Dell Stark diary, June 1, 19iiO drinking a whiskey Soke (?) called a Brown D 0 mber n Tom Collins June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out and assured her there wasn’t a cherry in townhe told(her) the kid (Dell) had been busy all winter.”

Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

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Page 1: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

Dell Stark diary, June 1, 19iiO

—drinking a whiskey Soke (?) called a Brown D0mber

— n Tom Collins

—June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

and assured her there wasn’t a cherry in town—he told(her) the kid (Dell)

had been busy all winter.”

Page 2: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

The laboring whir of the ceiling fan above the bar in summertime

Page 3: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

a glass that would soothe both your thirst and your worries

Whatever kind of drinker, light or heavy

Page 4: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

check Sky

off the bar stool every second beer to visit the toilet*

Page 5: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

check Sky

There is nothing like watching alcbhol change a person before your eyes to learn

about shades of character*

Page 6: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

check Sky

AJW2- *

Barfly was a cruel term, but right in its image of hovering within smell and touch

of booze.

Some would try to borrow money for a drink, others simply sat and waited out the

bartender. There were sheepherders or ranch hands blowing in all their money,

which might mean a week or ten days of successive drunks. There were binge

drinkers, more regular than the ranch hands.

Page 7: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

Med Lodge as sanctuary:

—it sounds like a (wildlife refuge) or (place for monks), but look it up and...

Page 8: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

"You're the best goddamn bartender." 00 "The goddamn best* Howie ean pour a drink,

but1 you 06 wie';*

but you"—00 knotted up trying to think how to express it—"make it amount to something."

Page 9: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

bar material in Sky raw material file folder, Oct. 1 *73 n'bk page in plastic

Page 10: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out


To step in, you never would have known that the Medicine Lodge hadn't been in business

every day of the past few hundred years.

Page 11: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

check Sky

from Sky raw material folder, n’bk p. in plastic:

spitoons in all the bars

scratching match on the steering wheel

silver dollars: people didn’t like paper dollars

ranchhands chewing snoose

ranchhands went by first name: surprise at settling-up time to learn what the last

nqme was.

’’Wouldn’t that frost you?”

Page 12: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out


Always Bet on the Butcher


Page 13: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

patron/ patronage/patroniz e

paying customer

Page 14: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

Customers gravitate to the Medicine time. The Two Medicine country was

Lodge because it is something reliable in unsettled changing from sheep,..

Page 15: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

customer who tells jokes, only the punchline of which is ever heard

11—Mexisan weather* Chile today, and hot tamale.M

"Can you cache a small Czech?’ Get it? C*a-c-h-e”

Page 16: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

a male preserve but not entirely. (Velma Simms; somebody’s wife)

Page 17: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

The Medicine Lodge wasn't changeless. Nothing is. But it held a sense of.

Page 18: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

Norman comes into the bar?



"Not quite. The University of Chicago.

”Heard of that. Chicago, I mean.”

Page 19: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

Rusty reads license plates and signals Tom where customers are from. (Tom leads tbs

conversation around to that part of the state.) ("There was a guy in hare from 00

the other day..." "I »m from 00 myself." "No kidding? Then you know all about...")

Page 20: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

You could riffle them together like playing cards, and you would earnest up with

They found that their abilities had to be riffled together like playing cards.

Page 21: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

Tom never hesitated to throw out a pest. Bodily. The first time I saw it happen,

I cd hardly believe it.

Page 22: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

No Kono, punchboards, etc

Page 23: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

the roughouse kidding (changed w/ generations, but always went on)

Page 24: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

bartender named Howard,

as in "Howie you gonna piss me off next.”

Page 25: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

lob <ofracA- AdUa*

The bars gave me the attention span of a raccoon. Whenever

anything more interesting came up, the conversation padded off

toward it.

Page 26: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

Med Lodge

ice machine makes a fortune from tourists

Page 27: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

Tom to missile site sgt:

MYour civvies in the wash, Sarge?H

Page 28: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

Velma Simms

—still a looker, though thin as some women get as they agej comes in certain night(s) of the week, has 2 Manhattans.

Page 29: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

00 headed for the toilet (walking) like a sailor on a rolling deck.

Page 30: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

Whatever kind of drinker, light or heavy...

•••a glass that would soothe both your thirst and your worries

Page 31: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

"Way to hell and gone back." Herb asks Tom how old the Med Lodge is. Tom shrugs, when it dates from

Page 32: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

customers who drink until their eyeballs were floating

Page 33: Montana State University - n Tom Collins —June 9: Janet kept demanding cherries … · 2016-03-09 · —June 9: "Janet kept demanding cherries on her Tom C‘s but Brown was out

Waste They Breath Asking

Moses Forgot Ones Thou Shall Not Ask for Credit

the one about credit s thou shall not ask