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May issue of the only magazine for Morphopsychology

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p 3 Edito

p.4 & 5

Corman’s method you cannot give an assessment based on

one point only p.6 & 8

Help your children

Face and side views

p.9 & 10

Corman said

Energy is mentioned

p.12 & 13

Morpho Modeling Anne Sophie Boutry’s workshop

Published in France by www.nemopsy.fr may2011


With this number eight we start a new series. We enter in Corman’s world and put together Morphopsychology and Energy (see Corman said page 9).

Here are new examples and testimonials. I expect they will encourage you to write me and ask questions and specific developments. I am ready to help you understand that Morphopsychology is useful for everybody everywhere in all circumstances.

I want to thank some of you that supported me from the beginning, especially those that joined the “morphopsychologists” group in Linked In. I don’t want to forget my friend the Consigliori Pasquale who suggested me to open the “Corman said” heading. Thanks to you my friend who proof read so nicely these texts. Thanks to Philippe who helps me with “radio-interview” and Vivien with whom I work on Morphocouple…

A warm greeting to you who read this magazine and wish to enter this wonderland of understanding others.

I wish you many good things and first a pleasant and fruitful reading.



Corman’s method

Corman’s fundamental law of dilatation/constriction is applied to each level of the face front view and side view. It is interesting to notice that this very law can apply on any part of the face: the shape, the forehead, cheeks, chin, eyes, nose, mouth…

Each time you observe a part, it says something. However you cannot give an assessment based on one

point only. As soon as you notice a point, it induces to merge this observance with what you said before. In other terms, It is not possible to say: “Your nose shows so and so” because the toning of the face would change what you can say as well as many other details.

Let’s talk about an example.




With these two photos I’ll try to explain you what I said.

These two men have many details in common in their faces. These two faces are rectangular, the hair on the foreheads are sloping down in the middle, the noses are straight forward, and the eyes are “toneless” in both cases. We can notice the flat area under the eyes which Corman calls “latero nasal retraction” (LNR). I just quoted a few points that are quite similar in both photos.

Watching these faces quickly could lead us to a similar assessment in each case. However there are some other details that make a real difference.

The shape of N°2’s face wider than N°1, the mandible is wider too. The mouth of

this man is more toned that the other’s. The forehead of #1 is higher wider than #2.

The most important is the general toning of the face. One looks strong the other one is weak. That makes a great difference which changes all the personality. We’ll talk about toning later. Just remember that assessment needs to encompass all the information. If you forget one your may be terribly wrong unless you want to remain on a general level.

I can tell you now that one of these two men was a serial killer; can you find which one?

Visit http://www.nemopsy.fr/en


We are trying to give some keys to enable parents and educators to help children. Although there are some specific indications, one must remember that any information in this magazine can be used to help children.

Many agree that to help a child we first have to observe him (her) and listen to the story told. I do agree with this and I add that the second step is the child and explain why before helping him (her) with compassion and empathy.

That is where Morphopsychology helps. I say again and again that the information that

Morphopsychology gives is difficult to obtain trough another way.

To help your child you have to know really his (her) reasoning. You must adapt you language and the way you will explain things. Your child doesn’t see things as you do of course. It is something to say so and it is more difficult to behave accordingly.

A child with a round shaped face will often be cheerful however you must be careful and watch the side view.

I want to show you one example which is the best

way to explain…p. 8


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Here is a teenager who is smiling. She looks cheerful (and she is really) but you have to watch the side view (B) to see that first, eyes are hidden (backward) and the mouth is slightly retracted. The young person wants to control herself. She doesn’t want to accept all the things you want her to believe or do. So you have to put more effort to explain things rather than convince her. She first would like to think, reflect, and consider things as her own before accepting them. Her face is toned so she is ready to listen to your speech if she accepts you.

As you can see I slightly changed the lower part of the side view (C), the mouth is

pulled forward and the face looks quite different now. She seems not to control things so much and it could be easier to explain things to her.

This is just a rapid explanation of what Morphopsychology can do for you if you are a parent or a teacher or are involved in education. With this very girl there would be many things to show. I will use these photos to go further in this description.

I’d like you to write a short feedback and include any questions for clarification: www.nemopsy.fr/contact.php


“… human is not divisible and is evident watching the interdependence and inter action between ‘body’ and ‘spirit’.” (the diagnosis of intelligence with Morphopsychology PUF 1989 p. 5)

We cannot think that intelligence is only ‘abstract’, the body is involved with intelligence as much as the brains. That is approximately how Louis Corman begins the book quoted above.

That is how Morphopsychology observes people. Corman explains that every part of a person is involved in all actions, thoughts and fields of the life.

So, observing the face it is possible to know how the individual adapts himself/herself to the environment. And “examining features and morphology leads to evaluate intellectual capabilities and skills” (op cit.P.7)

Morphopsychology is a dynamic study of people and we have to follow the modification of the body due to life. Nothing is static and everything changes so a morphopsychological study is like a photo shot at such a time. The photo will not be the same in a few years, neither will be morphopsychological assessments.

We know that our face is not the same every morning and when you have something wrong it can be seen on your face. When you are tired or ill you cannot concentrate 100%, do you? So it is evident that it is not possible to talk about intelligence


without examining the whole person.

That is the basis of Corman’s work explained in this book. So Morphopsychology is different from any other science as it is “dynamic” and it works involving the whole person as an entity which possesses energy and

try to use it as well as possible to behave and live and grow.

From suckling to grown up we manage and use energy with two main strengths fighting one against the other: EXPANSION and RETRACTION (dilatation and constriction).

Just born, a human being wants to live and spends all his strength to do so and Expansion is their leitmotiv.

The more they grow up the more he uses the energy to

keep alive. Energy is spent and they have to save it and be careful not to waste it.

So, study the whole person and take into account the energy. http://alturl.com/xcgsx


We have developed a new concept and use Morphopsychology to help choosing a mate. As Morphopsychology gives information about your deep personality and who you really are it is possible to determine who will bring harmony and congruence into your life.

So doing the study facilitates the search for that elusive partner and provides you with an accurate assessment of your potential partner’s personality now and in the future.

You can listen to the interview following the link http://alturl.com/q8iun

For more detail and to ask your questions http://www.morphocouple.com


Many thanks to Anne Sophie Boutry morphopsychologist for this article (last part next month)

Morpho Modeling

Workshop : Model one’s face to meet oneself

For a better representation of oneself and a better welcome to others’ opinions

Actual world is overwhelmed with hard competition and communication which is becoming more and more virtual. It is necessary to help everyone to meet oneself again?

That is what I offer with “Carving one’s face to meet oneself” which I created. Here is a description with thoughts about:

• The goal • The process • The people involved • The positive points • The benefit of such

experiment for morphopsychologists

• To conclude, the philosophy about some famous characters.

• The goal of this workshop:

This workshop “Carving one’s face” will help you to know your face, the face you have, the face you think you have or the face you would like to have. I will show you the face you do not accept or at least the face you do not control. This workshop leads you to accept others’ different face, the face he has which is not how you would like it to be. So you widen your sight… This “rendez-vous” with yourself helps you to drop the mask. To touch and let the clay touch you gives you the humility necessary to have the right consciousness of oneself make it up with your own appearance. That is the joy you feel with the clay as if you were a grown up child.


1. The process The workshop duration is half a day once a month - Some time to relax as to be ready - Modeling of one’s face (with mirrors). Themes are available and an “eyes shut” work allows you to really feel the clay as it was alive and to explore you own face… There is no noise to settle a real communication between clay and human. We begin with the live feelings to acquire confidence and skill to engrave and add and take off. It is interesting to notice that it is always possible to go backward and repair a mistake and go forward. - Group sharing. It is very important, everybody talks and expresses his (her)

feelings felt during the first period. Each one accepts others watching and begin to accept his (her) own face with a better consciousness about the benefit of this work about one’s face. We could talk about narcissic rebuilding. - At last, finding the meaning of the work done. There is a personal meditation, a reminding of impressions and feelings. That is like a conversation between consciousness, hands and body. Each one thinks of what has been heard from others. A significant title is put on the production to help meditating until the next workshop. As well it is asked to polish it as to help the participant to meet himself (herself).

www.artliance.fr Anne Sophie Boutry

8 avenue du Parc 92170 VANVES Workshops Vanves, Paris

and elsewhere on demand


[email protected]

From Australia (M. Ch.): I discovered morphopsychology almost 2 years ago, and am just starting to apprehend the number of applications for this modality.

I am a natural beauty therapist by trade, and the sentence:

“The skin is the reflection of the state of mind” is even more meaningful with the knowledge of morphopsychology.

In the same way that we can say: “help yourself and God will help you”, we can also say: “Know yourself and help yourself with Morphopsychology”. This is a fundamental tool for coaching on all levels, and certainly one that I can use in a lot of ways. In a time where a lot of people seek answers about everything, helping them to know and understand themselves better is a small part of universal awareness.

From France (Phil): It is a pleasure to “discover” oneself with morphopsychology. People has advantage to learn and open himself to life. Share and analysis help world to be better, thanks to morphopsychology.

This discipline brings a complete knowledge of oneself. Studying our personality enable us to do more for our neighbor. It is important to learn who you are as to grow up from the mistakes we made as to be in accord with oneself.

Published in France by www.nemopsy.fr