Mums Juggling Act Juggling Tips To Help You Unjuggle Your Juggling Act So You Can Thrive + St

Mums Juggling Act 20 Juggling Tips To Help You Unjuggle Your Juggling Act So You Can Thrive + Strive

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Mums Juggling Act

20 Juggling Tips To Help You Unjuggle Your Juggling Act So You Can Thrive + Strive

Juggling Tip #01: Water

Forget cups of water, think jugs instead. Hydrated brains run

better, focus better and concentrate better too!


Buy a 1.5 litre water bottle.

Carry it around and fill it up

twice a day! I recommend 3 litres a day!

Juggling Tip #02: Channel Change

At the end of the day have a channel change. Put on your

joggers and go for a quick run or walk with the kids. Clear out the

anxieties of the day and get ready for ‘happy hour 5-7pm’ with this

daily 10 minute practice. www.mumsjugglingact.com

Juggling Tip #03: Maintenance Chunks

Maintenance Chunks; Carve out 2 times a day where you put on your Ms Efficiency hat and get cracking on your home duties. Bust all the dishes, washing,

dusting, sweeping, wiping and shining jobs into one session. Get

it over and DONE with.


Juggling Tip #04: One-Minute Rule

Practice the ONE-Minute Rule! A combo of touch-it-once and do-it-

now mentality. If a task takes under ONE-Minute then touch it once, do it now and finish the



Juggling Tip #05: Raise Your Rate

Increase your heart-rateIncrease your productivity!

Taking too long to get stuff done? Can’t concentrate?

Run on the spot, star jumps, squats are your answer to

getting more done in less time.www.mumsjugglingact.com

Juggling Tip #06: Start the Day Right

Start the day right. Get ready every, single morning, as if you are going to work. Start the day

right to set the tone for the rest of the day. PJs all day are reserved

for Sunday’s only.


Juggling Tip #07: A Shiny Sink

Shiny Sink Syndrome. Every single morning and every single night. Shine your sink. Clear it off, wipe it dry. A clean and shiny sink sets the tone for the rest of the house.

If your house is a mess, do just this one thing to get the ball

rolling. www.mumsjugglingact.com

Juggling Tip #08: Vision Board

Make a vision board. Without goals, aspirations and challenging

ourselves, life can get boring, mundane and directionless. Make

it fun, bright and exciting.


Juggling Tip #09: Green Smoothies

Have a Green Smoothie every morning. Before you say ewww yuck, give my Green Smoothie

recipe a try… You’ll be hooked, full of energy and setting yourself up for a healthy day full of good food

choices. www.mumsjugglingact.com

Juggling Tip #10: Sticker Charts

A sticker chart for you! Yes YOU! Set daily habits; write 500 words,

3 litres water, yoga, meditate, exercise, organise… Make a

sticker chart & sticker for everyday you do a daily habit.

Feels good, feels fun and actually works.www.mumsjugglingact.com

Juggling Tip #11: 30 in 30

30 Grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking. It will help you lose weight, sustain energy and feel fuller. This is tip is from The Four Hour Body and the Dr Oz

show! It works.


Juggling Tip #12: Life List

Make an endless list of all the things you want to do, be, have…

Crazy, simple, small, large… Whatever it is list it out into your Life List. It’s a bucket list full of ideas like write a book for your kids, make a pavlova, bungy


Juggling Tip #13: Clean Kitchen B4 Bed

Yes this is a simple one. But going to bed with a clean kitchen will surprise and delight you in the

morning. This is a number one rule to keep. There’s nothing

worse than starting a day off on the back foot.www.mumsjugglingact.com

Juggling Tip #14: Eat The Frog

This means get to work on your most hated, worst job of the day (eating a frog) first thing. Get it out of the way, over and done with and complete. You’ll feel

amazing for the rest of the day having tackled the hardest job


Juggling Tip #15: Do the Guest Clean

I heard a saying once “I clean more in the 10 minutes before

someone comes over than I do in a whole week”… Flip this around and clean like this for yourself! Whizz around the house for 10 minutes. It’s amazing what you

can do in 10!www.mumsjugglingact.com

Juggling Tip #16: Morning Ritual

Have a morning ritual. Write down 5 things you would love to do every morning to start the day right. Now list them out and get up 30 minutes earlier than the

house to do it.


Juggling Tip #17: Frazzled List

Make your own How to be Frazzled List. Write out 10 things that you do that will make you

frazzled. I.e. get up late, leave the dishes, not saying NO enough, not exercising, browser blackout and

Facebook. Identify your unbalancing acts. www.mumsjugglingact.com

Juggling Tip #18: Schedule Family Fun

Schedule Sunday activities and family fun. Pre-Plan 2 family

activities every weekend. Farmers markets, playgrounds, cafes, beach, walks, picnics, drives.

Whatever it is schedule Family Fun into your life.


Juggling Tip #19: Family Calendar

Everytime a bill or note comes in, write it’s due date up on the

calendar the moment you open it. Open your mail next to your family calendar and enter in

activities due immediately after opening. Never miss a date again.


Juggling Tip #20: Pre-game Song

Have your own pre-game song. Listen to an uplifting song at the

start of each day, to lift your mood and go into the day (game) with excitement, fun and energy.



About the Author

I’m a Mum of 3, university grad, under 30 entrepreneur. Dreamer and doer, do-it-now-

er, green smoothie loving, productivity junkie and wakeboarder.

I’m also founder of www.MumsJugglingAct.com A place for mums

with BIG dreams to hang out, be inspired, motivated and get resources

To find more time, create more balance and transform their lives.

I offer personalised one on one consulting sessions to help mums unjuggle their juggling

act so they can thrive while they strive.

I’m ridiculously passionate about helping mums achieve their BIG dreams, just like I did

when I graduated university with 2 kids and businesses in tow. I learnt so much when I

was studying and mothering that I felt compelled to help mums achieve their big

dreams too. I just LOVE the way mums come alive

when they’re going after their BIG dreams.


Love Jana xx

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