Mr. Buttell West Broward HS APUSH

Mr. Buttell West Broward HS APUSH. Free Soil Party Free Soil! Free Speech! Free Labor! Free Men! “Barnburners” – discontented northern Democrats

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Page 1: Mr. Buttell West Broward HS APUSH. Free Soil Party Free Soil! Free Speech! Free Labor! Free Men!  “Barnburners” – discontented northern Democrats

Mr. ButtellWest Broward HS APUSH

Page 2: Mr. Buttell West Broward HS APUSH. Free Soil Party Free Soil! Free Speech! Free Labor! Free Men!  “Barnburners” – discontented northern Democrats

Free Soil PartyFree Soil! Free Speech! Free Labor! Free Men!

“Barnburners” – discontented northern Democrats.

Anti-slave members of the Liberty and Whig Parties.

Opposition to the extension of slavery in the newterritories!


Page 3: Mr. Buttell West Broward HS APUSH. Free Soil Party Free Soil! Free Speech! Free Labor! Free Men!  “Barnburners” – discontented northern Democrats

The 1848 Presidential Election Results

Page 4: Mr. Buttell West Broward HS APUSH. Free Soil Party Free Soil! Free Speech! Free Labor! Free Men!  “Barnburners” – discontented northern Democrats

GOLD! At Sutter’s Mill, 1848

John A. Sutter

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California Gold Rush, 1849


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Westward the Course of Empire

Emmanuel Leutze, 1860

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The Mexican Cession

Page 8: Mr. Buttell West Broward HS APUSH. Free Soil Party Free Soil! Free Speech! Free Labor! Free Men!  “Barnburners” – discontented northern Democrats

Problems of Sectional Balancein 1850ß California statehood.

ß Southern “fire-eaters” threateningsecession.

ß Underground RR & fugitive slave issues:

Personal liberty laws

Page 9: Mr. Buttell West Broward HS APUSH. Free Soil Party Free Soil! Free Speech! Free Labor! Free Men!  “Barnburners” – discontented northern Democrats

Compromise of 1850Concessions to the

North• CA admitted as free

state• Territory disputed by TX

and NM to be surrendered to NM

• Abolition of slave trade (not slavery) in D.C.

Concessions to the South

• Remainder of MX cession, formed into territories of NM and UT, slavery = Pop. Sov.

• TX to receive $10 million for compensation from federal govt.

• More stringent fugitive-slave law

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Compromise of 1850

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1852 Presidential Election

√ Franklin Pierce Gen. Winfield Scott John Parker Hale

Democrat Whig Free Soil

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n Results

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Territorial Growth to 1853

Sec. of War Jefferson Davis sent James Gadsden as minister of Mexico. Want 1st Transcontinental RR built in South

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Expansionist Young America in the 1850s

America’s Attempted Raids into Latin America

Clayton-Bulwer Treaty; Neither US or Britain would control an Isthmus in Latin America

Page 15: Mr. Buttell West Broward HS APUSH. Free Soil Party Free Soil! Free Speech! Free Labor! Free Men!  “Barnburners” – discontented northern Democrats

CUBA – Pearl of the Antilles• Established slave

country• Spanish govt. rebuffed

two attempts by southerners

• Pres. Pierce plans the Ostend Manifesto with U.S. diplomats in Europe to purchase Cuba for $120 million.

• If Spain refused, the U.S. would attack since Europe is dealing with the Crimean War

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HarrietBeecherStowe(1811 – 1896)

So this is the lady who started the Civil War.

-- Abraham Lincoln

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Uncle Tom’s Cabin

1852 Sold 300,000

copies inthe first year.

2 million in a decade!

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Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854

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John Brown: Madman, Hero or Martyr?

Mural in the Kansas Capitol building

by John Steuart Curry (20c)

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“Bleeding Kansas”

Border “Ruffians”



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“The Crime Against Kansas”

Sen. Charles Sumner(R-MA)

Congr. Preston Brooks(D-SC)

“Senator Butler, you have taken the Harlot slavery as your mistress.”-Charles Sumner (1856)

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Birth of the Republican Party, 1854

ß Northern Whigs.

ß Northern Democrats.

ß Free-Soilers.

ß Know-Nothings.

ß Other miscellaneous opponents of the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

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1856 Presidential Election

√ James Buchanan John C. Frémont Millard Fillmore Democrat Republican American (Know Not)

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n Results

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Dred Scott v. Sanford, 1857

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Lecompton Constitution• 1857 Kansas writes

constitution• Vote for it with or without

slavery• Against it, would protect

the established slave system

• Proslaveryites approved with slavery

• Buchanan now President approved it, and Douglas went after it with vengeance.

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The Lincoln-Douglas (Illinois Senate) Debates, 1858

A House divided against itself, cannot stand.

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Stephen Douglas & the

Freeport Doctrine

Lincoln to Douglas: “How does Popular

Sovereignty work simultaneously with the Dred

Scott decision?”“A territory’s residents could exclude slavery by not adopting laws to protect it.”

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John Brown’s Raidon Harper’s Ferry, 1859

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√ Abraham Lincoln


John BellConstitutional


Stephen A. DouglasNorthern Democrat

John C. Breckinridge

Southern Democrat

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Republican Party Platform in 1860ß Non-extension of slavery [for the Free-


ß Protective tariff [for the No. Industrialists].

ß No abridgment of rights for immigrants [a disappointment for the “Know-Nothings”].

ß Government aid to build a Pacific RR [for the Northwest].

ß Internal improvements [for the West] at federal expense.

ß Free homesteads for the public domain [for farmers].

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1860 Election: A Nation Coming Apart?!

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Crittenden Compromise:A Last Ditch Appeal to


Senator John J. Crittenden


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Secession!: SC Dec. 20, 1860