JULY 8th, 2014 NEXT MEETING: July 15th Noon Meeting at the Faculty Lounge at St.Mary’s College Club President Debbie Roessler “Debbie Does Australia” NOTE THE SPECIAL LOCATION. THE FACULTY LOUNGE IS ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE SODA CENTER DOWN THE GRAVEL DRIVEWAY. Greeter & Invocation: Linda May ~~ COMING UP ~~ July 12 District Awards Luau at Community Center in Woodland. July 15 Board Meeting, Trinity Church 5PM *July 22 TBD *July 29 TBD July 25 TGIF Social at Dochterman’s home *August 5 th Edy Schwartz “A Sneak Peek at the Film Festival” * Regular Tuesday noon meeting ** Second Tuesday Evening Meeting at 6:00p VISITORS We were pleased to welcome Rick King - Past Rotary International President and his wife Cherie Steve Lack Past District Governor Jose Avelar Past Assistant District Governor and his wife Marcella (and parents of Past President Nora) Lou Roessler Honorary Club Member and husband of President Debbie Karen Orwig Stepdaughter of Cliff Dochterman Ann Damaschino, Wife of Doug Suzann Costanza Wife of Angelo Linda Campbell Honorary Club Member and wife of Jim Leslie Lynch “Ace of Clubs” Wife of Lad Mary Sue Erickson “Ace of Hearts” wife of John Ron Mucovich began the meeting with an Independence Day themed invocation offering thanks for the freedom and peace that we enjoy in the United States. President Debbie welcomed Angelo Costanza to our meeting after his stay in the ICU this week. We were all very glad to see him!! Announcements BIG BAND USO SHOW & PICNIC The Fab Five Rotary Clubs of our area are sponsoring the “Picnic in the Park” at the Lafayette Reservoir on Saturday, July 19 th . Bring a picnic, your family, and a blanket or chairs as the Big Band of Rossmoor and the Swinging Blue Stars entertain active duty troops and our veterans. All veterans are especially urged to attend. Troops from Travis AFB and Camp Parks will be meeting and greeting veterans in a private welcome between 4 and 5 pm. A traditional USO show will be featured. There is no charge for the event. Mark it on your calendar, now! OMPA Swim Meet Please plan on attending the next planning meeting for the OMPA Swim Meet Concession which will be held on the evening of July 22 nd at the Dochterman residence. Very soon we will be passing around a signup sheet for volunteers to help with this three day event. It is imperative to get everyone’s help in pulling off a successful fundraising effort. OMPA not only makes a lot of money for the club (it is our 2 nd largest fundraiser), but is also a great way to display Rotary to the community. Club Dues Payable This Month Club annual dues are payable this month to Treasurer, Lad Lynch (With a check made out to Moraga Rotary of course)! The annual dues are $135 plus a donation to the Rotary Foundation of $100. The dues are due this month. The foundation donation can also be made either all now or $50 now and $50 in January. Annual dues for an associate member remain at $50 per year. Board Meeting Our next Board Meeting will be at the Trinity Church next Tuesday, July 15 th at 5:30 PM. . We have two new board members this year, Marv Ellenberg and Linda May. The board will be planning out the new Rotary year. Please consider attending one or more of our meetings this year and add your ideas and enthusiasm to the group. Our meetings are open to both members and other guests. Happy Bucks, Birthdays and Trips!! Jim Campbell celebrated a birthday on July 6 th . He shared that he is now the same age as the year he was born. Marv and Joyce Ellenberg will celebrate their 53 rd wedding anniversary next week while they are on a trip to France. Lad and Leslie Lynch were reminded that their anniversary is coming up next week. I think one of them would have remembered the date.

Moraga Rotary Newsletter July 8 2014

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Here is the newsletter for the Rotary Club of Moraga, CA for July 8th, 2014. Our very special speaker this evening was Rick King the Past President of Rotary International. What a treat!! Our greeter and invocator was Ron Mucovich.

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JULY 8th, 2014

NEXT MEETING: July 15th Noon Meeting at the Faculty Lounge at St.Mary’s


Club President Debbie Roessler “Debbie Does Australia”



Greeter & Invocation: Linda May


July 12 – District Awards Luau at Community Center in Woodland. July 15 – Board Meeting, Trinity Church – 5PM *July 22 – TBD *July 29 – TBD July 25 – TGIF Social at Dochterman’s home *August 5

th – Edy Schwartz – “A Sneak Peek at the Film

Festival” * Regular Tuesday noon meeting ** Second Tuesday Evening Meeting at 6:00p


We were pleased to welcome Rick King - Past Rotary International President and his wife Cherie Steve Lack – Past District Governor Jose Avelar – Past Assistant District Governor and his wife Marcella (and parents of Past President Nora) Lou Roessler – Honorary Club Member and husband of President Debbie Karen Orwig – Stepdaughter of Cliff Dochterman Ann Damaschino, Wife of Doug Suzann Costanza – Wife of Angelo Linda Campbell – Honorary Club Member and wife of Jim Leslie Lynch – “Ace of Clubs” Wife of Lad Mary Sue Erickson – “Ace of Hearts” wife of John Ron Mucovich began the meeting with an Independence

Day themed invocation offering thanks for the freedom and peace that we enjoy in the United States. President Debbie welcomed Angelo Costanza to our meeting after his stay in the ICU this week. We were all very glad to see him!!


The Fab Five Rotary Clubs of our area are sponsoring the “Picnic in the Park” at the Lafayette Reservoir on Saturday, July 19

th. Bring a picnic, your family, and a blanket or chairs

as the Big Band of Rossmoor and the Swinging Blue Stars entertain active duty troops and our veterans. All veterans are especially urged to attend. Troops from Travis AFB and Camp Parks will be meeting and greeting veterans in a private welcome between 4 and 5 pm. A traditional USO show will be featured. There is no charge for the event. Mark it on your calendar, now! OMPA Swim Meet Please plan on attending the next planning meeting for the OMPA Swim Meet Concession which will be held on the evening of July 22

nd at the Dochterman residence. Very

soon we will be passing around a signup sheet for volunteers to help with this three day event. It is imperative to get everyone’s help in pulling off a successful fundraising effort. OMPA not only makes a lot of money for the club (it is our 2

nd largest fundraiser), but is also a great way to display

Rotary to the community. Club Dues Payable This Month Club annual dues are payable this month to Treasurer, Lad Lynch (With a check made out to Moraga Rotary of course)! The annual dues are $135 plus a donation to the Rotary Foundation of $100. The dues are due this month. The foundation donation can also be made either all now or $50 now and $50 in January. Annual dues for an associate member remain at $50 per year. Board Meeting Our next Board Meeting will be at the Trinity Church next Tuesday, July 15

th at 5:30 PM. . We have two new board

members this year, Marv Ellenberg and Linda May. The board will be planning out the new Rotary year. Please consider attending one or more of our meetings this year and add your ideas and enthusiasm to the group. Our meetings are open to both members and other guests.

Happy Bucks, Birthdays and Trips!! Jim Campbell celebrated a birthday on July 6

th. He shared

that he is now the same age as the year he was born. Marv and Joyce Ellenberg will celebrate their 53

rd wedding

anniversary next week while they are on a trip to France. Lad and Leslie Lynch were reminded that their anniversary is coming up next week. I think one of them would have remembered the date.

Page 2: Moraga Rotary Newsletter July 8 2014

Gary and Carol Irwin just returned from a vacation to Vancouver to visit with their family. The Irwins also celebrated their 47

th wedding anniversary while on this trip.

Gary also offered up a Happy Buck for success in rebuilding his computer after the theft of his old machine. Roger Poynts offered a Happy $10 for the continuing progress on the Painted Rock project in Moraga. Contact Roger if you would like to know more about this project. Jim Campbell offered some Happy Bucks for he and Linda’s upcoming trip to Sweden and Scotland. Cliff Dochterman coughed up some Happy Bucks for Angelo Costanza’s speedy return to the club after his recent stay in the John Muir ICU. Welcome back, Angelo!!

The Program Cliff Dochterman introduced our speaker this evening, Rick King, the Past President of Rotary International in 2001/2002. Cliff mentioned that he has known Rick for over 50 years. Rick is a singer and an attorney as well as a truly great Rotarian. He is one of the best two speakers in Rotary (I wonder who the other one might be?). Cliff mentioned Rick’s work with his church and the Boy Scouts as well as his groundbreaking efforts with the PolioPlus program in Rotary. He said that Rick is “…the chocolate chip in the Cookie of Life”. Quite an introduction!

Cliff Introduces Our Guest Speaker….

Past Rotary International President Rick King started our meeting with a song about this Wonderful Day in Rotary. He went on to say that Cliff Dochterman is the only man he has ever met who actually knows everyone in the world. Rick shared this and several other wonderful stories about his Rotary experiences throughout the world. He emphasized his personal commitment to PolioPlus both through early organization and fundraising (with Cliff) as well as on the ground experiences with PolioPlus meetings and inoculations. He went on to describe Rotary in 2014 with 1,219,102 members, in 34,699 clubs. 685 new clubs were started in 2013/2014. 18,604 people attended the International

Convention in Sydney this year. The Australian Government announced a commitment of $100 million to eradicate polio at the event. Rick reminded us of some of the service areas that Rotary is involved in throughout the world, including hunger eradication, wheelchairs, polio eradication, the planting of trees, the treatment of blindness, scholarships and youth programs He stated that social capital is the strength and essence of Rotary. We meet together to make things better! We both make and keep our commitments. Thank you, Rick, for a memorable start to our Rotary year here in Moraga.

Past R.I. President, Rick King presenting to our club


July 12 -- District Awards Luau --- Woodland Community Center July 19 – Fab 5 Event – Picnic in the Park, Lafayette Reservoir July 25 -- TGIF Social at Dochterman Home Aug. 8-10 – OMPA Swim Meet Sept 23 – Official Visit of District Governor

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President……………………………………Debbie Roessler President-elect …………………….……......Roger Gregory Past President……………..……………Nora Avelar-Martin Secretary…………………..…………….........Kevin Reneau Treasurer………………..………………………....Lad Lynch Community Service Chair……..……….. .Barbara Bruner New Generations..…………….……………….Rich Render International Service Chair……….….…Tony Schoemehl Rotary Foundation………………..………..….....Lad Lynch Public Relations …………….……………………Gary Irwin Membership………………………………..……...Frank May Director at Large……………………….……John Erickson Director at Large…………………….…...Cliff Dochterman Director at Large……………………...……Marv Ellenberg Director at Large…………………………….…...Linda May

President, Rotary International………Gary Huang District Governor………………………….Pam Gray Assistant District Governor…..…….Mark Roberts 2013 – 2014 Theme – “Light Up Rotary”

Newsletter Editor for July – Frank May


What an extraordinary Rotary event last night with two Past Presidents of Rotary International present at our meeting. I am certain that few clubs will have this experience this Rotary year. Rick and Cliff are able to share through their stories and experiences truly what it means to be a Rotarian and part of Rotary. Thank you Rick for sharing your thoughts, and stories Thank you, Cliff for being part of our club and helping to bring Rick and Cherie to share their evening with us.

Late News Flash…… I received a note from our President Elect, Roger Gregory. He is busy visiting other Rotarians in Scranton, PA exchanging flags and selling Cliff’s book….

Roger On the Road in Scranton, PA

Herb winning the lottery at the end of our meeting

An Intense audience during Rick’s presentation

Queen Debbie retains her crown