vocabulary Word, Definition, Synonym, Sentence

Copy the 12 vocabulary words and their definitions

Complete the synonym and sentence for homework

Vocabulary Words and Definitions

1. Tangible – adj. capable of being touched or felt; having actual form and substance

2. Quarry – noun, the object of a hunt, prey3. Disarming – adj., removing or overcoming

suspicion; inspiring confidence4. Cultivated – adj., refined or cultured in

manner5. Amenity – noun, something that adds to

one’s comfort or convenience

Vocabulary Con’t6. Condone – verb, to forgive or overlook7. Droll – adj., amusingly off or comical8. Scruples – noun, a feeling of uneasiness that

keeps a person from doing something9. Solicitously – adv., in a manner expressing

care or concern10. Imperative – adj., absolutely necessary11. Zealous – adj., intensely enthusiastic12. Uncanny – adj., so remarkable as to seem



Agenda Homework and WarmupsOn pgs. 40-41 write the date, copy the agenda,

homework, and warm-up


• Warm-up

• INB Checklist Handout

• Cornell Notes - Literary Terms

• Surveying the text (page 59-60 Literature)


• Vocabulary homework due Wednesday, 9/17 Find a synonym and write a complete sentence for each vocabulary word (pg. 42 INB)

• Vocabulary Quiz on Friday 9/19

• INB Check Friday 9/19


Use quarry in a sentence.Use zealous in a sentence.

Cornell Notes – Literary Terms

Take Cornell Notes on the following literary terms.

This will be page 43 in your INBEssential Question: What

literary terms do I need to know to understand “The Most Dangerous Game”?

Cornell Notes - Literary TermsTypes of Conflict

What are the types of conflict in stories?

Man vs. Nature

Man vs. Society

Cornell Notes – Literary TermsTypes of Conflict

Man vs. Man

Man vs. Himself

Literary Terms Con’t

What are the terms for the characters?

Protagonist is the hero (the good guy)

Antagonist is the opponent (the bad guy)

Literary Terms Con’t

What are the different Points of View?

First Person POV – a character in the story is narrating. The narrator never discloses anything the other characters think or feel. The story is limited to only what this character sees and thinks. This character may be reliable or unreliable!

Clues: Uses words like I, you, me, my, we, us

Literary Terms Con’tThird Person Limited POV – someone

outside of the story is narrating the story. The narrator only knows the thoughts and feelings of a single character.

Third Person Omniscient POV – someone outside of the story is narrating the story. The narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters in the story.

Clues: Uses words like he or she

Literary Terms Con’t

What figures of speech do I need to know?

Simile – a comparison using “like” or “as”My love is like a red, red rose. Comparison between love and rose

Metaphor – a direct comparisonThe moon was a ghostly galleon tossed

upon cloudy seas.Comparison between moon and ghostly

galleon (ship)

Literary Terms Con’t

Theme – the central topic. The theme is not intended to teach or preach. You determine theme by looking at repeated patterns, symbols, ideas and images within the story – the characters, the action, the setting

Examples of theme – Coming of Age, Overcoming Adversity, the Noble Sacrifice for Family or Friendship, Fall from Grace, Love Conquers All

Surveying the Text

Read “Meet the Author” and “Background to the Story” on pg.59 Literature.

When you hear the phrase “big game hunting,” what do you think of?

Read the title on page 60 Literature. What do you predict the story is about?

Wednesday 9/17

Agenda, Homework, Warm-ups

Agenda: page 40-41Warmup

Study Guide on ”The Most Dangerous Game” (pg. 45 INB)

Read “The Most Dangerous Game” (pgs. 60-80 Literature)


Work on Study Guide as we read story in class. Have completed by Tuesday 9/23

Vocabulary Quiz 9/19

Interactive Notebook Check 9/19


Is it right to hunt just for sport? Why or why not?

Read “The Most Dangerous Game”

Follow along with the recording.As you come across vocabulary

words, write the sentence and page number down on the vocabulary section of your study guide.

Write down any words you do not know and the page number where they can be found below the vocabulary section of your study guide.

Thursday 9/18

Agenda, Homework, Warm-ups

Agenda: On page 40-41Warm-upTable of Contents (pg. 2 INB)Discuss Quiz 9/19Write Summary for Cornell Notes (pg.

39 and 43 INB)Read “The Most Dangerous Game” (pg.

60-80 Literature)Complete Study Guide “The Most

Dangerous Game”


Complete Summaries (5+ Sentences) for Cornell NotesPage 39 INB “Short Story Notes” Due

Tomorrow with INBPage 43 INB “Literary Terms” Due

Tuesday 9/23INB Check #2 Friday 9/19 – Make sure

you have your INB ChecklistVocabulary Quiz Friday 9/19


What was the name of the island where the story takes place?

How did Rainsford end up on the island?

Describe one detail about General Zaroff’s house.

Table of Contents pg 2 INBDate Page Title Page Number

8/25 “Hip Hop Planet” (Margin Notes) 258/25-8/29 Agenda Homework, Warm-up 26-278/28 SOAPSTone *288/27-8/29 Cornell Notes – SOAPSTone *299/2-9/5Agenda, Homework, Warm-ups 30-319/4 Guided Chunking/Analyz. Stylistic Choices 329/4 “Hip Hop Planet” Writing Assignment 339/4-9/10 Rough Draft, Peer Edit, Personal Response 349/9 Direct Quotations and Paraphrase 359/8-9/12 Agenda, Homework, Warm-ups 36-379/12 Plot Diagram *389/11-9/12 Cornell Notes – Short Story *39

Table of ContentsDate Page Title Page Number

9/15-9/19 Agenda, Homewok, Warm-ups 40-419/15 Vocabulary “Most Dangerous Game” 429/16 Cornell Notes: Literary Terms 439/22 Plot Diagram “Most Dangerous Game” 449/17 Study Guide “Most Dangerous Game” 45

Quiz 9/19It will cover Cornell Notes “Short

Story” and Cornell Notes “Literary Terms”

It will be matching.It will be 10 pts.It will cover exposition, rising action,

climax, falling action, resolution, setting, mood, tone, point of view (first person, third person limited and third person omniscient), flashback, foreshadowing

Reading “The Most Dangerous Game”

Turn to page 67Pull out your study guidePrepare to listen and

follow along

Friday, 9/19

Agenda:Read “The Most Dangerous Game” at bottom

of page 72 Literature textbooksHave your Study Guides out to answer

questions as you listen to the story (pg. 45 INB)

Vocabulary Quiz – up to substitute if you can use your INB

Turn in Interactive Notebooks – I need one from everyone

Homework: No homework. Enjoy your weekend


Agenda, Homework, Homework

Agenda: Copy onto pg 40-41 INBNo Warm-upVocabulary Quiz – You may use

your INBCollect INB – Due todayRead “The Most Dangerous
