MOTION SYSTEMS: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Motion Systems, the Third Workshop of the Society of Technical Biology and Bionics and the Second Biomechanic Workshop of the Studygroup Morphology (DZG), Jena 1997 Reinhard Blickhan, Alfred Wisser & Werner Nachtigall (eds.) Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur • Mainz Gustav Fischer Verlag Stuttgart • Jena • Lübeck • Ulm FISCHER 1998


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Proceedings of the First International Conference on Motion Systems, the Third Workshop of the Society of Technical Biology and Bionics and the Second Biomechanic Workshop of the Studygroup Morphology (DZG), Jena 1997

Reinhard Blickhan, Alfred Wisser & Werner Nachtigall (eds.)

Akademie der Wissenschaf ten und der Li teratur • Mainz

Gustav Fischer Ver lag Stut tgar t • Jena • Lübeck • Ulm FISCHER


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I. International Conference on Motion Systems

Keynote A - Actuators

Dick F. Stegeman et al, (Nijmegen/Jena)

page 2

Surface EMG mapping on a motor unit level: A detailed Interpre­tation of muscie structure and activation

Session A1 - Functional Morphology of Musculature

Friedhelm v, Mehring, Stephan Senne, Martin S. Fischer (Jena)

R. Rupprecht (Mainz)

Johan L. van Leeuwen (Leiden), W. M. Kier (North Carolina)

Thoralf Johansson, Reinhard Blickhan (Jena)

H. Witte, S. Recknagel, J. G. Rao, M. Wüthrich, C. Lesch (Bochum)

Regionalisation in mammalian forelimb muscles - fibre architecture and morphogenesis

The ultrastructure of the autapomorph muscles in the larvae of Perla marginata (Insecta: Plecoptera)

Dynamics and scaling of the tentacles of squid

Simulation of skeletal muscles using a three-dimensional finite element model

Is elastic energy storage of quantitative relevance for the functio­nal morphology of the human locomotor apparatus?


Session A2 - Muscie Activity

Hans-Christoph Scholle, Christoph Anders, Nikolaus-Peter Schumann, Frank Biedermann, Uwe Bradl, Karin Roeleveld (Jena)

Karin Roeleveld, Dick F. Stegeman (Nijmegen/Jena), Hans-Christoph Scholle (Jena)

Nikolaus-Peter Schumann, Frank Biedermann, Alexander Haas, Uwe Bradl, Bert-U. Kleine, Friedhelm v. Mehring, Martin S. Fischer, Hans-Chr. Scholle (Jena)

Christoph Anders, Recruitment of low back muscles during defined loading Jürgen Grosch*, Ingo Bradl*, situations Hans-Christoph Scholle (Jena, "Erfurt)

SEMG interference patterns mapping: Topography of spectral myoelectrical Parameters concerning morpho-functional muscie properties

Interpretation of surface EMG maps on motor unit level

The EMG representation of functionally differentiated intramuscular activation in toads - a hint of muscie compartments





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Finite element modeling of volume conduction in muscle based structures

Caroline Houtman, NMR spectroscopy in the study of muscle fatique Arend Heerschap, Ron Wevers, Dick Stegeman (Nijmegen)

Erik Spaan, Joleen Blök, Theo Arends, Dick Stegeman (Nijmegen)

Uwe BradI, Hans-Christoph Determination of the optimal working ränge using biomechanical Scholle (Jena) and surface EMG Parameters

Session A3 - From Muscles to Technical Actuators

Bernd Clephas, H. Janocha Bionische Prinzipien in technischen Systemen mit neuen Aktoren (Saarbrücken)





Jörg Grabow (Ilmenau)

H.-K. Roth, M. Schrödner, A, Bleyer (Rudolstadt-Schwarza)

Thomas Frank (Ilmenau)

Keynote B - Joints

Ein Muskelmodell mit zeitvarianten, nichtlinearen Übertragungs­funktionen

Actuators based on electroactive polymers

Aufbau und Funktion kaskadierter elektrodynamischer Mikroan-triebe




T, J. A, Mommersteeg (Nijmegen)

Kinematics and restraint mechanisms of the human knee Joint 37

Session B1 - Functional Morphology of Joints

Functional morphology of the Shoulder Joint in penguins Rudolf Bannasch (Berlin)

Michael Karner (Jena)

Reinhold Hustert, Matthias Konen (Göttingen)

Fabian Haas (Jena)

Biruta Kresling (Paris)

Mees Muller (Wageningen)

H. Witte, F. Eckstein, S. Recknagel (Bochum)

Heiko Wagner, Reinhard Blickhan (Jena)

Evolutive aspects of antagonistic force-transmission in arthropod joints

Biomechanics of the knee determines a simple type of motor control in kicks and Jumps of crickets

Wing folding in the coleoptera

Exploring elastic and bistable properties of folding patterns in insect wings

Four-bar linkages in vertebrates

The forces acting on the human acetabulum during Walking, calculated on the base of in vivo-force measurements, kinematic analysis and morphometry

Modelling the human knee using cruciate ligaments









Veit Wank, Wolfgang Börner Estimation of instantaneous moment arms of the knee extensor (Jena) muscles on the basis of modeling the knee Joint kinematics


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Session B2 - From Animal Joints to Technical Joints

Gerhard Bögelsack, Joints in nature and technology - comparison and modelling 61 Cornelius Schilling (Ilmenau)

Frank Böttcher, Gerhard Bewegungsmöglichkeiten durch Gelenke an ausgewählten Bei- 63

Christen (Ilmenau) spielen

Holger Kunz (Ilmenau) Systematik und Analyse stoffschlüssiger Gelenke 65

Lazio Vaienta, Tamäs Feller, A new Joint structure formed by linking silikon rubber and other 67 Josef Imre substances (Budapest) Martin Schwörer, Manfred Dynamic characteristics of non-circular joints 69 Kohl (Karlsruhe), Mikio Horie (Yokohama)

Frank Wauro (Ilmenau), Der Übergang vom biologischen zum technischen Gelenk am 71 Frank Bartels Beispiel des schwingungsfähigen Mittelohrimplantats (Dortmund)

Keynote C - Motion Systems

Friedrich Pfeiffer Artificial locomotion of Walking machines - Über die Bewegung von 74

(München) Laufmaschinen

Session C1 - Evolution of Motion Systems

Winfried S. Peters (Gießen), Constructional constraints in cells: Volume controi and the deve- 77 Bernd Herkner (Karlsruhe) lopment of motion Systems in early evolution Michael Günther, Robin H. New aspects on the evolution of human locomotion using predicti- 79 Crompton, Yu Li, Weiji ve dynamic modelling techniques Wang (Liverpool)

MartinS. Fischer (Jena) Evolution of the three-segmented, parasagittal limb oftherian 81 mammals

Jutta Biltzinger, Martin S. Inverse dynamical analysis of the locomotion of Tupaia glis 83 Fischer (Jena)

Angelika M. Hofstetter, Analysis of quadrupedal and bipedal Walking in apes and humans 85 Carsten Niemritz (Berlin)

Christine Tardieu (Paris) Developmental heterochrony in hominid evolution: The arguments 87 of femur ontogeny

Session C2 - Kinetics of Movement in Humans and Animals

Christian Alscher, Wolf- A dynamical model of the leech 90 Jürgen Beyn (Bielefeld), Martin Wadepuhl (Ulm-Söflingen)

Lena Zentner, Hydraulischer Antrieb im Spinnenbeinmodell - Modell und 92 Laszlo Molnar, Klaus technische Umsetzung Zimmermann (Ilmenau), Reinhard Blickhan (Jena)

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Sergey Petkun. Reinhard Blickhan (Jena)

Designing a deminutive force platform 94

Marc de Lussanet (Rotterdam), Mees Muller (Wageningen)

Arnd Friedrichs, Andre Seyfarth, Veit Wank, Rein­hard Blickhan (Jena)

Andre Seyfarth, Arnd Friedrichs, Reinhard Blickhan (Jena)

Michael Günther (Tübingen/Jena)

Uwe Parsche (Chemnitz), Thomas Jürgensohn (Berlin)

Why do pipe fishes have a long snout?

Different techniques for getting a maximum jumping distance

Evaluation of jumping techniques using mechanical modeis

Synthesis of human Walking

Kognitiv geregeltes Fahrermodell mit Hilfe von Mehrkörper­systemen






H. Witte, C. Lesch, H. Preuschoft (Bochum)

A computational model for the 2d-simulation of the mechanics of equine trot and gallop

Robert Riener, Th. Fuhr, G. Sit-to-stand transfer of paraplegic patients by means of functional Schmidt, J. Quintern electrical Stimulation (München), F. Bahrami (Teheran)



Session C3 - Movement Systems from Animals to Technical Vehicles and Robots

Klaus Zimmermann (Ilmenau)

An approach to the modelling of biological and technical movement Systems

Claus-Dieter Wolf, Thomas Modellierung und Simulation eines Bootes mit Flossen-Härtel, Uwe Jungnickel, antrieb Pham Anh Tuan (Chemnitz)

Joachim Steigenberger (Ilmenau)

Victor G. Lysenko (Minsk)

Mathematical approach to worm-like locomation

Methoden zur Verbesserung von Antriebssystemen auf der Basis der Modellierung der Bewegungen des Regenwurmes

Nandor Turkevi-Nagy, Gleichrichterventile aus Silikonkautschuk nach biologischem Vor-Jozsef Nagy, Laszlo Valenta bild für ascite Körperflüssigkeit (Budapest)






Marianne I. Christel, Peter Weiss, Stefan Bavar (Berlin)

The temporal pattern and the asymmetry of Performances in precise reach-to-grasp movements - a comparison between Homo sapiens and Macaca nemestrina


Klaus D. Maier, Volkmar Glauche, Clemans Beck­stein, Reinhard Blickhan (Jena)

Controlling movement with artificial neural networks 122

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Poster: I. International Conference on Motion Systems

Frank Biedermann, Niko­laus-Peter Schumann, Alex­ander Haas, Hans-Christoph Scholle, Martin S, Fischer (Jena)

EMG recordings in small animals using a miniaturised 16 Channel monopolar matrix electrode and bipolar wire hook electrodes: A technical study


Detlef Riemer, Eberhard Kallenbach, Cornelius Schilling (Ilmenau)

Technisch relevante Muskelmodelle mit funktionsmorphologi­schen Eigenschaften nach biologischem Vorbild


Leonid Frantsevich (Kiev)

Stanislaw Gorb (Tübingen)

Nadja Schilling, Manuela Schmidt, Danja Voges, Martin S. Fischer (Jena)

Kinematic of an arthropod leg with oblique joints 129

The jumping mechanism of cicada Cercopis vulnerata: 131 Skeletal structures, musculature, frictional surfaces and kinematic model of leg movements

Kinematic analysis of small mammals and primates 133

Thomas Frank (Ilmenau) Elektrodynamische Mikroantriebe in Silizium-Technik

Christian Siebenhaar, V. Guyenot (Jena)

Position adjustment - from manual tapping to computer-aided control



III. Workshop of the Society for Technical Biology and Bionics

Keynote Session 1

Wolfram Zarnack (Göttingen)

Relationships between muscle activity, wing movements and aerodynamics in locustflight


Session 1 - „Control of Movement"

Klaus Holthausen, Olaf Breidbach (Jena)

Movement control by internal representations -a new concept for parallel Computing and parallel control


Dennis Brunn, Antje Schweins (Bielefeld)

Leg joints coupled both mechanically and by a common neural drive in the stick insect Carausius morosus


Josef Schmitz, Axel von Kamp, Thomas Kindermann, Holk Cruse (Bielefeld)

Adaptations to increased load in a control System governing movements of biological and artificial Walking machines


Robert Riener, A. Straube (München)

Inverse dynamics as a diagnostic tool for motion analysis in cerebellar patients


Christian Bartling (Bielefeld)

Bernhard Möhl (Saarbrücken)

Compensation of mechanical disturbances during the stance phase of the free Walking stick insect Carausius morosus

Elastic components in movement Systems



Keynote Session 2

Jeremy M. V. Rayner (Bristol)

Visualization and modelling of the wakes of flying birds 165

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Session 2 - „Movement in Fluids"

Fritz-Olaf Lehmann (Würzburg)

Peter Aerts, Johan Van Damme, Frits De Vree (Antwerpen)

Holger Preuschoft (Bochum)

Werner Nachtigall, W, Schuhn (Saarbrücken)

Alexander V. Shekhovtsov, Stanislav A. Dovgiy (Kiev)

Thomas Breithaupt (Konstanz)

Antonia Kesel, Werner Nachtigall (Saarbrücken), Anita Roth, Volker Mosbrugger (Tübingen)

Hans Scharstein (Köln)

J. W. M. Osse (Wageningen)

Alexander V. Shekhovtsov, Stanislav A. Dovgiy (Kiev)

W.Send (Göttingen)

Werner Müller (Berlin)

Giannino Patone (Berlin)

Ralf Kockler, Frank Wedekind, Regine Gesser, Werner Nachtigall (Saarbrücken)

Rudolf Bannasch (Berlin)

The scaling of aerodynamic Performance in fruit flies 175

Aquatic feeding in australian snake-necked turtles (Pleurodira; 177 Chelodina)

Form-function-relationship of the vertebral column of 179 aquatic mammals

Untersuchungen zum Fischvortrieb und Modellmessungen auf 181 dem Weg zu einem Tretbootantrieb

Hydrodynamics of scombroid swimming 183

Flow generation by specialized appendages in lobsters and 185 crayfish

Fluiddynamische Effekte an biologischen Tragflächen bei kleinen 187 bis mittleren Reynold's-Zahlen

Ein Piezo-Flügelantrieb zur Untersuchung der Biophysik und 189 Aerodynamik des Insektenfluges (A piezo wing drive for investigating large-insect flight)

Swimming and growth in fish larvae 192

Flight of insects: Models and analysis 193

Artificial bird in tethered flight - demonstration and 195 aerodynamics

Bird flight in unsteady wind conditions: 197 I. Biomechanical properties of bird's covert feathers

Bird flight in unsteady wind conditions: 199 II. Technical application of the "covert-feathers-effect"

Aspekte zur bionischen Übertragung einiger aerodynamischer 201 Strukturen des Vogelflügels

Wing propulsion and boundary layer development in 203 swimming penguins

Poster: IM. Workshop of the Society for Technical Biology and Bionics

Ralf Schünemann Reconstruction of the wing profiles in locust flight (Göttingen)


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Johannes Mie Locust flight: An aerodynamic balance and the calibration 208 (Göttingen) of a movement transducer

Marc de Lussanet, J. B. J. Dynamic control in hitting a moving target Smeets, E. Brenner (Rotterdam)


Volkmar Glauche, Klaus D. Artificial neural networks for supervised control of a spring-mass Maier, Clemens Beckstein movement System (Jena)


II. Workshop of the Studygroup Morphology


Robert J. Füll (Berkeley)

The role of the mechanical System in control 215

Session 1 - Biomechanics of Mechanoreception

Helmut Schmitz, Horst Bleckmann (Bonn), Karl-Heinz Apel (Eberswalde), Manfred Mürtz (Bonn)

Ein photomechanisch arbeitender Infrarotrezeptor des Pracht­käfers Melanophila acuminata


Leonid Frantsevich, Irene Shumakova (Kiev)

Arcular chordotonal organ in beetles, a new type of force trans­ducer


Reinhold Necker (Bochum)

Spezializations in the lumbosacral spinal cord of birds: Evidence for a sense of equilibrium?


Mufti P, Patria, Konrad Wiese (Hamburg) Joachim Mogdans, Horst Bleckmann (Bonn)

Antennular sensitivity to flow Signals in krill

Representation of hydrodynamic Stimuli by primary lateral line afferent discharges



Session 2 - Functional Morphology of Motion Systems

Regine Gesser, Frank Wedekind, Ralf Kockler, Werner Nachtigall (Saarbrücken)

Aerodynamische Untersuchungen zu naturnahen Starmodellen: 1. Grundlegende Ergebnisse


Werner Nachtigall Zur Strömungsmechanik der Schuberzeugung über Ringwirbel bei (Saarbrücken) der Feuerqualle


Jürgen Bereiter-Hahn (Frankfurt/M.)

Oliver Wagner, Jürgen Bereiter-Hahn (Frankfurt/M.)

Spezifität der Wirkung mechanischer Reizung mensch­licher Epidermiszellen - Altering profilation, differentiation and motility of cells by mechanical Stimulation

Determination of mechanical properties of cytoplasmatic gels in microlitervolumes



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Ilonka Karl (Frankfurt/M.)

Reaction of Single cells to mechanical stress 236

Christine Hertier (Frankfurt/M.)

Matthias Gutmann (Bad-Neuenahr)

Michael Karner (Frankfurt/Main / Jena)

Alfred Wisser (Saarbrücken)

Antonia B. Kesel, Ute Philippi, Werner Nachtigall (Saarbrücken)

Biruta Kresling (Paris)

Veit Wank, Bernd Walter, Reinhard Bauer, Martin S. Fischer (Jena)

Johan L. Van Leeuwen (Leiden)

Monique F. Medina, Francoise K. Jouffroy (Paris)

The hydrostatic skeleton model in morphology - 238 on the use and misuse of a model

Perspectives of a constructional theory of modeis - 239 the methodological role of modeis in biology

Bifunctional muscles and interlocking mechanisms in Canthahs'. 240 How not to move the wings

Vergleichende Funktionsmorphologie des Flügelgelenkes und 242 des Flügels der Schmeissfliege (Calliphora erythrocephala Meig., Diptera) und der Honigbiene (Apis mellifica L, Hymenoptera)

Biomechanik des Insektenflügels - einige Aspekte zur 244 Statik am Beispiel des Libellenflügels (Anisoptera)

The nematocyst tubule: A 3-dimensional folding conundrum 246

Muscle mass, muscle fiber diameter and fiber type 248 composition during the ontogenesis of the pig

Optimization of skeletal muscle design for particular functional 250 demands

Immunocytochemical approach to the study of postural 252 limb muscles in reptiles

Poster: II. Workshop of the Studygroup Morphology

Frank Wedekind, Regine Gesser, Ralf Kockler, Werner Nachtigall (Saarbrücken)

Regine Gesser, Frank Wedekind, Ralf Kockler, Werner Nachtigall (Saarbrücken)

Regine Gesser, Frank Wedekind, Ralf Kockler, Werner Nachtigall (Saarbrücken) Stanislaw Gorb (Tübingen)

Monika Junge, Werner Nachtigall (Saarbrücken)

Aerodynamische Studien am Starenmodell: 255 Einfluß der federstufig gestalteten Flügeloberflache

Aerodynamische Untersuchungen an naturnahen Starenmodellen: 257 2. Flügel-Rumpf-Interferenzen

Aerodynamische Untersuchungen an naturnahen Starenmodellen: 259 3. Aspekte zur Umströmung des Schwanzblatts

Scale effects on the microtrichia structure in the elytra-lock of the 261 tenebrionid beetles

Untersuchungen zur Nutzung instationärer Umströmung 263 am Beispiel fächelnder Bienen

Liste der Autoren 267

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