Moraga Rotary Newsletter- Oct 15 2013

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  • 7/27/2019 Moraga Rotary Newsletter- Oct 15 2013


    October 15th, 2013


    NOON MEETING AT SODA CENTERProgram:St. Marys B asketbal l

    Spous es and gu ests welcome!! !Greeter& Invocation.Sonja Malaga


    Oct 18-20 District Conference in Chico.*Oct 22 Regular noon meetingOct 29 March Fundraiser meeting CliffDochtermans Home 5:30PMNov 1 TGIFITLFOTM for October, at theReneausNov 3 Christmas stocking decorating*Indicates a regular Tuesday noon luncheonmeeting**Indicates our monthly evening meeting at 6pm


    Our special guests tonight were PDG Carlos andDenyce Giraldo, from New Smyrna Beach, FL whoare in NorCal as the RI President s Representativeat our District Conference this weekend in Chico.PDG Jim and Linda Campbell are acting as theirofficial Aides during this event. Jim and Carlos bothserved as DG in their respective districts in 2008-2009.

    Other special guests were Immediate Past DistrictGovernor Laura Day and District stalwart andPast President Sheila Hurst of Redding WestRotary, who presented the program today. Wewere also glad to welcome our regular special guestBill Eames ofLafayette Rotary.

    President Nora and PDG Carlos exchanged ClubFlags in honor of his visit.

    ~~PROGRAM~~Our speakers today were Rotarians PDG LaurDay and Sheila Hurst, who developed the districwide projectKenya Smilesover a year ago. Layear, our District 5160 was in the final year of th

    Future Vision Project, and Laura and Sheilsucceeded in obtaining a District-wide Global Graand Vocational Team project to provide a dentpreventive care and oral health education for thchildren of Kenya. In Kenya, The Rotary Clubs oNairobi, Meru, and Karen were heavily involved awell.

    All 71 Clubs in our District contributed about $53,00(setting a record in Foundation giving), and ThRotary Foundation provided $200,000 more. Thgroup wanted a pure Rotary project, with no outsid

    charities nor governments involved. As a resuKenya Smiles is considered a TRF model projecand it was the first time ever for a VocationaExchange Project.

    The excellent Kenyan professional team involved sof the top dentists in Kenya, recruited fromgovernment, academia, and private practice. Thewere able to visit the dental schools at UCSF, UOPand were surprised by the CA Dental Associatiowho arranged a congratulatory resolution from thCalifornia State Senate.

    The 13 person District 5160 team to Kenya, led bRotarian Sheila Hurst, were assisted in outreacefforts in Kenya by the Kenya Dental Associatioand the University School of Journalism, and eveby Ghetto Radio with a daily audience of 200,000 Nairobi. The team had solicited donations for dentequipment, and was able to bring about $50,00worth of such items to Kenya. They also brought suitcase-sized dental office.

    The project goal was largely educational, sincKenya has less than 1000 dentists (with the sampopulation as California) and most residents canafford dental care. They provided classes aninformation about proper nutrition, and provided 20energy efficient jiko stoves, and backpacks to 5,00children containing toothbrushes and toothpasteand educational literature.

    The team is now considering a similar project neighboring Uganda.
  • 7/27/2019 Moraga Rotary Newsletter- Oct 15 2013



    Our second TGIFITLFOTM event will be held atKevin & Pam Reneaus on Friday Nov 1. . . . .President Nora Avelar announced the nextmeeting for our annual fund raiser next March 15

    will be held at Cliff Dochtermans home on Oct29nd at 5:30PM. Please plan to attend . . . .GoldenGate Fields 7th Salute to Rotary Foundationday at the races is scheduled for Saturday,November 16

    th. One spot left-- Check with Frank. .. . ..Christmas Stockings: Decoration of stockingsat Juvenile Hall will be on Sun Nov 3pre-registration with Barbara or Debbie required. Getyour collection of liberated toiletries to BarbaraBrunerorDebbie Roesslerwho will begin sortingthem for stocking stuffing!! . . . . .Please attend theFREE Leadership Symposium sponsored by theTown Network and St. Marys College, on ThursdayOct 24th. Recommended by Debbie; ask her fordetails. . . . .EXTRA: The Christmas Party will beheld on Tuesday Dec 10 at Miramonte Gardensagain.

    ~~FUN STUFF!~~

    Happy bucks: Ron Mucovich, in honor ofDavidKruegel, who at the Serbian Food Festival noticedthat an elderly woman was driving on a flat tire. Healerted to woman to call AAA to get the tirechanged. (He probably would have given a HighFive ifDavid had actually changed the tire.) . . .The Serbian Food Festival was a huge success,attracting many more visitors than last year (maybedue to the ox BBQ) . . . . . Colin Barnard, for therelatively good outcome of his 8 year old sonSams broken arm, suffered at school recess onthe perilous monkey bars . . . Happy Two Bucks,Chuck: Bill Eames, for just being at MoragaRotary! . . . .Frank May, for learning how an ox isroasted at the Serbian Food Festival . . . JimCampbell, for having Carlos and Denyce Giraldoin town, and something to do with an oxymoron(totally unrelated, of course). . . Carlos Giraldo,for being happy in NorCal and Moraga Rotary, forDebbies help in chauffeuring and Rotaryknowledge, for seeing classmate Jim (and Linda),and for getting to meet Cliff Dochterman. . . .Tony Schoemehl gave a High Five for hisundefeated Missouri Tigers, now playing footballin the SEC. . . . No Cal fans were happy this week,again.

    The raffle ticket worth $10 was drawn by MarvEllenberg, but he failed to find the white marble inthe vast sea of clear ones.


    Oct . 12Rossmoor Rotarys 28th

    Annual Galabenefitting Alzheimers and Parkinsons servicesOct . 18-20 Rotary Adventure 2013 (DistrictConference) in ChicoNov. 16

    th - Salute to Rotary Foundation Day at

    Golden Gate FieldsDec. 10 Moraga Rotary Christmas party

    March 15, 2014A Nite at the Races


    President ...........Nora AvelarPresident-Elect....Debbie RoesslerPast President ....Frank MaySecretary....Kevin ReneauTreasurer......Lad LynchCommunity Service Chair...Barbara BrunerNew Generations Chair.........Rich RenderInternational Service Chair..Tony SchoemehlMembership.. ..Frank & DebbiePublic Relations..Gary IrwinDirector at Large.....Cliff DochtermanDirector at Large.........John Erickson


    MONDAYDanville @ Noon.......Faz, Danville

    TUESDAYDiablo View @ 5:30pm...Lift Lounge, Walnut Creek

    WEDNESDAYOrinda @ Noon......Orinda Country ClubBerkeley @ Noon..His Lordships RestauranRossmoor @ Noon.Hillside Clubhouse, Rossmoor

    THURSDAYPleasant Hill @ Noon......St. Andrews Presbyterian ChurchLafayette @ Noon....Oakwood Health CenterOakland @ Noon......California Ballroom

    FRIDAYLamorinda Sunrise @ 7am....Celias Mexican Restaurant

    Concord @ Noon.....Concord HiltonOctobereditor... Gary Irwin



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