Multi-Paradigm Programming in Oz for Natural Language Processing Torbjörn Lager, 2003 Acknowledgement: Some of the slides are due to van Roy, Haridi and Schulte

Multi-Paradigm Programming in Oz for Natural Language Processing Torbjörn Lager, 2003 Acknowledgement: Some of the slides are due to van Roy, Haridi and

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Multi-Paradigm Programming in Oz for Natural Language Processing

Torbjörn Lager, 2003

Acknowledgement: Some of the slides are due to van Roy, Haridi and Schulte

NLP in Oz 2

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Why these lectures? To get you started To whet your appetite To point to stumble blocks

Difficulties Different backgrounds -> Multiple entry points to Oz Different level of expertise

Highlights Denys Duchier

Functional Programming in Oz

NLP in Oz 4

Defining a Function

fun {Square X} X*X end

% or equivalently

Square = fun {$ X} X*X end


Lambda expression

Anonymous function

NLP in Oz 5

Calling a Function

X = {Square 3} % binds X to 9

X = {Square {Square 3}} % binds X to 81

NLP in Oz 6

Functional Programming

A program consists of functions (much like ordinary mathematical functions)

The main program itself is written as a function which receives the program's input as its arguments and delivers the program's output as its result

Typically the main function is defined in terms of other functions, which in turn are defined in terms of still more functions, until at the bottom level the functions are language primitives (built-in functions).

NLP in Oz 7

Example: Word Counter (WC)

fun {CountWords S}

{Count {String.tokens 32 S}}


Tokenizer Counter

NLP in Oz 8


[a b c] % a list with three elements

[a] % a list with one element

nil % the empty list

a|b|c|nil % a different way of writing the first list

a|b|X % a list with an unbound tail (stream) % also, a pattern

NLP in Oz 9


Strings are lists whose elements correspond to character codes. For example:

"OZ 2.0”

is the list [79 90 32 50 46 48]

or equivalently [&O &Z &  &2 &. &0]

There is also a ByteString datatype - a more economical representation for textual data

NLP in Oz 10

The Unification Operator '='

The simplest cases are bindings to values, e.g., X=[a b c], and variable-variable bindings, e.g., X=Y.

Unification is symmetric. For example, [a b c]=X means the same as X=[a b c].

Any two partial values can be unified. For example, unifying the two lists [a X] and [Y b] binds X to b and Y to a.

If the values are already equal, then unification does nothing. For example, [a b]=[a b] does nothing.

If the partial values are incompatible then they cannot be unified. For example, an attempt to unify the two lists [a b] and [a c] will raise a failure exception.

Unification can create cyclic structures, i.e., structures that refer to themselves. For example, the unification X=a|b|X. This creates a cyclic list.

NLP in Oz 11

Pattern Matching

case <Value>

of <Pattern> then …

[] <Pattern> then …

[] <Pattern> then …

else …


Can be used as a statement or as an expression

NLP in Oz 12


if <Value> then … end

if <Value> then … else … end

if <Value> then …

elseif … then …

elseif … then …

else … end

Can be used as a statement or as an expression

NLP in Oz 13

Example: Functional Append

fun {Append Xs Ys}

case Xs

of nil then Ys

[] X|Xs1 then X|{Append Xs1 Ys}



X = {Append [a b] [c d]}

NLP in Oz 14

Example: Naive Reverse

fun {Reverse L}

case L

of nil then nil

[] X|Xs then {Append {Reverse Xs} [X]}



X = {Reverse [a b c]}

NLP in Oz 15

Example: A Faster Reverse


fun {RevAux L Acc}

case L

of nil then Acc

[] X|Xs then {RevAux Xs X|Acc}




fun {Reverse L} {RevAux L nil} end


X = {Reverse [a b c]}

NLP in Oz 16

Example: Member

fun {Member X Xs}

case Xs

of nil then false

[] Head|Tail then

Head == X orelse {Member X Tail}



X = {Member c [a b c d]}

NLP in Oz 17

Higher-Order Programming

A programming language supports higher-order programming if:

Functions can be passed as arguments to other functions

The result of applying a function to its arguments can be another function

Functions can be put in data structures

NLP in Oz 18

Examples: SquareList and DoubleList

fun {SquareList Xs}

case Xs

of nil then nil

[] X|Xs1 then X*X |{SquareList Xs1}



fun {DoubleList Xs}

case Xs

of nil then nil

[] X|Xs1 then 2*X |{DoubleList Xs1}



NLP in Oz 19

Example: Map

fun {Map Xs F}

case Xs

of nil then nil

[] X|Xs1 then {F X}|{Map Xs1 F}



X = {Map [1 2 3] Square} % binds X to [1 4 9]

X = {Map [1 2 3] fun {$ X} X*X end} % same

X = {Map [1 2 3] fun {$ X} 2*X end} % binds X to [2 4 6]

NLP in Oz 20

Examples: Sum and Product

fun {Sum Xs}

case Xs

of nil then 0

[] X|Xs1 then X + {Sum Xs1}



fun {Product Xs}

case Xs

of nil then 1

[] X|Xs1 then X * {Sum Xs1}



NLP in Oz 21


fun {FoldR Xs F Y}

case Xs

of nil then Y

[] X|Xs1 then {F X {FoldR Xs1 F Y}}



X = {FoldR [1 2 3] Number.'+' 0}

X = {FoldR [1 2 3] Number.'*' 1}

NLP in Oz 22

Some Operations in the List Module

X = {Append [a b c] [d e]} % X = [a b c d e]

X = {Reverse [a b c]} % X = [c b a]

X = {Member b [a b c]} % X = true

X = {Last [a b c]} % X = c

X = {Length [a b c]} % X = 3

X = {List.subtract [a b c] b} % X = [a c]

X = {List.flatten [a [a b] c]} % X = [a a b c]

X = {Sort [c d b d a] Value.'<'} % X = [a b c d d]

X = {Map [12 13 1] IntToFloat} % X = [12.0 13.0 1.0]

X = {Filter [1 a 2 x] IsInt} % X = [1 2]


NLP in Oz 23



r1(numb:sg pers:1)

Unifying records

A = r1(numb:_ B = r1(pers:_

pers:1) numb:sg)

{Inspect A=B} % Inspector shows r1(numb:sg pers:1)

{Inspect A.numb} % Inspector shows ’sg’


Feature Value

NLP in Oz 24

Example: A Simple Lexicon


Lexicon = lexicon(’Sandy':[pn]






fun {LexLookup Word} Word#(Lexicon.Word) end


X = {Map [’Sandy’ loves ’Kim’] LexLookup}

% X = [’Sandy'#[pn] loves#[vb] ’Kim'#[pn]]

NLP in Oz 25

Open Records and Record Constraints

Open records

A = r1(numb:_ B = r1(pers:_ pers:1 ...) 'case':nom numb:sg ...)

{Inspect A=B} % r1('case':nom numb:sg pers:1 ...)

Record constraints

R^cat = nR^agr^numb = sgR^agr^pers = 1

{Inspect R} % _(agr:_(numb:sg pers:1 ...) cat:n ...)

NLP in Oz 26


T1 = t(a b c)

T1 = t(1:a 2:b 3:c) % succeeds

T1.3 = c % succeeds

T2 = a#b#c % equivalent to ’#’(a b c)

NLP in Oz 27

Example: Compositional Semantics

John = j

Smiles = fun {$ X} smiles(X) end

`John Smiles` = {Smiles John}

John = fun {$ P} {P j} end

Smiles = fun {$ X} smiles(X) end

`John Smiles` = {John Smiles}

`John Smiles` = {fun {$ P} {P j} end fun {$ X} smiles(X) end}

% In all of these cases, `John Smiles` gets % bound to smiles(j)

A Bird’s View on All This

NLP in Oz 29

The Kernel Language Approach

A kernel language

Abstractions based on the kernel language and/or other abstractions. Examples: functions, loops, classes, ports, etc.

Linguistic abstraction/Syntactic sugar. Examples: function expressions, loop expressions, etc.

“Contrary to many (possibly most) languages, we always designed Oz starting from the semantics. The kernel language is carefully given formal semantics. For the more high-level aspects, we always asked the question: can we explain this novel thing of the language in terms of the base language. That's how we managed to erect the full system: by building up on sound semantic foundations; level by level.”

NLP in Oz 30

The Kernel Language Approach

Kernel languages have a small number of programmer-significant elements

Their purpose is to understand programming from the programmer’s viewpoint

They are given a semantics which allows the practicing programmer to reason about correctness and complexity at a high level of abstraction








NLP in Oz 31

The Kernel Language Approach

Full language

Kernel language

fun {Sq X} X*X end

Z = {Sq {Sq X}}

proc {Sq X Y} {Number.’*’ X X Y}end

local X Y Z in {Sq X Y} {Sq Y Z}end

NLP in Oz 32

Functional Append -> Procedural Append

fun {Append Xs Ys} case Xs of nil then Ys [] X|Xs1 then X|{Append Xs1 Ys} endend

proc {Append Xs Ys Zs} case Xs of nil then Zs = Ys [] X|Xs1 then Ys1 in Zs = X|Ys1 % or: X|Ys1 = Zs in {Append Xs1 Ys Ys1} endend

Kernel Language (almost complete)

skip<x>1=<x>2 <x>=<v><s>1 <s>2

local <x> in <s> end

if <x> then <s>1 else <s>2 endcase <x> of <p> then <s>1 else <s>2 end{<x> <y>1 … <y>n}thread <s> end{ByNeed <x>1 <x>2}

{NewName <x>}try <s>1 catch <x> then <s>2 endraise <x> endchoice <s>1 [] ... [] <s>2 endfail{NewCell <x>1 <x>2}{Exchange <x>1 <x>2 <x>3}


<s> ::=Empty statementVariable-variable bindingVariable-value bindingSequential compositionVariable creation

ConditionalPattern matchingProcedure invocationThread creationTrigger creation

Name creationException contextRaise exceptionChoiceFailureCell creationCell exchange

Encapsulated search

NLP in Oz 34

Primary Data Types

Computation ModelsDeclarative modelstrict functional programming, e.g., Schemedeterministic logic programming

+ concurrency + by-need synchronization declarative concurrency lazy functional programming, e.g., Haskell + nondeterministic choice concurrent logic programming

+ exception handling + encapsulated state object-oriented programming

+ search nondeterministic LP, e.g., Prolog

concurrent OOP(active object style, e.g., Erlang)(shared state style, e.g., Java)

+ computation spacesconstraint programming

We show some of the relationships between the different models

Each model has its own kernel language, its own reasoning techniques, and its own programming techniques

The kernel languages are closely related, e.g., the declarative model is a subset of all of them

Computation Models and NLPDeclarative modelstrict functional programming, e.g., Schemedeterministic logic programming

+ concurrency + by-need synchronization declarative concurrency lazy functional programming, e.g., Haskell + nondeterministic choice concurrent logic programming

+ exception handling + encapsulated state object-oriented programming

+ search nondeterministic LP, e.g., Prolog

concurrent OOP(active object style, e.g., Erlang)(shared state style, e.g., Java)

+ computation spacesconstraint programming

Viterbi statistical tagger Chart parser Word frequency lister Compositional logical

semantics interpreter Finite-state tools

NLP in Oz 37

Example: The Viterbi Algorithm

Pure functional programming. Is this the optimal paradigm for this application?

NLP in Oz 38

The Mozart Programming Environment

Based on Emacs editor + GUI tools

Inspector/Browser (visualize values) Debugger Profiler Panel (resource usage) Compiler Panel (compiler settings and environment), Distribution Panel (distribution) Explorer (interactive resolution of constraint problems)

Documentation van Roy & Haridi: Appendix A Manual

Concurrency Oriented Programming

NLP in Oz 40

The World is Concurrent!

Concurrent programs Several activities execute simultaneously

A lot of software in use is concurrent Operating systems, user interfaces, web servers, etc.

The need for NLP and concurrency?

NLP in Oz 41

Concurrency Can Be Difficult, but Does Not Have to Be…


x := 0

x := x + 1

x := x + 1

print x

What happens here?

X0 = 0

thread X1 = X0 + 1 end

thread X2 = X1 + 1 end

{Inspect S}

What happens here?

x := 0

thread x := x + 1 end

thread x := x + 1 end

print x

What happens here?

declare Xs S in

thread Xs={List.number 0 100 1} end

thread S={Map Xs fun {$ X} X*X end} end

{Inspect S}

NLP in Oz 42


Thread creation:

thread … end

Can be used as a statement or as an expression

Threads in Oz are dataflow threads, i.e., they suspend on availability of data

Excellent for synchronization! Threads in Oz a lightweight

NLP in Oz 43

Concurrent Map

declare F Xs Ys Zs

fun {CMap Xs F} case Xs of nil then nil [] X|Xr then thread {F X} end|{CMap Xr F} end end

{Inspect thread {CMap Xs F} end} % Inspector displays _

Xs = 1|2|Ys % Inspector displays _|_|_

fun {F X} X*X end % Inspector displays 1|4|_

Ys = 3|Zs % Inspector displays 1|4|9|_

Zs = nil % Inspector displays [1 4 9]

NLP in Oz 44

Fibonacchi and the Panel

A demo to show how lightweight Oz threads are

NLP in Oz 45


A stream is a potentially unbounded list of messages, i.e., it is a list whose tail is an unbound dataflow variable.

declare Xs Xs3

{Inspect Xs}

Xs=0|1|2|3|4|Xs2 % Inspector shows 0|1|2|3|4|_

Xs2=5|6|7|Xs3 % Inspector shows 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|_

Important container!

NLP in Oz 46

Declarative Concurrency

Producer-consumer with dataflow

fun {Prod N Max} if N<Max then N|{Prod N+1 Max} else nil endend

fun {Cons Xs A} case Xs of X|Xr then {Cons Xr A+X} [] nil then A endend

local Xs S in thread Xs={Prod 0 1000} end thread S={Cons Xs 0} endend

Prod and Cons threads share list Xs Dataflow behavior of case statement

(synchronizing on data availability) gives stream communication

No other concurrency control needed

XsProd Cons

NLP in Oz 47

Declarative Concurrency

Let us compare the sequential and concurrent versions The result of the calculation is the same in both cases So what is different?

Sequential version:

Results are produced in batch: the whole calculation is done and then all results are given at once

Concurrent version:

Results are produced incrementally, element by element

local Xs S in thread Xs={Prod 0 1000} end thread S={Cons Xs 0} endend

local Xs S in Xs={Prod 0 1000} S={Cons Xs 0} end

NLP in Oz 48

Transformation-Based Tagging: Small Part-of-Speech Tagging Example


pos:NN>VB <- pos:TO@[-1] opos:VB>NN <- pos:DT@[-1] o....


She decided to table her data








NLP in Oz 49

Example: Incremental Brill Tagging

declare Wd T1 T2 T3

Lex = lex(the:dt light:vb cloud:nn 'is':vb)

{Inspect T3}

proc {Tag N} T1^N = Lex.(Wd^N) % lexical lookup if T1^N == vb andthen T1^(N-1) == dt then % vb>nn <- dt@[-1] T2^N = nn else T2^N = T1^N end if T2^N == nn andthen T2^(N+1) == nn then % nn>jj <- nn@[-1] T3^N = jj else T3^N = T2^N endend

/*Wd^1 = the thread {Tag 1} end % _(1:dt ...)Wd^2 = light thread {Tag 2} end % _(1:dt ...)Wd^3 = cloud thread {Tag 3} end % _(1:dt 2:jj ...)Wd^4 = is thread {Tag 4} end % _(1:dt 2:jj 3:nn 4:vb ...)Wd^5 = the thread {Tag 5} end % _(1:dt 2:jj 3:nn 4:vb 5:dt)*/

Programming with Explicit State

NLP in Oz 51

Explicit State

How can we let a procedure learn from its past? That is, we would like the procedure to have some kind of internal memory, which helps it do its job. Memory is needed for procedure that can change their behavior and learn from their past. This kind of memory is called explicit state.

An explicit state in a procedure is a state whose lifetime extends over more than one procedure call without being present in the procedure’s arguments.

NLP in Oz 52


Create a new cell C with initial content X:

{NewCell X C}

Atomically bind X to the old content of cell C and set Y to be the new content:

{Exchange C X Y}

Bind X to the current content of cell C:

X = {Access C} % Book variant: X = @C

Set X to be the new content of cell C:

{Assign C X} % Book variant: C := X

Warning: For pedagogical reasons, the book uses a very slightly different syntax than the publicly-released Mozart system. An upcoming Mozart release will remove this difference and be fully syntax compatible with the book.

NLP in Oz 53

More Explicit State: Arrays

Returns a new array with indices from I to J, inclusive, all initialized to X:

A={Array.new I J X}

Puts in A the mapping of I to X:

{Array.put A I X} % Or: A.I := X

Returns from A the mapping of I:

X={Array.get A I} % Or: A.I

Note: Arrays can be implemented with tuples and cells (they aren’t, but thay can)

NLP in Oz 54

Even more Explicit State: Dictionaries

Returns a new empty dictionary:


Sets the item in dictionary D under key K to X :

{Dictionary.put D K X} % Or: D.K := X

Returns the item X of dictionary D under key K :

X={Dictionary.get D K} % Or: X=D.K

plus a lot more, of course…

NLP in Oz 55


F = {New Open.file init(name:'test.txt')} S = {F read(list:$ size:all)} {F close}

F = {New Open.file init(url:'http:www.ling.gu.se/~lager')} S = {F read(list:$ size:all)} {F close}

F = {New Open.file init(name:´test.txt´ flags:[write create truncate])} {F write(vs:´This comes in the file\n´)} {F write(vs:´The result of 43*43 is ´#43*43#´\n´)} {F write(vs:"Strings are ok too\n")} {F close}

NLP in Oz 56

A Parenthesis: The Significance of $

Converts statements to expressions

In a procedure call

{P X Y Z}

Y={P X $ Z}

Compare (again)

fun {Sq X} X*X end

Sq = fun {$ X} X*X end

NLP in Oz 57

Lazy Functional Programming

fun lazy {Gen N}

N|{Gen N+1}


Xs = {Gen 0}

{Inspect Xs} % shows _<ByNeed>

{Inspect {Member 4 Xs}} % shows 'true'

{Inspect Xs} % shows 0|1|2|3|4|_<ByNeed>

NLP in Oz 58

Lazy Reading from Files

fun {ReadListLazy S}

F={New Open.file init(name:S)}

fun lazy {ReadNext}



{F read(list:L tail:T size:1024 len:I)}

if I==0 then T=nil {F close} else T={ReadNext} end




{Finalize.register F proc {$ F} {F close} end}



NLP in Oz 59


for X in Xs do

{Inspect X}


for X in Xs Y in Ys do

{Inspect X#Y}


for X in 1..200 do

{Inspect X}


for X in Xs I in 1;I+1 do

{Inspect I#X}


for X in Xs break:B do

if … then {B}


Ys =

for X in Xs collect:C do

{C X*X}


NLP in Oz 60

Example: Character Counting

A = {Array.new 10 255 0}

S = {ReadListLazy 'test.txt'}

for C in S do

{Array.put A C {Array.get A C}+1} % or: A.C := A.C + 1


{Inspect {Array.toRecord chars A}}

% chars(10:256 11:0 12:0 13:0 14:0 15:0 16:0 17:0 18:0 ,,,)

{Inspect A.&a}

% 782

Object Oriented Programming

NLP in Oz 62


Procedure with memory

Object is one convenient way of encapsulating explicit state

Only methods can access state Important invariants can be secured

As well as very useful to model objects of the real world

NLP in Oz 63

Model for Objects

Methods are procedures Have access to state Restrict access to state

State of an object Record of cells

NLP in Oz 64


class Counter from BaseObject

attr val

meth init(Value)

val <- Value


meth inc(Value)

val <- @val + Value


meth browse

{Inspect @val}



Describe how objects are constructed

Initial state Methods

Classes can be constructed from other classes by inheritance

NLP in Oz 65

Example: A Counter Class

declare Counterlocal Attrs = [val] MethodTable = m(browse:MyInspect init:Init inc:Inc) proc {Init M S Self} init(Value)=M in (S.val):=Value end proc {Inc M S Self} X inc(Value)=M in X=@(S.val) (S.val):=X+Value end proc {MyInspect M S Self} browse=M {Inspect @(S.val)} endin Counter = {Wrap c(methods:MethodTable attrs:Attrs)}end

NLP in Oz 66

Example: Defining New

fun {NewObject WClass InitialMethod}

State Obj Class={Unwrap WClass}


State = {MakeRecord s Class.attrs}

{Record.forAll State proc {$ A} {NewCell _ A} end}

proc {Obj M}

{Class.methods.{Label M} M State Obj}


{Obj InitialMethod}



NLP in Oz 67

More about OOP in Oz

Multiple inheritance Mixing with other paradigms Privacy Self First class messages Delegation Parametric classes

NLP in Oz 68

Parametric Classes

fun {Incrementor Incr} class $ attr val meth init val <- 0 end meth incr val <- @val + Incr end meth browse {Inspect @val} end endend

O = {New {Incrementor 2} init}

{O incr} {O incr}

{O browse} % prints 4 in Inspectr

NLP in Oz 69

Default Args

class Counter attr val meth init(Val<=0) val <- Val end meth inc(Value<=1) val <- @val + Val end meth browse {Inspect @val} endend

O = {New Counter init}

{O incr} {O incr(3)}

{O browse} % prints 4 in Inspector

NLP in Oz 70


A port has two operations: creating a channel and sending to it: Create a new port with entry point P and stream S:

{NewPort S P}

Append X to the stream corresponding to the entry point P:

{Send P X}


declare S P in{NewPort S P}{Inspect S}{Send P a} % Inspector displays the stream a|_{Send P b} % Inspector displays the stream a|b|_

NLP in Oz 71


What will happen here?

declare S P in

{NewPort S P}

{Inspect S}

thread {Send P a} end

thread {Send P b} end

This displays the stream a|b|_ or the stream b|a|_ I.e. there is an observable non-determinism




NLP in Oz 72

Ports from Cells

fun {NewPort Stream}

{NewCell Stream}


proc {Send P M}

Old New


{Exchange P Old New}

Old = M|New


NLP in Oz 73

Active objects An active object is a concurrent entity to which any other active object

can send messages. One AO <-> one thread. The active object reads the messages in arrival order and sequentially

executes an action for each message An active object’s behavior is defined by a class, just like a passive

object Active objects can be considered either as primitive or as defined with

a thread, a passive object, and a communication channel Creation: A={NewActive Class Init}

Similar to Erlang (except that Erlang isn’t OO). Tip: Listen to Joe Armstrong, « Concurrency Oriented Programming in Erlang ». Se course page for link!

NLP in Oz 74

Defining Active Objects Define NewActive in terms of existing New (passive object creation) by

adding one port and one thread

fun {NewActive Class Init} S P Objin {NewPort S P} Obj={New Class Init} thread for M in S do {Obj M} end end proc {$ M} {Send P M} endend

For loop does dataflowsynchronization(like case statement)

Sending to a port causesmessage to appear on stream

Port P is created togetherwith stream S (dataflow list)

Relational Programming

NLP in Oz 76

Relational Programming

There can be any number of results to a call, either zero (no results), one, or more.

Which arguments are inputs and which are outputs can be different for each call.

Two new statements called “choice” and “fail”. encapsulated search (search engines, also useful for

Constraint programming)

NLP in Oz 77

Search Engines

Higher order functions returning… One solution All solutions All solutions on demand (lazily) All solutions within a certain depth in the search tree All solutions within a certain time limit Etc.

Search can be parallell (e.g. using more then one machine in a network)

Build your own search engine!

NLP in Oz 78

Example: Knowledge Representation and Inference

Every man who whistles is happyJohn is a manJohn whistlesTherefore: John is happy

x[(man(x) & whistles(x)) happy(x)]man(John)


Therefore: happy(John)

NLP in Oz 79

Example: Knowledge Representation and Inference in Oz

proc {Happy X} {Man X} {Whistles X}end

proc {Man X} choice X = paul [] X = john endend

proc {Whistles X} choice X = mary [] X = john endend

{Inspect {Search.base.one Happy}} {Explore.one Happy}

% [john]

Search tree

NLP in Oz 80

Example: A Lexicon

proc {Lookup Word Pos}


Word = saw Pos = nn

[] Word = saw Pos = vb

[] Word = run Pos = vb



{Search.base.all proc {$ X} {Lookup saw X} end Y}

% binds Y to [nn vb]

{Search.base.all proc {$ X} {Lookup X vb} end Z}

% binds Z to [saw run]

NLP in Oz 81

Using the Explorer

% Sentence Name Verb

proc {Sentence S0 S} S1 in

{Name S0 S1} {Verb S1 S}end

% Name john|mary

proc {Name S0 S} choice S0 = john|S [] S0 = mary|S endend

% Verb talks|walks

proc {Verb S0 S} choice S0 = talkes|S [] S0 = walks|S endend

{Explorer.all proc {$ S} {Sentence [john walks] nil} end}

NLP in Oz 82

A Simple PATR Implementation

Search Open Records Record Constraints

NLP in Oz 83

Compositional Logical Semantics

Search Higher Order Functions

NLP in Oz 84

Relational Append

proc {Append Xs Ys Zs} choice Xs = nil Ys = Zs [] X|Xr=Xs X|Zr=Zs in {Append Xr Ys Zr} end end

{Inspect {Search.base.all proc {$ A} Xs#Ys = A in {Append Xs Ys [a b c]} end}}

% [nil#[a b c] [a]#[b c] [a b]#[c] [a b c]#nil]

Compare Prolog:

append([], L2, L2).append([X|M1], L2, [X|M3]) :- append(M1, L2, M3).

NLP in Oz 85

Relational Member (Choose)

proc {Choose ?X Ys}



[] Yr in

Ys=_|Yr {Choose X Yr}



Compare Prolog (where it is usually called member/2):


choose(X,[_|Xs]) :-


NLP in Oz 86

A Prolog-Like DB

class RelationClass attr d meth init d := {NewDictionary} end meth assert(I) if {IsDet I.1} then Is={Dictionary.condGet @d I.1 nil} in {Dictionary.put @d I.1 {Append Is [I]}} else raise databaseError(nonground(I)) end end end meth query(I) if {IsDet I} andthen {IsDet I.1} then {Choose I {Dictionary.condGet @d I.1 nil}} else {Choose I {Flatten {Dictionary.items @d}}} end endend

NLP in Oz 87


What we’ve seen already: Functions on top of procedures Objects and Classes (on top of procedures and state) Ports (on top of streams and state) Active Objects (on top of ports and objects) Prolog-style database (on top of search and state)

What more is there?: Loops on top of higher order functions Linda-style blackboard Forward-chaining engine Mobile Agents Etc., etc.

NLP in Oz 88


On one machine:

X=the_novel(text:"It was a dark and stormy night. ...“ author:"E.G.E. Bulwer-Lytton“ year:1803)

{Show {Connection.offerUnlimited X}}

On another machine:

X2={Connection.take ´...ticket comes here...´}

NLP in Oz 89

How to Pickle a Value

The Pickle module provides procedures to store and retrieve stateless values on persistent storage (also called “serialization”), like so:

R = unit(a:1 b:2 c:3)

{Pickle.save R ”mypickle.ozp”}

R1 = {Pickle.load ”mypickle.ozp”}

NLP in Oz 90

Constraint Programming


proc {Money Sol} sol(s:S e:E n:N d:D m:M o:O r:R y:Y) = Solin Sol ::: 0#9 {FD.distinct Sol} S \=: 0 M \=: 0 1000*S + 100*E + 10*N + D + 1000*M + 100*O + 10*R + E =: 10000*M + 1000*O + 100*N + 10*E + Y {FD.distribute ff Sol}end

{Inspect {SearchAll Money}} % [sol(d:7 e:5 m:1 n:6 o:0 r:8 s:9 y:2)]

{Explorer.all Money}

NLP in Oz 91


Building Applications/CLIs Building CGI scripts Using Mogul Building GUIs Using the C++ Interface Ozlets Using ozmake Using GUMP

NLP in Oz 92

Building Applications

Create functor(s) Compile with ozc –c myapp.oz Or ozc –x myapp.oz if main application…

NLP in Oz 93

Building GUIs

Tcl/Tk interface QTk – built on top of the Tcl/Tk interface Gtk+ (from version 1.2.5)