MOUNTAIN RESCUE SERVICE OF SERBIA - GSS.rsgss.rs/uploads/docs/MRS.Serbia.CV.pdf · Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia performs search and rescue in urban areas. This includes rescue

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Page 1: MOUNTAIN RESCUE SERVICE OF SERBIA - GSS.rsgss.rs/uploads/docs/MRS.Serbia.CV.pdf · Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia performs search and rescue in urban areas. This includes rescue



Page 2: MOUNTAIN RESCUE SERVICE OF SERBIA - GSS.rsgss.rs/uploads/docs/MRS.Serbia.CV.pdf · Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia performs search and rescue in urban areas. This includes rescue

Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia


“REKA 2012”

Search and Rescue from canyon exercise

October 2012

Page 3: MOUNTAIN RESCUE SERVICE OF SERBIA - GSS.rsgss.rs/uploads/docs/MRS.Serbia.CV.pdf · Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia performs search and rescue in urban areas. This includes rescue

Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia


CONTENTS .............................................................................................

Introduction / 2

Rescue in urban areas / 4

Rescue in general mountain conditions / 6

Vertical rescue / 8

Cave rescue / 10

Ski patrol search and rescue / 12

Helicopter rescue / 14

Rescue dog / 15

Structure of MRS Serbia / 16

Development plan of the MRS Serbia / 18

Training / 18

License / 19

Cooperation / 20

Equipment / 21

Territorial organization of Mountain Rescue

Service of Serbia / 22


Milan Vitorović Bojan Dragutinović Mirjana Perić

Photos used in text are from rescue operations and exercises of the MRS Serbia

Page 4: MOUNTAIN RESCUE SERVICE OF SERBIA - GSS.rsgss.rs/uploads/docs/MRS.Serbia.CV.pdf · Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia performs search and rescue in urban areas. This includes rescue

Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia


Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia (MRS Serbia) is а voluntary and non-for-profit organization driven primarily by the cause of helping and rescuing endangered or injured people in rough alpine terrains and urban areas. The primary task of MRS is to save human life and to help those in jeopardy.

Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia was founded in 1952 by experienced climbers and alpinists from the Mountaineering Association of Serbia. Today, the MRS Serbia includes almost 250 licensed active rescuers, many of whom are experienced mountaineers, climbers, cavers, divers, skiers and paragliders.

Serbian State of Emergency law includes Mountain

Rescue Service of Serbia as part of protection and rescue structure in Serbia and defines it as a strategic partner of Department for State of

Emergency - Ministry of Interior for rescuing in difficult-to-access terrains.

Head of Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia is a

member of the Republic HQ for the State of Emergency.


Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia is equipped, skilled and trained for performing all kind of search and rescue operations in the domains of:






The MRS Serbia is a member of the international alpine rescue organization - IKAR-CISA (Internationale Kommission Für Alpines Rettungswesen - Commission Internationale de Sauvetage Alpin), as well as the international cave rescue organization – ECRA (European Cave Rescue Association), and acts in alignment with recommendations of these organizations.

Page 5: MOUNTAIN RESCUE SERVICE OF SERBIA - GSS.rsgss.rs/uploads/docs/MRS.Serbia.CV.pdf · Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia performs search and rescue in urban areas. This includes rescue

Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia


So far MRS Serbia has tens of thousands successful search and rescue missions resulting in locating,

securing, stabilizing and evacuating of the people in jeopardy. We have taken part in all of the emergency

and crisis situations in Serbia and the region and our role was recognized and appreciated as the act and

thought leaders. During the NATO bombardment of Serbia we’ve been engaged in search and

rescue/recovery from the affected civilian buildings. During the massive wild fires we’ve been guiding

firefighters and providing them with access to chosen spots as well as evacuating trapped people. During

the recent extreme blizzards and cold weather stints we have been engaged in delivering essentials to the

trapped as well as evacuating most endangered. In the most recent floods in Serbia we have been engaged

in round the clock search and rescue/evacuation on most critical spots. For all our endeavors over the years

we’ve received gratitude and recognition for the bravery, skill, selflessness and efficiency of our rescuers

and teams.

Our continuous presence in the mountains has also facilitated tourism in the region. None of the ski resorts

in Serbia would be considered safe without MRS ski patrols. MRS Serbia is also heavily involved in education

and providing a range of specialized search and rescue related training, para-medic training in extreme

conditions, as well as environmental protection.

MRS of Serbia, today, is a hallmark of Serbian mountaineering. Our rescue teams are both well respected

and appreciated. This is only possible because MRS invests resources and time in continuous maintaining of

high skills standards of its members, including a thorough annual certification and licensing of its active

rescuers. Statistics shows that annually, on average, more than 10 rescuers were involved in rescue

operations or realistic exercises every day.

For all of this and its reliability, MRS Serbia is one of the key constituents of a civilian public framework of

defense and protection from emergencies and natural disasters. At the same time, and in parallel, MRS

utilizes its own resources for missions originating from ‘rescue calls’ on ad-hoc basis. MRS Serbia receives

no particular resources, financial or otherwise, from public funds.


The best indicators of the irreplaceable role of MRS Serbia are the number of missions and rescue operations launched in inaccessible terrain:

Members of the MRS have taken care of tens of thausands injuries in the line of duty, so far.

During the year our rescuers are taking care of over 1000 accidents on ski terrains and rough mountain areas, and over 50 rescue operations (searches and similar rescue actions), in all parts of the country.

Page 6: MOUNTAIN RESCUE SERVICE OF SERBIA - GSS.rsgss.rs/uploads/docs/MRS.Serbia.CV.pdf · Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia performs search and rescue in urban areas. This includes rescue

Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia


Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia performs search and rescue in urban areas. This includes rescue from tall

buildings and vertical rigs or objects of different description. This domain of activity also includes

cooperation with the units of Department for Emergencies (Serbian Ministry of Interior) in search and

rescue engagement in cases of natural disasters like floods, snowfall/blizzards, earthquakes, wildfires etc.

Rescue techniques and procedures for tall buildings and rigs,

as well as urban ruins, are very similar to cave and vertical

rock rescue. The urban rescue is performed by the MRS

rescuers team for rescue in vertical conditions that have great

experience in rock and cave rescue.


Rescue operation is successfully concluded only after handing over the

injured person to medical emergency teams.

Page 7: MOUNTAIN RESCUE SERVICE OF SERBIA - GSS.rsgss.rs/uploads/docs/MRS.Serbia.CV.pdf · Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia performs search and rescue in urban areas. This includes rescue

Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia


In the engagement for relief effort following natural disasters, rescuers of all profiles are included in the

engagement of searching, locating, accessing people in need, triage, stabilizing condition and transportation

to terrain ambulance for further medical care.

MRS Serbia is working on improving its capability and efficiency in implementing its role and responsibility

in the overall framework for protection and rescue in Serbia. We are constantly expanding the levels of skill

and readiness by the drills, exercises, simulations, joint exercises, education and adoption of new and

proven techniques and procedures best suited for the given challenge. MRS rescue teams regularly

demonstrate procedures and capabilities for urban rescue at Safety and Protection trade show.

In the latest floods in Serbia of 2014 MRS Serbia was engaged in the search and rescue as well as general relief effort. We

had 140 members deployed in several hundreds of missions over 8 days during which we’ve had 1200 people rescued.

Good coordination of rescue teams is a must for every

successful rescue operation.

Most notable urban area rescue operations by

MRS Serbia in the recent times are:

- Search and Rescue missions following earthquake

in Kraljevo in 2010.

- Relief and evacuation effort following heavy

snowfalls and blizzards in 2011 and 2012.

- Search and Rescue as well as relief and evacuation

engagement in the wake of the floods in Serbia in


Page 8: MOUNTAIN RESCUE SERVICE OF SERBIA - GSS.rsgss.rs/uploads/docs/MRS.Serbia.CV.pdf · Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia performs search and rescue in urban areas. This includes rescue

Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia


The grass roots of MRS Serbia is in search and rescue in the mountains – the general mountain conditions.

We are organized, equipped and skilled to execute search and rescue operations in the general mountain

conditions. This means a network of regional teams and communication system for agile mobilizing and

then coordination with other services involved in the incident. We would search and locate people in need,

triage and stabilize the most critical condition, prepare for transport and then transport the endangered to

safety and further medical care. MRS Serbia provides on-site oversight of over 30 organized mountain tours

and events annually (we secure all national level mountaineering tours of the Mountaineering Association of

Serbia – MAS, and some mountaineering tours on demand of mountaineering clubs). We also provide on-site

support for large events such as the annual mountaineers camp of mountaineers of Serbia, Cavers camp and

Camp of alpinists of Serbia.

National and other significant mountaineering and adventure

events are carried out under the watch of the MRS rescuers.

These events often feature over 1000 participants requiring

significant supporting team and logistics from MRS.


MRS Serbia are providing on-site support for

other adventure sports events such as climbing

competitions, MTB competitions, paragliding com-

petitions, orienteering competitions, mountain

and adventure racing. All of these events are

supported in coordination with events’ organizers,

typically under the umbrella of the corresponding

national associations.

Page 9: MOUNTAIN RESCUE SERVICE OF SERBIA - GSS.rsgss.rs/uploads/docs/MRS.Serbia.CV.pdf · Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia performs search and rescue in urban areas. This includes rescue

Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia


MRS Serbia teams accompanying these events are equipped with the kit for providing aid, care and

transport in case of the incident. Stretchers, and the ways of securing/belaying it on rough and exposed

terrain are a part of it.

A very important engagement of MRS Serbia is in preemptive activities, where we’re attempting to educate

both events and outings organizers and participants in safe ways and conduct in the mountains. To this end

we’re coordinating with the relevant clubs and associations in a range of courses, lectures and joint

exercises and demonstrations on the topics of safe mountaineering and carrying out adventure disciplines,

basic do’s and dont’s, hazard recognition and prevention and basic rules of safely and responsibly

conducting the activity in the mountains.

In addition to the preemptive activities above MRS Serbia is, together with the corresponding tourist

association and boards, engaged in marking the walking and hiking trails and in that way increasing safety

of the outings. Marking and sign-posting is undertaken by following the relevant standards.

In case of a serious injury it is the importance of all individual skills, team work and logistical support and

organization that save the day.

During the year MRS Serbia will average over 50 search

and rescue missions for lost or injured on rough terrains

in general mountain conditions.

MRS Serbia rescuers are well trained and experienced in all aspects of

search and rescue in the mountains.

Page 10: MOUNTAIN RESCUE SERVICE OF SERBIA - GSS.rsgss.rs/uploads/docs/MRS.Serbia.CV.pdf · Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia performs search and rescue in urban areas. This includes rescue

Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia


Rock rescue implies assisting and rescuing

climbers in alpine routes, crags, crevasses, rock

and canyon accidents as well as all other areas

where specific equipment and techniques for

rescue operations in vertical conditions are

needed to approach and evacuate the people at


Rescuers of the MRS team for vertical rescue are

specifically skilled and equipped for performing

rock rescue. MRS of Serbia adopts and develops

special strategies and techniques for search,

locating, approach, aiding, stabilizing and

evacuation of incident struck people in vertical


Individual and teams training for rescuing in these

conditions is taking place regularly over the year

within a specific program ran by the MRS.

Training is taking place at training grounds and

facilities chosen and designed for this particular

purpose. Training is also done in most popular

climbing sites in Serbia.

Training program and some events are executed

with joint participation of other emergency

services in Serbia and in the region.

Rescuing in vertical arena requires well scaled pool of

drilled teams and skillful individuals.


Rescuers of the MRS team for rescue in vertical

arena are experienced climbers and


As a precondition for training for vertical rescue

through the MRS Serbia, rescuers must have the

adequate depth and breadth of experience in

these activities.

Page 11: MOUNTAIN RESCUE SERVICE OF SERBIA - GSS.rsgss.rs/uploads/docs/MRS.Serbia.CV.pdf · Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia performs search and rescue in urban areas. This includes rescue

Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia


Rock rescue is characterized by complex conditions for approach, aid, securing and evacuation of people.

This increases the significance of well trained teams for rock rescue, as well as significance of quick

transport of rescue teams and gear to the point of accident.

For quick access to the location of accidents there is

often necessary helicopter transportation.

MRS medical team often has to administer first and medical

aid at technical and rugged terrains.

Most significant joint exercises ran by the MRS

Serbia in the last few years are:

- Kopaonik, 2009;

- Gornjak gorge, 2010;

- Gornjak gorge and Beljanica, 2011;

- Borski Stol and Kopaonik, 2012;

- Beljanica, 2013.

Page 12: MOUNTAIN RESCUE SERVICE OF SERBIA - GSS.rsgss.rs/uploads/docs/MRS.Serbia.CV.pdf · Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia performs search and rescue in urban areas. This includes rescue

Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia


To mount a cave rescue operation one must have a large squad of people for both ground and cave work,

highly specialized cave rescuers, immaculate operation planning and control as well as general and

specialized cave rescue gear for rigging, immobilizing and safe transport of the injured, secure and reliable

communication between rescue teams under and over ground, etc.

Rescue team executing their role at the specified position in

the cave.

MRS Serbia team for rescue in vertical

arena is also called upon in cases of

cave rescue. Cave rescue is one of the

hardest and most demanding rescue

operations that can be mounted. The

approach, search, locating and

transport require rescuers to better the

cavers’ skills. The dark, the narrow and

the cold adds to complexity of

communicating, preserving the injured

and evacuating. Rigging for safe

transport of the rescuers, kit and

evacuees takes much time and effort

and needs to be planned in shift work.

The whole operation may stretch for

days on end.

Cave rescue is executed by MRS Serbia rescuers

specializing in vertical arena that are experienced


Rescuers must have the adequate depth and breadth of

experience in caving before training for vertical and cave

rescue through MRS of Serbia.

Over the last several years MRS Serbia

rescuers have mounted or taken part in 6

larger cave rescue operations in Serbia

or the region.

Rescue operation in caves is

performed in accordance with

strict plan where each rescue

team has well-defined position,

role and task.


Page 13: MOUNTAIN RESCUE SERVICE OF SERBIA - GSS.rsgss.rs/uploads/docs/MRS.Serbia.CV.pdf · Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia performs search and rescue in urban areas. This includes rescue

Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia


The Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia is one of the founders of the European Cave Rescue Association

(ECRA) and its techniques and rescue procedures align with recommendations of this international


Transportation of afflicted has to flow without holdups

whether in horizontal… ...or in vertical transportation of stretcher.

Within the annual operating plan MRS Serbia will plan and execute at least one larger scale cave rescue


Such exercise would bring together caving clubs and associations in Serbia and the region as well as

other emergency services in the drills and practice routines of the rescue scenario.

The exercise will cover all of the phases of the operation and include caves and scenarios that pose a

challenging simulation for all communication, rigging, transport through cave and outside… The whole


Cave rescue exercises engage most of the MRS Serbia

resources and are the best metric and demonstration of

its capabilities as well as the show case for collaborative

work with other emergency services, caving association,

regional rescue organizations and local communities.

National and international cave rescue

exercises ran by MRS Serbia in the last

several years:

- Faca Shora, 2008.

- Suvi ponor, 2009.

- Rakin ponor, 2010.

- Suvi ponor, 2011.

- Ivkov ponor, 2012.

- Rakin ponor, 2013.

- Laniste cave, 2014.

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Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia



MRS Serbia is contracted to provide ski patrol and search and rescue services

at Serbian ski domains. In this function it cooperates closely with other

ski domain services. Its prime responsibility is to quickly locate,

administer first aid, warm up and transport the injured to medical care.

In case of malfunction of the cable car, MRS rescuers are tasked with evacuating passengers stuck high

above the ground. MRS Serbia is also offering safe conduct guidance and supervises all other adventure

events in ski domains.

For safety of the skiers in the ski domain Kopaonik we

have 12 strong shifts of MRS rescuers at all time; 3 man

shift in ski domain Zlatibor, and 4 man shift in ski domain

Stara planina.

People with serious

injuries on ski domains

are transported to

medical centre in many

ways including vehicles

such as snow mobiles,

snow quads, ski rescue

stretchers and sleds as

well as piste groomers.

It is crucial to evacuate skiers from

the cable car in short time because

of real danger of hypothermia.

MRS rescuers also organize avalanche rescue.

MRS Serbia operates at Ski domain Kopaonik from its inception in

1980, and then on smaller domains of Stara planina from 2006 and

Zlatibor from 2007. In all three domains, MRS have had over 1000

interventions annually.

Skiing and snowboarding injuries are commonplace and with such

activities attracting tourists and tour operators the standards of our

service is raised year on year. Turnaround time from receiving a

distress call to handing over to medical centre is measured and out

overall performance assessed on such metric.

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Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia


MRS rescuers in ski domains have to be excellent skiers

and to know these mountains very well.

MRS Serbia provides regular rescue watch in ski domains even during summer tourist season in the resorts.

We provide safety for those who love nature and walking through the woods, mountaineers, mountain

hikers and bikers, etc. Besides administering first aid and transporting injured people to the medical center,

members of MRS Serbia mount search and rescue operations for the people lost in the domain. As in the

winter, we’re tasked to evacuate the cable cars of people in case of its malfunction.

Malfunction can happen even during summer, when is necessary to

evacuate the people.

During the summer watch in resorts MRS rescuers

provide safety for hikers, bikers, mountaineers,

paragliders, and other adventurers.

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Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia



Helicopter evacuation is in many cases the fastest and sometimes the

only option. Training program for helicopter rescue is probably the

most complex training ran by MRS Serbia.

To start the helicopter rescue training once must first be experienced

and distinguished vertical rescuer in MRS Serbia.

Helicopter rescue revolves around the helicopter itself for transport

to and from, anchorage, winching, pulleys, cable and lines – all of it.

In some circumstances helicopter usage is limited to only some of the

above while for the other elements rescuers fall back to vertical


For example poor visibility or high winds or urban environment

restrictions, etc.

As with any other rescue operation having a good plan and safely

workable fallback plans as well as execution capability is paramount.

MRS Serbia is investing significant effort in training

and licensing helicopter rescuers.

So far, our rescuers completed helicopter rescuers

training (module A) organized by the Ministry of

Defense of the Republic of Slovenia (in 2006 and

2007), the helicopter rescuers training organized by

the Ministry of Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina

(in 2009 and 2010), and the helicopter rescuers

training organized by the Swiss Air Zermatt held in

Croatia (in 2012).

In order to improve heli rescue capabilities in Serbia

and reduce training cost we have engaged with

relevant Defense and Police units as well as other

emergency services to perform joint program of

exercises involving helicopter rescue.

This initiative has yielded several such exercises

through 2012, 2013 and 2014.

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Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia



The discipline of rescue with rescue dogs is in its infancy in Serbia. As this was recognized within the

emergency framework at national level it was put before MRS Serbia to develop the discipline including

training rescue dogs, their handlers and overall rescue operation using rescue dogs.

Rescue dogs are making up essential and inseparable part of the overall search and rescue process. Dogs can

cover more ground quicker and can sense people at greater distances or under avalanches or rubble. Rescue

dog can replace as many as 30 or more people in a search and rescue party. Trained rescue dog is a most

valuable asset in mounting search and rescue operation in the mountains, moors/rivers or ruins.

Progress we’re making in training rescue dogs

and their handlers in search and rescue

techniques is regularly demonstrated at our

exercises. This year our rescue dog and

handler unit were standard part of our shifts

in securing adventure events. In this way our

service standard increases while at the same

time rescue dog and handler attract attention

and interest.

We at MRS Serbia are readily taking on new

challenges and embracing the unknown as

every bit that increases efficiency in saving

people is priceless! MRS Serbia is trying hard

to gain appreciation, sponsorship, patrons or

any other supporting framework that aids

development of this important search and

rescue element. Our development plans

include forming and sustaining more dog

rescue teams, advanced dog rescue

engagement techniques and general

broadening and deepening of dog rescue

presence in our missions and exercises.

Training of the dog rescue team is a relatively long process involving sustained intensive effort, skill and expertise.

Training duration varies averaging around 2 years for the basic level required.

Training is followed by the assessment and issuing of a license for the rescue dog and the handler.

Having in mind that rescue dog’s working life span is limited to 8-10 years one quickly comprehends the dynamics of

the process and the planning around it.

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Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia



The highest decision-making body in the MRS of Serbia is the MRS Assembly. The Assembly consists of all

members of the MRS of Serbia. An elective assembly is held every two years, when the most important

governing body – the MRS Council (in Serbian “Načelništvo”) is elected by the MRS assembly members. The

Council is a seven-member governing body, whose primary goals and objectives are: strategic planning,

resource distribution, synchronization and coordination of strategic and operational level activities, public

relations, coordination with the Department for Emergencies - Ministry of Interior, the Serbian Army, the

Mountaineering Association of Serbia and the other relevant organizations, education, training and

development of MRS of Serbia.

According to the organizational structure of MRS, there are seven executive bodies - commissions. Each

commission consists of a president and two members. The commissions and their functions are as follows:

MRS Serbia

Commission for search and rescue on ski


- organizes the rescue teams activities on the ski domains during the winter and summer seasons.

Commission for rescue in general mountain


- deals with the exercises and mounting of rescue missions in general mountain conditions (supporting mountaineering events, supporting adventure competitions and events, searches for the

lost in general mountain conditions, avalanche search and rescue, dogs search and rescue,...).

- all those activities are aligned and compliant with the corresponding MRS regulations.

Commission for vertical rescue

- organizes the rescue teams for technical/vertical rescue operations (in alpine routes, crags, crevasses, rock and canyon

accidents as well as in urban areas, where specific equipment and procedures for vertical rescue operations and helicopter rescue

are needed to approach and evacuate people).

- all those activities are aligned and compliant with the corresponding MRS regulations.

Commission for training - deals with the organization of training, exercises and courses for rescuers and rescue teams, in alignement and compliance with the

corresponding MRS regulations.

Commission for medical aid

- organizes the medical teams and maintains the required level of MRS members' skill in providing paramedical aid to the injured

people or those in jeopardy.

Commission for equipment/kit

- deals with planning, storage and maintenance of all of the kit and equipment MRS uses to meet its needs and capabilities.

Commission for logistics

- organizes the logistics team, logistical support for all MRS activities and besides that collects and stores complete documentation and

reports of all other commissions, keeps track of all the MRS members and provides data processing and analyzing.

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Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia


Main MRS goals are:

Mounting and sustaining search and rescue operations in the following circumstances:

o In the mountains and other difficult to access terrains

o In ski domains

o In the caves

o In the vertical/alpine conditions

o In the urban areas where access is limited for the usual emergency services.

Maintaining the ‘safety framework’ by preventive work, training and sustained improvement of

capabilities and skills of teams and individuals.

Search, rescue and paramedic aid in any other circumstances where the expertise and equipment of

MRS are called upon and are fit for purpose – particularly in cases of natural disasters.

MRS Serbia is obliged to operate in environmentally friendly way, preserving the nature and habitat and

promoting such conduct in all of its activities.

In order to achieve these objectives, the Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia realizes the following tasks:

Participating in the creation and testing of new rescue equipment or contraptions as well as testing

and introduction of new and improved search and rescue techniques and methods.

Development and resolution of hypothetical problems of search and rescue of people in jeopardy in

different circumstances.

Media and public relations which include information and appreciation on the subject of safe

mountaineering, as well as consulting the people and government about security and behavior in the

case of urban and mountain disasters.

Environmental activities and the protection of our mountains.

Constant training, education and equipping of rescuers, rescue teams and rescue squads.

Establishing and refinement of procedures and joint operation control with relevant entities to

achieve better efficiency and quality standard of rescue operations. Some of such entities are: local

authorities, emergency staffs at all levels, the Department for Emergencies - Ministry of Interior, the

Serbian Army, the Mountaineering Association of Serbia.

Cooperation with foreign rescue and other relevant organizations. This cooperation is about the

exchange of experiences, joint training and rescue operations, improving search and rescue methods,

the use of new security and rescue equipment, etc.

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Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia



Our continuous work on prevention of incidents and execution of search and rescue operations is based on

the unified framework for prevention and rescue in inaccessible areas, which is aligned with the regulation

on state of emergency in Serbia and the regulation on prevention and rescue in Serbia. This means that we

have standardized metrics and assessment of skill and knowledge level across rescuers in Serbia. It also

means standardized licensing and categorization of members overall. It further implies operating processes

that ensure liaison and cooperation with other elements in the overall search and rescue setting, including

prevention, distress call routing, communication processes, logistics and transport, equipment readiness,

etc. For us it also means balanced geographical distribution of our MRS squads and points. We will have to

setup further local squads and develop their capabilities in the coming period.


MRS Serbia invests the most time and resources in rescuers training and exercises. The good and systematic

training presents a base to obtain high-quality

rescuers, and therefore an excellent rescue

service which is ready to respond to any tasks

related to increasing safety, protecting and

rescuing people.

The MRS basic course is an initial training for all

interested skiers, hikers, climbers, cavers, divers

and all other in their adventure activity.

Becoming a rescuer takes time with the basic

course being the first step in the process.

Years of experience and process refinement are

embedded in the model enabling progression of

a novice rescuer in their capabilities.

Basic MRS course is made up of a series of lectures and field training sessions over 3 months (Sep-Dec)

including locations on Avala, Zlatibor, Stara planina and Kopaonik.

Lecturers and mentors are MRS Serbia instructors

as well established guests from mountaineering

associations in Serbia and the region.

Systematic training forms the basis for both individual skill and


MRS Serbia – instructors.

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Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia


Once the basic course is successfully completed the novice is a MRS candidate and is on trial/novice period

for year in which time they participate in a range of MRS activities under systematic mentoring. After this

period and recommendation from mentors one becomes an apprentice rescuer (general mountain

conditions and ski domains). As such they take part in MRS operations and further training through

advanced courses and exercises through which they advance in categorization and ranking.

According to the annual training plan MRS Serbia provides

advanced training and courses for its members: Avalanche

rescue training, Orientation course, Search training, Caves

rescue course, Rock rescue course, Ski course, etc.

Our dog rescue training is performed in cooperation with

the dog breeding associations in Serbia and the Rescue

associations in the region experienced in dog search and

rescue discipline.


Rescuers readiness level to participate in the rescue watch and rescue operations is continuously assessed.

To obtain the annual rescuers license one will be assessed for physical conditioning, written and practical

paramedic aid test and a technical skills assessment (cable car evacuation).

In addition to this ‘basic’ license, vertical rescuers are assessed on their skills and capabilities in vertical

rescue which they prove through operational activity over the period of two successive years (for a two year


Dog search and rescue units of MRS Serbia.

Basic MRS Serbia course covers the following learning modules:

Administering paramedic aid in inaccessible terrain

Search and rescue basics (inaccessible terrain)

Rope basics;

Field orienteering

In the mountains

Rescuers equipment

Stretchers and transport with stretchers

About MRS

Mounting a search and rescue operation

Evacuating a cable car

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Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia



MRS Serbia is actively and continuously cooperating with the Mountaineering Association of Serbia, Serbian

Military, Ministry of the Interior, Department for Emergencies at the Ministry of the Interior, the Special

Forces and Anti-terrorism squad.

There are many examples of the very successful joint

exercises demonstrating excellent cooperation in

some areas and clearly pointing to improvements in


MRS Serbia is also a party in the memorandum of

cooperation between regional rescue services

together with the mountain rescues service from Slo-

venia, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

FYR Macedonia.

This memorandum assumes joint efforts from all

parties in improving joint capability to act in cases of

larger disasters affecting the region.

MRS Serbia appreciates partnerships with its

sponsors and patrons who share the values of good

causes and social responsibility, but also realize the

marketing value of our brand.

“Reka 2012” – joint canyon rescue exercise.

“Kopaonik 2013” – Ski domain rescue joint exercise.

“Prenj 2012” – joint exercise for rescue from a crash landing


As a gentle reminder: we’re a voluntary and non

profit organization sustained by good will, individual

effort and donations and sponsorships from those

who wish to take part.

We are always in need for additional resources in

equipment or funds to enable our work.

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Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia



To perform a rescue in the rugged terrains, a large amount of different and special equipment is required:

personal equipment (rescue uniform), equipment for the first aid, equipment for approach to an injured

person (equipment for caving, climbing equipment, ski equipment,...), evacuation equipment (equipment

intended only for the rescue), communication equipment, orientation equipment, etc.

This type of equipment is characterized by a high purchase price, but also the limited time of use.

For fast and efficient response in case of an accident, it is necessary to have all types of transportation


Rescuers use all available vehicles in order to come to any

location where their presence is needed.

MRS Serbia invests a lot of resources in the purchase and testing of

equipment to perform rescue operations in all terrains.

Better equipment and MRS autonomy raise the safety level in

rough alpine terrains and urban areas as well as increase the

possibilities of MRS Serbia activities.

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Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia


The MRS rescuers are organized into MRS stations

throughout the country.

According to the MRS development plan, after

analysis, assessment of the number and

distribution of rescuers on the whole territory of

Serbia, the geographical features of the territory,

administrative division of the Republic of Serbia

into administrative districts and municipalities,

the need for the mountain rescue stations at a

particular area and the need for small community

development, the existence of the 26 stations is


The process of MRS stations forming is time

consuming and requires great support from

local governments and organizations in the

form of tangible and intangible support for the

implementation of rescuers training, for

supplying stations with necessary equipment

to perform rescue operations in different

environments, finding place and vehicles for

the MRS stations, etc.

When these tasks are implemented, it can be said

that the process of MRS station forming was done

and from that moment the MRS station is able to

act independently, without relying on the MRS

headquarters (HQ) in Belgrade.

The Belgrade HQ is currently the most operative

station in the country in terms of ability to

independently and fully perform all the necessary

rescue operations.

Of course, during the most extensive rescue

operations (major natural disasters, serious

accidents, aircraft crashes, complex rescue

operations in rocks or caves, massive search for

missing persons, and in emergency situations), it

is necessary to engage all available resources of

MRS; rescuers, equipment and vehicles from all

MRS stations are sent to the place of accident.

Head of Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia is a

member of the Republic HQ for the State of

Emergency. During 2013, the MRS rescuers are

involved in the municipal, city and district

headquarters for emergency situations in all areas

where that is not earlier done.

In this way, the base for the rapid forming and

development of MRS stations was done. Also, an

ability of MRS stations to perform a rescue

operation in all domains and areas in the local

community was raised.


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Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia


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Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia


Search and Rescue Day - Kopaonik,

July 2014

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Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia


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Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia


Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia Bulevar vojvode Mišića 12

11000 Belgrade · Serbia +381 63 466 466 · [email protected] · www.gss.rs/en

In case of emergency:

Kopaonik 063 466 466 Stara planina 063 466 461 Zlatibor 063 466 467 Belgrade HQ 063 466 465 Kruševac HQ 063 466 468 Boljevac HQ 063 466 463 Požega HQ 063 466 438