More ML Compiling Techniques David Walker

More ML Compiling Techniques David Walker. Today More data structures lists More functions More modules

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Page 1: More ML Compiling Techniques David Walker. Today More data structures lists More functions More modules

More ML

Compiling TechniquesDavid Walker

Page 2: More ML Compiling Techniques David Walker. Today More data structures lists More functions More modules

Today More data structures

lists More functions More modules

Page 3: More ML Compiling Techniques David Walker. Today More data structures lists More functions More modules

Lists Lists are created with

nil (makes empty list) head :: tail (makes a longer list)

5 :: nil : int list

elementlist of elements

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Lists Lists are created with

nil (makes empty list) head :: tail (makes a longer list)

4 :: (5 :: nil) : int list

elementlist of elements

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Lists Lists are created with

nil (makes empty list) head :: tail (makes a longer list)

3 :: 4 :: (5 :: nil) : int list

elementlist of elements

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Lists Lists are created with

3 :: (4 :: (5 :: nil)) : int list

3 :: 4 :: 5 :: nil : int list

(true, 1) :: (false, 2) :: nil : (bool * int) list

(3 :: nil) :: (2 :: nil) :: nil : (int list) list

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Lists Lists:

3 :: [] : int list

3 :: [4, 5] : int list

[true] : bool list

a different wayof writing “nil”

a different wayof writing a list

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Lists Bad List:



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Lists Bad List:


stdIn:1.1-2.2 Error: operator and operand don't agree [literal]

operator domain: int list * int list list operand: int list * int in expression: (4 :: nil) :: 3

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Lists Bad List:

[true, 5];


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Lists Bad List:

[true, 5];

stdIn:17.1-17.9 Error: operator and operand don't agree [literal]

operator domain: bool * bool list operand: bool * int list in expression: true :: 3 :: nil

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List Processing

Functions over lists are usually defined by pattern matching on the structure of a list

Hint: often, the structure of a function isguided by the type of the argument (recall eval)

fun length l = case l of nil => 0 l _ :: l => 1 + (length l)

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List Processing

fun map f l = case l of nil => [] l x :: l => (f x) :: (map f l)

What does it do?

Two arguments f and l

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List Processing

fun map f l = case l of nil => [] l x :: l => (f x) :: (map f l)

applies the function f to every element in the list- fun add1 x = x + 1;- map add1 [1,2,3]; > val it = [2,3,4] : int list

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List Processing

fun fold f a l = case l of nil => a l x :: l => f (fold f a l) x

another incredibly useful function

what does it do? use it to write map.

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ML is all about functions There are many different ways to

define functions! I almost always use “fun f x = ...” When I am only going to use a

function once and it is not recursive, I write an anonymous function: (fn x => ...)

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Anonymous functions

val n = 3

val isValue = (fn t => case t of Bool _ => true | t => false)

binds a variable (n)to a value (3)

binds a variable(isValue)

to the anonymous function valuefn keyword


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Anonymous functions

fun map f l = case l of nil => [] l x :: l => (f x) :: (map f l)

fun addlist x l = map (fn y => y + x) l

anonymous functions

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Anonymous functions

type ifun = int -> int

val intCompose : ifun * ifun -> ifun = ...

fun add3 x = intCompose ((fn x => x + 2), (fn y => y + 1)) x

a pair of anonymous functions

a type definition (very convenient)

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Anonymous functions

type ifun = int -> int

val intCompose : ifun * ifun -> ifun = fn (f,g) => (fn x => f (g x))

fun add3 x = intCompose ((fn x => x + 2), (fn y => y + 1)) x

result is a function!

argument is pair of functionspatternmatchagainstarg

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Another way to write a function

fun f x = ........

can be written as:

val f = (fn x => ......)

provided the function is not recursive;f does not appear in ........

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Another way to write a function

fun f x = ....

can always be written as:

val rec f = (fn x => ...f can be used here...)

keyword rec declares a recursive function value

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Yet another way to write a function

fun isValue Num n = true | isValue (Bool b) = true | isValue (_) = false

This is just an abbreviation for

fun isValue t = case t of Num n => true | Bool b => true | _ => false

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Yet another way to create a type errorfun isValue 0 = true | isValue (Bool b) = true | isValue (_) = false

ex.sml:9.1-11.29 Error: parameter or result constraints of clauses don't agree [literal] this clause: term -> 'Z previous clauses: int -> 'Z in declaration: isValue = (fn 0 => true | Bool b => true | _ => false)

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Parametric Polymorphism Functions like compose work on objects

of many different types

val compose = fn f => fn g => fn x => f (g x)

compose (fn x => x + 1) (fn x => x + 2)

compose not (fn x => x < 17)

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Parametric Polymorphism Functions like compose work on objects

of many different types

val compose = fn f => fn g => fn x => f (g x)

compose not (fn x => x < 17)

compose (fn x => x < 17) not BAD!!

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Parametric Polymorphism Functions like compose work on objects

of many different types

val compose = fn f => fn g => fn x => f (g x)

compose: (‘a -> ‘b) -> (‘c -> ‘a) -> (‘c -> ‘b)

Note: type variables are written with ‘

a type variablestands forany type

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Parametric Polymorphism Functions like compose work on objects

of many different types

compose: (‘a -> ‘b) -> (‘c -> ‘a) -> (‘c -> ‘b)

compose: (int -> ‘b) -> (‘c -> int) -> (‘c -> ‘b)

can be used as if it had the type:

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Parametric Polymorphism Functions like compose work on objects

of many different types

compose: (‘a -> ‘b) -> (‘c -> ‘a) -> (‘c -> ‘b)

compose: ((int * int) -> ‘b) -> (‘c -> (int * int)) -> (‘c -> ‘b)

can be used as if it had the type:

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Parametric Polymorphism Functions like compose work on objects

of many different types

compose: (‘a -> ‘b) -> (‘c -> ‘a) -> (‘c -> ‘b)

compose: (unit -> int) -> (int -> unit) -> (int -> int)

can be used as if it had the type:

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Parametric Polymorphism

compose not : ??

compose : (‘a -> ‘b) -> (‘c -> ‘a) -> (‘c -> ‘b)not : bool -> bool

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Parametric Polymorphism

compose not : ??

compose : (‘a -> ‘b) -> (‘c -> ‘a) -> (‘c -> ‘b)not : bool -> bool

type of compose’s argument must equalthe type of not:bool -> bool == (‘a -> ‘b)

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Parametric Polymorphism

compose not : ??

compose : (‘a -> ‘b) -> (‘c -> ‘a) -> (‘c -> ‘b)not : bool -> bool

‘a must be bool‘b must be bool as well(in this use of compose)


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Parametric Polymorphism

compose not : (‘c -> bool) -> (c’ -> bool)

compose : (‘a -> ‘b) -> (‘c -> ‘a) -> (‘c -> ‘b)not : bool -> bool

‘a = bool‘b = bool

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Parametric Polymorphism

compose not : (‘c -> bool) -> (c’ -> bool)

(compose not) not : bool -> bool

compose : (‘a -> ‘b) -> (‘c -> ‘a) -> (‘c -> ‘b)not : bool -> bool

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Parametric Polymorphism

compose not : (‘c -> bool) -> (c’ -> bool)

(compose not) not : ??

compose : (‘a -> ‘b) -> (‘c -> ‘a) -> (‘c -> ‘b)not : bool -> bool

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Parametric Polymorphism

compose (fn x => x) : ?

compose : (‘a -> ‘b) -> (‘c -> ‘a) -> (‘c -> ‘b)

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Parametric Polymorphism

compose (fn x => x) : ?

compose : (‘a -> ‘b) -> (‘c -> ‘a) -> (‘c -> ‘b)

‘d -> ‘d

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Parametric Polymorphism

compose (fn x => x) : ?

compose : (‘a -> ‘b) -> (‘c -> ‘a) -> (‘c -> ‘b)

‘d -> ‘d

must be the same


‘a = ‘d‘b = ‘d

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Parametric Polymorphism

compose (fn x => x) : ?

compose : (‘d -> ‘d) -> (‘c -> ‘d) -> (‘c -> ‘d)

‘d -> ‘d

must be the same


‘a = ‘d‘b = ‘d

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Parametric Polymorphism

compose (fn x => x) : ?

compose : (‘d -> ‘d) -> (‘c -> ‘d) -> (‘c -> ‘d)

‘d -> ‘d

(‘c -> ‘d) -> (‘c -> ‘d)

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What is the type of map?

fun map f l = case l of nil => [] l x :: l => (f x) :: (map f l)

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What is the type of map?

fun map f l = case l of nil => [] l x :: l => (f x) :: (map f l)

Hint: top-level shape is:

.... -> ... -> ....

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What is the type of map?

fun map f l = case l of nil => [] l x :: l => (f x) :: (map f l)


(‘a -> ‘b) -> ‘a list -> ‘b list

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ML Modules Signatures

Interfaces Structures

Implementations Functors

Parameterized structures Functions from structures to


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structure Queue = struct

type ‘a queue = ‘a list * ‘a listexception Emptyval empty = (nil, nil)fun insert (x, q) = …fun remove q = …


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structure Queue = struct

type ‘a queue = ‘a list * ‘a listexception Empty


fun insert2 q x y = Queue.insert (y, Queue.insert (q, x))

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structure Queue = struct


structure Q = Queue

fun insert2 q x y = Q.insert (y, Q.insert (q, x))


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structure Queue = struct

type ‘a queue = ‘a list * ‘a list...


fun insert2 (q1,q2) x y : ‘a queue = (x::y::q1,q2)

by default,all componentsof the structure may be used

-- we know the type ‘a queue

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signature QUEUE =sig

type ‘a queueexception Emptyval empty : ‘a queueval insert : ‘a * ‘a queue -> ‘a queueval remove : ‘a queue -> ‘a * ‘a

queue end

abstract type

-- we don’t know the type ‘a queue

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Information hiding

signature QUEUE = sig type ‘a queue ... end

structure Queue :> QUEUE = struct type ‘a queue = ‘a list * ‘a list val empty = (nil, nil) … end

fun insert2 (q1,q2) x y : ‘a queue = (x::y::q1,q2)

does nottype check

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Signature Ascription Opaque ascription

Provides abstract typesstructure Queue :> QUEUE = …

Transparent ascription A special case of opaque ascription Hides fields but does not make types

abstractstructure Queue_E : QUEUE = …

SEE Harper, chapters 18-22 for more on modules

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Other things functors (functions from structures

to structures) references (mutable data structures)

ref e; !e; e1 := e2 while loops, for loops arrays (* comments (* can be *) nested *) a bunch of other stuff...

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Last Things Learning to program in SML can be

tricky at first But once you get used to it, you

will never want to go back to imperative languages

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